> To Guard The Sun > by silverstream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I - Accepted. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I - Accepted. My aptitude it went well now the results are are in this envelope I'm carrying under my wing. I'm tempted to look like the rest of the guards did. I was ordered not to share what got with anypony during the one-on-one with Captain Armor. I suppose that doesn't mean I can't look. I lift my wing and open the envelope making sure nopony is looking over my shoulder I scan my surrounding area. After confirming that I was at least a yard from everypony I opened the letter. Dear SunLight, I am pleased to inform you of your position (as/the new) Personal Guard to Princess Celestia. I hope you are pleased with your positioning if not please say so before Celestia approves or denies you of the position. If you dislike the position you will be capable of retaking the aptitude test however whatever you receive that time will be your job and if Celestia denies you that job you will be removed from the guard. If Celestia denies you the first job given to you, you will be appointed to a job by myself. Best of luck, Shining Armor. Now I could feel my heart racing, what if I screw up? No even worse like that time in school where I accidentally lit my wings on fire and made the teacher faint. Well It really wasn't me who lit them on fire I just told the teacher that so nopony else would get in trouble. After that my friends started calling me Phoenix. I had no idea what a phoenix was at the time but when I found out I guess it made sense. That was the day I got my cutie mark though. It was the single best and worst day of my life. I just hope that somepony won't be anywhere near me with fire. I found out I have a rare oil on my feathers that allows them to be well on fire and they stay that way for quite a long while or until dipped in water. I haven't told anypony this and now only my home town knows and their pretty quiet about it. Now I just kept myself at attention put that note back in the envelope and prepare for the spiteful glares from the other guards. Then Shining Armor trotted in and lined us up aphlabetically by first name. That put me in the middle-endish in between Silver Quill and Talon Wing. I listened as names were call that pony stepped forward and it was read aloud what job they had obtained and upto about the H's I heard one guard say he didn't like his job straight out to Princess Celestia and I couldn't hear the rest. The rest went by without a single no. Well at least until the guy before me, Silver Quill. He was told no that that job's positions were to all taken. Or at least that's what he told me as he walked past another guard was with him as he walked away. I wondered where he was going for a moment until... "SunLight! Please step forward into the room." I glanced back at Talon Wing and she nodded to me like as if to say 'go get'em!' I nodded back and I walked into the room and it wasn't what I expected at all there were a huge number of guards lining the walls of the thrown room and up on the thrown Princess Celestia who sat with perfect posture with a smile on her face. I stood silently as a guard walked up to me. The same guard that called me in. "Envelope please." I opened and extended my wing to him with the envelop resting on my feathers. Using magic the unicorn guard levitated the envelope to Celestia and when it was withing range the unicorn's bright brown magic was replaced by yellow golden magic. I snapped my wing back to attention and looked around the room ready for anything. That was until a heard somepony clear her throat. Coming from a ways across the room I turn my eyes forward to see Celestia had read the contents of the envelope and is looking at me with a neutral look. I gulp quietly as I try not to move or even breathe. "SunLight, has taken the aptitude test like you all have and he has received a most important job, my personal guard." I could feel the eyes of all the accepted guards and all the guards just here on duty just glaring. "However, this is a very heavy responsibility so it will come down to a single question." A question? Well here goes nothin. "SunLight, the sun and moon move when me and my sister move them but which of the two are more important? The room was silent now as I thought about the question. It's a trick question I know it because I read it in a book once but what was the answer? I'll just give it my best guess. "The sun and moon are not more important than each other they are of equal importance. What they are important about is a different question but one is not better than the other they are equal just like you princess and your sister. You both are princesses neither of you holds the title of queen. So you are equal." The room fell silent again as I finished and I looked up from my attention at Celestia who was smiling her signature smile and she nodded. "Yes... that is correct. You, SunLight are the first to answer this question correctly for such a very long time. SunLight I hear by name you my personal guard. Now come up here and stand to my right." My body just moved subconsciously and a stood next to her seat. I never thought I'd be accepted like this... that is, in this way anyway. I always thought I'd end up as a nameless wall guard or at least somewhere along those lines. I stood there as the last 10 names were read and only 7 were accepted. "SunLight..." I immediately turned my head to Celestia. "Please tell me how many did I say no to today." "I believe you said no to 4 today..." I reply after a moment of thought. She smiled again and nodded. "Princess, may I ask why you've asked that question?" "You may and I wanted to see if you'd been paying attention. For the first task of my personal guard is to pay attention to detail and specifics that I tell you to and sometimes not tell you to. Understand?" I nod my head with agreement and continue to look her in the eyes. "Very good as you were SunLight." "Yes Celestia." I turn my head back forward and from the corner of my eye I saw Celestia standing. She started to make her way towards the door. Am I to follow her or stay here? I am her personal guard and it would make sense, but she said as I was so does that mean I stay here? "SunLight come with me. I would like to get to know you." Celestia cut through my agreement in my head and I made my way to her with a bit of speed in my step. "Oh and SunLight, where I go you go unless ordered otherwise. Understand?" "Yes ma'am." I replied immediately without thinking about it. My reply made Celestia raise an eyebrow. I just stood still until she started walking and I followed at her side. "Princess? I understand that you wanted to know me? Might I ask why?" Celestia smiled and nodded. "Please call me Celestia, SunLight. You may ask and I will give you the answer. I want to know you because as my guard I need to know how you stand and confront everyday. Who you are and what you did before the guard. SunLight the more I know you the more I can let you know about me. Thus, you can do your job better." That did make sense, and I'm more than willing to tell Celestia about myself but in exchange she tells me about herself. I can understand it might be important to know that but her life isn't my business. "So why don't we go to my room and talk, do that sound good to you?" I froze, did she just say her room? I could think of anything to say so I just nodded my head and she continued to speak. "Good this way SunLight." She headed off to her room and I followed in tow thinking on what to tell her. > II - Getting to know Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- II - Getting to Know Celestia Upon reaching her room there was nothing that could of prepared me for what I saw. She opened the door kicked off her golden slippers and took off her crown and neck piece. After that she got on her bed and heaved a heavy sigh. I couldn't help but be concerned but I turned and closed the door that she neglected to close. Was she alright? There's only one way to find out. "Celestia are you okay?" I ask approaching the side of her bed. I lean down and move her golden slippers into organized rows of two. Then moved to her bed side dresser and