> How and Why? Season 2! > by Frosty the Batty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Discorded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, first of all. Updates! One: It's been half a year, I found out that Equestria has the same amount of days and months, just some of the names have corny horse puns. B: Nothing major has happened since the fucking gala, just the chaotic situations that either the CMC cause or by some other means, not worth mentioning. And I have been practicing my magics and abilities. And I improved, somewhat, just that I can run and fly as fast as the seed of light, I think. And that my magic has increased in power in general. What I mean in general is that, for example, if a pony lost a few limbs and died, I can heal and revive said pony. Yeah, i'm basically a god in training, just need to find out if i' immortal... I could be because i'm a robot, maybe? I have to find a way to find out. Anyway, six months of fucking nothing happening and something pops up. As we were told be Tia; 'An old enemy has broke out of his prison, and he threatens to send Equestria into eternal chaos.' And I was all like, 'Discord the god of chaos has broken free from his stone prison and is free and is already causing more chaos than there should be and the elements need to stop them. And maybe you want me as a last resort.' And Tia was all like, 'I don't know how you know that, but yes, what he said is true.' And now here we are, after we find out where the elements are, the fucking maze, standing in front of it, Skittles found out we can't cheat and fly over it. "You girls realize what happens if you enter right?" "Yeah, and? I'm not gonna let some joker trick me!" The girls nod in unison. I sigh. "Ooookay, good luck girls. You're going to need it." With that we enter the maze. When we're far enough hedge walls separate as. "It's part of his plan!" "OKAY!" We then venture into the trap maze... "I wonder if the god of chaos has anything in store for me." Just then I hear the infamous cackle of John De Lancie. "Well well well, what do we have here?" "A robot alien that's from another world or universe that can kick your ass if you try anything." "Well it looks like somepony, or someone, woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." "Nah, just being blunt. And what i'm wondering why you decided to show yourself to me instead of playing some trick on me." "Ah, straight to the point I see, I like that. Well as for why i'm here, you're actually the last one in this maze." I deadpan. "I feel so loved." He chuckles. "And also quite the satirist! I like you my boy!" "Good to know." "Would you like to be friends my dear boy? I'll even give some of my magic." "YES!" He smirks. "Just shoot me already." He raises brow. "*sigh* Please?" He grins. "Thank you." He points a finger talon at me and shoots his chaotic magic at me. And WOW it looks awesome, spastic multicolored magic coming at me, it hits me and I absorb it. When I absorb I felt amazing, seriously, it felt like I was on cocaine, colors where enhanced, my senses were on overdrive. Even my movements seemed faster. I then felt a little buzz in the back of my metallic head, but it passes quickly. "How about you go out and cause some chaos." He waves a paw dismissively. "And why the fuck would I do that?" He looks at me surprised. "How are you not under my control?" I scowl. "Probably due to me being a fucking machine and not a ling thing." "Wait... You're a robot!?" "Watch." I reach up and pull off my face. I let him gape at my face before I put it back on. "Yep, i'm a fucking robot. Didn't you pay attention to what I was saying?" "How are you possible!?" "I'm taking that as a no..." He freaks and shoots more chaotic magic at me. And I just stand there, absorbing it. Aaaand i'm ten feet tall now. And Discord's looking a little weak. "Aww... Is widdle Dissy tired?" "Shut... up... fool..." "The fool right now is you Discord, to think we could of bee friends." I point my hand into the air , convert some of my chaos magic into pure energy, and blast the energy into the cosmos. Making Dissy gape again. "Now i'm able to use chaos magic! Thanks!" I blink away before he can do anything, not like he could because he looked weak. I blink to Twi's home to see if she is already Discorded. "Hey Twi! You alright!?" She comes down the sitars, and she still has her color. "What?" "Oh good, you haven't been affected yet. I need to tell you something." "What is it?" "No matter what, no matter what thoughts enters your head, I will always be by your side, no, matter, WHAT." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You'll realize soon enough. Anyway, have you found the elements yet?" Twi shakes her head. "Oh... Well, just know that I have all my faith in you." A warm smile appears on her face, her ears fold back and she blushes "Thank you." I smile and nod. "And now, I wait." I blink to my home and play Robocraft for the next few hours. --------->>>>Four hours later<<<<--------- After four hours of prime internet time, I decided to check up on Twi. Aaaand Discord just teleported cackling away. And I see Twi all grey. "Hey Twi what's up?" She just canters by me. *AW HELL NAW!!* I blink inside the library. "Hey Spike, has Tia sent the reports yet?" "Hey Streak. And what do you mean by-" He burps up a letter. "Oh, I guess she is already if that's what you mean." I smirk. "Good." Just then Twi canters in the room we were in. I take the friendship report and shove it into Twi's face. "What's this?" "Just read it and remember what I told you earlier today." The next ten are spent with Twi reading each scroll that Tia sent and with each one Twi reads she gets some color back. After the ten minutes there's a little mountain of scrolls, and Spike has a belly ache. But my magic made him feel better. "You realize what Discord was doing to you guys now?" "Yes! He's just distracting us!" I nod approvingly. "So how about we get are friends back? And do you have the memory spell?" She nods. "Yeah! Lets go!" Spike groans. "You can stay here Spike." I guess my magic can only go so far for dragons. Anyway, Twi and me run off to get our friends back... "First: Applejack." I say as we enter the front gate to Sweet Apple Acres. When we get close to her house I spy Mac digging around like a dog. When he sees us I spawn a bone and through it in some random direction, and he runs off to go get it. "That should do it." We continue on and find Aj sitting with Granny dancing for no reason. "Yo Aj! What's up?" She looks at us and scowls. "Where were you two when I was fighting Discord?" "One: You didn't fight Discord. B: You're lying. And lastly: We're here to remind you why we're here." I grab her using my stretchy powers. She struggles to get free "Hay! Let me go!" I shake my head. "Go for it Twi!" She nods affirmatively. "Ok!" She says determined. Her horns glows brightly and touches it to Aj's forehead. A few seconds and Aj get her color back. "Whoa, what happened? I had the strangest dream." "You'll see what happened, and it wasn't a dream, next is Fluttershy." I blink us over to Fluttershy's place. We burst in, me and Aj grab and hold down Flutters. "Let. Me. GO!!" She struggles but we don't let go. Twi approaches, horn glowing, and touches horn to forehead. After a few seconds Fluttershy get her color back. She's dazed A little but she quickly recovers. "Oh my goodness! What happened? I had a scary dream!" "Never mind that Fluttershy. Streak? To Rarity's!" I nod and blink us to Rarity's. We burst inside and she's polishing Tom. She sees us and growls. "Get away from him! HE'S MINE!" I tackle her and hold her down, and out an enchanted ring on her horn so she can't use her magic to retaliate. Twi canters up while I held Rares still. Rares puts up a mean struggle, but nothing I can't handle, she sure is slippery though... Twi touches horn to horn before she can slip away. Rarity gets her color back looks at us then the rock, next thing she pushes it out a side door. "Let us NEVER speak of this again." "No promises." Me and Aj say at the same time. We look at each other and smirk. Rares looks at us unamused. I then Blink us to Skittle's place. Flutters flies up to the mansion and looks into a window. "She's not here." "Then where is she?" I cough and point to a random cloud. Said cloud has a grey scale rainbow tail sticking out of it. "Shh." They nod together. I look up at the cloud, extend my arms, and blink. I appear o in front of Skittles. In a millisecond I grab her and give her a bear hug, with her facing away from me. I have her wings pinned against my body. And WOW she put up a good struggle, she almost slipped out of my hold when I landed. "Let me go! LEMEGO!" She snorts with every breath, Twi sees that i'm having a hard time keeping her in my grasp. Ponies are fucking slippery. She quickly lit up her horn and touched it to Skittle's forehead. A few seconds and the color returns to her coat, mane and tail. "Ugh... What happened. I think I had a weird dream." "It wasn't a dream, and you were tricked by Discord, like the other girls, into abandoning your friends. Same with all of you girls. But there's no time for recollection! We have a draconequus to defeat!" They cheer and I first change to my normal pony form in a burst of red flames, and blink us to where town hall would be, but it's floating upside down in the air, and in its place is Discord and his, 'throne'. *I hope this form throws him off...* When he sees us he slowly claps. "Chaos is so much fun!" "Not when you have friendship!" Twi shouts. He looks to us. "Well done my little ponies! The gang's back together again!" He says mockingly, and claps slowly. He looks at me. "And who are you?" I wink and my eyes flash red. His face face grows confused. I roll my eyes and i'm engulfed in red flames. Leaving some smoke coming from my body. "YOU!" "What? Did ya miss me?" He scowls. "Far from it. Although you surprised me with that changing form thing. And that gives me an idea." His fingers snap and i'm turned into a pile of bits. Save for my eyes and mouth. "There! that's better!" The anger flowing through me can be felt by the mane six. And I think my body started to glow red, my eyes glowed red though. "I, am the LAST person you want to anger Discord." He raises a brow at me. The pile of bits that make me up shake, and slowly rises. It then glows a bright white, and then a bright flash and i'm back to my platinum, shiny, self. Dissy's eye widen in surprise. "You're a remarkable young lad, you know that? A shame that we couldn't be friends." "At this point I could REALLY care less. Right now you should look to your right." "And why is that?" I point to my left. "Because 'the elements' are about to turn yo to stone again." His eyes go wide again as he looks in the other direction. The girls have already assumed their positions. And Twi's eyes are already glowing white, the the famous rainbow magic emerged from behind the mane six, and aimed itself at Discord. Said chimera, raised a talon and was about to snap. But I blink and grab both of his hands before he can do anything. The rainbow hits us. "Fool! You'll be turned to stone too!" I smirk. "My abilities of absorption far surpass that of Teirek Dissy, see ya in a few years." As we're bombarded in the rainbow magic, Discord's body turns to stone. Starting at the hoof slash claw, he scratches at the stone climbing his body, but to no avail. The next thing is his head, which is left in eternal pure shock. "I'm actually surprised that I didn't turn to stone, but then, it wasn't directed at me either, that was a great meal though." I say as I look at myself. I've gained at let seven or ten feet. I raise my hand to release all the excess magic. But I get an idea. "I'll be right back." I open a portal and walk in, a portal to earth. I don't think i'll stop coming back, even though I swore to never come back. But no matter, i'm having too much fun with these new powers here. Anyway, I focus and turn some of the magic I absorbed into pure energy, and I then put my hands together, I part them to reveal the expanding ball of white energy. I let it expand until i'm back to my normal size. The ball of energy is the size of a mini sun, the size of Tia's sun if not a little bigger. When i'm back to normal size I send the ball of pure energy to the sun. Much to the distress of the citizens on earth. It'll either fuel the sun and make last a little longer, or make the sun go supernova. Leaning towards fuel, I kinda have plans for earth. Anyway, I open a portal and walk back to Equis. "Hey girls, anything happen while I was gone?" Skittles decided to answer "Other than Equestria going back to normal and we got crowned the saviors of Equestria, nothing much." "Cool. Well, see ya later I guess!" I blink back to my home and practice more on my abilities and magic. I found out that I have dimensional doors in the MC inventory! That's gonna be fun to practice shit there. And to do as much as I can to nit think about how crazy Twi's gonna get when she can't do a friendship report tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to this one, because Twi, along with the entire town, goes crazy. Twi for the friendship report, and the town going after Twi's doll... Oh fuck, I better not fall under that stupid 'Want it, need it' spell. I'm going to be FUCKING mad if the spell takes me. > Chapter 2: Madness and Offerings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> "Hey Twi! You needed me?" Spike came to my house and said Twi needed me for something, but I know that it's to see if I need help with making a friendship report to Tia. I enter Twi's house but no sign of Twi. >> "Streak! Great timing!" She comes from upstairs, her mane and tail are already frizzy and untamed, hairs poking out her mane. Even her tail looks like it go a broken bone. >> "Oh, right... Lesson zero, sorry Twi, But I don't any problems that you can help out." >> "Ugh! Why doesn't anypony have any problems!?" She slams a hoof to the floor. >> "Ok, first of all; calm down." I guess I shouldn't of said that. >> "Calm down..?" She teleports in front of me. "CALM DOWN!? How can I BE calm about ANY of this!? Princess Celestia-" I reach down put a finger on Twi's lips before she can go on a rant. >> "Clam, DOWN." My eyes glow red to get the point across. Her pupils shrink and she nods. "Good. Now, You will be able to make a report, but i'm not going to tell you what you did. And you need to learn this lesson. Got it?" She nods. "Good. Now I am going t go back to my home, wait for everything to blow over, and come back when everything is over to make sure you learned this ver important lesson." I straighten back up, turn around, and do just that. >> "Ay yo Streak!" Or Vinyl can entertain me for the day. >> "Hey Vinyl. What's up?" >> "Eh... Nothin much. Just wanted to know if ya got more songs." >> "To remix right?" She nods. Me and her made a deal a while back that she can only remix the songs that I give her. I told her about my world and that the songs I have are not mine. And we made an agreement that the songs I provide to her will be remixed. She even decided to make me the first person to, 'try out' as she says, the remixed versions of each new songs she produces. And we agreed that she keeps all royalties and wealth she makes off of each song, and that I remain anonymous. That came about when she asked if I would like my name to be feature on each cover of each album she produces as a provider of the music she remixes. I declined and explained that I could never deal with the paparazzi. >> "Cool, which one would ya like this time?" She outs a hoof to her chin. >> "Neverending Strife and Atomizer." >> "Alright, lets head to your place." She nods and we head to her home. Once we're in the studio room I see her setup got a little upgrade. "Heh, got an upgrade I see." I hold up a finger and thin it out to form the same jack like last time. >> "Heh, thanks. Ever since you gave me those epic beats to add my own flare to, i've made a little fortune." I hold my finger right in front of the hole for the jack. >> "Hah! Little fortune my ass." I plug my finger, copy and paste the two songs she requested. You know? Being digitally inside a fucking computer is actually really fun. You can see everything inside and outside the computer, but it all gets a blue circuit looking texture to it. It's fucking awesome. Anyway, I make quick work and upload the two songs Vinyl requested. When I get the feeling that i'm done a feel a pulling sensation. And for a few seconds I see nothing but black, then the real world comes back to view. I get back up and face Vinyl. "Alright, there ya go Scratch." >> "Cool, I'll call ya when i'm done with this new shit!" I flinch at her new vocabulary. >> "Don't use the words around other ponies unl-" I realize something and facepalm. "Never mind you're you so you're going to talk like me anyway." She snorts. >> "Heh, you know me too well." >> "And you hardly know me." >> "Touche." We share a laugh that's broken by a commotion outside. Vinyl raises a brow while my eyes widen. "What was that?" I look to her. >> "Twi just made a huge mistake. Stay in here and don't make eye contact with an old doll." I blink out before she can ask why. I blinked outside to see the moving mountain of frenzied ponies fighting over Smartypants. I spot the old doll and I feel a strange attraction to it but the feeling fades. *Good to know spell don't work on me.* I notice that Mac is at the top of the mini mountain. Literal hearts for eyes, holding the doll above everypony else. A start up my thursters and blink. I appear right in front of Mac, floating alone the top of the mini mountain. Before Mac or the ponies can react I grab the doll and blink away. I blink over to Twi's house. "Hey Twi! Want your doll back!?" She bursts from the couch. >> "SMARTY PANTS!!" She jumps for me but I hold her in my magic aura. She's still struggling to get her doll. I examine the doll and see that the spell she put was a little strong. Too strong. I scan and kill the spell that was bound to it. When the spell dies Twi stops her struggling. "W-what happened?" She looks at me "And why are you holding Smartypants?" I shake m head and pinch the bridge of my nose. >> "You cast a "want it need it' spell on this thing and everyone in town went crazy after it." Finally realization dons on her. >> "Oh, right..." I put her down and release her form my magical grip. >> "Do you remember what I said?" She tilts her head in confusion, then she goes wide eyed. >> "Now I do..." >> "So what lesson did ya learn?" By now the girls have gathered and are looking at us. But Twi was cut off by another voice. >> "Twilight Sparkle!" Tia was hovering above us, a nearly binding light emanating from her, nearly blinding because the sun just lowered below the horizon. She looks around us, at all the bickering, fighting ponies. And her horn lows brightly the glow blinds us for a second but goes away as quickly as it came (sex joke!). When the light dissipate everypony stops fighting and looks at each other. Then to the doll they were fighting over. Some redden around the cheeks and others look away. Then everypony goes back to whatever they were doing before they fell under the spell's... spell. Tia then looks at us. "Meet me in the library." She then flies off to Golden Oaks (Twi's place/library). But before Tia flew off she gave me a wink. And I smirked as she flew off. I look to the girls. >> "See ya there!" I blink t the library, in front of Tia. "We see each other again, Tia." She smiles. >> "I appears so, Streaky." I chuckle at her little joke. "I assume you know what happens?" I nod. >> "You assumed correctly, but no spoilers." >> "As if I you need to tell me. I'm well aware of what is happening." >> "Spike?" She nods. Just then Spike comes from another room, I look at him, then Tia, and back to Spike. "Nice." He giggles and runs off. "He's more of a softy than he makes himself to be." Tia 'mhm's in response. The front door opens and Twi canters in. >> "Princess! I didn't mean to be late!" She cowers down and covers her head with her forelegs. "I failed as your best student." Tia looks at me, I nod, then she speaks. >> "Twilight, I am very disappointing with you-" She was interrupted by the girls crashing through the door, Skittles rolls and jumps in front of Twi. >> "Please don't send here away!" >> "We all thought Twi was fussin' over somethin we didn't think was important. Because we were being inconsiderate about her feelings we didn't try tah help her out." >> "Please don't send Twilight away just because we weren't being good friends." Me and Tia look to each other, I smirk while she smile. >> "I never said anything about being late." Twi looks up. >> "Really?" She nods. "Then, why are you here?" >> "Spike informed me of your situation, and I came here alleviate your worries. You don't have to send me a report every week to tell me that you're my number one student." Twi sniffs. But a small smile curves her lips. >> "Does that mean she won't be punished." I snort at her question. >> "Well, in light of some new information, I've decided to punish all of you." the girls gasp and go wide eyed. "Form now on, all of you have to send me a friendship report, telling me what you have learned about the magic o friendship. When you learn it." The girls smile, then Pinks decided to- >> "GROUP HUUUG!" Her hooves stretch out and gather all of us in for a big group hug. >> *Pinkie being pinkie. PINKIE BEING PINKIE!* I have repeat that every funking time Pinks does that shit. Seriously! She must be a spawn of chaos! Otherwise she wouldn't be able to pull this kind a shit off! Ugh... anyway. >> "Thank you Princess. Thank you." Tia nods. >> "Anytime Twilight. Now if you will excuse me, I have royal duties to attend to." Tia canters to the blacony and flies back to Canterlot. Leaving us to ourselves. After a while of silence I break it. >> "Welp! *clap* I'll see you girls later, I don't know about you but it's getting fuckin late." The girls look outside and nod in agreement. As we part we all trade 'goodnight's and 'cya!'s. I blink to my room in my house and power down for the night... --------->>>>About two fucking weeks of nothing happening<<<<--------- So... Nightmare Night is in a few days. And everypony has been prepping for it. Even me! Well... I mostly came up with a costume and made it exist. I won't reveal what it is til comes Nightmare Night! No spoilers! Anyway, Bon Bon came by the other day to offer her 'Nightmare Night Special'. Turns out she is making a special treat for Nightmare Night. And that's why i'm heading over to "Bon Bon's Bon Bons". That's still a fucking clever name for a candy shop. After wading though the sea of milling ponies, I finally reach the candy shop. Why don't I come here often? I love candy! >> "Hey Bon Bon! Ya called for me?" >> "Yeah! Back here!" I hear her voice from the back room. I walk over there and peak into the room I heard her voice from. I see that a table is situated in the middle of the room with something covered in a purple cloth, and walk in. >> "Ah, the 'Nightmare Night special'?" She nods proudly. "Well? Show me!" Bon Bon nods again and pulls on the sheet of purple cloth. Revealing four little chocolate ponies, but upon closer inspection they look like Nightmare Moon. Each one has a surprising amount of detail to them. When I look closer I can see the armor, eyes, even the cutie mark! Bon Bon really went out on these things! "Ok, mind blown right now. The level of detail you put into these... What do you even call them?" She grins widely. >> "I call them: Little Sweet Nightmares!" >> "That's... actually a really clever name." Bon Bon puffs her chest out. "Anything specific about each one?" She nods. She then points to the one at the far right. >> "This one's milk chocolate. Then we have caramel. Thirdly this one's dark chocolate. And last but not least, we got peanut butter!" My grin grows wider with each variation. >> "All of my favorite types! Event the filled ones too!" >> "Well? Try one!" I nod enthusiastically and grab the caramel filled Nightmare Moon. And bite the head off. And immediately my is filled with the perfect mix of caramel and milk chocolate. Pinkie may be the best at baked goods. But Bon Bon is the number one candy maker. *Maybe I should by a lifetime supply of candy... Eh, i'l do that when the season's over. That reminds me to check up on the Cakes and Pinkie about my order! Gotta remember to do that later...* "Ok Bonnie? Pinkie may be the best baker. But you are the best Candy maker." Bonnie blushes at my compliment. >> "Thanks, that means a lot to me." >> "As long as you keep making these awesome goodies, i'll be callin' ya the best candy maker in Equestria." Her blush deepens. "What? Never gotten so much praise before?" She nods slowly. "Well, neither have I! So I know what it feels like. Anyway, this is what you've been working? All I have are two words: Fucking. Awesome. Anyway, how many have you made for Night mare night?" >> "Just about four dozen." I frown a little. >> "Something tells me that's not gonna be enough. Here, let me give ya some more." >> "How are you..?" I open my MC inventory panel and touch each treat with my hand. I found out a while back I can just touch things and they become a part of the inventory. And now I have four new candies that I can eat as much as I want. After spawning sixty four of each variation. But I spawned each set in groups of twelve so there wouldn't be any mess made. I helped Bonnie put all the sweet, delicious candy in the display shelves she had. We even had to put some on table facing the windows of the shop. >> "You really think i'll need ll of these?" I nod. "Ok. Thanks again for doing this for me." >> "Anytime Bon Bon." >> "Please, Bonnie's good." She says with a smile and a roll of her eyes. I make a whatever face. >> "Alright Bonnie." We both share a little chuckle. "Wait... Isn't the chocolate gonna melt?" Bonnie shakes her head. >> "Actually no. I've been experimenting with ingredients and I created chocolate that stays solid at room temperature!" I don't know if you know this, but the kinds of candy in this world are not heat resistant. So to create chocolate that can stay solid at room temp without melting? A big achievement indeed. >> "Epic Bonnie!" I say that genuinely. "You plan to share your new heat resistant chocolate?" She shakes her head. >> "No. I want my shop to be the only one to have non melting chocolate." >> "Ah, the 'Exclusive new thing' route huh?" She nods. "Nice." I give her a thumb up. "Is there anything else I can help with?" She puts a hoof to her chin, then shakes her head. >> "Not really. I guess you're free to go! See ya Streak!" >> "See ya Bonnie!" I walk out of the shop and blink back to my home. And to play some fucking Minecraft. It's really fucking irony that i'm my own Minecraft avatar. Hooray for dry humor! It may be tasteless but it's fucking hilarious nonetheless! Anyway, might as well practice some more, earlier I figured I can literally do anything with my magic. I just gotta figure out how to use my magic and do more shit with it. And yes this is just filler to try at a poor attempt to keep this chapter at least three thousand fucking words and the author's having a really hard time coming up with fucking words to fucking type. > Chapter 3: Fun, Frights and Pox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it is! Fucking Nightmare Night fuckers! And finally I can reveal my costume. I know the ponies won't get the reference but I don't give a shit. Anyway, I dressed up as Alucard for Hellsing Ultimate. But not like him from the pic the author provided. Just get on with the fucking story. Fine, anyway, I've been walking around for a while and I spot Twilight. Talking with Luna. I blink to right next to twi. >> "Hey Twi, greeting Princess Luna." I went the extra mile and changed my voice to match Alucard's. Just to make ponies like Twi jump. She jumps and looks at me. For a second she's confused. But then recognition takes her face. >> "Oh! Hi Streak! I'd like you to meet-" >> "Princess Luna, Tis a pleasure to meet you without me being passed out." Luna looks at with confusion. My body is engulfed in red flames and dies as quick as it came, leave the smoking from of my humanoid robot body. Luna's eyes widen. >> "Ah Prince Golden Streak! Tis a pleasure to see you too!" She bellows in the fucking traditional Canterlot Voice. Everypony flinches by covering there ears. >> "I missed her entrance didn't I?" Twi nods. "God dammit, I really wanted to see that. Where is the chariot she cam in anyway." Twi points to the sky. The chariot with the two thestrals is still in the sky. "Oh. I'll do it later then." I change back into my costume of Alucard with a flash of red fire. >> "Do what later?" >> "To go look at thestrals, I want to get a good look at one to get a good image to change into later." >> "Why do need to do that?" >> "You'll see for yourself when it happens. Anyway, I need to help Luna right now." The whole time Luna has been 'talking' to the ponies of Ponyville. I walk up to Luna and place a hand on her shoulder. >> "What are thou doing to your highness?" She's beginning to scowl. >> "Helping you adjust to the new society." My eyes glow a bright white as I scan and use Luna's magic. And I enter her head. Huh... just like when I do the same thing with a computer. Only difference being that the computer's replaced by a living begin. Anyway, right now i'm inside her head. It's white, fucking pure white everywhere. >> "Prince Golden Steak!? What are we doing here!?" She's still using the Canterlot voice. >> "I am helping you out adjust to the new vocabulary, and to a new type of society all together." >> "How do you plan to 'help, me'!?" >> "Like this." I hold out my arms as my eyes glow white again, and like something from a horror movie. Random words fly out from my back, and into Luna's head. And to not make you freak I gave her my extremely censored version of my vocabulary. So fucking profanities will grace her lips. "Before you speak. Do not use the Canterlot voice. Just talk like how I am right now." >> "Al-right. How is this!?" She's still yelling. >> "Lower the volume and you'll be golden." She nods. >> "HOW... Is... this?" I nod approvingly. >> "Much better, now back to reality." I snap my fingers and my vision is filled wit black for three seconds. Then the world comes back into view with a couple of blinks. We're still in town square. Luna looks to me, asking a silent question. I nod and she turns to the ponies. >> "Citizens of Ponyville! I mean you no harm! I only wish to partake in the festivities!" Then Pinkie had to ruin it. >> "*gasp* Nightmare Moon! EVERYPONY RUUUUN!" The ponies around me, Luna and Twi freak out, scream, and gallop away. Leaving the place deserted. My eyes start to glow red. >> "God dammit Pinkie. Not is not the time for FUN!!" >> "S-streak? What do you mean by 'fun'?" I look at Twi, making her and Luna flinch. I guess my body was losing color. >> "Pinkie is only doing that because she thinks it's FUN! When it's only making things worse! She really needs to learn when to say and do things!" I slam a foot into the ground, making a small crater. Luna then speaks. >> "Prince Golden Streak? Why does this anger so?" I look at her and regain color and lose the redness in my eyes, and I sigh. >> "It's because... I've always admired the night sky. I've always found myself looking at it when I was back on earth. I always felt calm, safe, free. For me, the stars, constellations, and galaxies have always been a safe heaven. A place to go to when I've had a bad day. Besides the blessings I had. Just looking at the night sky was my only source of happiness. And to see the Princess of the night treated as a monster, it makes me VERY angry to see Luna treated as such. She deserves as much respect as Celestia!" In the edge of my vision a red tint started to form. And the air even felt heavy around me. I look over to Luna, and her eyes are glistening. >> "Y-you really think of me, and the night sky, like that?" Her voice has gained a soft, but trembling tone to it. I nod and a single tear traces down her cheek. She sniffs and jumps to me, giving me a hug around the chest. "Thank you. That means so much to me." Luna continues to hug me, after a solid minute of being stunned, I hug her back. Stroking her ethereal mane. I didn't say anything. I couldn't find anything to say, it was a rare moment for me, to be left speechless. The three of us stay there in silence. But after seven minutes an idea pops into my head. I gently push Luna away and hold her by the shoulders. >> "I just came with the best plan ever." The two look at me intently. "Where's Zecora?" --------->>>>Tree hours later<<<<--------- Ok,the plan. I told Luna to go to the everfree where the statue of nightmare night but before that she had to announce the Nightmare Night was canceled due to her not being loved like her sister, I then ask Twi where Zecora is, after she told where I blinked to Zecora, and requested that she lead the same group of foals that got scared of Pinkies screaming to the statue, and to put a little show with her special mist. After that I blinked to the field where the famous statue stands. I hide within the shadows and wait for everything to fall into place... >> *Fucking finally!