> My Little Human: Rule of the Dazzlings > by Harms Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Days at Canterlot High have been surprisingly calm since the Dazzlings took over the school. Through a peep hole in the door of her little prison also known as the Janitor's closet, Twilight could see the student's eyes were still bright red with their rings glowing blue. The students were all still under the mind control of the Dazzlings, yet they were interacting with each other as though nothing was going on. Every day, Twilight would get a visit from one of her friends. When that happened, usually it was to bring a meal so Twilight could have something to eat. When Twilight needed a bathroom break, she was escorted by two of her friends. But when it came time for the Dazzlings to drain Twilight, all of her friends brought her into a small room where handcuffs were mounted to the wall. Twilight's wrists and ankles were cuffed as she was pleasured to the point where she couldn't resist being drained. After that, she was brought back to her "cell". Being an alicorn from Equestria, her magic would slowly regenerate within herself in a day or so. One day, Pinkie Pie came to visit Twilight with a tray of food. She was only there long enough to put the tray on a little work bench, then she took Twilight's old tray away. After Pinkie locked the door, Twilight walked over to the bench and started eating. Tears in her eyes slowly appeared. "Is this how I'm going to spend the rest of my life?" she thought to herself. "Will I ever see Equestria again?" The memories of her world flooding her mind as tears streamed down her face. "Oh Celestia, why did the portal have to close that day? I thought I left it open." she thought as she continued eating. "The only way I could see how it closed is if someone turned off my machine that powers it. But I told Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity that I was going to this world. They said they'd tell Applejack and Rainbow too." A thought then raced across her mind. "Unless they didn't tell them in time. Oh if only I could tell them to open it and help me." Then she remembered Sunset Shimmer's journal that she used to communicate with Twilight while they were in different worlds. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that sooner? All I need to do is find that journal and I'll be able to contact my friends back in Equestria!" Just as she was thinking that, she heard someone unlocking the door to her room. "Thats odd, I just got my food, and they drained my magic yesterday." she thought as a tall, older man stepped into the room. He was holding a broom in one hand, a set of keys in the other, and was listening to music through his headphones. A look of surprise appeared on his bearded face when he saw Twilight. He set the broom down and took his headphones off. "What are you doing in here?" he asked as he stared at Twilight. "I've been trapped in here against my will." replied Twilight. "Who are you?" "I don't really tell people my name. Trust issues and all that." he replied. "My co-workers usually just call me Discord because I love causing chaos every now and then. Occasionally making the floors slick or locking doors on people. But all in good fun." "Well, its nice to meet you Discord. My name is Twilight Sparkle." she said as she put her hand out to shake his. "That name seems oddly familiar." Discord replied as he stroked his beard. "But I guess this isn't the only weird thing thats happened today." "What do you mean?" "Well, I've been on vacation for the last two weeks. I came back this morning only to see students with glowing eyes and rings. I figured I must have had too much to drink last night and this was part of a hangover, but I've drank much more than I did last night and felt fine afterwards." "They're under some kind of mind control by the Dazzlings." Twilight said. "Those girls with the red necklaces?" asked Discord. "I bumped into them earlier. They sang to me, then looked confused and walked away talking about rings." "But why aren't you under their control?" "Well, I have a reputation of not being able to be hypnotized." "Sounds alot like the other Discord." Twilight thought as she remembered Discord not being hypnotized by Fluttershy's stare. "But you say you've been trapped in here?" Discord asked. "The door's open. Why are you still in here then?" "Oh....right." Twilight said as her cheeks blushed. "Thank you for helping me get out." "No problem." Discord yelled out as Twilight rushed out into the hall. "I don't understand how that Janitor was able to resist our song!" cried Adagio as she sat at a table in the cafeteria. She and Sonata were waiting while Aria gathered some more rings from Principal Celestia's office. "He could pose a threat to us if left unchecked." "Maybe because he was old?" said Sonata. "Old people have problems hearing things." "Hmm... you might have a point there." Adagio replied. "But, I have a plan to make sure he falls under our control." She then looks around at all the other students. "All this talk about mind control is making me hungry. How about we give our special guest a visit?" "But didn't we drain her yesterday?" "She should have some of her magic back by now. What do you say we make her weak ourselves this time?" "Oooh! I can't remember the last time I got to do that. Ok!" Just as Sonata finished talking, Aria showed up with a small box. Adagio opened it to reveal it was full of school rings. "Excellent work Aria." Adagio said. "We'll be needing a couple of these soon." "I'm assuming one for that old Janitor? I still can't believe our song didn't work on him." Aria replied. "Yes. But soon, he'll be bowing down to us. But first, we're going to pay our Princess a visit, wanna join us?" "Sure. Better than sitting around here." Soon, all three of the Dazzlings made their way down to the Janitor's closet. Reaching for a key tucked in her bra, Adagio unlocked the door. As they stepped inside, what they found didn't make Adagio happy at all. Discord the Janitor was sitting at his work bench eating the rest of the food that was given to Twilight. "Where is the girl that was in here?!" Adagio yelled out as Discord looked up at them. "You mean that purple colored girl?" Discord replied. "Oh I let her out of here about 10 minutes ago." Adagio's eyes started twitching. In an act of rage, she picked up a mop and broke it in half. She then took the handle part and tried swinging it at Discord's head. Out of nowhere, Discord blocked her attack with his broom handle. "Oh please little one." Discord said after finishing off the meal. "I can sit here all night blocking your attempts to hit me with that." Adagio growled and tried swinging again. Discord blocked it again without getting off the stool. "What else do you think I do at this school besides clean?" "Sonata. Aria. A little help would be nice!" Adagio said through gritted teeth as she tried swinging again only to be blocked. Aria and Sonata nodded their heads in unison. They lunged at Discord, knocking him to the ground. Discord struggled as Aria and Sonata held his arms down. "Wanting to fight dirty, are we?" Discord said as he looked at the Dazzlings. "I can oblige with that." He then kicked a case of floor wax open. Aria and Sonata each fell to the floor as Discord got to his feet. "Wow, you two really need to learn how to ice skate." Discord said as he slid his way to the door. But he didn't see Adagio still had the broken mop handle in her grasp. She swung at Discord, striking him in the gut. Discord bent over in pain as Adagio then struck him on his back, making him fall to the floor. "Get up you two!" she yelled as Sonata and Aria tried getting up only to fall again. "We're trying!" yelled Aria. "This stupid wax is so slick." "Just toss me a ring then!" cried out Adagio. Aria did as she was told. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a ring and tossed it to Adagio. Adagio then slid the ring onto one of Discord's fingers. As she started to sing one of her hypnotic trance inducing songs, Adagio tapped her jewel sending rings of red magic off it. Discord's ring lit up bright blue. "No! I...won't...submit!" Discord grunted as he tried resisting. Aria and Sonata both got up and slid over to Adagio. Joining in with their voices, their necklaces also started producing red rings. Discord struggled as he tried getting up only to be pinned to the floor by Adagio's boot on his back. "Nooooo!!!!" Discord cried out as his eyes slowly turned bright red. Once that happened, the Dazzlings stopped singing and allowed Discord to get up. "Now..." Adagio said in an authoritative voice. "Which way did Twilight Sparkle go?" Discord slowly pointed down the hallway towards the library. "Thank you for your assistance." Adagio said as an evil grin appeared on her face. "You're welcome, Mistress Adagio." Discord replied as the Dazzlings ran down the hall towards the library. > Chapter 2: The Portal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Ponyville, Twilight's friends have been wondering where the alicorn had disappeared to. The Princess of Friendship has been missing for over a week, and ponies around town were worrying. Sitting in the room with the six large thrones, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were trying to think of where Twilight went to. "I just don't understand where Twilight would have gone." said Rainbow as she got off her throne to stretch her wings. "This isn't like her at all to go somewhere without telling us." "I agree Rainbow." said Fluttershy. "She would have at least told us where she was going. Just like she told us she was going to that other world last week." "Whoa whoa whoa! Twilight actually went into that other world? No pony told me about that!" "Oops. I thought Pinkie told you." "So there's a chance she just could have been stuck in that other world this whole time?" "Well, she did leave the portal open so she could come back when she wanted to." "Heh heh." Rainbow chuckled. "I kinda closed the portal because I thought she just forgot to close it." "Oh Rainbow Dash. I'm sorry you weren't told about this." Fluttershy said as she flew off her throne to give Rainbow a mid-air hug. "Lets go get that portal open and find Twilight." The two pegasus' then flew off to find the others so they could hear their theory about Twilight's disappearance. After they all met in the room with the magic mirror, Rainbow Dash pushed the lever back into the "On" position. Magic began to once again flow from the journal Twilight used to write messages to Sunset Shimmer. The portal slowly flickered back to life. "So, what do we do now?" asked Rarity as they all stood in front of the portal. "Do we just sit here and wait for Twilight? Or should one of us go in and find her?" "Ahm not sure." Applejack replied. "Twilight mentioned there were other versions of us in there. How would she be able to tell which one of us was from that world or from Equestria?" "Good point." Rarity sighed. "Rainbow, do you have any ideas?" "Well, I'm all for one of us going in there and finding her." Rainbow said. "But how could we get her to tell the difference?" "We could always just take her crown." Pinkie said. "She left it here." "Pinkie, you're a genius!" Rarity cried out in joy. "So then, who wants to go into this new world?" "Well, seeing as how it was mah idea to close the portal, ah think ah should be the one to go." Applejack stated. "But what about Sweet Apple Acres?" asked Fluttershy. "Isn't it applebucking season?" "Dag nabit! Ah completely forgot about that." "Well then, I'll go find Twilight!" said Rainbow as she grabbed Twilight's crown. "I won't rest until I find her." "Oh please be careful darling." Rarity said. "Bring her back safely." "I will. Now every pony stand back!" Rainbow yelled out. She flew back towards the other side of the room. She then took off in a dash for the mirror. "Don't worry Twilight! I'm coming!" As soon as she finished saying that, Rainbow Dash disappeared into the magic portal. Rainbow Dash flew through this bizarre area, spiraling around in circles before being momentarily blinded by a bright flash. Before she knew it, she was flying through the air before landing with a loud thud on the concrete sidewalk surrounding the statue. "Ohh..." she groaned. "My head. Where am I?" She then tried to fly, but she couldn't feel her wings. Reaching around to her back, Rainbow felt her hoof split in five different directions. "What the heck are these?!" she cried out as she saw something she never seen before, a hand. "And where are my wings?!!" Rainbow slowly tried getting up, but as she tried walking as she normally did, it just didn't feel right. "Ugh, how does Twilight walk in this world?" She then remembered seeing Twilight walk out of the mirror on her hind legs back when she came home the first time. "Well, its worth a shot." she thought to herself as she tried standing on her legs. She lost her balance a few times and fell over quite a bit. But as she made her way to the stairs leading up to Canterlot High, she started to get the hang of it. As Rainbow approached the doors, an uneasy feeling made its way across her mind. She pushed the door open and stepped inside. Everywhere Rainbow looked, she saw people with glowing red eyes and glowing blue rings on their hands. The students then looked at Rainbow with looks of suspicion. Then Rainbow saw three girls running down a hallway towards her. But as she started walking away from them, one of them cried out "Stop right there!" "Who? Me?" asked Rainbow as she turned around. Rainbow watched as the three girls walked up to her. "How did you manage to break free from our control?" demanded Adagio. "Control? What control? I'm just looking for my friend. Her name is Twilight Sparkle, know her?" Before Adagio could answer, she spotted another girl that looked exactly like Rainbow with the rest of Twilight's friends, only this one was still under their control. It didn't take long for her to put two and two together. "Your friend you say?" asked Adagio in a calmer voice. "How fortunate, we're looking for her too." "Really, why?" asked Rainbow. "She forgot that today was Taco Tuesday!" said Sonata. Aria gave Sonata a dirty look before putting her face in her palm. "Taco? Whats a taco?" asked Rainbow. "Thats not important." said Adagio. "Tell you what, follow us and we'll help you find your friend." "Thank you so much. I'm sure she can't wait to see me." said Rainbow as she and the Dazzlings walked down the hall towards the gymnasium. > Chapter 3: Rainbow's Pleasure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rainbow and the Dazzlings walked into the gym, Rainbow noticed there weren't any other students around. Stepping onto the stage, she kept looking around for any sign of Twilight, but she couldn't find any. "Umm...I don't think Twilight is over here." Rainbow said as they approached a closed door. "Doesn't hurt to look." Adagio replied as she pulled a key out of her back pocket. As she unlocked the door, Rainbow noticed Aria and Sonata giving her strange looks. Adagio stepped inside the room, followed by Rainbow, then Aria and Sonata. Rainbow looked around the small room, but all she saw was some half used bottles, a box, a few long, but narrow objects, a big mattress, and four handcuffs mounted to a wall. "Nothing in here but some weird stuff." said Rainbow as she turned around. But before she could say another word, Adagio shut the door and locked it. Sonata and Aria were slowly walking towards Rainbow with their hands out in front of them. "Wait! What are you guys doing?" she yelled as she started backing away. "We know you're not from around here." Adagio said. "You're from Equestria, aren't you?" "H- H- How did you know?" asked Rainbow. She soon found herself backed up against a wall. "I saw this world's version of you back when we were talking to you out in the lobby." said Adagio as she slid her hand up to Rainbow's chin. "It didn't take me long to figure it out. Plus I'm sensing a great deal of magic coming from you. Nothing like that of your friend, Twilight, but magic all the same." "What did you do to her?!" shouted Rainbow as she gave Adagio an angry glare. She wasn't even paying attention to Aria and Sonata coming up from both sides. "The same thing thats going to happen to you. " Adagio said in calm, soothing voice. She then snapped her fingers. Aria and Sonata each grabbed one of Rainbow's arms. Aria pulled Rainbow's backpack off her body and threw it into a dark corner of the room. She and Sonata then cuffed her wrists to the wall. "You see, we need magic to survive in this world. And since your friend Twilight has evaded us for the moment, I guess you're the next best thing." Rainbow struggled against the cuffs. She tried breaking free, but these cuffs were made of strong leather and were chained to the wall behind her. "Oh I do love watching them struggle at first." Adagio said as she remembered Twilight being