An Adventure in Gay

by Shuffle

First published

Shuffle the green horse goes on his first adventure in gay only to find out how much of a pain in the ass it is.

Shuffle was more than familiar with one night stands with the opposite sex, but after weeks of curiosity, he was willing to put himself out for a little something different. He ventures off to the bar in high hopes of finding a lovely guy to do the do with. Luckily for him, there's a charming pink stallion who's just as unfamiliar to gay stuff as he is.

(Author's note/warning: This story is an OC x Canon clopfic, containing the genderbent Pinkie and my OC, Shuffle, so know what you're getting into.)

Prologue to Gay

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A pale green stallion stood in his bathroom, getting ready to go out for the night. He curiously stared down a small white box in his hoof labeled Stay-At-Home Enema. With little confidence, he opened the box and poured the contents before him, shuffling them around a bit and looking back and forth between them and the instructions.

"So I just take this and... oh, um. This is kinda-.. ahhhh mahgahd~"

The Party Scene

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A pale green stallion stood in his bathroom, getting ready to go out for the night. He curioiusly stared down a small white box in his hoof labeled Stay-At-Home Enema. With little confidence, he opened the box and poured the contents before him, shuffling them around a bit and looking back and forth between them and the instructions.

"So I just take this and... oh, um. This is kinda-.. ahhhh mahgahd~"

New Ground

Shuffle sidestepped around the Ponyville nightlife barscene. He had played this game before: patrol around the bar until he finds a girl who seemed interesting, then try to talk them into spending the evening with him, wink wink nudge nudge. Most of the time it was pretty easy. He thought himself a young, cute stallion who was both quirky and flirtatious, especially when he's actually trying to get laid. Every once in a while, he'd get mistaken for a mare. Whenever Shuffle looked in a mirror, he could almost see why: his features came off feminine at first glace. The pale green earth pony had fairly thick eyelashes, a small frame, and a less-than-manly facial structure, all of this topped off with a thick and long dark brown mane that seemed always looked more natural unkept. This look would always get him some strange catcall that ended badly, commonly going something like "Hay baby, how'd you like to come home wi- oh my god I'm so sorry I thought you were-" But this night was different. This night, he was looking for that kind of attention. This night, Shuffle was looking for a stallion.

Shuffle was in a place called Backy's Bar, better known to the town by it's nickname, Club Flank, because everyone learned at one point or another, everyone came there looking to bone. The thorough inebriation of most of the attendants, as well as constant bedroom eyes from everyone around you proved that. If you were even half sober, you could almost see hookups going on before they happen. There's a sign outside the place that states No PDA, but nopony really abides by it, nor do any of the workers enforce it. Seeing kissing and grinding of any gender is pretty much the norm at Backy's. All of this is accompanied by dim lights and upbeat music, along with a heavy musk of sex and booze. The place was pretty much a night club, but wasn't considered one because of it's size. All of this was contained in a medium sized bar like you'd find in the movies. It was really strange, everything seemed a lot smaller from the outside.

Shuffle wasn't sure what he liked in stallions. He hardly knew his type in mares, much less colts. He strolled around to the beat of some weird bass boosted remix of Thrift Shop, scanning out the males in the group who didn't look totally wasted. If there was one thing he didn't like, it was throw up on the breath of the pony he was making out with. It was a weird feeling for him, checking out stallions. It was more natural to him than he had expected. He noticed a couple of colts closer to his age kissing and groping in a non-drunk way by the bar and considered trying to sly into it, but his self-consciousness and respect for privacy shut him down. He moved on, but it almost embarrassed him how much he liked watching the two go at it. The more he looked around, the more hope he lost in finding someone. He moved to a wall and waited for someone to pass by, or to scope out a guy he missed. There was barely any guy who wasn't partying themselves out, and the ones who weren't were either making out already or just looked plain boring. Shuffle had noticed at least four mares who seemed plausible, but he was trying to stay determined."Maybe if I drink a little and get in with the party scene, some guy would come to me" he thought to himself. "But only if I dance in a really gay way..."

Shuffle started toward the bar, but stopped when he heard the music fade into a familiar drum beat, one that almost always got him to dance. Pony Rock Anthem was Shuffle's jam, he knew it word for word, and as soon as he recognized the intro, a smirk spread across his face. He swiveled around and started toward the ponies who were getting really into the music. They seemed to recognize the song as well and were preparing for the electronic breakdown, usually when dancing would get the most... soulful. The party stomped their hooves along to the beat, building up their energy slowly, a few sang along flatly. Ponies got lower to the ground as the drop got closer and closer, making it obvious that they wanted everyone to kick off the jam session with a jump. Shuffle saw his golden opportunity to literally jump in and join the crowd the as the buildup climaxed. He began building up speed, moving toward the partiers with his intentions clear. Shuffle timed a jump and prayed he hit right on the beat. The music when quiet for a second, then came back just as Shuffle's hooves hit the floor in the crowd. The ponies around him exploded with energy and danced freestyle to whatever came naturally to them. Most of them looked like idiots, including Shuffle, but didn't care because they were having a great time. As the lyrics came back, Shuffle moved about the crowd lipping the words to random dancers around him, as he did, more and more ponies joined him in singing along flatly. When the chorus came back around, most of the crowd was singing with him, even some of the ponies around the bar who weren't dancing joined in. As the buildup started again, Shuffle realized a lot of the attention of the crowd was going toward him. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, intending to jump with the second breakdown, the crowd following as he did. Just as the music went quiet, Shuffle popped up a belted the signature and anticipated Everyday I'm Shufflin' and whipped his hair as the beat fell. With his eyes closed and a smile on his face, Shuffle threw his body around rhythmically, keeping a solid circular whip going with his hair. He went on like this until the song slowed down, and he allowed himself to open his eyes and saw the crowd a formed somewhat of a ring around him to watch him dance. In a mixture of embarrassment and ecstasy, Shuffle looked around at the party scene with a big stupid smile on his face. The slow part didn't last long, and quickly gave way to another buildup, this one considerable longer than the rest. Shuffle led the ponies in by practically shouting the repetitive lyrics, and gesturing energetically along with the song. The partiers lowered for the final drop around Shuffle, giving him a satisfying sense of leading. Just as the music climaxed Shuffle could see over the crowd for just a second, and in it, he noticed a bubblegum pink stallion watching the partiers shyly from the far wall. Before Shuffle could get a good look at him, the beat dropped to chorus and the crowd jumped and raved around him, filling gap between the himself and the crowd. Shuffle quickly got back into the partying mindset, keeping that stallion in the back of his mind while he sang along loudly. After one last vigorous session, the chorus fell to fade out, and the party scene began to calm down, at least for now. They had now made another ring where ponies were jumping in and out of the middle and showing off their dance moves. Shuffle smirked at the energy he had quelled in the crowd, then shuffled around the loosely packed dancers toward the bar.

Arriving, Shuffle ordered a plain water from the bartender, and was taken aback when she said it costed three bits.

"Dude! It's water." He argued.

"I don't set the prices." The bartender replied monotonously.

Shuffle rolled his eyes and dug his hoof into his neckbag, pulling out three bits and throwing them reluctantly on the bar. The bartender scooped them up then grabbed a glass and began filling it with water from the soda gun.

"No ice." Shuffle added, grumbling.

The barkeep slid the glass across the table and Shuffle snatched it, downing most of it within three large gulps.

"Three bits." He complained under his breath, looking at the glass frustratedly. He downed the rest of the water and recoiled like his had just taken a swig of vodka. Shuffle took a moment to study the bartender idly as she served other ponies.

