Buffing Up in the Buff

by Belgerum

First published

Rainbow Dash loses a bet to Applejack and has to go to the gym and do her usual workout routine in the nude. With all the stallions watching her.

Rainbow Dash loses a bet to Applejack, like she always does in these kinds of fics.

Now she has to go to the gym and do her usual workout routine in the nude. With all the stallions watching her.

Too bad Rainbow Dash is obscenely self-conscious about that kind of thing.

Note: Takes place in an anthro universe where wearing clothes is the norm. Otherwise this fic would lose it's point.

Heavily inspired by an image series drawn by Jay van Esbrook (lil-mizz-jaye on Tumblr), which a quick Google search can find you.

In Which Rainbow Dash Goes to the Gym Naked

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It's okay, Dash... you can do this! All you have to do is go in there and work out like you always do.

The rainbow-maned pegasus paced back and forth, in front of the gym door, behind which lay intermingled mares and stallions, working their bodies to keep in shape, many wearing tight outfits as loud rock music played.

Beyond that door lay a paradise of radicalness, the perfect place to show off one's figure and chat it up with muscular stallions, teasing them with your barely hidden assets and watching as they sweat, nervous and embarassed to watch...

But this time, Dash knew it wouldn't be the same. She would be the one sweating and humiliated, and all the stallions staring at her would be watching her the entire time, knowing it would be a one-time chance that they wouldn't get again.

In fact, she could hear a few stallions talking through the door already. Excitedly, their voices rose and fell, muffled by the doorway just enough to be indecipherable, but not unheard.

Oh, Celestia, no... Applejack must've told them I'll be doing it...

Rainbow Dash cursed the apple farmer's name, though she knew she couldn't do anything now. Her mind thought back to that drinking contest only days before, the bet they had made, and the shame of defeat...

Now, just as promised, she stood at the exit of the mare's locker room, completely bare of any clothing, ready to step out into the gym, and work out like nothing was wrong.

Well, maybe not completely ready.

Okay, Dash was completely terrified, and not even close to ready right now.

I bet AJ told all the stallions in Ponyville, and they're all in there right now waiting for me... Thunderlane will probably be laughing his head off... Big Mac might be there, even if he's the quiet type, and maybe even the doctor could be out there waiting for me...

Oh, Celestia, what if one of the wonderbolts decided to stop by? My reputation will be ruined forever!

But yet, it had to happen. She'd agreed to this bet, and could only follow through now, hoping for the best.

"Don't worry, Dash," She muttered to herself. "You'll do fine. Just go in there and get it over with."

I can't do this! I will be the death of me if I step through this door!

"You're just overreacting. What's the worst that could happen?"

Do you seriously want to imagine the worst-case scenario? That's a lame thing to think about right now.

"Oh, for Celestia's sake, just do it already!"

Oh, fine! I mean, it's not like anypony in there's gonna have a camera in their pocket, right?

Rainbow opened the door a crack, peeking through at the other side.

The first thing she saw on the other side was the young colt named Featherweight.

Nope nope nope nope nope!

"Oh, come on, Dash! Are you really so chicken of just one colt who'll get photos of you naked, and masturbate to you at night?"


"...Did I just admit to myself that I'm chicken?"

Okay, this is just going too far, Dash. Are you doing this or what?

Mustering up her courage, and steeling her thoughts for the rough road ahead, Rainbow Dash opened the door to the gym and stepped out of the locker room.

At first, the voices of chatting athletes continued on, but over the next few seconds, they all gradually fell away as everypony's attention turned to the mare who had just entered the room. Silence fell in the workout room, only broken by the sound of working treadmills and the blaring music.

Oh god... What have I done?... They're all staring at me now...

Rainbow shut her eyes, trying to shut out the scene, to turn invisible so that so many pairs of eyes would not see her, but yet she knew it was not possible. Even in the silence, and no sight of what was around her, she could feel them looking over her body. Her muscular arms, made strong through rigorous work, were the only hope, as she desperately clung one across her chest, hugging it against her soft breasts to cover the nipples, and holding the other somewhat awkwardly in front of her mound, barely hiding the slit between her athletic legs and wide hips.

Behind her, Rainbow's feathery, perfect wings folded and clung to her back, as if to make her figure look even smaller. Her flowing tail, made of all the colors of the rainbow, was held tightly against the space between her firm, toned buttocks.

This figure was Rainbow's pride and joy, and everything she needed in life, With it, she had gained the respect of pegasi throughout Equestria for her Sonic Rainboom, and saving the world from various evil plots. It had gotten her many admirers, fans, and even some enemies.

But despite how proud Rainbow Dash was of her body, she couldn't help but feel terribly exposed, as she felt the eyes of many watching. Her face turned bright red as she blushed, her body quivering in shame as she thought about what other ponies would think about her now.

