Woona's First April Foal's
4:30 a.m. Woona's POV
The small, blue alicorn woke up. What woke her up, she didn't know. She opened her eyes slowly, to reveal a pair of adorably cute blue eyes. A smile blossomed on her face, as she realized why she woke up.
"Today's the day!!" She squeaked, leaping out of bed. "April Foal's!" She bounced up and down on her bed, merrily. Then she stopped, and grinned. "I mean... Mwhahaha!" She rubbed her hooves together, and twirled an imaginary mustache, in an attempt to look sinister.
Grinning wickedly, the filly dashed to her dresser, and opened a drawer. In it was a large, brown box, that was secured so tight that not even the Royal Guard could open it (Or so she thought, but it isn't really that secure when you leave the key to the lock on the top of the dresser.). 'Woona's Stuff - Keep Out Cewestia' It was titled, the text scribbled on with a blue crayon. Luna smiled proudly at her writing. She had only been writing for a little while, but it was getting along well. Opening the box, her smile widened. In it was...
4:31 a.m. Interlude
The Royal Guard serves the royalty of Equestria. Because of this, they are the best trained soldiers in all of the land. You have a griffon invasion? The Royal Guard sorts it out. A professional thief? The Royal Guard easily gets the thief in jail. But, there is a secret about the Royal Guard which few know. If it were to leak out... Well, their pride would fall.
The secret was a pesky little blue alicorn, Luna. Despite her young age, she had sneaking skills that would make a professional weep with envy. Maybe it was Luna's cuteness, or rare ability to manipulate shadows. No pony knew. All the Royal Guard knew was that today was April Foal's, and almost certainly, this filly would try to get past them. They were on alert today.
4:40 a.m. Woona's POV
Luna was prepared. "Suction boots? Check. Prank supplies? Check." She grinned. "Mission Prankster is a go!"
Quietly, she crept out of her room. It was still a few hours until sunrise, so the halls were still dark. It would give her plenty of time to set up her prank. She thought back to her prank.
She had been preparing it for over a year, and it was now utterly perfect. It was a series of small pranks, combined to make a chain of events that would go down in pranking history! She had done many crayon doodles, and had poured over prank booklets, ordering the best of the best.
She thought back to the situation at hoof. She had a huge advantage over the Royal Guards, and that was her night vision. She had told nopony of her ability to see in the dark perfectly, instead saving it for a time like this.
"Clip Clop, Clip Clop." Luna froze in her tracks. It was a guard! Quickly, she stepped behind a curtain in the hallway, and slowed her breathing. She used a tiny bit of magic to wrap shadows around herself, as a better disguise. The sound of hooves came closer, so now she could actually hear the breathing of the guard.
"I hope that filly doesn't come to prank us again today..." The Guard muttered. "It took me ages to get that pink dye out of my armor."
Luna stifled a chuckle at the memory. She had decided that the gold with blue trim armor was too dull, so she had spray painted a good part of the armor pink! The problem was that the armor was enchanted to make the wearer's coat color complement it (i.e., Light blue with blue armor, white or grey with gold or grey armor...)... So the guards ended up colored partially pink, green, and blue.
The sound of hooves faded into the distance, so Luna quietly trotted on. She turned a corner, and grinned. There was now a thick velvet carpet which not only muffled the sound of her hoofsteps, but also keep her hooves nice and warm.
An owl hooted, causing Luna to trip and fall. "Gah!" She hissed. Hoofsteps were coming closer, and she didn't have enough time to hide. She cowered on the floor, and looked up to the face of a Royal Guard. He smiled, and winked.
"I certainly didn't see anypony here.." He quietly whispered to her. Luna smiled her cutest smile at him, in thanks. He was a new guard, and didn't know of her pranks. She made a mental note to go easy on him. He trotted on, going on his usual route, with a slight wave of his foreleg.