"White coat, long violet mane, bright green eyes..." Shuffle observed to himself silently out of sheer lack of anything else to do. He noticed a name tag that was stuck lazily into her hair, most likely because she wasn't wearing any clothes to pin it onto. "Bitz." Shuffle murmured, focusing on it.

"Hey!" An unfamiliar, friendly voice interrupted loudly from behind him. Shuffle, not expecting anyone to come up to him, jumped and released the glass straight up into the air. He fumbled it around when it came back down, trying to catch it with his hooves, but only managed to drop it again, closing his eyes tightly and waiting for the crash. Miraculously, the bartender had lunged half her body over the bar in time to catch Shuffle's glass with a upward facing hoof, all while giving Shuffle an I-don't-get-paid-enough-for-this-crap look. Shuffle forced a humiliated laugh and took the glass out of the air and set it excessively gently on the bar. Shuffle shut his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ward away embarrassment, then swiveled around to look at the pony who wanted his attention. He opened his eyes to see the bubblegum pink stallion clamping a hoof over his mouth to keep from laughing in front of him.

The only word Shuffle could manage was an exasperated "bruh," which only made the stallion lose his cool and burst out laughing, but seeming like he wanted to keep his voice down when he did. Shuffle just smirked and watched him, happy to finally be making some progress with getting laid. The stallion calmed down with a long exhaled "aaaaah."

"I saw you dancing out there." He said. "It was preeetty gay."

"Well that's what I was shooting for, so mission accomplished I guess." Shuffle replied, sarcastically.

"So you are gay?"

"Uhm... Yeah, kinda."

The stallion smiled, looking almost relieved at Shuffle's answer. The silence would be awkward if it weren't for Last Friday Night playing in the background.

"I'm Pi- Bubble Berry." He introduced, breaking the tension.


It got awkward again. Shuffle had no idea how to talk to another stallion, especially one that was coming onto him. He was usually the one doing the coming onto, both in and out of context. Once again, Bubble Berry was the one to break the silence.

"Earth pony, then?" He spoke, checking out Shuffle's body and obviously trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah. You too, I see." Shuffle replied, wanting to continue conversing, but unsure how. He resorted to some things he'd usually ask when he was out for mares.

"Soooo, you from around here?"

"Yeah. I think I've seen you around, too."

"Probably somewhere."

Shuffle saw that this "flirting" was going nowhere fast. He decided to take a chance and be very straightforward.

"Seeing as though you're here, I'll assume you're trying to bone?"

Much to Shuffle's surprise, Bubble Berry took the remark very casually, and replied in a simple tone. "Bone, get boned, whatever happens."


"Ya got me." Berry replied shrugging sarcastically.

Shuffle gave a surprised grin at Berry's attitude, which Berry returned with a knowing smile.

Without warning, the crowd began to get chant rhythmically T-G-I-F, T-G-I-F, T-G-I-F, T-G-I-F! This got loud enough to get everyone in the bar's attention. The partiers appeared the be surrounding a single pony, but Shuffle nor Berry could see what was going on. The crowd opened up at the top of their chant to reveal really classy looking pony with circular sunglasses and a fedora thrusting himself into a saxophone solo on a table that somehow found itself in the middle of the dancefloor. He was getting really jazzy on it when a jacked guy in a tight black shirt cleared through the crowd and scooped the guy off the table. The dancers kept cheering for him as he played his saxophone all the way out the door. Everything seemed to carry, but with much more energy than before.

"So whaddya mean kinda gay?" Berry asked before the awkward silence returned.

"Well, uh. I haven't really done anything with another... guy... before." Shuffle felt his cheeks getting rosy, unsure of how to Berry would react. Berry just grinned, clearly excited to hear what Shuffle had to say.

"So, this will have been your first time doing the do with a dude."

Shuffle returned the smile shyly and nodded.

"Well that's convenient." Berry started. "Because this will have been my first time doing it as a dude."

It took Shuffle a moment to understand what Berry was saying. He face filled with obvious confusion, but flip flopped back and forth before half-understanding and assuming sarcasm. After a moment of silly facial expressions, Shuffle stuttered over a couple words, trying to articulate a question.

Getting his words together, he ended up with "So yyyou used to be a-"

"Mare." Berry finished for him.

"And now you're a-"

"Stallion, yes. Had a unicorn friend do it for me yesterday." Berry cut him off, expecting this kind of reaction.

Shuffle rubbed his face with his hoof. Not a lot of things take Shuffle by surprise, but this was really something he wasn't expecting. He sputtered a "Wow," laughingly. Shuffle decided that this might be a good transition into stallions, seeing as though Berry probably didn't have a lot of experience as one. He could also avoid the embarrassment of breaking some unwritten rule in gay sex or coming off as obviously inexperienced.

"So what now?" Shuffle asked, quelling a hysteric laughter under his breath.

"Wanna get the frack out of here?"

"...Yeah!" Shuffle exclaimed, throwing his hooves up. "Let's get the frickfrack out of here." He echoed, acting as exasperated as he felt and taking on the whole screw it! attitude.

Berry smiled and nodded his head toward the door, then started that way. Shuffle followed somewhat closely behind him, but left himself room the admire Berry's backside.

The Plot Thickens

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The night was warm and humid. Not a lot of ponies walked around the streets at night, so it was pretty lonely except for Berry and Shuffle. One mare was buckled over with one hoof against the wall of Backy's, the other over her stomach and still clutching a handle of jack, looking like she had an equal chance of losing her balance or her dinner at any time. Muffled music could just barely be heard from the outside when the door closed behind the two.

"So where we headed?" Shuffle asked excitedly, nervous but ecstatic to have left with a guy with little effort.

"Hmm. I was thinking the theater." Berry replied idly.

"The... theater? Like, the movie cinema popcorn theater?"

"Yeah, that one."

"I thought we were gonna the do."

Berry looked at Shuffle while he walked.

"Well don't you want to have a little fun before? I mean, just sex isn't the most we could do tonight. Might as well save the best for last, yeah?"

Shuffle thought about it a bit and decided Berry was right. Might as well do something before. He wasn't quite sure if he was ready anyway.

"Besides, Shuffle. The theater plays adult stuff after midnight." Berry reassured, coming off a bit more seductive than he had intended.

Shuffle shrugged and followed next to Berry, smiling again.

* * *

Shuffle was kinda disappointed he wasn't able to admire Berry's plot the whole walk to the theater without coming off as creepy. Berry seemed to like the attention when he caught Shuffle sneaking a glance, but Shuffle tried to hide his red face whenever it happened.

The theater didn't display what pornos they were playing, you just had to ask the teller for a list, which was made infinitely more awkward by the fact that the teller that night appeared to be an excessively awkward teenager by his acne and constantly cracking voice. Berry had him read the list several times, asking for the descriptions of a few in particular, just because he enjoyed how red the tellers cheeks would go when he read them. One particular title caught Shuffle and Berry's attention, just because it was so ridiculous sounding.

"Plot Mountain is playing at 1:20" the teen sputtered, barely managing to keep his voice in line.

Shuffle and Bubble Berry shrugged at each other, then each bought their own ticket to the show. When they got into the theater, the show had already started. They were still going through the awkward intro stage, where the setting of the porn was spoken straightforward to the audience by bad actors trying to act surprised that sex was about to happen. Shuffle and Berry chose seats in the second row, though the theater was pretty much empty beside a guy with an creepily satisfied smile and a trio of colts who were clearly too young to be there.