Then, the clamor rose again, in a completely new mood.


One of the stallions dropped the weights he was lifting.


One of the mares slapped her coltfriend across the face to knock him out of his stupor.

Click! *flash* Click! *flash*

Dash didn't even want to think about what that noise was, though having heard it many times before, she knew in her heart that it was definitely not good.

For the longest time, Dash stood there, squeezing her eyes shut and not daring to look at the gym, not able to bring herself to look at those around her.

When she finally found the strength to peek one eye open and look at her surroundings, she could only blush even more.

Most of the mares in the room were pointedly ignoring Rainbow, and continuing with their workouts. The sound of machinery picked up again, as they whispered amongst themselves about a topic hardly beyond the imagination.

Mares, Dash could deal with, but what really bothered her was the stallions.

Some stallions had blushing faces of their own, sneaking peeks at Dash only when they felt it was safe to do so, but the vast majority were openly staring, wondering why a mare like Rainbow Dash would be so brazen as to emerge from the locker room naked, and just what she was planning to do.

Oh, Celestia help me... They're all looking. They all want to see my...

Dash could hardly think straight as the pressure of the world around her drove her into a personality she hardly ever showed. Rather than arrogant, blunt and confident, she could only feel humiliated and weak. What could she do now?

Calm down, Dash. You've made step one, and now you're gonna just carry through. you've done this workout a thousand times over. This time won't be any different...

Finally, Dash pulled herself together enough to walk. With her arms still covering her more precious assets, she awkwardly began to shuffle towards the stretching area.

Over time though, Dash realized that she was only making a fool of herself this way. Not only was she wasting time trying to walk while covering her front, slowing her usual walking speed and making the entire process difficult, but she was also unable to avoid slipping up every few steps, giving away small glances of her crotch, or one of her sensitive nipples. Even then, she could do nothing to cover her backside, her tail becoming her only cover as it clung between her legs.

This isn't working... Do I really dare reveal myself completely so I can walk normally?

As time went on, and Rainbow found herself making little progress, she finally admitted to herself that she couldn't keep this up. Once she got to her workout, her entire body would be required, so she couldn't hide anything even if she wanted to...

Sighing in defeat, Rainbow let her arms fall, exposing her private areas to the stallions who were watching. Breaking onto a sprint to the stretching area, she hung her head low, knowing that this humiliation was just beginning, but it was already unbearable.

A taunting whistle of approval sounded behind Rainbow as she ran, her breasts now bouncing up and down with no support, and her tail waving back and forth, leaving nothing to the imagination of the stallions watching.

Finally reaching a small area of empty floor, sparsely furnished with yoga mats and helpful stretching aids, Dash slowed her pace, and coming to a stop in on of the corners of the room, as far from any other ponies as she could get. Facing away from the rest of the room, she snuck peeks over her shoulder, only to confirm that there were still plenty of curious eyes watching.

No need to panic. Some stallions are just looking right at your naked butt. Nothing big. Just get started. The sooner you get through with your workout, the sooner you can get out of here.

"Don't worry, Dash. Just do some of your pre-lifting stretches just like you always do, and everything will be fine. As long as you're not spreading your legs and asking for it like a slut, everything will be as awesome as usual. Now, what was that first stretch you always do again?"

Stand with your legs slightly apart, bend over and touch your toes...

"...Oh Celestia, please spare me..."

As stallions watched, Rainbow slowly set her feet a shoulder width apart, and leaned forwards until her fingertips touched the edge of her toes. Feeling the burn as she stretched, she held to position for ten seconds, counting down in her head, the time seeming to pass as slow as glue.

Meanwhile, her tail loosely fell along her back, going with gravity as she bent herself forward. No longer covering Rainbow's backside, she could feel the cool gym air against her butt, as she displayed herself for anypony who cared enough to pay attention.



"But... butt... This is so unfair!"

It felt completely amoral and wrong in many senses to be doing this, but Rainbow's stubborn pride made her hold that position, knowing that if she backed out now, and chickened out from her side of the bet she had lost, Applejack would likely just think of something even worse for a punishment.

3... 2... 1... done!

As quickly as she had assumed the position, Dash pulled herself back up, ready to move on to the next position. She couldn't bear to turn around, and see the faces of those watching...

Next was... holding her arms up and stretching to the side...

One after the other, Rainbow performed the pre-workout stretches she always did in the gym. With each held position, and each revealing motion she made, Rainbow grew more and more self-conscious of just what she was doing. Her body was on full display, and these stretches were forcing her to hold nothing back, and leave no part of herself hidden.

"It's okay. They're not all staring at you," Dash muttered to herself, "And besides, they're only staring at your body, anyway.

Which is you.

They're all staring at you Dash.

The daunting reality of it all made Rainbow shiver in humiliation. She couldn't possibly look any sluttier right now, could she? Stretching and showing off her naked body to the entire gym...

