Leading the New Age

by Lord-Luzar

First published

The ways have changed and a man is looking for answers throughout the unfamiliar lands surrounding him. Will those he meet along the way truly be different, or will they betray him as he expects?

After the split-up of the group of eight humans transferred by a strange portal, the youngest soon begins to yearn for the outside world. Yet after years of avoiding that call, the now 25 year-old man travels out in search of questions he hopes to answer. His cold eyes don't feel anything anymore, and only calculations seem to make any sense to him yet ponies and humans he met along the way try to pull out something in him. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. Something human.

-Romance tag for far into the story
-Gore isn't meant for those who are queasy, although it will be in rare doses
-Sex tag for humor, no true sexual content will be released

Will our protagonist win against the evil spirit, will his friends find good within him, will the world erupt into war? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

Ch.0| Prologue

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Leading the New Age

By Lord-Luzar

Nowadays, ponies and people alike ask idiotic questions, some of which I am not willing to answer. And yet they always come back in search of answers when they can simply look around instead, and it makes me wonder as to why. Why would they want to come back? To me of all creatures? To something that awaits them at the end of their path, no matter who it is, and asks for their thoughts on the matter. To handle their grieving and dealing with their acceptance is something only I can do.

So why...why would they want to come ask questions to me of all things? It is confusing, and the world they left seems to still remain unaffected by their passing. The way how calm they become when I tell them the truth shows the amount of emotion running through their veins, just their thoughts seemed to stop to try and process the words.

“You are dead.”

The words always scare them, mortify them, and some even plead me to return knowing full well it was impossible. Yet sometimes I meet someone in my eternal workings that doesn’t plead for these things, a creature that simply seems content with the fact that they are deceased. This creature has only come to me twice, once being a pony and the other being a human. The pony was far from their standards of normal, or even being close to the social circles she had seen. And the human was a man that had surprised me with not only his appearance, but the raw emotion in a gaze he passed onto me. An eternal being telling intelligent creatures of their death was spooked by a human who merely looked at me with deep emerald eyes.

I asked this man of his deeds and he stayed silent while I decided to show him how he died, yet he watched emotionlessly. I said, “Why are you not surprised, shocked, or even remotely scared?”

He responded with, “It is simple...I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

I was shocked...who would want to be deceased at such a young age, to be brutally cast from your friends and loved ones while fully knowing their grief they had for you? I had only heard this once, and it was from this single man who caused a being of eternal life and knowledge feel a shiver down its back.

“Where do you believe you’ll go?”

He took a while to process my words, and simply looked into the surrounding darkness, “If their is such a thing as Hell, the deepest pit awaits me.” He calmly spoke.

“You do not fear your suffering?”

“I do...but that won’t stop it, and I deserve it as well.”

“What about those you left behind, loved and otherwise?”

He looked at his boots in contemplation and gave me a sad smile, “I suppose I will be missed, but my sacrifice will not be in vain.”

“Please young one...tell me your tale.”

He chuckled and looked into my eyes, the endless pits that trapped souls, and uttered a few words that made me quiver once more, “Are you sure?”

His tone was so absolute and sharp, like the perfect warrior wielding a sword without a moral handicap. And yet despite my everlasting fear of this creature I replied, “Yes.”

Now a true warm smile grazed his face and even though I’ve lived in the darkness for millenia, and felt my heart turn black...it somewhat became warmer inside. The man looked around for something, something that still escapes my thoughts to this day, before turning back to my endless pits.

“May I ask for your name?” His words seemed kind and true.

“I do not possess a name but I know that I have been given names, many that I still do not know, but the most common is Death.” The man smiled at me once more.

“I still wonder to the day I was brought here, away from my miserable life and to this world of endless joy and glamor. Though once you are human, you shall always be human, and trouble will always decide to follow. So I had decided to travel the world and finally quench my thirst for adventure, away from the last of my studies. But in the end all I found was blood on my hands and few creatures to help me. Then I had been captured after a long grueling battle by a masked stallion and I was hidden inside a cave, where he wanted me to tell me story, and I did.

“Ultimately for now I have decided that I will tell the story from that point on, where this strange stallion had come for me in search of my story.” The man finished, looking up at my superior height still in rapt fascination.

