> [C] Day and Night > by scribe-feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day and Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day and Night By Scribe Feather The old trees in the well kept royal gardens swayed and rustled in the spring breeze. Canterlot Castle was quiet at this time of night, letting the sounds of nature seep through it's walls and lulling it's inhabitants to sleep. Throughout the halls of the castle there was a stillness to beheld. The night guards did their rounds, pacing up and down the empty halls as the night ticked on. Most of the servants and maids were asleep by now, slumbering in their own rooms quietly. In the darkness of the sleeping castle, a single light could be seen shining through a small window in one of the high towers of the structure. While others slept, Princess Celestia, ruler of the kingdom kept busy with paperwork and record keeping, staying up well into the night with only a small candle as company. The white alicorn princess passed the night away by working hard, quietly sorting through piles of documents in her small study. Dressed only in a pink bathrobe and silk panties to fend off the cool night air, she worked deep into the night. A longcase clock made of dark, polished wood ticked the time away as Celestia quietly sat at her desk. The gentle flicker of candlelight was the main source of light in the small writing room, creating shadows that danced about the bookshelves surrounding the princess. An open window let the cool, nightly air slip into the room alongside the gentle rustling of the tall trees that grew outside. The bright moon outside illuminated the balcony and parts of the library as it's beams slipped into the room to compete with the candle's light. The late night work load also helped distract Celestia from the spring season that brought forth a strong sexual heat. She found herself craving anything that would satisfy her sexual desire, often stopping herself when the needs rose up in public. In private, however, Celestia was left alone with her thoughts, giving her many opportunities to stealthily rub her crotch between signing documents. The desire wouldn't weaken no matter how much she played with herself though, which required her to ignore it in hopes that it would go away. Celestia was busy composing a letter to a studious pupil of hers, a unicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight had kept Celestia busy with her friendship reports, keeping Celestia updated on her latest discoveries and lessons on the subject. She made sure to respond to Twilight's letters in a timely manner knowing that she was eagerly waiting for a response no matter the hour. This particular letter was the end of Celestia's workload for the night. One letter stood in the way of a good night's sleep. More often than not, however, she found her erotic thoughts slip onto the paper, leading to an embarrassing response from her student when she failed to catch them. She would sometimes try to cover up the slip up or distract the other pony with mentions of other topics. The late night, coupled with her heated state, led to a few embarrassing moments for the regal alicorn. Meanwhile, something else was brewing in the twinkling night sky above Canterlot. Floating with the sparse clouds in the sky was a starry fog that moved on it's own accord, against the wind. The star filled vapor slithered through the air, navigating the open air like an eel in water. The tendril covered gloom floated through the air with purpose rather than idling following the direction of the wind. Unnoticed by the white alicorn, the starry fog slipped into the her study like a small silent flood. Slithering across the floor, the entity inched its way through the darkness, moving in closer to Celestia's desk. The shapeless blob moved from shadow to shadow, avoiding direct line of sight from the hard working princess. In one sly movement, gliding on a gust of wind that slipping through the open window, the starry fog moved up closer to Celestia's heated crotch and brushed the sensitive area with a ghostly tendril. The sensation sends shivering chills down the startled princess's spine, making her gasp loudly. Celestia raised her eyes up from the desk, just in time to watch a foggy shadow hug the floor and scurry off through the crack of the door. Celestia watched for a few more seconds before placing her quill back into it's ink well and getting up from her seat. She gave her fluffy bathrobe a couple adjusting tugs, tightening the knot, before giving chase. She followed the entity out of her study, leaving her letter half finished. The starry gloom quickly glided across the hallway carpet, slipping through a crack under a nearby door. Celestia followed it closely, entering the room shortly after it did. The room was Celestia's usual place of slumber, a large, regal bedroom with all the usual amenities. The room's tall ceiling gently curved at its edges, leading the eye to the white walls seamlessly. The floor was made of well polished marble, free of any stains or signs of heavy foot traffic. To left