Swollen Vulva

by Julia

First published

Fluttershy has a dark secret, and she seeks the help of Trixie to help her. Little does she know, her dark secret will only be replaced by an even deeper and darker one.

Fluttershy hates her life at this moment. Nothing is going right for her, and nopony notices. Not that she tells them in the first place. She vows to herself she won't let it get out of hand, but someday she knows her limits will be pushed too far. The when, where, and how; she does not know. This drives her near insanity and she finally breaks. She's surprised at the identity of the pony who finds her however.

Thanks to Bad Dragon for proofreading and editing this in its earlier days.

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Fluttershy ducked her head as she was walking down the road of Ponyville, hoping that Mosier Rite would not see her. She was also strongly hoping she would not see him. He was her "boyfriend" or at least she wondered if she should say that he was. Mosier was nice to her, and treated her right, for the most part. But lately, he began taking advantage of her kindness. He would force her to have sex with him even when she did not feel like it, and tell her that because they loved each other, it could not be thought of as rape.

Fluttershy was too ashamed to tell any of her friends about Mosier's treatment of her because the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and Discord, especially Discord, already knew of the pros which were rained down upon Fluttershy in the beginning of the relationship. The hot topic relationship with Mosier Rite was anything but a secret.

They were actually very fond of him. His knowledge of animals, wild and domestic, along with his seaming kindness made him the perfect match for her. In fact, he had taken an interest in Fluttershy because of her rare ability to domesticate almost any animal.

Their relationship had taken off like a bird and had crashed hard… as if smashing into stone ground. Fluttershy had tried to break away but Mosier would not let her go. He repeatedly told her she was worthless, that she would only fail at life if she did not stay with him. She began to think he was telling the truth.

He had been financially supporting her business of finding homes for the animals which she had domesticated since her home was starting to get quite crowded. If he would cease to support her then she would not be able to find homes for the animals, and they would metaphorically eat her alive if she were not able to buy food for them.

The truth was, she did not have the necessary business knowledge or experience that Mosier had to support all of the new animals she had. If he left, she would possibly be evicted and forced to live homeless on the streets.

She could not tell her friends or anypony else, for that would upset Mosier, and she was afraid that he would harm her or the animals if she displeased him. He had threatened her with domestic violence on multiple occasions. Sometimes kicking her out of her own house to invite his own friends over. When she would show up at Twilight's or Rainbow's houses her excuse would be "I just wanted to have a sleepover! *squee*."

Her friends never questioned her about this explicitly, and it did not necessarily bother her all that much as it would have been the perfect opportunity to get away from him to clear her mind. But her friends, the curious ponies that they were, always had questions about Mosier. Fluttershy rarely tried to steer away from these questions, making up lies to portray Mosier as a messianic image. She was always describing him as if he were a great figure in her life. In reality he was a Stalin, a stallion of steel, overseeing her every move. Trying to get her to be his doll for him to play with and manipulate as he pleased.

It got so bad she contemplated suicide. Especially after he made her give up Angel for adoption. She did not scream or cry, she merely let him do it.

Soon, he had successfully turned her into his puppet which he controlled and acted for. She was only his play toy, a paper on which he wrote her destiny on. He was her God. Her owner. He began to push her farther and farther.

Sometimes, he even physically abused her leaving her unable to leave for weeks on end. Forcing her to participate in activities which took place in her house as he displayed his dominance during his stallion get-togethers. His friends were no better than he was and he even took it further by letting them have their way with her as he joined in the fun.

She was completely helpless. When she went out in public his friends would often take advantage of her whenever they saw her. Making her have sex with them in openly hidden places with a serious risk of being caught. Mosier must have had a tight grip on them as well, as they too kept quiet about it and were possibly being paid for their silence.

What made it worse was that Mosier proposed to her and before she could even answer a timid “yes,” he answered for her. Showing her a beautiful white wedding dress made completely of pure silk, even allowing her to stroke it once. She had gasped at how soft it was and how it felt on her hooves. She hated him now with a passion and knew that she could not, no matter what, go through with this wedding. There was still a little self respect in her and now was time to fight back. The only question to this new goal was how? Where could she even think to begin on this vast ocean of chaos?