To make it all worse, Rainbow realized that any one of those stallions could just walk up to her whenever they might want, and start a conversation. Rainbow prayed to the goddesses that nopony would work up the courage for that, as she really didn't want to be hit on right now...

3... 2... 1... done...

Finishing her last stretch, Dash turned around. Now, she could get started with the real work. At least, if she didn't have any more distractions...

Jogging over to one of the weight lifting machines specially designed for pegasi wings, Rainbow quickly got started, setting the weights to the right amount for her, and testing her wings to make sure she was ready. Sitting down on a small bench, she strapped the feathery appendages into the machine.

Then, straining the muscles in her wings, she pushed down, as if she were flapping a huge gust of air down to lift herself in the air. The weights lifted in response, before setting back down as the wings relaxed, getting ready for another repetition.

That's one. Only 49 more to go...

Sitting with her breasts exposed, and her legs spread just enough to reveal her privates, Rainbow set about her workout. With every straining effort, she felt the burn of her muscles, and felt the rush as she managed her strength, maintaining both her athleticism and her gorgeous figure. It was a familiar feeling, one that Rainbow enjoyed on most occasions.

24... 25... 26...

Once the repetitions were started, she could almost begin to relax, and forget that she was completely naked. She could ignore the feeling of the light air currents against her inner thighs, and let go of the feelings of vulnerability...

48... 49... 50.

Now, let's switch to the second position and start over again.

1... 2... 3...


Suddenly hearing a blaring, masculine voice, Rainbow looked up to see Bulk Biceps standing in front of her, looking slightly uncomfortable.

Immediately, Rainbow was reminded of the fact that she was completely exposed. Her naked breasts, hanging softly from her chest, were only a few feet away from the burly stallion. Rainbow was suddenly aware of the fact that if he just reached out with on of his massive arms, Bulk would even be able to touch them if he so wanted...

And then, below that, was her slit, so daintily exposed from between her legs as she sat, her legs straddling the bench...

Pulling her thighs as close together as much as she possibly could, Rainbow Dash smiled back at Bulk, hoping she could pretend that nothing was wrong, that she was the same old, cocky Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, h-hello there Bulk... Wh-what are you doing here?" she said, forcing herself to smile, though she knew it would never seem believable.

Bulk stared quizzically back at Rainbow Dash, his eyes moving up and down her figure as he tried to understand just what was going on.


"Um... I guess you're right... heh heh..." Cursing herself for not thinking her greeting through enough, Rainbow let out a light, very forced giggle.

Sweating like a pig, Dash could feel her face grow hot as her blush grew deeper. There was a huge, muscular stallion right in front of her, staring at her naked body as she lifted the weight, letting him see her muscles in action, right down to the slight bounce of her chest each time she relaxed, and let the weights fall back down. Worse yet, she was good friends with Bulk Biceps. Having let him see her like this... While he might never mention it again, due to his surprisingly respectable nature, Dash couldn't make him forget now, nor reverse whatever effect it might have on their relationship.

She just hoped that she and Bulk could stay friends...

"UM... YOU DO KNOW YOU'RE NOT WEARING ANY CLOTHES, RIGHT RAINBOW DASH?!" The massive white figure bellowed, for all the gym to hear.

And there it was, the question everypony wanted to hear the answer to, Rainbow thought. Bulk certainly doesn't know much about subtlety...

Well, I guess I shouldn't lie to the poor big guy...

"Yeah, I know," Dash nervously responded. "I-I lost a bet with AJ, th-that's all. I-I'll just do a quick workout, and then I'll go back to the locker room and get dressed."

Bulk just stood there, looking confused for a moment, unsure of what to think. When he finally gathered himself up to make another move, it was only to shy away and move to the opposite side of the gym, where he could face the wall and pretend nothing was happening.

While Rainbow was thankful for Bulk's respect of her privacy, and understanding that it would be impolite to stare, she couldn't help but notice the bulge in his thin, tightly-fitting shorts.

Great... He'll probably never think of me the same way again. Thanks, Applejack!

Rainbow Dash mumbled to herself, embarrassed by the stares of the other stallions who still watched her, and frustrated that she couldn't do anything else.

"I'm definitely never making a bet like this again, even if it would be amusing to see AJ doing this instead of me."

"Now where was I? What rep am I on?"

Oh ponyfeathers, I've lost count because of Bulk's intrusion...

Having no better alternative, and since she hadn't done many anyway, Dash could only start over again, knowing full well that her forgetfulness had only made her have to waste more time here before she could finally retire.

The next few minutes passed without any drastic events occurring. Completing her work with the wing-up machine, Rainbow stood up and walked to the next one, watching nervously as heads turned slowly to watch her as she walked. Sitting back down as she reached a station for exercises focusing on the inner thighs, she strapped her legs in, set the weights, and started doing more repetitions.

