> BlackAlizebra Hearts and Hooves Day Shorts Collection > by BlackAlizebra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tia and Breezy (Sombra) Heart and Hooves Date. (Princess Breezy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearts and Hooves Day in Equestria is the "most lovely" time of the year for married couples and ponies who are dating or engaged with another Ponies that interested them. King Sombra alternative version, "Breezy Meadow the Pegasus" was awake at Sunrise that only the Princess of Equestria could give them to her subject. King Sombra watching from the bedroom, he shares with his fiancee. He also uses this time to change himself into his Mare Pegasus personas: Breezy Meadow. Breezy Meadow is a sky blue Pegasus that similar to Rainbow Dash but her wind sweeps mane is a greenish yellowish color and her tail is the same color too. She is Princess Celestia personal Guardmare during the day, but if she got a day-off or two, She spends in the catacomb of the fallen Chrystal Ponies when King Sombra live to Torture them forever. But Breezy Meadow has a soft side for them and wish she could rescue them, But King Sombra will imprison any pony to try to free them. Breezy Meadow wants to Help them out by Getting them any last wish they want. But most of it, is Freeing them from this Horrible place here. But Breezy Meadow refuses to give that. Because "King Sombra" will imprison her with them forever. But she really wants to help them be happy that live a full life here in Equestria. King Sombra miss his glory day most of it which involved enslaving the whole empire and make every crystal Ponies work with a ball and chain, and thanklessness. But below his Dark, evil heart is a king of a terrible fate that he regrets his decision to enslave his subject and make Celestia and Luna come and end his reign in a terrible way possible. King Sombra regret everyday that he was a tyrant Ruler to the crystal ponies race and his dark magic that only he is a creator of and pass it today. He can't access it in his Pegasus form, but he could change back into normal form with a Flick of her wings and if Breezy Meadow may look like any ordinary she got a Very special "Talent" and it's not that she can create a strong breeze for the breezie with her wings. She Can Also Transform into King Sombra with Her wings. But Only that because King Sombra is breezy meadow and everyponies believe that King Sombra is dead and Gone but He is Here and alive. He only disguises himself as Pegasus mare. Plus, if everyponies saw King Sombra out of his disguise it spark a revolution against Canterlot Citizen as well with Everyponies in Equestria. That was Celestia worst fear because she is married to King Sombra. Celestia and Sombra have this It's complication Relationship status and it's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, and very Complication. After all, King Sombra was a former ruler of The Crystal Empire and a tyrant ruler to his subject. King Sombra love remembers the glory days of his iron hoof over his empire. But after married to Celestia, He begins to see an outlet of his unruly way since he builds the catacombs that connecting to Canterlot to the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Catacombs are the dark evil place to be, because of the dark past and the dark wave within there. King Sombra is no stranger to dark magic because he is dark magic all he lives and he wasn't afraid to put it in here for everyponies who dare to walk in. Princess Celestia knows that King Sombra miss his glory Days as a tyrant Ruler but she thinks he "Really" Does it miss it that much. But you can't be too caring for some ponies else, especially if they have a dark past to look back on. King Sombra is one of those ponies beside Luna, who was Nightmare Moon 1000 years ago. Luna knows about her dark past as Nightmare Moon and it was a time that her sister forgive her from. But King Sombra has done that was totally unforgettable to everyponies. When King Sombra was a Tyrant Ruler of the Chrystal Empire, He makes every crystal ponies they poor little hoof to the bone until they are ground to dust. A lot of Chrystal ponies die under his leadership and the whole empire was dominating the whole entire time. They were a lot of pain and Horror during those times and ever if every crystal ponies was there on those dark days are still alive today. There will be telling them grandfilly stories about those times and pray that those days never come back... Again. But the Chrystal Empire is still doing better today than yesterday's future. But the dark days still remains in the heart of the Chrystal empire subject's ancestors. Even if some Ponies ancestor is in Chrystal empire, but somewhere else. They still can't feel the Pain of their ancestors dying under his leadership back then. Sometime, Some past History Event is meant to be forgotten and Gone but there some histrionic event are worth Remember but they are hard to forget. Over time, though, it Getting Harder to forget those awful times they have survived back there. But everyponies don't like Remember those times. But everyponies who is big Historic junkheads like Remember those days. Because Forgetting the past is a crime in Equestria. But Some don't like history that much. So like a tug-o-war between the remembering and Forgetting the Chrystal Empire history with King Sombra. Sombra and Celestia were not into the ponies concern about the history of The Chrystal Empire and King Sombra. Because it's a Tragic time for those Ponies and ancestor. But how do the Chrystal Empire exist without Him and How will Equestria Remain in balance without the elements of harmony. Plus the crystal heart helps keep the Chrystal Empire alive, and Protected. But How do they expect to use the love of the Chrystal Ponies to keep Equestria alive and Protect from threat. The Wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Amour almost ruined by Changeling and Queen Chrysalis. Changeling feed off the love from Ponies and Suck the life out of them. And How does Equestria exist without The Chrystal EMpire and with Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence to be only Princesses to exist and only one can be Princess of Equestria. If King Sombra was a Tyrant ruler of The "Before" Chrystal Empire, How does we except that Dark magic was overheating Equestria while the three tribes were at the conflicts and cause a blizzard with their anger and argument. And if the history in equerstria was totally irrelevant when the land was formed and Election a princess or Princesses wasn't including the history books and A College professor didn't explore enough to find the truth. I mean we expect to believe that Celestia and Luna was the only two Princesses and Goddress to Keep Equestria in Vain and in check. But why then Celestia banishes her sister to the moon for a thousand years for making the night last forever. It was the most Evil (but at a cost) thing that she has ever done in her lifetime as a Princess. Princess Celestia Regret that she has to send her Sister away for a Very long time and she can undo that thing she has done back then. Celestia is still the nicest and wisest ruler she destined to be after that. But That