“Hm...how old are you, human?” I asked casually.

He pondered for a moment, confusing me, “I believe I am about 33-years-old.”

“You believe?” I questioned.

“I lost some memories along my journey and confused my birthday with my other companions.”

“May I ask one more question, human?”

He nodded in acceptance, still comparing his height to mine, “What is your name?”

I was surprised to see his eyelids burst to a higher height suddenly, and he peered into my eyes with a horrifying stare. The way his eyes tried to pierce me like a spear kept me still, although it was hard for me to show emotion.

This situation and emotion actually reminded me of a saying made by the humans, that fear keeps you alive while terror gets you killed. It was unfortunate that all I felt for the man before me was pure unbridled terror, never before felt by me. Somehow I still kept my calm demeanor but on my inside I could feel my useless organs trying to flee from man.

Looking over him, I saw that his muscles were somehow flexed and I could no longer hear his gentle breathing as only his stare tried to take all the air from me. It seemed to be working as well. But I had remembered something that peaked my interest far more than simply his name.

When watching the memory of his death, I had seen a black eyepatch on his right eye along with a scar crossing over his face. Now, however, it had disappeared as all scars and wounds became nonexistent in this plain.

Using my voice that helplessly tried to remain silent, I asked, “What about your right eye instead? What happened to that?”

Considerably calming down was the one thing that eased my mind from the terror plaguing me, and watching his fingers gingerly touch his right eye calmed me as well.

“That...was something that happened a good few years back, far before I came to the land of Equestria.”

“What happened?”

“I was still an amateur in swordplay, and accidentally provoked a dragon but it was only an adolescent. It was tall and a light-blue color and used its claws to slash at my face. My defensive measures back then were terrible and I worked only on offense so it had hit me and cut open my right eye. Luckily the largest claw only hit me, leaving a single scar on my face. It’s a grave reminder of how mistakes make you vulnerable unless treated correctly.”

“What happened to the dragon?”

“It was arrogant because it had landed a hit on me, but I already said I had only been working on offensive swordplay. I killed it…”

My eyes widened at the words, especially with the pained look now adorned on the man’s face. His eyes were considerably droopy now, and only sadness emanated from them.

“I apologise, I meant him...I killed him.”

“Why apologise?”

“I made a rule for myself a long time ago, far before I went to the Zebras in search of training, when I still was with the other seven I came here with. I would respect the dead no matter what, no matter who it is or what it is I shall respect the dead.” He now sat down on the blackness surrounding us.

“Why a rule?”

“Things happened...I watched something die, an old creature in a dying race...it changed me. For days I only thought about the surprised and confused look in its eyes. Unfortunately I didn’t know its gender, and we were far from graceful when we ‘buried’ it. But from my experiences now I can only assume it was a drone abandoned by its hive. A changeling drone, to be precise.”

This made me truly think, as changelings indeed where an ancient race, and no creature truly knew of their culture and heritage at all. So hearing this from a random man who had just been brought to me was confusing, “How do you know he was abandoned?”

He looked at me for a long time, as if pondering whether I was worthy to tell and finally opened his mouth, “A couple months after I finally left the Zebras and entered Equestria I had passed the country in search of a friend I had lost long ago. Changeling scavengers saw me and quickly reported me to the hive, causing drones to draw in on my location in the Badlands. Before I knew it, I was unconscious and had been dragged into their hive to see their ruler...it wasn’t the most pleasant of greetings.

“In the end though, I had seriously provoked the changeling Queen and questioned her culture...truly foolish on my part. I was blasted with a large bolt of green magic yet since I have never been magically bound to this world or ever being born with the ability to produce magic, it had no affect on me. Of course it still burnt me, as its still powerful energy, and with energy comes heat. So after burning a hole in my shirt, the Queen was surprised by my reaction to her magic and requested me to be studied by some workers.

“I had been caged and tested by the changeling workers countless times, and after weeks of a gruesome process and horrifying pain I was able to speak with the changeling Queen after she had acquired much intelligence on my physique. She had even crafted her own perfect human female, but it still didn’t feel right. I asked why she studied me and she replied that she wanted answers to questions. And after thinking for a while I finally looked deep into the eyes of the changeling Queen, testing her willpower. Of course I activated my power to truly test her.”

