Summergale. Former Captain of the Maiden’s Fancy. Former Queen of Equestria. Mother of Harmony and Discord. Saved from certain death by Twilight Sparkle and her husband, the Doctor, she must now make a new life for herself in modern day Equestria.
Summergale. Former Captain of the Maiden’s Fancy. Former Queen of Equestria. Mother of Harmony and Discord. Saved from the brink of death by Twilight Sparkle and her time traveling husband, the time lord known as the Doctor, Summergale must now make her way in a world very much different from the one she knew of hundreds of thousands of years ago. But when a chart to a sunken treasure from her past is given to her, she is determined to sail the seas once more. Now all she needs is a ship, and a crew to sail it. A crew of six perhaps? Warning: This is a direct sequel to Discord's Family Reunion. You will need to have read it first, to understand who the main character is, and what's going on.
“I CAN’T STAND IT ANYMORE!” Summergale boomed, her more than ample voice echoing down the corridors of Discord’s castle. Somewhere upstairs Fluttershy was flinching from the sound as it rattled the glassware.
“Mom, much as I love these little unannounced visits, I would kindly ask that you refrain from making enigmatic opening statements that, given the excellent acoustics my castle affords, may give some pony a heart attack!” Discord says by way of reply, as he reluctantly allows his mother inside.
“SOR-, I mean, sorry son.” Summergale says, lowering her voice down to Royal Canterlot levels, then thinking better of it, lowers it by half again. “I’ve just been under a wee bit of stress lately.”
“Really?” Discord replies. “Why I would’ve thought you’d be in the lap of luxury by now. No more queenly duties, all of life’s modern conveniences, and a half dozen alicorns at your beck and call. What could you possibly have to stress over?”
“Oh don’t play the fool with me boyo! Ye know full well yer mom don’t cotton to all them fancy ponies and their modern lifestyle. Aye, I will admit there be a few things I like well enough. Them vinyl records ye got fer playin music whenever you want, that trick where ye can send messages by fire is pretty useful, and I can’t deny I like how ye smoothed out all the rum... but I digress. The point is, ever since I got here it’s been all fancy parties, and meeting ‘important’ ponies, an griffins, and whatnot. It’s like when I married yer pop all over again. Only this time it’s worse on account of I can’t just order ‘em ta go away anymore, since I’m no longer the queen. By the beard of the Sky Stallion, ye shoulda seen ‘em all the day Celestia introduced us to the ‘modern’ world.” Summergale says, her mind drifting back to that day.
“I WAS there mom.” Discord said in exasperation. “You just don’t remember because you already had half a bottle of rum to help ‘fortify’ you for the presentation. I’m surprised you didn’t stagger on the dais, or talk with a lisp.”
“Ah now, that WAS a day.” Summergale continues, oblivious to her son’s complaints. “Hah, the look on all them posh ponies faces when we all came out from behind that curtain. Charity, bein the original alicorn, went first, then yer dad Justice came next bein her son, and first of all the male alicorns, with me by his side. Then you and your sister Harmony came out in your alicorn forms,(oh, I guess you were there after all). Then Harmony’s husband Keil came and stood between ya, fitting since he was yer best friend growing up. And then Harmony and Keil’s daughters, Celestia and Luna, stood before them, and then Cadance came up and stood with us, with her husband Shining Armor, and then Twilight and her little alicorn daughter Paradox came up there and stood next to them. What a hoot! All them snobs gaping in shock. They went from four immortal alicorns ta nine in the space of five minutes. And that prince, whatshisface... Blueblood? Hah, got all red faced and went stomping off. Serves him right from what I hear. He’s got a nasty reputation around the palace. Last I heard he left for parts unknown.”
“Yes, that was a rather fun day,” Discord says with a smile. “But that still doesn’t explain why you’re here, shaking the dust off the rafters with your dulcet tones mother dear, and what exactly you are complaining about.”
“Son, don’t ye see?” Summergale says, her voice pleading.
Discord pauses in thought, and then shakes his head.
Summergale sighs deeply, and starts over. “Look at it this way then. Since we got here, Charity an Harmony and Keil went back to Equinity, their home, or the Crystal Empire as they call it now. They are doin all they can to fix what Harmony did all them years ago. They have a purpose. Justice has been hanging around Canterlot and teaching Luna and Celestia all about how they ran the kingdom in the old days, while learning how they have been doin it now. He’s doin something that he likes, an he’s happy.
And then there’s me. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll always be grateful for Twilight an that Doctor fella for snatchin me from the brink of death, an draggin me to the future ta stop Sorcery. An I understand why they can’t just send me back, ‘cause o’ the risk of messing up this future. But son, I don’t belong here.
Discord begins to protest, but is quickly cut off.
“No son. I know what yer going to say. Just let me finish. It’s been five months, since we saved the world. Celestia an her sister gave us the grand tour, we got ta see all of what ponies have accomplished in the hundreds of thousands of years since I’ve been gone. I’ve been ta Manehatten, Cloudsdale, even Ponyville where Twilight an her friends live. Everypony is happy an well fed, and living good lives. All the things that Charity and Justice have striven for, you all now have, an I couldn’t be happier about it.
But I come from a different time, a more rough around the edges time. I was an orphan an grew up on the streets of Sorraia, with me best friend Boots. Then after we stowed away on that ship we decided that we wanted to be sailors, and after a ton o’ work, an years o’ labor, I got me own ship. It was a leaky wreck, that could barely stay afloat. An the five others I managed ta talk into sailin with me didn’t know bow from stern. But she was mine, and I fixed her up meself, and set out ta sea. Less than five years later I got the ‘Maidens Fancy’, best sailin vessel in all of Equestria. Imagine it son, after only five years of blood sweat an tears, yer ma had got herself established.”
“I thought you told me you won it from the previous captain, when you drew into a double gutshot draw, and got an inside straight flush, and all he had was four jacks.” Discord says raising an eyebrow.
“What? Ye didn’t think I was sweating blood when I drew that last card? I mean what are the odds?” she said, excitedly.
“Nopony knows. Because nopony would EVER try betting on a double gutshot draw against another pony who was standing pat, and betting his own ship!” Discord said, waving his claws in the air in exasperation. “Face it mom, you are now, have been, and always will be, terrible at cards. All you did was take an insane chance, and got insanely lucky.”
“Mebbe so son, but that ‘luck’ as you call it, stayed with me all my life. Me an Boots, sailed the seas for years. We took all those ‘insane’ chances, an set up new trade routes all throughout the Equestrian seas. We met new tribes, and found all kinds of new foods and spices. And our reputation was known throughout all the pony islands. Many tribes back then would trade with no pony else except me an Boots. We were true daughters of the sea back then. Renowned, respected, and on a couple of islands revered.
Can ye understand son? I was a captain. Then later, I was a queen. An look at me now... Do ye know, I haven’t even seen one single other Flutterpony since I got back? Three tribes of ponies. That’s all anyone ever remembers now. Zebras, minotaurs, donkeys, griffins, but nopony ever heard of a Flutterpony. They all think I’m some kind of Pegasus. And Sorraia? It isn’t even there anymore. Not even any buildings remain. Just a wooded coastline.
I’m lost son. I’ve been bouncing back an forth between Canterlot and all over trying to find me place here, and it’s just not working. An I’m ta the point where I just don’t know what ta do anymore.”
Suddenly they both hear a timid voice coming from the top of the staircase.
“Um, excuse me.” Fluttershy says, as she begins to descend. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help overhearing what you were saying. And since we are f-family now, I thought I might see if I could help.”
“Flutters darlin!” Summergale said, finally showing a warm smile. “It does me heart good ta see my beautiful daughter-in-law! Sorry if me voice was a bit... ‘expressive’ when I came in. I hope I didn’t disturb ya.”
“Oh no, no... well, you may have startled me a little bit. But it’s okay.” Fluttershy said, offering a smile of her own. “Anyway I heard what you said, and I think I have something that might be of help.” And from behind her back she extracts several long tubes, and holds them out in her hooves.
Discord immediately recognizes them, and begins to make frantic motions with his claws, which Fluttershy pointedly ignores.
“Why, what have ye got there Flutters? Looks like map cases”. Summergale says, extracting a sea chart from one and looking over it with a practiced eye.
Meanwhile Discord has pulled Fluttershy aside and is glaring at her in anger.
“I thought we had discussed this.” He hisses in an angry whisper. “I told you I didn’t think it was a good idea to give her those.”
“We didn’t so much ‘discuss’ it dear, as you saying no, and me not saying anymore about it.” Fluttershy counters, as her own anger begins to emerge. “And now I think that this is just what she needs, and is probably why Zacherle and Muenchinger gave them to her as a gift in the first place.
At the mention of the two Gods of Equestria, Discord’s tone becomes disdainful.
“Fluttershy DEAR,” he forces out. “Need I remind you that those two idiots are what caused the near collapse of Equestria itself? You can’t possibly think that THEY of all ponies know what they are doing?”
“Discord HONEY,” Fluttershy replies, the beginnings of her ‘Stare’ forming in her eyes. “I don’t care what their intentions were. You heard your mother, she needs a purpose, something to make her feel at home in the modern world, and this gift is perfect. So for the sake of peace... in... our... family...” Fluttershy says punctuating each word with a hoof in her husbands chest, “Then I suggest you give your mother a big smile, and be as helpful as you can, that is, if you ever want to-”
But then Fluttershy is cut off by a loud exclamation, as Summergale realizes what she has been given.
“Oh Sweet Zacherle! Do you know what these are?!? These are sea charts showing a detailed location of the Pony’s Pride! I’ve been searching for the treasure of the Pony’s Pride my whole adult life! Fluttershy! How in the world did you get these?” Summergale says, rushing up to the Pegasus and lifting her off the ground in a bear hug.
“I-it was a gift for you.” The startled Fluttershy exclaims. “From Zacherle and Muenchinger, for your help in defeating Sorcery.”
“This is incredible! My life’s dream! I can never thank them enough...” Then Summergale trails off in thought. “Hold on a second. If this was a gift from the Gods, then why am I just now getting them? And why am I getting them from you?” She asks, giving Fluttershy a critical look.
Fluttershy merely points a hoof at her husband. “I think you need to ask HIM, for those answers. I’ll just go put on some tea while you two catch up.”
Summergale looks at her wayward son. It’s a look he long remembers from his childhood, it’s her ‘doom hanging by a thread’ look, and it means that unless she hears something really good, really soon, then all that doom is about to land squarely on his head. Discord flinches on reflex.
“Now mom,” he begins, in a placatory tone. “Remember, you had only just returned to us. We thought you were dead. I thought that I had killed you.” Discord shifts back into his alicorn form, tears welling at the corners of his eyes. “I just... just wanted to spend some time with you is all. I mean, I knew as soon as you saw those charts you were going to run off on some wild adventure. Is it so wrong that I wanted to spend some time with my long lost mother before she left once again, for who knows how long?” Discord says, looking into her eyes with a look of pleading innocence that he had been using on the mane six for the last few years.
Slowly the storm clouds began to part from Summergale’s gaze. “Well, I suppose I can’t be mad at me son fer wanting to keep his ma around for a bit.” She says, stroking the side of his face with a hoof. Then she rears it back and gives him a resounding slap. “But ye outta know better than tryin ta pull the wool over her eyes. Tartarus son, I was the one who TAUGHT you that look,” she says, the beginning of a smile crossing her face.
“Suu rrr we coo?” Discord manages to say, flexing his jaw, trying to get feeling back into it.
“Aye, we’re ‘cool’ as ye youngins say”. She says with a grin.
“Thank Celestia,” Discord begins, but then...
“That is o’ course, after ye do me one teensy little favor...” Summergale adds nonchalantly.
“Horsefeathers...” Discord mutters, turning to face his mom. Her innocent looking smile, only causing him further unease...
Chapter Two: “The time has come,” the Griffin said, “To talk of many things: Of hooves, and ships, and sailing kites, of polo games and kings...”
“What about all that stuff you were just saying about hard work, and pride in you accomplishments? And now you just want me to poof you up a ship?” Discord says crossing his mismatched arms.
“Aye, all that was true, and I am proud of all I’ve done. And the point is, I already did it! I got nothin ta prove to myself, I know what kind of pony I am. I also know I ain’t getting any younger an I don’t plan ta waste another five years building up enough bits to buy one. Nor do I intend ta take any hand outs from your nieces.”
“But it’s totally find asking your son to just magic one up?” He replies.
“Well, far be it from ME ta put a price on raisin ya from a baby,” Summergale begins to rant, “changin all them smelly diapers, having ya jump into me bed every time ya heard the smallest sound outside yer door. Not ta mention swappin out all those sheets an mattresses every time you we-”
“ALRIGHT FINE!” Discord interrupts. “I’ll conjure you up your blasted boat.”
“Ship,” Summergale says simply.
“Whatever,” Discord fires back.
“Alright, so where are we going ta do this thing?” Summergale asks expectantly. “Fluttershy, do you know of any ports or bays along the Equestrian shore?”
“Well, Horseshoe Bay is the closest one I know of.” Fluttershy replies.
“Sounds perfect. Shall we fly down, or...” Summergale says looking up at her son.
Fine mom!” Discord says sullenly. “At least if I take us, it’ll be over with faster.” And with a snap of his claws, the trio are transported to Horseshoe Bay.
Summergale takes a moment to look around. She gazes thoughtfully at the seaport with it’s warehouses. The air is alive with the typical sounds of a seaside town. The three hear the sounds of gulls crying as they pass by overhead, and the background noise of ponies talking and selling there wares at stalls along the wharf.
“So this is a modern seaport eh?” Summergale remarks. “Doesn’t seem much different from the ones in my time. Warehouses, vendors, the harbor master’s building, all about the same, a bit cleaner than I’m used ta, but that ain’t exactly a bad thing.”
They begin to walk along the docks, looking at all the different boats and ships that are moored at the moment.
“Sure are a lot of lot of little ones,” Summergale says as she passes by some of the fishing boats. “Lot’s of Griffins and Diamond Dogs. Hardly any ponies though.” She says, frowning slightly.
Finally, they come to the dockage for the larger ocean going vessels. Of the half a dozen berths available on the dock, only one is currently occupied. Summergale studies the ship intently, watching the griffin crew unload their cargo.
“Don’t rightly look like a merchant ship.” She says thoughtfully. “Looks more like a converted Hawk-of-War. Design hasn’t changed hardly at all.”
“You have a keen eye,” a voice says from over her shoulder, “for a pony.”
Without turning around Summergale replies, “And ye ALMOST have a sharp wit... for a griffin.”
The three turn as the griffin begins to laugh. “This one, I think I like.” He says before bowing deeply. “Giovanni Greybeak, Captain of the Stormchaser, at your service,” he says, extending a claw toward Summergale.
Summergale extends her forehoof, “Summergale, former Captain of the Maiden’s Fancy. A pleasure,” she says with a grin, as he brushes her hoof with his beak.
“Ah, a fellow seafarer and captain.” He says with a grin of his own. “I saw your interest in my vessel. You were correct by the way, she is a converted Hawk-of-War. Ever since your princess brokered a lasting peace between our races, our kingdom has gradually been reducing the size of it’s navy. Several such vessels have been put up for sale. I was fortunate to get her, and at a very good price.”
“Tell me captain,” The griffin says gesturing at his ship, “what do you think of the modifications I made, eh?”
“Well, Summergale says, as she studies the ship intently once more. “I like how you opened up the main deck fore and aft, makes loading and unloading cargo easier. But what I can’t figure out is why you lopped off your masts, and gave up your top sale.”
“Ah, you see, without the weight of all the cannons and shot, she rides quite high above the waterline when her holds are empty. I learned the hard way if you tried to come about hard, she’d tip right over. We could’ve added ballast and just dumped it when we loaded our cargo, but that’s just adding more to our workload.”
“I suppose I could see that.” Summergale says begrudgingly. “but when her holds are full and she rides deep, yer losing quite a bit of sail speed. Have ye considered using a kite sail? At least on the mainmast?”
“What in the name of the griffin king is a kite sail?” Giovanni asks in confusion.
“Ha, what has the griffin race come to?” Summergale says with a shake of her head. “A kite sail is a trick I picked up from your ancestors. What ye do is, mount a winch on the base of your squared off mainmast there. Then set in a few iron rungs up the backside of the mast. Then ye take a great wedge of sailcloth and fasten ropes ta each corner and then run ‘em to the winch. Then when the wind is good and ya need an extra bit of speed, ya crank out the sail, let the wind grab hold, and then hold on to yer hats... whoosh!”
The griffin captain studies the mast, lost in thought. “By my craw... that’s brilliant!” he says. “Ahoy Seaspray!” He shouts waving at a griffin currently unloading a barrel of salted fish. A moment later the griffin in question hurries over.
“Aye captain.” He says slightly out of breath.
The captain reaches into his coin purse and counts out a measure of coins. “I want you to head over to the supply yard, and buy us a medium... no large size cargo winch. Also get about 200 hooves of rope, and a topsails worth of sailcloth. Then when you get back send the carpenter to see me, I have a project for him.”
“Aye,aye captain, on my way.” Seaspray says before hurrying off.
Giovanni turns and addresses Summergale once more. “Well, I must say, you’ve certainly changed my mind about pony sailors.” He says beaming at her in pride.
“Just helping out a fellow captain, as best I may.” Summergale says. “But what did ye mean by changing your mind? Some pony give you grief in the past?”
“Not at all,” Giovanni replies. “But look around you. See where all the ponies are? They work the docks, or the shops, or the warehouse or the shipyards. No pony sails the seas anymore. You don’t even see many on the fishing boats or tugs. Ever since the great cataclysm it’s been like ponies are afraid of the water. Sure, you’ll see some as passengers visiting foreign lands, but you almost never see any of them living off the sea. You are the first and only pony I have come across in my entire life, that actually knew anything about a ship. You called yourself a former captain. You wouldn’t be available for hire? I’d gladly sign you about for a stint. We are just about to make the run to Prance, if you have any interest.”
“Well now, that’s mighty kind of ye captain! But I’m afraid I’m going ta have ta pass on your offer. I’m about to gather me a crew and take a bit of a voyage me own self. I was just heading down ta the docks to berth me ship until I can gather up all o’ what I’ll need.” Summergale says.
“An ocean voyage?” Giovanni asks in confusion, “but where is your ship?” These are the only berths in Horseshoe Bay large enough to hold a vessel able to cross the Equestrian Sea.”
“Aye, and that’s why we are here.” Summergale replies with a grin. “By any chance does my companion look at all familiar?”
Giovanni looks over Discord and Fluttershy. Suddenly his eyes go wide in shock.
“Oh by the Great Griffin King!” He exclaims, as a slow smile spreads across Discord’s face. “Fluttershy?!? I don’t believe it! Oh fortune has smiled on this lowly sea captain.” He says falling to his knees and bowing deeply, causing Discord to look annoyed, and Summergale to look confused.
“Wait. Ye mean ta say that of the two, ye recognized Fluttershy?” Summergale asks the still kneeling griffin.
“But of course. If it wasn’t for our engaging conversation I would have known who she was sooner. Every sailor knows who Fluttershy is! She’s one of the most famous models in all of Equestria.
“Models?” Summergale says in surprise, as she turns to face her daughter in law.
“Um, yes. Fluttershy says, her face going red. “But it was only for one season. Just to try it out. But it was so long ago, I’m surprised anyone even remembers me.”
“Remembers you? Remembers you?” Giovanni repeats incredulously. “Simply watch this.” And with that Giovanni spins around and addresses the entire docks. “Attention everyone! May I have your attention please. Directly behind me is the one and only FLUTTERSHY!”
The entire dockside pauses for a moment as the captains words sink in. Then suddenly from every stall, warehouse, and ship, a stampede of beings all begin to run toward the foursome.
“By the sky stallion!” Summergale says, raising her voice to be heard over the throng of fans that have sprung up. “Son, I had no idea that yer wife was so well known!”
Discord looks on, shaking his head. “Oh, it used to be much worse! You should have seen the wedding. Thousands of letters, all trying to talk her out of it. Gifts and bribes, and death threats. The latter all addressed to me.”
Fluttershy stood in the middle of a sea of ponies, griffins diamond dogs, and other species. She calmly started signing autographs with a long feathered quill that someone had given to her, as Giovanni returned to Discord and Summergale.
“I can’t believe I got to meet Fluttershy,” he said, acting for all the world like a chick just out of his shell. “And I was the first to get her autograph! With a quill from my very own tail! Hah, wait till the griffins back home find out about this!” Giovanni carefully rolls up the parchment containing Fluttershy's autograph, and puts it in a belt pouch before turning and addressing Summergale once more. “My esteem for you rises ever higher captain!” He says proudly to Summergale. If I may ask, how is that that you became acquainted with our dear Fluttershy? To my knowledge she has never taken a sea voyage.”
“I’m her mother-in-law.” Summergale replies in amused tones. Surprised at being on the outside of someone else’s fame.
“Mother-in-law?” Giovanni says in confusion. “But how can that be? You are, by pony standards, a great beauty.”
“Why, thank ‘ee kindly sir.” Summergale says inclining her head.
“But... but the word that had reached us was that Fluttershy married Discord, the Lord of Chaos!” The griffin continued.
“Aye, that’s my son.” She says smiling. “This strapping young lad right here.” Summergale says clasping the draconniques to her side.
Giovanni looks up at Discord incredulously. “This? This is the Lord of Chaos? Our legends say that you are supposed to be twenty hooves tall!”
“I’m really short for my height.” Discord replies.
“And you supposedly shoot lightning from your nostrils.” Giovanni continues.
“Only when I have a cold.” Discord responds.
“And that you went on a crazed rampage throughout the griffin kingdom, where you cooked and ate our young.” the captain continues doggedly.
“I kept telling them, it was only fried chicken! Chicken! I even sent them the bones so their doctors could prove it.” Discord says in frustration.
“You mean the bones of the holy innocents that were placed in the alter of the cathedral of Ossifer?” Giovanni retorts.
“Oh by the beard of the sky stallion, they were chicken!” Discord yells.
Summergale, who was no stranger to any number of exotic dishes, had still never eaten meat of any sort, (well except for a few fish when food ran low during a merchant run). So she just had to ask...“So, what did it taste like?”
Discord looks at his mother a moment before facepawing himself, and then replies deadpan... “Mom, it tasted like chicken.”
Meanwhile Giovanni had finally begun to come to terms with who he was speaking to. “So you really are him?”
Discord simply nods by way of reply.
Giovanni’s face clouds up in anger before turning to address Summergale. “Madam, do you have ANY idea what this being has done?”
“Ach, I’ve been hearing about it non-stop ever since I got back. Discord, this, an Discord that. Apparently me son had grown to be quite the prankster until he got reformed.” Summergale says, looking up at her son and giving him a broad wink.
“Prankster! Prankster! Twelve hundred years ago, he forced the King of the Griffins to sing ‘I’m a little teapot’ nonstop for half an hour.” Giovanni says, the feathers on his head rising.
Summergale forces down a laugh.
“During a summit meeting.” the griffin continues, his rage increasing.
Summergale had become red faced, but still managed to hold it in.
“In a pink and blue polka dotted tutu.” Giovanni intones in a voice that heralds oncoming doom.
“Bwahahahaaa!” Summergale says falling to the ground and clutching her sides. Her laughter lasts for several minutes, before she finally manages “Son... son, tell me ye didn’t!”
“He lost a bet.” Discord says crossing his arms in front of him and tilting up his nose.
“He lost... he lost... bwaaahahaaaa!” Summergale says, rolling back and forth as tears leak from her eyes.
“This is no laughing matter!” Giovanni says stomping the ground with his talon. “You stole our king’s dignity! And you did it in front of the ambassadors to nearly all the races of Equestria!”
“Hey, HE was the one who said he was good at polo! We both agreed on the wager, and he lost. End of story!” Discord says, turning his back.
“He didn’t say ANYTHING about WATER polo!” Giovanni roars. “He nearly drowned! The whole team nearly drowned!”
“Oh they were fine!” Discord says with a wave of his claw. “If you want to feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for my mount. He had the worst of it.”
“Wa-wait, Summergale says from the ground. Ye... ye mean ta say you were RIDING somepony? Fer WATER polo?”
“The duke of Prance.” Discord responds with a grin.
“Bwahahahaaaa!” Summergale says, as she is succumbs to another fit of laughter.
By now Giovanni has lost all semblance of composure. Without preamble he flies up to the roof of a nearby stall. “Attention everyone!”
“Giovanni,” Discord warns. “Don’t do this.”
“Listen to me everyone, I have something else to tell you!” Giovanni exclaims, as every head turns to face him.
“Giovanni, I’m warning you, you are going to cause a riot, Fluttershy might get hurt!” Discord says from below.
“Listen to me everyone. You remember the horrible, despicable creature that Fluttershy had gotten married to?” Giovanni says, a wicked smile playing across his beak. “Well, I’m here to tell you, that right now, even as we speak, that... that... I’m a little teapot short and stout...” Giovanni says, a look of horror spreading across his face.
“I warned you.” Discord says, as the hapless griffin extends one wing out before him while resting the opposing talon on his hip. He then begins to move with the song.
“This is my handle, this is my spout,” he turns his head toward Discord, his face filled with rage. “When I get all steamed up hear me shout...” by now all the others gathered before him are laughing uproariously.
Discord helps his mom to her hooves, and they go and collect Fluttershy.
“I don’t think the griffin kingdom will be extending the olive branch your way anytime soon, son.” Summergale says.
“True,” Discord replies. “But on the other paw, you know how much sailors like a good story. I expect this one to be making the rounds for quite some time...”
“Sorry about that,” Fluttershy says waving her new quill back toward the still laughing sailors. “Did I miss anything?”
