Under Loyalty's Flag

by Gapeagle

First published

With a drunk as her only friend, Rainbow Dash takes to the sea on a ship and crew she knows nothing about.

One has to make a living right? A pretty good living. Well, that's Rainbow Dash's mindset. When she becomes tired of being a poor street performer, she accepts the offer to be a sailor on the brig, Ragnarok, and under a less-than-sane captain. With no experience of the seas, she and her friend, Berry Punch take to the seas. She must learn to be the best sailor or else be left behind in the watery doors of Tartarus. However, as time goes on, she learns about a strange secret war that has been going on for centuries. A war that she had inadvertently dove right into.

Chapter 1: Manehatten Life

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People cheered and clapped at the sight before them. A young woman was walking on her hands and spinning wildly. Small torches were tied to her feet and as they spun around, created an awe-inspiring effect. The scene was a contrast to the surroundings. The massive city of Manehatten was dull and plain. The unimaginative architecture comprised of small square structures built on top of each other. It was so because of the hundreds of thousands of people who lived on the small island. This gave the city a layered appearance. The spinning woman quarreled against the city's repetitiveness.

The dancer finally slowed down. Her flaming boots flew off her flying feet. Some folk had to dodge the blazing projectiles. This was part of the young woman's show. She panted as she returned to a human's proper pose. Her bare feet touched the wet stone. People clapped and threw some bitpieces into the overturned hat next to the performer. She bowed to thank the citizens. They soon departed and made on with their lives.

The performer picked up the hat. 17 bits, she thought. It was a little less than usual. She sighed and ran a hand through her multi-colored hair. She had been dancing all day. With a frustrated grunt, she pocketed the bits and threw the hat aside. It was old and worn. She needed a new one. The city bustled around her. It was twilight on the east coast of the Equestria Empire. She was done performing for the day. Her boots had melted due to the torches. She shrugged at this and left them. They were stolen anyway.

She walked up to a building and started to climb it. A woman of her agility didn't need to walk on the boring streets. The square structures made the rooftops easy to navigate, but many refused to use them as proper routes. Once she was on the roof, she looked around expectantly.

"Hmph, I guess Berry went home." The woman thought aloud.

Home, yeah, that's where she's at, the woman thought. The sun was going down. She had to get there quick. Luckily, she was great at making up lost time. The woman took a deep breath and set herself in a sprinter's starting position. She loved to pretend that she was in a race like those they had in the arenas. She looked at the area in front of her, marking any and all points that she could use in her run.


The woman sprinted along the roofs. Jumping over the streets, swinging on lines, and climbing over roof-fences. She heard people below gasp at her feats. Just the way she liked it. The woman rolled under a table. Manehatten folk often placed furniture on their rooftops. The rooftops acted as their "yard" or "land" and they adorned them with anything to make them stand out above the rest. To the woman, this was only a nuisance. Her time in Manehatten had made her accustomed to dodging such things. And she was actually glad for this, as being quick and nimble meant more bits in her pockets.

She continued her way to her home. As she swung on a beam to another building, some Equestrian Royal Guards noticed her. They yelled at her for being unsafe. She simply rolled her eyes and carried on. The Royal Guards were much more common than what they were when she first arrived in Manehatten. Folk said that it was due to privateers on the sea or white robed terrorists that plagued the Empire. She didn't believe either of these things. In her mind, the Empire was simply a bully and the Guards were underlings.

She climbed a tall structure. Once on top, she stopped and looked out in the Bay. The Grand Statue of Celestia was still out in the Bay, being its magnificent self. Empress Celestia and Empress Luna, the Two Sisters that ruled over the Empire. The young woman did not think highly of them. They probably had never lived with no money, they did not know rough life. Why should they rule if they were pampered? Yeah, they had been ruling for centuries, but that made the whole situation even more aggravating to her.

She hopped down off the building and slid down a slanted roof. She could not stop herself from falling off the roof and landed on the wet ground. She didn't mind, she was home. She looked at a tavern sign in front of her that said "The Laughing Siren." She smiled at the familiar sign and walked in the alley behind the tavern. A woman sat on the ground holding a large cider bottle. The drinking woman had thick, curly purple hair and sleepy eyes. The performer rolled her eyes.

"Berry, have you been spending our bits again?"

"Oh, Rainbow, nice to see ya. Had to get some cider."

"You gotta save what I earn. If we keep spending, we'll never find a home. All we got is this alley."

"It's cozy..."

"No it's not. All the cushions we steal become soggy and moldy. We need a roof."

"C'mon Dash, have a drink."

Berry threw the cider bottle at Rainbow. Rainbow glared at her friend before chugging down the sweet liquid. Once done, she threw the bottle on the ground. Berry gave her a meek smile.

"So, how much did ya earn?"

"17 bits."

"Wow, that'll get ya a..."

Rainbow sighed. "Some more booze, yeah I know."

"What's wrong with that? C'mon, the tavern's open. Let's have a drink tonight. We can drink, wrangle some men, all that sort of thing."

"No man's gonna go for you."

"Maybe not, but certainly a face like yours. You'll get me a man."

Rainbow chuckled. "Fine. Just tonight though. You'll save our money from here on, alright?"

Berry lazily nodded. "Alright."

Rainbow helped her almost drunk friend up. Berry had a hard time keeping balance, but Rainbow supported her. They walked through the alley to the tavern's door. Berry tried to open the door, but her fingers couldn't coordinate. Rainbow sighed and opened it for her. Upon entry, the joyous sounds of reveling could be heard.

As Rainbow and Berry made their way to the bar, the tavern surrounded them in merriment. Mercenaries and sailors cheered as they downed their ciders. Men lounged around with giggling women on their laps. Some Royal Guards told stories of their heroics to their companions. A group of gamblers played with dice on their table. The Rainbow and her friend sat on a pair of vacated stools at the bar. The bartender walked over to them.

"The usual, ladies?" He asked.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah."

"Alright, two Ponyville ciders comin' up."

The bartender crouched and grabbed two cider bottles. He was well accustomed to serving Rainbow and Berry as they practically made their home behind his tavern. He didn't mind them, but that was probably due to them being regular customers. They were guarantees for business. He handed them the bottles after he had opened them.

"Cheers." He said.

Berry and Rainbow responded in unison. "Cheers."

The women sipped the cider. Rainbow always enjoyed the sweet taste of cider, especially cider from Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville. She didn't know why, but their cider was always the best. She looked over at Berry. The purple haired woman chugged her cider down with vigor. It was not long before she finished the bottle. Rainbow shook her head.

"I'm not buying ya another."

"Fair enough." Berry moaned.

"What? Did I jus' hear you say "enough?" Wow, what's with you tonight?"

She blinked slowly. "Oh nothing. I just understand."

Rainbow was about to reply when a man sat in the stool next to her. This usually didn't bother her, but the man's quickness had startled her. She turned to look at him. The man was in dirty white sailor robes. They were not like any sailor robes she had seen before, as they were long and fine. His robes were torn quite a bit though, especially in the sleeves and a bit in the trousers. His boots were leather and his wrists had thick leather gauntlets that did not go over his hands. The most peculiar part of him was his thin silk hood which had a faint outline of an odd triangular symbol on it.

The man leaned on the bar. One could tell that he had been in the tavern before. As the bartender approached him, he smiled and removed his hood. The man had thick brown hair and a thin beard. His hair was long enough that it was tied in a short ponytail in the back. His eyes were a light blue. His smile revealed crooked yellow teeth. Rainbow cringed as this ruined his general handsome appearance.

"Ah captain, back in Manehatten I see?" The bartender asked.

The man nodded. "So I be. Had to stop here. Two of my crew got scurvy. Couldn't keep their bodies on board."

The man's voice was not as gruff as Rainbow had expected. Despite his rugged impression, he sounded quite sophisticated. Her attention turned to the bartender as he shook his head.

"That's tough to hear. Sometimes, I think Posion Joke is better way to go than scurvy."

"Aye. Well, that is until ya see Joke's effects on a man. Those sights don't leave ya."

"Hmph. So how is she?"

"Ragnarok? Well, she's as fine as a Hearth's Warming gift. I say it's never been a better time to sail her."

"Been any good cargo lately?"

The man leaned back. "Not as much as I had hoped. However, we are going to transport something that'll rack in the bits."

Rainbow's ears pricked at this. Bits? She liked the sound of that. She almost said something to the man before she stopped herself. She didn't want to interrupt their conversation. To her luck, the bartender walked off to serve another reveler. This left the man to his thoughts. Rainbow noticed that he didn't order any drinks. She found her way to talk to him. She handed him her cider.

"Here, on me." She said.

The man took the cider. "Thank ya m'lady. Why the act of kindness?"

Rainbow's eyes looked to the ceiling. "Oh, I was just listening to your conversation. Are you a captain?"

"Aye. Captain Caramel of the Ragnarok. Finest brig in the seas."

Rainbow nudged closer to the captain. "And you do cargo? Like goods?"

"Aye. That be how we make our living."

"And you said you were down two crewmen?"

Caramel raised a brow. "What's make ya think I'll offer you a job, m'lady?"

"Well, I don't know. It's just that..."

"Ya need money? Yeah, that's what most say." He grumbled.

"Please, we don't have a home. We need to get some bits."

"Have you ever been on a ship?"

Rainbow looked away. "Well, no..."

"Well then."

She pouted at him. "Please?"

The captain chuckled. "Really? Ya think I'll fall for that? Several gals have done better."

Rainbow gritted her teeth. "Why not?"

"Well let's see. You have no experience, you have no sea legs, and I don't think you can last. Besides, you're short."

If there was one thing Rainbow couldn't stand, it was being called short. She had always been short, she knew it too. She had always physically looked up at people. She didn't need others remarking about her height. Rainbow's jaw tightened. Her eyebrows knotted themselves. The captain instantly noticed her mood change. He gave her a confused look.

"Don't you ever call me short!" She shouted.

Rainbow sprung from her stool and tackled the captain. Caramel was quick to recover and flipped himself upright. Rainbow was shocked by his agility. She was used to being the only one that could pull that off. The captain taunted her.

"Ya want a fight eh? Come at me!"


Rainbow jumped in the air and kicked at him. He effortlessly blocked her attack. She spun and kicked at him again with similar results. The bar was up and watching them. Some remarked on it not being a fair fight. Rainbow was used to people doubting her, so this was only background noise. Caramel was chuckling as he blocked all her attacks. He was merely toying with her.

"Fight back!"Rainbow yelled at him.

"Oh, you don't want that, m'lady. I could hurt ya."


She punched at him with all her might. He sidestepped away. She swung at him again and again. Finally, he caught one of her flying fists. She squirmed to escape his grasp, but in vain. Caramel started to laugh.

"Such heart! Such tenacity! I could use one like yourself on my ship. Ya got it."

"You basta....Wait what?"

"Ya got the job." He repeated.

All of the woman's previous anger was gone. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Thank you! Thank you!"

He released her. "Be at the docks at dawn tomorrow."

Rainbow was speechless in her excitement. In truth, she did not expect to actually get the job. Caramel patted her on the shoulder before leaving the tavern. It seemed like that was his only purpose for having been in the tavern in the first place. Rainbow started to giggle loudly. The entire tavern watched her with various emotions. Berry Punch walked over to her in her lazy way.

"What happened?"

Rainbow quickly turned to face her."Oh Berry, we're sailors! We're gonna see adventure! We're gonna get bits!"

"Uhh.....I'm going along too?"

Rainbow patted her friend on the back. "Yup! I can't leave you in this state. I'm Loyal to friends. The money I get is your money."

Berry blinked in confusion. "Thanks?"

"No problem. Quit drinking for tonight. We gotta be sober at dawn. A new life begins tomorrow!"

Berry glanced at her empty bottle with melancholy "Sounds fun..."


Chapter 2: The Ragnarok

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"C'mon Berry! We gotta get to the docks!"

Rainbow dragged her friend by the arm. The sun had not risen over the horizon yet. Manehatten was empty except for the early risers and the non-sleepers. The two women ran through the wet streets. It had rained after Caramel left the tavern. This did not surprise anyone as the island city was always partly overcast. However, Rainbow's mind was not on Manehatten, but the Bay.

"A new life Berry! I've always dreamed of being on the seas. Th wind in my face, the water splashing ar..."

Berry shook her head. "No you haven't."

"Way to take the fun out..."

"Hey, you made me stop drinking. You know that makes me cranky the next day."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. She had been thinking about Caramel and his ship throughout the night. She did not actually get much sleep due to her restlessness. Yet, was she cranky? No. Berry was just being stubborn, Rainbow thought. Berry was content with her lot and needed nothing more. Always relying on Rainbow to her the bits for booze. Rainbow nodded in her thoughts. She was doing something good for Berry. Her friend needed to get out and live for once.

They turned a corner and saw the docks at the end of the narrow street. The bustling sounds of activity could be heard in the distance. The sailors were already up and running. As she approached the docks, she quickened her step, to Berry's annoyance. They passed the the last line of dull buildings and stopped in awe.

The docks were lined up with ships o various sizes. Rainbow was not learned in the names or functions of different ships, so she saw them all as the same. Sailors rolled barrels and carried crates up the walkways to the ships. Most of the sailors were burly men, but there were a few women here and there. One such woman was talking with a man in white robes. She had many tattoos covering her very dark body and she had a white and black striped mohawk. Rainbow recognized the man as Caramel and ran over to him.

"Captain, we're here."

Caramel turned around. "Ah, yes, my new sailors. Uh...I never did catch ya names."

"I'm Rainbow Dash, this is Berry Punch."

"Aw, fitting names I should say. Well, Miss Dash and Miss Punch, this is my First Mate, Zecora of Zebrania"

The tattooed women bowed slightly at them. "For our first meeting in time, I say the pleasure is mine."

Caramel chuckled. "That's her way of saying hello."

Rainbow looked about. "So, which one of these boats is yours."

Caramel frowned. "My ship is out in the Bay. Our way of getting ahead of traffic. We have a rowboat ready to depart."

The captain pointed at a rowboat nearby. Rainbow looked out into the Bay. Certainly enough, the Ragnarok was out there, still as statue. She inspected it with as much awe as the others. The craft seemed graceful as it sat in the waters. Rainbow's stare was interrupted by the whistling captain. The woman turned to see everyone was in the rowboat. She was quick to get in with them.

Caramel sat back. "Now Miss Dash, if you are going to be a sailor, you must learn the ropes. It will not be easy, but I believe you will learn quickly. First things first, you must do what I say, when I say it. So, row me to the ship."

Rainbow blinked at his sudden command. "Uhh...Can't you do it?"

Zecora snapped back at her. "Your captain has ordered you, now follow his command through."

Caramel intently stared at Rainbow. "Row. The. Boat."

Rainbow grumbled and took the oars. She heaved them back to push the boat forward. Caramel gave her a smug look as she did so. She looked back over her shoulder. The ship was much farther away now than what she had thought before. That was probably due to her not expecting to be rowing the boat the entire way. Wait, she thought. She looked at Berry Punch, who was simply lounging next to Zecora.

"Why isn't she helping?" Rainbow questioned.

The captain waved a finger at her. "Nah ah Rainbow, I told you to row, not her. Keep rowing."

Rainbow grumbled again. In her frustration, she began to row harder and faster. If she was going to do this, she thought, might as well make it quick. The wind picked up as they went out into the Manehatten Bay. She rowed harder and harder, showing the captain her anger at being told so rudely. Caramel winked slyly at her. This made Rainbow even more angry at the man. Soon they were flying across the water at the speed she had created. Berry lazily watched her without a care. Rainbow glanced over her shoulder. The ship was closer, but still far off.

"Ya gettin' impatient lil' hydra?" Caramel asked mockingly.

"Oh shut it you." Rainbow hissed.

Zecora opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by the captain. Rainbow could tell that he was amused by her and didn't want his fun to be spoiled. Her arms began to tire as she rowed them to the Ragnarok. The sun was now over the horizon. The pink morning was beautiful and delightful to see, but Rainbow acknowledged none of it. She was thinking solely on the captain and rowing, rowing, and more rowing.

"Keep rowing like so and your arms shall become as strong as a buffalo." Zecora told her.

"Uh....Thanks?" Rainbow replied.

"Don't worry," Caramel said. "You'll get used to her sayin's and rhymes soon enough."

"I hope so 'cause it drives me head round." Berry complained.

"Doesn't take much to do that." Rainbow retorted.

The shadow of the mast covered her. She didn't realize that she was coming close to the ship, as she was facing the other way. She continued to row with vigor. The captain hesitated before pointing.

"Uhh...You might want to stop."

"She turned her head. To her immense surprise, the rowboat was about to collide with the haul of the ship. She desperately tried to stop the boat by rowing in the other direction. It wasn't enough though, as the boat struck the ship, lurching them all. Indignant chatter rose from the deck above. Caramel stood up.

"Well, everyone's gotta start somewhere right? Whatever my boys tell ya, listen to them good, they got sound advice."

Zecora grabbed two ropes and threw them to the deck above. Caramel skillfully climbed the side to the deck. Rainbow was impressed by his agility. The boat started to lift up as the sailors above pulled the boat out of the water.

"Heave! Heave! C'mon lads, we gotta stay sharp!"

The boat was pulled over the ship's railings via pulley system. The boat was then set down gently on the deck. Zecora stepped out and walked away. Rainbow and Berry Punch remained in the boat. Rainbow was awed by the activity on the ship. Sailors scrambled about, climbing the rigging or rolling some barrel to a new location. Massive white sails were folded up along the yards. The high masts of the ship loomed over them. A large black flag flew at the very top. Cannons lined the sides of the ship, she could see about six on each side in sets of two. Above the captain's quarters was a carved statue of a gryphon with outstretched wings. Two sailors stared at her with disdain. Caramel voice called out to them from the wheel.

"Yeah, we got ourselves two greens. Make 'em at home lads."

One of the sailors turned to the captain. "They don't look sea-worthy cap'n."

Caramel nodded. "Not yet. Gotta teach them first."

"Cap'n, I don't mean to offend, but are you sure? One of them is the size of my thumb."

Rainbow's temple bulged out. "Hey, you take that back!"

"Oi! What's ya gonna do, green? Bite me toes?" The sailor mocked.

Before the sailor could react, Rainbow slammed her fist in his face. Blood squirted from his lips as the knuckles ran deep into his jaw. The other sailors turned around in alarm when the sailor landed firmly on the wooden deck. Rainbow walked over to him and pulled at his thin shirt.

"Naw, I'll just bite ya face off!"

Rainbow pulled her am back for another punch, but the hearty laughter of the captain stopped her. She glanced over at him. He had one hand on the wheel and the other holding his side. Rainbow was starting to get annoyed in how humorous he found her and her actions. She let go of the sailor and began to walk toward the captain. The sailor spat at her as she left him on the deck.

Zecora was whispering something into the captain's ear. When Rainbow walked up the short flight of curved stairs to him, she stopped. Caramel kept his smug look. Rainbow crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Yes, Miss Dash?" He asked.

"You're not gonna say anything about me just sluggin' one of your crew?"

"Of course not! Ol' Hunter had it comin' anyway. Besides, you're one of my crew now, remember? I consider ya'll equal, even if ya a green. I've got confidence in you, Miss Dash, otherwise I wouldn't have selected you. You've got fight in you, and you'll need that on my ship."

"Why? We're a cargo ship right?"

"Oh...Er....Yeah, we get cargo an' stuff. We're gonna go get that right now. Hey Dark Moon, get over here, show the new gals around the ship."

A young sailor with white spiky hair walked up to Rainbow. He greeted her with a smile, though it was not the friendliest. Berry Punch joined them. Dark Moon looked at both of them and bowed.

"G'day m'ladies. I shall show you the ship. Follow me."

The man turned around and began walking away. Rainbow hesitated before realizing he had started the tour. She quickly walked up to his side. Berry lazily waddled behind them. The young sailor gestured at the main deck.

"This be the deck lass, this is where all the action happens. Above this is the sails n' rigging. A girl like you will probably spend most of her time up there. You look spry, maybe you'll be in the nest at the top. But that depends on where the cap'n will put ya."

Rainbow looked above her. The rolled up sails were high above her. She didn't not mind climbing and was certainly not scared of heights, so being up there wouldn't bother her. Dark Moon walked to the middle of the deck. There was a large hatch and stairway leading below deck. He motioned for them to follow. He did not wait for them to respond and headed down the stairs. Rainbow could tell that he was trying to get through the tour as quickly as possible. She caught up with him at the bottom of the stairs.

Below deck was just a frantic as above. Sailors of all kinds scurried through the thin halls, or better put, pathways. Crates and barrels were crammed in every space available. At the back of the ship was a broad woman chopping fish up. Dark Moon patted Rainbow on the back and pointed to the front of the ship.

"That way be the crew's quarters. The captain has his own sleepin' station above, we sailors sleep down here, but we sleep on the deck sometimes. Here, follow."

He swiftly moved to the sailors' quarters. As they passed, many sailors watched Rainbow and Berry with curious eyes. One of the sailors gestured with his fingers to another, indicating that the green in front of them was rather small. Rainbow growled at this, bit kept her wits about her. She may have slugged one sailor today, but she did not want to push her luck. Finally, Dark Moon stopped and pointed at two hammocks.

"These belonged to the men you are replacing. Take care of them, it'd be for the better. Now, I've gotta run."

With that, Dark Moon left them. Rainbow threw herself in one of the hammocks. Berry slowly took the other. Rainbow noticed that her friend had been awfully quiet the whole morning. She leaned toward Berry. The girl gave her friend a confused look to ask what was wrong. Berry shook her head.

"What do ya think is wrong?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking."

"I don't think we belong her Dash, we're not sailors. I love land, not water."

"I know that, but remember the bits, Berry. All we do on land is get drunk and waste money, here, we won't do that. I say we let this ship take us wherever they want. I'd be happy to live in Baltimare or Fillydelphia. As long as we got bits."

"Yeah, but we still aren't sailors. We don't know a thing about keepin' a ship afloat."

Rainbow shrugged. "We'll learn, even Captain Caramel said so. Trust me, we'll be fine."

"All hands on deck!"

The sailors below deck scrambled to their feet and ran upstairs. Rainbow shot up and followed them. She didn't check if Berry got up or not. When she reached the deck, the whole crew was gathered around the captain, who stood by the wheel. Caramel paced back and forth on the railing in front of the steering wheel. He lifted his arms to his crew.

"Lads n' lasses, our time here in Manehatten is done. We sail for Baltimare. But first, we shall retrieve our cargo from our lovely investors. Hehe, and you know what that means boys. Rest and drink will have to wait, let's get out of this bloody Bay. Move! Release the sails! Gotta catch a breeze!"

The sailors ran about the deck. Many climbed the rigging to the sails. Others fastened ropes to the railings of the ship. Caramel grabbed the wheel and began to turn it. The ship came alive. Rainbow became imbalanced with the sudden movement of the brig. The seasoned sailors took no notice of her and went about their errands. The sails unfurled and the ship lurched forward.

"Look alive, Miss Dash." The captain shouted merrily at her. "I didn't get ya to stand about. We need the top sails opened. Why don't ya climb up there and cut them loose?"

