> Secrets > by grapesRblu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Hunger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life has been good for Fluttershy, after the sirens incident, life has gone back to normal. The sirens still go to Cantorlot High, but don't draw attention to themselves. Fluttershy was walking down the hall, but something was pondering in her innocent head, " I'm so hungry," she thought as her stomach growled loudly and blushed, "Gosh, I hope no one heard that." But an other thought entered her train of thought. "Well maybe I wouldn't be so hungry if you eat." She stopped walking. "No, I'm not a monster, human food usually satisfies my hunger." She thought, but not really believing a word she thought. "You don't need to lie anymore," a voice said, not hers but it seems as if someone else inside her head. "Look around, food everywhere," it said sinisterly, she looked across the hall, Flash Century was talking to a couple of his friends. She felt a familiar feeling in her mouth, little fangs started to poke out her gums. " Just do it, no one will stop you from your meal." It said darkly. "No, I can't he's my friend." she protested. "Do it, do it , come on, one sip." "No." "Do it." it nearly yelled. "I can't," she started, "I'll be notic-" "DO IT! DO IT NOW! " It screamed at her, she looked at Flash, his pulse beating, every beat of his heart, she felt her fangs digging into her lower lip, as she slowly walked towards him the voice rang again in her head, "Yes, do it, dri-" the voice was interrupted by a familiar hand fell on Fluttershy's shoulder. She felt her fangs go retracted back. Blinking twice, she looked to see who saved her from just murdering a fellow student. "Hey 'shy, why ya just standing here." A new voice broke her trance, she felt her fangs go retracted back. Blinking twice, she looked to see who saved her from just murdering a fellow student. "Huh?" She looked to her right and saw a confused Rainbow Dash. "Oh, Hey Rainbow Dash, I was, umm," she said while looking for an excuse. "I was just walking to math class." She said while smiling sheepishly. "Sure, you do know it's lunch right?" Rainbow Dash said while looking in disbelief. "Oh." Fluttershy mumbled, while shrinking back. Rainbow started walking, but stopped a few steps and turned and looked at Fluttershy, "Well?" She stated. "Well what? " "Are we going to lunch or what? " "Oh, um, okay." Fluttershy said while walking towards Dash. Dash looked odd at Fluttershy and said, "Are you sure you're okay?" She looked worried. Fluttershy never liked to worry her friends. "Of course, I'm just tired." She said and put on a smile. Dash seemed to buy the lie and smiled. "Thank god! You know I'm not good with mushy stuff." She said while walking towards the cafeteria with Fluttershy. \/\/\/ Fluttershy tuned everyone out, she picked at her lunch. It was just a salad, nothing more. Her stomach growled, not as loud as before, but still made her flinch. "If only you listened to me earlier, you wouldn't be hungry, now would you?" An all to familiar voice said coldly. She closed her eyes. "No. Please. Stop." she thought, begging the voice to leave. "-Fluttershy" Pinkie's voice snapped out of thought. "Sorry, what did you say Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked, looking up and smiling. "I was talking about how if sprinkles had flavours, 'cuz Rarity said that sprinkles have no flavors, I think so, but then again, you can't really taste the color green, so-" "I think she gets the point darling." Rarity cut her off from ranting on. "So, do you think they have flavor? Pinkie asked, while everyone was looking at Fluttershy. "Oh. Um, well I,"she started. "Fluttershy, you alright sugar cube?" Asked Applejack with concern in her voice. "Y-yeah, I, um, have to, um,"she thought for an excuse. She began to feel nervous, and then realized she could hear their beating hearts, no not hear, but FEEL it, and her stomach growled again. It was too unbearable. " I HAVE TO FEED MY LOCKER!" she yelled while running away, leaving a group of very confused girls. "Hmm, I thought Applejack was the only bad liar." Rarity pondered out loud. Applejack glared at her, but her attention was turned over to Sunset Shimmer who spoke. "Maybe she sick, I mean she hardly ate." She said while looking at Fluttershy's salad. "Well she has been zoning out lately." Rainbow Dash said