straghted her crown so it wouldn't fall off the thing then picked her neck piece up off the floor which is heavy by the way and placed it on there as well. It's no wonder she's stressed, wearing a thick necklace made of gold I'd be stressed and tired too it must weigh about 50 pounds. "I'm alright SunLight, thank you. I just need some time to myself. Could you lock my door?" I make my way there and lock the door it's not like that it'd stop somepony that used magic to open doors but it's a simple sign of "do not disturb". After I did so a yellow hue surrounds the door handles and it stays. I turn to see Celestia's horn stop glowing. "Alright SunLight please, take off your helmet and your shoes. You may place them there." She points at the other bedside table. I did as I was told and removed the helmet and shoes I placed the helmet on the dresser and slid the shoes underneath it. "As for your armor you can please it next to the table then you can sit next to me up here." I listened and did what she asked placing my gold armor on the ground next to the dresser and getting up on the bed and sitting on the complete other side of it. "Celestia, if you wanted time to yourself why is it that I am in here? I understand fully what a guard is supposed to do but isn't your privacy just as important?" Celestia who had been laying her head on her pillow sat up and looked down at me. I was a bit smaller than most stallions who passed the physical and the test. I looked her in the eyes and saw so much, all of the wisdom and kindness hidden behind her eyes of thousands of years. Looking into them I felt lost, like I would dwindle away in a blink of an eye for her. "Yes, you're right. I do believe my privacy is important. Although it is my guard's duty to make sure I have that, so you are the one and only exception. Weather you or I like it or not, you are now part of my life and I a part of yours. We must accept that together." I listened to everything she just said and it made perfect sense. Now that I'm to protect her I have to be with her at almost all times which may be taxing on my patience and hers. I nod in agreement then looked down at my hooves for a minute. "So Sunlight, why don't you tell me about yourself." I look up at her and sigh. "Well, where to start... I am 19 years old, I enjoy long walks in parks to soak in the peacefulness of nature. My favorite color is dark orange or a red-orange. What else... I dislike whining in every form. The reason for that is due to my little brother and sister. Moving on to family there's my mom Storm Flower a Pegasus, and my two siblings Brightlight my unicorn brother and my pegasus sister Bluebelle. I lived in SanPancisco the bad side of it, growing up. The second I raised the money I moved here to Canterlot. There's not much else to know I suppose." Celestia had a look of thought cross her face before she responded, "What about you father?" I froze up and glared in hatred down at the bed. I had purposely left my father out of it due to the kind of monster he is. What kind of stallion has the nerve to beat the living crap out of his wife, take all the bits she earned and leave her with three children alone and without even a place to live? A pony I will never forgive... That's who. "I... I don't want to remain on this subject. Could we please talk about something else? it is a rather touchy subject." I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I know it isn't her fault that my father is the most vile pony in the world in my eyes, but even bringing it up makes me horrendously angry. "I am sorry SunLight, I should have been more considerate and noticed that you purposely left it out. If you'd like I could tell you about myself." I sigh and nod. Looking up at her she is giving me a gentle smile full of sunshine. "When I'm not doing paperwork or running Equestria, I spend time with my sister Luna or go out and dine somewhere. However it isn't exactly easy, I have to send a guard to make the reservation and I can never go without telling the guard or the press finding out, but I think that is going to change because of you." Me? What in the heck could I do? "You can do all of that without me telling anyone. Other times I go out and walk in the gardens when I can find free time, when I'm not attending the court. I also enjoy spending time with my student Twilight Sparkle and her friends. We haven't sat down in quite some time, maybe I should arrange something like that eventually so they can meet you... I don't have much else to say that you probably don't already know." We just talked on about politics, old friends, and funny stories until Celestia had to lower the sun. I actually got her to laugh quite a lot in the story department, however we had huge political disagreements and I actually won one of the 14 we had. Then again I was probably lucky with that one. After all she is a ton wiser and all but smart enough to know when she'd been out argued. I think now that I got to know Celestia quite well in the past few hours, I know that there is a huge number of things I have left to figure out about her... I'm sure I'll learn more than I'd ever want to know but I'll be prepared to take it in and try my best at my job as the guardian to the sun. > III - A Slow Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- III - A Slow Morning Morning I couldn't have woke at a better moment I was up and in my armor already when Celestia rose from her bed and raised the sun. She didn't look all too pleased with having to get up at such an early hour in accordance with all the swears I heard leaving her mouth into the air, none meant to be heard by anypony. When she re-entered the room she gave me a blank look close to shock and froze in place for a few moments. "SunLight you surprised me, why are you here already?" "Was I not supposed to be?" I respond a little nervous. The only reason I was still there was because the magic Celestia placed on the door was still active and I couldn't leave the room. I won't up and say that when I could have just as easily flew out the balcony completely ignoring the door dilemma. Then again, had I left off the balcony without magic I couldn't have locked the balcony doors without being inside. "Good job Sunlight," Celestia smiled as she went over and began putting on her chest piece and tiara. "You are exceptionally good at being early and there just when I was thinking of you. Keep that up and you'll get promoted." Promotion? Well given how much I'm getting paid I could go without one but having extra bits to your name never hurt. "I need you to get something for me." She turned and faced me putting her golden slippers on. "I would like you to go down to the kitchen and bring up my breakfast. Normally I have the chief do it but he is out with a illness, a rather contagious one at that." She gives me a smile and goes into a room that I didn't notice when we entered the room last night. Following her wish I turned to the door and go to open it. I try to turn the handle but it wouldn't budge. Then I roll my eyes at myself for being so stupid and forgetting that it was magically locked and I needed to go out the balcony. After making my way out by jumping off the balcony, spreading my wings gliding down to the castle entrance I'm stopped by two guards. In my armor they should let me though without stopping me. "Just where do you think you're going recruit? You know that you can't enter the castle until you've graduated." I know I'm smaller than normal but that is just rude. "Go on get to the training grounds." The other guard who remained silent just nodded. I tried to pretend that I wasn't at all phased by them mistaking me as a new recruit due to my size but somethings will just happen no matter what. "I have graduated sir. I was just ordered by Celestia to bring up her breakfast." The guards exchanged glances and then lowered their spears at me. "You think us stupid boy? How could you be sent to get Princess Celestia's breakfast outside when she hasn't left the castle? Now get your rear-end back to the Training Grounds. Now tell us your name recruit so we can get you to the right grounds." The other guard just remained silent following the actions of the other guard nodding in agreement. "My name is SunLight, the personal guard to Celestia." Both the guards dropped their spears on the ground. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a breakfast to retrieve." When I go enter both the guards picked up their spears and stood at attention. "Were you two on vacation yesterday?" Both the guards nod silently not willing to say anything else because they realized they almost fucked up royally. "Well I'm understanding enough, don't worry about it. You're just doing your job and I won't hold this against you." I pass by them and head inside hoping they don't make this mistake again if it wasn't me they might have been demoted because of a complaint. I had only been in this castle a select few times when I was young on a field-trip with my class I myself scrapped up the money for. It was exactly how I remembered it, at least somethings in this world seem ageless. Pressing onward calmly down the marble halls towards the dinning hall which is connected to the kitchen I saw Princess Luna enter it. She must be eating dinner about this time before she goes to bed. Upon entering I spotted Luna again and she wasn't exactly acting very regal. Her hair was a mess, she looked exshausted, and she seemed not to have realized that her dinner was right in front of her. I thought for a second, how should I address her? It would be a huge mistake to make her upset, especially when shes sleepy. I finally thought of something when I realized she was staring at me. "Good morning guard, what brings you here so early?" Luna asked her hair seeming to fix itself as it changed to the flowing darker verson. Personally I liked her normal hair it made her look cute. "Me? I'm here to retrieve your sisters breakfast..." I replied looking around the room from where I was standing for it. I stopped looking when I felt a hardened look of judgement fall upon me. As if I was being judged by the great one above. I looked at the source to find it was indeed who I presumed it would be. Luna, looking me over. Sizing me up. It was embarrassing and rather scary at the same time. "After all this time and so many other stallions and mares getting that position, she chose you? You aren't even one forth of the size of the last stallion she could have selected." She huffed softly, seemingly displeased. "I'll be having a talk with her later. Her breakfast is in there." She pointed with her horn, in the direction of a very restaurant like kitchen door. "The tray with the sun on it. Do be careful with it, you never know just what my sister told those cooks to make her." I nodded bowing to her and hastily moving to get the tray. Stepping in the kitchen it was literally right there. On an island in the middle of the huge kitchen with a bunch of ponies moving from what part of the kitchen to another. I could tell this was going to be like a life-sized version of Frogger. I was never any good at that arcade game, I always died on level two. It sucked, but then they removed it for Galaga and I was kick flank at that. Back to the problem at hoof, how was he going to get over there without bumping into anyone? More like how could he at his size do it getting back. I watched for a moment looking for a pattern, however their didn't seem to be one at least not one I could see. Then it struck me what did Galaga have that Frogger didn't... flight duh! I was such an idiot... first Celestia's door now this, man I am really not in the right mind today. Backing up a little bit and using my wings to pick up off the ground, successfully made it into the air above the ponies. Thankfully the ceiling in every room was around 20 ponies tall given the average pony is about 3'4" on all four hooves. I flew my way to the tray and not wanting to be rude didn't open it. Heaving it up on my shoulder and adjusting my body to fly straight up and down, it was difficult I almost lost my balance. That would have been a horrible failure, one I couldn't afford. Getting out of the room was easy enough, although it would have been much simpler if the metal tray didn't weigh so much. I find myself struggling to stay in the air after getting half way through the dining hall. Giving in I placed the tray on the table gently and caught my breath stretching my wings to make sure they don't get over strained from the heavier weight they aren't used to keeping in the air let alone how I was flying. There's the feeling of getting stared at again, looking up it's the princess of the night once again seeming to judge my every movement. I didn't get it, why was she so judgemental of me? A question for another time perhaps I had more important things to do. Getting a hold of my bearings with a deep breath, I heave the plate onto my back spreading my wings to keep the large dish balanced due to the dish's large size. If I were bigger this would be simpler, but every day has it's challenges. Even if that challenge is just the first of many in a long day ahead. That's when the worst part of the challenge was to come, my nemesis, the stairs. Oh stairs why must you exist? Shaking the new though process I was about to have from my head and steeling myself I started up the stairs using my wings like braces keeping the plate completely level all the way up. Now when I say stairs, I don't mean a few stairs. No, I mean a lot of stairs. After the third flight my wings started to ache, I could already tell flying after this climb wouldn't be a very welcomed thing for me. I hope and pray Celestia doesn't make me do wing-ups are anything of the sort if I'm late. It has been at the least thirty minutes since I left Celestia's chambers. This was the last flight of stairs at least, but that doesn't bring my current task to an end. Next would be the door... Pony Feathers... The door. I hope it's not locked by magic still. Gritting my teeth and pushing myself up the rest of the way up the last flight and to the door trying to straighten myself up to at least look presentable. A look of struggle is till clear on my face I could tell but it's not like I could hide it anyway I was in armor that weighed me down anyway, adding the heavy dish was just icing on the cake. Reaching out and pulling on the door it opened up to my relief and tiredly yet presentable I made my way inside to Celestia who had just sat down at her desk looking at a paper with a quill in her yellow magic embrace about to dip it in ink looked up at me. "SunLight, right on time." She stated with a smile, however the smile turned into a slight look of worry. "Are you alright?" Hiding my clenched teeth I smiled and simply nodding and moving to her with the tray. Half way there I feel the tray lift off of my back and go over my head to the desk in front of her. Lifting the top off a bunch of bananas along with a fruit salad, and a quart carton of milk. "Thank you." That huge platter, just for a bunch of bananas, a fruit salad, and some milk? You've got to be joking. "Your welcome." I simply reply sitting down where I was standing after the plate was removed from my back letting my wings drop to my sides. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a nap already. I just hope that the next thing she has me do isn't back breaking or as tiring as that was. My only hope now is that every morning doesn't play out like this one. > lV- A Lot To Think About > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lV- A Lot To Think About Today honestly wasn't too bad, all I had to do really was follow the princess around everywhere. Yes, even to the bathroom. I tried everything in my power not to make it awkward. It ended up being that way though. You try to explain to a maid that you are in there because it's your job to go with Celestia everywhere she goes including the bathroom. The maid wasn't very happy that was certain because I got smacked across the face. Did I deserve it? No, at least I don't think so. Then again why was she even in here doing that sort of thing in the first place? The princess was just about as surprised as I was when she screamed. So, now here I sit, back in Celestia's room watching her do paperwork with a dull stinging across the left side of my face. True I did sign up for jobs like this, but honestly this is the more excitement than I signed on for. Most guards would see this as a huge fantasy job, but honestly it's not. Saying this job has been easy so far would be about one hundred percent wrong, especially when your around my size. My greatest advantage in basic is my greatest weakness here so far. I was so involved in my own thoughts I almost didn't hear Celestia call my name. "... Sun Light?" I shake my head a bit looking at her, "Ah, were you thinking on something?" I gave a small nod but didn't answer her vocally presuming that she was going to continue speaking. "I apologize for breaking your train of thought but could you come here for a moment?" I lift my rear end off the floor refusing to use my wings which still ache to move and make my way over. "I would like your opinion on today." She stated signing some document and putting it on a stack of other documents next to her, while placing her quill down on a napkin and capping the ink well she was using. Then she just looked at me waiting for my answer. I stayed quiet recalling most of the day besides the breakfast ordeal and the smack in the face, today wasn't so bad. I thought to tell her that but it would seem rude. Then again I'm no puppet, I am going to express how I feel at the least. How will I explain this without sounding mean? Several moments pass as the princess just looks at me patiently waiting for my answer. "Hmmm...." I then let out a tired breath. I was done thinking about it. I'll just tell her. "Celestia, today wasn't easy on me. I know tomorrow wont be either, but it's what I signed on for." Celestia seemed to wait for a moment, then she simply nodded like that was the answer she expected to hear looking back to the last paper on her desk. "Glad to see that the incident in the bathroom didn't change your outlook on your job. I just hope no more occurrences like that happen again. To be sure I'll make sure to have a talk with the staff tomorrow." "Celestia, was that what you were worried about? If so, it's no big deal honest." Celestia gave me a slight glace of inspection before looking back to the document. "I should be ready for unexpected happenings like that. In actuality I froze up, I couldn't even get any words out of my mouth by the time she was ready to slap me, let alone put up my guard..." Looking down and sitting, it finally hit me. "I failed... I already failed at my one job." I felt a soft warmth cover my back and left side, and felt it pull me to my right. A warm embrace was what I was met with, Celestia was hugging me. I look up at her, her eyes closed a smile on her muzzle, with her neck craned down to where my head was and her wing keeping me close. I could feel the gentle warmth of the sun coming from her chest. I honestly could have stayed like that all evening, but it was time for the sun to make way for the moon and Celestia said that as she released me from her embrace and moved towards the balcony. I watched her go a few steps before following her closely as if I was her very shadow kept an eye out for anything as the sun started to descend. "Sun Light," I immediately look up at Celestia renewed and ready for anything, "Tomorrow, you will take the day off to think on everything you've learned today." A day off already? Suspicious. "After tomorrow, you will be here at my balcony 6:00 a.m. sharp." I would argue that I learned my lesson but I can't. Orders are orders. She says jump, I say how high. She says kiss a random pony, I say which cheek. Something, is gnawing at the back of my head however. What if this is a test? I know that I can't assume or prove it but it wouldn't hurt to take precautions. I simply salute her and she smiles, returning inside kicking off her golden slippers much like last night, letting them lay where they land. Her chest piece and crown however this time she puts down more orderly. The chest piece she places down on the bed side table with her crown on top before getting into her bed. Stepping inside myself, I pick up her slippers and place them on the same side as her chest piece and crown, two in front two in back just how she was wearing them. I suppose around four in the morning I should leave so I can call in a favor. I just hope she's able to help me out. After all she does owe me a few times over. The question is do I really want to wake her up at four in the morning? I must want to get my head ripped off. > V- Calling In A Favor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- V- Calling In A Favor 4:03 A.M. and making my way to the barracks with relative haste. At the least, this wasn't the first time I woke Talon Wing at around four in the morning. She told me if I woke her at that hour again for any reason other than the castle under siege she'd 'Ring my scrawny neck.' Her words, not mine. Thankfully I had a pretty good reason, that I hoped would be enough for her to hear me out. In the barracks, it's rather quiet right now a few fellow guard ponies are changing shifts at this unholy hour so it's not completely quiet but you get used to sleeping through. No sudden noises or out of the ordinary silence. Seems like the only time you can really sleep is when there are slight sounds of movement and hushed conversation. I never much liked the sounds in here, reminds me too much of home. How dangerous it always was there with how close to the major city was. I should probably write my family when I get the chance now that I thought of home, it's necessary. Keeping with the flow of traffic I spot Silver Quill who looked up at me and gave an unapproving look as I got close. "What are you doing here Light? Aren't ya supposed to be watchin' over the princess?" Looking me up and down, I wasn't in my armor which made the second question more apparent. "You already bite the dust on day one?" He sneered. I gave him a plain look ignoring his questions to ask one of my own. "Where is Talon at?" Quill took note that his questions weren't going to get answered and he pointed with his hoof to his left. Following where he pointed by turning my head, sure enough there she is, snoring. "Thanks," I said looking back at him or at least I would have if he hadn't had already left. He's always doing that. Disappearing, it's a little creepy sometimes. Taking a deep breath I brace myself to embrace the idea... I might die today. Moving to Talon was easy enough, considering that nearly every guard in here gives her a good yard of space while she's sleeping. I'm to blame for that. When I woke her up and awaked the raging monster that is sleeping inside Talon that the barracks have come to respect and not want to encounter again. Taking a deep breath I hesitantly poked her cheek with my hoof her snoring stops as her eyes open. It's now 4:18 A.M. on a Tuesday... In May, and I'm, going to die. Talon looks up at me her face hardening to the point she looks murderous. I'm now in a headlock and on the ground, where I'm going to be buried. "Liiiight... didn't I tell you to never wake me up at four in the morning ever again?" Talon's voice going into whispers in my ear making her point very clear. I... am going to die. It's confirmed. "You better have a damn good reason for waking me." I nod my head slightly with the little movement that was capable, tapping my hoof on her foreleg that is wrapped around my throat. She let go and got back on her bed her face is unamused and cranky so I'd better make this quick before I really do end up dead. "Talon I really need your help." She cocks her head yawning while gesturing with her hoof to go on. "I know you have your own duties to do today but I got ordered to take the day off," I say sitting down. "And I would really appreciate it if you'd help me out with an invisibility potion." "Lemme get this straight... you want me to make you an invisibility potion?" Talon replies rubbing the remains of her much loved and treasured sleep out of her eyes. "Why do you need it? Unless you plan to do something perverted with it." She glares at me her hooves now away from her face. "No no no nothing like that. I know that I'm supposed to take the day off but... it isn't sitting well with me," I sigh looking up at the ceiling. "I just got my assignment and was ordered to take the day off? I don't like it. I've never heard of that happening before." Talon was quiet for a moment putting a hoof to