> Three Some > by Satch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Allow Me Sis, I incest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a chilly evening in the spring, one of Dewflower's days off. She was planning on setting up for a trip to go stargazing later at night when the door suddenly burst open and Syna trotted in through it, scowling and roughly pushing it shut, causing Dew to startle. “Lousy job... ignorant customers... bucking boss...” She walked over and slumped down onto the couch. Dew strutted over and gave a weak smile. “Bad day at work?” “You wouldn’t know.” The tan pony sighed. “We had this down right awful customer come in today and it.. it was just terrible, and my boss just blamed me for their stupid ideas! Even if he was the one that suggested them in the first place! And on top of that, I had to work overtime.” She waved a hoof into the air to emphasise the last part. Dew looked at Syna, biting her lower lip, and tapped her hoof on the ground. “Just stay put sis, I think I know just the thing to make you feel better.” Dewflower walked off and into the bathroom, leaving her sister fuming on the couch. After a few minutes and some rummaging through the rooms, she emerged from the bedroom, a blanket slumped over her back and some utilities levitating next to her. She walks up to Syna giving her a gentle smile and stroking one of her tense legs. “How are you holding up dear?” “I’m fine...I’m just a bit mad. You don’t have to try and cheer me up you know.” Dew’s smile grew larger as she gave the cream colored unicorn’s leg a pat. “I know, but I want to. And besides, it’s not like you dislike it when I do.” Her smile crept over to a smirk and the pink coated pony prompted Syna up into a sitting position, levitating the blanket up next to her on the couch as she climbed up onto it, straddling her gently. “H-hey, what do you think you’re up to?” “Making you feel better, sis. Just relax, I know what I’m doing.” Syna shifted her weight a bit uneasily, but let out a sigh and tried to relax. Dew began to slowly and sensually rub her hooves along her sister’s shoulders, causing her to tense up for a moment, but eased up quickly enough. She could feel pressure being gently applied against her coat by the pink hips and hooves. After a while Syna was able to feel her muscles start to loosen up. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she had to admit her sister was right after all. She really did enjoy most of the attempts to make her feel better. After all, sisters tended to know what the other liked. After several minutes the pink coated unicorn stopped and un-straddled her. Syna couldn’t help but to let out weak whinny of protest as the tender pressure left her body. “Oh, don’t worry sis, I’m not done just yet, ” Dew whispered in a velvety voice into her ear which made both of them perk up in anticipation - it seemed like this was going to be one of Dew’s treatments with multiple sessions. She liked those. Syna heard the unicorn’s horn lit up and up floated a fine quality comb along with a smoothie. The comb was gripped in the tending ponies mouth, and the smoothie levitated in front of the still stressed pony. She reached out and grasped it with her own magic, then took a sip. “Mmm, watermelon and kumquat... what an odd combination,” Syna uttered in a amused tone. Dew snickered and carefully stroked her sister’s blue mane with her hooves, giving the brush a go through it to check if there were any tangles in it. It went through smoothly. This caused her to give a quiet nicker of approval. “Heads up sis, I’m gonna change position.” Syna opened her mouth and was about to say something but was lifted up and pulled backwards, having to focus all her attention on not dropping the smoothie. She found herself propped up against Dew’s chest and between her limbs. Despite resting on her back instead of haunches, it wasn’t really uncomfortable. A bit odd, yes, but not uncomfortable. After adjusting to the new position, she brought her smoothie back up and took another sip of the strange mixture. She could certainly get used to doing this every now and then. Maybe she should mess up at work more often?.. Nah, that wouldn’t be right. As she chased the thought out of her mind, she felt Dew beginning to comb her tenderly, starting with the back of her mane. As well as a pair of hooves hugging around her, giving her chest slow caresses. She felt warm and fuzzy inside. “Do you like this? Does this feel good?” Dew asked in a soft tone, nipping at her ear, stretching the hair out and tugging a bit, making sure to get any possible knots that might have been missed. “Yes... Thanks for doing this sis, I really appreciate it.” Syna let out soft sighs and drank more from the cup. “Remind me I have to repay you for this. You really know how to lighten my mood.” Dew let out a soft chuckle and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Oh, believe me sister, I will. I will.” Dew let the comb slide through Syna’s hair once again, this time going to the front of her mane. Nipping at her other