doesn't mean she could still posses those kinds of power today. King Sombra know that she is Nice and innocent outside but he could sense a little bit of Dark power in her. But he know he knows use it on her Subject and Her Royal Guardmares and Stallions (Well, except for tonight). After a few minutes spent in the catacombs and within a few last minute of sunlight setting down over and Luna already starting putting the Stars and Moon up in the sky. Breezy Meadows manage to escape The Chrystal Catacombs before the sky turn completely black and dress with stars and the moon as a centerpiece. Breezy was out and about to change back to King Sombra but Princess Celestia Find her before King Sombra is Back. Princess Celestia brought Chocolate and flowers for her francé. King Sombra was confused and nervous, But he is very pleased at the Princess hearts and hooves Gifts for him. So, Since he was cool with it. But he found it out of a sense on this, Because he was supposed to surprise his wife but she surprises him. Princess Celestia spent the whole day getting some Errands done and complete her royal duty as Ruler of Equestria. While her royal duty come first , But she manages to find some time in between to gather a few surprises for his husband. Few of these surprises are kinder sexually, degrading. While Others are Romantic in a Good ways. Pricess Celesthas always been a nice and wise Ruler of equestria that the whole world was meant to be and see. But She have no problem being a tyrant like her husband once was and some of his Lust was spill on her skin and implant it in her. Anyway, at the enterance at the catacombs, Celestia arrive with her guards and walk up to breezy meadows apprence. As breezy meadow walk into the carridge back to the castle, A very curious celestia convince her to stay and show her around the Catacombs. Breezy meadows was distraught at the requests but she know she can't refuse a princess request. So breezy meadows walk out the carridge and walk into the catacombs and after a long few hours tour of King Sombra catacombs home. Breezy meadows show the princess the bedroom and that where the real hearts and hooves present is at. Celestia was curious at his prison where sombra was hiding the kingdom for a thousands year. This might. Actually help her in the decision of Equestria history with the historian. But tonight it her turn the tyrant like her husband once was but in a sexually way. Breezy meadows may not know this now but she will be the ass end of the joke and she will be torture along with it. Oh, breezy cried celestia as she look under the bed of the crystal catacombs. Look, what I found she said hold a hoof full of playfilly magazines but it was only fulled with BDSM pictures and articles. King sombra know it's his prized playfully magazine: BDSM edition But King sombra want to know what Celestia wants to do with them. One thing for sure, it going to mean and degrading to his and in her mane form is going to the price. Breezy Meadows is misleading and distaught at the same time. She knew that Celestia is nice and wise but is she going to BDSM on her husband ever know King Sombra is Breezy Meadow. Well, That theory was going to be ture because after a few momentary lapse of understanding and confusions Celestia cast a Mind-control spell on Breezy Meadow and start treating her like a sex slave plus toys. She took Breezy into one of the catacombs dungeon and Tired her up in ropes and chains with her private exposed and with a ball gag. Sombra was scared (and Could you actually that the Dark unicorn of fear was actually afraid of being Rape). Anyway,in the dungeon Breezy was terrified and hanging upside down. But Breezy was worried about the Princess because she was turn into a dominant master and Please her most faithful servant. But Celestia was long gone getting some tools and putting on her black suit. She return after a Few minute ready to torture her Prized Slave: Breezy Meadow. Breezy let out a tear and start to Cry, But Celestia Spank her flank with her Hoof and made her cry even more. but then Celestia start insert a Strap-ons in her Hole and start Bucking her hard. Breezy let out a muffed-up moan and groan at the moment of pleasure she getting from the Princess. it was bad and at the same time it was like on cloud nine with Lots of stallions (Or mares) around. Breezy want to cry and Huffing&puffing with her Lover but she was trap and force to enjoy the pleasure on the sun. Celestia was enjoying torture Breezy Meadow that she want to Buck her till she pant out like a dog in the heat and bust out on her body like a Hose. The Princess will do anything to her personal guardmare and she really want her to cum out on her. Celestia cast a blindfold spell on her so can't see her innocent face and eye.The Princess want to make her have a big belly with cum inside her so she feel pregnant. But she also have little foal and kids running around. But she wants to give king sombra the best Hearts and Hooves day ever. So she doing this for him, because He love torture mares back in the past. But she also punish him for the past he cause back there. But King Sombra was confuse about the whole thing but he want with the flow and let her darkness out on him. > A Night of Dark Hearts (A free Request from Pokèmonlover69) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centuries ago, before any princess (and some changeling exist) in the crystal empire there was a dark king by the name King Sombra, Who rule the empire with an iron hoof. The ponies who live there were his slave and work the crystal empire for endless days and nights. Sombra couldn't care less about his subject well-being. But Celestia and Luna defeat him as he takes his kingdom down with him. Months past since the wedding of cadence and armor, The empire has resurrected and have a new leader: Princess Cadence. But King Sombra also has resurrected too, and take back the empire, but fail to do so. Thanks to spike and cadence Months after twilight coronation Sombra return, but to make amends with Celestia and marry her. But the changeling return and has a new target: The Crystal Empire. Cadence thinking that sombra is behind this, but he not and offers his assistance to help her protect her subject. And once again the empire prevail against all odds. Everypony was happy again. Months later It's been months since the wedding and the King Sombra transformation and battling off his demons. King Sombra has fully adjusted to the Equestria current lifestyle and being the beloved ruler that he was never was, back then. As life in Equestria is back to normal, King Sombra and Princess Celestia marriage was healthy and functional like Cadence and Amour. Celestia and Sombra is Equestria's newest royal couple and everypony know it. Sombra was truth to his heart and love Celestia like a true royalist (which is obvious). But some of King Sombra Dark Magic and love still reside in him today, But he got it under control. That is of course if somepony manages to anger him again. All demons break loose, But if Sombra keep calm. He will return back to his reformed self. Celestia realizes that he still has a villainous past to recover from but she solves it quickly and irrelevant, But