* I had to wait half a fucking hour for Zecora and the foals to arrive. Twi And Luna were already and we were making small talk for the first fifteen minutes, then next fifteen were fifteen awkward. but when they did we were just watching Zecora's little show with her special mist. After that the foals made their 'offerings'. Luna changes to Nightmare Moon and uses the Canterlot voice after a foal asks why they have to where costumes and make offerings to Nightmare Moon. The answer is a little cliche though... >> "IT IS SO I DON'T EAT YOU!" She flies out into the open and cackles maniacally, clouds swirling behind her in the sky, lightning thundering around all of us. Just as expected Zecora and the foals cower and run away. When they're out of sight Luna changes back to her original form. "I don't think that worked. Why would you make me do this?" Before I can answer Little Pip the Pirate taps Luna on a foreleg. Luna looks down at him. >> "Princess Luna? I know you canceled Nightmare Night, but that was the best one i've ever had. So, can you please un-ban Nightmare Night?" Luna smiles a small, warm. >> "Of coarse Little one." She turns to the group of ponies that came out of a corner. "Nightmare Night is hereby un-banned." Zecora, Twi and the foals cheer in excitement and the foals run off to tell everypony else. Me and Twi have already come out of our hiding places. >> "Ah so it is you two who have created such a ruse." >> "Actually, you can thank Streak for the whole thing." >> "Whatever, lets just be happy that Nightmare Night wasn't permanently canceled!" The girls giggle a little bit. >> "Yes! Let us proceed to the festivities!" And with that, I spend my time buying sweets from Bonnie, getting Skittles back for electrocuting me. Funny thing is that little shock gave me faster reflexes for a short while. And I use that to my advantage; getting Skittles back by launching a pumpkin right to her rump. Covering her ass in orange slime and pumpkin bits she saw it was me and tried to get to me. But I bolted out of there as fast as light. Though that might be an exaggeration of how fast I can go. But it's fucking fast enough to leave Skittles in my smoke. And the rest of the night was spent pranking, scaring, and getting candy. --------->>>>Two days later<<<<--------- >> "How in the hay did that happen!?" Apparently the CMC want me to go bowling with them. And now is the time to realize fucking cutie pox! Hooray for knowing the future! Anyway, I power in and blink to the room that housed the teleportation block. >> "Ok. First of all: Knock before you enter. Second: Why are you three here?" Do you really want me to be a fucking freak in front of children? I may be a little sadistic but come on! >> "WE were ju's wonderin' if ya wanted to come bowl with us!" That is totally not a GTA IV reference when I think about it. *Eh... Why not...* "Sure, ain't got anything planned at all anyway." The girls cheer and run off to the bowling alley. I roll my eyes and bolt off after them. By the time I catch up to them we made it to the bowling alley. The CMC already have their bowling balls (fucking sex joke). I had to pay a couple bits buy a fucking ball. I got it in a shiny golden yellow. Yes I am a little conceded. If you don't know what that word means go look it the fuck up, anyway. The girls and I take a lane and put our names in. Bloom for Applebloom, Belle for Sweetie Belle, Chicken for Scoots, and Streak for me. Guess it must be hard to make fun of my name... Sweetie is the first to bowl. She pushes the ball in front of the lane with a hoof and then pushes really hard with her snout. The ball rolls down the center of the lane, but at the end it goes into the gutter without hitting a pin. But Belle takes it in stride and smiles. I think I know why, and you'll see right now. Next to bowl was Scoots. She positions the ball at the beginning, turns around so that her rump is facing the ball, looks at it from between her legs (god dammit that sounds so wrong), and kicks the ball really hard with a hind leg. The ball then sails and hit the wall above the lane that we were using, and ricochets off of it right at me. By now most of the ponies around us have noticed where the ball is going and gasped. I hold out my right hand before and stop the ball before it hits me, not moving or flinching like an absolute badass. While still holding it in my hand, I walk to Scoots and set it next her. I smirk taking my face. Scoots cheeks tint a light red, puts on a huge smile, and side steps out of sight. Right behind a rack of bowling balls. Next up is Bloom! She pushes the ball into place and tries to grab it with her mouth It looks really fucking stupid, but funny at the same time. After three failed attempts she finally somehow gets grabs the ball with her mouth, but as she tries to pick it up she does so, but has a hard time holding it. Good thing she spat it out at the pins before she really hurt herself. We all see the ball go down the lane and hit a strike. >> "Look! You got a bowling cutie mark!" A random mare says. >> "Really!?" She cranes her neck to look at her flank, so do the other two. But frown at the lack of a mark. "If that wasn't for me, then who was it for?" The CMC look over to see a bowling team of foal praising a colt that got his cutie mark in bowling. "Oh..." She looks downcast. But still makes a mask of happiness. "Streak! Your turn!" Wow she's good at acting. I grab my ball prepare to roll it. I set position myself, aim down the middle, and let my arm swing back. I take a little lunging step and swing towards the pins. The ball leaves my hand and rolls down the lane. And I turn around before I can see whether the ball hit the pins or not. A little habit that I adopted when I used to bowl on earth. It has been so fucking long since I last bowled. I look at the girls faces to see whether I hit any pins or not. Their faces at first are confused, but then go to awed shock. >> *Did I make a strike?* I turn and face the lane, and look at the pins. There are NO pins standing. *I guess I still got it.* "Huh... That's surprising." >> "Why is it surprising?" >> "Because it's been years since I last went bowling. And before you ask on my world talents can die if you don't use them in a long while." >> "That IS surprising then." >> "Where you come from you can lose your special talent?" >> "For my people, it's one talent. And my kind can have more than one talent." >> "That's... Cool." By now the girls are already leaving the alley. And Bloom looks down in the dumps. >> "Hey Applebloom." She looks at me. "I have some advice for ya." She perks up a bit. "One: Patience is key. And B: Zecora might be help full. That's all. See ya girls later." I wave to them as I walk in the other direction. The girls wave back and go their separate ways; Sweetie back the boutique, Scoots to... wherever the fuck she lives, and Bloom to Zecora's place. And I just decided to walk around Ponyville for a while. Being in Equestria for the better part of a year can get anyone to become less of a shut-it. Because I was a fucking shut-in. An this place has gotten me to come out more often. The best thing is that I only have to walk around and something entertaining will happen. >> "Hi Streak!" See what I mean? >> "Hey Lyra, long time no see. What's up?" *It has been a while since we last spoke...* >> "Nothing much, just studying on human mythology." >> "You realize you're talking to fucking human right?" Lyra's cheeks tint red. >> "Yes, I know. I just wanted to ask you a few questions." >> "Ok, i'm game. But on one condition; I get to ask questions too." Lyra puts a hoof to her chin. She then nods, a grin plastered on her face. >> "That sounds fair! Come with me and we can get started!" Lyra leads me back to Bonnie's candy shop, then to the back room. And apparently to an upstairs area. Never fucking guessed Bonnie and Lyra lived upstairs from Bonnie's shop. And they even share the same room! Maybe they're more than just friends... >> "So, you and Bonnie share the same room?" She nods. "And you two hang out a lot?" She nods again. "How long have you two been together?" >> "About fo-" Her mouth closes with a click. "How did you know that? We haven't told anybody!" >> "You just told me, anyway *clap* lets get this Q an A started!" > Chapter 4: Weird diseases and Adoptions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> "Ok, first question: How do fingers work?" >> *If she asks me to let her suck on my fingers I am going tip the out the door.* "Imagine you foreleg and the last joint for you hoof is a little higher, and there are five of them on a much smaller scale at the end of your arm." I hold a hand and waggle my fingers at her. "Also, you know that spike hands hands right?" >> "Yes I know, but I never get the chance to study his hands. And they're more like claws anyway." >> "Good point. Ok, what is there on human mythology?" >> "Nothing much. According the books I have on Human mythology they had existed far before Princess Celestia's rule. And there aren't many documented interactions between humans and ponies. And no recorded history of humans at all. Just depictions of humans and their body structure." >> "Nothing determining whether theses humans that lived here had any kind of magic?" She shakes her head. "Hmm... gotta talk to Tia about that..." >> "What was that?" >> "Nothing, your turn." >> "Okay... What are humans like were you come from?" >> *Just like with Twi...* "I'll give you two or three answers to that question. As a group, my kind are chaotic, warlike, sadistic, and generally all around crazy. But if you look at a lot of individuals, the majority that are materialistic, fake, judgmental, and two-faced. Then there are the very few that are like me." >> "Like you?" I nod. >> "Yes, there were few people like me: compassionate, caring, tolerant, not judgmental, understanding. There were people that rarely were open-minded. Or at least that's how I viewed my own people." >> "Wow, that's actually. Really bucked up." >> "Yeah, tell me about it. Anyway, where did you start your pursuit of anthropology?" >> "I got interested when I was a filly back in Canterlot, I was at the library reading ancient pony mythology when I spotted a book about ancient humans. When I got my hooves on a couple of books about humans they only showed how they looked like and what each body part does." >> "So basically it's like a biology book?" She nods. *Ok, I REALLY need to go talk to Tia about this.* "Continue." >> "Ok, Do humans where you come form have magic?" >> "Nope. Magic was just an allusion on my world." >> "Really!? How!? Nothing can survive without magic!" >> "Well, that's hoe it is in my planet." I then remember something I've been wanting to do. "Lyra, you mind if we cut this Q an A little short? Just remembered something I gotta do right now." >> "I think so, I need to so some other stuff too..." She gets up from the chair she sat in. She really fucking sits down like how any human would. And y-no I didn't fucking see anything and no it wasn't fucking awkward to be sitting in front of her and no I didn't fantasize about fucking her. To keep myself from digging a bigger hole I walked back outside and noticed that there was a large group of ponies gathering around something. Or a fucking attention whore of a filly. Said filly is Applebloom and she is currently standing on one hind leg while twirling a hola hoop on each foreleg and balancing two spinning plates on her snout, add a hola hoop to her barrel. The crowd cheers as Bloom jumps in the air while tossing the plates, hoops and sticks into the air. Bloom lands before the props do and stands on her hind legs. She catches the three hoops and they spin around her barrel, the sticks land on her snout, quickly followed by two plates as they balance on each stick and continue to fucking spin. The crowd erupts in cheering and applauding at Bloom's soon-to-be-out-of-control talents. But for now it's entertaining to watch as Bloom performs with plate spinning and hola looping. >> *I wonder how the cutie pox is even a fucking sickness in the first place...* By now Bloom finished her impromptu performance, and the crowd has spread back out to market. I spot Twi and Aj talking to each other. I blink behind them, wait exactly tree seconds, and speak. "So, ever heard of having more than one talent?" The gasp and jump a little. >> "Streak! Can you please STOP doing that?" >> "Yeah! That' gettin' pretty annoyin' Streak!" >> "I told you that he can sneak up on anypony! You owe me ten bits!" >> "Oh for Celestia's sake! Fine..." Apparently the ponies of Ponyville have been making bets about me. >> *Yeah, that isn't boosting my self esteem at all. Neither is it making me very bombastic.* "Anyway, I know you've heard of the cutie pox right?" >> "Yes, but the only outbreak took place centuries ago! And the sickness just disappeared mysteriously..." >> "Whelp *clap* good luck finding the cure, you're not gonna need it." >> "Wadaya mean by that?" >> "The cure will end up right in front of you soon enough." >> "And what do you mean by that?" >> "You'll figure it out. Right now I need to go home and do some stuff." *Fucking gaming time!* I blink home and go play some online flash games, for the rest of the night... --------->>>>The next fucking day<<<<--------- I think the universe hates me again, or that everything happens to fucking fast for me. For example, after Zecora came to town, looking for the special flower 'Hearts Desire', Twi and Aj went up to her and asked is she had a cure for Bloom's sickness. Zecora then explained that the special flower she had was missing, along with a couple other ingredients. Bloom, with the cutie marks on her body, denied that she took form Zecora. The zebra then explains that she has seeds that have the cure if the truth is spoken. Aj plants the seeds and yells to the heavens for somepony to tell the truth. But everypony heard and somehow knows of the cutie pox and wouldn't come out and say a dam thing. I even see some ponies wearing hazmat suits. Fucking stupid I know. Three fucking painful minutes later and Bloom admits to stealing form Zecora and lying to everypony. The flower then blooms and Bloom eats it raw. That may sound disgusting but they're fucking ponies so it works for them. As Bloom swallows (sex joke), the cutie marks on her coat pop out of existence. Leaving Bloom a blank flank, but she couldn't be an happier. As Twi told me, Twi was explaining everything to me as it fucking happened. Giving too much fucking detail, and i'm giving you the simplified version of what happened. You're welcome. Anyway, Twi explained that Bloom learned a lesson in patience. And that was the hole fucking thing. It ended their, right, fucking there. When Twi left my place I went back to playing GTA online. And being the fucking godlike being I am, I fucked with some people. And I may or may not have opened a portal to the server I connected too and went a blood lust rampage. Using the games physics of coarse. I don't think is was even to have been banned from the server. Because I was fucking wrecking everybody. For like an hour before everyone left. From that point on I just went on to different servers and either did missions with somebody or went on a rampage. It was probably the most fun i've ever had playing GTA five online... And that was just last night. Today was the day Skittles went to Fluttershy's to adopt a pet. And i've been wanting a pet for a while so I went along with the rainbow haired flying rat. We made very little small talk as we made our to Flutter's place. Yeah, we just barely get along. Only thing keeping us from fighting each other are the others. And the fact that I can kick a fully grown dragon's ass with minimal effort. But the stupid thing is that it tarted when Skittles frequently asked me to stop calling her Skittles. I would ask why and sh just answered with 'It's just because ...'. I would then say that unless she had a legitimate reason then I would calling her Skittles. She would just growl and fly off for a while. And I wouldn't, and still don't, fucking give a rat's ass. Anyway we made to the cottage at the edge of town. I blinked over to the door and knocked, beating Skittles to the punch. She had a thing were she would do shit like that first, but ever since I found out how fast I can go, that changed. Flutters opened the door. I was feeling a little benevolent and let Skittles speak. >> "Hiya Flutters, we came by so can adopt a pet!" >> "Oh! How wonderful! Come in please." Me and skittles canter inside the bigger in the inside cottage, I had to turn pony form to fit in her home. The animals milling about paused to look at us. They recognized me and waved, I waved back. I come by here a lot to help out Flutters to feed the animals. And I have made somewhat of an impression on them that i'm a good friend to them they look at Skittles, look at each other, and shrug. And go back to whatever they were doing. I look to Skittles and she has a small frown the gets bigger when she looks at me. She then sticks her tongue out and I just smirk. "So, what kind of pet do you want?" >> "Something fast." The fucking music starts as they go outside to look at the animals. I just groan and sit down on one of the couches in the living room... Half a fucking hour later the girls, the animals and I have gathered at one end of the gorge. The animals have already did the other trials and now the eagle, falcon, bat, owl, a blue bird, aaaand a turtle. Yup Tank, the same turtle that rescued Skittles from the gorge. Before the race started Twi asked the I keep an eye on things from above. Apparently the girls were concerned for Skittles and the animals because there might be a rock slide. I so flew up high three seconds before the race started, and watched everything happen with a ten times zoom. I watched as Skittles easily banked around the rocks, weave through the spiked vines and fly high in the sky, using clouds as turn points. Followed by the flying animals. One being left behind during each stage. Then the turtle walking slowly, beging left behind, FAR behind. I focus back on Skittles and see that she's in the middle of a rock slide. She managed to weave through, until a little rock hit her right wing, making her crash into the ground, she tries to get back up but a huge boulder and on the same wing. Effectively pinning her to ground, at first Skittles panics, but then realizes with false hope that one of the animals will pass by and save her. She looks ahead, so do I, and see that the last and first animal is the falcon, already fling to the finish line. Waaaaay ahead of Skittles. I look back at Skittles and see her downcast, I look some ways behind her and see that Tank is quite a ways behind her >> *I am NOT waiting a fucking hour for Tank to save Skittles.* I dive bomb towards Tank and softly land. Slightly startling the poor guy. "Don't worry about me fella, we have a certain stupid pegasus to worry about." Tank slowly cracks a smile as I pick him up and take him to where Skittles was. But before we got close to her I cast an invisibility spell on me and used my magic to make Tank slightly faster. When we get close enough I set Tank down and watch as he goes over to her in a slightly faster pace, just fast enough to a casual walk. Skittles spots Tank and groans, then looks away. Tank just begins to dig under the boulder where the wing was pinned. After ten looooong minutes of digging the wing is let loose from under the boulder. Skittles gasps and picks up tank to hug him. Chanting 'Thankyou' like she did with 'Omigish'. But realizes that her wing hurts, a lot. She stops hugging, puts Tank down, and says 'ow'. "Well well well, looks like you're tougher than I thought." I kill the spell and appear a few feet in front of Skittles. >> "GAH! Streak!? What the buck!?" >> "Twi asked me to keep an eye on you and the animals, for this very reason." >> "Then why did this little guy show up before you did?" I can spot a little smirk on her face. >> "Because I know almost everything remember? I knew that he would come in and save you." I say as Tank hefts Skittles on his back, and in a slightly faster pace walk to the finish line. "You really have to remember who I really am Skittles." >> "Yeah yeah whatever Streak. Lets just get back to the girls." Me, Tank, and Skittles then make our way to the finish line. Which is conveniently a few yards away. Even though it still took twenty minutes it's still better than taking a fucking hour to get there. I fly back up to the sky and watch as the girls spot and cheer Tank as he carries Rainbow on his back. When Tank Finally crosses the finish line Flutters nearly tackles Rainbow. But sees her broken wing and gasps. >> "Rainbow! Your wing!" Skittles looks at her right wing, but smiles and brushes it off. >> "Eh... Don't worry about it. Because I who my pet will be!" The falcon swoops out of a cloud and lands on Skittle's back. "Yeah, not you. You finished first, but you didn't see me in trouble and concentrated on winning. This little guy is my pet!" She points a hoof at Tank. "Tank!" She yells as Tank grabs a toy from Opal. The cat sees Tank taking her toy and attacks. But Tank recedes into his shell before Opal can do actual damage. A few seconds go by before Opal realizes she's doing no damage and gives up. Opal just walks away as the girls laugh and Tank sticks his head back out. Just then Skittles get an idea. "Hey Twi! Ya think you can make him fly?" >> "Hmm... I suppose so. Come with me." Twi, Skittles and Tank head to the library. >> "Well, ah goats get back to tha farm." >> "And I have to return to work. Ta ta everypony." >> "And I've gotta go work on Streaky's order! And i'm already half way through Streaky! BYE!" Pinks bolts off, leaving a Pinkie shaped cloud. >> "Well, um... I think it's your turn Streak." >> "Nice that you remember. Now, i've wanting an air born pet like Skittles so..." The air born animals gather in front of me. I look at every single one, but it's the bat that catches my attention the most. The other animals have a bored look in their eyes, but when I looked into the bat's eyes. I saw that they were full of hope and excitement. I pointed at her. "Her." The bat smiles brightly and flies up to me, perching on my shoulder. I look at her. "How does Echo sound?" She grins and nods enthusiastically. "Cool. I guess i'll see ya later Flutters!" But before I left I realized something. "Hey Flutters, what do bats eat?" She puts a hoof to her chin. >> "Well, they can eat a lot of things. Like: bugs, fish, plant nectar, and some other nighttime insects." I nod. >> "Cool. Thanks Flutters!" I look at my newly adopted pet Echo. "Lets got to your new home!" Echo jumps excitedly on my shoulder as I walk off to our home... >> "Here we are!" We just got home as it got dark out. On my way home a lot of ponies noticed my new pet and asked why I chose a bat, and responded with, "Take a look at my personality." And walk off like a badass. And the answer is slightly true. I've always liked bats and owls. And always wanted either one as a pet. And a bat represents a personality as someone who is very vigilant and really open minded. Two things that I poses, but I just looked that shit a while back. Even before I loved bats and owls, anyway. Echo looked at the little shack of an entrance, and looks at me questionably. I just smirk. "Wait for it." I walk inside, and blink both of us inside my room. I look at Echo. "This is all underground. Cool huh?" Echo's in awe right now. I snap my finger to get her attention. "Whaddya think?" Echo looks around, and spots the door. She takes off from my shoulder and flies out the door to look at the rest of my house. I decided to let her look around, I use the time to make a place for her to rest and sleep, it's not far from my bed and s just composed of a comfy looking branch with a comfy pillow under it. After a while she comes back to my room with a face that suggest amazement. "Knew ya like it. And I made a place for you to sleep!" I present the cool looking branch and pillow. Her face brightness up as she flies over to the branch and perches on it, then she hangs off of it upside down. "Already tired huh? In that case goodnight Echo." I rub a finger on her head and she chirps happily. I go to my bed, lay down, and power down for the night. > Chapter 5: Masked Heroes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been three days. Three, fucking, DAYS. And Skittles has been saving ponies around Ponyville, and she has gotten to be an arrogant cunt. Before I go one, I should delve into how me and Echo get along. We get along just fine! Echo even stays on my shoulder when I go walking around Ponyville. I even cast a spell on her, with her permission, that gave her my indestructibility. Meaning nothing can hurt her, cool huh? Anyway, Echo likes to stand on my shoulder all the time, so I let her. I she even gets noticed by everypony and say that she's either really cute, or really creepy. Whoever said shit like that got red eyes from both of us, yes, she has the ability to turn her eyes red. I just wanted to put that in. Anyway, me and the girls, minus, Skittles, were at Sugarcube Corner. Twilight called us to meet here via dragon fire. I was the last to show up. >> "Hey girls." >> "Hi Streak! How's Echo doing?" Echo flies in form a window and lands in my right shoulder. I reach up with my left arm and rub finger atop her head. >> "She's doing just fine. Aren't ya?" Echo chirps happily while rubbing her head to my finger. Everypony 'aww's for a second. Then Twi speaks. >> "Ok everypony, and human, i'm pretty sure you're wondering why you're here." I rais my hand. "No." I put my hand back down with a smirk. The girls just look at me. "Anyway, Rainbow, as you have seen. Has been different lately." >> "Skittles has been acting arrogant and you have a plan to teach her a lesson." >> "Yes... That... And the plan is to have Streak outmatch Rainbow as we set up situations were he saves ponies before Rainbow can." >> "Ok, few things: what am I going to wear, how many situations are there going to be, and what is my pseudo name going to be?" >> "Very good questions! Rarity will design your costume, I've planned a few accidents and situations, and you're 'hero name' will be: The mysterious, Nare Do Well!" >> "You know, it's be better if ya yell the fuckin' name of the soon-to-be masked hero to where everypony can fukin' hear." Cursing fucking helps me get a point across to ponies. >> "Sorry... So? What do you say Streak?" >> "Yes." >> "You'll get to beat Rai- what?" It looks like she thought I would say no. >> "You thought I would say no? *snort* You really need to get to know me better. I thought I showed enough of who I am." I turn and pout in mock emotional hurt. >> "Anyway, Rarity, you and Streak can go create an outfit for him. Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie, come with me." >> "Alright darling, come with me." >> "Ok, and don't talk to me as a foal." I say as my body is consumed in red flames. leaving the smoking form of my normal pony form. >> "Sorry, i've been dealing with Sweetie and her friends for a while and the tend to get on my nerves." >> "Eh... Don't sweat it Rares. Now, what do you have planned as to my costume?" >> "Oh! It's simply marvelous! I already have a sketch of your costume." Rares leads me to her work room and shows me a colored sketch of my costume (All credit of art work goes to artist). >> "Wow... How long did it take to create that sketch?" >> "About an hour if I had to guess." >> "You sure work fast. I like how you made it look like my mechanical form." >> "I knew you would like it! Now," She goes off to the main room "all I need to make your costume..." >> "You don't need to do that Rares." I say as I canter over to her. >> "Why is that dear?" I smile. >> "Do you remember that I can use changeling magic?" >> "Yes... but I don't know how that has anything to do with-Oh! How very clever of you!" >> "Thanks, I just need full concentration on the sketch and i'll be able to change into the sketch." I canter back to her workroom and spot the sketch. I get right in front of it and use my changeling magic to create a three-d image of the sketch in my head. I should mention right now that I have a very powerful imagination. Back on earth I would imagine shit like how shit look like as it was described in text. And compare it to fan art of said shit and they would look very similar. Anyway, enough bragging. When the image is in my head I'm once again engulfed in red flames. The fire dies and leaves a smoking robot version of Mare Do Well. Smoke form the fire that doesn't burn me. To complete the image I left out a voice box for me to use. >> "Simply marvelous! Have a look for yourself!" She levitates a mirror in front of me. I look at myself and nod. Before Rarity can speak I change back to robot pony form. >> *Now I have a small list of ponies with different identities... Cool.