"Psh, come on. Get to the nast-ay already." Berry remarked just loud enough for Shuffle to hear.
A light red mare in crude climbing gear who appeared to be in a tent came onto the screen.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed with that fake-surprised-porn-actor voice. "The blizzard is really picking up! We could die up here!"

"Well, Cherry Cunt, there's only one things we can do to survive." Another voice chimed. The camera jerkily panned over to her halfway through the line. She was an azure unicorn with pale blue, messy hair who seemed to have a look of constant swallowing of disgust on her face.

"What's that, Cumstar?" Cherry replied with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"In order to survive the blizzard, we must-" The camera zoomed dramatically on Cumstar's face. "Have hot steamy lesbian sex."

Cherry gave a long, drawn out gasp, followed by "Is there any other way?"

"I'm afraid not!"

"Well then, it's a good thing I brought all these sex toys up here!"

Without warning, someone behind the camera showered the actors with a box of vibrators, dildos, love eggs, and other strange looking toys. The two flinched and whispered curses as they bounced off them.

"Oh my gosh." Bubble Berry whispered, clamping a hoof over his mouth to suppress a giggle.

"I think I know that actor. The blue one."

Bubble Berry continued giggling through the rest of the scene, getting louder whenever the lines got a bit too cheesy.

The scene skipped forward to reveal the two mares without any of their jackets, the camera set at a sideshot. Cumstar was standing over Cherry Cunt, who was on her back, licking her lips while she looked down at her. She grinded her hips down on Cherry, which didn't seem like it'd be very pleasurable, but Cherry responded like she loved it. Cumstar forced a kiss onto Cherry, who happily returned it. The camera moved from the sideshot to get a close up on the two's twats rubbing together, with a little too much juice to be natural. The two moaned back and forth, muttering each other's name or a pleasured curse every once in a while.

The scene jumped again, this time to Cumstar putting a love egg on Cherry's clit. Cumstar swiveled around to reassume her dominant position over Chery, levitating the remote to the egg in front of Cherry's face, then clicked the button to set it to the lowest speed. Cherry moaned loudly and breathily, while Cumstar stood over her with a malicious look in her eye.

"They don't feel that good." Berry commented quietly, rolling his eyes. It took Shuffle a second to remember that Berry had been a mare before, and probably had used toys like that.

The camera jumped to a shot of love egg stimulating Cherry's soaking cunt. Another click was heard and the vibrator jumped up in power. Cherry's pleasured moans grew louder, and her hips stirred softly in response. Cumstar began grinding her hips down on Cherry again, taking some of the pleasure from the vibrating love egg. The shot continued for far too long, Cumstar slowly grinding harder and harder on Cherry's clit. After a long, steady increase of speed and vigor, the camera changed to a frontal shot of the scene.

Cherry Cunt began whispering Cumstar's name over and over, followed by "I'm about to-" Cumstar responded by clicking the love egg down a notch, and stating dominantly "Not yet you're not."

Cumstar stepped away from Cherry, the camera following her, and sat down with her legs spread, propping herself up against a packed bag of "climbing equipment." She reached for a can of whipped cream that was conveniently on the floor next to her. She shook it up and sprayed it all over her slit, covering it entirely with white.

"You're going to need extra energy if you want to make it to the climax of plot mountain." Cumstar acted out badly, gesturing to her cream-covered vag. Cherry came back into the camera view, the love egg still running and causing her to drip all over the tent floor. Cherry laid down in front of Cumstar and looked up at her for a second before plunging her tongue into the white mass, licking up a mixture of cream and love juice. Cumstar instinctively put her hoof on the back of Cherry's head and pushed her in further, cooing in response.

"That's right bitch, get in there deep."

Shuffle glanced over at Berry while he was readjusting himself and saw his throbbing member sticking out between his forelegs, a glob of pre accumulating at the top. He had his eyes closed, and appeared to be trying to calm his urges forcefully.

"You alright?" Shuffle whispered to him.

"It's the whipped cream. It's one of my biggest fetishes..." Berry replied through clenched teeth. He looked up for a second, then immediately looked away, letting out a quivering breath.

Shuffle felt like he should do something, but he wasn't sure what to do. He glanced down at his own junk. It was only half chub, but it was getting there. He looked around to the rest of the theater. The creepy guy was still sitting with the exact same position and facial expression as when they came in. The one of the three colts was running his hoof up the and down his shaft, but stopped when one of his friends nudged him and exclaimed "Dude!" in a whispered tone.

Shuffle turned back to Bubble Berry who began sniffling to, Shuffle assumed, hold back a nosebleed. Berry kept sneaking glances up then immediately looking away. Shuffle's mind flustered for something to do. With a brave gulp and a bad idea, Shuffle grabbed Berry's foreleg and led him out of the theater. They luckily avoided any onlookers as they returned to the cinema lobby. Shuffle quickly scanned around the theater for somewhere remotely private. Shuffle scoped out a fairly empty area and led Berry along with him in that direction.

The two ended up in the surprisingly clean and pleasant smelling bathroom. Berry looked desperate for relief. Shuffle began opening stalls down the line and stopped on one somewhere in the middle. He hurried Berry into it and told him to lock the door. Berry tried to protest, but couldn't argue against his throbbing boner. Shuffle heard the door click locked from the other side, then moved to the stall next to Berry's and locked his own door. Shuffle ducked slightly and peered through a cock-sized hole lined with duct tape connecting the stalls. Berry understood what Shuffle intended to do, and gave him a questioning glance, to which Shuffle nodded and stepped away from the hole. Berry positioned himself and fed his dark pink horsecock through the hole, the pre beginning to run down the shaft. Shuffle stared at it for a second, only just realizing how deep his was in. He sat down in front of it, giving him to perfect angle and height to pleasure Berry. He ran his hoof down the length of the shaft and rested it against a thick, pulsating vein at the end. Shuffle took a moment to look down the barrel of the gun he was about to jump. The gun fired another glob a pre in anticipation, which rolled down the head onto the shaft.

Flushing himself of anxiety, Shuffle wrapped his lips around the head, sucking and licking experimentally. He felt the pink member throb in his mouth, a strangely pleasurable feeling for him. Shuffle worked his tongue around the head and tasting Berry's salty pre. He started rubbing the end of the shaft with his hoof, trying to make use of all his tools. Berry bucked forward a bit suddenly, pushing Shuffle backward with it. Shuffle responded by positioning himself more forward, pushing Berry's cock further into his mouth. He gagged a bit, but quickly suppressed it and continued forward. Shuffle closed his eyes and breathed through his nose, testing his limits. He stopped when he had about a fourth of Berry's cock in his mouth, much more than he had expected for himself. Shuffle worked his mouth back and forth up the length he had achieved so far, continuing his hoof movement near the back. Berry let out a quivered breath similar to the one earlier from the other side of the divider. Shuffle was getting comfortable with the rhythmic movement of sucking Berry off. It came almost naturally to him.

He added his other hoof to the back of Berry's cock and sliding it up and down the length where his lips couldn't reach. Shuffle's movements became more fluid as he continued, beginning to develop a method. He could hear Berry's soft moans and heavy breathing over the schlicks of his work. Shuffle sped his pace up a bit, gradually moving down the shaft more and more as he reached the arc of rounds. Shuffle fought against Berry's bucking hips, keeping his head in place and letting Berry slide further into his throat, instead of pushing him back. He felt the entire tool jump and let out a little pre directly into his mouth. Shuffle smiled and calmed another gag as he looked up the length of the saliva and pre caked dong in front of him. He increased his pace to meet the thrusting of Berry's hips. Shuffle repositioned himself further forward to try to comfortably swallow more, though he was hitting his limit. The slow, rhythmic suckling had increased dramatically as Berry came closer and closer. The breathing was now loud and heavy from the other side, along with muffled but satisfied curses and the slapping of Berry's sack against the glory hole. Shuffle took notice of how strongly Berry's hips were going, realizing that he was taking over all the work. He moved his lips up one last little bit, then anchored his head and allowed Berry to mouthfuck him. Berry obliged and increased pace.