Luna walked for a bit, and then turned to a huge balcony, closed out with two glass doors. She opened one with a little creak, and stepped into the moonlight. She glanced at the stars, their faint shimmers reflected in her big, blue eyes. She then turned back to the castle, and equipped her stealth suit (which was actually a over sized black jumpsuit that her sister had given her) and suction boots. She buzzed her little wings, and leapt at the castle wall. Whoopmh! The suction boots were working. Luna grinned, and started to climb up, quietly singing to herself.
"This day is going to be perfect,
The kind of which I dreamed since I was...."
5:00 a.m. Agent C's POV
Below, a small filly listened to the faint singing. She lifted a black, hole-ridden foreleg to her ear in concentration, and she smiled at the song. It was a signal that Luna decided to use with her, so they could prank both their parents at the same time. It took a lot of coordination, but they had managed to figure out how to do it. She raised a plastic cup that was tied to a string to her mouth, and spoke into it.
"Agent D and S? Mission Prankster is a go."
5:30 a.m. Celestia's POV
Celestia woke up. What woke her up, she did know. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" The royal gave off an un-royal scream. On top of her muzzle was a giant tarantula. Her one weakness!
"LUUUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAAAaa!" Celestia yelled, knowing who set the trap, but oblivious as to where her sister was.
5:40 a.m. Solaris's POV
Solaris rose from his bed, quickly getting out, and groaning. As the alicorn of the sun, he had immense power, but even he needed to use the restroom. He regally trotted to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror.
"LUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAAAAAA!" He bellowed, making the earth tremble, and setting his mane alight with the shear elemental force and anger. A mustache was stenciled on his face, with ink smeared around his eyes. He glanced at himself in the mirror, and chuckled, despite feeling angry. That filly. He walked out the bathroom, and a bucket fell on his head, drenching his aflame mane, and tinting him... Pink?
5:41 a.m. Agent D & S's POV
Agent D and S, otherwise known as Discord and Sombra chuckled, and high fived.
"Part 1 is complete."
5:45 a.m. Luna's POV
Quickly, I trotted up the wall. The cool air whipped at my face, but I carried on. I walked over to another balcony, and opened the door while removing my suction boots. Quickly, I trotted inside and closed the glass doors. I hid in the shadows, and trotted past many rooms. Suddenly, I heard a guard behind me. "Well, well. We have an intruder." I rolled my eyes at that, but then remembered that not all ponies had 20-20 night vision. I started running, the pounding of my hooves matching the steady beating of my heart.
Whywhywhywhywhhhhhy?I thought frantically as I galloped along. The guard chased me, so I made some quick turns in an effort to lose him. I was in turret A, and I needed to get to C, as that was the monitoring place I had set up. I sprinted along, and I used a little magic to wrap shadows around my body in an effort to conceal myself. I quickly weaved an illusion of myself sprinting along, in hopes the Guard would go after the fake Luna. It worked!
I grinned, and trotted back onto my path.
I scaled up turret C's wall, pleased that I had made it past the guards. The sun was slowly rising, and I grinned when I saw it was pink.
6:00 a.m. Servants' POV
The servants scurried about, panicking frantically. Outside, the just-risen sun had turned pink! They rushed to the grand hall, and saw a disgruntled Solaris entering. They suppressed laughter when they saw the now-pink alicorn.
"Hardy-har-har." He dryly commented. Suddenly, a white alicorn mare ran past him, screaming.
"Ahhhhhhh!!! Getitoffgetitoff!" She reared and bucked. A tarantula was on her snout, and she was covered in itching powder.
"Celestia?" He questioned, rubbing his eyes wearily. They shared a glance, and said, in the exact same tone...
6:30 a.m. Papillion's POV
Papillion rose gently from his bed. The Royal Changeling was staying at the Castle for a diplomatic mission, with his daughter, Chrysalis. She had been getting along well with Luna, Sombra, and Discord, but he had been sensing a plan forming between them. He chuckled, as he had a good guess what it was. It was April Foal's!
Suddenly, he sneezed. It was not a normal sneeze, though. The Royal Voice combined with an epic sneeze was.. Well, epic.