her chin in thought. "Yeah, I suppose you have a point there... I've never heard of anything like that either. It's possible that she's testing your conviction... How far you're willing to go to do your job." "That's what I thought, at least I figured that's what she's doing. However, the context of how she said it, it didn't make any sense. Why would she just up and give me the day off right after my first day? I can't make any sense of it." Sitting on the bed across from her's that used to be mine in basic and is still supposedly due to that my pillow is still on it. "Quite the conundrum, huh?" Talon replied not really sounding all that confused about it. It could be that she was still tired but I know better, she's always been like this. Not really worrying about the aftermath, just the simplest solution. "Okay," She states getting up off her bed and stretching a bit. "I'll give you the potion, but you owe me big time for waking me up over this, got it?" I simply nod not really wanting to awaken the angry demon that she keeps locked just under the surface of her charming mask she wears. After about 20 minutes of her rummaging through her things she pulls out a small bottle from her footlocker and whispering, "Ah Hah! that's where you were hiding you blasted potion!" She turns to me and gives it over. "There you go invisibility potion. "Here's the deal Light, the potion has a time limit as you can tell it isn't a spell. It has been aging for about a month so it should keep you invisible all day. Under that pretense, there is a problem." I look from her to the bottle resting in my wing. "You have to stay completely still for you to be completely invisible, so if you even breathe while somepony is looking and they are trained well they'll most likely know you are there. Oh, and the potion obviously doesn't work on clothes. So you'll have to leave your armor here unless you plan to look like a set of ghost armor..." She smiles mischievously. "I think I found what I'm going to nightmare night as. Now get moving it's almost time for the sun to rise." She states starting to pull her armor on. "My shift starts in the next 20 minutes I may as well get ready now." Pulling off my chest plate, boots, and helmet off and take a deep breath looking at the bottle I set down on the bed. It may feel a bit strange about this, but this isn't about how I feel. This is about my job and doing it. Picking up the bottle and nodding to myself popped the top and drank it. I don't feel any different after drinking the potion but I suppose that it wouldn't really have an effect on my insides, just my appearance. Turning my head towards Talon's previous location to find her going about her business. "Hey, Talon did it work? I don't feel any different." Talon turns around and gives a look of confusion. "Umm... Yeah, it worked. I can't see you, you aren't under the bed are you?" She actually looks but she doesn't seem to see me. "Yup not there. You are completely invisible. You can continue the mission soldier." She says giving a lazy salute with a goofy grin. "Good luck." I subconsciously saluted back out of habit, even though she can't see me and walk out of the barracks. After 3 times of almost running into other ponies, I got used to avoiding nearly bumping into them. I check the hallway of Celestia's room making sure no pony is around to see the door open for no reason. The through check coming up with no pony is around at all I quietly open the door and poke my head in. Celestia is still in bed, making sneaking in very easy. I sit down in the part of the room I think is the least walked in and wait. 5:24 A.M. Six minutes till sunrise. Operation: Shadow Celestia is a go. > Vl - OPERATION: Shadow Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vl - OPERATION: Shadow Celestia Five. Four. Three. Two. One. *RIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGG* Celestia's alarm clock starts ringing only to be silenced by a yellow aura a few moments later. "Shut up, stupid alarm clock..." Celestia grumbled, not wanting to get up but does with a groan. Looking at the alarm clock her face looked as if she was deep in thought for a few moments. Lifting her head from the clock she had a small frown on her face, looking around the room. "Hmmm, Seems as if Sunlight took the day off as I told him to. Although, it was nice having him around yesterday." Pushing herself from the bed seemed to be a little difficult for her but she managed after a few attempts her horn lighting up and the sun slowly rises up into the sky, the sight visible from where I sat out the balcony window. It's something you never get used to seeing and is beautiful to see. "Another day, another..." Celestia began to say until a pop was heard, making Celestia turn her head to who just appeared in the room, her sister Luna. "Ah good morning Luna. I hope last night was pleasant for you." She states using her magic to pull on her gold slippers and lift her necklace on as well. "A good morning indeed sister, although... what took you so long to raise the sun this morning?" Luna asked, seeming to find her sister's slight tardiness out of character. "I just got a little caught up in my own thoughts this morning, nothing to worry about I assure you. Although you wouldn't normally care too much about a minute or two of extra night... So what is on your mind Luna?" She asks her horn lighting up and pulling on her royal attire, the last piece being the Tiara. "Well for a start I can't help but notice that your new guard is absent... did you remove him from the position already?" She inquires looking around the room briefly. Both of them completely unaware I'm standing in the room listening in. Celestia simply smiles and shakes her head. "No, I've given him the day off so he can reflect on yesterday... Considering that yesterday was taxing on him with the kitchen staff being hard on him on purpose with that heavy platter was your doing was it not?" Luna said nothing and nodded refusing to meet her sisters eyes. "I figured that out the moment he brought it in and I opened it. While I am unhappy with your course of action against SunLight, I do appreciate your concern and want to test him. I already tested him with a few things, and it seems he's already passed the current one as well..." Wait did she just...? Did she just glance at me? No she couldn't have... Did she know I was here the whole time? But how? I mean i've been making sure not to breathe when they are looking in my general direction so how could she? Unless she's felt my presence watching over her? Is that an actual thing or..? Or maybe she put an enchantment on the door or the room that tells her where I am? No... I'm definitely over thinking this... Just continue the mission. "Luna I have court to attend to today... So if you'd excuse me I have to be on my way." Luna nods and bids a quiet farewell before disappearing with a pop sound. "Sister you worry too much for me, I wish you'd worry more about yourself." Celestia shakes her head showing a slight frown but it melts away back to a gentle smile as she heads out into the hall closing the door behind her. I wait a few moments before following suit being sure to be as stealthy as possible when opening and closing the door to Celestia's room. Then heading off to the grand hall where day court is held. It wasn't too difficult to get in unnoticed, however it's another story to actually get next to Celestia when every guards eyes are trained on the line of ponies and the Princess herself. It took about an hour, but i managed to get right in the spot Celestia told me to sit in when screening the last of the guard applications about a yard to the right of her thrown. Doing a scan around a room with my eyes keeping my movement to a complete minimum it didn't seem like anyone has noticed me. Good now I can relax just a little bit and actually listen. "... I know it's a lot to ask Princess but would it be possible to have another patrol or maybe guards be posted so the problem can be completely avoided?" The pony that's currently speaking is one I've recognized from the papers... Fancy Pants I believe I saw in the paper that one of his ware houses got robbed recently and there was an attempt to break into another one just