“Oh no.” Fluttershy had hidden herself from sight most of this day but sighted one of Mosier's friends who had spotted her.

“Come along slut.” He said as he immediately took her to an empty alley to rape her. Fluttershy was still too frightened to fight back so she just let it happen once more. After he had finished he told her sourly to "clean herself up" and left her a broken wreck, crying uncontrollably. Why did they treat her like this? Why were they were so controlling of her?

Fluttershy lay there for hours. Trying to get herself back up to decide on how she would kill herself tomorrow, until a pony whom she did not expect came to her rescue.

"Is that...Fluttershy?" the familiar voice of the approaching pony said. Fluttershy was too nervous to look at who it could be before her. Afraid it could be somepony else to rape her. The voice was the voice of a mare, Fluttershy doubted that Mosier would actually pay a mare to have her way with her. She respected LGBT rights, but she just was not attracted to mares. But then the thought that a mare could treat her better than a stallion got to her. Maybe she should become a lesbian.

"FLUTTERSHY!" she heard the voice shout again. "The Great and Powerful Trixie will not stand to be ignored by a commoner like you! Rise, Trixie's dear Fluttershy!"

Trixie? What was Trixie doing here in Ponyville? Was it to stalk Twilight, or move in? Rack up some business and have a bit of an adventurous plot on her hooves? Either would be exciting in Fluttershy's eyes as long as it was not the mess which was her life at the moment. She rose up to face Trixie who was not wearing her usual attire of Wizardly beauty and greatness, and was looking down on Fluttershy in quite a confused manner. "H-hi, Trixie..." Fluttershy whispered, still trying to escape from Trixie's gaze, but the blue unicorn took hold of her face with her front hooves to force her to stare into her eyes, but Fluttershy still resisted, closing her eyes tightly.

"That's the Great and Powerful Trixie to you! Get it right!" Trixie shouted, noticing that Fluttershy winced when she shouted, as if bracing for a strike. Trixie immediately let go of her, watching her take two nervous steps back until bumping her rump to the wall behind her. The pegasus pony opened her eyes, and yelped in fear, turning around and walking backwards to get behind Trixie as to hide from the wall.

It was obvious now. "The Great and Powerful Trixie notices that you are quite spooked by these little things. Are you hiding from something? Or somepony?"

"Just my boyfriend--" Fluttershy quickly shut her mouth to prevent herself from saying anything more. She had already said too much. Truthfully narrating, she had initially wanted to say nothing at all.

Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes in disappointment. She dragged Fluttershy out of the alley by her tail and teleported the both of them to her house which was located in the Everfree Forest.

The house was created specifically to complement Trixie's character, being built like a mini-castle with symbols of stars and moons on it hanging from frilly hoods on the side of its brick exterior.

Fluttershy was impressed with the growth in Trixie's magic skill, seeing that when they first met Trixie was mediocre at magic but was now casting such intricately complex magic spells like it was nothing at all.

The interior of Trixie's domain was much like a regular houses except full of fake certificates. Fluttershy guessed was false approval of Trixie's lies to get ponies to think she was good at magic. Or could they be real? Fluttershy did not want to be too quick to judge.

She noticed that there was nothing but soft red carpet on the floor below. She felt like stretching and falling asleep on it, but she felt too dirty. There was a living room beside the hallway they were walking through and the next couple doors down were doors to the kitchen, closets, a door to the basement, then a staircase leading upstairs. Trixie took Fluttershy into the living room, where there was a laying couch fit for a party of ponies to lay upon. All red. There was so much red in Trixie's house, so much it scared Fluttershy a bit. Trixie was blue and stuck out like a sore hoof in her own home. The contrast just bothered her a bit.

"Welcome to the abode of the Great and Powerful Trixie, commoner Fluttershy," the blue unicorn stated, laying down on her couch and getting a cup of tea from the kitchen for herself, and one for Fluttershy, who sat upon the couch and took the drink. Trixie had done the levitation spell from so far away, it was truly impressive! "Now, Trixie could not help but notice that you hold a severely deep amount of guilt and sorrow in your eyes. Trixie recalls you saying something about your boyfriend being the one you're running away from. Why is that?"

