> Gleaming Armour > by TheWraithWriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just Introduce a Little Chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gleaming Armour “And you are sure this information is correct?” Celestia asked, looking up from the scroll to the messenger. The stallion nodded once. “Yes, Princess. Captain Nightingale herself wrote the report.” Celestia furrowed her brow and looked over the scroll again. Eris was known for going on little jaunts, but what in the name of Tartarus was she doing all the way out there? Celestia didn’t really care. She just wanted Eris back here now. But it wasn’t like she could go herself, ponies would notice. And sending the Royal Guard would have the same effect. Hm… what about just one royal guard? “I need you to fetch Knight Armour immediately,” Celestia said to the messenger. “I don’t care what she’s doing; this takes priority over everything else.” The messenger bowed quickly and scampered off to go retrieve the captain. “Oh… yeah, that’s nice,” Gleaming Armour groaned, her back arching slightly as her legs became tangled up in the bed sheets. She was in her own bed, of course, enjoying some of the more carnal pleasures in life. Specifically, the latest in a series of erotic novels. The premise was completely absurd (A guard captain going of adventures that always ended in sex with a myriad of partners), but it had pictures and the prose wasn’t too bad. Although, if she was being completely honest, the mare with the three-toned blue mane would much rather be sharing her bed, with the sunlight streaming in on her and her partner. Not sitting there alone with the window shut, curtains drawn, door locked, and a few tissues. Still, her fingers and stories of a strong, handsome, and well-endowed captain were better than nothing. She had been at it for at least ten minutes now; sweat beginning to prick her skin, and the smell of her permeating the air. She would probably have to do something about that, open a window or something. “Wow…” the white unicorn gasped softly, feeling her climax rapidly approaching. “How do you even get in that-?” Her musings at the captain’s current lover, a rather flexible zebra, were cut short by a knocking on her door. “Gleaming Armour? Your presence is requested,” a voice said through the door. “Fuck,” Gleaming hissed, clenching her teeth as she teetered on the precipice of orgasm. Why now? Argh! Un-sexy thoughts, un-sexy thoughts. The shower room before cleaning day. The cook in the mess. The food in the mess. As Gleaming tried to keep her thoughts as libido killing as possible, she was scrambling to untangle herself from her bed and get dressed. It was only after she had grabbed her pants that she noticed she had neglected to first clean her hand. Muttering curse words, she dropped the article of clothing and tried to find the tissues, only to see they were lost in the now tangled mess of her bed. “Knight Armour, are you alright?” the voice asked. “Give me a moment!” Gleaming shouted through the door, deciding she could just get new sheets later and wiped her hand clean on her bed. She was struggling into her pants when she realized the book was still laying open on her bed. Growling, both at her carelessness and at the way the cool cloth felt against her body, Gleaming decided to forgo the pants for the moment to hide the book. The only problem was the pants decided to pool around her ankles and trip her. She landed on her side on the bed, somehow bouncing the book into an upright position. And it of course turned to the page she kept revisiting. The captain laying beneath a strong-will mare, both just beginning their shared climax. “Fuck it,” Gleaming swore as she pulled her pillow close, stuffing a corner in her mouth while pushing her fingers between her legs. She bit down hard on the pillow, muffling her cry with clenched teeth. Her hips rocked as she felt her hand become wet along with her thighs. A feeling of pure ecstasy flowed through her. And then, in an instant, the feeling of ecstasy was gone, leaving her shivering and drenched in sweat, chewing her pillow. “Knight Armour?" The voice on the other side said hesitantly. Gleaming spit the pillow from her mouth, smacking her lips trying to get the cotton taste to go away, and turned an irritated and tired eye to the door. “Go away,” she said, sighing as she pulled her now slick and sticky hand from her thighs. “Knight Armour, I am here on the Princess’ orders. She wishes to see you right away.” Gleaming swallowed painfully, her throat suddenly dry. “Just… just give me a moment.