> Sonic Equestria One > by Hillbe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sonic Equestria One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic Equestria One The morning sun broke over Ponyville as it usually does over the local population of sleepy ponies on a lazy weekend set for the normal shopping rush. Unannounced on the shopping list of specials like rolled oats and other sundries was the buzz around town about a trio of fillies looking to break something, That was the routine just like clockwork , one idea, two destruction and three clean up. Today was different today the only thing to break was a speed record and as you know the only speed record standing was set by the train going to and from the Crystal Empire. Twilight checked and double checked the calculations and the construction of the behemoth a railroad car special made with a forty thousand horsepower rocket engine it's pointed barrel topped with a wrought iron weather vane followed by a little cockpit upholstered in leather trimmed in chrome of course Sweetie Belle couldn't be happy without her special touch, cup holders. The monstrosity waited for the brave and noble crash dummy "Oh yeah" driver to step into the cramped cockpit. Tracks stretched off into the hazy horizon and a soft breeze turned the weather vane on the nose of the Sonic Equestria One. Spike looked over the beast donning his goggles and scarf 'Such a dashing and dapper drake' he waddled over to his little group of friends and special mare "If all goes to Twilights calculations I'll be going twice the speed of a sonic rainboom!" Twilight yelled "For science and Equestria !" Rarity said "Be careful my Spikey Wikey". Pinkie Pie screamed "Let's have a blast Spikey !" Fluttershy squeaked "Spike, Where's your crash helmet?" Spike grinned "crash ? I hope not" He reached up and plucked his head spines "Tough as nails!" Rainbow sneered "Yeah, He's not even coming close to my sonic rainboom, No offence kiddo". Spike gave a thumbs up "None taken". All the ponies outside his little circle looked at Spikes thumbs up with a quizzical glance of "Wut?" Lyra broke out in tears. The Cutie Mark Crusaders TM. mobbed him. "Ok Spike remember to release the brakes in the ignition phase of the start" Applebloom stated factually . "And after rocket burns out remember your parachute and speed brakes" beamed Scootaloo "I made them special". Sweetie Belle sang out "Don't forget to put on your goggles and that scarf my big sister made for you". Spike climbed in the cockpit and let out a nervous breath , He ran through his check list before countdown "Hand brake? check. Parachute lever? check. Speed-O-meter? check. Plastic Celestia on the dashboard? CHECK!" The trio examined the Sonic Equestria One for the last time and assumed their positions. With the excitement growing by the minute ponies gathered behind the barriers that lined the tracks the drama was about to begin . Scootaloo lit the torch and held it up for the crowd to see and the countdown started the blast fence was set in place. TEN, Twilight thought 'This is it ! Spike's going to blast down the tracks proving that high speed transportation is possible through science!' Spike felt a pressure. NINE, Rainbow looked to the horizon and thought 'No way this thing's going to fizzle only an egg head would think this would beat my sonic rainboom' EIGHT, Pinkie bounced in place thinking 'Frosting Mmmmmm Parties , That's some cool chrome and cup holders' SEVEN, The Crusaders thought 'This has sure to get us our cutie marks in something' Spike had a urge SIX. Spike thought 'Gosh , I got to go pee, I hope this doesn't take too long, For Science, for Equestria for Rarity !' FIVE, Fluttershy hid her eyes and curled into a yellow and pink ball thinking 'Oh poor Spike , He's going to die a horrible flaming death or go really really fast! Oh I can't look' FOUR, Rarity turned her back tears in her eyes thinking 'Silly Spikey Wikey Oh why did you agree to participate in such a stupid event -Oh look a sale at Sofa and Quills fifty percent off' THREE, The crowd watch Scootaloo light the fuses and scamper to the sidelines smoldering fuses smoked from the rear of Sonic Equestria One. TWO, The sound of hundreds of ponies taking their last breath anxiously waiting for the event of the century, Spike sat waiting closing his eyes with a grunt. ONE, The roar of forty thousand horses were unleashed and all of Ponyville shook, In a blaze of glory Spike sat shaking the smell of smoke filled his nostrils and the roaring noise