in that same position. She then grabbed one of her own breasts. "Something about bondage really turns me on." Aria and Sonata then cuffed Rainbow's ankles to the wall. "You won't get away with this!" Rainbow cried out as Adagio took her shirt off, revealing a dark purple bra. "Oh, I think we will." Aria chimed in. "But now, I think its time to shut you up before you ruin the moment." Aria walked over to a table that had a box sitting on it. Reaching inside and digging through it for a moment, she pulled an object out from within. Walking back into the light, Rainbow saw it was a big rubber ball with a strap around it. Aria undid the strap, then placed the ball on Rainbow's lips. Moving the strap around Rainbow's head, Aria redid the strap and pulled it tight. Rainbow could feel the ball pressing against her lips. She wanted to shout, but she couldn't. "Much better." Adagio said as she stared at Rainbow. "Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Easy meaning you just go with the flow and let us drain your magic. Hard way would be for us to use our hypnotic powers on you and be drained of your magic." She then walked up to Rainbow's ear. "Either way, your magic is ours." she said in a seductive whisper before giving Rainbow a slow lick across her cheek. Rainbow closed her eyes as she was doing this. "What is going on?" she thought. "What is this feeling doing to me?" Rainbow's pussy began getting wet. "I can't believe I'm thinking this, but this feels so good." Aria and Sonata each took their shirts off, revealing a dark green bra on Aria, and a neon yellow bra on Sonata. Adagio tore Rainbow's shirt off, revealing a white bra underneath. "My my." Adagio said as she stared at Rainbow's cleavage. "Those certainly are impressive. How do you like mine?" She asked as she took her bra off, letting her big breasts out of their fabric prison. Sonata stared at them in amazement. "They're beautiful." Sonata said seductively as she squeezed one of them. "May I have a taste?" "Go ahead." replied Adagio giving Sonata a wink in the process. Sonata bent down and started sucking on one of Adagio's nipples while Aria unhooked Rainbow's bra. "Ohhh yes Sonata. You know I love it when you flick my nipples with your tongue." Reaching down into her pants, Adagio started rubbing her clit slowly, biting her lip as the feelings of her rubbing and Sonata's licking made her feel so relaxed. Staring at Rainbow, Adagio motioned for Sonata to stop for a moment. Rainbow's eyes grew wide as they all walked slowly over to her. "Time to see how much this girl can take." said Adagio as she pulled Rainbow's skirt down. Aria and Sonata had each taken their bras off, hanging them on Rainbow's arms. They then started sucking on Rainbow's nipples while Adagio pulled her panties down. "Well well well..." she said looking at Rainbow's dripping wet pussy. "Someone is having a good time." She then moved close and slid her tongue across Rainbow's clit. Rainbow moaned in pleasure as Adagio slid a finger inside her pussy. "What are they doing to me?" Rainbow thought as her eyes rolled upwards. "I've never felt like this before." Adagio then stood up and walked over to the table, grabbing two cylindrical metal objects. She pressed a button on the flat ends of each. Rainbow saw them light up and watched as the other ends start twirling around in little circles. "You are going to love seeing this part." Adagio said in a sultry voice as she walked back over. She went back onto her knees in front of Rainbow. Sonata and Aria were still sucking on Rainbow's nipples as Adagio pulled both their pants and panties down. Now with a metal twirling object in each hand, she pushed them inside Aria and Sonata's pussies. She then started eating out Rainbow's pussy at the same time. All three girls moaned in unison as Adagio pleasured all of them. Rainbow couldn't take much more. She felt herself coming close to having an orgasm. Sonata and Aria continued sucking on Rainbow's nipples as Adagio pounded their pussies with the metal objects. Then, all three climaxed at the same time, covering Adagio in their respective juices. Rainbow became limp and her full weight came to hang on the cuffs. A trail of green magic radiated off of her body as it went into each of the siren's necklaces. The Dazzlings backed up from Rainbow as all of her magic seeped into the red jewels. "Now then..." Adagio said looking at both Aria and Sonata. "I believe you two owe me some action." She laid down on the mattress with her legs spread as Aria and Sonata walked up to her. Sonata started sucking on Adagio's nipples again while Aria pulled Adagio's dark purple thong down. Sliding a finger inside the dripping wet pussy, Aria then started licking Adagio's clit. Soon, Adagio was moaning in absolute pleasure as she felt close to her orgasm. "Ohh yes!" Adagio cried out. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!!!" Adagio's juices then squirted out of her pussy with enough force that some got on Rainbow who was only a few feet away. Getting back up, the Dazzlings released Rainbow from her cuffs and set her down on the mattress. "She'll be out for quite a while." Adagio said as she put her clothes back on. "Long enough for us to find that Princess and get her magic." Walking out of the room with the others, Adagio gave one last look at Rainbow, admiring the work she did. "Sleep tight." she said seductively as she locked the door behind her. > Chapter 4: "Good To See You Again, Twilight." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle hid behind a vending machine, being careful to make sure nothing of her could be seen sticking out. "What can I do?" she thought as she leaned against the wall. "How will I get past all of these mind controlled people who would most likely bring me back to the Dazzlings if they catch me?" Twilight suddenly heard a group of students approaching her. Holding her breath to not make any noise, she peered out from behind the vending machine. "My friends!" she thought as she saw the rest of her friends walking down the hall. "I'll see you guys later." Sunset was heard saying as the rest of the group walked away. She then turned around with her back to the vending machine as she opened a locker. "Good to see you again, Twilight." Sunset unexpectedly spoke in a calm voice. This surprised Twilight enough to make her fall forward from behind the vending machine. "Gotta say though, hide and seek isn't really your thing." Sunset said as she turned around to face Twilight. "Please don't take me back to that closet!" Twilight cried as she laid on the floor,. "Relax Twilight." Sunset replied as she crouched down beside Twilight, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Check this out." Sunset then pointed at her glowing blue and gold school ring. She proceeded to take the ring off her finger. Twilight watched as the ring stopped glowing and Sunset's eyes turned back to normal. Twilight's eyes widened in surprise. "Now watch this." Sunset said as she put the ring back on. Both her eyes and the ring started glowing again. "Sunset?" asked Twilight as she got up. "How in Celestia's name are you doing that?" "These rings don't affect beings from Equestria." Sunset said as she once again took the ring off. "Watch." she said as she stood up. Putting out a hand to help Twilight up, they both went over to Sunset's locker. Sunset pulled out a mirror and held it up to Twilight. "Do you trust me?" asked Sunset as she held the ring in her palm. "Yes." Twilight said as she took the ring. She hesitated for a moment before putting the ring on her finger. The ring's jewel began glowing bright blue and as Twilight looked in the mirror, her eyes started glowing red. Twilight started to freak out, but Sunset grabbed her hand, making her calm down. Other than her eyes glowing, nothing else happened. Twilight could still think on her own. "I don't understand." Twilight said as she took the ring off. "How are we not being affected by this?" "Not sure to be honest." replied Sunset. "All I know is that when I put the ring on, the glowing shows, but my mind is still under my control." "But what about the rest of our friends? Are they playing along too? Or are they under the Dazzling's mind control along with everyone else?" "I'm sorry Twilight.....but they're under the Dazzling's spell." She walked over and gave Twilight a hug as tears formed in Twilight's eyes. The thought of her friend's being under the Dazzling's mind control made her want to break down