> War, Pain, and...Ponies..? > by Militarybronybear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Jump or Not o Jump (RW) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It felt like only a second ago we were joking around..Ramirez, Philip, Daves, how did it come to this slaughter." Jacob said as he was sitting behind a large boulder oddly shaped like a diamond. He couldn't think on what to do until something clicked in his head. A cliff side was a short ways away, the enemy on the other side of the rock was closing in..fast. He has to make a decision between two choices, get covered in holes, or break some bones and have a lesser chance of becoming a sponge while also maybe escaping. It was obvious, he didn't want to be swiss cheese with a side of copper fillings, so he did what any soldier or sane person for that matter, would do to survive, he got up and started in a full sprint off the cliff. He felt pain in his right shoulder and back while having a burning sensation in the left thigh before he even got off the cliff, the rest he wouldn't remember, since he had blacked out after jumping off the edge. -some time later- Jacob slowly opened his eyes while being greeted by large amounts of pain with the taste of dirt in his mouth. Jacob see's that his right shoulder was shot via the exit wound. "Shit, hurts but better then dead." He says to him self. Knowing he should start moving by looking at the blood puddle, he tries to fumble for support with his left arm but only manages to roll over on his back which sends siring pain shooting through his shoulder and to the bullet wound. After catching his breath he feels the pain pulse through his shoulder. After thinking about the wound he starts going over his wounds. "One 9mm round to the thigh, three 5.56 rounds in the back which doesn't need tending thanks to my vest. Besides a few bruised ribs/and or broken ones aren't the source of my pain. A 7.62 round in my shoulder is." He states. In his bag is a small med kit, which had the basics for keeping small wounds stable. Knowing the pain would be excruciating, he puts a stick in his mouth. He starts to patch up some wounds and bites deep into the stick. After biting and groaning at the pain of antibiotics, dry wraps, and a needle, Jacob looks at his body seeing cuts and scrapes across all parts from head to toe. "This is gonna be a hell of a story..and medical bill.." thought Jacob thought trying to calm him self down from seeing the cut and punctured parts of his body. Jacob looked at his thigh, sighing at how it barely moved. He looked for an exit wound but couldn't find one, the bullet was still in his leg some where. After a few minutes he gets up and moving slowly while a slight painful scream escaped as the bullet moved inside. It made him lose consciousness on the muddy floor of the Everfree Forest... ------- Fluttershy heard something off in the distance from inside her cottage, shy as she is cowered slightly at the scream. Angle's ears had perked up from the sound of the scream. Fluttershy said to her self with fear "Oh no..! That sounded like it came from the forest...and didn't sound l-like a scream for joy o-or hap-happiness.." Fluttershy coming back to Reality, grabbed her medical bag with her free hand slinging it on as Angle jumped into another bag that she grabbed. As soon as she left the cottage she flew up and out towards the forest in a direction in which she heard the creature that screamed would be at. While flying over the tree line of the forest she saw something laying down with bits of red near it. "What could that be?" She asks herself. Flying in and landing to take a closer look, Fluttershy sees that it's a creature with some type of camo that's bleeding. "Oh my Celestia! You must be the poor animal that screamed in pain." Fluttershy saying in a soft, caring tone. She Flipped Jacob over and onto his back, she notices him flicker his eyes open with pain being visible in them. `After being turned over in reality, Jacob flickers his eyes open to see a "Pink haired..pony? With a yellow coat?" he asks himself. "Wait not a pony..a..human?" he doesn't understanding how or why the girl's colors are that way or even to how and why she got here, he just stares at the lady until pain comes rushing into his brain like a train packed to the brim with C4. "Agh.." He groans. The girl backs away a few feet with a frighted and scared expression written on her face. Given her looks she's really damn shy or scared, maybe both. So you lay there groaning at the pain. "I need help..now...or I'll probably die out here by tonight or tomorrow..." Jacob says to the woman. He gets whiter at the thought of dying alone in a forest. "I'm a v-v-v-vet..and g-getting my bac-bachelor's degree.." which she said in a quite but audible tone. Shocked, amazed, and confused, he blinks a few times and says "You talk...finally.." As she gets closer to Jacob knowing he needs help but to shy to say out right that she will help him. At that moment he drops out of consciousness as the lady sees his eyes close and his body go limp, she tries picking him up but fails. Knowing she can't drag him from the weight of his body and attire, she tells Angle the plan of action. "Okay, Angle bunny, I need you to go and run to Twilight's house as fast as you can, we need her magic to pick him up to get to the hospital. If you could please?" She asked nicely to Angle who gave a little salute before bouncing off towards Twilight's library. > Memories (RW) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A faint creaking of a door could be heard as a purple bi-pedaled unicorn was looking through some old books, one labeled "Ancient Myths of Old Equestria". As the unicorn looked over to the front door, a little puffy white bunny hopped on through. "Oh, Angle didn't know you were stopping by, what's the occasion?" She asked the bunny now putting the book she was reading down on her desk. The unicorn watched as the bunny hopped around the library and stopped by a sign which read "Medical, Medicine, an Anatomy". The intelligent unicorn getting the hint asked Angle "What's wrong Angle? Is somepony hurt?" the unicorn getting worried and scared not knowing which. The bunny then hopped out of the library in a few bounces leading the purple unicorn out of the tree and onto the cobble road. As she saw the bunny leave, got up and with a hurried step followed him. She contemplated the possibilities "Who or what got hurt and what injuries could there be? Another pony? Flutters? Broken bones or missing limbs?" The unicorn still following couldn't keep the variables out of her complicated mind. -A few hours ago- "I could fall asleep to these rotors.." Said Ramirez giving a dramatic fake yawn. "You can fall asleep to a B-17's engine in your ear." Replied Jacob manning the Browning .50 cal. on the right side of the BlackHawk. Taking the spot for the last gunner who was shot through his heart. He shivers slightly at the thought. "Enough