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK. Gleaming could not help but repeat the word over and over again in her head as she followed the messenger to the throne room. It wasn’t that she was about to meet with the princess, she done that a dozen or so times before. What was the problem was that she had not had time to bathe, to rid herself of the smell of shame and mare-cum. A problem she was acutely aware of with every breath she took. The messenger had wrinkled his nose when she emerged from her room, sweat staining her fur and clothes rumpled. She knew he knew what she had been doing, but she could tell what his reaction was. Indifference? Disapproving? Was he fucking getting off on it? Gleaming actually couldn’t care less what some messenger thought of her. He could be dead inside of a week what with the perils of his occupation. What she dreaded was the princess noticing. Imagine creaming your pants and then having to talk to your boss. The doors to the throne room were opened and the messenger announced her. Gleaming barely glanced at the stallion as she moved past him and into the throne room proper. The room was smaller than one might think. Oh, it was tall enough to contain several massive stained glass windows, stretching dozens of feet high, but the room was only a few dozen paces long and perhaps two dozen wide. Gleaming stood at one end, only walking in far enough do the doors wouldn’t hit her as they closed, and at the other, sitting on her throne, was the last mare other than her mother Gleaming wanted to see right now. The throne itself was simple, smooth white marble with some cushioning for comfort, but it was the mare in it that was amazing. Princess Celestia was often called the paragon of Equestrian beauty, and with good reason. Her coat was white like snow, with just the barest tinge of pink and her multi-colored mane was ever silky and radiant. Her eyes and smile were as warm as her sun, and her figure had been the cause of more than a few spontaneous marriage proposals. But at the moment, Gleaming couldn't care less about a single one of those things. What she did care about was the way her pants kept sticking to her thighs. The doors closed behind her with a dull but solid thump, which soon faded into nothingness, leaving only silence. "Leave us," Celestia ordered the guards that flanked her throne. Each bowed respectfully before turning and marching out through doors on either side of the room. When those doors too did close, Gleaming found herself alone with the Princess. "Gleaming Armour, are you feeling okay?" Celestia asked after a moment, a note of concern in her voice. "Of course," Gleaming answered automatically, standing a little bit straighter, trying to force a smile onto her face. Celestia nodded in acknowledgement, but the look of concern did not leave her face entirely. The alicorn shook her head slightly and then rose from her throne and began descending the stairs. "Gleaming Armour, I am afraid a matter has come up that requires discretion and expertise." Gleaming's ears perked up, her embarrassment temporarily forgotten. Celestia reached the floor and continued to approach the unicorn. "Are you familiar with Discord?" Gleaming nodded. Who wasn't at this point? Kind of hard to miss a spirit of chaos tearing reality a new one. "Discord is not the only of his kind," Celestia said, still approaching. "There is another. A younger creature. Her name is Eris and until recently, she has been a guest in this palace." Gleaming tilted her head to the side. "What?" Celestia stopped when there was but a few feet between them. "I am afraid further details are not required at this time. It shall suffice to say that she has been here for a while, confined to the castle with me as her guardian, for the most part at least." Celestia sighed. "The trouble is, she has a habit of... skipping out, as it were. Usually it's just to go play a prank on some noble and she's back before I even notice, but this time she's gone all the way out into the Everfree Forest." Celestia closed the distance to perhaps a foot or two, reminding Gleaming that despite her own impressive height, the Princess stood at least a head taller than her. The alicorn gently took one Gleaming's hands. "I need you to retrieve her, Gleaming. And with all that has happened as of late, I need you to be discrete about it," Celestia