> Sunset, Sunrise > by Pwincess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Through The Portal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's right... One step at a time now. I encouraged myself while thrusting a quivering hand into the portal. I gave one quick look back at the school before forcefully pushing myself into it. My guts twisted and turned, and I wanted nothing more than to finally give up. I won't lie, I knew this was the correct thing to do, and I probably did years before... But I could not bring myself to believe that at that second. I watched as my hands slowly transformed into a hoof. I felt my very bones change and fix into a different shape. My mind leaped back at the first time I went in from the land I came from to this one. I felt very nauseous for sometime after that, I was never used to transfiguration. Casting myself or being targeted, I just couldn't do it. I sighed, watching as my flesh grew crimson hairs at an abnormal speed and my body change into that of a pony. Did I not introduce myself? How rude of me. My name is Sunset Shimmer. It's nice to meet you. It took a while before I had transformed fully into a unicorn, and stepped out of the mirror. I gave a little gasp, I was not comfortable with being in my original body again. It had been years since I'd even been in Equestria. Hesitantly at first, I put my hoof in front of the other, ending up on the floor. I was out of practice walking on all four hooves. I looked back at the mirror, making sure I wasn't missing an ear or an eye. Sure enough, I was a whole unicorn. I grinned and trotted out of the room, then stuck myself to the wall. Treading softly, I hurried to my old room. I recognised each corridor, even though I had not been there for a whole decade. I pushed the door open, startled by the amount of dust in the room. I shivered, and stepped towards the unused fire place. My horn was quickly enveloped with a blazing aura and lit the wood. The fire danced, it's warm embrace filling the atmosphere. I walked to the bed, the blankets and sheets were messy, and I allowed a spell to massage the sheets under the soft mattress, while puffing up the cushions too. I looked over at the golden vase that sat on the counter for years. I threw my hoof onto my mouth, a fresh, golden sunflower had been placed inside. Somepony was here. Sunflowers were always Celestia's favourite plant... The sudden realisation that my former mentor still loved and missed me made tears form in my eyes and stream down my cheeks. My gaze suddenly pulled me towards a certain doll. "SmartyPants!" My eyes sparkled, he reminded me of memories I loved and always cherished, even at the time I spent in the human world. I don't know why, but I felt the need to slyly sneak to Princess Celestia's chambers instead of suddenly bursting into them and shouting, "Hi Tia! I came back from the other dimension in hopes your going to take me under your wing again! Oh and sorry for the crimes I did against you!" I used my magic to teleport in rather than open the door. I guess i didn't want to alert Celestia that I was there. That didn't work, for a bright flash of light smothered me and began to fade, and when it had disappeared, the princess was staring wide eyed at me. "You... Returned? You came back to Equestria?" "Princess... I... I'm so sorry! I know you are mad at me, you probably hate me! But I want to become your student again. Your personal Protégé! Please..." I began to tearfully smile, though it was a weak one, I did manage to smile. Her warm expression slowly darkened. I knew that face, it had a mask of false cheerfulness. "I apologise, Sunset. I will not be having a new Protégé for a long time. Perhaps you can inform Princess Twilight Sparkle on your return, Luna and Cadence are far too busy, they won't be interested so do visit Twilight." My heart sunk, I turned back. "It's okay... I'll just go back to the human realm..." "About that, the portal is now locked and will be for over thirty moons." "Thirty... Moons? I suppose I have no choice but to retreat to Twilight Sparkle. Wait, Luna?" "I must continue with my royal duties for today. Ask Twilight," I began to walk threw the door when I was interrupted, "Uh Sunset, One more thing." "Yes? What is it?" "Good to have you back." I smiled, my heart bursting into a million fireworks. *At least she still cares about me. She is still like my second mother, so i am glad about that* > Greetings, Your Highness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I cantered out of the castle, Canterlot hadn't changed. As I walked around the corner, I prayed that the Joe's Donut Shop was still in business. I smacked my lips, remembering how mouthwatering his donuts