Shuffle shut his eyes and repelled his gagging. He felt Berry's medial ring pass by his lips repeatedly, surprised by his own ability. Berry sounded like he hyperventilating with sharp, quick breaths on the other side of the divider, which now matched his powerful and short thrusting. Shuffle felt the cock throbbing in his throat, on the verge of climax. Berry came to a full stride losing all restraint he had on his partner, while Shuffle sat and endured the climax of Berry's powerful thrusting, listening to his pleasure-charged moans filling the bathroom. After a full minute of unrelenting pumping, Berry took three final long, vigorous thrusts, then finished with a blissful exhale, spraying his thick spunk down Shuffle's throat.

Shuffle engulfed Berry's dick with clenched eyes while he sprayed his seed inside him. It seemed like a hefty amount, but Shuffle held in place as Berry juice lined his throat. Only after Berry had finished did Shuffle begin pull away from the glory hole, but was caught by two delayed ropes of warm cum releasing in his mouth, caking his lips and cheeks. Shuffle downed the bulk of it, then fell backwards against the opposite wall with a deep inhale, followed by cum-saturated coughing, sending little droplets all over Shuffle's hoof. Berry's satisfied horsecock fell flaccid against Shuffle's side of the divider, then slowly retracted back into Berry's stall. Shuffle took a moment to catch his breath and swallow down more of the juice in his mouth, laying a hoof on his now filled stomach. He could hear Berry's heavy breathing from his stall. After about a minute, Berry and Shuffle had gathered enough energy to stand themselves up again. Berry's stall clicked unlocked and the door opened, followed by Shuffle's. Berry's cum still lined the outside of Shuffle's mouth like a sloppy tooth brushing job. The two peered into each other's eyes until the silence grew awkward, but Berry didn't know what to say, and Shuffle couldn't speak without Berry's seed dripping out of his mouth.

"...thanks?" Berry tried reluctantly, not really sure to respond to someone blowing him out of impulse.

Shuffle responded simply by spitting a glob of cum off to the side, then pausing before smirked bubblishly. Berry returned with "Well what am I supposed to say?" through a relieved laugh. Shuffle rolled his and shot Berry a whatever look jokingly.

Shuffle noticed a the teenager teller had appeared in the threshold of the bathroom, but was too dumbfounded to say anything or move. Shuffle locked eyes with him and tilted his head curiously, followed by giving him a big jolly smile like his face wasn't currently dripping with the spunk of the pony next to him. The teller sputtered and slurred over a couple of words before marching out with a completely silent with a look of horror and astonishment on his face. As soon as he was gone, both Shuffle and Berry cracked up laughing, Shuffle doing so over a nearby sink to avoid getting any more cum on the tile.

"You should get cleaned up. I think we should call it a night." Berry remarked with a lip of seductiveness.

Shuffle shot him a pair of mischievous bedroom eyes, then turned the sink on.

Slightly More Homosexual

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Leaving the theater with only a few looks of disgust from the staff, Shuffle and Bubble Berry were now on their way back to Berry's place. It seemed a bit more rushed than Shuffle had expected, but the movie kinda forced the mood onto them. Shuffle timidly walked next to Berry, his nerves rising the closer and closer they got to Sugarcube Corner, where Berry called his home, strangely. Berry took notice of this when Shuffle was almost visibly shaking.

"It's... It's just cold out!" Shuffle pouted, trying desperately to protect his pride. Berry just smiled, finding the whole situation cute. He put a foreleg around Shuffle, both to keep him warm and to help him calm down. Trying to stay away from the topic of what happens next, Berry tried to start some awkward conversation.

"So how was it? Your first time with meat in your mouth?"

"It sucked." Shuffle retorted, sarcastically. "Blew my whole night."

Berry laughed quietly and smiled, glad that Shuffle didn't take such a serious tone with anything.

"How was your first time using that meat?" Shuffle followed up, glancing down at Berry's groin.

"What, you don't think I clopped before this? It was literally the first thing I did."

Shuffle smiled back, almost expecting that answer.

"But your muzzle is more comfortable that my hooves." Berry finished.

Shuffle rolled his eyes and snuggled in a little closer beneath Berry's foreleg. They walked in quiet for some time, both fantasizing about what it would be like to be inside each other. Shuffle had only met a few girls who were more dominant than him, so he assumed he was a top, or at least, felt more comfortable as a top. Berry, on the other hoof, had been female for most of his life, and was submissive in most of his previous sexual experiences. Their positions seemed to be cut out for them, but they were already on a night of new escapades, and they both felt a little eager to try the other way around.

They had reached Sugarcube Corner after a walk they had both wished would last longer. The lights were off and the place looked dead from the outside. Berry trotted up to the door and opened it with ease. "Seemed like the kind of place that would be locked..." Shuffle thought to himself, following Berry inside.

"I'm 83.7% sure Mr. and Mrs. Cake aren't going to be back from Las Pegasus until tomorrow afternoon, soooooooo we'll assume we have the place to ourselves." Berry remarked casually, turning on a few lights and leaving the whole environment dim. Shuffle looked around the empty Sugarcube Corner. He had been here before and it was a strange place to see with no one around. The rows of empty tables with chairs stacked on them, along with the abandoned front desk, lacking the fresh baked goods in the window below it, gave Shuffle creeping eeriness, especially in the dim lighting, which he quickly disregarded. Shuffle was almost glad he was hard to see, as it was more likely that Berry wouldn't notice his shaking again. Shuffle forced a tremble out of himself, at least trying to act confident.

"Ssssooooo where are we gonna..."

"Master bedroom, upstairs." Berry cut him off, popping up from behind the front counter.

"If you're ready. I can give you some time if you need it." Berry continued, seeing that Shuffle was visibly not ready in the least.

"...I'll be upstairs." Berry said with a slight bit of hesitation when the only thing Shuffle could get out of his mouth was a long, drawn out "Uhhhhhhhh..."

Shuffle was left alone with his thoughts, which mostly consisted of a steady back-and-forth stream of frantic Top or bottom, top or bottom?'s. He felt just as conflicted as he did when he was first deciding to experiment, how could he have guessed that a second and equally conflicting choice would arise? He hadn't expected this because this really didn't seem like a problem that most stallions would face. In an attempt to collect all his thoughts, Shuffle began pacing circles around the front counter. It didn't take long before Shuffle had found himself in his own big gay existential crisis, questioning if he would even make a good top, or if there are certain tricks to a bottom that he didn't know. He tried to recall every little detail of every sexual encounter he had been in, asking himself if being female was like being born bottom. The whole idea of that seemed silly, so he passed that up quickly, back at square one. He went back to the only gay experience he had: the theater. This arose the question if sucking dick was a top or bottom thing. This arose the further question if everything in the gay community was either a top or bottom thing.

"Is tight clothing and revealing shirts exclusive to top or bottom? Did I come underdressed for being gay? What about... dancing!? Was my kind of dancing really top-ish or bottomly? My hair? My eyes? My ass? WHAT AM I?"

