
by AnnonyMouse

First published

Tyrant Skyfire has fallen. Queen Nightsong reigns over the land of beautiful, eternal night. This is an Alternate Universe story, but is it the true universe or a false one?

Alternate Universe. Ponies are anthropomorphic, and everything has changed from what is the 'true' Equestria.

Midnight Sparkle, the favored student of Queen Nightsong is sent to Ponyville to oversee the thousandth Never Sun Celebration. Midnight fears for the fortold return of the Tyrant Skyfire, and the threat of the searing sun that would scorch all life from the world...

Is the threat a truth? Or is it just an old mare's tale?

The Ancient Tablet

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

The following is inscribed in glyphs on ancient stone tablets.

One thousands years ago...

There were once two Princesses who ruled over the wonderful and peaceful land of E- 'scratch' -ia. Princess C- 'scratch' -tia, who brought forth the 'scratch' each and every day, and her younger sister, Princess 'scratch', who brought forth the moon each and every night.

The ponies who lived in this land toiled and worked hard, slaving for the joys and amusement of Princess Cel- 'scratch'.

They rested and relaxed through the peaceful nights under the ever protective and caring eye of Princess 'scratch' -na.

While the ponies loved the peaceful, cool nights, they feared and dreaded the hot and burning days.

At the time, balance was maintained, and all ponies walked on four hooves, more as domesticated animals than sentient beings.

They knew no better, for this was how it had been sense the beginning of E- 'scratch' -ia.

But as time went, the elder sister grew resentful of the love her younger sister received. “Why should the ponies love the dark nights? They live and work during my beautiful, warm days, but shun and hide from my 'scratch'.” Her resentment grew till her anger and hatred grew.

“If they cannot love my days, then I will make the ponies love them.” She then refused to lower the 'scratch' to make way for the night.

The younger sister pleaded and begged for the older sister's mercy, but none was to be shown.

The heat from the 'scratch' started to wilt the plants and turn them brown. The clouds in the sky burned away, providing no shade from the relentless heat.

Finally, Princess C- 'scratch' -tia's anger at her sister grew till she transformed into the wicked monster, 'scratch scratch scratch' ~Tyrant Skyfire~. She brought forth ancient and powerful magic from the age of Discord to murder her younger sister.

To fight back, Princess 'scratch' -na had tr transform herself into 'scratch scratch scratch' ~Princess Nightsong~ and call upon the blessings of the Elements of Harmony.

The battle was fierce, but in the end, 'scratch scratch scratch' ~Princess Nightsong~ won, the love and admiration of all the ponies of 'scratch' -stria giving her the strength she needed.

Being the kind and merciful of the two sisters, 'scratch scratch scratch' ~Princess Nightsong~ imprisoned her sister in the 'scratch' ~Neversky~ for time eternal.

With her final breath, 'scratch scratch scratch' ~Tyrant Skyfire~ swore she would one day return to burn the skies, and all life from the world.

(A huge section of the stone glyphs are missing here, replaced by the following less aged ones on a 'newer' tablet.)

Princess Nightsong, now alone, banished the fire from the sky and created a second moon, one that shone with a soft silver light. The silver moon was bright enough to live by during the night, but not hot like the orb of fire.

To keep the world warm, the newly entitled Queen Nightsong called upon her sister's magic of fire to warm the world from within.

A final act of her divine powers was to set into motion a spell that would break the spells Tyrant Skyfire had long held over all ponies, keeping them in the shape of animals. Over the next two hundred years, Ponies evolved from quadrupedal beasts to the bipedal ponies with hand rather than hooves they are today.

To this day, Queen Nightsong rules the land of Evernight, free from they tyranny of of the burning orb of fire and its tyrannical regent, Tyrant Skyfire.

The remainder of the stone tablets are totally destroyed and unreadable. A shame, as this shows the 'true' history of Evernight.
To Be Started:

Midnight Sparkle

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.

Alternate reality story, where the ponies are anthropomorpic (bipedal with hands, three fingers and a thumb). History is different from the Equestria we all know and love.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

The lunar phase for the night was to be a clear full moon.

This pleased a young Unicorn as she rolled over in bed. “Such a bright, beautiful moon tonight.” She smiled and threw off her blanket before sitting up, letting her hooves touch the still cool black marble floor of her home.

She stood up, stretching her arms over her head before walking to the window and fully throwing open the curtains, allowing the silver light to wash over her slender form. She had a most beautiful view of the full moon raising over the ebony towers of Lunaris Castle, and beyond, the Everwild forest.

“Ah, a brand new night. The stars are pretty bright. Queen Nightsong must be up too something. Then again, it is coming up on the Summer Never Sun Festival.”

“Midnight?” A small voice hissed from a basket at the hoof of her bed.

Midnight glanced back a moment at the feather winged serpent as his head poked into view. “Good evening Spike.” She smiled as she turned to her wardrobe. “What should I wear today?” She pulled out two sleeveless, long jackets. “The usual Lunar Grey or my new one with the silver star embroidery.”

“Why do you always ask me? I think you should wear something that matches your mane for a change.”

“School rules Spike. We can only so so much customizing to our uniforms.” Midnight giggled and threw on the knee length jacket with the stars. Other than the jacket, all she had was her lavender coat covering her body, which was what most ponies tended to wear. “If I wear clothing, it has to be a school uniform while on Academy grounds.”

Spike's thin, forked tongue stuck out for a moment as he lifted from the bed, his small feathered wings only flapping occasionally to help with movement. The yard long, slender serpent sighed. His crimson and black scales catching the moon's light. “What do you want for breakfast today?”

“Hmm, Eggs and hash browns. Oh, and we may as well use up the last of the bacon.” Midnight smiled as she started combing her waist length, neatly cut mane.

“Of course.” He smiled and flew out the bedroom door.

Midnight Sparkle gave her tail a quick comb before walking out the door herself. Her cloven hooves making not a sound on the stone floor.

As she entered the kitchen, she was greeted to the smell of bacon and eggs frying up.

“You know Midnight? I've always wondered why you like meat. It's not that common for ponies to eat.” Spike asked.

“I never told you?” She blinked.

“Not really. Guess I never really thought about it, but then, when you created me, I didn't think much at all back then.

Midnight nodded her understanding and poured herself a cup of coffee with her magic, black and strong. At the same time, she tossed a couple pieces of sliced bread into a device she had created to toast it evenly and quickly.

She glanced at Spike as he worked. “Well, you see, we ponies have been slowly evolving over these last thousand years, since Queen Nightsong defeated Tyrant Skyfire and broke the spell over all ponies that kept us trapped as quadrupedal beasts with a forced innocent understanding of the world around us. We only ate plants back then, and we were often prey for dangerous beasts.” She sipped her coffee. “But with the spell removed, our evolution has started to catch up to where it truly should be. Those of us who can eat meat are where the Pony race should be. We're also smarter, larger and pretty much better than how we once had been.” Midnight held up her hands. “For starters, these were once hooves, totally useless for anything but walking and pawing at the ground.”

“So, it's natural that you can eat meat. So, how many can?”

“Oddly, it's mostly Unicorn Ponies, but there are some Pegasus and the rare Earth Pony who can digest meat. They're usually ones with strong innate or even active magical abilities of their own.”

“I see.” Spike nodded.

“I hope that answers your question.” Midnight smiled as Spike nodded.

As Midnight sat down, she picked up a book she had left on the table the night before. “Ugh... I have that essay due today.”

“You finished it last night, remember?” Spike served up the perfect fried eggs, bacon and a good serving of hash browns.

The toast popped up and was quickly buttered.

“I know... But, I'm still nervous. This is an essay about the Tyrant Princess from a thousand years ago.” Midnight opened the book to a page she had marked. “This book is old, and it details a different story than the one taught in history class.”

Spike flicked his tongue as he curled up on the table, his head a foot off the surface. He eyed the book. “Where did you find that? What's it say about Tyrant Skyfire?”

“Well, I didn't include anything from this book in the essay, but in here, it detailed the Tyrant as being Princess Nightsky's elder sister, and regent of the Sun.” She leaned back and crossed her legs. A piece of bacon floated into her mouth. “Just once I wish you could get my bacon right. Crispy without being burned.”

“Hello, I have no hands like you do. I have to use my tail. Anyway... what's a Sun? I know about this Never Sun festival thing, but I really don't know what the sun is.”

“It's like the Moon, only it's so bright that it can hide the stars. It's so hot that it can scorch the land and burn the world to ash.” Midnight shuddered. “Could you imagine if Tyrant Skyfire were to ever return?” She flipped the page and read some more. Her face suddenly paled. “No... Impossible.”

“What is it Mid?” Spike asked, peaking over to see the book's contents. “A threat from Skyfire... On the thousandth year, she promises to return and bring forth the Sun?”

Spike literally sprung back. “How long ago was she defeated by Queen Nightsong?”

“The Lunar calendar shows this is the thousandth year of our Queen's reign.” Midnight replied as she continued reading through the book. “Odd, it refers to Queen Nightsong as... Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna, and Tyrant Skyfire as Princess Celestia. I know I've heard those names before.” She nearly rushed from the table, staying only long enough to quickly eat her breakfast, chewing properly. She hated wasting good food.

After that, she rushed down to the eighth floor of her home, which was on the top floor of the School of Magic. Being the highest ranking and most favoured of the Queen's personal apprentices had certain advantages. One being allowed to convert the library's attic into her own private home, among others.

She jumped over a railing, a pair of shimmering silver fathered wings appeared behind her, allowing her to fly freely to the fourth floor where she landed and started looking over the titles. “The legend of Nightmare Moon...” She grinned and pulled the book from the shelf. She levitated the book open and started skimming through the pages.

“Hmm, according to this, Queen Nightsong was once known as Princess Luna, who ruled the night while her elder sister, Princess Celestia, ruled the day.” Midnight blinked. “Day, I've heard that term before as well.” She shrugged and kept reading. “While the ponies lived and were active during the day, under the Sun, they hid and slept through Luna's dark nights. Over time, the young Princess's heart started to become dark and filled with hate. The elder sister tried to reason with her younger sister, but to no avail. The young one's heart had become so dark that she transformed into a wicked mare known as Nightmare Moon.”

Midnight scratched her head a little. This was NOT at all what the history books had described, but then, this was a section for 'fictional' books and false legends.

She resumed reading. “The elder sister, Tyrant Skyfire, used an ancient magic known as Discord to try to restore her sister to being subservient?” Midnight paused. “This story never said anything about the younger sister being a servant, but it said they were shared rulers...” She examined the book, noting the slight change in both handwriting and writing style.

“The story has been changed?” She frowned, but read on. “Princess Nightsong called upon the Blessings of Harmony and fought back, defeating the elder sister, entrapping her forever in the Neversky, deep within the world, where she was bound to warm the world for all eternity.”

Again Midnight scratched her head. “This makes no sense... Oh, there's more.” She flipped the page. “Tyrant Skyfire swore she would return in a thousand years and bring fire to the sky.” Midnight frowned. The story had been tampered with. “Well... I know there's no other copy of this book in this library.” She snapped the book closed and placed it back on the shelf.

Her wings spread and she returned to the top floor of the library and reentered her home. “Spike?”

“Yes Midnight?” He poked his head out of the kitchen.

“I'm going out for a bit.” She strapped on her leather bracers and fetlock covers before approaching the window. Her horn glowed and a satchel flew to her. She caught the strap and threw it over her shoulder. She never went out without the contents of this bag.

“I'll be here, like always.”

“I'll bring you back some fresh mice if I get the chance.” She flashed a grin, her small fangs glinting in the light. She then stepped out onto the balcony, her wings spreading wide, and she flew off.

While the Academy Library may be lacking the book, perhaps the Royal Library would have an unaltered version, and if not there, they in her Mistress's private library.

She landed outside the gates and cancelled the spell that granted her wings. She knew the Pegasai Guards HATED seeing her walk around with them. They'd often harass her about 'pretending to be royalty' while the spell was active. Magic and flight combined were supposed to be available only to the Queen after all.

Still, Queen Nightsong had personally taught her the spell.

Midnight just decided to not show the spell off in their presence. It made things easier for her. She walked through the halls of the castle, surprising the occasional servant or guard as she appeared around a corner without any warning.

By the Moon, she loved her enchanted ponyshoes.

Finally she reached the castle library. She walked toward the doors but the guards blocked her path, spears crossing and leathery wings spreading before the small mare, baring her passage.

“What is the meaning of this?” Midnight demanded. “You do know who I am, don't you?”

“Sorry Miss Sparkle, but you are currently banned from the Library. You are to report personally to Queen Nightsong immediately.”

“Banned? What for?”

“You will have to ask her Highness.” The armoured Pegasus glared at her.

“Fiiine.” Midnight fumed and turned. She paused and glared back at the guard. “This had better not be some prank.”

The looks on their faces were stern. Of course, the Royal Guard never joked around.

Twilight walked through the halls toward the throne room. This early in the night, the Queen would be present, but not busy with visitors... yet. She finally reached the open doors and glanced at the guards. Neither made a move to block her.

“Queen Nightsong.” Midnight strode to the base of the throne steps and bowed on one knee. “I have been barred entry into the Royal Library. Might I know the reason why?”

“Ah, my dear Midnight Sparkle.” Queen Nightsong smiled at her prized apprentice. “I know you well enough that if you enter, I would have difficulty in giving you a task that shall take you from the walls of this city.”

“A task?” Midnight looked up at the Queen, her black coat, deep night sky mane and green dragon eyes. “Might I know what this task is?”

“I wish for you to oversee the preparations of the thousandth Summer Never Sun Festival. This year it will be held in Ponyville.”

Midnight paled. “Of course... the legend of Tyrant Skyfire... She threatened to return after a thousand years...”

“You need not worry about such events. A threat is just that. A threat. My elder sister, Tyrant Skyfire, remains sealed in Neversky. The task I have set before you is important, and you should be honoured that I have chosen you.”

“I am deeply honoured my Queen.” Midnight bowed again. “I will do what I must to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.”

“Do what you must. Oh yes, I do believe you have been burying yourself in your studies far too much of late. Did you study through your sixteenth birthday last week?”

Midnight winced. “I'm sixteen now?” She pulled out a small crystal and tapped it, a magic projection of a book appeared, showing a calendar. “Oh wow... that's three years in a row.”

Nightsong chuckled. “Oh Midnight, what will I do with you.”

“You can rely on me to take care of these preparations. After... Can I get back to some research I'm performing? I need access to the royal library.”

“I will think about it.” Nightsong held up a scroll. “This is all the information you will be needing.” She levitated it into Midnight's grasp.

“Thank you my Queen.”

Nightsong nodded and dismissed her apprentice with a wave of her hand.

Spike was draped over Midnight's shoulder as she packed her belongings. All her belongings.

“Midnight? What's going on?”

The mare sighed. “Well, Queen Nightsong is sending me to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Never Sun Festival preparations... Also, I'm being transferred there as a permanent replacement for their now dead town magi and librarian.” Midnight fumed. “What about my studies?”

“Didn't your instructions state that you're to continue them in your new home?”

“Ponyville? Ville? VILLAGE? What can I do in some small muddy hole what I've never heard of before.”

“Hmm, should have made you study more than magic and the history of Evernight.”

“Why do you say that? I must have done SOMETHING to anger the Queen to be banished to a village full of uneducated country bumpkins...”

“Actually, from what I know of it, they produce most of the apples we eat here, as well as milk, beef, bacon, and plenty of other foods you enjoy.”

Midnight sighed as she stuffed over a hundred books into a travel bag, without it even showing a hint of holding much at all. “Well, I guess the food won't be bad... but I'll be surrounded by farmers and ranchers. I won't be able to have a single intelligent conversation.”

“Hey, what about me?”

“No offence Spike, but I know everything you know already. I created you, remember?”

“You'd think so, but I know more about the layout of Evernight than you do. That, and the fact that Ponyville has quite an extensive library, and the fact that it was home to a wizard who lived to nearly two hundred years of age. You've heard of Spells Caster?”

“Small time magi who's only real achievement was to slow his own aging process when an experiment of his went wrong. He was trying to make a new, less burning mouth wash.” Midnight eyed Spike. “A feat he was never able to duplicate again, not to mention the fact that he slowed his aging when he was already a hundred years old. Another fact, Spells Caster was an Earth Pony. He couldn't actually cast spells, but was more of an alchemist.”

“Oh...” Spike chuckled. “So, if you could go anywhere in Evernight, where would you go?”

“Hmm...” Midnight paused and threw open the book again, hearing only Evernight, which sparked a thought. “Evernight... According to the book, see here? This land was once called Equestria. None of this makes sense. What if Tyrant Skyfire really does come back? What will we do if she sets the sky on fire?”

“Um... Well, I think we'd all be burned to a crisp faster than bacon when it falls in the stove.” Spike replied dryly. “So then we'd have nothing to worry about.”

“You don't get it Spike.” She pointed at the diagram in the book. “Look, this depiction of a flaming sphere and this one, the moon. I'm not sure the sun would burn everything to a crisp, not unless the history we know is true.”

Spike flicked his tongue again. “When Tyrant Skyfire went mad and tried to use the sun to burn the world and Princess Nightsong had to stop her using the Blessings of Harmony?”

“Exactly. If our history is the correct one, and if she does come back on the thousandth celebration...”

Spike paused. “But isn't the one coming up the thousandth?”

“Exactly... I think we should warn Queen Nightsong. Take a letter please.”

Spike nodded and flew to the desk. He dipped the tip of his tail into an ink well and waited.

“Your Royal highness, Queen Nightsong.”

“I have discovered some odd information concerning Tyrant Skyfire. I feel that she may be trying to make a return. I do not know what her intentions would be after a thousand years, but I can assume it would not be good.”

“I await your advice.”

“Humbly yours, Midnight Sparkle.”

Midnight checked the letter over and nodded. “Send it.”

Spike nodded and breathed a small burst of green flames, sending the scroll off. “So, now we wait?”