said. Gleaming nodded. "Of course Princess." Celestia smiled warmly. "Thank you." The princess was about to release Gleaming's hand when she paused, taking a sniff of the air. "...Miss Armour," Celestia said slowly. "Have you been... entertaining yourself?" Gleaming froze for an instant before turning a very bright shade of pink and began sputtering an excuse. Celestia silenced her with a gentle finger on the lips. "Shh," she said softly. "There's no shame in that, Miss Armour. Everypony does it now and then." Celestia leaned down so they were at eye-level. "Everypony," she repeated with a wink. Gleaming smiled awkwardly and nodded, still acutely aware of burning blush on her face in addition to the stickiness of her thighs and the scent that she gave off. Celestia released Gleaming's hand with a soft giggle and said, "This is a priority, Gleaming, so you will be leaving as soon as you can.” Gleaming nodded. “Of course.” She paused for a moment before asking, “Princess Celestia?” “Yes?” “This Eris… is she dangerous?” Celestia appeared to think on this for a moment before replying. “She won’t try to kill you, if that’s what you’re asking. She might try running or tricking you, but she is not malicious.” Celestia brought a hand to her chin. “But, you should still go in armed. The Everfree Forest is not the most… hospitable place.” Gleaming nodded her understanding. “I won’t fail you, Princess,” she said with a salute. A full day later, Gleaming was making her way through the Everfree Forest. She had left Canterlot the day before, boarding a train with a cloak wrapped tightly around herself, her armor and sword hidden inside a large pack. She disembarked the train a few stops before Ponyville, spending the next hour walking to an inn located not far from the forest’s border. After spending the night, she had gone into the Everfree after breakfast. And now, hours later, all she could think about was how ill-equipped she was for the place. The path she followed was quite faint, disused and choked with undergrowth. Undergrowth her sword was having difficulty cutting through. Finally, after wasting what she saw as far too much time trying to hack her way through a particularly thick tangle of vines, Gleaming decided to simply take a quick detour around it. She had taken not a dozen paces before there was a snap as a vine was pulled taunt. The vine in question wrapped around her left ankle and pulled her off balance and then into the air. She let out a rather undignified and hi-pitched shout, loosing her grip on her sword as well. “Well fuck!” Gleaming shouted as she looked at the upside down scenery, gently swinging back and forth. The unicorn let out a tried sigh and she pulled a knife from her belt. It took a few tries, but she managed to swing her body up enough to grab hole of the vine. She had only pressed the blade to the plant with a creature appeared on the branch above her in a puff of pink smoke. “Hello there,” the creature said in a distinctly female voice. Gleaming quickly hated herself again when she let out a surprised yell, loosing her grip on the vine and the knife. The knife landed on the forest floor with a barely perceivable thump and Gleaming was soon swinging back and forth with the blood rushing downwards making her head swim. The was another puff of pink smoke and the creature was standing in front of her, arms crossed over her chest. The creature was like some sort of mix mash of various animals: dragon, griffon, pony, goat. Who knew what else? The creature was also obviously quite female, what with the gracefully curving figure and obvious breasts. Her modesty, whatever little she appeared to have, was covered by an oversized yellow shirt that really didn’t hide much. “Eris?” Gleaming said, slurring a little as the blood continued to rush to her head. Eris tilted her head to the side a little. She then sighed in an annoyed manner as she looked Gleaming over. “I spend days planning this, I come all the way out here, the only way I knew she wouldn’t come find me herself. And she still manages to fuck it up somehow. All those tall, hunky guards and she sends you.” Eris sighed again and reached out to steady Gleaming. “Listen, it’s noting personal. You really are nice to look at. I’m just… not in the mood for a mare right now.” Not in the mood for a mare? What is she talking about? And why are there two of her? “Eh, I should probably let you down,” Eris said before snapping her talons. Gleaming got the sense she was falling for