you two, we're almost to the LZ. Now, listen up. Once we land we'll head north along th-" Danes was suddenly cut off as his neck suddenly had a hole in it. "Shots fired! Danes been hit! Jacob get your fucking sights on him!" Ramirez screamed putting pressure at the hole gushing blood every where from his neck. Jacob starts paning around trying to find the target as a small line of smoke head towards the tail of the helicopter. As if on cue a wave on AK fire erupts from the beginning of the smoke line. "RPG 4 o' clock!" He screams to the pilots and they start maneuvering. It was too late of a warning and it hits the tail of the Blackhawk taking it with it in an explosion. The Heli shakes violently then start spinning out of control with a jolt forward. "I'm losing control of her!" Yelled the pilot as the cockpit windshield cracked and broke. -Present- Jacob wakes up opening his eyes but instantly closes them from the wave of pain that washes over his body. "This means, one, I'm dead at the bottom of the cliff. Two, that the yellow body and pink haired girl was most likely real. Three...the team..is..dead." With depression and pain in his heart he slowly opens his eyes to see that yellow lady sitting next to him looking into his eyes. "H-hello..? Who are you?" he asks the yellow human thing. "Oh you're a-awake, my n-name is...Fluttershy" You can't hear the rest that she mumbles softly. "I'm sorry, but what was your name again..?" He notices she's only looking at him in glances. "I'm...F-flutter...s-shy.." she softly says. "Fluttershy..? Alright...well can you tell me where I am?" Looking at what shes wearing and the way shes talking, she doesn't seem to be from Afghanistan. "Y-you're in the Everfree forest, n-near P-ponyville" The girl stutters out. Jacob goes through his memory of the layout of the mountain, there wasn't a town called Ponyville, there wasn't even a town within 8 clicks of the LZ. "Where the hell am I..." Jacob thought to himself thinking of possibilities but none could come to mind. "Well thank you uh, Fluttershy, but I must be going now." He says as he tries to get to his feet only resulting him falling on his ass and having pain shoot up his body. "Oh my, you should take it easy..uh..w-what's your name..? I-if you don't mind.." Fluttershy asks looking down shyly twirling her hair in her index finger. He told her his name "Cpl. Jacob Sweeney of the United States Army." He looked behind Fluttershy seeing a purple lady with the same looking feet-hoof thing and two different shades of purple for hair, walking towards him trough the forest. He could easily tell she was a civilian from what she's wearing, a white long sleeve T-shirt with a dark purple vest and a pair of what looked like regular Denim jeans. Fluttershy seeing that Jacob was not looking at her but past her, turns around to see what he's looking at. "Oh, Hello Twilight." she says finding out what you are looking at. -A few minutes ago- "Somepony must have gotten in a fight with a Timberwolf if were heading into the Everfree.." Twilight thought to her self, still following the white bunny to the edge of the forest. Angle, the only one knowing the way to Flutters along with an unknown injured pony or random animal, bounces into the front bushes of the forest to lead the last leg of the small journey. Twilight being slightly hesitant, follows in after the small bunny into the hazardous Everfree.A couple minutes of walking later she starts getting worried from sounds in the woods "Angle I think we're lost..I don't see anypony anywhere, I think you went in the wrong direction." Thinking she'd get a verbal response from the bunny she knows never speaks, got a white fluffy bunny point to a familiar yellow pegasus next to what looked like a beige earth pony with no tail and a small short mane. "Strange..." Twilight thought as she keep walking to them. -Present- "Who's that..?" Jacob asks pointing with his good arm at the purple unicorn getting closer. He hoped they weren't hostile. "They would have killed me, hurt me, or start dragging me away if they were actually hostile." He thinks to himself. "Oh, Jacob that would be one of my friends, her name is Twilight. Let me go get her and fill her in on..the situation." Fluttershy gets up and walks over to her friend leaving him to wonder what they're talking about exactly. Jacob knows what that pause meant, the cuts, bruises, most of all, the bullet wounds. He starts to think about the way the two girls, at least he thinks they're girls. "They at least looked the part." He said under his breath. From their hoof-feet to their wings and horns to their odd color pallet. "How are they like that? Are they in costumes or dyes? They seem like they have fur on them so how could they be real?" He battled his mind against it's self until the two creature girls walked backed to him. "So you're the creature that's been injured? Let's get you to a hospital then, you don't seem to be all together." Said the one who was told to be Twilight. "T-then could get on with carrying me already?" Jacob stated feeling his body go slightly numb and cold. "Carry? Why carry you when we could be there with teleport, you must be delusional from blood loss, we should hurry then." The purple unicorn said as her horn started to take a deep dark space purple aura around it. "This is no time for jokes, you can't te-" was all he got before a flash of white took him into another blackout. > Hospitals and a New Species (RW) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Jacob can see is blurs as the blackhawk starts dropping out of the sky. Dings and clangs of bullets hitting the Heli, the blaring of the alarm, the screaming of the pilot as he lost total control as glass shards found their ways into his face. Then a loud "SHHUHHSHUHhuhuh...CLANG..SHHHSHhhhsh." of the Heli crashing into the dirt side of the mountain. Jacob blacked out for a few minutes and was woken up by a hard slap to the face. "WAKE UP YOU FUCK!" Ramirez screamed in Jacob's face, he opens his eyes and looks around seeing that Ramirez has blood on his hands while shaking you. "I'm up, I'M UP!' He yells back so he won't slap him again. Once Ramirez sees him awake he says "Alright, get your M4, and secure this chopper, we have to make sure they don't get any extra ammo and supplies. Philips is out there now so get your ass mo-" Then suddenly a hail of AK fire started hitting the Heli. Jacob grabs his rifle and staggers slightly to stand from the Hawk being almost sideways, checking around he sees the browning .50 bent to an odd L shape against the dirt. Jacob gets out of the little pocket made for the door gunner and checks the cock pit to find a not so pleasant sight. The main pilot's head is half blown off and on to the walls which makes you vomit in your mouth, the co-pilot has his visors glass broken in to his eyes with other glass in his neck. Jacob looks away almost having his lunch leave his body, but he keeps it in and gets out to find his