as if in deep thought. "Well you silly gooses, she obviously has a secret." Pinkie said as she continued to shove cake in her mouth. They all looked her surprised. "Why would ever think that?" Rarity said while wiping cake away from Pinkie's face. "Well, the sweaty palms, nervousness, making up silly lies, can basically say it all. Also the author has a weird way of writing." She stated calmly. "Author?" Rainbow Dash said confused. "Never mind that, but if 'shy is hidin' a secret from us, why is that?" Applejack said, ignoring the author part. "Well maybe one of us should talk to her, you know, what if it's important." Dash stated. " Wait. What if it's crush!? Rarity smiled widely. "Oh I always knew Fluttershy would someday grow out of her shell, but I respect Fluttershy's privacy, I think we shouldn't pry, she'll tell us when she's ready. " Rarity said. "Well then don't , but I will." Rainbow Dash said, while Sunset Shimmer was in deep thought. "Well ah ain't in this, 'sides I got work ta do." Applejack said flatly. "Crap. I got practice today, Pinkie, Sunny how about you?" Dash said while looking at the two. "Sorry Dashie, can't, I got this super duper large order to help Mr. And Mrs. Cake." "Well, Sunny I guess it's up to you." Dash said upset. "Um, I actually was supposed to help Fluttershy at the animal shelter today anyways." Sunset said. Dash smiled. "Perfect." > A new friend? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy ran until she was on the other side of the school. She ran into a bathroom and slammed it shut, then began to pace. "Oh my god! How can think about feeding off of my friends!" She shrieked out loud. "Okay, calm down you would never do that right? Right?" She asked herself, but another voice answered. "But you want to and you know it." It said darkly. Deep down she knew it, she knew she wanted their blood. She felt her eyes blur, and a wetness beneath her eyes, before long she had started to cry. "Wow, and I thought Sonata was the only one who is nuts." A voice rang in the bathroom. Fluttershy turned to see a familiar face, she had forgotten her name, she knew it started with an A. Fluttershy looked down, she had just been caught crying by an old enemy. "So, you gonna tell me why you're crying?" She asked. Fluttershy looked up, trying to see if she was serious, but her expression was neutral, as if she didn't have any were else to be. "Quiet one, huh?" She said bored. "Well I'll just guess then." She said, then stared at Fluttershy for a moment. "Well, it obviously involves your friends...do you have major crush on one 'em or something?" She guessed. Fluttershy shook her head. "Hmm...are hiding you something from them?" She guessed again. This time Fluttershy thought for a moment, then nodded. The girl smiled. "Lemme guess, you have a dick?" She said while wearing big grin. Fluttershy was blushing brighter than Applejack's apples, her mouth was hung open, eyes wide. "Ahahaha! Just messin' with you!" The girl started laughing hysterically, while Fluttershy soon joined on the laugh. "There, now you're not sad." The girl said, Fluttershy smiled. "T-thank you, for making me feel better." Fluttershy said, while the girl looked at her, but this time seriously. "Look, I know I'm not the best person for giving advice, but, crying in the bathroom is not really a good idea," she started, "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, I know I almost killed you and your friends," she said, bringing memories back to Fluttershy's mind. "But, I'm trying not be a jerk anymore." She looked at Fluttershy, who looked forgiving back. "Um...okay." Fluttershy said while looking away. "Cool, as much fun as it is to hang out, I gotta go back to my friends." She said while walking towards the door, opened it but looked back at Fluttershy, "Oh, and next you barge into the bathroom and start talking to yourself, make sure its empty." And with that said, she left. > The secrets out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After walking out of the bathroom, Fluttershy realized she still had classes, luckily, she didn't share the rest of her classes with any of her friends.. In biology she been so distracted by her classmate next to her. She could smell his O+ blood. "Well, that's a rare type, I sure he wouldn't miss a pint or two." The dark voice said, Fluttershy was actually thinking of a way to get him, but fortunately