> Pegasi Of A Feather - Love At First Flight > by Skatter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Camp Feather Wing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up to the sounds of birds and the morning sun that kisses my muzzle as it floods through my window. As I begin to stretch I hear my grandmother calling my from downstairs. "Snowflake! Get up er yer gonna be late fer yer campy thingy," She yells. "Coming, granny!" I get out of bed and trot over to my bathroom and brush my teeth. As I finish, I quickly brush my mane, grab my bag for camp that I had packed last night, and gallop down the steps. "Hold yer horses there. You sound like a stampede comin down them there steps. Now come on over here and eat some breakfast." I walk over to the table, pour a bowl of oats, and soak them in milk. I begin shoveling the oats into my mouth, barely remembering to chew. "Slow down Missy. You ain't due to be at the camp till three o'clock. Its only twelve," She mutters, shaking her hoof at me. "Sorry gran. I'm just excited for being accepted to the camp." "Finish up yer oats and then yer free ta go." I watch as granny cracks a smile that hides beneath her wrinkles. I finish up my oats and give granny a kiss goodbye before i fly out the door, literally. Soaring through the skies, I do a few tricks and land near a fruit stand. "That's some fancy flying Daze," A squeaky voice behind me says. I turn around to see Daisy Dew, a little unicorn. She looks up to me as a big sister. "Hey, Daisy! What are you up to?" I ask cheerfully. "I'm on my way to Star Spinner's house. Wanna come?" "Aww, Daisy, I cant. I'm on my way to see Pin Cushion. He was fixing a hole on my flight outfit." "Oh...OK. But we will hang out next week after camp right?" "Of course! Seya later Daisy!" I trot off down Saddle way, waiving to everypony that I see. In just a few minutes I arrive at Pin Cushion's 'Hem,Stitch, And Sew' shop. As I open the door a little bell chimes, and Pin pops his head out from behind a wall of saddles, dresses, and other clothing. "Miss Daze! How delightful it is to see you," He chirps. "Hey Pin! I am here to pick up my flight suit." "Ah, Perfect timing. I actually just finished hoof-stitching an amazing flight suit. Would you like to see it?" Knowing that Pin Cushion is the premiere fashion designer in all of Ferusia, I agree excitedly to see his work of art. "Here it is! The créme de la créme of flight suits." I look at the astonishing cobalt blue suit, decorated with a silver dragon scale pattern. It shimmered as if it had an aurora around it. "I-Its beautiful. I doubt I have the bits for it though." "Ah, but that's the best part. I made this suit for you. It is my going away gift to you. After all your hard work, you deserve it. Here, take it." As Pin walks over to me, I tear up. "Thank you so much, Pin!" "Be sure to do well out there." "I will. I promise." I walk out of the store and check the time on the clock tower. "Hmmm....Two thirty...Wait...Two thirty!? I gotta hurry to camp! Its a twenty minute flight!" I begin to gallop and jump into the air. Feeling the wind beneath my wings and the rush of air that flows through my mane...Its probably the most amazing feeling ever. As i glide with ease through the baby blue sky, I twist and turn, looping around, and flipping through the sky until the sight of the camp catches my eye. I zoom towards the dot in the clouds, watching it grow as I get closer. Just as it comes into clear view, I see Pegasi from all directions, landing on the huge cluster of clouds. I come in for a landing and drop onto the cloud. "This place is amazing," I mutter as I admire the cloudscape, watching the many Pegasi land on it. Walking around I see Pegasi from all over the world. All their different coat colors and mane styles are amazing...Especially a specific Pegasus. She has a magnificent Golden-Orange coat, and a long black mane with Fiery-Red highlights. She was beautiful. "Attention, cadets!" A gruff voice says. Everypony looks around for the source of the voice to find a muscular grey Pegasus dressed in a green outfit, and brown boots. His blonde mane was neatly combed. He also had a pair of black sunglasses on and a whistle around his neck. "Now yall listen up! I am your camp director! My name is Steel Wing! You were chosen as amazing flyers to take part in this here extra curricular flight camp that will prepare you for any flight academy! Do you think you have what it takes to be an amazing flier!? Do not say yes! Because if you did, you would be in a flight academy right now! You will be tested! Those who fail will be kicked out! Those who are kicked out can only apply to second rate academies! Your testing begins tomorrow at oh eight hundred! Now go get situated in your cabins! Mares to my left and colts to my right!" As we start to