> The city that never existed > by Perry Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The sky that fell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A walk down the woods. It was marvelous. The leaves from the trees fill my mane with gushing peace. Eternity full of sweet magnolias, daisy blossom, and Floral Roses. The massaging grass, tickling my hooves from beneath. Life with magic. My stroll only temporarily stopped, for the road I had to cross would ruin my day. The ugly rocks, scratching me till I could die of terror. It was preposterous. The garbage that fools leave behind get stuck to my cloth. Who likes living like this? It's an utter disgust if I do say so myself. My roses started to wilt in the hot summer day. Mother would definitely not like this. Hearts and hooves day is a special day worth giving affection to the one you love. But I am a single mare, not wanting a stallion of my own. Love with a stallion, is like blooming roses, that die within a couple of days. Relationships were not my sort of thing. Though every now and then, I find some pony to love and get that wretched news that they have done... It. Yes, everyone is so common saying and doing nasty and terrifying things. no one has never been corrupted. I myself, have some darkness in my heart that I try to keep to a minimum. My house, just a few yards away, was maximizing in the distance. Of course, there comes another road to walk down. The fact that I pay attention to where the road leads, is very rare. But I have found something odd about this particular path. It leads to a city nearby, and very nearby. Now, I'm not saying that it's surprising to see a city, but the fact that I cross this road every other day knowing that the nearest town is twenty miles away. The bustling world had no name and many signs of activities. It was only eleven o'clock in the morning. Surely my house could wait for a couple hours. It was just my curiosity trying to drag me, not my own instincts. Guilt fell upon me as my hooves started moving on it's own towards the wondrous place. What would come upon me if I go there? My mouth let out words echoing through the wind. So many choices- So many decisions. What do I do if I don't do what's right? What happens to fate afterwards if nothing is what it might? Shadows of ponies were down beneath the woods that I stay in. The desire to go. No, the need of it. What would I choose? I choose what always turns out the wrong path. The streets hung from above and below. I could scent some pastries, ready to be given to others. It was a simple, yet very exotic. There was a city full of wonders and beloved ponies. My vision was imagining stuff, isn't it? "Nope, nothing here is imaginary. Everything is real and perfect!" a noble voice called out from behind. I blushed as a stallion with a green, majestic color came across me. His warm smile accompanied my feeling of awkwardness and I breathed the fresh air. "You must be a foreigner. Welcome! I am Evergreen. What may your name be?" He gently asked. He reached down to kiss my hoof in a nice mannerly way, until I removed it from his touch. "I am called Melody from my home... And I don't wish to meet you again very soon. Don't touch me when I don't approve," I growled. I learned this trick from mother when I was at a teen age. When I don't feel comfortable with a stallion's way of greeting, throw away his act of gentleness and get straight forward with your demand. "I see, I won't bother you then," he said in a sad tone. He left to a blacksmith worker's shop, which I'm guessing was his or his father's, and I trotted happily into a bakery. Forgetting what had happened, I counted my bits and ordered a small batch of muffins and two slices of heart shaped breads. The owner sat grimly on top of the counter. "That was pretty brave of you to do that," He laughed. "Do what, exactly?" I confusingly eyed him. "You know, Givin' Evergreen a taste of discipline. But that was a sore mistake," the owner stated. I groaned with a sense of unsatisfactory. "I can do whatever I please if I don't feel fine." The old hag gave a questioning look. His mustache was curled up with a nice sense of regret. "You may think he's a bandit... But everyone else in this town knows him. He's a nice feller if you ask me." I grumbled at such dismay,"As I said before... I may do whatever I please. Now please hurry with th- He handed a basket with everything I needed from under a counter. He knew I was coming. I muttered to myself. "It's hearts and Hooves day, right?" He whispered, lowering his head so only I could hear. "Make the kid feel better. He hasn't talked to anyone except you ever since his mother died last week." His voice gave a tremble to my throat and my stomach ached. This wasn't any normal pony. He knows something I don't. I nodded my head slightly and walked out, shutting the door with a slight thud. I headed out to where that Everbean- Whatever his name is- was. I guess I still need to work out some control over my rejection wording. I saw some