“Yes, we wait till she responds. I know she trusts my intuition... I just hope she responds quickly.” (Even if she did tell me she has it all under control...)

Spike's eyes went wide at that moment and he belched out the same green fire and a scroll appeared. “That was quick...”

Midnight took the scroll and opened it. “Midnight Sparkle. Concerning your research, I am well aware of the situation and have it well under control. The Tyrant's threat is not one you need concern yourself over. Queen Nightsong of Evernight. P.S. You do not want to be late. I have dispatched a chariot to bring you to Ponyville. It will be arriving within the hour.”

Midnight sighed and tossed the scroll into her bag, then got back to packing. “Well... I guess I'll just have to have faith in our Queen.”

To Be Continued...

Midnight Sparkle moves to Ponyville, and checks up on the preparations for the Summer Never Sun Celebration. She meets some ponies through the course of the day before finally making an unpleasant discovery... She will be living in a tree.

Welcome to Ponyville

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

Ponyville came into view, along the edge of the Everwild Woods, and from the sky, it was larger and more colourful than what Midnight Sparkle had been thinking.

Spike noted this as well. “It doesn't look so bad, does it?”

“Well...” Midnight wondered as the chariot approached for a landing, right in the centre of town.

A few ponies bothered to take notice as the ebony and silver craft landed.

The driver had landed so softly that Midnight barely felt the contact with the ground. He glanced back from his seat and nodded. “It's safe to disembark.”

Midnight nodded and stepped down. “Thank you for the smooth ride.” She then looked around town, pulling out her agenda scroll. “Well, now that we are here, we may as well get to work. Maybe this town's old librarian was competent and kept some old books I can use to research Tyrant Skyfire.” She walked away as the chariot took to the sky again.

Without looking back, she walked through the town. “Well... It's not quite what I expected from a farming community.”

Spike nodded. “Sure looks nice.”

“Not at all what I'm used too, but I guess I have to adapt.” She walked on, chatting with Spike about various things she observed a taller Earth Pony walked up. She was pretty much all pink, and with her closed eyes, it was impossible to tell what colour those were.

“May as well try to make a good impression.” Spike suggested.

Midnight sighed and stepped forward. “Hello. I'm Midnight Sparkle and I'm...”

She didn't get to finish as the wavy maned, all pink pony gasped and rushed off, moving insanely fast.

“Well that didn't go as I had hoped...”

“First on the list... Banquet preparations at Sweet Apple Acres.” Midnight read off her agenda.

Up ahead she spotted an orange coated mare spin kick a tree, dislodging a fair number of apples, which somehow fell flawlessly into the baskets that rested on the ground.

The mare adjusted her stetson and grinned, then spotted the stranger. She walked up to Midnight. “Howdy Partner.” She grabbed Midnight's hand and shook it vigorously. “Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Ah'm Applejack. What can Ah do ya for?” The tall mare grinned down at the much shorter Midnight.

“Ah, well, I'm Midnight Sparkle and I was sent here from Lunaris Castle to oversee the Summer Never Sun festival preparations. Would you be the one in charge of the food?”

“Sure as apples Ah am. Ya'll come t' sample some of our goods?”

“Well I...”

“One sec.” The blond mare turned and bellowed out at the top of her lungs. “Soup's on everypony!”

From the farmhouse, barn, other building and from throughout the orchard came a whole lot of Earth ponies. Midnight was nearly trampled as they rushed forward to surround a large table.

“Now why don't Ah introduce ya'll t' th' Apple family.” Applejack grinned as she pushed Midnight down onto the bench.

“Thanks, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.” Midnight started, but was ignored as ponies started piling food on the table and taking their seats.

“This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Scooter, Apple Tart, Baked Apple, Cinnamon Crisp...” She paused to take a breath before continuing. “Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom aaand...” She shoved an apple into Midnight's hands. “Granny Smith.” She said with pride

“Uh... I see you have everything in hand here... I really should be on my way...”

The cute young red headed Apple Bloom looked up at Midnight, her amber eyes big and round. “Ain't ya gonna stay fer brunch?” She blinked cutely a few times.

Midnight's tone softened as she spoke. “Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.”

All the apple family looked disappointed. Awww.”

Midnight resigned to give a sigh of defeat. “Fiiine...”


“Food's all taken care of.” Spike stated. “Next is weather.”

Midnight groaned as she walked along behind the fluttering serpent. “I ate too much pie...” She rubbed her slightly rounded belly.

Spike ignored Midnight's complaining and looked up at the lightly clouded sky. “Hmm, there's supposed to be a Pegasus named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.”

Midnight looked up as well. “Well, she's certainly not doing her job.”

Before she could say another thing, she was tackled clean off her hooves and splattered into a mud puddle.

Midnight lifted her face from the mud as somepony got off her back. She was greeted by a chuckle. “Excuse me” And another chuckle. The pony, a cyan coated Pegasus lifted off the ground, ignoring the mud that coated herself. “Let me help you.” She chuckled and flew off and grabbed a nearby cloud.

A moment later she was back, and slammed her hooves into it, causing a heavy rain to douse Midnight, washing much of the mud off her.

“Oops, guess I overdid it.” She paused to think while Midnight stood up, looking none too pleased with the situation. “Um... How about this?” With blinding speed, she whipped up a whirlwind around Midnight, drying her out and blowing clean the remainder of the mud. “My very own patented Rain Blow Dry.” She landed gently. “No no, no need to thank me, you're quite welcome.”

She then got a look at Midnight's 'mangled' mane and tail. Her eyes teared up a moment before she collapsed laughing her ass off. Spike took a look and joined her on the ground laughing.

“Let me guess, you're Rainbow Dash...” She spoke in an unamused tone.

Dash was back on her hooves in a flash, a hand on her chest as she proclaimed proudly. “The one and only.” She hopped up and hovered in the air. “Why, you heard of me?”

“I heard you're supposed to be keeping the sky clear.” She sighed then put on a friendly face. “I'm Midnight Sparkle, and the Queen has sent me to check on the weather.”

Dash had already hopped up on the low cloud and was lounging on it. “Yea yea, that'll be a snap. I'll take care of that in a jiffy. Just as soon as I'm done practising.”

“Practising for what?” Midnight asked.

Dash rolled over and peered down at Midnight. “The Shadowbolts.” She grinned and pointed at a nearby poster of the most famous flight and entertainment team in all of Evernight. “They're going to perform at the Celebration.” She back flipped off the cloud, only to land on another cloud. “And I'm going to show them my stuff.”

“THE Shadowbolts?” Midnight gave a doubtful look as Dash kicked back and relaxed on the cloud, her arms behind her head.

“Yup.” Dash replied confidently.

“The most talented flyers in all of Evernight?”

“That's them.”

“Pfff.” Midnight scoffed. “Please, they'd never accept a Pegasus who can't even keep the skies clear for one measly day.”

THIS got Dash's attention and she sat up, kneeling and looking over the edge of the cloud. “Hey, I can clear this sky in ten seconds flat.”

Midnight narrowed her eyes, and with a grin spoke in a semi mocking, semi challenging tone. “Prove it.”

Dash stared at Midnight for a split second, then grinned as she took to the sky. Her speed was amazing as she tore apart the clouds, dissipating them with great skill. “Loop de loop around and WHAM!” With that, the sky over Ponyville was cleared of clouds. “What'd I say. Ten. Seconds. Flat.” She grinned at Midnight. “I'd never leave Ponyville hanging.”

Midnight and Spike could only stare, their jaws hanging loose.

“Haha. You should see the look on your face.” She flew around and settled next to the lavender mare. “You're a laugh Midnight Sparkle. I can't wait to hang out some more.” With that, Rainbow Dash shot of and was gone before Midnight had even recovered.

Ponyville Town Hall.

“Decorations.” Spike looked at the agenda as Midnight neared the location of the actual celebration. “Wow, nice.”

The interior of the interior of the building was decorated with dark blue and black banners displaying the symbol of the moon.

“This should be quick.” Midnight smirked. “Quite nice indeed. I'll be at the Library in no time.” She then spotted a tall, white coated Unicorn mare tending to the decorations, using her hands and her magic to perform the task.

The Unicorn was picking through various ribbons for the finishing touches. “No... No, no... Goodness no.”

Midnight walked up and smiled. “Good afternoon.”

“Just a moment please. I'm in the zone, as it t'were.” She selected a beautiful shimmering black ribbon that caught the moonlight just so. “Sparkles always does the trick, does it not?.” She smiled. “Why Rarity,
you are a talent.” She finally turned around to face Midnight. “Now, how can I help YouuuAAAHH!” She jumped, crying in shock at the disarrayed state of Midnight's mane.

“Oh my stars, Darling. Whatever happened to your cuafeur?” (A/N I know I spelled this wrong.)

“Oh, you mean my mane?” Midnight cringed a little, having forgotten her little 'incident' with Rainbow Dash. “Well, it's a long story.” She deadpanned before 'looking' friendly again. “I'm just here to check on the decorations and then I'll be out of your hair.”

Rarity had a somewhat bothered look on her face. “Out of MY hair? What about YOUR hair?” She grabbed Midnight's hand and started pulling her along.

“Wait, where are we going?” Midnight asked, a worried tone in her voice. “Help!” She whimpered, staring at Spike.

“What do you expect me to do?” He gestured to his considerably smaller size.

Rarity's Boutique.

Rarity had pulled Midnight's jacket and bag off and set them aside. Midnight stood in front of a rather impressive mirror that HAD to be very expensive.

The white Unicorn tried on different outfits on the smaller lavender unicorn

“No no no. To green. To yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. To shiny...” Each was with another odd or extravagant outfit.

Finally Rarity stopped with a beautiful white gown studded with gems, and a choker baring a large emerald set into it.

“Now go on my dear. You were telling me where your from.” She paused and tightened the corset.

Gasping between words as the corset made it hard to breath, Midnight spoke. “I've... been... sent... from... Lunaris... too”

“Huh?” Rarity's fingers slipped from the laces and she stepped back. “Lunaris?” She exclaimed excitedly. “Why I'm so envious. The glamour, the sophistication. I've always dreamed of living there.” She smiled and placed a hand on Midnight's slender shoulder. “I can't wait to hear ALL about it. We're going to be the best of friends, you and I.”

Midnight was a little too stunned to say anything as Rarity's eyes fell on the choker.

“Emeralds? What WAS I thinking. Let me get you some rubies.” She trotted quickly into the back room.

“Quick. Before she decided to dye my coat a new colour.” She snatched Spike and ran out the front door, leaving the pretty outfit behind.

Having escaped Rarity and her overzealous nature, Midnight walked down the road, Spike once again draped over her shoulder, holding her agenda scroll with the tip of his tail.

“What's next on the list?” Midnight asked as she took it and read it over. “Ah, music. It's the last one.” She smiled in spite of herself.

She suddenly paused as she heard... was it? Yes, it was. Birds chirping an oddly melodic song. Following the sounds, Midnight and Spike came across an odd scene.

A tall, very slender and beautiful Pegasus Pony was actually directing birds in song. Her insanely long, soft pink mane reached down to the back of her knees, with more hanging over her shoulder. Her butter yellow coat matched her light green, breezy dress perfectly.

As the pair watched, they heard one bird singing out of tune.

“Oh my.” The Pegasus whimpered a little, but smiled softly. “Um, stop please everyone.” She walked up to the low branch and actually spoke to the bird, which didn't seem at all frightened by her at all. “Excuse me sir. I mean no offence, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off.” She then stepped back to her original position. “Now, follow me please. A one, a two, a one two three...”

“Hello.” Midnight called out, stepping forward.

The Pegasus let out a startled cry and spun around. The birds all scattered into the surrounding trees.

“Oh my, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten your birds.” She smiled sheepishly. “I'm just here to check up on the music and it sounded wonderful.”

The Pegasus stood there, peeking shyly through her mane, her hoof nervously tapping the ground as she tugged lightly at her mane.

Midnight grinned nervously and glanced around a moment before continuing. “I'm Midnight Sparkle. What's your name?”

In a very soft voice, the Pegasus spoke. “Um... I'm Flutt...” Her voice died off to a very soft whisper.

“I'm sorry, what was that?”

The Pegasus mumbled softly and backed away.

“Didn't quite catch that.” Midnight took a small step forward.

The Pegasus, even though she was taller than Midnight, shrunk back and whimpered, looking almost frightened.

After an awkward moment of silence, Midnight noticed the birds were returning. “Well, um, it looks like your birds are back.” She stepped back a little. “So I guess everything is in order. Keep up the good work.”

The Pegasus whimpered again.

“Ooo-kay...” Midnight backed away more before retreating to where Spike had just finished eating something small and most likely furry. “Well that was easy.”

Suddenly the Pegasus jumped up and looked excited. “Oh my! A winged serpent?” She rushed over, nearly tackling Midnight aside.

Midnight hopped aside as this odd mare started talking to her familiar. “I've never seen a winged serpent before.” Her face became one of cuteness and adoration. “He's so cute.”

Spike grinned at Midnight and in a cocky tone and a matching grin, he spoke. “Well well well.

“Oh my. He talks.” The mare looked excited. “I didn't know fathered serpents could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful. I just don't even know what to say.” Her somewhat small dragon wings fluttered gently, but she stayed on the ground.

Snagging Spike with her magic, Midnight tossed him over her shoulders. “Well in that case, we better be going.” She smiled and started walking away.

“Wait, wait. What's his name?” The mare started following the pair, no longer afraid or shy.

“I'm Spike.” The small snake replied, happy that SOMEPONY was paying him some attention.

“Hi Spike. I'm Fluttershy.” She beamed happily. “Wow” A talking serpent, and what do serpents talk about?”

“Well, what do you want to know?”

“Absolutely everything.”

Midnight groaned and rolled her eyes, but didn't stop Spike from having his conversation.

“...and that's the story of my whole life.” Spike finished his story just as they came within sight of the library sign.

“I am SOO sorry. Now did we get here so fast.” Midnight grinned as she stepped around the corner.

That grin faded instantly as she saw the library sign was in front of a very large... tree.

Sure, the tree had a front door and many windows, and even a balcony, but... it was a TREE.

“What is that?” Midnight asked nopony in particular, her tone quite deadpan.

“That's Ponyville's library.” Fluttershy answered. “It's so sad. Old Spells Caster used to live there till he fell ill. He was taken to the hospital where he... where he...”

“Died, I'm aware of that.” Midnight sighed. “Is this where I'm going to be living?”

“Looks that way.” Spike replied.

Midnight turned to Fluttershy. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to walk us here.”

“Oh it was no trouble at all. I really enjoyed listening to Spike tell me all about his life.” She eyed Midnight in wonder. “Did you really create him?”

“Well, of course. It was part of my entry exam into the Arcane Academy.” Midnight replied. “Well, I have a lot of things I need to take care of so I'll be going now. Thank you again.” Midnight then headed inside, slamming the door behind her.

“Huh, rude much?” Spike glared at Midnight.

Her voice softened as she spoke. “Sorry Spike, but I have to convince the Queen that Tyrant Skyfire is coming and we're running out of time. I just need to be alone and have time to study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now where's the light?” She asked, looking around the oddly dark library.

At that moment, the lights came on. Streamer and balloons were everywhere. The entire library proper was filled with pony folk, many of whom were holding various noise makers. A moment later, they all yelled “SURPRISE!!!”

Midnight was only startled for a moment, then promptly face palmed.

Midnight knew she would get no studying done with this insane party going on. She walked toward the decent looking buffet table.

She then spotted a familiar pink Earth Pony skipping over.

“Surprise.” She greeted. “I'm Pinkamena and I threw this party just for you.” She sounded cheerful, but not insanely so.

“I... Must say I was very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet.” She ended her sentence in a deadpan tone.

“Oh come on now. This is your welcome party. What kind of party would it be if it was quiet?” Pinkamena lead Midnight over to the buffet, and talked as they went. “Don't you remember when we first met? I mean, I guess I was just really surprised that our new town wizard is an actual Unicorn. The old one was a dried up old Earth Pony. He must have been a hundred years old.

“Two hundred actually.” Midnight said, not even realizing she had joined the conversation.

“Oh, well, that explains a lot. Anyway, When I saw you I thought you were all alone, so I invited everypony here so you could meet them and maybe make some friends.”

Midnight looked at the pink pony. “Thank you for the sentiment, but I do prefer my peace and quiet.”

“You sound like Old Spells Caster, which is an odd name really. He never did cast any actual spells.” Pinkamena replied, a pondering look oh her face. “Anyway, I threw this party all for you. Here, have something to eat. What do you like?”

Midnight looked over the buffet and frowned. There was no meat anywhere. No small sausages. No tidbits of bacon wrapped beef. Nothing. It was all baked goods, chips, dips, pop.

“Go on, have something to eat.”

“Um, I kind of have a preference for meat actually.” Midnight spoke softly, not wanting to startle anypony. She knew that there were still many who didn't think ponies should eat meat at all and were quite disturbed by the fact that some did have that dietary preference.

“Oh, that's at the end of the table.” Pinkamena dragged Midnight over to the small section.

Sure, it was small, but the selection looked pretty good.

“So you can eat meat too?” Pikamina asked curiously.

Midnight blinked and looked at Pinkamena. She only now noticed the small fangs in her mouth as she grinned wide. “Of course. At least twenty percent of Unicorns can.”

“Wow, that's so cool. I have some other friends who can eat it as well.” She waved a hand at some familiar looking ponies. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy. “See? And they're all great ponies. I know we can be great friends.”

Midnight hung her head and sighed. “Hello again.”

They were all really nice ponies, each in their own ways. Midnight had never actually been to a party before, and she found herself having fun. So much fun that she didn't realize the time till she happened to glance at the old grandfather clock in the corner of the room.

“Three past midnight?” She sighed and found her way to a door that opened at her touch. She felt the magic and smiled. She passed through and closed the door behind her. The sound from the party didn't penetrate the solid wooden walls.

It was strange inside this tree, but clean. The walls were grown into their form as opposed to being carved. There was even beautiful, cream coloured patterns, like the flows of magic, all over the walls.