Fluttershy hesitated to speak, but Trixie's demanding glare forced her to cough it all up. She started at how she met Mosier Rite, and told her everything about the relationship that had happened up until now. She left out no details and stayed truthful in her words. She was unloading her troubles on the one pony that noticed that something was really wrong. She was grateful for that, and found herself closer to Trixie, now leaning on her as she drank her tea. She smiled gently, resting her eyes and sighing as she felt the tea warm up her empty stomach, caressing its emptiness with its warm grasp. Her stomach was like her, and the tea was like Trixie.

"Either you're a better liar than Trixie, or your life went downhill pretty quickly after she left," Trixie chuckled, sipping her tea again and seeing she had finished it. That was the fourth cup. Fluttershy was still on her first. "Come to think of it, a lot has transpired since the Great and Powerful Trixie left... Well, your story is quite a tragedy, the Great and Powerful Trixie will give you that, and she thinks she has a solution to your tight pickle of a situation... but it is quite harsh and painful... If you may, it is actually quite a bit more like a punishment. Isn't that what you wanted? To punish yourself? Or do you desire to punish somepony else?"

Fluttershy looked to the wall ahead of her, and did not answer the question. She only said, "I just want you to do something, anything!" Then she turned her head to see Trixie off of the couch and walking to the hallway in the direction of the staircase. She finished the tea as quickly as possible and followed Trixie upstairs.

Trixie was silent the entire way up through another hallway that had many more doors, one to her room, two bathrooms, a closet, an attic, and another door closed off with a sign that said "KEEP OUT, LOCKED DOOR, NO TRESPASSING!" on it. Fluttershy immediately knew that Trixie was leading her to the farthest door down the hall and was scared at what "punishment" would take place there.

Trixie broke the silence with a deep breath. She looked at the pegasus pony before her and stroked her mane lightly, with a seductive look in her eyes. She curved her lips slowly into a smile, tilting her head as to make her smile a crescent moon. Fluttershy looked at her movements in slight horror, seemingly questioning her very own existence from what Trixie was doing.

"I will make a 'Trixie Covenant' with you, sealed by a kiss," Trixie said gently, getting closer to Fluttershy and pinning her against the wall behind her.

The concept of the 'Trixie Covenant' utterly disgusted her, it was plagiarism of the 'Pinkie Promise'! Sealing it with a kiss made it even more repulsive. "Repeat after me,..."

“You look at me--”

Fluttershy played along with the game, which she felt it was, and repeated what Trixie had said. “You look at me--”

"Blue as the sea,
the skies above see not secrecy.
Love not by my fate, or beauty abode be my soul.
Let me not see lies ahead, and guide my will to go."

Fluttershy had to admit, it seemed much more original now, now that she had actually heard it be said. It was much more bearable now.

"Seem to be this lie in which I live.
A covenant made, a kiss to give."

Well, here it was. The kiss. Trixie leaned in to lock lips with her prisoner, and Fluttershy submitted to her advance. It was part of the covenant, after all. It felt nice, actually. Fluttershy was pleased to kiss somepony who was actually trying to help her in her troubles rather than use her for sex and debauchery. Fluttershy barely even knew what that word even meant, but surely it was negative, like Mosier was.

Trixie drew back from the long kiss and shuddered in relief. She shook her head and laughed loudly, grabbing Fluttershy by the hooves with magic and opening the door to a completely dark room painted as if the give off the impression that anypony standing within the room was trapped in space, staring at the surrounding stars around them.

Darkness and lights coming together to give them company. But what weird contraptions which inhabited this space. A rack held many rolls of rope and multicolored whips, surrounding the chairs with straps on them hanging from the ceiling, next to tables with sharp cone protrusions poking up from them. Fluttershy immediately realized that this was a room fit for a Dominatrix. More specifically, a DominaTrixie.

Trixie began to laugh out loud, using magic to pin Fluttershy onto a flat table in the middle of the room, pushing everything else aside. Fluttershy could not move, and tried to look around to see what Trixie would "punish" her with. Trixie then blindfolded her, and used magic to construct a fingered hand to tease Fluttershy's vagina.

"Trixie? May I ask... what exactly kind of 'punishment' is this?" Fluttershy asked nervously, just before Trixie used a ball strap to gag her. She began to flap her wings in discomfort, but this was involuntary, she did it all the time when she was held down and restrained beyond her power.