of the door sat a large dresser, containing any of Celestia's clothes that could be neatly folded rather than hung in the nearby walk in closet. A large, king sized bed dominated the room with it's lavish appearance, dressed in the finest bed sheets and fluffiest pillows Canterlot had to offer. The starry fog gathered around Celestia's bed, merging it's many tendrils into one large mound. Shades of dark blue and black began to emerge from the shadowy cloud, taking the shape of a familiar figure. In a few short seconds, the cloud had transformed into a lavish black alicorn. She sat at the edge of the bed in a seductive pose, her lacy night robe barely covering up her ripe breasts with it's thin, wispy fabric. "Nightmare Moon," the white alicorn plainly stated. "Princess Celestia," the black alicorn responded with similar simplicity. She then grinned big and friendly. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me." The reason why the once evil Nightmare Moon suddenly turned good was rather mysterious to most ponies. A lot of Equestria still revered her as a bringer of darkness and continued to pass around tales about her one day bringing an eternal night to the land. In reality, she was more of a chaotic neutral pony, enjoying impish behavior as a little pastime rather than a way to bring forth her villainous agenda. However her reputation was so prominent in the land Nightmare Moon would typically just play along rather than attempting to convince the masses that she was good. In her own, teasing kind of way, she rather enjoyed ponies making a big deal over her. "I was just finishing up." Celestia responded bluntly, blinking slowly as her tired mind urged for a nap. The black alicorn shook her head and tsked. "All those lonely nights cooped up in your study," she spoke with a seductive voice while a single starry tendril extended from her back and slithered across the floor closer to Celestia. The tendril moved like a snake, inching closer to the white alicorn who stood strong in her spot. "So much work and no fun can leave a pony...Anxious." In a slick motion, the shadow tendril rose up close to Celestia's crotch, brushing it's magical aura again across her silky panties. "I-I've been busy," Celestia stated, taking a single step to the left, resisting the tempting motions of the starry tendril with every fiber of her self control. "I have many letters to write to my student in Ponyville." "Ah yes, so I've heard," Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes as the starry tentacle snapped back and recoiled back to her back. "Twilight Sparkle, Equestria's newest prodigy. Sometimes I think you give that little unicorn more attention than your poor ol' Moony." She gave Celestia a big pouty lip with lazy puppy dog eyes. "Can we do this some other time?" Celestia dismissed, "I'm very tired..." Nightmare Moon seemed hurt by this statement, in her own sly way at least. She wasn't entirely convinced by these exasperated mumblings. She was much too distracted by Celestia's firm breasts that bulged out her pink bathrobe in the front. With a sly grin, the black mare turned back into a cloudy foggy of stars only to materialize inches behind Celestia. "So soon? But the night's still young," Nightmare Moon whispered into Celestia's ears, her hands hooking up around her white body and running her fingers across the plush robe. She paid extra close attention to the two large mounts that perked up the fabric. Celestia shuttered, biting her lip as she swallowed a heavy moan. Already her blood warmed in anticipation, loving every little touch that the black alicorn teased her with. For a moment her legs quivered under her as her nether regions became humid. "I-I have to get up early in the morning. It is my duty as a princess." Celestia spoke with a shaky voice, holding back her primal instincts as best as she could. "I raise the sun-" "And I raise the moon," Nightmare Moon finished the thought, rolling her eyes and giving Celestia's breasts a firm squeeze. "Oh, but I'm sssoooo pent up!" She playfully growled her words, brushing her body against Celestia's. "So much lust and arousal! Especially after reading all those steamy letters you send your star pupil." Celestia gasped and turned her head. "Y-you've been reading those?!" "Only a couple," Nightmare Moon grinned and shrugged oh so innocently. "Only when I need a little bit of...encouragement..." As the crafty alicorn spoke, her hands trailed away from Celestia's robust figure. Tickling her skin as she moved, Nightmare Moon's fingers glided down to the knotted rope that held the fluffy robe loosely together around the white alicorn's body. The robe smoothly opened up once the knot was untied, exposing Celestia's body to the cool air. The fluffy robe effortlessly slipped off of Celestia and plopped to the ground. Her breasts were left to bounce freely as her soft, pink underwear were out on display. A noticeable, milky stain could be seen on the mid-region of her panties. Nightmare Moon felt her own pussy grow warm as she looked at Celestia's body over her shoulder. As she hugged close