filled his ears Spike put his claws to the sides of his head his insides vibrating in tune of thousands of horses galloping as one along iron tracks. spikes eyes still closed he feared the worse. The sled zoomed down the tracks at an increasing speed all eyes trained on the ball of flame and the clock ticking away at the far end of town. The Sonic Equestria One was now a blur of raw power and roaring speed totally unstoppable the four wheels sparking along the tracks. The crowd spied the tracks ahead and a gasp filled the air and one pony screamed "It's a turtle ! It's on the tracks!" Fluttershy screamed "It's a TORTOISE!" The turtle saw the fireball heading his way and ducked ""TORTOISE!" Screamed Fluttershy. The wobbling rocket glanced off the turtle "Tortoise" screamed Fluttershy. "Ouuuuucchh" said the tortoise. The rocket bounced along the tracks till it bounced one last time with it's tail pointed down and it's nose to the sky. The beast launched vertical. Rainbow saw the mess coming and launched herself also in a burst of speed her sonic rainboom flashed into view. All eyes were on the sunward rocket following it was a rainbow streak Rainbow tried as she might couldn't catch up. They all watched helplessly as Spikes machine continued to climb. Higher higher and higher. Spike sat still grunting with his eyes closed, He slowly opened them. . . KA BOOM ! The whole mess exploded into a million zillion bits and pieces. All the ponies watching saw the flash heard the boom and saw the smoky fingers of fire and debris falling. The Sonic Equestria One was gone. The Crusaders looked in shock. Twilights ears fell back as tears filled her eyes. Rarity gasped and outright fainted. Pinkie just smiled and said "Fireworks cool, Is there more?" Rainbow limped back tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry Twi and Rares I'm sorry" Behind the Gals the outhouse door swung open to reveal Spike waddling out with a piece of toilet paper stuck to his tail. "Gosh, What a mess. I'm not cleaning it up ! You gals are on your own ." > Oh Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh Twilight Spike was at the castle carrying out his duties even after all these years he still had his responsibilities. From being the number one assistant, cook, scribe, go-fer, librarian and janitor for the Princess of Friendship to being a National hero and friend. Today was unlike those days for the Hero of the Crystal Empire, Spike the Great Honorable Brave Glorious was having second thoughts of the events that lead to the loss of Sonic Equestria One. Not only was he grounded by Twilight but Rarity also put the brakes on any solo outings especially with the three fillies of the Eponielypse. He waddled to the janitorial closet and filled a pale with sudsy water grabbed a mop and trekked down the hall to the guest rooms a quick damp mopping and a wipe of a buffer and those floors will shine like a new bit. It was a little more labor with the crystal floors, But they sure didn't hide the dust like the old wood floors of - of the old library. Spike thought 'Sure miss the old place Twilights sleepovers the work the fun , giving milady the fire ruby, that first...' Twilight and the main six were helping the Sonic Equestria One team in the cleanup of the debris field before the next scheduled train was due. "Hello little one" Fluttershy said as she removed the turtle from the tracks. "Excuse me if you please, If you don't mind me saying, Ah oh hmmmm she's a tortoise". The crusaders were dragging empty sacks to be filled with the bits and fragments of the once powerful speedster the heavier parts reserved for the wagons that AJ and Big Mac pulled along. "I just don't know what went wrong" Twilight said under her breath as she picked at the chunks with her magic placing them in the wagons. Sweetie Belle while sorting through the pieces picked up a full juice box off the ground, She held it up in the air and exclaimed "To Spike , I drink your juice". Twilight and the rest looked at Sweetie as she chugged the box till it was empty. ' What did she just do?' Scootaloo picked up a baggy and held it up saying "Spikes lucky gem" she put it in Raritys saddle bag "Spike I salute you". The group continued along when Apple Bloom let out a yell "To Spike" her hooves holding a bunch of grapes high into the sun. Apple Bloom passed out the little bunches to everypony in reach and together they munched on the fruits of Spikes labor. Rarity had enough of the morbid display " Don't you fillies understand Spike could of