The Crystal Princesses Book I: The Ascension

by Fandom Trash Snivy

First published

This is the beginning of a story about Princesses Sterling and Gold Lily along with their older sister Princess Crystal Prism. This story describes how the three sisters ascended to princesshood.

Everypony knows that Princess Cadance is the sole ruler of the Crystal Empire, right? With her husband Shining Armor, she works as hard as she could to keep her subjects happy and safe.

But how did the Crystal Empire really begin?

That part of the story will come later. What is being focused on now is how their sole rulers, Princesses Sterling, Gold Lily, and Crystal Prism came to be, grew up, and why they were so different from everypony else around them...

Prologue: Children of The Crystals

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A long, long time ago, before King Sombra's frightening arrival in the Crystal Empire, there was a small town called Crystaltown. Crystaltown is what the Crystal Empire used to be before it grew huge. Crystaltown was what many of a rare pony breed called crystal ponies called home. The town's population at this point in time was only fifty four.

Today happened to be one of those days when a chilly blizzard was blowing. It was so windy that it blew out candles from the inside of some homes. The mayor of the town, Ruby Lake, advised the very few ponies living in Crystaltown to shut the doors and windows. This blizzard was the worse blizzard on record.

Later, in the night, the blizzard finally came to a jarring halt. Snow covered nearly all of the homes in Crystaltown. However, the wind was still blowing almost as hard as it was during the chilly blizzard. By this time, everypony was asleep...

Except for Ruby Lake. She was light red and had the cutie mark of a glistening dark red ruby. Her eyes were a burning green and she had a cerise mane. She was simply just picked to be mayor of Crystaltown because of her great leadership skills. Being mayor sure was tough.

She was checking outside of Crystaltown to make sure that nopony got frozen or covered by snow. That would be horrible because she would be shamed by a rare species that she was a part of. Her life would suck then, and she would have nowhere to turn to and no place to live.

"Anypony out there?"

The other fifty three citizens of Crystaltown were, luckily, safe and sound inside their homes. However, since everypony else was asleep, Ruby Lake decided to go exploring into the outskirts of Crystaltown.

Nopony knew what lay outside in those regions. Usually there was so much snow and wind that you couldn't see at all. But Ruby Lake was determined to explore these areas. It wasn't snowing, after all. Ruby Lake carefully put on her saddlebag and slowly began trotting out of the entrance to her town.

"Hopefully I won't be gone for too long or my citizens will start to worry about me..."

Ruby Lake turned around and looked at her small town. Phew. Everypony was still asleep. She turned around again and braced herself for what could possibly be in the outskirts of Crystaltown.

It took a whopping two hours to make it to a strange cavern. For some strange reason, there were glowing and pulsating lights inside of it.

"What's in here?"

Ruby Lake was scared, confused, and stupefied at the same time. Could something dangerous be waiting for her in there? She didn't want to take any chances, but at the same time she felt brave. So she made the decision to explore the cavern.

Water was dripping off of stalactites as Ruby Lake slowly entered inside of the cavern. Once she gets back from this "short trip", she'd tell her citizens that she discovered a cavern. But what should she call it? Dripping Cavern?

No. That was a stupid name. Keep going.

Ruby Lake slowly trotted in the cave. Too bad she wasn't a crystal unicorn because she needed to see what lied inside this cavern. She could barely see a thing in there.

"Ugh! It's so dark in here! I wish there was some-"

Suddenly, Ruby Lake halted in front of something tall and strange.


She had found the cause of the pulsating lights. There were three giant crystals looming in front of her; one gold, one lavender, and one light blue. Why were these crystals here? Were they magically or naturally formed? Why did they glow? Ruby Lake knew the answer to neither of these questions. She had just walked into this cave with nary an idea, after all.

"Celestia, please give me an answer, a sign, as to why these crystals are here in this cavern. I dearly ask you to tell me what is going on."

Ten minutes had passed since Ruby Lake sent her message to the wise Princess Celestia. Perhaps she might know why these crystals are in the cavern.

Suddenly, as if Ruby Lake's question was answered, the cavern began to shake wildly as if something giant was inside. Did a dragon live in this cavern? Apparently not because the crystals began to rapidly shake back and forth as a bright white pulsating light began to flicker in the center of each crystal.

"W-what's going on here?"

These crystals were magically formed after all. The three flickering, pulsating lights soon grew bigger and bigger until it seemed to envelop the crystals. A high-pitched screeching sound that seemed to be emitted from the lights was heard as the crystals began to crack, shatter, and crumble.

After this magical process was finished, Ruby Lake cautiously approached the now-destroyed crystals. In the three huge piles of crystal shards lay three crystal fillies. One light gold filly was in the gold crystal pile. One light lavender filly was in the lavender crystal pile. One alice blue filly was in the light blue crystal pile. They shivered because it was so cold inside the cavern. Why were they fillies? Were they magically formed on purpose? Was this how the first crystal ponies were formed? Why didn't the fillies emerge out of the crystals as foals and not fillies?