to Celestia, her own breasts pressing into her back, Nightmare Moon now used her hands to brush against the pink panties. Celestia shivered as her legs struggled to remember their strength. Her body shivered as her breath became shallow. Every fiber of her being screamed for release, begging for Nightmare Moon to continue her play. All these pleas were quickly suppressed by the call of duty. "N-no!" Celestia forced out, taking a step forward to escape Nightmare Moon's tantalizing warmth. "I'm so very tired...We're going to have to...do this some other time..." Resisting every aroused cry that her body pushed at her brain, Celestia staggered to her fluffy bed and quickly plopped down on it's layered softness. Celestia buried her face into a down pillow, taking in a big breath of air before letting it slowly seep out of her mouth. The fluffy bedsheets nestled her body, giving her a floating sensation. The weightlessness was just what her tired body needed. Nightmare Moon was taken back by the white alicorn's amount of self control, but she wasn't done trying yet. She slunked over to Celestia's body, slipping her body up close to the white alicorn. "You know what I think?" She whispered into Celestia's ear ever so gently. "What do you think, Moony?" Celestia responded, lazily mumbling with her face buried in a fluffy, white pillow. "I think you're just a bit...wound up too," the black pony punctuated her sentence with a nibble of Celestia's ear, feeling it warm up with blush as she chewed it. Nightmare began tracing Celestia's exposed back with a single finger, pausing every inch or so to scoot in closer to the white alicorn's body heat. She took her time teasing the tense neck and tense shoulders, both bearing so many princess duties on. She then moved to Celestia's spine where she walked her fingers down the gentle curve that rose and lowered with each breath. Her teasing fingers evolved into an entire hand by the time Nightmare Moon reached her tight rump. She dwelled the most on top of the white alicorn's butt cheeks. With gentle and steady motions, she caressed the closest one she could grab. "You're so tense. Not even a little bit of fun before you go to bed?" Celestia's body, as tired as her mind tried to convince her it was, began warming up to Nightmare Moon's advances. The smell of the other pony's arousal caused her mind to switch gears and act more out of instinct. Her heated body began tapping into energy reserves she didn't know she had left. She spun around, laying on her back and looking up at the black alicorn. "You're quite the tease when you're in heat. You know that, don't you?" Celestia playfully chuckled. "Oh I'm not only one. Don't think I didn't see you playing with yourself when you were suppose to be working." Celestia blushed, reminiscing about the arousing rubs she snuck in when she thought she was alone. "I...didn't think you were watching...You should have said something." Nightmare Moon shrugged and simply grinned, "oh, I didn't want to interrupt your work. You seemed too busy. Besides, I have you now, don't I." Now it was Celestia's turn to grin impishly. "Not if you keep talking." Nightmare Moon began kissing the nape of Celestia's neck, sending bolts of arousal down both of their bodies. She began rubbing her heated pussy against Celestia's thigh, making it moist with her aroused juices. Both of the ponies moaned as they explored each others bodies while cuddling in the warm sheets. In the heat of the moment, Nightmare Moon began to lose control of her bladder, wetting Celestia's side as the urine mixed with her heated pussy juice. The mixture formed a puddle underneath the two cuddling ponies, quickly seeping into the thick bed sheets underneath them. Celestia didn't lose a beat when her legs suddenly became warm and the bedroom began to smell like urine. In fact the pee seemed to egg her on further, turning her on as the bed warmed and sloshed underneath her. Her nose tingled as it took in the wonderful scents of their joined aroused pussy juice and Nightmare Moon's urine puddle. Nightmare Moon's warm tongue rolled over the curves of Celestia's body, sending shivers down the white alicorn's body. She traced Celestia's tight belly, leading herself all the way to the sensual sweet spot between her breasts. The ever so steady pace kept Celestia tense and silently begging for more. Every fiber of Celestia's body screamed in wonderful euphoria as her body warmed with arousal. She hugged the black alicorn close to her, not wanting to let go as every touch sent shivers down her spine. Both ponies cried out in sexual groans and moans as their playtime satisfied the ever growing arousal that their seasonal heat brought forth. Nightmare Moon busied herself with rubbing her crotch against Celestia's thigh as Celestia fondled her breasts. Celestia suddenly began peeing, letting a steady stream spray into her silk panties before dribbling down onto the bed. Nightmare Moon paused in her furious rubbing to watching the yellow liquid splatter against the translucent underwear before joining with her own puddle of yellow urine