> Spike's Golden Dragoness > by The Wandering Draconian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Surprises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~Surprises~~ "Twilight? Twilight I'm home!" Spike walked into the library, looking for the lavender alicorn that called the tree home. "I'm upstairs Spike, just I have a some stuff to quick pick up, so just meet me in my bedroom!" She replied, yelling down the stairs. Spike turned around, motioning upstairs to the golden dragoness behind him. "Well, might as well tell her now. She would probably be less understanding if wait any longer. But stay behind me, I'll be the first to go in." The dragoness nodded, sending a smile his way as he walked up the steps. She had heard a lot about the lavender mare during the last month, most of which led her to believe her to be a total egghead. "You said you would make this fast, so get up there already!" she whispered, just as spike was having second thoughts about confronting his lifelong sister. Spike craned his neck around, sending a mock frown down the stairs at her. "Yea yea... I'm just having second thoughts about this... Like, what if she does something that makes gems taste like dirt for a week, or teleports you a thousand miles away or something like that? She's done pretty crazy things before... Like when her last coltfriend jokingly badmouthed Celectia... his left foreleg is still six inches shorter than the rest others!" Spike shuddered, remembering the night it happened. "Well then she will have to deal with me claw to hoof. It's not like she can really hurt me... right?" "I don't think she would try to hurt you, but you would at least have a severe amount of discomfort if you cross her path. Listen, I'm just worried she will do something to hurt you if I don't start things off right with her." he finished, looking rather downtrodden by his own words. The dragoness silently stalked up the stairs until she was but a step below him. "You and I both know that no matter what she does, we will still be together. And also, if it's really bothering you that much, I'll go up with you. Besides, the sooner we get done with this... well, I think you know" she said, lust lacing her words. "First off, yes, I would like it you came up with me... but just try to keep it down, and don't lash out if she says something offensive. We don't want a repeat of what happened last week with that stallion..." "Hey! You know what he did! Trying to buy me like some kind of sex toy! The nerve of him! And I still stand by my actions." she finished with a humph. "Whatever. You still sent a drunken noble to the hospital with three gashes in his face. Do you know how much trouble we would have been in had he been sober!?" he finished, still dumbfounded by her actions. "Well he shouldn't have tried to bucking buy me for sex. Besides, my body is reserved for you and you only." she said, lust still lacing her words as she placed a claw over his. "Now stop stalling and get your scaly rump up there, you're going in first!" "Fine, lets get it over with." Spike made his way upstairs, still nervous about upcoming events. Upon reaching the top, he peered inside, looking through the crack of the door. All he saw was a dark room. "Huh, she said she was cleaning up something up here... but her lights are off..." He whispered behind him. "Just open the door already!" she exclaimed in an equally silent whisper. Spike pushed open the door to reveal complete darkness. "Twilight? You up here?" He asked nervously to eerie darkness. Suddenly his vision was blinding by a multitude of bright lights that flooded the room with a radiant glow. A welcome banner with his name on it was stretched across the ceiling. in the center of the room was Twilight and her friends, all with encouraging grins plastered on their faces. Spike took another step into the room and was instantly enveloped in a group hug, twilight squeezing him especially hard. "Welcome home spike! I already got the newspaper from Manehatten delivered, and I heard your tour was a great success! You're going to have to fill me in on some of the finer details, the papers didn't really.... have... much... info.... Um spike...? Who is that?" She said, pointing a hoof towards the dragoness standing in the doorway . "Well..." he started off, nervous as could be. "Twilight, this is Amber Starlight, my, well... gosh this hard.... Twi, she's my wife." Twilights reaction was one that he hadn't expected, for instead of inflicting some kind of horrible pain, she broke down on the floor laughing. After a few moments she collected herself, still giggling. "Ok ok, you got me spike, I'll tell you I wasn't really expecting that. But be serious now, who is she?" She leaned forward, whispering into his ear. "Are you two, you know, dating in any particular way? It's fine if you are, it's your choice, but I would like to get to know her a bit more before anything serious happens... ok?" Spike face-palmed, "Twi, I'm trying to be as serious as possible, and you're making this extremely hard for me to do. And as for dating, we are kinda past that...." spike finished, twiddling his claws to distance himself from what he said." Twilight looked confused, but still spoke. "Are you talking about sex spike? I've told you that you don't have to be so uncomfortable with the subject, it's just part of your body's anatomy. Though I will say it is kind of fast to be there already..." Twilight was contemplating the situation, and everyone in the room was struck speechless by her words." Spike scales lit up with embarrassment, "No! This isn't something to do with the sex aspect of our relationship, because... well, we are kinda way past that too. But that's besides the point." Now Twilight was confused. "Beyond the sexual