My Date With A Strange Girl

by TheMultiBrony21

First published

I went on a blind date, and did I get a surprise!

A brony named Mal believes that the only girl for him is a pony named Derpy. But he will settle for whoever he goes on a blind date with. Of course as it turns out his blind date, Delilah, has a secret.

My Date With A Strange Girl

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"Hmm...where is this girl I'm supposed to meet?" I had been waiting two minutes for this girl I was supposed to meet for a blind date, I really didn't want to go on the date because I thought that Derpy was the only real girl I loved....and I was right.

Within a few seconds my date finally showed up.

She had long blonde hair, and she was wearing a gray uniform and black sunglasses.

From her feet to her head I counted every detail, she had black shoes, gray socks, her legs were long and slim, her hips were wide but not to wide, her shorts were perfectly fit to her figure, her waist was curvy, her shirt was short-sleeved, her breasts were perfectly round and big, her face was the most beautiful i'd ever seen, in fact, her eyes looked just like Derpy Hooves', except they were only the same color as Derpy's.

"Are you Mal?" She asked.

"Huh? Er... Yes, sorry I got lost in my thoughts, i'm Mal, you must be my date." I said.

"Yes, thats me! By the way my name is Delilah" She said with a smile.

"Delilah? That's a beautiful name." I said,

"Thank you!" She smiled and sat down.

"So Delilah, since this is our first date I suppose we should...I really don't know what to do on the first date actually, I've never dated before." I Said.

"Me neither, but I think we should talk about what we like about each other, for instance, your eyes are a very beautiful color, and you look so handsome." She said, all I could do was smile.

"Well I think you have a very beautiful bod-er face, your eye's are the color of my favorite ponies' eyes." I Said.

"Really? What's her name?" She asked. I told her the name of the pony was Derpy.

"Really? You mean you love her? Or do you just like her?" She asked, seeming curious about it.

"Well, both I guess... As I said before, I've never been on a date before... Mainly because most girls aren't into boys who like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." I said, lowering my head

"Well they just don't know what they're missing. A handsome boy like you surely could take good care of a girl like me." She said with a slight blush.

The Waiter arrived."What will you have?" He asked.

I was going to order, but Delilah cut me off, she said she wanted french fries, with a side of muffins for her, and Cheesy Fries, Pancakes, and an ice-cream sundae for me, ice-cream is my favorite dessert! The Waiter left with our orders.

The Waiter came back with our food. We ate and talked, and flirted with each other.

"So um Delilah, I'm kind of shy when around beautiful girls like you, but I'm trying to avoid embarrassing myself." I said while I was blushing.

"Oh its okay, I think you're cute when you blush, you just have that cute face!" She said.

"He he. Thanks.." I smiled.

"I think you're beautiful. So beautiful that you wouldn't want someone like me hanging around." I said, almost about to cry.

Delilah grabbed a napkin to remove my tears. "Don't talk like that! Here, maybe this will make you feel better." She said as she kissed me on the lips.

"Delilah, I'm so glad we met... Maybe Derpy isn't the only girl for me." I said as I returned the kiss.

"Oh? Well I'm sure she would be happy to know that you would love to date a girl like her." She said with a smile.

I blushed again before returning to my food.

No one was ever this sweet on me before.

Finally the food was gone, and just as I went to pay for the meal, Delilah paid for it instead.

She just smiled and said"I wanted to pay for it, will you walk with me to my car? Its so dark, and I might get hurt." She said.

I agreed and walked her to her car, it was my dream car, a Red Lamborghini that resembled Transformers Generation One Sideswipe.

"Thanks for the date Mal, but, I don't want it to end so soon." She started to look at the ground.

"What do you mean Delilah?" I asked

"Come with me to my home. Please."

I agreed with her, and got into the passenger seat of her car, after awhile of driving we got to her house, a small two-story house with the muffin-printed style, she lives alone. I followed her into the house and we went to the living room.

"Mal, I want to give you something special for the great date, do you want it? After all it is from me."