Caramel pointed above her. The sailors had not reached the top sails yet. The urge to beat them to it them rose in Rainbow's heart. It was a competition of who could release hem the fastest. Rainbow quickly grabbed onto the rigging and climbed up. It did not take long for her to catch up with the sailors above her. Faster, faster, she thought. The sailors she passed awed at her. It was clear that she was the fastest of all of them, and she was a green. She reached the top yards. She loosened the ropes that held the top sails, letting them fall open.

The ship sped up with the addition of the top sails. The other sailors hopped down off the rigging. Rainbow swung herself to the main mast and quickly descended. When she reached the bottom, the mumble of the other sailors could be heard around her. However, the hearty laughter of the captain rose above the noise.

"Haha, mighty impressive Miss Dash, I see a bright future with you on board. Mighty bright indeed."

The ship glided above the water. The captain steered the ship around small merchant vessels and fishing boats. The Ragnarok was much larger than most of the ships in the Bay. It was also much faster, as it sped by the other ships with ease. The ship headed due east, away from the Bay. Rainbow turned to see Manehatten becoming smaller in the distance. With the sight of her home leaving her, she started to feel doubts about joining the ship. In retrospect, her decision was rather impulsive and not well planned. It was the promise of bits that compelled her to speak with Caramel and now there was no turning back.

"Well, better make the most of it." She said to herself.


Chapter 3: Calm Seas and Rough Decks

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"C'mon Miss Dash, put some back into it!"

"I don't see why you're doing this captain. I'm a sailor, not a warrior." Rainbow replied to Caramel.

"Ya already consider yourself a sailor? You've only been here for three days!" Caramel told her.

"Yeah I do. Woah! Next time warn me."

"There ain't no warning out here on the seas, Miss Dash. Ya fight for your life out here."

"From what?" She asked.

"Anything and everything. Buccaneers roam these waters. I don't want ya to die at their hands without putting up a fight. En garde!"

Caramel swung his sword wildly at the young woman. She ducked under his swing and his sword stuck in the wood of the mast. The captain growled loudly as he was angered by the damage he caused to his ship. He then attacked with his other sword. Rainbow deflected the blade. Caramel pulled his sword out of the mast and cackled with laughter.

"Haha, you're gettin' the hang of it. Keep this up and we'd be ready to board a schooner!"


"Oh, I mean, be a bodyguard!" He smiled sheepishly.

"That's not even remotely similar to what you said." Rainbow observed.

"Oh, quiet you! Hya!"

He swung at her again. His attack met nothing but air as Rainbow jumped back and away from the blade. The captain followed up with a downward slash. Rainbow placed her swords up defensively. The cutlasses met with a metallic sound. Caramel held his swords there and then casually lifted them away from the girl. The captain then sheathed the cutlasses. Rainbow sighed with relief.

"That'd be enough for today, lass. We need to get ya in shape before we get the cargo."

"Yeah, you've told me that before. Why do I need to use two swords anyway? I mean, wouldn't training with only one be better?"

"Oh Miss Dash, you're a sailor, remember? On my ship, no one fights with one sword. That's too simple and formal. We fight like animals here, using every hand and foot to dice the other. It's all about survival in any bloody way possible."

As if to demonstrate what he meant, he lifted his hand upward, showing Rainbow his calloused palm. Suddenly, a well-made blade extended itself from beneath his sleeve. Rainbow jumped back, as she did not expect a weapon to be hidden like that. He gave her a smug look and the blade disappeared in his sleeve. Rainbow gulped and sheathed her own swords. They were the swords of the deceased sailor she had replaced. Apparently, they keep everything and discard the bodies with nothing. They had even gave her the sailor's clothes. The same ones he died in. She, not surprisingly, refused and stuck with her light blue shirt and gray trousers. The captain grinned at her and walked up to the wheel, taking it back from Zecora.

"Alright Miss Dash," He called out to her from the wheel, "Get on with ya duties. We should be meeting our investor...Soonish."

Rainbow turned and headed below deck. There was not much activity on the ship due to the calm sailing. As she walked down the steps, the other sailors glared at her. She stopped and returned their harsh stares with confusion. One of the sailors approached from the shadows. His eyes reflected the midday sun. Rainbow raised a brow at him. He responded with a mocking smile.

"Well, well, ain't it the cap'n's new pet?"

"What are you talkin' about?" Rainbow demanded as she sized up the sailor.

"Oi, nothing, nothing at all. Just ya slackin' off with the cap'n. Training ya to fight? Pfft, he ain't never did that with any of us. Ya get special attention. Why? Did ya show him ya tits?"

"Shut it you! I never did anything like that!"

Rainbow was shoved from behind. The force knocked her to the floor. The sailors laughed at this. Rainbow turned to see that a female sailor had shoved her. The ship rocked up as it went over a wave. Rainbow flipped herself back on her feet. The sailors continued to laugh at her. One of them stepped forward.

"Ya still a green, dame. The cap'n may be lovestruck for ya, but we still think ya need to prove yourself. Only the best can sail on this ship. It's how we stay above the rest of the sluggards on the sea."

Rainbow raised her fists. "What's with ya guys and being the toughest out there? We transport cargo. We're not in the Equestrian Navy!"

The sailors laughed again. Rainbow growled at them. Some of them held their sides in hysteria. One of the sailors fell to the ground in laughter. Veins swelled on Rainbow's temple. She grabbed her swords and drew them. This did not seem to intimidate any of the sailors.

"Oh look guys!" A female sailor shouted and pointed at Rainbow. "She thinks she can fight us! Ha! She doesn't even know what we are!"

"Oi, is that what the captain told ya, Miss Dash? Ha! You aren't the brightest, are ya?"



The sailors ended their laughter immediately. All their heads turned to see Caramel at the top of the stairs. He face was red with anger and his swords were in his hands. His blue eyes searched everyone of the sailors, as if to remember each of their faces. There was a dead silence as he did so. Some of the sailors looked to the ground and avoided eye contact with him. Rainbow, however, gazed right at him. He did not seem to notice her. Finally he addressed his men.

"Look at ya! All of ya! Bunch of shites! Who do you think ya are? Some nobles in Canterlot? I can't believe I have such men on my ship. You're suppose to welcome greens, not drive them away. I will not stand the ridiculing of another on board my ship. If ya have problems, give it to me, and not.....this. Miss Dash, with me please."

He turned and walked out of sight. Rainbow hesitated before following. The sailors grumbled and spat at her. Some even gave her rude gestures as she passed. She cursed and sheathed her swords. She quickened her step and followed the captain across the main deck. She saw that Zecora was at the wheel again. The captain walked with an angry step. He headed for the Captain's Quarters. He stopped and turned to her, letting her catch up. Once she did, he opened the door and allowed her to go in first.

The Captain's Quarters was clean and spacious. All along the walls were paintings and small sculptures. Most of the paintings depicted beaches and ships. All of them were well painted and in similar style, suggesting that they were all down by the same artist. Rainbow saw many different color paints and even some paintbrushes on a side table on the left. In the center of the room was a large, rounded table. Maps and ledgers were sprawled about on it in a less-than-neat fashion. To the right of Rainbow was another table, but this one had a rack of odd swords on it. Most of the swords were elaborate and rich in design. They appeared to be weapons of a noble or some wealthy merchant. The captain walked by all of this and sat behind a rectangular desk at the back of the quarters. The desk had the symbol of the Gryphon Kingdom carved in the middle. Caramel placed his hands on the desk, his face was darkened by the light that came from the window behind him.

"So, what was that about?" He asked in a calm demeanor.

"I....Those sailors are just jealous." Rainbow replied.

"Jealous of what?"

"I..Look, they think ya favor me for some reason. I don't get it. They said that you're treating me special like."

"Ha, I guess they have forgotten what I've done for them. Don't mind them lass, they'll come around. It's always tough for a green the first few days. After we get the cargo, I bet they'll look differently at ya."

"Yeah, about the cargo. What is it exactly?"

"Hehehe." He chuckled.

"Well?" Rainbow said impatiently.

"Ya wouldn't believe me, lass. I haven't been......Truthful with you the past days. I guess there is no point in keeping it a secret any longer. You see, Miss Dash, you don't live in the world you think you do. It's far stranger than ya realize."

"Oh, I bet that."

"Don't jest, I'm being serious. When I'm serious, you better be too. Now, the cargo is being held by these religious freaks. Now, we are going to take their cargo, take it right from them. Then we sell it to the highest bidder, whoever that may be."


"The cargo is something called an Element of Harmony. Yeah, Harmony, it's their way of life or something. Well, there are odd things about these Elements, things ya don't wanna hear. It's not something we want to keep. We'll take it and go to Baltimare. From there, we'll sell it and rack in the bits."

"So....Are we pirates?"

"Aye, but I prefer the term, rogue privateer. It sounds fancier and not as savage."

"You...I didn't become a sailor for this! I...I...I'm a criminal now!"

"Indeed, but remember lass, the bits, always about the bits. You asked first and I let you on, now ya work for me, under me. Don't be a Disloyal one and leave. That wouldn't be nice."

Rainbow gulped as she thought about this. The whole Element thing did not stay on her mind. She was starting to worry about what she had dragged Berry into. She was a pirate, on a pirate ship. This was not what she wanted. However, the echo of herself through Caramel, the bits, the money, that's why she was there. Did it really matter how she got the bits? She stole money in the past, but only a little, just to get through the night. This was much worse than that. They were attacking and sinking ships for some odd artifact or another. Her eye began to twitch with the worst going through her mind. The captain raised a brow at her. She didn't respond to him and stared in space.

"Uhh...Miss Dash?" Caramel ventured.

No response.

"Miss Dash!" He shouted.


Rainbow returned to reality. Her gaze met with Caramel's cold eyes. She gave him a sheepish smile in an attempt to ward off his intimidating stare. This, however, did not work in the slightest. Rainbow resorted to slowly backing away from the captain, still giving him the awkward smile. As she now knew what he was, she saw him in a different light. This man was a buccaneer and a captain. She was a simple performer, a very poor one, but nothing else than that. Her dreams of being a sailor were going downhill. But could she leave? No, that would be Disloyal, she thought. Remember the bits and make the most of it.

"Uhh....Don't worry about me, cap'n, I'll stick with ya." She said after the silence.

He nodded his head. "Good, I expected as much. I know this is a lot for you to handle, but you'll pull through."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because you wouldn't have joined if I did."

"You wanted me to join?"

"Aye, after that fight in the bar, I saw what I wanted to see. A young woman like yourself, ready to stand up for herself. Admirable. I saw a bit of myself in ya when I was your age."

"I doubt I'm anything like you." Rainbow said in an skeptical tone.

"Heh, maybe. But that's a story for another day. We're done here, Miss Dash, go back out there. If any of the lads taunt ya again, slug 'em."

Rainbow nodded and turned away. Caramel stood up and gazed out his window, watching the wake of the ship. Rainbow listened to her own footsteps as she walked out of the Captain's Quarters. When she opened the door, the cool sea breeze blew by her. She then walked over to the side railing, next to the quarter deck. It was mid-afternoon and the sun shone brightly in a almost cloudless sky. Rainbow gazed around, no land of any kind in sight. Ever since yesterday, they had not seen any land. They were still going outward at a mostly southeast direction.

"That ship better be around here." Rainbow thought aloud.

"Ship sighted sir! She's a big one too!" Shouted a sailor.

"Aye." Zecora said from the wheel. "A ship with the make of Equestrian. One they call a galleon."

Rainbow tilted her head to see what they were talking about. Her eyes widened to see a massive ship in front of them. Its sails were taller than any building in Manehatten. The sails had a yellow tint to them with Celestia's Sun in the middle. It was clear this ship was meant for war. Cannons lined up three decks high on the sides of the galleon. The wood was gold and yellow, giving the ship an almost lively appearance. The ship flew a massive flag of the Equestria Empire. Water was parted by the ram at the bow of the ship. The monster was heading right for them.

"Don't be alarmed, this ship means no harm." Zecora assured the sailors.

Sailors appeared from below deck. They stood on the railings to see the galleon. The Equestrian ship turned slightly and slowed down. Zecora ordered the top sails to be lifted and the Ragnarok slowed down as well. The galleon stopped right next to them, not ten meters away. Both ships came to a halt. The Ragnarok was in the complete shadow of the Equestrian galleon. Rainbow could see Royal Guards in golden light naval armor walking on the deck of the monster. One Royal Guard with purple armor and lots of blue plumage on his helmet stood erect next to the railing and addressed the crew of the brig.

"And who is this Gryphonian Brig on Equestrian waters?" He questioned harshly.

"This be the Raganrok captain, a ship that partakes with no faction." Zecroa answered.

"Would you be the captain of this ship, Zebran?" The Royal Captain asked with disdain.

"No, I am no captain, he is resting in his cabin."

"So be it. I hope you have kind intentions with such a ship. She is a marvelous one, I shall say. If you are not Gryphon, then we have no quarrel with you. Happy landings."

With that, the captain walked away from the railing and the galleon began to move again. The Ragnarok's sails also unfurled again and the ships departed their own way. Rainbow watched the galleon sail away. The stern of the ship was by far the most elaborate with large windows and lanterns. She saw that the ship still had cannons facing their direction with four cannons facing the back. She gulped.

"I hope we never have to face one of those."

"Maybe lass." A sailor told her. "Depends on what's she carrying. I think we can take her on."

"Why did they question us?" Rainbow asked the sailor.

"Oh, it's cause we're on a Gryphonian ship. Those blowhards hate anything that ain't Equestrian and so they want to sink every ship that gives them the wrong eye. So get used to them doing that."


Rainbow looked to see Berry running to her. Her eyes were just as wide as her friend. She pointed at the galleon and squirmed.

"What....What was that thing?" She wailed.

"Pftt, greens." The sailor muttered.

Rainbow glared at him before answering Berry. "Just an Equestrian galleon. They're friendlies."

"Sometimes." The sailor muttered again.

"What does he mean?" Berry gestured at the man.

"Nothing. Just messin' with us greens." Rainbow told her.

Rainbow felt a wave of guilt hit her as she finished her words. Berry was still in the dark about it all. Caramel was not training her nor giving her such instructions like he did for Rainbow. The rainbow-haired girl rubbed her chin. The whole situation was still suspicious. Berry crossed her arms and looked at Rainbow with a frown. She had been becoming less talkative as the days without a drink grew. Rainbow finally motioned her to follow.

"Let's go to the bow. I need to talk to you."

"Alright." She responded reluctantly.

They quickly walked over to the front of the ship. Sailors went about their ways and generally ignored them. Though a few snarled at Rainbow. She turned her eyes away afraid from their angry glares, so as to not be aggravated by them. When they finally reached the bow, Rainbow leaned on the railing. The bow of the ship had a figurehead of a screeching gryphon. It was one of the indications that the ship was of Gryphonian make. Under it was a large hooked ram on the prow. Before, Rainbow thought it was just something to part the water, but now she new it was another weapon on the ship. Berry leaned on the railing opposite of Rainbow. The look on her face was less than pleased.

"How ya liking it so far?" Rainbow asked in an attempt to break the ice.

"Same. I'm gettin' better at the tying and the scrubbing. But, yeah, the same."

"Well, I hope this will improve it."


"This is a pirate ship, so.....We're pirates." Rainbow tried to say it casually.

Berry only responded by opening her mouth and then closing it. She then shrugged and did nothing more. Rainbow blinked in surprise.

"Is that all ya gonna say?" Rainbow asked.

"Mmmyeah. I see no difference, as long as we get the bits, right?" She tried to sound optimistic.

"Yeah, but no worries or anything?" Rainbow was still surprised by the calmness of her friend.

"Naw, I guess we're pirates. Does this mean more drinking?"

"Uhh....I'm sure."

"Then I'm game." She said simply.

"Yeah, you better be, Berry, cause I think our 'cargo' is coming soon."

"Our cargo out here? There's nothing in sight except water and the occasional dolphin."

Rainbow rubbed her face. "Berry, we're pirates, that thing is gonna be on a ship. We have to take it."

Her face darkened. "Oh. Well then, I hope we survive."

"I do too, Berry, I do too."


Chapter 4: Confrontation

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We are outward bound for Baltimare

With a heave-o, haul!

An' we'll heave the ship with flair!

Good Mornin' Equestria!

An' when we get to Baltimare

With a heave-o, haul!

Oh, 'tis there we'll drink and gleeful share

Good mornin' Equestria!

Them gals down south are free an' gay

With a heave-o, haul!

Wid them we'll spend our hard-earned pay

Good mornin' Equestria!

We'll swing around, we'll have good fun

With a heave-o, haul!

An' soon we'll be back on the homeward run

Good mornin' Equestria!

An' when we get to Canterlot

With a heave-o, haul!

For the very last time we'll prance and haught!

Good mornin' Equestria!

With ol' Tia and Luna too

With a heave-o, haul!

We'll drink an' dance wid a hullabaloo

Good mornin' Equestria!

So a long goodbye to all you dears

With a heave-o, haul!

Don't cry for us, don't waste yer tears

Good mornin' Equestria!

The Ragnarok's crew ended the shanty with a collective cheer. Rainbow sighed in relief as she finally sung in key with the seasoned sailors. She heard the laugh of Caramel as he steered the ship. It had been one day since Caramel had told her that they were "rogue privateers." The seas had remained calm and they had actually seen a couple of islands. She learned that these islands were called the Mid Sea Isles. The sailors said it indicated that they were close to their prize as they were now on the sea route it took. Rainbow didn't want the ship to come too soon, as she was still nervous about what would happen.

"Oh! How can I think this way? I'm Rainbow Dash, I'm better than this." She said aloud.

"We all hope so." A sailor mocked.

Rainbow waved him off. She had gotten used to the sailors' taunts about her and they stopped bothering her. After Caramel's intervention yesterday, many sailors had changed their perspective on her. Berry thought that was because they were intimidated by their captain and didn't want to upset him again. Rainbow wasn't sure if this was true, but she didn't really care, as long as they were being nicer to her and not calling her short, she was satisfied.

She leaned on the railing of the ship and watched an Equestrian schooner sail by. With her experience so far, she was now able to tell one ship from another. Every ship was built in such a way to fit its purpose and not just style. Schooners were for quick merchant runs and even low-class privateers. Brigs like the Ragnarok were for fast naval confrontations and chases. Every plank in the ship served a purpose, just like every crew member had a position. Rainbow nodded as she thought about this. She hoped she would be a fine addition to the crew and their adventurous.

"Ship sighted sir!"

The shout of the watchman made all the sailors lively. Some climbed the rigging to get a view of what the watchman saw. Others ran to the ropes, as in preparation for something massive to happen. Rainbow looked at the captain to see his response.

"What is she?" He shouted back.

"By the shape and rigging, I'll judge a corvette, sir!"

"That would be her! Lads, prepare the cannons, loose the sails! I want everything she's got! Our prize is in sight!"

"Bring her to a proper sail! Do it quick without fail!" Zecora repeated the captain's orders.

"Not already..." Rainbow muttered as she climbed the main mast.

"Fly the colors!"

"Aye sir!"

Sailors came from below deck with a large black sheet. They unfurled it to reveal a white skull sewn into the black sheet. The peculiar skull had the odd triangular symbol that was on Caramel's hood as one eye. The other eye was a bright red cross. The whole skull was placed on a white pike. They then tied the flag to some hooks and raised it to the top of the main mast. Rainbow saw it pass her as she stood on the yards. The intimidating symbol in the middle of the flag showed that the ship was a buccaneer.

"Heave it lads! Give me every inch of wind! These ships are a fast lot, we cannot let them escape!"

"I think she's spotted us sir!" The watchman yelled.

The corvette turned and headed straight for them. As Rainbow was now done with the sails, she quickly descended to the deck. Sailors positioned themselves along the cannons. Rainbow looked at the corvette. It was not as tall as the Ragnarok, but much longer and smoother. The wood was painted black. The square sails were a dark gray. It's flag was black with a bright red symbol with two white swords crossed below it. The symbol was the one on Caramel's hood and flag.

"She's comin' for us! We're in for a fight lads!" Caramel shouted to his crew.

Rainbow took her position next to a cannon near the bow of the ship. Her heart was racing as the corvette came closer and closer. Whoever was the captain, they certainly didn't want to back down from a battle. A sailor next to Rainbow smiled at her.

"Ya ready lass?"

"By Tartarus yes!" She said boldly.

"That's the spirit. Now, one last word of advise, watch for splinters."

"Here she comes! Get ready!"

"Fire the fronts!" Caramel ordered.


The cannons that faced the front of the ship fired with a booming sound. Cannonballs flew at the corvette. The shots glanced off the curved front of the enemy ship. Then, the corvette responded with its own frontal cannons. Rainbow ducked as a cannonball blew away the railing next to her. The Ragnarok lurched to the side.

"Give her a broadside!"

The corvette and the brig sailed side by side. Both ships roared with their cannons. The sailor next to Rainbow pulled his cannon and it fired. Wood flew in every direction. Some sailors were impaled by the large pieces of wood. The sailors on the corvette were having similar issues. Their odd white robes were stained with blood.

"HAHAHAHA!" Caramel laughed manically.

The ships circled around each other. The cannons roared and roared, most missing their targets. The laugh of the captain continued as the ships battled. Water flew through the air from the massive splashes of the cannonballs. Suddenly, the Ragnarok skidded in a tight turn.

"Don't let up! Catch the wind!"

The brig caught the strong breeze an sped towards the corvette. The frontal cannons raged again. The enemy ship set off another broadside.


The cannonballs ripped through the bow of the ship. Rainbow was knocked down by the force. She found herself on the deck with a large splinter jabbed in her arm. The sailor ran over to her and painfully pulled it out of her arm. Rainbow grabbed her wounded arm to cut of the blood.

"We're gonna ram her! Hold on tight!"


The sailor and Rainbow flew to the deck as the Ragnarok slammed itself into the stern of the corvette. The entire ship lifted upward from the force. The ships were stuck for a split moment. The frontal cannons fired point blank into the corvette. Wood from the enemy ship soared over the crew of the brig. The corvette turned for another broadside.


The corvette fired into the brig. One of the Ragnarok's cannons shattered from the raw power. A sailor close by Rainbow disappeared as a cannonball met him directly. The brig returned fire. The chain shot ripped the masts of the corvette. The crew cheered as the masts toppled into the sea.

"We got her sir! She ain't movin' now!"

"Get the grappling hooks!" Caramel shouted.

The Ragnarok rounded the corvette and stopped at the stern of the enemy ship. Sailors drew their swords and cheered. Some sailors threw hooks into the corvette and began to pull. Rainbow grabbed her swords and readied herself.

"This is it."

"Board her! Board her! So them the taste of true Freedom!"

Caramel ran and jumped to the other ship. He was ahead of his crew who swung on ropes and climbed to the corvette. Rainbow hesitated. The sounds of clashing swords were heard from the other ship.

"C'mon lass! Glory awaits!" The sailor told her.

"Let's do this!"

Rainbow ran on a rope and quickly tiptoed her way to the other side. Caramel was fighting with several of the white robed sailors. The enemy sailors wore hoods just like his. The entire deck of the corvette was in Chaos. Rainbow watched the battle. No one seemed to mind her at all.

"What do I do now?"