ear as she delicately groomed her mane with care and affection. After a few more minutes of combing, Syna had finished her smoothie and was just leaning her head back, closing her eyes. She suddenly felt something slither against one of her hind legs. Her eyes shot open as she stared down at the blanket enveloped in telekinesis. “Um, what are you doing Dew?” “Oh don’t worry sis, I’m just getting a bit more comfortable, it’s a bit chilly dont’cha think?” “I... I guess, you could have warned me at least” Dew just smirked and gave a playful tug of her ear. As the blanket wrapped around them Syna could feel Dew shifting lower down, hauling her up. The blanket wrapped around them tightly. She was very snug and cozy, but couldn’t move very much. She then felt Dew’s warm breath against her neck, and a hoof sliding over her flank, the comb still brushing her mane. “Uh... Dew w-what are you doing?” Syna giggled a bit nervously “Schhh, just relax sis... I’m gonna make you feel better, remember?” Dew cooed sensually into her ear. The hoof going over the cream colored unicorn’s cutie mark, passing over onto her stomach, sliding over her belly and briefly brushing against her nipples. Syna wriggled a bit in her blanket cocoon, but it was tight. She then felt a kiss on her shoulder, on her cheek, then on her neck. She tensed up and let out a soft whimper as she felt a hoof brush against her nethers. She let out a gasp as it slowly slid up and down her length. She shivered at the touch, biting her lower lip. “Haa.. are you sure about this sis?” Syna slowly bucked her hips and closed her eyes. Syna suddenly felt a magical grasp around her sensitive nub, wrapping it completely in Dew’s telekinetic hold. Then she started to tighten around it, squeezing Syna’s clitoris, eliciting a yelp as the waves of pleasure jolts through her body. Leaving her squirming. “Does that answer your question?” Dew says with husky undertone, giving a lick along Syna’s neck. Starting to move her hoof up and down her sensitive folds, now puffy and moist with arousal. Syna begins to pant softly, letting subtle moans escape her lips. Dew sticks the comb down between Syna’s hair, lodging it in place. Then begins to kiss her on the neck, mixing it with occasional licks as she slides her hoof down Syna’s slippery privates while she circles her pleasure button with her magic. Dew keeps administering her gentle touch for a few minutes before Syna starts to writhe and and her breathing picks up in a rapid pace. She lets out a moan mixed with a quiet whimper. “I... I am.. sis, I am going to...nnghhh” Dew’s ears perk up at this, and she goes into quick, determined rubs with her hoof, and her telekinesis starts to softly but firmly rub and tug at Syna’s clitoris, causing her to moan louder. Beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. With her free front hoof, Dew gingerly placed it on the side of Syna’s head, turning her to face her. She gazed deeply into her eyes, and when Syna’s entire body began to tremble she pressed her lips against her, locking them in a tender kiss, holding her tightly as she convulsed. Muffled moans escaped into Dew’s mouth. After Syna had stopped shaking Dew broke loose from the kiss and gave a playful lick on the nose. Letting her magic dissipate. Dew looked into Syna’s eyes once more as her breathing steadied. “How what that for a cheering up huh sis?” She trailed a hoof over Syna’s chest with a warm smile on her face. Syna replied by murmuring something with a dreamy gaze and slowly closed her eyes, letting out a happy sigh of relief. > Straight Into The Horse's Mouth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dewflower stumbled towards her bed, she was exhausted. For some reason she’d been overbooked the whole day. Why everypony was so insistent on needing several types of check ups on this exact day she didn’t know. But having a rowing fever didn’t help at all. She went to work that day since she was sure it would be relatively slow day. Did she miss some important date? It actually wouldn't surprise her. She was never really good with keeping track of those. The pink unicorn attempted to slump down onto the sheets but missed and became a close acquaintance with the floor. The floor was a bit rougher than she had liked however. Floor was good though... she coul- no, she had to get into bed. She’d really need a shower though... her coat was sweaty, but she’d deal with that in the morning. The mare slowly got up on all four again. She crawled into her bed and tried to slip under her blanket but felt too weak to bother. It was warm enough in the room anyhow. It was summer after all. As she tried to drift into sleep she felt the place between her haunches flare up. Goddess dammit... why did she so often get horny when she was sick? It wasn’t fair, Dew wanted nothing more then to drift into a peaceful slumber right about now. She brought a hoof between her thighs and gave a clumsy stroke eliciting a weak sensation of arousal. Her nether yearned for more. She tried to comply but her limb went limp. It didn’t seem like she would be getting any satisfaction tonight. The mare tried to push all thoughts aside and drift into sleep. But her the warmth between her loins kept aching for a release which she could not supply. Letting out a groan of annoyance she rolled onto her side. She was going to sleep and feel better. Why was the brain so stupid? If she felt bad and her body told her to rest, why did it keep her from resting by insisting on telling her she felt bad? The unicorn let out another disgruntled noise and rolled over onto her back again. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She tried to drift off into sweet unconsciousness, and she suddenly felt like she dozed off after several minutes of mumbling and adjusting herself. When she opened her eyes she was leaning against a tree in the public park. Ah, finally some peace and quiet. A smile crept across her features. She let the warm sun bathe her splayed out body, when suddenly a yellow pegasus with a orange and yellow mane came swooping down from the clouds, landing in front of the chilling unicorn mare. She glanced up at the new visitor and at the sight her jaw opened slightly. She recognized her, even without her trademark costume on. “S-Spitfire?” Dew uttered in disbelief. She could feel blood rushing to her face and nether, her sex beginning to swell almost instantly. She bit her lower lip trying to focus on the approaching mare. “Hey there sugar, what are you doing out here all alone?” “I, I uh...” Dew just stammered, looking around for something to talk about After desperately trying to find something, she noticed how Spitfire was staring down at her nethers and Dew suddenly flushed beat red in an instant. The unicorn tried to closed her legs in an attempt to cover her pride as it was fully aroused and slowly had started dripping lubricant. The pink coated mare glanced out from between her foreleg's to take a peek at one of her idols. What would she think of her? Lying out in public all aroused like some... some... she didn't have time to contemplate any further as she felt a hoof press against her flower. She shuddered at the touch and let out a soft whimper, shutting her eyes closed panting softly. “My, my, seems like a certain little mare would need a helping hoof? Or maybe you’d prefer a tongue?... or another pair of lips?” The unicorn shuddered and opened her eyes, staring in disbelief at the yellow mare in front of her, her gaze locked on those lush lips of the pegasus. She bit her lip as she started intently. “Oh my, it seems like you’ve already made up your mind of what you desire. I’ll make sure to make this day as memorable as possible then, are you ready to get started?” Spitfire opened her mouth and slid her tongue out, licking her lips delicately. Dew whimpered and bucked her hips, her crotch was now visually throbbing, and her juices coated the vulva in a thin layer, making it glisten in the warm afternoon sun. Was this really happening? She nodded shakily and spread her legs, splaying her goods open, the remnants of her blush increasing once more. Was she really going to do this? And in public nonetheless? But she wanted to feel those tender lips, that slender tongue against her plump, ripe sex. She wanted it so badly it almost hurt. Her breathing picked up as the pegasus lowered herself down onto her knee’s. Dew whimpered softly as the yellow coated mare stroked her inner thighs with a hoof, planting soft kisses along as she went towards her price. She went past it and started kissing the other side, trailing the tongue along the unicorns coat. Dew bucked her hips upwards, eliciting whinnies of anticipation. Then she felt a kiss planted right over her sensitive nub. her eyes rolling into the back of her head, a moan escaping her lips. Then, just as quickly, she felt the pegasus’ lips shut around her button. She yelped out as Spitfire began suckling softly on her clitoris. Dew trashed and flailed helplessly as her body failed to respond to her thoughts. The unicorn was incapacitated from the pleasure eliciting from her twitching nethers. Her tongue lulled out and she was panting hard. The pink mare knew she wouldn’t last long if this treatment kept up in the same pace. Not that she was complaining, she felt too good to bother when she came. Just as long as she could keep receiving this wondrous treatment. After what felt like forever in a blissful haze, Spitfire pulled back with a wet pop. Dew looked up from her stupor with a disappointed frown. She noticed how the fiery pegasi moved her hooves down and spread Dew’s legs apart even further. Spitfire moved her muzzle down her wet slit and the pink unicorn soon felt her insides being felt up with a slithering tongue. She let out a sharp breath and moaned softly. The appendage traced around her walls with delicate grace before it found it’s target and began pressing against it. Dew grunted and bit her lip, arcing her head back. This mare knew what she were doing. She was definitely not going to last long under this administration. The pink mare slowly moved one of her hooves down, placing it on-top