quickly. Although Celestia and sombra love life remain a mystery to everypony. Equestria still remains in sane after all this time since samba has been resurrected. Sombra been beloved, got a job as a Princess Celestia and Princess Luna royal guards,and he has a wife that every stallions will die for. Everypony lives was perfect and safe. Thanks to Celestia. One night, As Sombra was changed to her night guard armor for Luna. Sombra like the Luna guard design because it remain him of home before Cadence and shining take over the Empire. Luna armor design is darkest blues and black design giving it an evil dark appeal to it. And in the way that in the Breastplate have a yellow emblem in the middle. The crystal empire looks different from Equestria since a thousand of years ago and remain to be different since cadence reign. But King Sombra haven't been to the crystal empire since his return. But Cadence and shining don't want to stop him from wanna revisit his reformed kingdom. Sombra didn't want to see it yet. As he walk the long,Darkest hallways of his wife current castle, he hear a scream of a innocent crystal ponies and his old,horrific laughter from the empire years past. Quickly,he run to the source of the scream,which is corny to said the least is in the basement of the canterlot castle. Sombra easily guess that because during his reign at the empire,He take a few select crystal mares down there to rape them and for punishment. But tonight, He is saving to save on them, Only to realize. It was all an illusion set up, but Luna. Who walk out as Nightmare Moon (Her evil form). Sombra is aware of princess Luna dark past and her ability to change into her evil alter ego. In fact, when they fought back in the crystal empire long ago. Luna defeats him in her nightmare state before Sombra hide the empire away from equestria. But tonight, She decides to revenge him for hidden the kingdom away for a thousand years. King Sombra change after being in equestria with his wife Celerstia for a year now. And his dark magic was gone (or wasn't), Most pony believe that king sombra change and the dark magic was remove but it's not entirely true. Sombra still has his dark magic reside in him, but he barely uses it a lot. He often uses light magic and more advance ones than his dark magic. But he manages to keep his dark magic in him and never use it. Well,except for tonight because nightmare has a friend to her out with this dueling which is about to happen. except he going to lose automagically. Because nightmare moon very special friend is no other then Queen Chrysalis herself. Nightmare moon and Queen Chrysalis were planning to get the elements of harmony and take over Equestria. But they have to change a few things around because of King Sombra is married to Celestia. Celestia give the harmony power to sombra a few days after they wedding and it can convert to the element of disharmony. But only it is the last resort and under his disposal. Sombra worry for his safe,Because if he the elements of harmony for bad instead of good. Not only it will destroy equeatria, but his marriage to celestia. But Celestia know about her former tyrant husband past and the crystal empire. She has nothing to fear but Sombra does for himself,his wife,and Equestria. Nightmare and Chrysalis has not yet discover how to convince sombra to take out the elements but Chrysalis know that every husbands get bore with they wife quickly. So this should easy with him since Sombra hate being good all the time.But for the sake of his marriage to Celestia, he has to be good. Celestia never bore sombra in the bedroom but recently since celestia tire herself out after luna raise the moon and flop on the bed without her husband beside her. Sombra also take place in Luna night guard position for the time being. Only until luna has enough for her shift,Luna has fired some of her guard because of they age. Luna want some young,strong stall to protect and King sombra fit the description.But he has obligation with celestia and He has to protect her to not only as his wife but as a guard too. As sombra stare at nightmare moon, Nightmare moon point behind him and as Sombra turn around to see what it is. It was Celestia all tie up and powerless,Sombra was shock and very angry now at luna for trap her wife in slime and chain. Sombra is at his madness now and About to destroy her. Luna prepare to dodge the attack and counterattack it. Sombra blast his magic at her but hit the wall as he fire it at her. Luna reappear only to shoot her magic at him and Disappear again,So Sombra can hit her wife by mistake. But Luna tackle him and tie him up too. Nightmare moon knock him out and hung him up, Sombra wake up for a hour and as his vision return. he saw his blood on the floor along as his amour. Signal him, he could be naked to everypony around him and probably be raped to the mastermind who trap him. He continue to look around and saw a mirror in front of him. He saw his chest,his hoof,his face,and his Cock dangling down not erect. Well,yet after a few minute bring dazed and confused. A mare walk in and it was no other then Nightmare moon herself. And sombra try to use magic to free himself and averaged himself. But his horn is cut off. so he can't use magic to escape. As Sombra stare at Nightmare Moon form, Random thought going though him and they all perverted. As Nightmare moon stare at sombra weak state. She signal the queen to enter and see her prize catch is. The queen is please as she stare at sombra muscular body and dangling cock that not erection just yet. The queen know she up for a challenge but challenge are so hard and fun. It fun but it hard, unless you a changeling and change to the pony of that particular pony love so much. in this case, Princess Celestia. Queen chrysalis know that the once former tyrant of the crystal empire got married to the Princess Celestia. And he and she are very busy as of last and Sombra haven't got a good romping very lately and he has been pent up for the longest as a mare watching Clop films on the web. So changing to Celestia is all it take for him to erect his big stall cock for her and Nightmare moon. As Sombra stare at the goddess- like body of her wife apprear in front of him. His Dick perk up and it was erecting like big sausage for anypony who like meat a lot. Queen chrysalis stare at the meaty sausage of king sombra. She love the veins of it and the twitch action of it. Oh my, Such a Big Beef jerky you have down there said queen chrysalis. It sad that you married to a poor lovesick fool like me to eat it. King sombra give a confuse look to her as something was up with his wife reaction. Of course, he didn't know that her real wife was sleeping in bed and he was on night guard but if celestia was really here, how she will say such thing like that. But he know she kidding about that. She will never mean that, because she is faithful to her life partners and always will be. But she will never be into BDSM ,Because she worry it will bring him back to his tyrant way like before. But she will allow him to it for a limited time. Queen chrysalis is to one to pleased with her dark fantasy of her own. But it hard to exploit it because some couple have clean fantasy of they