Suddenly, a large enemy sailor swung at her with a sword. She ducked under his swing. He quickly followed up with another attack. Rainbow deflected his blade and kicked his knee. The sailor grunted and returned with a punch her across the face. Rainbow flew into the railing. Before she could recover, the sailor kicked her off the ship. Rainbow tumbled helplessly into the sea.

All the sounds of war disappeared as she was submerged in the water. Her stomach ached from the kick. Despite the pain, she swam to the surface and took a refreshing breath of air.

"What a bloody way to start a pirate career." She mumbled.

A white robed sailor fell over the side and into the water with her. She was prepared to swim away until she saw the sword in his back. The water around him became crimson. Rainbow swam over to him and pulled the sword out.

"Might as well get back into the fight."

She placed the grip of the sword in her jaw and grabbed onto the corvette. She then began to climb the wet wood. The ship was easy to ascend. Many of the footholds were holes made by the cannons. As she ascended, the clash of swords returned. Cheers and screams were heard from above. She finally swung herself over the railing.

Bodies covered the deck. Caramel stabbed a sailor with both of his swords and lifted the body to the air before throwing into the wooden deck. His eyes were wild and he was constantly cackling. After he was done with the enemy sailor, he instantly moved to another target and stabbed him in the back. A white robed sailor swung at him. He deflected the blade with ease and then stabbed the sailor through the neck with one sword and through the chest with the other. A pirate knocked a female enemy sailor down to the ground next to the captain. He quickly turned and stomped on the face of the sailor, incapacitating her.

"A little help lads!"

Rainbow turned to see a wounded pirate fighting a sailor. The ally was clutching his bloodied side and only fighting with one arm. Rainbow ran at the sailor from behind and gutted him through the chest with her sword. The white robed sailor tensed up with shock. Finally, his body became limp and he slumped over.

"Thanks lass!" The pirate thanked her.

"No problem!" Rainbow replied.

"Drop your weapons! Drop 'em all! Now!"

Both Rainbow and the pirate looked to the center of the deck. Caramel was holding a silver robed female sailor and had one of his wrist blades pointed at her neck. Rainbow noticed that her robes were much more elaborate and decorated than the others. The other sailors on the corvette threw down their swords and lifted their hands in surrender.

"All of your bloody weapons!" Caramel demanded.

The sailors began to unstrap devices from their wrists and threw them to the ground. The silver robed one did so also, removing two instead of the usual one.

"Tie 'em up lads. We got the ship now."

A collective cheer rose from the pirates. Caramel threw the woman to the ground. Two pirates walked over to her and tied her hands behind her back. Caramel leaned over her and removed her silver hood. The woman had a fair face with silver hair and lavender eyes. A thin white streak ran through the left side of her hair. The captain chuckled.

"So what's your name captain?" He asked her.

"I am Den Master Silverspeed, ya bloody pirate!" She yelled at him with a Cloudsdalian accent.

"Silverspeed? And a Den Master? Well, this is mighty find, ain't it? Now, is this ship's name Eagle's Eye?

Silverspeed remained silent.

"I'll take that as a yes." Caramel grinned at her.

Eagle's Eye lurched when the brig hit her. Zecora had steered the ship so that the pirates could connect both of the ships with a wide plank or gangway. Pirates walked freely between the ships. Caramel started to pace around the corvette's captain. Silverspeed snarled at him with hatred.

"So.....Where is the Element of Hamrony?" He asked in a polite voice.

"To Tartarus with you and your crew!" Silverspeed replied.

Caramel stopped in front of her and grabbed her chin. He made sure his face was almost touching hers. Some of the pirates guffawed at this. However. the captain looked dead serious.

"Alright. There is one simple choice here. You see your men over there? So helpless, the lot of them. My men can easily find the Element, this ship ain't that big. You have a choice, tell me where it is and your men live. Don't tell me and they die. What's it gonna be?"

"If you can find it so easily, then why ask me?" Silverspeed responded.

"Simple m'lady, I rather have you tell me. Now, choose."

Silverspeed looked at the deck. "It's in the cupboard below deck in the chef's quarters. It's in a golden box."

Caramel stood up. "See? That wasn't so bad. Glad you could be of assistance."

Silverspeed growled. "The Brotherhood will come after you for this! You dare intervene with our war, and for what? Bloody bits, that's what! We'll never stop chasing you! You and your demonic crew!"

"Yeah, you Assassins will chase me, won't you? Well, then I need a backup plan. Lads, take her and lock her up on the Ragnarok. We'll need a hostage for this. You guys make sure the other Assassins won't try anything funny. Take all their wrist blades, we could use some more toothpicks on board. You three, find some rum. You two, with me."

With their orders, the pirates moved about. The captain grabbed the Den Master's robes on the chest and pulled them. The action ripped her clothes and revealed her chest. He looked at her chest with interest before letting go of her. Two men took Silverspeed by the arms and dragged her across the gangway and onto the brig. Caramel went below the deck of the corvette with two sailors. The rest of the sailors picked up the wrist blades from the living and dead Assassins. Rainbow heard a whistle from behind her.

"Hey, lass, take these."

Rainbow turned to see the sailor she had rescued throw her two wrist blades. She assumed they were from the Assassin she killed. The sailor smiled at her while he clutched his side. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What be your name, lass?" He asked.

"Rainbow Dash of Cloudsdale, yours?"

"Neon Lights of Baltimare."

"Well, nice to meet ya."

"Thanks again for the save, I would have been in Tartarus if it wasn't for ya."

"Just doing my job." Rainbow boasted.

"Rainbow? Where are you? Are you alive?" Rainbow heard her friend call out.

"Berry! I'm over here!"

Berry Punch waddled across the corvette and looked at her friend. She was covered in small scratches. Her sword was red with blood. The glare from her startled Rainbow.

"So....We survived." Rainbow said with a sheepish smile.

"That......Was......Awesome!" Berry shouted and hugged Rainbow. Her expression made a complete turnaround.

"Uhh...Berry? Did one of the cannons hit ya?" Rainbow said as her friend squeezed her.

"I've never felt so alive! No amount of booze could of done this! I love this new life! Thanks Rainbow!"


"Heh, I'll leave you gals alone." Neon chuckled and walked to the Ragnarok.

"Berry, you can put me down now."

"Oh sorry." Berry placed her small friend on the red deck.

"You know, that wasn't so bad. I mean, I got kicked off the ship, but not too bad. I wouldn't mind doing that again." Rainbow said.

"Neither would I. Rainbow, I can see it now! Us, both the wild gals of the sea. Going from Baltimare to Manehatten, gettin' bits the whole way. What a life."

"Aye, it is a life. Let's make the most of it."


Rainbow and Berry walked over the plank and back on the familiar brig. Caramel had not yet returned from the Assassin corvette. The sun was covered by the clouds of the west. They had the prize now, they could get to Baltimare, to pay day. The pirates were all talking about the fight moments ago. There were a few that didn't make it through the battle, but the time for remembering them was not here. The pirates realized that their lives were merry and short. This life seemed promising to Rainbow now. To be a buccaneer on the Equestrian seas. What could be better?


Chapter 5: A War of Secrecy

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"So long, fair lads n' lasses of white! Hope we never see ya again!"

Caramel waved at the unfortunate Assassins who stood on their motionless ship. Since all the masts were torn down on the Assassin corvette, they were stranded on the sea. The Ragnarok slowly gained speed as the brig separated from the other ship. The pirates cheered and waved their hats at the Assassins as they left them. One Assassin or two yelled curses at them, only to be received graciously by the rogue sailors. Even Rainbow joined in the fun of mocking them.

"Alright lads." The captain addressed his crew. "We be off for Baltimare now. We have the Element of Harmony right here!"

The captain held up a decent size golden box. The box was lined with blue stones on the corners. The lid had the picture of an elaborate unicorn head with several circles around it. The crew gave a hearty cheer at the sight of it. It didn't look like much to Rainbow. Certainly not something worth fighting over.

"What about the ship sir? She took many blows during the fight. Ya think we should dock in Fillydelphia for repairs?" A sailor asked the captain.

"The brig's a strong one. I think she'll last the trip. We'll fix and upgrade her in Baltimare unless she gets worse or we meet trouble on the way."

The sailors nodded in silent affirmatives. Some sailors went about their constant errands and others began to chat on the main deck. Rainbow heard a whistle from the captain. She looked at him to see him gesturing for her to come over. She jogged up to the quarter deck. Caramel gave her a mischievous grin and let go of the wheel.

"Take it." He gestured at the wheel.

"Uhh...Ya sure about this? I could crash her."

"Oh, Miss Dash, do you see anything out here that you crash into?"


"Then have a go."

Rainbow walked over and placed a hand on the large wheel. There indeed wasn't anything out there in the sea for them to hit, so she was confident in her level of survival. Besides, she boarded a ship and won. How hard could this be? Rainbow smiled in confidence until a very agitating problem arose as she stood there.

"Cap'n....I can't see over the wheel."

Rainbow glared at the captain as he began to laugh and hold his sides. It seemed that this was his plan all along. Her shortness was the butt of a joke yet again. She growled loudly and stomped over to the captain. He wiped away a tear from his eye. The young woman slammed her foot on Caramel's toes. The captain kept laughing, but now held his foot in severe pain.

"That wasn't my intention Miss Dash, I swear." He said through his laughs and grunts.

Rainbow angrily walked down the curved steps. The Ragnarok went with the waves and wind as no one was controlling her. The girl walked to the middle of the main deck. Caramel was still clutching his foot on the quarter deck. Some sailors laughed at their captain's pain. Though discreetly and well out of his hearing range. Rainbow couldn't help but grin. She walked down the steps to below deck.

"Hmm...I wonder if there's anything to eat." Rainbow uttered when her stomach growled.

Rainbow started to make her way to the chef's quarters. Her feet dragged through puddles of water. Those puddles weren't there before, so this wasn't a good sign. Rainbow turned to see a couple of sailors walking through the water as well. She pointed at the water and raised a brow at them.

"Where did this come from?" She asked them.

"There's a leak somewhere. Cannon must've blown a hole in the hull. Don't worry, we'll find it and fix it." One of the sailors replied.

They swiftly passed her on their mission to find the hole. Rainbow continued her way to the chef. The chef and Zecora were talking with each other in the chef's quarters. The Zebran leaned on a barrel while the chef was filleting a fish. Both of them took notice of the young woman. The chef grumbled and pointed her knife at a barrel.

"If ya hungry, there are some biscuits in there. Otherwise, you can leave." She said harshly.

"Now hold on a bit, Miss Dash, would you take this to the prisoner's pit?" Zecora asked.

The first mate handed her a plate of food. Rainbow looked at it curiously. Zecora pointed down the hall.

"We always like to make the prisoners feel welcome. And that we are not so felon."

"Alright. I'll take it to her." Rainbow said.

Rainbow turned and carefully balanced the plate in her hands as she walked through the puddles. The Assassin prisoner was held in the brig of the ship. The crew did not refer to the brig as the brig much since they were on a brig ship. So many referred to it as "the pit," "scurvy hole," or "the cage." Rainbow made a left turn in the hallway and into the darker part of the ship. It did not take her long to reach the pit, but the water made it less than easy.

In the dark room were two cells. One was empty while the other held Silverspeed. The Den Master sat in a dry spot in her cell. Her arms were crossed and her silver hood was over her face. A single shackle was on her left foot. The chain was attached to the wall of the ship. Rainbow walked over to the cell and tapped on the iron bars.

"Hey, I got something for ya." She showed the Assassin what she was carrying.

"How nice of you." Her voice was dry and sarcastic.

"I don't need to give it to you." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"I do not desire food, pirate, only freedom from this place."

"Well, as far as I can see, you're stuck here."

"It seems so."

Rainbow placed the plate on the floor and slid it to her through the bars. The Assassin did not move at all. Her frown remained on her face and the hood shrouded her eyes. Rainbow started to pity her. She was a pirate, this is what they do, she reasoned. However, the caged individual before her made her feel guilty. Rainbow leaned on the bars and tapped them to get the prisoner's attention.

"Hey, so, why the get up?" She asked.

"If are you referring to my robes, it is beyond the comprehension for someone as simple as you." Silverspeed snarled.

"Hey, no need for insults. I'm jus' asking."

"Hmph. I am a Den Master of the Assassin Brotherhood. These robes symbolize my rank and experience."

"What do you do?"

"Do you not know? You are an underling on Caramel's ship. I would think he would have informed you of us."

"Hey! I am no one's 'underling,' Miss Gloomy, now answer me."

"You're a bold one, rainbow-haired girl. My Brotherhood is one that works in the dark to serve the light. We wish to establish Harmony and Freedom to the lands that possess none. To rid the world of Chaos like you and Absolute Order from the Templar. We do so by killing those who seek humanity's destruction and helping those who cannot help themselves."

"Chaos? Nothing Chaotic about us."

"Really? Look at you, a vermin bent on ruining poor innocent sailors. Causing destruction and mayhem and for what? Bitpieces of course. The world does not deserve one like you."

Rainbow nodded. "Well, if there is one thing you Assassins love, it's to lecture people. Have a nice time in your little home."

Rainbow turned and started to walk away. The chain attached to the Assassin rattled. The young woman ignored it and kept walking. The splashes of the puddles were the only sound. Silverspeed called out to Rainbow in a rather desperate voice.

"You pirates do not know what you're getting into. This war is not meant for your kind. You should do well to back out."

Rainbow stopped and grinned at her. "Really? I have a feeling the Ragnarok and the Assassins are going to be well acquainted after this. If Caramel thinks you guys will pay so well for a little Element, you guys are basically walking money bags."

"Listen! Those Elements are not to be trifled with! They are beyond anything you know."

"You're right. It is. All I know is that I want to make a living for myself."

Silverspeed shook her head slowly. "What is your name, pirate?"

"Rainbow Dash. Do well to remember it."

Rainbow shut the Assassin up with those words. Caramel was right, these people were some religious freaks. They were folk that Rainbow did not want to be affiliated with. However, the warnings that Silverspeed gave her remained in her head. Caramel and her seemed to say the same thing about the Elements. What were they that they were talked about with such solemnity?

Rainbow considered this as she exited the prisoner's rooms and walked towards the steps. Besides the odd creatures of the wildness and the Two Sisters, the world seemed pretty "normal." There was nothing that seemed supernatural or out of the ordinary. Were these Elements supernatural? What exactly did they do? Rainbow asked these questions to herself as she walked onto the main deck. Seagulls swarmed about above her. She leaned on the main mast and looked out at sea.

Were the Elements that important? She asked herself this. They were only something to bargain with. They would be done with it soon enough and she will probably never see it again. Rainbow nodded in agreement with herself. However, the curiosity of it all nagged her further. She looked at the captain on the wheel. She could ask him about it, or she could ask Silverspeed. The latter did not appeal to her. The Assassin's self-righteous nature towards her made her almost nauseous. That only left Caramel. The young woman started to make her way to quarter deck.

"Ello Miss Dash! Came to apologize?" Caramel chuckled as she walked up the steps.

"As much as I would love to do that, no. I have a question for you."

"Anything, Miss Dash. Fire away."

"Who are these Assassins?"

He nodded his head slowly while he steered the ship. "Aye, the Assassins. They's a bunch of odd folk who preach Freedom and Harmony and also some Creed. They go about, killing anyone who disagrees with them. Freedom huh? Bunch of hypocrites, the lot of them. I've never been in their Brotherhood, but I hear they are strict and unforgiving. You see, they are the opposite of Freedom. Even their leaders, the Bearers of Harmony, don't have much choice. Most Bearers are forced into the Brotherhood."

"How are they forced?"

"That's where the Element comes in. You know why I ripped Silverspeed's robes? I was checking to see if she was a Bearer. Those Elements, six of them in all, embed themselves into the Bearer's chest and take over their minds. The Elements have a mind of their own, yes, born in witchcraft. If ya ever come across a Bearer, pity him or her."

Rainbow grimaced. "That's awful. Why do they use such things?"

He shrugged. "Religious aspect? I don't know. What I do know is that it gives them an advantage over their smug enemies: the Templar. These assholes want everything to be Orderly where there is no Freedom. Ya see the difference between 'em? Most Assassins are poor folk and the Templars are haughty rich folk. Not always though. However, as far as I know, the Templar don't use such methods like the Elements."

"Then what are we in all this?"

"That's a mighty fine question, Miss Dash. I have wondered it meself. I believe we are on no one's side. We are true Freedom. We do what we want and how we want it. No one is above in command. Everyone has a heavy say in anything and everything on this ship. The Ragnarok is a nation and brotherhood of its own. No kings or emperors to tell us what to do. The only Creed we follow is a simple one: Live to help, never to hurt. We never raid civilians on these waters. Only those who are living to harm others, like the Assassins, Templars, the Imperials, the Gryphons, thugs, ya get idea. And throughout it all, we make an income for our humble nation. All hidden from the eyes of the watching Sisters."

"Heh, I never thought of any of this when I signed up." Rainbow chuckled.

"No ya didn't, lass. You should be proud though, ya made it this far. Keep this up and you'll be a captain of your own nation."

"Nah, I rather stay a sailor for now."

"Heh, that means I get to keep ya. Well, Miss Dash, we are a day out of Baltimare by my bearings. The place is wild. The Assassins and Templar compete for the city everyday. So watch yourself. I don't need ya with a dagger in your back behind some tavern. I don't know how long we'll stay there. Until we sell the Element."

"Who are we selling to?"

"The highest bidder."

Rainbow nodded in understanding. She now understood the situation. Whole secret war and other crap. She was surprised that she wasn't surprised by all of what Caramel said. Maybe she knew something was up all along? Oh, not but how much of it really mattered? Caramel knew what he was doing and they would get a payday soon. Also, Baltimare sounded like a place Rainbow could get used to. Berry would love it too since the port was known for its spiced rum.

"Always the booze..." Rainbow said aloud.

"Indeed." Caramel nodded.

Rainbow forgot that she was standing next to him. "Uhh....Anyone there you know?"

"In Baltimare? Well, there is a gorgeous lass. Been sweet on her for nigh three years. She works at the "Black Dragon Inn." We should visit her."

That wasn't what Rainbow meant when she asked him. She turned her gaze to the waters that surrounded them. She could see tall mountains to the west as they went south. The seagulls continued to scream above their heads. All she could do was wait. Wait? She turned back to Caramel. He gently held the steering wheel in his left hand with his right by his side.

"Can I take the wheel?" She asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." He grinned and stepped away.

She walked over and took his position. She could not see over the wheel, but why did that matter? She had Caramel by her side and the other sailors to watch for her. Her ability to navigate did indeed rely on others, but maybe that was for the better. If she could trust others to guide her, then there were no issues. The steering wheel felt warm to her touch, as if the ship wanted her to steer. As she steered, she could feel the wind and the waves, all trying to push her off course. It did not take much to keep on course. She only needed to make minor adjustments here and there. Caramel stood by her like an officer. He was smiling at her. She grinned back at him.

"Not so bad." She remarked.

"Aye, that is until ya sail in a storm. Rogue waves and howling winds. These are calm seas."

"Can I dock her when we get to Baltimare?"

He hesitated before shrugging. "Uhh...I see no harm in it."

"Really? Alright!" Rainbow beamed.

"Oh Miss Dash, you're like a little captain already."

Rainbow glared daggers at him. He merely grinned mockingly back at her. She calmed down and continued to steer the Ragnarok. The brig sailed across the waters easily. To Rainbow, it was almost a work of art. It felt natural. It seemed like the world had faded away into an ocean and they were the only inhabitants. It was an interesting thought and one that Rainbow had never considered before. As she steered, she almost felt peaceful. She would certainly not mind taking the wheel more often. However, one question remained. Why did Caramel choose her to steer? She never seen any other pirate take the wheel other than Zecora and the captain. She opened her mouth to ask, but she didn't want to interrupt the peaceful feeling. She shut her mouth and gazed to the sides, as the only thing she could see in front of her was the wheel. Caramel stayed quiet as well and they sailed on. Sailed straight for the Baltimare and whatever waits them there.


Chapter 6: Baltimare

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"Land sighted! It's Baltimare!"

The Ragnarok crew gave a cheer and some threw their hats in the air. Seagulls and pelicans flew around the tall masts of the brig. Rainbow steered the ship towards the docks. They passed a massive fort on a peninsula. The fort was armed with many cannons and mortars. On the top of the fort was a statue of Empress Luna in a elegant dress. Her right arm was holding a flag poll that waved an Imperial flag. The statue was very large and well-made. It was all perfected by the late afternoon sun. Rainbow gazed at it. Caramel stood beside her and pointed at it.

"That be Fort Moonlight. It's the second largest fort in the Empire. Second to Fort Fillydelphia. This fort guards the entrance to Horseshoe Bay which is right around this edge of land."

Rainbow turned the ship around the peninsula. Once the rocks and palm trees were out of the way, she could see the city in its entire splendor. From the Bay, she could already tell that Baltimare was a much livelier place than Manehatten. The city had a white beach all along the Bay. The buildings varied in architectural design. Many buildings were different colors, like blue, green, red, or orange. Most buildings were a baked tan, as they were made of clay. Though she could see many brick buildings. Tall spires rose formed the Baltimare skyline. Some buildings had black or blue domes on their roofs. Smoke rose from several places. Rainbow assumed they were from factories or some sort of facility. The best and most brilliant part was the water. The water was clear green. It was not like the brown waters of Manehatten, these invited one to swim in them.

"How do you like it so far, Miss Dash?" Caramel asked.

"It looks great. Uhh....Where do I put her?"

"Doesn't matter. How about over there? There's an empty pier."

Rainbow stood on the tips of her toes to see what Caramel was pointing at. She then adjusted their course. They were still going at full sail.

"Lay off the wind lads! Prepare to dock!" Caramel shouted.

The sailors pulled the ropes and the sails retracted to their yards. Rainbow stuck her tongue out and eased the Ragnarok passed the other ships in the port. One such ship was larger than even the galleons in the bay. It was black with dark blue sails. The sails had a bright crescent moon on them. Luna's Moon. The massive ship was anchored in the middle of the Bay. Rainbow could tell that it was much too large to dock. It also was prepared for war with at least 5 decks of cannons. And more cannons on each deck than a galleon. The sight was impressive but also extremely intimidating.

"What is that?" Rainbow asked.

"Ah, that is the ELS Artemis. She's one of two Equestrian conqueror ships. They serve as the Two Sisters' personal flagships. So I assume that Empress Luna is in Baltimare right now."


Caramel huffed. "Empress Luna's Ship. I know, kinda vain right? But, they have been ruling for several centuries now, I guess they can have this much."

"Dock's comin' close sir!" A pirate shouted in fright.

"We're gonna crash!"

Rainbow returned her attention to her current task. She saw the pier right in front of them and steered to the side. She barely missed the wooden pier and brought the Ragnarok to its side. The ship stopped as the sailors roped her safely to the dock. They were finally on land after six days of seafaring.

"Haha, that was too close. If you had hurt my ship..." Caramel didn't finish the sentence as Rainbow ran from the quarter deck. She was excited to see such a city. She heard her captain again when she was about to jump on the pier.