"Yes of course." I said.

She went into her kitchen, I could tell she was cooking something because I could smell the food.

"Here you go! It's a little dessert I made. I call it "La Ice-Cream De Muffin!" it's a ice-cream sundae shaped like a muffin!" She said as she handed me the sundae.

"This is delicious! I really like it!" I exclaimed as I began devouring the sundae.

Delilah blushed as she smiled. She wrapped her arms around me, I did the same.
We spent the rest of the date in each others embrace.

When I looked at the clock I realized I was going to be in so much trouble if I didn't get home soon. It was already midnight.

"Delilah, I don't want to cut this short but I have to go home. My family's probably worried sick about me because I was supposed to be home at eleven but I lost track of time." I said as I hugged her good-bye and began walking out.

"Wait! Take this. So you will remember me... Until we see each other again." She said as she handed me a necklace that had Derpy on it. I smiled and thanked her for it.

When I got home my Mom chewed me out for being late. Dad just read the newspaper while watching T.V. My brother just laughed.

"He was probably late because his date tied him up and raped him!" My brother joked. He always was a big jerk.

"Quiet young man! Such inappropriate things like that are not allowed to be said in this house!" My mom scolded him.

I went up to my room and went to bed. All I could dream about was Delilah, she seemed upset that I had to leave and I felt bad because I left her alone.

Morning came, and I got out of bed and headed for work. I was a twenty year old who worked at a nice cushy office job.

"Good morning Mr. Womack." The receptionist said as I entered the office.

"Good morning to you too Ms. James." I said as I went to my office.

As I sat down in my chair, I began to daydream about Delilah. What was it about her that made me attracted to her? Was it that she reminded me of Derpy? Because she was so nice? Whatever the answer was I knew I loved her either way.

"Mr. Womack?" My co-worker, Mr. Thompson, said.

"Yes Mr. Thompson?" I replied.

"You've got a visitor. She requested to see you." Mr. Thompson said.

"Okay, send her in." I replied waiting to see who would visit me at work?

"Mr. Womack will see you now, Ms. Harrison." He said as he motioned for whoever it was to come in.

"Hello Mal! I told you I would see you again!" Delilah said.

I couldn't believe it. She knew where I worked. At the time I didn't have an idea as to how she knew. And frankly I didn't care.

"Delilah?! What're you doing here? Not that I'm upset, I'm just surprised." I said as I closed the door.

"I came here so I could talk with you. Also I found out where you worked from your brother. Somehow he knew where I lived." She said. I was both happy and upset, "I knew I should've locked my bedroom door before I went to bed last night." I thought to myself.

"Oh, sorry... He must've heard me talking in my sleep. I couldn't get you out of my mind, you're just so beautiful and sweet." I said as I grabbed her hand.

"Really? By the way... when do you get off work?" She asked.

I told her I start work at eight, have lunch at noon, and get off work at three thirty.

"Okay! I will come by your house before you get home and meet your family. I'm sure they will enjoy meeting the girl you're dating!" She said as she got up and left.

It was then that I realized that while she was wearing the same outfit as the previous night, her shirt was unbuttoned to show some of her cleavage, she was wearing a shorter version of the shorts she had on last night, and I could smell her perfume.

"Man, if my mom sees Delilah dressed like that I'm gonna get in trouble and Delilah will probably get insulted by being called a walled eyed whore.. My brothers favorite word being whore. Of course there is the slight chance that won't happen." I said.

I thought about it all throughout my work day.

At about three twenty I got a phone call from my mom telling me about how nice and sweet my girlfriend was.
I couldn't believe that my mom was actually happy with the way Delilah was dressed.

As soon as three thirty got there, I grabbed my stuff and headed home.

When I got there Delilah was waiting for me outside, she was wearing her outfit the way she had worn it when we first met. She must've showed up at my office before she finished getting her outfit fixed.

"Ready for our date?" She asked as I walked up to her.

"Yes." I replied.