a brief moment before crashing onto something surprisingly soft. Once she had regained her senses, she realized a large fluffy cushion had been put beneath her. Somehow. Gleaming shook herself and looked over to where Eris stood, stroking her chin in thought. “Hm… I could keep you here for a few days. She might send another one out here… or come herself.” Eris sighed and looked down at Gleaming. “…Hm…” Gleaming quickly stood up, scooping up her dropped sword as she did so. “Listen, Eris, right? Celestia did send me and I’m supposed to bring you back to Canterlot,” Gleaming said as she sheathed her sword, keeping a hand on the pommel just in case. Eris smiled in a smug sort of way. “Thought as much. What if I don’t want to go with you?” “Then I suppose I’ll have to make you,” Gleaming replied as she pulled her sword out. But she had barely begun to pull when Eris snapped her talons and by the time the blade was fully revealed it had been turned to some sort of cheese. The smugness was clear as day on Eris’ face. “And how do you plan to do that, exactly?” Gleaming snorted and tossed the cheese-sword-thing away. “I will…” Gleaming trailed off as she realized she hadn’t really thought this far ahead. She expected Eris to just follow her when she was found or maybe be persuaded by a little saber rattling. “Got nothing?” Eris asked, that big grin still plastered on her face. “I’ll think of something!” Gleaming retorted. Eris just giggled. “Too bad I’ve thought of something first.” She then snapped her talons again. The armor that Gleaming wore suddenly began pulling itself in opposite directions, like it had a life of its own. The straps quickly undid themselves and as one every piece fell from her body, falling in a pile around her with a clatter. Gleaming was still trying to process what had just happened when Eris snapped her talons again and with an audible ‘pop’, the tunic she wore vanished, along with every other scrap of clothing she had. “Eep!” Gleaming cried, hands going to cover herself. She tried backing up, but tripped over a gauntlet and fell backwards, lading on a conveniently soft patch of grass. Eris’ grin turned sultry as she eyed Gleaming. “Now, let’s see if this works,” she said, mostly to herself before snapping her talons again. “What are you- mmph!” Gleaming demanded, before Eris suddenly swooped down and locked lips with her. The draconequusness wrapped a lion paw around Gleaming’s back, pulling her close while crushing their chests together. Gleaming struggled for a moment before finding herself melting into the kiss. Eris’ lips were soft, warm. Gleaming’s eyes drifted close as Eris’ tongue invaded her mouth and the draconequusness’ talons danced just over the mare’s belly. Each talon pricked her skin ever so slightly and from each point of contact heat spread through Gleaming’s body. First to spread itself over her stomach, then her hips and legs, and then up through her chest and arms. Gleaming moaned into Eris’ mouth, the heat uncomfortable. The draconequusness broke their lip lock and hushed the mare. “Shhh… just relax.” Her waist broadened while her hips narrowed, her limbs becoming heavier as the bulked up. Her stomach, (mostly) flat already, tightened. Her shoulders broadened while she felt weight vanish from her chest, feeling the silkiness of Eris’ shirt all over her front. The heat then climbed up her neck and invaded her head, making her scalp itch. Her features bubbled and morphed, chin becoming stronger and muzzle lengthening. The heat then dissipated from her head and limbs, all of it migrating to her groin. “Too hot…” Gleaming panted, eyes still closed. A sudden hot spike of pain lanced from her groin. Gleaming arched her back, lips peeling back over tightly clenched teeth. Her eyes remained closed. “Just a moment,” Eris whispered, talons and paw rubbing up and down Gleaming’s back in an attempt to sooth her. “Hurts,” the unicorn grunted. That sudden lance of pain came again, but Gleaming weathered it, eyelids and jaws clamped shut. The pain quickly subsided, leaving the heat, which seemed to focus itself into an area outside her body, yet she could still feel. And then, all at once, the heat left her and her body went slack. Eris gently untangled herself from Gleaming as the later let out a few pants of relief, the grass cool on her bare body. She blinked a few times, opening her eyes properly as she propped herself up. Her groin felt… odd. Like there was something there that hadn’t been before. The