divide into the two groups, I see the beautiful Pegasus again. This time I can see her cutie mark which is a lily being struck by lightning. Once we were divide into the groups, we trotted off to our respective cabins. As we walk inside, we see twelve bunk beds. Everypony begins to talk among themselves, deciding who will bunk together. Lost in the crowd, I walk over to the bed in the back that seemed to be cut off from the rest of the world. I sit down on the bottom bunk, and start to unpack my suit and other items when I feel a tap on my flank. I turn around to see the beautiful Pegasus. "Hi. I'm Thunder Lily. Mind if I bunk with you?" She says, with a voice so soothing. "Ugh...Y-Yeah, go ahead. My name is Snowy Daze by the way." "What a pretty name," She says as she smiles. I watch as she jumps up to the top bunk. I suddenly feel as if I'm blushing. For some reason...When ever I see Thunder Lily...I get the urge to smile...I cant explain these feelings...Is it normal? I guess only time will reveal what it means. > Chapter Two: Basic Navigation Drills > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I jump up out of bed as the sound of a whistle being blown invades my dreams. "Get up! Steel Wing is waiting for you in the main field," A stern voice yells. Looking around for the owner of the mysterious voice, I see a green mare with a sharp blue mane, standing at the doorway, wearing the same outfit Steel Wing had worn yesterday. Everypony jumps out of bed, galloping every which way, all the while combing their mane, brushing their teeth, and getting into their flight suits. Lost in the commotion, I hear a faint, soft, voice coming from above me. "Morning, Daze. Are you ready to get out there, and show them some moves?" I realize the voice was Lily and look up to see her jumping off the top bunk, wearing an amazing silver flight suit that was decorated with fiery red and lightning-yellow lilys. "What do you think of my suit? It doesn't make my flank look big, right?" Lily asks, giggling ever so softly. "It's amazing. Where did you get it?" "It was a gift from my mother...Before she passed away last year." I watch as her ears go down, hinting it was a touchy, and sad subject. "I-I'm so sorry Lily...I didn't mean to-" My sentence was interrupted by her smile and quick response, changing the subject. "It's fine. Hey, is that your flight suit?" She says, pointing to the golden flight suit laying on my bed. "Yeah. It was a gift from my friend back in Gallopega. You've mighta heard of him. His name is Pin Cushion." Lily suddenly jumps into the air, flapping her wings madly before dropping back down. "You mean the, Pin Cushion!? As in the premiere, fashion-forward, clothing designer? No way! Put it on! Put it on!" Blushing, I unfold and put on the suit. "H-How do I look?" I ask. "And be honest." "Wow...You look so beautiful...Oh gosh! We gotta get to the main field!" She exclaimed, before zooming off. I look around to see the cabin was empty, and quickly dash off as well. As I fly towards the main field, I take a moment to take in the amazing feeling of the wind as it caresses my wings. I get the urge to smile and laugh...Just like last night when I was with Lily...I wish I had the time to make sense of it all but I can't afford being late to the first lesson. After awhile I catch a glimpse of a crowd full of colorful Pegasi and dive towards it at full speed. The force of the air against my body tries to slow me down, but I fold back my wings and continue to fall like a rock. Only a few feet from the ground, I spread my wings and brace my self for a not-so-soft landing. "Cadet! You are close to being late! Explain why!" Steel Wing grunts as he points a stern hoof at me. "I...I...I...I," I say, stuttering only the word 'I' over and over. "No excuse!? Drop, and give me ten wing-ups!...All of you!" Everypony drops, and sighs as they stretch their wings and begin to do wing-ups, following Steel's count. "Up! Down! One! Up! Down! Two! Up! Down! Three! Up!-" He continues to count, shouting every word. I start to zone out as I do my wing-ups, wondering about the relationship between the exhilarating feelings of flying and the mysterious feelings I have for Lily. They both...Make me feel...Good. My thoughts are interrupted by Steel Wing as he shouts out a new command. "Ten! Stop! Get up! Now today we are going to run a series of standard weather drills. You forty-eight Pegasi will be assigned randomly together in pairs of two! For the rest of camp, you and your partner will complete tasks together! As! A! Team! I can not stress that enough! Any group that does not complete the tasks as a team will be dismissed from the lesson, and await judgement! Judgement is where I will make a choice to kick you two out or give you another chance! Am I clear?" The crowd roars a single