her, sanity saved her once more. "No. No killing. No blood. It's wrong and I know it." she would tell herself, this would go on in the rest of her classes. At one point she wasn't even learning, she was focusing on not eating Cloud Kicker. When the bell finally rang, she got up walked towards the door thinking she can go home, she bumped into Sunset Shimmer. "OOf- woah sorry th-, oh Fluttershy! I was just looking for you." Sunset shimmer said, while Fluttershy paled...how could she forgot...she and Sunset Shimmer had volunteered to help the animal shelter...until eight. "Oh, um... Hey." Fluttershy said awkwardly. She hoped that Sunset Shimmer had forgotten. "So, you ready to help some animals or what?" Sunset Shimmer said too enthusiastic for her own taste, but she let a "yay". /\/\/\ While walking towards the shelter, an awkward silence fell between the two, trying break the silence, Sunset Shimmer began talking. "So, um...how was class?"she said as thought to herself "well maybe she will open a bit if we break the ice.." "Oh, well I..."she couldn't tell her about how she almost murdered someone in class, "...it was okay?" She said as if it was a question. "Oh. Well did you feed your locker?" Sunset Shimmer asked, but facepalmed in her mind. "Are you serious? Why did you bring it up?" Fluttershy looked confused at first,but, remembered her awful excuse to run away. "Oh my...great now I need to make another lie. Great." She thought, but stuttered, "O-oh, well I had t-to..."she looked for an escape, anything to save her from this question, but luck was not on her side today. "You know, you can trust me, right? It's alright, I know already." Sunset Shimmer stopped walking, and looked into Fluttershy's eyes. "Um.."she ran out of words. "SHE KNOWS?!" She screamed at her self in her mind. "Can you just tell me already.." Sunset started, "Goodbye life." Fluttershy thought as she shut her eyes. "... Who you like?" Was not what Fluttershy expected. "What?" She said as she opened her eyes, Sunset Shimmer looked at her, and said "Well me and the girls noticed how you're more shy now, and nervous all the time. So we figured it out."Sunset spoke and waited for Fluttershy's answer. "Wait, they don't know...Thank God, but what do I say about my 'crush'."she thought and decided to play along. "Oh. Um. He's really...tall."she squeaked. "Really?" "Yeah, and is a....jock." "Well can I know his name?" "Oh my, look we're already late, come she said while running to the shelter, leaving a dumbfounded Sunset Shimmer. "Well at least she admitted it..." Sunset thought as she ran to catch up with Fluttershy. \/\/\/ Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer had been working for couple hours now, since Fluttershy "confessed" about her crush, things were going like usual, they would talk, and tell jokes, and mess around a bit, like they have done before. They were cleaning the cages, when a mans voice called out to them. "Well girls I'm heading home. Be sure to lock the doors." He said before he left. "Hey 'shy look a bar is broken." Sunset Shimmer said,while pointing towards a sharp metal rod. "Oh, we can let Mr. Wilson fix it." Fluttershy said as she walked towards Sunset Shimmer. "Don't worry I got it." she said as she attempted to fix it, but instead Fluttershy's fear came true. "Ow! Goddamit! I cut myself. Fluttershy can you get the first aid kit?" Sunset said as held her hand with a small opening on her palm, the blood was flowing. "Hey 'shy, you okay? "Sunset said worried about her friend who was pale as a sheet. Fluttershy walked towards Sunset Shimmer, she took a deep breath, smelling the addicting smell, and shivered as she felt her fangs poke her lower lip. "You know how you said you knew my secret? Well you don't." She smiled allowing her fangs to show. "Oh my God." Sunset managed to choke out. "I will now let you know my secret.." > The Hunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was backing up from Fluttershy, no this was no longer Fluttershy, this is the beast waiting for her meal, and that was Sunset. Sunset was already against the wall, when Fluttershy was so close from her face, that there noses were touching. Fluttershy took a deep breath, inhaling her scent. "Mmm, AB negative, now there's one you don't see everyday..." Fluttershy said, then she leaned forward, to her ear. "I always knew you were special."she said, by then Sunset