loved ones. Sombra has his dark fantasy and Celestia has her fantasy. But she wasn't into dark fetishes like BDSM or bondage. So he keep those in the back pockets for later. But he is always ready to get some in. So as minutes feel like hours and the night slowly starting to fade. Nightmare moon and queen chrysalis start to rape him. Nightmare and Chrysalis are admiring the body of the tyrant king. It surprising that he keep a structure of muscles, after those thousand years of keeping the kingdom hidden from Everypony eyes to recover. They see every blood veins in his body and some parts of it are pulsing like a heart. After a few minutes of scanning his body for play with. They ready to force him to plant his seed in them. Queen Chrysalis got in front while nightmare moon with her many fog tentacles which is holding him instead of chains because want his evil seeds too. As Nightmare holding him, Queen Chrysalis start rubbing his sides slowly and work her way to get his dick erect. As she start rubbing his thigh and legs, the dick start to get little harden but it still too far to be hard for her to ride on it. Chrysalis start to get a little heating from him but she got desperate and start licking his balls and polthole. The Dick got hard after the minutes of licking the balls and holes. Chrysalis stop licking and begin riding on him while nightmare still holding him in her grips. Chrysalis was moaning and riding him like a professional rodeo ponies and she lo♥e his big,meaty,and salty cream-fulled sausage of him. Sombra was forced to cum in her after a few minutes of her riding his beef jerky. Chrysalis is feeling every pulse of sombra dick and every salty sperm in her vagina. As Chrysalis was screaming for joy, She faint on the floor while sombra is squirting his remaining baby milk on her flank and plothole. Nightmare change her position after chrysalis fell on the floor and put sombra on her back and make him to Rutting the dark princess sweet love tunnel and slowly working him up to thrusting in her vagina and make him burst in her tunnel. Sombra overflow her vagina and nightmare pull him out and release her grip and the chain and rope are again restraining him to escape from the dungeon. As he constantly fail to escape the energy of his lust slowly fade and realize that he was forcibly impregnate them. Chrysalis wake up from her fainting nap and start rubbing all over his chest and private part to excite him and ride him again for round two. Sombra cum again after a few minutes of riding again. Nightmare wake up too,and ride on him like the queen. Sombra cum in her after a few moments too. They both keep going till 4 in the morning and Sleep the rest of the lovely night in the dungeon with Celestia naked husband and his big,meaty dick. Sombra wake up and Queen chrysalis was gone and Princess luna back to her usual self and start freeing him. When sombra start questioning, she can't recall the information prior to the sunrise of celestia. He can get a straight answer from her. So he give up and start on the day patrol for his wife Celestia. Princess Luna on the other hand, Well she got some gaming to catch up on. But we know what she going to do. The Bucking End. > Lovely Sun and Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everypony know That Celestia and Luna rise the sun and moon each and every day and night. They also that they are sister and as with every athlete with a rival, There always a sibling rivalry. But they are always have a little friendly completion, Maybe a little too friendly. But every family always have two sibling that always in each other throat. And usually, like a bad sitcom They always stupid challenge and dares they always do to each others. Blazing Dusk and Snowy Dawn are fraternal Twin of Sunspit and Moonscape. Sunspit and Moonscape has always wanting twins but never excepting to a colt and filly. But they got them anyway and they love both of them. Blazing and Snowy has know each other and always want to achieve the equestria dream. But they different opinion about that dream is. Blazing Dusk who is in his early 30s think to being successful and wealthy. Snowy Dawn who is in her late 20s think that is just being in the great world of equestria. Both of them being release from the orphanage around after high school and join the equestria jobs crops in canterlot. Blazing Dusk and Snowy Dawn share the same bunker together and pick two different jobs occupation for themselves. Blazing Dusk decide to be a welder and Snowy Dawn want to be a baker. Blazing Dusk pick welding become he can travel across equestria and it pay is good then a baker. Snowy Dawn pick because she has a talent to create something delicious and she the winter coat to prove it. Despite they different occupation choices, They always find time to squeeze a little completion between them like always. They usually put they completion aside become they want leave jobs corps soon. But Blazing Dusk know that soon Snowy Dawn and him will look for a place to live. Snowy will take care of the expanse at home while he bring the dough aboard. But Snowy don't mind , because she used to silent and solitude of herself. But Blazing will miss hanging with his sister and completion her in Video Games,Board Games,and Card Games. Blazing Always got the upper hand in video games because he always spend more time gaming then snowy. Snowy most playing casual games and often lost against her brother because she a casual gamer. Blazing Often go easy on her but can't face defeat easily like Rainbow Dash. Anyway,The day before Graduation this happen. Snowy, Blazing said as he enter the room to help with her graduation gown. Are you alright he asked her, Yeah,I fine just trying get zipper up. Blazing Help her with zipper and Walk to the audition and take his seat next to his sister.Blazing and snowy has dream of this day coming.They get they diploma and they cover,They are now ready for the work force and live they own equestria dreams. After a two-hour graduation celebration, The class head back to the bunker and clean out they room. Snowy was packing her stuff in her suitcase and Cleaning her side of the bunker. Blazing was doing the same and better, but he saw snowy was doing better (Or at least that he think). So eventually it silently turn into a completion between who can clean the fastest. As Snowy was unintended with her completion rush and finish packing, Done she said as she put the bags on her back. Blazing finish a few minutes later and Head out the door. Blazing and Snowy get the bus and head to they first apartment together. They both walk down the street for a couple of minutes until they a building with a golden plates sign next to the entrance. it's the buck place. said Snowy. Is that a hotel asked Blazing. It shouldn't be added Snowy. Come on Added Snowy as they walk in and up to receptionist desk to ask "Excuse me, miss. Is this the apartment building we paid rent for." Asked Blazing. Yes, God everypony ask me that. Said the receptionist. We aren't the first said Snowy. Yep added the receptionist. Well,the name doing sound like a hotel then a apartment. said Blazing. Well, if you want to know the truth follow me to your room. Said the receptionist as