aspect of a relationship? But the only things that come after that are marriage... and kids." She finished, her face grave from her own imagination, and what the implications of said relationship could be. "Oh dear goddess, please tell me you didn't, or aren't..." Spike was dead silent, still fiddling with his claws, amber hiding in the doorway. "S-spike! Tell me you didn't!" she was practically pleading with him, but she knew what the answer was. Finally spike spoke. "Yea, Twi. We're having a child. Just confirmed it last week... Weirdest doctors visit ever, considering they called in a vet to check, claiming the hospital didn't have the equipment for reptiles, so to speak. But that aside, that brings two different things I needed to talk to you about..." Twilight was huddled in a ball on the floor, hyperventilating from the news she just received, but managed speak. "W-what else is there to say!? That you're moving out? That you don't need me anymore!?" "Well, that was one of the things I needed to talk to you about... but the other one is about becoming officially married. As of right now it's more of an instinctual marriage, but I'll tell you more about it later." Twilight, along with her friends, sat in shock from all of the news they heard from their favorite purple drake. Twilight looked over to Pinkie, telling her to call the party off until next week so she could work things out with spike. The rest, minus Dash, stood up, and left, Pinkie wearing an uncharacteristic frown. Dash strode up behind him, and whispered in his ear. "Nice catch spike! you'll have to tell me about her tomorrow!" she left his side, and took off out the balcony. Having said his part, spike was about to make his way downstairs to his room, motioning to Amber to follow, but was stopped by a lavender hoof on his shoulder. "Spike, we aren't done talking quite yet... I still want to know about how 'this' all happened." She said, fore-hooves gesturing towards the two dragons in the doorway. "Aw, come on Twi, I already had to tell you about it, so cant it just wait till tomorrow? It's eleven at night for Celestia's sake!" he complained, desperately wanting out of the situation. Twilight placed a hoof on her forehead, a slightly annoyed expression splayed across her face. "Fine, fine... but I want to hear the whole story tomorrow, and spike... Don't. Skip. Anything." Spike felt a shiver travel down his spine, but gave her a mischievous grin. "Ok Twi, I won't leave out a thing. But don't say I didn't warn you..." he finished, flashing a toothy grin towards the mare who was now regretting her words. "Just shut up and go to bed already!!" she shouted, trying to chase the implied images from her head. Spike simply chuckled, then turned towards Amber. "come on, we had better get downstairs. Wouldn't want twilight hearing what we're about to do." Amber shot him a knowing him a sly grin, then turned to Twilight, a small smile across her maw. "You sure spikey? It could really at to the experience, you know." Twilight blanched at the statement, then shined her horn, forcing the two out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Trotting over to her bed, the curled up in a ball, still trying to get the images out of her head. "Stupid spike." Spike led Amber down the stairs and towards the basement. When finally in spike's room, Amber spoke. "So, is my little spikey ready to show his dragoness what he's made of? Best not disappoint, I've been told I get a little antsy when I'm not satisfied." Spike gave a hungry growl as Amber climbed upon his bed, rolling over on her spines to present herself to her mate. Spike stalked toward her, eyeing the dragoness with lustful eyes. As he got closer, he took a long look at her, her golden scales and white underbelly being the very definition of beauty. Crawling up on top of her, he gave a deep kiss, slinking his tongue inside her maw, her own serpentine tongue fighting for dominance. As the two wrestled for control, Amber noticed that her sex was already dripping with anticipation, the scales around her slit becoming shining wet. Not wanting wait any longer, she flipped him over on his back, grinding her sex on the smooth scales between his legs, attempting to coax his shaft from between his scales. Spike growled at the role reversal, wisps of smoke rising from his nostrils showing his displeasure of her actions, seeing as he was usually on top, but did nothing to dissuade her actions, fully allowing her to work without interference. Upon feeling her sex grinding against his scales, spike couldn't help but let a deep moan of approval escape between his razor sharp teeth. Pleased with his response, Amber ramped up her efforts, feverishly grinding her sex upon his. Finally, after a few moments of malicious grinding, she felt it start to poke at her slit. She continued to grind, coaxing out inch after inch of phallus, letting it grow into her. She swore it was bigger than last time, growing to over a foot in under a minute, never leaving her slit. Spike was in bliss, his shaft buried deep into his mate, still growing. He knew that he was getting close to full mast, and let her know as he started pull out, eliciting a moan from the golden dragoness. He rivaled in the experience as he began to pump his shaft deep within her, finally reaching his full length at just under a foot and a half. Amber tongue lolled out of her open maw as she repeated slammed down on his shaft. getting tired, she rolled off from on top of him, giving him the go ahead to take lead. Spike grinned, gripping her midsection for support has he hammered away at her sex. His pointed shaft slid in and out easily, but her tight walls hugged him in a was that indescribably wonderful. He kept up his pace for over half an hour, Amber