and sex juice. The warm liquid soaked into Celestia's back, filling the room with even more of the sexual urine stink. With a sly smirk, Nightmare Moon slithered down the white alicorn's sweaty body, dragging her tongue down her skin before she reached Celestia's soggy crotch. Celestia could only watch in wide eyed anticipation. With great skill and sexual moans, Nightmare Moon gripped the urine stained panties with her teeth, pulling them off of Celestia's crotch. The white alicorn watched intently as she pulled the pair of panties down her sweaty thighs and off her ankles. Now Nightmare Moon had easy access to Celestia's pussy that still stunk of urine and sex. Her wet tongue ran over the warm pussy, causing Celestia's legs to twitch and shiver. Celestia moaned loudly, her pussy growing slicker with each lap. The black alicorn pulled away from the salty sweet organ and moved to Celestia's lips, her own lips still tasting of Celestia's aroused juices. The taste of her own arousal sent electric bolts down Celestia's spine, fueling her build up even more. Her sex ached for attention, begging for satisfaction. With bodies screaming in extreme, tense pleasure, both alicorns began quickening their advances. They both picked up speed and ferocity, rubbing against each other's body as they kissed each other lovingly. Their pussies rubbed against each other, occasionally being intercepted by an invading finger to really push them closer to the edge. Finally, after so much build up and pleasurable teasing, both of their bodies began erupting in wonderful orgasms, flaring up their senses with tingling satisfaction. Celestia and Nightmare Moon squirmed against each other, shuttering and bucking against each other's warmth as their bodies rode out the orgasm. The two squirmed around on top of their large urine puddle as their pussies slipped against each other. The wonderful rollercoaster of bliss quickly tired out the two alicorns, leaving their bodies satisfied and collapsed against each other. The two of them were left panting, slowly winding down from the intense playtime. Nightmare Moon was the first to speak, pausing between words to catch her breath. "That was...Wonderful! I'm glad we were able to...have fun...with each other." Celestia only responded in incoherent mumbles. Her shaking body could barely form words as her exhaustion came back with a vengeance. Now with her heated arousal taken care of for now, her royal body was finally letting itself fall asleep. She could barely say anything before passing out, cuddling close to Nightmare Moon as they wallowed in the large puddle of urine and pussy juice. The black alicorn smirked at this, leaning in and giving the slumbering pony a kiss. "We'll talk later," she whispered softly before laying back and closing her eyes, her horn glowing a faint blue. A waft of stale urine fills the room as the two cuddling ponies doze off in the rapidly cooling puddle. The wet sheets were held at bay by their combined body heat, lovingly snuggling with one another in post orgasm bliss. Sexually satisfied and temporarily silencing their heated arousal, the two alicorns slowly slipped off into their dreams, holding each other close in post orgasmic bliss. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day and Night Epilogue By Scribe Feather Celestia's slumber was disturbed by the warm glow of a hot summer sun. The rays shined brightly, waking the princess almost immediately. She squinted as she stirred, opening her eyes to a bright blue sky that hung above her head. Rubbing her eyes a couple times, she pulled herself up to a sitting position to gather her bearings. Suddenly she found herself sitting on a lounge chair on top of white sandy beaches that stretched as far as the eye could see to her left and right. In front of her sat an endless stretch of crystal blue ocean, rivaled only by the cloudless blue sky above her. Her naked body was now dressed in a skimpy pink bikini. It was a busy day out at the beach as other ponies were seen enjoying the lovely weather and flowing sand dunes. Volleyball nets and barbecues could be seen dotting the landscape around the princess. Families sat on top of beach towels as children built sandcastles near the sandy shoreline. All around the lounging alicorn were other beach goers, swimming, talking, and picnicking. Although it was difficult to focus on the ponies' faces. The more Celestia tried to figure out who they were, their blurrier their images got. If she tried to pay attention to the conversations she would only hear mumbles and murmurs, unable to pick out distinct words or inflictions. She rubbed her eyes as her mind scrambled to remember her most recent memory. She could recall falling asleep with Nightmare Moon, cuddling the black mare close as the two passed out on her bed. She remembered the wonderful sex the two had, enjoying each others company, and reveling in their post orgasm bliss. After recalling all these thoughts, the alicorn concluded that she was dreaming. However this dream felt distinctly different. The environment was much too fleshed out and