were. I especially loved his glazed with sprinkles, no other shop in Equestria on sold that. I paused. "Should I head to the train station for Ponyville or stop for donuts?" I pondered, finally shaking my head and leaping through the doors of the Donut Shop. "Joe! May I have a Glazed Delight With Sprinkles as per usual?" "Uh... I don't think I've seen you before. But sure, I'll whip that up." "Joe, it's me, Sunset Shimmer!" "Nope, dunno who you are." I quietly pulled on a poker face, throwing on sixteen bits onto table. *Thank heavens I kept my allowance all those years ago* I stuffed the donut in my mouth. It was, absolutely wonderful. I wiped my mouth, thanked Joe, and galloped out. The train station was just two blocks away. When I arrived in Ponyville, I found a buttercream coloured pony with a pink mane awaiting me. She had with her a purple and green dragon. "Uh. Hello, I'm called Sunset Shimmer. And you are?" "F...f...fluttershy." "Pardon?" "F...f...ffluttershy." "Her name's Fluttershy. I'm Spike! You remember me, right?" "Yes Spike. It was easy to recognise you." "I know, right? Anyway, Twi said we had to take you for hayburgers." "Oh. Alright then." "Let's go." Spike grinned at me and tugged us towards the tiny fast food restaurant. ~~~ The odour of grease poured out of the kitchen. Twilight wiped her cheeks from the tomato sauce as she noticed me enter. She waved her hoof, smiling and calling me. I blushed a little, than walked forwards. The chairs were extremely uncomfortable, and I had to squirm around to properly sit. "Good Evening Twilight, 'ello... Uh. What's 'yer name?" "My name is Sunset Shimmer, Applejack." "How do you know ma name? Eh, never mind. Anyway, what can I get you?" "Wait. Applejack, aren't you supposed to be harvesting apples in Sweet Apple Acres? When did you get a job here?" "It's a long story. In short, I got dared." "Ah, right. I think Sunset just needs the menu for now, AJ. Thanks anyway." Applejack nodded her head, confirming that they could bring me the menu. I scanned through the menu, Which was just: Hayburgers Hayburgers Hayburgers Hayburgers Hayburgers Water. Cost, two bits each. I sighed, claiming to have understood. "This one please." "OKEY DOKI LOKI!" Pinkie Pie shoved Applejack, smiling as she wrote the order. "Anything else?" "How 'bout a bandage? Maybe some manners?" Applejack moaned, throwing her hoof in the table and pulling herself up. "Sparkling Water, please." Pinkie nodded, rushed to the counter and threw a first aid kit at Applejack's already sore head. "I resign from this dare! I give up!" "Well that was interesting..." "At least they aren't boring, right? Anyway, let's discuss the topic. You want to become my Personal Protégé. Okay. But I will require hard work. Okay?" I nodded my head in understanding. If always worked exceedingly hard, even in Celestia's care, "good. You'll nead someplace to stay. My castle is really large. You can have a room." "You have a castle?" "Yup! It's over there!" She pointed out of the window, and a gradient, crystallised tree came to view. I gave a gasp of adoration and nodded. ~~~ Finally, we were done and left. I smiled as Spike and Fluttershy desperatly followed us. The large, shimmering castle was so tall I could not identify where it ended. It seemed to tower above us like a giant. Twilight pushed open the doors, and we were met with a gorgeous entrance. Doors were everywhere, and Twilight pointed to the one on the left. When we climbed up the many staircases that followed the door, Twilight pushed another one. Inside it was a beautiful and alluring bed which was scented to be like roses. A diamond wardrobe and display case were each on both sides. There was a desk with a Phoenix's Feather, used as a quill, In a little bowl of ink. Hung on the walls was a portrait of myself, watching the sun set. God, I was so impressed. I lay my ragged doll (SmartyPants) onto the bed. Turning to Twilight, I thanked her. "It's nothing, really. I'm going to leave you to settle down. See you at dinner!" > Flashback I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten Years Before I sniffed, still clutching the rather emotional and dramatic book. I was so interested in the book that I noticed not that the picture of regality, the majestic Princess Celestia, enter. She held her beautiful, streamlined wings away from her body as she did so. She pulled her head to my book, read the front, nodded and smiled. "The Changeling Prince. A very sorrowful and tragic fictional work of art." I let my sparkling, turquoise eyes pull from the book and look at her lilac one's. "I know. I've read it before. I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now." "Go ahead." "What is in the 'Forbidden Wing' of