in tears.The only thing stopping her was the comfort of Sunset's hug. Twilight kept hugging Sunset for a bit until she finally let go. "How can you tell?" asked Twilight. "Well, I tried taking off AJ's ring. But when I took it off, nothing happened. Her eyes were still bright red." "Oh." Twilight said as she looked down. "So they'll be slaves to the Dazzlings forever?" "Its possible. Or maybe just until the Dazzlings run out of magic." Sunset replied. Twilight leaned against the lockers, thinking about how long it would be before the Dazzlings ran out of magic. "Wait a second though." Twilight said as a thought crossed her mind. "If you were faking it this whole time, then that means you..." "Weren't under their control when we were pleasuring you? Yes. But I needed to play along in order not to make myself look suspicious." Sunset then looked into Twilight's eyes. "And to be honest, I kind of liked it." she said while giving a little wink. Twilight's face turned visibly red. "Wh- Wh- What?" Twilight stuttered. "You liked doing all that stuff to me?" "Yes. And don't tell me you didn't enjoy it either. I saw those looks of pleasure on your face." Sunset replied with a dirty grin. But then her grin faded into a more serious look. "But there's something more important that needs to be done. We need to save your world's Rainbow Dash." Adagio walked into Principal Celestia's office. Celestia was sitting in her chair doing some paperwork but the moment she saw Adagio, she instantly dropped what she was doing and stood up. "Anything wrong Mistress Adagio?" Celestia asked. "Yes. Twilight Sparkle has escaped from her imprisonment." Adagio replied. "I need you to make an announcement over the speakers. Put everyone on alert. If they see Twilight Sparkle, they are to capture her and bring her to us." She said as Aria and Sonata walked in. "Understood Mistress Adagio." Celestia replied as she grabbed the intercom. "Attention all students and faculty members." Celestia said as she spoke into the microphone. "Please be on the lookout for Twilight Sparkle. If anyone sees her, they are to capture her and bring her to the Dazzlings." "Thank you Principal Celestia." Adagio said giving Celestia an evil grin. "My pleasure, Mistress Adagio." replied Celestia. As they walked out of Celestia's office, Adagio couldn't help but smile knowing that there was no longer anywhere Twilight could hide. "Its only a matter of time now." she said while looking at Sonata and Aria. "Soon, we'll have our endless supply of magic back in our grasp." "What do you mean my world's Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight as she and Sunset walked down a hallway. "Earlier, when I was still with the rest of our friends, I saw Adagio and the others talking to another Rainbow Dash. Her eyes weren't glowing red and she wasn't wearing a ring. So I put two and two together and came to this conclusion. I then saw them lead her away towards the gym." "The gym..." Twilight thought. "Why would they take Rainbow to... oh no!!!" "You thought it too. They've probably took her to that room where we took you to drain Rainbow's magic. She represents the element of loyalty so she's got magic in her. Most likely, she's been drained of her magic by now." "We need to find her and fast!" Twilight said as she and Sunset started running down the hall to the gym. They were about to enter the lobby when the loudspeakers came on. "Attention all students and faculty members. Please be on the lookout for Twilight Sparkle. If anyone sees her, they are to capture her and bring her to the Dazzlings." Celestia's voice said over the intercom. "This is bad." Twilight said looking at Sunset. They raced around a corner leading into the lobby when both came to a dead stop. "And I think it just got worse." said Sunset. Standing at the entrance to the lobby, about 80 feet from where Twilight and Sunset were standing, stood a large group of students. At the front of that group stood the rest of their friends. Every student locked their stare on Sunset and Twilight as their eyes flashed bright red. "Seize them!" cried Applejack. The group then started running down the hall towards Twilight and Sunset. "Run!" Sunset yelled as she and Twilight spun around and ran off in the opposite direction. "Do you guys hear something?" asked Sonata as the Dazzlings walked down a hall. "Yes. I know that sound." replied Adagio. "Its the sound of chaos." As soon as she said that, Twilight and Sunset raced past them. "Wait a minute." said Sonata. "If Twilight's going that way then whe-" Before she could finish, the Dazzlings were knocked to the ground by the large crowd chasing Twilight and Sunset. The crowd gasped and then stopped their pursuit to help them up. "You idiots!" yelled Adagio. "Watch where you're going!" "Sorry Mistress Adagio." said the group in unison. "Is it just me, or was Sunset Shimmer running alongside Twilight?" asked Aria as she was helped up. "That can't be!" replied Adagio before looking down the hall as Twilight and Sunset rounded a corner. "Impossible!" she cried out. "Ok, new plan! Bring both Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer to us!" "Yes Mistress Adagio." the crowd said. "Go!" yelled Adagio as she pointed down the hall. The crowd then continued their pursuit down the hallway. "I think we lost them." said Sunset as she and Twilight ran into the gym. Sunset then closed the gym doors behind them and put a steel chair underneath the door handles, locking them in place. As she was doing this, Twilight ran onto the stage. Reaching the door that led into the small room where she was pleasured, Twilight found the door was locked. Stepping backwards halfway across the stage, Twilight then sprinted towards the door. She smacked into the door, breaking it down in the process. Sunset then ran over to the room and helped Twilight up. "Ok, that really hurt!" said Twilight as she grabbed her arm in pain. "You see Rainbow in here?" Sunset turned on the lights in the room. She then saw Rainbow Dash sleeping on the mattress. The only clothes she had on were her bra and panties. Rainbow's eyes slowly opened to see Sunset staring down at her. "What the!" Rainbow cried out as she sat up. "Where am I?" "Canterlot High." Sunset replied. "I see you had a run in with the Dazzlings." she said as she pointed to Rainbow's bra. "Yeah, I don't really remember much about it though." Rainbow replied. "That happened to me the first time too." Twilight said as she walked over. "Twilight!" cried Rainbow as she rose to her feet. She ran over and gave Twilight a big hug. "Ow! Careful with the arm Rainbow. I just knocked that door down." cried Twilight as Rainbow let go. She grabbed her arm again. "Once we get back to Equestria, I need to go see a doctor." "Twilight. I'm sorry that I closed the portal on you." Rainbow said as she put her hand around Twilight. "AJ and I didn't know you were here." "Its ok Rainbow. I kind of figured you guys closed it by mistake." Twilight replied. "You'd better get your clothes back on though. In this world, you can't go around in public like that." "Good point." Rainbow said. She then started getting dressed while Sunset watched the door she had jammed shut. Distant sounds of fists banging against the doors could be heard. "Uh guys, we better get out of here!" Sunset shouted. "That door won't stay shut much longer!" "Where do we go?" asked Twilight. Sunset looked around before her eyes found the fire exit. "Follow me!" she shouted as Rainbow grabbed her backpack. They all started racing towards the metal door. Twilight then heard the sound of the gym doors being broken down. "They're coming!" Twilight cried out as they reached the door. "This is going to be loud!" Sunset cried out as she kicked the fire exit open. The fire alarm instantly started going off as sprinklers attached to the ceiling activated, sending streams of water raining down on the large crowd as they entered the gym. Twilight, Rainbow, and Sunset each rushed outside. "Very clever." Adagio thought to herself as she heard the fire alarm echoing throughout the school. "Theres only one place thats outside that they'll be wanting to get to." she said as she and the others ran outside. "A taco stand?" asked Sonata. "No you idiot!" yelled Adagio. "The portal!" > Chapter 5: Sacrifice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash were running across open sections of freshly cut grass that surrounded Canterlot High. Twilight, being the least athletic of the three, was