"Remember, this is your punishment," Trixie replied, "your punishment. And call Trixie 'Great and Powerful Trixie' please, why can't you just remember that? But before Trixie begins the punishment she must assure you that what you're in for is completely within the jurisdiction of the 'Trixie Covenant' and if you chicken out she will be forced to get rid of you according to the rules of the Republic. That is, however, only for unicorns and you're not a unicorn, so maybe you'll have a separate set of rules... But anyway, Trixie will be your guide and Trixie will need to be sure you are trusting of my hooves being the tools of judgment of your sins. Do you trust Trixie?"

Fluttershy fearfully nodded, closing her eyes under the blindfold and resting every muscle in her body, soon able to get her wings to stop flapping, folding them at her sides. "Mhmm..."

"Right now, Trixie is going to give you one last taste of being a pet," Trixie told her, caressing her mane and running her hoof down Fluttershy's face. "My dear Flutterpet. You will see the might of the Great and Powerful Trixie."

Trixie put Fluttershy in a position to where she was lying on her stomach with her back arched upwards as she used magic to hold her tail high in the air. Trixie used her magic to grab a whip from one of the racks against the wall and she cracked it once in the air to see what Fluttershy's reaction would be. The pegasus pony jumped slightly and Trixie laughed as she rubbed the whip lightly around Fluttershy's flank. She could sense Fluttershy tensing up, as her mood was transmitted through to Trixie by Fluttershy being in physical contact with Trixie's magic. The pegasus pony stayed put despite not being held down by any restraints except for the magic holding her tail, but she shook like a wet kitten.

Trixie could tell that Fluttershy was trying her best, her legendary best to stay where she was, and she almost felt sorry for her. Trixie could tell if Fluttershy was not bound by the Covenant then she would have left the moment she heard the whip snap. This pony was literally no less than a slave to her now, bound by a Covenant allowing Trixie to do whatever she wanted to her with no restrictions whatsoever.

"Mmmm," Trixie moaned, licking the tip of the whip and coating it with her saliva, then whipping Fluttershy across the ass once.

Fluttershy jumped slightly and squeaked. She bit her lip and scarily looked towards Trixie, who was still smiling at her rather seductively. Seeing that Fluttershy really had something to say, Trixie took the ball gag from her mouth and wiped its smooth salivated exterior across the red whip mark on Fluttershy's cutie marked flank.

"Umm... Trixie... if it's okay with you... Mind telling me what I'm in for?" Fluttershy asked her mistress while holding back a squeak of sharp pain from the burning sensation on her flank.

Trixie laughed and whipped Fluttershy again, not giving her the ball gag. "Looks like somepony here needs to let off some steam! My Flutterpet, you're so stiff!" Trixie whipped her again, and relished in Fluttershy squealing in pain. "Trixie thinks it's best that she shows you first how merciless she can be. Don't you agree?"

Fluttershy was in shock, seemingly staring through the walls blankly. She still shook, but gave no response.

Trixie scoffed, "You think you can mare up to somepony like Mosier if you can't even take a little whip?!" She whipped Fluttershy a couple of times and got her attention again. Fluttershy turned to her once again, with tears in her eyes. "Trixie senses that you wish to stop this."

Fluttershy shakily nodded her head, trying to get off of the table, but Trixie's magic stopped her. Trixie bent the physical properties of the table to hold the pegasus down in magical braces made from it. Fluttershy gasped, trying to struggle out of the restraints, but to no avail. She closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Please Trixie, I don't think I can handle--"

Trixie whipped her once. "Shut up, will you?! Trixie's getting tired of your mouth!"

"Bu...B-But Trixie, you don't quite understand... I gotta go feed my animals..."

Trixie whipped her again. "No, Trixie insists! You are the one who doesn't quite understand! You think you can request punishment and walk away after you sit your ass on Trixie's furniture? Do you have any idea how much any of this costs?!" Trixie began to whip her in rapid succession, each crack getting more frequent and more forceful with the next.

Fluttershy screamed, unable to cover her mouth. She tried to hold back her curses, but the excessive whips from Trixie left her unable to retract her screams. "Dammit! That fucking hurts! Please, just let me fucking go!"