she grab the keys to they room. Blazing and snowy follow the receptionist to they room on the 2nd floor and stop at room 203. The receptionist open the door and the room was like a suite you find in a hotel. Wow Said Snowy. It like a vacation suite added blazing. yeah, most of the rooms are design like this, so yeah. Said the receptionist. Well,it cool said blazing and awesome added Snowy. Thanks, here your keys and your competently air fresher. why, the air fresher said the receptionist as she give they the stuff for they apartment and leaves. Blazing and snowy was start setting in and put they stuff up that they got from the job corps and laid on each bed. The room got two beds, so each one got they own. But snowy can happen that blazing will be traveling around equaetria and she stay here. But Blazing have the same feeling too about his field of choice. He won't be able to see his sister grow up to a beautiful like she already is. But she has all the time to find a coltfriend and dating them. So he won't be able to see her mate. Snowy he asked as he turn to her. Yes said snowy as she do the same. Do you want to go see equestria with me. asked blazing dusk. Geez, i really want to but i my field involve me staying here in canterlot every day. oh, yeah said Blazing. Why you ask that. said Snowy. Blazing sigh before said Noting,i just going to miss you alot. Really said snowy. Yeah, added Blazing. Snowy Hug her big brother and overfill with emotions. hmm snow think of a way to send her brother off right. but nothing have come to mind yet. Luckily Blazing ain't leaving until a couple days from now. So she got some time to about it. Blazing turn the light off and fell asleep as well snowy did too. The sun start rising over canterlot and as everypony is was a getting up and heading to they jobs it was another day in equestria. But for Blazing and snowy was it a start of the new life of they own. Beside they competitive drive dying out the duo decide to explore the city and look for a bakery for snowy to work at. But nothing was taking any new ponies in yet, Most surprisingly they walk by a run-down building which look like a old abandoned sweet shop and blazing was prying the door open with his strong stallion arms and walk in. Snowy did the same and look around the shop. Wow,this is a fixer-upper she said as look at the ceiling and floor. Well, this could my first project before i ship off to ponyville said Blazing. Really you think we can put it off asked snowy. Yeah, It might take night and day to get this up and running but this stallion could do it. added blazing. Are you sure you don't need any help, i could Attract some stall to help out. added Snowy. No, it ok plus i not sure you could possibly attract some sta- hi,sorry i can't help that you are a very attractive mare like you working so hard on this dump said The Stallion as he walk in on the twins. Well,Actually they is,do you mind be a dear and buy some supplies for me to fix this shop up Asked the seductive snowy. Sure, I could get some supplies the stallion said as he leave to get some building material. As Snowy And Blazing continue to explore the building they discover a conveyor belt that glazed donuts as well a little kitchenette to baking another treats like cakes,ice cream,and other stuff as well. Blazing thought he can welded this up again but it seen to in working order. Hmmmm, Hey snowy try turn this on. He said. Snowy look a switch or something, She find it and flip it on. The stallion return with the supplies and some tools. wow, You must got a lot of dough to buy all of this blazing said. Well, No My dad actually own a hardware store and he donate these to you two but i decide to help out, right said the stallion. Yeah, you did a while ago. added Snowy. Well, Let get starting. said blazing. As Blazing and the stallion working repairing the building Snowy with her wintry white coat and bight orange mane and tail was thinking of name and some treats to offer once it open up. As progress of the old bake shop getting refurnished for business was half way complete. Snowy was busy working on the recipes she think of as well a few she found online. The online one she use them to add her twist on it. She want to have signature, So the consumer will remember her name by taste. By like most artist, she struggle to create a original treats for her shop. hmmmm, i think this is right she thought as she look at the cupcake she created. She take bite of it and hum happily but she wasn't happy with it. Maybe i need to take a break for a while she said as she start walking out through the front at the same time she was looking at the detail of the dining room and lobby of her shop. She like the wintry landscape design of the entrance as well the snow covered tables and floor. The wall was printed with the winter scene. Snowy dawn like the design of it but not pony want to see a holiday theme everyday. With that in mind she look around the shopping distant for quick bits and spot a beautiful locket on the jewelry store display. She walk a plan to buy it but she only about 50 bits less of price of it. So she just look at it and try it on, A stallion walk and saw her wearing it said that a nice look on he said. Thanks, I wish i could i getting it but it like over 100 bits for it she added. I can buy it for you the stallion said. really she said, of course i plenty of bits from my job as a shelf shocker he stallion. They both head to the counter and the stallion paid in full for the locket. Snowy leave the jeweler happily and head back to the shop that her brother and that hard-working stallion was working on for her. She walk straight to the kitchen to resume her culinary masterpiece. Her brother and the stallion went back there and ask for a break. She allow them a 15-minutes break and offer to her signature dish. Which is a yellow cupcake with white icing and heart sprinkles on it. She called it warm heart snow, because of it mixture of summer sweetness and the unique heart-shaped sprinkle on it. Blazing and iron case (The stallion) start eating and they like it the taste of it. Blazing said, wow, it very seasonal mixed well to go sis. Yeah,i like the lemon taste and the heart sprinkle on it. said iron case. Snowy smile at the review and continue to refine the recipes she had in mind. As the night fast approaching and Blazing and iron finishing up on the shop for opening day tomorrow. The brother and sister duo walk peacefully toward they apartment and sit down and watch some movies. Blazing smile at her sister as she laid her head on his and rub her mane with his hand as she gently dozed off to a deep slumber for watching a romantic comedy. Blazing carry her up to her bed and decide to struggling with her because he is departing tomorrow for ponyville for welding at the town hall. As the night move on his cock was erecting and touching his sister panty. Snowy was in deep sleep and start feeling a bit arosed from his big brother cock throbs. Blazing was in the situation that could jeopardize his relationship with her. But he was about to leave tomorrow and may never see her again. So he had to pick either buck or not buck. Snowy was trapped in the heat and slowy start removing her panty to reveal