of the orange streaked mane of the pegasus. Tenderly pressing it further down into her snatch. Dew could feel how the yellow mare lashed out into her insides, pressing against her spot while rubbing her nose against her nub. She could feel a pressure building up inside of her as the minute passed. Flaring her nostrils she began to quiver. “Haah... I-I am going come soon...” The pink unicorn whimpered and placed a second hoof onto the head of the pony servicing her, brushing the mane from her forehead, looking down into her eyes. The unicorns body started tensing up, she could feel herself getting closer to the edge. Spitfire stopped momentarily and pulled her head back, her muzzle coated in a layer of slippery lubricant. The mere sight was almost enough to push her over the edge. “You’re going to cum sister? Then do it filly, I want to taste your juices!” The pegasus encased the upper parts her folds between her own lips and slid the tongue inside her once again, pressing hard against the spot while she did her best to apply suction to the rest of the pink mares privates, spreading her labia apart with her hooves. Dew arched her back and began to pant rapidly as her body tense up while she prepared herself for the release that was rapidly approaching. Her breathing picked up, her vision started to blur she was- “W-wait, s-sister?” Dew felt dizzy and her sight filled with white, the world falling apart around her. Her eyes shot open as she suddenly awoke with a ragged breathing and covered in sweat. She felt her sex contracting intensely, and fluids flowing out of it in fast, successive jets. After regaining her composure enough to make the room spinning she focused on the form in front of her. She heard a gulping sound, some gargling noise, following by another swallowing sound and a giggle. The pink unicorn shakily got into a sitting position and glanced down on whatever was making that noise. Once her vision steadied, she froze. “Syna? What the hay?!” The other unicorn in question didn’t answer and instead leaned forward and gave her sister a sloppy kiss. Smelling strongly of pheromones and sex. She cracked a grin “Mmm, juicy!” Dew’s eyelid just twitched as her afterglow started to kick in properly. She slumped back onto her back and took a shaky breath. “If I wasn’t so tired, and that didn’t feel so good, I would so get you for this you know...” “Oh, and why do you think I did it now then?” The tan unicorn gave a wicked smirk and couped a feel between Dew’s haunches, this caused the other mare to flinch and whinny, which just cause the smile to grow. “Haa... stop that... it’s sensitive...” “Hush dear, you know you like it” With a gentle stroke Syna caressed her mane and gave her a peck on the lips and huddled up next to her, chin to chin. Inhaling a deep sniff of her mane. > The Fun Has Been Doubled! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to their home suddenly swung open as Syna burst forth with a “Sis, I’m home!” A yelp, followed by a thud, followed by a squeak could be heard coming from the general direction of the couch. After some shuffling a drowsy voice croaked out “I’m awake! I’m awake!” Shortly afterwards, Dew’s head popped up from behind the cushions, mane disheveled. “Ugh, where’s the fire Syna? I was... doing important research.. and stuff... on the couch...” Syna let out a snicker “Sure you were hun, now why don’t you shake that sleep off and follow me upstairs? I bought us a little.. something extra” Dew’s left ear and right eyelid perked up at the mention. “Hum? You bought a movie? A new board game? New combs?...matching dresses? Candy?” A hoof to her mouth later Dew found her reign of rambling came to an abrupt end as she blinked in an asymmetrical pattern, still obviously sleepy. “No, nothing like that. It’s from... “the store” Syna said in a low, husky tone. Dew stared at her uncomprehending for a few whiles before she shook her head as realization hit her, her eyes widening as a blush made itself apparent on her pink hide. “Oh.... OH... I um well.. heh.. I wasn't expecting anything like that” Dew replied, fidgeting in place. “Oh come on Sis, it was... uh, like, around two weeks since we had our last ‘session’ you know.” “I’ve been busy with... ah, alright then, just let me get freshened up. It’s been actually quite hectic for me these past two weeks, much patients to look after.” Syna gave a wide grin and gave Dew a pat on the flank, earning another squeak from the mare. “Atta girl, I’ll go upstairs and get prepared in the meantime.” A few minutes later, Dew climbed into the tub, paused for a moment then climbed back out. Using her magic, she turned the knob, letting the water stream from the faucet. The unicorn gingerly placed her hoof under the steam. “Neat. I was almost expecting it to be cold” she proclaimed. Feeling accomplished with herself, she hauled herself inside the tub once more, letting the water mat her coat, causing her mane to slump down in front of her eyes. ‘This was... nice. It could be so relaxing sometimes to just stand there and soak for a while.’ Dew thought to herself. After doing nothing for around a minute, the pink mare let out a sigh and levitated up a sponge, starting to scrub her body, beginning with her face. She closed her eyes, just letting the soft material caress her wet body. Soon, she had forgot why she even went to get a shower in the first place. She rubbed the sponge on a piece of soap to get up a foam, then resumed trailing it along her body, trying to get the most of the dirt out of it. After reaching her flanks, she slid it over her slick hips and in between her thighs, going all the way down, then back up. The unicorn shivered lightly at the touch. Could she? She couldn’t remember having to be anywhere soon. She bit her lower lip softly and levitated the sponge up into the water, wringing it out a few time, making sure to get most of the soap out of it. Once done, she floated it back to her hindquarters and began to rub her nethers with it. Dew let out a soft coo of delight. It had been weeks since she had given herself some attention. She felt the blood rushing down into her sex, making it swollen and moist. Despite the later being kinda pointless as she was already soaked hoof to mane. Nonetheless, the unicorn kept the sponge moving around her privates. After around a minute, she got an idea. It had been more than a month ago she had ejaculated. And she was already in a tub, so there was no way she could make a mess anywhere... A grin spread across her features and she knelt down with her front legs. The pink mare let the sponge drop to the bottom of the tub, then focusing her magic to shape a small telekinetic hoof, around the size of a foals. She slid it inside of her with a squirm of delight, then moved it to just the right spot. After taking a few shaky breaths, she began to push against her own sensitive area, over and over in a steady rhythm. Dew let out a few muffled moans as she kept up her pace over the minutes. She could feel the pressure building up inside her. It wouldn’t be much longer now. The pink unicorn started to pant, she tried to reach her clitoris, but her magic wasn’t enough to focus at more than one place. She stretched out a hoof, but it wouldn’t reach. Now if she just could... she suddenly felt a second magic glow envelop her glistening vulva, encasing around her clitoris and began milking it. She grit her teeth and hissed audibly. “Ngh.. yes! Just like that...” she whispered under her breath. Just a moment later, Dew let out a moan and started to shiver. Her insides contracting and she could feel an immense relief as several jets of clear fluid shot out from her sex. She could hear it collide with the end of the tub, creating a contrast to the constant drizzle from the shower. The shaking mare counted every load she released as they struck against the wall. “F-five... si- six! haa.. haa...” Dew slumped down with her hind legs as well now and let out a dreamy sigh. She dissipated her magic and the arcane force her walls had tried to coil around faded. Her other magic didn’t however, and instead tightened around her nub uncomfortably... wait, other? She could only manage to control one at a time... her eyes shot open as she felt the magic let go of her nethers. The mare found herself staring up at a rather ticked looking tan unicorn glaring daggers at her. ‘Oh yeah... ops...’ Dew thought to herself and put on her best innocent filly smile she could muster after just having a hard orgasm. It most likely just looked dopey. Syna returned the smile with a sinister smirk. ‘Wait... why is she smiling? What is she pla-’ Dew’s train of thought was broken when she heard a facet being turned. The pink unicorns eyes widened in horror. ‘Oh sweet Celestia.. she wouldn’t...’ Halfway across town, a magnificent moustache twitched twice. “Something the matter Quintain? You seem perplexed” “I’m not sure Chipper, I just got this unexplained feeling that something horrible just happened to one of our little girls” “Oh, don’t be like that, it’s probably nothing. What’s the worst that could hap-... you don’t think Syna is going to try and cook again do you?” “I hope not... but it’s probably nothing like you said. Now lets get back to this garden tour Chip.” After the initials screams had subsided, the pink unicorn was trembling in the far side of the tub. “Have missy had her fun now? And I will just suspect you are awake now as well.” “S-so... so c-c-cold...” “... I’ll take that as a yes” The tan mare reached down and patted the pink unicorn on the head. Then turned her head and turned the faucet back to moderately warm again, feeling the temperature with a hoof, then pushing the near catatonic Dew back into the stream once again. She recoiled at first, but then relaxed as she noticed it wasn’t cold anymore. Coughing, she turned and looked at Syna. “Sorry... I kinda lost track of time and forgot the whole ordeal...” “Aw, it’s alright. I’m positive you won’t leave me eager, moist, hard and throbbing in our room any time soon in the future after my little, *ahem* reminder... I hope it wasn’t too harsh on you... although, you did waste all