been killed with this stupid stunt of yours !" Twilight spoke up "We all knew the risks who would of thought a turtle" --Tortoise! "Tortoise could be the cause of such an unbalance in the dynamics of the rocket preventing the acceleration along . . ." "Hay look what I found". Rainbow held up a white plushy with violet curls "Quick what mare does this look like Ha ha ha ha" Her laughter filled the air as she rolled in the dirt and dust besides the tracks. The plushy glowed with a blue field of magic and was pulled from Rainbows grasp quickly floating into Raritys open saddle bag hidden from the light of day. Rarity marched on letting out a little "Harumff!" The three fillies looked at Rarity and pled their case. "We did what we could and had Twilights help in the design and the earlier tests showed no problems" said Scootaloo. "We built it with strong enough pieces and parts even had certified engineers an stuff too" Apple Bloom sighed. "It even had a fashionable leather seat, chrome and great little cup holders" Beamed Sweetie Belle. "And Spike got away with out a scratch" said Fluttershy as she held up the tortoise with a scuff on the top of it's shell."Thank you" Applejack pulled a wagon filled with wreckage from the rocket sled "Guess Spikes counting his lucky stars if mother nature didn't call him to the outhouse I'm sure he would of been spread all over the tracks like apple butter". A shiver went through the bunch like a winters blast from a wild Windigo. The clean up continued. Spike was through the first set of guest rooms mopping away. Dip mop think dry repeat. Doing a bit of clean up during house arrest well it gives anypony or dragon time to think. Dip mop think dry repeat. From what was to now and from now to what could be in the future. Buff buff think buff repeat. 'I've been lucky so far got a good job got a bunch of good no great friends, Most the time I do what I have to do, But some times I get to do what I want to do'. Spike went from room to room setting them up for the next Friendship Counsel meeting with each room getting his own special touch the luggage laid next to the beds of each Element. Fluttershy has the room with the robins nest next to the window. Extra feed for the birds and Angel bunny. AJ gets a fruit bowl 'Who am I kidding just call it an apple bowl with one pair on top'. Rainbow gets a keg of cider and a bowl of Skittles 'Taste the Rainbow? Sometimes I just crack my self up Ha ha ha'. Pinkie gets an empty room just a bed and a table with one cup cake.'I always end up cleaning up the mess I'm still looking where she hides that stupid party canon'. Rarity gets the finest sheets and pillows and a few scented candles 'Right next to my room I might be a gentledrake but I'm not dumb'. Spike Checks each room one last time making sure each room is perfect one by one he looks over each detail, Fluttershys room? check. Applejacks room? check. Pinkies room? check. Raritys room? check? 'How did I miss that big lump next to her pillow?' Twilight and the salvage crew trudged into town heading for the castle the day was ending and the bunches energy was close to being finished. The guards opened the gates and Twilights group was ushered in . Spike bowed in the center of the grand hall and announced "Your baths are ready and diner is to be served in an hour". "You drew all our baths and set up our rooms?" Twilight gasped in surprise "Thank you ,Spike I don't know what I would do without you". Spike replied "You would starve to death and live in a filthy castle for one and two who would worry about you besides Celestia and your friends?" After the soothing baths and meals fit for the Princesses the members of the counsel of friendship retired for the evening. Fluttershy listened to the birds outside her window as Angel snored a soothing tempo of bunny dreams. 'Twilights so lucky to have a good assistant to help her with everything'. Applejack snacked on a pair sitting in her bed. 