now screaming in ecstasy as she was mercilessly pounded by her mate. "S-spike, I-I'm getting c-close!!" she screamed, still trying to grip his shaft that repeatedly pounded her sex. Spike smiled, then began to kiss her form, running his rough tongue over her neck, lightly kissing while still thrusting into her. Amber didn't know how much more she could take. her thoughts were a blur until she noticed that his shaft was no longer sliding in an out smoothly. Finally she had a sign, his knot was starting to grow, spreading her slit wider with each and every thrust as he continued his onslaught, until it would no longer fit, screaming with both pain and pleasure. Spike, dissatisfied with the turn of events, began to pound harder, attempting to make the knot fit. Amber yelped at each failed attempt, hoping that he would just get it over with. As if reading her mind, he removed himself until just the tip of his head was left inside. Amber felt a sudden feeling of emptiness as he left her, thinking he had given up in shame, but was surprised when he rammed her full force. Brute force, it seemed, was the answer. Spike slammed into her sex, forcing her wider that ever before as the knot pushed in, logging itself within her depths. She screamed in both pain and pleasure, the fullness she was waiting for finally present. Both of them were close, and spike knew this. With his shaft trapped insider her, he trusted with what he could, brining them both closer to the edge. Spike's stamina was almost gone, but he was nearly done, his mind still set on pleasing his mate. With a few final trusts, his knot tugging inside his mate, he reached his peek. Amber was extremely close and only needed that final push to reach climax. Suddenly, spike growled, smoke rising from nostrils as his instincts took over. She felt him throb within her, knowing that he had reached his peak. She could feel his seed within her, filling her to the brim, bringing her to climax with him. His load was immense, each throb of his shaft brining forth a new wave of his hot seed into her sex. Amber's vision blurred as it happened, her muscles twitching with an overload of pleasure. It seemed as though the waves of his seed would never stop, even starting to seep from her slit even as his shaft was still buried within. Both cried out in bliss for what seemed like hours, spike barely noticing the thump ring through the room as they finished the deed. Spike lay still with his golden goddess, admiring her ravaged body, running a claw over her sharp spikes as she basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Spike slid his member out of her slit, causing her to twitch slightly as his seed seeped down onto the sheets. He looked at his handiwork, smiling softly at the bliss he brought his mate. After several minutes of simply lying with his mate, spike remembered that seemingly unimportant noise he heard earlier. lifting his head from his pillow, he looked around the room for what could have made such a strange sound. His eyes locked on instantly to the doorway, his mind struck with horror at what he saw. Twilight lay unconscious on the floor. Ambers engagement necklace two feet from her still form. Spike connected the dots, and realized that she had seen him have sex his Amber. Spike turned towards his mate, gently poking her head to gain her attention. "Amber... why did Twilight have your engagement necklace?" he walked over to the unconscious mare, picking up the silver necklace that displayed a small, heart shaped emerald in it's center. Amber gave him a mischievous smile, confusing the drake even more. "Hm... I may have accidentally dropped it at the top of the basement steps... seems as though she took the liberty to return it at what just so happened to be a rather inappropriate time."~ she giggled, looking at the sleeping mare, her plan having worked perfectly. "That. Is. Just. Mean. I told you that she can't handle things like that! she even fainted when she tried to have sex with her first coltfriend, who subsequently broke it off with her when he realized he wasn't going to get any satisfaction for possibly years to come..." spike said, still slightly annoyed that she deliberately made his sister witness him plowing her on their first day home from the tour. "Sorry, but she seemed like she could use a little help getting used to these kinds of situations." she said as innocently as possible? "So what, are you planning on making this a regular thing until we get our own home?" he asked, warming up slightly to the idea. "Maybe..." she purred, poking her tongue out slightly. Spike smiled, suddenly liking her way of thinking. "Well... I bet we could arrange some a few more, 'incidents', over the next week, but we would to make sure not to scare her for life, if we haven't done so already. But that aside, I still need to take her upstairs. She's going to be asking a lot of questions tomorrow and I don't want her waking up on the floor. In fact..." he said, smiling mischievously, "We could convince her that she dreamed up me having sex with you!" Amber shot him a toothy grin, "You know me well" "Kinda have to, ya know." he replied, still smiling. "get your sister upstairs, already I don't think we are quite done for the night." she said, implying exactly what spike was hoping for. Spike couldn't help but let out a laugh. "It's only been three weeks and you still know me better than twilight!" And with that, spike made his way upstairs, silently placing the lavender mare in her bed. "I'd do anything to have you believe that those nighttime oats are giving you nightmares again." All spike could do now was enjoy some more 'night activities' and hope things would run smoothly in the morning. A slightly far fetched idea, but he hoped for it none the less.