Shuffle stopped for a moment behind the counter when he realized he was way too loud, and taking a moment to assess what he was saying, it all sounded kinda ridiculous. Shuffle noticed something under the counter: a can of whipped cream. He smiled mischievously, remembering its effects of Berry previously.

Snatching the can, Shuffle realized that he didn't want to control Berry, but would rather Berry enjoy himself. Taking a moment to think back, he remembered how good it felt to relieve Berry, though he himself got nothing in return. Shuffle had to think about this for a moment.

With a glance down at the can of whipped cream, Shuffle started up the stairs, deciding he'd do exactly what Berry wanted him to.

* * *

It took Shuffle a couple tries to actually find the master bedroom upstairs. He went into the bathroom, then a nursery, then a room absolutely filled with different kinds of dildos, most of which were mounted on the wall like it was a trophy room. Finally, Shuffle had noticed a door at the end of the hall which was slightly ajar, a dash of dim light peeking out of the slit. Shuffle opened the door and was immediately hit in the face with the smell of burning candle wax, most of which being scented fruitily. The smell actually turned him on... a lot. He took another deep whiff then began scoping the room, closing the door behind him. First of all, Berry seemed to be missing, but was assumed to in the master bathroom, seeing as though the door was left slightly open again. Lit candles lined shelves, drawers, nightstands, and windowsills, turning the seemingly normal looking bedroom into highly romantic sexual playground. A large, low to the ground bed sat against the back wall, complete luxurious red covers which Shuffle assumed would be a bit whiter come morning. A couple of condoms were strewn out on the white shag carpet, one of which Shuffle picked up and stored away. On top of a couple of the drawers sat some strange sex toys, which Shuffle assumed Berry had found in the trophy room. Shuffle nonchalantly walked up to one and began examining them, one of which just looked like a small plushie of Princess Celestia, until squeezed, in which a massive horsecock sprung from her thighs and shot a strand of gooey pseudo-cum, along with a raspy impression of Celestia moaning "I came." Shuffle set it down, intrigued but equally disturbed. He turned around to find Berry standing in the doorway, most likely responding to the moans of the princess. Berry smiled at the humorous sex toy. It was obvious to Shuffle was Berry had been doing in the bathroom. He now was wearing white and baby-blue full-length socks, which Shuffle admitted subconsciously, were really, really cute.

Berry took in a deep breath from the candle, smiling as he exhaled.

"Aphrodisiac candles." Berry commented, complimenting his own work with the room. He caught Shuffle's eye, then took a moment to admire him. Shuffle didn't mind at all, and actually felt special to be getting checked out.

Nodding his head toward the bed, Berry asked "Shall we?" sounding more caring than seductive. Shuffle nodded back at him in agreement, trotting over, hopping up on the bed, and sitting down. Berry followed closely behind, but didn't sit down. He took another minute to stare into Shuffle's eyes, grinning subtly. Just when the awkward silence began to return, Berry stepped forward and pulled Shuffle into a passionate kiss. Shuffle quickly relaxed and accepted this, closing his eyes and returning it slowly. Berry kept moving forward as their tongues collided, slowly pushing Shuffle over until Berry was standing over him. When Berry had nowhere else to push, he pressured the kiss harder and harder. Shuffle put his hoof on the back of Berry's head pulling him in as well. By the time they were satisfied, they pretty much had each other's tongues in their throats. Berry pulled back, leaving a single strand of mixed saliva still connecting their tongues which hung precariously out of their mouths as they breathed heavily. Shuffle felt his member touch Berry's, as they simultaneously realized they had gotten hard without noticing.

Shuffle remembered the can of whipped cream, then shook it up with one hoof and offered it to Berry. Berry's chest gave a little lurch, recognizing the item in front of him. Mischievous bedroom eyed look, he took the can and took a step back from Shuffle. He shook the can, then popped the top off with his teeth, staring hungerly down and Shuffle's cock. Berry the cool cream on Shuffle's balls, coating them very thoroughly before continuing up the length of the shaft. Shuffle instinctively propped himself against his forelegs and spread his thighs, giving Berry a better angle. With Shuffle's dick sufficiently caked, Berry sprayed some in his mouth and gripped himself around the top Shuffle's sheath, feeling his firmness against his hoof.

The cool of the cream alone was enough to make Shuffle bead with precum, combined with Berry's silken sock gave Shuffle a feeling he couldn't quite explain. Berry started low, licking the melting whiteness of of Shuffle's bulging sack, stopping periodically to suckle his nut. He continued his tongue teasing up the sheath, then back down, getting something of a steady rhythm going. Once Shuffle's furry parts had been almost licked clean, Berry ran his warm tongue up the whole shaft, working very slowly to keep his partner at bay. Shuffle throbbed and twitched in return to such a slow delivery, holding back his instincts that told him to rut Berry's throat. Berry cupped Shuffle's balls with his socked hoof as he began to work his lips around the thick head. Shuffle shuddered in response to the sock against his sack, which Berry noted. As Shuffle began to moan and buck in return, Berry pulled back, determined to make Shuffle's experience last. He returned to licking up and down the shaft, beginning to use his whole mouth against the side and feeling Shuffle's cock throb. One of Shuffle's hooves reached up and began working his lower sheath. Berry stopped him with a hoof over his, suppressing his subtle movements. Shuffle retracted his hoof, giving Berry complete control as he began licking the top of the head repeatedly. Berry felt a jolt in Shuffle's balls with every lick. With a playfully light nut squeeze, Berry engulfed Shuffle's head and forged down his shaft, using both hooves to hold the sheath steady.

Shuffle clenched his eyes, finding his instincts harder and harder to fight. Berry got a third of the way down with his first repetition without so much as a gag, showing obviously more skill than Shuffle had. Berry started slowly, making sure Shuffle wouldn't get too close. Berry's pace slowly sped up, but slowed down and began building up again when he got to fast, each time allowing himself to go a little faster than before. Shuffle felt the need to put his hoof on Berry head and work his muzzle for him, but knew Berry was intentionally keeping his pace down, so he held back. Berry gagged slightly when he reached Shuffle's medial ring, stopping for a second to suppress it, then continued on with his steadily increasing method.

Shuffle let out an unintentional "Ahh~" as Berry pace was getting dangerously fast. Berry didn't slow down this time. His pace increased and Shuffle's pleasured moans got more frequent. Berry had finally reached the pace Shuffle had been waiting for, and Shuffle bucked his hips in response. Berry focused his mouth near the tip of the head, working short, quick bursts into Shuffle's uncontrolled thrusting. Shuffle's hoof returned and clopped off his shaft with all his remaining energy while Berry cupped his balls and helped with his clopping. Berry's lip movement turned to long strides up and down Shuffle's lubricated shaft, feeling his cock throb in his mouth as he got closer and closer.

Shuffle passionate mutters of Berry's name and oh yes yessss grew louder and louder, Berry knew Shuffle couldn't hold out much longer, and intended to finish him with a bang. Berry pulled away from Shuffle's dick with a wet, sloppy lick, then advanced on him as he continued to jerk himself off. Berry, once more, pushed Shuffle into a laying position and standing over him, lowering his cock over Shuffle's. With a knowing look, Berry bit a loose part on his sock and pulled his hoof out of it. He put the sock opening over the head of his throbbing boner and ran it up the length of his whole cock, the whole thing fitting loosely. Berry grabbed the whipped cream and sprayed the coolness over the length of Shuffle's bottom shaft. Berry pulled away Shuffle's vigorously working hoof and slapped his cock on top of Shuffle's, sharing the whipped cream with his own member. Shuffle felt Berry hold his shaft up to his, shuddering a bit as the feel of the sock took him over once more. Using a hoof to hold their shafts together, Berry began thrusting against Shuffle's dick. Shuffle quickly caught on and used his own hoof to press their shafts together harder. Shuffle's moans quickly returned as the two got up to pace, both bucking their dicks together and unsynchronized intervals. Just as Shuffle began to get loud, Berry forced a kiss down onto his lips, suppressing his moans through Berry's tongue. Their pace held steady and their kiss fought deep. Shuffle's ecstasy melted his pleasured cries into inarticulate versions of "Berry... Burry... oh Buewwy...ah'm gnnn..."