mares glancing at me and talking to each other with utter disgrace. Some of them were shaking their head's at me with disappointment. I ran over to the Blacksmith workshop and slammed the door while panting, hoping my guilt would go away. What a fail. "You came? But I thought you don't want to see me?" A familiar voice came. My blush came back in an instant as I turned around and saw him. Evergreen. "I, uh wanted to say.. Sorry," I murmured as I lowered my head. It was an awkward moment for the both of us. There was silence in the air. "I am as well. I didn't mean to do anything wrong, I just-" I covered his mouth with my hoof. Wanting him to hush, I smiled. My grin was a mere sight of what I was thinking. Reasonable, Nice, Cute. Yup, I was definitely having a crush on some pony. My face became red as I put my arm down. My thought's went a little overboard. But he didn't mind. Why? Why do I get all embarrassed when saying his name? He gave a warm smile and his gaze was soft. His hoof touched mine. It was soft. Like grass, or a meadow. His adorable face was so... Adorable! "Do you want a tour?'' "That would be lovely," I answered him in a very pleasent way. Nope, Do NOT fall head over hooves with this dude. Do NOT do this Melody. You will die soon enough as a single mare without any stallion trying to win your love. This is just a friendly relationship, right? Am I friend-zoned? All of my mind was arguing about what is going to happen to me. Of course, I got a severe headache but did not show it. "Shall we start with the sweet shop?" Evergreen asked politely "Definetly!" I blurted out. My hoof was still clingy onto him. This was so weird. But I guess there was nothing to do. "That was wonderful!" I never knew that, well, there was so much here!" I stuttered. The sun was beginning to fade and I had a feeling that going back home was the safest option I had now. I didn't want to leave, but I had to. Everything in this town was marvelous! If only I could have lived here, or in better cases, noticed it was here in the first place! "I have to leave, My mothe-" "It's okay. A farewell then? Can I see you around soon?" He interrupted. There was a tiny blush on his face. What was even more surprising that I was closer to him now than before. His nice green coat, and soft skin was touching me. If I were a cat, I would've purred right now. My answer was just a nod. But I had one more thing I had to do before I left... I grabbed Evergreen by the neck and connected his lips to mine. It was blissful. I could tell he was in shock but slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. A kiss. Now ain't that nice? My muzzle became red but I couldn't let go. My hood covered the both of our heads. Such a moment. We released ourselves and blushed. Our heads turned and stared at some trees. Evergreen smiled a bit and said one thing I would never guess happened. "Can we do it again?" I laughed when suddenly the bushes started to fade. His face was turning into dust and swaying through the wind. What was happening? All the small shops were being replaced by trees. The ponies began turning into roads. I was so confused and my head was lost. Everything was changing so fast. In a couple minutes, I fell to the ground. My eyes opened and I found myself in the middle of the road. I sat up, thinking of what happened. There was a tree that sat in front of me in a familiar way. I gasped as I realized what has happened. "N-n-n-no. Please no. It can't be! NO!!!" I shouted in the top of my lungs. I sobbed and cried. IT was too much. And it had to happen now. Even after such a nice moment, I had to realize it was nothing. Just a dream. Just a simple dream. But it felt so real! And it got thrown away, just like that. "I loved him," my throat managed to say. A lump of coal. I felt a lump of coal stuck in my throat. The feeling of torture. Now I see why I never wanted love. Because I knew once I found it, it would break once it went away. Then, there came a sound. A scooter or bike perhaps? It was coming in the distance. I didn't care anymore. I don't care if it runs over me. I'd rather spend my last days, knowing I found something to cherish, than to die not knowing how much the world can hurt. A brake from the noise came. I heard hoofsteps coming towards me. I turned around. My vision was blurred, for tears were covering my eyes. The hoofsteps became louder as the figure came closer. "Excuse me miss? Do I know you from somewhere?" My eyes widened. I knew that voice from anywhere. "Evergreen?" I whimpered. "Yes, that it my name," He bewildered. I was on the verge of shooting a waterfall just then. "Do you know me?" I pondered, trying to have hope that he would. "I'm sorry. I don't. But I can take you somewhere to eat! I could see that you were looking for food on this special occasion?" He questioned, glancing at my basket. I was so joyed, I had to give him a hug. It was the warmest feeling ever. Today was hearts and Hooves day. And I found someone to share it with. Him. "That would be lovely,"