* "Sorry Rares. But I can't talk in that form. You know 'A true hero lets their actions speak for themselves' and all." >> "A very good idea. Now if you will excuse me, I need to work on some orders. Ta ta darling!" >> "See ya Rares!" I turn human when I go outside, and I use my magic to change my human form a little bit. Imagine an anthro cross between my human form: Pony-like head, ears on top, muzzle. Same robo-blade wings, yeah I found out that the 'feathers' that make up my wings are about the sharpest things on the planet, poor Shoeshine... At least I was able to reattach her head... Moving on! I even changed my legs to the hind legs of my robo-pony form. And that's pretty much it. I know I said that I wouldn't change this body. But come on! Who doesn't want to be an anthro pony! I'm surprised that I didn't do this earlier! And that I can say everypony by technicality. Anyway, I head over to Twi's place, by blinking into the living room. Unfortunately there was nopony there. >> "Anypony here!?" >> "Coming!" I hear the clip-clop of hooves form upstairs, and Twi comes down the stairs. "Oh! Hi Streak! You ready?" Red flames cover me and die to reveal my Nare Do Well costume. "That looks cool." I just nod and blink. "Alright lets go! First situation: Save a cart full of ponies from falling off a cliff! Follow me." I nod as she leads me out side and to my spot: Behind a building, facing a cliff. She then goes off out of view, assuming she went to tell the ponies in the cart, the cart is just barley in view atop the hill leading to the cliff. Twi is truly a clever prissy purple pony. Anyway, Twi spots Skittles and signals the stunt ponies. They nod and the cart rolls down the hill. The stunt ponies shout and scream for help. Skittles sees this and dive bombs at them. >> "Never fear! Your friendly-" >> "Um, wouldn't it be better if you just save us?" A brown stallion suggests. >> "Ugh, fine..." Skittles gets in front of the cart, it looks more like a carriage now that I look at it. Anyway, Skittles positioned herself and dug her front hooves into the ground, while her hind legs were up against the carriage. It looks like Skittles has it. But she gets under the carriage and is flung out behind it, fucking hilarious. That's when Twi signaled me. I jump out from behind the building and position myself, holding up my hind legs just as the cart hits me, my front hooves dig into the ground. But my body locks up before I go under. Slowing the carriage at a gradual pace. My body is still being pushed down the hill, nearing the edge of the cliff. But I stop the carriage inches from the edge. A grace period of three seconds and everypony cheers, and I gallop off before anything can be said. I can hear some other stallion. >> "Thank you! Who- uh..." I'm already jumping form mountain top to mountain top way off the distance. I erupt into red flames and change into anthro from, and Blink back into town. I spot Twi among the cheering ponies and walk over to her. >> "I'm guessing it worked?" I ask rhetorically. >> "I guess it did." I chuckle while Twi giggles. >> "So, how many more times until Skittles breaks?" >> "I'm guessing two or three more." >> "Ten bits says two more tries and she'll break." >> "Deal." We shake hoof to hand. And watch as Skittles angrily flies away. >> "Anyway, What's next?" Twi levitated a clipboard from fucking nowhere. >> "Next is... Saving a pony form a punctured hot air balloon." >> "Oooh... Timing is of the essence I assume?" She nods. "Ok, when and where will it happen?" >> "Thirteen hundred at the park." Yes, they use military time here as civilian time, fucking weird if ya ask me. >> "Alrighty Twi, see ya then. Gotta go get Echo." I told her to wait for me at Sugarcube Corner, with Pinks watching her for me. I wave and blink inside the bakery. It only takes a millisecond for Pinks to feel my presence. >> "Hi Streaky!" >> "Heya Pinks. How's Echo?" >> "She's juuust fine!" Pinks says as Echo climbs out of her mane. Echo sees me, chirps happily, and flies to my right shoulder. Then she nuzzles my check, it's fucking cute. "Oh, before I forget, how far are ya with the order?" >> "I'd say... just about three fourths done! And we should be done by next week!" >> *Only seven more days...* "Alright Pinks, see ya later!" >> "Bye Streaky!" I walk out of Sugarcube Corner, by the look of the sun it's about ten in the morning still. *Isn't time supposed to be faster here than on earth? I'm just going to put under 'a whole different universe' folder and leave it at that.* I shrug my shoulders and walk back to my house. When I get to my room Echo hops off and flies over to her perch. I sit down in front of my desktop and play minecraft for the next two hours(ish)... --------->>>>Almost two fucking hours later<<<<--------- Alright, I showed up just as Twi instructed me, and I saw Skittles looking for another way to be better than me. Twi saw me cast an invisibility spell on myself, she then signaled the mare in the balloon. Said mare nodded and pushed on something in the basket. I tear formed on the balloon and it, along with the mare, began falling towards the ground. I wait three seconds. >> "Alright, Echo? I need ya to wait with Twi, ok?" Echo nods happily and flies over to Twi. Without wasting another millisecond I bolt right at the mare, a few seconds before Skittles can get to her. Said rainbow cunt looks at me and flies right into the deflated balloon, crashing to the ground with it. I hover to the ground and set the mare down. >> "Great timing." She whispers, I just nod. I then gallop off over a mountain hill. I can hear everypony murmuring as Mayor Mare grabs their attention. >> "Attention, Attention! It appears we have a new hero in Ponyville. A mysterious stallion, Who will from now on be known as the Mysterious Nare Do Well!" That sounds stupid doesn't it? Yeah... it does. Anyway, I ditch my disguise and blink back to Twi. The crowd of ponies are cheering my 'hero' name. >> "Hey Twi, hi Echo." Echo screeches happily and flies back to me, using Twi's back as a launching pad. Echo flies up to my head and lands on my shoulder, nuzzling my cheek affectionately again. I reach up and rub a finger atop her head. Just then a thought enters my head. *Isn't it weird that although she's sapient, that she really wants to be my pet? I can have a one-way conversation with her if i wanted to, and yet she's still considered an animal...* I mentally frown at the thought. It is kinda weird when ya think about it isn't it? Meh... I'm just going to put it under 'different standards' and that'll be it for now. Anyway. >> "I think one more accident like that should do it." Then another thought pops into my head. >> "And I have the perfect scenario!" I motion Twi closer with a hand and explain the next accident... --------->>>>The next day<<<<--------- Ok, so... There's a construction sight, with the skeleton of a multi-story building, and someone may or may not have sabotaged the only crane to not work properly, and to make it smoke and malfunction by removing a few gears... Anyway, Skittles just happens to be in the same area, looking in the same direction as the crane swings out of control. She then chants that old fucking phrase, >> "Never fear! For your-" She was cut off by a four by four nearly hitting her, the same log hits the base of the building and begins to collapse. I take that as my cue and jump out from behind a thick tree. >> "Look!" All eyes are on me, without wasting any time I run in as the skeleton falls, grabbing two stallions on my back just before they're crushed by a pile of debris. Skittles spots a stallion about to be crushed by a plank stacked with comically red bricks. She swoops in and saves the stallion before he's crushed by a ton of bricks. By now i've already save the rest of the construction workers, but of course, she didn't see me do that. >> "HeHA! Looks like you need to keep up with me!" She rubs a hoof to her chest. >> "But he saved the rest of us..." A light brown stallion states. Skittles looks in my direction and sees all the ponies I saved, four to one, and her jaw drops. I just look blankly as everypony cheers in my name, I then canter off before anypony can get to me. But then Skittles started fuming. >> "Oh no you don't. Get back here!" I look behind me to see a very angry Skittles flying at me. I flare my wings and bolt off before she can get to me. But she give chase. >> *Lets see how long you can last!* I keep a pace to where Skittles can stay behind me. She repeatedly yells 'Get back here!' and she gets close to me. But with a strong flap of my wings i'm easily able keep ahead of her. And this goes on for about... Two hours, she really can fly fast and long. But after two long hours of relentless chasing can take it out of anypony. And it just so happened that we were right over Ponyville! Oh joy! Anyway, I bank and descend towards a back alley behind some building. Twi told me and the girls to meet there after the last accident happened. As I near a corner leading to the alley, I look behind me to see that Skittles has actually broken into a full body sweat, it even looked like her wings were about to give out.*For an athlete you sure do tire out quickly, heh...* I turn the corner, and hover to a stop. I turn to face Skittles as she turns the corner, albeit a bit more haphazardly than me. She un-majestically lands a few feet away from me, breathing heavily. >> "What's the *gasp* matter? *gasp* Got too *gasp* tired?" I smirk as my eyes flash a playful blue. When that happens the rest of the mane six come out. I then erupt into red flames, leaving me in my anthro form. "W-hat? NO WAY! YOU!?" >> "What do you mean by 'you' Rainbow?" >> "You're 'The Mysterious Nare Do Well'!? But why?" >> "To teach ya a lesson in modesty! You were lettin' all that fame get to yer head, and were acting very arrogant!" >> "Yes, you were just saving ponies just to get more popular. Instead of just doing it for the greater good." The rest nod in agreement. Echo Flies out of Pinkie's mane and lands on my shoulder. I rub a finger behind her ears. >> "You just love to be in her mane, dont'cha?" > Chapter 6: Ranks and greed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whelp, there was dealing with Skittles, And now it's barely a week and Rares has asked me to go to Canterlot with her. Yeah... Rarity, the most generous pony in all of Equestria, is using me to gain popularity. How you ask? Well, remember that I'm still a fucking noble? Yeah, it didn't take long for ponies to notice me when we started walking around Canterlot. And Rarity only convinced me to go because she said it would 'Destroy my reputation!', fucking bullshit I know, plus I went along with it because she wouldn't shut the fuck up. And now here I am; sitting at some fucking restaurant, wearing a fucking suit made of fucking white gold, I am having a wonderful time... Just then a couple notices us, and I can hear them. >> “Honey, is that Prince Golden Streak with Rarity?” The mare speaks first. >> “It appears so dear. Though why are they together?” The stallion has a fucking high-class pompous voice with a tone that makes me want to punch him, right in the neck. >> “I don’t know, do you want to find out? We can also get Rarity to make clothes for me at the same time.” I can’t, nor do I want to, look at them, but I can feel their oncoming presence. Funny thing is they’re trying to be silent, but I just scan the area around and they’re a few yards from us, i’m surprised Rares hasn't noticed them yet. I turn to them when they’re about five feet from us. >> “Can I help you?” I ask as nicely as I can, while thinking how I’m going to kill them, and I think that my voice is a little different for them, I saw that they're went wide for a split second. Have I mentioned that I REALLY hate people, or ponies in this case, that live up to high-class stereotypes? I think I did before… The mare speaks. >> “Excuse me. But are you Prince Golden Streak and Lady Rarity?” At this point I’m trying to be as casual as possible. Rarity saw the anger in my eyes and decided to speak for me. >> “Yes, we are. Why do you ask?” >> “I was wondering where you acquired such a ravishing garment! And i’m interested in purchasing a dress or two...” The mare’s referring to Rarity’s hat; it was fucking big, pink, and had many colored feathers jutting out from the top. >> “Oh! You mean this, well I-” She was cut off by a window washer. He really looked like one of Aj’s special cousins. The buck teeth was just a bonus. >> “Hey Rarity!” We all look up at him. “Hiya Rarity, you still look just as ya did back at that lil’ shindig in Ponyville.” I cut him off with a look that says ‘I will kill you’. I think my looks are quite effective to ponies because he calmed up, he then pulled on a rope and steadily went up the side of the building. >> "Did he say that you were in Ponyville?" She asked the question with such distastes that my teeth started grinding. Metallic grinding can be heard by ponies three yards from me. >> "What is that noise?" >> "Nothing! Eh, yes, I was in Ponyville. I even live there, with all my friends." >> "You live in that backwater village?" That's when I... calmly lost it. I slammed a hoof to the table me and Rares were sitting at. >> "Do you have a problem with that? Because I live in that 'backwater village'," I say in a mocking tone. "and I think it's a beautiful town, filled with most friendliest group of ponies in all of Equestria!" With every word that comes out of my mouth, the couple take a step back. In the middle of my short rant I slowly canter a them. At the end of my rant I'm in there faces. "What do you have to say about that?" I bet ya all the bits that the couple can see a calm rage the likes of which has never been seen by ponykind. "Well? Don't you want to say something about that? More specifically about me, the wealthiest pony in Equestria, living in a 'backwater village'?" They stay silent. "Good. Rarity, lets get out of this pompous up tight city." I canter off with Rarity in tow. We stay silent for a while before Rares decided to speak. >> "Don't you think that was a little much Streak?" I keep looking forward, blank expression on my face. >> "No. You have no idea much I hate it when nobles live up to tier disgusting stereotypes. In fact, if it weren't for you being a good friend of mine, you would only know me as 'Prince Golden Streak' and and not as 'Streak'." Rares takes a while to respond. >> "It's good to know that you call me a good friend." She says rather dejectedly. I roll my eyes and turn around to face her. >> "I'm sorry Rarity, it's just that my life back on earth was ruined by rich people, or 'nobles' as you call them. You're not like that if you thought I was calling you a stereotypical noble. You, despite your background, are a good friend. You just rarely lose sight of that." I spot a small, warm smile adorns her face. >> "Thank you Streak. It truly means a lot to me." >> "Anytime Rares." I turn around and nearly bump muzzles with Fancy Pants. >> "Prince Golden Streak! What a coincidence! How have you been?" >> "Fancy Pants! It has been a while! I have been just fine, And hello to you too Sapphire." Me and Fancy Pants go waaaaay back. Last time I was in Canterlot we met and became fast friends. How? We both have a love for computer gaming. Oh yeah! Forgot to mention that there are very few computers owned by ponies, and of those computers some happen to be programmers. And of those programmers some design games! Amazing idn't it? And there is such thing as an internet. But it's just a faster version of dial up internet. If you don't know what dial up is, you never had a T.V. computer as a kid. Anyway, Fancy asked me if I am interested in games. I have no idea why he would ask anypony that. He has a reputation to keep doesn't he? Eh... pony society is really fucked up, but really nice if your income is average. Back on topic! >> "Isn't that just dandy! Nice to see you again Streak!" Me and Sapphire shake hooves. >> "I can say the same thing." I look at Rares, she has a face of pure shock. I snicker, along with Sapphire and Fancy. I then wave a hoof in front of Rarity's face. "Ch' anypony in there?" Her eye twitches. Her eyes then roll up into her head as she falls over. I catch her with a foreleg before her body hits the ground. I then hoist her on my back and turn to face the other two ponies. "I guess that ends our conversation. It was really nice to see you two again." We wave to each other as I canter off, when i'm a few yards away I look behind me, I see that that Fancy and Sapphire are still looking at me. I smirk at them as my eyes flash a playful blue and I blink back to the boutique. I change to anthro form as I take Rares upstairs to her room. I open the door to her room, walk in, and lay her on her bed. I show myself out as she peacefully sleeps. I then head over to Sugarcube Corner to pick up Echo. She loves hanging out Pinks. When I pick up Echo I decide to go home for the day, and play some games Fancy recommended for me for the night. --------->>>>Four days later<<<<--------- So... Spike has turned into a giant dragon, filled with greed. Oh joy... >> "So, you're telling me, that in one day, Spike grew five feet?" >> "Yes! And he hasn't been acting himself lately!" >> "We need to get to him, now." >> "Why!?" >> "Remember how dragons collect treasure to feed off of greed?" Her eyes get really wide as her pupils shrink to pinpricks. "Yeah, we need to purge him of his new found greed." Me and Twi run back to her house, as we near the library I see some broken branches and a hole on the side, a big hole. >> "We're too late..." I looks over to Twi and see that she's tearing up. >> "No we're not, where' Rarity?" >> "At the market, why?" I blankly look at her, then she realizes what I mean. Before she can act I blink us to the market. It's a fucking mess, broken wood, glass, even some ponies look like they've been crushed. >> "I can handle a house being crushed. But when you kill ponies I will DESTROY YOU!!" I yell to the heavens as my eyes glow a bright white. I slam my foot to the ground, a white band of magic can be see as a magical shock wave travels all around me, as soon as it touches a broken pony it's body lifts into the air as it shines a bright white. A bright flash and they're back to full health. Same applies for every broken object. "Twilight, stay here and make sure everything is fixed." Without waiting for a response I bolt off like lightning from a cloud, easily making a sparkling platinum sonic boom. I fly straight up into the air and hover when i'm high enough. I look around and spot Spike, holding Rarity by the tail, climbing up a very tall, steep mountain. When I spot him I zoom in to get a closer look. Spike has Rarity raped in his tail, every time he looks at her, his eyes are filled with hunger. My eyes glow a thick red as my body gains a shade of grey. "rrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRAAAA!!" I let my warrior cry as I near them. Spike hears me and turns his head to look at me. He then takes a deep breath and spews out a giant green fire tornado. I rip through it like it was air. I come out of the inferno and aim right at Rarity. I grab his tail and wrench her loose with almost no effort, I then blink Rarity out of there before anything can happen to her. I hover away from him before he gets a hit on me. >> "You think just because you get bigger means you can do whatever you want?" He just stares it me angrily. I then put on a sick grin. "Lets make the playing field even then." My body glows a bright white as it grows in size. I'm not casting a simple enlarge spell, I'm feeding myself the infinite amounts of magic that are stored in the crystals that reside in my body. When i'm done i'm a three story version of myself. Easily staring down Spike. He just snorts and spews more green magic at me. He does it for about ten seconds, the whole time his eyes where closed. When he finished he opened his eyes. Which go to pure shock, and I just stay stoic. I blink in front of him and grab him by the neck, and he's trying his hardest to struggle free, futile. By now my thoughts are clouded by pure rage. Without wasting a millisecond my had slowly clenches around his throat, cutting off his oxygen supply. He still continues to struggle, but after ten seconds his struggle die slowly, another five seconds and the life left his eyes, and his body goes limp. I drop him and plummets to the ground. As his body falls to the ground I see an arm twitches. My eyes glow a darker red as I dive bomb at him. As I get closer to his body, my right arm thins out at the tip to a sharp point. Sharp enough to puncture anything. Before the fucker can regain consciousness my spear of an arm goes right through his head. Satisfying squelching sounds and blood flowing from his head, and a new hole goes right through the side of his head. I hover as his lifeless body hits the ground with a loud boom, followed by the forest surrounding it shaking. As I get closer I see a sickly green smoke leave the body as it gets smaller. It keeps shrinking until it's back to Spike's original size. Though there's still a gaping hole in the side his head, no traces of blood. The sight of his original body makes me eyes lose the red and my body regains it's white color. I channel all the magic I used to grow back into the crystals that are in my body. Shrinking back to my normal size. I descend and land next to Spike's body. I pick it up and use my magic to revive and heal him. Once to hole closes he gasps and coughs. >> "*gaaaaasp* *heavy coughing* Wh-what happened?" >> "You got greedy and grew into a giant dragon and I had to purge you of your greed." >> "How come I can't remember any of that?" >> "How the hell am i supposed to know?" >> "Good point, now I just wanna go home." >> "Got that covered little buddy." I blink us to Twi's place. "Hey Twilight! I'm back! And Spike's back too!" >> "Yeah!" Twi gallops in from another room. Her mane is somewhat of a mess. >> "Really!?" She takes a look at Spike. "SPIKE!!" Twi practically leaps at him, tackling him into a death-grip hug. They stay like that for a while, after a solid ten minutes Twi lets go, then goes up to me. "Thank you for helping me and Spike." She sniffs, then she tilts her head in confusion. "You look... different..." I grin. >> "I may have made some... Modifications... I basically look like a cross between a pony and a human now!" To accentuate my point I flex my razor sharp wings. I think it looked badass cause Spike and Twi gaped at me in awe. "Does it look cool?" >> "Dude... That looks awesome!" Spike practically jumps in place with pure joy, Twi just looks at me, thinking... "Twi? Whaddya think?" >> "Very interesting, but it does look pretty neat." An innocent smile takes her lips as she makes a cutie face. Ya know? Smiling, eyes closed, even that squee noise coming out of nowhere. >> "Thanks Twi, and your the first one to notice now that I think about it... Anyway, gotta get home, Echo's waiting for me." I wave as I walk outside and behind the tree home to y place, I walk into my home and into my room. I spot Echo as she looks at me. Her eyes shine as she screeches and joy. She takes off from her perch and flies over to me. She grabs onto my head as she nuzzles my cheek. I smile and reach a hand to her and rub a finger behind her ears, I think she loves because she purrs as I scratch behind her ears. "I missed ya too Echo." It was late out so I decide to change to normal pony form, Echo looks at me weirdly. "Don't worry Echo, it's still me." She smiles and nods, I yawn as I canter to my bed and get in. *Man it's been so long since I last slept.* I think jokingly as my eyes close, i'm taken from the real world and to the dream realm, looks like an infinite white room. *Huh... been a while since I had a lucid dream.* Just as that leaves my mind a blue mist form in the distance. *Luna?* I blink closer to her. "Luna?" >> "Yes Streak, I've been waiting to enter your dreams for a while now." The blue mist takes a tall pony form and Luna's body takes a solid state. >> "Then it's a bit of a disappointment to see this isn't it?" She grins sheepishly and nods. "Let me fix that then." I close my eyes as the room dims to the point of being black, then an explosion of stars and galaxies cover the place. "Better?" > Chapter 7: Some snow and Family issues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any normal person would go insane with how fast the weather changes here, seriously! Less than a year later and it’s snowing again! What the fuck, seriously, I think time goes faster here… Anyway, it’s been snowing for the past three weeks. And I had to get a cute little winter coat for Echo, it’s brown and it make her look even more fucking cute. And it helps that I somehow have a heater in my body. So as long as Echo stays on my shoulder, she’ll be nice and toasty. And the other ponies took notice and begun to hang around me, to them, I’m like the umbrella looking heater that goes outside. If I was a bit hungry son-of-a-bitch, I’d be charging them by the minute, but I’m not. And me, with Echo, are at Twi’s place. We've been talking for a while, and Twi had to ask the question... It was going so well! >> "So... Do you have a special anypony for Hearth's Warming?" I stop smiling at our nice conversation and stare at her coldly. >> "No, I do not. And I would like to not talk about that. AT. ALL." Twi's pupils shrink as her eyes go wide. Even Echo senses my calm rage as she cowers a little. >> "O-ok. Umm..." Just then Spike comes in to save Twi. Walking out from the kitchen. >> "Lunch is ready!" Spike walks back into the kitchen. >> "Coming!" She nervously looks at me. "You want to eat with us?" >> "Thanks for the offer, but I need to go." I get and walk out the door, and head over to Sugarcube Corner. When I walk inside Pinkie greets me. >> "Hi Streaky! Hi Echo!" She jumps in front of us. >> "Hey Pinks, I need you to take care of Echo for a while." Pinkie sensed the coldness of my voice and stops jumping. >> "Is something wrong?" >> *That's surprising, her being calm...* "Nothing Pinks, I just need to go for a while." *Test my patience GIRL!* >> "Are you sure?" She asks in a teasing tone. >> "Yes Pinkie, I am sure." >> "Are you sure you're sure?" >> "Yes." >> "Are you sure you're sure you're suuuuure?" >> "For the love of god Pinkie, yes." >> "Are-" With lightning speed I place a finger to Pinkie's lips, and my eyes tint light red. >> "Yes Pinkie. I just need some time alone. Will you just watch over Echo while I'm gone?" My voice grew stern, Pinkie's eyes widen as the pupils shrink. It took her a few seconds to regain her composure, or what little of it she has and nods. "Thank you, Echo? I need you to stay with Pinkie for a while." Echo wearily nods and jumps on Pinkie's head. "Alright, see you later." I blink back to my home. And open a portal to earth... --------->>>>Twilight Sparkle<<<<--------- I was just reading a book about human mythology when Pinkie rushed inside, a worried look on her face. >> "Pinkie? Wha-" >> "Something's wrong with Streaky!" >> "Why do you think that?" *I think I might know...* >> "He came by Sugarcube Corner and asked me to Watch Echo for a while." I see Echo climb out of Pinkie's mane. Even Streak's pet looked concerned. "Even little Echo's worried about him. We both saw nothing in his eyes. Nothing..." Pinkie gently grabs Echo from her mane and nuzzles her. "I hope he'll be ok... He just walked out without another word." >> "Where do you think went?" >> "When he left it looked like he was going to his house." >> "Ok... You go get the girls and tell them to meet at his home." Pinkie saluted and bolted off. Leaving me with Streak's pet Echo. "I hope he's ok too..." Echo has a worried look on her face. I gently put her on the coffee table as I get up, I then grab my scarf. "Lets go see if he's still at is house..." I turn to my side to let Echo hop on my back, when she's comfortable I make my way outside, and to Streak's home... >> "There's no sign of him being here." I already entered his home, but there was no trace of him. I scan the area with my magic, and there's some traces of his magic, but I don't know what he did... >> "Hey Twi! You here already!?" >> "In here!" The girls come in the room I'm in. >> "So what's all this talk 'bout Streak not bein' himself?" >> "Pinkie told me that he went by Sugarcube Corner." I look at Pinkie. So do the girls. >> "Yeah! he came by and asked me to take care of Echo." Echo takes off my back and lands in Pinkie's mane. "When I looked at his eyes I didn't see anything, not even sadness..." She looks down at the floor, sniffing. "It looked like he didn't want to be here." >> "Who would want to be away from friends at this wonderful time of year? And when Hearth's Warming is around the corner?" It then hits me. >> "Everypony here has a special somepony right?" The girls nod. "Do any of you know if Streak has a special somepony?" They start to nod, but stop mid motion. >> "Um, I don't think he even has a special somepony..." >> "So? What does that have to do with him begin gone?" >> "What do you think he does when he has nothing to do?" >> "I've seen him walking around Ponyville a lot." >> "I think what Twilight is saying is that Streak has nopony to be with. Or he doesn't love anypony." >> "Wha... Oh. Ah get it..." >> "Will somepony please-!" >> "He has nopony to love! And I think Hearth's Warming is just a reminder of that..." >> "Oh... But Streak can still hang with us. Can't he?" >> "There's a difference in having friends and having a special somepony, or someone is his case." >> "Wha..? OH! Oh..." Rainbow's face falls. "Jeez.. That's gotta stink for him... Poor guy..." We stay silent for a while. And apparently Rarity got an idea. >> "What if we find him a special somepony?" >> "How are we gonna do that?" >> "We barely know anything about him!" >> "No matter! All we need to do is find him a mare we think will be good or him! *ahem* If you will follow me girls." Rarity leads us out of Streak's house and to her boutique... --------->>>>Golden Streak<<<<--------- It's been a few days since I opened a portal to earth. And WOW it's a shit hole where I popped up, everything's nearly destroyed. I spot some people walking around. I zoom and see that... Green skin? Oh god... >> "Did I seriously start the zombie apocalypse?" The apparently heard me, as they started to run at me. "And they're like the undead from The Walking Dead. I wonder if that mean if there are some survivors..." I fly up to avoid the undead. I extend my right arm as it thins out to form a large sword. I swing right at the undead an cut their heads off. *I wonder if there are any survivors... Eh... I'll just come back a another time... Gotta get back to Equestria. I think i'm better off alone in Equestria than in this world.* I open a portal back to Equestria. *Then again... I can find out if I'm an actual god... Meh... later.* I fly through the portal back to Equestria, I'm in my home, the temp feels cold. "Is it still winter hear?" I walk back outside to see snow snow everywhere. "I guess it still is." I say dryly, I walk into town. It's a fucking ghost town here. Like an abandoned winter fucking wonderland. As I'm walking around I spot some activity in Sugarcube Corner. *Why would there be... Oh... I think I know.* I think it has to do with me not having anyone for Hearth's Warming. That kinda explains why the town's quite... But then again that's one huge ass assumption... *I did leave Pinks with a cold shoulder, same with Twi... God dammit.* I ignore the activity and walk on. I can feel the disappointment from everypony in the place. *Why do I taste sour apple? Might be the changeling magic...* I think that's gonna be useful later on... Maybe. I walk back to Twi's place. >> "Hey Twi! Ya here?" No response, I sigh. "Fine..." I blink to Sugarcube Corner. "Surprise!" The girls yell as the lights turn on, revealing a line of mares, all looking at me hopefully. >> "Ok. Before you girls say anything, did you really think this would work? A dating show? And second, I bet all my bits that these mares are only here because they know me as Prince Golden Streak. Look, I appreciate the work girls, but this kind of thing doesn't work like this. It'll come naturally, no matter if it'll never come, or if it comes in the near future. Thank you though. It warms my metaphorical heart to see that you six care for me that much. I am truly sorry though... I just, need to be left alone for a while." I think I felt a tear leave my eye. I blink to my home before the girls can say anything, This really shouldn't be bothering me. But for some reason it is. I have had a relationship before, but the cunt left me for a rich motherfucker. From that day forward I've always hated pompous rich assholes. And form that day on I never had a relationship or even remotely dated a woman. I guess it helped that no woman would notice me. But I made that choice and lived by it. And will still live by it for the rest for the rest of eternity. If I am a god. *Lets find out if I can create life.