first thing Gleaming noticed when she looked down at herself was that her breasts were not obscuring her view and in fact appeared to not be a pair of impressive pectorals. This little curiosity took a back seat once she realized she had new organ. Gleaming jumped at the sight, causing the organ to flop over against her thigh. Tentatively, she reached down and touched it, breath hitching at the new sensations that sparked. Taking a careful look at herself now, Gleaming realized it was more than her breasts and… that thing. Her whole body had changed; she had bulked up, her figure decidedly less feminine now. In fact, it wasn’t feminine at all. “What the fuck did you-?!” Gleaming shouted, her voice dying in her throat when she heard it was not her voice. This one was deeper and rougher. Eris, meanwhile, seemed entranced by Gleaming. “It worked!” she said excitedly, clapping her hands like a filly. “What did you do?” Gleaming managed to croak out. Eris just kept clapping her hands as she explained. “I wanted a good lay, but imagine trying to do that with sun-butt breathing down your neck all the time. So I came out here hoping she’d send a hunky guard to come fetch me. I got you so I… improvised.” She giggled. Gleaming growled, still unnerved by how… wrong her voice sounded to her. “Change me back, now.” Eris stopped clapping and held a talon to her chin for a moment before replying, “Pass.” Gleaming growled again and began getting to her hooves. Eris, perplexingly, decided to remove the shirt she wore. She was naked without it, something Gleaming found herself to be quite aware of. Her breasts weren’t huge, but they had a perkiness that tempted Gleaming to give them a squeeze. Her tail flickered up between her legs, catching Gleaming’s attention and drawing it to the draconequusness’ groin, which glistened in the light. Gleaming lost her balance as blood rushed to her groin, her new appendage growing in size and firmness. Eris licked her lips as she eyed Gleaming’s cock, but her expression shifted to nervousness as Gleaming caught herself and rose to full height. “Change. Me. Back.” The words came out like she was biting each one off. Eris offered only a nervous titter before turning tail and dashing off into the forest. Gleaming stared dumbfounded as the draconequusness’ shapely behind vanished into the foliage before gritting her teeth and giving chase. Gleaming had one thing nice to say about her recent and unsolicited transformation: she was built like a tank and hit like one. In less than a minute she had caught sight of Eris again, the sexy little demon weaving her way through the undergrowth while Gleaming merely crashed though it. Sure, her newly formed and full-hardened penis was bouncing up and down, throwing her off a bit. And it didn’t take too kindly to being used as a battering ram. Gleaming spat curses as she continued the chase, letting out a particularly harsh one when she lost sight of Eris. She sprinted a few yards to a low-hanging cluster of leaves and branches and burst though it, finding a clearing on the other side. There, tangled up in a mess of vines, was Eris. “Oh, hi there,” the draconequusness said, face flushed. “C-could you- eep!” Eris tried turning to fully face Gleaming, but only succeeded in losing her balance and falling forward. The vines, almost as though they had a mind of their own, tangled the draconequusness up further, leaving her suspended off the ground, belly down. Eris let out another nervous titter as Gleaming slowly approached her, the knight’s breathing deep. “Looks like you’re in quite the predicament,” Gleaming said, a slow grin forming on her face. “Why don’t you just snap your fingers and get out of it?” Eris smiled sheepishly. “I, uh, maybe used a little too much magic back there.” “Excuse me?” There was that nervous titter again. “H-hey, I’m only part draconequus. I can’t just go around making every gal I see into a hunk and then just change ‘em back right then and there.” “And when can you?” Gleaming growled. “I’m not too sure.” Something of a sly twinkle appeared in Eris’ eyes. “Maybe if we got my blood really pumping, it would help.” Gleaming sighed, still bothered by how deep her voice was. “You really want me to fuck you.” “Was I being too subtle?” Gleaming rolled her eyes. “I am not going to fuck you, no matter what method you try to-” Gleaming was startled by the sound of talons snapping together. This was followed by a metaphorical blaze suddenly blossoming in her lower