"It's okay, Dash, they're totally not staring at you." She said quietly, trying to reassure herself. "They're just staring at your body... which is you..."

They're all staring at you, Dash.

Every. Single. One.

"Don't panic. That'll only make things worse... Just focus on doing the reps. If you just ignore them, you can pretend this never happened."

Oh buck, I've forgotten what number I'm on again. Screw this, I've done enough to move on...

Racing through her routine, Rainbow swiftly moved from machine to machine, first working on her legs, then her abs, her ...buttocks... and finally, her arms.

Lying on her back, while straddling a bench, Rainbow lifted a barbell stacked with heavy disks on each end, letting it back down to her chest before lifting it back up and extending her arms straight out in front of her. It was hard work, and Dash could feel herself get into the the exercise, almost like usual. Every once in a while, though, she let the metal bar fall a bit too low, and press into her ample bosom, showing to the entire gym just how soft and malleable they were. Blushing hard and mentally scolding herself for losing her focus, Dash would just continue on, hoping nopony had been watching too closely.

You've got this, Dash. Just a few more exercises, and you can get dressed, leave, and never show your face in this gym again. You just have to concentrate.

Letting the air escape her lungs in strained puffs, Rainbow felt the burn in her arms, the strain of effort, and lost herself in the process of strengthening herself.

Then, all of a sudden, a shadow fell over her upper body, as somepony stood over her.

Glancing back to see who had come to see her, Rainbow suddenly found her face inches from a big, swollen bulge of fabric from a pair of definitively male workout shorts.

Rainbow Dash's eyes flew wide open, and her face turned bright red with embarrassment.

"Oh look, it's Rainbow Dash!" said the stallion standing above, his groin uncomfortably close to Rainbow's face. "I haven't seen you since flight school! Need a spotter?"

Oh no please no Celestia make it stop!

Rainbow Dash could hardly bring herself to speak in response as she grew more an more flustered by the second. Not just content with staring at her from afar, this stallion was willing to go so far as this... Rainbow could hardly think straight, knowing that she aroused a stallion so much that he could be this blunt in his intentions....

Gulping, Rainbow tried to reply, to say that she didn't need any help, and that she'd prefer to just finish her workout in peace, but nothing came out of her mouth but a loud gasp.

Losing her focus and her sanity quickly, Dash began to lose her grip on the barbell, letting it fall towards her chest a bit too quickly...

"Whoa!" the stallion called out, as he grabbed the bar just in time to keep it from smashing into Rainbow Dash's chest. Instead, It just fell a few more inches, just letting the back of his hand lightly touch her breasts before steadying, and moving back up to a more comfortable height.

"I guess you do need a spotter after all! Still young and reckless, I see!"

Rainbow's face was a mess of panic, disgust, and deep shame as she let the stallion stand above her. She couldn't very well argue with his presence now, given that the bench press wasn't exactly the safest, and she might be a little bit distracted at the moment...

"Hmph..." she finally managed to let out. "If you insist..."

Doing some more reps, Dash couldn't help but blush as she continued. This stallion was looking down at her, supposedly making sure she was safe, though she knew it was just to ogle her body. It was despicable to take advantage of her this way... and even then, have the nerve to move his... crotch... so close to her face.

It didn't help that she hardly remembered his face from flight school, and couldn't even remember his name.

What was it... 'Jade Ocean?' no... it must have been something else...

Somehow, though, in the back of her mind she knew his name didn't matter. It was a stallion she barely knew, if at all, and he was getting a front row seat to her show, not even having the shame to hide his enjoyment.

Perverted stallions..

Finishing her reps as quickly as she could, Dash strained her muscles harder than usual, pumping the bar up and down perhaps a little more recklessly than usual. The numbers she counted off in her head grew higher and higher, until...

Finally! I'm done!

Setting down the weights with a loud clang on the floor beside the bench, Rainbow stood up and raced for the women's locker room.

"Hey, do you want to get some coffee and chat sometime, or-"

Nope! Not having any of your flirting dude! I'm outta here!

Without responding at all in her embarrassment, Rainbow rushed through the doorway to the locker room and slammed it behind her. Finally, it was over with! It was horrible, but she made it through!

Then, Rainbow noticed that in returning to the locker room so quickly, she was suddenly face to face with Pinkie Pie, dressed in her own bright pink workout set.

"Ooooh! Hi Rainbow Dash~! Wait... Rainbow, did you know you're naked?"

Oh boy, this one's gonna be fun to explain, Rainbow thought as she leaned against the door she had just come through, embarassed at being found out by one of her closest friends.

"Oh, don't worry, Dashie! I forget to wear clothes sometimes too! It happened to me just the other day, at the grocery store, and I didn't even realize it until I was browsing cucumbers, and..."

Pinkie... I don't even want to know.