What is Love? Does it taste like donuts?
It isn't something you do.
It just isn't. You eat cupcakes with friends. That is something you do. You sneak your cousins sweets when their parents aren't looking. That's something you do. You stay up late into the middle of the night, picking precise spots where you leave balls and chain saws in case of emergency of either ball emergencies or chain saw emergencies. There are multiple things that Bubble Berry's mind was telling him that he should do.
And the one very important thing that he was telling his own mind that he should not be doing is imagining himself and Butterscotch relaxing on the beach together while their tails were intertwined.
It made Bubble Berry shudder just thinking about it. He didn't even like colts! This dream just came out of nowhere after making too much rock candy one night and falling asleep on the floor again. Something Mister and Missus Cake often advised against.
Bubble Berry bit his lip in frustration. It was something he never wanted to see again but at the same time wanted to keep every portion of the dream locked away in his mind for safe keeping.
He was hanging out with Gummi, his pet alligator, in the bath tub while he mulled over the fact. He ran a pink hoof over his physics defying cotton candy like mane. Could he possibly be attracted to another stallion? Was that even a thing that happened?
He turned on his side while still petting Gummi who was providing as much comfort as a cactus in the middle of a sandstorm. He closed his eyes and his vision was suddenly filled with a beautiful blue sky. Berry immediately sat back up and looked around.
He was lying down on a picnic blanket. Naturally, on the picnic blanket was picnic related items; a picnic basket, food, plates, and napkins. It seemed the picnic supplies was enough for two ponies to share a meal. But he was only one pony. Where was the other...
"You always look cute when you're deep in thought Bubble Berry," The pink pony whipped his head around fast enough that somepony played a whip sound effect in the background. There was the pony of the hour. A yellow pegasus where three butterflies permanently printed on his flank. His eyes were as genuine as that lovely smiley that was spread evenly over his face. He was a bit taller than Berry, but Berry's mind told him that he shouldn't care. It was all about what the heart wanted after all.
Berry gulped and felt all the blood leave his heart and go directly to his face. "W-what do you mean?" Berry asked dumbly, his eyes looking for possible exit strategies.
Butterscotch moved his mane out of his face and trotted over to Berry. Butterscotch's eyes were now becoming as unsure as Berry's. "Did I... I mean... don't you..." Butterscotch's voice became softer and timid as each word left his mouth. Berry bit his lip. He could not stand to see Butterscotch sad. Butterscotch was his best friend, and... no offense to his other best friends, but Butterscotch was his bestest bestest bestest bestest friend in the whole world. That was 4 bestest'es. It's like forbestest.
Berry felt his heart drop into his stomach, ceasing all blood flow in his body. He felt his brain do tumbles, he felt his spine go stiff. He bit his lip hard enough to make a wound, tasting some iron liquid. He was unsure of what to do or say as he looked at Butterscotch, Butterscotch's mane falling in front of his face. "Maybe I should just..." The yellow pegasus was about to turn and fly away when Berry glomped him to the ground.
"Go...?" Berry asked with a playful look and tone. He then booped Scotch on the nose with his hoof and gave his signature smile. "But sir, we haven't even had lunch yet!" This caused a smile to appear on Butterscotch's face.
"Oh? And what dashing gentlecolt would take me out for lunch?" Butterscotch made a face. Berry smiled.
"I'm not sure if I'm dashing, that's Rainbow Blitz's department." Berry and Scotch had small chuckle amongst themselves.
After a moment of getting themselves composed, Butterscotch looked right into Berry's eyes, right into his soul. Berry felt his entire body go rigid at the sight. "Do... do you love me?" Scotch asked.
Berry's entire body went grey. As if Aeris the spirit of Chaos was making him into Grumpy Berry again. He bit his lip again and began to tumble over his words like an acrobat who was trying way too hard to win first place. "You know Hearts and Hooves day is tomorrow.."