Trixie cackled, giving one last whip to the pegasus, whom she had noticed to have cum all over the table. "So, my dear Flutterpet. Trixie can see that you actually enjoy this punishment. Tell Trixie the truth, do you?"

"Fuck..." Fluttershy whispered, as her shaking began to die down. She thought of so many things to shout at the blue unicorn. How mean she seemed, how she could stop referring to herself in third person. She felt as if she were in a story with Trixie narrating everything Trixie felt and did. It was fairly embarrassing.

But, Fluttershy sensed something in her snap. Her anger was being weighed down by a different feeling. A burning sensation in her chest which yearned for more. This "punishment" which the unicorn spoke of, it gave her satisfaction when she thought of Mosier. Mosier Rite in bed, pounding her soft wet flour into a cake. His friends covering her in many different frostings, being eaten like the cake she was. Those feeling spots which once were occupied by fear now burst into the flames of lusts. She turned to Trixie, who was blushing quite heavily. "Trixie... You really must know, my ass is really tender. You ought not to whip it so hard..."

"Are you not gonna compliment Trixie on her whipping? Trixie thinks that Trixie did a fantastic job teaching you a lesson!"

Fluttershy moaned with her nose scrunched. She squinted her eyes and let out a whimper, then saying rather seductively, "Trixie knows not how to make me compliment her."

Trixie's eye twitched. She whipped Fluttershy once, harder than before. "Is that not good enough to praise?! Must Trixie get more rough with you?! Are you doubting the might and authority of the great and powerful Trixie?!"

Fluttershy grunted lustfully, and then moaned as her body shuddered. "Ooo... you're not hard enough, Trixie..."

Trixie whipped at her again and again, with her magic holding her down as the whips made a spreading red mark over Fluttershy's flank. "Trixie sees you've endured much torture already. That you only know what it is like to be underneath somepony, eating the dirt of their hooves. Well no more! As part of the Republic, Trixie shall not allow for such an innocent mare to be defiled by some lowly colt and his menacing friends! Trixie will further school you, but... she is much too harsh. You'll need a more, soft, if you will, teacher who will take it slow with you. Trixie gets out of hand when she punishes...--"

"Why did you stop? I want more, Trixie! Finally, a pain to make me hurt so good, from a mare who can treat me like dirt and at least do it without having to scold me and call me nothing," Fluttershy whimpered. “Lest, you can actually do it in a way that pleases me? Or can you not?”

She felt as Trixie released her and threw her onto the ground in an aggressive manner. She turned over on her back and moaned as the cold stone floor soothed the intense burning on her flank. She rolled around for a bit, finally before Trixie whipped her again.

"You speak with an untruthful insecurity, Flutterpet," Trixie said with a scoff. "What you meant to say was 'thank you for your time, Oh My Mistress Trixie, how I loved your whipping, Great and Powerful Mistress Trixie!' You know nothing of how to be a pet, dear Fluttershy."

Fluttershy arched her back with a blush, as a feeling of lust pooled in her chest. It tightened, leaving her with an unsatisfied feeling, like a fire yearning for fuel. Her lust was aflame. "Please, Mistress Trixie, whip me some more! I love to be your pet! Your whips remind me of love... Love which Mosier gave to me. But...that bitch hits harder than you do."

Trixie rolled her eyes and picked the pegasus up using her magic. "You sound so out of character, dear Flutterpet... Perhaps that Mosier stallion has hurt you more than Trixie knows. But… this change has successfully gotten Trixie horny if that’s what you planned on making it do. If so, congratulations! Trixie shall proceed to treat you like a pet until you’ve learned your lesson!”

Fluttershy scoffed, her hair becoming more loose as sweat also too began to drip down in every part of her body; along with her spilling wetness which came from her arousal from being whipped. “Teach me a lesson? Why don’t I treat you a lesson, you silly arrogant unicorn!”

Trixie whipped Fluttershy, who cringed and coiled in the intense burning and pain, rolling her back on the cold floor to soothe it. “Flutterpet, what has gotten into you? Trixie has never seen such a change to take place so quickly. You’ve gone from Kind, to Submissive, to Masochistic, to now Sadomasochistic… Is it because of your so called Element of Harmony? No… even then that’s impossible… but since an act of BDSM can strengthen relationships and friendships, who is Trixie to decide?”