Berry felt Shuffle's hoof clench up against his cock. With a quick dexterous movement, Berry pulled open the cocksock and pulled it around Shuffle's dick as well. Kicking his pace up one last notch, Berry held the snugly fitting sock around both their shafts. Whipped cream and pre flew and dripped between the two as they reached their limit inside the sock, finally bucking back and forth together. Shuffle's whole body clenched in ecstasy up in response to the sock frotting. With a few powerful thrusts, Shuffle pulled away from the kiss and shot ropes of his spunk through the thin sock, cumming harder than he could ever remember. He collapsed under Berry, still caking his chest with his own seed. When the sock had begun catching the rest of his cum, he went up to kiss Berry again, tasting his own juice more than he did Berry's tongue. The kiss was short, then Shuffle fell back again to bask in his magnificent orgasm. Berry, looking satisfied, stood over him for a moment, happy to see him get off so hard. Berry bathed in the sock full of warm gooey cum still connecting himself to his partner. Feeling fulfilled, Berry slowly pulled the sock off, showering Shuffle's deflated horsecock with a mixture of cum, whipped cream, and musk. Berry looked at the cum-saturated fabric for a second, it's contents still dripping out onto the bedsheet, before throwing it off the bed. It stuck to the wall.

Berry hadn't gotten off, but was glad to see his lover finish as hard as he did. He took a moment to just listen to Shuffle's heavy breathing and watch him bask in his moment of afterglow. It was as pleasurable to him as it was to Shuffle. Despite enjoying his intimate moment, standing over his partner and drinking in his pleasure, Berry quickly became aware of how painfully strong his urges were as well. His throbbing cock bubbled with precum from his last session, and screamed for more. He stroked it quietly to calm himself, but the hypersensitivity only made him harder. A quick glance down at Shuffle, still crumpled on the bed, proved that he definitely wasn't ready for round two.

Swallowing his instinct, Berry lowered himself and buried his face once more in Shuffle's crotch, licking around his groin and lapping up a bit of his cum. Shuffle cooed softly in response, still too blasted to resist. Berry dug underneath the spent, floppy horsecock, and wrapped his tongue wrapped around his partner's pale green balls. Though Shuffle didn't say anything, Berry new his was still enjoying himself and slowly recovering. Berry took the entire sack inside his mouth and suckled them gently. At this point, Berry had just been milking it, both Shuffle's cock and his performance. A glob of cum rolled off Shuffle's shaft on onto Berry's face just as he released the pony's nuts and continued downward. Though the angle wasn't great, Berry found him tongue underneath the cum-logged looseness of the pale green sack. Shuffle felt his hot his breath against his backdoor and arched his back a bit to allow Berry easier access.

Elated to see Shuffle gaining his strength, Berry ran his tongue up against Shuffle's virgin butthole, keeping his gentle and caring touch as he did. Being rimmed was an entirely new feeling to Shuffle, but a graciously welcomed on. He laid back and relaxed, allowing his balls and floppy horsecock to rest against Berry's cheek as he licked him out. Pleasuring Shuffle with his tongue was the only thing keeping Berry's urges to fuck him silly at bay, so he licked a little deeper, feeling his own painfully throbbing horsedong beginning to make a puddle of pre on the bedsheet. Shuffle's breath quivered as Berry's tongue penetrated him, slurping in and out, much to his pleasure. The more he licked, the more Shuffle cycled between tensing up and relaxing completely. Berry wrapped his hooves around Shuffle's stirring hips and dug his tongue in further, twisting and lapping it up inside him. Shuffle felt himself melt to the wills of Berry as he licked tiny circles inside him. He turned himself over onto his belly and flaunted his ass high in the air invitingly, closing his eyes and expecting the gentle warmness of Berry's tongue on his anus to return to him.

Much to his surprise, Berry mounted him from behind and prodded his dripping horsecock against Shuffle's unused hole. Shuffle panicked and spun his head around just in time to see frantically Berry squirting a bottle of lube from his mouth sloppily over his member, and some on Shuffle's asshole. Berry tossed the lube bottle out of his teeth and rubbed it over the entirely of his cock, still threatening to penetrate Shuffle with every minuet involuntary hip thrust. Shuffle made worried eye contact with him, making it clear that he wasn't sure if he was ready. Berry returned the look with something of an apologetic peer just before lurching forward and popping Shuffle's cherry.

Shuffle let out a muffled yelp against the sudden, intense pain and pressure in his ass. He buried his face in the sheet and bit down forcefully on his hoof, trying to cope with Berry's girth. Berry pushed deeper into the inner walls of his lover, trying to pace himself, but his horny stallion instincts were getting the best of him. He thrusted further and further against Shuffle's resistance until he felt his medial ring against the outside of his opening.

"Gyah~! Please, slow down!" Shuffle whimpered.

"You just- need to relax."

Berry held himself back from rutting his partner to give him to warm up to being penetrated. Shuffle took deep breaths and tried to let his muscles go limp, but his inside felt like they were being set on fire. Shuffle's pained cries grew and grew as he felt Berry's cock throb deep inside him. The presence of Berry within him became more vivid as Shuffle screamed, until finally the pain seemingly disappeared, and all that was left was a fullness in Shuffle's butt. He breathed heavily, finally relieved of his agony.

"Y-You alright?" Berry asked through the fresh silence. Shuffle let the nothingness fester until he built up the strength to stutter "G-Go d-deep-per."

Berry smirked and whispered "That-a-boy."

He pushed further into Shuffle's lovehole. The pale green pony arched his back as Berry ventured into Shuffle's limits. Shuffle braced himself as much as he could, still feeling a twinge of pain, but most was drowned out by pleasure of Berry's stallionhood slowly inching in. He felt Berry's hips collide gently with his plot, and his balls with his own.

"I think this is of-ficially gay now." Berry joked, pushing little thrusts against Shuffle's ass, making their nuts to wap together softly

Shuffle laughed quietly, feeling his sack bounce against his lover's.

"Sh-shut up and do me, you big gay dork."

Berry, glad to see Shuffle was finally enjoying himself, began his slow, rhythmic humping. Shuffle rested his cheek and clutched the bedsheet with his hooves, drinking in his partner's love.

Berry's pace quickly rose to accommodate his own urges, to which Shuffle didn't protest. Shuffle moaned as he felt Berry's balls slap against his thigh as the lubed horsecock schlicked in and out of his sensitive nethers. Berry bit his lip as he sped his pumping, listening to the sounds of Shuffle's hushed moans. He continued to thrust forward, lovingly anticipating the quiet, pleasured cry every time his hips ground against Shuffle's. Berry brought himself out to a steady pace, bucking with long, deep strokes.

Shuffle just relaxed and accepted Berry's pounding, moaning almost involuntarily every time he exhaled. The longer Berry went on, the less Shuffle found himself able stand. He slowly sank lower into the bedsheets until he had fully collapsed with his hind legs skewed to the sides and his floppy horsecock lazily peaking out backwards from his flank. Berry took advantage of Shuffle's position to stand completely over him to thrust as deeply as possible.