"Miss Dash!" Caramel yelled at her. "Ya can't leave yet. We need to unload the cargo and get settled."

"Cargo? You mean the Element?" She asked.

Caramel raised a finger to his lips. "Shush! We keep that quiet ya hear? No, we need to unload the other cargo so that we'll look like normal traders."


The sailors began to walk back and forth from below deck. Some sailors came out with barrels of rum and cider. Two sailors set up a gangway to the pier. Rainbow did not really know what to do. She had never been in this situation before and the curiosity of the city was burning at her.

"What should we do with the prisoner?" A pirate asked.

"Keep her in there for now. We need her in a secure place from the Brotherhood." Caramel answered.

"Sir, Royal Guard here to talk with ya!" Another sailor shouted.

Caramel sighed and walked onto the pier. Three Royal Guards were standing waiting for him. The Royal Guard in the middle had a different type of armor. His armor was reversed in colors from the primary gold and secondary blue. His crest was not a blue feathers but instead a spiked fin. Rainbow assumed this showed his rank. Caramel stopped in front of them and placed his hands on his hips. The white from his robes reflected the sun into Rainbow's eyes. The blue Royal Guard spoke to the captain.

"G'day captain! I am Lieutenant Lazarus of the Night Watch. State your business to be on this dock."

"We're here to drop rum and cider off for the Black Dragon Inn."

"How long do you think you shall be here?" Lazarus asked in his professional manner.

"Don't know. Mistress Swirl likes to send us on little errands through town. We may be here a few days or a few weeks."

"You better clear that up with her." The Night Watch ordered. "Or I shall have to confiscate your ship if you outlast your stay."

Caramel snarled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Good." The lieutenant swiftly turned and walked away with the Royal Guards flanking either side of him.

"Damn cocksucker." Caramel muttered as he returned to his ship. "Change of plan lads, we gotta make good time. Get going. Neon, Miss Dash, find us a hideout. We can't leave our stuff here."

Rainbow walked across the gangway and she saw that Neon Lights. Neon was bandaged all along his stomach and chest from the boarding. He could still move rather well for being injured. She followed him closely to the captain. He looked back at her and smiled before facing Caramel.

"What shall we look for cap'n?" He asked Caramel.

"A nice cozy compound along the shore or something like that. Somewhere not too crowded."

Neon nodded. "Gotcha. What if we don't find a vacancy?"

"Then make one." Caramel answered and walked away.

Neon and Rainbow ran off the pier and onto land. The sea breeze blew through their hair and the sand reached their toes. The townspeople walked about and chatted. The men and women here wore much brighter clothing than in dull Manehatten. They were also more exposing due to the warmth of the area. The women wore more scantily clothing than Rainbow had ever seen before. Neon grinned at this. Rainbow tapped him on his shoulder.

"Any ideas where to start?"

Neon rubbed his chin. "Let's go this way. There are some fields over on the south side of town."

They entered the streets and made their way south. The city surrounded them with sights, sounds, and smells. Drunks walked about holding their mugs and bottles. Women giggled as they gossiped on the street corners. Seagulls laughed out at the people and squawked for food. Royal Guards talked as they patrolled the streets. Most of them were in Night Watch uniforms. Rainbow assumed this was due to the Empress being in the city.

"They should be here any day, Applejack. That is, if they truly intercepted Silverspeed."

Rainbow and Neon stopped and looked down a street. There were two female Assassins, one much taller than the other. The taller had blonde hair and green eyes. Her dark gray and orange robes were more of armored steel than silk. A large ax was slung over here back. The woman who spoke to her had much finer white robes. The silk robes were designed with Canterlot floral patterns and light blue jewels lined on her belt. A Crystal Republican rapier with a golden hand-guard rested on her hip. Rainbow could only see a purple curl of hair from the white hood. Her figure was more delicate than the blonde. She spoke with a haughty accent.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, darling. We will get Loyalty back; bet on it." The white Assassin finished.

"They already know." Neon whispered. "We better hurry."

Neon tugged on Rainbow's shirt and they continued through the city. The young woman was alarmed by the appearance of the Assassins. Already? They must have had more influence in the city than she had thought. They passed a large building with spires in every corner. In front of the building was a spacious plaza full of merchant stalls. Most of the stalls smelled of fish.

"This is the City Square. The Governor likes to come out here and declare the new regulations and stuff. Politics. I never got them."


"Governor Mare. She's a Templar, well, we think she is. Kinda acts like one. She ain't too bad though. Except when she bans certain drinks. Usually ends in riots."

"Well....That's something." It was the only thing Rainbow found to say.

They passed the city square in little time. The city was not as large as Manehatten, but it was less crowded and the homes seemed to be built soundly. However, as they headed to the south side, the streets and homes became more and more poverty-stricken. It was almost an instant change. Vagrants lined the streets with their pipes and rags. The sandy streets turned into dried mud and clay. The houses were unkempt and some were even roofless.

"Sad ain't it?" Neon asked. "You see, this is where Caramel started his nation. He was born in Ponyville, but this was where his father lived. They call this the "Gutter." It's like this due to the Assassin and Templar war. The Assassins use gangs and other thugs to do their more trivial work and to control territory. The Templar use corrupt officials to dominate the people. It's always been the worse down in the Gutter. Caramel's father told this to him and gave him his ship. Sun's Pearl. Ever since, Caramel's been well, Caramel."

"Can't we help them?" Rainbow asked and gestured at the woeful people before her.

"I don't know. We do what we can out at sea, but, we don't fight on land. Caramel's hoping to build a fleet with all the wealth he gathers. It's a long-term plan."

"Does he want us to be captains?"

"Aye, all of us. He tries to train everyone to be a captain so that they'll get their own ship and sail with him. But, that was years ago, I think he's forgotten about Baltimare's problems and his plans."

The two passed by a couple of shady fellows. They did not look Assassin, but their style of dress suggested they were wealthier than those around them. Their colors were mainly red. Rainbow noticed that they were armed with some sort of metal and wooden stick. She had never seen anything like it before. Neon stopped her and pointed at them.

"Templars. We're close, so let's follow these goons."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the Templars started to walk away. Neon gestured to Rainbow to take the roofs. Rainbow acknowledged and climbed. The Templars were chatting as they walked at a quick pace. Rainbow silently jumped from roof to roof while Neon stalked from the homeless crowds.

"Did ya hear? The Governor is upset with all the violence lately. Says the Royal Guard ain't doin' their jobs. I think mercenaries are gonna be the new guards here in no time."

"C'mon Maxwell, ya paranoid. City's doing fine. Yeah we got rogues here, but what city don't? It'll blow by like tempest. One moment it's here, the next it's gone."

Rainbow silently jumped across a gap in the buildings. A curious cat ran off scared from her intrusion. She peered down the street. The Templars were heading to the edge of the city. Probably to a plantation of some kind Rainbow concluded. All she could really see was a wooden watchtower. She climbed up to a taller roof.

One soldier sighed. "Can you believe it? We get a job here in the hot and muck while Hunter gets to go to Dodge Junction. Pfft."

"C'mon Max, do ya really think that Dodge Junction is any better? At least we got nice water here. Don't get me started on the girls."

"You always prattle about women, Conner! Women only get ya into trouble. That's why the Assassins have so many of 'em!"

"Well....You do make a point..." Maxwell trailed off.

Rainbow paused. She did see plenty of gals on the Assassin ship. Those two Neon and her spotted were both women. Maybe there was something up with that. After the pause, she shrugged. The roof she was on ended. There was no house nearby for her to jump on. She instead climbed down the wall. The Baltimare homes were more smooth and slippery than the Manehatten abodes even when wet. Manehatten buildings always had boards or windows jutting out to make easy foot or hand holds. She didn't have too much trouble and landed noiselessly in the sand. She knew how to be silent from her younger days of pilfering bread or snacks from people in Cloudsdale.

Neon ran to a small hut and hid behind it. The Templars stopped suddenly. Rainbow turned away and acted unsuspicious as possible. The soldiers saw her and raised their brows. One took a step forward but was held back by his companion.

"Max, she's got rainbow hair. I don't think we should mess with her. Probably a loony one." He said.

The two turned and continued their trek. They were almost to the plantation. Rainbow turned to follow but the sound of Neon grunting made her stop. She looked at him with confusion. He gestured for her to come over. She did so slowly.

"Rainbow, this is the Miser's Fields. The ones I talked about were just east of here. These fields weren't occupied last time I was here. Something's made the Templars take it over."

She glanced around the hut to see the fields. "What do we do? Cap'n said to take them if need be."

"I know, but there could be dozens of soldiers there. The Templar always got new lines of devices up their sleeves too. Our swords jus' ain't gonna cut it."

"Then what do we do? Go back to the ship?" Rainbow asked again with impatience.

"Naw. Caramel won't like that. Hey, remember those two Assassins? Maybe we can lure them here to fight them for us?"

"No, cause then we're need to deal with them too. They looked tough. Well, only one. The other looked like some Canterlot damsel." Rainbow said as she recalled the women.

"Only one thing to do. Take them out one by one. We gotta infiltrate it." He paused and looked at Rainbow. "You'll need a hood. The whole city can see hair like that."

"Alright already! The sun's almost down and I'm sure Caramel's gettin' impatient. Let's go already!" Rainbow loudly whispered.

"Ya know, the impatient ones are the ones caught!" Neon whispered back in the same manner.

"We gotta make a plan." He continued. "You see those bushes over there? Ya sneak that why. I'll go this way. Stay close though. If we raise the alarm, just run. You're one of the fastest girls I've ever met. It won't be hard for ya to get away."

"What happens if they come close? I don't I can pull them down with my bare hands. I'm too sma...Not big enough for that."

Neon grunted and pointed at her wrists. Rainbow looked down to see the Assassin wrist blades. "Oh..."

"Let's go. Quietly."

Neon silently moved to the edge of the fields. Rainbow followed. The fields were high with tall sugarcane and other plants as well. Since the day was almost done, no one was working the fields, leaving only the night guards on watch. Rainbow could count at least seven soldiers, one being a bird's eye on the shoddily built watch tower. The two moved up again to the bushes Neon mentioned.

"Alright, here's where we separate." Neon reminded her.

Rainbow nodded and went left while Neon went right. So far they had not been spotted. Rainbow hid in a bush to avoid detection. The bush was thick and rather spiky, giving the young pirate sharp pains in her exposed arms.

"Of course it would be bloody uncomfortable..." She mumbled.

She spied Neon moving up. There were no guards near her so she followed his example. she pulled the hood she bought from a vagrant over her head. With the sun below the horizon, all she had to do was avoid light. She lowered herself to all fours and crawled from the bush to a pile of discarded wood. As she sat behind the pile, she heard a loud cough come from the other side. There was a Templar right across from the pile. Her heart sunk upon this realization. She turned to look for Neon, but he was out of sight.

"Think..." She quietly muttered.

She picked up a small stone in her hand. She silently prayed and then threw it off in the distance. The stone tumbled and cracked upon its landing. The Templar stirred a little.

"Eh, dumb rabbits." He said lazily.

Rainbow huffed in frustration. She chanced being seen and slowly rose to look over the pile. Once her eyes could see over, the dark form of a soldier was clearly in front of her. He had his back to her, leaning on the odd stick that the others were carrying. His head was rolling around on his neck. It was like his neck was not strong enough to hold it up. The young pirate squinted at him. She could just walk over to him, but another soldier may see her. She had to make him move his sleepy hide.

"Psst!" She hissed loudly.

"Huh?" The soldier stood erect and look around.

Rainbow fell back behind the pile. "Psst!" She repeated.

"What kinda hellish creature is that?"

The Templar started to walk toward the pile. Rainbow felt his footsteps in the ground. Because of her size, the Templar could not see her from the other side. If Neon was hiding behind the pile, he would have been rather easy to spot.

"I know I heard something..."

The Templar rounded the pile. His eyes widened upon seeing her figure. Rainbow sprung from her low position onto him. She wrapped her legs around his torso and jammed the wrist blade into his screaming mouth. The soldier leaned forward with one last effort and the two fell to the ground. Rainbow escaped from under the bleeding man and shoved his corpse to the side.

"Guh...That was nastier than I thought. Next time I aim for the throat. Not his mouth!"

"Intruder! Intruder! Gah!"

Rainbow jumped up. She saw a Templar running across the field. Suddenly, a hatchet flew through the air and into his back. He fell into the sugarcane plants. Neon sprouted out of a bush and dusted his hands off. Rainbow could see his grin in the dark.

"Well, that's the last of 'em." He laughed.

"What? You said there were dozens!" Rainbow exclaimed.

He shrugged. "Miscount. Only was 14. No problem though."

"No problem? You know how long it took me to kill one? A single one!?"

"Aye. A bloody important one too. If ya didn't keep him distracted, he would have seen me too early. Remember Miss Dash, these guys ain't Assassins. They always got the numbers, but lack the skills. 14 Templar ain't no harder than cuttin' a head off a chicken. Heh, they run around in the same manner too!"

Rainbow frowned at him. He shrugged a second time and began to pick up the soldiers' weapons and gear. He didn't move the bodies at all. The young pirate could see his bandages in the dim light from the torches and lanterns. He did this while recovering from wounds. Her eye twitched.

"He's awesome..."

"What?" He looked at her.

"Nothing!" She said quickly.

He pointed at her with the arm of a soldier. "Go and tell Caramel we've got a place. Make it snappy alright? If he gets angry at us for being late, just remind him of the reason. You got that?"

She nodded. Neon returned to whatever he was doing. The sky still retained the pinkness of evening, but barely. She took a nearby torch to light her way. She was fast and speed counted here. Not only for Caramel's impatience, but she did not want to leave Neon alone. They had plenty of enemies in the city. She sighed and sprinted toward the docks. The blood from the soldier felt cold on her shirt. She made a mental note to get a new one.


Chapter 7: Diamond of the West

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"Wake up ya blubberin' bloody piece of...Eh....Whatever."

"I'm awake."

"Of course ya are, Miss Dash. Of course ya are."

The captain threw down his short cigar into the dirt. The morning light surrounded the fields of the small plantation. Pirates went to and fro from the Ragnarok anchored by the shore and the hut where the crew was staying. Rainbow was resting on a heavily leaning palm tree. The trunk's grooves were not the most comfortable bed in the world, but it was better than most things she slept on. Caramel was sitting on the grass with what looked like a large pen and a small canvas was on his knees. He was not paying her any heed as he looked out into the Bay. An array of paints in small bowls was at his side. Rainbow, in her half-awake state, was confused by his actions.

"Uh...What ya doing cap'n?" She yawned in the middle of her question.

"Painting." He said absently.

"Painting? Aren't ya a pirate? You know, y'ar and buccaneer...y? What does a pirate captain have with...art?"

His absent gaze shot to her. "Miss Dash...If there's one thing I'm good at, it's art. Why should I reject my inherent talent because of a name?"

"Well...When you put it that way..."

"Besides, it helps me remember where I've been. After a while, all these places look the same in your mind, but not on canvas. On canvas, everything is how it should be: unique. It's my way of collecting memories that will last longer than my own. To tell ya the truth, I painted before I was a....rogue privateer. No one teached me. Teached meself. Saw the great arts of the 1st Imperial Era in Canterlot. Ever since, I've aspire to be like 'em. I ain't gonna let some ships and fighting, and lootin' get in my way."

Rainbow sat up on her palm tree. The captain continued his painting in silence. She pushed herself off the trunk, her feet landed in the soft dirt with a rather loud thump. She walked over to Caramel and inspected his art over his shoulder. From the first glance, his boast about being good was wholly satisfied. The semblance between the actual Bay and his art was incredible. With every stroke was a new blade of grass, a new texture on the bark, a new reflection on the water. His strokes ceased and he turned to her.

"Do ya mind? Bloody Hell! Ya slept in that shirt? Looks like ya ran in a butcher shop!"

Rainbow looked down at her shirt. It retained the blood stain of the soldier she killed the previous night. The shirt did indeed look awful. He blinked at her for a couple seconds before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a few bitpieces. He then lifted them for Rainbow to take.

"Go get yaself a new one lass. Las' thing I need is my crew lookin' like cannibals......And don't get in no trouble."

Rainbow accepted the bitpieces from the calloused hand. The amount he gave her was far more than what was necessary for a simple shirt. She placed them in her pocket. Just then, she realized that she was wearing a shirt that made her look like a murderer. It would be better to change before going, she thought. She instinctively started to take off the shirt. Caramel growled angrily.

"Miss Dash, I'm trying to paint a damn piece of beautiful historic art here! I don't need distractions....No matter how temp...I mean, have some decency."

She pulled her shirt down. "I can't go like this. I'll be pummeled by the Guards. I need a clean shirt. Well...I don't know of any spares."

He slid his work aside and quickly took off his sleeveless jacket from his robes. He then tossed it to the young pirate in silent frustration. Rainbow gave him a mouthed "thanks" and put the jacket on. It was, needless to say, too large for her and the ends went almost to her knees. The captain returned to his work without commenting on how ridiculous the girl looked.

"I'll see ya around I guess..." Rainbow muttered before walking away.

Rainbow left the captain to his art. She was heading for the city, but stopped. Maybe she could bring Berry along? She nodded enthusiastically and headed back to the hut. Laughing pirates were standing outside the door, playing with the tools they gathered from the dead Templars. Talking about the Templars, their bodies were all still where they died. None of the crew felt like moving them, so they stayed unmoved. Luckily the smell had not started yet. Rainbow knew that they bodies had to be pitched somewhere soon if they were staying at the hut for another night.

"What's with you Rainbow?" A pirate at the door asked her curiously. His eyes were on the jacket.

She crossed her arms. "Don't ask. Hey, have ya seen Berry?"

"Yeah, she's in there." He pointed inside.

Rainbow followed his finger. True enough, Berry was in there. The purple haired woman was face down on an old and worn table; her hand clutched an empty bottle of Ponyville cider. Rainbow walked over to her and nudged her slightly. Berry mumbled but stayed fast asleep. Rainbow performed the same action again, this time with more force.

"Berry. Berry!"

"Wha...? Huh!" She sat upright. A second later she wailed and covered her eyes. "Gah! Brightness! Sick and torturous brightnessss...."

"C'mon Berry. I'm going into town, wanna come with? It'd be nice."

Berry cocked her head lazily, her eyes were only half opened. "Nah, I have me dranks..." She lifted the bottle to her mouth, only to find nothing coming out of it. "Damn..."

"Hey, I got some bits, I'll buy ya a drink. How 'bout that?"

Berry nodded slowly. "Sounds....delee..dely...great."

Rainbow patted her friend's shoulder. "I thought you would say that."

"See, I told ya it would be nice."


Berry gulped down her new bottle of apple cider. For some odd reason, the cider was cheaper in Baltimare than back in Manehatten. Rainbow was certain the distance from Ponyville was the same, so it had to be a different reason. She mentally shrugged and left the thought behind. They had cider, that's all that mattered. Now, they had a tailor to see.

"Do you know where the clothes are?" Berry asked between her gulps.

"Of course. I got a good look at the place last night. Should be right over here."

They turned the sandy corner and the tailor some was in view. It wasn't much of a shop, as clothes were not as necessary in the hot weather, but it was fine for what it had. The two had to dodge some people moving barrels of who knows what before finally reaching it. The store had several shirts available in an elaborate array of different colors. However, the hardest part was finding a size that fit her.

"G'day lasses, may I be of assistance?" A deep voice called from the back of the shop.

The two turned to see a large man smile at them. His teeth were unusually white and even. He was obviously the owner and maker of the clothes. His hair was gray, but he lacked wrinkles and everything that came with gray hair. Rainbow returned his smile and Berry tried her best to make her face into a smile.

"We're looking for a shirt. Kinda ripped mine." She pointed at her jacket.

The tailor nodded. "I see. I have many shirts. Do you want blue, yellow, red, orange?"

"White's fine." Rainbow said.

"No, it is not." An elegant but firm voice uttered behind her.

Rainbow turned around to see a young woman leaning on the wall. Her hair was purple, her robes were white. Not any average robes either, but fine and complex Assassin robes with a belt lined with light blue gems. She was the same Assassin Rainbow saw the day before, only this time, the woman's hood was down. The Assassin gave them a friendly grin. Even though this woman was an Assassin, Rainbow had to admit that she was by far the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The Assassin brushed her curly dark purple hair out of her eye, revealing a deep sapphire iris. Her red lips parted as she continued.

"Darling, with hair like that, white is simply too simple." She pushed herself off the wall and sauntered over to the two pirates. Her strides were just as regal as her appearance. "I suggest a light blue. Like the sky. Cyan."

The tailor nodded. "I agree, Lady..."

"Rarity. Lady Rarity." The Assassin answered.

Rainbow stayed silent. The fact that an enemy was standing right before her was unsettling to say the least. Berry seemed quite unaware that the young woman was an Assassin. Rainbow was frustrated by this. She's even wearing the usual white, she yelled internally. Rarity brushed Berry aside and stood in front of the small pirate.

"With hair like that, you must be a bold one." Rarity continued. "You're not afraid of being watched or judged. I can tell these things from looking at a woman. But you lack fashion, my dear. I can help you with this, darling."

"Darling?" Rainbow deadpanned. "Seriously? I don't need fashion. I dress like how I want."

"Are you? Are truly satisfied with a simple white shirt?"

Rainbow faltered. "Well...When you say it like that..."

Rarity squealed. "Oh, I couldn't do this with Applejack. I see an opportunity. I see a grand opportunity to make you fabulous."

"I have a limited budget." Rainbow muttered.

Rarity waved her off. The action was like that of a noblewoman. "Don't worry about that. Money is not an issue with me."

"I don't like the sound of that." The tailor muttered under his breath.

"This is boring."

"Hang in there Berry, It'll be over soon."

The three of them sat on an old bench. They had not gone far from the shop where they met each other. Rarity giggled in excitement as she sketched designs on a piece of parchment. After having been with her for an hour or two, the pirate realized that Rarity was much younger than thought previously. Rarity was, at most, in her very late teens. Even though Rainbow was only 20, this small difference in age seemed excruciatingly large because of their conflicting personalities. Rainbow yawned in boredom while Rarity repeated her quick and deliberate actions. Turning the parchment to its side, looking at it from different angles. It was freakin' parchment, Rainbow uttered in her mind, it's the same damn sketch any way you look at it!

"Oh, I forgot to ask. What is your occupation?" Rarity questioned. Her eyes remained on the sketch.

"I told you, I'm a sailor." Rainbow mumbled.

"I would never have guessed that."

"That was what you said last time." Rainbow flopped her head to the side. The knowledge that this girl was an Assassin boggled with her mind. She was not some deadly warrior, she was a Canterlotian princess wannabe, Rainbow concluded. How did she get recruited into the infamous Brotherhood? She appeared no better a fighter than an egghead scholar! Rainbow lowered her eyes to the sketch Rarity had been working on. The design had many unnecessary features and accessories. It was made for a strut down a Canterlotian road, no the open seas. It would only weigh Rainbow down. Besides...

"That's hideous." Rainbow commented.