was shaking, frozen by what was going on, she couldn't, no wouldn't believe it. Fluttershy then leaned down torwards the vain in her neck, "No this isn't real...Fluttershy wouldn't do this." Sunset thought as Fluttershy opened her mouth, "No...stop..." Sunset said, Fluttershy ignored her, she pressed fangs into Sunset's warm flesh, "No!" Fluttershy was shoved off Sunset before her fangs reached her vain, Fluttershy fell onto the hard, cold tile floor, Sunset saw her chance and ran towards the door, but before she made to the door Fluttershy was in front of her seconds. "Going somewhere?" Fluttershy asked, then snicked. "You know, that hurt when you pushed me," She said blankly, then kicked the side of Sunset's knee, causing her to yelp. "...there, now were even." Fluttershy said and then laughed. She then walked to door and locked it, when she turned to face Sunset, she was gone. Fluttershy simply smiled, and started walking slowly, listening for her meal. "Come out, come out, where ever you are..." She said while walking towards the opened door that leads to the back room... /\/\/\ Sunset was having a trouble breathing, she was shaking and the gash in her neck wasn't helping. She leaned against the door of the small closet. *Thump* A she felt a thump against the door she leaning on. The knob of the door started to turn, then she heard silence, and then quiet footsteps walking away. She let out a breath she didn't even know she had holding in. *BANG BANG* Suddenly, the door was started shaking, "God damn it! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!" Sunset thought as she realized she forgot to lock the door, and now the only thing protecting her from death, was her pressure against the door. "Come on now, I promise it won't hurt...as much" Fluttershy said as if it was her normal self. Sunset had felt hot tears fall from her eyes. After a moment of complete silence a loud roar shattered the sound, "That's it, I'm coming in!" Fluttershy said as she punched the door, causing a hole in the door appear next to Sunset's face, she jumped away from the door, and in result landed on the floor. The door fell revealing a hunger-crazed Fluttershy. "Well that wasn't too hard." She said as she walked towards Sunset and bent her knees until she was face to face with Sunset . "Please...don't do this...I'm sorry..."Sunset pleaded. Fluttershy looked shocked, as if someone had just slapped her. "I know you...please...I can help."Sunset's hand was on Fluttershy's face looking into her eyes. Fluttershy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she looked surprised, and then got up. "Oh, my...Sunny, your arm!" Fluttershy said while she inspected her arm. "Oh thank god you're back!" Sunset said while hugging Fluttershy. "What you mean back?" Fluttershy started, until she felt her fangs on her tongue. She gasped and paled. "Wait...did I..."she said above a whisper. Sunset was still hugging her tightly and said, "Yeah, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone...but you're still hungry.."she let go of Fluttershy and looked at her, until she came to a decision and took off her jacket and exposed her arm. If Fluttershy could be pale anymore then it already was she'll look dead. "Oh no no no no, I already did enough damage." Fluttershy said as she moved to get up, but Sunset stopped her. "Please, I know you need it, and that's why you attacked me." Sunset said while moved her arm closer to Fluttershy's face. Fluttershy could still feel her fangs exposed, wanting to feed, but shook her head. "No...I don't want to hurt you..."she said while looking down, but felt an arm on her shoulder. "Look, it's not you're making me, I doing it for my own sake."she said. Fluttershy looked up at Sunset. "Well, if you insist.."she said while taking Sunset's arm and before she bit it, looked at Sunset for approval, Sunset gave a small nod. Fluttershy opened her mouth and aimed for a vain on Sunset arm and felt her fangs pierce through flesh, Sunset flinched, but didn't move. Fluttershy began drinking, it was the best thing she had ever drank, like pure gold. After minute or so, Fluttershy withdrew from Sunset's arm, Fluttershy looked at her then got up and helped on her feet. "Now time to fix those wounds." Fluttershy lead Sunset to Mr. Wilson's office. She sat down on a chair while Fluttershy got the first aid kit and began to fix her injuries. After