Ugh. Hearts and Hooves day. You can't plan a party on that day. Everypony is just too busy with their special somepony to hang out and just have fun. It was always a rather uneventful and boring day for the party pony. "Don't remind me," Berry sighed, remembering awful days in the past.
"You know..." Butterscotch whispered, "It doesn't... doesn't have..." The yellow pony whispered something barely audible. Berry tilted his head to the side.
"Doesn't have to be?..."
"Doesn't have to be... lonely," Butterscotch wrapped his hooves around Berry, which caused Berry's face to turn as crimson as Dusk Shine when he finds out a new Dashing Doo book is coming out. "You can spend it... we can spend it... together,"
Berry's entire mind went into overdrive. His surroundings suddenly became slush. "NO!" Berry screamed out, Butterscotch's figure began to dissolve as he immediately let go of Berry. He wasn't into stallions! He wasn't! He wasn't into Butterscotch like that at all! He wasn't... he... wasn't... was he? Berry immediately curled up into a ball and shut his eyes as tightly as he could, hoping to block out the world until he became the way he used to be again. Until he became normal.
"Relax young one. I am here." Berry's eyes snapped open and he looked up. Berry's entire being was suddenly surrounded by stars and constellations. As Berry looked along the stars and constellations, a familiar face appeared in the flurry of sparkling lights. "Aha! I am here to gobble you up Bubble Berry!" The ancient moon alicorn smiled, clearly joking. He has been working on his humor and he thinks he has clearly gotten better. Hopefully.
"Prince Artemis!?" Bubble Berry was taken aback and stood up, taking a few steps back to allow his eyes to adjust the Prince's large frame. The moon lord smiled and nodded.
"We saw that you were in need of aid and rushed over as soon as we could."
Bubble Berry's eyes went wide and his face flushed pink like a watermelon. "Did you... hear... all of it?" The moon alicorn nodded. "Then.. you know how weird I am. How I'm probably the only stallion who has ever..."
"I too have had a stallion as a mate once." Bubble Berry had a large self pity rant loaded into his metaphorical shotgun when Artemis beat him to the punch.
"Y-you... you did?"
Artemis sat down in front of Berry as Berry inched closer in interest. "Yes. It is not something most ponies would consider normal. But, when it comes to something like love, what is ever normal?" Artemis spoke, his tone was bittersweet and Berry reached out to hug him. It was no good to have both of them feeling sad. Artemis was surprised at first, but then graciously hugged the pink pony back. After a moment of warm feelings being spread, Berry spoke up.
"But... I didn't like stallions before... or at least I don't think I didn't not like them." Berry put a hoof to his chin, his very being on the verge on crumbling. Prince Artemis sighed, also deep in thought on how to explain something of this nature to the sugar induced party pony.
"Sir Berry, thou have worked on a rock farm, correct?" Prince Artemis asked. Bubble Berry nodded. "And thou has a brother that has a passionate affection for rocks correct?" Berry nodded, more enthusiastically. "If thou brother was to develop a love for sand instead, would thou brother be any different in your eyes?"
Berry raised a hoof and opened his mouth, only for nothing to come out. Berry made a face and thought hard. What did this have to do with him liking... well... having dreams about liking Butterscotch? Of course he would still love his brother if he liked sand! Liking something different didn't change who you were!
Oh. Ooooohhhh.
"We are not an expert on love. We suggest thou consult with Prince De Amore Temporus on the issue. But we believe that developing feelings for a pony is all that is needed for love requirements to be met. Even if that love is with a kitchen sink, though we suggest you don't try it," Berry snorted while he tried to suppress a grin.
Berry found himself looking down at the astral plane below him. Butterscotch. Did he like him? Did he want him to be his very special somepony? Why?
A better question, why not? Butterscotch was his very bestest bestest bestest bestest fried in the whole wide world of Equestria. Berry knew how to treat Butterscotch when he was having a bad day, what he liked, what he didnt, and Berry knew that Butterscotch cared deeply for Butterscotch.
"I..." Berry felt it in his throat. Prince Artemis looked expectantly at Berry. "I..."