“Naw Flutters,” Summergale says. “Just the captain and your husband swappin stories. Pretty boring stuff.”
“Oh, I see,” Fluttershy replies. “The captain sure seems to be able to hold a crowd, I thought I’d never get out of there.”
“Yes indeed.” Discord says smiling. “So nice of him to provide you with a means of escape. I must remember to thank him properly the next time we cross paths.”
Fluttershy looks up at her husband smiling. “You’ve come a long way sweetheart.”
Discord returns her smile, “Oh you have no idea.”
Chapter Three: Discord Sails into Dangerous Waters
Chapter Three Discord sails into dangerous waters...
The trio moved down to the last empty berth on the docks.
“Alright mom, let’s get this over with.” Discord snaps his claw, and before them is an exact duplicate of the Maiden’s Fancy.
“By the sky stallion! Is it real?” Summergale asks her son.
“Well, it isn’t the original, that one had rotted away hundreds of thousands of years ago, but it is an exact replica.” Discord says with pride.
Summergale looks longingly at the ship before her, as the voices of the past set her adrift on the seas of memory. Finally she takes a deep breath and turns to her son. “Get rid of it.”
“What?” he says in shock.
“Son, get rid of it. It isn’t the same ship. And even if it were, it would have too many ghosts fer me ta sail her proper. I’m making a new start in a new world, an I don’t need ta be weighed down by the chains of the past. Please son, get rid of it.” She says, not looking at the ship anymore.
With a snap of his claw the ship is gone. “All right mom, then what kind of ship do you want?” Discord asks, as he began to snap his claw in rapid succession. “Schooner, xebec, galleon, cutter, frigate...”
“No son,” Summergale says shaking her head, “are ye daft? a galleon’s too big, a schooner isn’t built for cargo, and we aren’t going to war, so I don’t need a friggin frigate!”
“Fine, Discord replies. “Cutter, barquintine, corvette,(something lands in the water with a splash and promptly sinks), oops wrong corvette, windjammer, trimaran...” Discord continues causing ships to appear and disappear.
Meanwhile Summergale had stopped watching, and had been gazing out to sea thoughtfully.
“Son, I want a fluyt.” she says interrupting his diatribe. Without missing a beat a small musical instrument appears in her hoof. “Oh, har de har har... Ye know perfectly well what I mean!” She says, bouncing the instrument off of his head.
“Ow mom, that wasn’t a dodge ball! Fine, here’s your fluyt.” He says, snapping his claw once more.
“Now we’re talking,” Summergale says as she leads the three up the gangplank. “This here Fluttershy, is what was known as a fluyt.” Summergale says, expounding on the vessel they are standing on. “The standard fluyt design minimized or completely eliminated its armaments ta maximize available cargo space, an used block and tackle, ta facilitate ship operations. Ye’ll note that she’s pear shaped (when viewed from the fore or aft), so she has a shallow draft which allows us to bring cargo in and out of ports and down rivers that other vessels can’t reach. This ship class was credited in enhancing pony competitiveness in international trade, an was widely employed by the ponies of Sorraia.”
“So this is the type of merchant ships they used back in your day?” Fluttershy asks.
“Aye,” Summergale says with a smile. “Most of me chief competition were sailing on ships like this. The design of fluyts was largely similar ta that of the early galleons. These ships typically weigh 200-300 tons and are approximately 80 hooves in length. She has a large cargo bay near the waterline and a relatively narrow deck above. In part, this design was a method used ta avoid the high taxes collected by Sorraia, which was assessed based on the area o’ the main deck. Ye will note that she’s square rigged with two masts. Masts on a fluyt are much higher than those of galleons, which allow for greater speed. Hah, nothin them griffins have nowadays could keep up with one of these.” She says lightly stroking the mast.
“So I take it we’re done here? And we can go back home now?” Discord says preparing to snap his claw.
“Now hold yer water son, we ain’t even gotten started yet.” Summergale says as she walks the deck. “Aye, she’s a fine lookin ship, but she’s going ta need a few tiny things before we can take her out ta sea.”
“A few ‘tiny’ things?” Discord says lowering his eyebrows.
“Aye. Just a wee few supplies,” Summergale says, walking around, and listing off things as Discord trails behind her making them appear.
Meanwhile Fluttershy had trotted up to the bow of the ship. The wind blew strongly in her mane as she stared out at the waves. This was the first time she had ever been to the ocean. It was so vast, and the roar was constant in her ears. She felt a strange sense of peace as she stood there, hooves on the rail, the ship gently rocking to the rise and fall of the waves. She had no idea how much time had passed when Summergale and Discord finally returned.
“Well, at least we got the dockage fee all sorted out with the port authority.” Summergale said. “I can’t believe how much they charge nowadays ta berth a ship.”
“Mom, they didn’t charge you ANYTHING.” Discord says in exasperation. “Not after you told them who I am.”
“Aye, that was fun. They couldn’t get us out of there fast enough. Nice of them ta offer ta keep an eye on me ship as well.” She said with a wink. “Wouldn’t want the Lord o’ Chaos ta get mad at ‘em.”
“Mom, I don’t feel comfortable with you playing on my reputation. I’m reformed. Stunts like that aren’t going to help anypony forget my past.” Discord says sullenly.
“Oh aye, I here ya, Mr. ‘I’m a little teapot’...” She says lightly hoofing her son on the shoulder.
“That was different. Fluttershy could have been hurt.” Discord responds defensively.
“I want to go with you.” Fluttershy says, interrupting the two.
“WHAT?!?” They both reply in unison.
“Pleeeease.” Fluttershy begs. “I’ve never been on the ocean before. I’ve never really been anywhere before, except where I’ve had to go with my friends every time we have to ‘save the world’. I’d really like to come along, if that is, you have room for me.” Fluttershy says bowing her head.
Discord draws a deep breath, preparing to protest, but is quickly cut off by Summergale.
“Why of course ye can come!” Summergale says, as she hugs her daughter-in-law and spins her around. “I’d love ta have a chance ta spend more time with me new daughter. Aye, we’ll have a grand adventure! An since you are me first crew member, as captain I officially grant ye the title of first mate. That means Fluttershy, that exceptin fer meself, YOU will be in charge.”
“M-me?” Fluttershy squeaks. “Oh I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know anything about running a ship, or giving orders.”
“No worries my dear. From what I understand, NO pony now-a-days knows anything about running a ship. But I can teach ye everything ya needs ta know. An as fer giving orders, why I’ve seen how ye manage all them critters, especially that white bunny. It’s no harder than that. Just think o’ the ponies ye have ta deal with as bigger versions of squirrels an rabbits. Believe me, they will act the same the first time they have ta ride out a squall.”
“Well,” Fluttershy says, giving it some thought. “I suppose I could try. If you really think I could do a good job.”
“Not a doubt in my mind Flutters. Why, a couple three weeks an you’ll not even need me around.” Summergale says with a broad smile.
Meanwhile Discord has been standing off to himself. He was having a serious internal debate that sooner or later occurs in all male married beings. Finally the ‘she’s my wife, but she’s my mom’ argument settles down in his head and he raises his voice to be heard.
“No,” he says.
“No?” Summergale repeats. “What do ye mean, no?”
“No means no. I’ve gone along with the idea of you going off on some crazy treasure hunt. It’s something you have your mind set on, and I know better than trying to stop you, or simply poofing up the treasure for you here. I’ve made you a ship, and given you all the supplies you have asked for, but I will NOT give you my wife.” Discord says with a glare. “The seas can be dangerous. Fluttershy doesn’t know a thing about being a sailor. Not to mention that you have no idea how much things may have changed. It may be less than a year since YOU last set sail, but it’s been hundreds of thousands of years in our time. The cataclysm caused whole islands to sink and new ones to form. The ocean currents don’t run the same. The weather patterns aren’t the same. NOTHING is the same!” Discord says throwing up his arms in exasperation. “If you want to risk your fool neck then fine, I know better than to try to stop you, but there is no way in Equestria I’m going to allow Fluttershy to go with you.”
For a few moments, the only sound that can be heard is the sound of the ocean. Summergale looks stunned. Never in her life had she had her son stand up to her before. Deep inside, she was filling with pride. However, just as she was about to acquiesce to her son’s demand, Fluttershy spoke up.
“Allow? Your not going to ‘allow’ me to go?” Fluttershy says, her face contorting with rising anger. “Listen here mister. Just because you are my husband, doesn’t mean you get to tell me what I can, and cannot do!” She says jabbing a hoof in Discord’s chest. “I’ve never said a word about you going off to who knows where, throwing around your chaos for the ‘good of Equestria’, or so you say. And it’s not like I ever ask you for anything for myself. (Discord wisely keeps his muzzle shut at this point). Now I FINALLY have somewhere that I want to go, and something that I want to do, and as your wife I would really LIKE to have your love and support. CAN I COUNT ON YOU FOR THAT?!?” Fluttershy says, bearing down on her husband, who has drawn himself into a tight ball on the deck.
“Yes, dear,” he manages to say before backing away.
Fluttershy turns to face Summergale, who’s muzzle is still open in shock. “You just have to know how to talk to him. He really IS a sweetheart.” She says, smiling.
“A-aye. I’m sure yer right...” Summergale says, trying to restart her brain. “Well, if nothin else, I’m more sure than ever that I picked the right pony for me first mate.” She says, as she watches Fluttershy going to comfort the still quivering form of her son. “Well, now that that prickly bit of business is settled, there’s just one more thing that needs ta be done before we head back home.”
“And what’s that?” Discord asks, rising slowly back to his hooves.
“We need ta find ourselves a crew.” Summergale says, trotting over to the rail. She looks for a few moments across the docks, and back to where Giovanni is still singing, his face still contorted with rage. “Well, I suppose we’ll get no help from that quarter. Then again, I’d like, if possible, ta have a pony crew once again. I’d even be willin ta train em from scratch if I could find some that were dependable.” She says, rubbing her muzzle.
“Well,” Fluttershy says, coming up beside her, “What type of ponies do you need? I may know someponies.”
“Well, lets see.” Summergale says turning to face her. “We’ll need a ship's carpenter. Somepony that’s good at fixing things. You’d be surprised how much can break on a wooden ship out ta sea. Then we’ll need a seamstress ta mend the sails, an patch up whatever needs sewing. A good ship's cook would be a blessing. Some pony who knows how ta make good grub from simple ingredients. Oh, and even though we aren’t going to have many on board, we’ll need at least one cannoneer. Ye never want ta go ta sea without at least a few ships cannons. Also, I had been told that certain pegasi know how ta control the weather. I’d be great if we could recruit one of those ta keep the worst of the storms at bay. An it wouldn’t be a bad idea ta have a cabin pony ta do all the scut work, an help out in general. Oh, and I’d like ta see if we could get one o’ them fire senders so we can keep in touch with everypony back home. I reckon that should just about cover it.” Summergale notices Fluttershy and Discord sharing a glance between themselves. “What?” she asks.
“Oh, I think I have the perfect crew in mind.” Discord says with a mischievous grin. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking sweetheart?”
“Yes dear,” Fluttershy responds with a wicked little grin of her own, “for once I think we are in perfect agreement.”
The next day, Summergale, Fluttershy, and Discord had made their way to Twilight’s crystal castle, and were awaiting the arrival of Fluttershy’s friends. Clouds had gathered outside, and threatened rain, as Twilight and Paradox went about making sure everything would be ready when all of their guests arrived.
“Not a very auspicious beginning,” Discord remarked, settling into a comfy chair with a caricature of his face emblazoned on the top, that he had magically created.
“Aye,” Summergale said, from a less gaudy chair of her own. “If I were the superstitious type, I’d have ta call it a bad omen.”
Discord looked thoughtful as he gratefully took a cup of tea from a Paradox, while two somewhat older looking other Paradoxes were setting places around the large map table in the conference room. “Thank you my dear.” He said inclining his head.
“Your welcome,” the tea serving Paradox said, jumping into Discord’s lap looking at him expectantly.
“Um, can I help you?” he asks the young alicorn.
One of the other two Paradox’s replies in her place. “Oh, today is the day we discover ‘bewwy wubs’,” the oldest looking of the three says, purposely mispronouncing the words for their youngest version’s sake.
“Bewwy wub?” says the one in Discord’s lap expectantly.
“Aren’t you a little old for that cutesy talk? You can’t really expect that kind of thing to work on ME.” Discord says attempting to look intimidating at the youngster.
The littlest Paradox just gazes up with wide eyes and a quivering lip. As tears begin to form on the edges of her eyes Discord finally caves in and begins to rub her belly with his lion’s paw. Her face quickly drops her sad expression and a playful smile crosses her muzzle.
“Told you that works,” says the next to oldest looking Paradox, as she finishes placing the last setting. All three exchange the ‘hooves up’ sign before the older two vanish back to their own times.
Fluttershy and Summergale both chuckle at the chaos lord, as his face turns crimson.
“Son, when ye finally give me grand youngins, ye better let Fluttershy handle the discipline. Yer as soft as seaweed when it comes ta the wiles of foals.”
“Children are such devious creatures,” Discord says as he tickles young Paradox under her wing, causing her to squeal with laughter. I don’t know whether to shun them, or hope for half a dozen.”
“Trust me, one is enough.” Twilight says, trotting into the room, and sitting in the chair with her cutie mark on it. “Especially when that one can become a hundred as fast as you can blink.”
“Aww m-mom,” Paradox says, between tickles. “I’ve never had more than fifty of myself in the same place, at the same time. You’re fibbing!”
“Exaggeratin lil ‘dox,” Summergale says.
“Same thing!” Paradox says, sticking out her tongue at Summergale to emphasize her point.
“Oh, don’t get sassy with ME little miss.” Summergale says as she approaches Paradox with a wicked grin. “I’ll have ye know I’m the most dangerous tickling terror of all the seven seas!” She says, as she extends her hooves before her and begins to stalk her young prey.
“Oh no!” Discord says in mock horror. “What have you done? The tickle monster is loose! You’re doooooomed!” He says, pretending to faint.
Paradox leaps into the air with a squeal, her little wings barely keeping her aloft, as she flees down the corridor with Summergale in slow pursuit, making surprisingly realistic monster sounds.
Fluttershy and Twilight exchange smiles. “I don’t know how you do it Fluttershy,” Twilight says shaking her head. I just have one, but you’re whole family are just big kids.”
“Oh, it’s not so different from before.” Fluttershy says, sipping her tea. “Just two more critters to look after. Two more loud... mischievous... sneaky... well, just think of them as large Angel Bunnies.”
“I heard that.” Discord says opening his eyes. “You left out devastatingly handsome.”
“Oh. Well, I took that as a given dear.” She says smiling warmly at her husband, as Twilight rolls her eyes.
“And where is YOUR husband?” Discord inquires, facing Twilight. “I haven’t seen much of him since the party. Well, not much of that version of him. I mean the other one lives in town. I see him and Derpy popping in and out all the time. That roaring sound his box makes just sets my teeth on edge. Right across all five dimensions.”
“That’s actually why you don’t see MY Doctor around here much.” Twilight replies. “Unlike our daughter who time travels with magic, and can break the laws of causality whenever she wants, my husband has to do it the old fashion way, with science. And that means two versions of him shouldn’t be in the same place at the same time. It puts too much strain on the space time continuum. It’s not too bad in small doses, but in the long term it could cause all of reality to collapse.”
“Oh dear, doesn’t that put a stain on your family, never having him around?” Fluttershy says with concern.
“Oh, no. He’s always home when I want to see him. He’s just at our ‘summer home’, I guess you’d call it. It’s on an island far away from here. He set up a door upstairs that connects to it. You all should come for a visit sometime. The weather is always nice, and the only neighbors we have are on the other side of the island, and it’s safe to say they won’t be coming over anytime soon,” Twilight says enigmatically.
“Sounds wonderful.” Fluttershy says warmly. “As soon as this trip is over, Discord and I would love to come visit.”
“We would?” Discord says, finally paying attention to what was being said. “Oh, I mean of course we would! It would be quite a nice change from Ponyville. Not that there’s anything wrong with the place. Especially since we have this lovely new castle casting it’s majestic shadow across half the town. Ponies must REALLY appreciate you cutting down on the glare around here. And just think, now they won’t have to waste their time taking care of those pesky lawns, and flower gardens.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Twilight replies, her tone flat and even. “If I get one more petition from Roseluck...”
Just then the creaking of an overhead sky light can be heard just before a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder herald the arrive of Rainbow Dash. She closes the specially made skylight that bears her symbol and flies down to the trio at the table.
“Sheesh, the ponies at the weather department sure outdid themselves with today’s storm.” Rainbow says, settling into her chair and throwing a leg over the armrest. “Some pony must be bucking for a promotion.”
Moments later the doorbell sounds and Twilight hurries to answer. Rarity and Pinkie Pie enter, the former wearing a very stylish rain suit with ruby trim, and the latter wearing nothing at all. Despite the lack of an umbrella Pinkie is still completely dry.
“Pinkie, I wish you’d tell me how you manage that without any magic,” Twilight says as Pinkie bounces her way to the table.
“Oh silly, I’ve told you the last time.” Pinkie says, rolling her eyes. “And the time before that, and the time before that, and th-”
“Pinkie,” Twilight interrupts, “Just saying ‘just move between the raindrops’, doesn’t explain exactly HOW you do it.”
“I dunno Twilight,” Pinkie shrugs, “that’s just what you do. Unless you want to be cold and wet. I mean I guess some ponies LIKE being cold and wet, I mean, nopony I ever met, but then again I haven’t met EVERY pony yet, so like theoretically-”
“Pinkie dear,” Rarity says, removing the last of her rain gear, “we get the idea.”
Another knock at the door heralds the arrival of Applejack and Spike. Spike was gallantly holding an umbrella over Applejack’s head shielding her from most of the downpour at the expense of himself.
“Howdy ya’ll,” Applejack says as she shakes the water from her hooves at the doorstep.
“Spike, you’re soaked!” Twilight exclaims. “Wait right there while I get you a towel.”
“Oh Spike. I told you ya’ll didn’t have to do that.” AJ says patting him on the shoulder. “A little rain never hurt nopony.”
“Aww gee,” Spike says, putting the umbrella away in a nearby stand, “you spent so long getting your mane ready, I didn’t want you to get it ruined.”
“Well that’s mighty sweet of you,” AJ replies giving Spike a peck on the cheek, “but I’d rather have a wet mane, than for you to get sick.”
“Aww, I don’t mind. ‘Cause then you’d be there to nurse me back to health.” Spike replies with wide eyed innocence.
“Nope, still not wearing that nurse’s getup.” AJ replies.
“Darn it!” Spike says in frustration.
“Sounds like the sweet and innocent act doesn’t work on your marefriend, Spike.” Twilight says grinning, as she hands him a thick towel.
“Now that’s not true sugarcube,”AJ says, throwing her hooves around Spike’s neck. “I reckon Spike here is the sweetest fella in all of Ponyville.”
“And innocent?” Twilight says raising an eyebrow, which causes Spike to blush furiously.
“Like I said, I reckon Spike here is the sweetest fella in all of Ponyville.” AJ says, turning her head as a blush of her own begins to spread.
“Riiight.” Summergale interrupts. “Well now, if ya’ll be ready, we can move this into Twilight’s fancy throne room, I have a bit of a tale to tell.”
All of the others make their way inside the throne room of Twilight’s castle. Summergale stands next to Twilight’s chair at the head of the table, and Discord’s magically created chair appears on her other side, as the rest of the ponies take their seats.
“Now I suppose you are all wonderin’ why I called you here today.” Summergale says, leaning forward on the table.
Discord suddenly jumps to his feet, “One of you, in this room, is a murderer!” he yells, as thunder booms dramatically, and the lights suddenly go out.
For several moments all that can be heard are the sounds of panicked screams, and Discord laughing uncontrollably. Finally the lights come back on. Fluttershy is standing stock still on top of the table. Eyes wide, and legs and wings splayed out and locked rigid. Rainbow Dash and Spike are hugging each other under the table, noticing this Applejack begins to glare at the both of them. Rarity is still sitting calmly sipping her tea.
“What? I knew it wasn’t ME,” she says, noticing the looks from the others.
Pinkie Pie had turned her chair sideways on the floor, and was hiding behind it. She was wearing a green camouflaged helmet from the Equestrian National guard, and face paint. She had a pie cocked, and ready fro throwing. Meanwhile Twilight was being comforted out of her shock by a giggling Paradox.
Summergale glares down at Discord, who is still rolling on the floor, laughing out loud. Finally he notices his mother’s glare.
“Sorry, sorry... couldn’t help myself. But I mean really mom, that was CLASSIC!” He says chuckling as he rises.
“Honestly son, I don’t know where ye get yer sense o’ humor from.” Summergale says, shaking her head as she goes to help unstick Fluttershy. Discord wisely decides to keep his muzzle shut.
It took a few moments before order was reestablished. A properly chastised Discord sat in the corner as the rest gathered back at the table. Summergale once again leaned across the table, and after a brief angry glance toward her son, she began once again.
“Now before I explain why you are all here, I wanna tell ya a little story. This is a tale that I first heard when I myself was a filly.” Summergale settles into her chair, takes a sip of her tea and begins.
“Back in the days when Equestria was new, and pony herds were spreading out across the land and sea, one of the few ways we all had ta interact with each other were ships. Huge vessels sailed the sea. Some were explorers, they’d go out fer years at a time, exploring strange new islands, seeking out new beings and new civilizations, boldly goin where no pony ever went before. Then after them would come the settlers, looking ta start fresh far out on the frontier. Then after that came ponies like myself, the merchants, setting up new trade routes, and moving exotic goods back ta the home port. It was a wilder time. Ponies took great risk in the uncharted sea, many of them losing their lives. But oh the discoveries that were made! First contact with the dragon, and griffin empires, the diamond dog immigration, the discovery of indigenous ponies in Prance an Saddle Arabia. It was an exciting time ta ply yer trade on the seas.
Now it’s worth noting that although ponies are a peace loving race, that not all of the races of Equestria were the same. And although as a race, ponies are peaceful, not all ponies were the same either. And it was a good thing too, because back then when the griffin empire first met ponies, all they thought of at the time was ‘conquest’. Now ya gotta figure, we had Zacherle living in Equinity at the time. We never even thought of needing an army or a navy. We always figured that if anything REALLY bad were ta happen, that she’d step in and fix it, even though she told us time and time again that her and Muenchinger would NEVER interfere with us again.
So things could’a gone badly for us ponies back then, except for one thing. Or should I say, one pony.
Captain William (Billy) Colt. Now no pony knows exactly where he came from. Some say he was an orphan. The sole survivor of a griffin attack on one of the outer islands. Some say he was the son of a sea pony and an earth pony, and that he rose out of the sea ta protect the ponies from the aforementioned griffins. Some say Muenchinger himself created Captain Colt full grown when he saw that the future of the pony race was in jeopardy. What we do know for a fact was, that he was brave, he was tough, he was a brilliant tactician who never lost a ship, and that he was a pirate. Oh, and one other thing, he REALLY didn’t like the griffin empire.”
“He was racist against griffins?” Rainbow Dash said, her face beginning to cloud up like the storm outside.
“Not at all,”Summergale replied. “He had nothing against griffins personally, and was known to have several very famous ones on his crews. What he hated was the empire, and what it stood for. Back then they saw themselves as superior ta every being else. I suppose that’s natural when yer genetics is half lion an half eagle. Put enough of ‘em in a government building and all it would take is one of ‘em with a slightly smaller... ‘beak’, ta suggest that conquest was a good idea, an the next thing ya know we got an invasion.
But that invasion never got off the ground so ta speak, thanks to Captain Colt. Fer whatever reason, he was already out on the edges of the outer islands when the first griffin Hawks-of-War, started making probing attacks on pony held islands. His first daring raid against a Hawk-of-War that was harassing the Sammich Islands made him famous overnight.
He was quoted by one of the survivors as sayin, “By the sky stallion, I expected these griffins to put up more of a fight. That was the easiest days work I’ve had in years. Any of you lads want to join up? I have a fresh new ship in need of a crew.”
“Well, sure an THAT kicked the hornets nest. Them griffins had NEVER had their beak tweaked like that before. Invasion plans were put on hold until the embarrassment o’ Captain Colt was taken care of. Five Hawk-of-Wars, armed to the beak were sent out under the best captains of the empire. Their orders were to find and capture Captain Colt, an bring him home to the empire for trial. They scoured the islands looking for any sign of him. Questioning the locals, and threatening to burn their villages if they didn’t give him up.
But the Captain was already one step ahead of ‘em. He knew that the griffins weren’t going ta leave things be, so he left ponies at certain places, and told ‘em ta tell the griffins exactly what he wanted them ta hear.
Sure enough, he got the griffins ta believe he was hold up in Crescent bay. All five Hawks came in after dusk, they could make out the silhouettes of two ships tight in near the shore. It wasn’t until they were within firing distance that they realized that what they thought were ships, were just decoys made of bamboo an driftwood that were aground against the beach. As the captains came about they saw a sight that gave em all quite a shock. An enormous chain had been winched out of the ocean across the entryway to the bay. Ponies in a rowboat had went along the length of the chain and stuck torches through the links so that all could see it. Then signal fires lit in a great ring all around the bay and the captains could see cannons surrounding them on every shore.
Well they knew they were licked. No matter what shore they might’ve thought of tryin for, they were sailin into a wall of cannon. They could fly off the ship an at best give up their ships an be stranded, or at worst be shot from the sky. The sea chain kept ‘em from running for it. They were beat an they knew it. So they did the only thing they could do, they surrendered.
