> The Amazing Sounds of Orgy > by ScousePone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Tavi, are you sure you’re ready for this?” Vinyl Scratch’s voice was white noise to Octavia. The elegant mare sat quietly on the train’s cushioned seat, the heel of her black, low cut dress shoes anxiously tapping against the hard floor. Vinyl had suggested she dress enticingly, wear an outfit that will get the boys going. Octavia was too proper for something like that, so she settled on thin black pants with a modest blouse covered by a vest. She pushed some strands of hair back behind her ear before gazing out the window, watching as Canterlot disappeared into the distance, the setting sun casting a vast shadow of the princesses’ castle over the landscape. “Octavia?” Vinyl called once again, pushy enough to snap Octavia out of her trance. “Huh, did you say my name?” she asked, her smooth accent pleasing to any ear. “Yup, and the same question, like, twice,” Vinyl said lightheartedly. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Octavia shuffled in her seat, placing the palms of her hands over her lap, smoothing out the creases in her black pants. She had heard Vinyl this time, but was unsure of how to answer. “Well, yes and no,” she admitted. “I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m really quite nervous; I don’t know what to expect.” Her body language was tense and rigid; Vinyl frowned, sighing as she lowered her head and shook it back and forth. She leaned forward, making Octavia look into her dark red eyes, and placed her hand on top of Octavia’s. “If you don’t want to, we don’t have to go. We can do something else instead and then leave tomorrow morning. We’re going to Manehattan after all; there’s tons to do!” She suggested, hoping her cheerful tone would ease her marefriend. Octavia thought about it briefly, but decided against it. Vinyl had been talking about this trip for weeks and, though she wouldn’t show it, Octavia knew she’d be disappointed if she backed out at the last second. She knew how happy it would make her if she came along. “No, no, it’s okay. I’ve never gone to a party like this, so I am excited to see how it all unfolds. It’s the unknown that gets to me though,” Octavia explained, a shiver going down her spine as she wondered about what was awaiting her. Vinyl sprung up from her seat and sat down next to Octavia, wrapping her arm around her and tenderly rubbing her shoulder, her breast lightly pushing into Octavia’s arm. “Don’t worry, Octy. Everypony there is super nice and super cool. I wouldn’t have asked you to come otherwise!” Octavia took comfort in that. Vinyl was right; if she knew Octavia wouldn’t enjoy it, then she would’ve never asked for her to come with her the next time there was another party. Octavia was comfortable with Vinyl going to them since she knew she was always safe about those kinds of things. Plus, Vinyl always talked about how much of a stress reliever it was, which was why she wanted Octavia to come, even though it was only causing her even more stress. “Hey, look at me,” Vinyl whispered softly so the few other ponies in the train car couldn’t hear her, turning Octavia’s head so her lips were inches away from hers. “Everypony is nervous their first time at an orgy. Hell, I still get nervous; it’s natural. Just hold my hand, give me a kiss, and have a good time. You’ll enjoy yourself, you deserve to enjoy yourself,” she planted a warm kiss on Octavia’s lips, watching her face redden and a cute smile appear on her face. “Thanks, Vinyl,” Octavia smiled. When the train came to a halt, Vinyl helped Octavia out of her seat, brushing some specks of dust and hair off her clothes, cheekily feeling her ample breasts as she did so. Normally, Octavia would’ve been appalled and chastise Vinyl for her juvenile behavior. Her silence was unsettling. The sun had set, but the train station was still crowded, which was unsurprising given that they were in Manehattan. Octavia wasn’t the biggest fan of crowds, however. Ponies seemed to be ruder when in large numbers, and it made her uneasy. She preferred a moderately sized group of ponies, one where she felt necessary, but not important. She was about harmony and balance, like a fine orchestral piece. She was bothered by anything loud and disorderly, yet she was attracted to Vinyl. Perhaps she just needed to let herself be more open and experimental. “How far is the apartment?” She asked Vinyl as they left the station. “It’s a townhouse and it’s right around the block,” Vinyl pointed down the street. “Love how it’s right by the train station.” It was a warm, summer night. Octavia was thankful that it was so beautiful out. If only she were going to an outdoor concert; it was a perfect night for one. A gentle breeze would dance between her legs before traveling off, its gentle fingers rubbing against the dainty fabric of her pants. She might as well get comfortable with that feeling now. The thought made her heart race while her legs started to feel weak. She nervously adjusted her bow tie, trying to find something to occupy her mind. She thought back to one of her earliest live performances: a solo in her middle school orchestra. She was a very talented cellist, but wasn’t a very composed performer when put in the spotlight. During the concert, she was scheduled to perform her first solo.With a group, she could play the most difficult pieces with relative ease since she was a fantastic listener, but she had never been directly under the spotlight. For weeks she looked forward to it, not even able to sleep the night before. When she approached the stage, however, she instantly became nervous by the fact that all eyes were on her, anticipating a terrific performance. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes, her shaking hand almost letting go of her bow. Now, her brain was telling her to take a deep breath, reminding her that it would be okay like it was that night several years ago. Octavia shuffled closer to Vinyl as they approached the apartment, her presence making her feel safe and comforted while she glanced at the tips of the skyscrapers, marveling at their height and architecture. “We’re here!” Vinyl exclaimed with excitement. “Ready?” She asked, quickly turning around to face Octavia with exuberance-filled eyes. Octavia gulped, trying to conquer that last mountain of nerves. “I’m ready.” She wasn’t lying to herself either. She was ready. Octavia was still nervous, of course, but she wasn’t going to turn around now. The past several weeks had been taking a toll on her. There was new music to write, half a dozen practices for a dozen different orchestras a week, but only 24 hours in a day. Every day was on such a tight schedule that it started making her sick. When Vinyl brought up the orgy, it sounded new, exciting, and a way for her to not be so on edge. Vinyl knocked on the door impatiently. Octavia was expecting the door to open to a room full of ponies already going at it; she was half-hoping that to be case. “There’s a familiar face!” the stallion who opened the door said happily. He was taller than Vinyl, about the same height as Octavia. He had a white mane and navy blue coat. He wore a gray, buttoned up shirt, with the button closest to his neck being undone. His smile was sincere and there was a twinkle in his eye. He had a welcoming voice; probably why he ended up with door-duty. “And a new one as well!” his cheery voice said, his eyes drifting towards Octavia, briefly sharing eye contact before she averted her eyes. “Always nice to have a newcomer amongst us, especially when she’s as beautiful as this mare.” Octavia