answer. "Yes, Sir!" "Good! Go to the mess hall for breakfast! Your teams will be decided and announced in fifteen minutes!" He roars, flying off towards the camp office. I begin to trot over to the mess hall when I hear Lily calling my name. "Daze! Daze! Daze!" I turn around and look for Lily as she called me. Not seeing her, I turn around and jump. "Daze!" She was standing right in front of me, muzzle-to-muzzle. "Ah! Lily! You startled me!" I say, my cheeks becoming rose red as I blush. "Oh, sorry, Daze. I just wanted to say your landing was pretty cool. Hey wanna eat breakfast with me?" "Uh, s-sure," I stutter. "Perfect! Lets go!" Lily gallops off to the mess hall, leaving a trail of dust behind her. I chase after her, and arrive at the mess hall just as she sits down. "Saved you a seat!" She states, happily. "Thanks. Uh...What do you want for breakfast, i'll go get it." "Um...A bowl of oats. You don't have to get it though." "No, no. It's not a problem. I'll be right back." Trotting off towards the oats table, I am struck by an odd, warm feeling. As I look back at Lily, it gets stronger. I try to shake it off as I pour two bowls of oats. Stretching out my left wing, I place the two bowls on it and walk back over to Lily. "Thanks, Daze! Here, sit down and relax. I don't bite, hehe." I sit next to her, feeling her warm body against my own. My heart begins to race, and her smile floods my thoughts. I can't control it...There is just something about her. Trying not to think about the matter too much, I begin to eat. As I finish my oats, the whole mess hall becomes silent. The reason: Steel Wing, had just entered the hall. "Alright! Listen up! Your teams are written on this here piece of paper!" He says, pinning the paper onto the bulletin-board at the entrance. "If you want to see who your teamed up with, come look on the board! I advise you to do so now, as we will begin the drills in ten minutes!" The whole mess hall fills with chatter and movement. I watch everypony swarming to the board. Intrigued by the mystery of the teams, I make my way to the board. After about six minutes, I am able to squeeze to the front of the crowd and read the paper: From the office of Steel Wing List of cadet teams: 1. Sky Brace x Glyder 13. Down Pour x Westly Cruiser 2. Hook Wing x Fire Flight 14. Royal Rift x Yellow Light 3. Vortex x Dreamy 15. Snowy Daze x Thunder Lily 4. Windy Hoof x Hail Storm 16. Sun Star x Winter Trot 5. Silver Rain x Fleur Dew 17. Droplet x Hail Hoof 6. Cloud Buster x Dust kicker 18. Slow Front x White Thunder 7. Honey Trot x Iris 19. Thunder Crusher x Cloud Frost 8. Stone Kolt x Crimson Rose 20. Dry Air x Jump Racer 9. Moon Flight x Sun Storm 21. Blue Blazer x Red Razer 10. Air Fleet x Quick Flash 22. Utopia x Dawn 11. Dashing Way x Green Glow 23. Dusk Leaf x Lunar Luck 12. Force Wind x Open Air 24. Frost Bite x Aero Rose I skim through the list, looking for my partner. As I went through the list, I paused at my name. My heart began to beat fast as I read the name of my partner. "...Thunder Lily..." The warm feelings returned as I read her name over and over, making sure I was reading the list right. "Hey, Daze! You and me are a team! How cool is that?" Lily states excitedly. "Its amazing! Were gonna be the-" I am cut off by Steel Wing. "Alright! I hope everypony has found their partners, because it is time to head back out to the main field! Move out!" As Steel Wing finished shouting, Lily smiles at me and flies off. I open my wings quickly, trying to catch up and synchronize my flying with hers. We arrive at the main field and land softly. "OK, cadets! We will start with something easy. Navigation drills! Navigate the cloud maze that is above us! If you do any of the following things, you will be removed from the lessons! You and your partner may not: split up, use cloud-busting to destroy walls, fly over the course, or talking to anypony besides your partner! The first three teams to finish will be allowed to go eat early, while everypony else will remain and do fifty wing-ups! On the count of three, you will fly up to the course and begin." Lily looks at my and smirks. "One! Two! Three!" Lily and I dart up to the course and begin. "OK, Daze. Which way?" "Uh, Left!" We take a sharp left at the first fork in the maze and fly down the twisting path, arriving at another split. "OK, Lily, your turn." "Hmmm...Right!" We take off down the right and continue taking turns at each split we arrive at. We arrived at a few dead ends before making it to the exit. As we clear the maze, we are greeted by Steel Wing. "Congratulations! You two are the second team to finish! Head on over to the mess hall and eat up. When your done, report back here for another drill." We gallop off to the mess hall, and begin talking about the maze drill. "Who knew a basic navigation drill would take