> The Things That Change... > by Night Spark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Things That Were... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Things that Were… Pinkie was skipping home. The day had been a great one. She joined Rarity and Fluttershy at the spa and even got time to play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. After all that she could hardly wait to see the Cakes and her two favorite little ponies. Approaching the home Pinkie’s chest tightened, her ears twitched, and her jaw quivered. It was her Pinkie sense. She knew it was but she didn’t know that combo. What she did know is that it terrified her. She began to full on gallop towards the door. Once at the door Pinkie stopped. A grotesque sound could be heard from in the home. It was a laugh. More specifically it was Pinkie’s laugh. For once in her life laughing scared her. She listened to her giggle and shivered as it was layered with a deep hoarse groan. Occasionally a crack of some sort could be heard. Ignoring her fear and shaking hooves, Pinkie pushed the door open. In the middle of the shop were two bodies illuminated by the white light of the moon. Mr and Mrs Cake were hardly recognizable. Their bodies had massive gashes and their limbs were bent in unnatural positions. Mr.Cake’s was on his side facing the door, a terrible expression of misery still on his face. Standing over him was a creature with black hooves and deformed wings. It’s skin was different colors. In most spots it was near black but others were a sickly shade of greenish yellow. Out of its neck were long pieces of flesh that stretched down into Mr.Cakes side and were tearing their way through his body. As it fed its body changed. The joints on its legs cracked and reversed positions. Bones began to perturbed out from its body. It’s neck shifted some revealing its head which had been flung on to its back. The mane was curly and it was pink. She took a step backwards out the door. Her body was nearly spasming from how hard she was shaking. It noticed her movement and groaned loudly. Her giggle coming from the head now dangling on the creature. Pinkie Pie screamed and the creature fled. She kept screaming until the entire town was awake and at her side. She kept screaming as her friends cried with her. She screamed until she could no longer scream. Twilight was on to it. She had spent nearly a month trying to find a way to track it. Whatever it was she knew she was going to catch it. “Twilight, are you sure this is a good idea? I don’t mean to pry but… maybe its better if you don’t find it.” Spikes words caused her to furrow her brows as she went through her notes. She took a moment to pause what she was doing and look down at him. The little purple dragon stared up at her with fearful eyes. She pulled him close to her using one of her wings. “Spike I have to find whatever monster did this. The Cakes were not just our friends but they were practically family to Pinkie. I can’t let anypony else get…” She hesitated to describe what they had seen. The mutilation of the Cakes was so severe that they were barely recognizable. She thought of something similar happening to her friends or Spike. Twilight did her best to keep her emotions in check. Spike needed to see her be strong. “I won’t let it happen again Spike. Just don’t worry okay? We’re gonna all be fine. I’m gonna be fine. That thing is out there. I have no clue if it is intelligent or simply something savage. Honestly I don’t know which is worse. A savage creature is unpredictable. It doesn’t leave a pattern to follow. The scarier thought to me is if there is something out there planning all this. Something or some pony with no morals and no limits. Either way Spike, I won’t let them hurt anypony else.” Spike typically shied away from Twilight’s embrace but this time he held on to her tightly. Twilight rubbed his head with one of her wings and tried to comfort him. “Hey don’t tell me you don’t think I’ll beat this thing? Did I somehow lose all my credibility? I wonder who beat Nightmare Moon? Or Tirek? Seriously Spike stop worrying. Nothing bad will-“ She stopped herself. Something bad already happened. Spike spoke into her coat. “Nightmare Moon or Tirek didn’t… no pony looked like the Cakes did…” Twilight said nothing more. She just held Spike until someone knocked on the door and let themselves in. Only her friends would let themselves in to her castle as anypony else would be to shy or reserved to do so. Twilight left her desk and Spike followed her. She met her friends in the throne room. Every one of them took their seat save for the only absent member. After briefly greeting them a short moment of silence passed. “So Spike and I have skimmed through nearly overbook in my library. There was nothing that stood out as even remotely matching the description of what Pinkie saw. The only thing that initially came to my mind was a changeling. Though we know they feed off of love. We have also seen their handiwork at my brother’s wedding. They are more precise and rely on magic blasts or bites to kill. Girls… I don’t know what or who did this…” Another moment of silence lingered on. Twilight sighed and chewed on her bottom lip for a time before speaking. “I’m sorry… I looked through everything and-“ Applejack threw