slowing down after all the constant running she has been doing. She soon came to a halt, having to catch her breath in huge gasps for air. "Rainbow, when we get back to Equestria, can you train me to be more athletic like you?" she asked as she bent over in exhaustion. "That might be a bit of a long shot." Rainbow snickered. Sunset ran ahead to make sure the portal was clear. She walked back over to Twilight as she was regaining her composure. "Portal is clear at the moment. We should go now while we have this chance." "Wait. Are you sure you want to go back to Equestria? What about your life here?" asked Rainbow as they started running again. "I'm a unicorn from Equestria. I have magic inside me. If I stay here, the Dazzlings will drain me just like they did you two, making their hold on the school permanent." "Good point." said Twilight as they ran around the corner towards the statue. As they approached the portal, all three immediately stopped in their tracks. Walking out from behind the statue, the Dazzlings soon cut off their path to the portal. "Ah ah ah!" said Adagio as she waved her finger towards Twilight. "Just where do you think you're going?" "Get out of our way!" shouted Rainbow. "We're going back to Equestria!" "And you think we're just going to stand aside and let you through?" "Either you move or I'll make you move!" Adagio then started laughing. "I'd like to see you try." she said as she tapped her jewel. Magical red rings began radiating off of it. Nothing seemed to happen though. Twilight and Sunset looked around with puzzled looks on their faces. "Ha!" cried Rainbow. "Looks like whatever spell you did failed! Now back to business..." Rainbow then started charging towards Adagio in a sprint. She was almost within a foot of Adagio when she got tackled to the ground by her Earthly counter part. Rainbow Dash struggled, but her hypnotized twin had just as much strength as she had. Soon, the rest of the hypnotized main 5 stood alongside the Dazzlings. Sunset's ears soon heard a loud noise coming from the school. Twilight could hear it as well. Both of them turned around towards the main doors of the school. Within seconds, a large crowd of hypnotized students came running through the doors, racing towards both of them like a zombie hoard chasing a small group of survivors. As they turned to face the mob of students, Twilight and Sunset each had their arms instantly brought behind their backs. Twilight looked to see Applejack and Rarity keeping a firm hold on both of her arms, while Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie held Sunset's arms behind her. Slowly, they were forced to turn around and face the Dazzlings as the large crowd surrounded them. Sunset and Twilight struggled to break free, but their friends' grips were too strong. "Now Twilight. Did you honestly think we were just going to let you go back to Equestria? Did you really believe that you could get away?" asked Adagio as she walked up to her. She slowly put her hand underneath Twilight's chin and made Twilight look into her eyes. "You put up a good fight. But I'm afraid it's game over for you." She then looked over at Sunset. "And now that I realize these rings had no effect on you at all, we now have double the supply of magic. Nothing can stop us now!" she cried out before laughing maniacally. She then looked over at the two Rainbow Dash's. The one under her control had just gotten the better of the other and was now holding her in place. "However...to show I'm not completely heartless..." she said while putting her arm around Twilight. "I am willing to let your friend over there return to Equestria." "What?!" cried Rainbow. Adagio then glanced over at the mind controlled Rainbow. She gave a quick wink and soon, the two Rainbows were separated. Earth's Rainbow then walked over and joined Applejack and Rarity in making sure Twilight didn't make an attempt to break free. Equestria's Rainbow stood alone as Adagio turned her head back towards Twilight. "Well Princess..." Adagio said. "The choice is yours. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to grant your friend a journey home? Or are you going to let her be trapped here with you? " Twilight stood there, motionless and silent for a moment. Her eyes frozen as she stared at Rainbow. Soon, she lowered her head and closed her eyes. "Rainbow..." Twilight slowly spoke. "Save yourself!" "What?!" cried Rainbow again, this time with tears in her eyes. "Twilight, I can't just leave you and Sunset here like this!" "I'd rather be drained of my magic knowing that you're back home in Equestria than have you be kept prisoner here with us." Twilight replied. "Go on Rainbow." Sunset chimed in. "Get going now while you still can!" "You guys..." Rainbow spoke softly as tears streamed down her face. "You're willing to do this for me?" "Of course Rainbow." replied Twilight as she looked back up. "Thats what friends do. Tell our friends back in Equestria that I'll miss them!" she said before breaking down in tears. This sight pleased Adagio. She looked over and saw Sonata wiping tears out of her eyes. She coughed in Sonata's direction, making the blue siren jump. She then snapped her fingers as two hypnotized big guys stepped forward. "Now, would you two be so kind as to show that rainbow haired girl over there the way out?" asked Adagio as she pointed at Rainbow Dash. "YEAH!" shouted one of them. "Eeyup." said the other as they both walked over and grabbed Rainbow Dash by her arms and legs. As they picked her up, Rainbow's backpack straps broke, allowing it to fall to the ground. Rainbow struggled as she was being held two feet in the air, face down towards the concrete. "Let me go!" yelled Rainbow Dash. Adagio then smiled. "You heard her boys." she said as Big Mac and Bulk Biceps swung Rainbow back and forth a few times before throwing her into the portal. As they both walked away, Sunset felt an idea race through her mind as the path between her, Twilight, and the statue was momentarily clear. "Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry." Sunset said with a sly look on her face. "Sorry for what?" asked Fluttershy. "For this!" cried Sunset as she knocked them down, breaking free from their grip. She then rushed over and speared Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow at the same time. "Twilight, lets get out of here!" She yelled as she got up. "Right!" cried Twilight as she and Sunset made a desperate run for the portal. "Stop them!" shouted Adagio. Back in Twilight's castle, Fluttershy was laying next to the mirror. She had just returned to the castle after checking on her animals. "Looks like everyone else is still busy with their things." she thought to herself. Applejack had to go back to Sweet Apple Acres to get started on Applebucking season. Rarity left to go check on her fashion boutique. And Pinkie Pie left to get some cupcakes for later on. All of them promised to come back to the portal later when they had a chance to. Fluttershy was just about to close her eyes for a little nap when Rainbow Dash came flying out of the portal. She landed with a loud thud on the crystal floor. "Rainbow Dash! Are you ok? What happened?" cried Fluttershy as she flew over to help Rainbow up. She noticed Rainbow's eyes were red. "Were you crying Rainbow?" "Twilight and Sunset sacrificed themselves in order to let me come back here." Rainbow said as she tried holding herself back from crying. As soon as she got up, the portal began buzzing with noise again. Rainbow and Fluttershy turned around to see the horns of Twilight and Sunset emerge from the portal. Then their heads and front hooves came through, but instead of walking out of the portal, they both fell to the floor with their flanks still inside the portal. Aria and Sonata each tripped Twilight and Sunset as they entered the portal. Their legs were still in the human world as their upper bodies were in Equestria. "Nice try girls." Adagio said as they all grabbed Twilight and Sunset's legs. "Twilight! Sunset!" cried Fluttershy. "Quick!" Twilight cried out. "Grab our hooves! I can feel them pulling us back into the portal!" Rainbow and Fluttershy instantly grabbed Sunset and Twilight's hooves and started pulling with all they had. "Someone's pulling them in!" cried Sonata as she felt Sunset's legs move further into the portal. Instinctively, she put her foot onto the statue to get better control. Because the Dazzlings had been banished, Sonata's foot didn't go through the portal. It only caused a rippling effect as she and the others pulled back. "You two!" Adagio cried as she looked at Big Mac and Bulk Biceps. "Get over here and help us!" "Eeyup." Big Mac said as he grabbed Twilight's legs. "YEAH!" Bulk shouted as he grabbed Sunset's legs. With both of them, plus Aria and Sonata pulling as well, Twilight and Sunset started coming back into the human world. Adagio then stepped back as she let her arms regain their strength. Back in Ponyville, Fluttershy and Rainbow were struggling to keep Twilight and Sunset from going back through the portal. "What in tarnation?" cried Applejack as she, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie stood at the door of the room. "Twilight!" she shouted as she saw what was going on. She and the others rushed over to the mirror. Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash by her tail and started pulling. Rarity and Pinkie Pie grabbed Fluttershy's tail and started pulling as well. Eventually, Twilight and Sunset stopped moving. Both forces had neutralized the other from gaining any kind of momentum. "Oww! My back!" Twilight cried out as she felt her spine being stretched in opposite directions. Sunset's eyes were watering as her body was wrapped in pain. Twilight tried teleporting out of the portal but since her entire body wasn't in Equestria, she couldn't use her magic at all. "This has gone on long enough!" Adagio cried out. Wrapping her hands around her jewel, she sent a surge of magic rushing into it. She then pointed her arms into the sky as a red flame erupted from her jewel. When the flame dispersed, Adagio's siren form revealed itself. With her mind controlling the beast, Adagio let loose a scream as her siren did the same. Waves of sound surged towards the statue. Upon being hit, the statue started breaking apart. An alarm started going off on Twilight's machine. "Oh no!" Twilight cried as she looked towards the machine. "The portal! It's about to be destroyed!" "What do we do?" cried Rainbow. "We can't get you out!" "Let us go then!" shouted Sunset. "If the portal is destroyed while we're still inside, who knows what could happen!" "She's right!" shouted Twilight. "I'm sorry to say this, but let go!" "But Twilight!" cried Applejack. "You'll be trapped in that world forever!" The alarm grew louder as the statue in the human world continued to fall apart. "Its a sacrifice I'll have to make!" cried Twilight. She then looked over at Sunset. Both of them nodded in agreement. "Goodbye guys! Thank you for everything you've ever done for me!" she shouted with tears in her eyes as both she and Sunset let go of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They both then were instantly pulled back through the portal. "Twilight!!!" they all screamed in unison as the mirror started glowing bright. "Take cover ya'll! She's about to blow!" cried Applejack. Everyone then ran for cover. Cracks could be seen streaking across the mirror as it suddenly exploded into small chunks of glass and stone. Bulk and Big Mac dragged Twilight and Sunset out of the portal just as the entire statue crumbled after the onslaught of sound waves. Being brought to their feet, Twilight and Sunset no longer had the urge to resist. They knew they were trapped in this world forever now that the portal was destroyed. Adagio's siren form then returned into her jewel as she walked up to her prisoners. "How did you know I love it when they play hard to get?" she asked in a seductive voice. Both Twilight and Sunset remained silent with their eyes closed and heads down. "Playing the silent game now, are we?" asked Adagio as she held Twilight's head up by her chin. "Very well then. Have it your way." "What should we do with them now?" asked Aria. "Well, all that excitement has left me hungry for magic." Adagio replied. "How about we have ourselves some fun to relieve some tension from this." "And what about this?" Aria asked as she held Rainbow Dash's backpack in her hand. "Bring it along. I'm sure these two would love to have a reminder of their friend." "Yay!" cried Sonata. "Now with both of them in our grasp, and the portal destroyed, no one will be able to stop us from taking over the world!" she said before breaking out in an evil laugh. Adagio and Aria looked at her with surprised looks on their faces. "What?" asked Sonata. "I can't have an evil moment?" "You're finally learning, Sonata." said Adagio as she put her arm around the blue siren. "Just for that, when we get to the special room, I'll let you have your pick of who you want." "Yay!" shouted Sonata as they followed Twlight and Sunset being dragged inside by their hypnotized friends. > Chapter 6: Adagio's Personal Sunset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer put up no resistance to being dragged through Canterlot High. She had her head down, eyes closed, and mouth shut. As Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie got close to the gym, Sunset opened her eyes to see Adagio and Aria following close behind. Adagio was giving her a seductive look as they got onto the stage. "What the hell is she looking at me like that for?" Sunset thought to herself. "Looks like you and I will be getting to know each other very well." said Adagio as they entered the gym. "Sonata chose to have Twilight to herself so that means its just you and me." Sunset looked around. Twilight and Sonata were nowhere to be seen. "Where is Twilight?!" asked Sunset as she was dragged up the stairs leading to the stage. "Being drained of her magic as we speak." replied Adagio. "Just like you're about to be as well." "You've gotta be kidding me." said Sunset. "What makes you think that I'll let you drain me of my magic?" "Hmm... I don't seem to recall you having much choice in the matter." replied Adagio. Turning her head towards Aria, who was holding a bottle of chloroform and a rag in her hands. She gave a wink in Aria's direction. Dousing the rag with the chemical, Aria shoved it in Sunset's face. Sunset tried holding her breath for as long as she could, but eventually, the chemical made her eyes close as she was knocked unconscious. "Sweet dreams Sunset. See you soon..." Sunset heard echoing through her head before falling into a deep sleep. *SPLASH* "Wake up sleeping beauty." said Adagio as she held an empty bucket. Sunset slowly came to her senses after being drenched in freezing cold water. "Huh...?" Sunset said as she looked around. "Whe-...where am I?" She tried moving, but she was strapped to the same mattress that she found Rainbow Dash sleeping on earlier. Her legs tied down and spread apart while her arms were extended out and tied down. "Welcome to my little pleasure chamber." Adagio replied as the lights turned on. Sunset raised her head and saw she was completely naked. Adagio stood over her with a sultry look on her face. She slowly straddled Sunset's body and sat down on her waist. Leaning forward, she put her hands on Sunset's shoulders. "You know, I still remember looking over and seeing you eating Sonata's pussy." Adagio said as she got close enough to whisper into Sunset's ear. "I was so jealous." She whispered before slowly licking Sunset's cheek. "Yeah?" asked Sunset. "Well, good luck trying to make me eat yours!" "Oh you soon will be. I mean, I can always resort to torturing you if you're so defiant." replied Adagio as she pointed over to a little table. Sitting on the table were a number of different items including whips, ropes, blindfolds, strap-ons, vibrators, and glass dildos. "So what do you choose Sunset Shimmer? Are you going to be a good little sex slave? Or is Mistress Adagio going to have to punish you?" "Okay...fine." said Sunset. "I'll do it." "Now was that so hard so say?" asked Adagio playfully. "Don't worry. You'll soon find out that I reward those who are good to me." she said while slowly sliding a hand down Sunset's body. "Rewa-" Sunset started to say before being silenced by a finger sliding inside her pussy. Sunset's eyes rolled up as she gave a small moan of pleasure. Sliding her finger in all the way, Adagio gave it a little twirl before sliding it out. She brought her finger up to her mouth, giving it a little taste as Sunset's juices dripped off of it. "Mmmmmm..." Adagio said after setting her finger back on Sunset's pussy. "Rewards like that and more await you if you obey. Now, be a good little slave and pleasure your Mistress." "Yes..... Mistress Adagio." replied Sunset as Adagio stood up. Unzipping her outfit, Adagio took her pants