> Hail Rainbow Dash, Princess Of Dimondia! > by Colthart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Mail For Miss Dash" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It'd been a long past few days for Rainbow Dash, not much really happened for her. not many clouds to bust not much to do at all really. She was lounging in her home in cloudsdale when a over audible THUMP came from the door. she slowly got up and hovered over to the door and swung it open. it was the mailcolt, "Good Morning Miss Dash, i have this for you", He handed her a beige envelope. "Thanks", She said politely as she closed the door behind her and went to sit down while she opened it. She ripped the top of the envelope off with her teeth , nearly tearing the document which it contained, she removed to document and placed it upon her coffee table. Her eyes swayed side to side as she read through it and as she did so her smile grew bigger. "Yes!", she shouted as she swiftly shot up into the air. She then immediate left for ponyville to share this exiting prospect with her friends. Once she was in Ponyville, she eagerly sauntered through one of its packed streets, ponies looked at her with interest. "She seems happy about something", a pony muttered. "look, she thinks she's all 'it'", another said. "I am all that", Rainbow Dash gleamed "and i have this to prove it". She then saw her freinds and swaggered on towards them , Twilight was first to notice her, "somepony seems pleased with herself", she said. "Yeah whats got ya so full of yurself' " asked Applejack. "Indeed", Rarity followed up " you dont even need tose wings to fly, youre pretty much floating right now" Rainbow Dash showed them the letter, "ive been requeste- uh, commanded... to provide a performance for a Queen!", Dash said exitedly. the letter read; To Miss Rainbow Dash Of Ponyville... The Queen of most sovereign kingdom requests your presence for command performance of your legendary flying skill. { Map Enclosed} As everypony read it they slowly became puzzled, "Dimondia? , i cant say ive heard of it", said Fluttershy perplexidly. Pinkie Interrupted, " Thats because its so exclusive silly", she exclaimed. " So you know where it is" , Twilight asked. "Of course not" , She replied , as though Twilight was supposed to know, Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie. "Its pretty far away but that just makes it better that the legend of my awesomeness has traveled so far!", Rainbow Dash gloated, "it'll take a few hours to fly there but that'll give my opportunity to practice my flying skills on the way!" Dash's freinds seemed suspicious, "good luck with your performance" twilight said politely, everypony else emulated her. "Thanks", Rainbow Dash said as she lifted off "i'll be sure to send a postcard", And she flew away. > ' In 200 Feet, Turn Left' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The journey there (much like the past few days) had been mostly uneventful apart from passing the odd settlement and stopping briefly at Doughnut Joe's in Canterlot on the way for a snack but despite this Dash seemed ever more optimistic about the prospect of performing to the 'Queen Of Dimondia', whoever she was. After a few hours of flying Rainbow Dash checked her map , according to it the next settlement was her destination. Ahead there was a clump of brick buildings centered around a large brick castle with a moat and large walls similar to the layout of the Crystal Empire but with older brick buildings. She then flew down and landed , "attention everyone!, Rainbow Dash is now here, your kingdom just got 20 percent cooler!"... Silence, her gloat was then abruptly shortened by the sighting of the kingdoms inhabitants. They were taller and more butch than a pony, with medium length fur and either floppy or pointy ears. They had large button noses and a small ovular muzzle, Thats because they were dogs... Diamond Dogs. Rainbow Dash just stood there with her mouth locked open staring at this new kingdom. A floppy eared bulldog looking dog in a Suit popped out of a door, "Greetings Rainbow Dash, i'm Jim, The Queen's Chancellor. We're pleased to recieve you", he then smiled. Rainbow Dash clocked him "i'm outta here", she growled and took off but Jim swiftly grabbed her tail with his vast claws, "Wait, youve met some of our ... convict dogs havent you", he