her vagina and auns to him. Blazing was in panic state and start slowly insert his stick in her pussy. After a few more inches in his sister pussy, Blazing was at the point of no return. In fact, he think this could be his going away present for her to remember her. So he starting bucking his only sister and try not to wake her up but he failed. Mostly because he didn't know that mare moan and groan while being buck in the vagina and ass. Snowy starting waking up a little only to feel this strange sensation she was feeling. It was she was like being more then just loved, She was in the heat but she was getting distress. She turn around notice that her brother was behind and total nude. She didn't know to be either shock or surprise. But before she could respond Blazing resume pounding her and cum in her a few time within eight hours before the sun is up. As snowy was asleep, Blazing was in the shower and start packing up for his first welding jobs away from home. He manage to write a note for his sister and leave for the train station to ponyville. Snowy wake up a few minute later and getting ready to open up the bake shop. After a shower she went to the kitchen and saw a note on the table. She open up and it said: To my little snowy, By the time you read this, I will be on train to first job in welding. I just like to said that I love you and i will surely miss you. But do well with your bake biz and I will write to you soon. And if not much trouble will please send me some treat every once in a while. -Blazing Dusk Snowy was touched and she was loved, so loved that she want to send him something to remember her. But she got for him and she want to run and catch him but it too late for that. So she got up and shower and dress for her grand opening and grab her bags fill with baking tools. As she arrive and settle in the bake shop, She was feel depressed and lonely because her brother wasn't here to support her but she glad the shop was blooming like the first day of springs, it was flooding with customers and few food critics too. Snowy was afraid that she get a bad review for them because she was working under the feeling of sadness. But it wasn't showing in her baking, So they didn't notice it. Snowy working for 8 hours and as it hit 7 p.m, she close the door and count the profit she make from her first day. The shop make over 1,000-500 bits on it first day. Happy with the results of her shop, she leave with glee and head home with cautions. She scared of the stallion come out of night in canterlot. because they can get a little rapey at night and do anything to keep they victims silent during it. But snowy was different,she can defend herself with her bare hands and feets. She often train at the gym during her job corps days. So she can protect her brother from danger like he will do if was here. fortunately,none of that happen because most of the stallion didn't notice her heat. She wasn't in it but she know it going to be a lonely without her brother beside her. She need a companion by her side but she didn't have many friends or start dating a stallion yet. She don't mind dating a stallion but she think they going treat her like a princess but she handle on her own. Three Months later After the longest three months of touring equestria as part of the welding industry, Blazing missing his sister. Nothing can't comfort him of his heart even their radar love can't help it. Snowy been writing letter to him every month, Blazing alway love the little letter that snowy write to him. Snowy telling him about the bakery,her daily life,and how the apartment is kept up with the rent. She also tell him about her friend she hang with. But this month send him something a little extra. Blazing was surprise as the weight of the package it was more then one piece of paper. She must has a busy month in canterlot he throught. Blazing put the letter in his saddle bag and wait till later to read his sister latest newsletter. As the sun setting down at griffonstone the worker start heading to they temporary home and settle in for the night except for blazing. He open his bags and grab the letter that his sister write to him. He turn on light of his headlight to read it and it said: Dear brother, I know it torture that we never hang out all the time, but i know you always think of me but it hard to think of a mental of me while you away. So i send you a little something for you. I know you don't like looking at clop magzine but a editor stop by the bakery and offer me a photo for the playcolt special issue. I was going to turn down the offer because you don't like me doing it but i think of a good-bye since you left. So i thought a picture of me is the ticket. So i one (well,actually a few) but it mostly suggestive (and a couple of nudes) so i not degrading myself. anyway, i hope you enjoy it and i will write to you soon. - lo♥e Snowy dawn Blazing was touch by her letter that he wish she was here. Snowy, oh i miss you so he said to himself before opening the playcolt issue. It entitled as the working mare issue and on the cover to was a sexy riveter wear a panty on the worksite. After a few second staring at the cover, he opening the magzine and look at the table of content for the pages of what her sister could be on. But he notice the tab at the top of the issue and think these are the marks of the pages of her. So he quickly grab it and turn to it, from there he seeing her sister along few other mares was playing around the bakery setting and they were wearing either panty or stocking or both. The photography was showing them playing around the mixture ingredient and have a food fight. Snowy was rolling the dough down with the rolling pin in her panty and socking. The pages after that was only her making cookie in her white panty and serving to the mare naked. Blazing was start to clopping the pictures without trying to waking up the worker in the house. After a few minute of masturbating he squirt out his seman on his bedspread. Then fell asleep smile from momentary lapse of pleasure. > A Striped Hearts and Hooves Shotfics. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Heart and Hooves day in Equestria, A day of loving,friendship,and if you dating or getting hitched. It a day of bucking. Pure,raw,non-conscious bucking with they very special somepony. Well, unless if you a zebra with traditional black and white striped skin (fur) and having a troubled past that anypony can't easily understand then good luck. Striped tail was one of those zebra, Striped tail was always the trouble maker around his homeland,but he was make fun in little quiet village of his. But the neighbor wasn't pleased with his idea of fun. The list of "fun" thing he did is: 1.Replace the herbs and spices with chemical and dusts. 