"ACHOOOO!" The castle trembled, and Papillion cringed. Suddenly, his nose was tickled again.
"Oh no."
6:35 a.m. Agent C's POV
"Bwahahaaa!" Chrysalis grinned cheekily. Luna's plan was perfect! Quietly, she snuck into her mother's room. She glanced at the bed, making sure that her mother, Vlinder, was asleep. Chryssy grinned. Her mother would sleep though an invasion! Quietly, Chryssy went to work. Luna had supplied the small changeling with enough pranking supplies to prank a city!
She went to her mother's bathroom, and quickly changed a few things. The black mascara was changed to a mascara that was enchanted to appear black at first, but then fade to pink. The minty toothpaste was swapped with a similar-looking bottle of cheaper, coffee-flavored toothpaste. The hairbrush was laced with an invisible orange dye, that would leave sunset streaks in her mother's turquoise hair. Chryssy stifled a chuckle, at the mere thought of her mother looking like a hippie. This replacement of her mother's makeup continued for a while. Quickly, Chryssy took all of the goods and put them in a plastic bag titled "Chryssy's Mom's Stuff". As soon as April Foal's was over, she'd replace all of the cosmetics/dental hygiene stuff that she put there with the originals, so no harm would be done.
Quickly and silently, she crept out of the bathroom, and set the final trap, and she dashed out of the room, just as her mother woke up.
"CLANG!" The enchanted cymbals that she had placed in the room went off, and Chryssy grinned. Today was going to be a great day!
6:50 a.m. Woona's POV
Woona heard the cymbals and the sneezing and grinned. She glanced about, seeing the big blue sky and white puffy clouds, and smiled. She had come up to the top of the castle for a reason, a very big one. Not only had she set up magical monitors in each of the rooms that the pranks were going to take place in, but she had also set up a series of pranks which she could set off from up here.
Heh, maybe I should give the Royal Guard training in sneaking about and laying prank traps, she contemplated, and grinned.They had only caught her 3 times before, not including just now. She shook herself back to the situation at hoof.
Right now, all she needed to do was wait.
7:05 a.m. Celestia's POV
Breakfast was a disaster.
Luna had done many pranks before but this... This was her biggest. And, unfortunately, we were at the center of it.
(a few minutes earlier)
I trotted into the Breakfast Room, and sighed. I had to wash off all of that itching powder to get the darned stuff off, but I still felt a little itchy, not to mention my terror at the tarantula. I shuddered, and I looked at my beautiful apple. At least she couldn't prank me on my apple, I thought, biting into the apple, savoring the sweet juiciness. The taste suddenly grew hotter, and hotter, until...
"Blegh!" I spat it out, drowning my burnt tongue in my cool glass of water. I examined the apple, to find that somepony had cut a small hole in it and had injected it with chili sauce, or some other hot sauce. I growled, just as my pink father came trotting in.
"Hi, 'Tia." He glanced at the apple, and then at the bit I had spat out, and grinned wryly.
"How can you be enjoying this?" I practically growled at my father, who just grinned in response.
"It's April Foal's, Celestia! Lighten up.. This doesn't happen everyday." He smiled.
"Well, you are - Achoo! - right about the latter." Papillion entered, rubbing at his nose and sneezing, all while smiling. "Mind if I join you?"
Solaris motioned to a chair near his own. "Of course you can."
Papillion smiled in thanks, and grinned slightly at the alicorn's change in color. "Ah, so Luna and her friends are doing it to everypony, I see."
I had grabbed another apple by this point - one that was not chili infused - and nearly spat out the mouthful I had just taken. I swallowed, and I asked warily, "Her friends?"
Papillion grinned. "Nope, no spoilers from me." He idly picked up some food specially made for changelings, due to their... Unusual diet. "I wouldn't want to cut the festivities short."