* I just have to figure out how i'm going to do that... *ding* AHA! I conjure a laptop, but this particular laptop has only one program. And it's one of those classic 'Make your own... thing' games, where you get to design your own thing. But this one has no limitations; body type, color, head, etc. I then set a platform that would spawn my finished product. I then start working on my version of life... --------->>>>One motherfucking hour later<<<<--------- Whelp! I fucking did it! Well, the way my new species are going to look anyway. I kinda made it look like a cross between a fox and a dragon anthro. But one thing I want to add are color schemes. Like masculine colored fur for the males; like blue, red, black, red with black, black with red, stuff like that. And same with feminine color schemes; pink with white, light red with grey, periwinkle with white. I need to do that later. Right now i'm called to Aj's farm by one of the CMC. When I get to their home I knock on the door, Bloom answers. Oh, I left Echo at Pinkie's again, She loves it there apparently. >> "Hiya Streak! Come in!" I walk in. >> "Hi Bloom. So, what have you called me for?" >> "Ah want you to go with me to speak about your family history!" >> "Aren't you supposed to ask Granny Smith about that?" Her ears flatten against her head. "You know she's younger right? Less chance of embarrassment." >> "But my family doesn't have any interesting-" >> "Alright, let me stop ya there... Your family has a rich history, filled with hardships, achievements, and amazing stories. You just need to find them from your elders. You are very lucky to have a very connected family. Compared to me, I had no family like yours, and I barely know anything about my family. You on the otherhand, you can learn so much just from talking with Granny Smith!" At that she perks up. "Now go learn about your family, and ask Granny to go with you instead of me." Bloom pounces and hugs my legs. >> "Thanks Streak!" She gallops off to find Granny, I turn to leave, and Aj was standing right behind me. >> "It's going to take a lot more to get me back Aj." >> "Dangit. I will get ya back. Anyway, that was an amazin' speech ya gave mah lil' sis Streak." >> "Anytime Aj, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go pick up Echo." I say as kindly as I normally do. Aj nods and we wave as I walk away. When I turn to face the road Mac pops out of nowhere yelling 'BOO'. "Nice try Mac, better luck next time." I say as I walk away like a badass. When he thinks I'm far enough he speaks. >> "How does he not flinch?" >> "Ah don't know Mac, we just have tah try harder." I hear as I make my way to Sugarcube corner... I walk inside Sugarcube Corner, and WOW it's a fucking mess. It's amazing how Pinkie just knows I'm here. >> "Streaky! Oh thank goodness you're here!" Echo climbs out of her mane and flies to my shoulder, looking a bit afraid. >> "The twins givin' ya trouble?" She nods rapidly. >> "Yes! You think you can help me?" >> "Probably, just take me to them and I'll see what I can do..." > Chapter 8: Foals and Apples > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> "Right this way!" Pinkie has taken me and Echo upstairs, and to the twin's room. Pinkie opens the door to show two crying little foals; Pumpkin and Pound Cake, the sad thing being they're crying. I slowly walk to them, and sit on the floor. It makes me look less intimidating to them. When I sit in front of them they look at me with childlike curiosity. I lower my voice to a softer tone. "Good, now watch." I reach both hands to grab my head, and pull it off, I then drop my head on the floor. Much to the foal's amusement, they giggle profusely. "Huh... so they like torture as a form of entertainment." >> "What?" >> "I mean that they think it's funny to others in pain, and they think I'm in pain." >> "Oooohh!" She thinks for a second. "I got an idea!" >> "Just hit me in the chest as hard as you can." >> "*gasp* How did you know I was gonna do that!?" >> "Great minds think alike my dear Pinkie." My body picks up my head and puts me back on my neck. I then get up and stand three feet from the twins. "Before you punch the crap outta me, Echo?" She's been on my shoulder this whole time. "I need you to be with Pinkie for this." Echo nods happily and flies into Pinkie's mane. "Ok, now go for it Pinks!" >> "Okie dokie lokie!" She rears up on her hind legs, pulls back a hoof, and punches me right in the gut. I then explode into a pile of body parts. The twins are loving it. They're practically laughing at this point, but like a baby version of full-blown laughter. Even Pinkie and Echo are laughing, I think, with Echo though... it's more like silent laughter; you can see her laughing, but ya don't hear anything. Not too weird, animals in this world don't have vocal cords that evolved. Anyway... My body parts levitate as it's put back together with my magic. >> "I guess that works... That's not a good thing..." >> "Why do you say that?" >> "Little foals enjoying seeing others in pain? Not a good combo Pinks." >> "Hmm... You have a point..." >> "Eh... As long as I'm here that won't be a problem. And I think my job is done here, so I guess I'll be going, come on Echo lets go home." Echo, who was perched on Pinkie’s back, screeches softly slash quietly, flies up to me, and lands on my shoulder. “See ya later Pinks.” >> “Bye Streaky!” We wave to each other as I walk out of the room and out the bakery, I then blink us back to my room of our house. >> “Hey Echo? Wanna see something cool?” She looks at curiously, but nods either way. “Alright, lets go to our house.” I blink us back to my, or our at this point, room and present to her the laptop, specifically what’s displayed on the screen. While she’s looking at it I get close to her. “I created my own species.” I whisper in her ear. I didn’t expect her to understand, but surprisingly she did, or at least I think so, her face says she knows what I mean. “You know what I mean right?” Echo turns to me, and slowly nods. “Huh… didn’t expect you too… That’s cool.” I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “Anyway, do you like it?” She turns back to the screen, then back to me. And a great big smile takes her face, while nodding enthusiastically. I grin widely. “Thanks Echo.” I put a finger between her ears. “Now lets see if this thing will spawn one.” I motion with a hand at the platform. I put the laptop back on the desk it was on and sit in front of it. The ‘convert to real life’ button is blinking, waiting… Wanting me to click on it, very slowly, I move the cursor across the screen with a finger (touchscreen), it takes me a few seconds, but I finally press on the button. As soon as I touched it a little bright white dot appeared on the platform. As I got closer to inspect it it got bigger, it wouldn’t stop growing in size. It just kept getting bigger and bigger until it was about my height. That’s when some appendages and a head started to sprout. It grew what looked like arms, legs that looked like a dog, and two more wing-looking things out of it’s back. When the appendages stop growing a bright flash blinds me and Echo. It didn’t effect me but it still blocked my vision from seeing anything. The bright light quickly went as fast as it came, leaving behind the fruit of my labor. A fucking fox dragon! And it’s a male, not wearing clothes... anyway! His eye are closed. I use this time to heal Echo and tell her that I will be back. She nods and got comfy on her perch as I opened a portal to earth… >> *Ok, first get rid of this waste land* I wave my right arm high as a wave of pure magic consumed the land, leaving behind a grassy field that looked endless. I made that wave last long enough to cover the entire earth. Replacing the polluted air, dirt and water with completely clean versions of them. I even had to recreate plants and animals. >> “Who, are you..?” I guess he gained consciousness… >> *FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK…* “Who I am is not important, you are my main priority.” >> “Why?” >> “Because you’re my creation.” >> “You created me?” I nod, he crosses his arms and his face says ‘prove it’. “Prove it.” >> “Fine.” I snap my fingers, I used my chaos magic the bring my laptop and platform here. Without wasting time I load up his female equivalent and spawn her, and the whole process is repeated on the platform. After the bright flash there she was, just standing there, pink with white fur, no clothes... same scheme for the wings, I should also mention the male has an orange with white color scheme, and same goes for his wings. OH! I forgot! To avoid the whole ‘pollution’ thing, I gave them basic knowledge of survival, without any modern and modern tools to help them. I look from the female to the male. He has a face of pure awe. “Proof enough for ya?” >> “...” Just then the female gasps and gains consciousness. She looks around then at me. >> "Who and what are you!?" She asks. >> "He's our creator..." The female looks at the male. >> "Who are you too?" >> "The only male version of you on the entire planet. Same goes for you missy." >> "WHAT!?" >> *Ok, not dealing with this shit* I grab both there heads and change there mentalities, and erase their recent memory. When I'm done I let go of there heads, and they fall to the floor. I fly up past the atmosphere and get a good look at the new planet. I've never seen it so green and blue. *So that's what it looked like before we fucked it up. I just hope theses new fuckers won't fuck it up either. And now to add this...* I spawn a piece of obsidian, and engrave an image of me above the male and female I just created. I then send it to the earth, being held high on a rock pedestal. I then conjure a clock that displayed the speed of time, right it's one to one; normal time. I set it at zero point zero zero one to three hundred and sixty five; one millisecond on Equestria equals a year on this planet. I open a portal back to Equestria and walk in. *All I need to do is wait half a year and i'll come back to see what happens...* I make a mental note to do that. I walk back to Equis, more specifically my room. >> "STREAK!!" Apparently Mac, Bloom and Granny have been looking for Aj, I think... I kinda skimmed this episode, don't know much of what happened. >> "Yeah!?" I say as I come out, I am met by Mac, Bloom, Granny, and the girls. And some ponies of the Apple Family. "Applejack?" They nod. "Letter says she's not coming back?" They nod again. "Dodge." >> "Thanks! Come on girls!" >> "Hold it!" The girls stop in their tracks. Pinkie holding her hind legs together. "Blink!" I say with a smile as I blink me, Echo, and the mane six to Dodge. "Alright, have fun." The girls gallop off to find Aj, and Pinks goes to the filly's stall. I, meanwhile, will be having fun with the townsponies. Just by walking around with no fucks given, it was fucking hilarious, though some of the ponies recognized me. And one particular pony did so; Cherry Jubilee. When she saw me she was like, >> "Why if it isn't Prince Golden Streak!" I turn around and see that she's at the front door of her home. >> "Ah, Miss Jubilee. Nice to meet you." >> "Oh please! Calm me Cherry!" >> "Alright Cherry, have you seen the girls?" >> "Why yes I have! They're cherry sorting with Applejack out back!" >> "Thank you Cherry, it was nice meeting you." I walk around behind Her house to see a big barn, and a big commotion is coming from it. My eyes flash orange as I blink inside. Skittles, Rares and Twi are arguing with Aj. And Aj's in the wheel thing... galloping faster as the argument progresses. I look over to Pinks and Flutters, they're not having a good time. The faster Aj goes the faster the cherries come out. I convert some of my magic to pure electricity, then feed it to myself, and everything sloooows down. To the point where everything looks like it's one thousand frames per second, or just really fucking slow mo. Fucking slow, anyway, I walk over to the cherry belt and sort out all the red cherries from the yellow ones, filling out a lot of bins. I then walk over to where Aj was running on that.... thing. An idea pops in my head and I grab it, making it stop spinning, without letting her slow down. I slowly walk backwards as everything comes back to real time. Wait… is it me slowing down? Or time speeding up..? Eh… I’m just gonna go with me slowing down from the rush of electricity. Anyway, as everything speeds back up, Aj gallops up the inner side of the giant wheel thing, almost doing a full loop. But she stops just as she’s upside down. >> “What in the hay!?” I think she stayed in the air too long to be considered obeying gravity. Good thing the universe agreed with me about that, because she fell right on back. I couldn't help but burst out into full-blown laughter. And I think the girls quickly caught on to what happened. >> “Streak? When did you get here?” Or not… >> “Just when you, Rares and Skittles were arguing with Aj. Before that I helped Pinkies and Flutters sort the cherries.” >> “What?” The girls look over to Pinkie and Flutters. And they’re amazed to see the bins of red and yellow cherries. Skittles looks back at me. >> “How the buck did you do that!?” >> “Rainbow! Language!” I smirk at Skittles as sparks of electricity dance across my body. And yes, we completely ignored Rares. >> “Remember that time you struck me with lightning?” >> “Oh yeah! I remember that!” She says with a chortle. >> “Well, I found that when electricity is flowing through my body, it and my mind go into hyperdrive.” >> “Hyperdrive?” I nod. >> “Basically it means that either time slows down for me or my mind and body have gained so much speed that the worlds looks slow around me, and I used that to help Pinks and Flutters. And I had a little fun with Aj.” >> “That would explain why ah almost ran a full loop in this thing.” Aj mutters as she canters off of that fucking wheel thing. I don’t know what it’s called ok? >> “I just remembered to ask ya somethin’ Aj, did you tell the girls why aren’t coming back to Ponyville yet?” She scowls at me. >> “No Ah haven’t! And Ah’m not gonna tell ya either!” She stays silent, but realization takes her. “Wait. Does that mean?” I nod and her eye bug out. “I swear-!” >> “Relax Applebutt. I’m not gonna tell them. You are.” >> “Whaddya mean by that?” She’s still scowling at me. But I don’t say or do anything that can hint towards Pinkie. Instead I just stare with thee most blank face I can muster. I like doing that, it creeps them out. And it sure is creeping Aj out. Without another word, I turn around and walk out the door, I spot Echo in the rafters and look at her. She sees me and flies to my shoulder with a smile on her face, I smile back. As I’m leaving I’m followed by Skittles, Flutters, Twi, Rares and Pinks. Skittles flies up in my face. >> “Are you going to tell us why Aj’s here or not!?” She asks a bit snappishly. >> “No.” >> “WHY NOT!?” She practically screams. >> *Glad to be a fuckin’ robot* “Because, I want to see you girls use the big guns.” I turn around and look at Pinks. “Ya ready Pinks?” She nods. “Ok, Aj should be bucking Cherries right now, I’ll take all ya to her. You girls know what to do right?” They all nod. “Alrighty then. Lets do it.” And with that, I cast an invisibility spell on all of us except for Pinks, while teleporting all of us to where Aj’s bucking trees… >> “She’s sooo didn’t see this coming!” >> “Ya mind shutting up before Aj hears us? Kinda kills the plan.” Skittles clams up. By now Pinks has already started to spew words pertaining to cherry changas and chimicherrychongas. Try saying that three times fast. With every passing second we all watch as Aj gets more annoyed, it’s only when Pinks rants about pickle barrel for five seconds Aj breaks. >> “For Celestia’s sake make it stop!” Aj crouches to cover her ears, futile. I nod to Skittles and she flies in to cover Pinkie’s muzzle. >> “Only if you tell us why you won’t come back to Ponyville!” >> “Never!” >> “Alright then!” She remove her hoof from Pinkie’s muzzle. >> “Isn’t it funny to say pickle barrel? Picklebarrel picklebarrel picklebarrel!” >> “ALRIGHT! I’ll tell ya! But tomorrow at breakfast, I’m mighty tuckered out.” She rubs an eye, to make her point. “Pinkie Promise?” Me and Pinks ask at the same time, making the crossing motion covering one eye. You can pretty much guess why we did it. >> “Fine.” She crosses her heart and puts of hoof over an eye. Pinks is reassured by the gesture, but I know what the fuck’s gonna go down. >> “It’s getting late, you all should probably find a place to sleep in.” >> “There’s an Inn by the train station, you guys can check in there. But what about you?” I smirk. >> “I don’t need to sleep, remember?” >> “Oh.” It takes her a minute but she figures what I mean. She scowls at me, then looks at the floor. “Dag nabbit.” She mutters to herself. >> “Goodnight girls. Echo?” I look at her, she nods happily and flies into Pinkie’s mane. The mane six say their goodnights to each other and me. I watch as Aj heads back to Cherry’s house, and the rest of the girls head off to where Aj said the Inn would be. And I just fly up to a cloud, and rest on it. *No wonder Skittles naps on them all day… It’s like laying fluffy gelatin! I just wonder how this cloud is supporting my shiny metal ass...* I sink a little into the cloud, but I still stay on it. With that I wait until dawn. --------->>>>The next day at dawn<<<<--------- The sun’s barely rising over the horizon, and I spot Aj as she’s leaving Cherry’s home. I cast an invisibility spell and follow her on the ground. Now’s one of those times it’s good that I’m a silent walker. By the time Aj gets to the train station the suns just above the horizon. Aj looks like she's in a bit of a rush. >> *I wonder why...* I think dryly. The sun's raised a little more, like an inch. What? I'm fucking bored! I had to wait eight fucking hours for this! Of course I measure shit out of boredom! Anyway, I-... >> *Pinkie's mad, she's mad. FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK! I walk closer to Aj. She's dancing on her hooves. I'm hoverng a few yards above Aj. *SHE'SCOMINGSHE'SCOMINGSHE'SCOMINGSHE'SCOMING!* >> "APPLEJACK!" > Chapter 9: Frauds and the Daring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> "APPLEJACK!" Before she can even finish that name, I reach out with a hand and wrap my arm around Aj's barrel. Apparently she didn't notice because she tried to gallop off, but I held on like a receiver holding on to the football. When that happens I kill the spell, making me visible. >> "What in the hay!?" Aj struggles to break free, but I held my vice grip. Aj looked behind her to see my arm wrapped around her barrel. "Streak!? Let me go!" >> "You shouldn't of broke the Pinkie promise. You shouldn't of done it. Why did you have to break it? Why? WHY? Why did you have to break it!?" Aj recoils at my spewing. But seriously! I thought ME making her do it was telling her something! Apparently she's still hard headed. Anyway, Pinkie's getting closer. I look at her with mock pure fear, yeah, I'm kinda good at acting, just to do that thing where I can call in sick with the 'one day flu'. If ya know what I mean congratulations, you're just as lazy as me when it comes to work. Anyway, when Pinks is close enough she pounces at Aj. I let go before I'm dragged along to a pile up. I get a good look at Pinks and her eyes are like Discords, but the irises are yellow and the rest of the eye is red. The only reason it looked creepy is due to the drastic color change of her eyes to her coat, fucking weird and creepy at the same time. >> "Why did you break you promise!?" >> "W-well Ah-" >> "TELL ME!!" >> "Ah didn't win the rodeo!!" Aj covers her face with her forelegs. "Ah didn't to come back to town and disappoint everypony..." She's sobbing at this point. >> "Oh, ok!" Pinkie hops off of Aj. I'm thinking she's bipolar, but she's fucking Pinkie Pie when the hell is there anything normal about her? >> "Applejack," She stumbles up on her hooves, fear clear in her emerald eyes. "you wouldn't of disappointed us if ya came back from Canterlot empty handed, or hoof in this case." She sees the sincerity in my eyes, she slumps and sighs in relief. "And to know that you went though some trouble to get away from us shows that you have too much pride. Not that it's a bad thing, kinda is, but you shouldn't of even thought that we would hate you for not winning. Sure we would be a little disappointed, but the fact still stands that you're our friend. No matter what." >> "What Streak's saying is true Applejack, we didn't come all the way over here to not return without you." Just then something I saw came to the front of my memory. >> "If that little rant didn't convince you, this will." I play the memory with a two dimensional hologram display. Remember I did that before? I forget how long ago, or what for, but I remember doing it. Anyway, the video plays the Apple family, more importantly Big Mac and Granny. Mac with a tear in his eye. Aj, seeing this, tears up herself. >> "A-ah didn't know I did this to them..." >> "They're worried about you we were worried about you. Everypony at Ponyville is worried about you. And to be honest Aj, that was a really stupid reason to not return." Aj scowls at me. "Look at me all ya want, I am right." Aj growls at me, but her face softens. >> "Yeah... Ah suppose yer right..." Not being one to enjoy others sorrow, well... other friends sorrow anyway... "Enough depressing shit! Time to get back to Ponyville!" I say with immense passion, exaggerating. But before I can teleport Rares stops me. >> "Wait!" I look at her blankly. "What about all our luggage?" >> "Did you really bring luggage?" She nods. "Ugh, hold on." I snap my fingers and her luggage appears at her side. "How where you able to bring that much in so little time?" >> "A lady has her secrets darling." She says while pointing her snout up into the air. >> "Whatever, lets just get the fuck back to Ponyville!" I say as I teleport all of us to Ponyville. More specifically Sweet Apple Acres, right in front the home Aj, Granny, Mac and Bloom live in. Without wasting another second, Aj gallops off to the house, greeting her family. *Reminds me of my family...* >> "Um... Streak? Are you ok?" I look at Flutters. >> "I'm fine, why do you ask?" >> "Ya look like you're tearing up." I reach a hand up and wipe under my eyes, and sure enough there was a wet spot. >> "Huh, haven't done that in a while..." >> "Are you sure you're ok Streak?" I nod my head. >> "I'm perfectly fine! Just fine... I just... need to go home, it's been a long day." I say as I walk off back to my place. I can hear the girls whispering. >> "What do you think was that all about?" >> "I don't exactly know, but I think it may have to do with his family." >> "Why do you say that?" >> "Well, have any of you girls hear him talking about his family?" I can't see them, but I'm guessing they're all shaking their heads. "Precisely, I think he has some harsh history with his family." >> "How are we gonna find out if that's true?" >> "I think I have an idea!" She quietly shouts. Wonder how that works... >> *She better not-* >> "I can send a letter to Princess Luna to take a look at his memories." >> "Isn't that, um... Wrong?" At least Flutters knows not to delve into other's past. But her plea didn't work. >> "Then how are we going to find out about his past?" At this point I cast an invisibility spell on me and got closer to them. I wanted to find out how they're going to invade the privacy of my mind. >> "Oh, I don't know... Maybe we can ask him instead?" I would still say no, but that's a better idea then getting the Princess of the fucking Night to go into my memories. >> "Do you honestly think if we just came up to him suddenly and asked from him to tell us of his past darling?" I decided to end it there. >> "Rarity's right," I say I kill the spell and appear right in front of them, I startle them but I currently can't give a flying fuck. "If ya think you can find out about my past. It's gonna take a lot to get it out of me. More than the big guns. I'm not going to like it, but with you girls, I can make an exception. I'm gonna make it a bit of a challenge." I finish with a smirk. "Oh, and I suggest that you contemplate shit like that when I'm miles away." With that I walk away to my home, greet and say my goodnight to Echo. Who was happy to see me return. And then I power down for the night. --------->>>>One week later<<<<--------- There has been talk around town about Applebucking Season, I even went by the farm to confirm this myself. And it also means that the Apple Family have nearly overworked themselves to get all the apples they need for all the cider. So I of course I helped out. And because of me they were able to be ready, early, to serve all of Ponyville. Aj even promised to save a barrel for me and the girls should she run out during the sales. And everything pretty much went smoothly from there, but you and I know what happens here. Fucking Flim Flam brothers, I've always hated those guys too; trying to run the Apple Family out of business. And I would be having NONE of that. But alas, I couldn't go against the whole entire town. So all I could do was wait until they arrived, and until everypony tries the brother's version of cider. Right now I'm with Aj, Mac, Bloom and Granny at their stand right outside their orchard. Granny still looking young as ever, and even though it's sunrise there's a bit of a line in front of the stall. Ponies here really love there cider. There's even a kid friendly version! Though it just means really goo apple juice. Anyway, me and Aj were making idle chat as they were prepping the start selling cider. Mac manning the barrel full of cider, and Granny keeping track of sales with that small metal box. >> "Boy, there sure are a lot of ponies here already!" >> "Isn't like this every year?" >> "Well, yeah... But this year I'm seein' more ponies gather compared to last year." >> "If only I was here for last year then I would believe ya." >> "You callin' me a lair?" >> "No, but you do a tendency to bend the truth. And no it's not the same as lying." I added that little bit to shut her up. >> "It's almost time!" Bloom shouts, we all look up to the sun, something possible to organic beings on this world due to the actual size of the sun being smaller than the planet. Don't ask me how it works, fucking pony magics and shit. Bloom decides to count down the time until sales start. "Five... Four... Three... Two... ONE!!" Everypony cheered when Bloom shouted the last digit. Aj, Mac and Granny got to work, Mac filling mugs, Aj charging and handing, or hoofing, them out. With Granny receiving and storing all the bits. And I'd say this went on for the rest of the day, the girls coming by at some point to get some cider. Skittles was admittedly overexcited about getting some cider. And Rares wearing a huge fucking hat. Looks like an over sized, pink, feathered up fedora. When Skittles saw the line she cried out in despair. >> "We'er never gonna get cider now!" Just then something from a Charley in the Chocolate Factory movie came into view, at a distance, making comical machine noises. As it comes closer two figures can be seen atop the metal monstrosity. As the thing comes to halt, all the metal clanking starts to make a melody, followed by singing from the two con artists. I'm not going to delve into the singing so the wonderful author is going to do that for me. ~At least you give me respect Streak. Here, for you lovely readers. I rather add links than put the video in here to not add clutter. Just my predilection, back to the story.~ Alright, the song lasted too fucking long for any normal human beging. But I'm NOT any normal human. I managed to cancel out the music as it continued to play. I don't know how I'm able to do it, I guess you can chalk it up to not paying attention in class and not hearing what the teacher is saying? Meh... that's all I got, anyway. The bros have stopped singing and served everypony their machine made cider. And surprisingly nopony drinks it until all of them had a mug, weird. But either way everypony drinks the fucking piss colored drink. And unsurprisingly everypony gags at the fowl tasting concoction. The brothers appalled by their reactions to their supposed 'Most amazing cider in all of Equestria'. >> "This is terrible!" Berry punch exclaims. >> "Disgusting!" Earth pony version of Caramel shouts. If that sounds weird you don't know that Caramel has made many appearances in the show, as an earth pony, Pegasus, and a mare. Look it up if ya don't believe me. Anyway, the large crowd of ponies erupt to shouting at the Flim Flam bros. Who where currently cowering above the fucking machine, I know it has a name, but I really can't care less about that. I'm more concerned about what the crowd is gonna do to them. I may hate them, but it's not to a point where I wish ill will to them. and right now there's a growing pile of ponies around the cart. machine thing. Before it can even get more out of ha-hoof, I teleport to in front of the brothers. >> "What is THAT!?" Flim says. >> "I don't know Flam. But I say it's here to help us out!" They both have that eighties announcer voice, you know, that guy in that black-and-white screen trying to sell products too enthusiastically. Whatever, when they make those comments I turn to look at them, my eyes flash a playful blue as I cast my transformation spell to change me to my pony form. Then recognition dons on them. "Oohh! The famous Prince Golden Streak!" I smirk and turn to them expanding pile of ponies under me. >> "Ponies of Ponyville!" I below to the crowd. "Stop this at once!" That got there attention, I don't know how though, what I said just sounded lame. Eh... as long as it worked, which it did. "Just because these con artists deceived you doesn't allow you to bring harm upon them." The ponies murmur as they debate whether my words are true or not. Then slowly, everypony shrugs and make a line front of the Apple Family Cider Stall. Much to the enjoyment of the Apple quartet. Even after all that shit. Skittles and the girls STILL didn't get in front of the line. Much to the annoyance of Skittles. But the girls managed to calm and reassure her. As the ponies are being served their cider, I look to the Brothers. "Scram." They nodded quickly and sped off on their machine. And the rest of the day is filled with ponies rejoicing with their cider. In the end though, the girls are in front of the line, more like the only ones in the line. Aj takes the bits provided by Twi to buy enough cider for everyone. Granny takes the money and Mac opens the faucet to fill the mugs with cider. But what comes out is a single drop. Skittles cries out in despair again. >> "AAARRGH! Now I have to wait till next year! AGAIN!" Me and Aj look at each other, then Aj looks at Mac. Mac nods and brings a large barrel out from the barn. >> "Now Ah couldn't of forgotten to save some for ya, cider for everyone!" We all cheer as we get our own shares of mugs filled with cider. I get my mug and look at it. >> *Eh... Fuck it.* I change into my organic human form and down the bitter sweet, tangy taste of cider. When I finish the mug I remove it from my face and stand there. *Aren't I supposed to be drunk now?* I just continue to stand there. Still fucking nothing, and Aj took notice. >> "Ah see yer a heavy wieght! Want some more cider?" She asks with a tone that suggests smugness. >> "Eh.. Ok." I give my mug to Mac, who refills my mug and gives it back to me. And once again I down the drink in one gulp. I stand there for a minute, and a slight buzz formed in the back of my head, it makes me wobble a bit. "Ok, now we're gettin' somewhere. More." I hand to mug to Mac, he nods and refills my mug, he hoofs it back to me and I quickly drink all the cider again. At that point I don't remember what happened, last thing I remember was thinking how cute Twi was... --------->>>>Next morning<<<<--------- I'm stirred awake by light hitting my eyes, I slowly open them to not be blinded by the bright light. >> *Wait... Since when is there sunlight in my room?