"Yes?" The Moon Prince nudged Berry's side, encouraging him to just rip it off like a bandaid.
"I... kinda like Butterscotch." Berry said as cautiously as he could. Prince Artemis raised an eyebrow, his look totally saying, 'Really?'.
"Oh. You only kinda like him?" Prince Artemis's voice was mischeivous to say the least, and Berry was scared of what Prince Artemis had planned next. "Well then. We guess we shall have a discussion with the Element of Kindness and discuss with him how he should confess his love to Miss Macarena..."
"FINE! I LOVE HIM!" Berry's mane exploded into different directions. Every part of his body began to spasm as the dreamscape began to tear itself into two.
"Love who?" Prince Artemis asked, feigning ignorance.
"I love Butterscotch!" Berry cleared his throat and began what he really felt. "I want to hold his hooves. I want to stay up late with him. I want to help him take care of all of his animal friends. I want him to never be lonely. I want him to be happy. And I want to be the cause of him to be happy. Forever." Berry panted, his voice exasperated as a knowing Prince Artemis just smiled.
"But...what if he doesn't like me back?" Berry slumped over, his mane become long strings of spaghetti instead of the fluffy bundle of joy his mane was trademarked for being.
"What is the worst that could happen?"
Berry sniffled, little tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "He could yell at me. He could tell me how weird I am. How weird I am for liking other stallions."
"And what kind of friend would Butterscotch be if he did those things?" Prince Artemis craned his neck to look Berry deep in the eyes.
"Not a good one?" Berry asked, his eyesbrows raised.
"Not a bestest bestest bestest bestest one?" Prince Artemis smiled. And that's when reality broke. Prince Artemis suddenly felt two pink lips pressed against his for a brief second which felt like an eternity to Berry.
Berry broke contact and blinked. "Why... wha..." Prince Artemis stuttered, trying to find words in his very expansive mental dictionary but was unsuccessful.
"I just wanted to know what it felt like. I never really kissed a stallion before." Berry looked to the side, embarrassed.
Prince Artemis sighed and patted Berry on the head. "It isn't the same as it is in real life little one. This is simply a dream. You cannot expect a dream kiss to be like a real life kiss. Especially with a Prince who was caught off guard." Prince Artemis gave Berry a soft smile.
Berry sighed, closing his eyes and looking into himself. "So now what?"
"I think you have all the answers you need." Prince Artemis answered back. Berry opened his eyes again and noticed that everything around him was getting absurdly bright. "But if I make a suggestion, get up and stop being a lazy plot. It is unbecoming of the element of joy, excitement, and laughter to be sleeping in the middle of the day. Just do what comes naturally," Berry squinted, barely able to make out the Prince's shape anymore. Berry blinked to try and clear her vision.
He blinked again, and this time found himself in his own bed. His mane was still damp from the bath, but apparently he had a towel wrapped around his lower body. Gummi was standing on Berry's chest, smiling with anticipation, as if the little alligator could sense Berry's sudden change in perspective on life.
What now? Berry's thoughts echoed. Tomorrow was Hearts and Hooves Day...or was it today?
Why does it matter what day it is? He loves Butterscotch and this news cannot be put off. Berry sat up and Gummi jumped over to his nightstand, a drawer flying open and a Berry's Gala Suit flying out of the drawer. Berry looked over at Gummi and could have sworn that Gummi nodded at him.
"Well... I guess it's time to build a sand castle." Because of the metaphor earlier... nevermind...
The trot on the way to Butterscotch's house definitely set the mood. It was the day before Hearts and Hooves Day but you already see ponies beginning to celebrate early. Berry began to sweat underneath the collar.
His sparkly blue suit made him look fabulous, but he didn't feel fabulous as Elusive's original design intended. He kept telling himself Butterscotch was a true friend and wouldn't talk down to him like he's a monster... even though he totally was one...
No! Prince Artemis was in stallions once, and if a Prince can be more secure with himself, then by golly, the best party pony in all of Equestria can be too. "Berry, you gotta stand up tall..." He started to hum t himself. His step began to lighten a little as he trotted.