“Oh Mistress Trixie! Your pet is getting cold,” Fluttershy said in a pouty tone, backing up her ass to Trixie’s face and rubbing her sopping wet vagina over Trixie’s mouth. “Warm me up a bit.”

Trixie pushed the pegasus back down and sent the whip down, but she missed her target. “Damn! This is confusing me,” Trixie said in a mumble, “I’d wonder what’d be wrong had I forgotten to stay in character, but Fluttershy here has gone through many shifts in less than five minutes! I must conduct my own studies of this…”

Trixie got a wonderful idea; she knew it would give her the answer she needed. It was risky, but it was worth it. She ran into an open door leading to a closet of BDSM toys she kept for special cases. She emerged from the shadows of the closet holding in her mouth a large paddle, as with her magic she came with a colorful set of large vibrators, legbinders and wingbinders, and also a string of massive anal beads.

"Trixie wants to test this new endurance of yours, as it seems perhaps you're liking this a bit too much," Trixie said with a tone full of aggressive sass. She slipped the legbinders onto both pairs of Fluttershy's legs, and did the same with her pair of wings, angling them in an uncomfortable position. As Trixie pulled the pegasus' wings back and shoved them mercilessly into the tight wingbinder, she noticed Fluttershy's pained moans of pleasure and how she was already ovulating and trembling from the effects of the torting of her poor wings.

With a grunt, Trixie further bound the wings at their bare bases uncovered by the binders with thick rope, and Fluttershy screamed as she felt a slight cracking in her wing area.

"My dear Flutterpet! Are you spent already? My, my, this session hasn't even fully begun yet!" Trixie exclaimed, turning on two of her long vibrators and rubbing them around the clam shaped crotch which was Fluttershy's used and abused vagina. "You've taken quite a pounding back here, such punishment is fitting for such a softie, Trixie says you shall receive two in one hole. Your punishment, dear Flutterpet, will be fierce."

Trixie pushed in both of the vibrators quickly, triggering an even more explosive ovulation and a series of earsplitting screeches from Fluttershy. Laughing in her sadistic pleasures, Trixie used her magic to add fuel to the fire of the vibrations, reviving Fluttershy's cries, but not once had she heard a plea for mercy.

"Trixie's craving a more helpless response from you! You're taking far too much pleasure in this for her liking!"

Trixie whipped and spanked Fluttershy, spinning and striking gracefully like a warrior ballerina, she spanked her until her ass was lightly bleeding, which led for the whipping to further open any wounds on her. For every strike, Trixie would shout, "Break!" "Break!" "Break!"

Is it truly futile? Can I not break her at all? The point of this excessively tedious exercise is to get her to lash back at her attacker! Surely if I had told her that from the start, she'd have taken this as a game... but, is she doing that either way? What am I to make of this?! Who is the one truly being punished here?!

The door downstairs slammed shut, and this stopped Trixie right in her tracks. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she caught sight of what Fluttershy had become. Sharply breathing and wincing, shaking, quaking uncontrollably. Her tears streaming down her eyes down her wet cheeks, the vibrators leaving her legs to tremble like the beaten slut she was. Trixie giggled and wiped the sweat from her brow and used a marker to write

on her flank an excessive amount of times with arrows pointing to her anus and vagina, both stuffed with quaking vibrators. A long string of cum shot from Fluttershy and drooped down like the slobber of a bloodhound. The anal beads piercing her ponut trembled to create even more sensationally pleasureful vibrations to run up her spine and circle her reproductive organs.

"Twenty..." Fluttershy squeaked, laughing weakly and burying her face into the ground.

"Trixie will admit, you're fairly resilient, Flutterpet.... but Trixie will find some way to--"

A door opened. The front door. Then it was closed shut with a bit of force, most likely due to the one entering wanting to make sure it was closed, as to attempt to reassure themselves nopony else would see whatever hid inside this establishment.

"Cheerilee?! Of all times!" Trixie muttered under her breathe, knowing that now with Cheerilee coming up the stairs, it was no use attempting to hide anything now. Even her magic could help clean up everything and put it all away in time. "Damn... she's going to find out! Trixie must at least hide herself above all things!"