* I pick my head and survey my surroundings. I'm in a blue bed, the comforter covered in stars, I then prop myself up on my elbows. I take a look at my body and see that I'm still human, but naked. I feel movement next and look to my side, Twi's sleeping peacefully, her mane a mess. A content smile on her face, I also noticed that there was a musky smell in the air. *Wait, wait. I'm in Twi's bed, musky smell, the content smile on her and I'm naked. Wha- Oh Shit.* My brain kicks to full speed. *Did I seriously just-* Twi must've awoken and felt me move in her bed, as she rolls over to look at me. >> "Mmm Morning Streak." She says rather sleepily. "That was a night to remember." >> *Yep, I just fucked a technicolor purple unicorn.* Now, you might be thinking, 'Why aren't you freaking the fuck out? YOU FUCKED A PONY!!'. Let me say this to ya, this is the part of my life were fantasy meets reality. That enough for ya? Yeah? Good. "So, did we... You know... Fuck?" She looks at me with confusion. "Did we have sex." I clarify, she mouths and 'oh' in understanding, she nods. >> "Yes, we did." >> "Were you a virgin?" She looks at me weirdly, but nods either way. "Was it good?" >> "It was amazing. And why with all the questions?" >> "Probably because I can't remember anything from last night. And I was a virgin too, and also drunk off my ass." >> "Oooohh, that explains a lot." >> "Heh, I can only imagine." We both chuckle, but we're interrupted by Flutters rushing into the room. >> "Guys! Rainbow's in the hospita-" > Chapter 10: The Daring and Cupids Arrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flutters just burst in the room, without fucking knocking. And I'm naked in front of her, well, I'm above her because Twi's bed is on a second level thing. But it doesn't help the she flew in, by doing that she had a perfect view of my nude glory. I wonder if the bed has any remnants of last night if ya know what I mean. >> "Ya mind knocking first?" >> "I... Um... Uh..." >> "Did you say Rainbow's in the hospital?" Flutters forgets her normal timidity, a rare sight seen. >> "Yes! She is! Come on! We have to go see her!" She then flies out of the room, and assumedly also to Ponyville General Hospital. Me and Twi look at each other. Nothing needed to be said, Skittles is that much of an idiot. We get up out of bed, I change into my robot anthro form. >> "So, did you really like last night?" I look to Twi, just when she looks at me, she nods. Still giving me bedroom eyes. "Do you ever think it'll happen again?" Twi thinks for a minute. >> "Maybe if we get drunk off our hooves again." We both laugh at her little joke. >> "Well, I wouldn't mind it if we did it again." >> "With your impressive size, I'd love to go again right now." >> "Gettin' a little raunchy are we?" *I never thought those kinda words would leave her muzzle. And did she just compliment me on my dick size!? WHAT THE FU- oh wait. that’s a good thing… Fuck… If she tells everypony I’m so fucked, literally and metaphorically.* >> “I did say last night was a night to remember.” >> “I know, I know.” I say with a playful tone. “How about we go check up on Rainbow Crash?” Twi giggles a little. >> “Alright, let me just fix my mane.” And looks at her flank. “And tail.” She says with a smile. Man, she either really loved last night, or loved me being her first, or both. Anyway, while Twi fixes her mane and tail, I quickly teleport to my house to pick up Echo, who was really to see me. Anyway, I teleport back to Twi’s place before she noticed, she packed her satchel so we make our way to Ponyville Hospital. We make small talk as we head there. >> “Are you planning to heal Rainbow?” I look at her and shake my head. “Why not?” >> “Because, she needs to learn a lesson about patience. Oh! And did you bring a book for her?” Twi nods. “Which one?” >> “One of the Daring Do novels.” >> “Excellent choice Twi.” >> “Thank you, but do you think she won’t read it?” I chuckle at that. >> “What else can she do when her wings are useless at the moment, add the fact that the Doc’s probably gonna make her stay there for who knows how long.” >> “That’s oddly specific.” >> “Precisely.” >> “Wha..? Oh, Oooh! I get it.” >> “Finally you’re catching on.” I say as we near the Hospital. We walk in and… it looks like a normal rural clinic; chairs everywhere, hurt and coughing ponies in those chairs, basic shit. Twi goes up to the receptionist. While I idly stand in the background. Many ponies see me and wave. *Finally they stop bowing, was getting fucking weird when they did that.* I think as I wave back. If you’re wonderin’ why I don’t like it when ponies bow to me is simple; I DON’T FUCKING LIKE IT. And that it gets old, fast. Anyway, Twi canters over to me. >> “Ok, Rainbow’s in room B-twenty.” I nod and we walk down the hall left of the receptionist. The room that where Skittles was in was third last door on the left. When we spot the door labeled B-twenty I open it, letting Twi go in first. “My my. Such a gentle colt.” I snicker at her remark, and echo just does that silent laugh, weird still. >> “Yeah yeah yeah. Just get in.” Twi giggles as she walks in, followed by me. “Hey Skittles! What’s up?” Said rainbow maned pony was bouncing a ball off the wall in front of her, both of wing flared, in a cast. When I speak she notices us. >> “Hi Twilight!” She looks at me and snorts like a horse. “Hey Streak.” >> “Yeah, I hate you too Dash.” Hearing her normal nickname she turns to me, even Echo, and eyes me suspiciously. “What? I can’t call my friend Dash?” She shakes her head. >> “Nothing. It just sounds weird now that you’re calling me that.” >> “Would ya rather me-” >> “NO!” She shouts, waving her hooves at me. “I mean, it’s just better you finally call me by my awesome nickname.” She puffs her chest out, or doing the best she can while sitting Lyra style on a hospital bed. >> “At least I’m fucking modest about mine. And not boasting to the point of extreme exaggeration.” I know I'm exaggerating, but I'm doing it to make a point. >> "What ever. Hey! Did ya bring me anything!? Kinda getting boring in here." She asks excitedly. >> "We did as a matter of fact." Twi's horn glows in her magenta aura, so does her satchel as it opens, then the famous Daring Do book hovers into view. >> "Oh, NO! I am NOT gonna read that book. Or anything!" >> "Why not?" >> "Because! I'm too cool for books." She puffs out her chest again, looks fucking stupid when she does that on a hospital bed now that I think about it. >> "Well, that's all you're gonna get from us, there's really no other form of entertainment at the moment." *I wonder how long it'll take for Equestrian tech to reach the kind we had...* >> "Aaaaarrgh!" Dash throws her hooves in the air, while yelling to the heavens. "At this rate I'll die of boredom!" Twi's eye roll. >> "Stop exaggerating Rainbow, I'll just leave it here when you decide to read. I have to go." Twi walk out of the room, leaving me with Dash. >> "So..." Just then I think Dash remembers something. If the excited face says anything. >> "Hey! Can't you heal my wings?" >> "I could... Doesn't I'm gonna do that." >> "Why not!?" >> "Because reasons my little Dashie." >> “UGH!” She grunts and flops on to her bed. Not a good thing to do when your wings are in a fucking cast. “Ow...” I walk to the side of the bed and grab a chair to sit in. Or course the chair’s too fucking small so I change to my robo-pony form. I then sit Lyra-style in the chair. >> “I’m not gonna heal your wings, but I can at least take the pain away.” I reach over with a hoof and touch one of the wings. When I touch it I use my magic to null the pain, Dash sighs in relief. >> “Heh, who knew you had a soft side.” >> “Hey, we may not like each other that much, but that doesn’t mean I want to see you in pain, we are friends after all. And besides we all know that you have a soft side, Dashie.” At that her cheeks tint red a little. >> “Oh yeah? Prove it!” I smirk. >> “Tank, that time at Doge,” Something that happened when I wasn’t there. “when I helped you save Rares and the Wonderbolts. Should I continue?” She pouts, if it was Pinks doing that, it would look so fucking cute; puppy cute. But no, it had to be the brash Dash. Anyway. “Got anything else to talk about Dash?” She thinks for a second; a rare sight seen by any living thing, but in the end she just shrugs. “Dammit, if only I had my music with me.” >> “‘Your music’? How does that work?” >> “Well, on my world we had tech that allowed you to have your favorite types of music with you, and to listen to it where and whenever you want.” >> “That sounds awesome.” >> “Yeah, it is. That’s the only things that bums me out about being here. I’m just lucky that there’s always something to do.” >> “Like what? There’s like, nothing to do around here!” >> “That’s because you sleep on clouds all day lazy ass.” >> “HEY!” She would of pounced me, but once again, she forgot about her wings. “Ow...” I sigh and null the pain again, making her groan happily. >> *That was weird...* “I can also add in ‘forgetful’ to the list.” >> “What list?” >> “The ‘Lazy ass Dash’ list.” That was probably thee most terrible joke ever. It sounded so much better in my head. It still got Dash pissed either way so I’m happy. >> “Shut up.” She pouts again, but three seconds in and she chuckles. “But it was kinda funny.” >> "Huh... I thought it was pretty stupid. Thanks either way." >> "No prob. Anyway... What where ya gonna do when you get outa here?" >> "Eh... Just walk around, I really have nothing planned, at all." >> "Really? When I see ya you're always doing something!" >> "That's because shit comes to me." >> “Ew...” >> “Wha- Oh fuck you. Fuck you...” She bursts out into laughter at her own fucking joke. *Can’t I walked right into that one…* “Who knew you had such a dirty mind.” By now she stopped laughing. >> “Who doesn’t?” >> “Fluttershy and Twilight.” >> “Good point.” >> “Where did you even learn that?” >> “My dad.” >> *Note to self: Present Dad of the Year award to Dash’s dad.* “He must an awesome, or the worst, dad.” >> “Whddya mean by worst?” She gives me the stink eye. >> “Worst because he probably taught you that at a really young age, best because he taught you that, or encouraged, that kinda language when you were old enough. Where you really that close to your dad?” >> “Oh. Ok. And yeah, I was. WHy do you ask?” >> “Well, seeing as how your attitude is with everypony, and considering how things were on my world. Somepony like you would normally have what we called, ‘daddy issues’.” >> “What?” I let out an exaggerated sigh. >>“On my world, someone who had a personality like yours would have family issues; not being loved enough, or your dad didn’t care about you. That’s what I meant.” >> “Oooooohh… Nah, me and pops were pretty close.” >> “Cool...” >> “Why were you asking in the first place?” >> “Just wonderin’...” *You better not do it.* >> “Really?” She gives me a skeptical look. “Or does it have to do with your family?” >> *And she did. Fan-fucking-tastic. Now I have to leave!* “Maybe it does maybe it doesn’t, you just have to dig deeper.” I change into my anthro form as I stand up. I just have to stand on my hind legs to do that. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go.” I walk over to the door, I’m just about to open it when Dash calls. >> “Wait!” I turn around. >> “What?” >> “Are you really leaving me with a bucking book?” >> “Yeah pretty much, and you’re better off reading it than losing your ball.” I leave the room before she can say or ask anything else. I then walk down the hall, through the reception area, and out the door. And immediately the CMC tackle me. It all happened a little too fast for me to register what exactly hit me. But I just had to look at Echo, who was flying above my head, and everything became clear. “Girls, you mind telling me why all three of you tackled me?” Bloom answers me, after taking a minute to get rid of the stars flying around her head. >> “It’s cause we need your help!” >> “For what?” >> “It’s Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee! They’re in love!” >> “And why is that a bad thing?” I’m ashamed of myself at this point, should’ve fucking remembered about the love potion. >> “Because we gave them love poison!” They call it poison, I call it potion. >> “Ooh… Ok. But before you do that, ya mind gettin’ of a me?” They get confused, I point to my body. They look down and quickly figure why I asked that. They calmer off of me. I stand back up as Echo lands on my shoulder. *I wonder how cool I look with Echo my shoulder?* "You really like it there huh?" To answer my question she hugs my head. "I'll take hat as a yes." "Awwwww!" Sweetie and Bloom did that thing you do you when you see something heart attack inducing, the cause being something is too fucking cute. >> "Blech..." And Scoots had to ruin it. Me, Echo, Bloom and Sweetie give her a stink eye. >> "Anyway... How am I supposed to help you out with Mac And Cheerilee?" >> "Ah don't know. We all thought that you can help us." >> "Heh. Flatter much? Anyway, didn't ya go to Zecora's?" >> "We're still scared of going in the Everfree Forest." A shiver can be seen going down their spines. >> "Then I can act as your body guard!" >> "Body wha..?" >> "I can go with you and protect you from the monsters." >> "You'd do that for us?" I shrug. >> "Yeah, why not?" They cheer.and gallop off to the forest. "Three... Two... One..." The CMC come back, shy looks on their faces. "Ready?" They nod. "Alright! Lets go. But stay in front of me by a few fe- hooves." They nod again and we make our way to Zecora's, at a normal pace. --------->>>>At Zecora's hut<<<<-------- We made it to her hut without any incident, well... I had to deal with a pack of timber wolves. But all I had to do was let electricity dance across my body and they backed off. The alpha though... had to electrocute the fucker, he was BIG, scars all over his body. Even a big scar ran over his face, making an eye useless. But I made it quick to not horrify the CMC. After that it was just a few more yards when we got to Zecora's. I walk up to the door and knocked, it's followed by the clip-clop of hooves. I take a step back as the door opens. >> "Ah! Golden Streak and three little fillies, what do I owe your plea?" The CMC tilt their heads in confusion. >> "Word spread around that quickly eh? Yeah, we need a cure for the love potion. Ya got anything for that?" >> "I'm afraid I do not have a cure, neither can I make such a brew." >> "Oh... Well, thanks anyway!" Me, Echo and the CMC walk back to Ponyville, wave to the zebra as we depart. "So, do any of you know where the two lovebirds can be?" I ask when we make it back. >> "I think they're still at the park." >> "Ok, lets get there before they kiss." I teleport us to the park, I do a quick look around and spot the lovebirds under a tree. And from the angle of my view it looks like a fucking chick flick. Making haste I electrify myself and walk over to Mac and Cheerily. When I'm close enough I contemplate how I'm going to remove the spell. *I can probably do the same thing with casting a spell... But maybe change it to a negative spell? Eh... Fuck it, I'm just gonna use chaos magic.* I snap my fingers and their heads are covered in clouds for a second. I walk back to the CMC and stop the flow of electricity in my body. Aaand everything comes back to normal time. Mac and Cheerily pause, the CMC hold their breath. >> "Um... Where are we?" >> "Ah don't know..." > Chapter 11: New Friends and Assertiveness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Warning added here for lewd language. >> "Um... Where are we?" >> "Ah don't know..." >> “There ya go girls, I somehow fixed it.” The girls cheer, but I’m listening in on what Mac and Cheerilee are saying. >> “Do you remember what happened?” >> “Eyup.” >> “Um… W-would you like to go out again some time?” Mac maintained a cool face, but any horndog can tell what he’s thinking. >> “I would love to Miss Cheerilee.” >> “Oh please, call me Cheerilee.” >> “Alright, Cheerilee.” The mare giggles. She then looks around and spots us. I look over to the girls, horrified faces on all of ’em. >> “*gasp* Ooooooh, you’re in troouuble.” I say it like a first grade would say when a kid got in trouble. They try to make a run for it but Cheerilee stops them. >> “Girls!” They freeze. “Are you responsible for what happened?” Applebloom, being the ‘rock’ for the CMC, turns around first. >> “Yes Miss Cheerilee. We saw that you didn't have a special somepony, and we thought we can get our cutie marks if we got you a colt friend.” >> “Although I do appreciate your concern, that doesn't mean you have to give a love potion.” >> “How did you know it was a love potion?” Cheerilee looks at as if I wasn't here a second ago. >> “Oh! Streak! Didn't see you there! How are you?” She notices Echo. “*gasp* And who is that cute little thing!?” >> “I’m doing just fine Cheerilee. And this is Echo, she’s a bat.” Echo smiles and waves at Cheerily, Cheerily waves back. >> “She’s so cute! May I?” She’s reaching at a hoof, I guess to hold her? I look at Echo, Echo looks at me, still smiling. Asking another silent question. >> “Go for it.” Echo screeches happily and flies to Cheerilee’s hoof. The purple mare gasps but puts a hoof on top of Echo’s head gently. Making the bat purr, somehow. Fucking different dimension similarities. Some similarities just differ in some ways. Or bats can fucking purr like a cat? Who the fuck knows... >> “She’s just adorable!” Cheerilee kept petting Echo while hold- >> “How the fuck is she standing on two legs!? Seriously! It’s like she’s still on all fours, but her forelegs are holding Echo. The front of her body is just fucking floating! FUCKING PONY MAGIC!” >> “Uh, Streak? Are you okay?” >> *Oh yeah, they’re still here.* I look over to Bloom. “I’m ok, why?” >> “One of your eyes were twitching.” >> “Oh, don’t worry about that.” I look back at Cheerilee and Echo. The teacher still defying the laws of gravity, that time I felt my eye twitch. *If Isaac Newton were here he’d be livid. Speaking of earth...* >> "There it is again!" >> "Never mind that girls. I need to go, c'mon Echo, I need to take you to Pinkies." Echo looks at excitedly and flies to my shoulder, jumping on it when she lands. "I'll ya all again!" I say as I teleport me and Echo to Pinkies place. Pinks, being the ever-so-lovable pink mass of sugar, hops in my face. >> "Hi Streaky! What's up?" Dammit her attitude is so contagious. Makes me smile whenever I get within ten feet of her. Echo screeches and flies into Pinkie's mane, she fucking loves it in there for some reason, the fluffiness must make really cozy in there. "OH! You need me to take care of Echy again?" I nod. "OK! Where are you going anyway?" >> "Somewhere Pinks, and don't worry, it'll only be for a while. I'll see ya later Pinks and Echo." We wave to each other as I walk out of sight, in an alley beside the bakery. . Speaking of earth. “I’ll see ya girls later I need to go do something, c’mon Echo. I need to take you to Pinkie’s.” Echo screeches happily as she flies to my shoulder. Excitedly bouncing on it. “See ya later!” I wave to Cheerily and the CMC as I walk over to Sugarcube corner. It was a short walk there since the park was only a block from the famous bakery. Pinks, being the eternally hyperactive mare she is, sensed my presence and hops in front of me out of nowhere. >> “HI Streaky! Hi Echy!” Yup, she gave Echo a nickname. I don’t think the author was even responsible for that. That’s right, Pinkie being fucking Pinkie. Thought so, thanks author! Anytime Streak. Now back to the story. Right, right… >> “Hey Pinks. I need ya to look over Echo for a while.” I say as Echo flies to Pinkies head and crawls into her mane. I’m guessing with all the fluffyness it must be fucking cozy in there. “Don’t worry Pinks, I don’t plan to be gone for long.” Pinkie beams. >> ”OKAY!” We wave to each other as I walk out of the bakery and out of sight, in an alley next to the bakery. But before I can do any of that Pinks calls me. “WAIT!!” I turn around to look at her. >> “What?” >> “Are you gonna be around for the welcome party?” >> “Definitely.” Pinks beams again and disappears back into the bakery When the coast’s clear I open a portal to my planet. Yes I call it my own planet, I renewed and created my own race of sentient being! Why wouldn’t I do that? Anyway, the portal opened and showed where I last left earth, the exosphere; the point where the atmosphere merges with outer space. I float in space as I look around. I then look at the renewed planet. *It’s only been a month. Lets see how far my new race has evolved.* First I change the time lapse to normal time, if I can still compare it to earth time. I then change into a red and black version of the dragon-fox race. I haven’t created a name for them yet. When I make sure I look like one of them; fur, scales and all, and some modern clothes. Scales for the wings, elbows and knees. Fur for the rest of the body. After That I take a look at the continents, It kinda looks like Pangaea, you know; that one super-big land mass where thee dinos lived on? Yeah, except this one’s more stretched out, covering at least three fourth’s of the planet. *Fuck it.* I decided to teleport to some random place on the giant land mass… --------->>>>On the ground<<<<--------- >> *So, this is what happened so far...* I think as I survey the landscape around me. And to me, it looks like mid seventeenth century America. I really can't give a better description than that. I look around me and see that some of them are flying above the buildings, some walking around on the ground. I noticed the clothing style was similar to the seventeen hundreds. I snap my fingers and my clothes go from modern to this current timeline before any one noticed. >> "Opsijo mo, rik nxe uho 0ei?" Or someone did, shit. I look at the person who just spoke to me. He's wearing a brownish suit, topped with a classical bowler hat. Brown with white fur and brown scales for the wings. >> "What?" >> "Nxuk nuj kxuk? A ted'k kxadb A'lo oloh xouht kxuk cudwiuwo." >> *Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.* "Um... oh fuck it." I grab the guy's shoulder and teleport us to an alley I saw earlier. When I do that the guy freaks out. >> "Nxuk kxo xocc nuj kxuk!? Nxuk uho 0ei!? XO-" I cut him off with a hand to his mouth, losing my disguise. I extend my arm to wrap it around his body to make him immobile. I shush him with a finger to my lips. Even thought he might not get the gesture, he stops squirming either way. >> "You may not understand me, but know that you will not be harmed." I know he can't understand me, but he seems to calm down a bit. "Good." *Now to find out how this language works.* I come closer to him and reach out with my other hand, he flinches, but I put my hand on his head. I then use the powers Luna accidentally gave me to enter the males head. When I do so my vision is filled with pure white. >> "Nxoho uho no? Nxuk xulo 0ei tedo ke mo!?" I hold up a hand to silence him. I then look through his mind, searching for the alphabet used here. It's just like looking through a computer when I'm connected to one when I think about it. After spending a few minutes looking for it I fucking find it. When in comes into view I get this: u, r, s, t, o, v, w, x, a, z, b, c, m, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, i, l, n, p, 0, q. Oat least that's how I'm seeing it, I compare it to English and figure out how it works. It's really fucking complicated, I can't even give you a description if I fucking wanted to. I'm just going to file it in 'magic that I don't understand'. When I'm done comparing I make a copy of their alphabet, and take the copy with me. Allowing me to speak and understand their language. When I'm done I leave his mind, and let him speak. >> "~What was that?~" He asks shakily. >> "~I just went into your head to get your language.~" >> "~What?~" >> "~Never mind that. Where am I?~" >> "~Are you going to put me down?~" >> "~Are you going to run and scream?~" >> "~No.~" >> "~Alright.~" My arm slowly retracts as I lower him to the ground. When I release him quivers in place, but regains his composure. "~Before we continue, what is your name and how come you trust me so much?~" >> "~My name is Benoit, and I trust you because you look like The Maker.~" >> "~The what?~" >> "~The Maker; the one who created the us and the world around us. And I think you are him.~" >> "~Oh, well. I guess I should say that I am the maker. My name's Golden Streak by the way.~" When I admit who I am, we goes wide eyed and bows. "~Oh please, just because I'm your god doesn't mean you have to act like it.~" *Never thought those words would leave my mouth...* >> "~I apologize Ma-, Golden Streak, but I am a very religious man.~" >> *They call themselves man and women, huh...* "~Oh, well... Thank you I guess?~" I then remember something. "~I need to go, you're great grand children will be seeing me appear again.~" I open a portal to Equestria and walk through without saying another word, or letting him say or ask anything else. Before I do anything else I immediately teleport to Sugarcube Corner. Pinks pops out of nowhere again. >> "Streaky! You're back! And you did keep your promise!" Echo climbs out of her mane. The second we make eye contact her eyes shimmer with excitement. She screeches loudly and practically bolts out of the cotton candy looking mane. She hits my head with such an impact that it would have made me whiplash. But since I'm still made of metal, that didn't happen. But I still felt the force of the impact, I have no idea how Echo didn't hurt herself doing that. But either way she hugs my head affectionately. Drawing an 'Awwww!' from Pinks. "*GASP* I just remembered! I need to make a new friend with a new somepony in town." She comes close to my ear. How the fuck is she doing that? "In this case, somedonkey." She whispers into my ear, or the side of my head. My ears are positioned on top of my head, anthro remember? Anyway, Pinks bounces off to the back of the bakery, to I'm assuming plane how to make friends with Cranky. And yes, it's a thing between me and Pinks where I perfectly understand what she means. Anyway, I walk out and around Ponyville for a while... --------->>>>Two hours later<<<<--------- So, I've been walking around or about two hours, a 'hi' or 'hello' from somepony, I respond in kind. I'm just about to head home to play some Minecraft when I sense it; anger. Anger from a source that I can't recognize. I look around and see that some ponies look like they looked in the face of death. That's when it hit me. >> "Oh for the love of fuck. Isn't it a little soon for this?" I ask nopony in particular. Well, it was to the cosmos that make up this universe. But I usually don't get an answer, they way I want it anyway. What I got right now was an angry looking Flutters heading my way. "Hey Flutters, what's up?" I ask when shes close enough. >> "Don't call me Flutters! That was old Fluttershy. I am NEW Fluttershy! You will call me Fluttershy!" She says, during that little rant her wings flutter as she takes off the ground to get up in my face. Echo's affected by her 'assertiveness', but with me being... me, she knows she'll be okay. When 'New Fluttershy' finishes her little rant I make a retort. >> "you dare challenge me? You know full well of what I can do." Flutters doesn't show anything, if anything it looks like she's trying her hardest to not flinch. But in the depths of her light blue eyes, I can see fear. You know, that thing with 'the eyes are the window into the soul' thing? Yeah, it works in this technicolor, talking pony filled world. >> "I'm not afraid of you! Iron Will told me to not be afraid of ANYpony! And besides, I know that you wouldn't hurt me no matter what!" She shoves me with a hoof, in reality she pushes herself away from me. My eyes glow red as my finger thin and sharpen to look like knives. >> "Wanna bet?" She doesn't even twitch! Man she has some nerve! Even though I can see the pure fear in her eyes. She's just really good at acting. >> "Pfffft! You're not worth my time!" She hoovers off to go bother some other poor soul. My eyes region their dull white color and my hands return to normal. >> "I'm gonna leave that to the girls. Right now I want to play with blocks." I say to myself as I make my way to my home. >> "Hi Streak!" >> *Or not...* I turn around and see that Lyra and Bonnie have walked up to me. "Lyra! Bonnie! Long time no see! How's it been?" >> "We've been alright." >> "We just wanted to see if you can come by Bonnie's for Octavia's rehearsal!" >> "When?" >> "Tomorrow afternoon." I think for a minute. >> "I'll see if I can, I got some stuff to do. You'l know if I have time to show up. Is that all?" They both nod. "You sure?" I look suspiciously at Lyra, she blushes a little. >> "Y-yes, I-i'm sure. C'mon Bonnie!" Lyra grabs Bonnie by the hoof and speeds off. Leaving a dust cloud. Me and Echo look at each other knowingly. Wait... you don't know what that was about? Well, let me explain! That time when Lyra asked me to scratch her behind her ears, it's true that it's sensitive there; behind the ears. But it can apparently get to the point where it gets to be orgasmic, if a pony is a little aroused. Yeah, you heard me, orgasmic. Do I have to be more specific? Yes? Ok, Lyra came while I was scratching behind her ears. Regretting that you wanted me to say? Good, you should be regretting it. Anyway, ever since that little event, I've been easing Lyra about it. But not in a mean way, I just make subtle hints to get Bonnie to catch on. Funniest thing to watch Lyra get flustered. Moving on; heading home to fucking play Minecraft! I turn back around to continue my back home. >> "Streaky!!" God fucking dammit. > Chapter 12: Keeping Track of Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> "Streaky!" God fucking dammit. I turn around and see Pinks smiling like a mad mare. >> "Hey Pinks, Party time?" >> "Not yet. Cranky's still mad at me. I just need to find his long lost love!" >> "Oh yeeeaaah, Matilda." Pinks nods. "You now where she lives right?" >> "I know where everypony lives silly!" >> "Right, when does the party start again?" >> "In the afternoon!" >> "And why did you call me?" >> "Just to say hi! HIIIII!" She then bolts off, leaving a Pinkie-shaped dust cloud. >> "Oh Pinks, your... just too much of you." *If that made any sense...* Probably not, but at least Echo gets it. If her face says anything about it. Wait... "Pinks been teaching ya too huh?" She smiles mischievously and nods. "Hah! Awesome. Now to get the fuck home." I make my way home for the second or third time. >> "Watch out!" Or Ditzy can crash into me, more like bounce off a me. "Ow..." And hurt herself again. I can see tiny versions of herself fly around her head. >> "You ok Ditzy?" She looks at me. She's really fucking puppy beagle cute with her wall eyed.... ness. However the fuck you say that. >> "I think so... Sorry for flying into you again." She flares he wings, only for one to half extend and tuck back to her side. "Ow..." >> "C'mere." I walk get closer to Ditzy. "Just like last time." I say jokingly, Ditzy chuckles, but remembers her injured wing, making her hiss in pain. "Alright, lets end the pain." I kneel down and gently grasp the injured and use my magic to get an internal look, while closing my eyes; torn ligament, three fractures, and a broken bone. The broken bone at the tip of the bone structure. *Wow, she really hit me hard.* I think before I use my magic to heal the injuries. It only takes a few seconds, when I'm done I hear Ditzy sigh in relief. >> "Thank you Streak, sorry again for flying into you." >> "Eh... Don't sweat it Ditzy, everypony makes mistakes." I say as I stand back up. Ditzy looks up to me with a warm smile. Her wings flare, and with one powerful pump raises her to my eye level. >> "Thank you." She says quietly, she then hugs me by the neck, and stays there for a few minutes. I can hear her softly sniffle, I feel something wet on my shoulder. >> *She really has had it tough then... Wow, this place does have a dark side...