Rarity grunted loudly and crumpled the parchment ruthlessly. She then chucked it across the street and actually hit a man on the head. The man cursed and searched for the offending culprit. Once he saw Rarity, his anger vanished and he continued on his way with a new merriness in his step. It must be great to be great looking, Rainbow thought. The young Assassin took several deep breaths before slowly turning to Rainbow. The movement of her neck seemed hard and limited. Rainbow could practically hear the creaking of an old door as she did so.

"You're not an easy customer." Rarity remarked without moving her teeth.

Rainbow shrugged nonchalantly. "I never asked for your Canterlotian designs. All I wanted was a shirt."

"Fine! What would you want to wear? There has to be something you want." Rarity said.

"You know what, there is."

Rarity's expression lifted. "Oh? Like what?"

"Something to match my colors. You know, like rainbows. But not too heavy. You know? I want a hood, for you know...the sun. Lots of pockets and stuff for...tools. No sleeves. I don't like sleeves. I got it! Have the sashes be like rainbows. Like seven, all their own color. Can ya see it?" Rainbow leaned back on the bench.

Rarity tapped her chin. "Yes. Yes I do. It's very..." She paused and looked at her own robes. "Like mine..."

The pirate shook her head. "Naw, make it simpler, more "me" like."

The Assassin glanced at the pirate. "It will not be difficult at all. You know I am a prestigious seamstress in Canterlot. Do you really want to waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on something so...simple?"

"Yes." Rainbow answered abruptly.

"Alright. The customer is always right. I'll see what I kind do, darling."

"Please don't call me that."


Rainbow silenced the Assassin with a cold stare. Rarity nodded and began her work. Since she had already gotten some fabrics and supplies, she did not have to leave them. Rainbow slid down to a more comfortable position on the bench. Her feet barely touched the sand underneath. She turned to her friend. Berry was sleeping soundly with her mouth wide open. An occasional snore roared from within her throat. Rainbow covered her face and sighed loudly.

"Of bloody course..."

"What took ya two so....WHAT?!"

Caramel jumped back in fright like a startled cat. He stood there staring at Rainbow for an astoundingly long time. His face held confusion, fear, anxiety, and trace amounts of several hundred other emotions. One thing Rainbow kept noticing was his twitching eyebrows. He did not blink nor did he speak. She decided to end the awkward silence.

"So...What ya think?" She gestured to herself.

Rainbow's new clothes consisted of a cyan shirt with hood, seven sashes, each the color of the rainbow, her arms were bare up to the forearms where she had long padded gloves that covered her hidden blades, thin light brown trousers began where her shirt ended, which was not certain due to the many sashes, brand new boots were on her feet, and the last touch was the tight "x" that her two swords made on her back. Without the hair, she hardly looked like the pirate that left earlier.

"I...I told you to get a shirt...Not an Assassin." Caramel uttered softly.

"Isn't it great? I mean, I'm not one for fashion, but this stuff is awesome." She beamed.

"How did ya afford all this?" Caramel asked.

Rainbow reached in her pocket and returned the bitpieces that the captain had given her. "You see, this Canterlotian woman did all this for me out of Generosity. That's what she told me."

"Generosity....Why did you abstain the part where she was an Assassin?" He crossed his arms.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't. Thanks for tellin' me. Only Assassins would talk about Generosity like that. You decided to be an Assassin huh? Unlike you, I earned my robes. I killed that son of bitch and took his robes. I did not have some wench make me some. But I must say, they look bloody fantastic. Don't get any blood on 'em. I must ask, why the swords on the back?"

Rainbow's cheeks flushed. "Because..." She averted her eyes to the ground. "They would slide on the ground if they were on my hips. Cause...You know...I'm too...shor..sma..."

"Short n' small?" Berry suggested.

"Damn it!" Rainbow bellowed and stomped off, leaving Caramel and Berry in the field.

The captain turned to the other. "So, what did you do?"

Berry pointed at herself "Me?" She asked lazily. "I drank and slept."

The captain sighed. "Of bloody course..."


Chapter 8: Pyrate Dealings

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"Then she was like 'rainbows darling, rainbows.' As was like 'yeah do what ya want bitch, I don't care.' I mean, do ya think I'll ever sound like that? 'Darling, darling, dresses, rainbows!' Kinda sickening."

The crew laughed at Rainbow's imitation of the Assassin she met earlier that day. The only ones who didn't laugh were the drinking Caramel and Den Master Silverspeed, who was tied up in a corner of the hut. The Den Master's face was that of a wife who had just met the murderer of her husband. She scooted along the floor closer to them.

"Do not speak of Rarity that way! Oh, if I had my hands free, you would all be dead!" She yelled with unrestrained anger.

Rainbow took a sip from her mug. "I'll try to remember that."

"Ugh!" Silverspeed fell back on the wall; her teeth bared. "Of all animals I had to be stuck with, it had to be you!"

The crew laughed again. The Den Master gave up and sat in shameful silence. Rainbow and the crew gave another hearty cheer before pouring more rum and cider down their throats. Caramel chuckled with a broad smile before standing up. Upon his action, the crew instinctively fell silent. Their captain stood up only when he had something to say. An occasional pirate would belch or whoop to disturb the sudden silence. But once they all calmed down, Caramel cleared his throat.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the moment ya all been waiting for: The presentation of the Deal. We got a mighty fine loot from the Assassin ship. A prisoner and well.....Something that should be quite valuable."

Caramel picked up the gold chest and placed it on the table. A collective "oooh" was uttered among the crew. The captain patted the chest with delicate care, as if it was a purring cat. Rainbow had to lean forward to see the chest past all the burly men in front of her. With a wide grin, Caramel continued.

"To those who are new, we privateers of the Ragnarok like to make our own Pyrate Deal. This deal requires a trade. We take the valuables from the ship and then trade it back to their owners for bits. Lots of bits. This time we have this Element. The Element of Loyalty. A crystal that is held by the Brotherhood as sacred and holy. Isn't that right Den Master?"

Silverspeed huffed indignantly. "Indeed. The Element of Loyalty is nothing to be played with you bastards. It has power beyond all your knowledge."

"See? Very valuable. The Assassins would do anything to get it back. Since the Brotherhood performs most of their dealings by the blade, we have little Silverspeed here as insurance. They try to kill us, we kill her. If they do the Pyrate Deal, they get both their Den Master and their little Element. They have to give us the bits though, hehe."

The crew chuckled in unison. Some chugged more drink down and others commented on their personal successes in the boarding of the ship. One crew member poked his head above the rest and flailed a hand.

"Let's see that Elemen' Cap'n!" He said.

"Yeah." The crew agreed.

"Fools..." Silverspeed uttered.

Caramel shrugged and started to open the chest. "I don't see why not."

He lifted the lid and there it was, a pulsing red crystal. Rainbow was surprised by its shape. She had expected a clean cut diamond shape but the Element was jagged and uneven. Its crimson color was intense and beautiful though. The bright red pulse of the Element brightened the crystal with each soundless thump. As Rainbow inspected it, she felt a sudden odd sensation crawl through her body.

"I see you. I know you."

"Who said that?" She asked the pirate next to her.

"I didn't hear nothing." He told her with confusion.

Caramel closed the chest and locked it. The tingling in Rainbow's bones stopped as abruptly as it started. She felt tired and delusional. Her vision was becoming blurred and she was seeing double. Her dizziness made her fall backwards off the bench she was standing on. Pirates gasped upon hearing her land on the floor. Some shrugged and continued drinking, a few snorted in drunken laughter, others inspected her with worry.

"You alright?" Neon asked.

"I guess I had too much cider..." Rainbow moaned.

"There's a way to fix that Miss Dash." A pirate guffawed. "More cider!"

This statement was received with cheers of merriment. Silverspeed started to bang the back of her head against the wooden wall mumbling "idiots" and "morons" rather loudly every time her head struck the wall. Rainbow remained on the floor, staring at the high ceiling. Cider had never done that to her before. She had been tipsy far more times than countable, but she did not feel tipsy at all. Her wits were about her, she just could not use them.

Caramel spoke up again. "Don't everyone get drunk. The Assassins will find us soon. We can't let them waltz in here and take our products. If we all get as drunk as a drowned chimera, we'll all be dead by morning."

"Hmph. The most sensible thing you've said all day captain." The Assassin remarked.

The order ruined the reveling of the crew. Most put their drinks down and refused to touch them again. Some gulped down the remaining rum in their mugs before being satisfied. A few, like Berry, neglected their captain's wishes entirely and drank more. Rainbow was in no position to drink as she could hardly get up off the floor.

Neon got up from the bench and leaned over her. "Ya sure you're fine, Miss Dash? You look as pale as a windigo..."

"What are ya standing there for? Help me up!"

Neon easily pulled Rainbow off the floor. The young pirate almost lost her balance and fell again, but recovered it at the last second. Odd, she thought, she always had great balance. She ran along clotheslines in Manehatten, why was it so difficult to stand on a wooden floor? She tried to take a step, but the dizziness prevented her from doing so. By now, everyone at the table was watching her. Berry looked the most concerned among them. Silverspeed gave her an understanding nod. Rainbow noticed this and was about to say something.

Caramel interrupted her thoughts. "Do ya need rest, Miss Dash? There's a bed upstairs."

"What? Yeah, that'd be great..." Rainbow said absently, her eyes still on the Den Master.

With Neon bending down to put Rainbow's arm over his shoulders, he appeared much like a hunchback due to their problematic height difference, but he dealt with it for the her sake. Caramel took a step back as the two passed him and went slowly up the stairs.

"To Hell with it..." Neon muttered.

The pirate picked up Rainbow and the process of transporting her quickened. Rainbow never liked being cradled, even if it was necessary. She grumbled at the thought of being carried around like a kid.

"I'll get you later, bub." The young pirate growled.

"For what?"

Rainbow waved a hand. "Reasons."

Once they reached the top of the stairs, they turned down the hallway and into a bedroom on the left. The room was small and cozy. The Templars had kept every room in immaculate condition. However, the pirates' presence had already ruined the cleanliness and order. Drawers were open. Rugs were flipped over. The bed in particular had its sheets and blankets sprawled in about in an uneven manner.

"Here ya go, lass." Neon said as he gently placed her on the bed.

Rainbow remained silent as he left her in the dark room. The sounds of downstairs could be heard clearly. Caramel was telling one of stories. One that Rainbow had heard before. The rugged captain always told the same stories.

"Him and his damn sea turtles..." Rainbow said to herself.

Her wits were coming back to her. She was no longer seeing double and the dizziness had left. She sat up in the bed. To her surprise, her head did not spin with the movement.

"Guess I'm doing better than I thought."

Suddenly, a black figure landed on the balcony in front of the bedroom's window. Due to the darkness of night, Rainbow could only see the figure's outline. The figure carved a clean circle in the glass with some sort of blade. It then popped the cut of glass out to make a hole. Rainbow slowly got off the bed and crouched behind it. The intruder had no idea of her presence. The figure reached through the small hole and unlocked the window before carefully opening it. Like a phantom, the figure crawled through the window and into the room. Rainbow extended her wrist blade and waited.

The intruder took forever to get from the window to the open door. Rainbow was becoming inpatient with the figure's technique of remaining silent. When the figure finally passed the bed, Rainbow pounced on it with her blade ready.

The figure gasped and caught Rainbow's wrist before the blade reached its target. Rainbow could now see the intruder's face in the darkness. It was Rarity. The Assassin seemed to have recognized Rainbow as her face was shocked.

"You're a pirate?" She whispered.

"Yeah and a good one too."

Rainbow threw her other hidden blade at her. Rarity reacted by kicking Rainbow into the wall. The strength astounded Rainbow and left her aching in the wall. The Assassin cursed and ran back out the window.

"You're not gettin' away that easily!"

Rainbow recovered and chased after her. She jumped out of the window and onto the small balcony. Her eyes caught Rarity's foot being lifted onto the roof. The pirate wasted no time in climbing the small height to reach the top of the hut. Once on top, she saw Rarity standing in front of her, a small rod in her hands.

"Got nowhere to go, I see. C'mon, show me what ya can do, Canterlotian." Rainbow taunted.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "One: I actually was raised in Ponyville. Two: this."

She placed the rod to her mouth and blew. A sharp pain was felt in Rainbow's neck. She felt around the pain and took out a small dart. The pirate grimaced at the dart. Her eyes began to blur and her limbs started to give way. She knew what was going on.

"You cheeky prick." Were her last words before falling in her forced slumber.

"I am telling you, Applejack, I made the robes for her."

"Well, she knows how to return a favor, that's for sure."

Rainbow grunted and sat up. Rarity was standing in front of her with a tall and built man. The man was in red and dark brown armor. It was in the style of an Assassin, but also not. The man looked more like one of the Templar soldiers than an Assassin. The young pirate could not see the man's face because of the hood. Upon hearing her grunts, the man turned around.

"Well, it looks like this varmin' just came back to the livin'. How ar' ya feelin' sugarcube?"

"You're....A woman?!" Rainbow screamed.

The tall and burly woman sighed. "Yeah...Name's Applejack. I'm sure a drunk like you has 'eard of me."

"Well, yeah! You're one of the Apple family in Ponyville. You have the best cider. I just...didn't think ya was an Assassin."

Rarity chuckled. "My my, Applejack, you sure can predict them. I guess these are your more regular costumers?"

"Naw. I'm sure more decent folk buy my family's cider. People like her just steal it from them."


Applejack walked over to Rainbow and picked her up with one finger. Saying she did so effortlessly was probably a true statement. The thick Assassin then gripped Rainbow's robes and brought the pirate to her face.

"Ya wanna prove me wrong? You pirates are liars, cheaters, and low down criminals. You have no say here. Got that?"

Rainbow meekly nodded. Applejack released and Rainbow fell to the ground, which was a significantly ways down. Applejack then walked away into another room. Now that she was not being threatened by a giant woman, Rainbow looked about the room. The only word to describe it was "empty." There was no furniture, no paint on the walls, not even a single aspect that made the room stand out. The only light in the room came from the torch in a corner. It was, however, enough to light up the room entirely. Rainbow could clearly see Rarity and the motionless Assassins that leaned on the walls.

"So...Where are we?"

"A Den." Rarity answered.

"What are ya? Dogs?" Rainbow laughed.

"We like to think so. We have Dens. Wolves have dens. We are similar in many ways, the wolves and Assassins, we hunt in packs, help each other when needed, and none stay behind. It is only fitting to name our hideouts after them."

The young pirate stood up. Some Assassins lifted their heads and watched her. Unlike the Assassins on Silverspeed's ship, all these Assassins wore a dark gold with black hoods. Rainbow was uncomfortable under their emotionless gaze. She took a step closer to Rarity as if she was the beacon of safety.

"Why are they colored like that?" Rainbow broke the horrid silence.

"They belong to this Den and wish to be able to identify themselves through color. Nothing more than that."

Rainbow acknowledged this with an awkward nod. The staring Assassins did not even blink as they watched her. Rainbow took another step towards Rarity and all the Assassins drew their blades and pointed them at her. Some of the swords almost poked Rainbow with how close they were to her.

Rainbow raised her hands. "Bit touchy..."

"They should be." Rarity said. "After we lost one of our own not even a month ago, the Brotherhood has been protective of its leaders."

"You mean when ya lost the Bearer of Loyalty, right?"

Rarity face hardened. "Has your captain told you this?"

Rainbow nodded."Yeah, cap'n knows all ya'lls secrets. The Elements, the Bearers, all of it."

The young Assassin pointed at Rainbow. "Watch her. I shall speak with the Bea...Applejack."

Rarity exited the room. The Assassins took her spot and surrounded Rainbow completely. The pirate began to form a plan of escape in her mind. She would need her wrist blades to do so. When she thought that, she saw that her hidden blades were missing.

"You guys took my blades!" She complained

"Of course we did." An Assassin said. "Not for our protection, I have you know. The idea of a pirate like you wielding the blades of our Brothers is...appalling. You had to kill an Assassin to get them. Who did you kill?"

"Uhhh....Some chump in white?" Rainbow shrugged.

"Did you really think she'll know?" An Assassin asked the first.

The first faltered. "I....Not really...no. It's just worth a shot mate."

Rainbow tapped one of the swords pointed at her. "Can ya guys like...give me some space?"

An Assassin put away his sword. "She's no threat. A girl her size can't even peel a banana without help."

"What did you say?" Rainbow asked with bared teeth.

The Assassin chuckled. "You heard me. You're tiny. How old are you? 13?"

"I'm 20, you idiot!"

"What happened? Did your mom not teach you how to grow? Or are you a dwarf? Heh, where's your beard?"

One moment, the mocking Assassin had a grin on his face, the next, he was missing at least three teeth. The frightful explosion of rage from the insulted pirate shocked every Assassin in the room. The little abomination pounced on the Assassin and continued pummeling his face to a bloody pulp. An Assassin grabbed her and threw her off. In her rage-induced fit for violence, she flipped herself upon landing and raised her small, but deadly, fists.

"I'll take ya all on! Let's see how short I am when you are all on the floor lookin' up at me!"

"We can't kill her; otherwise they'll kill the Den Master." An Assassin moaned.

Like an acrobat, she jumped at the closest enemy. He grabbed her flying leg and spun her into the ground. With her free leg, she repeatedly kicked his crotch. He released her with a high-pitched squeal of pain. She back flipped away from the group and charged again.

She slid and swung her legs under an Assassin, tripping him. Another Assassin came after her. She spun around to kick him in his knee. The whole room became a mess of flying bodies and loud grunts. Amidst the dark gold robes, a blurry light blue and rainbow figure danced about. Due to the pirate's hair, she appeared like a streak of colors in the dim light.

"I've had better drunk bar fights than this!" Rainbow mocked.

She kicked an Assassin into the wall. None of the Assassins were down for the count as they backed away from her. She grinned in triumph. This triumph was short lived as a hand grabbed her neck from behind and slammed her into the wall.

The Assassin held her up against the wooden wall. Her hood was down, so Rainbow could see her attacker's face. The female Assassin was older than the others. She had long dirty blonde hair and angry green eyes. Her robes were a even darker shade of gold than her fellow Assassins. The firm hand that held Rainbow in place was gloved with brown leather, but her other hand was not.

"You dare harm my Brothers?" The Assassin said with a low hiss.

"Naw, we were just practicing." Rainbow tried to be funny.

"You think you're funny huh?" The Assassin growled. "Let's see you laugh to this!"

The angry Assassin started to beat Rainbow's face back and forth. The other Assassins stood by why the pirate was brutally pummeled. Rainbow felt her cheeks cracking under the beating. She was losing sight and feeling in her face. A tooth flew out of her mouth and blood replaced it. The Assassin held her there and she could not do anything about it.

"June! What are you doing?!" Rainbow could faintly hear Rarity's voice through the ringing in her ear.

"Teaching this scum a lesson."

"Stop! Just stop!"

"Rarity, stop being pathetic. You're too young to see when a beating's necessary." June spat.

Rarity stood frozen by the appalling scene. June held her fist in the air and stared at the young Assassin. She then cursed under her breath and released Rainbow, who slid to the floor, half-conscience of what was happening.

"Heal her. Now." Rarity said with more confidence.

"You can't be serious." June complained. "I will only heal those who deserve it."


"Fine. You owe me after this."

June squatted over Rainbow. She then took off her glove, revealing horrid and jagged scars on her hand. June carefully placed her scared hand on Rainbow's face. The young pirate began to fill a sudden tingling throughout her body. It was a similar sensation to the dizziness she had felt earlier that night. Then the pain came. She screamed in agony as her bones moved about to their original positions. The missing tooth grew out of her gum almost instantly. When the healing was completed, June removed her hand, which was bloodied by the now open wounds on her hands.

"What? How...How did you do that?" Rainbow felt her smooth and healed face.

"I'm what you call a Bearer." June answered. "The Bearer of Kindness to be exact."

"Kindness?" Rainbow spat. "Kindness?! What did being Kind have to do with that?"

"Shut up!" June yelled back. "You should be grateful that I healed you at all." She lifted her injured hand. "I have to pay the price for healing your wounds by receiving my own."

"June..." Rarity placed a delicate hand on the Bearer.

"Don't give me that." June shrugged off the hand. "You are naive in this war, Rarity. The Bearer you replace was not as soft as you. You'll learn that people like the pirates and Templars do not deserve our sympathy. The buccaneers only create Chaos and the Templars rule with fear. Pay Kindness with Kindness. Pay destruction with destruction. Never mix those two."

The Bearer of Kindness stomped out of the room with the other Assassin tailing her. Rarity watched them leave before sitting down next to Rainbow who was still numb by the magical healing.

"You're a Bearer?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. I am the Bearer of Generosity. I was....chosen by my Element less than a year ago."

"Caramel says they take your heart out. Is that true?"

Rarity sighed and said nothing. Her hands started to unbutton and take off her intricate robes, revealing her upper chest. In the middle of her chest was a jagged purple Element, pulsing like a heart. The Element was too large for the space it occupied and came out of her ribs at an angle. Rainbow took a peek at it before Rarity closed up her robes again.

"Was it painful?" Rainbow asked meekly.


Rainbow leaned back on the wall in silence. She felt a pang of pity for Rarity. From how she talked about it, it seemed that Rarity did not have a choice in being a Bearer of not. She glanced at the Bearer who was looking at her shoes absently. The young pirate rubbed her chin and thought how she could liven up the depressing mood of the dim room.

"Uhh..." She began. "Do...Do you have a power like that jerk? Do you all have powers?"

Rarity chuckled. "Yes, darl...I mean Rainbow. The Elements grant us powers at their price. I cannot heal like June can, as it is not Generosity's way. My power is more...involved."

She stretched out her hand, her palm facing the ceiling. Slowly but surely, a rose formed in her hand. It had the color of dark blue as it was forming. When it was completely finished, there was a rose stem and flower in her hand rich with its natural color. Rarity smiled and brought the flower to her nose to sniff. Rainbow, however, frowned in disappointment.

"You can summon flowers? That's so lame."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "It was merely a demonstration, dear. I can create other objects too. I can do this because of my Element. Generosity is all about helping another, about giving up yourself. I can summon things to help me and others; I cannot create things that will only aid myself, such as money. That's what Generosity is: aiding another for their sake and not yours. Many times we only help others to feel good, a sense of satisfaction. That's not..."

"Alright, I get it! Ya'll a bunch of pussies that preach Harmony. I get it!" Rainbow threw her arms up in exasperation.

"I beg your pardon!"

"Ya ain't gettin' it."

A sudden slam startled both of them. Applejack had entered the room and slammed on the wall to get their attention. The tall woman glared at them with her dark green eyes that seemed to glow in the dim lighting.

"I jus' wanted to tell ya two that it's time. The pirates are ready for the Deal."

"Marvelous." Rarity grinned. "Now I can do this to you."

She stood up and forced Rainbow to do the same. The Bearer of Generosity created a pair of irons and clamped them on Rainbow's wrists behind her back. The pirate squirmed.

"What gives?"

Rarity grabbed her arm and forced her toward the door. "Would you like me to make smaller ones? I'm not sure if I can."


Rainbow Dash was led blindfolded through what she could only guess was the streets of Baltimare. She did not even have time to look out of the Den's windows before Rarity conjured a white napkin to go over her eyes. The napkin was made out of some fine material as it was rather soft. The irons, on the other hand, were tight and heavy. She wished that she had not made Rarity indignant before she created the irons.