Well Captain Colt was mighty happy that day. He gave ‘em all a choice. They could swear allegiance to him, and sail under his colors, or he’d put ‘em off on an island somewhere on the griffins trade route. Surprisingly all of the captains, an half of the crews decided to stay on. Griffins respect strength ye see, and Captain Colt had handed them the worst defeat the empire had seen since their foolish attempts to invade Dragonhold. Consensus among ‘em was that the empire had grown soft, and that Colt offered ‘em something they had been missing. There was no denyin’ that there was something special about him. He had a spark, a fire inside of him. He never wavered, never faltered. An he was relentless as he stalked the ships of the empire.
So now with a fleet of seven ships, six of them Hawk-of-Wars, the leaders back in the griffin empire had become apoplectic with rage. Twenty warships were sent out. Their orders were to destroy Captain Colt’s fleet utterly, and to bring back his head. Unfortunately, when the fleet arrived, there was no sign of any of Captain Colt’s ships to be found. Try as they might, they could find no word of him. Eventually the griffin admiral was forced to make the mistake Colt had been waiting for. Divide the fleet, and track him down. Colt gained another fourteen ships after that. Some were taken while the crews were ashore. Some ambushed at sea. All the crews were given the same choice, join or be set free near home. Finally months later, Captain Colt confronted the griffin admiral and his six remaining ships, head on at sea.
Faced with twenty-one ships armed to the teeth, and no hope of victory, the admiral did the only thing he could do. He retreated. The first time in history that the griffin race had ever retreated from anything smaller than a fully grown dragon.
Well, after that it was on. The griffin empire sent everything they had after Colt. It got messy real fast. Colt no longer had the luxury of taking every ship, many times he was forced ta sink ‘em. He still manged ta garner a sizable fleet though. And him and his privateers cut a terrible swath through the griffins fleet, as well as their economy. Cutting off the griffin trade routes, and plundering griffin merchant ships was causing major problems back in the empire. Without money coming in from trade, and the ever increasing cost of the war against Captain Colt, the griffins in charge responded by increasing the taxes on their citizens. This proved ta be a VERY unpopular decision. Despite several years of propaganda, the griffin citizenry, had become increasingly vocal. ‘Why are we trying to invade the pony kingdom in the first place?’ Was a commonly heard phrase.
They had all become aware of Captain Colt by now. Any most of the sentiment toward him had begun to change. They respected his strength, and having never met any pony themselves, had begun to think of him as a template of what all ponies were like. Young griffins began to gather in the back of shops, discussing ponies, writing stories about them. Ponies rapidly became the idols of the younger generation. They were curious, they were ready for the wars to end so that they could go and meet their new ‘heroes’. Fortunately at the time, the older griffins in power for the most part ignored what they deemed as the pony ‘foolishness’ that their chicks had become enamored with. This eventually proved to be their undoing.
It took several more years of battle before the griffin empire finally began to lose ground, or rather sea. Their coffers exhausted, their citizens near open revolt, and Captain Colt now had a larger navy than any kingdom in Equestria. The griffins in the capital were in a panic. What they didn’t know was, that Captain Colt had secretly been sending over a hundred of his most loyal griffin crew members back to the empire. They had been in constant contact with the captain, and he was both surprised and pleased to see that he had gained the support and goodwill of most of the populace. Plans were made and quickly set in motion.
It was less than a month later, that the Emperor, Luristan, who was at the time, addressing a crowd of griffins on the steps of the capital, was stunned to see a lone pony step from the crowd before him. It was Captain Colt himself. Trotting up before the leader of the griffin empire, he challenged him on the spot to a duel. Well, there was no way for the emperor to save face if he were to back down. He accepted the challenge and the two fought.
The crowd of griffins stood in awe. Never before had any of them seen a real pony before, and they were amazed by his skill with a blade. The griffin emperor had been taught combat, just as every chick when coming of age, but he hadn’t had to fight since his battle of succession, where every griffin leader has to wrest power from the previous emperor. Even so his skills were still great, and the two battled back and forth for almost an hour. But finally the emperor’s strength began to ebb, he had spent many years on the throne, while Colt had been out at sea fighting battles from sunup to sundown. It had to be said though, the emperor didn’t yield. It was after countering one of Colts’ attacks that he drew back for a moment and clutched his chest. His eyes went wide for a moment, then he locked all four legs in place, glaring defiantly at Colt. He had literally died on his paws.
A cheer went up from the crowd behind him, as the palace guards began to surge forward. However they were quickly subdued because Colt had gathered every griffin member of his crew, and had them dispersed in the crowd. In a matter of moments, he had successfully taken over the heart of the griffin empire. Then he left.”
“HE LEFT?” Twilight said, incredulously. “He just took over an empire, and he left?!?”
“Aye, that he did lass.” Summergale says smiling. “Oh what style! What panache!
He gave a great speech right there on the spot. He told ‘em that all the ponies wanted was peace. He said he had no intention of running the empire, that it was up to the griffins to decide how to take care of themselves. BUT, he added, if they decided to keep up their aggressive ways toward the pony kingdom, that they would find him right there waiting for them. Then he gathered his crew, marched though the capital full of cheering griffins, got in his ships, and left.
Well, as you can expect, it was total chaos in the empire after that. Civil wars occurred, and the empire would see nearly a thousand years before they ever fully recovered. But during that time, peaceful trade was finally established with the pony kingdom. The griffins were anxious for trade to help their struggling economy, and griffins that grew up on tales of heroic ponies were coming to visit by the shipload.
As for Captain Colt, he gradually sold off most of his fleet back to Equinity, many of which were converted into trading vessels. He did maintain a much reduce fleet, and sailed the seas, raiding the occasion griffin vessel that was still loyal to the old regime.
By now he had a massive treasure galleon, the ‘Pony’s Pride’. Now widely regarded as the ‘King of the Pirates’, he sailed from port to port, helping those in need whose islands had been ravaged by storms and typhoons. But one day a great storm arose out at sea, and the Pony’s Pride, weighed down with the accumulated treasure of decades, sank to the ocean floor, the location lost to all, save the Pirate King himself. Legend has it that he laughed as all his treasure sank in the waves before him. He hosted a massive party for his crew, and claimed loudly that he felt as if a great burden had been lifted from him that day. He sailed away to parts unknown, but left one last cryptic message for all that might come after. “If you seek my fortune, it is yours for the taking. I left it all, in one place.”
For nearly a hundred years thereafter, all pony seafarers would repeat the tale of Captain Colt, and his fabulous lost treasure. Ponies uncounted have set sail to find it, only to return bitter and disappointed. This is why I’ve called you all here. I’m going after that treasure. I’ve got a ship, and I’ve got a map, now all I need is a crew. What do ye say? Are ye with me? Will you sail with me for treasure, fame, an glory?”
Twilight rises from her chair. She gently picks up Paradox in her hooves before addressing the captain. Her response is quiet and firm. “No.”
“I’m sorry girls, but there’s just no way I can leave on an extended sea voyage right now. Aside from my duties as a princess, I’m also a mother now, and Paradox is starting school next week. I wish it were otherwise. But there’s just no way I can go with you. You understand right?” Twilight says, looking at each of her friends in turn.
“Well of course we do,” says Applejack. “That’s the biggest part of bein a mom, is looking after her offspring. And Applebloom has been looking forward to having Paradox in her class ever since they met. From what I hear she’s going to be the newest Cutie Mark Crusader just as soon as Sweetie Belle finishes making her outfit.”
“Well, no need to worry,” Discord replies grandly. “I will be more than happy to represent the element of magic for this voyage.” He quickly changes his color scheme to lavender and pink, and adorns himself with an incredibly gaudy golden crown complete with jingling bells.
“Ah, son. I don’t think so.” Summergale says. “I’ve been meanin ta tell ye... I’m afraid ye can’t come with us.”
“WHAT?!?” Discord shouts as all the color drains out of his body and pools beneath his hooves on the polished crystal floor. “What do you mean I can’t come? You invite Twilight and all of her other friends, and you haven’t spent more than a few days with them since you got here, but your own son isn’t allowed to go? NOT FAIR!” He says, throwing his crown to the floor where it shatters becoming two carrots and a Parcheesi piece.
“Now son, calm down. It’s nothing personal, but just think about it. With you along, any time we come into any hardship, all you have to do is snap your claw, and it’s all smooth sailing.” Summergale says putting a hoof on his arm.
“So? What’s wrong with that? With me along it’ll be a breeze.” Discord says pulling away.
“That’s my point son. With you along where’s the struggle? The sense o’ personal achievement? It would be the same as skippin the whole trip and just wishing up the treasure right here.” She said looking up at him, trying hard to make him understand.
Discord raises his claw, preparing to snap and do just that, but Summergale quickly puts her hoof over his claw.
“I’m askin ye son, please don’t do that.” She says, her voice softening. “Please, all I’m asking is that ye let me do this my way. Not just for meself, but for all the ponies of Equestria. You remember what that griffin captain said. There are no ponies plying the wild sea anymore. Our whole race has been shore bound since the cataclysm. Think what it would mean ta them if we all grandly set sail, an then returned with the greatest treasure known to ponykind. It would give them courage, give them something ta rally around, give them some dignity as sailors. If we can do this, as regular ponies of Equestria, with no cheats, and no tricks, it’ll prove ta them an the rest of the world that ponies can be just as good o’ sailors as any other race.
Discord lowers his claw, and looks moodily at his mother.
“Discord,” Twilight says, “Summergale is right. When I was a little filly, mom and Cadence used to read me all sorts of fairy tales. Princes and princesses, fabulous monsters, knights and dragons. But even in the stories there never were any set on the high seas. We didn’t even let ourselves imagine crossing the sea anymore. If the other races didn’t come to trade with us, we wouldn’t even have any contact with them.” Twilight trots over and opens the window looking out toward the horizon.
“All this time there was a blind spot in the way we thought. A piece of our past that we never chose to examine. Summergale is the last of the great seafaring ponies. She’s been to places that ponies haven’t set hoof on in hundreds of thousands of years. Discord, she needs to make this voyage, for all of us. And it’s just as important that you and any other being of great power decline to go with her.”
“I-I understand. But, I don’t feel comfortable letting you go off alone. At least let me make a communication crystal so we can speak with each other, just in case... well... I mean Keil...” Discord trails off, a faraway look in his eyes.
His mother comes up to him, and gives him a tight hug. “No worries son, nothing like that will ever happen again. Ye can put a crystal in me cabin, an if worst comes ta worst, I’ll let ye pull us all back.”
Discord looks down at his mom, relief spreading across his face.
“BUT.” Summergale says shaking a hoof at him. “I don’t want ta see ya use ANY of yer magics, unless I personally ask ye to! An I want yer word on that.”
{Sigh}, “Fine. I promise not to use my magic to help you unless you specifically ask me to. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Happy?”
“Ecstatic.” Summergale replies. “Alright, now that that is taken care of, Twilight not withstandin, what about the rest of ye? Will ye join me on me quest?”
“A chance to be a living legend to all ponykind? Aw yeah, count me in!” yells an enthusiastic Rainbow Dash.
“Me too,” says Fluttershy in a more subdued tone. “After all, I am the first mate.”
“Ya’ll can count on me. Applejack chimes in.
“Well, if Applejack is going, so am I,” Spike says.
“Me too!” Pinkie Pie says, bouncing excitedly.
“Travel to exotic lands, learning about fashions no pony has ever seen? Why, I absolutely insist on coming along!” Rarity says, starry eyed.
“Excellent! Well, it looks like I got meself a crew,” Summergale says proudly, “all except for one final member, who should be here at any moment.”
“You invited somepony else?” Twilight asks in surprise.
“Aye, it’ll take her a little longer ta get here considering where she lives, but when I spoke ta her yesterday, via me son, she was quite anxious to accept my invitation to come with us.” Summergale replies. “An since Twilight won’t be able to join us, I think her particular style of magic will come in quite handy.”
“Let’s see, it’s a she, and she does magic, and she had to travel a long way to get here...” Twilight looks up in alarm, her eyes going wide. “Oh, no! It COULDN’T BE!”
Suddenly there is a loud knock on the front door. Summergale trots up, and opens it. “Ah, right on time. We were just talking about ye. Come on in and have some tea, we have much ta discuss.”
The new arrival trots into the room looking around at all those assembled.
“I believe ye know everypony here?” Summergale says.
“Twilight you seem quite surprised, to see me here before your eyes.” Zecora says as she enters the room.
“Oh, I’m sorry Zecora, I was actually expecting somepony else. Actually, I’m really glad it’s you.” Twilight says in relief.
“When Summergale told me of her quest, I happily wanted to join the rest, I wish to see what may be found, of the original zebra’s ancestral ground.” Zecora said by way of explanation.
“Aye, and a welcome member of the crew you are.” Summergale says with a smile. “Now that we have all come to an agreement, I’d like ye ta take the next few days ta make any arrangements ya need ta be makin, an meet me back here Monday morning, right at dawn. Then me son can take us all to my ship and we can begin getting everypony acquainted with what they’ll need ta be doin. Does that sound alright with everypony?” Everyone nods in agreement, and after saying their goodbyes, they all make their way to their respective homes.
The time seemed to fly by as each pony made arrangements to be gone for an extended period of time. Discord agreed to help Twilight in case any emergencies came up, while he took over the duties of taking care of all of his wife’s animals. Coco Pommel agreed to watch Rarity’s boutique for her while she was away, and Cheese Sandwich had taken the next train back to Ponyville to manage Pinkie’s duties while she would be gone. Rainbow reluctantly allowed Derpy to assume her duties with the weather bureau, while Apple Bloom reluctantly took over Applejack’s share of the chores. Fortunately for her, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle volunteered to help her out as well.
Finally the time had come as everypony met up at Twilight’s castle. Discord and Summergale were their to greet them and he wasted no time at all in teleporting them all to Summergale’s ship.
“So this here’s what were gonna be sailin on?” Applejack says, trotting up the gangplank. “I gotta admit, it’s the biggest boat I ever saw.”
“Ship Applejack, not a boat, an believe me after a few months it’ll seem all too small.” Summergale replies.
Spike begins to make his way slowly up the gangplank behind Applejack. His young dragon arms straining under the load of all their luggage.
“C’mon slowpoke,” Rainbow taunts, “Let’s get the show on the road. I’m ready to find that treasure!”
The ponies all stop and stare as Summergale doubles over with laughter.
“Hey, what’s so funny?” Rainbow asks. “Something on my flank?”
“Y-you really think we are about to put out to sea? Today? BWAHAHAAA” Summergale says, trailing off red facedly into a new gale of laughter.
“Well, aren’t we?” Fluttershy asks, trying to head off any hard feelings Rainbow would have from being laughed at.
“Oh goddess no!” Summergale says, regaining her composure. “None of ye know the first thing about sailing a ship. It’d be suicidally insane for us to just up and weigh anchor without ye knowing port from starboard.”
“I’m sorry darling, I suppose we all just assumed that you would teach us as we go.” Rarity says.
“Oh no, we’ll be having none of that.” Summergale says flatly. “For the next few weeks no pony will leave the ship, and the ship wont leave the dock, until I am satisfied that each of ye can handle yer assigned duties. Then, for the first few weeks out at sea, we’ll cross train ye until each of ye is passable at doing any other job on my ship. This is in case any of ye got sick, or hurt. After all, it’s a great big ocean, an anything can happen out there. I won’t risk taking her out into it until I am sure me crew is able to take good care of her.” Summergale says rubbing a hoof gently across the railing.
“You treat your ship as a cherished pet, with which you’ll loose on a sea not tame, but no pony has yet to let me know, just what is this vessel’s name.” Zecora says, as she sets her baggage down on the deck.
“Ah Zecora, you’ve touched on a bit of a sore spot there. I must confess I’ve run a dozen names though me mind, but have yet ta settle upon one that sits well with me.” Summergale says, pacing the deck. “It needs ta be something grand, but not tacky. Something ponies can look up to, and be proud of, an yet not come off as pompous. Ah well, we’ll come up with something before we start our journey. Plenty o’ time left before then. Now I want ye all ta get settled into your bunks an stow yer gear, then come back an meet me on the deck for crew assignments.”
“Aye aye captain!” Pinkie Pie says with a salute, before heading down below decks.
After a moment the rest of the ponies pick up their luggage and move to join her. Last is Fluttershy, struggling to manage several cases, and one oblong zippered bag.
“Let me give ye a hoof there Flutters”, Summergale says reaching down and attempting to lift the final bag off of the deck. “By the sky stallion, what have ye got in there lass? I can’t even lift it off the deck!”
By now Fluttershy has gotten the rest of her luggage balanced on her back, and moves to grasp the bag handles in her mouth.
“Oh, nothing much, just some things from home,” She says, as she effortlessly lifts the bag, and trots off after the others.
Summergale rubs her head in confusion for a moment, and is about to comment when Twilight and Discord approach her.
“We are about to head back to Ponyville, but before I go I wanted to give you something for your trip.” Twilight says. She levitates a long narrow package wrapped in paper and twine up before Summergale.
“Aw Twilight, now ye know it wasn’t necessary ta be doing all that.” She says as her hooves busily open the package before her. “Oh Sweet Zacherle! I-is this... can it be?”
“Oh it is,” Twilight replies, grinning hugely. “It took us a little while to find it, but it’s yours alright.”
“Me cutlass!” Summergale says, swinging it in the air before her. “It really is me cutlass! But how? Last I saw of this was right before the island exploded. It would have rusted away in the sea by now.”
“Oh well, Discord thought you’d like to have it for your trip, and he said that you wouldn’t settle for just a duplicate, so we used his viewer to find it on the day the island exploded. We followed it’s trajectory, and right before it hit the water, Paradox popped back and snatched it up.”
“But I thought we weren’t able to time travel to the past? You said ye tried before, and wasn’t able to.” Summergale says looking up at her son.
“Oh I can’t. And I imagine none of the rest of us could either. Discord replies. “But you have to remember, Paradox is special. Half time lord, and half alicorn. Her time magic seems to be able to break all the rules of both science and sorcery. As for the time stream, I checked with the Doctor before we tried this little stunt. He said that it already was supposed to have happened when we decide to finally do it.”
“Son, was that last sentence supposed ta make sense? I’m only askin since you are the lord o’ chaos an all.” Summergale says raising a hoof to forestall an angry protest.
Instead Discord merely chuckles to himself. “Believe me, most conversations I have with Twilight’s husband end up sounding like that. Half the time even I end up walking away with a headache. To use a term I haven’t in a long time, it was ‘totally pony’, that we went and got it.
“Ach, kids an their slang. But seriously, I can’t thank you enough for this,” She says raising the sword high.
“Oh no problem! It gave me a chance to try out several spells.” Twilight says excitedly.
“Spells?” Summergale says, a frown beginning to form. “What spells are ye referring to exactly?”
“Well, I used a preservation spell to keep your sword sharp and rust free, no matter what happens to it. And I used one to make it unbreakable, because I knew how important to you it was. Oh, and the last one was so you could never lose it again. As soon as you took possession of it, it imprinted on you. If you ever lose it for an reason you can summon it to hoof by just thinking about it.” Twilight says smiling proudly.
Summergale is silent for a moment. “An that’s it? That’s all you did?” She asks finally.
“Yes, that’s all. Why? Did you want something else added?” I mean I can teleport back for my spell books-” Twilight begins.
“Nay lass, you got it wrong. I was about ta get upset, thinking you enchanted me sword ta make me some kind of unbeatable fighter, or have it throw lightning or fireballs or some such. I’d have lost me temper, on account o’ that would be a cheat. Same as we talked about yesterday. But keepin her sharp, an keeping her from breaking? No problem with that, I treasure this as more than just a weapon. As for the last, well that might give me a slight edge in certain combat situations, but ta be honest I’ve yet ta see the being, pony or otherwise, that could disarm me in combat, so I don’t see it as fudgin the rules too much.”
“Well, I’m relieved to hear that,” Twilight says, some of the wind taken out of her sails. “I honestly hadn’t considered the possibility that you would be upset by my little contributions. I’m glad you aren’t.” She says looking somewhat contrite.
Summergale plants her cutlass point first into the deck, and crushes Twilight to her chest in a tight hug. “Oh lass, ignore a crusty old captain an her ways. What ye done for me is one of the kindest, most thoughtful things any pony has done in a long time.” She reaches out a hoof and snags her son by the neck, drawing him into the same crushing hug with Twilight. “An that goes for you too son. I know it’s not fair ta ask ye ta stay behind again. But I promise, after we get back, I’m taking the whole family on a cruise. We’ll find some nice tropical island an make a vacation of it! On that ye have me word. Cross me heart an hope ta fly, stick a cupcake in me eye! As you kids say it nowadays.”
“Oh now you’ve done it mom,” Discord says as they finally are let up for air. “You just made a Pinkie promise. And no pony breaks a Pinkie promise. If you do, you have to deal with her.” Discord says pointing a claw over his shoulder toward Pinkie Pie, who is currently busy examining the largest of ships few cannons with a critical eye.
Pinkie raises a hoof to shield her eyes as she looks far out into the bay. There, barely visible, a piece of driftwood, half the size of a pony, can barely be seen bobbing up and down on the waves. Without pause Pinkie primes the fuse on the cannon, sparks it with a tinder box, and just before the fuse ignites the powder, she gives it a slight kick with her forehoof, changing the trajectory slightly. Summergale, Discord, and Twilight watch in awe as the sudden thunder of the cannon expels a fast receding ball of iron out into the distance, which unerring destroys the piece of driftwood a moment later.
Pinkie Pie strokes the barrel of the huge cannon affectionately. “I shall call you Mons Maud.” She says with a smile.
“I-I see.” Summergale says, shaking her head in wonder. “Well, no sense asking which of your friends is our cannoneer.” She adds absently.
A short while later after Twilight and Discord said their final goodbyes, Summergale’s new crew stood on deck, waiting for the captain to emerge from her cabin. In a matter of moments, she did.
Captain Summergale once again strode the deck of a ship. Her ship. And her garb was once again that of a proud captain. Her captain’s hat sat atop her curly red locks as if it had never left. She wore a ruffled white blouse, and dark breeches with knee high boots on her rear hooves. About her waist was a wide leather belt holding her scabbarded sword off to one side, (her sword’s frog keeping it even with her body while she was on all fours,) and a belt pouch on the other side, holding her sextant.
She trotted up to the assembled ponies, and began to speak.
“I can’t begin ta tell ye how happy I am that you all are willing to take time from your lives to help an old sailor with her lifelong dream. I’ll tell ye right up front, this voyage isn’t going to be easy on you, you’ve never sailed the wild seas. And the world has changed since the last time I’ve set sail, there’s no tellin what may be in store for us. But from what I’ve heard, the six of you are some of the bravest, most courageous ponies alive today, and what we begin here today will inspire ponies for ages to come.
I’m confident that if we all pull together that we will succeed in our quest, and return home with the greatest horde of treasure in pony history. Now, are ye ready mates?” Summergale asks.
“Aye,aye captain.” Five ponies, a zebra, and a dragon chorus together.
“I can’t here you!” Summergale taunts.
“AYE, AYE CAPTAIN!” They all shout once again.
“Oooooh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” Pinkie begins to sing, while playing her accordion.
The rest of them all look at her oddly.
“Oh, sorry. For some reason I felt a song coming on.” She says sheepishly.
“Plenty o’ time for that later cannoneer Pinks.” Summergale says patting her on the shoulder with a hoof. “Now as for the rest of ye. Ta start with, as most of ye already know, Fluttershy will be me first mate. I want ye all ta treat anything she tells ye to do as if it came from me own muzzle. I’ll be training her ta run this ship just as good as I can, an I want ye all ta treat her with respect. Aside from meself, as long as you are on this ship, SHE is the pony in charge.”
Fluttershy looks at all of her friends and gives them a small bashful smile. “I’ll do my best not to let it go to my head,” she says in a near whisper, her cheeks turning red from all the attention.
“Pinkie Pie,” Summergale continues, “will be our ships cannoneer.” At this Pinkie stands upright and gives Summergale a smart salute. “As she has already demonstrated her mastery of the ships cannon, she will be instructing the rest of you in it’s proper use and maintenance, just as soon as you finish your duties each day. These lessons will continue until Pinkie is satisfied that any of you can pony the guns in an emergency.”
“But why do we need to learn how to fire a cannon?” Rainbow complains. “It’s not like we’re at war with anypony.”
“OS Dash, I am shocked.” Pinkie says pacing back and forth in front of Rainbow Dash. “Absolutely shocked. What we face OS Dash is the unknown.” She says in a stern commanding tone. “Anything could be out there. Monsters, pirates, zombies... Zombie pirate monsters... anything!” She says, gesturing wildly with her hooves.
(Unseen by the others, Fluttershy begins to cringe).
“And all that may stand in the way of us and a watery doom one day is you, being able to fire... that... cannon. Now it’s MY job to make sure you can do that, and as sure as cupcakes need extra sprinkles, (but not the green ones... never the green ones, they look like little caterpillars.) that is the job I’m going to do. Ya get me OS Dash?” Pinkie says jabbing a hoof in her chest.
“Sir yes ma’am! No green sprinkles! Ma’am!” Rainbow says confusedly.
Pinkie steps back to her place in line, but not before raising a hoof to her eyes, and quickly pointing it back and forth between her eyes and Rainbow Dash’s. (Rainbow for her part is making a mental note to ask the captain later just what the heck an OS is.)
“Well said Cannoneer Pinks,” Summergale says. “Alright then, next pony’s assignment will be Rainbow Dash.”
Rainbow trots forward, ignoring Pinkies hoof movements as best she can. “Aye, aye captain.”