Best of all, after casting a few small spells, Midnight couldn't detect any rodents or pests infesting the place.

She passed the living level, with a small kitchen and eating area, and a nice bathroom with all the enmities, especially the large bathtub.

The bedroom was a two level room. The lower area was a large study, living area and library all in one. A windowed door lead out onto a balcony she had seen earlier. A loft above held the bed, under a large window that faced the direction of the rising moon. The walls were either covered in patterns, or even more bookshelves.

“This looks... nice.” Midnight was actually impressed. Still, she was tired. She climbed the stairs to the bed and paused. Her clothing was still back at Rarity's Boutique. She sighed and flopped down on the bed. “Here I thought I'd have time to learn more about Tyrant Skyfire, but, silly me, all this ridiculous partying has kept me from it.”

She rubbed her temples, glad she had stayed away from the punch. She had seen some purplish pony pour something into it, and soon after, things started getting... entertaining. She was just glad she had manged to escape to where she couldn't be followed.

Tomorrow night would be the Summer Never Sun Celebration. She had all day to research, right?

To Be Continued...

Author's notes:
~Drops empty coffee cup on pinkie toe.~ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!!!!!
That is all. Thank you.

Artwork of the Mane Six can be found at inkbunny.net/annonymouse


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Pinkamena wiped her brow. “Wow, I can't say I've seen that much of a mess for quite some time.”

“Thank you again Pinkamena.” Midnight tied the last bag before removing her cleaning gloves.

“Coffee's ready.” Spike called from upstairs.

Midnight smiled. “Oh finally. Would you care for some coffee?” She asked Pinkamena.

“I've only had three cups this morning, so sure.” The pink manes pony smiled and followed Midnight up the stairs. “You know, I've never been up here before. Spells Caster never left the living area door open.”

Midnight shrugged. “I can't blame him. He was the town's 'wizard' before me. I'll most likely be leaving it closed and locked most of the time as well.” She entered the kitchen and set the pot and ladle back where it belonged.

The pair sat down and enjoyed their coffee. Midnight drinking it with a spot of cream, while Pinkamena dropped quite a few sugar cubes in to sweeten it.

Spike joined them on the table, his own small cup of coffee held up by the tip of his tail.

“Hi.” Spike said. “I'm Spike, Midnight Sparkle's familiar.”

Pinkamena smiled. “A pleasure to meet you.” She looked over the black and red scaled creature. His small feathered wings were folded at his sides. “Um... what are you exactly?”

“I'm a feathered serpent. Don't worry, I'm not too poisonous.” He smirked.

Pinkamena grinned. “A pleasure to meet you Spike. I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie. Everypony calls me Pinkamena. Just don't call me Pinkie.”

“Of course.” Midnight said, leaning back in her chair. “Once I'm finished my coffee, I'm going to have to do some research. Just something we wizards do a lot.”

“Really?” Pinkamena giggled. “Spells Caster never really did much research. He had all sorts of strange projects on the go all the time, but he didn't really try to learn anything new.”

Midnight finished off her coffee and set the cup down. “Well, I've studied a little of what Spells Caster did. Nothing really important of note other than stopping his aging for a hundred years.”

“He was an odd one.” Pinkamena shrugged.

Midnight rose to her hooves and stretched. “I need to get to my studies.” She escorted Pinkamena to the library proper. “If you need to borrow a book, I'll be opening the library the night after the Celebration.”

“Great. I've been wanting to take out a few cook books.” She stepped toward the door and paused, glancing over her shoulder. “If you feel hungry, come down to Sugar Cube Corner. It's the bakery here in town.”

Baked goods... Midnight stuck her tongue out a little. “Well... I'll think about it. I don't really eat much in the way of sugary foods.”

“We also bake a variety of breads and a few meat pastries.” Pinkamena winked before grabbing the cleaning supplies and waste bags. “Have fun.” With that, the pink mare trotted out of he library, a spring in her step, despite her carrying everything.

Midnight's horn flickered and the door closed, the bolt locking into place. She sighed and started searching the library for any relevant books about her topic of interest.

The whole night had been a bust for the most part. Other than a few historical books that were commonly known, she found only one single lead.

A book detailing the Elements of Harmony.

As she read, she became a little confused.

“A long time ago, the land of Equestria was ruled by two sisters. Princess Celestia, who ruled the day and brought forth the sun, and Princess Luna, who ruled the night, and brought forth the moon.”

“Over time, the younger sister, Princess Luna watched as the ponies of Equestria lived and played under the warm sun, but hid and feared her beautiful nights. Resentment grew in the young sister's heart until she transformed into a wicked monster known as Nightmare Moon.”

“She refused to lower the moon, saying that she would bring everlasting night so the ponies would learn to love her.”

“Princess Celestia pleaded and begged with her sister to lower the moon, but to no avail. In the end, she was forced to call upon the Elements of Harmony to try to defeat Nightmare Moon., but the wicked mare had already captured the Elements and sealed them away.”

“With her dark powers, she entrapped Princess Celestia in dark crystal and sealed her away in the very centre of world, forcing to keep the world warm and able to sustain the life that the Moon could not.”

“Princess Celestia swore before the final seals were placed upon her that she would return in a thousand years to restore the sun and daylight to the world.”

Midnight closed the book and shuddered. She looked at the book. It was positively ancient looking, and did not look to have been tampered with in the slightest.

“Can this book hold the true history of what happened a thousand years ago?” Her blood ran cold at this concept. Her beloved Queen was the evil one? Not the one known as Tyrant Skyfire? “This book is either genuine, or some elaborate hoax...” She examined the cover.

The six symbols of the Elements of Harmony were displayed on the cover, along with a golden sun and silver moon. These symbols had been displayed beautifully through the entire book, and Midnight's mind started racing at the implications.

Midnight loved her Queen. She was her Prime Apprentice. All the magic she knew had been taught to her by the wonderful Queen.

Midnight took this book and hid it away in her personal storage trunk in her room. It would not do to have others find this and read it. If they questioned their Queen, then chaos might arise. The young mare headed back into the Library proper and closed her dwelling door behind her, feeling he magic take effect and lock.

From there, she exited the library, closing and locking the door behind her.

Was there anypony in this town she could ask about these events? Maybe Pinkamena. She seemed smart enough, despite being so energetic.

Or perhaps Rarity. She was definitely intelligent. Perhaps she might know more about this past.

The bakery was the closer of the two. She set out to find Pinkamena and ask her what she knew of Evernight's past.

The sweet smell of baking greeted Midnight's nose as she pushed open the door. There were a few other customers making their selections and paying for purchases.

A somewhat chubby mare, blue of coat and with a swirled pink mane atop her head was behind the counter taking bits for their goods.

“Oh hello dear.” The mare smiled at Midnight. “How may I help you?” She asked as she finished tending to the last customer. “Might I interest you in some pastries or bread?”

“Actually, I'm looking for Pinkamena.” Midnight smiled as friendly a smile she could manage without showing her teeth. She found most ponies tended to be wary of her when they realized she was an omnivore.

“She's in the kitchen preparing to bake up some shepherds pie.”

This caught Midnight's attention. This mare was certainly a regular pony, yet she just talked of a meat, potato and vegetable dish like it was nothing. She then recalled Pinkamena mentioning that the bakery also made meat filled pastries.

“Let me see if she's available.” The mare smiled and trotted back through the kitchen door.

A few moments later the pink mare walked out. “Why hello Midnight Sparkle.” She smiled cutely, not even afraid her teeth and fangs were showing. “Got hungry did you?”

“Well, not really. I was wondering what you knew about the history of Evernight.”

“Oh, that's easy. Queen Nightsong beat up Tyrant Skyfire a long time ago and trapped her away in the world so she couldn't make the world burn like she wanted.” Pinkamena replied plainly. “Why? Certainly you know all that.”

“Of course I learned that at the Academy.” Midnight replied.

“Then there's the false one where the Tyrant was actually a good Princess and our Queen was he evil one. I don't know much about that one, but there's some ponies who believe that the true history and Queen Nightsong created the one we all know to hide the truth.” Pinkamena shrugged. “Why, which one do YOU believe in?”

Midnight blinked. She honestly had never heard this 'alternate' history before. How could a simple village pony have known about it before her?

Of course, the book. Somepony must have read it and spread the word around Ponyville.

Midnight lowered her voice and whispered to Pinkamena. “Personally, I'm not really sure, but what I do know is that tomorrow night is the thousandth Summer Never Sun Celebration.”

Pinkamena paled a little. “Wait, are you serious? I heard that that's supposed to be when Tyrant Skyfire is supposed to return.” She looked nervous. “What if it's true and she comes and burns everything to ash?”

“Pinkamena, calm down. I'm sure there's something we can do to keep this from happening.” She glanced around, glad that there was nopony else in the bakery at the moment. “Keep this quiet. I'm going to go look for others who might be able to help. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Why ask me?”

“Well, for starters, you know about this. I can't do this alone, and I'm going to need help to protect our Queen.” (Or expose her if Tyrant Skyfire is not what she seems.)

“Oh, well, I guess that's ok. I'll help you out. I have been getting the feeling that something bad is going to happen. It's been bothering me all night.”

Midnight was glad to hear she would have help. Now all she needed was to get more help. Two ponies would not be able to face off against the Tyrant after all.

“Thank you Pinkamena. I'm going to see if I can find others who can help me out.”

“I'm coming with you. Let me just talk to Mrs. Cake first.” She poked her head into the kitchen. “Hey Aunty? I'm going out for a moment. Something come up.”

“Alright deary. I'll take care of the Shepard's Pie. You take care.”

Pinkamena thanked the somewhat chubby mare and followed Midnight out. “So... where too?”

“Hmm, perhaps Rarity?”

“Oh, she's a good one to know. She runs Rarity's Boutique.” Pinkamena pointed toward the stylish building down the street. “Let's go.”

Midnight followed her companion to the shop. Her last experience with this place had been less than favourable. Still, her clothing, and more importantly, her bag, had been ditched in her bid to escape.

Pinkamena pushed open the door and walked in, Midnight right behind her.

“Welcome to Rarity's Boutique. How may I help you.” The white and royal purple Unicorn almost sang as she stepped into the display and sales room. “Oh, Pinkamena, a pleasure to see you again. And Miss. Sparkle as well.” She bowed her head politely. “Ah, you must be here for your garments. I hope you don't mind, but I mended a few loose seams and fixed the embroidery a little.”

“Oh... I didn't mean to leave them here.” Midnight wrung her hands nervously, glancing around at all the wonderful outfits that were on display, including the white dress she had tried on. “I left my satchel as well...”

“They're right back here.” Rarity pushed open the door to her workshop and gestured for the pair to enter.

Midnight spotted her jacket and bag sitting on the workbench. The rest of her belongings were sitting neatly on a shelf.

“I must admit, when I saw your book, I was quite surprised, but then, you are Ponyville's new wizard.” Rarity picked up the jacket and held it out for Midnight to see.

The cutie mark embroidered on the back was now in full colour rather than silvery grey. Even the bag now had the same cutie mark embroidered, and they looked wonderful.

“Oh my... You didn't have to do this. How much do I owe you?”

Rarity shook her head. “Darling, please. You owe me nothing. I felt bad about chasing you off. I admit, I do get a little overzealous from time to time.” She handed the jacket back and Midnight put it back on.

Midnight then placed her book and a few other belongings back into the bag, which she then placed over her shoulder. “Thank you kindly. Now, I have a question for you.”

“Ask away. I'm all ears.” Rarity's white ears perked up.

“What do you know of the history of Evernight?”

“Oh, well, there's two histories that some in town have been talking about for many years. One which is taught in the schools, and one that Spells Caster started telling other ponies about. To be honest, I love Queen Nightsong, and I trust her completely.” She placed a finger to her chin. “Though, if this other one should ever turn out to be the true history... I don't think I would feel any differently about our Queen.”

“Really?” Midnight blinked.

“Of course. She has done a wonderful job ruling all of Evernight. Still, if her sister turns out to be as kind as this story claims, I don't see anything wrong with her returning.”

“I see. And are you aware that tonight is the thousandth Summer Never Sun Celebration since our Queen sealed away her Sister?”

Rarity eyed Midnight. “Are you certain?”

“Of course. What will we do if our commonly known history is the right one? What if Tyrant Skyfire tries to burn the sky?”

“Dear me, I don't know what we can do.”

“I have an idea of how we can protect Queen Nightsong. I have a favour to ask of the two of you. Can you find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy for me? I don't know where they live. Meet me back at the library once you do, and please bring them. I'm off to see Applejack.” She turned toward the door. “I have a bad feeling about this myself.” She looked at Pinkamena, who nodded her understanding.

The road to the orchards was not too long, but Midnight hated having to walk such far distances. She didn't use her flight spell, mainly because she didn't know how the ponies of this town would react to seeing a flying Unicorn.

As she reached the path that lead off the main road, she looked over the orchard. Last time she was here, she didn't pay much attention at all as to just how large this place was.

She walked down the well beaten path till she arrived at the farm house. It was large, and looked very nice.

Midnight then spotted Applejack emerging from a cellar.

“Hello, Applejack?”

“Why howdy again. Midnight Sparkle right? We met yesterday and again at th' party.” She grinned as she walked up, towering over the Unicorn by a good head and a half. She was built strong, but not heavily muscled. Her mane reached her waist and was tied with a red scrunchy, just as her tail was.

“I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm in a tough spot right now. I really need your help.”

“Well shoot. Whatcha need? Got a hankerin' fer some more pie?”

Midnight hid her distaste. “No, nothing to do with food. What do you know about the history of Evernight? This is important.”

“Ah know that Queen Nightsong had a fight with Tyrant Skyfire a long time ago. Nightsong defeated Skyfire and locked her away. Why ya ask?”

“What do you know of a rumoured other history?”

“Ah, Ah see what ya wanna know. Well, long time ago, it was Nightsong who was bad an' wanted t' bring everlasting night, but Skyfire, Ah think she was called Celestia, was th' good sister an' tried t' reason with her. In th' end, Nightsong won an' sealed her away. Everythin' after that's pretty much history.”

“Which do you believe in?”

“Does it matter? Queen Nightsong is our leader. Been that way for a long time an' all. Ah dun see no reason t' think our Queen is a bad pony.”

Midnight smiled a little. “Well, tonight, when Queen Nightsong brings forth the bright moon, that will be the thousandth Summer Never Sun Celebration sense Skyfire was locked away in the core of the world.”

“Hold on a sec. Ya mean THIS year's the one the Tyrant threatened t' return and burn the sky?” Applejack frowned. “Ah dun think so. She so much as show her face, Ah'll buck her so hard, she'll find herself back underground.” She cracked her knuckles.

“Then you'll help me?” Midnight smiled.

“Ah course Sugercube. Queen Nightsong's done right all these years. Ah dun think we should overlook the chances that Skyfire might return.”

Midnight sighed with relief. “I'm glad to hear that. Can you come with me to the Library in town? I've gathered some others who are willing to help out as well... And I don't know anypony else in town but you five.”

“Alright. Ah'll come an' see if Ah can help.”

Back at the library, Pinkamena and Rainbow Dash were waiting outside. Rarity and Fluttershy were walking up the road when Midnight and Applejack arrived.

“Everypony is here. Good.” Midnight used her magic casually and opened the door as she approached. The five followed her inside and watched the small Unicorn light up the lamps. She then closed the door.

“I've gathered all of you here because I believe that when Queen Nightsong raises the Respite Moon for tonight's festival, Tyrant Skyfire will attempt to return. We need to protect the Queen at all costs.”

“Just a sec now.” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. “You expect us to believe that some monster from some old mare's tale is real?”

Midnight nodded. “She is real. I am the Prime Apprentice of the Queen herself. She has taught me all about history and magic. She told me personally that Tyrant Skyfire does exist.” She paced back and forth, her long jacket flapping behind her. “The Queen told me that she has everything under control and that Skyfire can never escape, but I'm still worried.”

“Dear me.” Rarity frowned. “What can the six of us do against somepony who can turn the sky to fire?”

“If we stand with Queen Nightsong, we can help her. I don't expect any of you to sacrifice yourselves. All I can ask is that you be there to protect her.”

“Ya'll can count me in.” Applejack grinned.

“Sounds like a blast.” Rainbow Dash matched Applejack's grin,

“Afterwards, we can have a party.” Pinkamena stepped between the two mares and wrapped her arms around their waists, pulling them into a hug.

Rarity sighed. “I can hardly expect to be able to sell my fashions to anypony if we're all dead. I'll do what I can.”

Fluttershy looked nervous. Actually, she looked frightened. “Wh-what can I do?”

Dash pulled the taller Pegasus into the growing group hug. “Hey, I'll be there to cover you. You can always count on me Shy.”

“Um... well, I guess I can tend to any injuries.”

“Darling, you're a vet, not a medic” Rarity tried to help get the meek mare out of this endeavour. “But if you feel you must be there, then I too will support you.”

Midnight smiled. “Then the six of us will support and protect our Queen.” She turned to Spike, who somehow was always there when Midnight needed her. “Spike, I'm going to have you send a letter to the Queen.” She pulled a scroll and enchanted quill from her bag and wrote something down.

“What's that you're writing?” Spike asked.

“A request for the six of us to receive the Queen's blessing.” Midnight said after she finished the letter. “Send it please.”

Spike looked skeptical, and a little confused. “Blessing?”

“The Queen can bestow blessings upon those who help and serve her.” Midnight replied. “She gives a blessing to her guards when they first become Royal Guards.”

Applejack finally freed herself from Pinkamena and tilted her head slightly. “What kinda blessin' are we talkin' about?”

“Well, the guards are blessed with strength, speed and endurance.” Midnight stated, then looked out the window. “Bright Moon is setting. Time for respite. I'd like all of you to stay here so we can be at Town Hall first thing, and in case Queen Nightsong responds.”

“She's responding.” Spike said before belching up a small burst of green flame.

“Oh eww.” Rarity cringed and plugged her nose. “Please learn some manners.”