“Your power?” I asked, now very intrigued.

“Yes...it is still odd but whenever I get angry, in a sense, my eyes would slowly turn from green to red. It truly amplified my anger tenfold but after many years of exercises and training, I had mastered control over my emotions and could will it to come forth at any point.” He explained in detail, seemingly not fazed by it.

“Well then...please continue.”

“She was truly scared by my now red eyes and called me a monster...I never denied the fact. After I had activated my power, she lasted about three seconds before turning away. And to be honest, the few that have actually impressed me are creatures of great power. Princess Celestia lasted a full minute before turning away, and her sister turned in 45 seconds. Yet her pupil...she was something far greater than anything I had ever seen. She did not flinch, did not show an ounce of emotion the whole time I stared into her, and I had to congratulate her...which surprised her.

“But getting back to the changeling Queen, she had not really been able to take the amount of intensity I provided towards her. In conclusion she lashed out at me, I grabbed the weapon of the nearby changeling guard and held it at her horn. She stopped and peered into my eyes once more, this time without the red glaring at her. Her own eyes softened for a moment but she still reacted in anger, firing a magic bolt at me. In return, and smacked her horn with the shaft of the spear.

“Eventually I found my gear and escaped, but my memories had been tampered with...they had inserted the full knowledge of their changeling hive into my mind. I could only think it was that they didn’t want to be forgotten. I vowed to never forget.” He finished, now standing up once more.

“Well you keep talking about how you used to live with the Zebras...why not explain that?” I asked, making him smile.

“That is a story for another day...well, after I finish this one. For the beginning of this story I believe we’ll have to start with my second companion, and how she met me.” He reminisced briefly, causing him to look far older than he truly was.

“Why the second?”

“My first companion was sentient but she was very...complicated. She couldn't communicate with me because she was a dragon, and I had raised her since she was still an egg. She is white scaled along with golden frills and scales around her tail and legs, also along her head. Her red eyes remind me of myself, and after I left the Zebras I was in search of an ancient dragon to train her in the ways of their language, along with the some draconic magic of their own. When I got to her again she was bigger than I was, and looked so majestic even almost holy. By then I could speak to her coherently due to her learning the draconic tongue.” He said tiredly, waving around his hand lazily.

“I suppose I should ask how you know the draconic tongue later...for now I just want you to answer one question.” I had asked, mentally gulping, though not daring to let it be audible.

“What would that be?”

“What is your name?”

The same stare came at me, though this time his eyes had changed to red and fiercely drilled into my own pits of endless horror. I was ready, however, and gazed back at him emotionlessly, or as best as I could. His eyes turned into a yellow hue, showing that they were leaving him. He had closed his eyes while moving his lips but I was too busy with the stare he gave me. It tried to burn through me and the blackness around me, yet as the colors drained back into the gleaming emerald the intensity died along with it.

“So what is your name, human?” I asked one last time, trying his patience.


Ch.1| A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

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Leading the New Age

By Lord-Luzar

Typically stories normally start with someones beginning, how they arrived. But for now, that story is waiting to be told later and I will tell you how I met my first companion. She was a mare loyal to the two Princesses, and a Sergeant in the new regiment that had been prepared for Princess Luna. To her she would die for them, and she almost did...yet for me, she would do far more. She would even lose her what keeps her a pony, and turn herself more into something like me if I asked her to. I never did.

My encounter with her didn’t go off with a hitch, in fact it was me stumbling into an ambush she took part in. She was defending with her friends and other fellow Royal Guards. She mesmerized me, much to my surprise, and I had grown to like her stubborn exterior after seeing her in combat for a few minutes. So I decided to help her, and in doing so I let them escape with the pony they defended. I was glad they didn't see the slaughter that was me fighting.

Now, we shall truly get to the ripe details she explained to me a while back. So...A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

“Wait, what?” I asked, looking down at Zephyr in confusion.

“Well...it’s a reference to my culture, a sci-fi saga as well.”

“I...I don’t really understand.”

“It’s okay, you won’t.”

The morning was like any other morning, the sun rising over the mountains and creating hues that flowed over the sky in a beautiful palette. Soft clouds blocked out some of the light, but its warmth still flowed around the air and down onto every creature gracefully. Many would enjoy the peaceful sunrise, though some decided it was best to instead sleep longer.

