> The War of the Princesses > by Mr Whimsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Letter to the Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, Where should I begin? About a month has passed since you left us. Equestria hasn't been the same without you.I don't know what occurred. One moment we were all sitting there enjoying the Games, and then the next moment you were no longer there. Immediately following the event at the Equestria Games, Luna fell into a great depression and transformed back into Nightmare Moon. She blames everyone for what happened: Discord, Cadence, the representative from Saddle Arabia, the Wonderbolts, she even blames me. Luna, or should I say Nightmare Moon, has declared war on the Crystal Empire. So far the war has only resulted in a few skirmishes, but thankfully there haven't been any major battles. As far as I know, there haven't been any causalities either. I would try to go and talk to Luna to try and calm her down, but she is just as mad at me as she is at Cadence. If I would even try to enter Canterlot I would probably be evaporated on the spot. The worst part is we can't even use the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon, because we had to give those up to save the Tree of Harmony. So we're trying to avoid her for the time being. Cadence was just as devastated by your loss as anybody, but with Nightmare Moon's accusations she has become rather aloof. She helped us escape the Crystal Empire in the wake of the event. We've been able to keep up through letters. By what I can tell, Shinning Armor has taken control of The Crystal Army while Cadence still focuses on the day-to-day problems that a princess has to focus on. Oh how I envy her. Discord hasn't been seen since the Equestria Games. Everyone believes that he had a hand in your demise, but Fluttershy says that he would never sink that low. For the most part, I believe her. However, that leads to one unsettling question. If it wasn't Discord who caused the event, then who did? If you're wondering what I've been up to, my friends and I are on our way back to Ponyville. Since we can't use the railroads controls the trains, (since Nightmare Moon, or more accurately the royalty) the journey has been a very long one. We also had to take a detour around Canterlot for obvious reasons, adding more time, but I am happy to report that we'll finally be back in Ponyville by tomorrow morning. I can't wait to be back inside of the library. It'll be nice to be back in familiar settings compared to the chaos that has been the world lately. So I suppose that I should sign off here, as Rainbow Dash has been trying to get my attention since I was halfway through this letter. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle P.S. Sorry that we haven't buried you yet. We haven't had time for a proper funeral with everything else that is going on. > Chapter 1: Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight, what are you doing?" asked Rainbow Dash. "I'm writing a letter to the Princess," said Twilight. "Oh," said Rainbow Dash, losing her cheery demeanor, "It's been a while since you've done that." "Yeah, well, I just had to say somethings," said Twilight, "This seemed like the best way to do that." "Yeah, I understand," said Rainbow Dash, "Anyways, the others and I would like to discuss what we're going to do. We've been so worried about getting home to Ponyville that we haven't had much time to talk about...well, anything else." Twilight sat and thought to herself. It was rather odd that they hadn't discussed what was going on. "Sure Rainbow Dash. Gather the girls, and we'll discuss what we're going to do." Rainbow Dash wasted no time in going to the other Mane Six and telling them to come to Twilight. Twilight observed her friends as they shambled towards her. They were so different from the ponies that she had first met in Ponyville. It seemed like it was such a long time since her first time that she arrived in Ponyville. It was hard to believe how much things had changed. Applejack was looking a bit more mature than usual. Her face showed no emotion. It was obvious that she was trying to ignore the horror that reality had become. She was also worried about her sister, whom she had been separated from. Fluttershy had become more withdrawn. She was acting shy even around her friends. Her behavior reminded Twilight of their first encounter. Pinkie had been a bit depressed since the event. Her mane was deflated, and she walked from place to place as compared to her normal skipping around. She had been trying her best to keep the Mane Six happy, but it was pretty clear that her happiness was a charade. Rarity was the most visually