said. Dash was desperately trying to escape his grasp "ive met youre kind before aswell as my friends, i think i know you well enough". "Please wait!", exclaimed Jim, "we're not all curs those dogs you met were criminals who have been imprisoned a long time ago", he pleaded. Dash stopped struggling and came back to the ground, "are you sure", she asked "yes of course i'm sure , besides our Queen would not tolerate such behaviour". The Queen, Rainbow Dash had almost completely forgot about her, suddenly she wanted the dogs' company, "the queen!, how could i be so heartless", she exclaimed "it'd be rude not to visit her, take me to your queen!", she then demanded. Jim obeyed. "It's just at the end of this path", he said. Dash looked up and saw the grand castle. it consisted of 3 towers inside a big wall with a moat around the one in the middle which was the largest of the 3. "This is the castle", Dash asked in awe, "yup", replied Jim "it's the finest building in dimondia!" "But i dont know any buildings in dimondi-", Two Guards opened the door for her and pushed her in. As the door slammed behind her, She shook herself off and looked up at the Monarch, she could not ever have believed what she was about to see. > Your Royal Summit Awaits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The so called Queen was not only a pony but a pony that Dash was already very familiar with. Her coat was the same color as Dash's but her mane had a large curl at her head next to her horn and at the bottom of her mane which was a slightly lighter shade of blue. She had purple eyes and wore a purple cape with stars and moons embroidered upon it. "TRIXIE?!", Rainbow Dash exclaimed "but you're-", Trixie placed her hoof on Rainbow's mouth. "Come now, lets have a spot of tea on the balcony, Jim, consider yourself dismissed". He obeyed her exactly. She escorted Dash into a room with a teapot and 2 cups upon a table in the middle , Trixie sat down and poured tea into both cups. Rainbow Dash attempted to speak again, "you said you was- mmph mmmphmmm", she was swiftly silenced by Trixie again. "hush", Trixie ordered "your queen has not given you her regal permission to speak yet". "My Queen?", Dash said in amazement of the whole situation. Trixie quickly checked from left to right and then did the same through a peephole in the door. "Rainbow Dash!, you've got to get me out of here!", She pleaded. "Wait what?!", Dash yawped " whats wrong?, i thought this would be right up your street." Trixie got up, "let me tell you of the sad tale of Queen Trixie"... "Here we go" Rainbow Dash said to herself quietly. Trixie started speaking dramatically as if she was performing some sort of Shakespere play... "i was on my way to a performance in Seaddle when i spilled my magic trunk with everything in it ; my costumes , my gems and my personal items into some quicksand." "I was bearing with the situation with the poise and grace that i usually do", she said. Rainbow Dash knew this wasnt true as knowing Trixie she wouldve broken down in dramatic fashion. "Thats when i found myself surrounded by Diamond dogs", Trixie continued. "They seemed to think i could naturally locate diamonds even though i simply spilt them, and the made me their queen!, there and then!". "At first i enjoyed it but now they wont let me leave". "So they made you queen because you can locate diamonds?", Rainbow Dash inquired. "Yes", Trixie responded. "Can you?" "Well, no", Trixie admitted "ive been stalling alot, making excuses here , there and everywhere". "and that worked?!", said Rainbow Dash "what you've gotta know is that these guys are dumb and i mean D-U-M-B, so i told them to organise a party as it 'might lead to a spike in my diamond locating powers'",Trixie explained. "So you sent me a fake invite?" "No, i do want you here , but you wouldnt come if i contacted you directly so i just appealed to your ego", Trixie told. Rainbow Dash looked down at her reflection in the Marble Floor putting the pieces together... "hey!", she moaned. Trixie simply smiled. She then dramatically threw her arms around Dash "quick before they come back, you've gotta get me out of here" "i do suppose i cant leave you here", Dash said "thank you", Trixie then started kissing Dash's hooves repeatedly. Rainbow lead Trixie outside onto the balcony and picked her up and began to fly upwards, "hold on