* "You gonna be ok Ditzy?" I draws back from her hug. Her eyes are a little blood shot, red puffiness surrounding her eyes, she sniffs and nods. >> "Yeah, I'll be fine. See ya later Streak." She waves to me as she ascends and flies off. I wave back and look to Echo. >> "That was unexpected." She nods in agreement. "Yeah, lets just get home before anything else happens." I immediately put a hand over my mouth, you know that thing that happens in the show where somepony says something like what I just said, and that thing happens a second later? Yeah, I shouldn't of said that. Me and Echo look around for a few seconds, and nothing happens. *I guess the universe finally gave me some slack... Thanks.* I think as I make my way home. I get there in no time and retire for the night, after spending a few hours on the computer, I have no idea how it's still getting internet... --------->>>>One motherfucking day later<<<<--------- Well... The party started, early in the morning, too fucking early, and lasted for about six hours. Cranky was... cranky about it. Until he met Matilda, at that point they got back together, and Cranky became friends with Pinks. I'd say even best friends, nah... That'd be exaggerating it. Anyway, the party lasted for another two hours before it ended. Where was I the entire time? Well, I was just in the background, talking with the ponies who were invited, might as well say the entire town was invited. As per a Pinkie Pie party. I'm explaining it like this because nothing worth remembering happened. Besides Cranky and Matilda being reunited. After that everypony went about town like nothing fucking happened. Weird.... Anyway! Fluttershy... After talking with Iron Will, the girls and I went to Flutters place. When she let us in, we talked. She yelled at us and tried to throw us out. But I reminded her who she really is, by explaining why being you is the greatest person to be. Fluttershy then proceeded to tear up and apologize for being a 'big meanie'. We easily forgave her, if you can believe that. Anyway, blah blah blah, fast-paced summaries aside. Add staying indoors for a few hours play some random fucking games. And I remember something that I forgot to do. >> "Shit... Hey Echo." I look to Echo just as she looks to me. "You mind If I'm gone for a minute? I forgot to do something." She smiles and shakes her head. "Thanks, I'll only be gone for a minute." She nods as I open a portal to my world. I cast an invisibility spell before anyone sees me, even though I'm still in the same alley as last time. I then spawn the same tablet that controls the time laps here. I then set it to where one minute in Equestria equals a year here. I then open a portal and walk back to Equestria. "I'm back!" I say as I walk back into my room, Echo chirps happily while jumping on her branch. "Heh, can't be away from me that long?" I ask as I walk over to her and scratch her beind the ears. Her eyes lose focus and she closes them. *If I was human I'd die from a heart attack because of her cuteness.* I think to myself. When she's had enough scratching I go back to my desktop. And play the fucking night away... --------->>>>Morning<<<<--------- After a fucking night of gaming I decided to go out and enjoy the rising sun, with Echo. She slept the entire night so she wasn't all groggy. When I got to town square, I saw that there some ponies about. I think that's kinda usual here, considering that there might be jobs that need ponies to get up this early. By now the sun is just peaking over the horizon, then I feel something. Something that I haven't felt in a while. A certain presence. >> "Hello there Golden Streak." I hear from behind, I slowly turn around to see Chrysi. Standing before me. >> "Chrysalis. Didn't think I'd see you again." My voice sounds a little strained, I'm trying to hold back all the names and profanities from being screamed to the heavens. >> "You are to refer to me as 'Queen Chrysalis'!" >> "And you are the queen of what exactly?" She stays silent. "Thought so. Anyway, how come I haven't seen you around until now?" She blows a strand of baby-barf green hair from her face. >> "Because, I simply chose to stay hidden until now." >> "And why have you decided to come out of hiding?" Before she answers I hear what sounds like a deflating balloon. It sounded like it came from behind Chrysi. I lean to the side and see a pony sized ball of pink hair with a face standing behind her, tongue hanging out of her muzzle and eyes looking like they don't have focus on anything. "Fluffle Puff?" she doesn't move, at all. A butterfly lands on her nose, she looks at it. Then to me, and back to the insect. In one quick motion she eats it, she ate a fucking butterfly, she just. Ate. A fucking. Butterfly. I straighten back up and look back to Chrysi. "She wanted you to come out here?" The bug nods, I get close and whisper into her ear. "Hurt a single hair on her body, or anypony for that matter, and I won't hesitate to remove you from existence." Chrysi's eyes shrink a little. But her face remains blank. "Good. Anyway, what do you plan to do?" >> "I have no clue, she just wanted me to be out here." Her face contorts to confusion. "You look different..." >> "Oh yeah! I made changed my body a little to look anthropomorphic. And as for this little pony here." I point to Fluffle, who somehow got next to me *Pinkie physics... God fucking dammit. I'm ok with one Pinkie, but TWO!! FUCKING SHIT!!* "You might wanna get used to her, fast." I turn around and walk off without saying another word. I can hear Chrysi calling me but I just ignore it. I keep walking around Ponyville for a while before I decide to head to the park and take a seat on one of the park benches. I had to change to my pony form to fucking sit on it, Lyra style. Me and Echo just sit there for a while, an hour to be exact. By now there are ponies everywhere, Tia's sun in full view. At that very moment I remember something that's very entertaining to have watch on the fucking show. I teleport me and Echo to Twi's place, it's completely trashed. Books and papers everywhere. "I better not have been late." I mutter as Twi canters into the living room. >> "Streak!? When did you get here!?" Her mane isn't a mess yet, perfect. >> "Just got a second ago. And WOW you need to clean this place up." >> "That doesn't matter! I need to make a scheduled for next month! And I don't have any time to make one!" I tune her out just as she rambles on about how she can move some meeting to next Tuesday. But then she would have to reschedule a picnic with Pinkie. Blah blah blah, while she's ranting her mouth off, she fails to noticed sparks flying from a ball of light. And a strong draft flowing through the place. String enough to pick up papers and books. When a book hits her in the back of her head she turns around. She's about to yell at me but words are stolen from her as the ball of light gets bigger and brighter. It stops growing when the light seems to fill the room. A loud 'pop' sounds out before the blinding light dies out. Leaving the smoking forms of future Twi, me and Echo, Twi in a weird crouching position and me and Echo just stand there. Twi has on a sorta torn black skin tight suit, eye patch, and a white cloth around her head. My future self and Echo are just fine, no differences can be seen. Future Twi stand up and looks at present Twi. >> "Who are you? Are you me? How can you be me?" Present Twi speaks. >> "I'm from the future, but that doesn't matter. I need to tell you something important!" >> "You're from the Future!? How are you from the future? That's scientifically impossible. YOU'RE scientifically impossible. Did my future self find a time travel spell?" With that shit goin' on I look to my future self. >> "Twi goin' insane over not being able to make a schedule for next month?" My future self nods. >> "Yeah, pretty much." >> "Why did you go with her?" >> "Thought it'd be nice to see my past self. And to see if the space time continuum would fall apart. Guess it didn't." He says with a chuckle. >> "Bet'cha that would happen if that happened on our world. That reminds me, how's our world coming along? Is it up to modern times?" >> "Yeah it is, also-" He's interrupted by electricity dancing across his body. "Oh, right. See ya later I guess." We shake hands as he fades away. >> "Later." I say just as my future self literally pops out of this time plane. >> "Wait! Don't what!?" Twi yells to to the floor where Solid Snake Twi stood. Present Twi looks to me. "Streak! Do you know what I was going to warn me about?" >> "Yes, doesn't mean I'm gonna tell ya." >> "Why in Equestria not!?" She practically screams into my face. >> "Because I rather not change fate. For something worst can happen if I mess with fate." Twi screams in despair, kinda exaggerating if ya ask me. >> "AAAAAAAAAAARGH!" She puts her head between her hooves, holding her head as if she's having a migraine. >> "Hey! Lighten up! All you need to do is figure out what you were going to say to yourself! Plus you're gonna learn another lesson." >> "Really?" She looks up to me hopefully. >> "Yeah, but that's all I'm gonna say." Twi grunts and looks away from me. "What are ya gonna do anyway?" >> "Well, I think we should warn everypony and find out what horrible thing will happen!" >> "You go do that, and I'll be at my house. Waiting." >> "Waiting for what?" >> "Waiting for everything to fall into place. Cause you technically caused your own problem." I then teleport me and Echo back to my underground home. Echo goes back to her branch while I spend the next week playing Minecraft and other games. *All questions will be answered soon Twilly. Soon enough, or on Tuesday if ya want to get technical about it.* --------->>>>One mother fucking week later<<<<--------- Whelp, one motherfucking week later and here I am, in a black rubber suit in Canterlot, with Twi, Pinks and Spike. Allow me to explain what happened over the past week; Twi went berserk looking for 'the disaster' as she calls it. Getting Dash to get her squad to look all over Equestria for anything wrong. Also getting everypony in Ponyville to fix things like fill cracks in the dam and closing wounds in her own home. After her long as list is checked she thinks she stopped the disaster. After the ponies took two fucking days to fix every minor detail, my favorite being when Mac dropped Pinks when she fixed the crack in the wood support of a bridge. Anyway, the next morning after that I found out that Twi got a letter from Tia. But Spike burped it into her face, which gave her the same cut as Future Twi. That's when she decided to head over the Canterlot archives, more specifically to 'Sneak into the Star swirl the Bearded Wing' as she says it. We would've taken the train there, but I teleported us to save time, plus I didn't want the nobles that live here to nag and try to talk to me. And now here we are, about to 'sneak' into the Canterlot Archives, Twi corrected me a while ago. >> "You guys ready?" >> "MMHMM! I'm super ready!" >> "Yeah, whatever." Spike downs another bucket of ice cream. How the fuck can a baby dragon like Spike eat nothing but ice cream for a week and not get sick three days in? I will never understand how this universe fucking works. I think that's what separates me from an actual god now that I think about it... >> "Lets just get this over with." >> "Alright. Follow my lead." Twi then hides behind a tree, pokes her head out, then jumps from bush to bush. Making her rubber suit tear. While me, Pinks and Spike just walk on the trail that leads to the tower holding the archives. We walk as Twi continues to jump from bush to bush. We all near the tower when Twi stops us. "We need to sneak in somehow." >> "Why the hell do we need to sneak in to a freaking library?" Censoring myself for Spike's sake. >> "Yeah, can't we just walk in?" >> "The guards aren't just going to let us go inside the place. No... we need to sneak in through a window. That window!" She points a hoof to a second story window. We all walk to where said window is, it looks big enough to fit me through. >> "I don't know about you guys, but I'll see ya up there." I activate my thrusters, and flare my wings as I begin my accent to the window. I get there and hoover inside, then I sit on the floor to wait for the rest. It took ten minutes for Twi to come in through the window, followed by Spike and Pinks. Twi was pushed in, hard enough to hit the floor. Leaving her dazed for a second, a shake of her and she looks around. >> "Alright the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing should be this way." She canters off the left side of the hallway. I look at her, then to the gated door that leads to the wing. >> *You're such an idiot Twilight...* I think to myself as I watch Twi lead Pinks and Spike down the hall. While I just sit there and wait for them to return. > Chapter 13: Finding One's Origins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been waiting at the same fucking window for one fucking hour. One. MotherfffUcking hour. And they're still not back. >> *How much time does the show take away from the real thing?* I manage to have entertained myself by dropping shit from the window, and watching shit fall to the ground. But that only lasted a few minutes, when that got boring I decided to play some music I perfectly remembered in my head. You know that thing with music when you're so into the music in your head? And the same song is playing from an external source? Yeah, that happened to me. I had no idea that I had speakers in my body, turns out there are... Weird thing is they pop out when I concentrate, and that one speaker pops out of each shoulder. And one forms on my stomach. Kinda like that guy from the last X-men movie... Anyway, I guess Twi, Pinks and Spike heard the music, cause I can hear them coming down from the other end of the hall. I lost concentration and the speakers disappeared. "About time you guys get back! I've been waiting here for an hour!" >> "You where here the entire time!?" I nod. "WHY!?" >> "You're looking for the Start Swirl wing right?" She nods. I look at Pinks and smirk, she smiles back. "Then you should look to your right." >> "What? Why?" She says as she does just that. At the sight on the gated door labeled "Star Swirl The Bearded Wing" she face hooves. >> "And you thought I was idiot for staying behind." >> "I didn't say that!" >> "But you thought it didn't ya?" She stays silent. "Your silence says everything." Just then we all hear the clip clop of hooves on... Marble floor? I can't tell what makes up the floor. Pinks and Spike duck, somewhere, Twi crouches in the middle of the hall, and I teleport inside the wing. The sounds get louder as a night guard canters co closer, stopping in front of Twi. >> "Twilight! It's been a while! Here, let me get that for ya..." His horn glows and the same aura covers the lock on the door. A clicking noise can be heard as the door slightly swings open. When he's done he walks down the hall, Twi gets up and looks at the guard. >> "You remember that you lived here and went to the library all the time right?" I say when the guard's out of sight. >> "Now I do..." Spike And Pinks snicker as they come out from... wherever the fuck they were hiding. >> "Putting stupidity aside, lets get looking for that time spell." Everyone nods in agreement as we spread out to look for a particular book or scroll. I actually had no idea where the scroll is here, I just know it's a fucking scroll. So I just had to look at the scrolls, which there were still a fuck-ton of them. So it's no surprise that the sun started to come out before we could find it. Twi gallops to a window. >> "Oh no! It's almost morning!"She then frantically looks up and down the aisles. Me and Pinks watch as the sun rises higher into the sky. The warm light expanding to cover the entire library. "Nonononono! Everypony down!" She crouches low to the ground, followed by Spike and Pinks, and I just stand there. Now the sun's showing in it's full glory, and nothing happens. Nothing happens and we just stay still for a few minutes, when Twi notices that nothing happened she peaks an eye out, she then gets up. "Nothing happened? Has the disaster past?" I have absolutely no fucking clue who she's asking those questions to. "This just means there is more time to find that scroll!" >> "I think you were just over worrying yourself about nothing." >> "I think you're right Streak.." >> "Good morning Twilight, nice outfit. And good morning to you three as well." We all turn to the side as Tia walks through the place. >> "Morning Tia." I say as she canters to... wherever the fuck she's heading to. >> "Found it!" Pinks shouts when she finds the dam scroll. We all turn to Pinks, who somehow managed to climb atop a random bookshelf, she's holding the scroll as Twi takes it in her magical grasp. She brings it to her face to read. Twi mutters to herself as she studies the spell. >> "The spell's temporary, it'll last a few moments, but that's just enough time to tell my past self to not worry so much." >> *Why do I have the feeling that it's gonna go down like that..?* I think rhetorically as Twi prepares to cast the time travel spell. "Hey Twi, mind if I join ya?" >> "Why?" >> "I just want to see if seeing my past self will destroy the space time continuum." >> "What?" >> "Just take me with you." >> "Okay..." She says rather slowly, her horn is covered in a think magenta aura that quickly flashes a bright amethyst color as a similar colored ring quickly spins around it, a bigger version of the ring rapidly spins around my waist. Then there's a bright flash of white light as Twi and me are taken back in time, a week in the past. When the blinding light dissipates, Twi's library fills my vision. >> "Who are you? Are you me? How can you be me?" And there's past Twi. >> "I'm from the future, but that doesn't matter, I need to tell you something important!" >> "You're from the Future!? How are you from the future? That's scientifically impossible. YOU'RE scientifically impossible. Did my future self find a time travel spell?" While that shit's goin' on I look at my past self. >> "Twi goin' insane over not being able to make a schedule for next month?" My past self asks me. >> "Yeah, pretty much." >> "Why did you go with her?" My past self asks, I thought it'd be obvious, I guess I can be slow sometimes. >> "Thought it'd be nice to see my past self. And to see if the space time continuum would fall apart. Guess it didn't." I say with a chuckle. >> "Bet'cha that would happen if that happened on our world. That reminds me, how's our world coming along? Is is up to modern times?" >> "Yeah it is, also-" I’m interrupted by electricity dancing across my body. "Oh, right. See ya later I guess." We shake hands as he fades away. >> "Later.” My past self says to me as I pop out of existence on this time plane, and back to my own time plane. More specifically back to the same spot in the library. >> “That was… different.” I think aloud. >> “So? What happened?” >> “I wasn't able to tell myself to not worry so much for nothing!”Twi says with a face hoof. “Now I’m going to be frantic for the past week...” She groans. >> “That’s past Twilight’s problem!” >> “For once, you make sense. You passionate pink party pony.” Pinks beams with pride at my alliteration. >> “Thanks Streaky!” She pounces my legs into a full body hug, on my legs. It’s fucking cute when she does that, these ponies remind a lot of a dog I had... >> “I guess you’re right… Yeah. That’s past me’s problem.” A groan can be heard, along with gurgling. We all look at the source and see that Spike’s laying on the floor. Apparently having a belly ache. >> “I thought the belly ache was supposed to be future Spike’s problem...” Another bout of intestinal gurgling and he clenches his stomach, I sigh and hold a hand up. >> “I’ll take care of it. And you are future Spike.” I point a finger at spike and shoot him with a beam of blue colored magic. *Is that how my healing magic looks like? Huh… very fitting…* I kill the flow of magic and Spike stops groaning. >> “Huh? I feel better now...” >> “I just used some of my magic to stop your belly ache, you still ate a lot of ice cream, but you just can’t feel the pain at the moment.” >> “Oh, thanks I guess.” I nod and Twi picks him up with her magic, setting him on her back. >> “Alright, how about we go home?” Twi looks to me expectantly. I sigh and teleport us to Golden Oaks, Ponyville’s library. I look out the window, Tia’s sun is lowering below the horizon. With the moon peeking over on the other side of the same fucking horizon. >> “I think it’s about time we hit the hay.” Jesus fucking christ I finally get to use the fucking phrase, with everypony getting the fucking pun. >> “Yeah, *yawn* I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Twi slowly canters up the stairs, with a sleeping Spike on her back. >> “What Twilight said! See ya!” Pinks promptly bolts out the front door leaving another Pinkie-shaped cloud. >> *I am SO fucking lucky I don’t give a shit about Pinkie physics. Unlike Twi, I’m glad I don’t drive myself crazy trying to figure how she works.* And with that, I teleport to Fluttershy’s cottage to pick up Echo. I neglected to say earlier huh? Fuck… gotta remember to let ya people know about shit like that… Anyway, I teleported to the front door of the cozy looking cottage, and softly knock. A kinda loud ‘eep!’ and the sound of metal hitting wood can be heard inside. Think Flutters might be hurt I burst inside, the door barely being held by the hinges. *Alright, the only thing that can make a sound like that has to a pan or something… Kitchen.* I look around the first floor and spot the doorway leading to said room, right next to the stairwell leading to the second story. I rush to the open doorway. “Flutters! You okay!?” Flutters is in the middle of the kitchen, a pan and some food on the floor, when she hears me she jumps and turns to me, her body locking up. “Oh, it’s only you Streak. Thank goodness.” Her whole body softens, so does her face. “And yes, I’m okay. Just dropped a pan. You scared me knocking on the door.” She waves a hoof to the pan. >> “Good, for a second there I thought something bad happened.” I walk into the kitchen, Flutters was about to start picking up the pan and food from the floor, but I stopped her. “Allow me.” I hold out my hand like Luke when he uses the force to get his light saber back. And the spilled food and pan are covered in a blue magical aura, covering the pan and food. Now that I look at it, it looks like some kind of veggie bowl. It all floats as it goes back to place atop the counter. "There ya go Flutters. Now, where's Echo?" I look around the room, but I didn't have to look long. I hear a loud screech and feel an impact at the side of my head, followed by two bat wings covering a part of my head. "There's my favorite little bat. Ya missed me didn't 'cha?" She doesn't move, but nuzzles the side of my head. "Yeah, ya did." >> "Awwww! That's so cute!" Flutters brings her fore hooves to her face and make a squee noise. >> *Where the fuck does that fucking noise come from?* "Whelp, I think we should head home. See ya later Flutters!" I say with a wave as I walk out the door with Echo. >> "Goodnight Streak! Goodnight Echo!" She waves back as I make my wave to my home. When I get there Echo flies to her branch and prepares to sleep upside down. Before she can do that I gently scratch her behind the ear, making her purr for another time. >> *How the fuck does she purr like that!?* "Goodnight Echo. See ya in the morning." I say as I stop scratching her, letting her swing to hang upside down. I get into my bed and power down for the night. --------->>>>Two fucking days later<<<<--------- So it's been two days since the Archive Break-in. And now apparently the centennial dragon migration is passing by Ponyville today! Joy! I found out after I asked Twi why everypony was hiding indoors. She and Spike were the only two living beings walking around Ponyville. Silent Hill be up in this shit. Anyway, Twi managed to convince the gang to watch the migration pass by. The deal with Flutters was that I was there, so yeah, I had to come along with Echo at that point. But I guess there was some form of entertainment in watching the dragons. Beside noticing Spike watching the dragons with a certain form of interest. I got took at the dragons closely with Twi's telescope, more specifically dragon anatomy... the females... ANYWAY! Moving on. >> *I wonder if I'll be able to see more than one migration...* I think to myself as the last dragon flies over us. I look to the gang, and see Flutters still cowering, Rares wearing that stupid looking camo-hat. Dash hoovering in the air. Pinks wearing a more appropriate camo-hat. Twi wearing the same thing, Aj just, standing there. And me with an invisibility spell cast on me. After the last dragon leaves the area we all get out of the trench Pinks dug. How she did it with her hooves will continue to astound me for the rest of my existence. "Well, that was slightly entertaining." >> "Ah gotta agree with ya on that Streak." >> "I don't know... That was pretty boring..." >> "That's because yer... you Dash." >> "And what is that supposed to mean?" >> "It means that you find somethings that would normally be entertaining fucking boring. Basically you think entertaining stuff's boring to you." The gang snicker at my blunt, nNness. And yes I meant it like that, anyway. Back to fucking reality. "Anyway, you look like ya want to say somethin' Spike, what is it?" >> "Uh, Uh... N-nothing." He promptly bolted off. Presumably off to Twi's place. >> "You know what that's about, huh?" Twi looks to me dryly. "And you're not going to tell me what it is right?" >> "Actually, I think I can tell you this one." >> "Really!?" She jumps in front of me. "TELL ME!!" I push her back. >> "Alright, first; calm down. Second; Spike's been wondering where he comes from." Twi's about to ask something, I didn't want to play twenty questions so I continued. "Where his egg was found, how it was found. If he still has a mother, stuff like that." Twi makes an 'Oh' face. "So, how do you plan to help him find his origins?" By now the gang already said their farewells and went off to go do their own thing. >> "Well, I can always ask Princess Celestia where she found his egg..." >> "Something tells me that that option should be held off as a last resort." >> "Why do you think that?" >> "I don't know, I'm just getting the feeling we should let Spike do what he wants to find out his origins." I honestly had a feeling that Spike should do this himself, with some protection from the other dragons of course. But that's beside the point. Weird feeling that tells me to protect Spike from other dragons is top priority at the moment. "What do you think we should do?" >> "Well, if it is like what you said, then all we can do is let him go and do what he wants." >> "Well, all he's gonna try to do is make friends with some other dragons. All we have to do at that point is just watch. And if he wants I can be there with him if anything gets outta hand." >> "Oh, ok. *gasp* Me, you and the girls can watch him from my hot-air balloon! You go get the rest while I prep the balloon." I salute and fly off to do just that. > Chapter 14: New Experiences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I already gathered the girls and went back to the library, and Twi told the rest about what's gonna happen. And Spike already said that he wants to find out who he really is. So all we have to do is watch, well, the girls watch from the balloon and I'll be with Spike. He actually asked that I be with him. When I asked why he said that he might need me if anything gets outta hand. So I happily went along with him, after I used my magic to change into a dragon. I basically look like Spike when he was just as tall as me, but replace the green with red and purple with black, and I made the spines more... pointy, like a smaller version of the ones Spike had when he went Godzilla. That enough description? I think so... anyway, Twi informed me that Spike doesn't know that the gang's gonna be following us. And he only knows that I'm coming along with his quest. And here we are, me and Spike heading off to go follow the migration. I've been prepared, even though all I had to do was leave Echo with Pinks again. >> "Ya got everything ready Spike?" I look to the girls, they're still at Twi's doorstep, still smiling madly. For Pinks it's perfectly normal. >> "Yeah! Lets get going!" >> "I'm liking the enthusiasm! Lets get on with it! Farewell ladies!" Me and Spike wave to the gang as we follow the migration out of Ponyville. >> "Bye Spike! You better tell us your stories when you get back!" >> "Yeah! And stay safe out there!" Since when is Dash so concerned about safety? I think… nah. she never cares about safety, so she must saying that for Twi’s sake. Anyway, when me and Spike are far enough I hear Twi. >> “Alright, everypony into the balloon.” --------->>>>Ten. Hours. Later.<<<<--------- We had to trudge through muddy, rock, and outright horrible weather just to get the fucking ‘hideout’ where apparently dragons closest to Spike’s age hang out. But at least at some point we were able to stop and take a break, I’m saying it like I got tired because Spike wouldn’t stop fucking complaining! You think for a baby dragon he’d have no problem walking through windy forests, blizzards, and a fucking swamp. But no, apparently not. The only reason didn’t die from starvation is because of my having food in my inventory, an infinite supply of food. Anyway, I’m getting off topic. Back to where we meet the ‘teenaged’ dragons. We just got to the top of a mountain they were on. I had to carry Spike on my shoulders for that last bit. When we got to the top a gang of three dragons spotted us, they were laughing to each other about something. >> “Well well well. What do we have here?” The one with red scales spoke up. His hide was composed of a red body with orange underbelly and spines, and he looked like he was on the chunky side, and his wings, same color scheme, look a little small; too small to let him fly, fucking magic. Even his voice was deep enough, screams ‘fatso’. Definitely the bronze of the trio. >> “It looks like we have some lost dragons in our hands.” The purple one said. He has a purple hide with lavender underbelly and spines. His body kinda matched me in a sense; slightly more scrawny than me, my body would considered ‘bulky’ by human standards, and his wings looked proportionate to his body,l although the webbing was a bit of a dark purple. Probably the brains. >> “Whaddya think we should do with ‘em?” A slightly shorter brownish dragon piped up. There was a definite height difference with that one. He a kind of brownish hide with light brown underbelly and spines, his wings having the same color scheme as his body. I think he’s the dumbass that only knows the difference between up and down. I also noted that all their spines look like half circles running down their backs, all the way to their tails. Mine are like the spines Mega Spike had; pointed while at the same time slicked back. I set Spike down when I’m a fair distance from the cliff I just climbed up from. I look at them, the tallest looks to be about my height, if not a little taller. >> “Before you do anything you will regret, we’re dragons just like you and he’s just a baby dragon. So lay the fuck off.” Just from they said earlier I can tell that they’re the classic bully from high school. >> “Looks like we got we got a tough guy here!” Fatso says rather cockily, he walks closer to me. “You don’t look like a tough guy to me.” >> “You’re checking out other male dragons? Are you into males or something?” His friends go ‘OOOOOOH!’