a moment of silence, Sunset spoke up. "Um...if you ever need to,um, feed...let me know...so you can drink." Fluttershy stopped and looked up from the wound on her arm. "No, I...couldn't...you see, I, um, feed daily...if I feed from you daily..."she stopped talking, and swallowed. "...You can die." Sunset looked down at her, "Okay." Fluttershy finished cleaning and wrapping her arm, then began to clean the two small gashes on her neck. /\/\/\ After finishing up on Sunset's wounds, the began clean up, fix the door and anything else they made a mess of, the next 2 days everything had gone back to normal, except Fluttershy and Sunset had gotten closer, not that anyone really noticed. It was lunch once again, Rainbow Dash was talking about basketball tryouts, "Yup! I am so making the team!" She said while Applejack rolled her eyes and said "You're not the only who's tryin' out Rainbow." said while Dash looked at her and gave her a cocky smile. "Yeah, that's true, but I'm gonna be team captain!" Applejack frowned angrily and said, "Ah might just try out, just to whoop your a-" "Now, there is no need for vulgar language." Rarity interrupted, but just remembered something. "Wait, I thought Sunset was going to try out as well." She said. Sunset looked up from hearing her name. "Well not trying to rain on your parade Sunny, but I'm making team captain, but don't worry I won't steal all of the spotlight." Rainbow Dash said while slapping Sunset's shoulder, which she clutched her shoulder and groaned. "Woah, sorry I guess I don't know my own strength...heh,heh" Rainbow Dash said. "No...it's not you, I just had an accident." Sunset said while Fluttershy looked down at plate...she wasn't hungry anymore, now that she was reminded of what she did, she got up and walked away without saying a word. Before Sunset could go after her, someone dragged her back in her seat. She looked at her right to see who was and was Pinkie Pie. "So, did you find out the love of her life?" She asked excitedly, soon everyone at their table was quiet and waiting for to speak. "Um...not exactly..."Sunset said slowly. "Well? Who is it!?" Rarity said, who was almost leaning out of her seat. "Look, she doesn't like anyone okay! It's something else...I promised I couldn't tell anyone, so...just let it go already!" Surprised by her own outburst, Sunset got her bag and walked away from the table, in the direction Fluttershy went in. > Idea!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Sunset Shimmer walked away, her friends sat all dumbstruck in silence. "What's her problem?" Rainbow Dash said as she leaned back in her seat. Rarity thought for a moment then spoke up "Had one us said something wrong" Applejack was the next to speak, "Ah think so, but what could we have said that pissed 'er off?" Pinkie laughed "I think I know what's going on," she said, then continued to eat her lunch. After a moment or so Applejack sighed, "Mind tellin' us, Pinkie?" Pinkie nodded and smiled, she took a deep breath, "IthinkthatFluttershyisactullayavampireandthatgetssupperduperhungry,sosheaccidentlyfeedfromSunny,andnowFluttershyfeelsreallybadaboutit,Sunnydoesn'tmindandactuallywantstohelpFluttershy,then,whenwebroughtupSunny'sinjuries,Fluttershyfeltbadandleft,andthenwhenImentionedFluttershy'scrushSunnygotupsetanddefendedFluttershy'ssecret,andleft." After Pinkie said that, everyone was looking at her funny. Dash rolled her eyes, "Yeah, and we're also in a teen vampire movie." she said sarcastically. "Sometimes Pinkie you're too ridiculous." "You're right Dashie, I'm just being silly." Pinkie said, then giggled. "Yeah...okay, anyway, anyone else know why she might be mad?" Dash said, Applejack shrugged. "Ah don't know, maybe she was jus' defendin' Fluttershy?" "Now that I think about it, Fluttershy is still acting quite odd, even more than before." Rarity said while Pinkie raised her hand waving it around. "Ooo, pick me! Pick me!" Applejack sighed. "Yes Pinkie?" "Maybe they are both vampires!" She squealed. Dash facepalmed. "Enough of the stupid vampires!"she yelled. "Well then what do you think there secret is you big meanie." Pinkie said as she stuck out her tongue. "I...well, uh" Rainbow Dash stuttered. "Hell if I know! They could be serial killers for all we know!"She yelled. "Yeah, Dash, 'shy bein' a cold hearted killer."Applejack said sarcastically. "Okay then, what do YOU think 'captain obvious?"Dash yelled. "Ah don't know, let's just ask 'em." Applejack yelled back. "Yes, that's a splendid idea!" Rarity said, interrupted the heated argument. "You're joking right?" Dash said. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Of course not! We just ask what has been bothering them. Simple as that." "Fine! But I doubt that they'll give us a straight answer." Dash said as Applejack got up. "Whatever, it don't matter now. It's time for class anyway." /\/\/\ Instead of running to the bathroom again, Fluttershy ran towards the janitors closet. Once inside she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. "Why did they bring it up..."she said quietly. "Why.." Soon her eyes were rimmed with tears. Suddenly the door opened, and Fluttershy looked up. "Um, hey?" A man in a janitors uniform said, "Look, I'm not one get into other peoples personal stuff, but...you okay?"he said, Fluttershy nodded her head and got up and started to walk out of the small room, but the janitor stopped her and said "The, uh, school therapist is that way, in case you're wondering." Fluttershy whispered a small thanks and continued walking in the other direction, keeping her head down. "My, that was embarrassing." She thought as she sniffed. "Well, at least he was nice." She continued walking until she bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm terribly sor-"she looked and saw Sunset. "Oh, hi.."she backed up. "Hey, um are you okay?" Sunset said, Fluttershy nodded. "Why did you leave, are you hungry?" Sunset said while grabbing Fluttershy's arm. Fluttershy tried to protest, but Sunset kept leading her to the nearest bathroom, once inside she checked to see if anyone was in there, then took off her jacket. "Well, let's get this over with."Sunset said. Fluttershy sighed and shook her head. "No, I'm not that hungry,and I'm not going to drink from you ever again, not after..."she swallowed and pointed to Sunset's wrapped injuries. Sunset frowned and sighed. "Then how will you feed?" She asked. "I'm not going to, I'll handle it..."Fluttershy said while she was walking towards the door, Sunset stopped her. "Look I don't mind, and it doesn't hurt." She said, and smiled. Fluttershy looked away. "Don't worry about me, I'll find another way to fix your hunger okay? Until then, just drink." Sunset said while unwrapping her arm. After a moment, Fluttershy just continued to stare at her arm. "Why...why are willing do to this much for me?" Fluttershy said as she felt the familiar pinch on her tongue as her fangs poke through her gums. "Isn't friendship magic?" Sunset said as she walked towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy sighed and took Sunset's arm opened her mouth and aimed for healing wound once more and bit down, drinking the addicting liquid. After a one last final sip, Fluttershy released her arm and stepped back. Sunset took her bandages, and wrapped her arm. "Sorry." Fluttershy whispered and looked down. "Don't worry, if it bothers you that much, I'll find another way." Sunset said as she smiled and hugged her. "Thank you so much, for everything." Fluttershy mumbled into her ear. Sunset broke the hug. "Come on, it's almost time for class." /\/\/\ Sunset's last class had just ended and was now walking down the hall with a thought lingering in her head. "How am I supposed to help Fluttershy's hunger, without her feeding from me." She thought as walked. "Kill someone? Hah, as I have the guts to that." She about to give up, just until she caught a glimpse of someone hanging a poster, out of curiosity she looked at the poster. "Blood drive" it read. "That's it!" She said out loud, causing everyone looked at her. "Hehe, sorry!" She said as walked away from the poster. "That's it! But how am I going to steal enough blood to last her at least a month." She thought, as she saw Adagio talking to some of her friends. "Oh, my, GOD! Can we please go to the taco shack today!? Please Adagio!" Screamed a loud Sonata. "No." "Please?"she asked once more. "Sonata, she said no, let it go already!" Besides, we don't have money for that crap!" Said a very annoyed Aria. "Hmm, out of money." Sunset Shimmer thought, as a new idea popped in her head. She began walking towards them. "Hey, I need a favour." Sunset Shimmer said. Adagio thought for a while. "What exactly do you want?"she said. "I need you guys to help me...um, steal something."Sunset Shimmer said, Aria