her hat down on the floor effectively silencing Twilight. The farm pony’s tear filled eyes glared at her hat. Her lividness was apparent in her voice. “I ain’t one to pick a fight or be a bully. I try to be good and honest. Y’all know that I consider you family right? I love my family. Love ‘em like the apples in my trees. I would damn near do anything for you gals. Anyone hurts you? Hurts MY family? Hurts Pinkie Pie? I get them back. Now you’re telling us that whatever did this is gone?” Twilight reiterated what she had said. “I’m telling you that I tried Applejack. I did my best and I found nothing.” Applejack wanted to yell. She wanted to take it out on someone. “Damn it Twilight… I know… I know you did your best. It’s just not fair.” A new voice rang out from the darker corners of the throne room. “You all must stop this pity party. It is very unfitting of you all. Pathetic really…” They all looked around until Princess Luna walked out from the shadows. As she approached them she spoke slowly and methodically. “The Princesses told you they would send you anything useful and so they have…” Twilight was made uncomfortable by Luna’s tone. She knew the princess to be a bit rough around the edges but never rude. “Princess Luna? Why are you here? Where is Celestia?” Luna put on an over exaggerate pout as she replied. “Oh I am not sufficient? Twilight Sparkle requests assistance. I attend to my ponies directly and instead of gratitude my presence is doubted. Were it my sister coming to you now, would you not rejoice? Vile little hypocrites… You speak of friendship yet you-” Twilight stomped her hoof down and charged her horn with magic. She may have fooled her friends but Twilight had studied their kind for many long nights after the invasion. Her horn shot a green bolt that struck the night princess right in the face. Luna erupted in green flames that began to engulf her entire body. After a short tranformation Chrysalis now stood towering over them. Her presence caught all but Twilight off guard. They all jumped to offensive positions and glared at the changeling queen who began to laugh. “Why the angry faces? I am here to assist you. If you won’t take my word take Celestia’s for she is the one who sent me. Hello there Spike. Why don’t you be a good little dragon and send a letter to clear this matter fo-” Twilight stood in front of Spike, effectively blocking Chrysalis’s view of him. She pointed her horn at the changeling. “What are you doing in my home Chrysalis? You’ve got some nerve. Give us one good reason not to take you down.” Chrysalis smugly walked in between and around them. She eyed each of them while doing so. “I can give you two. Friendship for starters you little hypocrites and the nasty business that occurred here recently. Despite what you may believe I was sent here by Celestia. You see when the goddess of the sun reaches out to you all the way in the far corners of the badlands it peaks your interest. Why would the very princess I tried to overthrow come to me? She didn’t come to finish me off as she came alone. Though I may be weakened not even Celestia could challenge the full might of the entire changeling horde. No Celestia came to me because of what occurred right here in Ponyville.” Chrysalis’s smug expression vanished as she stood eye to eye with Twilight. A tension could be seen in the changeling’s eyes. “Celestia reached out to me because of what attacked the Cakes. It is something we both fear so much that we would put aside our differences to deal with it. Your initial instinct was correct Twilight. This is or rather, was the work of a changeling.” Twilight became curious as she took in Chrysalis’s words. She wondered what could drive a changeling to commit such horrific things. “Why Chrysalis? What would make one of your changelings do something like this? Your kind has never even come close to doing anything like what was done to the Cakes.” “Nor will they ever Twilight. We may not be allies but that does not make us mindless monsters. The one thing you must understand about changelings is that we are in nearly every way superior to ponies.” Rainbow Dash scoffed and caused Chrysalis to turn her head sharply. “You disagree Rainbow Dash?” The cyan pony stepped forward and glared at the larger being. “We have better magic, we are stronger, and oh yeah faster! Fine you can change forms and thats kinda cool but that’s about it.” Chrysalis shook her head. “I had thought your ignorance preceded you before but, now it is abundantly clear that you are an imbecile. My kind has been starving and dying. In our prime our magic was unstoppable. Imagine all the power of dark magic with none of the… nightmarish consequences. Many of Star swirl’s greatest achievements came from studying my kind. We do not simply alter form we alter strength, speed, and even life span. Our cities were masterfully crafted and spanned across hundreds of miles underneath your land. Hmm. Perhaps I was mistaken. We were superior to your kind. So much so that Celestia even asked us for aid to combat Sombra in his prime. Even then our kinds did not have good relations but, we still had sympathy for the ponies in the Crystal empire. For the first time ponies and changeling were to be united in battle against a greater foe.” Her eyes saddened. They shifted