For Aster Mark, however, the morning was her wake-up call. It awoke her and the radiating warmth rejuvenated her mind and body, at least to her. So as her eyes fluttered open and the sun pushed through the windows in the barracks of the Canterlot Castle, Aster Mark awoke anew and felt ready to tackle the day.

She was quite the mare as well, many stallions would stare at her as she trotted by, likely due to her muscled flanks. It attracted many stares, though I stood impervious to such charms, and she didn’t seem to know of her legion of followers that she could command with a simple shake.

Her body overall wasn’t toned as well as other stallions, but muscles had been well-developed after long and grueling hours of physical training. She could likely take down a full-grown stallion with her hooves tied behind her back, and she actually challenged me once like that. It was quite the experience.

While her physique was very impressive, it was her shimmering beauty that seemed to attract many to her gaze. A white mane, as white as the clouds she adored, was naturally slicked back as if leaving the back of her helmet. And her tail was sadly cut down due to regulations of the Guard, but it stood a proud and prominent feature in her looks.

Her coat was grey, and many would say it seemed to be a natural combination of colors due to the white mane and the grey coat. But her eyes topped it all off, being the lightest shade of blue you could ever see, bordering on being the color gray.

Even though her looks were astonishing, it was her personality that shook most. She wasn’t jolly like most would think, and instead she was like a hawk. Using her mind to calculate the weak from the strong and separate them into different groups and jobs. Yet underneath such a mask still lay a perfectly untaped mare, full of life and wonders. But her job came before herself.

So as she awoke from her slumber, and her light-blue eyes fluttered open, she simply groaned as she rose. The bed she currently lay upon was one of a Sergeant, far superior to those Privates would have. It provided for far more comfort than them as well, but seemed to help rejuvenate Aster instead to simply be used for comfort.

Looking around her room in the same hawk-like stare she gave everypony, Aster yawned, after confirming that no soul was inside her room. The yawn was one of a mare, cute and adorable, but Aster had an image to uphold and stallions could be far from fair to the female populace. So as she yawned, placing a soft hoof over her lips, she turned to her ornate silver armor standing proud on a stand. Sitting upright, and feeling the sheets slide off her silky coat, Aster looked out her open window.

A robin was perched there, with her nest circular in form, while three small eggs sat under her. Aster smiled lightly, reminiscing of her times feeding the robin. The robin in turn, looked towards her with a quizzical stare. Yet the robin simply readjusted her spot atop the eggs instead waiting for a response.

Aster giggled to herself whilst looking at the robin that now closed its eyes to rest, and looked over to her desk where a small bag of seeds rested. The bag was made from a simple cloth, with a small rope wrapped through to tighten the bag. Trotting from the bed that yearned for her, Aster pulled on the rope, slightly opening the bag. Sticking a few primaries into the bag using such a finesse that a small pile of seeds rested at the tip of her primary.

Slowly making her way over to the robin’s nest, Aster enjoyed the cold breeze that flew from the window. Being a pegasus in nature the cold didn’t really affect her, but it still awakened her to a calmer stature. Looking at the peaceful slumber of the robin, Aster smiled warmly as she let the pile of seeds slide from her primary and into the nest. And finally, she patted the robin lightly on the head before turning to her silver armor once more.

With her wings lamped at her side, Aster looked over her helm. It was far from the Royal Guard’s typical helm, that was reminiscent to the Roman Centurion helms. The golden helm along with the blue hair poking through the indent atop the helm was too familiar to Aster, so when she reached the correct rank she requested armor to her own design. It was not normal for a guard to request a different form of armor, but Aster didn’t care about what others would think.

And her request paid off, as now standing in front of her was her now-old armor. Her years spent working throughout the ranks of the Guard were considered normal by Guard standards, but she was very young when she had achieved the rank of Sergeant. She was even offered the role of Staff Sergeant, but she had declined the offer to resume her duties as a one of the few Sergeants in Princess Luna’s Guard regiment.

Picking up the silver helm with her hooves, which still confuses me to this day, she looked over the armor she had grown close to. It was plated to cover her forehead and a small bit of metal came down to block between her eyes. Instead of being plated all the way to her neck, the helm opened to let her white mane come out. The sides of her head where armored due to the helm, and it curved around the sides of her face into two strips of silver metal. Her gray ears were unprotected as well, but it didn't really matter to Aster.

