The Misadventurs of SprungTrip

by Fredbear87

First published

This is my life abridged. In loving memory of Flapjack... #RIPTheMisadvetursofFlapjack why Cartoon Network...why

SugarNut trotted into her room. She opened the door and stood in shock. The grey pegasus rubbed her eyes. Nope this was real.

"Nutty this isn't what it looks like!" SpringTrap blushed.

SugarNut smiled chaoticly.

"Grinny what are you doing with Jeccepi?" SugarNut asked with a sly grin.

"Well-uhh..." The golden animatronic froze and stared with his hands behind his back.

The pegasus whipped out her smartphone. SNAP!

"This goes up on Hoofstigram." SugarNut laughed and trotted back down the hall.

SpringTrap stared for a while his face red as chili peppers.


Starring: My OC SugarNut

SpringTrap aka:Salvage from Five Nights at Freddy's 3

Rocky my rabbit

Princess Trollestistia

Also featuring: Fluttershy and Angel

Or is it me???

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SpringTrap wanted to say something for a while, about...well...the hat. He quickly found out that his winged equine friend was obsessed with the moose, reindeer, caribou thing. No one else seemed so interested in there own apparel. Any who it was finally time to figure out why SugarNut loved this thing, and SpringTrap wanted answers. The animatronic rabbit slowly crept up the stairs. He enterd the forbidden chambers wich was SugarNut's room. Sure enough, there was the hat hanging on the bedpost. SpringTrap picked it up. Just an ordinary wool hat nothing much. Then SpringTrap got an idea.

SugarNut trotted into her room. She opened the door and stood in shock. The grey pegasus rubbed her eyes. Nope this was real.

"Nutty this isn't what it looks like!" SpringTrap blushed.

SugarNut smiled chaoticly.

"Grinny what are you doing with Jeccepi?" SugarNut asked with a sly grin.

"Well uh..." The golden animatronic froze and stared with his hands behind his back.

The pegasus whipped out her smartphone. SNAP!

"This goes up on Hoofstigram." SugarNut laughed and trotted back down the hall.

SpringTrap stared for a while his face red as chili peppers.


SpringTrap frantically paced back and fourth.

"Ugh what have I done!" SpringTrap pulled at his ears.

His brain hatched reality and he ran downstairs.

"Why did you do that?!" SpringTrap shrieked.

"Chill I really didn't put that on Hoofstigram." SugarNut explained.


"Nah it's my wall paper, and a meme." SugarNut showed the robot her phone.

"Im so kawii?" SpringTrap read.

"Cool huh?" SugarNut asked.


"Hey I'm going to go see what Rocky is- OH GOD!" SugarNut and SpringTrap raced outside.

There rolling around in the dirt was Rocky and white rabbit fighting over a carrot. They snarled and nipped at eachother. Rocky got ontop the white rabbit and showed him his claws.

"Ich nehme Schlösser mit diesen!" Rocky said.

"STOP!" SugarNut yelled.

The two rabbits looked over at the peeved grey pegasus and a dissapointed looking animatronic hybrid. They both got up and brushed themselfs off.

"Ok so one im peeved! " SugarNut started. "Two! What are you saying!" SugarNut asked Rocky.

"I'm Sprechen der Sprache meines Volkes." Rocky proudly said.

"WHAAAAAT?" SugarNut cried.

SugarNut whipped out her phone.

"So you learned German?" SugarNut said.

"Ich auch." the white rabbit announced.

"Are you guys by any chance...Nazi zombies?" SugarNut whisperd.

They both shook there heads.

"Oh thank god." SugarNut took a sigh of relief. "Oh and Rocky your grounded until further notice."

The grey and white rabbit glanced at the ground. "Shneibe."

"And no more of that Spanish crap." SugarNut scolded.

The rabbit hopped inside.

"Angel?" a voice was heard above them.

Fluttershy flew down and landed softly.

"Oh hi I hope Angel wasn't any trouble." she said.

"Oh not at all." SugarNut replied. "Not at all."

"He just wanted to play with his buddies that's all." Fluttershy explained and grinned.

"Wait, BUDDIES!" SugarNut screamed.

About 50 rabbits emerged from the bushes.

"Hallo Freund!" they all said at once.

SugarNut ran inside the house screaming.

"Huh doesn't she know all rabbits speak German?" Fluttershy asked Angel. "Huh?"

She flew up into the air with Angel on her back.


SpringTrap sat watching Anìme.

"Watching Coarpse Party I see." the pegasus said from behind the couch. "Rad."

"What are you doing?" SpringTrap asked.

"The gods sent me to spy on you." SugarNut exlamed.


Suddenly Princess Celestia teleported into there house.

"So help me Salvage I will put you in a package and ship you to the moon." the white alicorn yelled.

SpringTrap had a confused look on his face.

"YOUR the reason I can't get past night five you troll!" Celestia growled.

SpringTrap gave a crooked confused look.

"You know Markiplier called you Bunnybitchballs right?!" The princess exclaimed.

"Who?" SpringTrap confusingly asked

"Anywho I will be confiscating these." Celestia levitated the remote and TV.

She then teleported of.

"She took the television." SpringTrap cried.

"AND OUR CEREAL AND CIDER!!!" SugarNut screamed.

"Well we need to get more." SpringTrap concluded. "How many bits you got?"

"Elevendy hundred." SugarNut said.

"One hundred and five." SpringTrap replied.

"How did you get all that money?" SugarNut asked. "You don't even work."

"Lets just say when some pony runs from me I earn another five cents." SpringTrap explained.

"Wow that's depressing." SugarNut commented.

"You know what I will go all the way to Canterlot and confront her myself!" SpringTrap said. "We definitely don't have enough money for a TV."

SpringTrap walked out the door.

"Ok good luck with that!" SugarNut yelled.

She closed the door and trotted to the couch. The pegasus kicked her hooves and relaxed.

"Bin ich unbegründet?" Rocky asked.

SugarNut turned to the rabbit.

"Why speak Spanish?" SugarNut asked.

"Wir alle tun." Rocky replied.

"Meh go play." SugarNut said.

"Weeee!" the rabbit hoped out the open window.

"Ok no TV, no Moutain Dew, and no Doritos. Can handle." SugarNut scanned the room.


"Please give the TV back." SpringTrap begged.

Princess Celestia smiled. "No."

"Comon it's not my fault!" SpringTrap cried.

"Your a jerk crawling through the vents. You cheater." Celesta was still staring at her phone.

"Im not doing anything I'm standing right here!" SpringTrap was now extemly confused.

A loud scream was heard from the Princess's phone. The alicorn threw it agenst a wall with rage. Her horn then glowed and SpringTrap had a yellow mist glowing around him.

"What are you doing?!" SpringTrap cried.

"Turning you to stone." Celestia replied.

Within seconds SpringTrap was a stone statue. Celestia took a permanent marker and wrote 'SprungTrip' across his forehead.

"I love my job." She said as she levated the stone statue into the garden.

To be continued...