> Shadow > by MysticPegasister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prelude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked up in my old cracked mirror. I had a large dash along my cheek. Even though I had just gotten the injury about a hour ago, it was already red and swollen. My vision then shifted from the dash to my large blue eyes. They were red from crying; and even now, tears were still visible in them. "Pinkamena?" I quickly wiped my remaining tears and turned my head. I met the eyes of my big sister, Maud Pie. When her eyes saw my cheek, a look of anger flashed in her eyes. "Are you okay, PInkamena?" she asked. My sister was only eleven at the time--I was six-- but she seemed so much older and mature. I nodded wihout saying a word. Maud then trotted over to me and sat down besides me. "You. . . don't look okay." "I'm fine. . ." I said. Maud gave me a look, but she said no more on the subject of me being okay or not. Instead, she asked, "What made him hit you?" I looked down, not wanting to talk about it. But I took a deep breath and decided to answer her. "I didn't harvest all the rocks I was supposed to. And he got upset about it. He told me that we had to harvest all the rocks before winter. I asked him why it was such a big deal, and then he smacked me. He said children shouldn't speak out of place." "He smacked you, just for asking a simple question?" I nodded. "Maud, is it wrong for me to hate him. . . even though he's my dad?" "No," Maud answered, "I hate him just as much as you do." "What about Marble? Does she hate him too?" "I'm not sure. I've never seen father hit her, but he's never hit me, either. And I still hate him." "I'm not saying he should hit you guys too. . . But why just me? What have I ever done to him?" I asked, looking back up at Maud. "It's because you're different; because you're special. And our father looks down at people who are special." Maud hugged me tightly. "And I know, Pinkamena, that you'll grow up to be a wonderful mare. And, you'll do great things." > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part One: Beginnings ~One Year Later~ I looked up at the pale-ish gray sky as I dug at the many rocks with my hoofs. Sweat was rolling down my face; I had been out here for what seemed like hours. Even though the sky was covered with clouds, I could still see a pale light which I assumed was the sun. It was nearing the end of the sky, and I couldn't be more grateful for that. I sat there and just watched the sun near its end. And as soon as it disappeared over the horizon, I couldn't help but to smile with joy. As I walked back to the house, I thought about my soft bed that would help my aching back. I heard my stomach growl. I didn't realize I was so hungry. Even though I had a deep ache in my joints, I picked up the pace. My mom didn't make the tastiest food, but it's good enough to satisfy a empty stomach. When I reached the front door, I opened it with a slight creak. As I entered the room, I saw my family sitting down at the dining table. Maud, Marbel--my twin sister--, Limestone--my little sister--, and my parents. My dad looked at me, as if I had once again done something wrong. "Did you mine all the south rocks, Pinkamena?" he asked me. I looked down at the floor and began digging my hoof at it. "Ummmmmm. . . Was I supposed to?" I asked. I began to feel scared, like I knew just what was coming. And I was right. As soon as I had said that, my dad stood up from the table. Him and I were only a few feet apart, so it was easy for him to grab my hair with his mouth. I whimpered as he began dragging me by my hair out of the room. "Please don't, daddy!" I yelled. "I'm sorry I forgot! It won't happen again, I promise, daddy! I promise!" As he dragged me, he acted as if I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes. He didn't care if he slammed me into something, he didn't care if I was bleeding or crying. He didn't seem to care about me at all. "I am through with your shit," was all I could hear as he kept on dragging me. he dragged right back out the front door, he dragged me through the rock fields; he just kept on going and going, without stop. Finally, my dad stopped after what seemed like an eternity. I stood up--it hurt so much after being dragged like that--and saw that we were at fences that mark the end of our farm. I was confused. Why, in the wide world of Celestia, would he bring me here? "For your mistake, Pinkamena," my dad said, looking at me with his dark eyes. "You are going to spend the entire night, without diner, mining the west rocks." My jaw dropped. He could not be serious! The west part of the farm had millions of big rocks! I can't dig up all these rocks by myself, it's impossible! "But, daddy, it's t--" Before I could get another word out, my dad smacked me hard a crossed my face. That brought tears to my, and as the tears rolled down my cheek, he smack me again. "Stop being such a whiny pain in my ass," he said, smacking me on the back of my head. "By dawn, all of these rocks will be in east fields. If you fail this time, you're gonna wish you were never born. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, sir. . ." I said. I watched him as he left me alone in the darkness. Maybe, he was just fooling with me. He can't really expect me to do this all on my own. . .can he? I shook my head. He's never given me a reason to not believe his word. If he says I'm gonna be sorry, then I'll be sorry. There's no way around it. I sighed deeply. I had a very long night ahead of me.