to the floor and she continued with a softer voice. “You only briefly encountered Sombra. Even I am thankful that you did not witness his greater evils. He had somehow learned of the alliance forming against him. In order to keep his power he would have done anything. Even wipe out an entire species. That wretched stallion had twisted both magic and science in the worst ways. The result was biological outbreak fueled by some of the darkest magic.” Twilight’s jaw fell in disbelief. She thought of the description for the monstrosity Pinkie had described. “Chrysalis are you saying that… that thing was some kind of-” “Infected Changeling? Yes. That damned thing pushed us back. It spread so fast that our only option was to cave in entire sections of our hive. Do you know what it feels like to have to kill those that you know because they may be infected? To watch as your cities are swallowed deep into the earth? In just under a month I witnessed my civilization fall. Our greatest scholars and historians buried with all which they had recorded and studied. We tried to search for a cure or a treatment but… none was found. Even while being malnourished I am able to best any pony beside maybe Celestia and Luna. You have already seen what I can do when fed. Yet even at my prime I could do nothing against Sombra’s evil. Only the Elements of Harmony were capable of such a feat. Celestia and Luna could only lock away the demon and even that came at a cost. The loss of the Crystal Empire was terrible but there is a reason why your kind despises mine. It is a stigma formed from a fear that has remained constant through time.” She took in a deep breathe and continued. Twilight could see that part of her was reliving those times. She had never seen Chrysalis express so much grief. “Ghastly Gorge earned its name from the terrible things that occurred in a town that once stood there. I will not unsettle you with the details but let’s just say not all of the infected perished when the rocks fell on them. They clawed their way out and parts of the ground gave way. A town not to unlike ponyville fell into the earth and into the clutches of the infected. What occurred was so terrible that Celestia and Luna did not even bother to use the elements. No love could purify that evil so instead they purged that town with fire. Rock turned to its molten form and a once delightful little town became the silent gorge you now know. They did not even consult me when they decided to do the same for every other caved in section of my hive. So you can see why they would bring me in on this matter.” Silence fell on them all and it remained for some time. Twilight walked towards a window that overlooked Ponyville. The town had no longer looked like a wonderful place to gaze at the nighttime sky. Its shadows had grown darker and more sinister. The breeze was a soul chilling breathe of something lurking. Every glistening object was the eyes of something watching. Every little sound was something to fear. Even in her own home she felt like somewhere out there it was watching some pony and waiting. “How do I find it?” > The Things That Are... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Things That Are… Every single pony in Ponyville was headed towards the Town Hall. Despite being smaller than Twilight’s castle it was more open and that made it safer. One by one ponies filed through the main doors and were counted by each of Twilight’s friends. As they all entered Twilight shook her head. “This is unbelievable…” “Believe it, Twilight Sparkle.” Chrysalis stood beside Twilight and joined her in overlooking the ponies. She found it remarkable that Twilight was able to convince them of her sincere intentions. “I do believe it, Chrysalis, it’s just unnerving you know? I mean, we don’t even know where this changeling came from. That is what worries me. What if there are more?” A grim expression formed on Chrysalis’ face. She tensed up as her mind recalled the first time her kind had experienced Sombra’s work. “Twilight… I too, share your concern. The abandoned sections of the hive are forbidden to my children. I love my changelings and yet I don’t hesitate for even a second to kill them should they disobey me. Celestia and Luna may have been sure that their fire purged this curse but I would never chance returning to those parts. Wherever this changeling has come from I assure you it was not from my hive.” Twilight saw a few ponies turn from the edge of the hall. Applejack spoke over the ponies filling the hall. “Twi’ thats the whole darn town! Get the ladybug to do her thing!” Twilight shrunk down a little at Applejack’s choice of words. She rubbed the back of her head while glancing at Chrysalis. “Uh-“ The changeling queen rolled her eyes and then stepped forward. With a single stomp she got the eyes of most the town. Her booming voice got the attention everypony as it rivaled Luna’s royal speech. “Ponies of Ponyville! You know who I am and what I have done! Think of my acts as you will, but do not mistake the reality of this threat. I will use my magic to examine each of you. This must be done for the greater good of your town. Should you resist I will use force. Force that has been authorized by your own princesses. Do not make this any more difficult than it has to be! Despite all