Overall, her forehead, the sides of her face, and in-between her eyes was protected by the helm but where her mane lay remained unprotected. It was an ornate style, more of a mask than a helm as she had to place it on her face, instead of pulling it over her head. Though being fitted for her, it sat upon her face perfectly going along with her palette of color.

With her faceplate resting upon her muzzle, she looked over the armor for her barrel. It was silver as well and was plated all the way to her flanks, but along her back were intricate designs cut into the metal. The front of her barrel, just below her neck, lay the crest given to Aster by Princess Luna herself showing that she was of the Night Princess’ regiment. And to those that did not know of her status, a simple pin was welded into the right side of her armor, just on her shoulder. The pin showed her status of Sergeant, in the still growing regiment.

Her gleaming sword rested in its sheath while leaning against the armor stand. Looking over the well-made sword, Aster slid it back inside its sheath before buckling the sheath on her barrel before checking it over once more. She then adorned the armor meant for her barrel, while her sword rested comfortably underneath it, positioned at her right side underneath her wing. She could easily grab for her sword with her mouth but it was concealed ingeniously due to the design of her armor.

Looking over the other piece of armor only given to those of a higher rank and of those being a pegasus, Aster couldn’t help but feel proud that she had mastered the intricate weapon. It ran along the top of her wings, sharpened to a point where it was like a razor. The wingblade was a weapon only granted to those in the Lunar regiment as Princess Luna had still not grown out of the older times.

The wingblades were a far superior weapon to the sword to a pegasus, as their mobility could help them fight truly better than that of only using their mouth to control a sword. The wingblades looked superior as well, being beautiful in its full glory but deadly to all that dare to oppose them.

Carefully strapping them onto her wings, Aster looked over to the robin once more to see it peacefully resting with its waiting children. She couldn’t help and think herself as the robin, awaiting a stallion to help her bear her own foals. Now shaking the thoughts from her mind, Aster looked at the final parts of her armor, the simple metal shoes.

The shoes themselves were larger than average, and Aster had to slip them on instead of simply placing her hooves into them. The top of the design came up to her fetlock and the back of the shoes rose a small portion above her fetlocks. The design curved outwards with small curving designs that ultimately led back down to the bottom of the shoe.

After slipping into all of her armor, and putting on her weapons, Aster took in a deep breath while looking in her mirror. Looking over herself, both sides and her front, Aster couldn't help but feel proud of her appearance. Yet instead of gaining a larger ego, she turned to her clock that hung above her door and chastised herself for taking so long. Now it was currently 6:47 and she was supposed to be at her office by 7:00.

Opening her door, Aster took in a deep breath of the fresh air before closing her door and looking around. She nodded at a few guards that had saluted causing them to ease up and resume to where they were going. Closing her eyes for a brief second, Aster tried remembering her path to her office in the barracks. Now opening them, she immediately turned right nodding to guards she passed by making them return to what they were doing.

Trotting by a fellow Sergeants office whom she had acquainted herself with, Aster slightly became curious if he was inside. Now changing course to his light-brown door, Aster stepped back in surprise as the door flung open, revealing her fellow Sergeant, Crimson Sky.

“Hello Sky,” She greeted.

Sky smiled in return, “A pleasure, Aster...I don’t believe you got our new orders.”

“New orders?”

Sky nodded, motioning for her to walk with him, “Princess Luna has arranged a meeting with all the Guards in her regiment, Sergeant or higher.”

Aster furrowed her brow in confusion, “Why?”

“That is something none of us know,” Sky answered in return, as they subconsciously turned left.

Aster took this time to look over Crimson Sky, a young stallion at the ripe age of 24. He had joined when he was 20 and passed with flying colors. It took him a while to rank up to Sergeant but he’s currently been Sergeant for a full year. His crimson coat seemed to fit perfectly with his name, while his mane was a light-red. Thought he was teased about it being pink, Sky was the stallion who would laugh with such jokes. He was good at his job, and didn’t let ponies take him for a fool, since his blue eyes scouted everything in his path.