At this point, another changeling stalked in. She had turquoise hair with orange streaks, and wore the most appalling shade of pink mascara. "What festivities, my dearest?" The royal changeling dryly commented. Papillion nearly chocked on his food with laughter.
"Vlinder! I love your new... Look. It really suits you." He grinned, shaking from laughter. "Come sit." He motioned to a place next to him.
Vlinder sat down on a chair, grumpily, as her mascara practically glowed neon pink. This was too much for her husband, who doubled over laughing, alongside the alicorn of the sun.
"It's a shame my wife is on a diplomatic mission to the griffons! She'd love this!" Solaris hooted. I couldn't help but smile slightly, hiding a small laugh behind my hoof at the thought of mother here to witness this. Mother was an orderly pony, who would be shocked and appalled at today's turn of events. I suppressed another smile.
Maybe I should lighten up a little.
7:30 a.m. Woona's POV
I grinned, waiting for everypony to enter the grand hall. It was time for Mission Prankster to employ it's biggest prank yet!
I sent a small telepathic message to all the Agents, via a spell I had just learnt.
Are you ready? I called out.
Agent C here! I'm all set! Chryssy mentally yelled.
Agent D is ready as ever. Discord responded, confidently.
Agent S is prepared. Sombra meekly responded.
I grinned. Let's GO!
7:40 a.m. Celestia's POV
We slowly entered the Grand Hall, in which all the petitioners come and seek guidance, and other things. I sighed at this. I hadn't been spending much time with Luna recently... Royal duties and all. My parents (mainly my mother, as Solaris was less strict..) had been training me to be able to take over the throne, if needed.
The grand doors swung open, and I gaped, my jaw hitting the floor in a second, alongside my father and the two changelings.
"Whaaaaat?" I looked at the Grand Hall, in shock. The normally grey and gold themed hall had been turned into an... Landscape of Equestria themed area? I looked up, and saw that the gold chandeliers had been changed to a floating ball, probably meant to represent the sun. Balloons and confetti were everywhere, themed to look like clouds and rain respectively!
"SUUUUUUPRRRISE!" A pink earth pony bounced to me, a grin plastered all over her pink face. Her wavy afro bounced up and down in time with her bouncing. She glanced at me, and frowned, causing her blue eyes to droop slightly. She pulled a strange, flat device out of her mane, and realization dawned all over her face as she looked through it. "OOhhhhhh. Wrong time period! No wonder it wasn't a posh but fun themed party.." She glanced apologetically at us. "Whoopsie!" She threw some party hats onto us, and waved. "Gotta go!" She bounced up, and disappeared in a flash of light.
"What.... Was that?" I looked at my father, who shrugged.
"Just go with it, I guess..."
We trotted into the grand hall, which actually looked really nice like this. Some 'rain' fell on me, and I actually found that it was lemonade tinted blue!
I chuckled, and trotted towards the throne, as did my father and our changeling friends. We had also set up temporary thrones for the changeling royalty, and, as we all sat down, a simultaneous Whoooooosh was heard. We looked at our seats, and saw we each had a whoopee cushion that had each of our cutie marks on. I chuckled, and levitated it off.
"Thank you Luna." I smiled.
Present day Equestria, Celestia's POV, 7:40 a.m.
I smiled softly. Today was exactly 2,300 years from Luna's first prank, and 1 year since her return. April Foal's. I rose from my writing cushion, seated next to the fire, and stretched my limbs. Slowly, I trotted to the door, and opened it with my magic. I left my bedroom, and thanked the guards, making my way to the Grand Hall. As the guards opened the doors, my smile grew slightly, as I looked around and saw the balloons and confetti.
"SUUUUUPPRRRRISE!" Pinkie Pie bounced to me, happily. "Hey, I actually got the time period right! Can you believe it?" I gaped, and she quickly clapped a pink hoof over her mouth. "Ooops. Spoilers!" She threw a party hat on me, and teleported away. I shook my head, smiling. Pinkie will be Pinkie.
I trotted over to my giant golden throne, and slowly, regally sat down.