“Dash, you’ll be our ships lookout. You’ll be stationed in the crows nest for your main shift. And will alternate between keeping watch, and flying scouting missions. Also, you may be called upon to help with the weather as needed. I’ve been told that you are known as the fastest flyer in Equestria. As such, in your off hours, I want ye to get some practice with the ‘Ponies Perch’.” Summergale says, as she points to a small platform with railing stationed behind the middle of the mainsail.
“Yes captain. I won’t let down captain. Um, just one question captain,” Rainbow asks sheepishly. “Uh, what exactly is a ‘Ponies Perch’?”
“I’m glad you asked OS Dash.” Summergale says with a grin. “You and Fluttershy fly up there with me, and I’ll explain.” She says as she flutters up to the perch. Moments later the other two have joined her. Captain Summergale raises her voice so that she can be heard by the ponies below as well.
“Now this is what’s known as a ‘Ponies Perch’. It’s mainly only used by Flutterponies, but it can be used in a pinch by very strong pegasi. Fluttershy, if you would land on the perch and hold the rail?” Summergale asks.
Once Fluttershy is in place, Summergale begins to speak once more. “Now there will be times out at sea, when you’ll have no current, and they’ll be times when you’ll have no wind. Worst of all is the times when you wont have either. Now that used ta mean being stuck, sometimes for weeks, until the winds finally filled your sails, or ye drifted into a current again. But back in my day some clever Flutterpony rigged up one of these. Fluttershy? Please flap your wings as hard as ye can.”
Fluttershy began to flap with all her might. The mainsail before her billows out briefly, and the ship begins to rock gently.
“Very good Fluttershy. It might take awhile, but if you had to, you could manage to get us out of a becalmed sea. You’re up next Rainbow Dash.”
Rainbow settles into the perch, and grips the guard rail tightly in her hooves. Suddenly she begins to flap her wings. Faster and faster she goes. The sail billows outward, filled with the wind Rainbow is creating. The ship begins to rock back and forth, straining against the mooring.
“Excellent Rainbow Dash. You’ll do a fine job, if we ever get becalmed.” Summergale says, as she starts to fly back to the deck.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Rainbow says, shaking a hoof. “You’ve got to see what we can do... What about the captain? I mean, you ARE the one with the most experience here, maybe you should show us the PROPER way to do it.” Rainbow says, with a smirk on her muzzle.
“Oh aye.” The captain says, continuing to fly toward the deck. “I was just going to do that. I just need to lower the sails first.” She says as she begins to do so.
“Lower the sails? But why? And how are we going to tell how well you are doing without a sail?” Rainbow asks in confusion.
Summergale flies back up and lands in the ‘Ponies Perch’. Without a word she turns and grips the railing. Then she unleashes her ‘Utter Flutter’. The ship lurches violently, and the ponies all gasp as the main mast itself strains forward nearly to the point of breaking. The ship rocks dangerously and water splashes up on deck as the ship strains against it’s moorings as winds of hurricane intensity cause the ship to groan. Then Summergale stops.
“As ye can see, I took the mainsail down so it wouldn’t rip itself ta shreds since we are moored to the docks. If the mast had let go, I’dve had stern words with me son, I’ve told him time an time again that ironwood oak is the only thing strong enough ta be used as a mainmast on one of me ships. Looks like the colt has finally learned ta listen. Not so much as a crack on her.” Summergale says as she flutters around and checks the mast.
Meanwhile Rainbow had lowered herself to the deck, eyes wide. Without a word she returns to her place in the line, but inside her head, her thoughts are racing a mile a minute.
Fluttershy and Summergale return to the deck, and Summergale begins to speak once more.
“An that brings us to Rarity.” She says, as the fashionista steps forward. “Rarity, your job is one of the most important on the ship. It’ll be up to you ta keep our sails in good repair. Once a day I want ye ta go up and inspect all of our sails and rigging. Any rope that is frayed is a danger on a ship, any rip in the sails can cost us time. I’ll be depending on you ta keep us runnin smoothly. Now, how is yer knowledge of ropes?” she asks.
“Twisted, single braid, double braid, or Plaited?” Rarity asks in return.
Summergale grins widely. “Never mind. How about knots?”
“Well, I suppose I know the ones every pony knows,” Rarity responds. “Carrick bend, Double carrick bend, Double coin knot, Ten accord knot, Bosun's knot, Basketweave knot, Coltnese knot, Josephine knot, Whistle lanyard, Sailor's breastplate knot, Sailors knot, Pretzel knot, Wake knot...”
“Okay, I get the idea.” Summergale says, trying hard not to laugh out loud. “You’ll do just fine. Applejack yer next.” She says, as the orange mare trots forward. “Applejack, your main job will be as ships carpenter. you’ll be taking care of repairing any damage that the ship sustains while out at sea. Now if we’re really lucky, and can avoid trouble, then you won’t have much ta do. So your other duty will be as ships cook. In that capacity, it’ll be your job ta turn our provisions inta edible food that we won’t get tired of eating weeks on end. I’m assuming you know more than a few recipes for apples.
Applejack favors her with a grin. “Oh, you could say I know a few... thousand.” She finishes.
“Excellent. Dried apples as ye know can keep for a long time, and if we end up with long stretches between bein able ta resupply, then we may be eating quite a lot of them.” Summergale adds.
“Zecora, yer up next. Now I don’t want any of ye ta think fer a minute that Zecora is here as Twilight’s replacement. Ta be honest, I had already spoken to her before Twilight turned us down. I planned ta have Twilight along ta handle any magical emergencies. And in that regard, both Zecora an Rarity can step up as needed. But Zecora, yer main job will be ta act as ships doctor.
Being a doctor on a ship is a big responsibility. If a pony has an accident, you may be the only thing that stands between life and death for a thousand leagues around us. An ye also have ta make sure that nothing spreads ta the rest of the crew if some pony gets sick. It’d be a disaster if every pony got the flu and we were a thousand miles from nowhere.”
“A weighty burden on my hooves, it’s no small thing that you have asked, although some healing I do know, I wonder if I am up to the task,” Zecora says solemnly.
“I can understand how ye feel. We had to switch doctors on the Maiden’s Fancy, when our original one retired. The new young fella was green as could be, an not just his coat. I’ve had me son poof up copies of all the medical books we had on the Maiden’s Fancy. But before ye start doing any reading, I’d like ye ta spend the next two weeks helping out Nurse Redheart, an Dr. Hut MD, back in Ponyville. I’m sure they can teach you a broad outline o’ what to expect while we are at sea.”
“This advice is good to hear, I’ll happily lend a hoof and ear.” Zecora replies.
“Alright, and that just leaves Spike.” She says, as Spike steps forward. “Spike, I know ye don’t want ta here this. But your job is going ta be the toughest of all. Do ye know the story of when I joined me first ship?” Spike shakes his head no.
“Well it’s like this. Me an me best friend Boot’s were about yer age, and we were running loose around the dock. Ye know those three young fillies that run around Ponyville? The Cutie Mark Crusaders, they call themselves? Well, we were like that. So one day, like I said, we were running loose around the docks, watchin ‘em load an unload ships. So one of us, can’t recall which, dared the other ta sneak aboard one o’ them big merchant ships. Well, the other of us naturally brings out the ‘double dare’, an the next thing we know, we’re hiding in an apple barrel being hauled aboard. Well, we decides ta wait until dark an sneak back off, an then have a grand time tellin all our friends the next day about it. Ah, thing was, that that ship set sail before dusk, an by the time we snuck back on deck we were out ta sea. Well, as you can imagine, the captain was none to pleased with us. He was days late setting sail as it was, and he knew if he turned us around, he’d be stuck in port having ta deal with who knows what all paperwork from the port guards for dealin with stowaways. So instead he made us cabin ponies right there on the spot. He sent word back by pigeon what had happened so our parents wouldn’t worry, and promised them by the time we got back that we would have worked off our passenger fee and then some.
Well, he was sure right about that. Me an Boots never worked so hard in our lives. Halfway to our destination an the both of us were plannin our escape at the next island we came to. Sure enough as soon as we made port, we waited until dark an snuck off. We found a corner inside a dockside warehouse and hid behind some crates until we fell asleep. Next morning when we woke up we were back in our quarters on board ship. A grinning captain passed us our morning bowls of porridge, before putting us right back to work. Three more times we tried ta sneak off, but no matter where we went or where we hid, we’d always find ourselves back on board when we woke up. Finally after the last try, we just gave up trying, and did the best we could ta make the best of our situation.
After that things got easier for us. The rest of the crew started showing us easier ways ta do our job, and where we could an could not cut corners. By the time we started our return voyage, the crew had accepted us as their own. We’d laugh together, an tell jokes an tall tales. We’d play pranks, an sing sea shanties, it was some o’ the most fun me an Boots ever had.
Well, finally we made it back ta port. Our folks were waiting for us on the dock. I’ve never seen four ponies so perfectly balanced between love an rage as I did that day. Anyways, after all the fireworks died down, me an Boots got ta talking. We had somethin special back on that ship. The song of the sea was thrumming it’s chords thru our veins. Ye can’t unscramble an egg, or so they say, even with magic, so the next day we both had a long talk with our folks. Then the day after than we went an had a long talk with the captain. An we were signed on as official cabin ponies for his next voyage. An neither of us had looked back ever since.
Now Spike, I know I’m askin a lot of ye, but would ya be willin ta take on the duties of cabin pony? It’s a lot o’ scut work, I won’t lie. All I can offer is that unlike me first crew, all of us will be willin ta lend ya a hoof whenever we can.”
Spike looks over at Applejack, and then at the rest of his friends, before turning and facing Summergale once more. “Captain, all of my friends are here to help you, because they WANT to. And I am no exception. I promise I’ll do my very best as your cabin, dragon. I won’t let you down.”
“Aye Spike. I know ye won’t. I can tell what a strong heart ye have, you’ll do us all proud.” Summergale says, clapping a hoof to his shoulder.
All right everypony... an zebra... an dragon... let’s just go with everyone. I want ye all ta get settled into yer bunks an get a good nights rest. Trainin begins first thing in the morning.”
“Aye, aye captain!” They all chorus.
Summergale makes her way back to the captains cabin. On the nightstand next to her bed are several small pictures in frames, one is of her best friend Boot’s that her son had made for her from an image on his viewing crystal. She picks it up as she sits on the edge of her bed. “Aye Boots, I got a good feeling about ‘em. I only wish ye could be here with me. This’ll be me last voyage, but it’ll be one heck of an adventure.” She says, smiling, as she strokes the edge of the frame with her hoof.
The next morning the crew mustered out bright and early. Applejack was up before dawn and had made a delicious breakfast of apple pancakes, fruit and cereal. After eating, Summergale contacted Discord by crystal and had him conjure a portal for Zecora, so that she could begin her training under Dr. Hut and Nurse Redheart.
As Applejack and Spike began clearing away the dishes, Summergale began to instruct her crew on their duties for the day.
“Alright, since Rainbow Dash, and Applejack wont have any normal duties ta speak of until we are out ta sea, I want ye both ta take lessons under Pinkie Pie for the day. Now I don’t expect ye to be able ta clip the left wing off a fly at a half a mile, but I would like ye both ta be able ta hit the broadside of a barn before nightfall. I’ll have a few barrels set out ta sea for target practice. If ye can each hit just one barrel, I’ll consider it good enough.”
“Shoot, hittin a barrel with a cannonball can’t be near as hard as lassoing a wild critter on the hoof. I reckon I’ll be done before time to cook lunch.” Applejack boasts.
“Oh yeah?” taunts Rainbow, “Well lassoing a critter isn’t half as hard as doing a triple inverted somersault through three floating rings. I’m sure I can shoot a slow moving barrel in at least half the time as Applejack.”
“That’s the spirit girls. Nothin like a little healthy competition ta bring out the best in me crew.” Summergale says as she moves away from the bickering mares. “Cannoneer Pinks,” She says addressing Pinkie Pie. “Don’t be goin easy on those two. I want ye ta show ‘em just what it means ta be a cannoneer.”
“You can count on me captain!” Pinkie says, offering a salute.
Summergale turns to Rarity, who is still seated, sipping her tea. “Rarity, today your duties will be to inspect every piece of rope and sailcloth on the ship for defects. I don’t expect you will find any yet since it’s all new, but it will be good practice for you in learning the fastest most efficient ways to check them out.”
“Of course captain.” Rarity responds. “You can count on me to do a thorough job.”
“An that just leaves you an me Fluttershy.” Summergale says, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “I want ye ta stick by my side today. I plan on teachin ye everything ya needs ta know about running a ship.”
“O-okay,” Fluttershy replies. “I’ll do my very best to make you proud.”
“Excellent. Now the first order of business for you is to instruct our cabin pony in his chores for the day. Here is a short list I’ve drawn up. Now I want ye ta give this ta Spike,” Summergale says, drawing a rolled up scroll from her belt pouch, “and explain ta him that I expect him ta have this list completed by sundown.” She says handing the list to Fluttershy.
“By sundown,” Fluttershy repeats. “Aye, aye captain,” she says as she unrolls the scroll and begins to read. After several minutes, she finishes examining the list. “Oh dear,” she says to herself. “This seems like an awful lot to do in just one day.”
“Is there a problem first mate Flutters?” Summergale asks, right by Fluttershy’s ear.
“Eep! Um, I mean, no problem captain.” Fluttershy says, trying to calm down her heart.
“Good Flutters, good. Because as me first mate, the performance of the crew under ye is your responsibility. If there are any problems with a crew member, it’ll be on your head.” Summergale says with a less than savory grin. “I’ll just leave everything in yer capable hooves, while I go check on how the others are doing.” And with that, Summergale strides out of the cabin, leaving Fluttershy alone with a very long list of chores.
Moments later Spike returns. “Has everypony already left? I just finished the morning dishes, does the captain have anything for me to do today?” Spike asks Fluttershy eagerly.
“Um, yes Spike. The captain has instructed me to give you a list of duties for the day. She... um, wanted me to tell you that she expects them to be done before sundown. She uh, also told me that if there were any problems, that it would... reflect poorly on me since I am the pony in charge.”
“Wow, no pressure eh?” Spike says. “Well you don’t have to worry Fluttershy. I would never let you get in trouble on my account. Heck after having to do Twilight’s list of chores every day, this will probably be a breeze.”
“Well, if you say so Spike,” Fluttershy says, as she passes him the list.
Spike unrolls the scroll and begins to read. “Wash the breakfast dishes. Hah, already done. Check. Swab the deck, okay, not so bad. Check the hull for barnacles, hmm, what’s a barnacle? Wash the dinner dishes. Clean the latrines. Swab the lower decks...” Spike continues to read for a few more minutes. “Fluttershy?” he asks, apprehension creeping into his voice. “I-I don’t think I can finish this list before sundown. As a matter of fact, I don’t think the entire crew could finish this list before sundown. I know Summergale said that being a cabin pony was going to be tough, and I don’t want to let her down, but... I just don’t see how it can be done.”
“I-I know Spike.” Fluttershy says. “And Captain Summergale said this was a ‘short’ list. So that means she would be really disappointed in us if you can’t finish the whole thing in time.”
She looks down at Spike who is looking back up at her with a worried expression on his face.
“Okay Spike, I just want you to do your best. Don’t worry about what you can’t finish in time. Just try to do as many of the things on the list as you can, and I’ll try to sneak away and help you as soon as I can.” Fluttershy says in a comforting voice.
“Thanks Fluttershy. I promise I’’ll do my best.” Spike says, hurrying off to start his day.
Captain Summergale returns a moment later. “Well, I just passed Spike as I came in. Ye must have done a good job o’ motivating him, seein as how quickly he was moving. Good job Flutters. I can tell yer goin ta be a natural at this.” Summergale says, as she leads Fluttershy back onto the deck. Pretending not to notice how worried the pegasus is looking.
Meanwhile back in Ponyville, Zecora has exited her portal and has made her way to Dr. Hut’s office. Nurse Redheart is there to meet her as she trots into the lobby.
“Zecora, it’s so good of you to offer to help us out for a few weeks. Springtime is one of our busiest seasons.” Nurse Redheart says, as she escort Zecora into the office.
“The pleasure is mine I assure, I’m anxious to learn new ways to cure.” Zecora replies warmly.
Well, you’ve certainly come at the right time. The Doctor is with his first patient of the day, and I’m sure he would be happy to have you’re assistance. Oh, and you might want to take this, seeing as how it’s your first day.” The nurse says, proffering a large metal bucket.
Zecora adopts a wry expression before responding. “What this is for, I can guess, but let me put your mind at rest, There’s not a lot I haven’t seen, so I doubt this job will turn my muzzle green.”
“Well, if you say so, but it’ll be right here in case you change your mind.” Nurse Redheart replies.
Without preamble the two make their way back into the examination room, where Dr. Hut is speaking to a middle aged cow. Zecora and the nurse wash their hooves and don scrubs and gloves as the doctor continues to berate his patient.
“I warned you about getting this taken care of Daisy Jo,” Dr. Hut says in an irritated voice.
“I know Doctor.” Daisy replies, “but I’ve just been so busy dont’cha know.”
“You can never be too busy to take care of your health,” the doctor snaps back. “Ah, you must be my new assistant Zecora.”
“Indeed good sir, how do you do, how may I be of assistance to you?” Zecora says.
“Well, as luck would have it, we have a very simple problem, with a very simple solution.” The doctor says, gesturing at the patient. “Daisy Jo here has a goiter, and has put off having it removed for far too long. Now since this is such a simple procedure, I want YOU to perform it. Now don’t worry, I will talk you through it step by step.” He says, noticing Zecora’s look of alarm.
“Uh, Doctor, I don’t know if I feel comfortable having a novice do this.” Daisy Jo says, looking worried.
“Nonsense!” Dr. Hut replies. “This is so simple a foal can do it. As a matter of fact I let the Cutie Mark Crusaders have a go at it last week, and aside from some rather pointed letters from their families, everything turned out quite well. (Although I haven't seen them around since then). Regardless, I give you my word as an MD that you will be absolutely fine." He says waving a hoof in the air absently.
"Alright Zecora, are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be I suppose, just guide me well in how it goes.” Zecora says, trying to remain confident.
“It’s really very simple. First take your hoof and... [content censored for ickyness]. Okay good. Now maintain... [more ickyness]. That’s it, your doing fine, now all you have to do is... [trust me, you really DON’T want to know]. And there you have it. All done,” the doctor says, cheerfully. “You can just put that into the tray beside the table Zecora... Ah, are you okay?”
“Nurse Redheart? Please go and fetch that bucket, because my morning meal?, I’m... about to...‘chuck... it...” Zecora says, as her stomach lurches, and her face turns an unbecoming shade of green.
Meanwhile back on the ship...
“Oh, so THAT’S what barnacles are!” Spike exclaims, as he follows the captain’s pointing hoof toward the bottom of the dock.
“Aye Spike, those little critters attach themselves ta anything below the water line. An when ye get too many on a hull, it’ll slow yer ship down something fierce. Now I don’t expect ‘em ta be a problem just yet, but checkin the hull now will be good practice fer later.”
“Understood captain. Uh, how should I go about getting down there? Do you have a rope ladder, or do you want me to lower the gangplank back down...” Spike trails off noticing a wicked gleam in the captain’s eye.
“Well that all depends cabin pony Spike. Lemme ask ye a TOTALLY unrelated question. How good are ye at swimming?” Summergale asks, nonchalantly.
“Oh, I’m an excellent swimmer. Twilight thinks I may be part sea dragon! And I can hold my breath longer than any pony in Ponyville!” Spike declares proudly.
“Well now, it seems we have our answer then,” Summergale says, pushing gently forward with her hoof.
“Wah? AAAIEEEE!” {splash}. {Cough, cough,}, that question wasn’t unrelated at all!” Spike yells upwards at the retreating and snickering form of Summergale.
Still elsewhere on the ship...
“No, no, no!” Pinkie says in frustration. “Honestly Rainbow Dash, I thought you of all ponies knew how to deal with windage.”
“Well I can, when it comes to myself.” Rainbow says defensively. “But a tiny cannonball, and that much distance? How in Equestria am I supposed to figure where to point the darn thing to make it hit that tiny floating barrel?”
“Oh Rainbow, it’s just so simple, here... look,” Pinkie says, as she pulls out a small blackboard and a piece of chalk from her mane, and without preamble, begins to write.
“Because you can always break motion in two dimensions, into x and y components, and because gravity acts only in the y component, your job is easy. All you have to do is break the initial velocity into x and y components: vxi=vi cos0 and vi=vy sine0.
These velocity components are independent, and gravity acts only in the y direction, which means that vx is constant; only vy changes with time, using the following equation: vy = vyi + at, or vy=vi sine0-gt.
If you want to know the x and y positions of the cannonball at any time, you can easily find them. You know that x is: x=vxt=(vi cos0)t.
And because gravity accelerates the cannonball vertically, here’s what y looks like (the t2 here is what gives the cannonball’s trajectory in the figure its parabolic shape): y=vyit-1/2gt squared.
You figure out the time it takes a cannonball to hit the ground when shot straight up (ignoring air resistance) like this: vf=vi+at, 0=vi-gt, (at maximum height vf=0; a=-g=-9.8m/s squared), t(top)=vi over g (solving for time), t(bottom)= 2vy over g (double the time to account for full trajectory).
Knowing the time allows you to find the range of the cannon in the x direction: s=vxt(bottom)=2vxvy over g=2vj squared sine0 cos0 over g.
So there you have it! Now you can figure out the range of the cannon given the speed of the cannonball and the angle at which it was shot. See? Easy peasy.” Pinkie says setting the chalkboard down in front of Rainbow.
“I... you... but..." Rainbow says, whipping her head back and forth between Pinkie, the chalkboard, and the cannon. “GAHH! Think box... no... sparky spark...” she says finally, before fainting onto the deck.
“Aww, now you’ve gone an done it Pinkie. You done broke Rainbow Dash.” Applejack says, shaking her head.
“Well, since she’s taking a break, I guess that means you’re next,” Pinkie says with a smile.
{Sigh}, “I can tell right now, that this is going to be a loooong row to hoe...” Applejack says, as she takes her place behind the cannon.
And on another part the ship...
“Captain, I have finished inspecting all the rope, sailcloth, and canvases in the ships hold. All are in good repair.” Rarity says brightly to Summergale, as the trot across the deck.
“Excellent work Rarity.” The captain replies. “Now all that’s left for ye to do is inspect the ropes and sails running to and from the masts.” She says pointing a hoof upwards.
Rarity turns her head following along where the captain is pointing. “Oh my, those masts are certainly... tall.”Rarity says gazing upwards. “And those crossbeams are ever so narrow. Uh, captain, just for my own curiosity, if I were to fall off...” Rarity says, leaving the question hanging.
The smile leaves Captain Summergale’s muzzle. She looks somberly at Rarity before she replies. “If that were to happen... I’d do my best to try to fall into the sea.” Summergale says as she taps a hoof on the deck. “Considering the height, and the fact that we have no doctor on board... well Miss Rarity, just try to hit the water... try REALLY hard.” She says, before trotting away leaving a suddenly very unsure fashionista in her wake.
Later, elsewhere on the ship...
“I really appreciate all your help Fluttershy,” Spike says, as the both continue to swab the lower deck. The young dragon had been working nonstop since the morning and as yet had not managed to finish half of the list Fluttershy had given him. But still he drove himself harder and harder.
Fluttershy looked down at her friend with a worry filled expression. “Spike, you really need to stop. At least take a break, you look exhausted.”
“No time Fluttershy. It’ll be sundown in a few hours, and if the list isn’t finished, Summergale will get mad at you.” Spike says, his voice filled with concern. “Don’t worry, I’ll be alright. I-I’ll take a break just as soo-” But Spike never finished what he was saying, as exhaustion finally claimed him, and he fell forward in a swoon.
Fluttershy managed to dart forward and catch the young dragon before he hit the deck. She carried him gently to his bunk, and put a cool cloth on his head.
“Just rest Spike. You’ve done more than enough.” Fluttershy says, as her expression darkens into a scowl. “I think it’s time that I went and had a talk with the captain.”
Meanwhile, back on deck...
“Okay Rarity, you can do this,” The alabaster unicorn mutters to herself as she climbs the rigging. “Just one hoof in front of the other.” She had already checked everything she could from the deck, and was now almost to the first yardarm which was fitted with the top of the lower mainsail.
Carefully she set her hooves down on the narrow yardarm, and began inching her way across. “There now, this isn’t so hard,” she said as she began to examine both rigging and sail. Suddenly there was a loud boom from the cannon, and the ship rocked violently.
Rarity immediately lost her balance and started to plunge toward the deck below. Acting on sheer instinct she used her magic on the nearest rigging causing a thick strand of rope to shoot out to her, and wrap itself around her forehoof. She dangled there for a moment, still unseen by any pony else, before drawing in a breath and magically lifting herself back onto the yardarm with the rigging rope. She stood there for several minutes, letting her heart rate return to normal. Then, still determined, she made her way forward once more, only this time with a span of rope held tight in her magic.
Unseen by Rarity, Captain Summergale emerged back on deck from where she was hiding in the doorway. She was still looking up toward Rarity, who was moving across the yardarm with more confidence. “Nice work Rarity,” she says to herself, then suddenly she feels a hoof tap on her shoulder. Turning around she feigns surprise as she sees a very angry looking Fluttershy standing before her.
“Ah, there’s me first mate. What’s wrong Flutters? Ye look upset about something.” Summergale says with concern.
“Yes captain, I AM upset.” Fluttershy replies, her normally quite voice rising an octave.
“Well? Out with it then. We have a lot ta finish before sundown.” Summergale says gruffly.