Berry rocked Shuffle's entire body forward with every powerful thrust, Shuffle beginning to pant quickly, letting out little quivering moans with every breath, passing hotly over his listlessly hanging tongue. He senses were numbing out from the intense pleasure, putting Shuffle into his own little world of pure bliss and ecstasy while Berry fucking him silly.

Berry ground his body downward onto Shuffle's, his chest tuft now rubbing against his partner's back fur when he pumped forward. He began licking at Shuffle's neck lovingly, drinking in every second of his orgasmic trance.

Though focused on pleasuring Shuffle more than himself, Berry couldn't help but feel his desire rise up in his belly, aching for sweet release. Without even noticing, Berry had sped up significantly, now thrusting in and out of Shuffle at a pace that rehardened his lover's spent horsecock. Fearing slowing would disconnect Shuffle from his blissful daze, Berry pressed on, thrusting passionately and moaning involuntarily to himself, tensing up his muscles and trying to hold back the inevitable.

Shuffle drooled onto the sheet, too lost to care about the juice leaking out of his mouth, nor the pre collecting at his tip. He could just barely make out the faint, muffled sound of Berry moaning as he bucked into him. He smiled and closed his eyes, happy to hear his partner enjoying this as much as possible.

Berry blushed deeply, his long, pleasure-charged moans, along with the moist, lubed grinding of his passionate lovemaking filled the room as he felt himself pass the point of no return, slowing down to hold himself out little longer against the quickly rising feeling in his hilt, straddling the edge of spectacular orgasm.

"D-Don' huld it b-bahck, Bewwy..." Shuffle slurred into the air, putting all his concentration into articulating words.

Berry was stunned for a moment, astounded Shuffle could speak in the state he was in. With a burst of determination, Berry dug his hooves into Shuffle's side and thrusted forward with all he could give, bringing his lover to and causing him to spurt what little cum he had left in him onto the sheet as Berry rutted him, both partners moaning and panting in imperfect sync. Berry let out a quickly rising "AaaaaaaAAHHHH~!" hitting a high point and holding it, and with a final few drawn out bucks, Berry threw his head back, his eyes rolled back into his head, and his body quivered as he came inside Shuffle's tailhole passionately, squirting audible cum shots inside him as his entire cock throbbed and twitched violently, emptying his sack with spectacular orgasm.

Berry pumped Shuffle full of his warm stallion spunk for a solid twenty seconds before collapsing his weight over his lover, who had already passed out in resting cum face from sheer pleasure. Berry slid off, taking his weight off Shuffle, but keeping his deflating member lodged within him. Berry cuddled up to Shuffle's side, enjoying the warmth as afterglow resonated through his body. Catching his breath, Berry wrapped his hoof around Shuffle's ragdoll body, rolled over onto his back, and hoisted the smaller pony up on to him, their chest fur pressing together as Berry's cock remained nestled in his lover, capping all his cum inside Shuffle's rectum.

Berry smiled, feeling the rise and fall of Shuffle's chest against his, while his breathing lifted Shuffle's body entirely. He draped an exhausted, pink foreleg over Shuffle's back, cuddling him as he began to doze off. Berry only opened an eye once to see Shuffle drooling onto his fur, still retaining his cum face.

"Little baby couldn't quite take the heat..." Berry mumbled with a satisfied smirk, just before closing his eye and drifting off to a deep, afterglown sleep.

Shuffle's Sore Rump

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Late next morning, Shuffle awoke to the sensation of a tongue playfully licking his snout. He clenched his eyes, stretching his forelegs outward then using one to rub an eyelid as he opened the other groggily, focusing slowly on Bubble Berry aimlessly tonguing away at his nose, smiling like it was some sort of a prank. He opened his other eye and blinked vigorously, staring at the sunlight-illuminated Berry.

"Oh good! You're awake!" Berry said with a smile.

Shuffle simply groaned sarcastically in reply, then put his hooves to the bed and tried to stand up, but was caught with a sharp ache in his rump, along with a hefty amount of dried cum around his nethers. He crumpled back down on top of Berry, not ready prepared to ward off the pain.

"Oop, you alright?" Berry asked with care in his tone.

Shuffle made another attempt at standing up, this time feeling all his bones ache along with the particularly intense pain around in and around his anus.

"Yeah... I'm good. Just not ready for an ass-ache this early in the morning." Shuffle joked, trying to take the after effects of losing his anal virginity like a woman.

"You get that for quite a while afterward." Berry stated sympathetically, rubbing the back the back of his own neck.

Shuffle winced a bit, collecting himself looking around the room. The candles that lit up last night's lovemaking were now thoroughly burned through, light now filling the room from a window that Shuffle swears he doesn't remember being there the night before. The sheets were ruffled and crusty from the loads released upon it, and the cum-filled stocking was still clinging to the wall where Berry threw it.

Shuffle turned his attention to dried cum on his aching rump, most of the scene after Berry mounted him blurred from his memory. He rubbed at it with a forehoof, some of it flaking off and spreading. Idly, Shuffle shook the flakes away, turning back to Berry who was just laying beneath him, watching him lovingly.

"You came inside?" Shuffle asked Berry with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk, displaying the dried cum sticking to his hoof.

"You practically begged me to." Berry shot back, catching Shuffle's sarcastic tone.

Shuffle just rolled his eyes and shook his head, then tilted his head to the side and massaged the exposed area with his clean hoof, wincing again.

Berry's smile fell a bit, upset to see Shuffle so sore because of him.

"Sorry." He said, feeling discouraged.

"Don't be." Shuffle replied reassuringly.

"It hurts so good." He followed up, trying to prove to Berry he was alright with a cheap laugh.

Berry smirked a little then looked away. Shuffle, not convinced, put his hoof on Berry's cheek and gazed into his eyes.

"Hey, I'm alright. I wanted this." He said in a gentle, genuine tone, taking another approach.

Berry smiled lightly back at Shuffle, looking back into his eyes. Seeing him feeling a bit better, Shuffle planted a soft kiss on his snout, then stepped away and climbed off the bed.

"We should uh- probably get cleaned up." Berry said, standing up against his own mild aches and walking over to the stocking stuck to the wall. He reached up and wrapped his hoof around it, and tugging on it. When it didn't budge, he put more strength into it, but it still wouldn't move. Berry pulled and pulled on it with all his might, propping a hind leg against the wall to push off with even more force, but it clung still. Only when Shuffle came up behind Berry and pulled on the stocking with him did it release from the wall and whip off with near lethal force, hitting the bed and ricocheting off into a burnt out candle, sending it topping to the ground.

The crashing settled, and the two shrugged, silently agreeing that it wasn't their problem, though they didn't know whose it was supposed to be. Berry cocked his head toward the master bathroom, then started into it. Shuffle stood awkwardly around, rubbing the back of his neck with his hoof until Berry popped out of the threshold and beckoned him in.

Berry was turning on the shower when Shuffle entered, thinking it was only customary to take a shower together after the rough night. He was met with the shiftily standing, blushing Shuffle when he turned around, silently observing the bathroom.

The bathroom was large, easily able to accommodate the married couple that usually occupied the space. The walls were painted a clean coat of warm maroon, accented by light grey tile, a circular black rug which matched the toilet cover, and pearly white, long counter along the left wall, complete with two separate sinks and a mirror spanning almost the whole length. The shower was much larger than average as well, the outside closed off by two opposite glass doors, opening up to a white, rectangle interior with two different shower heads.