'Not as good as an apple , I sure can't waste it any how'. Rainbow sipped her cider and munched the skittles.'Scaley sure knows how to set up a room'. The Crusaders room had the three fillies plotting and planning the next misadventure in destruction. "Think Spike's going to help us on the next project?" Apple Bloom asked the others. Scootaloo puffed out "After almost blasting Spike into orbit and wrecking the rocket sled I don't think so". Sweetie Belle sighed with a giggle "Me too I think my big sister and Twilight has something special planed for him". Spike was getting ready for bed when he heard a knock at his door. "Oh hi Rarity, Wusup?" "Spikey I found this out by the tracks today" She pulled out the plushy and placed it into his claws "A little old to be playing with dolls?" Spike answered with a blush "Just like the dragon plushy on your pillow? Ah thanks for bringing her back". Rarity nuzzled the drake "Thank you precious scales for those divine candles." She moved close in for a kiss and closed her eyes. She felt like she was floating in the moment till Spike spoke out "Oh Twilight" Raritys eyes popped open and she was floating. Twilight had her in her magic floating Rarity out of Spikes room "Oh Twilight Please I'm a lady I was only. . ." "My roof my rules Spikes grounded you can see him in the morning" Twilight gloated "We all have a busy day tomorrow". "Oh Twilight" Rarity whimpered "Goodnight Spikey Wikey" "Goodnight Rarity, Goodnight Twilight" Spike called out. "Goodnight Twilight, Goodnight you two love birds Thanks fer the apples" "See you all tomorrow keep it frosty guys" "Goodnight everypony if that's ok..." The Crusaders came from the kitchen after an ice cream binder sneaking back into their room "Night ya all" The three whispered. Luna awoke for the night looking into the dreams in the Crystal castle as the cooks prepped the next days breakfast. A new chef was following his cook book "A tuft of cloud ,A bright rainbows glow, Stir with a Pegasus feather. . ." Luna was sure to stay up late for tomorrows new day. . . end > Oh I didn't think of that > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh I Didn't Think Of That Spike waddled out of the castle a fresh start to a wonderful morning the birds were singing the bees buzzing. Actually it was late afternoon and sleeping in was Spikes national sport. Our hero was taking out Twilights royal garbage. Derpy flew up and gently landed in front of the castle trotting to (Now that's a change for good) where Spike was. She pulled out a clipboard and a letter and hoofed it in front of him. "Can you sign for a special delivery return receipt request?" The bubble butt mail mare asked with a derped smile. Spike grabbed the quill and signed his life away on the dotted line "Sure no problemo!" Derpy took back her tools of the trade and returned to her route with a flap of her wings. Spike fumbled with the letter in his claws and returned into the castles main throne room. He completely forgot about the garbage he set down right in front of the castle where all the pony tourists could see what a real princess had for breakfast, lunch, diner and her other toilet habits of everyday life. "Twilight?" Spike called his sister, mother, friend, room mate whatever "special delivery, It looks important". She came in the room in a sleep induced daze and took a seat next to him using her magic with maximum effort she opened the letter. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The law Firm of Dewie, Screwem & How From The National Equestrain Rail lines Inc. To: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Spike thee dragon Great Honorable Brave Glorious, Rarity thee Dragon, Sweetie Bell* Applejack, Applebloom*Grany Smith, Bic Mac AKA Sweet Apple Acres Family Farms Co. Inc. Scootaloo Dash*, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershi DBA Everfree Animal Hospital and Care Center of Ponyville. Pinkie Pie DBA Sugar Cube Corner - Pie Family Rock Farm LLC International Equestria Corp. Ponyville Engineering, Hay Seed TurnupTruck PonyVille Politech Engineering College of Advanced Science. To all listed as Team Sonic Equestria One You are notified by this instrument delivered return receipt request , Your exhibition of 'Sonic Equestria One' has resulted in $248,509,867.00 bits of damage to property of our client. Princess Tour Lines DBA coast to Coast Train Leasing LLC Inc. AKA The National Equestrian Rail Lines Inc. 141 Castle Trail Suite A1 Canterlot Equestria 10001-1001 You have 30 days to dispute this claim of damages. * Cutie Mark Crusaders. Trixie Luna Moon Claims Adjustment Dept. Dewie, Screwem and How A Equestria legal firm Call 1-800-SCR-EWEM ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As Twilight digested the contents of the letter out front of the castle a group of poparazzi digested the contents of Twilihts garbage. Not that it was any different both the letter and the garbage stunk. "Spike !" Twiltghts assistant took a letter to be sent to Celestia as the press sent the daily scoop to be published in tomorrows fish wrap. Just another day in Princess Twilights life.