belly. Her legs buckled and the unicorn fell to her knees, left hand going for her groin almost as though it had a mind of its own. “I thought, you said, you couldn’t…” Gleaming panted out, moans bubbling from her throat as her brain attempted to process the alien signals her body was giving it. “I lied!” Eris sang, now lounging in her tangle of vines. Through sheer willpower, Gleaming managed to pull her hand away from her cock and shakily stand up. Without a word, she grabbed Eris and pulled the draconequusness from the vines. Grunting with effort, the unicorn lifted Eris up, using a bit of telekinesis to line her penis up properly. Eris’ squeal of delight jumped a few octaves as Gleaming lowered her down, her slick passage swallowing the knight’s cock easily. The draconequusness wrapped all five limbs around Gleaming’s torso as the unicorn tried to properly process the foreign yet wondrous sensations she was experiencing. Unfortunately, this left little time for balancing the sudden weight on her front. Eris felt herself tipping backwards and with a few flaps of her mismatched wings tipped the two-backed beast the other way. Gleaming backpedaled until she collided rather painfully with a tree. The unicorn’s groan of pain quickly deteriorated into one of pleasure as Eris humped against her, using her frame as support. Wet squelches joined shaky and fevered moans as Eris took out what felt like months of not years of pent up lust on Gleaming’s body. Gleaming didn’t even have to move really, just dig her hooves in and lean on the tree while Eris plunged up and down her shaft. Soon growing a tad annoyed she was acting as little more than a living dildo for Eris, Gleaming managed to snag the draconequusness’ head and pull her in for a kiss. It was sloppy and fevered, which was oddly fitting. Their lips slid and slipped over the other’s, tongues slipping out to tangle together in a perverse display. Gleaming felt Eris slowing down though, felt her breathing becoming shallow and labored. Gleaming felt a snarl rise within her. Like hell this bitch was quitting on her now. As Gleaming used one hand held Eris’ head as best she could, the other slipped down the draconequusness’ back to her firm rump. Gleaming dug her fingers in, making sure she had a nice firm grip while getting in the necessary grope. Then, as Eris’ hips rose, Gleaming forcefully shoved them back down. The impacted of their groins was punctuated by a wet slap and an appreciative groan. Eris broke the kiss as she arched her back, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. Pouncing on the opportunity to turn the tables, Gleaming used her now free hand to push herself off from the tree. Eris was heavier than she had been a few seconds ago. Or was that minutes? Hours? Gleaming found herself not caring too much. She aimed for a soft looking patch of grass and tried to lower Eris onto it. As she shakily approached the ground, Gleaming’s cock slipped from her slick folds, causing Eris to make a sound akin to a dog whose bone had been taken away. Gleaming managed to safely lower Eris to the ground, but as she was trying to carefully meet her there, her hoof slipped on a patch of wet grass. Eris let out an ‘oof’ that was mangled by a moan as Gleaming fell back into her, the unicorn appreciative of how soft the draconequusness was. Gleaming pushed herself up with her hands, her hips remaining against Eris’. The draconequusness looked up at the unicorn with a lust-strangled gaze, eyes unfocused and grin lopsided. Eris mumbled something, likely dirty, which was all the encouragement Gleaming needed. The draconequusness wrapped her legs and tail around Gleaming’s torso, talons and paw going to grip the unicorn’s broad shoulders, as the mare-turned-stallion began fucking her on her own terms. Now able to truly relish in the sensations she was experiencing, Gleaming still couldn’t help her confusion. Her cock, whose mere presence she was still finding difficult to swallow, was surrounded in a hot, slimy grip. An ever shifting, ever squeezing, ever maddeningly wonderful grip that was quickly drowning her mind in- Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Gleaming’s mind devolved into a pleasured mixture of light and heat as organs she never before possessed churned and flexed. She came and came hard, slamming herself as deep as she possibly could into Eris, turning the draconequusness’ folds into a hot, creamy mess. Eris gasped and moaned, eyes rolling back into her skull