He wore the simple armor that all ponies in Luna’s regiment would be purposed with initially. Though they could request a different set of armor, or a different style such as Aster’s most didn’t due to the respect they had for the Princess. And while Aster respected Princess Luna with all her heart, she still didn’t want to wear something so dull. The armor was colored in a dark palette, completely clashing with Princess Celestia’s regiment of guards.

Yet the thestrals that Princess Luna occasionally recruited seemed to adore the armor, but Aster had different ideals and opinions than they did. The armor certainly did clash with Crimson Sky’s color scheme though, and he didn’t seem to mind the dark palette.

“Like what you see?” Sky asked with a confident smile on his muzzle.

“Don’t give yourself the pleasure, Sky.” Aster replied.

“Harsh,” He said with false feelings.

Aster cracked a smile making his own become warmer, yet they had now reached the large doors at the end of the barracks. The golden trim around the large mahogany doors did not make it seem less glamorous.

Crimson Sky let his magic wrap around the two large doors and opened them with ease, alerting the few inside of their presence.

“Ah, Crimson Sky and Aster Mark, We are glad thou has arrived. Please, sit...the meeting shall commence in mere minutes.” Their Princess spoke, turning back to the large window that overlooked the valley beneath.

Walking over to a cushioned chair, Aster sat down while Sky sat down next to her, both amazed at the room before them. Both had been inside before but it was still a sight to behold. The pillars that held up the ceiling still amazed them, due the beautiful carvings at the base and top of the pillars, along with the pillar itself being made from limestone.

The table that stretched out was polished and was a dark-brown, with a few splotches of red dotted around the wood. Underneath the beautiful table was a red rug, with golden tassels running across the edges of the rug. At each corners were intricate designs made of a different material, and the rug had been big enough for the chairs to fit on the. The walls stayed the same familiar marble, while the small mixtures of colors in the stone added to the presence of the room. The floor was made of polished granite, while at the corners of each square lay a smaller black square, turned to look like a diamond. The floor that rushed to meet the walls was black instead of white, and were cut into blocks about 6 inches wide and 16 inches long each.

As Princess Luna stared out the window, others Sergeant or of higher rank talked with each other quietly, as if to not disturb the Princesses own silence. Many more entered, and the last to enter was the stallion of the highest rank their currently was. This stallion was the First Lieutenant and his name was Obsidian Shield, currently in control of the whole regiment due to the paperwork for Captain of the regiment currently being set up. He was the most likely candidate for Captain.

His black coat seemed to be the reason for his name, along with the purple shield that rested on both of his flanks. The gray mane with small patches of a lighter-grey sat on his head along with being his tail. And his faded brown eyes made everypony still wonder how he even walked. The stallion could write, walk, and fight as if he wasn’t blind at all. Nopony knew as to how he did it though.

“First Lieutenant Obsidian Shield, thank thou for coming, thou arrived just on time. Now We can commence the meeting,” Princess Luna proclaimed, making all of them take off their helms in sync.

“Thou must be wondering why thou art here...and thy reason is Our sister has entrusted Us with the task of journeying to a peace summit with the Gryphons.” Princess Luna announced making a few widen their eyes.

“It truly shall pave thine path in this Guard, those who wilt be entrusted with this momentous task.” The Princess spoke making all nod.

“We shall be in Gryphonia for seven moons and suns, and thine who will accompany Us will personally be told by Us. Thou hast a week to say thine goodbyes and to prepare for thine journey. Thou art dismissed.” Princess Luna excused them, making all of them put on their helms in sync.

“First Lieutenant, please stay here.” Princess Luna asked making him nod.

Many of them wondered as to what she would ask him, what she wanted him to do that would not be required for everypony else to hear. Some looked confused while others looked curious, but everypony had respected the silent command by Princess Luna and returned to their offices.

And as Aster left with Crimson Sky at her right, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would be picked to accompany the Princess. Shaking her head in denial, Aster made her way to her office.

“See you later, Aster.” Crimson Sky waved.

“Until then,” Aster waved back.

Now entering her office, Aster sighed after staring at the large pile of paperwork on her wooden desk. Sighing, she trotted over before looking over most of it in an effortless manner.

“Today’s going to be a long day.”

“How do thou mean it, Sergeant Aster?”