of those lovely fluids, just straight down the drain.” The tan coated mare let out a nervous laughter and grinned sheepishly. Dew deadpanned and glared at her for several second before cracking up in a smile. “Heh, don’t worry too much about it. I kinda deserved that. And my cooch wasn’t hit, so I think I can forgive you... you owe me head for that however. “Hah! I can live with that” Syna gave a devious wink and kissed her on the forehead. “Now”, the teal maned unicorn stated. “Let me show you that thing I was talking about... come to think of it, let's use it in the tub... we’d just need a shower afterwards anyhow” She broke off into a grin and climbed into the tub next to the mare with the misty white mane, then turned to face a box around the same length as a grown pony’s leg. Levitating the top off, she revealed a rubbery appendage, it was a colour slightly darker then maroon around the same length, but around half the girth. Dew stared at the object in question for several seconds, mouth agape, before blinking and turning to the unicorn beside her. “Syna... I know you are... well endowed, but there’s no way that would fit inside of you. And I’m even less deep than you, how did you thi-” Dew was interrupted as the floppy dildo gently smacked against her nose. Syna snickered “Don’t be such a silly filly. Never heard of sharing before?” With that she gave a wink and floated the toy over, placing it in her own mouth, covering the tip with saliva while extending the other end in Dew’s direction. The other mare reluctantly opened her mouth and took in the tip off it and coated her side with saliva as well before pulling back. “So... I take it we take half each?” “I could take a little more of it if you like.. but yes, we’ll go from one end each.” “Now lay down on that side sis,” Syna told her sister. “You’ve hogged the shower long enough already,” she added with a snicker. Dew laid down on the far end of the tub and splayed herself open, presenting her goods. Syna moved to the other side and turned down the facet a bit, changing it to a light drizzle. Then gingerly just shoved the toy inside Dew, rewarding her with a grunt of disapproval. “Oh come on now, you can’t have gotten that flaccid already sis. I’ve seen, and even caused you to go five times in one go.” Syna said with a hint of playfulness in her tone. “Yes, but then I wasn’t assaulted with ice cold water...” The tan unicorn stopped to reflect this for a moment, then rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and blushed slightly. Pulling the dildo out with another noise of discomfort, she began to slide it up and down the length of Dew’s vulva. “Right, right, sorry. I kinda forgot the effect of cold water.” she said sheepishly. The pink unicorn visually relaxed as the tension in her muscles left. She let out a quiet whinny once it graced over her button with added pressure. “Anh.. o-ok, I’m ready now sis, stick it in” The other mare didn’t need more encouragement and slid in the toy more gently this time. Then scooted herself down onto her back. Sliding the other end of the toy between her own plump lips, letting out a squeal of delight. Pushing it inside deeper of her, motioning for Dew to do the same. They soon met near the middle, both mares wriggling and pushing to get the last bit, taking more of the toy inside their vagina’s as they went. However, they soon found another problem then just if they could take it all: Their legs and tails were in the way to properly push their hindquarters against each other in this position. “If you would just...” “Move your flank a bit to the right, and I’ll try to...” “Now just take your leg and bend it over my...” After around a minute of fidgeting, their lips finally touched, grinding their clits together. “Haa.. are you ready for this?” “Ready as ever, let's do this!” They both began to rock their hips in a rolling motion massaging their sexes against each other in unison as they went up and down the length as far as they could in this position. After a few minutes, Syna exclaimed “Hold on, let me try something” Her horn shimmered and Dew let out a sharp gasp as the dildo started to vibrate. “Ooooh... goddess, that feels nice Syna.. let me try something as well” Dew’s own horn flared up and an aura soon encased the tan unicorns marehood in rapid, pulsating motions, eliciting even louder moans then before. “Haa.. no fair...you know I have to keep my focus on the toy...” “Exactly...” Dew said in a satisfied voice and her magic slithered down and into Syna’s snatch. Beginning to press against a certain area, causing the tan mare to whinny in pleasure. She repeated this motion several times, pressing quite roughly against the soft spot in her insides. The teal maned mare began to tense up and her breathing picked up. “Ah... buck... I-I’m gonna cum sis... k-keep going as I cum, hard.. please?” The pink unicorn just nodded in response and shut her eyes in concentration, the pressure and speed picking up as she almost hammered the sensitive area inside her sisters sex. Syna arched her back and let out a scream