Lt's body with a hole in his neck, leaned up against what would be the side of the hawk... ------ *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* Jacob opens his eyes slightly but closing them to the pain of the wounds that are still there. After some deep breathing Jacob tries to open his eyes again, he sees he's in side of what looks like a hospital. "Good news, I'm still alive, bad news, this could be an enemy taken hospital. I should be careful." He says to himself. He looks around the room seeing the IV , monitors, and medical supplies. Looking at the other objects, he sees a clock, 10:56 AM, a window by his head, the bathroom door and door to the hallway. Looking at himself now he sees that his gear is gone and his wounds have been wrapped up nicely. Not knowing if anyone is near or not he asks out loud "Hello? Anyone there..?" When he stops talking the door opens to see a nurse walk in wearing a regular nurse outfit but white and.."with a cross hat? Strange.." Jacob thought. "Ah, you're awake, that's good to know, how do you feel?" The, really white and light pink maned...and tailed..nurse asks him questionably. "I feel like shit to be honest." He deadpans while looking at the nurse. "Oh, and where might my equipment be?' He asks not seeing it in the room. The nurse writes down what Jacob said with a quill "..to be...honest..oh and the stuff you were carrying is in a box down the hall in the lobby. Don't worry we took great care of your things" The nurse kindly informed him when she was done writing. "Thank you, uh, nurse, now I should take my leave." Jacob says as he swings his legs over the side of the bed but not without a sharp pain going up his legs and arm. He tries to get off the bed which he succeeds in but drop to one knee quickly from the enormous amount of pain. "Wait, uh S-Sir!" The nurse says yelling slightly at the end from Jacob falling. She jogs to him and takes his arm trying to get him to stand. "A-are you alright? You shouldn't be walking, it's only been two days!" He thinks about what she said and slowly makes it to the bed while being relieving him of a little of the pain. As he gets comfortable and lays on the bed with the pain still burning, thinks about how she said that he had been here for two days. "You said I've been here for..two days?" He asks not believing that it has been that long. "Yes sir, it has been two days since you were brought to the hospital" She replied to you "We have been waiting for you to wake up to ask you a few questions." Tapping her clipboard with the quill. "Well, I won't be going anywhere, now it just depends on the questions you ask." You state to the nurse. The nurse read some questions off the paper "Where did you get your injuries from?" Knowing that if this place was near the crash, they might be working with the terrorists and heard the crash. "I was...hiking and slipped off an edge so i fell a long ways way to the bottom." You lied to the nurse. The nurse replies with a confused look "There's no decent sized hills back there in the Everfree sir.." "Shit.." Jacob thought to himself "W-well I was in a tree that was on I guess now looking back that it was just a small bump in the ground." He says trying to recover from his lie. She looks at you not believing you "Alright...what are you?" changing the question. "I am a human." He says confused by the question. Jacob thinks "Why would she ask that, isn't she human..?" He looks at her noticing her horn. "Oh, huh..I wonder what drugs they gave me." "Hu-man..?" She writes that down on her clipboard "What's that?" she asks clueless. "Yeah, human, Homosapien?" Confused Jacob thinks about the colors of the people, pony, things he's seen, their feet, the wings and horns, he starts putting pieces together. "They aren't...human...are they.." He thinks. Surprised she responds "Uh, okay...next question...where are you from..?" After thinking for a minute if he should answer "Boston, MA in United States of America" He responds. "Oh, alright.." is all she says as she writes it down on her clipboard. "That was my last question, would you like visitors to be able to come in?" Thinking there won't be any "Sure, I bet my fan club is here" He says jokingly. "Oh, didn't realize you were popular." she says not taking the joke. "Well, I gotta tend to other patients, take care now." The lady walks out as you say a regular goodbye, Now being in the room alone, Jacob starts to let his mind wander and think about the past days that have unfolded. "So, I've been shot, shot at, cut and slammed, teleported via magic, and hospitalized for the time being...great.." He lets out a sigh as he gets bored at thinking about whats happened. "I wonder what else will happen." as if on cue a knock is heard from the door. > Bringing it Around Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come in!" Jacob says to who ever is behind the door. The door opens into the room and closes. It's the purple unicorn, Twilight he recalls. She walks in now with different cloths, deep blue dress shirt with a purple bow tie, and a long purple plaid skirt. "I see you're awake, that's always a good sign. How have you been mister..?" Twilight says. "Yes it is, and you can call me Jacob, your name is Twilight right?" He responded and asked back. "Okay, and yes that is my name, now how are you feeling Jacob?" she asked sincerely. "Alright if you got any questions medically ask the nurse please, I don't want to repeat it all again if you don't mind. Although thank you for asking." He says calmly. "Oh, can I ask two that I know she hasn't asked you then?" Twilight asked. "Sure, shoot away Twi" He replies. "Alright, one, would you like me to heal you now? Two, would you like a tour of our town?" she asks smiling slightly. Jacob nods to both not needing to say anything. Twilight gets the message and starts casting a spell, he starts to get illuminated in a purple aura. His body feels warm as the pain suddenly starts to leave his body. He tests this after the aura is gone. Jacob bends his knees, elbows and rotates his shoulders feeling no pain. This brings a smile to Jacob's face which Twilight notices. "You happy now Jacob?" Twilight asks having a smile her self. He has no words to say but "How in the hell..." This brings a confused look to Twilight's face. "What do you mean? You've seen magic before, haven't you..?" She asked Jacob tilting her head slightly. "Magic..but that's a bunch of bullshi-" Jacob's brain clicks into gear "Oh..unicorns, separate worlds.." He face palms thinking "Dumb ass.." Trying not to start a long conversation, and wanting to get a view of his surroundings, Jacob attempts to change the topic. "So, can I go get my gear then we can head out to town?" "Oh, yes you can, and we'll head to some top spots that my friends run around town." She says nodding her head towards the town out the window. Jacob sees that the town is made of medieval themed houses. "Not the strangest looking town I've been too." Jacob opens