blushed, pushing her hair back behind her ear. It was a flattering compliment and she was sure she would hear several more before the night was over. The stallion stepped aside to allow them in. Octavia heard Vinyl giggle as he tapped on her butt lightly. Actions like that would definitely take some getting used to. To Octavia’s surprise, it was rather calm inside. She was expecting full blown madness. Instead, she was wondering if they ended up at some rich cocktail hour. There were four other stallions and two other mares scattered about the wide apartment. One couple was having a few drinks by a table with some other refreshments on it; Octavia was shocked to see a small bowl with condoms inside of it sitting next to various bottles of lube at one end of the table. Two of the stallions were sitting making conversation with the other mare on a white couch. Octavia was thankful that everything seemed so casual so far. She didn’t want to be walking into an orgy already in full swing. “Everyone’s just talking,” she murmured to Vinyl, “How does this thing get started?” “Usually we start off just by talking for a bit. It’s good to get to know each other’s personalities since we don’t give out our names; not everypony’s comfortable when names are involved, don’t ask me why. Sometimes there’s exceptions though, which I’ll probably elaborate more on in a few minutes. Shit usually gets started once someone decides to make the first move. Some kissing, some groping, and then it really starts going. Until then, mingle a bit, have a drink! The real fun will get started soon enough,” Vinyl explained as she walked over to the refreshments table. Octavia wanted to socialize, but she was still rather scared and nervous. She didn’t want to make things awkward for others by approaching them with nothing to say. She was also worried that she’d let her name slip and possibly make things weird for someone. It was best if she stuck close to Vinyl since she knew what she was doing. “I knew you’d be here!” said a stallion’s voice. Octavia and Vinyl turned to face him as he came walking towards them. “Gibson!” Vinyl exclaimed before wrapping her arms tightly around his burnt orange coat. “I’m glad you’re here. How the hell have you been, man?” “Been good!” Gibson replied as he drank from a water bottle, “Been working on some new stuff. Hopefully we’ll start work on the album in a few weeks.” “That’s awesome! Hey, I wanna introduce you to somepony,” Vinyl practically shoved Octavia into her friend, who was about an inch or two taller than her. “Is it okay if I use your name, he’s an old friend.” “I don’t mind,” said Octavia. “Octavia, this is Gibson, we go way, way back. He was actually the one to drag me to one of these in the first place!” She said, happily putting all blame on Gibson with a smug grin. He straightened out the bangs of his auburn mane before extending his hand to Octavia’s. “It’s nice to meet you, Octavia. Vinyl’s told me plenty about you. Sounds like you’re pretty good in bed.” Octavia’s face immediately went red, making Gibson and Vinyl erupt into laughter. She felt humiliated for a second; she’d never had a stallion be so straightforward like that with her before. However, she decided to treat it as step 1 in getting out of her comfort zone “Oh, well, then I’m sure Vinyl has told you all about…uh…the little snorts she’ll make when she’s getting all moany,” Octavia replied, her smile growing as she looked at her marefriend. “Fuck you!” Vinyl laughed, jokingly giving Octavia a light push. Octavia felt her heart start to calm down. The room had a laid back feel to it; the mood more fitting for just a party rather than something much more extreme. There were some scented candles spread around the room, producing a flowery scent that spread about the apartment that was probably meant to soothe the nerves. She watched other ponies have conversations and wanted to join them, but her feet kept her rooted next to Vinyl. “So,” Octavia began, “how did you meet Vinyl?” “We used to be in a band together. I played guitar while Vinyl made the beats and played the bass. This was probably, like, seven years ago. We were both pretty young, but we loved making music,” Gibson looked at Vinyl reminiscently, the two sharing the same flashback. “We were called The Mechanics,” Vinyl added. “We both liked the name and it sounded catchy.” “We played in Manehattan mostly; think we got a gig or two in Fillydelphia as well. We only lasted for about a year though.” “Why’s that?” Octavia asked, intrigued to hear more about him and Vinyl’s past. Vinyl shrugged. “We each wanted to do our own thing. I wanted to focus more on DJing while Gibson wanted to do some post-rock type stuff.” “I think you’ve mentioned The Mechanics to me before, though I wasn’t entirely sure,” Octavia said to Vinyl. “What do you do now, Gibson?” “I’m in a new band now: Capitol City. We play a lot of different stuff, but I guess you could just label us alternative. We released an EP a few months back; I could get you a copy if you wanted,” Gibson suggested happily. “That sounds lovely!” Octavia replied, lightly clapping her hands together. “I’d really love to hear it.” “Hey, you’ve never given me a copy either, and after all I’ve done for you!” Vinyl joked in an overdramatic tone. Gibson laughed. “Please, you’d tear that shit apart and sell twice as many copies after you’ve remixed it!” “Probably, though I think I’d sell three times as many copies,” Vinyl smirked. “Octavia,” Gibson directed his attention to the new guest. “What about you? This probably isn’t your first time in Manehattan, is it?” Octavia shook her head gracefully. “No, no, I’ve been here several times before. It’s almost a second home to me! We always have some sort of concert here. My ensemble actually played at Carneighgie Hall last year!” Gibson raised his eyebrows. “Carneighgie Hall? Wow, that’s impressive!” “Thank you,” Octavia said. The comment meant a lot coming from a fellow musician. “Do you ever come just to enjoy the city or is it always for a performance?” Gibson inquired as he adjusted his posture. “Most of the time we’re in the city because either Vinyl or myself are performing,” Octavia explained. “Though we do try to fit in some personal time. We toured the Mare of Liberty last time, we even got to up into the crown. Oh my, the view was just so beautiful!” Gibson turned to Vinyl, piercing her with shocked eyes. “You went into the crown? Aren’t you, like, petrified of heights?” “Terrified. Completely,” Vinyl confessed. “But Tavi really wanted to do it...and I guess it was kinda cool.” “Maybe we can go for another visit before we leave tomorrow then!” Octavia proposed playfully. “God, please no. My hands will start shaking just from thinking about it!” Vinyl wriggled her arms in an exaggerated manner. The three of them shared a chorus of laughter before Gibson offered some refreshments. “Are you thirsty or anything? I can get you two a drink if you want,” Gibson pointed back and forth between Vinyl and Octavia. Octavia scanned his body, almost sizing him up for their inevitable matchup later. His jeans were fashionably wrinkled with a brown leather belt wrapping around the waistband. The sleeves of his white and blue striped shirt were rolled up slightly, exposing a bit of his forearms. Octavia admitted that he had an attractive body, almost feeling guilty when the thoughts of playing with it circled in her mind. “I’m good,” Vinyl said. “How about you, Octy?” “A bottle of water would be fine, thank you,” She answered plainly. “Sure thing! I’ll be right back,” Gibson said before making his way to the kitchen. Octavia’s eyes