recently. "Fancy Pants, another patrol or posting guards outside your Warehouses isn't possible, as much as I'd like to help our guards have much more important duties like patrolling the streets and aiding other citizens I cannot delegate guards to protect a single ponies property. I will however have a word with the captain about raising the patrols for the general area due to the robbery and attempted robberies that have been happening. That is all I can do." Celestia explains with little thought to her response as if she knew what to say before she even had to say it. Fancy Pants didn't seem to like the answer that was given and simply bowed his head and made his way out after bidding the princess a polite good day but I could swear I saw him say a few things under his breath as he left. Court went on like that for about 3 more hours and honestly it was rather boring. All it was was listening to a bunch of ponies gripe about their problems or complain about land borders. Little did I know I was going to be in for quite the fiasco. A light blue colored stallion wearing a tux stepped forward, he had a dark brown mane and cream colored eyes. He is quite build a bit more so than your average earth pony and easily double my size. "Princess Celestia, my name is Gallant Radiance, and I hope you'll allow me to speak my heart." The room got extremely quiet at those words. "I've been very quiet about my feelings for years now but I'd like to put them out there." Celestia nodded and he continued. "Princess, I'd like to ask for the honor of courting you." Celestia was silent I even turned my head to look at her for her answer. I've never heard of this happening before. Somepony asking to court her? Just what is going through her mind at this moment? The whole room was so silent you could hear a pin drop from the other side of it. Not only that, it had a feeling of tension to it, almost eerie feeling. "Gallant," Celestia began her smile no longer present on her face. "Are you certain you want to attempt at courting me? Every day you will live with the eyes of the public on you. You will no longer have the luxury of privacy and all of your movements and actions will be judged not only by the public but by me personally. So I will ask once more... Are you certain?" Gallant seemed to hesitate, and that's when I noticed how scary my position is as well... I am in a position very close to Celestia myself, my every move and action is noticed and reacted to by the public and Celestia as well. My job is much more than I've come to realize. Everything that I do will be watched and judged by every single individual including Celestia. It's a lot of pressure, and I'm just her guard. Courting is a whole different situation, you wont be with Celestia every second of the day that's for sure, but every action you take will be a direct reflection on Celestia and she could face political back-lash for it. After what had felt like quite a few minutes he responded,"Yes. I understand the gravity of the situation but I still want to court you." Celestia seemed to sigh softly shaking her head no slowly. "Gallant while brave and honest you may be, I have to refuse. I am not convinced that you understand just how heavy a burden it is. Not only that, but I believe that if you had thought about the true gravity of your words and actions you'd have been much more private about a matter such as this. Now..." She stands up from her thrown and looks to the lieutenant across the room. "Valoran... Escort everyone out, court for today is adjourned." After that she left the room with a dignified walk however her signature warm smile was absent from her face. I watched as everyone was escorted out leaving me in the empty room and my thoughts, however I have no time to be sitting around thinking to myself. I have mission to complete, even if it means telling Celestia I've been around all day. I have to make sure she's okay. Heading out the same door that Celestia made her way out of and looking down the hall I see her sitting by a window looking out at Canterlot. I made my way over careful not to make a sound. Celestia sighs lightly her mood bordering what looks and sounds like depression. "SunLight.... You're here aren't you? If you are speak now. I have felt your eyes on me the whole time during court and this morning while talking with my sister. I need somepony to talk to right now." "Yes I'm here," Celestia's head turns towards me here eyes seeming to lock onto mine as i sit down. "I've been here the whole time... Just as I should be." Her horn lights up and my body lights up in a yellow glow and when I look down I can once again see myself. Seems she dispelled the effects of the potion. It will make this part much easier. "So it seems that you disobeyed me, and didn't take the day off. Did I not make myself clear that today was for you to reflect on yesterday and everything that had happened?" Was it just me or did she sound saddened that I disobeyed? "I can't say that I didn't disobey your order to take today off... but, I'm glad I did. If I hadn't I wouldn't have understood exactly what you were trying to get me to understand. That's not important right now though... You wanted to talk.. So right now, I'm not here as your guard, I'm here as your friend." Celestia sighed and her smile started to show back on her face even if it was half of what her usual smile is. "Now lay it on me I'm ready to listen." > VII - Celestia's Romance Issues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII - Celestia's Romance Issues "SunLight... I've been alone for so long." Celestia paused looking back out at Canterlot below. "I've been watching over Equestria for longer than I'd like to say. I've far outlived any of my friends and previous love interests... I looked for so long to find a solution." She had sighed softly her wings unfolding from her sides and resting against the floor. Her previous regal appearance shifted to one of suffering and pain. "I now know of one... but the odds of it happening are phenomenally low... I'm sure that Gallant could have given me at least some happiness at one point... but, I couldn't bare the pain of losing another pony I've come to love again." I can't imagine the pain she must feel. My troubles with my family, most notably my father, are so inconsequential when looking from Celestia's view. She's was completely alone for a thousand years... without family, and true friends to support her. She's finally got her sister back but that only lightens the load a small amount. It isn't what she's been wanting for so long. She's been wanting a true companion, somepony she can live with and love for as long as she lives. "I see the cogs in your mind beginning to spin SunLight..." I shake my head and nod refocusing myself to listen to her. "It's alright... It's a heavy thing to understand. I lived through millennia it's hard to pinpoint just how long I've lived." That's not at all what I was thinking but, I suppose it wasn't too far off now that she said it. Loneliness, for that long isn't healthy. "Celestia, I know that I said I'd listen... but may I tell you what I've been thinking?" Celestia nods pulling her wings off the floor giving me her full attention. "To put it as simply as I can, you've been alone for so long that you want nothing more than to experience love and the same things ponies do everyday outside the walls of the castle. Live life day to day with friends, family, and a special somepony that loves you for you." Celestia again nods a pain filled forced smile appears on her face as I continue, "It's something every individual in this world deserves. Yet, you've been denied this basic need in life. Not only that, it has spanned countless lifetimes. Then anypony you do connect with, however small, you are forced to watch them wither away in the blind of an eye. I can't begin to understand how crushingly painful that feels but, for the sake of my new friend, I'm going to damn well try. I'd like to think that I know quite a bit about pain, I see differently now, but... I plan on trying to be here for you as your friend and guard for as long as I can. However long that may be I promise that I'll be there when you need me no matter what it will cost me. You have