"Applejack, can we go a different way? The road turns into mud here." Rainbow heard Rarity say next to her.

"Ya gotta be kiddin' me." Applejack moaned. "Ya want me to carry you?"

"If we are indeed going this way...yes. My apologizes, but I simply cannot wear my boots through this. They are Canterlotian leather."

"Ya should of thought that before we left Ponyville."

"I've never been to Baltimare! How could I know that they neglected their streets?"

"Why don't you conjure ugly boots for walking?" Rainbow asked the blackness.

"It would be a waste of good cow..."


"Shut up, pirate!" June yelled from behind.

"She's with us too?" Rainbow moaned.

"Of course she is, darling." Rarity said from a different location. "She is a Bearer and a representative of the Brotherhood."

"Ya sure you want her to "represent" you?" Rainbow cocked her head. She tried to face the direction that Rarity's voice came from.

"Quiet! We're 'ere." Applejack said quietly.

The blindfold was removed from Rainbow's head. They were at the pirate's hut. Caramel, Zecora, and Neon were standing in front of them. Zecora held the Element's chest and Neon held the still-tied Silverspeed. Other members of the crew stood behind their captain. Rainbow could spy a worried Berry among the pirates.

Rainbow glanced to the Assassin around her. Rarity was sitting on Applejack's shoulder, obviously not wanting to ruin her special boots in the mud. June stood next to Rainbow with a hand on the pirate's arm. She did not look at Rainbow, but remained focused on Caramel. An escort of about six Assassins were behind the leaders.

Caramel laughed, breaking the silence. "I know ya got more Assassins than that. They are all around us. I see some in the trees, on the hut's roof and in the bushes over there. Call them off and we'll start."

June growled. "To me!"

From exactly where Caramel said they were, Assassins swarmed out of their hiding places and to the Bearer's side. Rainbow counted over 20 Assassins before they all went behind her. She was glad Caramel knew what he was doing.

"Thanks a bunch." The captain smiled. "Now, I see you got my lass. Do you really think that's gonna make a difference in the Deal?"

The crew began to laugh, except Berry who chewed on her teeth. Rainbow's heart fell upon this. She did not matter? That...That can't be right.

"It will make a difference." Applejack said sternly. Rainbow could not take her seriously with Rarity still sitting on her armored shoulder. "This pirate for Den Master Silverspeed."

"We aren't dealing with Silverspeed lass. This about your precious Element, Loyalty."

A chorus of curses sprung from the Assassins. Most were condemning the pirates of desecrating the Element. Applejack turned and waved a hand to silence them. This action almost knocked Rarity from her perch. Some pirates laughed at the scene.

"If you do not trade Silverspeed, we will kill this girl." June extended her wrist blade in front of Rainbow.

"You think that matters to me? To lose a sod of a crew member?" Caramel laughed. "Besides, we could kill your Den Master if you don't give us what we want."

Neon pulled out a dagger and held it to Silverspeed's neck. The Den Master rolled her eyes in obvious frustration.

"Just get on with it, Bearers!" She shouted across the no man's land. "I'm tired of being with these pirates!"

"Rogue privateers." Caramel corrected. "We demand 15,000 bits for Element and your Den Master."

"What about me?!" Rainbow panicked.

"What about you?" Caramel asked back.

Rainbow's jaw dropped. This was her captain? She fought alongside this man! How, how could he be so....inconsiderate? She started to feel like fainting.

"Ha, ya think you can fool me?" Applejack chuckled. "We have only 10,000 bits with us. Ya can have that and the 'Miss Dash' for giving up the Element and Silverspeed. That's our only offer."

"I suggest accepting it, captain." Rarity giggled. "Otherwise this could become absolutely dreadful."

Caramel huffed. "Fine, it's a deal."

The crew began to whisper among themselves at this. Berry sighed in relief so loudly that Rainbow could hear her. Neon sliced the robes and gave the Den Master a shove towards the Assassins. June did nothing with Rainbow's irons and shoved her into the muddy ground.

"June! I made those!" Rarity complained at the sight of Rainbow's muddied robes.

Applejack, with Rarity still on her shoulder, walked over to Caramel with large bag of money in one hand. Caramel took the Element from Zecora and met Applejack in the middle of the no man's land. They both shook hands.

"Of course you can see me through like anyone. Just like Silverspeed said you would." Caramel complimented the armored Assassin.

"It's wha' I do captain. Here."

They handed each other their respected dealings. Caramel took the bag of bits with one hand and his arm fell to the ground due to its weight. He tried to pick it up with both hands but couldn't. Applejack chuckled and took the chest like it was nothing more than a small pillow.

"I hope we don't meet again." Applejack said before turning away.

Rainbow watched Rarity depart on Applejack's shoulder. "Hey! Aren't ya gonna help me with these?" She shook her wrists.

"Oh those? Sorry, I can't make them disappear." She smiled.

"Then make a key!" Rainbow yelled.

"I forgot to make a keyhole for them. You are on your own dear." She smile widened.

"That...snobby Canterlotian bit.."

"Rainbow!" Caramel leaned over her.

The young pirate snarled. "Yeah, what ya want cap'n? Gonna tell me how useless I am to you? Huh? That my life is worthless?"

Caramel grabbed her and lifted her off the ground. His eyes were filled with an anger Rainbow had never seen from him before. He lifted his fist up like he was about to punch her, but then brought it back down. Before Rainbow knew it, Caramel was hugging her tightly.

"Never, never say that again, Miss Dash. I would never give you up for money. Not you or any of my crew. The best part of this deal was knowing that you are safe. Never think less of me again."

Rainbow faltered. "I...I'm sorry captain. I...I didn't mean to..."

He hushed her. "Shush, I know you didn't. Now let's go those irons off you and finally put an end to this long night."


Chapter 9: Royal Convoy (Part 1)

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"I told you this was a great place, didn't I lass?"

"Yeah...But it could use more cider."

"Cider? Is that all you drink? Ya need to try new things. Rum is much better."

Rainbow peered down at her mug. It was empty. So empty. She had refilled it three times now, her mind becoming more wobbly with every sip. However, she was not drunk yet. Her body was too tired to party after the long, tedious, strenuous, agonizing, and boring day of repairing the Ragnarok with the profit they made off of the Assassins. Her back ached, her arms felt numb, her legs creaked with movement, and her shoulders itched with severe sunburn. Well, I'm still better than Berry and her sunburn, she thought. No, she did not feel like partying at all.

Caramel glanced over at her with worry. He brought his crew to the Black Dragon Inn in hopes to cheer them up after all the work. But the crew soon found out he was using it as an excuse to meet up with his sweetheart, Sea Swirl. The woman was fine and lovely like he said, but she seemed to consider his moves on her to be only effects of the drink. Most of the time she would simply nod at him and do nothing more. This annoyed the captain greatly, but he tried to remain positive. Then she stopped serving him and her younger sister, Sassaflash, took her spot. The girl was all smiles but Caramel had enough. He stopped asking for drinks and simply sat with his crew.

"What's with ya kid? This is time to enjoy yourself. We'll be headin' to the Labyrinth Isles in the morning.

"What?" She poked her head up. "Oh, yeah. Wait, why are we heading to the Isles? This place is nice."

"Miss Dash, it's suicide for us to stay in one spot. Both the Templar and Assassins hate our guts. Places where they both reside like here are dangerous. It's best to keep moving and let them keep chasing. We got a base in the Isles. My pap founded the place. It's like a sanctuary for rogue privateers like us. Besides that, the Isles are a fun place. Equestrians, Gryphons, Republicans, hell even Zebricans are always tryin' to make their own colonies there. Land is rich with gold, sugar, and the like. That also means business for us. Nothing as good as lootin' a Royal Sisters' Convoy."

"But they aren't Assassins or Templar." Rainbow remarked.

"But they hurt people. They take that gold and riches from the poor who mine it. Why should the Empresses get well earned money in their treasures when they don't work a bit for it? We can put that gold to better use than they."

"Uhh alright?" Rainbow was not convinced.

"Ya gettin' soft or somthin'?" He eyed her. "Ya don't seem like yourself."

"Just tired. And kinda bored."

He guffawed. "Aye! Being bored ain't a great thing. We'll get action in the next couple of days. Convoys are usually guarded by a squad of schooners or even brigantines."

"Ugh, we can't on that many..." Rainbow moaned.

"I have, many times. The Ragnarok is far tougher than most Equestrian ships. Gryphons know how to build stuff. She'll be fine as long as the crew do their jobs."

"And you too." Rainbow reminded him.

"I'm part of the crew, Miss Dash. I'm part of the crew."

He stood up slowly and stretched out his legs. He then popped his ragged knuckles by simply shaking his hands. Rainbow watched him depart in both sadness and annoyance. With him leaving it meant that their drinking was done for the night. She tried to rise, but her head began to swirl as she did so. The other pirates laughed at her with words like "light-weight" and the such.

"Shut it!" She yelled at them.

She took a last sip of her cider, only to realize one again it was in fact empty. With her cheeks reddening, she threw the mug across the room, smacking a half-drunk patron on the head. Rainbow did not even notice what she had just done and waddled awkwardly through the bar. A string of curses alarmed her of the now angry patron.

"Bloody bitch! Hitting me with this shite! I'mma beat her sorry little ass!"

It was not the "bitch," not the "beat" or even the "ass" that made her turn around. No, it was the word "little." Rainbow glared back at the sluggard with a fire in her eyes. The man went unfocused in her eyes as she took a heavy step to him.

"What ya say to meh?" She called to him.

The patron stood up with his head sagging to one side. He took a sip of his rum before slamming it down and missing the table, letting the mug fall onto the floor.

"I called ye a bitch." He said.

"Ya called me somethin' else." Rainbow growled. "Ya called me little."


"I don't like being called that."

The patron laughed. "Oh yeah? Well how'a bout "small," "tiny," and maybe "puny?" Huh? Ya like that?"

"I'm not.....I'm not small..."

"Ya don't even reach me waist!"

"I'm not tiny..."


"I'm not...I'm not PUNY!"

Rainbow jumped on the nearest table and then pounced at the insulting man. The man was taken completely by surprise as the short pirate tackled him to the ground. The Ragnarok's crew shrugged as they had expected the reaction from Rainbow. Several of them already had bruises or cuts from calling her a synonym of the word "small."

"Take it back you bastard!" Rainbow yelled as she punched the man into the hard wooden floor.

"Never! Ya little piece of sh..."


The excitement aroused the other patrons in the bar. Sea Swirl sighed in mild frustration as her bar turned into a fight club. Sassaflash shouted in enthusiasm while the patrons started throwing empty bottles about.

"Every bloody time that man comes here..." Sea Swirl moaned.

Rainbow was thrown off of the man and across a table, ruining two patrons' game of checkers. The young pirate recovered and flipped herself up acrobatically. She however, did not stick the landing as her body could not keep its balance. She found herself on the floor alongside several knocked patrons.

"Are ya fightin' in there?" Caramel shouted from outside.

"No!" Rainbow replied. "I'm just teaching this guy a lesson."

"Well make it quick, lass."

Rainbow huffed and got up. It was an all out brawl now while the innkeeper and her sister simply watched with rather contradicting emotions. Sea Swirl rested her head on her hand while absently spinning an empty glass around. Her sister encouraged the men by cheering them on like they were her special form of entertainment.

"Get 'em! Get 'em! Woohoo!" She cheered.

The patron who insulted Rainbow was throwing a Ragnarok member through a window. With a scream, Rainbow charged at him and drop kicked him right in the back, making him fall over a stool. It was an outstanding riposte on her part, but the man grumbled and stood up again, seemingly taller than ever.

"Oh, you...I'mma kill you!" He growled.

Rainbow instantly felt some of the liquid courage wear off. The brawler, with his thin whiskers, unkempt hair, and burly arms seemed like the most menacing thing in the world at the moment. He reached back his massive fist and swung it at her. With a yelp, she ducked underneath it and watched as the fist literally ripped through the table behind her.

"Why ya..."

Suddenly, Caramel came screaming through the inn, rushing straight for the sluggard. In one fluid motion, he grabbed the man and threw him out the window. Rainbow was taken aback about the speed of the captain. The other rowdy patrons turned and ganged up on him. Without any assistance, he faced them. He slammed one into a table face first, another he roundhouse kicked straight to the floor, and the last two fled from the inn after he snarled at them.

The crew cheered their captain. He was not smiling at all and so the cheering soon died out. His strong jaw was set in an irritated expression. Caramel walked over to Rainbow and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ya took too long, lass." He told her rather harshly. "And worse, ya broke her stuff!"

He then slowly walked over to Sea Swirl, who was still twirling the glass. With a subtle nod of the head, he took out a pouch of bits and placed it in front of her. She raised a brow at this action.

"Sorry for the trouble." Caramel apologized. "Uh...No hard feelings?"

She took the bits without looking at him. "Guess not. Running an inn like this is expensive."

"Of course." He reached and took another bag out and gave it to her.

"That's better. Now ya can see yourselves out."

Caramel sighed and gestured for the crew to leave. The captain led the group out. Rainbow was one of the last to leave. As she was following the others, she heard Sea Swirl speak to her sister.

"I know you like that man, but he ain't worth it. No pirates are worth it. I never wanna see you with that man, alright?"

Sassaflash hesitated. "Uh...alright?"

"Good, now get some sleep."

Rainbow did not glance back and exited the inn. None spoke and thus one could clearly hear the angry grumbling of their captain. His mutterings included words like "embarrassed" and "useless brawling" and many, many curses. Rainbow felt like a child that disappointed her father. That was certainly not a feeling she had expected to feel when she joined the Ragnarok, but she was feeling it now. And it was not pleasant.

"I need to kill something..."

"Did you sleep poorly or did the sun rise too early?"

"I need to kill something..."

"That's not what I asked, my captain. It would be better if you did not speak like a mumbling dragon."

"I need to kill something."

"Then shall we set a course, or will you repeat yourself until you're hoarse?"


The Ragnarok flew gently over a wave as they sailed southward. The long morning had been quiet among the crew. There were no shanties to sing as Caramel had directly told them to "shut the hell up." It was clear he was still upset about the previous night. Only Zecora could speak to him and she seemed just as aggravated, but only with him. However, he was now listening to her and setting a course.

"The Labyrinth Isles and down a ways from here." He told the crew. "And we never enter the Isles with nothing. So we're gonna take a Royal Convoy that should be due south by southeast. We find it, take the gold, and sink the ship. And we'll sink anything else that guards it."

Instead of the usual "hooray" that would emit from the crew at such times, they merely nodded at their captain and went back to their usual occupations. Rainbow spat over the side and finished cleaning the cannons. They did some practice with the cannons to knock off the rust before engaging a convoy. Rainbow was still proud that she knocked a coconut off a lone palm tree with one of her shots. Though most told her it was plain luck.

Caramel made a rather tight turn with the ship, sending them towards the rising sun. The Equestrian shore could be seen in the far distance, only the tallest hills were visible over the horizon. Rainbow leaned on the railing, thinking softly to herself. The green water reflected her fair face. Her thoughts wandered on what she would be doing at that very moment if she never entered that bar with Berry.

"Probably still doing the same thing: dance, get bits, spend it all by the morning." She sighed.

That decision had already paid off so much for both her and Berry. It was as if fate guided her to Caramel that night. She had learned so much about Equestria and beyond. The Elements of Harmony, the Assassins, Templar, and the benefits of pirating.....er, privateering. Most importantly, she had reacquired a good company. Berry was a great friend, but having only one was not much for Rainbow, especially after she used to be around plenty of friends in her journey across the Equestria's major cities.

The Ragnarok sailed on with her smooth demeanor. She was certainly a fine vessel, despite Caramel's unpredictable steering. The Gryphonian ship was firm below her feet. The crew treated her well, like an old fair lady. She was their home and life and thus she deserved their care and affection. It was a symbiotic relationship Rainbow had to learn on her own. She had relied on people in the past, but most turned their backs on her. This hip could not do such a thing. The crew knew this as well. It was a loyalty to a non-living vessel, but quite a beneficial loyalty.

Caramel let go of the wheel, taking out his small telescope. There were several masts on the horizon, being but silhouettes against the bright orange sun. Zecora took hold of the wheel, still giving the rowdy captain a skeptical look. Caramel stared through the glass for several seconds before putting it down from his scowling face.

"That's them....but there's someone else as well." He muttered.

"Like who?"

"I cannot tell yet. Was the ELS Artemis docked when we left?"

"Yes, my captain, she was docked on the main."

"Then that's the ECS Solaire." He huffed. "What bloody luck is that? We cannot take them like with that monster around them!"

"Then what's ya plan?" Neon asked.

"We have to find a window of opportunity." He told him. "The morning fog is still about over there. We have to take this Convoy silently..."

Rainbow gulped and she watched the masts of the Equestrian ships. She could count seven masts, one much larger and taller than the rest. Caramel took the wheel again and he steered them forward at a good speed. Some of the crew looked apprehension about the captain's moves. Zecora, however, looked not a bit worried. Rainbow made one last glance at those intimidating masts before looking for work on her own ship.

"This is gonna be rough..."


Chapter 9: Royal Convoy (Part 2)

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"We sail on."

These words rung through the hardened boards of the ship. Rainbow prepped the cannons that rested on the dies of the main deck. The Ragnarok quickened with a strong breeze and the distant masts of the enemy ships approached. Wisps of thick fog passed them by as they skimmed the water.

"We gotta be quiet lads!" Caramel yelled. "Once we get into the fog, keep ya eyes peeled. We'll catch 'em all by surprise."

The crew became alive with motion. Rainbow raced around, making sure everything was in place and everything was ready for a fight. The swords on her back rattled with her movement. Her heart stirred with every second. They were not only outnumbered, outgunned, and outclassed, but they were doing all of this on the captain's desire to go and "kill something."

The fog became thicker. Everything became quiet. Some small gunboats for the Royal Convoy sailed about, oblivious to the pirate ship in their midst. The sails were lifted and the Ragnarok slowed to a snail's pace. Caramel made every turn of the ship a precise and silent one.

The masts of the Equestrian frigates could be seen above the fog. And above all those masts was the towering ECS Solaire. The ship was almost identical to Luna's ship, only it had yellow sails with Celestia's Sun on it and the wood was brighter in general. Giant mortars could be seen poking out of the main deck and rows upon rows of cannons lined the thick sides of the monstrous vessel.

The pirate ship snuck by some more gunboats under the fog. Rainbow and most of the crew were crouching next to the cannons, thinking that hiding like that would prevent the ship from being spotted.

"How can you tell which frigate is the right target?" Zecora asked in a whisper.

"The treasure frigate always has a special flag." Caramel answered. "It's that one over yonder."

The eyes of the crew followed his finger to a large Equestrian frigate that had a large yellow flag that differed from the Empire's usual bluish purple one. The symbol of the Sisters was in the middle of the flag.

"Watch the ships on the left, Captain!"

Rainbow's eyes turned to see a gunboat sailing towards them. It could be barely seen in the ever thickening fog. Caramel turned the ship away and the sails were dropped to gain speed. Fortunately, the gunboat was not sailing directly at them and they left it unaware of their presence.

"We can't be hidden forever. Once we are spotted, no doubt it would be over." Zecora grumbled.

"What we need is to reach the treasure frigate when she's alone or far away from the others." Caramel ignored her. "We won't fire a shot at her."

Rainbow blinked in confusion but held her position. Some of the escorting frigates were not far away as the sides of the ship could be seen. She was astonished they had not been spotted. She could only assume that the Equestrians thought them as allies and not the rogue privateers they were.

"We'll get close to the frigate, but not too close. Then, we swim to her." Caramel continued.

He turned the wheel to angle the ship towards the treasure frigate. The massive ECS Solaire was rather close to the treasure frigate, almost making it seem like she was leading the frigate about. The Ragnarok floated to her quietly. The crew watched apprehensively as they went around a escort frigate. The helmets of the Royal Guards on the ship could be seen. Their bright crests made their silhouettes odd compared to their armored bodies.

"Something's on this ship..." Caramel whispered. "It doesn't make sense for an Empress to guard it herself."

Caramel too his hand off the wheel and let the treasure frigate pass in front of them. The Empress's ship was on the other side of the frigate, thus giving the pirates just a little more camouflage. Once they passed, the main sails were brought down to give the ship a little boost and they followed tightly behind them.

"We have to hurry, the sun is getting more powerful and will lift this fog in fury." Zecora stated.

"We gotta distract Celestia..." Caramel huffed. "Any torches about?"

At these words, the crew began to scramble about, getting lamps and torches that were ready for land exploration. Caramel let go of the wheel and Zecora took over the steering duty. He walked over to the crewmembers who had gathered the objects he wanted.

"Zecora, get behind the ECS Solaire. Alright lads n' lasses, we'll gonna set that monster ablaze. We'll need our most agile member to go up the bowsprit and throw these at the ship."

All eyes fell on Rainbow when he mentioned "agile." Caramel chuckled and gave the young woman a bottle of rum and he lit a torch. She took the torch from his hand with a frown. Her heart was still pumping fast, but she was doubting that this method would work.

Rainbow turned and ran over to the bowsprit. She jumped over the mortar and onto the long poll that extended from the bow of the brig. They were so close that to the conqueror class ship that Rainbow could see the individual boards. As she went farther on the bowsprit, the harder it was to keep balance on the rocking ship.

Rainbow took one look back at the crew that watched her. Caramel motioned her her to keep going, a grin actually appeared on his dark face. She took a deep breath. It was going to be a hard throw to reach the ship. She turned around and kept going to the end of the bowsprit.

When she reached the tip, she stood up. The Ragnarok was so close to the Solaire that Rainbow could see one person on the ship that was different from the rest. This person was taller than the rest. Rainbow could tell that the person was a woman with bright colorful hair and she was leaning over the railing, gazing absently over the side of the ship.

"That's the Empress..." Rainbow whispered to herself.

The Empress, in her white radiant gown practically glowed through the fog. Her beautiful face distracted Rainbow from her task. She had never seen the Empress in person. Her hair, her pinkish eyes, and her delicate skin was clear despite the fog and distance.

"Still only a rich fool..." Rainbow growled and took up the rum bottle.

Celestia turned and looked right at Rainbow. She did nothing but raise her long brow. Rainbow's heart jumped and she threw the bottle at the ship, making it break and pout its flammable liquid on the wood.

The Empress seemed confused by the action. She then shook her head slowly and was clearly chuckling, though Rainbow could not hear it. The young pirate threw the torch at the rum, setting it ablaze. At this, Celestia jumped as she saw the flames spread. Instead of running to the crew, she ran to the railing closest to Rainbow.

"What are you doing, girl?" Celestia barked softly.

"Deal with that first and I'll answer later." Rainbow replied.

A blinding light engulfed Rainbow's eyes, turning everything white. This disoriented Rainbow greatly and she lost balance, falling right into the water. She still could not see anything as her eyes burned. She swam upwards until she was above the surface. The world slowly returned from the white abyss that it was moments prior.

"Miss Dash!"

A flying rope smacked her in the cheek as she treaded the water. Her eyes darted to the rope and then to Caramel who was holding it from the brig. She instinctevly took hold of the rope and was dragged back to the ship.