. >> “You little shit!” He tries to punch me in the face, but I have faster reflexes. Without even flinching I hold up a hand to stop his fist with no effort. He tries to do the same thing with his other fist, I just hold up my other hand and stop his fist cold. He would've tried to use his tail, but I had his in a death grip with mine. “What the fuck!?” >> “Still not a tough guy?” I look him dead in the eye. Fiery red eyes against blood red eyes, can ya guess who has the blood red eyes? It’s me, anyway. >> “How the fuck are you doing that? What the fuck are you?” >> “I am just a simple dragon. And I am the last thing you want to piss off.” I push his him with enough force to send him flying, right into his two friends. It takes the longer than I expected for them to recover. But when they did fatty blew his top. >> “I’ll fucking kill you!!” His wings flare, and with one powerful, tiny thrust, a few hundred pounds of meat was sent sailing at me. His jaw hanging wide open, and I still don’t make a fucking move, I just stood still. Waiting for the right moment, it’s when he’s a foot in front of me I make my move. As fast as lightning, I uppercut him square in the jaw. Sending him so far into the air he ends up being the size of a pixel. >> “I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again.” >> “Streak! Heeelp!” I look at where Spike- The purple one has him in a choke hold. A clawed hand right next to his face. I look at Spike and his face is one of pure horror. >> “You're an idiot.” I say as I teleport Spike to my side. My wings flare to make me look more intimidating. I’m guessing it’s working, if the two dragons look of hidden fear say anything. >> “What the fuck!?” Purple guy looks at his hands, dumbfounded at what just happened. He then looks at me straight in the eye, his are like Twi’s, If Twi was a dragon. When we make eye contact my eyes glow a thick red. That makes him freeze. “You’re not a dragon...” He says, pure fear in his eyes. >> “I may not be a dragon on the inside,” I teleport to right in front of him. “but on the outside, I am the most powerful dragon on this fucking planet.” When I appeared right in front of his face, he flinches. But when I made my last remark he goes wide-eyed, his whole body looking up. “So how about you and your friend there get to fuck out of here?” My voice gained a deeper tone as I spoke, anyone could feel the tension in the air. Purple guy just bolts into the air without saying or doing anything. I look to the little peice of shit looking dragon. “Well? Get the fuck out!” He nods rapidly and bolts off, following his friend. My wings fold back to my… back, and my eyes lose the glowing effect. I look to where Spike’s been standing. Although he has a face of fear, I know it’s not directed at me specifically. “You alright Spike?” I ask as I walk over to him. >> “Y-yeah… I’m fine...” >> “Ya sure? Ya look a little pale.” I say as I get down to eye level. “Was it because of that dragon having you in a choke hold?” He nods slowly. “Well, as long as ya got me you ain’t got nothing to worry about.” I reassure as I pat him on the head. I stand back up as he looks at me with a smile. >> “Thanks Streak.” It looked like he was gonna hug me, but he looked at something behind me and froze. >> “Giant dragon behind me?” He nods very slowly. I sigh turn around, it’s the same fucking dragon I dealt with at that fucking cave a while back. “Oh! It’s you! Let me guess; More gold?” I look up to the big guys face as he nods. “How many?” “Ten.” Holy fucking shit he has a deep rumbling voice. The ground even vibrated when he spoke. >> “Alright, gemme a sec.” My body’s engulfed in red fire, it quickly dies out, leaving me in my heavily modified original form. I then open the panel situated on my left arm. It’s been fucking forever since I last opened it huh? Eh… Anyway, I spawn ten crates of gold, the big fucker quickly picks all of it up and flies away. “That was unexpected.” I say as I turn back to Spike. Spike doesn't know it, but a small crowd of dragons, mostly my size, are looking at me in awe. “What? Never seen a pla- robot before?” I nearly said platinum in front of a pack of dragons. Gotta be more fucking careful about that shit. When I spoke the dragons just continued to gawk at me. Spike turned around and saw the crowd and jumped, quickly rushing to my side. "The fuck you all looking at?" The dragons flinch at my words, but remain standing. "What? More challengers?" I say rather cockily. The crowd murmurs, then one muscly looking dragon steps up. His hide is colored a dark grey with a regular grey underbelly. He's a tall motherfucker, a got six feet taller than me, the fucker looks like he would tear me apart if he wanted to. >> "What?" >> "Yer gonna give me ALL yer gold." >> "Or what?" >> "Or the little one gets it." He makes a move to grab Spike, but before his hand could even get close I snap my fingers. A force field forms around Spike, I enchanted it with a little surprise. The big guy didn't see it, he didn't stop moving his hand. I didn't care, I was waiting for the light show. And I didn't have to wait long, watching a huge fucking dragon get electrocuted was, hands down, the funniest thing I've ever seen ever. Then his body twist in odd ways as a few thousand volts of raw electricity flows through his very being. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off, for a solid five minutes. If I were still human my side would be hurting, and I'd be crying from all the laughing. What? You don't laugh so hard you tear up? Eh... I can honestly care less, anyway. >> "Heh... HOo.. Oh man. Haven't laughed like that in a LONG time." The big guy manages to wrench his hand away from my little surprise. It also took him a few seconds to regain his composure. >> “You little piece of shit!” He swipes at me with his large, clawed hand. His hand was easily half my size. But right before he could send me flying, I braced myself and held my hands out. I look like I’m wait to get fucking tackled, anyway. The giant hand hits me, I hold my ground. My feet dig into the ground as my entire being tries to stay standing, I close my eyes to focus. And I’m not sent flying into the air, if the lack of wind and feeling of weightlessness is anything to go by. I slowly open my eyes to see that I did stay firmly on the ground I look at the big grey hand in front of me and pull back. Anyone can see two little spots where my hands were. I loud grunt is heard as the big grey pulls hand back. >> “Spike? I think we should go now.” I look to Spike, he quickly nods. “Alright, we’re out.” I say as I kill the shield around Spike. My wings flare and flap once, pushing me into the air. I quickly swoop down and pick up the little drake. >> “Woah!” >> “Hold on tight Spike.” After that he calms down a little. We spend the next half hour flying in silence, until I broke it. “So… did ya get what you were looking for?” >> “Not exactly...” I look down, and Spikes face is a bit crestfallen. >> “Sorry Spike. Do you have an idea about how dragons should be like at least?” >> “Kinda...” >> “Well, it’s better than nothing, isn't it?” >> “I… I, guess you’re right!” Anyone can feel the happiness running through Spike. “Thanks Streak, I didn’t think of it like that.” >> “Anytime.” We were flying over, I think it was the edge of the Everfree, when we heard loud squawking and screeching. I look around and spot what looks like to be a fire. “IS that what I think it is?” Spike, who was doing… something very distracting looked in the same direction. >> “A forest fire?” >> “I don’t think so, the fire’s not spreading to the rest of the forest. No, it might be…” That’s when It hit me. *Pheonix eggs! And maybe some dragons… Fuck...* “I think it might be a phoenix or two.” >> “Really? How do you know?” >> “It’s not that I know, it’s that the fire hasn't spread, it might not even be a forest fire… Wanna go check it out?” I look down to Spike, he shrugs. >> “Sure, why not?” >> “Alright, hang on.” I say as I bank left and slowly descend to the ground. I land just far enough to see what’s going on, I put Spike back down on the ground. “Stay close to me, alright?” He nods. “Ok, lets see what’s goin’ on.” Me and spike slowly and quietly walk closer to the light source. As we get closer I can hear some voices along with more screeching and squawking. *Fucking knew it.* I think as we get a clear look at what’s happening; Two phoenixes, mother and father, doing their best to guard their chicks. There were three dragons there too, the same fucking dragons from the hilltop earlier. The eggs have already hatched and the parents are doing a good job at defending them from the dragons. >> “Hey! Look!” Spike points at the base of tree, the same tree that supported the phoenix nest. There’s an egg that hasn’t hatched yet, a light bulb lights up above my head. >> “Spike, I need you to go get that egg.” >> “What!? Why!?” >> “I think if you get that egg, you’ll finally find what you came looking here looking for.” >> “Really?” He looks at me with a bit of trepidation. “You think so?” >> “Yup.” >> “Ok. if you say so...” He says shakily, he then slowly walks towards the egg, just as he gets to it and pick it up, the dragons come back. “Hey you!” Spike freezes. “Yeah, you! Turn around!” Spike does so slowly. “Heh, a little baby dragon? How weak!” This dragon was just like the one I probably killed, just a thinner version. At his last remark Spike goes to defensive mode. >> “Hey! I’m not a baby dragon! I’m a strong dragon!” I never liked it when kids would try to act tough. And I’m not liking it now… “>>Oh yeah? Prove it by smashing that egg!” >> “What?” >> “Yeah! Smash it” Purple guy decided to pipe up. >> “Stomp it into the ground!” And there’s Little Shitty! The dragons then chant ‘Smash it!’ over and over again. Spike just looks at the egg, tears forming in his eyes. When the water works are about to start he closes his eyes. >> “NO!” The dragons pause from what they just heard. >> “What, was that?” Big red seems to already be agitated. >> “I said. NO! This little egg’s defensiveness, just like me. And I’m not gonna break it!” >> “Then we, will.” The dragons start to surround him. >> “Spike!” Twi, Rares and Dash jump from nowhere. Twi and Spike look at each other for a second, then look back at the dragons. “If you want to get to Spike, you’ll have to go through us first!” >> *Why is it just them three, where are the others?* >> “Yeah!” >> “I am not a pony of rough housing, I am a mare of fashion. But I will tear you to pieces if you damage one scale on my SPIKEY WIKEY!!” The dragons look to each other, and laugh their asses off. >> “Are these your pony friends?” Big red spits out the last part like a curse word. >> “Yes, they are! And they’re better than being friends with you!” >> *Who said anything about being friends with those fuckers!?* The dragons go silent as they close in on the ponies and small dragon. >> “And what are you gonna do if we just take that egg from you?” I take that as my cue to come into the picture. I teleport behind my friends, between Dash and Rares, having black scales helps a lot when hiding in the darkness, really fucking convenient that a large shadow of a tree was directly behind them. With Big Red looking right at Spike, my eyes glow a thick red for the second time of the day. He and his friends take quick notice as they all look behind my friends. >> “What are you looking at?” The short shit brown dragon points at me. Dash, followed by the rest, look behind themselves. And see my blood red eyes, it's understandable that they froze. Spike on the other hand, was relieved to see me again. >> "You mind telling me why you're bothering these ponies?" Purple Guy and Shit Head back off, but Big Red his ground. Big mistake indeed. >> "Who the fuck are you?" I walk out of the shadows and show myself to everybody. Twi, Rares and Dash step to the side, allowing me to walk straight up to big red. He had to look up at me, fucking perfect. When my whole body appeared in the moonlight Big Red's eye flared a bit. I snicker at his reaction. >> "Something you don't want to piss off, fucker." >> "Yeah, he's right. We should go Smoke." Purple guy's actually afraid of me, perfect... >> "How is that?" I can hear the girls and Spike whispering to each other. >> "He's Streak." >> "Oooooooh... That's why he got behind us." >> "He nearly scared me half to death!" I snort at her remark. >> "You guys scared of this pussy?" Big red turned his head to face his friends. >> "Dude, I saw this guy punch Scorcher to the sky, he even teleported. You really don't want to mess with him." >> "Your friends are right, Smoke." >> "You shut the fuck up." That set me off, to the point where red was in the edges of my vision. When Smoke turned back around to continue to talk to his friends, my right hand reached out with lightning fast speed and wrapped around his neck. I raise my arm to lift his flailing body, hanging by the neck. At this point everybody gasped. >> "You just made a biiiig mistake." The red fucker punches me repeatedly in vain. I take every single punch like a weak flick. "You two." The other dragons perk up. "Get the fuck out of here." They nod hastily and do just that. "And you," I turn my attention to the chocking red bastard. "Remember me next time you fuck with ponies." I rear my arm back, hand clenching harder around his throat. I don't throw him until I hear a deliciously satisfying series of cracks and pops sound out from his neck. And very slowly his movements slowed down. I throw his body into the air as hard as I can, sending the soon-to-be lifeless body to some random direction. I let out a satisfied shudder. "Oooohohohohohoo... That felt good." I look to the gang, faces of pure fear all around. "Oh, don't worry, he'll be fine." *NOT!* The girls and drake sigh in relief. "Now, lets get home!" > Chapter 15: Having Some Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok! So!.. Me, Spike, Twi, Dash and Rares made it back to Ponyville after I dealt with the dragons. During our way back home the girls decided to question me for some fucking reason. >> "Streak?" She also decided to hover next to me. >> "Yeah?" I'm still in my dragon form. >> "That. Was. AWESOME!!" >> "I have to agree with Rainbow on this one. You gave quite a scare until Spike told us you were you." We all looked to Twi. It took her a while before she noticed. >> "What?" We continue to stare. “*sigh* You scared the tatarus out of me when you appeared behind us.” >> “Thank you.” I say pointedly. “So Spike,” He looks to me. “did you find out what it takes to be a dragon?” He smiles and nods. >> “Yeah! And I don’t want to be a dragon, I’d rather be a pony like you guys!” I would've taken offense to that, but since I know what he meant, it would be a lost cause to do so. >> “Good.” Just then a single thought enters my head. “Hey Twi? How come it’s only you with Dash and Rares?” >> “Oh! Right, Applejack had to apple buck, Pinkie’s helping the Cakes with a big order, and we couldn’t get Fluttershy to come with us for obvious reasons.” >> “Oh, ok… We’re close to Ponyville by the way.” Everyone looks ahead to see some houses in the distance, very fucking far away. >> “Couldn't have you just teleported us there?” >> “Oh yeah… Everypony want me to do that?” I look at everypony and see them nod. “Alright.” I teleport us to Twi’s place, the library part of it. Rares and Twi would’ve tripped over nothing if they didn’t stop walking. Dash almost flew into the wall. I wish she did, that would've made my day. >> “Woah! A little bit of a warning next time!?” >> “Now where’s the fun in that?” *I think I just quoted Discord…* Yeah, I did, I wonder if that makes me something like Discord… Anyway! >> “Whatever I have to go do some, cloud duty things. So see ya!” Dash flies out of a window that happen to be open. >> “She know she doesn’t have to lie about lazing around, right?” >> “Of course she does, but she’s Rainbow Dash.” Her little joke made us all laugh a little. >> “You have a point.” >> “Yeah, for “The fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria” she’s pretty lazy.” >> “You got that right Twilight!” >> “Yeah, I gotta go. Right now I bet Echo’s missing me.” I say during the laughter, no one responded so I just walked out and made my way to Sugarcube Corner… I got to the worlds best bakery in relative time, Tia’s sun is just about to set. I plan to get to bed when I get home. I walk inside and Pinks pops up from behind the counter. >> “Welcome to- Oh hi Streaky!! Here to pick up little Echy?” >> “Yeah, pretty much.” Pink's mane starts to shake as Echo crawls out. We make eye contact and Echo practically screams with excitement. Echo launches off of Pink's head, using my face as a landing zone. "I missed ya too." I reach and place a hand over my little bat, scratching her by the ears. We stay like that for a few minutes until Echo lets go. I flatten out my hand to let her stand. "By far the cutest sight I've ever seen." She covers her head with her wings, a slight blush on her cheeks. I smile as I move my hand closer to my shoulder, allowing her to hop on and get comfy. "Comfy?" She nods. "Alright, lets go home. See ya Pinks!" >> "By Streaky!" We wave to each as I walk out of the bakery, already dark out. When we got home Echo flew to her branch, hanging upside down. I get into my bed and power down. --------->>>>One week's pass<<<<--------- I feel like I need to explain what's been happening over the past week... So I'll do just that! Basically I've been planning to screw with some ponies in Canterlot, more specifically the guard. Let me explain, I plan to act as a new transfer guard, and start picking fights with really fucking strong guards. Now, I used changeling magic to make me look like a normal pony, a standard guard. The difference between transformation spells and the former is that changeling magic just displays an illusion, transformation spells, on the other hand. My body changes to a completely different state, a more vulnerable state. Meaning I could get hurt, badly, if I were to use a spell, anyway. I've been planning this since the day after I came back, I even had a letter sent to Tia asking if she could forge official-looking armor. Tia, being the unexpected troll, sent me some. I looked the common kinda armor ya see the guards wearing. The other four days were spent perfecting my act, no spoilers! And now here I am, inside the royal castle, the royal guard wing, more specifically in a waiting room, this place has a reception area for some reason. And I'm waiting for 'my superior' to take me on a tour of this wing. It took a while for 'my superior' to get here, but h- she did. Yup, it's a mare, not that I have anything against that, just a little unexpected. Cause y'know the guard's male dominated and shit, just I didn't expect! Fuck! Anyway, she had a white coat with a blue mane and tail. The female equivalent to the standard guard. Weird... >> "Midnight Javelin?" Oh yeah, I also had to make up a new name. >> "That'd be me." And I also had to change my voice. I get up from the chair I'm sitting in and walk over to the mare. When I right in front of her I salute. >> "At ease, recruit." She said with a sneer. "Follow me." She turns around and walks off, I quickly fall in step next to her. As we walk through halls I notice some of the guards cower a little when they see the mare I'm following. >> "Ah, so you're one of those mares that everypony's terrified of?" She looks to me. >> "How could you guess?" She says with sickening sarcasm. >> "And I'm also guessing you're not so nice?" She stare blankly. "I can already tell that we're not gonna get along, at all. Not that you give a shit anyway." At the word 'shit', she halts and faces me. >> "Don't you curse in here solder!" I gave her my best, 'I don't give a shit', face. "Wipe that look off of your face! Or else!" >> "Or else what?" I can see all the guards freezing while looking at us. The mare has a look of pure rage in her eyes. That's when she headbutted me in the chest, it would of succeeded if I used a transformation spell. Instead the recoil sends her reeling back. All the guards in my peripheral vision gawk at me, jaws dropping to the floor. "Weak." At that she snorts. >> "Follow. Me. Worm!" She turns to some directions and trots off. I follow behind her. >> "I applaud your composure." I say dryly, making her snort again. She leads me through some halls and some corridors. She eventually leads me to a court yard, devoid of grass. This area's littered practice dummies, and guards practicing with them, the air's filled with wood smashing against wood, magic spells being fired, and the swoosh of pegasus guards flying by. . The mare motions for to continue following her, and I did. As we walk through the court yard I saw that all eyes were on us. >> *She must be a real bitch to have this kinda rep...* I think as we stop at what looks like a little arena; a circle engraved into the ground. "What is this?" >> "'This', is what we call 'The Circle'," Fucking original name. "and I brought you here t teach you some discipline! Never in my life have I meet such a pony with so much DISRESPECT! When we're done you WILL learn some FUCKING RESPECT! Now GET IN THE FUCKING CIRCLE!!" She barks out. My face goes blank as I walk to the center. By now a crowd of guards, all in varying ranks, have gathered around. "MIDNIGHT EMBER!!" A few guards side step as a thick, bulky-looking stallion steps into the circle. "Make this motherfucker wish he was never BORN!!" >> "Yes ma'am!!" He enters a defensive stance, while I just stand there, looking at him blankly. "I'm going to enjoy beating you to a BLOODY PULP!" He digs a fore hoof into the ground. At this point the crowd started cheering, the mare being one of them. >> "Well then? Punch me." My stance change as he snorts and charges at me. I just continue to stay still, then I look over to the mare, she has a crazed look in her eyes. If I could read minds I haphazard to guess that she'd be thinking I'm going to die like an idiot. *This is gonna FUN!!* The stocky stallion is just inches in front of me; fore hoof traveling at high speeds to my face, fast for a pony anyway. A loud 'CLANG' is heard as his hoof meets my face. Well... more like the piece of armor covering my forehead. That alone would've hurt by itself, but I guess since I did move an inch, neither did I flinch. The millisecond after his hoof connected with my face, the recoil caused him to fall on his ass. He then grabbed his hoof in pain, nearly crying out in pain. But he sucks it up and just grunts, now that I think about, if he went for the cheek, that would've made my head bend a little. But the bent bar of gold on my forehead shows his strength just enough. I take off my helmet and set to the ground, I then look to the guard who punched me. Still holding his hoof, the guards around all went quiet, especially the little cunt. I then calmly walk over to the guard who just punched me. He looks to me as I get closer. >> "What... What the hell are you?" At that I give my most sick, twisted grin. >> "I am but a simple pony. Thing is my parents abandoned me as a foal. I was told that I would've been killed by timber wolves, if it wasn't for a Minotaur saving me. That Minotaur was a female, Kialas Singlehorn, she told me that she saved me. And that she took me to her tribe, I was presented to their elders, to determine if I were live among them or not. Of course I was accepted into her tribe. Kialas took me as her unofficial son, and from then on, I was raised by Minotaur. And even trained by them to be as strong as one. I even trained to be as durable as one. So you can imagine how looks can be deceiving in my case." By now everypony went silent, some guards even teared up a bit. And I was LOVING it.The fact that I was pulling a bunch of bullshit out of the air was making all the more hilarious. "But that doesn't matter right now. It's my turn..." I say the last part with a very dark tone. I sit on my haunches, and reel my right foreleg back. Only using a portion of my strength I punch him square in the jaw. I punched him just hard enough to send him flying to the crowd, but not enough to knock his head off his neck. The sound of flesh squishing and metal clanging is heard as the affected guards get turned into a pile of ponies. I look at the rest of the crowd and see their awed faces. Especially the mares face. >> "You can pretty much guess why I act the way I act. Ever since I came back to pony society. I found out a lot of things, things that are different from minotaurs. I'll spare out the details, but one thing is that so far, nopony has been able to match my strength." I stand back up and walk off like a badass everypony standing out of my way wherever I walked.... --------->>>>Three hours later<<<<--------- Right now I'm sitting at a table in the mess hall. And I've made somewhat of an impression round here. Everywhere I go guards avoid me at all cost. A couple tried to brave enough to walk up to me, but eye contact made them cower and retreat. So basically I was a total badass the whole time I was there. I was getting pretty boring though; nopony to mess with because they avoid me. Not even anypony had enough balls to walk up to me. No homo, but seriously it's fucking b- >> "Javelin?" The cold, stoic voice of that same fucking mare rings in me ears once again. I look around and spot her by the entrance to this room. The whole room went silent when she spoke. >> "Over here!" I wave so she sees me, when she saw me she walked over to the table I was sitting at. She sits across from me, everypony else just gets back to whatever what they're doing. The air around us is filled with silence as we stare at each other. So I decided to break it. "So, any particular reason why you've lookin' for me?" >> "Yes," It looks like she's having a reeeeaally hard time talking right now. "I, wanted... to... apologize..." >> *Did she just..? YES SHE DID!! I did not expect that from her! I'm so milking this moment.* I milk the fuck out it I did. "I'm sorry, didn't quite catch that." I move in closer, turning my head to the side. >> "I siad... I wanted to apologize..." >> "Oooooh! Well in that case, apology accepted." >> "Thank you- wait, you heard me!?" I nod. "How the fuck did you hear over all this noise!?" I tap my ears. >> "I was also born with hyper-sensitive ears as well." >> "What else were you born with? night vision?" Man she loves using sarcasm. Since I'm having some fun with my eyes flash a light blue, briefly showing slited eyes. Closely resembling a dragons eyes. At that her jaw drops. "You have GOT to be shitting me..." >> "There are many things you don't know about me, neither will you know unless I tell you." She looks at me expectantly, I chuckle. "As if I'm going to tell you!" >> "And why the hell not!?" >> "Because, I want to be the strongest stallion around here. And I intend to keep it that way." She huffs in annoyance. "Lighten up, at least everypony here's terrified of you. Much less me." >> "You have a point there..." She shakes her head. "But you are an extraordinary pony from what I've seen." >> "Heha, yup. I think I might like it here." >> "So... this is your first time with other ponies?" >> "Not exactly, this is my third day here. My first encounter was back in Ponyville, my mother said she found that little town on one of her scouting trips. She when she came back, she told me about this. And obviously I was ecstatic about this. 'finally I get to see my own kind!' I thought. The next day me, my mother, and a couple of my friends went to Ponyville. When we made an appearance there was mass hysteria, if you can believe that." She snickers a little at that. "Ponies where panicking every where. It was until my mother and friends presented me, and when, 'The elements' as you call them, arrived. They explained what happened to me and the towns ponies were quick to accept me. The two days were spent learning about your society. It was when I learned about your military that I made an application. And now, here I am." >> "Is that it?" >> "The short version of it, yeah." >> "Will you tell me the regular version?" She asks blankly, with a hint of annoyance. >> "Ye- nope." >> "Fuck you." >> "Flattery gets you nowhere!" Mockery is a wonderful tool. > Chapter 16: More Fun and Gossip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, I had a spectacular time fucking with the guards in Canterlot. I kept up the Charade where I grew up with fucking minotaurs, fucking hilarious! And apparently the mare who still remains nameless spread word around of my past. As everypony started walking up to me confirm the rumor. Some stallions still decided to challenge me, right on the spot! I guess they didn't see what happened earlier. At least those who did didn't ruin the fun, by telling to poor bastards of my immense strength. And every time one of them challenged me, it pretty went like the first time; I let the bastard hit me first, I was hit in the forehead, cheek, jaw, even right in the eye. But each punch was meet with the loud clang of hoof hitting metal. The recoil would send the stallion back a few steps. I would walk up to them while they held their hoof in pain, sit on my haunches, and punch them back. Each punch with varying levels of strength. I sometimes punched back hard enough to send them flying . There were even a few cases where I broke the guy’s jaw, skull, and even knocked out a few teeth. All three if I punched him in the right place. I think it only took twelve of them challenging me to make them stop. After each display of strength, the guards stopped walking up to me to challenge me, now they just praise me. Not exactly what I wanted, at least they’re still kinda terrified of me. Well… the other newbies mostly. Anyway, I would've spent the rest of the day doing whatever the fuck I intend to do. But I was called to the captains quarters for some reason. I know it’s shining, but what confuses me is, ‘Why the fuck is he requesting I go to his office?’. But I’m going there either way, so I guess I’ll just see what happens... I got to his office, which was conveniently place at the other end of the fucking wing. You probably know how big the castle itself is. So imagine how fucking big this place is. Also take into consideration that this place has more than one story. I would’ve gotten lost if it weren’t for other guards and maids to give some directions. I surprisingly made it without another incident. Shining’s office was just down the hall at this point, a very dull looking hall compared to the rest of the building, I’m getting off track… I walk to his office and knock on the door. >> “EnTER!” I hear from the other side. It sounded like an order so I walk in like how he expect for a guard. With him being the captain of the guard, and shit. I stop right in front of his desk and salute. In my vision it looks like an average small office. Book shelves filled to the brim with books, stacks papers, and folders. Scratch average looking, more like a little messy, filing cabinets four drawers high, papers in unicornian. >> “No wonder why Twi doesn’t get any letters from him...” >> “At ease soldier.” I put my hoof down. “Do you know why you’ve been called to my office?” His tone is a mix of firmness and casualty. I didn’t know how to answer him, so I answered like an american soldier to a sargent. >> “Sir! For disturbing the peace! Sir!” I give him my best, ‘No fucking around’, face. >> “Close. And you don’t need to pretend in when nopony else is around. Golden Streak” >> *How the fuck..? Who the fuck told him..? CELESTIA!!!