We went to the mall so I could buy her something special for being my girlfriend.

I bought her several items, including new clothes so she didn't have to wear the same outfit all the time.

"Hey Mal. Can I trust you enough to tell you a secret?" She asked me.

I told her that I could keep a secret and told her that since we were dating we should be honest with each other.

"Well okay. But I don't want to tell you it here.... Lets go to my house where I don't have to worry about anyone eavesdropping on the conversation." She said as she grabbed my arm.

I paid for what I had and gave her a pink dress.

Once we got to her house, she put on the pink dress I bought her and sat me down on her couch and began to tell me her secret.

"When we first met you said I reminded you of Derpy Hooves. Well, the truth is I am Derpy Hooves. I was brought here by accident during my regular delivery route... that's what the grey uniform was for... now I'm not one hundred percent pony, I'm from a version of Equestria where we are all anthromorphic ponies. Now I trust you enough not to freak out, so I'm going to show you my true form." She said as a bright light shinned causing me to go blind for a few seconds.

When I could see again, I looked at Delilah, er, Derpy Hooves. She wasn't joking. She was covered head-to-toe in grey fur, her head resembled that of a ponies even having the ears sticking out of the head, her body still looked like a regular womans even though it was covered with fur, her tail stuck out underneath the pink dress, her wings stuck out from her back.

"Wow! You're even more beautiful then I imagined Derpy. Though why'd you choose the name Delilah?" I asked. She just scratched her head blushing.

"Well, I couldn't think of anything more creative. And I figured it would help me blend in. If I used my real name I'd probably been asked a lot of questions. Anyways, you're probably wondering as to why I revealed myself so soon... you see I just got a message that Princess Celestia was almost ready to bring me back, and I figured that you might want to get to know me more before I left." She said crying at thought of having to leave her lover.

I comforted her with a hug. "Listen Derpy, why don't you ask Celestia if I can come with you to Equestria? Then we wouldn't have to part ways and we could live with each other." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Really? What about your family? And your job?" She asked, giving a confused look.

"Listen Derpy, I'd have to be a complete idiot to pass up a opportunity like this. I could get a job in Ponyville, and as for my family... I have a brother who is a jerk to me, a dad who doesn't even notice anything that isn't in the newspaper or on television, a mom who is overprotective, and relatives who I don't even know. Why would I want to stay with my family when I could start my own.... with you?" I asked her, giving her a hug.

"A family? With me? No stallion back home even wanted to date me.... But you're not a stallion. Okay I will get the letter wrote and then send it to Princess Celestia! I really hope she allows you to come with me!" Derpy said as she ran upstairs, to her bedroom probably.

I stayed on the couch while Derpy was upstairs, I didn't want to fell like I was imposing on her or anything like that.

Then I heard her asking me to go upstairs and help her with something. I was right, it was her bedroom.

She had already sent the message, according to what she was telling me, and wanted me to wait upstairs with her.

After a few minutes, I noticed she seemed worried about something. "What's wrong Derpy?" I asked.

At first, I figured she'd give me the old "Nothing's wrong!" phrase that I've heard in a lot of stuff, but instead she just started crying.

"What if Celestia says no? I don't want to leave you! I finally found someone who loves me for who I am, I don't want to give you up...." She subbed.

I just hugged and kissed her. It didn't seem to work this time.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I asked. She just frowned and continued to cry.

"Well, I don't know much about romance but I do know what you're going through. Let me cheer you up." I said as I gave her a more romantic kiss.

I pressed my lips against hers, and began pushing my tongue into her mouth. At first she didn't do anything, then she began pushing her tongue against mine.

We continued our kiss, our tongues dancing with each other. Her tongue wasn't like mine, it felt both rough and soft like sandpaper. We pulled apart so we could catch our breaths.

It was the first REAL romantic moment we shared.

I did realise one thing...

"Hey Derpy, would you mind if I ran home to get my stuff?" I asked.

"Sure. Be back when you're done... Please?" She said. She's so cute!