Spike ignored her while Midnight picked up the scroll and opened it.

“Midnight Sparkle.”

“I have already told you I have matters in hand. Do not try my patience and stay out of affairs that do not concern you. I would rather not have to punish you.”

“As for your request for a blessing for you and those you have selected, I have one thing to say. If I find out you are gathering forces to stab me in the back as my previous Prime Apprentice had, you will share his fate, and it is not a pleasant one.”

“Queen Nightsong of Evernight.”

Midnight sighed and incinerated the scroll. “Well... You heard what the scroll said...” She looked apologetically at her visitors. “I'm sorry for wasting your time.”

Fluttershy held up a hand. “Um... maybe we should stay together anyways, just in case something does go wrong and the Queen needs us.”

“I must agree.” Rarity nodded. “Of course, let us hope that there is no fighting after all.”

Dash shrugged. “Don't matter to me where I sleep. I live on a cloud.”

“Oh, can we have a party?”

“No Pinkamena.” Midnight replied. “As much as I enjoyed your last one, this is no time for a party.”

“Aww... Alright. Can I make us snacks?”

Midnight's stomach growled at that moment. “Food, good idea.”

This was much agreed upon. Pinkamena rushed back the the bakery to grab some things and was back in under ten minutes.

While Pinkamena busied herself in the small kitchen, the other five headed upstairs to the main living and sleeping area.

To Be Continued...

Author's Notes:
Too clear up any confusion I have added the following information.
The term 'night' and 'tonight' refer to the waking time, when the bright moon crosses the sky. This moon is about twice as bright as a normal full moon, and is always full.
The time for sleeping is called 'respite', and has the dimmer moon which changes phases as our own moon does.

Rising Sun

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

Respite had been anything but restful for the six mares and one serpent. The worries that Midnight had about the return of Tyrant Skyfire was the main reason.

The other, lesser reason was the fact that there was a serious lack of sleeping places in the living space of the library. Only a single bed that could hold two ponies, a single sofa, which was quite lumpy, and the hard wood floor were the only spaces available, as well as a single blanket, which was laid out on the floor for some form of comfort.

Rarity and Fluttershy had been given the bed. Rainbow Dash stretched out on the sofa, with much tossing and turning, and a couple crashes to the floor through the respite. Pinkamena and Applejack curled up on the blanket for whatever rest they could manage.

Midnight stayed up and poured through even more books till she heard the old grandfather clock chime.

“An hour till nightfall...” She sighed and walked up the stairs from the library proper. She saw Applejack snoring, with Pinkamena using her belly as a pillow, murmuring in her sleep about some party or something or other.

Dash was on the floor, mostly. Her legs and one arm were up on the sofa, and she had a somewhat pained look on her face.

Midnight climbed the stairs to the upper level where the bed rested. Rarity lay there, awake, a displeased look on her face, while Fluttershy was curled into a ball, shivering slightly.

“Rarity?” Midnight walked up. “Didn't you get any sleep?”

“Oh yes, some...” She glanced down toward the snoring Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Though I prefer peace and quiet.” She rose from the bed. “How much time do we have? Enough for me to steal a quick shower perhaps?”

“I don't have a shower, just a bath tub.” Midnight replied. “But I guess you are welcome to it.”

Fluttershy yawned and opened her eyes a bit. “Oh, hello Miss. Midnight. I didn't wake you with my snoring, did I?”

Rarity blinked and stared at Fluttershy. “Snoring? You slept so soundly, I'd often forget you were next to me.”

Midnight chuckled a little at that. “Well, we should all get up.” She hopped off the loft and floated to the floor, her horn flickering with magic.

Rarity descended the stairs, an odd look on her face. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?” Midnight asked. “Oh, floating? It's just a spell.”

“I see.” Rarity walked toward Rainbow Dash as Midnight knelt next to the other slumbering pair. “Rainbow?” She nudged the uncomfortably positioned Pegasus. “Time to get up.”

“Uuuh...” The rainbow maned mare cracked an eye. “Bright moon isn't even up yet... Let me sleep till midnight...”

“No can do Dear. If Midnight is correct, there may be no more Bright Moon, just a sky filled with fire.”

Dash groaned again as she sat up on the floor, rubbing the sleep from her bleary eyes.

Fluttershy landed silently next to the pair. “Come along Dash. Maybe we can fix breakfast before we have to get to Town Hall for the rising of Bright Moon.”

“Food... yea, and coffee...”

“Make it strong...” Midnight stood up, a somewhat defeated look on her face. “These two are not budging.”

Dash grinned. “Hey Pinkie.” She whispered, and was instantly tacked to the sofa.

“Don't call me that or I'll tickle you till you can't breath.” She had a somewhat frightening grin on her face.

Fluttershy had cowered away from the sudden movement. “Um... Miss. Pie?” She whimpered a little. “Please don't be mad at Dash. She only did that to wake you up.”

“Oh, ok.” Pinkamena stood up and grinned a more sane and friendly one. “But the tickle torture threat still stands.”

Dash shuddered. She hated being tickled. “Sorry Pinkamena.” She chuckled nervously.

Applejack stirred. “Wh't's th' t'm?” She muttered half asleep. “Ain't t'm t' g't up...”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Darling, please speak clearly, well, as clearly as you can.”

The farm mare sat up, rubbing some eye gunk from her eyes. “What time is it?”

“We have less than an hour till the Celebration starts.” Midnight stated. “I'm going to go make some breakfast and coffee. I know where everything is now that I think about it.”

“Oh good.” Dash stretched back out on the sofa. “I can get some more sleep.”

“But I'm not that great a cook so I'll need help.”

“Oh, I'm a great cook.” Pinkamena waled forward. “What do you want? Muffins? Waffles? Pancakes?”

Midnight rubbed her temples for a moment. “Sorry, only breakfast stuff I have right now is bacon and eggs, and some heyshbrowns.” She glanced apologetically at her guests. “I'm sorry if none of you can eat that.”

“That sounds yummy.” Pinkamena grinned, which was then mirrored by Applejack.

“Bacon? Yer a mare after mah own heart there.”

“Dear me, bacon?” Rarity frowned a little. “I don't often enjoy such fare. It's rather expensive.”

“Ok, Dash? Fluttershy?”

Dash smirked, revealing her own small fangs. “Never tried bacon before. I'm usually fine with whatever I can afford at the market or catch while out hunting.” She shrugged. “I mean, sure, I can eat it and all.”

“Fluttershy?” Midnight glanced at the shy mare. “What about you?”

“Oh, she's practically a carnivore.” Dash chuckled. “Well, ok, maybe not a meat eater like a wolf or a tiger, but she is always getting gifts from the animals she's friends with and she hates wasting them.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Um... I've never tried bacon... I'd like too, if that's alright with you.”

Midnight sighed with relief. “Whew, I thought I'd have to try to get some other stuff for some of you. Bacon and eggs with hayshbrowns it is.”

After breakfast, there was about fifteen minutes left before the celebration.

The six headed out, Midnight locking the doors behind her. As they reached the town hall, they could see lots of other ponies gathering.

The mayor spotted the six and waved them over. Seeing that they had helped with the preparations, they were entitled to front row seats, especially the new Magi who had come from Lunaris at the request of Queen Nightsong herself.

“I'm so glad you could make it.” Mayor Mare wiped her brow. “I was afraid you might be late.”

Fluttershy smiled and let out a soft, long whistle. Within moments, her birds arrived and she lead them in to the potted tree where they roosted and waited to start their singing.

Applejack checked the tables of food that had been brought in the night before. Everything was set up.

Dash took a quick flight around and cleared up any remaining clouds. It had to be nice and clear for the raising of the Bright Moon after all.

Rarity did some last minute tweaking of the decorations. Everything was just perfect.

Midnight stepped up to the stage and peeked through the curtain. She knew Queen Nightsong would appear with the raising of the moon, but she was still worried.

“Everypony please take your places.” Mayor Mare called out. “Within moments, the Summer Never Sun Celebration shall begin. Our beautiful Queen shall lower the Respite Moon and bring forth the Bright Moon, on this, the thousandth Summer Never Sun Celebration.” She bowed and stepped back. “And now, I am honoured to greet our Queen.”

Fluttershy signalled her birds to start singing as the curtains parted

But the space was empty.

Midnight felt her blood run cold.

“She... She's not here?” Mayor Mare turned. “Please be calm everypony.”

Calm was not what was happening as brilliant light streamed through the wide open windows. A moment later, a flare of pure white light appeared, taking on the form of a four legged creature.

A tall pony with a white coat, like white hot steel. Her flaming mane moved like it was alive. Her great white feathered wings spread wide. “Ah, to see the faces of my children after a thousand years.” She smiled almost a kind smile. “I have returned to bring the sun back to Equestria.”

“It's Tyrant Skyfire!” One pony screamed.

“She's going to burn the sky!” Another screamed.

“WE'RE DOOMED!!!” A pony with a lily in her mane cried, cowering in fear.

“Oh my GODDESS!!!” A stallion rushed in, a look of abject terror on his face. “The sky... It's on FIRE!!!”

Everypony but six rushed outside to see the bright orange sky along the horizon. It indeed looked like it was already on fire.

Skyfire frowned. “Has it been so long that my crown no longer matters? Have you grown to fear the sun?”

Midnight stepped forward. “We cannot allow you to do this Tyrant Skyfire.” Her horn flared, summoning her spell book. The chains that bound the book came undone and the book flipped open to a page.

Midnight's magic flared around her horn, and a gilded silver cage of magic was summoned around the potentially evil Goddess of flames.

“We have you trapped Tyrant. Now tell us, where is Queen Nightsong?”

“Nightsong? Is that what she is calling herself now? After bringing a thousand years of night to Equestria, you revere and worship her?” Skyfire sounded a little angry. “I have banished her to the Moon, to be alone.” The quadruped stepped forward, looking down at even the tallest pony present, Applejack. “And you call me Tyrant?” Her eyes flared with fire. “She imprisoned and enslaved me for a thousand years. So now, I imprison her.” She stamped a hoof, shaking the building and creating a lash of fire. “You call ME Tyrant? Fine, I shall be a tyrant and bring forth the life giving sun.”

Midnight watched as the cage simply melted away. She flipped too anther spell in her book. “You're not getting away. Return our beloved Queen... You MONSTER!!!” Another spell flew from her fingers, an arrow of violet light.

A sweep of a wing and the arrow was dissipated like it was nothing.

“You know not whom you are messing with, Foal.” Her eyes were like burning red hot coals as she glared down at Midnight. “The sun shall remain. Should you wish for the night to return, then you will need to defeat me.” She snorted angrily, her muzzle pulled back into a snarl. Come to the ruins of Canterlot, should you dare. I have the Elements of Harmony. Take them from me if you can and defeat me, but remember this, you will have to defeat your Queen's true form as well.”

A blast of near blinding light and the four legged monster vanished.

“Mah Stars...” Applejack rubbed her eyes. “Ah thought she was gonna cook us...”

“Crisp us just like overcooked bacon.” Pinkamena added.

“Oh dear... Oh dear...” Fluttershy flew up to the window and looked outside. She had to shield her eyes. “The sky... It's... It's on fire...”

The other five were outside, with Dash flying overhead.

All along the horizon, the sky was a golden red, like fire.

The rest of the sky was bright, and getting brighter. The sky was slowly turning the strangest shade of blue, like Rainbow Dash's coat.

Already the air was starting to feel warmer.

Midnight turned to the four ponies with her, and acknowledged Fluttershy as she stepped out of the town hall. “We have to get to the ruins of the Tyrant's home... We have to recover the Elements of Harmony and defeat her before it's too late.”

“How can we get there?” Dash asked. “I mean, I could just fly there, but then I'd be all alone... and those ruins are deep in the Ashen Mountains and forest...”

“We need to leave as soon as possible...” Midnight turned to the six. “Gather what weapons you can. We'll be needing them.”

It was only fifteen minutes later when Dash, Rarity and Pinkamena had returned.

Dash bore a long spear, straight with a slightly curved blade on the end. She wore a half skirt and open vest, both black and baring the markings of the Sky Dancer Clan from Cloudsdale.

Rarity wore a black and violet jacket over an embroidered black and silver corset. At her side was a dagger in its sheath. Around both thighs were bands, each carrying a half dozen slender throwing knives. She also had a pouch on her belt, opposite the dagger.

Pinkamena had a vest and belt, both white with pink patterning. On her belt was a pair of curved fighting knives.

A few minutes later, Applejack arrived, wearing a sturdy leather suit of armour, with steel shoulder and hip plates. Resting over her shoulder was a long, heavy looking double bladed axe. Midnight recognized the axe as what was once used by the Earthen Pony Knights of the Queen's special Guard.

Fluttershy finally joined them, accompanied by a large black wolf with bright yellow eyes. She wore her soft green robes, and carried a quiver of arrows and a slender long bow.

Midnight had, at her side, a rapier, and her spell book.

“Are we ready?” Midnight asked.

She received five nods, and they set out right away for the border of the Ashen Wood.

To Be Continued...

The Ashen Wood

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

The Ashen forest was as foreboding, if not more so than the Everwild Forest that surrounded much of Lunaris City and the Castle itself.

This forest was uncharted, considered cursed and full of evil creatures that would feed on Ponies if given the chance.

And now, six young mares were entering this place to reach the mountain in the centre, and the ancient castle ruins that were built into it.

“Do-do we really want to go in here?” Fluttershy asked. She leaned against the large dire wolf that stood ready by her side. “It's alright Angel... I'll protect you.” She patted the wolf that stood to her waist, more for her own comfort than for his. The wolf simply rolled his eyes.

“We have too.” Midnight shivered. She was glad Spike had stayed behind at the library. He hated spooky places like this, and the closet. “We need to recover the Elements of Harmony if we want to have a chance at defeating Tyrant Skyfire.”

“Dear me, but this place... The trees always look like they're been burned by some fire, no matter what, even when they're growing.” Rarity was certain she didn't want to come in here, but knew what she had to do. The Queen was depending on her to help Midnight and the others to rescue her.

“That's because they are all Ash Oak trees.” Midnight pointed out. “As they grow, they shed old bark with a substance much like ash.”

“Ah dunno. They look like they've been burned pretty bad.” Applejack said as she rubbed a finger across one tree, pulling back a fair amount of black ash. She rubbed the material between her fingers. “Feels like ash too.”

Dash lifted off the ground, scattering some of the ash near her hooves. “I'll scout around a bit.”

“Watch it dear.” Rarity jumped back to avoid the ash. “This stuff on my white coat? It will take days to wash out.”

Pinkie grinned. “Oh Rarity. By the time we come out of here, we'll all look like nightmares, except we won't have glowing green eyes.” She giggled.

Midnight stepped forward. “Dash, best you stay on the ground with us. If there's any flying monsters in here, you don't want to get their attention.”

“Okay, fine.” Dash folded her wings and dropped to the ground.

The six then entered, with Rarity whining already about her hooves and fetlocks being stained by the 'ash'.

The others reassured her that they would all be taking long hot baths when they got home.

For over a mile, they trekked, Rarity showing the trip almost as much as Fluttershy with her pale green robes and soft yellow coat.

Fluttershy was seriously on edge, keeping both eyes, ears and her nose alert at all times. She then spotted large tracks. “Wait... Fresh tracks...” She knelt down, not caring about her robes. “Manticore tracks...”

“Seriously?” Midnight shuddered. “I've read that they're really strong, and dangerous.”

“And it's nearby... most likely tracking us.” Fluttershy added, moments before the growl came from behind.

The group spun to see the large bat winged lion with the long scorpion stinger on the tip of its tail.

The beast roared and attacked.

Fluttershy notched an arrow and took aim, but she didn't fire.

Applejack swung her axe, but a sweep of the monster's tail took her clean off her hooves. She managed to roll aside and scramble away before the stinger could hit her on the back swing. “Consarnit. That thing's fast.”

Pinkamena stood back and looked to be concentrating. Whatever she was doing, she was back by Fluttershy and Midnight.

Rarity pulled out a gem from her pouch and touched her horn to it. The gem glowed before she threw it at the beast.

A sudden flash of light caught it off guard, allowing Dash to move in and pierce one of its forelegs with her spear. It's tough hide and thick fur kept her from scoring a favourable blow, but it still drew blood.

Applejack jumped up, swinging her weapon overhead, bringing it down hard. The tail took the hit and was severed just behind the stinger. She received a claw rake across the chest and was sent flying, skidding along on her hooves as she landed.

Pinkie's eyes flew open, glowing blue. The Ash flew from the ground and into the monster's face, node and eyes and plugging its ears.

Midnight was impressed. Pinkamena was some sort of Esper. That was certainly not magic she had just used. She opened her book and cast her magic arrow spell, scoring a solid strike on the monster's shoulder.

Rarity threw a pair of her throwing knives, her magic guiding them perfectly, one piercing an eye and the other just missing.

Then Angel rushed forward, jumping onto the Manticore's back and biting a mouthful of his mane. He growled as he savagely shook his head, causing pain and discomfort to this larger beast.

Pinkie was concentrating and gathering her power again as Fluttershy released her arrow, scoring a perfect hit on one of the attacker's butt cheeks.

The Manticore roared in rage, pain and confusion. These ponies should have been easy prey, but they were proving very dangerous.

Applejack rushed forward again, swinging the flat of her axe, toward Dash, who jumped and planted her hooves against it. The swing sent her flying toward the beast. She spun and slashed it three times, once on the side of the face and twice on the sides.

Angel jumped clear as Fluttershy released another arrow along with another magic arrow from Midnight.

Both struck true, with Fluttershy aiming to drive it off with minimal wounds, but maximum pain. Midnight's struck the beast in the side, causing a small burn.

Applejack got close enough and swung her axe again, burying it into the monster's shoulder. She was glad for her armour for taking that last blow, or she would have been badly hurt right now.

Rarity summoned back her thrown gem and pulled out another. This one she threw and caused a physical burst that pushed the Manticore back, freeing the axe from its shoulder.