the door to his room and walks down the hospital hall towards the front desk, thanks to the signs. On the way there were plenty of "Ponies?" Jacob guesses that's what he should call them seeing no other option in mind. But the ponies, were all types of colors, it was like opening a 120 jumbo crayon container. When he finally reaches the front desk there's a cardboard box with "HUMAN" written on it. It's behind the same paper white nurse from before. Before he can speak Twilight already grabbed a quill and the box, signing it out on a piece of paper. Jacob just shrugs, seeing how casually the nurse and Twilight took it. Grabbing the box from Twilight's purple aura Jacob heads to what he believes is a men/stallions bathroom. As Jacob walks over to a mirror he sees that he's got a 5'o clock shadow but surprisingly a clean face. So he puts the box on the counter and opens it to see his M4 on top. Jacob takes it out making a note to clean it out later while putting it aside. Under it was your vest chest up with a few cuts in the cloth but by the looks of it still has your spare mags in tact. Thinking back on the past "I didn't have a pack did I? Shit then, got no room to store this, should wear it, I'll be good as long as I'm not attacked from behind." So you put the west on making sure that everything is still there. At the bottom of the box is your M9 holster with your M9, so you put that where it belongs and see that you missed your helmet, flipping the box over it falls out with a loud "CLANG" and "THUD". "You alright!?" Twilight yells from the other side of the door sounding a little to close to it. "Yeah! All's good in here!" You pick up the helmet and pick out a picture from inside with a picture of you and a slightly taller man with a thick but close clipped beard. You feel tears coming but shove them back down as you put the picture in a breast pocket while putting the helmet on proceeding to walk out but are blinded slightly as Twi puts on the worst poker face a few feet away. Putting this into the back of your head for later, you walk towards the door to leave. As you open the door you shield your eyes from the bright sun "Ah, fuckin' sun" you say as you put your arm down getting use to the bright light. Twi walks up next to you "Do you have an idea in mind for a place to visit first or do you want me to chose where?" "You chose, I've never been here before" "Ah, yeah forgot, sorry" then with a blink you and Twi are closer to the center of town, judging by the amount of traffic. Which is consisted of walking, some scooters, a few skate boards, couple of bikes, and the occasional pony..drawn..carriage..you shake your head at that job. When you look around, you notice the stares from ponies, some frightened, some scared, not to many questionable ones though. After a few minutes they start going back to what tasks were at hand. Twi nudges you to follow her which you flinch at slightly, you follow her as she shows you around the town. She points out the club, a few small bars, the market, library, housing districts, and what you'd normally find in a regular town. Then you saw a ginger bread house, the size of a real house...not normal. "This is the bakery, Sugar Cube Corner, run by the Cake family and Pinkie Pie, Pinkie I'm sure you'll find is quite a blast" She giggles on the last part of her sentence. You wonder what she means, but the word blast sets you on a slight edge. When you reach the bakery, you try to knock on the door but instead it flies open and out comes barreling into you a pink blur. Your training kicks in and you reach for your M9, but both of your wrists are grabbed and forced back onto the ground as you land on your back. You look up to see a pink colored lady with pink hair holding you down as she sits on your chest. You relax slightly when you here "Pinkie! Get off of him!" from Twi, but sadly she doesn't and just throws questions and words at light speed. "Hey you're new I've never seen you around so you must be new that means you haven't had a party yet oh YAY I love parties do you love parties? Do you like parties reader? Oh look you got a name tag, Sweeney, well Hi Sweeney Wienie, I'm Pinkie Pie but you can call me Pinkie well i gotta go prepare a party for you two days from now at 11 pm, got it? good, Bye!!!" then sudden weight was gone along with a pink blur which just left you in shock and awe on the ground outside. All you hear is laughing from Twi as you get up and dust your self off. "Holy shit, The fuck just happened.." As you go over what just happened. "Pinkie happened Jacob, and that's all you'll probably see of her except a few pink blurs now and again, till two days from now that is." Going over in your head what Pinkie could be doing for a party and knowing her only for a minute, seems like it will be the best/worst night ever. "So, where to next?" "Hmmm..." Twi puts her finger on her chin thinking "Let's go see the boutique." You shrug, you've never been to one why would you have, you only know what they are, in your world that is. You get that weird feeling as you teleport with a bright flash. As you blink a few times, you see a tall rounded slightly, bright purple building. You guess this is the place from Twi walking a head of you and up to the door. Once you get to the door Twi knocks a few times and a voice is heard. "Come in!" coming from inside the building. Twi opens the door and you follow shortly closing the door behind you as you're greeted by what seems to be a fake belching sound. "Oh love, that get up is so just...just horrid.." This comes from the snow white unicorn with purple hair that is curled, and wearing a white suit with a light blue dress shirt and small earring's. "Let me whip something up for you darling, it wouldn't take long to have me get your measurements" You did need clothes, you only had one pair and it's the one you're wearing, it also doesn't make you seem like you're a nice guy with all the equipment. "I'll take you up on that offer, how much?" you ask guessing it'll be something hopefully cheap and simple. "Oh, nothing dear, I already know you're new here, take it as a welcoming present" she says with a smile. "Wow, well thank you, that's generous of you..?" "My name's Rarity deary, and I know your's Jacob." "Oh, alright.." you say a bit creeped out. Rarity grabs a measuring tape and brings you to a little stage and measures you for your clothing. After a bit of questioning while being measured you take your leave. "Bye Rarity" Twi says first followed by your goodbye. "Ta Ta for now you two" Rarity says before you close the door. "So, what or should I say who's, next on the list?" "Which ever, doesn't matter, and you've met Pinkie, Flutters, Me, and Rarity, so that leaves just two." Great, two more. As you look at your watch since BCT, it looks to have the right time, which is around four in the after noon, good thing you're use to eating later so you got time till dinner. You say to your self that you could probably