“Captain Summergale,” Fluttershy begins again. “I’ve just come from visiting our cabin pony. Spike has been working nonstop since breakfast, trying to fulfill all the duties you gave him this morning.”
“Aye, I wondered why I haven’t seen him about. Surely he must be finished by now? Twas only a short list I gave him.” Summergale taunts.
“Finished? FINISHED?!?” Fluttershy says, her voice rising even higher. “Oh he’s finished alright captain. The poor little dragon passed out even as he was speaking to me. I’ve carried him back to his bunk, and put him to bed.”
Summergale raises a questioning eyebrow, as her features begin to darken.
“I’m sorry captain, I know it’s my job to make sure the crew obeys your rules. But I cannot, and will not, stand by while you work my friends to death! That list you had me give Spike was completely unfair. There is no way anypony, let alone a young dragon, could ever do all those chores in one day. And furthermore, it was wrong of you to ask me to try to make him.” Fluttershy says as she takes out the unfinished list, and gives it back to Summergale.
“First mate Fluttershy,” Summergale begins, her tone growing dark and serious. “I told ye this morning that you are responsible fer the actions of the crew. Now ye come ta me with an unfinished list, and a crew member put ta bed an it isn’t even dark yet. Add ta that, ye be questionin me judgement, an puttin yerself between my orders an the crew. Now I ask ya Flutters, an this is official, do ye have anything else ta say ta me?” Summergale says, as she slowly begins to draw her cutlass. The rasp of the blade as it slides free of the scabbard can clearly be heard by the two ponies.
“C-captain. I may not be a good first mate. And I know I’m responsible for Spike and my friends. But being responsible means looking out for them, and protecting them from harm. S-So... officially speaking... You are WRONG captain. You were completely unfair to Spike. N-now if you have to f-fire me, or... or make me walk the plank, or whatever, well... then just go ahead and do it!” Fluttershy says, crossing her hooves and staring defiantly at Captain Summergale.
Summergale glares at Fluttershy, her muzzle contorted in rage. She raises her sword high, the sunlight gleams off the blade. She begins to bring the blade back, and then forward in a dangerous arch, which ends as she calmly slides it back in it’s sheath, her expression softening. She reaches out her hooves and pulls Fluttershy into a tight hug.
“Good job Flutters,” She says in her ear, still hugging Fluttershy tightly. “Oh, ye had me worried at first, but sure as Celestia, ye stayed true in the end. I’m very proud of ye.”
“I-I don’t understand,” Fluttershy says as Summergale finally breaks the hug. “You aren’t mad at me?”
“Mad?” Summergale says, letting loose a long laugh. “Not at all Flutters, ye did exactly what I was hoping ye would.” Noticing Fluttershy’s continued bewilderment, Summergale explains. “See Flutters, I knew that list I had ye give Spike was impossible for him ta do. It was a test ya see. A test ta see if Spike had the heart an the drive ta keep going, even though it was impossible. But more importantly, it was a test ta see what you would do about it.
Ya see, some mates might o’ worked poor Spike ta death trying ta make him finish. Those that would, would’a been off my ship head first inta the drink. Some mates might’a tried ta help him on the sly. I gave ye plenty o’ time away from me, and ta start with ye did just that. I was worried that was they type ye were, if so I could’a never trusted ye ta see my orders carried out. But then, ye got good an mad. You saw that I was in the wrong, and ye trotted up ta me, without fear, and ye put me in my place. Now maybe that’d get ye tossed off some other ship, but that’s the kind of first mate Captain Summergale wants on her crew!”
“Really?” Fluttershy says incredulously.
“Aye Flutters, aye.” Summergale says, clapping her on the shoulder, causing Fluttershy to stumble. “Me best friend Boots was me first mate for many, many years. She was never afraid ta tell me if I was in the wrong. And I knew that if she questioned me orders that there had ta be a good reason fer it. I’m not a goddess Flutters. I will make mistakes. Part of yer job is take keep me from making too many of ‘em. I WANT ye ta stand up ta me, anytime ya feel ye have to. Can I trust ye ta do that first mate?”
“Good. Now let me have a look at this list... Well see, I AM impressed. Little Spike has done over half of it, an in less than one day! Flutters, my next order ta ye is ta tell Spike, when he wakes up, that he can have tomorrow off ta do whatever he likes. Tell him the captain is VERY proud of all that he’s accomplished.”
“Aye aye, captain,” Fluttershy repeats once more.
“Oh, and one other thing. About this list? This is actually a list of his entire weeks worth o’ chores. And since he’s already done half a weeks worth of work in one day, I’d imagine finishing the rest before Sunday won’t pose too much of a problem for him. I’ll leave it ta ye, on whatever schedule ye want ta make up for him, ta handle the rest of the list.” Summergale says, passing Fluttershy back the duty list.
“O-of course captain. You can count on me to make sure everything is finished on time.” Fluttershy says, giving Summergale a salute worthy of Pinkie Pie.
“I know Flutters,” Summergale replies proudly. “There was never a doubt in me mind.”
Later that evening, five ponies, a recently returned zebra, and a young dragon made their way wearily to their beds.
“Ouch! Fluttershy dear, please put your bag out from underhoof.” Rarity says tiredly. “I’ve managed to avoid falling all afternoon, and I’d hate to break my perfect record, not to mention my hoof, right before bed.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry Rarity,” the Pegasus replies. “I thought I’d have more time to tidy up.
“No problem my dear, allow me.” Rarity says enveloping Fluttershy’s bag with her magic. “Oh dear, how embarrassing, I must be more exhausted than I thought, I can’t seem to move it an inch.”
“Oh, please don’t strain yourself,” Fluttershy says, hurrying over. “I’ll take care of it,” she says taking the handles between her teeth and carrying the bag to the other side of her bunk.
Meanwhile Applejack slides into the bunk beneath Rainbow Dash. Rainbow is already sleeping fitfully.
Applejack frowns in consternation before kicking the underside of Rainbow’s bunk. “Rainbow Dash!”
“Zzzz.. huh, wazzat? Applejack?” Rainbow calls out confusedly.
“Wake up and go to sleep!” Applejack says crossly.
“Huh, oh... okay...” Rainbow groggily replies, as she starts to lie back down. “Wait... what?”
Elsewhere in the cabin, Zecora lies down trying to dislodge the images the day has burned into her mind.
“So, how did your first day go?” Pinkie asks, leaning her head over the edge of the top bunk, and causing Zecora’s eyes to go wide in startlement.
“Pinkie please don’t cause me fright, my tummy is far from all right! Although the doctors ways work without fail, today’s most useful tool has been a pail.” The zebra responds rubbing her temples with her hooves.
Meanwhile in the captain’s cabin, Summergale is also preparing for bed, but first she must complete one final duty for the day.
Opening a newly made leather bound book, she dips a quill in ink, and begins to write.
Captains Log. Ship’s date April 8, 03-LR (Luna’s Return)
Today begins a new log, for a new ship, and a new crew.
On the surface it could be said that I have never been in charge of a more different or diverse group of ponies, dragons and zebras. One would expect that they could not make it through one day without them all losing their tempers and causing a ruckas.
But in that you would be mistaken. All day long I’ve watched them all work hard, learning their new and unfamiliar duties. I’ve watched them pull together and help each other. I’ve watched them learn and grow together.
Now make no mistake, this bunch is as green as they come. But I have a good feeling about them. I’m confident that with a little training that they will end up being one of the finest crews I’ve ever been in charge of. These are good beings, one and all.
I can only hope that one day they will forgive me for deceiving them...
Captain’s Log Ship’s date April 20, 03-LR (Luna’s Return)
It’s been almost two weeks since Fluttershy and her friends joined me aboard my new ship.
I must say that I am quite surprised at how well they have taken to there new duties. Oh, there are still a few rough edges ta smooth out. Fluttershy needs ta learn ta be a bit more decisive, an Rainbow Dash is still hopeless at firing a cannon, but overall I am extremely proud of all that they have accomplished.
I feel confident that with just a little more tim-
{Knock, Knock}.
“Wha? Who in Equestria be that knockin on me cabin door? It be far too late for any of yea ta still be up. I keep tellin ye that ye needs a good night sleep if ya want ta be able ta handle yer shifts.” Summergale says irritably toward her door.
“Apologies captain,” an unexpected, but all too familiar voice says from the other side. “But I saw that your light was still on, and I decided that now would be a good time to have a discreet word. I can come back tomorrow if that would suit you better.” The voice says.
“Heh, oh no. If there’s one thing I know better than ta do is ta keep the likes of you waiting on the likes of me. Please come inside your majesty.” Summergale replies.
Summergale moves over to the edge of her bed and allows princess Celestia the use of her chair. The princess for her part, takes a moment to take in the decor of the captains private cabin.
“A bit more spartan that I expected” Celestia remarks.
“I always preferred function over fancy. So what brings the great an powerful princess of the sun ta the humble lodgings of a simple sailor.” Summergale inquires with a smirk.
“A ‘simple’ sailor you say, more like former queen of Equestria, if I chose to put a fine point on it.” Celestia banters back.
“Still queen of Equestria if’n ye wanted ta put a VERY fine point on it. If ye recall, I never did abdicate the throne.” Summergale says, her grin becoming predatory.
Celestia’s eyes widen momentarily in shock. “Touche,” she replies in a more subdued tone.
“Ah don’t get yer tiara in a twist, yer grandma was just teasin ye.” Summergale says, much to Celestia’s relief. “I have no interest in going back ta all them fancy ponies at court. Justice can have all o’ that that he wants. But I’m sure ye weren’t here just ta talk decor an politics, have a mug o’ cider an tell me what’s on yer mind Celly?”
“Well, there were a couple of things that I thought we should talk about.” Celestia says, as she settles into her seat, gratefully accepting a mug of the captain’s private stock. “In the first place, the contents of that box that we found in our old castle in the Everfree. I’m assuming it was in fact what we thought it would be?”
“Aye Celly, it was exactly that.” Summergale says uncomfortably.
“And I am assuming that you haven’t discussed this with the rest of your crew? It’s your business either way of course.” Celestia adds, noticing the look of concern on the captain’s face.
“No, I haven’t said a word to ‘em about it. Ye know I consider this a personal matter. It won’t make no never mind ta the rest of me crew no how. As far as they are concerned, this voyage is for treasure an fame an nothing else.” Summergale says glaring at her granddaughter.
“And as I said before, that is entirely your business. I won’t say a word about it. Although it seems to be quite a coincidence that Discord and Fluttershy had those charts waiting for you when you went to see them. It certainly made things easier for you.” Celestia pauses in thought. “You don’t suppose the Gods planned it this way? That they knew we would find that box, and had those charts given to Discord and Fluttershy just for this purpose.”
“Hah! Yer given those two too much credit.” Summergale spat. “I know ta you an the rest o’ these modern ponies that those two are seen as all powerful an all knowin. But ta my family their a couple of bumbling nabobs that are lucky they can find their own tail with all four hooves.”
Suddenly a massive bolt of lightning strikes the ocean just outside her cabin window and an ear splitting crack of thunder follows a moment later.
“Aww stifle it you two, there are ponies tryin ta sleep ya know.” Summergale yells irritably.
“Really grandma, I don’t think it’s healthy baiting the gods like that,” Celestia says, filled with alarm. “Especially not in a wooden boat sitting on the ocean.”
“In the first place it’s a ship. In the second place we are docked. An in the third place, considerin what they did to me, my son, an my daughter, I can’t help but feel that they still owe us quite a bit, an I don’t see a hooffull o’ charts or a bit o’ criticizen as being near payment in full. An if the two o’ them feel otherwise they can come here like civilized ponies an we’ll discuss the fact right now... well?” Summergale asks, facing upwards.
Nothing happens... After a few moments more of nothing continuing to happen, Summergale resumes her conversation.
“So, ye said there were a couple of reasons ye came by, what’s the other?” She asks as if nothing had just happened.
“Well,” Celestia says, gathering her composure, “I also thought I’d mention that I just recently received an interesting message from the Griffin ambassador. It seems that his nephew is the head of the merchant guild for the Griffin Empire.
Apparently he had a rather embarrassing encounter with your son recently. Does this sound at all familiar by any chance?”
“Noooo, can’t say that rings any bells,” Summergale replies evasively. “So I’m guessin the ambassador is makin a claim for some sort of restitution?”
“Surprisingly enough, no,” Celestia remarks. “Apparently he doesn’t really like his nephew. Thinks that he’s an arrogant little chick.”
“Heh, that’s him all right,” interjects Summergale.
Celestia raises an eyebrow.
“Or so I hear,” Summergale adds quickly.
“{Ahem},” Celestia snorts in amusement. “In any event, what the ambassador DID find interesting was the fact that his nephew claimed that the pony kingdom was about to send out it’s first ocean going merchant ship in recorded memory. And THAT set off all kinds of alarm bells all across the Griffin Empire.”
“Oh really?” Summergale says in feigned surprise, failing to hide her smirk. “Can’t image why.”
“Well, it MIGHT have something to do with the empire’s stranglehold on overseas trade which goes back as far as the cataclysm.” Celestia says off-hooffedly. “Apparently there are still some griffins who read their history books, and remember the days when ponies used to dominate trade, and the empire was in a state of anarchy.
To that end the hierarchy have decided to take steps to disabuse us ponies of such silly ideas involving the sailing upon of the big scary ocean.”
“Disabuse us eh? An can I assume that since ye just recently signed a treaty of lasting peace between our kingdoms, that I’m not ta expect a declaration o’ war in the very near future.” Summergale says reading between the lines.
“Correct. After all, we are civilized beings now. Our races are much too mature for such childish things as ‘war’ anymore... at least on the surface.” Celestia adds.
“Oh of course, of course. Griffins bein half dove an half panda, well natchurly they wouldn’t have any warlike tendencies. Not at all like us bloodthirsty pony tribes.” Summergale quips sarcastically.
“Quite.” Celestia responds succinctly. “No, the empire doesn’t plan on challenging us on the battlefield. But they do still plan to send us a rather strong message. Our sources inside the empire tell us that they are sending the flagship of their merchant guild, the ‘Grasping Claw’, to meet up with you and your ship. Giovanni himself is being transferred to her as acting captain. He intends to offer you and your crew a ‘friendly challenge’ as a gesture of goodwill between our races.”
“Oh really,” Summergale replies, her ears perking up. “And what sort o’ friendly challenge will he be offering us?”
“From what I understand, he intends to set up a series of nautical events designed to demonstrate the skills of both ships and their crews. A ‘friendly competition’, in honor of our return to the seas,” the princess says, taking a long pull of cider. “{Cough, cough,} by the gods, that’s... {cough} the good stuff.”
“Aye Celly, ye might want ta go easy on it till the burn dies down.” Summergale says, patting her lightly on the shoulder, as she pours herself a mug and takes a long pull.
“Yer words shouldn’t have come as a surprise ta me, but I guess I’ve not had me mind on the big picture ever since ye gave me that box.” Summergale says shaking her head sadly. “Ye know as well as I do that the griffins intend ta humiliate me an me crew, an by extension all of the ponies in Equestria. If we don’t accept their challenge, they’ll name us cowards ta all the other races. If we accept their challenge, and they walk all over us, then they’ll use that shame ta keep us down, an out o’ their way so they can keep their monopoly on sea trade. Way I see it, we only have one option left to us.” Summergale says moodily.
“And that is?” Celestia asks.
“Oh Celly, ye KNOW what that is.” Summergale says with a grin. “If ye wanted to, ye could’ve had Discord snap up a ship that could magically run rings around those seagulls. Or suddenly fill all their hulls with termites, or any number o’ things. But the fact that ye came ta me about it means that yer thinking the same thing that ye knew I’d be thinking.”
“And that is?” Celestia prompts once more.
“An that IS,” Summergale says dramatically, “that them chicken hawks have had their way around the ocean fer far too long. And that both them an the ponies of Equestria need ta see that we ponies are as good as any o’ them feather brains on land, or air, or sea. An that come time fer them birds ta get here, they’ll find us ready an waiting for ‘em. Oh yes, they ain’t never seen the likes o’ captain Summergale. I don’t care what kind o’ ship those birds are sailin, me an my crew will sail rings around them.” Summergale says, rising to her hooves and pacing the deck before Celestia.
“How much time have I got before they get here?” She asks.
“Given the fact that they have to pick up Giovanni when he reaches Prance, and take him to rendezvous with the ‘Grasping Claw’ at sea, I’d say you have just over four more weeks, before they arrive.” Celestia replies.
“Hmm, that’s tight. I’ll have ta stop cross training the crew. They’ll need ta focus on their main duties and train as hard as they can. Do ye have any idea what sorts of ‘events’ they have in mind for this competition of theirs?”
Celestia wordless passes over a scroll.
“Oh Celly, I don’t know who ye have working in the empire, but ye owe ‘em a whole bushel of apples.” Summergale says as she examines the contents of the scroll.
“Actually she prefers mice. But don’t tell Fluttershy,” Celestia says sternly. “So, what do you think?”
“Well, it seems that the griffins have a pretty decent list of competitions for a sailor. One fer testing the speed and accuracy o’ cannonfire. Speed of riggin for sail. Hmm, a cookin competition fer ships rations. A test o' medical knowledge an practical applications. Repair competitions fer sails an rigging. An o’ course fer the finale, an all out race.
Hmm, on the face of it, it seems above water, but I can’t help but ta feel that them griffins may be tryin ta pull a fast one on us. Still, I aims ta play the hoof I’m dealt. I’ll take ‘em on Celly, fair an square. And I promise yea, I’ll do everything in my power ta make ye proud.” Summergale says, extending her mug.
Celestia raises hers as well and clunks them together wit a deep thud. “You already have grandma. No matter what, I consider it an honor that you’ll be the one representing our species.”
“Aw, thank ye Celly.” Summergale says taking another pull of cider.
“Oh, there is just ONE more thing. Celestia adds, taking a more modest sip of her own. “You really should decide on a name for your ship before they get here.”
“Oh don’t ye worry about THAT little detail.” Summergale says full of fire. “After what ye have been tellin me about them uppity griffins, I can think of only one name ta represent our first twist o’ their beaks in centuries. Celly, ye have the honor o’ sitting in the captain’s cabin of 'The Equine Spirit’.”
Captain’s Log Ship’s Date: May 21, 3 LR (Luna’s Return)
Well it seems me an me son stirred up a hornets nest fer sure. It’ didn’t take long for word ta get out about our ‘friendly’ competition with the griffins.
Celly put word to me to expect delegations from nearly all the kingdoms in Equestria ta show up on the day of our face off. Not ta be outdone, Celly plans ta have all of the royal family, and most of the nobles on hand ta represent the pony kingdom. Needless ta say once word spread the whole thing ballooned up into a huge event,with all o’ the pomp an circumstances you would expect to go with it.
I can’t help but find it ironic that all the other races seem ta be taking this more seriously than our own. Apparently more than a few of them have gotten fed up with the monopoly the griffins have had on sea trade for the past few centuries.
I reckon extortin folks, an chargin them whatever you please, just because you are the only game in town just don’t sit well with people after awhile. Celly tells me that she has already been discreetly approached by delegations from the Buffalo, Bactrian, Dromedary, Diamond Dog, and Centaur races in the hopes of setting up trade routes with their respective kingdoms.
If we can somehow pull off a win, or at least a decent showin, Celly hopes that it will be the kick in the flanks our race needs ta get back out into the ocean, and get ourselves on equal hooves with the griffin empire. This o’ course means the griffins will do everything they can ta give us as humiliatin defeat as possible, to embarrass us enough not ta ever want ta set sail again. All of a sudden an awful lot is riding on the outcome of our ‘friendy’ match.
But oddly enough, to the common pony it seems it’s just an excuse ta watch a show. Hey can’t quite seem ta grasp just how important this could be for our race. It reminds me o’ the story I tole the girls about Captain Colt, an how the ponies back then weren’t ready for what the griffins were planning. But I aims ta turn the tables this time around. Oh yes! I reckon them griffin’s ain’t at all prepared for what I have in store for them.
I should note that unlike Captain Colt, I ain’t got nothing personal against the griffin empire. I just don’t like no one taking advantage of anypony else. An that high an mighty attitude they seem ta have just cause they’re the only ones crossin the ocean, just stands my fur on end.
It seems ta me that them feather-brains are just bringing it on themselves the way they treat the other races. Centuries o’ brow beatin an extortion has turned the whole shebang into a powder keg just waitin ta blow. An it looks like me an Cordial was the spark ta set it off. Heh, he must be tickled pink at all o’ the chaos his actions have set into play. He was the match, Giovanni the fuse, an me an my ship will be the shot that’ll be heard all around Equestria.
All in all it seems like a suitable way for me ta come out o’ retirement. I’m sure Justice is pissin himself laughin back in Canterlot. These youngin’s nowadays are way too stuffy an polite, I’ll have ta give the tree a good buck on the day o’ the competition, an see if I can shake ‘em all up a bit.
So far, with the exception of Zecora, I have managed ta keep all of these goings on from the crew. And after a quiet word, I persuaded Zecora ta keep what she hears in town ta herself. The last thing I need for is fer them ta get all panicky an worried about performing in front of most all of the high mucky mucks on the whole friggin planet.
So far they have all been focused on learnin their posts, an figurin out the quickest most efficient way o’ performing their duties. To that end I’ve been teachin ‘em every trick I know.
I must admit I am really impressed with how quickly everypony is pickin things up. Cordial truly has a remarkable bunch of friends. It seems like almost once a day one of ‘em comes up with something to surprise me with. Spike’s special dragonfire makes cleaning the ship a breeze, an Twilight’s got it set ta send all o’ the detritus out into a volcano so it ain’t junkin up no place. If we want ta send a message, he switches it back over ta ‘mail mode’, as he calls it. He may be young, but Spike is sharp as a tack.
Pinkie Pie has got ta be the greatest natural markspony I have ever seen. If she can see it, she can hit it. She even figured out a new mix that can get another two hundred hooves o’ distance out of the main gun, which she has named ‘Mons Maud’.
Rainbow Dash has got it into her head that if she keeps practicin hard enough that she will be able ta duplicate my ‘Utter Flutter’. I’ve never before heard of a Pegasus being able to learn it, but if any of ‘em could, I’d bet it would be her.
Zecora has been puttin in extra hours with Dr. Hut. I’d say that at this point she probably knows more about medicine than any other doctor on the seas. Although as a side effect, she seems ta be acquiring Dr. Hut’s bedside manner as well. Hard ta imagine someone being gruff when they speak in rhyme all the time, but so far she’s been pullin it off.
I must admit, out of all of ‘em, Rarity has been surprising me the most. Ever since her near fall that first day, she’s been dancing across them spars like she was born there. She’ll spring off one, snatch a rope with her magic, and swing right over ta the next. And the way she does it is like watchin a ballet. She’s not workin up there, she’s PERFORMIN. I asked her about it a few days ago after I caught her incorporatin a back flip with a half twist off the top mast which like ta near stop my heart. She tole me that when she was a filly, that she went ta see a show with her folks in Manehatten. ‘Colt de Soleil’, I think she said the name was. Anyway she said she fell in love with all them acrobat ponies that were performing, an tole her folks that that was what she wanted ta do when she grew up. But her folks being high society types put the kibosh on that right quick. I reckon now she see a chance ta live out her dream, an I fer one ain’t going ta stand in her way. Shoot, watchin her work brings a tear ta my eye. I never thought anypony could bring such grace an beauty ta somethin that anypony else would call hard labor. Win or lose, when all this is over with, me an her are goin ta find a place where that show is playin, and we are goin ta sit an watch the whole thing. I’ll even spring for the popcorn.
Speakin o’ food, Applejack has certainly lived up ta her claim about apple recipes. I don’t think she’s made the same thing twice since she came on board. An I gotta say, if she wasn’t the element o’ honesty, I’d have ta accuse her of cheatin with the ingredients, cause somehow or other she has turned dried apples an hardtack inta grub that royalty would kill for. An I outta know since I used ta be one of ‘em.
Only thing is, she ain’t once ever had ta cook any meat. An that could be a problem. She flat out will not budge on critters. No squirrel, chicken, rabbit, bear, or any other non sentient. Basically if it’s something that would make Fluttershy cry, she will not cook it. And by the sky stallion is that girl stubborn! After weeks I finally got her ta compromise on fish. She’s willin ta cook it, but of course no pony besides myself, is willin ta eat it. She’s a might concerned on cookin without bein able ta taste as she goes, but she wont budge on her veganism. I tried the egg argument. But she ain’t buyin it.
Fortunately I remember some fish recipes that Cookie, our old diamond dog cook, used ta make back in the day. Back then crews were mixed, an it wasn’t fair ta force ‘em all ta eat what ponies do all of the time. O’ course back then ponies weren’t as stubborn about trying new things either. I reckon half o’ the ponies on my old ship have tried fish, an a few of ‘em even tried meat.
Matter o’ fact I remember the time when Cookie accidentally cut the top half of his ear off showing off his knife jugglin, and it landed in Boots’s bowl of stew. Lookin him dead in the eye, she lifts it out with a spoon, pops it in her mouth an makes a big show of chewing an swallowin. Well natchurly Cookie is all wide eyed, with his jaw hangin open. He even plum forgot that his ear was still bleedin. Finally, bein the consummate cook that he was, he gets up the nerve ta ask ‘well, how do I taste?’ An without breakin stride Boots comes back with, ‘ya taste like chicken.’
Well for a diamond dog, that would normally be a huge insult, but he just grins at Boots an says, ‘well, you are what you eat.’ Then Boots puts on this exaggerated look of horror, and spits out Cookie’s ear that she had been hiding under her tongue the whole time. Heh, after they stitched it back on Cookie always kept his hair combed around it so that people would ask him how he got that scar. Nothin tickled him more than ta tell the story of how a pony ate his ear...{sigh}, good times... good times... Oh lookit me going off on a tangent like I was some daft old biddy... anyway, I reckon AJ will do just fine when push comes ta shove. She may be stubborn, but she’s got her pride too. And I’ll bet on pride over stubborn any day.