that has divided us in the past I come to you now as an ally. Allow me to assist both our kinds on this day by not resisting.” The ponies were silent, many of them flinched as the changeling queen spoke. Their attention wasn't out of respect. It was out of fear.Twilight sighed as she knew this would be a traumatic experience for everyone. Night fell over Equestria. This night being the second since the attack. Chrysalis had nearly finished her job by this point. The ponies that had been deemed unaffected were sent to Twilight’s Castle with a small band of soldiers made from Twilight’s and Chrysalis’ guards. With only a small group left Twilight began to ask Chrysalis questions. “So does this infection only target changelings? Can a pony get it to?” Green magic wrapped around Ditzy Doo as Chrysalis answered. “In my experience with it I have never seen a pony infected. If it did, then your town’s bakers would have become more than just victims. Though it is as I said earlier… I will not chance it.” Ditzy interrupted them and held out a muffin to Chrysalis. The grey pony smiled at the changeling queen and eagerly awaited a reaction. She waved the muffin ever so slowly as to assist Chrysalis in smelling the blueberry aroma. The changeling gave a false smile and leaned in a few inches from Ditzy’s face. Her smile instantly faded and was replaced by a dark frown. “Changelings are allergic to blueberries pony. Your attempt to poison me shall be overlooked… for now.” Ditzy reared up and left in a hasty manner with a look of panic. Twilight saw Chrysalis smirking proudly. “That wasn’t funny.” Chrysalis snorted. “Well I found it rather amusing. Ponies are indeed gullible when they are in fear. They will believe anything so long as you yourself seem convinced. I wager I could have told her I was allergic to cross eyed mares and she would have believed me.” Twilight frowned. “Yeah well you can cut us a break you know. It not everyday that something this terrible happens. I know you’re helping and I appreciate that but you could at least attempt to show some kind of interest in being friendly with other-“ A scream rang out from a distance and Twilight ceased her conversation. The ponies left to be scanned by Chrysalis all huddled closer together and let out their own cries. Twilight raised a hoof and asked the ponies politely to be quiet. A few seconds passed before another scream was heard. The ponies looked around in fear and some began to call out to Twilight. They called for her to investigate the source. The screaming was different... Once more it rang out from deep in the Everfree. Twilight had heard the screams of angry and hurt ponies. She had heard the screams of upset fillies and scolding parents. She even had heard the screams of Nightmare Moon and Sombra. This scream was unlike those. It was a blood curdling sound. The shrill of the tone and the volume could only be produced by a pony experiencing something truly gruesome. Despite its piercing tone Twilight’s mind began to recognize the scream. Its owner wasn’t a pony. It was a zebra. Zecora had just finished her evening meal. She had a special brew in the works to alleviate the head pains Cheerilee was suffering. While it was very effective, the brew was tedious to make. She adjusted the kettle and poked at the embers underneath it. She would have to let it cook overnight. The kettle remained in the center of the living room. Zercora liked using her living room for tonic and potions as it was more open than her kitchen or bedroom. It may have also been because the large walls were sporting many artifacts from her home. After a short walk to her bed Zecora yawned. “Difficult to make is such a brew, yet even still, I must help you. Oh Cheerilee perhaps one day soon, your heart I will gain as boon. One day soon I will not hide, and if am I lucky I may stand by your side. For now I shall sleep, because only in my dreams are you mine to kee-“ The sound of a growling animal startled Zecora. Most feared the Everfree but she knew it and understood it. Her respect for her surroundings had provided much for her. She knew what animals typically lived in certain sections of the forest. The sound she heard was a wolf. Zecora walked back to her living room and approached one of the walls. She removed a spear and held it tightly in her mouth. The growling stopped and was replaced by a panicking yelp. With each yelp the panic in the wolf increased. She could heard the branches and twigs violently snapping as the animal was being attacked. It was uncommon for animals to fight near her hut but it occasionally happened. She had once seen Fluttershy break up a brawl between a wolf and a bear. This was different. Hurrying back to her bedroom she dropped her spear and tossed open a chest near her bed. After a few seconds of searching she had found what she needed. With great care she pulled out a small black vial. It had a red and purple sheen as she held it under the moon light. The wolf howled in pain and continued for a few terrible seconds. Its howls slowly started to shift into something different. The sound it was made now was not natural. It was a guttural shriek that only seemed to grow louder as it went on. Zecora’s eyes went wide as she dared to look out her window. Nearly twenty meters away from her