off, revealing a slightly wet purple thong. She then slid those off and laid it on Sunset's stomach. Adding a little swing to her hips as she walked back over to Sunset, Adagio straddled her tied adversary again. This time, her dripping wet pussy was directly above Sunset's mouth. "Open wide. Adagio said with a seductive voice as she lowered her pussy to just an inch above Sunset's mouth. Sunset slowly opened her mouth, allowing Adagio to fully bring her pussy down. She started kissing and licking Adagio's pussy, sliding her tongue around the wet clit before pushing it inside. Adagio's eyes widened at the sudden good feeling of her pussy being eaten. Giving a small moan in pleasure, Adagio slowly took her top off, revealing a purple bra. Squeezing her own breasts, Adagio continued to moan as Sunset twirled her tongue inside the wet pussy. "Ohhhhhhhh yesss." moaned Adagio. "You've been practicing, haven't you?" Sunset gave a slight nod while still eating Adagio out. "I can tell. Your tongue is so talented. Adagio felt herself coming close to her orgasm. Not wanting to let the fun slip away so easily, she got off of Sunset's face and then laid down on top of her. "Mmmmm... kiss me." She quickly threw herself onto Sunset's lips, their tongues sliding around inside each other's mouths. As Adagio pulled back for air, beads of spit could be seen dripping from her lips onto Sunset's. Without warning, Sunset raised her head up and started kissing Adagio again, her tongue penetrating Adagio's lips. Adagio's eyes grew wide at the passion Sunset was showing. Sliding a hand down Sunset's body, Adagio squeezed the side of Sunset's ass as she pulled back for air again. "My my. I've never felt such passion while doing this." said Adagio as she breathed heavily. "It's almost like you've been wanting to do this to me ever since we met all those months ago." Sunset's cheeks blushed. "Well, to be honest, I have occasionally thought about the idea." she replied as gave Adagio a little wink. "I just never thought I'd actually be doing it." "I see." Adagio said. "Well then, how about I give you a little reward?" She slowly got up and walked over to the table. Picking up a glass dildo, Adagio walked back over and knelt down next to Sunset's pussy. "You ready for this?" she asked as the glass dildo was placed on Sunset's pussy. Sunset gave a slight nod as Adagio slowly pushed the dildo inside. Sunset let out a loud moan as the cold glass went inside her dripping wet pussy. Sliding it in all the way, Adagio pulled it back out as slow as possible while giving Sunset's clit a playful lick. Sliding the dildo back and forth inside Sunset's pussy, Adagio grinned as she heard Sunset's moaning. "Ohhh yes." moaned Sunset. "Give it to me!" Adagio gladly obliged. Going faster with her motions, the dildo began pounding Sunset's pussy. Her juices could be seen starting to fly out each time the dildo was about to slide back in. "Mmmmmm....I feel like I'm about to cum!" cried Sunset. Adagio quickly pulled the dildo out and got on top of Sunset. "Allow me to make it feel even better." Adagio said before starting to lick Sunset's pussy. Sunset's tongue could be felt penetrating Adagio's pussy again as both of them let out moans of pleasure. Adagio slid her tongue inside Sunset's pussy, going in and out like a piston before she could feel Sunset's thighs start to quiver. Adagio knew that only meant one thing. Sunset cried out in pleasure as her orgasm went straight into Adagio's mouth. As she swallowed it all, Adagio felt like she was about to cum as well. She raised her hips slightly and brought them back down on Sunset's face repeatedly as her tongue kept sliding in and out of Adagio's pussy. Adagio couldn't hold it back any more. She let out a loud moan as her orgasm covered Sunset's face. Adagio slowly got off of Sunset, both of them breathing heavily as green magic slowly started radiating off of Sunset's sweat and juice covered body. While her magic made its way into Adagio's red jewel, Sunset's eyes rolled upwards again as the feeling of her orgasm lingered. "I must say Sunset..." Adagio said as she put the juice covered dildo back on the table. "That was probably the best sex I've had in centuries!" Sunset grinned at the thought of that. "And you were amazing as well!" she said softly, fighting the urge to pass out after being drained of her magic. "How about I pleasure you myself while the other two get to play with your friend?" asked Adagio. "I promise what happened here can easily be doubled." she said pointing to the collection of toys on the table. Sunset's eyes grew wide at the idea. Her orgasm was the best one she ever had. The thought of it being even better made her want to cum a second time. Adagio slowly walked back over and knelt down beside Sunset. "Well, seeing as how I'm stuck in this world, might as well make the best of it." Sunset replied before giving Adagio a passionate kiss on the lips. "You've made the right decision my dear." said Adagio as she started to untie Sunset's arms and legs. Once that was done, they both fell asleep on the mattress in each other's arms. > Chapter 7: From Twilight til Dusk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had no will to resist anymore. As she was dragged through Canterlot High, she could hear Sonata and Adagio talking before Adagio and Aria walked away towards the gym with Sunset Shimmer being dragged behind them. "Wait, if they're taking Sunset that way, then where am I going?" Twilight thought to herself as she was dragged into a dark room. Being forced to sit in a metal chair, Twilight felt her clothes being torn off. "Wait! What are you guys doing?!" she yelled. "Relax darling." Rarity said as she ripped Twilight's shirt off. "You're just overdue to be drained of magic." "To make this easier, Mistress Aria told us to use this on ya." said Applejack as she put a chloroform covered rag up to Twilight's nose. Twilight's eyes grew fuzzy as her friends continued taking her clothes off. Twilight felt someone grab one of her breasts, but she didn't see who it was before slipping into unconsciousness. The smell of seasoning and the sound of sizzling meat soon brought Twilight back from her slumber. She was tied to a chair at a table, completely naked, yet her arms were free. She looked over to where the sound was coming from. Sonata was seen standing next to a stove, her back towards Twilight, with a plate of tacos sitting on a counter next to her. She looked over and then saw her friends sitting at a table. Each one was eating a taco presumably made by Sonata. Sonata looked over her shoulder and saw Twilight was awake. "Oh goody!" she said while turning off the stove. "You're awake!" "What is all this?" asked Twilight softly as she saw a taco sitting in front of her. "Well, I could have done what Dagi and Ari would have done and just had your friends do to you what they've always done. But thats no fun anymore." "Huh?" "I just thought a meal first would be good for all of us." Sonata said as she sat in a chair across from Twilight. Before she started eating, Sonata noticed Twilight was just staring at her food. "Aww cheer up silly. I made that one especially for you." "Whats the point? I've lost my friends, my family, and my entire world." Twilight said softly as she looked down. "All I have left now is Sunset Shimmer." "You know..." Sonata said. "I had a family and lots of friends back in Equestria. I felt the same way you did at first. But eventually, I became glad that I at least had Dagi and Ari to be with, instead of being by myself." Twilight looked up as Sonata was looking down at the floor. "Don't you miss them?" she asked. "Of course I miss them." Sonata replied. "But I can't do anything about it. I got banished to this world." Twilight then noticed a tear running down Sonata's cheek. "I accepted it and things soon got better. But sometimes though, I wish I could just see my parents. I haven't seen them in centuries. Not since they watched me get banished." "I'm so sorry." said Twilight softly as she looked at the blue siren. "I bet they feel the same way about you." "I'm sure they do." Sonata replied with a little smile on her face. "They always said I was a good little siren." "Thats nice of them to say." Twilight said as she looked at her taco. "I even got a present for you." Sonata said looking back towards Twilight. "A present?" asked Twilight as she looked up. Sonata picked up a wrapped box off the floor and slid it across the table next to Twilight's