An that brings me ta the most important member of me crew. Me first mate, Fluttershy.
I must admit when she first mentioned wanting ta come along, the main reason I said yes was ta get ta know the pony that had taken my little colt away from me. Cordial, although he would turn my mane blue for sayin it out loud, was always a bit of a momma’s colt. Which, ta be fair, Harmony was always hanging around Justice more than me, always interested in watchin him be king, and doin all that stuff at court. Cordial on the other hoof, he was always a bit more like his mom. He never had any problem with me ‘colorin outside the lines’ so ta speak. An I’d be lying if I said that he didn’t inherit my more ‘mischievous’ side, much ta Justice’s dismay.
Still, I always reckoned when he finally found some mare ta settle down with, that it would be... well... someone more like me. But Fluttershy, she’s... well, she’s a sweetheart make no mistake, and she surely is one of the most beautiful mares I ever laid eyes on. But all that bein said, she’s about the most opposite o’ me that ever could be. She’s sweet an kind, and I’m tart an sassy. She’s quiet an unassuming, an I’m able ta crack glass two towns away. So I really wanted ta spend some time with her, and see what she’s made of. See what makes her tick. Makin her me first mate just popped out of me muzzle on the spot. An it made her really happy, an I figured what harm could it do? After all, we’re all family, an we all get along, an it’s not like we were goin ta war or anything.
Well, until now that is.
An there’s the thing. Fluttershy is me first mate. I ain’t never went back on any decision I ever made, and I ain’t about ta start now. That bein said, Fluttershy is in a tight spot make no mistake. As captain I make all the big decisions on what goes on on my ship. But as for the day ta day running of the vessel, that’s the job of the first mate. What Fluttershy doesn’t realize yet is that come the day of the competition, SHE will be the one running the show, just like Giovanni’s first mate will be doin on his ship. He an I will be up there with all the big shots, watchin as our crews are put through their paces.
For a captain ta have ta step in an help would be ta lose a huge amount o’ face in front of all them dignitaries. The reason bein is, that if you’ve done yer job as a captain, then yer crew should be good enough ta get the job done without ya havin ta say anything.
An to be fair, Fluttershy has done everything I have asked of her these past weeks. She’s learned more than enough ta run this ship without me. Every day I see her out there making sure everything is shipshape, and running smoothly. An yet... even though she’s doin what I asked, she’s just so... so... POLITE about it. She asks every pony nicely when she wants them ta do something. She’ll help out when she’s not busy. An not once have I EVER heard her raise her voice... ta anypony.
An this throws me like nothin else. I got me one o’ them philosophical conundrums goin on. On the one hoof, she’s doin everything I asked, and everypony is working at a good pace. She’s knowledgeable, and doesn’t let anything get past her. I’ve yet ta see her make one mistake.
On the other hoof, never in my life have I EVER seen a ship bein run so... POLITY. This is a seagoing merchant vessel. We are tough, we are hard, we are mean. We ain’t supposed ta be the cast o’ the ‘Ponies o’ Penzance’.
An yet... an yet... Who am I ta say ‘No! Ye can’t run me ship this way!’ Well, I mean I AM the captain, so technically I CAN say that. But what I’m getting at is, she’s doin things her way, an it works. This ain’t the dark ages anymore. Just cause I’m used ta running things all rough an tumble, that don’t mean that it’s the ONLY way ta get the job done. Only thing I’m a bit worried about is how she’ll do under pressure. How will she bear up when the unexpected occurs? Will she be able ta rise above it, or crack under the strain?
More than once I’ve seen good ponies get pushed that one step too far. Too long without food, watchin a friend go overboard, facing an oncoming typhoon. Sooner or later we all crack. It’s just how far we can go before that happens. I look at Fluttershy and I see steel under all that sweetness, but it’s untempered steel. If she comes through this mess with the griffins, I know I won’t have any more cause ta worry. I can only hope, she can bear up under the weight I’m about ta put on her shoulders. Either way, we're all going to find out soon enough...
Over the next few days the crew of The Equine Spirit had given their entire focus to the task of being the best sailor ponies they could be. Awake before dawn they would sail out of the harbor with the tide, and would not return until sunset.
Therefore they were unaware, at first, of the changes that had been occurring to the seaside town upon which they berthed. Rumor had spread like wildfire, and confirmations of rumors had been hot on it’s heels. Before long everypony that wasn’t living under a rock knew that the griffins were coming to challenge the ponies to a sea competition. Gossips in Canterlot confirmed that the royal family, including it’s new members, would be in attendance, and further gossip from the other races confirmed that delegates from all over Equestria would be viewing the spectacle as well.
Ponies began to arrive at the city proper, booking up all the inns hotels, and pitching tents in the open fields. All this was even before the official announcement of when this competition was actually going to occur.
And where ponies went, their bits went with them. And anywhere there was a large accumulation of bits, there would inevitably arrive ponies to help them lessen their burden of carrying them.
Flim and Flam had already set about the sales of everything from hastily constructed toy boats, and action figures (which broke almost as fast as they sold them), to binoculars, and small flags to wave of every nations colors. (Just in case a griffin or diamond dog passed by. Even Flam admitted the likelihood of selling any of the Saddle Arabian flags was low.)
There were ponies hawking goods all over town, and the general atmosphere was one of a festival or carnival. At some point somepony would get the idea of setting up entertainment booths to pass the time, as ponies waited for the big event. Once that occurred, the entire town WOULD become one huge circus.
At least that was the thinking of the pony who was riding shotgun on a large, elaborately decorated wagon, as she and her companion sat paused atop a hill, overlooking the town.
“You see? The Great and Powerful Trixie knew this was a good idea. Trixie knew that ponies from all over would be drawn to this event. Now all Trixie has to do is find the ponies in charge, and persuade them that they simply cannot hold this contest without The Great and Powerful Trixie there to provide the entertainment.” The blue mare looked down on the unsuspecting town, with an almost predatory gaze.
“Iron Will is big enough to admit that Trixie was right... THIS time. Iron Will wonders however if things will go as easily as Trixie thinks. It seems to Iron Will that...” but his statement was cut off by a hoof gently placed on his lips.
“Sweetheart, you worry too much.” Trixie says, removing her hoof, and replacing it with her lips, as she offers her bullfriend a deep kiss. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has done this many times before. They want Trixie for their event, the NEED Trixie for their event. They just don’t know it yet. All we need to do is find the proper pony and help them to understand this fact.”
Iron Will looks down at his marefriend and smiles. “Iron Will likes your positive attitude. Iron Will is reminded once again why Iron Will fell for Trixie in the first place.” He says, as he gently strokes her mane for a moment before hopping down from his perch, and raising up the handles of the cart in his strong grip. “Is Trixie ready?”
“The Great and Powerful Trixie is always ready for a new performance! Forward my prince of the pitch! Let’s give these ponies a show they won’t EVER forget!”
Iron Will adopts a grin that matches that of his love, as he quickly begins to pull the cart down the long and winding dirt road.
Captain’s Log Ship’s Date: June 21, 3 LR (Luna’s Return)
Giovanni’s new ship, the ‘Grasping Claw’, pulled into the harbor this evening. From what I could tell it was as fine a griffin merchant ship as I’ve ever seen. His crew looked sharp and they went about their duties quickly and efficiently. Too efficiently. These weren’t salty sailor griffins, I could tell. Too much discipline. These were soldiers. Griffin navy I suspect. Probably their elite culled from who knows how many ships.
{Sigh}, it makes me tired. Such an obvious ploy. But I suppose I should be grateful for their predictability. Captain Colt used it to have his way with the Empire for years, and it looks like I’ll be borrowing a page from his book.
My crew is as ready as they are going to be. And better than anything I could have hoped for. I’d put them up against any crew I ever sailed with, an my only regret is that they never got to meet any of ‘em. Well... hopefully one day that may change.
Celly has been back in secret, with more news. Turns out now that we ponies are standing up for ourselves, some of the other races are getting in on the act as well. The diamond dogs have a ship arriving in a few days. Celly says they are sending a Bark. She laughed as she said it. She obviously doesn’t know that a Bark is a type of ship with three or more masts having the fore- and mainmasts rigged square and only the mizzen (the aftermost mast) rigged fore and aft. It’s usually a broad-sterned type of ship, which carries no ornamental figure on the stem or prow. The advantages to a Bark are few. She’ll have a good turn of speed, though.Still, I don’t expect her to beat either Rarity or the crew from Giovanna’s ship in the speed trials.
The bactrians an dromedaries of Saddle Arabia are going to compete as well. Celly tells me they are sending a Sabbak for their entry. A Sabbak has both lateen sails and oars for propulsion. They have two or three masts, and a distinctive hull with a pronounced overhanging bow and stern and rarely displace more than 200 tons, making them slightly smaller and with slightly fewer guns than, say, a frigate. A Sabbak empty of cargo can go at a pretty good clip. Also it has the advantages of oars in a becalmed sea. They used to be a pretty useful type of ship that could be used for warfare, cargo, and even fishing. Depending on the crew, they might be worth watching.
All in all this is shaping up to being a pretty big deal. I can’t say as I’m pleased about that. Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand how important it is ta show the world that ponies are every bit as good as the rest of the world, but none of this is why I came out of retirement. The sooner all this is over with, the sooner we can set sail for my real objective. We are going to be cutting it close. Time and tide wait for no pony, and no mater how much the world may have changed the seasons still come on schedule. I reckon I just wont be able ta relax until we can finally get this voyage underway. Ah well, I reckon that’s a good thing. I doubt I could afford ta let me guard down with Giovanni hot for revenge. My gut tells me he’s got to be up ta something. Heh, fair enough... so am I.
Captain’s Log Update
The Saddle Arabian ship docked this afternoon. A Sabbak called the Sand and Sea. I got a good look at her. Modern ship design has changed a bit since my era, but not that much. She looks a bit sleeker, and to be honest, a bit more fragile, than I would have expected. I suppose modern sailors don’t have to deal with things the way we did in the old days.
Captain’s Log Ship’s Date: June 22, 3 LR (Luna’s Return)
Well, sure an we woke up to a bit of a surprise this morning. Sometime during the night the diamond dog’s ship arrived. I suppose them being used to living underground, porting a ship in darkness wouldn’t give them any problems.
Ah, now here’s a bit of puzzlement though. The entire thing from bow to stern is completely covered in canvas. They have hidden their entire ship right down to the water line. I can only suppose they plan to unveil her on the day of the competition. I suppose it could be a strategy, not letting the other captains seeing what they are up against. I’m surprised though, that the dogs are bothering with it.
From what I’ve learned, modern diamond dogs have fallen a lot further than any other race since the cataclysm. Back in my time they were the equal of any other. They had sprawling cities at the edges of the great forests. And they even had their own port in Roverton. Gah, I don’t want to think about it. That city brings back bad memories. Thing is, apparently after the cataclysm their entire race retreated from the rest of society. Moved into caves and caverns underground. I knew the dogs liked to dig, but it seems that that is their main way of life now. It’s a sad thing to see. They were once so noble. I almost hate ta sail against ‘em now, considering… well… never mind. All ancient history.
Captain’s Log Ship’s Date: June 24, 3 LR (Luna’s Return)
They have begun setting up a dais in front of our ships. I assume all the pomp and bluster will begin soon. Celly has already said she is bringing every last bit of royalty out of Equestria to be present for the events. I asked her who she left in charge while she was away. She said her far distant cousin Blueblood.
I laughed for five solid minutes. Celly asked me if I disapproved, I said of course not. That stuck up prissy little colt is perfect to deal with the ‘nobles’ of this modern era. I fully expect him to use all of his authority to do nothing but set up useless Balls and parties the whole time she was away.
Heh, then it was Celly’s turn to laugh, apparently he hadn’t even waited until they left to begin making plans to do just that. It’s a good thing me son can portal them all home if need be, otherwise I’d fear for the kingdom.
Speaking of kingdoms, Celly also gave me a run down on who else I can expect to show up. Representing the Camel nomads the sultan is sending his third son, prince Kassam bin Dubar. The prince is set to arrive any day now with a modest entourage, and apparently only half of his harem. Only twelve concubines? Talk about roughing it.
The diamond dogs have at least one delegate coming from each of their packs, but most surprising is that their high king, king Gruffrufffgraggerruff the twenty-second himself is set to attend. In all my years it’ll be the first time I ever met a diamond dog king in the flesh. Back in the day, all our correspondence was done through intermediaries. It was almost unheard of for the king to ever leave his city. See each pack of diamond dogs has an alpha. And an alpha can be challenged at any time by any other dog for leadership of the pack. The high king is the alpha of alphas, and any lower alpha can challenge HIM for leadership at any time. The losers of these challenges never rose to try again, this was because if you challenged and lost, it was tradition that the loser be fed to the winner. In diamond dog society, it really was a dog eat dog world.
Therefore, it wasn’t unheard of for assassins to be hired to take out an alpha, so that a weaker challenger could step in and take his place. That way the challenger didn’t risk ending up on tomorrow’s menu. This practice became so commonplace back in the day, that any alpha that stayed on the throne for more than a year could safely be considered one of the most cunning member’s of his species. Also one of the most paranoid. The idea of a diamond dog king leaving the safety of his private chambers and traveling halfway across the world was practically unthinkable in my time. My, how the world has changed.
Ah, but one thing that hasn’t seemed to change was the griffins. As expected, the Emperor himself is attending. His royal divinity, emperor Xexsis du Guiles plans to make a grand entrance on his royal barge. In deference to his recent treaty with Celestia, he for once won’t have a naval flotilla at his back, although from what I hear, he will still be bringing an overly large contingent of royal guards for our ‘peaceful exhibition’.
Aside from representatives of the competing nations, we can also expect the herd chief of the buffalo nation. The dalai llama of the higher reaches. Queen Thunderhoof of Taurus is coming on behalf of the minotaurs. And I believe we will even have a delegation from Yakyakistan. Heh. Now THAT would be something to see. Yaks and minotaurs sitting at the same table. All I can say is that it had better be a very STRONG table.
As expected, Celly wants me up on stage with all the rest of the family. To this I ‘politely’ declined. She has more than enough royalty at her back. I’m here as the captain of my ship. I’ll be down in the crowd with the rest of my crew, waiting for all the speeches to be over, just like the rest of them. She was really quite insistent, but as you can imagine, once I set me mind to something, I can’t be budged. A good effort youngster, but I’ve been queen of this country way before everypony had gone soft. Last thing I want is ta be on display like some royal ornament. Not this pony. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now. That’s what husbands and youngins are for. Heh.
Captain’s Log Ship’s Date: June 26, 3 LR (Luna’s Return)
Well, it’s all about to begin. Even as I write there’s some being out on the dais warming up the crowd. I don’t know who he is, but he’s got a decent set of pipes on him. The crews are going to be watching from their ships. Quite possibly the best seats in the house, even if it will be over the shoulders of the speakers. The captains and first mates will be down in front, each of us in a place of honor before the speakers.
Personally I’m just glad we have chairs. This is all just hot air being blown around for politics. The contests an such won’t begin until tomorrow. This is just an excuse for every being to strut around and say to each other how important they are, an blah, blah, blah. Gods, this is why I always let Justice handle running everything. It never was worth going through all this balderdash just to make a simple thing happen. Still, it’s only for a few hours, and the spread they laid out afterwords is pretty impressive. I suppose this is the sacrifice a captain has to make ta see her crew well fed.
Ah, Flutters is at the door, time to go an hobnob with the snobs. I’ll try ta make an entry if anything particularly amusing happens. Heh, even if I’m the one doin it. Well, time ta go out an see who the owner of that lovely speakin voice is...
“-that’s right! My name is Iron Will, and I’ll tell you right now, in all my years of hosting events, I’ve never seen a crowd as diverse, or eager for excitement as the one I see before me. Iron Will can see the excitement in your eyes, Iron Will can feel the excitement in the air. And Iron Will knows that THIS gentle beings, will be a day that will be remembered for the rest of your lives!” Iron Will pauses in his monologue to let the applause of the crowd rise.
True to her word, Trixie had managed to worm them into the events. She was going to provide the fireworks for the festivities, while he had the honor of MC’ing the ceremonies. How Trixie kept getting him these auditions was a mystery to him. But once he had a chance to speak, it was easy for him to convince the mayor that he was the right minotaur for the job. Years of public speaking had taught him how to work a crowd, how to get them pumped up and on his side. And here he was, on stage, with most of the royalty in the known world listening to his every word.
Not for the first time he thanked his lucky stars that he met the mare Trixie Lulamoon. He was at the top of his game, and everyone could see it. A gig like this could set him up for life, and he wasn’t going to shy away from giving it everything he’s got.
His stage goat William gave a bleat into his ear bud. That was the signal that Princess Celestia was ready to bring her family onstage. Just as the applause of the crowd peaked, Iron Will spoke once more.
“Gentlebeings, distinguished guests, and visitors from afar, At this time, it is with great pride that I present to you... THE ROYAL FAMILY OF CANTERLOT!” Iron Will shouts, before he turns, and executes a perfect bow as the members of Canterlot’s elite make their way on stage. He quickly exits off stage and hovers at the edge of the curtain where Trixie was waiting for him.
“That was some of your best work ever darling! Trixie is most impressed,” Trixie says, holding out a bottle of water, to the heavily breathing minotaur.
“I agree.” Twilight Sparkle says, as she passes by the two, nearly causing Iron Will to spit out the contents as she makes her way toward the curtain. “Fluttershy told me you could motivate ponies, but I had no idea you were THAT good. Hold onto this guy Trixie!” She says with a wink, as her and her daughter and husband make their way on stage.
“Tha- that was a princess of Equestria!” Iron Will said in shock. “And she knows who I am. She knew your name!” He said, turning to his sweetheart, his eyes wide.
Trixie, who had a moment to get over the shock of Twilight’s remarks, merely played it off. “Well of course she knew Trixie’s name. Trixie has met princess Twilight on more than one occasion. And it is safe to say that The Great and Powerful Trixie has made a lasting impression upon her.” And THAT was the complete and honest truth, she thought to herself, as her bullfriend looked at her, more impressed with her than ever.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the curtain, the crowd rose up, with thundering applause, as a stately procession of alicorns made their way onto the stage.
Charity was first, escorted by her Doctor, followed by Justice, then Harmony with Keil by her side, then Discord, in his Cordial form, offering a wave to his beloved Fluttershy, who was down in the audience with his mother, then princesses Celestia and Luna, followed by Cadence, and Shining Armor, then Twilight and little Paradox with her Doctor trotting between them. The applause continued for some time, before Celestia finally strode forth to speak.
“My friends, and we consider you ALL our friends,” Celestia said using her Canterlot voice. “Today sees a thing Equestria has not seen since before the days of the cataclysm. In days long past, before even I was born, the races of Equestria traveled all across the lands. From horizon to horizon we all set forth and explored, and met new friends. We exchanged ideas and culture, we spread the knowledge and teachings of those we encountered back and forth across the vastness of our world.
But then the tragedy of the cataclysm occurred.” At this Discord, locked his head in place, and would not look toward his niece. “After the shattering of the world, life on Equestria was changed forever. For years the races of the world were reduced to just trying to survive in a world ravaged by disaster. And just as the world had changed, so did the attitudes of it’s inhabitants. The pony race looked away from the seas, focusing on the inner continents, and a new way of living to be found there. The noble diamond dogs also withdrew and left their forest to make new cities underground. The camels of Saddle Arabia eschewed their former dwellings to become the great nomads of the deserts. Only the griffins continued to ply the seas. As had their noble ancestors had done since the beginning of history.”
During her speech, Celestia had made her way before the captains of each of the ships in turn, letting them know that she acknowledged them from the platform above. Now she moved to stand before Summergale, as she began speaking once more.
“And now, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of years later, a pony has once again looked toward the sea, and said ‘there is my place’. So momentous an occurrence this was, that it drew the attention all the great leaders of the world. And all of us here, in the spirit of this one pony’s endeavor, have come together in a marvelous show of support through friendly competition.”
“Smooth Celly, very smooth. Although every king, queen, and prince knows that ain’t what this is really about.” Summergale mutters, just loud enough for Fluttershy to hear. “Still, I can see why you’re in charge. Hard to imagine somepony putting something past you.”
Almost as if Celestia had heard her, The princess of the sun looks down, directly at Summergale and says, “And now, I’d like to introduce you to the pony that has made all of this possible. Some of you know her story, some have only heard rumors, but now I think it’s time for her to tell you her tale straight from the pony’s mouth. So it is now my GREAT pleasure,” Celestia says, giving Summergale the most trollish of winks, “that I introduce to you, Captain Summergale! Former Queen of Equestria!”
The applause became deafening, as Summergale made her way, (angrily, unknown to others), to the steps leading up on stage. It didn’t help matters that her husband as well as her son and daughter were openly grinning at her. ‘I can’t believe me own granddaughter set me up!’ She thought to herself as she stomped her way toward Celestia. ‘It’s like that speech in town all over again. Only THIS time I can’t get away with anything with all them foreign dignitaries on the lookout for a way ta make us ponies look bad... FINE! I’ll play yer game Celly, but ye can bet, I’ll even this score before I set sail, oh yes Missy, or my name isn’t captain Summergale!’
Summergale takes a moment to look out over the crowd of ponies, dogs, griffins and every other being present. Undaunted, a wry grin crosses her muzzle and she begins to speak... Quite loudly...
“NOW AIN’T ALL THIS A SIGHT TA SEE!” She booms, causing the beings in the front two rows to actually lean back. “ALL OF YOU FINE BEINGS, TAKING TIME OUT OF YOUR LIVES, TRAVELING FAR FROM YER HOMES, JUST TA HAVE A LOOK AT ME! WELL, HERE I AM!” She says, spreading her butterfly wings and rising off the stage spinning gently in place. Lowering her self to the platform she continues once more. “NOW I RECKON SOME OF YE KNOW WHO I AM. BUT MANY OF YE MIGHT NOT, SO I’LL GIVE YE THE SHORT VERSION. MY NAME IS SUMMERGALE, I’M A FLUTTERPONY FROM BACK BEFORE WHAT YOU CALL THE CATACLYSM...”
As Summergale recounts her story on who she is and how she got there, Iron Will is stunned once again.
“Iron Will can’t believe it! Iron Will has never heard a pony who can speak so... forcefully. That pony has all the makings of an awesome motivational speaker! Iron Will must speak to this pony after all this is over.”
“Trixie can probably arrange that. Trixie will mention it to Twilight later, Trixie thinks it shouldn’t be a problem.” She said, wondering to herself if she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
Summergale went on for a bit, speaking of times long past when ponies sailed the seas with pride, but unlike the last time she was forced to speak, this time she felt that she had nothing more to prove to the crowd gathered before her, so she wrapped it up in ‘queen speak’ as quickly as acceptably possible.
And with that Summergale made to leave the stage, but was halted mid stride by the thunderous applause by every pony present. Even the beings from other races had risen up and had joined in on the applause.
Summergale turned and faced the crowd once more, ‘shortest speech of me entire life, an have I ever gotten such a reaction?’ she thought to herself. ‘I suppose, like it or not, I’m a symbol once again. No pressure pressure’. She offers the crowd a gracious bow, before turning to exit the stage.
Iron Will slows as he walks past and quickly whispers, “Iron Will has just become your biggest fan,” as he gives her a thumbs up, which elects a chuckle from the former queen as she makes her way back to rejoin Fluttershy.
“Summergale, former queen, and captain of the Equine Spirit! Truly an inspiration to ponies everywhere!” Iron Will shouts, to the sound of continuous applause. “Our next speaker comes all the way from Saddle Arabia! It is my honor, to present to you the prince of the camel nomads, his majesty, prince Kassam bin Dubar!” Once again Iron Will turns and executes a perfect bow, as the bactrian prince makes his way on stage in robes of flowing silk.
Meanwhile Summergale had made her way back to Fluttershy. Giovanni, and another captain, one she had not been introduced to yet, were waiting for her as well.
“Well spoken captain,” Giovanni acknowledges, as Summergale finds her seat once more. “You have the voice of a true seafarer, one who has seen many shores. Had I known in our previous encounter all of your bonafides, I assure you things would have gone differently.”
“Of that I have no doubt,” Summergale replies sweetly. “And who is this fine gentlebeing you have yet to introduce? I assume he is the captain of our hidden ship?”
“Ah yes, where have my manners flown? Allow me to introduce captain Fogbow, I’m afraid I cannot name his ship as well, as he seems to be intent on it being a surprise.” Giovanni says, gesturing to the white furred diamond dog at his side.
“It a true pleasure to meet you captain Summergale.” Captain Fogbow says, taking her hoof in his paw. “Is it true what you say up there? Are you really Summergale from before the cataclysm?”
Summergale, momentarily surprised by the question, nevertheless answers, “aye, I am Summergale, and yes I was both a captain and a queen from back before the sundering. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, this is good, good news!” the diamond dog says happily, as he shakes both her hoof and his tail in excitement. “We know of Summergale. Have records. The Amber Archive. Many tales of Summergale. Great merchant captain! Many, many adventures! Summergale sail in The Great Grain races. Won every race... every race except for last two.” The dog says, a sly grin appearing on his muzzle.
Summergale’s jovial expression quickly darkens, as a scowl appears on her face.