He can do this.
"Hey Berry! What are you doing dressing up so snazzy like? You going to see your special somepony?" Berry nearly jumped out of his skin as he saw Dusk Shine come up from his side of vision.
The shortest route he started to take was straight through town. And this just happened to cross paths with Dusk Shine's newly formed Crystal Castle. No surprise really that he'd probably run into Dusk Shine.
"I... um, uh, eh, no. Yes! I mean..." Berry made several faces, all attempts to go down a path in the conversation, failing and immediately trying to stumble into a different option. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here silly," Dusk Shine gestured to the Crystal Castle. Berry nodded dumbly.
"Oh yeah..."
"So! Is it Big Macarena?"
Berry flinched as if he was just slapped. "What?"
"Are you going on a date with Macky? You two are Earth ponies, it would fit your species role. But judging by your response, it's not her... What about Goldy Digger? She is sweet once you get to know her, or so I've heard..." Dusk Shin began to tap his chin. "Or... is it Grilled Cheese?" Dusk spoke seductively causing Berry to blush. "Aha! That is so adorable! Does anypony else..."
"It's Butterscotch." Berry spoke with a heavy sigh. I can trust Dusk Shine. I hope.
Dusk Shine blinked and then his smile widened. "Aw. That's so sweet of you to hang out with such a good friend on Hearts and Hooves day," Dusk slung an arm around Berry and he grimaced.
"Yep. A good friend. That's what he is." No. That's not all I want him to be. "I used the ole Berry noggin to realize that he might be lonely on Hearts and Hooves day," Because I realized I'm lonely too, at least without Butters.
"I should probably do that with Elusive." Dusk Shine suggested. Berry immediately pictured Dusk and Elusive being an item... and found out that they actually looked cute together. "He's always crying that all the mares he find is so trashy, so maybe..."
"You should go out with Elusive?" Berry suggested as the image was still fresh in his mind.
"What? No!" Dusk Shine shouted in shock. Berry bit his lip and felt a tear materalize in the corner of his eye. Dusk Shine noticed and looked to the side, trying to avoid Berry's gaze. "I mean... I'm not sure. He's a good friend." Dusk tapped his chin once more, "If I was to pick though, I wouldn't choose Elusive." Dusk Shine decided.
So who would you choose? Applejack? Rainbow Blitz? B-Butterscotch? Berry thought nervously and at the same time excitedly, finding himself more interested than he would ever admit. "I'm not sure who I would pick... but can you imagine me and Elusive?" Dusk chuckled.
"But you wouldn't be... disgusted at the idea?"
"Being with another stallion," Berry asked, his breath becoming short. Dusk Shine tilted his head at the idea, clearly delving into his own mind. Berry began to fidget with the tip of mane that was right above his nose with his tongue. His mane always tasted of bubble gum, yet he could never pinpoint why.
"I would have to do more studies. I don't know much about relationships. Homoequestrian or heteroequestrian." Dusk Shine pulled out a quill and a roll of parchment to take notes.
"Homo wha?" Berry raised an eyebrow.
"Basically it means to be attracted to the same gender. I was actually unaware of the subject until recently. Did you know Prince Artemis was rather adventurous in his youth?" Dusk Shine's eyes were alit with fascination.
"So, you wouldn't hate a pony who was homo whatcha ma call it?"
"No." Dusk Shine said without hesitation. "Why do you ask Bubble Berry?" Dusk's facial features softened. He was really curious. Dusk was Berry's latest new best friend, yet they have been through so much... oh how silly was Berry being? Dusk Shine seemed totally open to the idea, maybe Butters would be the same way?
Instead of answering, Berry just embraced Dusk Shine causing the purple alicorn to yelp in surprise. "Thank you," Berry whispered into Dusk's ear. Dusk Shine smiled and hugged back.
It was getting dark as the moon above began to flood moonlight into Ponyville. "Don't you have a pegasus to get to?" Dusk Shine whispered back.