immediately went towards his butt, her face warming as she watched his tail swish from side to side. Vinyl smiled affectionately at Octavia, amused to see her marefriend so entranced and out of her normal character. Octavia was usually very conservative and well-mannered even if she did show a different side of her personality when she was with Vinyl. She rarely used profanity and would even scold Vinyl for placing her elbows on the table. The way she carried herself, so adroitly and exquisitely, oozed Canterlot. Whenever they attended parties, Vinyl shot the breeze with absolutely everyone while Octavia’s shyness and demeanor kept her limited to two or three. Vinyl looked on at Octavia happily, appreciative of the fact that her marefriend was with her tonight. “So, Gibson ain’t that bad of a guy, huh?” Vinyl asked, bumping Octavia with her elbow. “He is pretty cute,” Octavia giggled, “I like his butt.” “Every mare does, honey. I can tell he likes you too, which is no surprise since you’re pretty much the awesomest thing ever,” Vinyl complimented before giving Octavia a peck on the cheek. “I don’t think awesomest is a word, but you’re splendid as well,” Octavia smiled as she kissed her marefriend back. “Just stick with Gibson until things get started,” Vinyl advised. “He can be pretty direct, but he always starts off gently. Plus, he was staring at your tits, like, the entire time we were chatting, so he’ll probably want to start with you first.” Octavia blushed and looked down at her breasts, cupping them in her hands while she felt a pang of embarrassment. “Oh, well…I…” She had trouble thinking of what to say now that push was starting to come to shove. Vinyl leaned in closer, wrapping her arm around Octavia and rubbing her shoulder for comfort. “He’ll probably start making some moves when he comes back, so don’t get too shocked. If you don’t feel ready, just let him know and he’ll immediately back off.” Octavia thought about Gibson lying her down and undoing her blouse, causing her large breasts to spill out as he traced down her body before spreading her legs open. She pictured him caressing her inner thighs while he could smell the strong scent of her arousal. He’d pull down her black panties with his teeth while rubbing his thumbs into the soft soles of her feet. Leaning his head in, he’d extend his tongue and… “All right, a bottle of water for the lovely mare!” Gibson’s voice pulled Octavia out of her lusty imagination. She looked at the water bottle in his hand, watching as the condensation dampened his hand. When her hand touched his, she had to have burned him, her body turning up the heat as her emotions broke through the dam and flooded her body. Nothing had even begun but she was already getting turned on. “T-thank you,” Octavia bubbled, giving Gibson a playful, seductive smile as she took the bottle from him. She twisted the cap of the bottle, hurrying to take a gulp to calm her increasing arousal. Octavia couldn’t believe how easily her fantasy had taken control over her. Maybe it was the scenario she was in; an attractive mare surrounded by horny ponies, all ready to get extremely personal with another. It was the esotericism of everything. She was new and everyone else was aware of it. The intrigue was tangible in the air, lingering around for everyone to notice. Octavia could just picture herself being surrounded by every stallion in the room as Vinyl and the other mares watched and cheered her on. Vinyl was getting a little anxious for things to start between Gibson and Octavia and she had a feeling things wouldn’t if she stuck around with the two. “Not that this isn’t fun, but I’m gonna chat it up with some other folks here. Gotta scope out some of the meat, if you know what I’m saying,” Vinyl teased with a raised eyebrow. Octavia let out a small, inaudible gasp as Vinyl began her stride to the other side of the room. She was the only familiar face and now she had no other options but to make conversation with Gibson, unless she wanted to talk with the others in attendance, which she wasn’t too keen on. She tapped her foot restlessly against the floor, twirling her finger around the cap of the water bottle as she tried to think up a new topic for conversation. “So,” Gibson broke the silence, happily relieving Octavia of any responsibility. “I’m a little surprised Vinyl’s never brought you here before. A body like yours would definitely be the center of attention; it probably will be by the end of the night.” Vinyl did say he was direct, Octavia thought to herself. She reminded herself that everyone would behave differently here as Gibson got closer to her. There was a part of her that enjoyed it; she just needed to show it a bit more. “Why, that’s qu-quite kind of you to say,” She replied, her hands starting to shake. “I love the way you style your mane,” he complimented her again, running his hands through the brown strands of hair. “It looks great and smells wonderful too,” he breathed in her scent, letting the subtle, cherry blossom aroma swirl around inside his nostrils. “T-thank you,” Octavia whispered lightly, purring gently as Gibson brushed her mane with his fingers. “Have you been with a stallion before?” He asked, curious to know more about her sex life. “Just one,” she answered. “It was a relationship that didn’t last too long; a fellow musician.” “The performances can be stressful. It’s good to have someone to help relieve it. Vinyl was always an expert at that,” Gibson continued as his hands softly rubbed Octavia’s back. Octavia pictured Gibson and Vinyl backstage at a club, Vinyl’s mouth full of his thick cock as the music masked Gibson’s moans. The fantasy made her face flush with red. “She’s…very good in bed,” she admitted, pleasantly shocking herself by revealing such private information, even though he already knew all about her marefriend’s ways. “You got yourself one sexy mare, Miss Octavia. I’m jealous,” Gibson confessed with a smile. She hummed lightly, averting her eyes over to another part of the room. Vinyl was scooching in closer to a gray stallion with a black mane, her hands circling his muscular chest. A cream colored mare with long, light brown hair was sharing a few kisses with a yellow stallion as his hands traveled along her body, a light pink mare watching them with pure delight in her emerald eyes. Her body gave a slight jump when she felt his hands on her wide hips, slowly circling them just above her cutie mark. While it was odd being held in a stranger’s arms like she was, Octavia felt safe somehow. She looked up into Gibson’s deep brown eyes. She accepted his sincere smile with one of her own. Octavia’s eyes shot down to her hips as Gibson’s hands crept towards the back of her body, fingertips gracing the outermost part of her butt. Vinyl had suggested she dress enticingly, wear an outfit that will get the boys going. For Octavia, that was impossible, so she settled on thin black pants with a modest blouse covered by a vest. The tightness of the pants’ fabric outlined her butt perfectly, which Gibson was now lightly caressing. “You have a soft, cute ass,” he whispered into her ear. When Octavia brought her eyes back up to Gibson, he snuck in a kiss, placing it right on her lips. He withheld his tongue at first, but began pushing it through once Octavia allowed him to. He took one hand off her butt, bringing it up to her chest as their tongues swirled, both of them quietly moaning inside each other’s mouths. In her ears, Octavia could hear the raunchy comments the others were making as the night had started to get underway. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her marefriend pulling off her shirt in front of the stallion that had greeted them; Octavia was surprised to see that Vinyl hadn’t worn a bra. The gray stallion she was with earlier had begun unbuckling his pants while he watched Vinyl slide her smaller, perky breasts up the stallion’s body. “She’s already sucking my dick!” Octavia heard one of the boys holler. “Would you like to watch?” Gibson asked teasingly, quickly turning Octavia around so she could get a full view of the living room. It was like watching an adult version of a play and Octavia had the front row seat. She could see the light pink mare on her knees, her mouth buried around the yellow stallion’s cock. Her eyes were closed and an expression of pure delight was on her face as her head bobbed back and forth. The cream mare lied on the couch next to her, hand draped across her forehead as a white stallion thrust his fingers into her marehood. Octavia’s nether regions began to soak her panties with their juices. Behind her, Gibson could smell her arousal, making him smile pleasingly. He slid one hand to the front of her body, walking his fingers up her groin before carefully undoing the button on her pants. With his other free hand, Gibson grabbed at Octavia’s large breasts, causing her to gasp surprisedly. “You’re one of the sexiest mares I’ve ever seen, Octavia,” he complimented in a whisper, his hand starting to slide into her panties. “A cute, soft ass and big, heavy tits. You’ve been blessed.” Octavia shuddered as the ecstasy of pleasure plowed through her body. She lowered her eyelids, letting out a deep breath as she watched Gibson’s hand circle around on her breast, switching between the left and the right one rhythmically. Her legs started to shake as his fingers teased her opening, softly sliding against her moist slit, slipping inside only for a second. Gibson’s breathing was starting to become heavier, more feral. He placed a wet kiss on Octavia’s neck, breathing in her attractive scent as he lightly nibbled on her ear, enjoying watching it twitch. “Oh…G-Gibson…” Octavia murmured beneath her heavy breath. She placed her hand on top of Gibson’s, joining him as he caressed and squeezed her large chest. His fingers glided over her erect nipples that fought against the fabric of her shirt. Between her legs, Gibson was sliding his fingers in and out of her marehood at a slow, incredibly enjoyable pace. She could hear the quiet squelching of his fingers moving through her wet folds. Her face was hot and she had difficulty standing. Every worry and stressor she had prior to this had started to melt away like an ice sculpture. When she looked back towards the living room, Octavia could see Vinyl switching between the members of two different stallions, easily handling their impressive length and thickness as she sucked and jerked them off. She was completely naked. Her honey leaked from her marehood, running down her cute thighs and onto the soft carpet beneath her. The two boys reached down and stroke her mane and ears as she looked back up at them with wide, doe-eyes. The mare that was lying on the couch was now having her breasts sucked by the stallion that had finished eating her out, his tongue flicking across her nipples, hands squeezing her sizable breasts. Meanwhile, the yellow stallion had his mare on her knees with her rear facing him, his hands placed on her shapely butt as he rubbed her cheeks, alternating between spanking them and reaching down to stroke his cock. Octavia shuddered suddenly as Gibson's thrusting fingers hit a sweet spot deep within her pussy. At the same time, she felt him press the bulge of his hardening stallionhood against her. “Fuck!” Octavia couldn’t hold back. Her moan garnered the attention of Vinyl who looked over her shoulder, her hands still jerking off her two buddies. Holy shit, she’s actually getting into it! She thought to herself in moderate disbelief. Against her bottom, Octavia could feel Gibson’s excitement, the bulge that ran down his pants rubbing against her cheeks and tail. Her hand snuck to it. She gave it a light squeeze, making Gibson jump and chuckle. “Glad to see you’re eager,” he said before giving one of her nipples a light pinch. Octavia turned around to meet him, taking her hand off of his pants and placing both of them on her blouse. Her mouth was open and she shivered with excitement as she lifted up her shirt, exposing her soft, thin belly to the warm, sweaty apartment air. Her breasts, struggling to be contained by her bra, spilled out as her blouse slipped past them. Lifting up her leg, Octavia rubbed Gibson’s bulge with her knee, watching his eyes light up and mouth fall to the floor. She straightened her hair with a twirl of her head, maneuvering her hands behind her back to unhook her black, lacey bra. Her eyes remained fixated on his as the hook came undone. Octavia simply let the bra fall to the ground, her breasts jiggling as they got their much deserved freedom while she placed her hands on Gibson’s narrow shoulders. “Holy. Shit,” was all that Gibson could manage to say. “You look pretty adorable right now,” Octavia muttered, face inches away from Gibson’s, her breath hot and moist against his fur. She brought her lips to meet his, this time immediately twirling her tongue around is. Octavia lowered her hand to grope Gibson’s crotch, predicting his member to be of impressive size. Her fingers excitedly traced along the outline of the protruding bulge fighting against his clothes. When she retracted her mouth from his, a bridge of saliva continued to connect the two. Octavia gripped the bottom of Gibson’s shirt, licking her lips as she started pulling it off of him. Though he wasn’t hunky, he did have a fair bit of muscle tone to him that Octavia enjoyed. Pressing her breasts against his bare fur, Octavia rubbed her soft palms against his sides, going from his waist to his armpits, feeling every bit of muscle that she could. Gibson’s breathing was in bursts. Against her hands, she could feel his diaphragm rapidly expand and contract while his heart raced. Hers was slamming against her chest too. She leaned forward and planted a kiss in the center of his chest, licking it with her tongue. She began kneeling to the ground, her tongue running down his body. Wrapping one arm around his thigh, Octavia tenderly caressed his soft rump, forcing herself not to chuckle as the brushing of his tail tickled the back of her hand. In front of her, Gibson instinctively moved his hips, prodding his bulge against her nose. “Wow, I never thought I’d actually see you act like this!” Vinyl burst, clapping her hands together as she approached them. Octavia glanced at her before looking away out of both embarrassment and gratification. Honestly, she was surprised by it too, but was glad that she was allowing herself to let loose. Here she was, in a room full of ponies acting with only one thing on their minds, knelt before a stallion with a rockhard boner that was still begging for care, and a small, damp spot on the carpet between her two smooth legs. All she could smell in the air was sex, the only sound audible to her ears was that of flesh smacking up against flesh as one stallion had begun fucking a mare. Octavia felt like a mare in heat and it satisfied her more than she had realized. Vinyl knelt beside Octavia, quickly planting a kiss on her cheek before turning to Gibson’s bulge. “So, Tavi, are you ready for this?” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia’s hands traversed across Gibson’s jeans and the obvious bulge sticking out at her. Vinyl sat beside her, tail brushing against Octavia’s back and butt as she rubbed her body, kissing her cheek and ear in between her movements. Vinyl had never felt Octavia’s fur so warm before. After stumbling over her own fingers, Octavia grasped Gibson’s belt buckle. As his member prodded against her wrists, she slipped the leather out of its band. After undoing the button, she stopped from going any further. Her lilac colored eyes stared invitingly up at Gibson, transfixing him while she bit on his zipper, pulling it down his pants with a seductive blink. Gibson’s member was tearing at his boxers’ fabric. Vinyl chuckled while she wrapped her fingers around his boxers, gripping his cock through the fabric. Licking her lips, she pulled them down slowly. Octavia watched as Gibson’s mottled cock was revealed, little by little. She could see its smooth skin, smell its musky scent, and see it bounce like a springboard when Vinyl let it free. Octavia felt her mouth starting to water while she stared at Gibson’s low, heavy balls, itching to just milk them dry. He was a decent size; above average but not too big. Octavia crept forward to get a taste, but Vinyl’s hand suddenly blocked her. She watched her marefriend stand up beside Gibson. A trail of juices traveled down Vinyl’s thigh as Octavia’s eyes were fixated on her bare, dripping marehood. Vinyl’s delicate hand caressed Gibson’s cock, sliding from the head all the way to his balls, which she juggled lightly in her hand. “She’d hate for me to tell you this, but Octavia is amazing with her mouth,” Vinyl whispered quietly in Gibson’s ear, thankful that the sound of other ponies moaning provided further cover. Pre-cum stained Vinyl’s fingers as she pulled her hand off of Gibson’s cock and onto his chest tenderly. Octavia was entertained by his stallionhood throbbing in front of her, bobbing up and down as it became anxious for attention. She saw Gibson’s body tense up before quickly relaxing when she took a hold of it. Octavia blushed, knowing that she was the cause of this, the cause of his throbbing, pre-cum leaking cock. It was embarrassing, but flattering nonetheless. With a deep breath, she began the journey. The tip of her tongue met the tip of his cock. She sent a rush through Gibson’s body when she flicked it across the head. She smiled and licked again, lowering her eyelids seductively. Gliding her wet tongue along the underside of his cock, Octavia relished the entire experience: the smell, the taste, the sensation of it all. She especially loved the pungent smell of his cock, which mixed well with the fruity scent of his body lotion. She enjoyed the taste of him as well, even if it was difficult to describe; somewhere between salty and sweet. As she started sucking on the top half, Octavia could imagine watching herself suck him off, her head moving slowly back and forth while her beautiful eyes looked up at Gibson. “Ah...that’s...great,” Gibson hummed, squeezing Octavia’s hair. Vinyl shared kisses with Gibson as Octavia happily sucked his cock. The sounds of Octavia slurping between his legs combined with the moans and slapping of bodies against each other seemed to make Gibson go into a trance. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t manage to think of a single sentence. He could only watch as two lovely mares licked his body and cock while he smiled like an idiot. Octavia had one hand cupping Gibson’s balls and another reaching around to his butt whilst savoring his cock. Saliva dripped from her chin as she pushed herself further down his length. She wasn’t very experienced with performing oral on a stallion, mares were a different story, but she knew enough of the basics to make it enjoyable. Feeling him pulsate as he slid in and out of mouth was wonderful. Octavia loved tasting his pre-cum, treating it as a little teaser for what was to come. “Geez, look at her go!” Vinyl exclaimed as she watched Octavia plunge her muzzle down over Gibson’s member. “Octavia…I’m gonna...” Gibson muttered between moans, placing his hand on Octavia’s head, subconsciously pushing her further down. Octavia’s moans were muffled by the piece of stallion meat in her mouth. Her thumb circled on his balls as Gibson started to thrust his hips forward, making her gag faintly. As his movements started to become more ferocious, she moved her hand off his balls and onto his thigh to steady herself. With every thrust, Gibson grunted and bleted into Octavia’s mouth, his sack slapping against the underside of her chin. His moans slowly turned into growls; he wanted to fuck her face like he would her pussy. All the while, Vinyl chuckled and cheered the two on, excited to see Gibson act like a horny teenage stallion and Octavia take all of his length as if sucking cock was her profession. Spit spilled out of her mouth every time Gibson pulled out before slamming it right back in. He tightened his grip on Octavia’s hair before letting out a low, deep moan. He thrust forward roughly, forcing Octavia’s head in place as he released his thick, hot cum deep into her mouth. Her eyes shot wide when it hit the back of her throat. She tolerated the taste, might have even enjoyed it had she been used to it. What mattered was that she made him cum. Her. It was the feeling of being so out of the ordinary in terms of her personality that made her satisfied and noticeably wetter. When he pulled out, Gibson gave his cock a few quick strokes to make sure he was truly empty. Octavia’s eyes went half-lidded, her mouth drooping open as cum and spit leaked onto her breasts. She felt so dirty and used, like a colt’s plaything, but she reveled in the feeling. “Soooooo,” Vinyl began in cheerful tone. “How was that?” “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before…” Gibson puffed. “D-don’t apologize, I rather enjoyed it, thank you,” Octavia gave a weak smile as she panted heavily. “And it was...w-w-wonderful, Vinyl. Are there more?” Vinyl was actually surprised by Octavia’s question; she would’ve never guessed that she would’ve reacted so positively. If anything, she actually expected her to spit instead of swallowing before asking how much longer they would be there. However, Vinyl was overjoyed that her marefriend was having a good time; she’d be happy to know that the night was nowhere near over. “There’s plenty of more, sweetie,” Vinyl said lovingly, giving Octavia a kiss on her cheek while she ran her hand through her soft mane. Octavia took a minute to regain her breath and composure. Never before had she been fucked like that, and it was all oral! If the rest of the crowd tonight were like Gibson, she was going to be in for a real treat. She stood up, slipping out of her stained pants and undergarments, to look at what the others were doing now. She liked being completely naked in a room full of horny, fucking ponies. The cream colored mare was now on her hands and knees being spitroasted by two stallions. The yellow stallion was lying back on the couch while the light pink colored mare rode his cock, her arms raised in the air while her breasts jiggled freely every time she moved up and down on his rod. Octavia almost felt bad for the white stallion that stood alone, jerking off while watching the others fuck. She licked her lips deviously. “It’s a crime that you’re all by yourself, cutie,” Octavia cooed to the stallion as she walked towards him, hips swaying seductively back and forth. She slithered up to his left, moving his hand onto her butt as she put hers on his cock, jerking slowly. Blushing as a smile adorned his face, his fingers teased Octavia’s wet opening. “You’re the new mare, aren’t you?” He asked rhetorically, his voice was higher pitched than the average stallion’s. “You sure are a