“Aye, I lost two times. And both times to the same ship. And I’m sure the only reason ye brought THAT up, was that you know just which ship I mean. Now captain, I don’t know ye. I don’t know a thing about ye. But there is somethin ye needs ta know about me. If you want ta stay on me good side, an believe me, ye WANT ta stay on me good side... then never mention that ship ta me. EVER! Do we have an understanding here?” Summergale says, her expression close to fury.
Both Fluttershy and Giovanni look at the normally easy going Summergale in shock. Tentatively, Fluttershy reaches out a hoof, placing it gently on Summergales shoulder. Summergale whirls around, a harsh word on her lips, but as soon as she sees Fluttershy, the anger vanishes from her face, as if the sun has come out from behind a storm cloud.
“Ah, Flutters... heh, seems a bit of the past came up an bit me on the flank.” She turns back toward Giovanni and Fogbow. “I’m right sorry gents. That was uncalled for. All I can say in my defense was that for a moment there an old ghost came an fired a shot across my bow. Still, that’s no excuse for getting me blood up at fellers that haven’t done nothin ta ask for it. I crave yer pardons.” She says, and bows deeply before them.
“No captain. Fault is all mine. I bring up bad memory for you.” Fogbow says. “Past not matter, it long gone. Only future what matters.” He adds, but in a tone Summergale cannot quite place.
“Quite true.” Giovanni adds. “The past is like an anchor, holding onto it only holds us in one place. We must all needs be able to let go of it, and move forward. Consider the matter forgotten.”
Summergale offers a small smile. “Well, no matter what happens tomorrow, I can honestly say the two of ye have gotten the better of me today.” She offers a quick salute to the two other captains, who return it casually, and they return to their seats, just as the prince is finishing his speech.
“By the way Giovanni, I don’t see the captain of the camels ship with us, shouldn’t he be listening to his prince’s speech?” Summergale asks curiously.
“Ah, I see you haven’t heard.” Giovanni says with a smirk, “The prince has decided to captain his own vessel. He has decided to partake in our ‘game’ himself. It should be mentioned that not only is he not a sailor of ANY kind, but rumor has it that he cannot even swim.”
“Can’t even-, oh by the sky stallion, why? Why would he even enter the competition?” Summergale asks, incredulous.
“Ah, who can say? It is possible that the sultan has just sent his third and least important son out here to get him out of his hair. It isn’t as if Saddle Arabia has any interest in setting up a merchant fleet of their own. They have always been content to load their spices and silks onto our vessels, letting us poor griffins to risk sea and storm on their behalf. This is most likely just an amusement to them, to pass the time.” Giovanni says with a lofty air.
“Aye, most likely you are right. From the start I never thought they’d really make a run of it. Not in a Sabbak.” Summergale replies.
“Indeed.” Giovanni says, but then falls silent as Iron Will comes out on stage once more.
“And now for our next speaker. A being whose name is known throughout the world, a being whose lineage can be traced back to the original Emperor of all griffindom, I present to you, his Imperious Rex, Emperor Xexsis du Guiles!” Iron Will turns and bows low as the griffin national anthem is played, and Xersis grandly marches out onto the stage.
The crowd is silent as the most powerful griffin alive looks out across the vast thong. This visit marks only the fourth time that the emperor has traveled outside of his empire. His most recent, was to sign the peace treaty that princess Celestia had worked tirelessly for many years to forge.
Xersis went nowhere without cause, did nothing without reason. Whereas some emperors exonerated the nobility of the eagle and the lion, Xersis represented the cunning of a bird of prey and the viciousness of a jungle cat. Many races had speculated that if it had not been for Celestia, and most recently her sister Luna, that Xersis may well have conquered all of Equestria by now.
Therefore it had been somewhat of a surprise to many that he himself would bother to attend something so frivolous seeming as a ship race. Of course to the powers that be, everyone realized just what these events could mean for both the pony race, and the empire. By attending Xersis gave notice to every other nation that the griffins still dominated the seas, no matter what peace may abide on the shore.
As he began his speech, Celestia, who was standing side by side with Luna, leans over slightly and whispers to her.
“Sister, I would really appreciate it if you would stop ogling the ruler of the griffin empire.” Celestia says in consternation.
“I wasn’t ogling him sister.” Luna retorts hotly, a blush spreading across her cheeks.
“Oh please, you were practically drooling over him. I cannot believe that you still haven’t grown out of your ‘bad colt’ faze. Kindly remember that I just spent over a decade brokering a peace with his empire. That being is one of the most vicious beasts I have ever encountered both on and off the battlefield.” Celestia whispers back.
“I know, isn’t he dreamy...” Luna says, losing herself in a day dream.
A hoof bounces off the back of her head causing her to glare at the pony on the other side of her.
“Ow! Mom, what was that for?” Luna says whispering harshly.
“Act your age dear,” Harmony says with a glare of her own. “That chick has barely seen his forty-second summer. No daughter of mine is going to be caught cradle robbing from another kingdom.”
Luna holds her mother’s gaze for a moment longer before dropping her head. “Fine,” she says reluctantly. And then under her breath, “still treating me like a little kid...been grown up for years... not the boss of me...”
“I heard that,” Harmony hisses sharply, causing Luna to jump. “And I may not be a queen anymore, but I’ll always be your mother. And unlike your sister, I don’t need my elements to give you another time out on the moon if you start getting sassy again.”
Luna’s eyes widen in fear, until she hears a chuckle from her sister. Finally risking a glance to either side, she sees them both sharing wicked grins.
“Is this the thing you call ‘trolling’, daughter?” Harmony asks Celestia.
“You’re a natural mother,” Celestia replies.
Luna just crosses her hooves, and readies her final weapon.
Harmony notices immediately what is about to happen. “No, no, no. Luna, just no. Do NOT do the ‘pouty pony face’ in front of all of the royalty in Equestria. We need to be taken seriously.”
Fortunately, during this entire exchange the crowds full attention had been of the griffin Emperor. No one outside of Celestia’s family had even noticed the hushed conversational combat being exchanged between mother and daughters, and the rest of the family had become so accustomed to it that other than the occasional eye roll, they merely ignored it and tried to focus on what the griffin was saying. A task which was becoming increasingly difficult to do.
Finally though, Justice had had enough. “Cordial?” He whispered to his right.
“Yes Dad?” Discord replied.
“‘Proper Pony’ your sister and nieces if you please.” Justice asks politely.
Discord draws in a deep breath and lets it out before replying. “Um, is that an order dad?”
“Does it need to be?” his father asks back.
“Um, Celestia aside, sis and I... um, yes dad, it really needs to be an order,” Discord replies uncomfortably.
“Fine. This is an order, from your father... ‘Proper Pony’ for three... now!”
Discreetly Discord reaches behind his back, his hoof changing into his eagle’s talon. Quickly he snaps it, and returns it back to a hoof, and resumes looking directly forward, not glancing at all toward his sister or nieces.
Which was probably for the best, considering the fact that although all three were now facing forward and smiling pleasantly, inside their heads they were thinking thoughts that could melt steel and shatter mountains. It did nothing to help his cause at all to have the words ‘Dad made me do it’, appear in letters that only the three could see hovering before their eyes.
Meanwhile the griffin Emperor was finally done extolling the virtues of his vast and glorious empire, much to the rising delight of the audience. When he finally took his gracious leave the applause was loud and boisterous, due in no small part because of the fact that he was taking his gracious leave. Fortunately for the lasting peace between the nations, Xersis was far too vainglorious to notice. To him, applause was simply his due. He expected it much like his subjects expected air when they opened their beaks.
Moments later, Iron Will once again takes the stage.
“Xersis, Emperor of the Griffin empire everyone!” He says, giving a moment for final applause. “And now gentlebeings, for our final guest speaker of the day! I am proud to present to you, in his first live appearance outside of the Undercity, the chief alpha of the diamond dog nation, his regal majesty king Gruffrufffgraggerruff the twenty-second!”
The crowd rises up once more, as applause thunders across the harbor. So rare was it for anyone to be able to see the king in person that even the dogs from his own kingdom craned their necks forward for a better view.
Then, king Gruffrufffgraggerruff made his way onto the stage. The dog was old. Well, old for a dog. A diamond dog’s lifespan is roughly one third of a pony’s. The king looked to be approaching his mid teens, a very respectable age. He strode proudly up to the podium, his back unbent, and his steps unwavering. Despite being from a different race, it was obvious to any being that here before them was a figure of nobility. He took a moment to look around at the crowd that was gathered below him, and then he began to speak.
“Today, is a good day.” He said, a smile dividing the wrinkles across his face in half. "I look down, and here is what I see. I see ponies. I see diamond dogs. I see griffins, and bison, and yaks. I see dromedaries, and bactrians, and donkeys, and zebras. And I also see changelings. Hah, not with my eyes, but my nose knows you here." He waved vaguely to the crowd, causing many heads to turn, before he continues speaking. "All these things I see. These things make me happy. But it is what I NOT see that makes me happiest. Would you like to know what me not see?” The king asks, pausing for effect as he glances around the crowd and the royalty behind him.
The beings below him look around bewildered. On her throne, Celestia just smiles.
The king, old though he may be, notices this however. “Ah, pony princess can see what I don’t see.”
All eyes turn toward Celestia, who merely nods for the king to continue, her paralysis having worn off before the king’s speech.
“I tell you now what me not see. Me not see fighting. Me not see wars. Me not see hooves or paws raised in anger.” The old king spreads his arms wide, as if to encompass the crowd. All beings here different from each other, but no beings fighting. This make me most happy. This thing I not see? It worth living all this time. We all here. We all different, but inside, we all the same. This I DO see.”
The king draws breath to speak again, but has to pause. This is because every being in the crowd, every member of each royal court has risen to their hooves, paws, or claws, and have all broken out into thunderous applause.
Twilight Sparkle, standing beside Celestia, banging her hooves as loud as the rest, has tears gently flowing down her cheeks.
“That was so beautiful,” she says to her teacher.
“A lesson for all of us Twilight.” Celestia responds. “Friendship isn’t exclusive to ponies. Friendship can be found anywhere.” She glances briefly at her uncle Discord, before returning her attention to the king.
After a few moments more, the king raises his paw, a gesture that indicates he has more to say. The crowds gradually quiets down, and the aged dog speaks once again.
“We all here today for same reason. We raise our noses, and smell change in the wind. Long ago, in ancient past, ponies ply the seas of the world. Then cataclysm come, and ponies go to sea no more. Griffins step in and with great ships, bring all beings together across world once more. And this is way it has been for long and long.
But now pony come, and she make ship. She say “Ponies not afraid anymore!” She rise up on her hooves, and hold her head up.
And we diamond dogs smell change on the wind. Wherever ponies go, there is change on the wind. I, king Gruffrufffgraggerruff the twenty-second, I gather leaders of all packs, gather all alphas. I say, ponies stand up again. Ponies return to sea! I say, it time we stand back up as well! No one here know. No on here remember, but back before cataclysm, ponies not alone sailing across the blue. Diamond dogs were sailors too. We sail along side ponies and griffins, and many others.” He pauses, looking around once more. “Ah, me see some of you don’t believe. Me see some think, 'king Gruffrufffgraggerruff, him old, him mind no work.' Hah! You see behind us fours ships. Fine griffin ship. Fine camel ship. Fine pony ship. But what this other one? What this one covered in old canvas? What has diamond dogs brought? Now me show you. This ship, is ship diamond dogs build. This ship has diamond dog crew. Today diamond dogs stand up along side ponies. Today we say, ‘we back too!’ Today, we sail! Today we WIN!”
And with that the aged dog throws back his head and let’s out a long howl. This is the signal for his brethren to pull on thick ropes, releasing the rough coverings from the diamond dog ship. Within a matter of seconds it has all fallen away to reveal the pride of the diamond dog race.
“Oh goddess wept! It CAN’T be!” Summergale nearly shouts, her eyes going wide.
In the bright clear sunlight, all can clearly see the ship before them. Before them is a stunning four masted Bark. It was a work or art, a thing of strength and beauty. It was...
“312 hooves long, 43 hooves wide, with a 25 hoof draft. Cargo 3,990 long tons, 4460 short tons. Main mast 160 hooves tall, 34,990 square hooves of sails, and a known crew of 26,” Summergale said, eyes wide, as if reading off of a page by rote.
“How do you know all of those details just by looking at it?” Fluttershy asks in surprise.
Soundlessly Summergale points a shaky hoof at the name on the side of the bow. Fluttershy can make the word out easily. ‘Pomeranian’.
“That isn’t possible.” Summergale says, her hoof beginning to shake as she continues to point toward the diamond dogs ship. “That ship can’t be here. It isn’t possible! Ye Gods, it followed me, it’s haunting me! How can that ship be here?!?” Summergale says, burying her head in her hooves.
“What is it?” Fluttershy asks becoming alarmed. “What do you mean it followed you? You know that ship?!?”
“Ye Gods Flutters, it CAN’T be. It can’t be, but it is. Aye, I know that ship. I know every plank, every rope, every square hoof of sail, an every nail in her hull. I know that ship better than I know me own name. I know it, an I see it, an I HATE IT WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING!” Summergale says, her eyes blazing with fury. “Come on Flutters! I’ve seen everything I needs ta see. We need ta get back to our own ship. We have a lot of planning ta do!” Summergale says, grabbing Fluttershy by the hoof and all but dragging her away.
Her departure does not go unnoticed however. Both Celestia and Giovanni, watch as Summergale storms off, Fogbow grins to himself. As the king of the diamond dogs finishes his speech, he shuffles his way past Celestia and softly says...
“Me notice your captain departing. You should know, my nose still very sharp. Smell much anger on captain. Much anger. But me smell something else. Very interesting smell. Me think it not smell your captain pony used to. No, not at all. You want to know what else me smell from captain?” He says, pausing to turn to face Celestia, his grin turning feral. “Me smell fear.” He says, before turning, and calmly shuffles away.
“Um, excuse me, uh… Dad. Can I come in?” Fluttershy said anxiously, as she banged loudly (for her), on her father in law’s hotel door.
The door opened and a handsome white alicorn stallion answered. “Fluttershy? This is a surprise, please come in, come in. Harmony and I were just going over current events in the crystal empire. Please have a seat, can I offer you anything?”
“Oh, um yes please. A glass of water would be very nice. Hello Harmony.” Fluttershy said, addressing her husband’s sister with a nervous smile.
“Sister! This is a welcome surprise. But what are you doing here? I thought you and mom would be muzzle deep in plans getting ready for the events tomorrow.” Harmony says, coming over and giving her sister in law a brief nuzzle.
“Um, actually, that's why I'm here. Thank you sir,” she says as Justice levitates over to her a glass of spring water.
“Stick with Dad, dear. I like the sound of it,” he says with a grin. “So, what's going on with my wife. For you to come all the way to see me, she must be up to something.”
Fluttershy takes a long swallow of water before continuing. “Yes sir, I mean Dad, something is terribly wrong with Summergale. I've never seen her like this. You're her husband so I came to see you first.”
“Well, it all started when the diamond dogs unveiled their ship,” Fluttershy says, sighing deeply. All of a sudden Summergale completely lost her cool. She kept saying that she KNEW that ship. That it had followed her, that it was haunting her. The next thing I knew she was dragging me by the hoof back to her cabin on the Equine Spirit. She began to pace back and forth, yelling randomly. She just kept getting angrier, and angrier. I tried to talk to her, tried to calm her down, but it was like she didn't even know I was there anymore. Finally she threw open her closet and said she needed to find her 'Thinking Knives', it was then that I rushed over to get you.”
“Her 'Thinking Knives'?!?” Justice said in alarm, bolting upright.
“Oh goddess, THAT isn't good,” Harmony says shaking her head.
“Harmony, go and find your brother, and meet me on the ship, Fluttershy, you and I are going on ahead. If my wife has gone and dug out her 'thinking knives', no possible good can come of it.” Justice says opening the door, and hurrying out after the ladies.
Less than ten minutes later, Fluttershy and Justice alight on the deck of the ship. No pony was aboard except for a pair of guards at the bottom of the gangplank. The rest of the crew having still been out enjoying the festivities. As they approached the door a muffled thumping noise could heard from the other side.
* Thunk *
* Thunk *
* Thunk *
* Thunk, Thunk, Thunk, Thunk, THUNK! *
On this last, the tip of a double edged throwing knife appears through the heavy wooden door, passing between the muzzles of both Justice and Fluttershy.
“Eeep!” Fluttershy gasps, taken aback at the anger in Summergale’s tone.
“Steady on Fluttershy,” Justice assures, “It isn’t often I’ve seen her like this, but she can still be reasoned with-”
The crescent of an ax now protrudes several inches below the tip of the throwing knife, the wood of the door splitting under the impact.
“… I think,” Justice finishes, taking a small step away from the door.
“Um, that’s not a knife.” Fluttershy says, stating the very obvious.
“No it isn’t,” Justice replies, his voice tinged with worry. “She’s progressed up to what she calls her ‘Ruminatin’ Axes’. I admit when Cordial conjured up all of her old things, I never expected to see THESE being used again, she must be really upset about something. Fortunately, she can still be reasoned with as long as she doesn’t break out the-
“Pondering Cannon! Fluttershy get back!” Justice says, just before his horn alights with mystical fire and he sends a bolt of energy into the thick wooden door, causing it to burst into splinters.
A surprised looking Summergale looks up from where she was bending toward the floor just on the other side. A small cannonball was clutched in her hooves.
“J-Justice? What brings you here?” Summergale says as if coming out of a fog. “Me an Fluttershy was just havin a palaver, but yer welcome ta join us. Gimme a minute an I’ll whip us up some sandwiches. Hey Fluttershy! Justice is here! Hmm, I wonder where she went? She was just here a second ago.”
“She’s out here dear,” Justice says patiently. She came to find me about the time the knives started flying.”
“She did? Well now, that’s a thing, must not have noticed her leave. Seems like I was thinkin pretty hard about something, then my cabin door exploded in front of me face and done drove whatever it was right out o’ me head. Hey, that was you weren’t it? Sweetie, what in the name of the Sky Stallion are ye doing explodin doors in a pony’s face? That’s the kind o’ thing some folks might call dangerous. Also, ye owe me a new door. An none o’ that magical stuff, I want real Equestrian mahogany, with some good inlay. The gran youngin’s can float you a loan iffin ye don’t have enough bits.”
Justice looks noticeably calmer. “Don’t put your damage on me dear, you had pretty much ruined that door before I even arrived. You had progressed from your ‘Thinking Knives’, past your ‘Ruminating Axes’, and all the way to your ‘Pondering Cannon’. Or what do you think that cannonball in your hooves was for?”
“Cannonball? What? This?” Summergale says, still a bit out of sorts. “Oh, err, would ye believe I was about to practice me Bocca a bit?” She asks sweetly.
“No.” Justice replies flatly. “Now would you care to explain what exactly had you so worked up that you felt the need to draw steel, and send my daughter-in-law flying to me in a panic?”
“What? Flutters?” She says, her eyes going wide as she sees the expression on Fluttershy’s muzzle as she peeks out from behind Justice. “Oh sweet Zacherle! I’m sorry Flutters. I surely never meant ta be worrin you like that!”
“It’s okay Summergale. I-I just never saw you get so mad before! The minute you saw that ship that those diamond dogs unveiled-”
“Flutters,” Summergale says quietly, in a dangerously calm voice. “I seem ta be covered in pudding. Very cold pudding. Ah, banana I see… and with wafers of some sort.”
“That would be my fault mom.” Discord says, walking up behind his father, Harmony in tow. “Your dulcet tones were starting to alarm the neighbors… in Prance. Also...Cordy?!?!”
“Ah.” Summergale replies, her tone still quietly dangerous. “Well, as you can see, I’ve gotten a hold o’ meself now, so if ye wouldn’t MIND?”
Discord quickly snaps his claw, returning his mother to normal.
Harmony examines the scene. Shattered door, knives and axes strewn about, and his mother quietly holding a cannonball in her hooves. “Should I even ask what this is all about?”
“Well if you won’t, I will,” Justice says, moving toward his wife, and gently relieving her of her cannonball. “Something about that ship has gotten you madder than I’ve seen you in years.” He says, moving close, and running a hoof through her mane, “c’mon honey, we are all family here, what is it? What’s got you so upset?”
“Aww blast ye,” she says punching him in the shoulder playfully, and nearly knocking him from his hooves, “ye know I canna stay mad when yer all close an cuddly like that.”
“Ewww,” Discord and Harmony say in unison, causing Fluttershy to giggle.
{Sigh}, “well I guess ye all have a right ta know. We’ll all be dealin with it soon enough anyway. C’mon inside and find yerself a seat, and I’ll try ta explain.”
The ponies all move inside Summergale’s cabin, Discord and Harmony, conjuring extra seats for everyone to sit on as well as some refreshments.
“Now, ye all need ta know this won’t be easy fer me ta talk about, so you’ll have ta bear with me. It’s me personal shame ye understand? The most embarrassin event o’ me life.”
“That time with the dragon princess and that cargo of charcoal?” Harmony asks.
“That time you experimented with magic to shrink cargo to fit more in the hold and ended up with your ship in a bottle?” Discord asks.
“That time you and Boots came home drunk at four in the morning after that fight with those traveling troubadours, and had to have a dulcimer removed from your-”
“NO! Will ye all just shut up an listen?!? This was back before I knew any of ye! Back when me heart an soul belonged to the sea. Back when I had just became captain for the very first time. Now shut yer yaps, and I’ll tell ye a tale...
This all happened a long, long time ago. Me an Boots had been sailing for several years under the flag o the same captain that had caught us stowin away on his ship when we we fillies. We had rose up from bein cabin colts ta bein well respected members of the crew.
Now ya gotta remember that me an Boots were still real young back then. The lures of drink an easy companionship didn’t have a hold of us as strong as it did me other crew-mates. We was in it for the sea! For travelin to exotic ports o' call, for meetin new races, tryin new foods, seein new critters, and customs. While the rest o the crew was spendin all their wages on wine, mares, and song, Boots an I had been squirrilin as much away as we could. See, I had a plan…
“What do ya mean this’ll be you last voyage?” Me grizzled faced captain asked me.
“Just what I said captain. Ye can’t know how much it means ta me an Boots, all that ye done for us over the years, but when we come back inta port at Sorraia, I’m afraid we’ll have ta be partin ways.”
The captain goes quiet for a minute, lost in thought. “Was it something I did?” He finally asks. “Did I step out o line with ye? I know I can be a bit course at times, especially with that demon rum in me...”
“What?!? NO! Never think such captain!” I said, shocked that he would think such a thing. “You were a fine captain ta us! Like a second father ye were! Never let yourself think otherwise!”
“I see.” He says, a look of relief crossing his muzzle. But then his brow furrows once more, “But then if that’s the case, why are ye leavin? I thought you two loved the sea! Nay I KNOW ye love the sea! I can see it in ye, both of ye. The two of you are part fish. How could ye think about givin it all up?”
I laughed loud and long, “give it up? Don’t be daft ye old sea dog! I could no sooner give up breathing. Naw yer thinkin the wrong direction. When we get back, me an Boots are buyin a ship of our own!”
Me old captain’s eyes go wide, “yer WHAT?!?”
“Aye,” I said, grinning ear to ear with pride. “Boots an I have it all worked out, we’re gonna pool all the money we’ve been savin up and buy Scudder Tradle’s fluyt. He hasn’t taken her out in two seasons, and hasn’t done any work on her in three. He’s done. Been puttin around the idea that he might be willin ta sell her, but hasn’t found a buyer yet. The shape it’s in, we should be able to get it for a song, an if we fix it up ourselves, we should be able ta save enough bits ta be able to finance a late season run ta Prance. If we can get that in before the storms start up, then we’ll be sitting pretty for next spring.”
The captain looked down at me as if I were crazy.
“You're crazy!” He says waving his hooves in the air. “Stark raving bonkers. Scudder is done all right. I knew it last year. He’s been more an more lax about the shape of his ship an his crew. Ye say that he hasn’t done any work on her in three seasons? More like a year and a half! There’s timbers that need replacing, the mast is cracked, the hull is covered with barnacles, and the whole thing could stand to be dry docked and tarred from stem ta stern. It’s a floating wreck.
But let’s say it’s still afloat when we get back ta port. An let’s say he is willin ta sell it to ya before it sinks itself. Do you honestly think that the two of you, by yourselves can possibly get her ready ta make a run before the season ends? And what’ll ye do for a crew? The only ponies who aren’t already spoken for are either too old, too young, or...” he hesitates, “or are the type of ponies that ye wouldn’t really want sailin with ye”.
“Faugh!” I reply. “I already got all that worked out. Ye only need five or six ponies ta work a fluyt that size. I’ll be captain, so that’s one. Boots will be me first mate, so that’s two. Ole Gaffer that retired last year said he was missin the sea already, and said he’d be willin ta ship out with me, so that’s three. Ocean Breeze’s colt is older than I was when I went out, he’ll make a fine cabin pony, so that’s four. All I really need is a decent back up navigator, and a solid deckhoof, and surely that can’t be too hard to find.”
“Yer serious about this.” My captain said, his tone showing that he was finally starting to believe me.
“I am,” I replied. My voice filled with pride and confidence. By this time next year, you an me will be competing for the same cargoes.” I said grinning.
“By this time next year,” he says his voice cold and serious, “You’ll be standing right beside me, flat broke, an feelin very contrite. Now don't get me wrong Summergale. Yer a fine mate, an excellent sailor, an I love ye like me very own daughter, but you’ll never get that ship seaworthy, you’ll never put together a decent crew, you certainly won’t get any pony ta give ya a run before the season ends, an, no offense darlin, but I can’t even imagine callin you ‘captain’.”