Fluttershy drew her bow again, whimpering as she pierced another arrow into a paw.

The Manticore had enough of this and turned to run.

Dash poked it in the butt one final time with her spear, just for good measure. “And don't come back kitten.” She added insult to injury.

Rarity recovered her gem and the one dropped knife.

Pinkamena closed her eyes, the glow fading. She staggered for a moment, but kept her balance. “Whew. That was tough.”

“Applejack...” Fluttershy was at the taller Earth Pony's side. “Are you hurt? You got hit.”

“Ah fine. Mah armour took th' hit.” Applejack looked at the light claw marks on it, glad that it had been the leather rather than her bare breasts. She shouldered her axe and grinned. “Ah'm right as rain.”

Midnight sighed. “I'm glad you're not hurt.”

“Ah've been bruised up worse than this before.” She patted her chest and winced a little. “Let's get going.”

Dash knelt down and picked up the stinger. “Hey Midnight, think you can use this?”

“Oh definitely.” She accepted it and stowed it in her bag. “I agree with Applejack, let's move on.”

The distance they covered made the group feel wary, but it was the heat and light from the rising sun that was the real problem. They were all sweating, and the light was hurting their eyes.

“It's so bright...” Midnight held a hand over her eyes as she scanned toe forest. The sunlight was coming in through the leaves overhead, making the forest remarkably easy to navigate. “Well, this Sun is good for one thing. We're not so likely to get lost.”

“I'm glad.” Fluttershy smiled a little. She suddenly squeaked and jumped back as a sudden movement caught her attention.

Everypony else turned, weapons and spells at the ready. The tree that was right there moved, the branches reaching out to get them. Long thorns covered the limbs and trunk.

They all backed away, only too see another tree move behind them, then another, and another. They were all surrounded.

Pinkamena grinned. “They're not that dangerous.” She glanced at the others. “Trust me. I have a seedling in my room. The thorns are more like hair and aren't hard or pointy.” She reached out and touched one, watching it bend as swish at her touch. “They're very friendly and just like to hug.” She allowed herself to be grabbed and pulled against the tree. She wrapped her arms around it and squeezed back. “See?” She giggled as the tree relaxed and released her.

Applejack nearly swung her axe as she was grabbed and ticked a little by the 'thorns'. She did what Pinkamena did and reluctantly hugged her tree. After a few moments, she too was released. “Well, whadya know. They's friendly trees.”

Fluttershy giggled while Angel growled as she received and gave her hugs. “They're soft.” She almost didn't want to let go.

Dash squirmed as she was hugged. “Do I have too?”

Pinkamena laughed. “Oh Dashie, just hug it.”

“I'm not tree hugger...”

“They'll hug you to death if you don't hug them back.” Pinkamena warned.

Dash promptly hugged her tree, and was released. She jumped back, her spear ready for any further hug attempts.

Midnight resigned herself to her fate as she was hugged by one of these strange trees. She wrapped her arms around it till she was let go. “Thank you Pinkamena... I'm glad you knew about these trees.”

The pink pony was again hugging another tree, just because she felt like it. “They're really fun to have. You can always get a soft hug whenever your need one. You just don't want to hurt them because then they get mean and the thorns become hard and sharp and poky, but I've never had to go to the clinic for being stabbed because I'm always nice to Needles.”

Yea, the other five were glad for Pinkamena's knowledge. Even Angel as he was dropped. He was glad none of these ponies, especially Fluttershy, had seen him hugging a tree. He preferred to pee on the things. Rather, he snorted and growled as he made his way to Fluttershy's side.

The group made their way out of the 'hugging' trees quickly and continues their way.

It was not long before they came across a raging river, the rapids and sharp rocks making it impassable.

“Great, how are we going to cross this?” Midnight grumbled.

Rarity pointed up the river, at an old looking bridge. “We can cross there.”

This was a relief. “An' here Ah thought Ah'd have t' waste time t' chop down a tree.” She started toward the bridge with the others.

As they set foot on the old stone bridge, they heard a growl, moments before a hideous beast with long gangly limbs crawled out from beneath.

It snarled at them, it's long, cruel claws at the ready.

“A Troll?” Midnight backed away. “Get back everypony. They're deadly. Our weapons can't hurt them because they heal so fast.”

“How are we going to cross?” Dash asked.

“You want cross?” It spoke very poor Ponian. “Give shiny.”

Midnight frowned. She didn't have anything but some bits, and they were not shiny at all. “Anypony have something shiny to give this Troll? They're really greedy.”

All but Rarity shook their heads. The now 'grey' mare sighed and pulled out a few of her gems. “Will these do? I usually use them in my clothing or my spells, but if it can get us past.”

“Give shiny. Let pass.” The beast snarled threateningly.

Rarity stepped forward nervously and held out three gems. “Will these do?”

“Oooh, Shiney. Give.” The gangly Troll held out a clawed hand. Rarity dropped them into his palm. “These do. You cross.”

The group quickly crossed the bridge.

“Oh Rarity, those were your spell gems...” Midnight felt bad for her friend as a fellow magic user.

“It's alright. As long as we got across the river safely.” She pointed toward the castle. “We're half way there.”

This was good news, as the sun was now high in the sky and the heat and light was almost unbearable. The sooner they recovered the Elements and defeated Tyrant Skyfire, the better. They continued on their way.

The terrain was getting rougher, with high hills and cliffs.

The two Unicorns were having a slightly easier time than the Earth Ponies, with their cloven hooves. They were naturally at home in forests and mountains. The two Pegasai had no troubles at this point, flying a few yards off the ground.

But it was the two Earth Ponies who were having it the roughest. Their sturdy, solid hooves were fine on level ground, but on rough and rocky terrain, they would occasionally slip.

It was atop a high cliff that Pinkamena slipped on some shale, sliding toward a cliff. She screamed in fright as Applejack dive for her. The farm Pony caught Pinkamena's hand just as she went over the sheer edge. Far below was nothing but jagged rocks. It was only because of her axe, now wedged into the ground, that kept Applejack from going over as well.

“Applejack!” Pinkamena cried out.

“Ah'm not gonna let ya'll get hurt, but ya gotta trust me.”

Pinkamena gripped the larger Pony's hand and wrist tightly. “Don't drop me, please.”

“Trust me. Ah'm going t' let ya go, but ya won't get hurt.” She smiled softly, which somehow relaxed Pinkamena.

“I... I trust you AJ.” She smiled as she let go, falling toward the deadly rocks. Gladly for Pinkamena, her fall was arrested as she was caught by the pair of Pegasai and flown back to the top of the cliff. Once on safe ground, she hugged Applejack the moment she returned from the edge. “Oh thank you.” She then hugged both Pegasus Ponies. “Thank you all.”

Midnight sighed. “I'm glad nopony was hurt.”

“M-me too.” Fluttershy landed on the now safe looking path.

The group pressed on, careful of anymore shale when they came across it.

Their eyes were still sore from the brightness of the sun, and the heat was sweltering. The six ponies were glad that Midnight had some water canteens in her bag. They drank up before pressing on for the last few miles.

“Hold up.” Midnight called out as they reached a chasm. The old rope bridge crossing it had collapsed. “Great, how will we cross this?” She looked at the Pegasai. “Think you can fly us across?”

“I dunno. Applejack is pretty solid and heavy.” Dash replied, looking up at the six foot tall mare. “And I think Fluttershy might have pulled her wing when we caught Pinkamena.”

“I-I'm alright.” Fluttershy stretched her leathery wings, but then winced. Her left wing folding back. “Um... I guess not.”

Dash sighed. “I should have said something sooner. I noticed after we saved Pinkamena here. You've folded your wing tight to keep it from moving any.” She offered a smile. “Tell you what, I'll try to fix this bridge.”

“Wait.” Midnight called out, but Dash had already dove down to grab the ropes. “Be careful.”

“I'll be fine.” She lifted the narrow rope bridge and tried to tie it. Only one side of the ropes were long enough to be tied safely. “Damn, the other rope isn't long enough... I'll go fetch some vines.”

The five watched as Dash flew off into the woods.

“Vines... I need vines.” Rainbow Dash looked around, then paused as a shadow flew overhead.

She looked up in time to see a trio of Pegasus Ponies flying overhead, trailing thunder filled clouds behind them and performing some amazing stunts. After a few that really impressed Dash, they swooped down and land before her. They were not Pegasus like herself, but four legged ones, with feathers wings.

The mare stepped forward. “Hello Rainbow Dash. I'm Spitfire, one of the Wonderbolts, the best fliers in all of Equestria. We've been looking for one who's a skilled and fearless flyer to become our leader.”

“Well... Good luck with that.” She was about to ask about vines, but a dark blue maned stallion spoke up. “We want you to lead us Rainbow Dash. Only you can lead us, only the best flyer in Equestria is worth of being our leader.”

“I... I'm flattered, really I am. Heck, I'd say I'm honoured.”

“Then you will accept Soarin's request?” Spitfire smiled from behind her blue mask.

Dash smiled. “Tell you what, I'll accept a chance to lead you once I get something to repair the bridge back there.”

“I'm sorry, but you have to choose them or us.” Spitfire looked stern.

“Oh, well, in that case... Thank you...”

The trio of Thunderbolts grinned.

“Thank you, but no. I have my friends waiting for me to fix the bridge.”

“Suit yourself. This was your only chance to join the best flying team in the world.” With that, they flew off, vanishing from sight.

Dash sighed. That offer was so tempting, but she had to find some vines. She turned around and spotted her friends standing there, on this side of the bridge. “Hey, how'd you get across?”

“I found a repair spell in my book.” Midnight smiled. “We saw what you did there. That took some guts.”

“Hey, I'd never leave my friends hanging.” Dash grinned. “Let's get to that castle now.”

The white and gold stone walls were still beautiful, even after a thousand years of neglect. The crumbling structures could still be identified for what they were, and it was the largest, domed building that the six wound their way too.

The doors had been burned open, and recently too.

“She's in there...” Midnight warned her friends. “Let's take this slowly and carefully.”

To Be Continued...


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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

Canterlot Castle Ruins.

The towers and spires jutted out of the steep side of the tall mountain, surrounded by the Ashen forest for many miles in every direction.

From this altitude, even Lunaris Castle was barely visible.

Midnight was in awe as she looked out over the wall, at all of the brightly lit Evernight. There was so much silvery green to be seen, the amazing blue of the many lakes and rivers that dotted and wound across the land.

Even from here, to the north, Midnight could make out Cloudsdale. It looked so small and far away in the light of... day.

“Midnight.” Rarity called out. “We don't have time for sightseeing.”

“But... just look at this view...” She couldn't pull herself away.

Rarity trotted over, her hooves clacking on the ancient stone floor. She looked out and had to admit, it was a sight she had never imagined. “So... so many colours. The forests, the hills and mountains... Is that... Ponyville?”

“I think so, and over there is Trottingham, and there's Cloudsdale up in the sky.” Midnight pointed.

The others joined the pair. They needed a few minutes of rest anyways. This city and castle was built tall, not wide, so they had been climbing since they arrived.

“Oh wow.” Pinkamena pulled out a telescope from... her tail? She looked toward Ponyville. “Hey, I can see Sugar Cube Corner and Rarity's Boutique, and there's the library... and Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Can ya see mah family? Ah told 'em I was going out t' help Midnight on some errand... Ah'm feeling right bad Ah didn't tell em th' truth of it all.”

“I see the Big Red Machine.”

“Big Mac?” Applejack's eyes went wide. “What's the big lug doin'?”

“Um... directing some Pegasus ponies to get clouds over the orchard. I bet your trees are not liking this bright light anymore than we are.” Pinkamena handed the tube to Applejack. She showed her how to use it so she could take a look.

“Ah swear Pinkamena, you come up with some ah the oddest things, like this here lookin' glass.” Applejack smirked as she looked out toward her tiny speck of a big brother. “He looks so tiny, but at least Ah can see him.”

Midnight raised an eyebrow. “I have a telescope that lets me look at the stars closely. It's just a larger and stronger version of this one.”

“Ya don't say?” AJ chuckled.

Dash was looking impatient. “Come on, I think we've rested enough...” She looked toward Cloudsdale. How many years had it been sense she had left?

Fluttershy was sitting down, with Angle resting his large head on her lap. Her injured wing held tightly to her back rather than comfortably behind her.

Dash looked down at the gentle Pegasus Pony. “Are you okay Fluttershy?” She knelt down and looked her friend in the eye.

“I-I'm fine, thank you Rainbow.” She smiled and patted Angel. “We should move on... If you want to that is.”

Midnight nodded in total agreement. “We really should move on.”

Pinkamena took back her spyglass and stowed it back in her tail. “I'm ready to go... Though I'm REALLY getting a bad feeling about this...” Her ears twitched slightly.

“Ah reckon we aught tread careful from here on in.” Applejack shouldered her axe.

Twilight simply nodded and looked at Rarity. “Will you be alright Rarity?”

“Oh yes, I assure you once this is tended too, I intend to take a long, hot shower followed by a long, relaxing visit to the spa.”

“Ponyville has a spa?” Midnight blinked. “Count me in on that.” She chuckled nervously before taking the lead.

The small group pressed on, climbing stairs, crossing a few bridges and winding through the palace till they finally reached the throne room.

It was magnificent, this chamber. The walls were pristine, untouched by the passage of time. The draperies on the walls depicted a sphere of fire, golden and actually pleasing in it's design, not frightening.

And upon the throne sat the four legged mare of flames, Tyrant Skyfire.

“Welcome to the remains of my home.” Her voice was smooth, soft, but the anger was evident. “You wish to take the Elements of Harmony? Then I place before you six tasks.” She smiled, a hint of danger hidden within.

“We'll take your tests.” Midnight stepped forward. “And trust me, we WILL defeat you like our Queen did a thousand years ago.”

Tyrant Skyfire laughed. “Do you truly think you can? My younger sister could not stand up to my power without the Elements. Do the six of you think you have what it takes? Then fine, a task... for each of you.” Her horn flared brightly, flames dancing through the air, enveloping the six.

They cried in shock and fear, but not in pain as they were engulfed.

Rainbow Dash groaned and opened her eyes. She looked around and gasped. She was in Cloudsdale. But this was not the Cloudsdale she remembered.

All around, the Pegasai were wearing armour, baring spears. But these were not HER Pegasus, but the four hooved ones that her kind had once been.

She felt a weight on her shoulders and head, and found she was wearing the exact same armour. In fact, she too was a four hooved Pegasus Pony.

“What is going on here?” She wanted to panic.

“We are preparing for war.” One of the soldiers told her. “The pathetic Earth Ponies are withholding food, and without it, we will all starve. We are going to conquer them and make them provide us with food.”

“What?” Dash paled. “War? With other ponies?” She spun around, realizing that her own kind were indeed preparing for war.

“Of course, and then we will conquer the Unicorns and make then raise and lower the sun and the moon like they always have.” The soldier glared at Dash. “How is it you don't know all this already?”

“Um... I just got here?”

“Ah, from one of the outlying settlements? Then tell me, what do you know of the Earth Pony forces?”

Dash shook her head. “I don't know. I don't even really understand what's going on here.” She glared at the soldier. “I'm not going to war, and I'm not going to fight and hurt other ponies. I know we can all learn to live in peace with one another.” She threw off her helmet. “Some of my best friends are Earth Ponies, and Unicorns. I'd never betray their trust.”

The Pegasus Pony grinned. “Very good Rainbow Dash. You are a true and Loyal friend.” His form changed to that of Tyrant Skyfire, only her mane was flowing pale pink, blue and green. She bore no markings of being a being on fire other then the sun cutie mark on her hindquarters.


“Princess Celestia is my name, not Tyrant Skyfire.” She smiled gently, kindly, not a hint of hate or anger in her voice. “I am Princess Luna's elder sister, the one you know as Queen Nightsong.”

“You're trying to mess with my head, monster.” Dash stepped forward. “You're not going to change my mind. I won't side with you. You said I passed, then give me the Element of Harmony, or were you lying about that?”

“I was not lying. Here it is.” She spread a wing and dropped a grey sphere to the clouds, where it bounced and rolled to Dash's hooves. “Take it, and return to Canterlot Castle.”

Dash scooped the heavy stone into her hands, and then everything faded away.

Rarity stood in the centre of a rundown stone castle. All around her were Unicorns, looking as though they were starving.

These Unicorns walked on all four hooves, and were lacking hands.

Rarity too was on all four hooves. She frowned, thinking too herself (What manner of trickery is this? Tyrant Skyfire certainly is cruel. I better not be stuck like this.)

“Pardon me ma'am.” A young voice caught Rarity's attention. She turned to see a young colt, his ribs and spine showing through his ragged coat. “You wouldn't happen to have any food you could spare, would you?”

“Dear me.” Rarity flinched at the sight. She then became aware that pretty much all the Unicorns were looking half starved, if not already there. She looked at herself. Her ribs were showing just s much as this colt's. She looked downright miserable. She noted she carried a pair of thin saddlebags.

Rarity suddenly felt her stomach growl with hunger, even louder than those of the colt. Frowning, she checked the bags for some food, only to find single withered carrot.

Her stomach screamed at her again and she reached for the carrot, taking it in her teeth. She looked at the frail and starving little colt, only to have her belly rumble painfully. Rarity held her pain in check and placed the food before the colt. “Go on, eat up young one. I only wish I had some more for everypony else.”

The colt smiled. “Thank you miss.” He scooped the carrot up and carried to a frail and sick looking filly. “Little sister? I got you a carrot. Eat up now.”

Rarity, despite her hunger pains, smiled.

“So generous.” A soft voice spoke next to Rarity. “To give the last of your food, knowing that should you not eat, you will certainly be dead by morning.”

Rarity looked up at the beautiful, gentle looking Alicorn. “I would do no less for anypony. I would give my last gem, my last piece of food if I knew it could help another.”

Celestia smiled and opened a wing, dropping a round stone to the ground. “You have passed my test. This Element of Harmony is yours.”

