Unholy Union

by CreatureofTheNight

First published

Sombra and Chrysalis are getting married and Discord got invited

Discord gets invited to the world's weirdest wedding! King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis?! What in the wide world is going on!?

Cover Art by: Oak Sabletwist

Unholy Union

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How did this even happen!? Discord thought as he was packing his bags in Fluttershy's cottage. How did he get invited to a wedding, first off? Second off, how can this be right!? Fluttershy walked in and saw Discord packing his bags. Fluttershy asked "Discord where are you going?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Fluttershy" Discord said as he put in a sink into his bag. "Have you seen my rubber duck?" Discord said looking around "I've been trying to find it everywhere?"

Fluttershy kinda giggled as she pointed to his tail where the rubber duck was clamped down on it. Discord removed the duck, which started nipping at him and put it in the bag "Umm, maybe there?" Fluttershy said softly as per usual, A note flew to her and Fluttershy decided to read it.

Dear Discord

You are invited to the Changeling Kingdom for the Wedding of Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra

Food and Drink will be provided

P.S. Do try to keep it not so chaotic

Fluttershy gasped in shock "The changeling kingdom?! King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis?! What what, why how I" Discord looked at Fluttershy and asked "And they invited you"

"I'm just as surprised as you are, I'm reformed remember" Discord said as he packed an anvil his his bag. "But I gotta go now, I have to find out what the heck Chrysalis did to get Sombra to marry her" He cracked his back and then said "Hmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something" Discord looked at Angel and paused "No" Then at some of Fluttershy's other animals "Still no" He looked at Fluttershy "Ah, there we go" He grabbed Fluttershy and tried to put her in the suitcase. "I'm starting to think I'm over packing"

Fluttershy said "Sorry Discord" though the sound was muffled. Discord took her out of the suitcase and Fluttershy said "You should still go though, have fun there"

Discord groaned "But it'll be so boring there, Sombra and Chrysalis are two wet blankets" He said as he held a literal wet blanket with Chrysalis and Sombra's faces on it.

Fluttershy smiled and said "That maybe so but you were invited it'll be only polite to show up" Discord groaned at that, "Besides you never know it could be fun"

Discord sighed and said "Okay, Okay, I'll be back by this afternoon" Teleported away, he then teleported back and grabbed his suitcase "Forgot something" Than teleported out of there.

The Changeling kingdom wasn't like Equestria at all, it was pitch black, the ground was covered in something that made Discord feel uncomfortable as he floated in space. Suddenly he heard some pony go "Discord?! You actually showed up?!" He turned and saw Queen Chrysalis looking right at him really really confused. "Why are you even here?"

Discord said "You invited me remember?" Chrysalis sighed at that "What's wrong?"

"I Thought I had my changlings burn that invitation" She said quietly. "Whatever you aren't going to ruin my big day no matter what you do"

Discord said "Speaking of Chrysalis I gotta know, how did you end up with Sombra, most importantly isn't he, kinda you know" He pulled up a tombstone

"Well..."Chrysalis started to tell the story.

Chyrsalis was in her throne room and one of her changelings brought her a book titled "Art of the Dead" She brushed it off as nonsense as a blast fired from her horn without her knowing it striking the ground in front of her. In a pillar of red crystals King Sombra suddenly appeared

"It turns out we had a lot more in common than we thought, so we just clicked" Chrysalis said so casually, "Now if you excuse me a bride must be ready for her own wedding after all" Discord couldnt' believe what he heard. So he teleported to the grooms room.

Discord was about to say something when Sombra said "What are you doing here you buffoon"

Discord rolled his eyes and said "Geez Somby, some pony is a have a bit of a wedding day gitters isn't he" He said smirking, he snapped his finger and appeared in Sombra's ears. "Speaking of which tall dark and gruesome, you don't look like that marrying type. You gotta tell me how ever did you score a bride in Chrysalis"

Sombra growled and said "Get out of my ear now you annoying little pest" Discord got out of Sombra's ear and wiped off some wax off himself. "If it'll get you to leave me alone"

After Sombra was ressurected Chrysalis and him started to chat and found out they had some of the same ambitions. First of all they both wanted Equestria, Chrysalis for her changelings to feed for a very long time, and Sombra because Equestria was a land to rule on his quest for conquest. The Two began sharing small talk, and eventually agreed they had an attraction for the other's position of power. So the two dated, and well agreed marriage would be a logical course of action.

Discord rolled his eyes "Hardly the stuff of epic romances" Sombra growled. "But who am I to judge" He said to Sombra. "Not feeling the suit though" He said to Sombra who wasn't really wearing a suit, he was more in his king gear. Discord snapped his fingers and Sombra was put in a dress, a suit, a hula skirt, and a monkey suit. Sombra's horn lit up and his king wear came on. "Oh fine, be a kill joy I don't care"

Discord rolled his eyes and teleported out to his seat. A changeling started the ceremony and said "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to unite King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis in Unholy Matrimony. If there is any objections speak now so we may kill you on the spot" Discord kinda smirked at that after all that fit their personalities to a tea. Discord than listened to their vows that they wrote themselves.

Chrysalis was first"My beloved Sombra, when we first met I will admit that I only saw you as a mean to my goal, but now I know we can crush Equestria together and make them bow to our every will. So please my beloved Sombra, let us join together forever" Discord rolled his eyes at that, how cheesy.

Sombra went next and said "I too only thought of you as means to an end, but you have your other advantages and perks. Every dark soul must have one speck of light in it, so I guess I can make due with making it you"

Discord gagged at that, that was so stupid, so boring so dull, at this point he was turning changelings into various things because it was getting to him how dull this is. The Changeling priest said "You may now kiss the bride" And the two kissed, they still had more things to say to each other.

After the first sentence, which was pretty much them both saying that they love each other and they are going to enslave Equestria, Discord's fears started to show up. Now he was in a terribly boring cemerony and he can't get out of it. Sombra than began rambling on and on, causing Discord to look even more bored, with tears in his eyes. They were literally boring him to tears. His stomach grumbled quietly, and he muttered quietly to himself how e was craving Jello. After they finally finished talking Discord got up and prepared to leave, but was lead to the reception

At the reception Sombra and Chrysalis preparing to eat quietly at their leisure. Sombra had a knife and cut the cake serving both Chrysalis and himself. He said "A toast to a new beginning and the end of Equestria" The changelings all cheered and Discord's boredom took full effect. Eventually the chaos god could stand no more.

Discord teleported behind them and said with a smile "I'm so happy for the both of you, but there's just one little problem with your plans"

Sombra asked "What problem?"

Discord slammed the cake in both their faces. "I do not want your boring pains anywhere near Equestria" Discord hmphed and said "Last time I got to a wedding where I don't care about any pony there. Au revior and cya" Discord said teleporting out.

He landed back in Fluttershy's house and said "That was so dreadfully boring" Fluttershy looked at him and said "It was like a boring wedding that you get stuck with, but with an added bonus of them threatening Equestria every five minutes"

FLuttershy was alarmed at that and said "Oh no are they preparing an invasion or..."

Discord said "Oh no no no no. I was very bored after all" Discord said with a smirk

Back at the reception Sombra and Chrysalis, after getting cleaned up, were having a pretty nice time, however it was time to go. The Changeling Priest said "My Lord and Lady look at this!"

Sombra and Chyrsalis walked outside and saw that the entire changeling kingdom was encased in jello.