as her tongue once again found itself flopping out of her mouth. Her quim squeezed and milked, making Gleaming dig furrows in the forest floor trying to somehow push herself deeper into that deliciously humid grasp. And then, just like that, that bright, shining moment was over, and Gleaming collapsed on top of Eris, panting and sweating like she had just run a marathon after fighting her way through a hundred griffons. Eris huffed and groaned, pushing Gleaming off of herself with some effort. She felt hot and gooey inside. Just what she had been craving. “So that’s what it’s like,” she murmured to herself, tail sluggishly moving back and forth in the grass. After what felt like hours just laying there and enjoying the feeling, Eris managed to roll herself over to look at Gleaming. The unicorn lay on her back, staring up at the cool green canopy above them, but looking as though she wasn’t really seeing it. “Never did promise, but still,” Eris mumbled, snuggling up against the pearly-white unicorn. She snapped her talons and pressed them to Gleaming, feeling sleepy even as the chill of magic rushed through her veins. Gleaming jumped as feelings of cold and heat spread from the point of contact. She felt her body begin to morph, felt it resuming a more familiar form. Gleaming let out a happy sigh as the weigh of her breasts returned to her chest, closing her eyes. She felt her bones shift and her muscles turn to jelly as she was transformed back into her old self. And then, suddenly, there was a sudden spike of heat that seemed to start at her groin and push up into her throat. The taste of fire, chocolate, and winter mint coated her tongue and every hair on her body stood on end. Gleaming’s eyes snapped open as she pushed herself up, just in time to see the last wisps of silvery ribbons of magic go from Eris’ quim to her cock. Wait, why did she still…? Hands once more slim and elegant reached out and encircled the half-hard shaft, giving it a few strokes and provoking a pleasured shudder. Fingers traced down the shaft and over a sizable pair of testicles to suddenly find themselves sliding over a familiar pair of lips. Suddenly wide awake, Gleaming looked herself over. She was no longer a testament to the male form, but neither had she been returned to her old self. She had her curves back, but they hid more muscle than she remembered having, and her belly was tauter than before. Actually, she could live with that. Eris was similarly bolting upright, although the draconequusness appeared to be unchanged. “What did you do?!” the demanded of each other at the same time. Gleaming sputtered for a moment before saying, “I wanted you to change me all the way back, not leave me stuck in the middle!” “I was doing that!” Eris shouted back. “And you… you!” the draconequusness shook her paw for a moment before settling on: “How did you steal my magic!?” Gleaming blinked a few times. “Excuse me?” Eris’ jaw worked a few times before she was able to make a sound. “You sucked my magic out of me! I can’t even turn this leaf into a cookie!” She seemed baffled by this, again demanding, “What did you do!?” Gleaming got to her hooves, feeling stronger somehow. “I don’t know what I did!” she said to Eris, offering a hand and hauling the draconequusness to her feet. Eris shivered, leaning against Gleaming like she was seeking warmth. “M-maybe mother will know,” She said shakily, shivering despite the relative mildness of the temperature. “Right, mother,” Gleaming said, half carrying Eris with her as she tried to retrace her steps back to her armor and (hopefully) clothes. “So, who is your mother?” Gleaming asked, feeling awkward with the now melancholy Eris. “Celestia,” Eris replied, nuzzling one of Gleaming’s tits. The unicorn halted in her tracks. “What?” “I… see,” was Celestia’s response after Gleaming and Eris had finished relating their story to her. It had been a small and rather unexciting adventure getting back to Canterlot. Gleaming’s clothes were of course not with her armor and she didn’t really feel like asking Eris where they went. It was impractical to wear her armor with her new body, so Gleaming found herself carrying it in the makeshift sack Eris had volunteered her shirt to be. They had managed to acquire new clothes at the inn, the owner surprisingly willing to trade a pair of boots and some free ogles for a set for both of them. The trek back to the train station was as uneventful as the train ride back. From there, a pair of Night-Guards