hut and where she considered the forest to meet her “lawn” stood a creature she had never seen before. Looking at the creature made her realize that the snapping twigs she had heard had indeed been snapping bones. It stood over the wolf and had its front two hooves pressed into its paws. The wolf was on its back and its legs had been broken so that they laid flat against the ground. The creature had a gaping maw on its neck that was gorging on the wolf’s body. Even from in her bedroom she could hear the sloshing and crunching sounds coming from it. Zecora silently opened the vial and poured its contents over the tip of the spear. The deadly poison was a tool in her homeland. It had help her take down a minotaur once and that was with a less than generous amount. This time she poured all of the vial on her spear. She did not know what that thing was but she knew that she would have to kill it. She whispered a silent prayer as the last bit of the poison covered the spear. The noises stopped and Zecora edged back to the window. The creature was no longer standing over the wolf. “Zeeee… brrrahh…” The word was spoken through many voices and through a deep groan. Its voice reverberated through her hut and placed fear into her. She carefully approached the opening leading to her living room. Turning the corner she saw her hut to be empty. The only sources of light were coming from the small embers warming her tonic and the moon. Everything was still save for a single shadow. It barely twitched and most ponies would have missed it. She held her spear tighter as her hooves took silent steps towards the kitchen opening. Her eyes were glued to the opening before her yet she could still see the things in her peripheral vision. The masks of her culture used to be a welcoming sight and now they all seemed to hold were expressions of warning. Their eyeholes were empty black pits during the night and only made them more disturbing. Zecora inhaled as she prepared herself to face the creature around the corner. A single and calm breath was all she took before lunging forward around the corner and into her kitchen. There was no creature. Zecora saw the source of the shadow. It was a small strand of beads hanging from the ceiling. She immediately aimed her spear at the ceiling and noticed the small vibrations running through it. Frantically she galloped to her living room and stood next to the kettle in the center. She turned every which way but all she could see were the masks. They were watching her and now they had looks of pity. With her heart racing she bucked the kettle and it flew to the door. Zecora jabbed the embers with her spear and its blade caught ablaze. The black molasses-like poison cause the fire to burn a bright purple. “Strike then, beast! Only then we shall see if I am to be your feast! I know not what you are or of what means you have got this far. Take heed demon for a wolf I am not. Come to Zecora and you will see how you can rot!!” 

The walls shook and shuddered. Zecora saw this braced herself. She understood that she was at a disadvantage. If she ran from her home she would be running through the dense forest. If she stayed then she would be fighting in close quarters. Ultimately she decided she would stay due the advantages her home offered her. The creature growled and then attempted to speak once more. This time however Zecora had heard her own voice. It was throaty, raspy, and carried a deep groan but, it was hers. “Ze… Cor… Ahh… RRRRRRRRrrrrrot!!!” Hearing herself through it’s mouth made her skin crawl. She focused her fear and turned towards the source of the sound. Facing the wall full of masks Zecora saw the creature standing near them. She immediately recognized the parts of it that were Changeling. Its legs had holes like most other Changelings but that was not all. Her eyes saw the long sharp bone extrusions from the its shins. There were sharp bone spurs piercing out all over its body. Zecora steadily aimed her spear as she further analyzed the creature. She saw her own eyes looking back at her and devoid of any life. The Changeling had mimicked her mane as well. The feeling of dread grew within her. Part of her already felt lost for seeing the perverted imitation of herself. Once more Zecora spoke to it. “I now see what you were and what you are. I do not know how you could have come this far. Destiny has brought us to this night in which we are to fight.” Setting aside her fear Zecora lunged at the changeling. To her surprise it lunged forward as well and nearly twice as fast. Suddenly she found herself on her back. For a brief moment she assumed she had been defeated however she realized her spear was deep in the chest of the Changeling. Zecora used her hind legs to buck it off of her. The changeling collided with the wall behind it and howled not in pain, but anger. It began to scrape it bones against the floor and the walls. Zecora quickly ran towards the opposite wall to rearm herself. She had another spear ready and turned to face her enemy. The changeling however had already began to charge at her. A bony appendage barely missed her face as she ducked and moved to the side. Pushing back on her hind legs she darted forward and planted another spear in the changeling. It pierced through its knee and caused its right front