of ecstasy as she released her loads of fluids between the two. The lubricant gushing up between the two mares in a small fountain. Dew didn’t stop rubbing and pushing until she could feel the other unicorn spasms die down and she was relatively still, and quiet. She waited and let her sister catch her breath. “Sounded like you enjoyed that quite a bit huh?” After several moments of heavy breathing, a ragged “Yes... t-thank you sis” came as a reply. Some seconds later, she could feel Syna starting to move again. “Alright... lets get... you off as well... and then we’ll see what... we’ll do... afterwards.” Both mares resumed rubbing and humping against each other, a large amount of Syna’s love juices already washed away by the constant drizzle from the shower nozzle. Dew slithered her magic out of her sisters nethers and wrapped it around Syna’s clitoris once more and resumed the treatment she had started before. It only took slightly more then another minute before Dew grit her teeth and panted out “Sis... I’m gonna cum again... I’m just gonna....” Her telekinetic grasp of Syna’s crotch lifted and was placed over her own as she rubbed herself off as she came, her entire body trembling softly as she moaned loudly. After she went still, the pink mare took a moment to catch her breath, then placed the glow back over on the tan unicorn. “Huh? I thought we were done sis? “Don’t be silly Syna, you only came once while I came twice. Now, let Doctor Dewflower give you another special treatment, no prescription required” she chimed with a giggle. As the grasp around Syna’s sensitive nub once more was implied, she could feel she was actually not that far off from another orgasm. She leaned back and braced herself. In less than a minute she had been brought over the edge. “H-here we go again!” she cried out and tensed up, twitching as she tried to hold back her spasms, hissing out sounds of orgasmic bliss before going limp once more. “Something the matter? You were a lot quieter than usual Syna.” “Haah... oh I’m f-fine. I’m just a little parched. It was hard work keeping that toy vibrating you know? haa.. and besides, I wanted to try and see how quiet I could be” she gave a sly wink. “Oh, I see, in case you get one of your “midnight cravings”?” Dew let out a giggle. Syna blushed and tapped her two front hooves together before glancing back. “You mean like your trademark “morning dew’s”?” she retorted with a grin. The pink unicorn stopped laughing at once and flushed beet red. “H-hey now... I can’t help those... and I was just joking... I can’t help I’m rather quiet when I come” “Just like I can’t help, or well, prefer not to muffle my own” she gave another wink. They both started to giggle together. “Ah well, let's get up and clean this tub. I can smell the scent of mare musk and sex from here. Now lets just... I mean, I just gotta... what if I...” Dew struggled to get free but just kept slipping on the wet surface. “Hey! Let me just get my hooves free, and... uhm... Dew... my legs are stuck between yours...” Syna tried to pry her legs free, but lacked the leverage to pull her legs loose. She used her magic to turn off the shower and took a deep breath. “Okay... let's not panic here. Lets calmly just enter a state of irrational flailing and shrieking. Does that sound good? Or do you have a better idea?” Dew tugged and tried to push free from Syna, but only elicited grunts and whinnies of protest from either side as they tried to break free. “Ow, ow, ouch! Stop, just... stop. This ain’t working. Sooo... our legs are intertwined, and we’re stuck with a stick between our crotches... Think rationally here... what could we do to escape this without requiring to ask our dads for help?... not to mention embarrass our flanks off if they find us like this... and get our biggest chewing out ever. And then I don’t mean in the good way.” “Well... this tub is to small for us too successfully scoot our way from each other. That leaves breaking the toy, doing some weird acrobatics and climb out, but that would cause us to tumble out, and we could... tear something if we landed wrong. We could risk breaking a leg so one of us could get free. Or we could wait around 3 hours before our dads come home?” “Hm... no, it cost me to much, besides, we lack the magic to do so. Goddess NO! How can you even suggest that? Isn’t your job to keep our pretties safe? Still no, I doubt either of us have the ovaries to do that to one another. And buck no, what would dad say when they found out?.” All that could be heard for several seconds were the sounds of silence. “Ugh.. you know what? I can’t be bothered with this right now, I’m gonna take a nap. This has been a tiring day. Wake me up in like, an hour or something, since I really can’t focus my thoughts clearly right now. I’m sure you’ll find something out.” “Um... sis?” “Yes? Make it snappy, I want my nappy.” “Not to add pressure to this whole situation, but I will need to use the little filles room, like. Rather soon... like.. just so you know...” “..... okay, just a crazy thought but what if we try-”