* “Who told you?” I lose my illusion in a bout of red flames. >> “Cadence told me. And let me tell ya, you put up a rep for yourself.” >> “Meh… Just thought I could mess with some of your guards. And Tia probably told Cadence, or it could’ve been Luna.” >> “You should’ve told me! I could’ve been there!” >> “It’s not too late. I think there are still some ponies who want to challenge me.” Just then an idea pops into my head. “Hey, I just got idea.” He raises a brow. “What’s the highest rank available right now?” When I ask my question he grins widely. I grin with him. >> “First Lieutenant. We have been lacking in high-rank soldiers. And I think You fit the script.” >> “Great minds think alike. Lets have some,” I’m interrupted by red fire. The fire dissipates and leaves me as the same guard from before. >> “Fun.” We both cackle maniacally at the events unfolding… --------->>>>In some fucking concert room<<<<--------- Shining said that he called a gathering in this room, said room looks like a chamber to hold concerts. Just big enough to hold every single soldier within the royal guard. At one wall stands a stage, partly built into the wall. Probably to add more space, the stage has the basic stuff that come with a concert stage; red curtains, a single microphone with a pedestal in the middle, wire running from the mic to big fucking speakers mounted on the ceiling. Don’t ask me how they invented speakers and microphones. Just don’t, anyway, Me and Shining were backstage. I could hear all the murmuring from the ponies gathered outside. Shining pokes his head out, and draws back in. >> “You ready Streak?” >> “Born ready Shining. Lets do it. Before I forget. My name is Midnight Javelin.” >> “Ok. If only my soldiers had that much confidence.” He mutters that last part to himself. I think he was trying to say that quietly enough for me not to here. But y’know, super sensitive hearing and shit. Shining walks out on to the stage, silencing everypony when he gets to the podium, some were still talking to each other. “QUIIEET!!” Everypony practically snaps to attention. “Good. Now, you have all been called here for a promotion ceremony. And today I’m promoting somepony, to First Lieutenant!” More fucking murmuring from the crowd. I look around, from behind the curtain, from the side behind it- oh you know what the fuck I mean! Anyway… as I surveyed the crowd. I noticed that there some mares in the crowd. Looking like the female equivalent to the standard guard. White coat with blue mane and eyes. I then spot the same mare from before. Just as she looks directly at me. We make eye contact and her jaw drops. Literally. That shouldn't be physically fucking possible. Like at all, fucking pony magic. The mare tries to get others attention, but I move to another spot before anypony else saw me."Alright! Come here for you promotion! Midnight Javelin!" I walk out and everypony gasps. I keep my composure and keep staring at Shining. He's trying really fucking hard to keep a straight face. "You really know how to act." He whispers. >> "Thanks. When's the reveal?" >> "Right now, Midnight Javelin! You earned First Lieutenant for showing you strength, intelligence, and tactical thinking. You have told me of your past, what you have done, and why you joined the royal guard. And it is my personal judgment that you will be a valuable asset for possible wars. So it is with great honor that I bestow upon you the official markings!" A pony from the other side of the stage. Carrying a wooden box in his magic aura, it's outlined with gold with strange markings on each side. One side of the box is colored to represent Tia, embroidered with her cutie mark. The other half colored to resembled Luna, her cutie mark etched on the top of the box, next to Tia's. The pony stops in front of Shining, takes it in his magic and levitates it front of him. He opens the box to reveal a fake medal. Looks like the medal of honor american Soldiers get, the color being half white, half blue. The white side having Tia's cutie mark. Same applies for Luna's side. Shining lifts the medal and wraps the color around y neck, he then turns back to the crowd. So do I, everypony's silent. Wide eyes and open mouths all around. At this point I'm trying my absolute hardest to not burst out to maniacal laughter. I can see Shining trying he best to. "Do you have any words to say?" His voice is on the brink of causality and absolute laugh-out-loud. >> "I only have a few words. You all fucking fell for it!" Me and Shining burst out to pathological laughter. I couldn't tell if anypony else was laughing with us, I didn't care at the moment. I was literally laughing my head off. I lost my disguise when I started laughing, after falling over to my side. Instinctively clutching my stomach, it would've been hurting like a motherfucker is I was human. I don't know how long me and Shining laughed, but the laughter eventually died down a little and we got back up. When I get back up I look for and spot the mare from before. >> "PRINCE GOLDEN STREAK!?" >> "Eeyup." >> "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?" Her voice is a mix of confusion and surprise. "YOU FUCKING SON-OF-BITCH!!" She jumps from her seat and makes a beeline to me. Every other guard moving out of her way. She jumps up on the stage, not losing speed. She then pounces me, and she would've knocked me to the ground. Instead everything went slow motion as I watched her face meet mine. Her muzzle mushing on my cheek, her body folds up to where her hind legs touch the back of her head. The pony equivalent of a human scorpion. On my face, that sounded weird. Meh... take that however you want to. The recoil caused her to bounce off a me. Sending her flopping on the floor in front of me. Sending me through another bout of laughter. Which quickly dies as she gets up. "You FUCKING ASSHOLE!" >> "Hey! Language!" I get closer. "And it was a fucking joke, as if you cared about all that bullshit I told you earlier." >> "I- you- Ugh... you'r right." >> "You don't-! Wait, you really didn't?" She nods. "Huh... Hardass..." >> "What?" >> "Nothing, how about I walk out of hear, and you can go back to your life?" She puts a hoof to her chin. >> "That sound just fine. See ya!" She runs off without another word. >> "Who was that? Your special somepony?" >> "You know that I don't have a special somepony!" I laugh out. >> "You don't?" I stop all movement and look straight at him. >> "Yeah, I don't, and Twi already knows so don't go telling her that I need a special somepony. They already tried and failed." A smile breaks out of my face. "See ya!" I teleport back to my home before anything else happened. I'm greeted by a loud screech and a small impact at the side of my head. "Yup. I missed ya too Echo." I don't think I can ever get tired of that, at all. I've been leaving her here instead of Pink's for a while. She showed me the other day the she can take care of herself. I went along and agreed to leave her hear when I go do stuff where I can't take her. But that's not the reason why I leave her with Pinks, I put her in Pink's care so she won't be lonely. I don't have any other pet so she can't play with other animals here. But, if that what she wants, then she'll get it. Anyway. Me and Echo were interrupted by distant shouting. It sounds really muffled, it's coming from the surface. A sudden sense of dread fills my being, making me shiver involuntary. "I dread what's going on out there." I look he Echo, who already settled on my shoulder. "I don;t want to do it, but I think I don't have any other choice." I walk out of my room, down the hall, teleport using the command block. And stand in front of the door separating me from whoever's shouting out side. I brace myself, grab the door handle, slowly turn it. And swing the door open... Ponies are trying to come into my entrance shack. Some wearing fedoras, others holding old-fashioned cameras, giant lights flashing every where. Echo had to crouch behind my head to shield herself from the bright lights. I just stand there, watching as a sea of ponies clamber over each other to get a good shot of me. They're all shouting random things, I can't tell what each individual is saying, too many ponies yelling over each other. I continue to stand there, mesmerized by the sight. >> *Can't... form... words...* >> "Prince Golden Streak! Is it true that you're dating Princess Luna?" >> "Prince Golden Streak! Are you taking frequent trips to another world?" >> "Mr Streak! Are you in any intimate relationship with the royal family?" Mares and stallions try to get answers out of me. My computer-like brain goes to hyper drive. >> "No answer!" I teleport me and Echo behind the crowd and run in the other direction. >> "There he goes!" >> "GET HIM!!" I can feel the ground trembling from the crowd of ponies giving chase. I can see Echo on my shoulder, clinging for dear life. >> "Echo! Pinks!" She looks to me, and nods with a serious face. She flares her wings and flies off to go alert Pinks of my current predicament. I continue to run from the mob of news ponies. I run through town square, the park, the market place, even tried to lose them in Sweet Apple Acres. But I couldn't fucking lose them! I know that I can eventually tire them out. But I don't think that'll happen anytime soon... I spot Sugarcube Corner. *YES!!* I make a mad dash and burst through the doors. Closing them as soon as I enter. The mob slams into the glass doors. I hold the doors and windows within my magic. Making them strong enough to hold the crowd back, before they break the windows. They bend inwards as the mob tries their hardest to break in. But I hold my ground. >> "Streaky!" >> "Hey Pinks." >> "Echy told me everything!" >> "Good, do you have any idea why this is happening?" >> "I think it might have something to do with the Free Foal Press." At those words my whole body freezes. My eyes go red as body turns to a dull grey color. The reporters see this and back up, I release the doors and windows from my magic aura. Which turned a dark black color before it dissipated. I slowly walk outside, everypony cowering from me. >> "Can I have a news paper?" I ask them, predictably they don't answer, one brave soul gave me one, I pick it up in my black-colored magic. I read the column about me, I muter to myself as I read it. *Prince Golden Streak; A hero of Equestria. Or evil monster?* There's a pic of me looming over some foals. *Prince Golden Streak has been tricking us this whole time. Prince Golden Streak as actually an alien bent on taking over Equestria! It's only a matter of time until he makes his move. Everypony beware! Avoid 'Prince Golden Streak' at all times!* My body's practically shakes with all the rage flowing through my being. I drop the paper as I run off to go find this 'Gabby Gupms'. This mystery pony's name popped up at the bottom as the author. --------->>>>At the only school house in town<<<<--------- >> "WHERE THE FUCK IS GABBY!?" I found out myself where the headquarters is for this Free Foal Press. Turns out it was the basement under the school house. I enter the room and below out that last phrase, it's deserted in here. *Making this a game huh? Hehehe... This'll be fun.* I go out to look for the CMC. As I just remembered they were the one responsible for all of this... I went around Ponyville, asking the mane six where they saw the CMC head off to, they're still oblivious as to who Gabby is. The lead ended up back to the school house, this time I heard noise from the basement. I land softly and walk quietly to the basement, as I peak in through the door leading to the basement, I hear the CMC leaving. >> *Diamond probably just threaten them... perfect.* The clopping of tiny hooves get a little louder as the girls get closer to the door. I back up as it opens to reveal the girls, faces in pure shock of my presence. >> "Streak? What are-" >> "Get the hell out before I do something I'll regret, Gabby." Their eye go wide. Scoots look like she's about to say something, but seeing how I am at the moment forces her to shut up and walk out with the rest of the CMC. When they leave I face the door again, rear up my right leg, and kick the door open. The colt at the press stops it in shock, a few other foals stop what they were doing to look at me. >> "Excuse me? Who, are, you?" I look to where that voice came from. Diamond Tiara, that little pink bitch, is sitting at a desk. Presumably the chief editor's desk. When we make eye contact her eyes shrink. >> "Diamond Tiara, don't you recognize me?" I teleport right in front of her. "It's me, Prince Golden Streak. The humans life you tarnished with your, 'hot story', as you call it." She stays silent. "I just wanted to stop by and make a request." >> "*sigh* What do you want?" >> *She really is a fucking cunt...* "I just want you to stop making Applebloom, Scootaloo, write bogus articles." >> "And what if I deny your request?" At that I give her my sinister grin. If she's scared she's not showing. >> "I admire your foolish bravery, little foal. As for what I'm going to do..." I hold up both my hands, which thin out to resemble kitchen knives. I made them as sharp as a surgeon's scalpel. When I'm done I get closer to Diamond, Scraping my finger-knives across the table. Leaving deep cut marks. "I'll gut you like a fish if I see more of you 'articles' on the paper." I point a finger-knife right at her throat, by now she's terrified, trembling at my claws. "Do I make myself clear?" She weakly nods. "Good. I would hate it if I had to come back here. And of you try to hide from me, it's no use. If you you publish more putrid garbage on the paper, I will find you. And I will kill you." I straighten back up. "Bye!" I teleport out of there and to my home before any pics where taken. I was lucky Featherweight was still taking pics from around town. Echo's till with Pinks so I spend the rest of my day indoors. Wait for the next day to come. > Chapter 17: Lose Lips Sink Ships > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So! If you can imagine I'm still fucking angry that my name has been tarnished like that. Especially that the CMC have made me look like a monster. And that Diamond, with so little diplomatic authority, is allowing this. Well, more like so fucking pissed off that I over enunciate and act so calm that it's scary. It doesn't help that my magic helps get the point across that I'm fucking pissed off, for anypony. It helps me either way. It's been a few hours since I powered up and now I'm at Twi's place, waiting for the newspaper. When Twi meet me at her door she a little startled. >> “S-streak!? What are you doing here?” I know she’s a little scared of me, why would she be? She didn’t see how I was yesterday… Pinks could’ve told everypony. God dammit Pinkie… >> “Hey Twi, I’m just here to see if the Free Foal Press has published a new article yet. Have they?” At that Twi freezes in fear, one drop of sweat trailing down the front of her face. Starting from her horn, going in between her eyes, and dripping off at her snout. Her face Is all I needed. “Oh they diiiiid! Well, can I see it if ya have one?” Twi weakly nods, her face showing a mixture of fear and confusion. She retreats back into the tree house and I walk after her. I see her going to the kitchen as I take a seat on the only couch in this place. It doesn’t take long for Twi to come back with a newspaper. It floats in her magic aura as she magics it to me. I grab when it got close enough and read the headline. *Monster In Ponyville! Your beloved hybrid monkey-pony is nothing but a monster! Just yesterday he came by Foal Free Press H.Q. and threaten to kill the foals if they didn’t stop producing ‘bogus articles’ as he said. Stay in doors everypony! Prince Golden Streak is nothing but a bloodthirsty monster!* Remember how I said I was extremely pissed of? Replace that with pure rage that can only be represented as a fucking supernova from a mega-giant BLUE STAR!! If you’re a science nerd, you’d know what I’m talking about. If you’re not, look it up on YouTube. Anyway, right now I’m to the point where anger is nonexistent. It turned into pure rage that only a dragon could slightly compare to. >> “Twilight?” She flinches, but still looks to me. “You know how quick I can be to rage, right?” She shakily nods. “And you know what I look like at my highest level of anger, right?” She’s confused, but still nods. “This, what you see. Is not anger at it’s finest.” I pause to gather my thoughts. “This, is pure, unrestricted, calm rage. I’ve only been pushed this far only once. But that’s for another time.” >> “Right now. I need to access the situation. I will return when I have dealt with the ponies at Free Foal Press. Bye!” I teleport to the school house without another word. I teleported to the main floor, guards everywhere. I cast an invisibility spell before I was spotted. *That was close* Dry humor can be a great friend at a time like this. I look around and spot the door leading to the basement. I teleport inside the stairwell, didn’t want to deal with avoiding guards getting here. There were a shit-ton back there. I walk down the stairs stealthy and peer in through the door. The same sight as yesterday; foals working away on typewriters. *How did I not see that yesterday?* That one foal printing. And Diamond Tiara, sitting at the desk smug grin on her face. *You thought daddy had this covered. Didn’t ‘cha? Didn’t even see him up stairs.* While still invisible, I open the door and walk in. Apparently nopony saw that, fucking foals. I quietly make my way over to the desk, when I’m in front of her I kill the spell. Appearing right in front of the little cunt scares her. >> “What the buck!?” >> “HEY! Language.” I say with a chuckle. >> “How did you get here? Daddy had all those guards!” >> “You’d be surprised at what I can do.” She’s about to say something, I cut her off. “As for me being here…” She clams up as I lean over the desk. “I have to say, besides Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. You’re the bravest foal I’ve encountered. Too bad that your form of bravery is in vain at the moment.” My hands turn into claws once again. “I usually never back down on my promises. But I’ll give you this one. I actually thought you’d listen to me. I guess I was wrong, your type of ponies have no care about others.” I scoff at the prospect of her listening to me. “But that doesn’t mean you won’t get out of this unscathed.” *Lying can be so much fun!* >> “Da-!” I teleport us to the desert by Dodge. “ady!” She looks around. “Where did you take me?” >> “The desert. Where nopony can hear your screams.” I grab her with my magic aura. *She’s squirming! Aww! How cute!* I then spawn a table with straps and put her in it. Strapping each limb to the table, immobilizing her, the table’s just small enough to fit Diamond snugly. At this point she’s crying. >> “Let me go! Let me go! I’ll stop! I’ll stop publishing fake columns!” >> “I’m afraid it’s too late for that.” I walk adjust the table so she’s kinda vertical. *Just like in cupcakes.* I grin darkly as one of my claws traces down the middle of her barrel. Not cutting her yet. *No, not yet. At least not there yet. I want to savor all the little emotions that this little filly will give me* Right now she’s whimpering, tear trailing down her cheeks. Just then an idea pops into my head. “Since you constantly make fun of the ‘blank flanks’ how about I take away yours?” her eyes go wide. >> “N-no! Please don’t!” My hand slowly glides of the filly’s body as I walk to the left side of the table. Just then it hits me. >> *Why am I doing this out in the open?* That thought makes me freeze for a second. I shrug as my turn back to normal and snap, my chaos magic puts us in a hole in the ground a couple yards underneath the surface, one glow stone block lighting up the averaged-sized room, and some plants to keep the air flowing for this little cunt. *Much better. Now back to the cutie mark.* I return to the left side of the table and kneel down. *Back to skinning!* I place one knife-like finger to her flank, and trace the circle where I'm gonna cut. After circling it a few times I stop, just above the tip-top of the tiara. I press down on the spot until a trail of red fluid flows. I grin as I slowly carve a perfect circle around it. Meanwhile D.T. Screams and writhes. Trying to break free from the straps, to no avail. Right I strapped her down I used my magic to make the leather straps stronger. Juuuust in case she gets an adrenalin run that might spike up her strength. Anyway, I've already made a full circle. I spawn I bucket of water to rinse off the blood of my hand, and her flank. Now, I have no experience with removing skin off of a body, so at this point I'm just wingin' it. Much like everything else I've been doing so far now that I think about it... I've seen it done on video, so at least I have something to go off on. Based on what I've seen, I need to carefully peel off the epidermis, or the actual layer of skin for those that are not nerds, cause I am one. I carefully wiggle the sharp edge of the knife under the skin. Diamond's screaming her head off in the background. >> *That's surprisingly easy to ignore when I'n doing this...* With my left hand, I place a finger under the incision essentially pinching it as I continue to carve out the circle of skin, squelching noises are heard as I’m able to peel off the rest of the circle. Diamond keeps screaming for me to let her go, and squirming as much as she could. I noticed that her mid drift could allow her a chance of escape if she bent back hard enough. *Gotta fix that.* I spawn some rope and firmly restrain her torso. *Better, now to the other one.* I walk over to the other side of the table and kneel down. Repeating the same process of removing her cutie marks. Making writhe and scream more as I cut and carve into her flesh. I even more satisfying squelching and ripping sounds as I remove more skin. Leaving muscle exposed to outside air. “So, how does it feel like to be a blank flank?” I look to her face, and I think she’s dead. I feel for a pulse in her neck. *Yup, she’s dead* And I wouldn’t be having ANY of that! I wrap a hand around her neck. A blue aura engulfs her body as I use my magic to revive her. A few seconds later her eyes shoot open. >> “*gasp* *cough* *cough* *cough* Wh-where am I?” She looks around the room and spots me. “This is not dream isn’t it?” I grinned widely. >> “Nnope!” >> “That has to be a dream!” She tries to break free. “Why am I still alive?” She mutters to herself. >> “You actually died a minute ago...” >> “I was?” I nod, her face goes blank for a minute. “Why did you bring me back!?” I answer with the Joker’s smile. >> “Because I need to you alive for this!” I grab her horn and chop it off. Producing a loud ‘CHING’ and causes blood to squirt everywhere. *There’s actually blood flow to the horn? Huh...* Diamond lets out a blood curdling scream as blood trickles down her face and body. “Perfect!” I face away from the little filly as I file down the horn. Kinda hard when there’s a layer of skin, took me about five minutes to get rid of the skin and sharpen it. When it’s as pointy as a needle, I turn back to her. “Part 2.” >> “W-what?” By now the bleeding stopped and there’s dry blood on her coat. I loom over her as I trace the sharpened horn right in the middle of the barrel. Starting from her neck and ending in between her hind legs. Blood seeping out from the fresh cut. I then trace two more lines that make an I, Diamond screaming the whole time. I put the horn aside as I use my hands to carve out a large portion of skin, to make a large rectangle revealing her vital organs. Looks exactly like a human has it, except the organs are more brightly colored. At this point Diamond’s just croaking out noises. *I think she might pass right now, can’t be having that…* I use part of my magic to keep her alive, much like Medic’s medigun. *Just gotta keep the magic flowing…* >> “What? Why do feel… better?” >> “Magic.” I say as I rip out the large intestine, along with the small intestine, and the stomach, and the throat, and I think the sphincter too… I cut it off right before the trachea. Allowing her to breath and speak, instead she screams her head off. *I wonder how she’s feeling all of that. Eh...* I throw that thought aside as I continue to rip out ever single organ with in the little filly's body, removing the rib cage before I even start. I started with what looked like the liver, then the pancreas, next is the gall bladder, bladder, lungs, spleen. And finally the heart. At this point Diamond stopped scream and started groaning. I'm guessing that it just feels really weird to have your body torn apart from the inside. And that ever organ I remove is just another weird feeling. "Hey! You still there?" I snap my fingers in front of her face. Her eyes flutter, focusing on my hand for a second. She groans and closes her eyes again. "Cute." I say curtly. "At least you can still hear me, I don't know how my magic is keeping you alive right now." She doesn't respond. "Tough crowd." I return my attention to the cavity in her body, she still has her reproductive organs. *Heh...* cut off the uterus, ovaries, and the middle passage... thing. This is where the gore tag REALLY come into play, hehe, yeah... Anyway, I toss that thing aside. I go straight for the heart, which is still beating. *This must be where my magic is going... makes sense.* I slowly reach it with a knife-pointer, I realize that the last organ is pumping air. I thought, *Eh... might as well make it quick.*. And I do just that, making a quick swipe at the last remaining arteries. I then slowly cut the flow of magic keeping her alive. >> "So long, cunt." I step back to watch life leave the little body. >> "Streak!" Her eyes slowly drift closed, never to open ever, again. >> "Streak!" My vision is slowly turning white. White seeping into the edges. I didn't notice, as I had all my attention on the dying filly. I tear left her eye, nearly closed. >> "Streak!" The world shatters around me, literally breaking like glass, leaving nothing but a black emptiness. >> *Where the hell am I?* >> "Streaky!" A bright ball of light hovers in the air. >> "I think he's waking up!" It gets bigger, and the girls appear in it. >> "Oh finally! I thought he would never wake up!" >> "Hey we all thought he was dead! What were you thinkin'?" She stays silent, by now the window got big enough to fill my vision. I blink because it's making my eye feel weird. When I stop blinking I realize that I'm on the ground, in front of the library. I point of view looks like I'm looking up to eveypony, the girls surrounding me. >> "Streak! You're okay!" Flutters face fills my vision, she's immediately pulled back by a magenta aura. >> "Alright, I'll bite, what the fuck happened?" I asked as I pull myself together. >> "Um... After you read the news paper. You dropped it, walked outside, and... Roared to the sky. Then a bright stream of light shot out of your, face." everypony can tell she has a hard time believing what she's saying. >> "That's what happened? Seriously?" Twi, along with the rest nod. *God fucking dammit. It was all a dream.* "Fucking shit. Well, what happened while I was out?" >> "The CMC admitted they where Gabby, we hated them for a while, and we later forgave them when they apologized on the paper." >> "And I'm assuming that's when I woke up?" >> "Yeah, pretty much." >> "Ok... See ya... I guess." I literally had no fucking clue what to do at that point. I just woke up from one of my darkest fantasies and find out that it wasn't. Fucking. REAL. So at that point a large mixture of emotions. Try dealing with what just happened to me without getting super-mind-fucked. I'm just planning to go home and get my mind out of the gutter with hours of gaming. I found out the other day that the void has internet! Fucking weird I know, don't ask me how it works. >> "Wait!" I freeze in my tracks. >> "Hey Streak!" I spin around on a foot to face them. My face as blank as possible. >> "Yes?" My voice is as stoic as possible at the moment. >> "We wanted to know, if you forgive us, for what we wrote about you. Do you?" They look at me with the most adorable puppy eyes they could muster. I would be mad at them, but they were manipulated by Diamond. I wish to this day that I want to kill her. >> "How could I say no t those faces? I accept your apology." They cheer and run off. "they tend to have too much energy huh?" I ask nopony in particular. >> "Of course they do! They're little fillies after all!" Isn't it obvious that Pinks is gonna do that every single time? "Yeah! Duh!" >> "Ya mind of ya stop doin' that?" >> "Yes!" >> "I'm going home, see ya later Pinks." I little curt I know, but what happened a few second before now and be all peachy. I'm just go home and game for the rest of the day. CYA!! > Chapter 18: A Fucking Train Ride (Last chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's barely been a week since the, 'Newspaper scandal', as I'm calling it. And everything's been sailing smoothly, except the little antics the CMC come up with. Yesterday they tried to get there 'Pirate' cutie marks. If it weren't for me they would've suffered the rapids in the Everfree... Anyway! Right now the cakes have apparently been baking a cake the whole time, and now they've asked me to help transport it to Canterlot, fucking random. The cake they baked’s a big motherfucker, just as tall as me, if not a little taller, I had to keep Echo from jumping right into it. And how could I decline to marvel at such a magnificent cake? So obviously I accepted the task. Right now we're all preparing to transport the cake. >> "Thank you again Streak for doing this. You sure you can do this yourself?"Mr. Cake is still filled with doubt, I smirk. >> “I’m pretty sure.” I take the big fucking cake in my magic and encase it in a magical shield. “I can assure you that as long as it’s under my protection. Nothing will happen to it.” I know it’s a white lie, but I need to let it all happen, the cake getting destroyed by the ninja-donkey. Anyway, with the cake floating my magic, I walk outside, the cake right behind me. I didn’t expect the whole fucking town to make a pathway to the train station. I’m not kidding, two lines of ponies, each starting from the entrance of the bakery. Fealt like I was escorting Tia and Luna. *Awesome. These ponies must be really proud of the Cake’s pastries...* Who wouldn’t be? They undoubtedly the best baked goods in all of Equestria! That’s my opinion anyway. “Wow, does this happen often?” >> “Yeah! We have been the undefeated champions for five years now.” >> “That’s impressive.” >> “Thank you deary.” Dam, Mrs. Cake really is like that mother everyone loved. Or milf if you’re into that kinda thing. Moving on, I walk down the isle of ponies, making my way to the train station. With these ponies guiding me it doesn’t take long, it only took about twenty minutes to get there. While we’re walking along I stop The gang were at the train station a swell, they weren’t facing me so I decided to sneak up on them. >> “When the hell did you all get here?” The only pony to not jump was Pinks. Pinkie sense and everything. >> “Hi Streaky!” >> “Celestia Dammit Streak! You really need to stop that!” >> “Rainbow Dash! Language!” It’s so funny how I can cause this just by saying a simple phrase. >> “Ah’m actually kinda gettin’ used to it.” >> “I’m surprised Dash hasn’t yet.” >> “Go b-” I put a hand to her mouth. Surprising her and the others. Dash looks at me angrily, but looks around and realizes all the foals around, and the scowling parents. >> “Watch yourself.” I remove my hand from her muzzle. >> “Hehe… Right...” >> "Lets just get on with this before anything else happens." I quickly get in the train and walk down the cars. Asking the ponies who work on it where to put the cake. I find directions to the train car and walk there. Hey Streak, You got a sec? >> "Yeah? What's up?" I'm ending this shit. >> "The fuck you mean?" Means you're done bye. >> "What!? HEY! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" You're done, I took away all your powers. Good luck. and like that, this story comes to an end. A/N: I realized that this is another Mary sue story. The one thing I hate, I became. So now this story is at it's end, unless someone wants to take over. Just ask and you will have it. This will not be my last one though, I plan to make more, after I read more high quality stories. Lazy signing out.