"You feelin' alright?" Berry asked with an encouraging smile, then went to bite his stocking and pull his hoof out of it and tossing it aside.

"I've never showered with anyone else." He replied, shooting a shy smile toward Berry before diverting his eyes back to the floor.

"What, are you afraid I'm gonna look at your dong?" Berry joked in hopes that sarcasm would lighten the situation while trying to step on a loose part of his sock to take it off.

Shuffle stifled a grin and looked up a bit. He swiftly swiveled around to display his plot to Berry whipping his tail around playfully.

"How bout you take a looooooooong look!" He played along.

"I think I will. Shake it, baby." Berry shot back, leaning casually against the sink.

Shuffle continued to whip his tail around, showing off his booty and adding in some exaggerated kissy faces until he and Berry simultaneously broke out into laughter.

Shuffle turned back around, facing Berry with a stupid smile he couldn't seem to get rid of, and his face only made Berry return the look. The two took a bit just to look at the other's grinning face, sharing a moment loving inner-fuzziness, broken only by Berry asking "Anyone ever tell you you're really cute, Shuffle?" He blushed and looked away, making Berry laugh a little bit, only finding him more adorable to be embarrassed so easily.

"No I'm serious!" He said through giggles.

Shuffle hid his face in one of his hooves and stifled an overjoyed smile, peeking out at Berry occasionally. Berry walked over to the embarrassed stallion and threw his foreleg around him, pulling him in and rustling his hair affectionately.

"Really, really, really, cute." He repeated while messing up Shuffle's mane.

"Thanks." Shuffle squeaked, muffled through his hoof.

The feeling of Berry enveloping him seemed to make all his embarrassment fade, replaced by a warm, fluffy feeling in his stomach. He tucked himself into Berry, shaking his mane out against his hoof.

Berry smoothed Shuffle's hair back lovingly until he noticed steam clouding the glass shower doors. Though he didn't want to, he moved away from Shuffle and over to the doors, opening one and ushering the littler pony in. Shuffle reluctantly entered, having wanted to have stayed held by Berry.

Shuffle stood under a drizzle of water and wet his mane and coat, the warmth melting away the ache in his bones. He closed his eyes and let the shower water barrage his face as Berry entered the shower behind him and closing the door behind himself. Shuffle opened his mouth the the shower head and allowed the water collect in his mouth, then spit it out in a weak stream when it overflowed. This repeated mindlessly a few times until Shuffle shook himself out of the relaxing daze and began running the water through his long, thick mane.

Berry, a couple feet from him at the other shower head, let the water wash over his body. He turned for a moment to see Shuffle struggling to keep his moist, matted hair from getting into his mouth. He smirked a bit, seeming to find every little thing Shuffle did adorable in it's own way.

"How do you manage that thick mass you call a mane?" Berry asked half jokingly, turning around completely and letting the water run down his back and tail.

Shuffle peeked around from his long bangs, smoothed it into a sopping swoop with his hoof and turned around to face Berry.

"Conditioner, mostly." He answered, mimicking Berry's half-sarcastic tone.

"Oh, well I think Mrs. Cake has some of that right over here!"

"Jokes on you because I already use female shower products. Makes me smell all fruity."

"That works well cause you a fruitcake."

Shuffle took a second to laugh lightly, then, badly suppressing giggles and speaking at the same time, he asked "D-Did you just call me- a fruitcake?" acting like being called a fruitcake was some ancient insult to him, though he couldn't help letting little snickers escape his mouth.

"Yeah. Kinda taste like one too." Berry replied with a fake, exaggerated lip of seductiveness, gesturing down to his groin.

Shuffle opened his mouth to sass something back, but couldn't hold himself back any longer and burst into laughter, which only made Berry chuckle alongside him with satisfaction.

When Shuffle recovered, he whipped around and filled his mouth with water, then turned back to Berry and spat a long steam into his still-laughing face.

"Hey!" Berry protested at the giggling Shuffle as his face dripped with warm water, then gathering a mouthful of his own and spitting it back at Shuffle, to which he retaliated the same way. This, of course, thrust the two into an improv shower spitting water war full of chortles and chuckles. When Shuffle realized he could use his wet mane as a weapon, he smirked and began whipping it around wildly in Berry's direction and would have soaked him had he not already been waterlogged. The water streams stopped momentarily when both Shuffle and Berry stood off, cheeks full of water and ready to fire, shooting phony threatening glances at each other. Swiftly, Shuffle jumped forward and unloaded a few inches from the stallion's face, and Berry only managed to spray his water onto Shuffle's chest, but both found themselves laughing at water sprinkled down upon them until Berry subtly pulled Shuffle into a tender, affectionate kiss.

Shuffle was caught off guard, but quickly closed his eyes and fell into the loving gesture and kissing back. Berry reached a hoof up and rested it against the smaller colt's cheek, letting his caring instincts take over his gentle lip movements. As the moment went on, their entwined tongues slowly grew more passionate, though never getting deeper. The warm feeling in their stomachs paired with the sweet taste of each other's lips was enough to make the two melt into each other.

The two lost track of how long the kiss went on for, but it eventually got lighter and lighter until their lips were no longer touching and the took a step back to just look at each other with little satisfied grins. Without warning, Shuffle lunged forward and wrapped his forelegs around the back of Berry's neck, pulling him into a tight, loving hug. Berry awkwardly put his hoof around Shuffle's back and pulled him into his chest, then rested his chin on his head.

"Thank you." Shuffle said through an overjoyed smile he couldn't fight, nestle himself into Berry's chest tuft while still clamping around him.

"What for?" Berry returned, slightly confused by the whole situation.

Shuffle paused for a moment to experience the body pressed up against Berry's while both shower heads rained down from opposite directions.

"Caring for me in the way you did."

Berry's own smile perked up and he nuzzled his cheek affectionately through Shuffle's hair.

"What's gonna happen to us, Berry? After today?" Shuffle asked, his face mushed up against Berry's chest fur.

"What do you think is gonna happen?"

"This was only supposed to be a one night stand, but the way you hold me makes me want to rethink that."

The shower would have been quiet if not for the constant batter of water against the tile. Shuffle let his weight fall against Berry and kept his tight hug consistent.

"I don't know. I've never seriously considered a relationship, especially with a guy, before today."

Berry kept silent and let Shuffle speak his mind, feeling the indecision and tension in the same way he did. Shuffle unclamped his hooves and took a step back, gazing into Berry's eyes, his pupils darting back and forth as his mind wandered.

"Would we even work, Berry?"

"Shuffle, I know you're a little scared, but you've gotta make the call on this one."

Shuffle became silent with indecision, his eyes slowly falling. Berry reacted quickly to keep things from getting too emotional.

"Tell you what. How about you keep coming back to the bar, and if you ever feel like you want to be a little more with me, I'll be around. If not, well I'd be more than willing to spend another night with you. Sound good?"

Shuffle's head slowly came back up and a smile returned to his face. He nodded, finding the smile he had before. Once again, he jumped forward and hugged Berry with all his might.

"Thank you."

A Big Gay Ending

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After the shower, Shuffle and Berry felt more than rejuvenated. Seeing no more reason to stick around, Berry walked the little green stallion out to the door of Sugarcube Corner, then gave him a little farewell kiss on the snout. Shuffle giggled a bit, then waved him a short goodbye, then got on his way back home. As he walked off, Berry called behind him "See you at Club Flank!"

"You too, you big, gay dork!" He yelled back, then repeated under his breath with a little smirk.

"You too.