Ruby Lake came to the conclusion that these crystal fillies were magically formed and had no real home. But who would take in three magically-formed fillies?

"I'll take you three in."

As the three clueless crystal fillies were told to follow Ruby Lake out of the cavern, she finally had come up with a name for the cavern that she had just explored.

Crystal Filly Cavern.


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"But Sterling, that's not fair!"

"It's totally fair, Gold Lily."

"I don't get why you get to have sparkling grape juice and I don't!"

"Well, I asked for it first, after all."

"Just, just-"

Sibling rivalry was common between the two young fillies Sterling and Gold Lily. They fought with each other so much that their sister Crystal Prism had to always break them up.

Like she was about to do now.

"Please sisters, stop fighting over sparkling grape juice. I'll go ask Mom if we could split it."

Crystal Prism walked away to find her mother Ruby Lake. She still remembered what it was like to find the three mysterious fillies inside Crystal Filly Cavern. She decided to take them in herself and raise them as if they were her own.

Gold Lily was the youngest of the three sisters; she was five years old. Being the "light gold sister", she had a light pink, light blue, and purple mane. She had sky blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the daylight. She tried to always get her way and hated it when her sister Sterling was right. However, Gold Lily always let Crystal Prism solve every fight that she and Sterling had.

Sterling was the middle sister of the three; she was eight years old. She was the "light lavender sister". She had a cool blue, hot pink, and mustard yellow mane. She had soothing purple eyes. She was always arguing with Gold Lily, but not on purpose. Sterling still respected her sister no matter what.

Crystal Prism was the oldest of the three sisters; she was ten years old. She had alice blue fur that seemed to balance with the color of the crystals in Crystaltown. She had a dark lavender, ocean blue, and light green mane. She had forest green eyes that reminded Ruby Lake of emeralds. Crystal Prism always had to break up Gold Lily and Sterling's arguments. She hated seeing her younger sisters fighting.

So when Crystal Prism got Ruby Lake to split the sparkling grape juice, her mother came out with the tasty, bubbly drinks.

"Thanks Mom!" smiled Gold Lily. "You're the best!"

"Thanks for the compliment sweetie," replied Ruby Lake. "Although I want you to stop starting arguments with Sterling. That'll give Crystal Prism a chance to settle down for once."

"I'll try."

"Good girl."

Ruby Lake walked back into the kitchen. "Now I have to go to Town Hall to settle this month's spinach famine. Crystal Prism will take care of you. See you in an hour!"

She exited the small sapphire house, leaving her crystal fillies alone. Gold Lily started to pout.

"Hmph! Why does she always get the big, erm..."

Gold Lily tried her hardest to pronounce the word:


Sterling couldn't keep her giggles concealed anymore, so she burst out laughing. Gold Lily immediately frowned at her sister. After her mother told her that no more fights and arguments should be started...

"Now, now, Sterling. She's only five years old. She still can't pronounce big words yet."

"Yeah!" agreed a now angry Gold Lily. "I'm only five! I still can't pro-neun-se big words yet."

"Fine. I'll stop."

As the three sisters were sipping their drinks, Crystal Prism got an idea. Hoo boy. She couldn't wait to share this idea with her younger sisters. So when everypony finished their sparkling grape juice, Crystal Prism suggested her idea:

"Hey girls! I dare you to go to Crystal Filly Cavern with me!"

"B-but isn't that place spooky?"

"Crystal, I'm pretty sure that Mom won't let us out of the house while she's gone..."

"Oh come on Sterling! It's just a stupid cavern! Besides, nopony but us will know what happened."

Cavern Dare

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Crystal Prism usually didn't dare her sisters to do anything. Usually she was laid back and was ready to settle any disputes. But why did she dare her sisters to go into Crystal Filly Cavern?

"It'll be fun."

"F-fine. We'll come with you older sis."

"This better not be dangerous..."

Slowly the three sisters exited the house and quietly made their escape out of Crystaltown.

"Shh! Gold Lily, don't make that much sound!"

"I'm sorry Crystal Prism-mim! I'm trying my hardest!"

"Then try a little harder!"

It didn't take too long for them to make it to the mysterious Crystal Filly Cavern. Ruby Lake was here many years ago; this was the same cavern where she had found the three fillies.

"There was this old legend that three fillies were found here," Crystal Prism spoke as she and her sisters slowly made their way inside the cavern. "Who knows where they are now?"

"It's pretty cool," replied Gold Lily, "but also scary."

"Let's just get this over with," commented Sterling.

The three sisters began to walk in the cavern. There wasn't anywhere you could step without splashing into a puddle. It smelled like rancid milk. Crystals were growing on the walls.

"Y'know, I never did know how Mom could have us."

"What do you think happened to Daddy?"

"I never remember having one, Gold Lily."

"Me either, Sterling. Do you remember Crystal Prism-mim?"