"What....What happened?" Rainbow asked.

"A light from heaven wrapped itself around you." A pirate told her. "Then you fell."

"It's Celestia's doing." Caramel growled. "C'mon! We have to go before they take the fire out."

The crew scrambled about to their positions as Zecora turned the ship away from the monster. The rising flames from the Solaire lifted the fog away and replaced it with black smoke. The treasure frigate stopped and watched the fires.

The Ragnarok swung around and floated to the distracted frigate. Caramel secured the belts that held his weapons as several crew members walked over to him. Rainbow secured the swords on her back and joined the group. Caramel gathered them around and instructed them.

"While they watch their Empress's ship burn, we'll sneak up from behind. Stealth is needed, lads. I'll get the captain, you get any sod who would be trouble. There's something on that ship and we'll get it before they even know what hit them."

The group nodded in understanding. Caramel walked over to the edge and without a word, dived into the water. Neon followed by several other members until Rainbow jumped in with them.

They all popped their heads above the water. Caramel led them to the frigate. Neon swam off in a different direction with some other men. Rainbow followed Caramel to the ship.

"How did that happen?"

"The Empress is in trouble!"

"She can handle it."

"What in Tartarus happen to start a fire?"

The voices of the Royal Guards on the ship could be heard as Rainbow climbed the ship with Caramel. He held a dagger in his mouth and his powerful arms pulled himself up the wet boards. Rainbow followed quickly as her trained muscles let her easily scale the vessel.

When Caramel reached the railing, he gestured for the others to halt. Then he gestured for them to reach the railing. Rainbow saw some indecision in the captain but did as she was told. She placed a hand on the railing and looked over. All the heads of the Equestrian sailors were watching the ECS Solaire.

Caramel pointed his finger at two Guards. Rainbow understood what he meant and she pulled herself over the railing silently. Another pirate followed her over. She crouched down and slowly approached a Guard. He was completely distracted by the fire and stood still for her.

Rainbow was right behind him when she pounced up, covered his mouth, and slit his throat with a knife. The man fell on her and she slowly lowered him to the deck. The other sailor that Caramel pointed at was taken out as well in a similar fashion.

The rest of the pirates pulled themselves over. Rainbow could see Neon's group picking off Equestrians and lowering them to the deck. Caramel went right to the unsuspecting captain. The pirate took the dagger out of his mouth, kicked the captain's left calf, making him fall forward. Caramel took hold of the captain and placed the dagger at his throat.

"We have our hostage." Caramel smiled.

The Equestrian captain struggled, but he was no match for Caramel's strength. Rainbow drew her swords in preparation for a fight. Neon's men picked off the other Equestrian sailors that were close to the railings. In no time the frigate was lined with pirates and the crew members on board were still unaware.

"Hey!" Caramel shouted.

The Equestrians turned to see their captain being held with a knife. Most of them drew their swords instinctively until they realized just how many pirates were on board with them. After they grumbled some curses, they lowered their weapons.

"Ya a bunch of good lads." Caramel grinned. "You all know why we're here. So you let us take ya goods and no one else has to die. If any of ya try and stop us, your captain is gonna be sent to Tartarus."

"How dare you!" The Equestrian Captain snarled. "Who do you think you are?"

"Just a man and crew setting the world right." Was the reply.

Caramel then dragged the captain down the forecastle to the main deck. The Royal sailors could only stare at him with hatred. Rainbow followed closely behind and she was not sure what exactly to do. So she simply held her swords up menacingly, or as menacingly as one of her size could.

"Usually I'll just ask where the gold is, but I know this ain't no ordinary convoy. So what's ya hiding?"

"Go to Hell!"

"Not yet." Caramel brushed it aside. "Now, I'll ask again. Where is the shard?"

The captain gaped at him. "How do you know...."

"Answer me dammit!"

"My quarters, underneath my desk."

Without a word, Caramel threw the captain over to Rainbow. This took the young pirate by surprise, but she recovered and held a sword at the captain's neck. It wasn't as formidable as Caramel's tight hold, but the same threat of death was retained.

Caramel stomped over to the quarters and forcibly kicked the door opened. A moment of silence was present after this. As the flames still soared upwards from Celestia's mighty ship, all eyes were on the open door. After some sounds of rummaging was heard from inside, Caramel appeared once again with a small engraved box.

"This is a mighty find." Caramel grinned. "Don't you ever think it's just the only thing we're taken from ya. Neon, you take your men and get the gold. Royal guys, stack all your weapons in the center my the main mast. Dear captain, give me ya helmet."

"My helmet?" The captain blinked.

"Yes. I want your helmet."

The Equestrian Captain slowly took his purple crested helmet off and the chucked it over to Caramel, who caught it with his free hand. He chuckled as all the weapons were gathered by the main mast. He was in a much better mood than before. With a small hop he laughed.

"Throw all the weapons overboard. These guys don't need 'em!"

"Really?" Rainbow inquired. "We could use them."

"Maybe, but do you really wanna haul all of them to the ship? Besides, these are men under the Empresses, any way to screw them up is a good way to screw them up."

"Whatever you say, captain..." Rainbow shrugged.

And thus, all the Equestrian weapons were cast into the dark sea. Neon and his men came up from below deck with small chests of gold. It was far less than what Rainbow had anticipated from a ship coming from the Labyrinth Isles.

"Now, we shall let you boys go on your merry way, once we back to our ship of course. Rainbow, cut their flag down."

Rainbow nodded and ran to the main mast. She sheathed her swords and took a deep breath. The flag was high above her and almost lost in the rising fog. Before her was a hook used for lifting cargo to the storage deck. She knew a trick Caramel taught her and she took hold of the hook and released the trap that held it there.

The pulley system lifted her halfway up the mast before she let go of the hook. Without hesitating, she climbed up the mast, grabbing the ropes that surrounded it and pulling herself up.

The fog was now underneath her and the bright sun reached her eyes once again. It was only then she realized just how thick the fog was. It was like an instant change from night to day and her eyes were far from prepared for it. With her eyes squinted she reached the crow's nest. The fire was still raging on the Solaire. Did we just beat the world's largest ship? After asking herself this, she shrugged and climbed up to the flag.

Celestia's ship was still a tower compared to where she stood, but Rainbow did not care about that. She climbed the flag pole until she was even with the large decorated piece of fabric. The Equestrian flag, depicting the the symbols of the Sisters being joined as one, flapped peacefully in the high breeze.

Rainbow drew her sword and cut it down. She watched the flag fly off into the distance before hopping back down to the crow's nest. The sails of the Ragnarok approached swiftly as the getaway commenced.

"Gotta get back down there..."

She walked over to the edge. It was a long ways down. However, it was not long enough for her. She ran over to the other side of the nest and then sprinted back. Her powerful legs pushed her off the edge Her arms were spread-eagle and the air rushed by her head. The water she was aiming for was far below and it did not seem to come closer.

Without an ounce of fear, Rainbow moved her arms to a point in front of her. The air around her became so loud that she could not hear anything. Her eyes could barely open with the force that was being placed on them.

The water suddenly approached rapidly and she held her breath. Her eyes closed and she felt the water form around her. The next moment she found herself submerged. She turned her head upwards and swam back up to the surface.

"Gah!" She gasped for air.

Once her head was above the water, she saw Caramel's beloved ship next to her. She swam over to her and began to climb it as it sailed rapidly on. Her mind was still a little shook up from the high dive, but she climbed the side of the ship successfully.

The crew cheered as she pulled herself over the railing. Zecora was at the wheel, steering the ship away from the Royal Convoy. Caramel ran over to Rainbow with a broad smile on his lips.

"Ha! What a dive, lass! I thought there was a rainbow over yonder, but alas! it was only you. You sure make the sky pretty with ya colors."

"Hehe....Thanks?" Rainbow coughed.

"That was pretty epic." Berry nodded.

"Way to go, Rainbow." Neon laughed. "Best part, we got what we wanted.

Caramel nodded. "Indeed. Now we sail to the Labyrinth Isles with some goods for the people there."

"Good to have the happy Caramel back." Rainbow laughed.

"Some raidin' will always bring me back, kid."


Chapter 10: Sepulcher

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"Wow, what a day, huh?"

Rainbow leaned back against the railing with satisfaction. It had been one day since they raided the Royal Convoy. They still relished in the memories of yesterday, some times even reenacting the scenes. Berry leaned next to her more athletic friend. She did not participate in the raid as much as Rainbow, but that did not mean she did nothing.

"Do you think Caramel doesn't like me?" Berry asked suddenly.

"What?" Rainbow raised her brow. "Why'd you think that?"

Berry shifted on the rail uncomfortably. "It's just that whenever he needs a task done, he calls ya up. Never does that with me."

"Sure he does." Rainbow rebuked.

"Oh yeah? When?"

"That....uh....well....I guess he hasn't." Rainbow rubbed her chin.

"I don't understand why..."

"Well, not to brag or anything, but I am more athletic, drink less, and most likely more skilled than you at....most things. I think he just rather have someone like me out there doing something dangerous because I am more likely to come out of it alive."

Berry looked down and did not respond. Rainbow bit her tongue in regret. Her words came from her deep honesty but they certainly did not feel clean to say. She then sighed knowing that it was too late to take the words back.

"Sorry, Berry. Sometimes my bluntness can be aggravating, I know."

"It's fine." Berry waved it off. "It's pretty damn true. Ever since we met, I've been livin' off you like a parasite. Drinking away whatever you brought to our little alleyway. Yet ya kept coming back with more. I started to think you weren't getting bits for yourself anymore but for me since you's smart enough to know what I would do with them. I guess it was some kind of Loyalty to me."

"Heck yeah." Rainbow said proudly. "Did you ever think I would just abandon ya on those streets?"


Rainbow had to stretch her arm out to pat her friend on the shoulder. Berry smiled down in her usual lazy way. As the ocean rolled around them, as the pirate waved quickly in the breeze, and as the fresh salty air filled they noses, they shared a quiet moment together on the brig.

"But ya know," Berry began, "I think I'm tired of being the parasite."

"Land ahoy!"

"Ah, there she is!"

Caramel gave a hearty cheer as he spied the lone island that the observer before him spotted. Through the evening light, Rainbow could see an island with one large hill and a few huts and abodes that lined the crooked shore. There were only a few ships that were anchored in the cove-like entrance.

"That be Sepulcher, a place my father discovered for men and women like us." Caramel explained. "Quite the place to meet some interesting people. Miss Punch, Miss Dash, welcome to the Ragnarok's home!"

The crew gave a loud cheer and the brig slowed down. The royal sails were hoisted up and the men began to relax a bit as Caramel guided the ship the rest of the way.

Tall palm trees on white sands were some of the more breathtaking parts of the island. There was not much to it, but it was a pleasant sight to behold. As they drew closer, the figures of sailors on the pier that jutted out of the beach could be seen. The village that called the place home was small, but there was no lack of people walking back and forth from their jobs and chores.

"Bring her in lads n' lasses! Nice and easy." Caramel ordered.

The main sails were pulled up and the Ragnarok coasted to nice stop by the beach. The brig was one of the larger vessels along the wide beach as most of the others were no bigger than schooners or fishing boats. The anchor was dropped and the crew began to become chatty once more.

"Can't wait to see me gal again!"

"It's felt like forever since we've been here last."

"I hope my son is getting his legs."

"Gonna eat good tonight!"

Caramel walked down from the forecastle with Zecora right behind him. They separated at the bottom of the stairs as he entered his quarters and she marched on towards the bow of the ship. The crew lowered a rowboat in the shallow waters. Most of them laughing all the while.

"Keep control of your body." Zecora reminded them. "Lest we have to restrain them regularly."

"C'mon Miss Dash!" Neon gestured to her. "We should get going. I'll give ya two a tour."

Rainbow ran over to him with Berry behind her. In the corner of her eye, she could see Caramel come out of his quarters with the mysterious box he acquired from the Royal Convoy. She did not take much heed of this and hopped in the rowboat with some fellow crew members.

"We should make Rainbow row." A pirate guffawed.

"Oh please, you guys." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Can she even reach the oars?" Another mocked playfully.

Rainbow frowned at the size insult. This only made the men laugh harder.

"Look at her face!"

"Haha! Only my daughter can match a face that adorable."

"Guys!" Rainbow steamed.

"It's all good fun, Rainbow." Neon assured her. "You'll have much more fun tonight, I bet." He paused. "Though you should remove your hood."


"This island has seen its share of Assassins. Last thing we want is you to be mistaken for one of them."

"But Caramel..."

"Caramel's Caramel. Everyone here knows him, lass. He can get away with his Assassin robes."


Rainbow removed her hood and they rowed to shore. It was not much of a trip as Caramel anchored the ship very close to the shore, almost to the point of crashing it on the rocks that pointed out of the clear water. It was the sort of precision that only experience could perfect.

"First thing's first." Neon began. "The pier over there is new. Just installed it less than a few months ago. Sepulcher has been on the rise in popularity lately, so we've expanded."

"It doesn't look like much trade goes through here." Rainbow observed." Where does the money come in?"

"Good question, lass." A pirate laughed. "It comes from us!"


"Yes." Neon nodded. "We take gold and goods and deliver them here in bulk. We're not the only ones who do this, but by Luna we are the best! That's why Caramel will never let us return to this place empty handed."

"That means that all the sailors here are often away." A pirate added. "Man, I wonder what my wife does when I'm gone..."

"Wishes everyday that you'll never return?" Another playfully suggested.

A roar of laughter rang through the members on the rowboat. Even Rainbow couldn't help but giggle. Neon grumbled in frustration as he lost order on the small vessel.

"C'mon guys, I'm trying to give Berry and Dash the info on this place." Neon complained.

"Lighten up, Neo." A sailor waved a dismissing hand. "We've got all night to show them this place. And the day after that! Caramel won't leave here 'til the business is done. And you know how he likes to take his time."

"What is the business?" Rainbow inquired curiously.

"The shard of course." Neon said quickly. "But don't mention that to anyone! We're not like other privateers. Our business is far more risky and involved with these artifacts. There are no doubt Brotherhood spies and Templar goons here. They always sneak by us during our absences."

They departed from the rowboat and walked to the grassy lands right before the buildings began. Women and children started to appear from random abodes and scurry to them. The pirates responded by running to their respected families and giving them loving hugs. The only pirate other than Berry and Rainbow who did not have family to greet them was Neon, who watched his comrades with a smile.

"This is their favorite part about being back." Neon grinned. "Sometimes they don't see them for a year. I never know how they handle being away from their wives and kids for so long. That's why I'll never get a family going 'til I retire."

"What's up on that hill?" Berry changed the subject by squinting at the large single hill.

"That's where the fallen of the Ragnarok are remembered." Neon explained. "Pretty sobering place. Those who died serving this nation of ours is buried up there. If we don't retrieve their bodies, they still get a tombstone with their name and position."

Rainbow mouthed the word "oh" and stayed silent after this rather frightening bit of information. Neon noticed their sudden change of mood and his widened. With an awkward chuckle he placed a hand on their shoulders.

"But let us not think of such heavy topics. I'll show you guys the most popular place in town."

"Of course it would be the tavern..." Rainbow chuckled.

"What?" Neon shrugged. "Did you expect a library?"

"Nope. This is exactly what I was expecting."

"Me too." Berry nodded happily.

The sun was going down as the three drank the rum and cider at their table. The tavern was an open one with the bar being the only part with a roof. A violinist soloed in a corner of the boarded floor and was accompanied by merry revelers that tapped and danced to the music. Women and men laughed and banged their drinks together in joy.

"I know that gal." Neon pointed at the violinist.

"Yeah, uh huh." Rainbow played with him.

"Naw, really. But don't think that way. Even if I wanted her, she's out of my league."

The violinist finished her song and was received with an applause. She returned the applause with a great bow and a warm smile. She then took a swing of water from a nearby mug and breathed tiredly.

"Hey, Fiddlesticks! Guess who's back?" Neon called to her.

"Neon Lights." She huffed confidently. "When did you arrive?"

"Just an hour ago. Come sit with us!"

The violinist brushed her bluish hair back with a quick hand before walking over to them with a proud stride. Her red lips were in a devious smirk and her eyes focused on the pirate with a playful glare. She then twirled her bow gracefully before sitting in the empty chair at their table.

"These your girls?" Fiddlesticks pointed at Rainbow and Berry. "You can do better mate."

"New recruits from Manehatten." Neon chuckled. "They're novice sailors, but they learn quick. Muck quicker than I."

"Rainbow Dash." Rainbow offered the woman a hand.

"And I'm Berry Punch."

"Fiddlesticks. Welcome to Sepulcher." The violinist returned before looking back at Neon. "So what was the haul this time?"

"Some biscuits and some pork." Neon said with a wink.

"Ah. Seems you guys get more of that these days."

"More than I liked to." Neon huffed. "But the pay is good. Who knew pigs were that expensive."

"Not me." She giggled.

"Sooo...." He took a long breath. "Anything peculiar lately?"

"Not much, honey. Except for a girl that arrived some days ago. Canterlotian by her accent and her pompous nature. She had the nerve to challenge me at playing the violin. Can you believe it?"

"Was she good?"

"Yes, but I still beat her. Haven't seen much of her since. She's searching for some girl she'll never give the name of. All she does is act mysterious."

Neon rubbed his chin thoughtfully and lowered his voice. "You think she's a spy?"

"No. I've been around spies, she's not one. The ship she came on left without her yesterday. I think that pissed her off. She's prolly stuck here."

"Where is she?" Rainbow jumped in.

"Right there, gal."

Fiddlesticks pointed at a lone table that was farthest from the bar. Only one person sat there and it was a gal with a black cloak and hood. Red and yellow hair escaped the hood and her pointed chin was all Rainbow could see. A lone mug was in front of her and she seemed pretty disinterested with it.

"I'll go speak with her." Neon said and stood up.

"Don't!" Fiddlesticks hissed. "I don't trust her. Ya should leave her be for now."

"I'll talk with her." Rainbow said.

"You crazy lass?" Fiddlesticks turned to her in shock.

"Yeah. She doesn't look like trouble to me. I've had my share of Assassin gals already. I'll know if she's one of them."

"Nothing's stopping you." Neon shrugged.

"Show time."

Rainbow got up and took one last gulp of cider before slamming the mug on the wooden table. Fiddlesticks blinked in confusion as she watched the young pirate walk by. Rainbow suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"I think I'll need this."

She took her cider mug with her and then returned to her task. The woman at the lone table was still there, seemingly staring at her hand absentmindedly. This made Rainbow feel a little awkward as she stood at the table with the woman not even noticing her. She cleared her throat and then gave a weak smile.

"So....What's up with you, miss?"

The woman jumped a little and looked up at her. Turquoise eyes peered at her suspiciously. She then weakened her glare and gestured at the seat in front of her.

"You can sit if you wish." She said softly.

Rainbow did just that. With a more direct view at the hooded woman, she could see that she had plenty of curls in her hair and her face was much fairer than most present. It was a face untouched by labor and a hard life. Not a speck of dirt was on her or her cloak. A single light green gown was hidden underneath the cloak. Finally, a necklace that bore Celestia's Sun was on her exposed neck, showing that she knew wealth as well.

"What brings a girl like you here? I can tell you ain't from these parts." Rainbow started.

"Was it because I don't smell of merda?" She questioned back with attitude.


"Funny, you didn't ask me what merda was. I guess you were raised in Cloudsdale?" She crossed her arms curiously.

"Huh? Yeah, I was. Not all my years though." Rainbow said hesitantly.

"But enough to understand some Cloudsdalian latin hm? From Cloudsdale to here. Such is the way of being recruited into piracy."

"Rogue privateers." Rainbow corrected.

"Pirates." The woman hissed decisively.

"Alright. Alright. Now, what's ya name and why are you here?"

"I'm looking for a girl. My friend to be exact. She was kidnapped almost a month ago. I've been searching for her since."

"Alright. how 'bout ya name?"

"That does not concern you, pirate." Was the quick and harsh answer.

"Fine. Now, who is this girl?"

"She has dark purple hair with a magenta highlight. Loves books and falls for any deal from a shadowy figure." She added with a frustrated sigh.

"And so you think she's here?"

"Thought that, but she's not. Checked every corner on this bloody island. I believe the guys who took her were pirates and pirates go to the Labyrinth Isles. Guess that was a stupid assumption. Should have looked in Baltimare."

"What's stopping ya?"

"The ship that brought me here left yesterday. I have no ride now."

"Well, we are on the Ragnarok. Maybe we can help you."

The woman paused. "Ragnarok? Hmm..." She smiled, showing off pearly whites. "You can call me Sunny."


Chapter 11: Always Sunny in...

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"So you know about the Ragnarok?"

"Of course I do. It's the first thing you hear about when you land on this island. It seems like not knowing about the Ragnarok here is like not knowing who Empress Celestia is!"

Rainbow huffed in annoyance by Sunny's rudeness. She could see why the tavern avoided her. It was like speaking to Rarity, only worse somehow.

"So...." Rainbow swirled around the remaining amount of cider in her mug. "What'll you pay if we help you look for this egghead?"

"Egghead?" Sunny chuckled. "I'll have to remember that one for her. I hail from Canterlot. I have more than enough money to satisfy you rogues."

"But I must go back to Baltimare." She continued. "The Labyrinth Isles can't be where she's at."

"Well, let me talk with my captain about it."

"No! For Tartarus' sake no!"

"Why not?"

"Miss Dash! Look at her. I don't see an ounce of sanity in her." Caramel whispered through his teeth.

"Look who's talking!" Rainbow shot back.

"Good point." Caramel smiled, but then frowned again. "But look into her eyes. There's an ambition there that I only saw in one man before. And that was me father."

"That still doesn't mean we should hide in the bushes."

Caramel folded his arms stubbornly, making some of the leafs that surrounded them rattle. Rainbow and him returned their inspection on the red and yellow haired girl. Sunny was sitting on a barrel, absently swinging her hanging legs back and forth. Her hood was down, showing all of her intricate curls and highlights. A innocent grin was on her face, indicating that she knew very well that there were pirates watching her from a bush nearby.

"She's knows we're here." Rainbow grumbled.

"That also frightens me." Caramel commented. "I can sneak by even the most observant people.....Or you gave our position away."


"Ya wearing that circus robe remember? Rainbow sashes? My ass..." He shook his head.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "These are the best robes I've ever worn. I'll give that to Rarity, she can make some fine stuff."

"Pfft." He mumbled in return. "Ya don't know good robes from bad ones."

"I do too!"


"Are you two married?" Sunny called to them with a cocked head. "Cause you sound like an old couple."

"Bitch seen us..." Caramel griped.

"I heard that too." Sunny said loudly. "You have the subtlety of a drunk walrus. No. I'll take that back. You have the subtlety of pirates, which means none at all. If you know....You couldn't figure it out." She trailed off awkwardly.

Rainbow stood up and jumped out of the bush. The captain kicked the dirt before following. Sunny just swung her legs some more as if she listening to a delightful tune in her head. Her greenish eyes slowly traveled from one face to the other.

"What's got ya here, Canterlotian?" Caramel grunted.

"Quite complicated." Sunny nodded. "Are you sure your brain can handle it?"