I went to my house and got my stuff.

I even "borrowed" my brothers video games to teach him for being a jackass.

I returned to Derpy's and headed back to her bedroom.

She was on the bed, and I couldn't help but notice the sweat dripping off of her.

"Derpy? You alright?" I asked.

"Ye-yeah... Just a little hot is all." She answered.

She stood up and walked closer to me.

"Do... Do you want to... get to know me better?" She asked, slipping one of her breasts out from her dress.

Her breasts weren't like human breasts.

The nipples, no the entire breasts, were covered with fur.

"Y-yes." I said nervously not knowing what to do.

She smiled seductively and pulled off the dress revealing her body to me.

I viewed every part from head-to-toe. Her body was amazing! It caused me to start becoming hard.

"Seems I really DO turn you on! Come to mommy!" She said as she unzipped my pants.

At this point I knew what was going on... She was in heat. (Also known as estus, or mating season.) I was going to be in for a looong night.

Once they were unzipped she reached a hand out and stuck it into my underwear pulling out my erect penis. Her fur tickled my dick as she gave me a handjob.

"Hey! That tickles!" I said as she continued.

"Lets see what you taste like, stud muffin!" She said.

Before I knew it, she shoved my entire penis into her mouth, her tongue licking it as she began deep-throating.

"Yes Derpy! Don't stop! Your mouth is so warm!" I yelled as she started going faster.

After awhile of her blowjob I began to feel a strange sensation building up inside me, I knew from every clop-fic I read that this meant I was about to cum.

"Derpy... I'm about to-" Before I could finish, I felt my cum explode inside her mouth.

She swallowed my semen and licked the rest off her face.

"Mmm! You taste great! You're still hard... I'll take that as a sign you want to stick your muffin into my oven... well, go ahead!" She said as she bent down on all fours shaking her nice round plot in my face.

I stood up and gently pushed into her.

Her pony vagina was warmer then her mouth, and from how tight and wet it was, I knew she was a virgin.

We both took each others virginity that night.

I thrusted faster and faster, her and I moaning in ecstasy as we continued getting to know each other.

"Derpy... Huff... You're so warm and wet... I think I might not be able to hold out much longer." I said as I continued thrusting.

"Don't blow your load yet.... I want to make sure I'm in a position where your cum will flow straight into me." She said as she had me pull out.

She then laid down on her back, giving me the sign to push into her.

I started thrusting again, felling her tight walls start becoming tighter.

She was about to cum also.

"Derpy... I'm gonna-" Before either of us knew it we began cumming, our liquids mixing inside of her mare-hood.

I passed out and fell on her bed. She hopped up beside me and covered me up.

We were asleep for the rest of the night.

When we woke up, there was a letter on the desk near the bed.

Derpy opened it and read it out loud.

Dear Derpy Hooves,

I will be more then happy to allow your human friend to live with us. Provided he follows all the rules and laws. Also, have him visit me sometime when you come to Equestria. P.S. Read the following out loud and the two of you will be brought to Equestria.
Home, Sweet Home.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

"What's going on?" I asked as a array of light surrounded Derpy and I.

We put our clothing back on before the light teleported us somewhere.

When we opened our eyes, we were inside a house that Derpy recognized as her Ponyville home.

"Yay! We're in Equestria! Now we can be a family!" Derpy exclaimed. I just smiled, first thing I wanted to do was to relax.

After all, it isn't every day your waifu shows up, lets you have sex with her, and then takes you with her to her world.

Life here in Equestria has been great. Twiligt Sparkle and her friends do... Whatever, while I work with Derpy at the post office.

It's really great here, though every now and than I get insulted by some ponies because I'm not covered head-to-toe in fur.

I often have to comfort Derpy when she gets off her shift do to the fact some ponies continue to insult her because of her eyes.

Ugh, some ponies are such jerks.

Welp, I got to get back to work... I don't want another Starscream incident... Jeez that pegasus is annoying when he doesn't get his mail on time...

The End.