get the two squeezed in. "We should get going, we're losing day light." you sigh as you wait for the flash but it doesn't come, you're just suddenly there, seems like you've gotten use to teleportation, not knowing if that's good or bad you shrug it off. You look up and see a sign that reads "Sweet Apple Acres" and behind it is a large red barn/house combo. But all around it are apple trees, lot's of them. Jacob must have been putting on a surprised look from the way Twilight laughed. You started walking/trotting? with Twilight up the dirt path to the house, outside on the porch must have been the whole family. There's a Huge buff red guy in one chair, a green somewhat muscly granny, a orange girl who was buffy but seemed more your age leaning on the railing, then lastly was a sun yellow child who seemed about tenish. They all wore a type of plaid shirt and jeans, except the little one who wore a skirt, the orange one had a stetson hat on. Once you got close enough they all looked up at you and Twilight. "Howdy Twi! who's yer friend?" Said the orange girl with a thick country accent. "Hey AJ, oh this is Jacob, he's the one from the hospital I told you about" "Yeah that's me" You put in not knowing what to say. Then you hear a faint, very faint but noticeable sound coming in fast. You turn towards it while the group of pony human things look at you, but, you see a faint rainbow looking object coming straight for you. Training coming to mind, fast moving projectile, unknown what it is, rocket, drone, whatever it is it's coming even faster now so all you do is duck. All you see is rainbow blur as dirt plows behind you and hear a faint "Damn it" too. You turn around but to your surprise the thing was a pegasus girl, blue with rainbow hair. "AJ! You said he wouldn't see it coming!" The rainbow one said annoyed and now covered in a faint dust of dirt. "Ah said he might MIGHT, see it comin' " "What the fuck..and who are you.." is all you could say to what just happened. "Oh, I see you've got a tongue, names Rainbow Dash" You shake hands "But you can call me RD or Dash" you nod. "No ones be able to ever dodge my tackles or pick ups..how'd you do it?" You get a few flash backs which almost brings tears to your eyes, so you sorta lie "Training" is all you could muster before a voice crack. "Mmhm, alright, well I gotta fly, see you at your party dude" was what you heard before she shot off towards the clouds. "So, Twi, is there any place where I can stay?" you say looking over to her. "Oh, You can stay at the library, there's a guest bed if you want" "Really? I wouldn't want to be a burden to you Twi.." "Yes, now come on we should head back to the library for dinner" "Thank you, and what shall be served this evening..?" you say as you're teleported. > How Shit Went Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You stare at the Lt for a few moments, not believing that he's dead, after what he's gone through, so you take his tags to deliver them back home. Your thoughts on how his family will react are interrupted as bullets fly past followed by a RPG round hitting a few feet back. You see Philips behind a fallen tree and run to his cover next to him. "What the hell happened!" you scream over the bullets. "That fucking mob over there fucking happened that's what!" He shoots over the wall with his M249 "They shot the bird down with there RPG but shot fucking Lt's throat out man!" "Those fuckers.." You start to boil with rage and Philip sees it. "Hey Jake, don't do some stupid shit..Ramirez is almost done packing up and arming the Heli to blow" but all you could do was sit there and grip your rifle tighter. " THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS ARE GONNA PAY!" You scream as you stand up thinking about the times you've had with Lt on leave. How you and the squad would get shit faced and not remember what happened. You quickly take down six guys while going over memories before Philips drags you down. "What the fuck! You're gonna get your fucking head split open you dumba-" was all he got out before his eye socket exploded onto you, with brain and eyeball matter. You almost vomit as you look at whats left of his face, a hole in his head as his eye's nerves hang out of his socket. "..fuck..fuck..Fuck..Fuck..FUCK!" is all you could say as you dragged his body back to the Heli and propped him up next to Lt taking Philip's tags too, all you thought was how his little brother would take it being only 13. You see Ramirez round the corner as he spots Philips with half his face. "No..fuck man fuck! What are we supposed to do! Fuck..alright, Jake I'm gonna lay down cover fire, on my signal you bring this detonator back to the nearest cover, and we leapfrog got it?" You nod and grab the detonator running to the edge of the cockpit of the blackhawk waiting for Ramirez to give the signal. He gets up into a crouch and starts letting off bursts into the swarm of baddies. On that first round you double time it to the cover. Once you get there you turn around to give cover fire and yell to Ramirez to move. Once he's gone only a few feet from the Hawk, Ramirez suddenly gets a hole in his chest setting off one of his frag's, sending blood and body chunks every where. Some blood splashes onto your face as your ears start ringing. Looking at the spot to where he was standing, only half his body slumped to the ground. Then something hits your helmet with a silent thud and lands on your boot, you look down seeing what it is blinking wildly from the ringing, it was Ramirez's tags, well one of them at least. So you pick up the tag seeing it still had his name on it, but some of the tag had scorch marks on it going through most of the info on it. "Fucking great plan man...shit.." you can't think clearly, but you need to create another plan, a good one. Running? No last resort, standing ground? No, you'd just get blown 6ft under. Diversion? Well why not, whats the worst that could happen, you die? Oh wait, don't you have a Hawk to kill? -click- *BOOM* Was all you heard before you felt the shock wave of the C4 blowing up the Blackhawk and 10 insurgents with it. You notice just how close to the cliff edge you are as you watch the Heli fall of the cliff in a ball of fire. A noticeable amount of rifle fire stops and the sounds of yelling are heard. As you look over you see a small group of what must be left retreating. "Yeah! You sorry fucks! Now how the hell do I get the fuck home.." You ponder over the thought while jogging away from the attack party and follow the cliff edge. " I guess walk to the nearest outpost? It's only what, 10 clicks out? Like a sunday walk.." you let out a heavy sigh as you walk along the cliff towards the outpost. -----30 minutes later----- You notice a small stream heading down the mountain and figure you should drink up. As you're drinking you hear the faint sound of rotor blades, maybe two. You look up as the sounds get closer, fast, so you look towards the base. You spot two Chinook