knockout.” “How kind of you to say,” Octavia purred. “But let’s save the compliments for another time. I think your…rather large buddy here wants some attention.” She twirled around so she was in front of him. Placing her hands behind her head, she looked over her shoulder entrancingly. The stallion’s white fur seemed to be turning a bright red as he admired her body. Her curved back, beautiful legs, and exquisite butt; it was almost too much for him to handle. He almost fainted as she bent down slowly, lifting her tail so she could present herself fully to him. Her soaked pussy and tight asshole beckoned him forward. Octavia grinded her rear against his throbbing cock slowly, glancing over to the mare getting double teamed next to her. Vinyl and Gibson stared with their jaws on the floor, astounded that Octavia had grown accustomed to everything so fluidly. Placing her hands on her flanks, Octavia pushed her cheeks together to squeeze around her new partner’s twitching cock. His member got coated in her juices as her pussy rubbed against him. Octavia’s tail wrapped around his back and playfully tickled his spine, making him move further towards her. She stretched out like a cat; her ass raised high in the air, and rubbed her soft foot against his leg, like a pet begging for its food. The white stallion didn’t need to be asked twice. He lined up his cock with her marehood, using a thumb to spread her open just a bit. Octavia closed her eyes blissfully as she felt him starting to sink into her. Her ears were graced by the loud moans of a mare. She peeked over to see the light pink mare have her chest and body covered in cum. The sight made Octavia smile with expectations. “Wow, she’s really getting into it!” Gibson commented, so enthralled by Octavia that he barely noticed Vinyl was giving him a handjob. “Yeah, I’m pretty surprised. Glad she is though; I knew she had this kind of side in her…somewhere,” Vinyl added as she rubbed Gibson’s shoulder. “Let’s go join our girl!” The DJ led her fuckbuddy over to her marefriend, glancing over to the rest of the crowd while they walked. The stallions who were spitroasting their mare were in a new position: one of them had her on her side, plowing her while she deepthroated the other. Her feet dangled cutely in the air, breasts slapping together every time she was filled by their cocks. “Looking good, sweetie!” Vinyl shouted over to her. The mare replied with a thumbs-up. “Now,” Vinyl directed her attention to Octavia, who was on her hands in front of Whitey, “What about this little slut?” Octavia scoffed lightheartedly. “Please, you’re the one that comes to these things all the time. I must admit, I could get used to this,” she said, moaning under her breath as she was slowly fucked. Vinyl kissed the top of Octavia’s head. “You sure do look sexy right now,” she complimented, reaching down and grabbing her breasts; a warm shiver shot through Octavia’s body. Gibson’s cock throbbed while he watched Vinyl grope her marefriend’s tits like she was going to milk them. Her hands expertly traversed her heavy breasts, making Octavia moan when she pinched her nipples. His cock seemed to be magnetized towards Vinyl’s large butt, her hips swaying it back and forth adorably. “Woah, boy!” Vinyl yelped, turning her head back to see Gibson give her ass a sharp slap, leaving a light pink mark behind. “Too hard?” Gibson asked with concern. “Too hard?” she shot back with sarcasm. “Did you suddenly forget who I am? Now shut up and rut me silly!” Vinyl pushed back, giving her butt and extra little wiggle. As Gibson gripped her cheeks, the pleasure of having her pussy fucked made Octavia’s arms go weak. She struggled to support herself, bending her body down so she could just barely rest on her stomach. Her toes clenched as the stallion pushed harder into her. She’d throw her head back when he would give her tail a quick tug like it was a collar; she wished it was. Octavia pleased everyone with her skills as a cellist, but pleasing someone this way just felt so much more satisfying. “Oh y-yes…that’s gr…great,” she hummed as the stallion’s body slapped up against hers. “Vinyl, he’s wond-wonderful!” Gibson guided his cock into Vinyl, his relentless thrusting shaking her whole body. He didn’t fuck her, he dominated her. His hips shot back and forth like pistons, their sweat and Vinyl’s liquids splattering over the carpet. He had her pushed down, giving himself more leverage to blitz into her. Vinyl’s tongue fell out of her mouth and she drooled onto the floor. “Ohh….yeeeaahh,” she moaned, her voice bouncing. Gibson was rough, but that’s how Vinyl liked it. Meanwhile, the stallion behind Octavia contrasted Gibson’s rapid fucking with long, slow, full thrusts. He sunk his cock all the way in until Octavia’s soft bum met his belly. His girth spread her walls as they slid past them, lubricated by her sweet honey. “I’m gonna cum soon!” He panted, hand circling Octavia’s cutie mark. “Cum…cum on my ass!” Octavia demanded, eager to feel him release his load onto her body. “She’s pretty slutty, huh Vinyl?” Gibson asked, now completely on top of her. “Though not as slutty as you,” he chuckled before giving her a peck on the cheek. “You go Octy!” Vinyl cheered with heavy breath. Gibson moved at a slower pace, letting her move her body along with his in synchronization. She reached her arm back and placed it on Gibson’s thigh, rubbing him softly as he continued to give her slower, deeper thrusts. When she felt him pull out, Octavia raised her tail and butt to give the stallion a better target. She looked over his shoulder with hungry eyes. She knew all eyes were on her, as excited to watch her get covered in cum as she was for it paint her fur white. Every second that passed was torturous, but it was worth it when he came. She watched as he gave his cock a final jerk before letting out a loud moan. His cock spasmed before shooting out its load; the first shot was a long, thick jet of cum that landed horizontally on Octavia’s butt. The second went farther, reaching all the way to the crook of her back. She bit her lip in pleasure, relishing the feeling of warm, sticky cum on her body. It was slutty, it was uncouth, it wasn’t Octavia…and yet she adored it. It was a different kind of performance, her audience watching and cheering as she fingered herself, cum dripping onto her fingers. Her face was flushed with blush, twirling her fingers around on her clit. The world moved in slow-motion. She watched Vinyl and the others fuck like animals. They were enjoying each other’s bodies purely for pleasure. Octavia’s eyes were glued to Vinyl, her moans telling her that she was close to her orgasm. “Vinyl…” Octavia whispered, fingers slipping in and out of her pussy. Vinyl’s body trembled like she’d been electrocuted. Her orgasm careened throughout her body, making her feel as if her neurons were overloading. Her moans were squeaky, voice cracking as she said Gibson’s name. Octavia couldn’t last any longer. Her fingers frantically flicked around her clit and marehood. She quivered beneath the impending pleasure. She reached out and grabbed Vinyl’s tender hand, clutching it affectionately. Vinyl looked back at her; there was a look in her eyes that told Octavia exactly why she had fallen in love with her. Octavia slammed her eyes shut as her orgasm overtook her senses. A small amount of liquid squirted out from her pussy, coating her clenching fingers. Her audience cheered as the waves of pleasure washed through her body. She let out a deep breath before crumbling to the floor, ears twitching in the aftermath of her orgasm. “Oh…my…word…” she somehow managed