Berry broke away from Dusk and nodded. "Yeah... Yeah!" Berry began to jump in place. "How do I look Shine? Is my mane straight? Is my suit as sparkly as Elusive intended?"
"Everything looks fine Berry. Just be yourself. I'm sure Butterscotch will love you no matter what you look like Berry." Dusk Shine smiled. Berry stopped bouncing in place and his entire body spasmed out of control. Dusk tilted his head, "A doozy?"
"I.. I gotta go." Berry turned to go, but not before zipping over to Dusk Shine and giving him one more swift hug. "Thanks again Dusky," With that, Berry dashed off towards Butterscotch's house.
Dusk Shine smiled and looked up at the moon. If you were quiet enough that night, you would hear a victorious laugh coming from the moon itself.
"And then she socked Elusive in the face!"
"Yes Blitz. We were all there."
"Berry and Butters wasn't there! Man! You should have seen Elusive's face!" The rainbow pony started cracking up. "Classic,"
"That reminds me, where were you two on Hearts and Hooves Day?" Elusive inquired to the two ponies sitting across from them. "It's unlike you to miss a party Berry,"
Berry shrugged and Butterscotch interjected, "He-he was helping me take of the animals last night," Butterscotch smiled, moving a tuft of pink mane to the side of his head.
"Aw, that's sweet. But you two really should have come to the party! We could have found you a couple of special mares,"
"It's alright Elusive, we had plenty of fun taking care of the animals last night," Butterscotch nodded at Elusive, who could only pout that his friends missed the fun that night.
"Yeah, we could have found you a couple of special mares just like Elusive did for himself," Rainbow Blitz laughed.
"And what is that supposed to mean Rainbow Blitz?" Elusive turned to Blitz with a look that could kill. Rainbow Blitz simply let it bounce off of him, barely phased.
"I mean that you are terrible at picking up mares,"
"Let's be honest, he was kind of desperate last night," Applejack intervened, carrying a tray of mugs that was filled with hot cider.
"Excuse me Applejack?!?" Elusive's mouth was open in shock. Blitz and Berry were on the verge of losing it.
"Oh, she couldn't have been that bad..." Butterscotch tried to be supportive. Blitz showed Butterscotch a quick shot of Elusive getting very friendly with the mare of the hour. "Oh... my..."
"You're one to talk Butterscotch. It's not like you have a special somepony," Elusive narrowed his eyes.
"I... um... that's not..."
"Wait wait wait!!! You have a special somepony?" Rainbow Blitz pounded a hoof on the table, causing all the mugs on the table to bounce.
"Well who is it?" Applejack asked, equally interested.
Berry and Butters both gave each other a sideways glance.
Butterscotch could remember the conversation he had with Berry the previous night. Lots of crying and lots hugs when Berry released the flood gates and told Butterscotch every single feeling he had felt since his first dream. After an hour of snuggling and comforting, Butterscotch finally returned Berry's affection. Berry was the happiest that Butterscotch has seen him in a while and Butters was happy he could become a part of that.
Now, Butterscotch and Bubble Berry had a very long discussion on how to approach this situation when it came to their friends. Dusk Shine was arguably more understanding than the rest of their friends and it wasn't that they didn't trust their friends... actually yeah, that was pretty much the reason. Elusive was a gossip king. Rainbow Blitz wasn't somepony that would ever be described as 'tactful'. Berry wasn't that worried about Applejack, but he and Butterscotch just made up their mind about their newly formed relationship and it was as scary as it was exciting thinking about what the future held.
The front door to Sugar Cube Corner opened for a brief moment and then closed. "Hey everypony! What did I miss?" Dusk's voice was cheery as he took off his scarf and placed his bags under the table.
"Apparently Butterscotch has a new filly friend and he was holding out on us this entire time!" Rainbow Blitz exclaimed excitedly. Dusk looked between Berry and Butters.
"Filly Friend?" Dusk asked, clearly confused.