2.Dress as a witch and tricking poison the foal. 3.and Rewrite the traditional with some perverted move. The actions he did cause him to exile from his home and wasn't to return there under any circumstance. Striped tail wasn't happy about the exile but he was glad that he lift the village that was holding him back on his life. So decide to look for a new village to live in and start having a family with a pony mares. He always wondering what the ponies are compatible of and that the facts are true about the each species. He heard that the unicorn mares are horny and always in the heat while the Pegasus have strong wings and body for flying and lifting. The earth pony had strong stance and can do everything that doesn't require any special abilities. After a few weeks of touring equestria for his new stationary home to live. He met with a few pony of different breed,colors, and ethics which it far from different then zebra. But he always doing his mischievous fun at his temporary homes Well, until he found a new village to stay in. A month later, He has successed it at that and moved in it. He currently at manehattten which it most filled with city ponies and it pulsing with life at every corner and streets. But it job market was different then what he seeing around equestria and his home village. He mostly was a portion maker and was a exotic dancer at it festival. But the city was 100% magic free and getting used to it, it not going to be easy for him. He decided to settle in his new apartment and sleep in for the night. But it easy for him as the lights and sound could hear from the outside and the neighbors in the building. It mostly moaning and groaning sounds, Striped thought it was ghost but some of the lights are on and ghost never gather around the light. Striped trying to ignore the noise and sleep through it, it was a challenge but decide to get up and decide to ask the neighbor to join in. He walk to the door only to see a 'Do not Disturb' sign hanging on the knob. Striped was confuse by the sign message but he respect it and decide to sleep again in his apartment. But the banging got louder and still going strong. Striped Tries to the drown out the sound with earplugs he created awhile back. It effective enough but the wall thumping was hitting the wall so hard they could break a hole in one. Striped was trying getting back to the dreamworld but his dream has change. He found him self in a dark,empty room with nothing,Nothing except a light from the door that similar to the one he found earlier in the waking world. The only exception is that it crack a little and the sign wasn't there. So with his curiosity peak again ,He approach the door and look through the crack again. In the room he saw a stallion and mare was bucking in the bed. Striped was shock and arouse at the same. He is a grown zebra stall but he never have a mare to sleep with before and He just arrive in manehatten. So witness this in his dream was totally weird and different but weird. Striped manage to sleep heavily in his room but his dream was erotica to the max. He still trap in the room with nothing and he only entertainment was the peep show he watching the crack on the door and still watch the lover bucking around. But Striped also figure is this the event happen next door of the apartment he lived in. But the sun is about to rise and he was about to masturbate in his dream. But before he even touch his salty meat stick, His dream was fading and he begin to wake up and start feeling warm inside. He decide to have a cold shower in his bathroom and get ready to look for a job or a opportunity in this one big city. Manehatten was different,Different then Los Pegasus,Canterlot,and The Crystal Empire combined. Striped hunting high and low for a job that fit his qualification, unfortunately he doesn't has a resume made and with him. In fact a resume wouldn't help him much because he touring for a new home and do odd jobs from time to time during his travels. Striped about to give up on the job hunt until a mare come out from the club entrance and ask him to come in for something. Striped was worry a little but this could be good for him. Striped enter the empty club and follow the mare inside,The mare lead him the bar and ask him to make him to make a drink for her. Striped was confused about the request and to make matter worse he doesn't know how to drink either. But he going to try,It can't be much different then brewing a portion or poison he thought. He start mixing a simple drink to his best ability and served it to her. The mare test it by drink and spit it out. hmmmmm, it feel simple yet good. of course this is your first time but i a stall barista, so you in she said. I in what he asked,The spot and stripe club she answered. > Cream and Witchcraft. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Hearts and hooves, day in the mist and sugarcube corner is running a special deal for the occasion holiday. They begin to serve candy that enhance they sexual pleasure (And desire). But unfortunately none of the cakes know how to make aphrodisiac. So they call in a specialist and sadly, that specialist is a zebra witch named zecora. Pinkie automatically assume that she is one since the incident with the poison joke. But zecora constantly keep reminding her that she isn't a witch. And like a spoiled foal she ignore it like that. But today pinkie must work with the evil enchantress of ponyville and must follow her order exactly. Because if the demand increase, the productivity gotten improve sightly on the dot. Fortunately zecora walk in bright and early like a normal pony who doesn't sleep in the wood. Pinkie was in the kitchen getting ovens,stove,and pans ready just in case is there a rush coming. Zecora enter the kitchen as pinkie getting ready for the sale. But pinkie already instructed her to get her apron on. The zebraness waste no time follow her instruction and put on the apron to help her out. Zecora hardly know how to put it on,So pinkie help her out. Zecora kinda start fighting back as pinkie struggle to put the apron on her. After a few minutes of wrestling with each other,The zebra finally got her apron on. Pinkie hate the fact that she has to wrestled with a non-pony who used to work without a uniform, to put one on. Zecora hate the fact that pinkie assault her to put the apron on,But neither the less it was open and she helped. As the past few hours went like a celestia want the day to end, so her sister can handle the meetings. Pinkie manage to get ready to bake and zecora is ready to help the cakes to make aphrodisiac. Zecora manage bring some on her own herbs and ingredient to the bakery in case the cakes didn't haven't in the kitchen. The cakes sit down like in a classroom and zecora start teaching them the secret of sexual enchanting. Zecora instruction was bit complicated but she make it easy on them. Zecora laid her ingredient and grab few of few the cake ingredients around the kitchen as well. Zecora also grab a mixing bowl and begin the class. After a hours of instruction of the recipe zecora give to the cake, they start baking the treats and put it on display in the bakery. A few minutes into the opening a pony come in and ask about the treat they are displaying. Mrs.Cake explain that they want to sell a sweet that enchant the sex drive in the stallion and make everypony hearts and hooves day unforgivable. The customer brought a few and went on about they day,More customer start to fill the bakery up and the kitchen was working over time and put mr.cake,Pinkie,and of course zecora to the test. And like hotcakes,They were selling a lot of aphrodisiac-based treats (including the cupcake).They have