the right to love and be happy just as much as everypony out there." I say pointing my hoof out the window she was looking out earlier. I made her smile, not one of those usual Celestia smiles either. It felt much different looking at it. "SunLight, thank you for your kind words and your promise. I pray that you will keep it. It has been a long time since I've had even a bit of solace in another other than my sister or Twilight Sparkle." The smile that she's wearing now seems to be more genuine than the others that I've seen, however it's hard to tell. I didn't see many smiles when I grew up, it wasn't a bright and cheery place where smiles where used for luring you in to stupid things and nearly all of them were fake. Sure Celesita had thousands of years practice but it's not hard to spot a fake smile. This one, was by far the realest smile I've ever seen. "Pardon me, princess?" Both Celestia and I turned our heads to a maid who just exited a room into the hall where we were conversing. "I'll pretend I didn't hear anything but I really must start dusting and wax the floors in this hall." "Y-Yes of course, I apologize for us being in the way of your duties. Sunlight lets be off to my room. I'd very much like to continue our conversation, in private." The way Celestia said that, it could have been worded much better. The moment she'd realized it sounded much different than she said it was too late for her to fix it. I had to think of something and quick, "Of course, Princess as your guard it is important for me to take note that this isn't the best place to have a personal conversation. I'm sorry." I looked to the maid who had all been ready to report a scandal by the look on her face seemed to relax and go back to dusting. Celestia's eyes met mine for a moment as if she had something to say but she stayed silent and head off in the direction of her room. I followed a few paces behind giving her some space while we walk in silence. After we were behind Celestia's room doors however was when it was all let out. She was sitting on her bed with a clear look of embarrassment. "SunLight, thank you. You just saved us from a possible scandal. I can't believe I said that so inappropriately." "You mean saying that you'd and I quote, 'I'd very much like to continue our conversation, in private.'"I made sure to put the same slow emphasis. "After saying, 'Let's be off to my room.' Yeah, not the best choice in wording there Celestia nor the correct use of..." I then stopped talking and actually thought about what I just said. Something in what I just said didn't add up. That and how Celesita was acting, along with what I had said in the hallway... "SunLight," I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her sitting there. "I want to reiterate something I said earlier, but please make sure you remember that I will never forget what you've promised me. I want you to keep this promise you've made me to be here when I need you but more than that, I want you to be here even if I think I don't need you to be." I nodded to her not needing to say a word. "Although what was the time that I told you to be on my balcony tomorrow?" "Six A.M. sharp, and if I recall you wanted me to think on the events of my first day and tell you the lesson I learned." I responded without really thinking too hard about it. "Although, I think I have the answer now. My actions and words are held in high regard. Every little mistake or misspoken word can and will reflect on you. You will face the consequences not me. While I may be reprimanded and removed from the guard you'd face political back-lash. What kind of guard would I be if I left you to face that alone?" "Very well SunLight, while your answer was far more detailed than I expected it seems you got the other aspect of your duties down quite well. You were listening very intently when Gallant asked to court me this morning." Shes states giving me a side glance. "You weren't worried were you? I would never accept such a proposal especially since he froze up when I asked him if he was sure after the additional information... Actually SunLight, I'd like your opinion of what happened with Gallant and what you would have done instead." Wait what? Where did this come from? Why did it matter what I thought and what I would have done different? However I should answer her, even if it makes me a little suspicious of her exact intent. "well for starters, i'd ditch the suit. I understand that most ponies find it classy but for me? I've never had the need for a suit other than a suit of armor. Plus in my honest opinion if your going to profess your feelings you should go as you would to a social gathering with friends. It shows them who you are and what they'll see mostly every day, instead of renting a tux expecting it to be a success." Celestia nodded listening rather intently from what I could gather from her ears being completely directed at me. "Second, I'd ask privately. It's a personal matter no way am I going to try to involve countless other ponies to try and pressure you into saying yes. Back at home a lot of guys where I went to school told me that's how they got their girlfriends to say yes. They'd ask them during lunch or even in the hall with a bunch of other students or even teachers around so they'd get pressured by popularity. It has to be a one-on-one. That way both sides no matter what the outcome can keep their integrity and dignity in public or even so far as to say there wont be any humiliation if they happen to say no." I say standing up from where I was sitting on the floor and paced around a bit recalling a bit more of the conversation that Gallant had with Celestia. "Although, where I think he messed up aside from those to things was saying that and I quote, 'Speak his heart.' Anypony who starts with that makes it clear he's professing his love. The key word there is love. The fact is I don't think he really did, the hesitation he showed and the pauses when he was speaking." At this point I was done pacing and looked at Celestia. "My mother told me something really important when I actually asked her what love is... She told me that in order to love somepony, you have to hold every single bit of the pony in your heart, cherish every moment spent with them, even if it's the most painful thing in the world. No matter what you see inside them, even if you see the deepest darkest corners of their heart, and you can accept them and care for them anyway. That is love." I slightly chuckled. "My mom is a love guru now that I'm thinking about it and I'm old enough to understand what she was telling me." "You were very lucky to have a mother that was so wise," Celestia said laying herself back resting her head on her pillow. Her horn lighting up removing her tiara and placing it on the bedside table. "I'd like to meet her. She sounds like a lovely and kind pony. Although when it comes to wisdom, the more they have, the more pain and hardship they've come to endure." Celestia lets out a soft sigh. "SunLight you are dismissed. Please go out and enjoy the rest of the day and evening off." I stood there for a few moments, only to nod and start towards the door. "Celestia, should you need me I'll be in the gardens. Send somepony for me or just call out the balcony I'll not be too far away." I closed the door behind me after that and sat down with a sigh laying my back against the door. Who knew Celestia had love problems? I mean sure she's been alive for a long time, and I bet she's had multiple suitors before I was even born but who'd have thought she'd ask me what I'd have done in Gallants situation. That's when it hit me, was Celestia just, hitting on me? > VIII - Garden Thoughts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat in the gardens for a long while thinking about the past two days. If I was being fully straight with myself they were the longest days of my life so far. I was pushed mentally, physically, and emotionally to different degrees. If I'm being honest with myself.... I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this. Looking over at a rose bush I can't help but smile at the sight of it. I love roses, they are simple red and the one flower that everyone knows to have thorns. Beautiful yet, dangerous. 