helicopters heading your way. Did they get a distress call? Did the pilots some how manage to set one off? You can't wrap your head around it but you get up and start trying to wave them down as they pass you. Door gunner of the first Chinook POV.. "Are you seeing that Reaper?" "Seeing what Dg?" "We got what looks like, a guy with our gear, trying to flag us down." What the fuck, is that one of ours? What if it is? " Priorities first, we got signs of fast foot mobiles going up the mountain, if he's one of ours we'll check on our way out." "Fuck, alright let's go" Your POV.. Even with all the waving and yelling, the yelling probably not good, plus they wouldn't be able to hear it anyways. They must think I'm a baddie or they're on a top brass Op. Well shit, better get moving. As you continue walking you notice a boulder in an odd shape. Huh, looks like a diamond, but a hundred times as large. You notice behind the rock is a few more feet before a spectacular view of a cliff side. Seeing how there's no way to get down or even a possible ledge to jump to, you turn around to hike back a bit to find a way down or up. But a few seconds later, a rocket goes flying centimeters away from your ear, past you. Training kicks in under the fraction of a second and you double time it back behind the boulder as a hail of rifle fire is thrown at you and your rock. "Oh hell naw you fucks!" You say as you blind fire around the rock wildly. > Getting a Job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You wake up sweating while your heart races like a horse, or should you say, like a pony. You look around to see that you're in Twilight's guest room. All of the past few days of memories come washing over you, your friends were actually dead and you're still in this strange land. You sit up on the bed putting your face in your hands. "How did any of this happen? None of this has a logical reason! Unless I'm in a weird afterlife state, if so, it doesn't seem bad as hell would be so that's a plus. I'm not a scientist, I shouldn't be pondering how this shit works, I need to clear my head. A walk around town maybe? Hell, find a job even? Wait what currency do they have here? Shit, yeah I need to think this with a walk." You get out of bed grabbing your gear and suit up, you leave your helmet on a small night stand next to the bed thinking you won't need it on a walk. You walk out into the hall of the second floor and walk down it towards the bathroom door. You check your watch seeing how it's around 7 in the morning. "None of them should be up yet, all I need is to rinse my face and then grab an apple to go." You open the door to the bathroom, to see Twilight's back to you while she's fixing her hair from what seems to be from a shower by all the steam in the bathroom. You blush from the sight and close the door loudly "Shit, sorry! Didn't know you were in there!" "Well fuck, first day of her letting me stay here and I've already stumbled into the bathroom, great." You hear a little "eep" before she responds, " It's a-alright, I'll b-be out in a minute.." After what felt like an hour Twilight walks out with clothes and not a towel while not even glancing at you as she walks down the stairs to the main room of the library tree house? Thinking about it you'll just stick with it being a house as you walk into the bathroom and look at your self in the mirror. "I look like shit.." You have light bags under your eyes and you look quite noticeably paler then you have been in the past. So you turn the faucet to cold and splash some cool water onto your face then wash off your face with a nearby cloth. You walk out and down the stairs to the kitchen seeing a purple and lime green lizard kid. "Uh..hello..?" "Hey, who are you? Are you that Human that Twi has been writing to the princess about?" Says the slightly confused kid. "Yeah, that'd be me, and what's this about Twilight writing to a princess about me, let alone her writing about me in anyway" you say a little creeped out but glad to know what type of government there is here. "Oh, Twi writes to the princess about resent studies or occurrences that have happened in ponyville. She is the princess's most faithful student." You are slightly surprised at the last part of what he said. You think about it for a moment then grab an apple off the counter and say you're heading out for a walk but stop forgetting to get the kid's name. "Uh kid, what's your name?" "It's Spike, the assistant to Twilight" "Cool, see you around" As you walk into the morning sun feeling the heat pour onto you, you look around to figure out a way to start walking. You take a right hopping it'll lead to some where useful. While you walk you take in the sights around you, the buildings architecture, the bright blue sky, the colors of all the different ponies, but then you notice something. What's with all the mares? You've only seen a handful of males here and there. "Strange, to say the least, I'll ask Twi later about it, but for now I have a mindful of shit that I got to clear. Jobs, maybe enlist into the military here? Or some small security job at a club? I'll take a look at the security one first. So you start heading off towards where Twilight pointed out the club that ponyville has near some of the bars. Once you get to it, you notice the name in what would be during the night, a bright ass neon sign saying "Welcome to Club Tier Pony." What did you expect from a small town club for a name. You also notice it to be open, strange for how it's only morning, but what do you know, you haven't been much of the big party kinda guy. You walk in and up to the bar looking around the place. It had a dance floor in the back with a DJ booth over looking it, a few tables around the middle, booths along one of the sides, and a bar with all sorts of alcohol. Some were mixed colors of neon, while some were pitch black with a swirling color in them. You stop thinking about the types of booze when a bartender walks over to you. "What would you like?" "A job if you're hiring" you say with a slight smirk on your face. "Afraid there's no more room for bartenders" "Not looking for an opening for that, more like a bouncer, for the DJ, inside, and outside the place." "Oh, well, we don't get too much trouble here I'm afraid but thankful for." "What about the times you do? Or even if some group and not just a person?" "We got..our ways..of dealing with punks if they try something" He says as he taps under the counter. "What if they out numbered you? Or even if they out powered you?" "Are you going to keep being persistent if I say no?" "Yeah probably." He sighs "Alright, you start tonight at 8, be here and try to wear as much black as possible." This brings a slight smile to your face. "Thank you, and what's your name?" "It's Bottle Shine, oh and you work as the DJ's guard tonight, also no alcohol on job." "Yes sir." You give a little salute before leaving the club with a little smile. "Looks like I'll have a busy couple of