Rarity picked the stone up in her hands, once again a proper Pony, as she knew them to be. She looked up and the world around her faded away.

Applejack groaned as she stood up, only too fall back on her flank. She winced on impact and tried to stand, falling again.

This time she caught her fall with her hands... no, they were no longer hands. They were hooves. “What in tarnation?”

“Hey, ya alright there Lass?” An old Earth Pony glanced over. “Ah reckon ya best stay quiet an' keep hidden. Them Pegasus an' Unicorns are here t' steal more food from us.” The old stallion pointed to the large pile of food that was covered by a tarp.

Applejack frowned and looked outside. This was just a small community, with only four houses and each surrounded by bare gardens. She could tell they had all been harvested very recently, and there must have been a large amount of food too.

The orange pony then spotted a pair of weary looking Pegasus and a pair of starving, bones showing Unicorns. They were talking to a middle aged Earth Pony, who looked like he tended to eat quite well.

She could overhear the pair quite easily.

“Please, all we ask is just a little food.” The lead Pegasus pleaded.

“We ain't got none t' give.” A middle aged Earth Pony growled back. “Poor harvest. Can't you see our fields are bare?”

“Certainly you can spare one meal for some wary travellers.” The younger of the two Unicorns fell to her knees and begged. “Please, one small meal and we can make it home.”

“We got nothing t' give.” The Earth Pony yelled again.

Applejack looked at the large pile. She could tell that this was the first harvest of the year, and with so few earth ponies living here, most of this food would spoil before it could be eaten. She looked at the old stallion in this house and frowned.

“We just gonna let them ponies starve? We're lyin' bout not havin' food.”

“They ain't Earth Ponies. We ain't tellin em we got any food.”

AJ frowned. “We have more than what we can ever eat, even if we do trade t' other Earth Pony communities. They'd certainly be able t' grow their own food easy enough.” She pulled back the tarp. “Ah ain't gonna lie t' other ponies.”

“They ain't just other ponies. They're Unicorns and Pegasus ponies. Ya gonna let them know we have food, they'll just bring more and take it all from us.”

AJ scowled. “Ah dun think so. If ya tell em the truth, that ya got more food then what ya can ever eat, an' give em some, then they'll be grateful fer that. Sides, we need the Pegasus fer the weather.”

“Ah guess... An' th' Unicorns raise an' lower th' sun an' moon...” The old stallion sighed. “Fine, yer right lil' Missy. Sides, they ain't really ever stiffed us on the weather and sun.”

AJ smiled proudly. Not because she had won, but because this old Stallion was going to be honest. She watched him step outside and speak.

“We got plenty ah food. We can spare ya a meal easy.” The old Stallion glared at the younger one. “An' Ah dun wanna hear a word o' complaint from ya.”

“But... Pa, this is our food.”

“An' we owe it t' th' good weather an the sun fer ah harvest. We gotta share fairly.”

Applejack smiled as she stepped back. She watched the ponies, all three races, walked into the house and sat down to share a meal.

“The truth can help others, and it is a trait that is most important for friendship.” A beautiful voice spoke from next to the bipedal Earth Pony.

“Ya'll that Skyfire, ain't ya?”

“I am Princess Celestia.” She smiled and let fall a grey stone. “This is your Element of Harmony. Take it and know that you have passed my trial.”

Applejack picked up the stone, and everything faded away.

Pinkamena gasped as her bright blue eyes flew open. She hopped off the ground and landed on her hind hooves, balancing perfectly. She glanced at her forehooves and blinked. “Oh, now this just feels funny.” She did feel a little different, and dropped to all four hooves when she started walking toward the only door.

The pink mare stepped out into a room filled with many wary and tired looking Earth Ponies. They looked tired and very bored.

“Why are you all so glum?” She asked curiously.

“Why?” A stallion her age snarled. “Because today is supposed to be the first day of summer celebration, and it's raining outside.”

Pinkamena raised an eyebrow, scrutinizing the group. “Just because it's raining doesn't mean we can't have fun indoors.” She hopped up onto the table. “Come on. Certainly you now some fun games to play inside or stories you can tell each other.”

The building shook a little as a strong gust of wind hit. The Ponies shuddered a little at the unnatural weather.

“Them Pegasus are to blame for this.” Another pony cried out angrily. “They're making this storm.”

Pinkamena rolled her eyes. “Well DUH!!! They always make the weather. Now tell me, how's the weather been for the last week or so?”

“Sunny and hot, why?”

“And you're all farmers, right?”

“Of course.”

“So? After a week of hot weather, a good solid rain will do your fields good, and this wind will blow away any dead branches from the trees, letting them grow even better.” She balanced on her hind legs and twirled on one leg. “So you should be happy that the Pegasus are giving you this rain.”

“The mare has a point.” The first stallion spoke up. We have been needing a good rainfall, and there's a lot of dead branches on the apple trees. The mess from the storm will be worth it when we have a good harvest this year.”

Pinkamena hopped off the table and 'grabbed' the Earth Pony's forehooves and lifted him into a 'standing' position. “So? While the storm is on, why not have a little fun. Why not throw a summer rain party, even if we're all indoors.”

The pony laughed and started dancing.

Some ponies started beating their hooves on the floor to create a rhythm while the rest of the ponies broke out into dance as well.

Pinkamena looked around at all the smiling faces and felt her heart and spirits rise. She was certainly feeling better.

Her dance partner stepped back and smiled at the still upright Pinkamena. His form wavered and became a magnificent white mare with pastel rainbow mane and tail. Her gentle pink eyes matched the smile on her lips.

“Well done Pinkamena Diane Pie. You are certainly a joyous young mare.”

“Aww, thank you Miss... Um, you're not Tyrant Skyfire, even if you do look little like her, only you seem really nice and I love your mane and...”

“Pinkamena.” The white mare smiled. “Please, call me Princess Celestia. I am pleased you can so easily bring happiness too those around you, even without party supplies.”

Pinkamena bowed her head a little. “But of course, My special talent is throwing parties, but I simply love making ponies feel joy and happiness. I also bake really good cupcakes.”

Celestia giggled, her own smile spreading on her face. “You do well by your gifts, and here is a gift for you, an Element of Harmony.” She let a grey stone roll across the table into Pinkamena's hands. “You have passed my test.”

Just as with the others, the world vanished around the smiling Pinkamena.

Fluttershy stood on a cloud, over a battlefield.

The Pegasus were fighting the Earth Ponies, trying to steal food from them by force.

Fluttershy gasped at this sight, seeing a wounded Earth Pony laying next to a wounded Pegasus. She flew down, landing on all four hooves. She didn't worry about her current form.

“Medic... Help me please.” The Pegasus reached out a hoof. He didn't look terribly wounded. She came over and quickly bound his wound, a cut on his wing.

“Now I want you to keep your wing folded for at least a weak, understood?”

“Yes Ma'am.” He smiled in thanks, then watched as she headed for the wounded Earth Pony. At first, he thought she was going to finish him off, but gasped when she started tending to his wounds, whispering softly to the shocked ground bound pony.

“What are you doing? That's the enemy.” The Pegasus stormed over.

“He's a pony, like you and me. He's hurt and I can't just stand by and let him lay here like this.” She replied with the softest smile either pony had ever seen. Fluttershy continued tending to his wounds, but the other Pegasus pulled her back and raised his weapon over the Earth Pony.

“Never. He's the enemy, and if you're going to help them, that makes you an enemy as well.”

Fluttershy stepped between the pair. “What will you do when all the Earth Ponies are gone? Grow your own food? Certainly there must be some other way to coexist peacefully.”

The Pegasus stepped back and jammed his spear into the ground. “What would you suggest?”

“Perhaps if you stopped fighting and listened to each other.” Fluttershy was very frightened, but she couldn't stand by and let a pony get hurt, especially at the hooves or weapon of another pony. “Look at yourself. Take away your wings and look at him.” She smiled at the Earth Pony who was cowering behind the smaller mare. “Would you see any difference then?”

The Pegasus looked at his wings and folded them to his sides before looking at the Earth Pony. “I'd be the same as him...” He sighed. “You have a point. Without the Earth Ponies, we would have no food... We would have no reason to control the weather, then we'd have no true reason to even exist at all.” He turned and flew into the air, pulling out a horn and blowing it, sounding a retreat. “Soldiers, drop all the food. We'll try another way, a peaceful way. We need them as much as they need us.”

Fluttershy smiled at the Pegasus soldier. “Thank you.”

“Thank you.” He repeated and flew off with his fellow soldiers.

Fluttershy turned to help the fallen Earth Pony and gasped. He was no longer there, but in his place was a beautiful mare of white with a long, beautiful flowing mane.

“To show kindness to another pony, it is something that all Ponies should strive for.” Her smile was gentle and kind. “You have passed my trial, Fluttershy. Take this Element of Harmony.” She dropped the stone to the ground and stepped back.

Fluttershy found herself as she had always know herself, bipedal. She knelt down and gently cradled the grey stone in her arms. “Thank you.” She smiled as the world faded.

Midnight floated in a vast realm where lines of magic and power flowed freely. All about her, she saw flows and fields and so many colours that it nearly took her breath away.

Secrets of magic she had never imagined lay before her, at her grasp to take and learn.

But she felt this had to be a trap.

“I will not succumb to your attempts to tempt me with power. I will learn my magic through focused study, experimentation and meditation. You will not fool me Tyrant Skyfire.” Midnight called out.

There was no response.

Midnight snorted and turned, then spotted her spell book, floating open before her eyes.

She knew that within there was a dozen spells she had spent much time learning, but to her amazement as the pages flipped quickly, the flows and lines of magic wrote themselves onto the many blank pages.

“What are you doing to my book?” She cried out. “I don't want your magic, your spells. I want to learn my magic under the guidance of the Queen I love, not some monster who wants to burn the sky.”

Still she heard no other voice but her own. Or could she?

There was a voice... Yes, she could hear it. No, two voices, three, five.

The voices of her friends.

Within the fields of magic she could see their trials, she could see them failing.

Rarity starving and dying.

Applejack being killed when soldiers invaded, knowing there was food to be taken.

Pinkamena keeping everypony too busy to see the storm bringing floods and tornadoes which tore her dwelling apart, killing all the ponies inside in the process.

Fluttershy standing between two enemies, and being stabbed to death by both.

“These are false images you show me Tyrant. I do not believe them...” She spotted a spell, one that could reveal truth. She read the spell and channelled the magic into the fields, revealing the truth of each trial, their successes.

She felt better, knowing her friends had passed, but at the same time, felt she must have failed. She had taken a spell and used it. She had learned a spell her mentor, her teacher, her Queen, had not taught her.

Midnight wanted to purge the spell from her mind, but then she saw more. The spell of truth was still active.

All the magic around her, it was already within her, not known, but the potential.

Unicorns could only learn a few spells beyond what their talent permitted. Almost all spells usually had to be based on their talent.

But Midnight realized something.

Her talent was magic. She reached for her book and grasped it, then held at arms length, the pages facing outward. She willed all the spells she could see to flow into the book.

If Tyrant Skyfire wanted to give her magic spells, then so be it. She would take them and use them to help her friends, her queen, and her family.

“Magic is your talent Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Celestia appeared before Midnight. “A unique talent that few Unicorns are gifted with.”

Midnight channelled the last spell into her book and slammed it shut, the chains winding around and sealing it. “I don't know why you did this, but... Thank you.” She looked over the Pony. She was not Tyrant Skyfire, but Princess Celestia. “Still...” She bowed for a moment before looking right into Celestia's pink eyes. “You are the enemy.”

“Am I?” Celestia asked. “Your spell of truth is still active, so no matter what I say, you will only hear the truth.” She smiled. “Twilight Sparkle, I do not ask that you ever betray Princess Luna, or as you know her, Queen Nightsong. All I ask is that you believe I am not here to burn the sky, but to restore the sun.”

“You may speak the truth, but your sun hurts our eyes. It's too hot and saps our stamina. All your Sun has done is to bring fear to all those in Evernight... And why do you call me Twilight?”

“Because... that is your name.” She closed her eyes. “This reality you live in is a false one. Nightmare Moon, once known as Princess Luna, was imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years, but she broke free and found a way to travel into the past. She altered history by taking away the Elements of Harmony from me, and giving them to her past self.”

Celestia opened her gentle eyes. “I fell and was imprisoned, but as time passed, while I remained trapped in the core of the world, I saw the true path that history should have taken.”

Midnight snorted. “Then why do you not return to THAT reality? This one has existed for a thousand years. It shall continue to exist.”

“Without the warmth of the sun, the world will freeze and die.”

“With the heat of your sun, all life will wilt and die.” Midnight stepped forward. “This is a realm of the night, not one of the sun.” Her horn started glowing. “Can't you see that you are doing nothing but harm? You should return to the core and learn your place.” Magic started taking on a physical form before Midnight. “You say I must pass your trial? No, the Element was stolen by you, so I now take it back in the name of Queen Nightsong.”

The magic surged and the grey sphere appeared before Midnight, much to the shock of Princess Celestia.

“No... How did you do that?”

“I revealed the truth, the hiding place of the Element of Magic.” Midnight grasped the stone and the world around her vanished.

Midnight was once again back in the throne room, standing with her friends, each holding their own Elements.

“Tyrant Skyfire, we banish you back to the core.” Midnight channelled her magic into the sphere. She felt it. The connection of her friends. She felt at ease now that they were around her, her anger vanishing. “You who were Princess Celestia, we seal you once again.”

The spheres transformed into beautiful necklaces and attached themselves to the five ponies who were with Midnight.

Hers became a crown which settled on her head.

“The spell of truth lets me see your truth Tyrant Skyfire. You are a being of great power, but also full of lies.” Midnight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkamena, Rainbow Dash and Rarity floated off the ground.

A brilliant rainbow ribbon of light wrapped around the mares, then shot toward Skyfire.

“The Elements cannot contain me again.” Skyfire laughed as a dark mare appeared before her, standing on four hooves as well.

The black coated Nightmare Moon looked upon the Elements of Harmony in terror, shielding herself with a wing. “No... Not again.” She cried out.

Midnight grasped control of the magic and threw it past the dark mare that could only be Queen Nightsong. The magic slammed into the shocked form of Skyfire, wrapping around her screaming form before imploding.

A hole opened in the ground, dragging the Tyrant into the ground, then slamming shut around her and silencing her screams.

Nightmare Moon's form shifted, her standing up on her hind legs and her hooves becoming hands once again.

“Midnight Sparkle, my Prime Apprentice.” She smiled as Midnight and the others knelt and bowed before her. “The six of you have performed wonderfully on this, the first day after a thousand years.” She looked to the sky and floated off the floor, her great feathered wings spread wide as a silvery blue glow surrounded her.

The sun's light dimmed from bright, burning gold to the soft, gentle silver light of the Bright Moon.

Queen Nightsong then settled to the floor once again. “Had you not taken command of the magic, then I would have been defeated... Turned once again into the Tyrant's puppet. She would have commanded the sun and the moon.”

Midnight smiled as she looked up into those beautiful green eyes. She took the crown off her head and held it out. “My Queen, we have recovered the Elements of Harmony, and return them to you.”

Nightsong shook her head. “The Elements are no longer bound to me, but to the six of you. You are now their representatives.” She looked to Applejack. “Applejack Apple. You represent Honesty. When you told those Pegasai and Unicorns that there was food to be shared, you opened their eyes. Because of that, war was avoided, and your ancestors were not slaughtered.”

“Rarity, you shared the last bit of your own food for that child, even if that one carrot could have sustained you till you could have found more. This is why you represent Generosity.”

“Pinkamena, you brought smiles to those fearful Ponies. You helped them make it through a frightening storm. This is why you represent Joy.”

“Fluttershy, your heart knows adversity and pain, but it did not keep you from lending aid to those who should have been your enemies. You showed those soldiers that Kindness is a better way for all Ponies to live. This is why you represent Kindness.”

“Rainbow Dash. You would not betray your friends or your loyalty to myself. You represent Loyalty.”

Nightsong then turned to Midnight. “Midnight. You used magic to see through the weave of lies my elder sister had woven. Your magic was what saved all your friends from brutal deaths. You represent the most powerful of the elements, but also the most dangerous. Magic.”

Midnight nodded, understanding that they now commanded the Elements of Harmony. “We may represent the Elements, but we all owe our lives to you, our beloved Queen Nightsong. We see that the Tyrant had left those false clues to cloud our minds, to try to make us feel doubt in you.”

“But you did not doubt me.” Nightsong smiled. “Come now, let us return to Lunaris Castle.” Her horn flared beautifully and the ancient ruins of Canterlot vanished in silver light.

To Be Continued...

After the Fall

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

Canterlot Ruins.

Spitfire looked over at Soarin and frowned. “I can't believe it... Our Princess, she was imprisoned again...”

“We waited for her to return after a thousand years hoping she could at least correct this altered time line...” Soarin added as he walked over to the spot where their Princess was trapped again. The quadrupedal Pegasus tapped at the white marble floor with a hoof. “It's still warm. Do you think there's any way we can somehow break her free again?”

“We would need either the Elements of Harmony, or an equally powerful magic.” Spitfire replied as she heard a third Pegasus land in the throne room. She turned to the dark clad Pegasus. “Mare Do Well.” She smiled. “You managed to escape the time vortex?”

The mare simply nodded.

“What about the others?”

Spitfire received her answer when a second Mare Do Well appeared in a flash of violet light.

Soarin blinked. “Two of you? I thought there was three.”

Hoof steps were heard at the entrance. The quartet turned to see a third Mare Do Well appear. This one looked more buff in her build, obviously an Earth Pony.

“Oh, ok.” Soarin laughed. “So Spitfire, where's Echo and Blitzkrieg? Are they still out scouting?”

“Yea, they should be back soon. Gilda as well.”

The Pegasus Mare Do Well narrowed her eyes and trotted toward the window.

The other two Mare's watched her take flight and vanish into the night. They glanced at each other and started toward the throne room doors.