so long," Lily asks cheerfully. "Haha, yeah. But we got another drill after lunch. Any guesses on what it is? "Well...I'm guessing it will have to do with weather, like snow or rain." When we enter the mess hall, the scent of sunflower sandwitches and oat burgers fill our noses. "Mmmm. It smells delicious in here! I'll get our food this time, Daze. What do you want?" "I'll take an oat burger." "That's what I was thinking of getting too. Two oat burgers coming right up! Be right back!" I nod happily and sit down at the same table I was at during breakfast. While sitting, I begin to ponder about my feelings for Lily. Whenever she is close to me...I get a warm feeling...A feeling of happyness...A feeling of joy...It's all so strange. The only other time I have had a similar warm feeling is when I am at home with gran...But these feelings are much stronger for Lily. "Here's lunch!" Lily puts two oat burgers on the table. "Let's chow down!" She chirped. I start eating, thinking of something to say. Lily looks at me silently before saying, "You ok, Daze? You've been pretty quite." "Y-Yeah...Lily? What if somepony...Felt a warm feeling everytime they saw a certain other pony? Like...What kind of feeling would you call that?" I ask softly. "Sounds like that pony is in love. Why? Do you have a crush? Hehe." I pause for a moment to finish the puzzle with the last piece: 'Love'. It makes sense...I have a feeling of love for gran but...That means I...Love...Lily? I ponder for another moment and then respond to Lily. "N-No...Just wondering." I finish my oat burger just as the rest of the cadets enter the hall, panting and sweating. I had not noticed how much time had passed until now. "You all have ten minutes to eat before we start the next drill!" Steel howls as he trots out of the hall. As the ten minutes went by, Lily and I made small talk while we waited for Steel Wing. "Attention, cadets! It is time for the next drill. You and your partner will be navigating through a severe thunderstorm! The location of the drill is still the cloud maze! Now, you and your partner may not: distract other teams, interfere with other teams, cloudbust the maze walls, or split up! Am I clear!" "Yes, sir!" Everypony yells. "Good. Now meet me in the main field!" Lily and I exit the hall and take to the skies, as it was the fastest way to get to the field. Arriving at the field I see large lightning bolts striking the cloud maze. Once we landed in the field, the other cadets arrived. "Alright! Listen up! On the count of three, you will start the course! First team to complete the course will get an early pass to the mess hall and then they can turn-in for the day! Ready? One! Two! Three!" Everypony takes to the skies, racing to the entrance of the course. Lily and I take the lead, entering the stormy corridors of the maze. "Lily! Fly low! There wind force is weaker at the bottom!" I yell, trying to be heard over the crashes and bangs of the stormy weather. "Roger that!" We dive to the bottom of the pathway, avoiding the major turbulance above. "Daze! Watch out for the lightning!" Quickly doing a barrel roll, I avoid a large bolt of lightning. "Thanks, Lily! We should fly close together! The closer we are, the more wind resistance we will have!" "Good idea!" Lily and I glide towards one-another and keep flying straight. "There is a split coming up! Which way should we take, Lily?" "Let's take a right!" We take the right path and continue weaving around lightning bolts. As we once again take turns deciding our route to take, we eventually make it to the end. "Look! An opening! Were almost there!" I shout. Just as we make it to the opening, a bolt of lightning clips my wing, causing me to plummet towards the ground. "Daze!" Lily screams as she dives to catch me. Huging me close to her body, Lily flies us both to safety. "Daze! Are you ok?" Steel Wing asks softly. "Y-Yeah...I just need some chow and a good rest," I say feebly as I walk to the mess hall. "Daze, are you sure your OK?" "Yeah." "Let's get some chow together. Ill help you back to our cabin too." "I...Thank you, Lily." We arrive at the mess hall and chow down on our dinner before heading back to the cabin to turn-in for the day. I sit on my bed and think about Lily for awhile before closing my eyes...Maybe...Maybe I do love her... > Chapter Three: Thoughts and Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am once again awoken by the not-so-soothing sounds of a brass whistle being blown. In a frenzy, I jump out of bed, hitting my head on the top bunk. "Ow!" I exclaim, painfuly. "You ok, Daze?" Lily asks, as she quietly slips out of the top bunk. "Yeah...Just bumped my head." Lily laughs and pauses a moment to smile before she replys. "You sure are having a stroke of bad luck, huh?" I nod and laugh while I put on my flight suit. I rub my