days. Also, this shouldn't be that hard should it?"" > Walking Around Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you walk outside you notice that it's around mid-day, and decide to take a stroll around town to start sight seeing of this little town. You decide to go to the center of town as a start on this small journey. While you've been walking for only a few minutes, you start to notice the stares and small whispers from some of the ponies. Some sounded like "..he's in for it.." or "Wait till she finds him.." but they all seemed to be talking about somepony but who ever it was seemed to know you, in the bad way. "Who could this pony or even a different being, have in store for me when it or she, finds me?" Through the entire walk you were constantly either glanced at or stared at in some way or another. Once you reach what you presume is the center of the town, from the fountain in the middle of the circular street filled with ponies. You still can't believe on how many shades of colors there are, some colors look the same from a distance but when put together there are clear differences between them. There's also shops outlining the center of the town, ranging from apples to giant gem stones. "I don't have any money of this world, so buying some thing as of now isn't exactly possible." You walk up to the fountain with your mind wandering through the thoughts on how to live here and all the different variables on what living here will do to your mind. Those thoughts are throw immediately out the window as you see the quick and slight glare of either a rifle scope or binoculars, either one isn't good when pointed from an unknown. You throw your rifle off your shoulder going into combat stance, aiming your rifle at where the glare came from. "If it was a sniper or any scoped rifle they would have shot already, so that means binoculars, which either means scouts or a civilian deciding to take a peak at me." Given it might be a civilian or scouts of an enemy combatant, you keep your rifle up at the spot and run up to the building's edge. You get some space before running and jumping to the ledge to climb up. Once you're up you're still lower then the top of the roof's peek so you go up and look over, your rifle now aiming over the side. All you see is a mint green pony running and jumping onto another roof. "Hey! Stop right there!" You yell seeing no weapons on the pony. Seeing how the pony won't stop you get up and give chase. After running and almost slipping off the roofs for a few minutes you reach and end to the street of where the pony has stopped and turned around. While catching up to what you see as a female, you stop and point your M4 at her. "S..Stop! Go for any w..weapons and I will fire!" you say while gathering your breath. The mint colored mare just stares at you wide eyed while she drops her binoculars. "Y-you are real!" She exclaims while smiling, not expecting this reaction you have no clue on how to react. "Yes, I am real, now what were you doing spying on me, if I hadn't been as relaxed as I was, you might be six feet under right now." You say with a hint of anger. "I had to know first hoof, if you were truly real or the ponies around town were just pulling a prank on me. Also, sorry, I kinda got nervous on seeing you were real so when you saw me i just ran not knowing what you could do." "Strange, so I must be a myth around here." "Pulling a prank? Why would they do that about me being here to you?" "Oh, well you're only a myth, well were, and there's very few "true" documents on humans in this world. I'm also know for having...a "hobby" on the stories about humans." She paused on the last few words of her sentence. "I feel like she has more then the average hobby in studding my kind, although I know quite a few people back home who take on strange.."hobbies" that involve myths." "That makes more sense, and let me guess, they think you're nuts about how my kind is real or was real at some point in time?" "Actually, yeah that's about it in a nut shell, a bit sad isn't it..?" She says with a hint of depression. "Not at all, if anything, I proved that you were right by suddenly poofing into this realm." You say trying to cheer her up. "I guess..names Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings. Although you can call me Lyra." "Okay Lyra, nice meeting you, but next time, don't have me chase you down?" "I'll try not to, well see you later!" She says with slight seriousness in her voice as she disappears in a light green cloud of dust. You shrug it off as you hop of the roof looking around on where to go next. "Where's there to go next? I've only got a few hours till shift, walk around town some more? Oh, Rarity was supposed to make me some cloths, I should stop bye to check on what she's done." You start walking in the direction of what you suppose where her residence is. ----Few minutes later---- You knock on the dark purple door and peer through the small window in the door. You see a marshmallow colored female working furiously at what seems to be a denim jacket, Rarity. "Come in!" She yells. You open the door and look around still amazed at the size of the place for only one pers-pony to live in and work. As you walk towards Rarity she glances back at you then continues her work. "I'm almost done with your cloths don't worry darling. I made three other pairs of cloths if you want to check them out." She says pointing over to a white bag trimmed with magenta. You walk over to the bag and peer in seeing neatly folded cloths with a piece of paper with your name on it. "Damn, she's good at this." She turns around and throws you something in a smaller bag. "Go try this on, I think you'll like it." Rarity says as she points to a changing room. You walk into the small room and open the bag and lay out it's contents. A black denim jacket, dark grey T-shirt, and black combat pants."Either she knows that I got a job and what the job is or she knows my favorite color." You change into the new cloths and put your gear back in the bag except your M9 which you attach to your leg holster. You walk out and put the bag next to the magenta and white bag. "Thank you Rarity, this is very generous of you, no one back home would do this for a stranger." You say while putting your dog tags under your shirt. "Well thank you Jacob, and that's a shame, but this is the only freebie, next time you have to pay." "Understood ma'am, and could you do me a favor, drop this off at Twilight's for me? I got to get to work a bit early to get brownie points with the owner." "Sure darling, I'll have Spike deliver it there for you." Thank you Rarity, see you later." You wave good bye as you leave the building towards your new job, a bouncer. > Drop the Bass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you walk towards the entrance of the club you see the neon sign colored blue, yellow and what seems to be a dark red. You notice the line that stretches down half the building. "Guess people