'Now that I think about it, Celestia is much like a rose. Beautiful and draws the attention of others with ease, However if you aren't careful you'll get pricked.' I sighed softly shaking my head. 'A perfect example is what happened today in the court with Gallant. He got to overzealous and got pricked.' 'I wonder just what else I'll learn about the Princess... How complicated her life is...? How simple her wants might be...? Or maybe something different that I'd never expect... Something completely out of left field... Like that she enjoys metal music or something of that nature.' Again I shake my head, 'Now that's just ludicrous... There is no way she's into metal or hardcore loud music.... or is she?' With a sigh I sit down on the rim of the fountain in the middle of the garden. This wasn't just a job, the more I thought about it. This was going to be something I may do for a long time, or for the rest of my life. 'Huh... The rest of my life... I'd never really thought too hard about what I wanted growing up aside from getting the hell outta my home town and never looking back. Although, now that I'm a guard is this what I really want to do? Every day and night... every second watching over the literal embodiment of the sun? Being her shadow, being at her beck and call no matter what the cost? Do I really want that for myself?' I turn my head and stare blankly at my reflection in the fountain. My reflection stares back at me, as dully as I am looking into it. 'Right now... I can't say or know for certain, but I made a promise and I'm going to keep it. I'll be DAMNED if I ever break it. I may not be her guard forever... but I'll sure as hell be here for her if she needs me. That's what friends do. At least that's what they should do.' Looking up towards Celestia's balcony I lean back a bit to keep my eyes locked on it. 'Something... just doesn't add up though. Celestia isn't helpless... She has the nearly limitless power of the sun at her disposal... why would she need a guard in the first place? Unless... maybe is psychological? Something to make her seem weak to get the drop on her enemies? No that doesn't seem right... Then what?' Closing my eyes I think about it a bit longer. Coming up with no solid hypothesis I get up off the fountain and glance once more at the rose bush. I walk over and give the flowers a sniff. They smell sweet and a bit like honey. It's a lovely smell one that isn't easy to forget. 'Odd though, I don't think I've ever smelled roses like these ones... They look like simple red roses but it doesn't seem like they are. Maybe I should ask Celestia a bit about them if I get the chance... She might know.' "I see you are taking an interest in the Eternity Rose..." That was the voice of princess Luna. I turn towards the voice and there she was standing there looking me over. "What do you smell?" "They smell kind of like honey... a sweet and natural honey... I found it a little, odd. Roses don't normally smell like that." "You're correct but those aren't normal roses... they are Eternity Roses. They are a special rose that can tell one's true nature as well as be a symbol of undying love." Luna explained coming closer and smelling the roses herself. "Mmm.... For example, right now I smell something quite different... I smell mint with a trace amounts of sea salt. My niece Cadence says these flowers can also smell of the one you're destined to love... but that is just some superstition she probably made up. That and if you believe in that type of thing." "So what does it mean if you smell honey?" I inquired genuinely curious. "Well... It can have many meanings, I'm sure and none of them bad from what I can recall. Maybe try thinking about love when smelling the flowers. Then tell me what you smell." "Love huh..." Taking a deep breath I clear my head and think of what she said. 'Love... Can't say I've really loved somepony else other than my family. Maybe I should think about them? No maybe I should think about future love... Like love that should come from someone who I'd like to spend the rest of my life with.' Nodding my head in affirmation a leaned in close to the flowers and inhaled deeply taking the scent in. 'It smells... good. Much different from honey now.... it smells like vanilla cream... and faintly of something else... Chocolate truffles?' I bring my head back get a look of thought. "Vanilla cream and the faint scent of chocolate truffles. Any idea what those scents mean?" Luna was silent for several moments before she shook her head. "No I can't say I do. If you have questions about these flowers the best pony to ask would be my niece princess Cadance. She would know what it means." Looking up at the sky she had a soft smile on her face. "I'm sure she will have your answers you seek. I bid you a good night SunLight, and pleasant dreams." After saying that she lifted off into the sky leaving me with the peculiar roses. "Such a strange flower..." I shake my head and start heading for the barracks. Unsurprisingly it wasn't too far from the castle but it is a small distance from the main gate. Around two blocks away. I could clear the distance with my wings in a few moments by flying I chose to walk instead. It gave me more time to think on things. "Did you get what I asked for?" That voice sounded familiar. I was about a block away from the barracks and my ears swiveled towards an alley way. It sounded like Gallant, the pony who tried to propose to Celestia today. I make my way towards the alley quickly and hide myself quietly behind a trashcan. "Yeah, I got it." A new voice said. This voice I wasn't familiar with, although one thing is certain it wasn't a normal voice. It was being changed by magic. It sounded more mechanical than pony. I couldn't see them but hearing them would be enough to know what was going on. "All she has to do is drink what's in this bottle and she'll be completely open to suggestion. Normally it would only take a sip, but in the case of your target she'll have to drink the whole thing. I did my part now where's my payment?" "Right your payment." I heard something like a bag of bits hitting the ground and it was by no means light by the sound. "It should all be there I counted it myself." "Wonderful, I thank you for your business Gallant. I do hope you succeed. It would make this little concoction I've created sell out in hours. Of course I should tell you of the side effects again. Unexplained arousal, dilation of the eyes, and the possibility of occasional head aches. Other than that it might take some time for the concoction to take effect so you'll have to be with her the whole time it's in effect. It's initial effect lasts for about twenty minutes. Keep in mind I've tested this stuff on nearly every race and it's had the same results, I've never tested this on an Alicorn so there may be some variation." "Well it is quite the gamble but I have quite a few sources that tell me this worked wonders for them. So I'll take their word for it. Have a pleasant evening Nicarta." I hear Gallant say getting closer and passing me. I can now see him and can confirm that it is indeed Gallant. It seems that no wasn't a good enough answer. I watch him leave and wait a few minutes before coming out from behind the trashcan. Only to be face to face with this Nicarta. "Well hello there... What were you doing behind the trash can?" other than the mask they are wearing along with goggles and nothing can be notable about their appearance even their cutie mark was covered by a black spandex suit. "I was ummm...." I stumble over my words for a moment. "Oh I see... You were looking for something to eat." The pony said causing me to look at the label on the can. It was a well known restaurant trash can. "Diving for some scraps? I know the feeling. Hitting the bottom is hard, but don't worry I'm sure you'll catch a break eventually." They said before giving me a few bits. "Get yourself something to eat tomorrow and get to looking for a new job friend." With that said they left quickly checking around the corner before disappearing around it. It took a few moments for me to calm down as I sit down against the alley wall. I look at the bits the pony gave me before looking up at the sky. There was going to be trouble, and soon.