right wing in the area lightning had struck. "How's your wing?" Lily asks, "You will still be able to fly, right?" "Oh, yeah. Of course...I, uh...Been through worse," I say hastly, knowing it was a lie. I watch as everypony leaves the cabin, dressed in an array of colors. "Come on. You can't be late again." "Hey! I was almost late!" "Okay, fine. Well let's go before we are late," She states, jokingly. Trotting off side-by-side, we make our way to the main field. As we continue on our way, I begin to give some thought about my feelings for Lily and let out a quiet, depressing sigh. The reason being my thoughts about her...Denying me...But that's not the only problem clouding my thoughts. I worry about not being able to express my feelings to her. Arriving at the field, I spot a larger cloud maze above us, and numerous weather machines floating about. "Attention, cadets! Today we will begin the first of five advanced weather navigation drills! The drills will test your ability to recover from spin outs, your ability to dodge different obsticals, your ability to handle windy conditions, your ability to deal with severe rain conditions, and your ability to deal with severe snow storms. Understood!?" Steel Wing announces. "Yes, sir!" We roar, as usual. "Alright! Head to the mess hall and get some breakfast! Meet me back here in fifteen minutes!" "C'mon, Daze! Let's go get some oats!" Lily gallops off towards the mess hall leaving me behind. I trot off after her, smiling. Once I make it inside, I see Lily at our usual table and walk over to her. "It's my turn to get breakfast, ok?" "Haha, OK. I'll have...A bowl of honey oats, and an apple," She says gaily while swinging her legs back and forth.. I fetch our breakfast, bring it back to our table, and sit down. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask softly. "Well...Um...Can I ask you something...Personal, Daze?" "Yeah. Of course. What is it?" She pauses for a few moments, continuing to eat, before asking me her question. "Do you...Like..." She blushes and then continues to speak. "Flowers! Yeah, Flowers!" "Oh, uh, y-yeah." "What is your favorite flower?" "Um...A...Lily..." We both instantly blush, but are stopped from continuing our talk as Steel Wing trots in. "Attention! Break time is over! Let's move out!" "Let's...Uh...Talk about this later...OK?" Lily says tenderly. "Y-Yeah..." We travel to the main field with the rest of the herd, and standby for our orders. "Listen up! We will be doing a two stage spin out training drill today! The first stage will consist of being strapped up on this here machine and then when it hits the target speed, you will be released into the air spinning. You must recover from the spin and land. The second stage will consist of the same machine from stage one, but this time you will be launched into a clouds. With no visuals, you must once again land! Am I clear! "Yes, sir!" "Line Up! This test will be testing you all individually! This is the only test where teams do not matter!" Lily and I line up, landing somewhere in the middle of the line. As the line moves forward and pegasi are propelled into the air, Lily moves forward, swinging her flank back and forth causing me to blush. As we reach the front, my heart pounds as I contemplate if my skills are truly good enough to complete the task at hoof. I watch Lily get launched into the air and in moments land perfectly, like a danty butterfly. "That was amazing, Lily!" "T-Thanks. I bet you will be better." I walk up to the machine and get strapped in. The machine begins to whirl, spinning faster and faster. In a matter of seconds the world becomes blurred. Suddenly I am propelled into the air, spinning rapidly. I spread my wings almost instantly as I try to balance out. Once I was remotely straight, I dart towards the ground and brace myself as I hit the ground. To my suprise, I landed perfectly. I head to the back of the line where everypony sat, dizzy and tired, and sit down next to Lily. "You did great, Daze," Lily said quietly, placing a hoof on my lap. I blush and smile. "Th-Thanks...Lily...I..." I get up and walk away from Lily a little. Lily gets up and follows me. "What is it, Daze?" "N-Nothing..." "I...I...You...I feel the same way about you, Daze..." I watch as Lily blushes, pausing and blushing myself. "You mean...You...L...Like...Me?" "I...Do...When we met...I just felt...Something strange...And good about you. I...I mean I don't wan to force myself upon you..." "Lily...Your not...I was hoping I wasn't pushing myself on to you..." "Daze...Do you...Really like me?" "Lily...I more than like you...Your so nice. Your...Your somepony who I...Want to be with." "Somepony...To love?" We touch our front hooves together. "Yeah..." I say slowly, staring into her eyes. At that moment we started to lean in towards one another, closing