business all throughout the day but when the sun start setting. Everypony come in like a flash flood is heading they way and buy a bunch of aphrodisiac like they is no tomorrow. The cakes and zecora have to leave the oven doors open to match the demands. The cakes and zecora was overflowing with order and it was pretty stressful until around 11:00ish-ish-ish. Fortunately,the crowd start to die down around 11:30 and The cakes manage to close the door before anymore ponies start coming in. Zecora was about to head home but after the evening rush she was already tried and can't make the walk back to the everfree forest. But Pinkie make room for her in her bedroom and allow her to stay for the night. Which is good consider the cakes want to pay her for her help with this holiday special. The cakes bake a few more extra just for themselves. Pinkie was in the laundry room throw the aprons in the hamper. Zecora follow her and ask her to help get out of the apron........again. Pinkie did and throw in the hamper too,there is now a new problem. they were both naked considering pinkie has got some flour on her clothes and zecora wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt but have panty on under her jean. Pinkie start looking at zecora as she got the washer started and start having second yet horny thought about her. She know, she is a enchantress but her body was like DAYMN Glorious. She got the full package like pinkie but her is bigger like princess size but close the Regular earth pony size as well. Pinkie was getting horny by just looking at her But she manage to turn her attention back to the laundry and leave the room. So she can rearrange her bedroom for zecora. Zecora was impress by the pink party pony generosity tonight and feel loved by her. After a few minute of the washer do it thing, pinkie rush down and remove the clothe from drum and tossed in it the dryer. Pinkie is aware that the dryer will buzz when the clothes done drying but she leave the room for the final time and get to sleep with zecora. Pinkie put on her lingerie but zecora ask for a spare. Pinkie unfortunately doesn't have one of her own. But remember that rarity leave one of her newest outfit of her sleepwear line in her closet. She want her to try it and ask for her opinion but she haven't got around it yet........Until now. She the sleepwear to zecora and it was a perfect fit for her. Pinkie was impressive at rarity creation and she nailed the zebra style perfect. It was a elegant mix of exotic and ancient design. Zecora was surprise at her for allow her to wear it and out of nowhere, Pinkie kiss her and it start becoming a little after sale sex meetups. Zecora was puzzled and start returning the flavor. Eventually the two realize that the have feeling for each other and start become like lover and strip off the sleepwear and let out they nakedness. Now that both of them are in the room all alone naked. They could start exploding they bodies like curious little tween. But zecora and pinkie knew they are the same body type but zecora and her stripes just make pinkie cult wet down under. The stripe wrap around her curves and hips and never touching the belly or boobs. Zecora was looking at pinkie body and she never except that ponyville MC body to be like that. But she did and denies the facts but she can't anymore now that she looking at it straight. As both of them keep starring at they body and didn't start cuddling yet like real lover. But they did hug like friend for a little bit before sitting on pinkie bed and lightly rub they thighs. They like each other thicc calves and they both smile seductively at each other. As they both giving each other bedroom eyes, they fell over on they side and pinkie plant a kiss on zecora nuzzle and leave a kissy mark on it. Zecora blush a little after that as pinkie get nervous at it. "oh, Sorry i didn't know what i was doing and......" Pinkie said before zecora place her hoof on her nuzzle to make her stop talking. "Chill, my child you talked too much when we should fun making foals." she said as kiss her back and rub her big pink butt before squeeze to get feel and grip of it. pinkie return to the flavor and kiss her back while squeezing her black zebra ass too. The two was about get deeper level of lust as they keep squeeze each others asses like they been dating for awhile. It was only then that the two about kiss deeper and gasping for air every once in the while and suck on they neck. but zecora hit her pinky breast and start sucking on it nipple to suck on her strawberry milk out of her. "mmmmmmmmmmm, so tasty and sweet." she complimented as she keep sucking at it. Pinkie moan as she being milked and rub the back of her head gently through her mane. "There there drink mama special breast milk all you want. You deserved." she said as she press her head against her boob so her nuzzle smell her sweaty heat. Pinkie is dripping in her own lustful sweat as she want zecora to lick her pussy like ice cream. Zecora spend a few more minutes drinking her milk and slowly went down to her pussy and give a kiss. Before she start licking her ice cream sundae. But she immediately start burying her nuzzle in there and eat her special taco out. Pinkie start gasping and moan louder as she eating her pussy out and forcefully push her head in deeper. "oh, cake, it cumming out." Pinkie said as she start feeling her special cream is coming up soon and splat in her nuzzle and mouth. Zecora has become hornier and get deeper in her pussy to get ready for pinkie special cream to squirt out on her face. Five minutes later, Pinkie scream as she release her special cream on zecora mouth and squirting out like a party popper. Zecora is licking and sucking every ounce of her cream as she can and suck her dry before collaspe under her thicc thigh. Pinkie is worry that she must be tired after her big o and her creamy surprise. So she gently pick up her and position her just right with her legs expose and she notice that is wet down under too. But is she really going to lick her sweet sweet sweet zebra exotic pussy in her sleep. Pinkie throught about for a few minutes staring at it and give it a little lick. "ooooooooooooooo, exocticy-y-yy." she said as she continue to lick it and eventually start eating her out. Zecora start biting her lower lip and breathing heavily through her nuzzle and place her hoof on her belly while she panting like a tired dog. Pinkie start grew more horny as she panting like a dog. Zecora start sweating on her bed which goes leave a special zebra heating scent after she leave in the morning but for now. She enjoy her sweet zebra cream and juice as she got deeper in her and Suck inside her and give a few tiny licks before eating her again. Zecora mind get hazy as pinkie keep pleasuring her cunt and hold her cum in for her. after a few minutes later she burst at her while pinkie keep her nuzzle and enjoy drinking her juice and smelling her musk like a sweet sweet sweet pasty she just made. As pinkie keep her nuzzle in and breathes in heavily. she pull out to breathe in the fresh air. she fall on her chest and fall sleep as zecora hug her like a stuffed animal. They both slept through the night until the celestial sun rise over ponyville.