> Mercy's Dawn > by Dovie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s been 2 years…. Why can’t I get over her death?” Princess Celestia muttered to herself as she sit alone in her throne room. “That sure is worrying you quite a lot isn’t it, sister?” Princess Luna said, walking out from behind her older sister’s throne. “I’ve seen it in your dreams for quite a while now. You need to move on. It isn’t health for all this grief and frustration to get pent up so long. I don’t want to have to imprison you in the sun.”Luna said, cracking a smile. She was joking but she wanted her sister to know that she cared. “I know, Luna, I’m trying. I just need to find something to distract myself… if you need me, I’ll be wondering around the castle grounds again.” The while Alicorn stood and walked out of the throne room. She had often walked around the castle aimlessly like she was now, but since she died, it became a daily thing. “Next.” The senior judge pony says, motioning for the small foal to get out of the audition room. The little blue and yellow unicorn does as he’s bid with his head held low. That had meant he had failed his entrance exam to the magic academy. As he left the room he passed a slightly smaller unicorn than him. She was light yellow with an orange mane with a single pink streak. She had her mane tied back so it would be off of her shoulders and she blew at her curly bangs that always seemed to find themselves in her face. “Name,” The judge pony demanded flipping the pages on her clipboard. “My name is Merciful Dawn.” The judge pony nodded and gave Mercy (as she preferred to be called) her task. She was to use her magic to hatch an egg. Usually, they used dragon eggs for this purpose but for the last two years they had been using multiple types of eggs to test the foals’ true potential. “right away ma’am!” Mercy smiled and focused on the egg that was brought into the room. It seemed like such a strange egg. Nothing her parents had told her about. This egg was rather small. Could it be a bird? Mercy applied enough heat and pressure to incubate a bird egg. There was a flash of light and Mercy knew she had been mistaken. That was too magical of a hatch to be a bird. When she saw what had hatched out of it she gasped. Her foalsitter had told her about these small ponies with fairy-like wings and antennae. “A Breezie.” “Nicely Done- Princess! I didn’t expect you to be here!” The judge pony gasped and nearly dropped her clipboard. “ I heard a Breezie egg beings hatched.” Princess Celestia turned and looked at the small filly who had accomplished such a feat. “Well done. What is your name, young one?” Celestia smiled. “Merciful Dawn,” The yellow unicorn said proudly. “Well, Merciful Dawn, would you like to come with me and be my personal student?” Mercy’s face was an excited smile in moments. She couldn’t get a “yes” out quick enough. The tall Alicorn giggled and turned towards the door. “Come with me then.” Mercy scrambled towards her new teacher but stopped and picked up the newborn breezie and brought it with her. “let’s go, Aurora.” Mercy whispered to the tiny pony that would become her best friend. Celestia’s mind ran wild as she escorted the small filly to what would be her new room. This little yellow Unicorn reminded Celestia of her. She had all the same potential and the same insecurities. Celestia didn’t know this first hand, however, she could just tell by looking at the way the small Unicorn held herself. They walked down the hall and at the end of the hall there was a small entrance. It was just big enough for Celestia to enter, but she had to bend down so her horn wouldn’t bump the top. “This way, My new Student.” Celestia said with a smile and then climbed the spiral staircase inside. Once they got to the top, Celestia stood off to the side to show the small Unicorn her new room. Mercy gasped as she entered and looked around in awe. The walls mostly consisted of bookshelves. There were 2 floors and both of their walls were this way. There were 3 really pretty stain glassed windows on the top floor that went from the floor to the ceiling in a bay window style. There was a couch in the bay with a reading lamp nearby. The perfect place to read and look out over the east side of Canterlot, which was almost always busy with life. On the bottom floor there was a small kitchen to the left, a bathroom to the right and in the center, under the stairs was a staircase leading down into a small bedroom which also had bookshelves, but they were empty and could be filled with whatever Mercy wanted. “what’s all this, Your Majesty?” Mercy asked, wondering who lived in such a wonderful place. Celestia laughed to herself, “Why, this is your new room, Mercy. You will live here while you are my student. Is it to your liking?” The white Alicorn looked down at the tiny Unicorn and her even tinier new born friend. “Oh yes!” Mercy jumped around in excitement and rushed up the stairs. She turned abruptly as she got to the top of the stairs and said “Thank you so much, Princess Celestia.” Tears were in her eyes. This was more than she could have ever hoped for and she wasn’t sure whether or not she was dreaming. “well, I’m glad.” Celestia smiled and watched the filly look around at all the books, wondering how she would ever read them all. “Oh, and one more thing, Mercy.” Celestia called to the filly. Mercy looked over to her new mentor. “ It seems you got your Cutie Mark.”