Fluttershy squeaked, then shaking her head in disapproval. She tried to move, but the infiltrating vibrators made it near to impossible, and the previous beating she had been given proved to be a lasting one as her lowermost body horribly ached and burned from its quick and unrelenting effects on her. "Tri--Great and Powerful Mistress,... I--"

"SHHH!" Trixie put a gag in Fluttershy's mouth and covered her with a thick blanket. She turned to shut off the light and close the door, but Cheerilee was already behind her.

Cheerilee poked Trixie's shoulder and ended up spooking her so bad she hopped to the ceiling, hitting her head on it and being launched right back down. Squirming and cursing in pain now, Trixie opened her eyes to meet Cheerilee in an uncomfortably close gaze, and she crawled back, behind the table which held her new Flutterpet.

"Why is this blanket shivering, Trixie?" Cheerilee asked the hiding pony, setting down her saddlebag and pulling a long riding crop out of it using her mouth. Cheerilee smirked quite evilly for someone of her reputation, at least for those who did not know what went on between her and Trixie behind closed doors.

Cheerilee circled around the table and the blanket, pondering as to what could be inside. A bead of sweat rolled down her face as she got closer to investigate it. She noticed a shaking pink tail slipping out from behind this blanket, and Cheerilee immediately gasped. She even dropped her crop to the floor upon having the thoughts which currently ran through her head.

Turning to Trixie with a flaming, wrathful expression on her face, Cheerilee growled at Trixie, "This is Fluttershy, isn't it?"

The blue unicorn eeped and began to walk back, eventually tripping on her own hooves and falling onto her face in submission to Cheerilee. "Y-Yes Mistress! I... I saw her badly beaten and abused so I...--"

"You abused her more?" Cheerilee scoffed, picking the crop up again and approaching Trixie. "Put the spell on me."

Trixie was stuttering and shivering even more now. She looked scarily to the teacher before her and shook her head, almost looking like she was going to cry. "B-But Mistress! I merely wanted to punish her and discipline her for being so weak! Surely you see what I was trying to accomplish--"

Cheerilee smacked Trixie in the face with the crop, knocking off her hat as the poor unicorn's face was carried with the impact, and backhooved her a short distance backwards, hitting her directly in the chest to insure a devastating blow. Scuffling to get back up, Trixie also struggled to catch her breath. She gasped and coughed, salivating from her inability to take in air as the stinging pain shot through her chest like a shotgun blast of needles.

"The spell! Use the damn spell!" Cheerilee shouted, placing a hoof onto Trixie's tail as she tried to crawl away. "That's why I picked you up from that rut you were in. To teach you discipline because you actually needed it. If you say you've found Fluttershy to be stricken and abused, then why strike and abuse her more to 'teach her some discipline'? YOU need to be disciplined because you obviously don't understand the gravity of what you are doing!"

Cheerilee tore the sheets off of Fluttershy and exposed her to be bruised, trembling, still ejaculating violently from the vibrators deep within her. The wing and legbinders stretching her appendages to extreme lengths of contortion. The salivated gag slipping in and out of her mouth, dripping with the pegasus' saliva as if she simply could not stop it.

Trixie's horn glowed with magic and she aimed it to Cheerilee, shooting a small pink flower of energy onto her forehead, creating a black marking in the shape of a flower and third eye taking its place. Trixie covered her face in fear of what was to come, and Cheerilee giggled almost sounding like a wicked witch when she managed to pick up the crop and a whip along with a horn ring using some black colored magic from the marking.

"Don't you know why I do it, Trixie-kins?" the teacher said as the black magic created a dark but skimpy dominatrix outfit for her. "I do it out of love. I do not wish to hurt you simply because I like doing it. Not because I'm a sadist. Though, both of those things are true about me.--" She cut herself off to laugh as she slipped the magic-nullifying ring onto Trixie's horn and watched as Trixie writhed and moaned in extreme pain and displeasure at the burning sensation blasting through her body from the horn.