different. She hadn't been keeping up with her daily grooming, and her mane had become messy, and frizzy. Rainbow Dash hadn't changed much at all on the surface, but Twilight knew that she was battling inner demons. Rainbow Dash just felt like she had to put on a mask for the other's sake. Plus Twilight was certain that Rainbow Dash just didn't want to come to grips with what had happened. Twilight even took a look at herself, and noticed that she had changed quite a lot as well. Even though she was an Alicorn Princess, she was feeling more and more like a helpless student who still needed her teacher. It was a sad realization that Twilight would never be able to go to her teacher for comfort anymore. Fluttershy must have noticed Twilight's discomfort, for she spoke up, "Is something wrong Twilight?" Twilight snapped out of her melancholy, "I'm fine, Fluttershy. Thanks for asking," Twilight cleared her throat, "I believe that we should discuss what's going on, and what we should do about it." "The Princess's gone, what's more to discuss?" asked Applejack, in a brash tone that she had adopted. "Well that's not the whole story, Applejack, and you know it," said Twilight, "Luna has transformed back into Nightmare Moon and has declared war on the Crystal Empire. Knowing Nightmare Moon, she won't stop at the destruction of the Crystal Empire and will attack anyone that she deems held a part in the death of Princess Celestia." Everyone lowered their heads in sadness. "I know that's a hard thing to hear," said Twilight, "But we have to accept that Celestia is gone and isn't coming back." "I miss her so much," said Pinkie Pie, bursting into tears. "I know Pinkie, we all do," said Twilight, "So let's not disappoint her by allowing her sister to destroy the world she loved so much." "Alright Twi'," said Applejack, "What do you want us to do?" Twilight smiled, "Well, we have to find a way to stop Nightmare Moon. Now this is by no means an impossible task." "But we were only able to accomplish this task using the Elements of Harmony, how do you plan on beating Nightmare Moon this time?" asked Rarity. "I'm not sure," said Twilight, "But there has to be a book on it, or something." "Not everything can be solved through a book," said Rainbow Dash. "Well it's better than nothing," said Twilight, "And if that doesn't work then we'll have to find Discord, as he's the only one who has powers above Nightmare Moon. Either way, we won't be staying in Ponyville for long." Everyone gasped. "Whatever do you mean?" asked Rarity. "We can't stay in one place for too long, Nightmare Moon will be on our tails and acting like sitting ducks is just asking for trouble." "I suppose you're right," said Rarity. "So when we get to Ponyville get your affairs in order, for it's very possible that we won't be coming back anytime soon," said Twilight, "So is it clear what we need to do? We have to head to Ponyville and find a way to stop Nightmare Moon." "I understand," said Applejack. "Yes Ma'am," said Rainbow Dash. "It's not ideal, but I suppose we don't have much choice," said Rarity. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie just nodded their heads. "Alright then we'll head out within the hour," said Twilight, "Rainbow Dash, could you go wake up Spike?" "Ugh, he's still sleeping?" asked Rainbow. "Hey give him a break. It's not his fault that we've had to walk halfway across Equestria. Plus I think the constant night has been messing with his internal clock." said Twilight. "Fine," said Rainbow Dash, leaving the group. Twilight turned away from the group to begin preparing for the trip. After a while, she was joined by Spike. "Sorry that I missed the meeting," said Spike. "It's okay, Spike, the trip has just been tiring you out," said Twilight, continuing her packing. "Oh I've been feeling so useless lately," lamented Spike, "You guys would already be at Ponyville if it wasn't for me." "There's nothing we can do to change the situation Spike," said Twilight, growing tired of hearing this complaint from him. "I just wish there was more that I could do," said Spike. "Just keep being my little helper," said Twilight, "That's all I require of you." "I'll do my best Twilight," said Spike, who began to help Twilight with her packing Within another few minutes, everyone was prepared to get moving again. And with that, they were on their way to Ponyville. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mane Six had finally arrived at Ponyville, and each of them went their separate ways. Applejack headed straight to the farm. Rarity headed towards the fashion boutique. Pinkie Pie headed for the bakery. Fluttershy headed for her home. Rainbow Dash, Spike and Twilight headed out on their own. They all promised to meet up at Twilight's Library when they were done. Appplejack was greeted by Apple Bloom, to Applejack's relief. They had been separated at the Equestria Games. "Applejack, it's so good to see you," said Apple Bloom. "Oh, Apple Bloom, I was so worried," said Applejack, embracing her sister in a hug. "How did y'all get home?" "We took the train home," said Apple Bloom. "Smart girl," said Applejack, "Now where's Big McIntosh and Granny Smith?" "They're inside, why?" asked Apple Bloom. "There's somethings I need to discuss with them," said Applejack, heading into the house. Applejack was greeted by Granny Smith. "Oh it's nice to see you Child," said Granny Smith, "We feared the worst when you didn't come home with Apple Bloom. What all happened at the Equestria Games?" Applejack lowered her head, "I don't know what all happened, but I do know this; Celestia is dead." "WHAT?" said Granny Smith, "Oh deary me. How are the others doing?" "They're fine, Granny," said Applejack, "But there's somethings I need to do. Nightmare Moon has returned." "Well that explains the eternal night," said Granny Smith. "Well, it looks like I won't be able to look after the farm for quite some time now," said Applejack, "Do y'all think you can look after the farm by yourselves?" "Of course, deary," said Granny Smith, "I don't quite know what you'll be doing but please, be safe." "Thanks Granny," said Applejack. As she began to leave her eyes locked with Big McIntosh. He bowed to her in respect. Applejack had to leave to keep herself from tearing up. Apple Bloom once again ran up to Applejack, "Applejack, where are you going?" "I hafta leave for a while now, sugar cube" said Applejack, "Take care of Big McIntosh and Granny Smith for me, okay?" Apple Bloom began to cry, "Okay, I promise." Applejack hugged her sister one last time, then headed out to Twilight's Library. Rarity arrived at the fashion boutique, and headed inside. She found Sweetie Belle and Opalescence sitting in the dark. They turned their heads to see Rarity and both perked up. "Rarity!" screamed Sweetie Belle in delight. "Sweetie Belle," said Rarity, "Oh how I've missed your presence." "What's going on? What happened at the Equestria Games? What happened to your mane?" Sweetie Belle's rapid fire questions made Rarity's head spin. "I'm not quite sure," said Rarity, "All that you need to know is that I'm going away for a while." "What? Why?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Twilight needs me," said Rarity, "So maybe you could go live with Apple Bloom for a while. And be sure to bring Opalescence with you." Sweetie Belle was trying to figure out what was going on, but Rarity's face was too much of an enigma. Sweetie Belle hardly recognize the unicorn that stood before her. "Ok, Rarity," said Sweetie Belle, "I'll go live with Apple Bloom for right now." "Thank you, Sweetie Belle," said Rarity, "And could you promise me one thing?" "Sure Rarity what is it?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Stay safe, dear," said Rarity. "Yeah, no problem, Rarity," said Sweetie Belle, not sure what was going on. When Sweetie Belle left with Opalescence, Rarity took one last look at her workshop, then sighed. She then left the fashion boutique and locked the door behind her. Then with a heavy heart, she headed towards Twilight's Library. Pinkie Pie was immediately greeted by the Cakes. "Pinkie Pie, how are you?" asked Mrs. Cake, "We've heard the worst rumors surrounding the Equestria Games. You look awful, my dear." "I feel awful," said Pinkie, holding back some tears, "Celestia is dead." Mr. and Mrs. Cake became very somber, "So the rumors are true then," said Mr. Cake. "Yeah, and now Nightmare Moon is trying to take over the Crystal Empire and we have to stop her," explained Pinkie. "So I take it you won't be staying," said Mrs. Cake. "Nope," said Pinkie, a bit defeated. "Well, don't worry, we'll look after Gummy for you," said Mr. Cake. "Thanks," said Pinkie, "Can I say good bye to the twins?" Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked at each other, "Sure darling, they're upstairs" said Mrs. Cake. Pinkie Pie walked up the stairs in what felt like the longest climb ever. She then walked into the twin's room, and found them both awake. They then started reaching out their tiny hooves towards Pinkie Pie. Pinkie picked them both up, and hugged them before saying, "Goodbye guys." She then put them back in their cribs and began to walk away. The twins began to cry as Pinkie walked away, and Pinkie had to fight every urge to go back and continue hugging them. The very stress of it made her eyes create rivers of tears. She wiped her eyes dry and headed towards Twilight's library. Fluttershy arrived at her home, and knew what she had to do, but what was not looking forward to it. She went up to every single animal under her care, and told them that she wouldn't be able to look after them anymore. With each progressing one, the task got harder and harder until she got to the final one, Angel bunny. "Hey Angel, how have you been?" asked Fluttershy. Angel bunny looked slight concerned. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just have some bad news." Angel looked quizzical. "I have to go away for a very long time, and I don't know when or if I'll be coming back." Angel started to understand what was going on. He began begging with Fluttershy, he didn't want her to go. He didn't want her to leave him. "I'm sorry Angel Bunny, but Equestria needs my help." Angel grabbed onto Fluttershy's leg. He was bawling. Fluttershy tried to calm him down, and picked him up to snuggle with him. "It's not so bad. You'll be able to take care of yourself." Angel wiped his eyes. "We'll see each other again someday, I promise." She then let down Angel Bunny, and he began to hop off, looking back every so often. As soon as he was gone. Fluttershy burst into tears. She could hardly find the spirit to head towards Twilight's Library. Rainbow Dash looked for Scootaloo, as she felt morally obligated to look after her. When Rainbow found her, she nearly Sonic Rainboomed into her as she hugged Scootaloo. "Oh thank Celestia you're safe," said Rainbow Dash. "It's good to see you too, Rainbow Dash," said Scootaloo, feeling a bit squished in Rainbow Dash's arms. "Now listen I'll be heading out of town for a while, it's very important that you stay safe, okay?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Okay, Rainbow Dash," said Scootaloo. "Promise me that you will stay safe," said Rainbow Dash. "I do, I do," said Scootaloo, "Now could you please, let me go?" "Oh sorry," said Rainbow Dash, releasing her grip. Scootaloo fell to the ground and began breathing heavy. "Okay, I can trust you'll stay safe. Oh, and tell Bulk Biceps to keep track of the weather while I'm gone." "Okay." "And look after Tank for me," said Rainbow Dash. "Okay," said Scootaloo, getting a bit impatient. "I'll miss you, kiddo," said Rainbow Dash. She then flew off and headed towards Twilight's Library. Rainbow Dash found Twilight and landed next to her. "Hey, Twilight, weren't we suppose to meet at the Library?" Twilight just stared forward blankly. "What's the matter Twilight, you're acting stranger than usual." Twilight remained silent. Rainbow decided to look at what Twilight was staring at, and her jaw hit the ground. Twilight was staring at the Library, or at least where it should be. What was once a giant tree was a giant pile of ash. "What happened?" asked Applejack, who had just arrived. "I don't know," said Rainbow Dash. "Nightmare Moon," croaked Twilight, "Nightmare Moon ordered the destruction of the Library." "Where's Spike at?" asked Rainbow Dash, as Rarity and Pinkie Pie arrived on the scene. "He's digging through the rubble, looking for anything that might help us," said Twilight. Suddenly Spike came out from the ash. Twilight perked up, "Spike, did you find anything?" Spike coughed, "No, not really. But I couldn't just leave him there." "Leave who?" asked Twilight. Spike looked very guilty, "I'm sorry Twilight," He then revealed that he was dragging along a burnt skeleton of an owl. "No, Owlowiscious!" said Twilight, bursting into tears. "Oh no, Twilight," said Fluttershy, who just arrived, "I'm so sorry." "It's hopeless, all is lost," said Twilight. "Not yet, there's still Discord," said Fluttershy. The others wanted to comfort her, but suddenly they heard, "There they are," it was Mayor Mare, who had just arrived, "Seize Princess Twilight and her friends." Mayor Mare had brought several royal guards with her. The Royal Guards surrounded the Mane Six. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash attempted to flee through the air, but they were stopped by Pegasus guards. "Run Spike!" yelled Twilight. Spike seemed hesitant to leave, but as the guards advanced he ran off. "Hey, one of them is running away, should we pursue?" asked one of the guard. "Eh, don't worry about the runt," said another one of the guards, "We got what we want right here." Within minutes the Mane Six were subdued by the guards. "Why have you betrayed us?" Twilight asked Mayor Mare. Mayor Mare looked away, "It was either this or let the rest of Ponyville meet the same fate of your library." "Enough talk," said one of the guards, "We're bringing you to Nightmare Moon, so that you can stand trial for the murder of Princess Celestia."