leg to buckle under its weight. Zecora heard the crack of her opponents bone. While satisfied she wasted no time. After quickly turning she gave a hard buck to the changeling and knocked it to the ground. Eyeing her living room she saw what she needed. Galloping as fast as she could she made her way to the wall of masks. She tossed the sad red mask to the floor and saw the key to ending her fight. It was her first and most reliable weapon. The tooth of a Frostback dragon that her mother gave to her. It was a weapon that had been passed down to each shaman in her tribe. Zecora grabbed the blade. Its familiar grip and weight was welcoming. The changeling was scraping away at the floor and the wall next to it. It’s extruded bones carved thick lines in the wood. More determined and confident Zecora was more charged her enemy. This time she leapt and landed right atop the monstrosity. Her blade was driven right in it’s chest. For a moment everything stopped. All that could be heard was her breathing and the flickering of the embers behind her. The changeling remained still underneath her. It’s eyes still held the same lifeless look the did before. Zecora let her head sag and her shoulders drop. She removed her blade and stared at the hole it left in the chest cavity. There was little to no blood. The hole oozed a yellow green pus that flowed very slowly. Zecora gagged at the smell coming from the inside of the changeling. It reminded her of rotting corpses and white vinegar. The smell became more pungent and she decided to go prepare for burning the corpse. As she began to stand she felt it twitch ever so slightly. She froze and her eyes searched the changeling for any signs of life. It's mane began to change slightly, going from Zecora's to a pinkish red. Patches of the skin started to alter the color to a pale blue. The face of the changeling began to resemble Mrs. Cake. Balancing her weight on her hind legs she lifted her body to strike once more. She tightened her grip on the blade in her mouth and brought her front hooves and head down. The changeling's hoof moved with tremendous speed. Zecora's eyes grew wide as the long bones appendage entered the frog of her left hoof. She could feel the bones in her leg splinter and break apart. The changelings bone continued until it rip through her leg near her fetlock. Zecora screamed louder than she knew could. The changelings neck split apart vertically like the mouth of an exotic plant. Both sides were covered in long sharp teeth. Using its other hoof the Changeling scratched at the screaming Zebra's side. Its long bones carved away at her barrel revealing bone. The pain cause her to collapse. She still had enough focus to attempt to turn away but it was a failed attempt. Her body fell to its side on top of the Changeling. She squirmed and tried to move off of it. As she moved her neck brushed against the side of its mouth. Her screams continued but now doubled. It mimicked her screams and produced a low moan that grew in volume as it continued. Upon feeling her so close the changeling snapped the maw shut like a trap. Its teeth penetrated her neck. Blood began to pool from her mouth and she started to choke. She shook violently to try and escape but it was futile. The changeling's hooves began to claw at her back, peeling away more skin. Zecora's screaming turned to gurgling and her shaking turned to twitches. Her vision was tunneling and all she could see were the masks. They stared back at her just as helpless and just as lifeless as she was. The ringing silence that follow the screaming was the reason Twilight had tears in her eyes. She stood still and cried. Chrysalis sighed and walked around to face her. "Twilight listen to me. We must end this. The more this changeling kills..." She paused and grimaced. "It will only become more dangerous. I cannot risk assisting you. If I die the horde has no queen and with no queen they become frenzied. It is not in Equestria's interest to have a frenzied changeling horde just outside its borders. Go and take you friends, track down this-" Twilight glared at her and prodded her with her hoof. "No. Leave them out of this. Not them. You hear me? I can do this... I will do this." Chrysalis removed Twilight's hoof from her chest with magic. "Do not be a fool Twilight Sparkle! The small gang of do-gooders you call friends are the only reason that Equestria is not under the reign of a mad god or evil monarch. This changeling is dangerous and if-" Twilight nearly growled her words. "That's just it, Chrysalis! It's dangerous! More than you, Discord, or Nightmare Moon ever were. You never ripped into the bodies of ponies and fed on them! This thing.... it's not a changeling. It's something else now and I have to stop it. To risk even the smallest chance that it could hurt them... that's not going to happen."

Twilight pushed past and and began walking towards the exit. Chrysalis watched as the lavender pony left the town hall. She shook her head and began to follow. Her eyes rolled when she heard the whimpers of the ponies left. "Get to the castle, you imbeciles. Move! Quickly! Do not stop for anything... and... tread carefully." They all rushed past her fearfully. Seeing all of them gallop in fear brought back memories. She smirked and continued through the exit.