detailed to be any typical dream. She could never pause during her usual dreams to inspect the details around her. This dream was quite different indeed. "This doesn't feel like a normal dream..." Celestia mused to herself. "Have you forgotten who you're sleeping with?" A familiar voice called from behind Celestia, causing her to crane her neck backwards. Nightmare Moon sat in her own lounge chair, wearing a thin blue swim suit that just barely covered her breasts and crotch. "I thought you only did nightmares." "That was the old me, Celestia. No, I do a nice dream every now and then as well." The black alicorn replied as she got up from her own seat and mozied on over to Celestia's side. "I'm impressed, Tia. Most ponies don't realize they're dreaming so quickly." "I've had a lot of practice," the other pony replied. Nightmare Moon smirked, "a lot of practice, huh?" She pulled her body over Celestia's lap, straddling the princess. With a sly lean, the mare began to rub a finger into the front of Celestia's bikini bottom. Celestia gasped and felt her body tense up to this advance. "M-moony! We're in public!" "Oh don't worry, Tia. This is all a dream! Everypony here are just figments of your imagination." Nightmare Moon shrugged, "most of them..." "What was that?" "Nothing," Nightmare Moon quickly answered, intercepting Celestia's thought process with a firm kiss on the lips. "Come on, does this really feel any different from what we do in real life?" "Well I...guess not." "Exactly. The only difference is that we can do anything here." Nightmare Moon teased, "and get away with...anything." With that said, the black mare began to pee, straddling Celestia's sun bathing body. Her yellow liquid dribbled onto Celestia's white fur, dribbling around her thighs and down through the slits between the rubber straps of the chair. Celestia shivered and felt her legs quiver as Nightmare Moon's urine dribbled down her thighs and onto the dry sand underneath the seat. She could feel her crotch already heating up and twitching against the other mare's teasing. Her dream self was not as exhausted as she remembered falling asleep as. Nightmare Moon took this as a signal to continue. She leaned in close to Celestia's face, giving her lips a deep sensual kiss. Celestia closed her eyes and kissed her back, moaning low as her body flared up with arousal. There was something in the air that seemed to amplify their sex crazed mind. The dream seemed to move quicker than reality and soon the two were already reaching their orgasmic climaxes. Their bathing suits became slick with arousal as they inched closer and closer. The two began rolling around with each other, carefully balancing themselves on top of the beach chair's surface. This new dream world refreshed their tired bodies, giving them more energy and vigor. They rubbed against each other and moaned loudly, kissing each other lovingly. They took turns fingering each other, penetrating their hot pussies. Celestia occupied herself with carefully fondling Nightmare Moon's plump breasts, tracing the bulging masses inside their bikini top hammocks. Despite every fiber of her being telling her this was a dream, she reveled in the fact that she could feel the other alicorn's breasts like they were really there. As the ocean waves sloshed against the distant shoreline, the two alicorns moaned and played with each other. Loud panting could be heard from the two, the rest of the detail dream world falling away as they paid less and less attention to it. Occasionally one of them would glance up at the area to confirm that they were still on the beach and the world would pop back into reality. The intense sexual feelings kept them attentive of each other, barely acknowledging the outside world as climax came closer and closer. Finally, in one conjoined loud moan, the two alicorns' bodies twitched and squirmed on the beach chair. Their slick pussies warmed and squirted into their bathing suits, bringing with them the satisfying afterglow of a job well done. Nightmare Moon collapsed once they were finished, both mares panting heavily with big smiles on their face. Celestia smiled and moaned a satisfied moan. "That was wonderful, Moony..." "Only the beginning, Tia," the black alicorn grinned and kissed Celestia on the snout. "I guess we'll have to wake up soon..." "Not yet though, " Nightmare Moon added, nuzzling under Celestia's chin. " Let's just...rest for a moment, enjoy the sounds of the ocean." And the two did just that, laying on top of each other in a satisfied cuddle. The sun kept them warm as their ears were filled with rumbling waves and distant chatter of playing ponies. They would occasionally hear a beach goer running by their spot, paying no mind to the two urine soaked alicorns as if they didn't exist. The two alicorn's warm embrace in this satisfying dream world matched the one in the real world, holding each other close with big smiles, as the urine underneath them cooled. "Tomorrow," Celestia idly thought to herself as her mind drifted off into the foggy dream world, "tomorrow I'll finish that letter..."