want to get here early, I should get to work inside before something happens." You think as you walk up to the outside bouncer. "Sir, you need to wait at the back of the line." The light gray stallion in a normal attire worn by a bouncer. "I'm the new guy that works here, the new bouncer inside. Didn't the owner tell you?" You say not wanting to create a scene on the first day on the job, especially with another worker. "What, your that ,human, creature? Should have guessed from the way you look." He put an emphasis of disgust on the word human. You feel offended but let it slip since you are a new creature to this world. "Yeah, that would be me." "Fine, go in, don't screw up newbie." The bouncer opened the door and let you through making sure no one else put you went through, shoving people in the process. As you look around you see that the place isn't as packed as you thought it would be for having a line outside. You notice that there's also a lot of lights going every where, a glow stick of sorts on a pony's neck or in their hand. trying not to get blinded by just looking into the crowed you go to the bar to see Bottle Shine working fast to get every one there orders. "Hey Boss!" You yell over the bass drop. Shine looks over to you and nods towards the DJ booth, guess that's your cue to get to work. Walking towards the booth you have to wiggle through most of the crowd as they finish fist pumping but as you reach the booth the music has died down. You lean outside the booth on a wall watching the crowd for anything that seems harmful. ----Time passes through thirty minutes of different club songs---- You decide to check on the DJ while there's a calm, well calmer song playing other then loud dubstep. You go into the DJ booth seeing a white anthro pony with blue and aqua hair, sitting back in her chair with her headphones around her neck, staring into the crowd below. "Hello? Ma'am you doing alright in here?" "Huh?" she says looking over in your direction. "Yeah I'm doing fine, just needed a breather." she says exhaling deeply. "Okay, may I ask your name?" You say as you walk over to a wall next to the DJ. "You don't know who I am? The most famous DJ in all of Equestria?" She says not believing that you haven't heard of her. "Sorry, but I'm kinda new to this, world, well I should say this universe." You say being serious about you not from this world. "I should have figured from the looks of you, you don't really look like the average pony." The DJ states. You seem to feel that she's checking you out from under her purple tinted glasses. "Well, this non-average looking ponies name is Jacob." You say sticking out your hand to shake. "Names Vinyl Scratch, but you can call me Vinyl." She replies as she shakes your hand. Once your done you look out through the glass window and see the crowd dying down with the music. But little do you know, a group of ponies just walked in looking for a certain some pony. As this goes under your radar, you look over to Vinyl who's now taken off her glasses revealing her magenta colored eye's and is looking inside her even smaller than mini mini-fridge. "Wow" Was all you could get out. Vinyl looks over to you and asks " 'Wow' What?' "Your eyes, are they normally like that?" You ask not really knowing how to ask her. "What do you mean, the color?" She asks a bit offended. "Yeah, Their magenta.." "Is that a problem to you?" She asks annoyed. "No not at all!" You say trying not to insult her more. "Just, never seen eyes like that, it's cool" Saying that made her blush slightly. "That's a first, most people think it's weird or strange, makes me seem like I'm, different." Vinyl says hanging her head low. You walk over to her and put your hand on her back. "That's awful, but if it helps, I ain't jud-" You couldn't finish as you were Interrupted by a cough from behind you. As you turned around you got smacked in the face by a baseball bat. As you stumble back trying to keep your balance, you get kicked in the gut which made you double over and drop to your knees. You let out a grunt as you say "Y-you fucker.." You look up to see who assaulted you, it wasn't just one, but three dark grey unicorns in suits with baseball bats. "Watch it bub, or you will be walking with the Timber wolfs!" The middle one said with a bat in hands. The others had switch blades out. "Anyways, we ain't here for you, we're here for this bitch!" He says giving Vinyl an enraged stare. "Now, Thunder, show her why you shouldn't back out on the 'Ice' family." "No you're not" You say pulling out your M9 aiming it at Thunder stopping him in his tracks. "What, you gonna throw a hunk of metal at me?" The mafia member says with a cocky look on his face. "This ain't no 'hunk of metal' I'd love to show you what it does, but you won't like it." You say clicking off the safe. "Sure as if you'd attack the Ice family, now you best scatter." Thunder says as he walks closer to Vinyl with his switch blade raised. "Stop or I will fire, this your last chance." You say with a stern voice. As Thunder keeps walking he says "Bite me you cree-" but that's all he got out before you shoot his hand, which takes off a few fingers. This just makes him look at his hand and hold it with his other as he screams. Th other two rub their ears as they look at their brother in shock which slowly turns into anger as they look over to you. "You bastard!" Says the other knife wielding brother as he runs at you in a full charge. You aim at him but he's not stopping so you aim down and shoot his right knee cap. He stumbles then falls over grabbing his knee as he winces and groans at the pain. The one with the baseball bat just stares at you with anger. "I suggest that you take your brothers and get a move on before I put one through your head and give the walls a new paint job." You say with no emotion on your face. It gets through to the brother that he won't win, so he helps up the brother with the busted knee cap as Thunder helps him on the other side. They hobble out of the booth and walk through the crowd that has already gone silent from the sound of the gun shots. You look over to Vinyl who just looks at you with fear. You put your sidearm back in it's holster as you put up your arms slightly in defense. "Hey, I did what I had to do to protect you." You say trying to take her out of shock, this is going to be a long explanation. > UPDATE 2.0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, new update, I will be putting this story off and might even restart the story. This was my first story and mainly to figure out how I wrote along with if I could create an AU with out having any writing experience before hand. That being said I will be creating new stories to try to get more experience so I can create a great story for you all! I will comeback to this, either in a total rewrite or a long period of editing. Check out my other stories as well and tell me how good those are! See you guys in the next story! -Militarybronybear