This made her begin to convulse violently and begin screaming. Trixie tried to speak through all of this, but the moment she met eyes with Fluttershy, who watched in horror as the whip cracked in the air and then was dragged down to strike Trixie's back, tearing right through her cape and leaving a long red mark under it. Trixie cried out in pain, squirming around on her back to rub it on the cold floor, in a futile attempt to soothe the pain as Cheerilee only thought to strike her other front as well.

"Trying to escape the burn?" Cheerilee snickered, stomping down on Trixie's tail through her legs and kicking her in the clitoris, forcing yet another helpless yelp from the unicorn. Cheerilee wrapped the riding crop's end to Trixie's horn and then held her in place like that as well. Now with her range shortened, Cheerilee winded the whip back and slashed it across Trixie's chest like a sword, not once, not twice, not even three times, but more times than Cheerilee would even bother keeping track of.

The bloodcurdling, trapped screams of Trixie built up into Fluttershy's very soul, and as the whips cracked louder, the screams were released louder as well. She closed her eyes, but Cheerilee's third eye magic forced them back open to watch in pure terror as she now drew blood from the whips.

"Do you like it, Trixie?" Cheerilee asked her rather nicely, taking a break from whipping so Trixie could whimper helplessly like a beaten dog and begin crying, but not being able to as she was simultaneously trying to catch her breath and beat down the pain of the now bleeding wounds on her chest. Her eyes traveled from looking up to Cheerilee, to looking down at how much she was shaking. She could see as her legs and body quaked violently, how her chest did the same, almost making it impossible to breathe.


Trixie turned to her in pure fear, still trying to halt herself from crying anymore than she already was. "Yes, Mistress! B-but, pl-please!" she cried out, as Cheerilee rose the whip once again, causing Trixie to scream in fear as to what she'd do with it.

"Aha!" Cheerilee exclaimed, deactivating the magic which she was granted and catching the whip with her mouth, whipping Trixie across the flank when the broken unicorn turned over in her shaking sweat, blood, and tears. "Now, allow me a moment of alone time with your dear 'Flutterpet' while you clean yourself up. 'Kay?~"

Trixie dared not to take much time to get out of Cheerilee's sight. There was a chance that Cheerilee could reactivate the spell as she surely had not used all of its magic yet. The fact that Trixie could perform such a spell was a terrifying though to Fluttershy, who could only think to close her eyes once again.

"Fluttershy, I am sorry that you had to see that," Cheerilee finally said, using some of the third eye magic to take the wing binders and leg binders off of the pegasus before her. She licked her lips seeing Fluttershy struggling to move; she teased her further by slowly removing the vibrators from inside of her orifices, relishing the quick yelps and eeps that escaped from her lips. "Don't mind Trixie, she's a massive control freak... but, I suppose there was some truth to her punishment for you."

Fluttershy, still shivering, looked weakly to Cheerilee. "Th-there i-i-is?"

Cheerilee giggled, letting Fluttershy run free and stand up on her own legs. "It's a wonderful organization that Trixie and I are in, Fluttershy. It teaches more than some kinky erotic paraphilia, but rather it teaches you how a simple crack of a whip can change you. Some say we are a cult, some say we don't even exist. But you see the marking on my forehead. I'm living, breathing proof of our existence, for I am the one who founded it."

Fluttershy gasped, beginning to back away as her cutie mark began to shine. She wondered why her feelings were racing as fast as they were, and she did not know how to stop them from doing so. She began to stutter, trying to find the perfect words to say but found it was no use. Cheerilee had spoken for her.

"I value you, Fluttershy," Cheerilee began, looking first to the ground, then back up to Fluttershy, blushing and biting her lip. "I know what's going on within you, Fluttershy. I know! You can't understand it, but just trust me! We need you here! Your being in this Republic is a win for us! It is a benefit, and we will make you our Princess. I will make you our Princess!"

Fluttershy reeled back as Cheerilee suddenly closed in on her, now backing into a wall. "I... I don't understand! What is this organization which you speak of? What do you do? Why is this... a thing? What is all this for?"

Cheerilee began laughing lightly, and she simply shook her head. She stepped back and looked directly into Fluttershy's eyes. Fluttershy felt a surge of adrenaline run through her body, and knowing it wad magic as it made her cutie mark glow a darker light which it already was, she only begun to grow more afraid of what her thoughts made Cheerilee and Trixie out to be. What sort of dark magic was this?