the library?" "In time, you will know." "One more thing. I found this book about a... Mare In The Moon?" I could hardly notice the princess hang her head in response to those four words, that phrase, and when she did, and I couldn't care any less. "Once again... In time, you will know." Rivers of tears streamed down my mentor' eyes, whom levitated a tissue to them. "I didn't mean to-" "I know..." She quickly wiped her eyes and pulled on her mask of pure glee. "Good, What's the Mare In The Moon?" I asked in annoyance. "You are not ready to know." She stamped her her hoof down onto the carpet, speaking firmly, "Do not be arrogant. Now, if that is all, I shall go. Have a nice day, Sunset Shimmer." I growled under my breath at her, turning away. I scanned the book, and realised the leather book had a page torn. What was it she needed to hide from me until I was so called 'ready', and ready for what? I thrusted the book away and reached out for 'The Changeling Prince' and continued from my last paused. ~~~ My horn glowed with a bright, blazing aura, and a little egg with red and orange marking upon it glided towards me. I dragged a book towards me as I rotated it. "A Phoenix will hatch in a maximum of a century. The signs that they will leave the egg can be when the egg begins to reach one hundred degrees in temperature or the egg suddenly emits a bright light." I read, turning to the Phoenix egg and shaking my head. I trotted to the basket with the tiny egg and placed it gently and carefully onto the blankets. That night, my room reached a terribly hot temperature. I tossed and turn, but the beads of sweat that plummeted down from my forehead were like bombs. It was too hot, then, all of a sudden a current of light grew from the basket. I was completely certain I was blind, for everything went dark for a few minutes. When the lighting went back to normal, I galloped to check on the egg. I saw a pair of black eyes stare back at me for a second, then a tiny flap of wings. I used an Enlightening Spell to allow my horn to give off light like a torch. Sure enough, there was a baby Phoenix chick laying inside. It gave off a happy chirp and climbed up my hoof and onto my shoulder, soon my back. I cantered as fast as I could to Celestia's chambers and threw myself on the door. "Sunset Shimmer? What is it?" "Princess! Philomena's egg has hatched!" I showed her the little Phoenix, and the Princess smiled. "It's beautiful! What's his name?" "I get to name him?" "Of course! I gave him to you years ago, and you took care of him and nurtured him so you should name him." "Okay then... How about Solis Finis?" "Pardon?" "Solis Finis! It means Sun's End." "Sunset... Are you challenging me?" "No! My name is Sunset! When the Sun ends, so I thought..." "Philomena should name him?" Philomena nodded and pecked at her owner's lips. "Kiss?" The bird shook it's head, then pointed at a parchment. It drew a smile with a pencil in her beak. "Beam." The bird bobbed it's head once, and turned to her son. "In that case, welcome to the family, Beam!" "We'll show you..." I muttered, Beam carefully balanced on my back. "We'll show all of you..." ~~~ "No... NO!" I screamed, my vocal chords being strum like a guitar. I found myself in my new room, when suddenly a tiny creature flew and perched on my window sill. Princess Twilight burst through the door, her horn readying a strong wave of magic. "What is it?" "Sorry... Just a nightmare." "Isn't Luna supposed to protect dreams and make sure none have nightmares?" "Luna? Like, Vice Principal Luna?" "No... Like Princess Luna. She raises the moon." "Right! Celestia told me about this... Luna. I know not of her. In my human world, we have Vice Principal Luna. I always thought she was just some Dimensional error, and doesn't have a pony self in Equestria." "Oh. No, I'll tell you who Princess Luna is." "Or perhaps, We should. We know more about ourselves than any other pony, dearest Twilight Sparkle. Let us begin with a greeting. Hello, Sunset Shimmer. Thou Art in the presence of Princess Luna. Some refer to us as 'Lunar Princess' while others "The Night Goddess'. But ye may simply refer to us with a Luna." And so, they began to tell me of what had happened when i was in exile. > The Lunar Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dark blue alicorn talked of her tale of woe. How she was banished to the moon for a thousand years, and how darkness devoured her heart inch by inch. I tried to empathise with her, to see what she has seen. All I could, however, was a heap of moon dust, and the planet that I resided in. I couldn't help but ask the short and frankly vague question of, "Why?" "We were deeply jealous. Jealous and greedy. Sister danced in the light of day, adoration rained on her. I danced by the moon... But the night's darkness swallowed me and so none can see. I soon wanted all to come and see my Dance Of The Moon... But they visited Celestia to thank her and throw letters on how amazing she was! Thank You Letters, Fan Letters, Proposals, Even love letters! I only ever got one letter. A complaint letter." She hung her head in shame, I too did so. She reminded me of the envy that had devoured my own soul, "and so," she continued, "the dark powers were forced out of me... And I was free! No, I am free! They were taken away by the elements of harmony. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Representing, magic, laughter, generosity, honesty, kindness and loyalty." "So... Twilight was then sent to live here and study Friendship?" They nodded in response. "What of the dark magic?" "I believe they have withered and died when they were separated from me... They were no longer of flesh. They were just magic... Shadow. Even Sombra, of whom I spoke of before, was of flesh and shadow. Something we call Shadow Ponies. Anyway, I know not of certain if the dark magic was destroyed... But one can only hope." "But Princess... Wouldn't that mean there is a chance it could seek out another body? It seems to know our deepest fears." "And can manipulate them. Yes, it's a danger... But we have no power to defy it. We can only stop it once it, if it, regains a body to possess." I thought for a second, my hoof on my chin. "I must go now to make way for the sunset. Goodbye, my little ponies!" "Goodbye." I waved. ~~~ "Twilight Sparkle!" An elegant yet firm voice echoed through the corridors. "Rarity? Why have you come?" Twilight peered out of her door. "Excuse me?" "My apologies, Fair maiden. Why has thou graced us with thou's presence?" She mocked. "Better. Our appointment! We booked sundown to dis...cuss... Oh my word, what's happened to that poor, unfortunate pony's mane?" Rarity gasped as she saw me follow Twilight. I looked up, my mane was a mess. "Oh... I-" "No need to speak darling, no tears now! I shall book tomorrow morning for a new spa visit! Fluttershy said she had to cancel. So, meet me at the Carrousel Boutique in the morning. Bye bye!" ~~~ It was at midnight that Sunset awoke from yet another nightmare, and she feel the need to escape Ponyville. Something was coming... She knew it. She threw the doors open as she dashed outside, only to be greeted with the most horrifying sight. Blood. The red, thick mixture stained the alleys and pavements, the air was so horrid that Sunset Shimmer was reluctantly forced to hold my breath, hoping to block the tainted air from entering her lungs. Clouds rolled in from upon the mountains, but at the centre of it all... Princess Twilight. My mentor. My teacher. My friend. Her lavender, lifeless body thrusted on the floor and left to rot. The rain poured down onto my crimson coat like bullets, and for an hour I sat. Silently, paralysed. I wanted Twilight to awaken to smile at me and console me. After the time had passed, my mind finally processed what was in front of me, and I began screaming, crying, throwing up. "What creature... What inhumane monster would do this to you? What inhumane monster would do this to Anypony?" Once again, I dizzily collapsed onto the cold, damp floor. A light, brighter than thunder, appeared and gracefully descended to the ground as it banished the clouds. Slowly, the light began to fade, and an alicorn body was exposed. She smiled at me as she steadily trotted to her. "How can you smile now... How?" "Because we know the fact that thou is witnessing a dream." "Wha-what?" "Thou heard well, Sunset Shimmer. We are the princess of the night, thus it is our duty to come into your dreams. But listen closely, Nightmares are un available in Equestria. Can't you see? We prevent them... Unless your nightmares come from your heart and soul, the very core... Then you shan't experience it." "But... It feels so real?" "Once again, I assure you. You are asleep." Her voice was calming, soothing. It was gentle, and seemed to console me without any comforting words. "Awaken." Her eyes turned a glowing white, and the world around me vanished, and she was enshrouded with mist. ~~~ "Up and at it, Sunset. Our first lesson begins today. And you know what that means? Flashcards!" "You don't know how happy I am to see you alright, Princess Twilight." "Ugh, formalities again? There is no need, now get up and calm me Twilight, Sunset!" "Noooooooooooooooooooo! I didn't sleep well, please?" "I gave you a extra hour, come on!" She clenched her teeth on my blanket, and I pulled it back with magic. Yeah, no. Unicorn levitation vs Alicorn levitation? "Fine." "SPIKE! MAKE NACHOS!!!"