you're crown queenie!, we're grabbing some sky" The continued to go upwards until Trixie Slammed against something "an invisible wall?!", Dash asked her self in awe. "Lets test this out", Dash then proceeded to push Trixie towards the 'wall' and sure enough she hit it. "Its you're crown, its preventing you from leaving", Rainbow Dash concluded. "Thats a problem, its so tight i cant even take it off"..."IM TRAPPED!" "Eeyup", replied Dash "you've got to help me Rainbow Dash!", Trixie was almost too dramatic "calm your hooves im going to go into town to try and find out about youre crown thingy, you stay here and be... royal", commanded Rainbow Dash, she then flew into town to enquire while trixie sat in her throne twiddling her hooves. > Escape Artists > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dark when Rainbow Dash finally returned, Trixie was still sat in pretty much the exact same way she was when Dash left. "Did you find out much?", she asked Rainbow Dash was suddenly very lively. "Lots of things! , like that crown is a collar" , she explained, "the only way to get it off is to get the dogs to stop believing in you and not want you as their queen". "Thats going to be hard", whined Trixie "who wouldnt want me as their queen", she said as she twiddled her hooves. "I could name a few" , Dash muttered. "Now what could we do to stop them believing in you", said Rainbow Dash as she pondered, Trixie joined in. "I dont know really, the only thing they like more than me is their diamonds." "Thats it!", exclaimed Rainbow , "we'll need to use some of your sleight of hoof and a lot of my speed, but i think we can make this work." "Can you acess the kingdoms diamond vault?", asked Dash. "Of course i can, im queen!", Trixie responded. The next morning the show set up was ready , Dash was wearing her flight outfit rarity made before she left and Trixie was in the royal box alongside Jim and some other dogs. Aswell as this , a big crowd has spread across Dimondia town square. It was time. Trixie spoke , "Miss Dash, are you sure you can put on a royal performance fit for the queen of Dimondia", She asked. Rainbow then stepped up, "It'll be better than royal if i get this spot on", responded Dash. She took off and swiftly performed some of her favourite flying moves and tricks. The crowd of dogs watched in awe at her, they were all talking highly of her once Rainbow Dash finally came back to the ground. Trixie stood up, "Congratulations Miss Dash, i thoroughly enjoyed your performance of upmost soverignity". Dash knew Trixie was trying desperatley hard to try and sound royal. "Soverinity? thats not even a word is it?", she thought. "Encore!", Trixie shouted. Rainbow Dash did so, by writing 'Queen Trixie' in clouds. "I thought queen began with a k?", one Dog said in the crowd. "I dont know, i cant even read", said another. Either way everyone was impressed. "Very good Miss Dash" , Trixie said , "for your excellent performance, im giving to you as payment...-" - "Our Entire Royal Treasury of diamonds". "What?!", the crow said. "um.. your majesty can i stress how bad of an idea this is", Said Jim panically "silence please Jim", Trixie said. Her collar became loose. "- and from now on we will not hunt diamonds.... we will hunt... er... Mushrooms!, yeah Mushrooms!", She then said. her collar became looser. The dogs slowly began to lose trust as they were under the illusion that their leader was a bit mad. "And even better, every dog will be required to adopt a cat... better still a kitten", Trixie shouted to her now disloyal subjects as her collar slid past her neck. While this was going on Rainbow Dash bagan to fly upwards. "And now i will show you the greatest trick of all time" , she inhaled hard and just as she was about to exhale Dash Swooped past performing a Sonic Rainboom, causing them both to completely disappear. "Wow , you really are fast", Trixie said in amazement as Rainbow Dropped her down a good distance from the town they'd escaped. "Fastest game in town", gloated Dash. "Youre free now, go enjoy it and dont go near any diamond dogs", Said Rainbow Dash as she giggled. "I can't thank you enough", said Trixie "Your plan was excelellent thinking Rainbow Dash", She complemented. They hugged happily and went their opposite ways, with a fresh memory of a fascinating bout of team work etched in their heads.