to say. “I’m speechless too,” Vinyl crawled next to Octavia and met her lips with her own. “That was wonderful,” Octavia said as she gave Vinyl a loving look. “Please tell me the night’s not over.” “The night’s not over,” whispered Vinyl. She cupped her hand against Octavia’s cheek, feeling her smooth fur with her thumb. Octavia raised herself off the ground. Moans still filled the room, ponies in each other’s grasp as they explored their bodies. She watched mares finger each other as they got fucked. Two stallions were watching their buddy push into the pink mare; they’d spew out a comment after taking swigs from their plastic bottles of water. The sweat on their bodies glistened in the light. Octavia eyed their muscles, admiring the fact that they were both in good shape. Her eyes traveled down their bodies, stopping at their waists. Their cocks hung between their brawny legs as they waited for their refractory periods to pass. Slowly, life returned to their pride, Octavia staring as they would throb and bob around as they became heavier. She wanted that feeling of fullness inside of her again; the warmth of him pushing into her, the fulfillment of pleasing another pony so much that they can’t control themselves. They must’ve felt her stare. The two gazed at her, mystified by her sexy figure, ample breasts, and adorable face. Mumbling something to each other, the stallions strutted over to her, picking up on the slight scent of perfume on her fur. “Hello, beautiful,” the navy blue stallion said in a cheesy manner. “Need some attention, huh?” his gray friend asked, placing his large hand on one of her breasts. “Judging by your dicks, I’d say I’m not the only one,” Octavia retorted cheekily. She was sandwiched between the two, Mr. Navy on her left and Mr. Gray on her right. She wrapped her arms around their shoulders, letting them play with her tits as she sat back relaxed. Their fingers circled around her areolas, pressing down against her nipples while they rubbed her torso, petting her fur soothingly. The boys’ cocks stood attentively, excited for action as much as their owners. “You’re both pretty big,” Octavia said, licking her lips, “Plenty hard too.” “Why don’t you bring that pretty young thing over here?” The pink mare called from the couch. “Yeah, we’d love to get a better view of the show,” the yellow stallion slowly fingering her pussy added. “Maybe even join in on the fun!” “Come on, honey,” the cream mare sang, recharging her batteries with a bottle of water. “Bring that cute butt over here!” Octavia looked at the zealous faces around her. Everyone had smiles running across their whole face, pussies dripping in stimulation, and cocks throbbing in readiness. She couldn’t delay it any longer; it was time to give everyone what they wanted. She grabbed the two boys by the hands and made her way towards the crowd. She laughed as Mr. Navy and Gray continued to compliment her body, telling her all the things they’d love to do her. It was embarrassing to hear, but Octavia also found it quite amusing and funny. She liked imagining that they were two well-mannered stallions who, maybe, even had a mare of their own, but they were too intoxicated by the rush of a night like this to walk away; understandable, as she was starting to drink from the same bottle. Octavia motioned for some room on the couch before plopping herself down in the center. She spread her legs and beckoned her suitors forth. Gray immediately knelt down in front of her pussy, pressing his thumb against her slit. His friend put one knee on the couch to steady himself as he guided his cock towards Octavia’s mouth. She smiled as he prodded it against her cheek before opening her mouth to steadily slip it inside. Her cheek bulged with a mouthful of cock. Octavia shut her eyes, wrapping her fingers around his medial ring as she descended on him. She went slowly so they could both savor it. Between her legs, Gray pushed his middle and ring fingers into Octavia’s marehood. He teased her wet walls before replacing his fingers with a thick tongue. Using his thumb to spread her labia, he licked her pussy hungrily. His nostrils flared as he took in deep breaths, prodding his tongue further into her opening. Octavia’s moans were subdued by the cock she was blowing. Her fingers twirled around his dark blue balls, enjoying how warm they felt in the palm of her hand. While Navy sighed in ecstasy, the pink mare and yellow stallion played with each other as the entertainment continued. Soon after they started, Vinyl and Gibson joined in also, the former partnering with Mr. Yellow and the latter with Ms. Pink. Vinyl was well-known amongst the group, evident by the fact that her name was said a few times. However, she was a very popular musician, so it was to be expected. Gibson, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as popular as his former bandmate, so his name remained in relative secrecy. Vinyl sprawled out onto the floor, her head between the legs of Gibson and his new pink partner. All she had to do was look up and she’d see his cock pushing into her cute, aroused marehood. Having a stallion of her own to enjoy made it even better; Mr. Yellow placed her slender legs on his shoulders as he stood on his knees, fucking Vinyl’s experienced pussy. As her stallion thrust in and out of her, Vinyl looked up delightfully as Gibson did the same to another sexy mare. A quartet of a very different order. Octavia watched the four horny animals fuck carelessly as she continued to suck off Mr. Navy’s delicious dick. She looked down upon the gray stallion eating her out. His eyes were shut as he looked to be in a state of complete bliss. There was a taste of Octavia’s honey and an even fainter taste of cum on his tongue. He seemed to purr like a kitten when Octavia petted his wavy, black mane. “You’re doing a wonderful job,” She praised, withdrawing the cock from her mouth. Her toes clenched whenever his tongue swirled around her walls. Suddenly, a large, throbbing piece of stallion poked her cheek. She turned to see the white stallion that fucked her earlier standing beside her, grinning bashfully with a face full of blush. It bobbed up and down as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, hoping he wasn’t intruding. “How could I forget about you, darling?” Octavia chuckled, tapping her finger against the head of his smooth, black cock. His elated laugh turned into a high-pitched squeak when her tongue tickled his stallionhood. She alternated between his cock and Navy’s, succumbing to her gasps and moans of joy when Gray found one of her sweet spots. It encouraged him to keep hitting the same spot, getting more and more intense every time he did so. His chin was soaked with her juices as he slobbered over her pussy. Flapping his tongue all around inside of Octavia, he could feel her walls contracting around it. “I’m c-cum…gonna cum!” Octavia gasped erratically. Her legs and thighs shook tremendously as her orgasm rocked throughout her entire body. She kept Gray’s head in place, which he thoroughly enjoyed, as she mewled in the zest of the sensation. Navy and White speedily wanked themselves, desiring to cum anywhere on Octavia’s impeccable body. It was the former who came first, shooting his load right onto Octavia’s face, covering her rosy cheeks with warm cum. Reveling in afterglow, Octavia smiled weakly, gazing at the ejaculating stallion with glazed eyes. Quickly, Mr. White took one of her hands to assist his masturbation. Having her graceful hand tugging at his cock did him in. He aimed towards her cute belly, climaxing over her until he was spent; his cum shot out in