“I take it the three of you will help us in your own ways?” Spitfire asked and received a nod from the magic using Mare before the pair left.

Soarin tapped at the floor again. “It's growing cold...”

“Don't worry Soarin. We'll free her and save Equestria. This Evernight will not last forever.”

“I hope so Spitfire. I hope so.”

Midnight awoke in a cold sweat. The visions from a strange nightmare fading fast. One thing she remembered, Tyrant Skyfire telling her this world was false and should never have existed in the first place, before burning the sky, and the land as well.

“Spike?” She whispered.

“Hmm?” The serpent poked his head out of his small bed under the heating lamp. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes with the tip of his tail. “It's still respite.”

“I had that dream again.”

“Why? You already defeated the Tyrant. She's sealed away in the core of the world again. She's no threat anymore.”

Midnight shook her head. “You're right...” She spoke the words, but didn't really believe them. When she had seen Princess Celestia, she had felt something. She couldn't explain it, but even though she had been afraid at the time, she could swear she felt... love?

“Midnight, would you like me to prepare some chamomile tea?”

“No, it's alright. I'm awaken now. You go back to sleep. I think I'll just do some research.” She rose from bed and walked quietly to the window. She pulled back the curtains and looked out at the sliver of the moon that was visible. The respite sky was filled with stars and some clouds.

Her mind wondered back to her experience with daylight.

It had terrified her, but at the same time, the heat and warmth that enveloped her had been... comforting? She was used to the chill in the night and respite air, but that warmth had been akin to a warm bath, now that she thought about it.

“Say Spike?”


“She called me.. Twilight Sparkle.”

“Who called you what?” The serpent rose off the floor, his wings guiding his movements till he settled around Midnight's shoulders, his tail wrapping gently around his mistress.

“Princess Celestia. She called me Twilight Sparkle. She said that is my true name, and that all we know is a lie.”

“Well obviously she was lying.” Spike replied, his tongue flicking in and out for a moment. “Hmm? Mid? I don't think we're alone.”

Midnight felt the force of magic flare through the bedroom. She spun around to see another form standing near the door. A quadrupedal pony wearing dark clothing, a long cape and a wide brimmed hat.

Instantly Midnight summoned her book to her hand, the chains unsealing the powerful tome. “Who are you?” She demanded.

The strange mare levitated a scroll from under her cloak and set it gently on the bed. A moment later, she flared with magic and was gone.

Spike's green eyes were wide. “A Unicorn? She can teleport?”

Midnight approached the scroll and picked it up.

“Hey, that could be cursed or trapped.”

Midnight shook her head. “I sense no magic in this.” She looked at the seal. “The seal of Princess Celestia...” She examined the beautiful marking before breaking it. Midnight unrolled the scroll.

“Dear Tw~scratch~ Midnight Sparkle.”

“Do not be alarmed at the sight of my messenger, Mare Do Well. I am Princess Celestia, sealed deep within the world, and I request that you at least think on what I have told you.”

“The world you know is a lie. Your Queen imprisoned me not because I was threatening to burn the sky, but because I opposed her intention to bring everlasting night to Equestria. She won, using the Elements of Harmony, but they were not the true Elements. They were ones given to her from the future.”

“How is this possible you may be wondering, or perhaps, why should I believe any of this? The answer is not so simple, nor is the only way to correct your mistake in re-imprisoning me. I will let you think over matters for now, and I will be contacting you again in the future.”

“Yours truly, Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

“P.S. Mare Do Well will not speak to you, nor answer any of your questions herself. Do not try to find her, as her magic is superior to yours. Do not think to threaten her or harm her or any of my followers in any way. I want to find a peaceful way to resolve this issue and restore all to how it should be.”

Spike blinked. “Are you serious? A letter from Tyrant Skyfire herself? How could she even send it in the first place?”

Midnight shook her head. “I do not know... I want to ask Queen Nightsong for her advice, but I cannot always be bothering her.”

“Um, Mid? I think this is a situation where she won't mind being disturbed.” Spike flicked his tongue out again. “Hmm, she smelled familiar... Like you, almost.”

“That's impossible Spike. It is impossible... isn't it?”

“I'm no expert with time lines and alternate history or anything like that.” He shrugged his wings. “Do you want me to send the Queen a letter?”

“No, not till I've done more research.” She held out her arm toward the serpent's bed. The serpent coiled around and slithered down her arm and into his warm bed. “Get some rest.”

Spike yawned, his needle fangs glinting under the red light of the heat 'lamp'. “Sure thing Midnight. Good respite.”

Midnight left the bedroom and descended the stairs to the library proper. She activated the light stones and started searching the shelves.

Rarity leaned back in her rich, red velvet lined 'throne' and sighed. She glanced at the latest outfit she had just completed.

Black velvet with red silk inner lining. Beautiful silver embroidery studded with rubies. Another gown for the Grand Galloping Gala finished. “Three more gowns and two more suits to go...” She sighed and levitated a cup of tea into her hand. She sipped at the lightly spiced ginger tea and smiled.

At that moment, she glanced out the window and was the library lights were on. Not the ones in Midnight's private living quarters, but the ones from the library proper.

“It's far too late for even Midnight to be awake.” She rose to her hooves and leaned against the window sill. She saw movement through the frosted windows and raised an eyebrow. “Far too late indeed.”

The white mare headed upstairs to her room and dressed. A black, sheer silk cloak was draped over her shoulders, the hood up over her head. She strapped on her belt and set her dagger onto it. After that, she exited her home through the back door and made her way toward the library.

Midnight pulled yet another book on alternate reality probability. This was the third and final book that this library possessed. She brought the tree books to the desk and set them down.

As she was about to open the first book, she felt a presence outside. She glanced at the small mirror resting on the desk and used some magic. She saw the cloaked figure approaching the library.

The white legs and flawless cloven hooves were familiar. Rarity?

A flash of her horn, and the front door unlocked and opened a crack. She didn't even turn as she heard the door creak open and the hooves step onto the the solid wooden floor. “Hello Rarity. A little late to be wandering about town, isn't it?”

“I'm impressed. How did you know I was outside?”

“I sensed magic. You're carrying your spell gems, right?”

Rarity giggled lightly as she removed her cloak. “I always do. Might I inquire as to why you are up so late?”

“Had a bad dream about Skyfire.” Midnight replied, turning from her book to face Rarity. “Why are you up so late?”

“Oh, just finishing yet another gown for the Grand Galloping Gala. I saw the library lights were on and got curious.”

“I see.” Midnight smiled. “Would you care for some tea? Or maybe something a little stronger. I do have coffee.”

Rarity smiled and nodded. “I would so enjoy a little coffee.”

Midnight smiled and lead Rarity up too the kitchen where she started making a pot. “Have a seat. Tell me why you're still awake. I somehow doubt that making a dress is the only reason.”

“How astute of you too notice...” Rarity replied, looking a little tired. “Bad dreams of that 'test'. We never told each other what happened, did we?”

“No, just as I never told you what happened during my test. If you feel like it, why not tell me?”

“I was a pony, I mean, a four legged one like in olden times. I was in a town with only Unicorn Ponies. We were all starving, and I was no better than any of the others. I sacrificed the last of my food, giving it to a young colt. He then gave it to his sister... I... I couldn't stand to see any of the ponies like that. I didn't care that I was four legged or two. The scene of all those suffering ponies...” She hung her head a little. “I can't get that out of my mind.”

“I... I saw your trial, but, the way I saw it, you ended up dying from starvation. I had feared you had failed.”

Rarity shook her head. “No, after I gave my food away, she... the Princess, appeared before me and told me I passed. Still, I can't get the feeling that what we saw was something not from an illusion, but from the past itself, like a memory.”

Midnight nodded. “I got that feeling as well as I watched each of your trials, all ending badly for each of you.” She glanced at her spell book. All the strange new spells within, and not a single spell for combat. “But in the end, I watched each of you pass, and I learned some new spells.”

“You did? I mean, you watched all of us? What was your trial?”

“I used magic to see the truth of your trials.” She shivered a little. “I'm relieved that what I had first seen was false.” She paused. “Or was it? What if what I saw was the true past, and that each of you were sent back to that time to change it? I mean, Princess Celestia, or Tyrant Skyfire certainly must be powerful if she can burn the sky. Sending you back in time is a possibility as well.”

Rarity blinked. “But if we went into the past, what could our small acts have done? I mean, nothing has changed at all, has it?” She glanced around. “Well, I certainly have noticed no changes.”

Midnight grabbed her book and opened it, levitating it before her. “Well, there is a spell for sending one's mind and spirit back through time...” She found the spell, one of the new spells. “I think Celestia gave me these new spells to find out the truth of what happened a thousand years ago.” She looked at her other books. “Maybe the present is not where we should be looking, or, not THIS present.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity blinked.

“Well, Celestia told me this, everything we know, should never have happened. What if we can look into the true flow of time and see what Celestia meant.”

Rarity shook her head. “Oh no... I don't trust Tyrant Skyfire. I mean, she didn't actually burn the sky or cause any of us any harm. Still...”

Midnight set down the book after sealing it again. She returned to making the coffee. “Well, it's not like we can actually effect anything, right? All five of you supposedly experienced another time, all about the same time period in fact.” She grinned. “Maybe I can use that as a starting point and watch time up till the battle between Nightsong and Skyfire. Maybe I can try to watch the events of the other time line as well.”

“Certainly if you do that, you'd anger the Queen.”

Midnight shook her head. “I'm allowed to research anything I want. Queen Nightsong has never refused me before.”

“Are you going to ask her?”

“Well, if I don't ask, she can't refuse me. Besides, I can't go bothering her every time I want to research something.” Midnight said as she finished setting up the coffee on the stove. “Though...” She though back to the dark mare and her letter. She was unsure if she should tell anypony about that just yet.

“Yes?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, nothing.” Midnight replied as she set out a couple mugs, fresh cream and sugar. “Anyways, coffee will be ready soon.”

“Do you need any help with your research?”

“No, I usually prefer to research things on my own.” Midnight smiled. “Thank you for the offer though.”

“Of course darling.” Rarity said before catching the smell of the coffee. “That smells wonderful. Coffee is quite expensive.”

“Well, I'm not exactly poor. Still, I prefer to conserve my money.” She glanced at the coffee and grinned a little sheepishly. “Ok, I spoil myself on occasion.”

Rarity giggled at this as Midnight finished brewing a couple cups and served them.

Rarity had finally gone home to get her beauty sleep, not that she needed anything to help her with her beauty.

Midnight returned to the library and started her research. Much of what she found in the books was pure speculation, barely formed on facts of any kind. She sighed as she closed the third book and frowned. “Useless... I'll just have to use my magic.” She looked at her spell book and summoned it with her magic.

Opening it to the appropriate spell, she memorized it carefully. Once she was certain she had it down, she headed into the basement of the library, not wanting to disturb Spike, or to be disturbed herself.

“Ok, I have everything I need...” She sat down in front of a small crystal globe and cast the spell. Her vision blurred for a moment as she 'rewound' through history rapidly till she found the events that matched those from the trials.

From there, she would skip forward, centuries at a time till the first appearance of Princess Celestia, and a century later, Princess Luna.

They were both normal ponies, only with wings and horns. It felt strange viewing her Queen in such a form, so much smaller than she knew, and so much 'animalistic'.

Still, she would wind forward till she finally found the battle.

Celestia stood before a black mare with a mane like the night sky. Oddly, there was no sign of any Tyrant Skyfire, not till the battle started.

Celestia transformed and summoned frightening magic, flames and lights that surrounded her sister, and six spheres of rainbow light. Midnight almost lost her focus as she watched as her Queen was defeated by this powerful magic, entrapped in the Moon itself.

(This isn't right... That's not how events took place...) Still, Midnight pressed on, watching as day and night were controlled equally by Princess Celestia. Whatever she was seeing, it was not what she knew.

For a thousand years, Celestia controlled the sun and the moon till the day Nightmare Moon returned and sealed away Celestia. Shortly after, six young ponies appeared and defeated her with the magic from the six Elements, but rather than banishing her, she was turned into a pony, smaller than her sister, but similar in form.

Midnight looked at these six ponies and gasped. She recognized each and every one of them, and seeing herself as a four legged pony really made her wonder.

Then she gasped as Princess Luna stood up and took control of the Elements and vanished. Following Luna through time, she watched as she appeared before Nightmare Moon from a thousand years ago.

“I am you, you are me. In the future, you will be defeated by these, the Elements of Harmony. I give these to you, so you may defeat your sister and bring about nighttime eternal.”

“Why should I trust you?” Nightmare Moon demanded.

“Because, if you do not, then your sister will burn the sky, eradicating all life from all of the world. I have seen this for myself and barely escaped through time.” Luna stamped her hoof. “I do not want this future. Even cured of my dark magic, my desires remain the same. I must return to my time and face my fate... You can change the past, and thus, the future. I trust you know what to do.”

Nightmare Moon looked at the Elements and grinned. “Oh yes, I most certainly do.” She looked up and watched Luna fade away. “With these, I will defeat my sister, but first, I must ensure she cannot use her elements against me.”

With her magic, she captured Celestia's Elements and replaced them with hers, darker, cursed Elements.

Days passed and the pair finally faced each other, but Celestia was transformed, the cursed magic having transformed her into the form of Tyrant Skyfire. Her dark magic did not stand a chance against the 'true' Elements and were dispersed, scattered over the world. A moment later, Skyfire was defeated and sealed away.

“And now, the sky will never burn, and the night shall reign eternal...” Nightmare Moon grinned. “Now, to undo the magic which Celestia cast at the beginning of time, the one which keeps us in the forms of beasts.”

Midnight gasped. “The past... it really was changed? But... Queen Nightsong had ruled over Evernight all this time. Other than the few wars with the Gryphons and Diamond Dogs, we've known peace. Our forms are certainly superior to those of normal ponies... But the time I watched when we remained as ponies was purely peaceful. There was no Tyrant Skyfire till Princess Luna travelled back in time.” She shook her head as the magic faded away.

Midnight rose to her hooves and paced back and forth. “I love my Queen... But... Is it true that all I know had been manipulated and is just a lie?” She looked back at the sphere. She sat down and focused her magic again. She needed to know what was happening in the 'other' time line right now.

It took her only moments to locate it, and found Luna and Celestia in the ruins, hugging, with herself and the other five watching. They returned to Ponyville and went about their peaceful lives, experiencing various adventures, and becoming friends.

(This makes no sense... More time has passed in this time line than our own? I'm seeing alternate future events...) Midnight wondered, but then the visions stopped. She had caught up to the current events, or perhaps time was blocked.

No sky was burned, no horrible events took place, and the world was peaceful.

Midnight dropped the magic and crossed her arms. “We'd be living identical lives, but with a few changes... Spike is a Dragon. We're all animals...” She shuddered at that concept. “Still... Everything Queen Nightsong has written in history is false... Unless all I have seen was a lie, a manipulation of Tyrant Skyfire's...” Midnight chewed her thumb. “Well, this spell was one of Celestia's... It has to be the lie, and what I know is the truth.”

She nodded sagely. There was no way that the Tyrant's 'truth' was the truth at all. Time travel was impossible after all, wasn't it? Real time travel that is. Heck, this viewing spell had to be a trick, a false magic. Was that 'truth' spell even the real thing? No, it had to be a manipulation as well.

Midnight jumped her her hooves and headed back upstairs, to her living area, just below her bedroom loft. “Spike?”

The serpent groaned. “What is it now?” He poked his head from under his blanket and noted that Bright Moon was beginning to rise. “Oh... night time already...” He looked at the somewhat unkempt looking Midnight. “Did you get any sleep at all?”

“No, not really. I'm feeling confused right now. I used a spell to view the past, but I don't know if it is the true past, or a manipulation.” Midnight climbed the stairs. “I need to return to Canterlot.”

“Oh COME on...” Spike groaned. “How do you plan on getting there?”

“My wings.”

Spike shook his head. “You know how ponies feel about that magic in Lunaris. How do you think they might react to seeing you use that kind of magic here in Ponyville?”

“Which is why I'll be leaving town. I'll need you to keep an eye on the library while I'm gone. I should be back before Respite.”

“Speaking of sleep, you really should get at least a couple hours rest.”

Midnight shook her head. “No time for that... Remember that visitor last night? The letter? I need to find out if the Tyrant really is sealed, so I need to examine the area she was sealed.” She started dressing. Her leggings, bracers and jacket were donned, then her satchel rested over her shoulder. Finally, she put on her belt and clipped her rapier to it. “I don't want you telling anypony about last night. Am I clear?”

“Of course Mistress Midnight Sparkle.” He nodded.

“Good. If anypony comes asking for me, tell them I'm out of town for the night, and should be back before Respite.” She turned on her heel, then paused. “And Spike?”


“Be careful.” Midnight then rushed from the living quarters and out of the library itself.

Spike watched out the window as his creator vanished as she teleported away. “Be careful Midnight...”

To Be Continued...

The Trap

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Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.

Canterlot Ruins.

A flare of dark purple light warned the occupants of the throne room they had company.

Spitfire, Soarin and a third Pegasus Pony turned to see Mare Do Well appear, drop a scroll, then vanish again, teleporting off someplace the flyers could not find her.

Spitfire trotted over and unrolled the scroll with her hooves, pinned the parchment down and read it out.

“She's on her way. Get prepared.”

“She?” Soarin asked. “Wait, you mean that freaky looking version of Twilight Sparkle?” He shivered. “I heard how powerful our Twilight is...”

“Time seems to have flowed differently, if even just slightly.” Spitfire stated. “This one should not be as powerful.”

“Are you sure?” Echo asked. “She possesses the Element of Magic, and her special talent is magic. She might prove more than we can handle.”

“We'll be fine. Mare Do Well, I mean the magic using one, set up a magical trap in the throne room. We should be able to contain her and use her magic to free Princess Celestia once again.” Spitfire grinned at her pale green eyed companion.

Echo nodded and looked toward the window. “Which of us will be the sacrifice?”