"You're not the only one a little shocked. I was darn sure that Elusive was the first one who was going to get into a relationship since he is always going on and on about dem,"
"I am not!" Elusive butted in defensively. Applejack and Blitz rolled their eyes in response.
"Filly friend? How can you guys assume it's a mare?" Dusk Shine sounded a little offended. The other three stallions were taken aback by Dusk Shine's sudden outburst.
"Why wouldn't it be a mare?" Blitz asked slowly and deliberately.
"Wait, you mean... like a colt cuddler?" Elusive asked, blushing a deep shade of crimson.
"A colt cuddler? What in hay is that?"
"It's a derogatory term for..." Dusk Shine was about to answer when Blitz stepped in.
"It's a stallion who likes to do other stallions."
"RAINBOW!" Dusk Shine scolded the rainbow maned pony who was just getting more confused by the second.
"Wait, is this true Butters?" Applejack asked, removing his hat as if to truly get a good look at Butterscotch.
Butters began to feel cornered, trapped even. Was this what Berry had to deal with this entire time? While feeling the way he did for me? He now knew why Berry had such a hard time telling him his feelings and was certain to keep it a secret lest Berry get tortured by the rest of their friends.
"No. It's not." Five pairs of eyes locked on Butterscotch.
"It's... not?" Dusk Shine asked, sounding a little sad while looking at Berry to confirm his suspicions. It seemed like Berry was having his own internal battle.
Berry thought deeply about what Butters just said. Why would he lie? Unless... Berry took a look at Butterscotch and saw what he was looking for. The front. The front that he always saw when Butterscotch was trying to be strong. Trying to do the right thing. Like when the Breezies insisted on staying and Butterscotch put his hoof down and said no. Like when Aeris demanded the world and Butters would always say no but still remain her friend. Berry shook his head while Prince Artemis's voice ringed in his mind "Do what comes naturally,".
This wasn't what he wanted for him and Butters.
"Hey guys," Berry knocked the table with his mug of cider. Everyone turned to face him, including Butterscotch.
"Yes Bubble Berry?" The yellow pegasus asked, genuinely interested and at the same time winking to him that their little secret was safe.
"I have something very important to say," Berry announced. Everyone stayed silent. Berry wasn't always serious, so this had to be important. And it was.
Berry turned to Butters and kissed him without warning. Butterscotch was surprised but just accepted it without resistance. Their friends save for Dusk Shine all watched with their mouths hanging open.
It lasted only a few seconds, but it definitely felt way longer than it did in the dream. Prince Artemis was right, real life kisses are WAY better than dream kisses.
Their lips parted and Butters was the first to turn his head to the side and speak, "Sorry... I lied..."
Elusive, Blitz, and Applejack all blinked a few times to just process what happened.
"So I assumed that he said yes last night?" Dusk asked with a sly grin. The three surprised ponies all whipped their heads to Dusk.
"You knew?!" They all exclaimed. Dusk Shine shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal. Rainbow Blitz was the first to speak up, "So, I guess we all know what this means," Berry and Butters both gulped simultaneously. "Elusive, pay up. Double the amount,"
It was now Berry and Butter's turn to look surprised, as well as Elusive who just gasped, "I beg your pardon?!"
"The bet was that if Dusk, Berry, or Butters was to ever get a filly friend...." Blitz took a second glance at Berry and Butters, "Er, colt friend... if they were to ever get a colt friend before you, you would put your money where your mouth is."
Applejack slammed his mug on the table. "Oh yeah! I reckon'd forgot about dat there wager. Pay up Lucy!" Applejack grinned from ear to ear.
"Whoa, wait. Slow down, what?" Dusk Shine asked for clarification.
"Elusive was being mopey one day so we gambled that if he can't get a date before you three did, he was a lost cause." Blitz smiled while he explained, knowing how victorious and right he was, "Um, no offense you three," He said nervously.
"None. Taken." Dusk Shine narrowed his eyes while gritting his teeth angrily.
"This doesn't count!" Elusive begged.