escorted the two up to Celestia’s chambers. And it was then they told their story. Celestia’s rather stoic response left Gleaming panicking internally. She kept repeating the same words to herself. Eris is Celestia’s daughter. I fucked Celestia’s daughter. Celestia is going to kill me. At last, Celestia set aside the book she had folded in her lap upon their arrival and rose from the chair she had been sitting in. She approached Eris first, the draconequusness hovering between fear of her mother’s reaction and fear of what had befallen her. Once she was close enough, Celestia pulled Eris into a tender embrace, which was warmly returned. The alicorn whispered a few quiet words in the draconequusness’ ear and Eris nodded, walking farther into Celestia’s chambers and vanishing behind a door. Leaving Gleaming alone with the princess. Celestia began to speak. “I’m not sure what I thought Eris’ reasons for running away like that were, but I don’t think the real reason was among them.” Her eyes flicked from the door that Eris had gone through to Gleaming. “Nor do I think it would have ever occurred to me the lengths she would go to for it.” Celestia began walking towards Gleaming, the setting sun bathing her in fiery light. “But it is the consequences that interest me the most.” Celestia stopped just in front of Gleaming, making the unicorn realize she appeared to have gotten taller as well, as Celestia no longer towered over her. “It appears you are quite an unusual pony, Gleaming Armour, much like your sister,” Celestia said, eyeing Gleaming’s form. “And as such, I’m afraid I have a very important and exceedingly dangerous task for you as well.” Gleaming swallowed, nervousness mixing with confusion. What was she talking about? Celestia looked away and began making her way to a bookshelf. “They say that every curse is a blessing in disguise.” Celestia pulled down a large and dusty tomb. “And that every blessing is a curse.” She placed the book on a nearby table and thumbed through for a few moments before finding what she wanted. “Here, look at this.” Gleaming hesitantly approached the book. The first thing she noticed was the massive illustration that dominated one page and even spilled over onto the next. It was of a warrior clad in armor, standing over the body of a dragon, with golden ribbons going from the dragon to him. “Legends tell us of warriors that can absorb the power of their opponents,” Celestia said, gesturing to the book. “That to achieve this, the warrior must penetrate his adversary.” The alicorn raised an eyebrow. Gleamed felt her face flush. “I… I didn’t mean to-” Gleaming started, but was silenced by a gesture from Celestia. “I know you didn’t. But you and I are in a unique position, now. You are a champion, a warrior whose destiny lies somewhere out in the world, but whose job requires her to stay within the confines of this castle. So,” Celestia closed the book and smiled. “It appeared you are up for a promotion, Captain.” Gleaming blinked. “What?” “You are hereby promoted to Captain, which grants you leave of Canterlot. Actually, it requires it. You are to go out into the land and spread goodness where ever you can and however you can,” Celestia said with a wink. Gleaming’s mouth worked a few times, but she made no sound. “I’ll have the smith begin forging you new armor in the morning. Oh, and a new sword I suppose. And I’ll have to assign you a squire as well. It’s in their contract, I’m afraid.” “Thank you, Princess!” Gleaming suddenly blurted out, clamping a hand over her mouth as soon as the words left it. Celestia just smiled. “You’re very welcome, Captain,” Celestia practically purred the word. “You will still be given assignments by me when I require your services which I expect you to follow, but you will have free roam for the most part.” Gleaming nodded, head swimming with the possibilities. And then something popped back up, bobbing like a cork in her mind. “Princess, what about Eris’ magic. Didn’t I…?” Celestia nodded solemnly. “I’m afraid you did absorb it, robbing her of it.” Gleaming stared down at her hooves. Celestia gave the unicorn a pat on the shoulder. “But rest assured, no permanent harm has been done. Her powers will return, eventually. In the meantime, there is hardly a more fitting punishment.” Celestia just smiled in that motherly way of hers. “Now, I’m sure you are tired after today and would very much like to rest. We shall talk more in the morning, Captain Armour.” “Yes, Princess.”