snorted. "Look, we did one thing bad, so what? We're all the sudden criminals?" "No it's not that, look, I just need help. I'll pay you."Sunset Shimmer said desperately. This seemed to intrigue Adagio. "How much?" "50 each." "..." "... Make it 70, and, you got a deal." Adagio said while Aria rolled her eyes. "OH MY GOD! Imagine all the tacos we can buy!" Sonata said while Aria facepalmed. > The Cringe Fest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aria was annoyed that she was staying after school, which was the last place she wanted to be. Around her were students talking and acting all buddy-buddy with one another. It made her cringe, the loud noise that was coming from them. A group of girls walked past her while giggling, she felt her blood boil and snapped her head to Adagio.   “Do we really have to do this?” she said in a hushed voice. Adagio, was still looking at her nails and pretended not to hear her. Aria huffed.  “Come on Adagio,”  She started and the girl with curly orange hair turned to face her. “You and I both know this sucks ass.” This made Adagio smile and laugh, she shook her head and went back to admiring her nails. “Would you rather be flipping burgers? Or what about cleaning toilets? I heard the school is looking for a new janitor.”  Aria rolled her eyes and decided not to waste her breath, no point in arguing with the other girl, she is the worst. Aria leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. That was until she heard a loud grating voice who interrupted her nap.  “I did it! We are now volunteers for the blood drive”  Aria mentally groaned and glanced over to her right and sure enough, there was the sight of a demon. Adagio seemed to not be phased by said demon and gave her all of her attention. “I assume it went well. Great job Sonata.” To the praise the smaller girl grinned. “Now can we go get tacos~” she asked in a sing songy voice, to which Adagio began explaining how they all need to stay and get paid before they can do any shopping.  “I want to die I want to die I want to die” was the only thing going through Aria’s head. All the way until a familiar bacon headed freak popped up into view. She stood up and parted from her bickering friends. She shoved her classmates out of her way and marched up to Sunset Shimmer. “About time you got here, five more minutes and we would’ve left. We are not patient.” She spoke with confidence despite what Adagio had just told her not too long ago. Sunset sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Yeah yeah sorry, look I had to walk a friend home. But at least I’m here now right?  Aria shrugged. She couldn’t care less, she was just happy to see her money machine. She looked around, guessing what they would be doing. “Are we like, gonna steal the blood machines to sell? 'Cuz that looks heavy and complicated.” This caused Sunset’s eyes to nearly pop out of her head. But before she could answer, Aria kept talking. “Hmm… are we going to steal all the money donation boxes? Now that could be something... “ “No!” Sunset cut her off. She leaned closer and whispered. “We are stealing… blood.” Aria pulled away and gave a dumbfounded look. “That is so fucking stupid.”  she said this as all her friends walked up behind her. Adagio had walked closer to the two girls. “What is?” she asked Aria without taking her attention away from Sunset. Aria turned and faced her, she looked annoyed. “This crackhead wants to steal blood.” She spoke as if they were the only ones in the room, which caused Sunset to wince and look around. Luckly, there weren't many people nearby. The leader of the trio didn’t seem to be phased, her eyes still on the outsider. Aria continued her rant. “I am all for stealing sure, but what the hell are we gonna do with-”  “Aria that’s enough.” Adagio had cut her off, she ignored the death glare that came from the annoyed girl. She turned back to Sunset but was still addressing Aria. “We are Sirens and we are from Equestria. This shouldn’t be shocking to us and we are going to do what we agreed to.” Sunset let out a sigh of relief, she shared a silent understanding with the curly haired siren.  “Okay. Let’s get started.” Sunset now spoke with more confidence from before, she was ready to do this, she needed to help her starving friend. As Sonata gave a loud ‘yeah’ and a fist bump, the other two were quiet and followed Sunset to the side of the gym.