"It sure does count to me. And since it's both of them that are in love... you two both are developin' feelin's for each other right?" Applejack asked Berry and Butters for clarity. They both nodded while their hooves were now intertwined, curious as to how this was going to play out. "Yep, that's TWO for the price of ONE done right there. Pay up mister,"
"Ugh! You all set me up! How do I know they just aren't in on this? Four hundred bits is a lot of money to split four ways!" Dusk Shine and Butterscotch nearly choked on their cider. Four hundred bits?! Was he that cocky?
Blitz and Applejack had no comeback to this. Berry on the other hoof was not just going to sit there and let Elusive trash talk his love for Butters. "I loved that kiss. That was the first kiss I've ever had and it definitely wasn't fake." Berry narrowed his eyes at Elusive, who now was feeling a little ashamed.
"Berry..." Butters was at a loss for words as Berry held his hoof tighter.
Berry smiled and looked at Butters, booping him on the nose. "I love you," He said with his heart as full as his eyes.
Butters then turned to their friends, "So... um... are you guys fine with us being in a relationship... thingy?" Butters asked awkwardly just to confirm that they can openly talk about it.
"Yeah, I don't see nothing wrong with it," Rainbow Blitz shrugged, "If you're asking if I'm shocked, maybe a little. But frankly, there's way worse things in the Dashing Doo fanficiton I read." Dusk Shine eeped at this and looked down whilst blushing.
"And... I may or may not have experimented in my younger years," Elusive confessed while playing with his mug. His five friends eyes widened.
"What? Can't a stallion deserve to be in love?"
"And I'm fine with it as long as you two are happy. We're apples to the core Bubble Berry, you keep on rememberin' that." Applejack smiled, saluting his hat towards the pink pony. "And onto more pressing matters, how are you going to pay us Elusive?"
"What about me?" Berry butted into the conversation. Everypony looked at him with wide eyes. "Doesn't the ponies who were bet on deserve some compensation from the winners?"
"I second that," Butterscotch raised his hoof in agreement.
"I... um..." Blitz blinked as Applejack was equally a loss for wods.
Dusk Shine began to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Elusive smiled and chuckled alongside him. The rest of the ponies joined in and the bet was soon forgotten about. After everything was all said and done, the ponies drank their cider, discussed what happened the night prior and left to go do their own things. Dusk Shine was the last to leave and talked with Berry and Butters about their relationship.
"So. I've been reading up on how you two could have kids..." Dusk Shine pulled out a book.
"Kids?!" Berry and Butters both shouted at once.
"Yeah. There's apparently a spell where I can take your reproductive..." Dusk was starting to flip through some pages when Berry grabbed the book, opened up the nearest window, and threw it out. "HEY!"
"Um. Dusk? We just started this relationship. We have a long way to go before we get to that point," Butterscotch explained softly.
"Yeah! I mean, I'd love to have kids with Butterscotch," Butters blushed a little at the thought, "But I'm a party pony. Loud music wouldn't fit into a kid friendly life style," Butters and Shine both looked at Berry with disbelief. That sounded like the most responsible thing Berry has ever said. Ever.
"But if we ever need anything, we'll let you know Dusk Shine," Butterscotch nodded at him.
"Oh. Okay. Well, I gotta get home. Spines is at home, waiting for me to take her gem shopping for Elusive. You guys have a good night," Dusk Shine nodded at the two and then left Sugar Cube Corner.
Berry sighed and slumped against Butterscotch. Butters in turn hugged Berry tightly. "What do you want to do now Berry?" Butters asked.
"As long as it is with you, my little shy, I can take on the world." Berry smiled.
"As long as you, my little pinky pie is there with me, I can do anything you ask of me,"
They both embraced and kissed as a new chapter in their life has begun.
"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony! Make sure to always remain true to your heart, and remember that if the pony you want to be your special somepony doesn't love you for who they are, then at least have your other friends gamble on your relationship status before hoof,"
"Berry, who are you talking to?"
"The readers silly. Say bye Butterscotch!"