spades, landing haphazardly over her torso. She cooed affectionately, balling her hands into fists as she watched the cum travel down her tummy. “Got some other stallions under your belt?” Vinyl asked, sitting up slightly, yet still trying to remain focused on the pounding Gibson was giving to the half-dazed mare. “Indeed I did,” Octavia panted. “Hopefully they still have some energy left in them.” Her three stallions huffed like wolves. They were starting to fade, but had enough spirit to keep going. The prospect of spending more time with a mare like Octavia gave them a second wind as well. Octavia turned and lied down on her back, leaning her head against Navy’s body, teasing him with her fingers. She extended her leg, tilted her foot, and dragged her toes down Mr. White’s chest flirtatiously. Behind him, she could see Gibson’s cute butt as he was finishing up on Pink. She could see that he was now pushing into her butt, slow and full of intent. His buttocks clenched up when he started cumming. Octavia and the rest of her boys watched as Gibson came inside of Ms. Pink’s shapely butt. Some of that which leaked out dripped onto Vinyl’s face; she had to close one of her eyes so it wasn’t blinded by her buddy. “Sloppy,” she laughed, wiping it off before licking her fingers clean. Mr. Yellow slid out of Vinyl’s pussy, still fully erect. The group started rearranging themselves. Mr. Gray stayed with Octavia, while Mr. White joined Ms. Cream on one of the other couches, both looking a bit tired, but spending their time groping and kissing each other. Navy joined Ms. Pink and Gibson while Mr. Yellow and Vinyl turned their attention towards Octavia. Vinyl crawled towards her like a predator on prey. “I’m coming for you Missssss Octy,” Vinyl hissed with a playful smile; not all that concerned with partially letting Octavia’s name slip. At this point, everyone was either too tired or too high on their emotions to remember tiny details. “Oh no! Somepony help me!” Octavia played along before bursting into laughter. “What do you say, girl, got one more round in ya?” Vinyl snuggled up next to her marefriend, scratching the underside her chin. “I think so, just as long as this big boy right here does too,” She looked at Mr. Gray, who gave her a cocky smile back. “I could stay up for three days straight if it meant fucking a pony like you, Miss,” He complimented, leaning down to kiss her breasts. “What about you?” Vinyl asked Mr. Yellow as she prodded him with her foot. “You and I got some unfinished business!” “We do indeed,” He said in agreement, crawling onto the couch. They were close together, but Octavia enjoyed the sense of intimacy. Lying on her side, she leaned in and nuzzled her nose against Vinyl’s before kissing her on the neck. Even underneath the scent of several other ponies, Octavia could still easily detect her mare’s. For a moment, the couple ignored the rest of the world and just focused on each other. Octavia knew she would’ve never felt as comfortable as she had without Vinyl being there. She was like a child holding its teddy bear in a new and mysterious place. She took hold over Vinyl’s hand, entwining her fingers with hers, and smiled before planting a kiss on her lips. “Thanks for tonight,” Octavia whispered. “I needed it.” “Thanks for being you,” Vinyl replied. “I needed it.” They shared another kiss, sweet and loving. Mr. Gray and Mr. Yellow took their positions, taking one more minute just to enjoy the two mares they were about to fuck: one with a big, healthy set of breasts, wide hips, and beautiful legs and another with a large ass, alluring eyes, and one of a kind personality. They were the kind of mare that, forty years down the road in your life, you can’t believe you got anything close to that. Mr. Yellow was the first to push in, anxious to finish what he and Vinyl had started earlier. His shaft entered her slowly before sinking home. Vinyl let out a low moan, brushing her bangs out of the way. Placing one of her legs over his shoulder, Yellow fucked at a steady pace, causing her body to rock with his rhythm like she was a boat beating against the current. His hips moved fluidly as Vinyl’s wet folds hugged his stallionhood. “That’s g-great…but could you go a bit f-f-faster?” Vinyl asked rather sweetly. He was more than happy to oblige. Octavia enjoyed her stallion as well. Mr. Gray seemed to match the speed of his friend, though it almost felt as if he went a hair faster. Neither Octavia nor her partner had much energy to fully go all out, but it allowed them to enjoy it more. The four of them could admire how they reacted, take note of their breathing patterns and moans, and become immersed in the moment. The entire room seemed to be in a state of stasis, a perfect, synchronized rhythm wandering about that added a decrescendo to the night’s concerto. Sweat beading down her forehead, Octavia gazed into Vinyl’s crimson eyes that stared back at her. They were just inches away from each other, though they felt closer. Their stallions grunted as each thrust got heavier and heavier. Octavia brought her arms closer to her chest, squeezing her large bosom together as she whimpered. “You’re…so adorable,” Vinyl panted, reaching her hand out to touch Octavia’s soft cheek. “Oh….Vinyl…” Octavia struggled to speak, her body starting to run on fumes as she took Mr. Gray’s cock to the base. Not to be outdone, Mr. Yellow did the same. His thrusts were sharper, rougher than his friend’s. He turned to see how Gibson and Mr. Navy were doing. Gibson was seconds away from falling asleep on top of Ms. Pink. Mr. Navy’s member was draped across her face. She lazily licked and kissed it, trying to milk the last bit of whatever cum he had left out. Mr. Yellow then looked at Mr. White and Ms. Cream. The couple was cuddling intimately on the adjacent couch, White’s hand cupping her breast as they snuggled. “I’m…” Mr. Gray struggled to use his words. He blamed his tiredness for not preventing him to tell Octavia he was close to finishing up, though she could tell by the way he was fucking her that he wouldn’t last another minute. “Cum in-inside,” Octavia said cravingly. “It’s okay.” He sighed happily as he buried his cock deep within her pussy. His balls clenched as Octavia squeaked, feeling hot cum fill her up. Cum started leaking out of her, trickling down her leg and Gray’s emptying balls. He savored their moment, her warm body and tight pussy that was swallowing all of his load. With a final heavy, satisfied sigh, before collapsing off the couch and thumping onto the floor. He was out seconds later. “I g-guess that’s it for h-him…” Octavia chuckled feebly, looking between her legs to watch cum drip from her cunt. Mr. Yellow couldn’t even get out a verbal warning or land a shot onto Vinyl. As soon as withdrew from her marehood, he sunk back into the couch, shooting a load onto his chest. “Fi…null…lee…” He mumbled as his engine clunked out. Vinyl poked her head up. “Damn, should’ve at least tried to nut on me.” “At least you won’t have to spend all of tomorrow morning getting these stains out of your fur,” Octavia said, hoping for a little bit of sympathy. “Could be trouble, yeah,” Vinyl snuck in a kiss between her words. “But it won’t be if you got an extra set of hands!” Her arms wrapped around Octavia’s back and brought her close, their breasts pressing against one another. They leaned their heads in while they rubbed noses. Their heart rates slowed down, their bodies cooling off as they had received their final cutoff. Together, for the rest of the night, they remained close, dreaming of what would be in store for the two of them in a month’s time.