Soarin shook his head. “I'm the strongest flyer here, Spitfire's the most skilled, and you can weave through any obstacle course with your eyes closed. I think that Gryphon should be the one.”

“No. If it wasn't for Gilda, we would never have escaped the void in the first place.” Spitfire sat on her haunches and crossed her forelegs. “Damnit... I don't like this, but we need a sacrifice...”

“What about one of the Mare Do Well?” Echo suggested, her pale green eyes glancing between Spitfire and Soarin.

Spitfire shook her head. “No, that's not an option either. They're all too strong. That Pegasus is faster than Soarin, more skilled than myself, and more agile than Echo. The Earth Pony is stronger than even Gilda, and the Unicorn, well, her magic is unbelievable. You wanna suggest one of them sacrifice their lives for this ritual?”

Soarin sighed. “Then I'll have to fly to a nearby town and find a sacrifice...” He started toward the window. “Unless you have another suggestion.”

Spitfire hung her head. “I'm afraid I don't... The seal requires a thousand years to pass, or either the ones who sealed her to free her, or a blood sacrifice to break it.” She looked up at Echo and Soarin. “And we all know the likelihood that the Elements from this time line will free her. They're loyal to Nightmare Moon.”

“Fine... When I was scouting, I spotted a small settlement to the east. I'll nab somepony from there.” Soarin took off as fast as he could.

Echo frowned deeply. “Are we really going to murder somepony for this ritual?”

Spitfire looked away, a look of shame on her face. “We have no choice, other than to wait another thousand years in the void... Do you want to do that again?”

“No, but... It's murder. Even Nightmare Moon didn't kill anypony, and she's evil.” Echo started toward the window. “I don't want to hurt anypony.”

“Neither do I, and I know Soarin doesn't want to do this either.”

A larger form suddenly flew in through the window and landed heavily on the marble floor. Gilda glared hard at the pair of Pegasai. “I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could, but the ritual must be done by a Pony.” She folded her odd, mechanical wings, wincing a little in pain. “Ugh... These things still hurt.”

Spitfire felt sympathy for the Gryphon. She had lost her wings when they escaped the void. Had it not been for all three of the Mare Do Well, Gilda would be flightless for the rest of her life. “Don't worry Gilda. I'll do it. I'm the leader of the Wonderbolts after all.”

Gilda snorted. “Please. You've never killed anything before, have you?”

“I eat plants, not meat like you do.” Spitfire replied. “I've never had to kill, but this case... I'll murder anypony I have too if it means we can restore Princess Celestia and all of Equestria. Time MUST be set right again.”

Echo walked next to Spitfire and nuzzled her under the chin gently. “Once Twilight Sparkle arrives and we trap her, all we'll need to do is wait for Soaring to return.” She hung her head. “If he can't bring a sacrifice... what will we do then?”

“I'll sacrifice myself... I REALLY don't want too, but if we have no choice, then I'll do it.” Spitfire choked a little. She couldn't believe she had just said that. Her honour demanded that she follow through if Soarin failed.

Soarin landed on a cloud over the small farming community. It wasn't a town like Ponyville, just a small village with maybe thirty or so ponies.

Even though it was night time, he could see plenty of those aberrations walking around. They looked so unnatural to him.

(If we can restore our time line, then none of this will have happened. This sacrifice will never have happened, even if we remember it for the rest of our lives. The one we kill will never have died, right? We're doing the right thing.) He had kept telling himself the whole flight here that they were doing the right thing.

Was he right? Was he just deluding himself and using this as an excuse for cold blooded, premeditated murder?

No pony had ever taken the life of another pony during the whole reign of Princess Celestia, and even the evil Nightmare Moon had not harmed another pony.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had to find a potential sacrifice.

(We'll have a Unicorn when that freak arrives... We'll be needing a Pegasus for the blood sacrifice. I'll have to be careful because some of these things carry weapons. Maybe a foal would be easier to handle... But how would that effect the ritual?) Soarin sighed. (No matter. I'm not about to fight a full grown pony that's packing a weapon. A foal will have too do.)

He searched from his hidden vantage point till he spotted a young Pegasus foal jumping off a cottage roof into a pile of hay, trying to learn how to fly.

(That one can't fly, so it should be easy pickings.) He checked to make sure there were no other Pegasus or other Ponies within sight before diving.

This had been her third attempt this night to fly. She had managed to stay airborne for at least five seconds this time.

Snowflake giggled as she climbed back onto the roof. She had done something right this time, so all she had to do was keep practising it till she could really fly. Her friends and family would be so surprised.

Again the white filly with soft blue mane and tail ran for the edge and jumped.

She flapped her little wings and watched the ground fall away from under her. She was flying?

Snowflake suddenly became aware of something else. She felt arms under her armpits and around her chest. She looked down and saw, not hands, but hooves?

“What the?” She gasped as the ground fell away even faster now. She looked over her shoulder and saw a strangely dressed and masked pony holding tightly onto her. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“If you scream, I'll drop you. From this height, the fall will either kill you, or break most of your bones and you'll never be able to fly.” His voice quivered a little, but was cold.

“What?” Snowflake paled. “Don't drop me... Who are you? What do you think you're doing?” She then spotted the clouds. “Are... are you taking me up too the clouds to teach me how to fly?” Her eyes grew wide.

“No.” He replied coldly. “I need you to save the world. Don't worry, once this is all taken care off, you shouldn't remember anything and should be right back at home with your family and friends.”

Snowflake struggled a little, but this strange hoofed pony was too strong for her to break free. “Take me home. I don't want to go anywhere with you.”

“You have no choice in the matter little one. I will drop you to your death if you struggle or try to escape, so just be quiet and soon it will be all over.”

Snowflake was feeling fear now. This Pony... creature, whatever it was, was no natural pony. It had hooves rather than hands. That was just not natural at all. It was some sort of pony monster perhaps. “P-please don't hurt me.”

“You won't feel a thing.” He stated and poured on the speed.

Snowflake saw the ancient white towers of Canterlot, and they were heading right for them. “C... Canterlot? That place is cursed... I don't wanna go there!” She started crying, but the strange pony thing ignored her and flew on.

Midnight was not the fasted flyer, that was certain, but her flight was allowed by magical wings, not wings of flesh and bone and stretched membrane. In fact, hers resembles feathered wings, just like Queen Nightsong's.

She loved flying, but knew that she had too keep this magic a secret, not wanting to frighten other ponies, or to make them think she was trying to be like the Queen.

“Almost there...” Midnight sighed as the towers came into view. She then spotted a small white form moving fast through the air toward the tallest tower, toward the throne room.

“Who's that?” She wondered and pushed her wings to the maximum speed they allowed. She was a little slower than an average Pegasus, but was still faster than what she could run. “Hmm, maybe an explorer? I hope they can help me somehow.”

Soarin flew in through the window and dropped the filly, letting her tumble across the floor till she crashed into something large.

Snowflake looked up and her blood ran cold.

A Gryphon.

“N... no...” She scrambled away. “Get away from me. Don't eat me.” She cried in fear, tears pouring from her eyes.

“Me? Eat a Pony?” The female Gryphon snorted. “Please. I prefer rabbit.” She stormed forward and pinned the filly down with one of her talons. “If you behave, I won't hurt you.”

“Gilda!” A flame maned Pony stepped into view, walking on four hooves. “You will not harm her. We need her for the ritual.”

“I know that.” Gilda shot the Pegasus a dirty look. “But if she tries to escape, I'll break all her limbs.”

The Pony who had pony-napped Snowflake spoke up. “I spotted one of the freaks flying toward the castle. We need to get everything ready.” He looked around. “Where are the three Mares?”

“They should be here when we need them.” The flame maned creature spoke, her strange, beautiful, feathered wings fluttering almost excitedly. “All of you, get into hiding. I'll lure the target into the trap. Gilda, keep that filly quiet, without hurting her.”

Gilda nodded and clamped a talon around the filly's head, then dragged her off toward a side room, ignoring her struggles.

The stallion and another mare joined them in the side room while the flame maned one remained behind.

Midnight reached the castle and located the throne room balcony. She landed and folded her wings behind her before entering. “Hello?” She called out softly. She cast a spell and created a ball of light to float over her head.

She stopped the moment she cast the spell, spotting the masked pony. A quadrupedal Pony.

“Who... who are you?”

“Twilight Sparkle?” The mare asked, sounding almost friendly.

“No, my name is Midnight Sparkle. Who are you?”

“I'm Spitfire.” She started.

“Captain of the Shadow Bolts?” Midnight stopped in her tracks. “You're not her. I've met her and she's like me. She stands upright.”

Spitfire chuckled a little. “Ah, well, you see, I'm not YOUR Spitfire. I'm from Equestria, which no longer exists because of Nightmare Moon messing with time. Why don't you come in and we can talk?”

Midnight almost took a step forward, but stopped. “Why should I believe you? How do I know you're not a minion of the Tyrant Skyfire? You're four legged like she is after all.”

“All ponies are four legged. All REAL ponies. You're a twisted mockery, created by Nightmare Moon. We need your help to return the world to the way it should be.”

“Should be? The world is as it is. I'm 'aware' that the Tyrant feels time has been messed with. She's tried to trick me before, but I won't fall for it. This is Evernight, not Equestria. Tyrant...”

“Princess. Her name is Princess Celestia. She rules all of Equestria alongside her little sister, Princess Luna.” Spitfire replied sternly. “Certainly you must be aware that a world with no sun is unnatural.”

“The sun is unnatural here in Evernight. Why don't you return to where you came from?” Midnight stalled for time as she tried sensing for magic. There was a Unicorn with four legs after all. Who knows what she was capable of .

Her delay proved useful as she could see the elaborate spell circle hidden in the floor.

“The Sun and the Moon need to be in balance.” Spitfire spoke again. “Just come along and we can talk.”

“And fall into your magical trap?” Midnight scowled. “I can see it.”

What Midnight didn't see was the black and purple clad Pegasus fly in from behind and tackle her. Midnight flew through the air, but spread her wings before she touched the floor and lifted into the air.

She spun and stared at the masked and cloaked Pegasus. “Who are you? You're dressed just like that Unicorn that came to deliver a message earlier.”

The mare said nothing but stepped aside, revealing her clone.

No, not a clone. The Unicorn.

Midnight's wings suddenly faded and she fell to the floor, landing on her hands and knees. Instantly she was paralyzed, bound by magical chains that bound her limbs and horn.

“Let me go. What do you think you're doing?” (I should have brought the others with me...) Midnight was now regretting not bringing the other five Elements of Harmony.

“No can do.” Five more figures entered the room. Two more Pegasus, a third cloaked pony, and a vicious looking Gryphon with metal wings, who was dragging a little white filly. “We need your magic, your Element, and this sacrifice to free Princess Celestia.”

“Sacrifice?” Midnight gasped. “Don't you hurt her.” She strained, but was unable to move. The Unicorn's trap was certainly powerful. She couldn't even focus on her magic.

The filly's eyes were wide with terror, but with the Gryphon's talons clamped over her mouth, she could only whimper and cry.

“Yea, her lifeblood.” The Stallion stated flatly. “Don't worry, once time is set right, you'll remember none of this, and she'll be alive again, so no harm done.”

“No.” Midnight struggled, but to no avail. “You can't hurt her. She's an innocent little filly.”

The flame maned mare walked to the edge of the circle and glared at Midnight. “Are you serious about wanting to live in darkness all your life? Don't you want to live and love under the warmth of the sun?”

“Skyfire will burn the sky once she becomes strong enough. I won't allow that. I... I'll die before I let you free her.” Midnight threatened, but she couldn't do anything.

“And how will you kill yourself?” The stallion laughed.

“I...” Midnight thought fast. “I'll bite my tongue off and bleed to death.” Midnight threatened. Her loyalty to her Queen was strong enough, she most certainly would do it.

The cloaked Unicorn's horn flared bright purple, the same colour as Midnight's. Her jaw was suddenly clamped shut so she could not bite her tongue, or even speak.

Midnight's eyes went wide as she felt the magic. It was not so much as familiar, but almost the exact same as her own. (No... could that mare be... me? The alternate me?) She struggled, but the magic was not just strong, but prevented her from calling on her own.

“Prepare the sacrifice.” Spitfire commanded. “Once we begin the ritual, all this 'Midnight's' magic will be drained, and that of these fake Elements of Harmony.” She looked at Gilda. “Place her in the smaller binding circle so she can't move.”

Gilda nodded and dragged Snowflake over, slamming her down onto the floor, within a small circle that was connected too the larger one. “There we go.” The Gryphon grinned as the freak filly was bound by magical chains. “Now, who's going to perform the actual sacrifice?”

The Earth Pony Mare Do Well stepped forward.

“Has too be an Earth Pony.” Soarin stated. “So now, we have everything we need.” He reached under his wing and pulled out a sharp knife. He set it on the floor before Mare Do Well.

The strong mare took the knife in her teeth and turned to face the filly. She stepped up too her and looked down at the crying filly. She glanced at her fellow Mare Do Well and received a pair of nods.

Mare Do Well lifted the sharp knife high and hesitated.

Her few seconds of hesitation cost her.

The knife was struck by something and sent flying across the room. An arrow clattered too the floor nearby.

“I won't let you hurt anypony.” A soft, gentle voice spoke from the doorway.

All eyes turned too see five of those upright ponies standing there, one already notching another arrow on her slender longbow.

“Ya'll ain't gonna get away with this.” The tall Applejack readied her axe.

Rainbow Dash pointed her spear at Spitfire. “What do you think you're doing? Hurting another pony?”

“We have to do this to make everything right again.” Spitfire replied sternly. “You don't realize that this world should never have existed. It's wrong.”

“You say that, yet you're more than willing to effectively hurt everypony.” Pinkamena stood next too Fluttershy, her eyes cracked open ever so slightly. A faint blue glow could be seen.

The tall, slender Unicorn stood between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, a pair of gems slowly orbiting her head. “Keep them all busy, I'll free Midnight and the filly.”

“We can't let you do that.” Spitfire growled. “Soarin, Echo, do not let them interfere. Mare, recover that dagger and perform the sacrifice. No stalling this time.”

The Earth Pony nodded and rushed for the knife.

Gilda stepped forward and stared at Rainbow Dash. “Can't say I like the look of you right now Rainbow Dash. I can't wait too see the real you again.”

“G... Gilda?” Dash stepped back, eying her strange metal wings. “No, you're not my Gilda.”

“Oh? There's another me in this fake world? Does she still have her real wings?” Gilda's metal wings stretched, revealing sharp looking metal feathers. “Well, once we set things right, I'll get mine back too.” She charged forward and attacked.

Applejack was tackled by Soarin. He may not have had her height, but he was stronger than he looked, and fast. She swung her axe, but could not land a blow. “Hold still ya feather duster. Let me clip yer wings.”

“Yea, that's not happening.” He grinned and kicked at her head, but she blocked with her axe shaft, sliding back a few yards.

Rarity cast a spell toward Midnight, hoping it would break the chains, but the spell was blocked by a purple barrier.

“Great...” Rarity muttered and drew her dagger. “I don't want to hurt you, but I'll do every thing I can to save my friend.” She charged forward, her gem magic deflecting a purple beam cast from her opponent's horn.

Pinkamena's eyes snapped wide open, glowing bright blue as Echo flew right at her. She sent pieces of rubble flying at the Pegasus, but somehow she was able to evade everything, still, she was pushed back out of melee range. “I'm not a magician. I'm an Esper.” She grinned as the stones stared flying around more, seemingly right into Echo's path of movement, like the pink mare knew exactly what her opponent was going to do ahead of time.

The winged Mare Do Well moved to join in against Rainbow Dash, but a pair of arrows caught her cloak, pinning her too the floor. She turned her attention toward the archer and narrowed her eyes.

“Please, we don't have too do this.” Fluttershy pleaded. “We don't need too fight.” Already she was readying another arrow.

Spitfire hovered in the air over Midnight Sparkle. “Futility, that's what this is.” She glared at the trapped Unicorn, then at the filly Pegasus. “Within moment, it will all be over.” She turned to see the Earth Mare reaching for the knife.

But a long, thin tail wrapped around the handle, said tail being part of a feather winged serpent, which flew up and out of Mare Do Well's reach. “Sorry, we cannot let you do this.”

Mare Do Well glared angrily at Spike, but remained silent.

Spitfire snarled and flew for Spike.

Spike easily weaved around the rush attack, and wrapped himself around the mare's neck, the knife suddenly pressed against her throat. “Surrender or I'll use this on you. You're not a real pony, so my 'programming' won't prevent me from cutting your neck.” He hissed in her ear. “Call your team off.”

Spitfire gritted her teeth. “Kill me, and they'll only get angrier.” She snarled. “I'm already prepared to give up my life to save the Princess.”

Spike frowned. “Hmm, by spilling the blood of a Pegasus, right?” He then grinned. “Then I'll disable you without drawing blood.”

Spitfire screamed as she felt fangs pierce her neck, and a numbing sensation quickly spread through her veins. “No... paralyzing... poison?” She started falling.

Spike released her and stayed airborne, out of reach of that Earth Pony in the black and dark purple costume. “Sorry, but you left me with no choice.”

Spitfire was caught before she hit the ground, landing on Mare Do Well's back. “Mare... You'll have to use your hooves...” She then sent completely limp.

Mare Do Well lowered Spitfire to the marble floor and turned to the fight.

Applejack and Soarin were fighting, axe and massive strength against hoof and speed.

Fluttershy had pinned the Pegasus Mare Do Well down completely with arrows and the cloak.

Rainbow Dash was on the defensive, using her spear to block or deflect the series of bladed wings, needle point talons, and razor sharp beak attacks.

Rarity and the Unicorn Mare Do Well were casting spells back and forth, with Rarity flying her knives around at the same time.

Pinkamena and Echo were less fighting, and more playing with flying obstacles and amazing weaving about to avoid them.

The Mare Do Well shook her head and rushed for the filly. She had no choice but to bloody her hooves. She rose high and was about to come down, her hooves aimed for the filly's head...

To Be Continued...