Well, that was the first an only time I ever had a fight with the old stallion. We were both stubborn, and we both thought that we each was in the right. Naturally o course, one of us had to be in the wrong. Thing was, I wouldn't even consider it was me, an of course the captain is never wrong on his own ship, so that final voyage was one of the hardest me an Boots ever had.
Captain never worked us so hard before. Every night we'd go to our bunks diamond dog tired, only to be back up at the break of dawn and do it all over again. At the time we figured that this was his way at getting back at us. For making us suffer for what he must've seen as a betrayal. It wasn’t until over a year afterwards, the next time we crossed paths, that I realized it was his way of making it easier on us ta say goodbye. The old sea dog knew we had already made up our minds, an although we didn’t know it, he had silently given us his blessing. Ah the old coot, we loved him, an he loved us an that’s the truth of it. But at the time we were ready ta chew nails an spit fire.
“That’s the third time this week we had ta swab the decks. If we make ‘em any cleaner we’ll be seeing the bottom of the hold! Captain’s gone daft he has!” Boots complained bitterly ta me, two days before we were finally due to get home.
“Aye Boots, I reckon the old coot had ta put us in our place while he still could. But just think about it. Two more days ta go. Two more days an then we’ll have our own ship. You an me will be the ones in charge! No more swabbin the decks. No more cleaning barnacles off the hull. No more sewin stinkin salt filled canvas! Aye Boots just think, by this time next week, we’ll be masters of our own fate!”
“No.” Scudder Tradle said two days later, shaking his head ruefully.
“Whadda ya mean no?” I ask, shock apparent on my muzzle.
“I said no, I aint sellin you me ship,” he says, his voice growing stern.
“But...but, ye put word out that ye might be interested in sellin her. Ye haven’t been out all season. She’s prectically fallin apart! Ye can’t say we aren’t offering enough bits, you an I both know I’m offering way more than she’s makin ye sitting there rottin away.” I say, tryin ta keep the desperation out of me voice.
This was it, this was everything me an Boots had been working so hard for, an here Scudder was, tellin us he wasn’t going to sell.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t going ta sell her,” Scudder fires back. “I said I wasn’t gonna sell her to YOU.”
“But… but why? I don’t understand. My bits are as good as any pony’s. An I came by ‘em all honest, why won’t ye sell me yer ship?”
“You want me to spell it out for ya? Fine! This here ship may not look like much ta ye now. But in her prime, she was the fastest ship in all of Sorraia. I had her special made see. From the ironwood mast, ta the pony’s perch, ta the special keel I had made ta make her be able ta turn sharper and still not capsize. This ship is a true wonder o’ design, it won the great grain races every time I entered her. She’s special she is. And if an when I do sell ‘er, it’ll be ta some pony that I know will treat her right an proper. That’ll make her great again. I want ta live ta see that I does, and that ain’t gonna happen iffin I sell her ta some wet behind the ears cabin ponies who happen ta have a pocket full of bits. No means no, an that’s final!”
Well, that did it. Me an Boots were scuttled even before we set sail. I didn’t know what ta say. We had all these plans, we had it all worked out. Now what was we supposed ta do? Go back to our captain with our tails between our legs? Tell ‘em he was right, and we were just foolin ourselves? We couldn’t do that. We were too young, too full o’ pride.
It was too late in the season ta sign on with another crew, that just left going back to our parents, which ta us at the time, was the same as admitting defeat.
So there I was, staring Scudder in the face, all me dreams shot ta Tartarus, an then I did something I never did before.
In my defense, I was still very young. An at the time I didn’t even realize I was doing it until he tole me.
“What are ye doin girl?” He asks, once I had started. “Now just you knock it off. That kind of thing don’t work on me, yer just wastin yer time.”
I wasn’t aware of it, but Boots had been staring at me. After seeing what I was doing, she started doin it as well, said she couldn’t help it.
“Aww c’mon now, quit it the both of ye. Look, it’s nothin personal, I just have ta look at what’s best for me ship.”
That just made it worse, as he quickly saw.
“Oh sweet Zacherle, will ya both please just stop? I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry. Listen, just tell me why ye want me ship. Give me yer reasons. I’ll hear ya out, THEN I’ll make me decision, that’s fair right? More than fair. So will ye both please stop crying?”
“You… you were crying?” Justice interrupts, his surprise causing him to break Summergale’s narrative.
“Aye,” She says, looking up into his eyes. “It’s not somethin I’m proud of. But I was young, an that ship represented me future. An all of a sudden me future was taken away from me. I didn’t know how ta respond. The next thing I know, water was leakin out of the corners of me eyes. An then it became a waterfall. An then Boots saw me and that set her off. An here was poor ole Scudder used ta dealin with rough an tough saliors, and suddenly he’s got two weepin mares on his hooves, and it put him all out of sorts.
Well, he finally got us calmed down, his wife made us some tea, with a bit of rum in it ta settle our nerves, an he gave us a chance ta explain ourselves. An that we did. We told them everything. From the time when we both stowed away, ta what we had planned for our future. We went on an on about how much we loved the sea, and how we planned ta spend the next few years going further an further past the edge of the map. We all heard the stories ya see. Ships blown off course, finding exotic new islands, only ta never find their way back to ‘em. We all new there were places still out there, places no hoof had ever trod yet. An me and Boots planned ta see ‘em.
Well what we said must’ve struck a chord in Scudder. As we sat there we could see the old fires rekindle in his eyes. It was the same fire we felt in our hearts. It was a call as old as time. The call of the sea! It sang in our veins, in the veins of all sailors. It was like our blood was a guitar string that had just been plucked. It thrummed inside of us.
There was a moment there, between the four of us. A moment where no words needed ta be said. We all felt the same thing, an we all knew what it was. And I knew without askin that we had given him the answer he needed ta here. An I wasn’t the least bit surprised when he added a special condition ta him sellin us his ship. An that condition was that he an the missus got ta be part of our crew. This turned out ta be about the luckiest break we could have asked for, since Scudder knew everything there was ta know about getting her shipshape again.
By the next week we had our full crew. We had ole Gaffer, whose real name was Swift Squall, although he never used it. Scudder, an his wife Vanilla Wafer, Ocean Breeze’s kid, Salty Breeze, Boots, an meself. Vanilla was our ships cook, an kept us patched up. Salty was our cabin pony, Scudder our lookout, and Gaffer in charge of keepin everything fixed up.
Now back then since there was only six of us, we also had the shared duties o’ keeping the ship running. All of us had three or more ‘unofficial jobs’, an we all took turns teachin each other what we didn’t know. Turns out me an Boots, did most of the learning, despite all of our time at sea. See we were pretty good as mates aboard a ship, but as we quickly found out, a captain an a first mate had to be able to do know how ta do EVERYTHING on a ship, just in case somepony got hurt, or so they’d know what ta do in an emergency. We got schooled pretty quick in everything from the proper wood for a mast, ta how old is TOO old when it came ta preserved food, as well as how ta make it all eatable.
Every day for the first four weeks was filled to the minute with ship repairs and lessons. We were all trying ta get the ship ready as fast as we could in the hopes of gettin in just one late run ta Prance and back before the end of the season storms hit and made the routes turn treacherous.
Scudder still had ponies in the know, an several were willing to offer us up cargos to deliver to their people in Prance. He told us of several Prench business ponies who always were lookin for a ship ta send goods back ta Sorraia, so he was confident that if we got there, that we could look forward to a full hold coming back.
It was back breaking work. Scudder had let too much go fer too long. He must’ve been in a decline before me an Boots came along and lit a fire back in ‘em. One thing was certain, he was sure regrettin it now. On the other hoof, he was right there with us, workin just as hard ta help get ‘er ship shape again. An we were quick ta find out he knew more of what did an didn’t need fixin than we did.
“What’ll we do about the mast,” I asked him as we toured thew ship that first day, me followin behind him with parchment and quill, writing down everything that needed to be replaced.
He looked at me in confusion.
“Wadda ya mean DO about it? It’s a mast, it holds up wood an cloth an bits of rope, pretty sure you should know that already.” He says, smiling at his own wit.
“No yer daft old codger, I mean shouldn’t we be lookin ta replace it? Isn’t it cracked?” I say, pointing a hoof at the deep vertical marks running up the length of it.
“Cracked? CRACKED?!? Your the one that’s daft if ye think THAT mast will ever crack. Haven’t ya ever seen ironwood before? Go take a close look at them markings.” He said, making a shooing motion at me.
I went over to the oddly colored mast, and had meself a good look. Sure enough, what I, and my former captain took to be cracks was really just lines of a dark black color running vertically across the grain. I never saw wood like that before, and I said as much.
“Aye, not many ponies know about ironwood. It comes from across the sea. I got me mast when I was ported in a city called Doneighgal. Ironwood grows down in the moors. It’s terrible hard to cut down, dulls saws an axes inna hot minute. Ah, but when ye finally get a finished piece! Look well Summergale an remember this, that there mast will outlast all of us, an that includes young Salty. Ironwood doesn’t rot, or not that I’ve ever seen, an even though she bends, she’s nigh ta unbreakable. Truth be tole I’dve made the whole ship outta ironwood, and ta hells with the expense iffin the stuff wasn’t so thrice cursed heavy! Why it took eight strong Minotaurs ta set that mast in place. Naw Captain, trust me on this. If this ship ever got dashed ta bits, grab hold o’ that mast, cause I can guarantee that it’ll still survive.”
Little did I know just how right his words would turn out to be.
Well, it took us a lot o’ hard work and more than a few sleepless nights, but we did manage ta get her shipshape, and loaded. By the time we set sail we had all gotten used ta each other pretty well, and had a feel fer our new jobs.
I got a bit of a surprise the day before we shipped out. I had been getting me kit stowed away in the captain’s cabin, goin back an forth from the docks, an when I had just brought me last load inside, I saw a package I had not noticed before lying on me bed.
Well, I put down my load and opened it, an inside was as fine a captain’s hat as I had ever seen. Black as midnight she was, with fine silver trim an a weeping plume that swept the air in a jaunty fashion. Also with it was a beautiful new cutlass, me very first blade, and the same one I wear ta this day.
As I was marveling over me prizes, Boots came running in all frantic and panting.
“Summergale, ya have ta see, lookit what I found wrapped up in me cabin!” She says hovering in the air, waving her lower legs about.
It seems Boots had gotten a gift as well, for she was now sporting a pair of the finest calf length boots I had ever seen. She sure was a sight. Kept hoverin there almost as if she was afraid t let ‘em touch the deck.
Well we spent a few minutes admiring each others finery, before she finally asked. “Who do ye reckon they came from? Mine didn’t have a note or anything. Ye reckon our folks got ‘em?”
This was possible, but doubtful. Both our parents were holding their own, but finery like this didn’t come cheap. Nor did I think that it was any of our crew. Even if they had the inclination, none of us had the time or the extra bits ta waste on shopping.
Finally Boots says, “Summer… do ye think it was… the cap’n?”
I thought about it. Thought about that last trip, an what he said ta me. Thought about what he put us both through during that last voyage. An suddenly I got an inkling of why.
“That old sea dog! It was all on purpose! He ran us inta the ground ta make it easier on us ta leave! He wasn’t mad at us at all, he was tryin ta help push his chicks out of the nest! An all this time we never even noticed!”
Well, me an Boots got all soppy after that for a bit. We got out a jug and hoisted a few ta our ole captain. But we managed ta compose ourselves before we went back on deck. We got back ta work, like nothing had ever happened, the rest of the crew turned heads at our new attire, but none of ‘em said anything, although I did catch a few grins out of the corner of my eyes.
The next day we shipped out. The morning was fine and clear. There isn’t any way ta describe that first morning. The wind filled the sails, the gulls cried, and I stood at the wheel as captain of me own ship for the first time. It was a feeling almost impossible ta describe, but the closest I can come ta is callin it ‘freedom’.
We made the run ta Prance with nary a hitch, smooth sailin all the way. More than a few ponies looked at our ship in surprise, when we came into port. None of them expected a cargo ship arriving this late in the year, nor it seems did they expect ta see Scudder once again.
“We thought you must’ve died, or worse yet, retired!” The dock master said smiling as he met his old friend at the bottom of the gangplank.
“Aye, it was a close thing,” Scudder replied. “But lucky for me this young filly came along,” he says, waving a hoof at me, “and saved me from a horrible life of luxury.”
“Well, well,” he says trotting up to me. “Got Scudder back to sea eh? What’s your name little miss?”
I looked up at him with pride, “Captain Summergale, of the Seawing, at yer service”.
“The Seawing eh? Can’t say I’ve heard of it. New ship?” He asked.
“Well yes an no,” Scudder interjects. “Yusee this little lady has managed to finagle me out of me ship. Only fair that she renamed her. Wouldn’t want ponies ta be confused as ta who ta deal with when it comes time ta load her up,” he says, tipping me a wink.
The dock master looked stunned. He glanced back and forth several times between Scudder and me ship.
Finally he says, “Well! Well, well! If that don’t beat all! I can tell there must be a pretty good tale ta go along with THAT bit o’ news.”
He calls one of his dockhoofs down to him.
“Take over for me Breezy, me an Scudder and Captain Summergale are going out for a drink. Expect me back...oh say… tommorowish.”
Breezy gets this resigned look on his muzzle, like he’s done this a dozen times before. “Aye sir,” he replies dully.
Well, the rest of the evening was a blur. The dock master took us down ta this hole in the wall tavern. As soon as we go through the door, half the ponies in there turn ta give us the eye. I admit I was a might concerned at first, until Scudder trotted in. All of a sudden, half o’ them grizzled sea dogs leap up outta their chairs an come over ta welcome us. Seems like Scudder was well known an greatly missed around these parts.
Well next thing ya know the dock master gets us ta tell everypony how an why we ended up in Prance this late in the year. At first they couldn’t believe that Scudder sold us his ship. But Scudder told them that we were the real deal. An that even though we were young, that he couldn’t have found a better pony ta pass on his legacy to.
“Legacy?” I asked. “Yer ship was that big o’ deal?”
“Big deal?” The dock master explodes, nearly spillin his ale. “Ya mean ta say that you don’t know about the ship you just bought?”
Every pony in the bar turns ta face us. Some are shakin their heads, some are grinning at us, others are lookin at us like we were the last apples in the barrel at the end of a long voyage.
Finally a grizzled old pony gets up from the bar. He slowly trots his way over ta us on three legs an a peg. The peg makes a steady ‘clonk, clonk, clonk’, as the others move out of his way, almost reverently.
He’s huge despite his age. His shoulders are broad and massive. His long gray mane is festooned with all sorts of things. Baubles, bits of bone, claws, a worn gold bit, even a small skull of some kind.
He leans down on the table in front of us, and gives me an Boots a good once over. His eyes are huge an bloodshot, his breath reeks of stale ale, an what I could only assume was something like a week old fish stew, or so it smelled ta me.
His frown causes a scar under his right eye to pull tight. He’s not happy with us. No, not one bit.
“I think,” he finally says, with a gravelly voice tinged with menace, “that you an I need to have words...”
Now Boots an me had been around a bit. Sailed far an wide under our old Captain. What I’m sayin is, that despite our young age, we weren’t what you’d call ‘green’. But I have tell ya right here an now, when that old salty stallion bent down an peered at us, we like ta near wet ourselves on the spot.
I ain’t never met a pony before or since, that was as intimidating as the one that stood over us that night.
“So you two squibs swindled me mate Scudder out of his ship eh?” He says lookin me right in the eye.
Well, that done broke whatever hold he had on us. There ain’t hardly any way ta make me madder than ta call me a thief. See me an Boots grew up poor. Usually that means doin a bit o petty theft on the side, or if your morals are low, worse than that. But me and Boots are upright mares. Always have been, an always will be, so when this grizzled old blowhard gets in MY face, tellin me I swindled somepony ta get MY ship, well, that set me off.
The whole bar fell silent. I didn’t notice it at the time, but later Boots tole me that Scudder was lookin at me with eyes as wide as saucers. A look matched by the dock master and several other patrons. Now had my blood not been up, this mighta made me a little nervous, but it was, an I wasn’t.
Well, the old stallion, he just didn’t know what ta make of me. He must have thought he grabbed a kitten, and ended up with a hoofful of very loud bobcat.
Finally he closes his muzzle, gives me another scowl, an says “Fine, have it your way.” An he starts hobbling toward the door.
Scudder looks at me an yells, “Oh Sweet Zacherle! What have you done?!?”
“What have I done?!?” I say, rising to my hooves, “I called out a smelly old pony who had the brass ta call me a thief! NOPONY calls me a thief!”
“B-but… but… that isn’t just ANY pony,” Scudder says still wide eyed.
“I don’t care if he’s Captain Colt himself, I want satisfaction, and by the gods, I’m going ta get it!”
“That’s right,” Scudder says, putting his head between his hooves, “that’s exactly right,” he moans.
I rise up from my stool. The bar is still silent except for Scudder's moans. Boots rises up beside me.
“Um, Summergale, he’s a bit… bigger than you.” She says hesitantly.
“Makes for a bigger target,” I say loosening my scabbard.
“And he looks ta be a fair bit more muscular than you,” she adds.
“Means that he’s bulky and slow,” I say, popping my neck.
“Um, and from the way Scudder an the rest of the bar is reactin, he probably has a bad reputation,” she persists.
“That just means he’s been around fer awhile. He’s old. Scudder is old. I ain’t about ta let some old fish, fat on his reputation, make a mockery o' mine,” I say striding out the door.
Outside the old stallion was stretching his limbs, knocking out kinks that had probably been there for years. I unsheathed my brand new cutlass, and swung it a few times, getting used to the balance and the feel of it.
He notices me doing this and stops, then trots over.
“New blade?” he asks, looking at my cutlass. “Do ye mind?” he asks, extending a hoof.
Mad as I was, I knew both courtesy, and the code. I knew he wouldn’t try anything fishy with all his mates watching, so I hoof’d over me blade hilt first.
He spends a minute or two looking it over before he passes it back.
“That be as fine a blade as I ever saw. Good Demarscus steel, and a fine balance. If nothing else, ye know yer steel.”
“Thanks,” I reply tersely. “She was a gift from me last captain. Much finer than what I’m used ta swinging on me old ship, but fitting I think ta be blooded for me honor.”
He snorts in reply. “Filly, you’re too green ta know the first thing about honor. It’s a shame that yer first lesson is also going ta be yer last.” He says, drawing his own cutlass from it’s scabbard.
The weapon looks old. VERY old. There are faint nicks on the blade, that have been honed out as best as could be. For a cutlass, it’s massive. Almost like an overly long cleaver. I couldn’t guess at the weight, but more than I could swing for very long, yet he handled it with ease.
For the first time, a small drop of worry fell into my pool of rage. He noticed this as well.
“Last chance filly. You can sheath yer blade and walk away from this unhurt. Just give Scudder back his ship, as this’ll end here an now.”
My rage rekindled. “Yer right about one thing,” I say, getting into my stance. “This WILL end here and now, and then I’ll be sailing off in MY ship, with one o those dangley bits of yours tacked to the wall of my cabin as a souvenir!” I say, pointing my cutlass at his mane.
Well, for some reason, THAT set him off. He stopped talking, cracked his neck, and settled into a stance of his own. Then, quick as a snake, he attacked.
Now me an Boots are no strangers ta sword fightin. Our old captain taught every member of the crew ta fight. Between uncharted islands, freebooters, an the occasional bar brawl, he figured that the best way ta keep his ship an crew intact, was ta give us all a thorough education in the arts o' fightin. An not ta brag or nuthin, but I was always considered his prize pupil. Me an swords, we got a long well. When I was weldin one, it became a part of me own arm. Add ta that me smaller size, an speed, and I was pretty much a match for any pony on board, except the captain himself.
So I was pretty sure I could handle meself against one old stallion. No matter how big an strong he looked.
I brought up my blade to parry. I knew better than to try and take the full force of his swing. As big as his sword was and as strong as he seemed to be, there was no way I could stop it head on. Instead I let it slide along my blade as I danced to one side.
Even though I only had to deal with a fraction of his blow, it was still strong enough to nearly knock me own blade out of me hoof.
This old stallion was going to be trouble.
I recovered my balance and made a lunge for his chest. I fully expected him ta either dodge out of the way, or parry. Either way I’d get a measure of how fast he was, which was what I was after.
He danced to the side, and aimed a chop at my foreleg, all in one smooth motion. I quickly turned my lunge into a spin, pivoting on my rear hooves, and bringing my cutlass around in a sweeping arch. He was ready for me and blocked my sword. My hoof nearly went numb from the impact. Striking his blade full swing was like hitting an iron wall.
He didn’t so much as twitch.
I lept back into guard position, pivoting my foreleg to get some feeling back into it before his next move. Almost casually, he brought his blade up into guard position.
I dug out every bit o’ knowledge that I knew about sword fightin. Dancing forward, I feinted, dodged, hacked and slashed. First I went for killing strokes, then crippling wounds, then finally just any cut that I thought I could manage.
He countered every attack easily, then would casually sally a counterattack that I would barely manage ta dodge.
“You’re as quick as a weasel, I’ll give you that,” he said, a small grin darting across his muzzle. “If you were full grown, I might have had to take this fight seriously.”
“Ha!” I spat back. “And if you weren’t a broken down old moke, then so would I.” I said, trying not to pant.
“Oh dear!” Fluttershy exclaims. “You actually called him… the M-word?”
Summergale looks momentarily flustered. “Ah, well, y-see I was trying ta get a rise out of him. Make him mad an let his guard down sorta thing. It was a different age back then. More rough and rowdy.”
“Is that why you washed out Harmony’s mouth with ACTUAL soap the first time you heard her say that on the playground?” Discord says, crossing his arms.
“Look do ye want me ta finish tellin ye the story or not?” Summergale says defensively.
Everypony falls silent.
“All right then.”
“Well, he wasn’t fazed by a bit o’ foul language. He just stood there waiting for my next move. I took my time and considered.
He was good. Too good. Strong, fast, and obviously a more experienced fighter. But my blood was still up, and I was determined to make him bleed, at least once. I wouldn’t be satisfied any other way.
Then I remembered something me old captain once tole me.
“Summergale,” he said. “Sooner or later you’re going ta get into a fight that you ain’t got no business bein in. In other words, yer gonna find yourself on the losin end of it. Now when that day comes, an it will, I want ya ta remember one thing. The best swordspony in the world has nothing ta fear from the second best swordspony in the world. That’s because he already knows everything that the second best is going ta do. HOWEVER he can still be taken out by the absolute WORST swordspony. That’s because there is no tellin what some half baked amateur is going ta do in a fight. In other words, if’n yer in a scrap with somepony better than you, then DON’T try yer best. Instead, do something unpredictable. If ye catch him off his guard, he’ll give ye a chance ta strike.”
“Hmm,” I thought. “This is probably going to hurt.”
See the thing about a cutlass, is that it’s primarily a hacking weapon. It’s used as much for cutting rope, and getting through tough jungles as it is used for fighting. It’s curved a bit, an shorter than most swords, which makes it good fer close quarters fighting. Conversely, an epee, or rapier, is primarily used as a stabbing weapon. It’s longer and straight, an made ta be jabbed inta yer opponent.
Now there are particular styles of fightin that have been developed over the years fer using different types of swords. So naturally, only an idiot would attempt ta fight a seasoned pro usin the wrong sword, in the wrong style...
I readied my blade, and shifted my stance, preparing to attack. I could see him gripping his blade tighter. I moved forward, dancing from side ta side as I closed in. From the way I was holding my blade, there were only two options for an attack with a cutlass. Come in from high ta low, slashing downward from his shoulder ta gut, or sweeping across horizontally, a disemboweling maneuver.
There was no way that he didn’t know this as well. He would wait until I committed myself, then parry and counter accordingly.
I was counting on the fact that he still considered me green, and confident that I could manage ta be quicker than him. Then I’m sure he would counter strike and put me on the defensive.
Of course, that was never my plan.
Instead, I lunged directly forward, my cutlass extended like a rapier. He saw what I intended a second too late, as the tip of my blade cut a nasty gash from muzzle ta ear across the side of his face.
Of course, this left me wide open for his counter strike. I knew there was no way to move out of the way in time, still, I did me best. If I’d been any slower, he’d have cut me in half. Instead he only opened up me up from gut ta side, right down ta my giblets.
Now this all happened in a fraction of a second. We disengaged, and both danced back. Then the pain hit me, and it was all I could do not ta scream. It felt like me side had been ripped open by a hot iron cleaver, and I clutched it with me off hoof, trying ta hold in my stuffings.
The old stallion looked shocked. He brought his hoof up and touched the side of his face. It was bleeding freely. He stared at his hoof as if he’d never seen his own blood before.
“THAT’S FOR ME HONOR!” I shouted at him, my legs suddenly feeling weak. “H-had enough? Or are ye r-ready ta go again?” I asked, as my vision got a bit blurry on me.
Well, he stood there for a minute, watchin me wobble from side ta side. Then he throws back his head, spraying blood everywhere, an laughs. He laughs, an laughs, an laughs. Loud, long, and hearty.
“By the Sky Stallion!” He says, smiling down at me. “Twenty-two years! It’s been twenty-two years since the last time any pony, dog, or griffin, has bloodied me! By the gods Scudder, she’ll do. Aye, she’ll do very well!”
He takes his hoof, and draws it across his face. The wound I gave him seals up, leaving a nasty looking scar. He begins walking toward me.
“What… who are you?” I manage. I was about ta fall. I lost too much blood an I knew it. But I needed ta hang on long enough ta hear his answer. I at least wanted ta know the name of the pony that done me in.
“Ah, I suppose we never did have the time fer a proper introduction.” He says, flourishing a bow before me. “Captain Colt, at yer service.”