our eyes and going for a kiss that we both wanted badly. Before it could happen, Steel Wing yells out anothe set of orders. "Attention, cadets! After your performances, I have decided that six of you will be ending your camp days right here! You will now break for lunch! At the end of lunch I will announce the names! Move out!" I look back at Lily and stare deeply in her eyes. "Wanna skip lunch and head back to the cabin...Where we can be alone?" Lily asks intimately. "Y-Yeah..." We trot off towards the cabin, smiling at one another. I no longer have to fear denial...Because now...I have her...And our feelings could not be more mutual. > Chapter Four: A Kiss And Happiness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We arrive at the cabin and walk in to the empty room. "Daze...Did you...Ever kiss a mare?" Lily asks sweetly. "N-No...Have you?" "No...But...Can you be my first?" I nod silently and walk over to my bed, signaling Lily to come sit with me. "Are you ready, Daze?" I smile and close my eyes, slowly leaning in towards her. I feel her breathe as our muzzles get closer. They touch and our first kiss begins. We go from a normal innocent kiss to a binding of our muzzles by our tongues. A low and sweet moan of joy is made by Lily as she continues our kiss. Pulling away at the same time, we open our eyes. "Lily. Tell me...This isn't a one time thing..." "I promise, Daze...This is only the beginning...Will you be my...Marefriend?" My eyes widen as I hear those words. Speechless for a few moments, I stare at her. "Y-Yes, of course..." We lean in for another intimate kiss before we have to return to the field. As our tongues touch, my cheeks flare, blushing harder than I ever have. Pulling away once more, we stand up. "Sh-Shall we go?" I ask. "Y-Yeah." We canter back to the main field where everypony is gathering and lining up once more. This time we end up as the first two in line. "OK! This is the last drill for today! As you finish, you may be excused for dinner and then you may turn in!" I watch as Lily straps in and gets propelled into the clouds. After a few minutes she takes a hard landing. "Lily! Are you OK?" I ask, trotting over to her. "Yeah..." She stands up and whispers in my ear. "Meet me at the mess hall to get some quick food then we can head back to the cabin." I strap myself into the machine and watch as the world becomes a blur again. After awhile I am propelled into the clouds. My vision deminishes quickly as the clouds become thicker. I begin to doubt my self until I think of the kiss Lily and I shared. I spread my wings and dive through the clouds not knowing what lies ahead of me. As I exit the cluster of clouds I land and gallop off to the mess hall to meet Lily. Arriving at the mess hall, I see Lily sitting at our table with our food already. "I hope you like hay and carrot soup," She cooed. "It's one of my favorites." I sit next to her, feeling her warm body against my own. She turns towards me slowly and kisses my cheek. "I'll save the rest for after dinner." Blushing, I begin to eat. "How did you do on your landing?" She asks, whispering it in my ear. "Pretty good...I think." I wrap my right wing around her and lean against her as we eat. The sounds of somepony trotting into the mess hall makes me sit up quickly, retracting my wing. "What is it, Daze? A pegasus colt trots into the hall and sits down as I answer her. "I...I don't want anypony to know about us..." "Why?" "I'm...Scared...I've always been teased since I was little...I...I don't want you to be laughed at or teased because your with me..." "Don't worry about them...All that matters is ous...And our feelings for each other," She says, smiling. "C'mon. Let's go back to the cabin." We get up, throw out our trash and head on over to the quiet cabin. The moment we enter the cabin, Lily and I dart to my bed where we begin making out. I pull away for a moment to ask her a question. "What's wrong, Daze?" "Nothing. I just wanted to ask you something..." "What is it?" "Do you...Want to..." "Do I want to what?" "Share...A bed...With me...Tonight?" She blushes before answering me. "Y-Yes. I would love to." We cuddle up and lay silently in the bed. I wrap my wings around her and slowly close my eyes, drifting off to sleep...This is our new beginning...This is our new chapter...This is our life. I am awoken by the sound of the usual morning whistle and open my eyes to see nopony even take notice of me and Lily as we get out of bed. I must have been wrong about them teasing her and I...Everypony seams to be mature enough to have left such foalish acts behind. "Good morning, hun," Lily says, kissing me on the mouth. I smile and do the same back to her. "How did you sleep?" I ask as I put on my flight suit. "Amazingly. You kept me warm all night." She giggles and puts on her suit aswell.