plate. Twilight slowly unwrapped it. Tears appeared in her eyes as she pulled her crown out of the box. "How did you get this?" she asked. "Well, your friend brought it with her when she came here." Sonata explained. "After we found it in that backpack of hers, Dagi and Ari wanted to throw it away. But I told them not to. I figured you'd at least want something to remember your old world from." "You stood up to your friends for me?" asked Twilight as she looked over at Sonata. "I thought you didn't care about me." "Twilight, do I look like the kind of person who doesn't care?" asked Sonata. "I mean, look around you. I made tacos for you and your friends. I saved your crown from being thrown away. I even saved you from having Adagio drain you herself." "Why did you do all that for me?" Sonata slowly looked away as her cheeks turned red. "Well..." she slowly said. "I've... kind of had a crush on you ever since I first saw you." Twilight's cheeks turned red immediately after hearing that. "I...I don't know what to say." Twilight said as she looked at Sonata, then down at her crown and the taco. "Thank you for doing all this for me." A smile soon appeared on her face. "Looks like I had you figured all wrong." "For realzies?" asked Sonata as she instantly looked back at Twilight. A simple nod from her was all it took for the blue siren to smile. The moment was then interrupted by a loud growling noise coming from Twilight's stomach. "Looks like you'd better eat Twilight. Your tummy sounds hungry." Twilight then laughed. "I suppose you're right." she said as she picked up the taco. As she slowly brought it to her mouth, Sonata watched as Twilight took a bite. Twilight's eyes instantly grew wide as she chewed. "Oh sweet Celestia! This is delicious!" Twilight cried out before she instantly devoured the rest. "Got any more?" Sonata's face showed a look of extreme happiness as she brought more over to Twilight. As Twilight started eating, Sonata grew happier with each taco being eaten. Adagio and Aria never did like her cooking, usually leaving her to eat it herself. She never saw someone so happy to be eating what she cooked. Sonata stood by Twilight as she ate the last of her food. With a smile wide across her face, she gave Twilight a big hug. "No one has ever liked my cooking that much!" Sonata said as she wrapped her arms around Twilight's body. Her cheeks turned red when she felt Twilight's arms wrap around her in return. Sonata then stepped back as Twilight looked into her eyes. She couldn't resist the urge anymore. Sonata sat on Twilight's lap and planted a kiss on Twilight's lips. Leaning back after it was done, Sonata untied Twilight from the chair. After allowing Twilight to get up, Sonata threw herself back into Twilight's arms, kissing her cheeks and eventually her lips again. Twilight responded by pushing her tongue into Sonata's mouth. Sonata's eyes grew wide instantly. She wasn't expecting Twilight to be this passionate. Stepping back, Sonata gave a little look of confusion. "What was that for?" Sonata asked with a look of confusion. "Well, you've done so much for me." Twilight responded. "The least I can do in return is have some fun with you before you drain my magic. Plus, now that I know you've had a crush on me, it doesn't even bother me that you're the one doing it." She slowly walked over to Sonata, giving her a kiss before taking her jacket off. Sonata slowly slid her hand down Twilight's body to her pussy and started rubbing her clit. Twilight let out a little moan as Sonata bent down and playfully flicked Twilight's nipples with her tongue. Sonata's eyes then looked down as Twilight slid her hand into Sonata's pants. She could feel her clit being rubbed by Twilight's fingers. Sonata took her pants off, making it easier for Twilight to get her entire hand into Sonata's panties. While rubbing Sonata's clit, Twilight then used her other hand to take Sonata's shirt off. She squeezed Sonata's breasts as the blue siren let out a soft moan. Sonata unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. Twilight responded by gently sucking on one of her nipples. Sonata's moaning grew a bit louder as she did that. Sonata slowly laid down on the tile floor as Twilight got on top of her. They started making out again with Sonata wrapping her tongue around Twilight's. Both of her hands were running all over Twilight's body. Twilight slowly slid her way down Sonata's body. As she got to Sonata's panties, she noticed they were extremely damp. "Looks like you really want this." Twilight said in a playful voice. Sonata nodded in agreement as Twilight pulled the damp panties off. Leaning forward, she slowly started licking Sonata's pussy. Sonata's mouth opened wide as the feeling of Twilight's tongue on her pussy surged through her body. Twilight then slid her tongue inside Sonata's pussy, twirling it around in the process. Sonata could be heard moaning loudly as Twilight kept eating her out. She then stopped for a brief moment to suck on her own finger. Sonata looked down in confusion, but soon she understood why. Twilight placed the finger she sucked on onto Sonata's anus. Slowly pushing it inside, she started eating Sonata's pussy again. Sonata couldn't stand the amount of pleasure she was getting as Twilight fingered her ass while eating out her pussy at the same time. "Oh God! I'm gonna cum!!" she cried out as Twilight kept eating her pussy. Soon, Twilight's mouth began to get full of Sonata's cum as her orgasm covered Twilight's face. After swallowing it all, Twilight sat up for a minute. She was breathing heavily as she looked over at Sonata who was breathing just as heavily with juices still seeping out of her pussy. "Wow, that was the best orgasm I've had in centuries!!" Sonata cried out as she sat up. "I bet it was." Twilight said as she looked over at her crown. A dirty smile crept across her face. "But now..." she said as she reached over and grabbed her crown, "Your Princess requires service." she said with a small laugh afterwards. Sonata laughed as Twilight put her crown on. "Very well, Princess Twilight." she said as she pushed Twilight onto her back. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time." Sonata slowly licked Twilight's clit, running her tongue across it as Twilight started to moan. As she was having her pussy eaten, Twilight looked over towards her friends. They were all staring at her while sitting at their table. "I think my friends want to join us." Twilight said. Sonata looked up from eating Twilight's pussy and over towards the others. "They can have you next time." said Sonata. "Right now, you're all mine." she said before going back to eating Twilight's pussy. Twilight started moaning again as Sonata slid her tongue inside her pussy, twirling it the exact same way Twilight did earlier. Twilight grabbed her own breasts as she neared her orgasm. Squeezing them and pulling on her nipples, Twilight's moans grew louder. "Oh dear Luna!" screamed Twilight as her orgasm filled Sonata's mouth. After swallowing it all, Sonata got up and helped Twilight to her feet. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had!" Twilight said as she hugged Sonata. Both of their pussies were still dripping juices as Twilight's magic started radiating off of her. After it all went into Sonata's jewel, Twilight barely had the strength left to stand. "Can you guys help Twilight here?" asked Sonata as she looked towards her friends. "Yes Mistress Sonata." they all said in unison before walking over and supporting Twilight. "Are you taking me back to that little closet?" asked Twilight. "Depends on how you answer my next question..." replied Sonata. "Huh?" "Well.... would you like to be my girlfriend?" asked Sonata as her cheeks turned red. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" Twilight cried out before leaning forward just enough to kiss Sonata on the lips. "Well then, looks like you'll be staying with me at our house instead of a Janitor's closet." Sonata replied after they finished kissing. Twilight giggled a bit. "For realzies?" she asked. Both she and Sonata started laughing after that. Soon after that, Twilight passed out due to being drained. "Aww... she's so cute when she's sleeping." Sonata thought to herself as she got her clothes back on. After getting Twilight's clothes back on her, she then walked over to the door. "Come on ladies, lets get this one over to her new home." Sonata said as Twilight's friends dragged Twilight out into the hall.