"C'mon Sunny. Do you have to be like that?" Rainbow asked.

"What? It's a legit question." She sighed when she saw their annoyed expressions. "Alright, alright. I'm surprised rainbow girl here didn't inform you. I'm looking for my friend and I believe she's in Baltimare. She was kidnapped you know. Since you guys have probably kidnapped many girls....and probably done worse to them, I would like you to take me there. I'll pay of course."

"My ship ain't some ferry." Caramel hissed. "And we're aren't like the pirates ya daddy and mommy told you about. No one gets 'napped by me or my lads unless she deserved it. The Ragnarok is a sovereign nation and she doesn't like taking orders from some teenager."

Sunny frowned. "I....I have to leave this place." She started to sorry anxiety in her voice. "I've here too long and no one wants to take me off of here. I get creepy looks and everyone smells of shit. I'll pay you anything, just get me off of here."

"Not much of a dealer, are ya lass?" Cararmel shook his head in disappointment. "And I was thinking you was special."

"I am!" She stood up. "More than you can believe! I am no doubt worth more than this entire island of filth. I don't care if you just take me and ransom me on the mainland! Alright? I need to get back to searching for my friend. If you aren't some lowly pirate that only cares for bosoms and rum, then please understand my plight!"

Caramel only replied with a deep stare. His eyes squinted at hers. Rainbow was feeling the tension between them and back up a couple of steps. Sunny returned the stare with one just as powerful. It lasted far too long for Rainbow's comfort, but to her relief, Caramel ended it with a sinister chuckle.

"Haha. So that's what's up with you. I guess I can take another on my sweet brig, but ya gotta help around as well. You're not royalty here, Canterlotian."

"Understood." A devilish grin appeared on her lips.

The two then had a rather firm handshake between them, grabbing more of their forearms than their hands. Once they were done, they both turned expectantly to Rainbow.

"So....It's a deal?" Rainbow croaked.

"Yes." Sunny answered slyly. "I can't wait to leave this place."

"Not so fast Miss Sun Beams." Caramel stopped her. "I still have important business here. I don't come here to enjoy the sunsets if you will."

With that, he stuffed his rugged hands into the pockets of his trousers and walked away. Rainbow blinked a couple of times in confusion. Sunny noticed this and rolled her eyes playfully.

"That....that was unlike him..." Rainbow observed.

"I already can tell he is one fascinating man." Sunny grinned. "Something is special about him, I can tell you that."

"Well, yeah. But he'll throw you for a wicked loop every once in a while."

"I hope so."

Then Rainbow watched her leave as well, going in the same direction as the captain. The young pirate wanted to follow, but was so bewildered by the past moment that she simply stood there almost in a daze. While she was trying to put two and two together, she wandered away from the barrel and went deeper into the village.

"Wait, Caramel actually agreed to this?"

"Yes, Neon."

Rainbow frowned in frustration at the veteran pirate that walked through the sandy paths with her. They passed a couple of gossiping women that were too occupied to step out of the "road" that they traversed. The village had no proper streets on even trails as it was more of just spaces between the huts.

"I don't believe it."

"You've said that already."

Neon spat in disgust. He had quite the bias towards Sunny, despite not even speaking a word to the girl. Rainbow could see this easily in him and did her best to digest his sayings without slapping him in return. Yes, Sunny was an intimidating specimen, all things considered, but Rainbow was content with Caramel's decision. He was their captain, they might as well trust him.

"You don't see anything wrong with this?" Neon asked quickly.

"Alright, it's weird, I'll give it that, but no need to react like this." Rainbow replied.

"Something's up. He's never done this before. Anyone who doesn't give him a first good impression is hated in his eyes ever since! It sounds like he's actually changed his views about someone. That's not like him at all..." He trailed off thoughtfully.

"Well, she ain't Assassin or Templar." Rainbow shrugged. "She's probably just some snobby Canterlotian that's feisty. He likes feisty girls right?"

"Of course he does. However, that doesn't play here. It doesn't seem right. No, he saw something in here that made him unusually happy. And keep it down about Assassins and whatnot!" He added with a whisper.

"Alright! You guys are more cautious here than in Baltimare..."

"That because we have no place to hide here." Neon explained. "Once either of those demonic factions find us here, we'll dead. No dealing, no running."

"Aw, what are ya saying?" Rainbow mocked. "We could take them all on! I mean, what do they have on us? We've whooped them how many times?"

"Not enough. And you haven't seen what they can do. Those Bearers? Just the tip, lass. Just the damn tip. Templars can change whole nations in a matter of decades. They're dangerous. That's why we try to stop them." He paused. "Even though our attacks hardly affect them at all."

"So what can they do?"

"Be watching us at this very moment. When you deal with such folks, don't expect to die peacefully. They'll stab you in the back...eventually."

This made Rainbow look to the roofs of the huts and shops. It was some desperate attempt to catch some stalker in their midst. She searched about, but did not even see a figure racing to hide away from her. Her heart started to ache terribly as she thought about it. Like a tugging at her chest and her eyes unfocused. The pain made her bend over and clutch her stomach.


"Rainbow?" Neon gasped. "Are you hurt?"

"Nah....Guess I drank too much cider." She took a deep breath. "Just felt a little dizzy..."

"Maybe you should get something to eat. That usually helps me." Neon suggested.

"That'd be great."

Rainbow took another deep breath and stood upright again. Her head throbbed a little and her eyes burned. It's only stress, she thought. One more anxious look over her shoulder and she had concluded she was safe at the moment. She then stopped in her tracks. In her quick glance she spotted something she had not noticed before. Without lifting her feet, she turned around and stared at the astonishing sight before her. Her eyes followed the boot prints that her and Neon made in the sand, but there was a third set that was behind theirs. A print only slightly bigger than hers. And the person who made them walked with his or her feet in a straight line. The prints than ran off into the brush beside the path and it did not leave 15 feet away from where they were currently standing.

"Neon..." Rainbow gulped. "Someone was right behind us..."


Chapter 12: Precaution

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"You think the Assassins are here?"

"Well yeah! Captain, I think one was right behind me!"

Rainbow squeaked unintentionally as she tried to recount the tale of finding the mysterious footprints that followed her to the ship. Caramel did not seem skeptical of her story but instead nodded as if he knew it already. With a shrug, he tapped his desk and stood up from his chair before making his way across the captain's quarters.

"Bout time they got here." He mumbled.

"You knew they were coming?" Rainbow gasped.

"Naw, just expected it. It ain't the first time."

Caramel nudged passed her and picked up his sword that was leaning on the only mirror in the room. He gave it a valiant swing in the air before looking at Rainbow with utter seriousness.

"Lass, keep ya wits about you. We ain't leaving until we're ready. Also, I would rather curse my father than leave my home with Assassins crawling over it. The Brotherhood is here, but we can't see nor find them. They got a habit of getting sloppy though, so we'll wait. Then we'll smoke 'em out."

"Uhh...how exactly?"

He shrugged again. "I'll find out when the time comes."

Rainbow was oddly satisfied with the answer. She gave him a short nod of understanding. He was the experienced captain and she wasn't. Even though it was clear he had no plan, she knew it was better than whatever she could come up with.

"Hey, Captain, may I ask about Sunny?"

"What about her? I've seen better." He answered casually.

"No, not her looks, just...her. Do ya know anything about her? She's so...odd."

He stretched his back slowly in way to display his reluctance to answer. However, with a stroke of his beard, he began to speak. "She's gifted, I'll say that. The lass knows how to deal and when to deal. Have ya ever played a game o' cards?"


"Well, she's like the person in the corner that never smiles or anything. Subtle, yet ya know she's the best at the table. She's kinda like that."

Rainbow nodded in understanding or, at least, she thought she understood. Caramel was obviously being secretive, which was unusual for him. She felt like pushing the questions, but she knew it would be hopeless.

Caramel cleared his throat nervously. "The lass is by the bow, last time I saw 'er. Ya can go ask her yaself. Be careful though, she may be a cunning one, but I feel she ain't got all her mind together."

Rainbow bowed curtly and walked out of the Captain's Quarters. The sun struck her unadjusted eyes, making her squint at the opposite end of the ship. Even from there she could see Sunny casually sitting on the bow's railing, her black cloak flowing under her. She was reading from a small book. The young pirate silently encouraged herself to walk on.

"So, what did ol' Caramel say?" Neo asked when Rainbow barely made it passed the main mast.

"He thinks we should smoke 'em out." Rainbow answered. "He doesn't have a plan, ya know how he is."

"Of course. Well, we should be safe on the Ragnarok for now. Assassins wouldn't just sneak in on us when we are expecting them."

"I hope ya right, Neo." Rainbow said. "I've had enough of those guys for awhile now."

"What makes you keep looking at her?" Neon noticed Rainbow's constant attention changes.

"Sunny? Well, why wouldn't I? That girl ain't right. Something's different 'bout her."

"I know, but that doesn't mean staring at a lady is polite."

Rainbow pushed the second mate away and started to march over to the cloaked woman. Sunny smiled back at her with a devious grin. She was writing in a journal with a quill, but once she saw the young pirate's approach, she closed it and placed the quill gently on the leather cover.

"Hello, Dash, what brings you over here?" She asked.

"Ummm..." Rainbow awkwardly began. "I...Uhh...I wanted to ask you some questions. Cap'n's orders, ya know."

She raised a brow. "Really? Well, the man is across the ship, why did he not ask me them himself?"

"Cause he doesn't work like that." Rainbow lied. "He's a hard one to understand, ya know?"

"Perhaps. First, I would like to ask you a question before we start this interview. Is that alright?"

Rainbow nodded quickly. "Yup, why not? So, uh, what's ya question?"

"Why you are trying to hide your own intentions as the intentions of your captain? Him and I have already spoken together."

Rainbow sighed and dropped the terrible act. "Well, that's the thing, it's how ya two spoke. Captain Caramel ain't never like that with someone. He jus' suddenly thought you were a'ight and all. Why?"

"I guess even a pirate can see reason once in a while." Sunny mused. "I'm sure he finally understood my reasons for finding my lost friend. I haven't seen her in so long and I went as far as out here to find her. I now know she's not in these Isles, so I must return to the mainland and continue my search there. Your captain saw this and that is why I am now on your little ship."

"It's jus' unlike him..."

"Well, you told me he can 'do you for a loop' or something along those lines. I assume that is what happened here. Hopefully he does not go back on his offer because of it. Every day in this squalor is a day of torture."

"Well, then I guess I should get back to work. Still don't really understand it all, but I'm starting to lose care."

"Until next time, Rainbow Dash." Sunny casually waved goodbye.

With a grumble, Rainbow turned around and picked up some rope to appear like she was working. She looked back over her shoulder. Sunny had returned to reading whatever it was that she was reading. Rainbow was not happy that there was some secret going on between the Canterlotian and Caramel.

"Guess I'll have to wait 'til it comes out." She sighed.

"Well ain't this a surprise?" Caramel huffed sarcastically.

Rainbow was snoring on a pair of barrels on the docks. The late afternoon sun glistened off the drool that hung from her open mouth. Caramel tapped his foot on the wooden planks impatiently, his arms cross and his brows tight. He never liked finding his crew sleeping on the job. Never.

"Now what will I do with ya?" He asked her. "What will I need to do ya lazy arse to make it unlazy?"

The only reply from the sleeping pirate was another loud snore.

"Well, you asked for it."

Caramel grabbed Rainbow by the shoulders and picked her small body right up from the barrels. Rainbow was startled awake by the attack and squirmed.

"What are ya doing, Cap'n?" She panicked.

"Giving ya a warnin' lass!"

He forcefully chucked her off the docks and into the water. After the pitiful splash she made, she surfaced, blowing salt water out of her mouth. He loomed over her with his arms cross while she grumbled a curse.

"C'mon! I need my sleep!" She yelled.

"Yeah, but not when ya suppose to be working!" He shot back. "Now get out of there! This isn't time to be swimming, Miss Dash. I want this ship's cargo fully moved onto land. It's time we start getting our business here done."

"Why haven't we done that already?"

"It pays not to rush into things, Miss Dash. While you napped like a milk drinker, I decided to delay the transaction because of the Assassins. We can't start moving out 'til we make sure we can handle any ambush they throw at us."

Rainbow nodded in understanding and swam back to shore. Upon arriving on the sand beach, she shook herself dry like a dog. It was not as effective as she hoped and disappointingly walked back to the ship soaking wet. Caramel gave a chuckle at her before gesturing her to follow.

"Don't be like that lass. I only mean to improve ya. I like to find weaknesses in my crew and exploit them until they get rid of said weakness."

"What's my weakness?" Rainbow asked.

"Easy, ya like to sleep, lass. Ya and Berry both. If it wasn't for ya pure talent, I would say you'd be dead by now. Ya feel like you've already reached ya potential and thus don't strive to improve. So ya sleep instead of work. Kid, I know full well you ain't even scratched the surface of your abilities."


He turned around and was about to put a hand on her shoulder but retracted it when he remembered how wet she was. "I don't like to give out compliments like this, but ya got talent and skill that I've never seen. Ya a bloody natural at everything I throw at you. As Captain, I'm tryin' to make all you guys captains for the future. I have no doubt you'd be the best captain outta all of them."

"Wow! Than-"

"But not a damn word to anyone else 'bout this, alright?" He lowered his voice. "These words are for ya, not for the others."

"Yes, Cap'n!"

He chuckled. "Good. Now, Miss Dash, the real reason I woke ya so urgently is because I have a mission for ya. Come to my quarters."

Rainbow shrugged. "We're gonna smoke them out, right?"

Caramel looked out the window of his quarters and gave an affirmative grunt. "Aye lass. They's here for our loot from the Royal Convey. We need to make a transaction with my partner on this island. It's most likely the Assassins will come out of hiding when we do that."

"It's time for a trick of the eye, so that we have a chance to survive." Zecora added.

"Indeed." Caramel nodded. "Ya gonna act like we're makin' the transaction tonight, but we'll have an empty box. They will spring a useless trap on us and once they reveal themselves, we give them our own ambush. Ya see, Assassins ain't too bright when the tables turn. They are so used to being the ones with smoke and shadows that they don't expect others to do it to them. Miss Dash, that's why I have you here. You are by far the most athletic sailor here and will be the best at giving death from above."

"You want me to spring the ambush?"

"Precisely. You will have a squad with you, led by Mr. Lights, whom I've already informed. Since the Assassins would grow suspicious if I or Zecora were not the ones with the shard box, we are forced to be the bait. My partner is being told of this plan right now as I sent a deckhand to go tell him. He has good men, ready to fight anything. Since it's rare for Assassins to outnumber their prey, we expect to be able to overrun them."

"I understand, sir." Rainbow said. "But how will my squad get close to the Assassins?"

"Well, there are quite a lot of trees around the area. Ya gonna have to use those running and climbing skills of yours. Neon will guide ya guys. Also, the Assassins will use any dirty method to gain an advantage, so take this."

He took a thick cloth and a pair of ugly goggles out and handed them to the young pirate. "They will use smoke bombs. These odd things are what some use to block out the smoke. I don't have many of them, this pair being the last one. So make sure when they throw down the smoke that ya are ready."

"Take care, young sailor, for we will see you much later." Zecora said before departing.

"Like she said, take care. Miss Dash, you are a vital part in this mission, I hope ya do well for our sake. Once the Assassins are taken care of, then we get back to business."

"Ya can count on me!" Rainbow saluted. "I won't leave ya guys hanging!"

"Oh, I hope it never comes to hanging..." Caramel grumbled.

She ignored his odd comment. "Don't ya worry! Neon and I will show the Assassins how the Ragnarok gets it done."

"That's the spirit, lass. Go give them hell."


Chapter 13: A Rare Opportunity

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"Ya sure this is gonna work?"

"Of course, Rainbow."

Neon, Rainbow, and the rest of their attack squad rested high up in a tree. The faded pink sky had no sun as it had dipped under the horizon an hour or so ago. They all waited in the tall tree. Some of them sharpening their daggers and swords, others testing their wrist blades, and some just staring out in the distance.

"Cap'n Caramel's plans usually work," one mate said. "This is gonna go fine. The Assassins won't know what hit 'em."

Rainbow took the encouraging words with a grain of salt. She knew not to be scared, but her heart pounded anyway. Her fingers would not stay still and she kept shifting her eyes about, expecting a man in white robes to come stab them. However, no such man came.

"Caramel's not gonna take long to get out there," Neon explained. "We'll gonna have to time this right. Assassins may not expect us, but they'll look up and see us coming. We gotta get there when they think they're the ones springing a trap, otherwise, we'll fight them in the shadows where they have the advantage."

"So not too early, not too late," One female pirate chuckled. "Lot counts on us, huh?"

Neon nodded. "Yes. Once the tides change in our favor, the Assassins won't last long. Caramel's even got some crew members waitin' through the village and island for when the Assassins try to flee."

"Thinks of everything," Rainbow said.

"Experience teaches you stuff like that."

All their eyes went to the procession of pirates on the ground. Caramel and Zecora were leading a small band away from the Ragnarok. A young pirate behind them was holding the decorated chest they stole from the Royal Convoy. Caramel glanced up at them and then silently pulled his hood over his brown hair. Rainbow also spied Berry Punch among the group.

"We need them to get a head start," Neon told them quietly. "We won't go until they reach the spot where the deal will be made."

"Wait," one pirate spoke. "Isn't there a risk that they could be ambushed on the way there?"

"Not really. The Assassins think themselves smart. Since they know we are dealing with another, they would want to stay their blades until Caramel's partner reveals himself."

The group accepted this reasoning with quiet nods and grunts. Rainbow did this also, but then furrowed her brows at the next obvious question.

"Uhh, who is Caramel's partner?" she asked.

"A man named Ferris," Neon whispered. "I don't know much about him, but Caramel trusts him. We give him shards we find and he...well...hides them. We try to keep these magical items out of the Templar and the Assassins. So far Ferris has done that wonderfully, and he also pays us too, but not always. He is a generous man."

"I get ya," Rainbow nodded. "How many does he have?"

"A good amount, lass. A good amount."

"Neon," a pirate interrupted. "We should get going."

"Follow me then."

Neon started running from branch to branch. The agile pirates followed his example. Caramel and Zecora were long out of sight and so the only one who knew where to go was Neon himself.

Rainbow did not have trouble keeping up. Even the darkness, she could easily pick out the good branches from the bad. It was a little different using trees over the buildings she was used to, but her skills allowed her to traverse them well. She swung on vines, jumped from branches, swerved around trunks, and did so with expertise.

Like monkeys, they ran along the treetops. They grew closer to Caramel's spot and farther away from the village. Sepulcher was not a large island by any means, but Rainbow was finding it much deeper than she thought. The cleared out hills were being replaced by brush and weeds. Soon they had entered a thin jungle.

This also made the area darker as the sky's final light had disappeared and the trees became taller and thicker. Piercing the darkness was a couple of torches by the ground. No doubt this was Caramel and the meeting. Neon stopped on a tree and held up the rest of his squad.

He glanced back at them. "We wait a little longer. The Assassins are in this jungle."

Rainbow silently slid her blue hood over her. It was show time. They all seemed to hold their breaths. The thin light from the torches barely illuminated the pirates and dealers. She could see Caramel's hooded figure and Zecora's tilted frame. The man on the other side was thick and perhaps a bit fat. At the distance, she could not tell for sure where his body ended.

They could also not here their voices. Slight inaudible whispers came from their way, but nothing understandable. The time was coming close. It was so silent in the trees that they could hear each other's breaths and, of course, their heartbeats.

As they sat in the branches, they could slightly hear the rumbling of leaves in the trees closer to Caramel. In the darkness, one could barely make out the shapes of people crawling effortlessly through the trees. Rainbow thought she saw the white robes that the Brotherhood wore. She could have just been imagining it. Neon gestured at the squad.

"Steady," he whispered

The number of Assassins could not be counted. It could be three to a hundred and none would have a better guess. The Assassins crept to the edge of the trees and looked down upon the dealing. The pirates had to wait for them to be on the ground, as any fight in the trees against such trained fighters would be futile.

That moment soon arrived when the Assassin sprung from the trees and attacked the allies below. There were early casualties on the pirate's side as Assassins landed on some, stabbing them while doing so. With no hesitation, Neon ran forward, leading the squad to the battle. Rainbow pulled out her sword and skillfully navigated the branches until she was close to the fight. From there, she leaped out with her swords and fell upon an unsuspecting Assassin in white robes. Her swords buried deep into him and her feet pressed his body against the jungle floor.

"Bout time ya lads joined us!" Caramel laughed as he fought two Assassins at once.

"I always love a good fight!" Ferris laughed.

Rainbow was caught in the action immediately. The jungle had erupted into a large chaotic fight. Swords against swords, pistols against pistols, and wrist blades against wrist blades. The only light was coming from the torches were now on the floor, lighting any dead plants on fire.

A Sister in beige robes swung at Rainbow. She parried the attacked swiftly and knocked the Assassin sword away before finishing her with two swords through the gut. Another Assassin came by and tried to avenge his comrade. This next Assassin was much more skilled.

Sparks flew from their blades, letting them get quick visions of each other's faces. From his complexion, he seemed of Zebrican descent. Rainbow did not care how he looked as he continued his attacks. She parried him and then planted one of her swords into the soft soil. With a twist of her body, she used the sword as an anchor to swing her body. Before the Assassin could react, she had swung around and kicked him squarely in the chest, knocking him over.

"Forget the pirates! We must locate the chest!" a familiar voice commanded the Assassins.

"Rarity?" Rainbow looked around.

The Zebrican Assassin launched himself up to fight on. Rainbow pulled out her only pistol and fired at him, but to her own disappointment, she missed. With only a split-second to react, she chucked the pistol at him, hitting him in the head.

When he was stunned by the pistol lob, she swung her blades across him, slicing him open. With him done, she started to look around through the battle.

Caramel had already taken out five Assassins and counting. His maniacal laughter was heard among the violent commotion. Zecora was fighting with an Assassin of gold robes one on one, but she was only fighting with one arm as the other clutched her side as if she had a wound. With pirate bodies on the ground with the Assassin corpses, Rainbow could tell it was not going to be an easy fight.

She ran past some battles. Her eyes searched for the Bearer of Generosity. Rainbow started running around at high speed. An Assassin stood in her way, but he was fighting Neon. The young pirate put her swords in front of her and ran right through the distracted Assassin.

"Thanks, lass!" Neon yelled as she ran by him.

Rainbow said nothing to him and continued. She slid to a stop when she finally saw Rarity. The elegant Assassin was fighting a pirate and one of Ferris's men. The fight was not long as Rarity stabbed one in the chest with her Crystal sword and shot the other in the head with a pistol. With a smoothness only she could capture, she withdrew her blade from the pirate and then sliced open a pirate's throat as he stupidly rushed at her.

Rainbow then ran at the Bearer. Rarity had her back to the young pirate. When Rainbow was about to reach Rarity, the Bearer turned around and pounced on her. Her bright and carved hidden blade was touching Rainbow's throat before the latter even knew what had happened. Rarity's violent glare soon eased to a shocked expression.

"Rainbow Dash!" she gasped.

She withdrew the hidden blade and stood up. Rainbow was confused by the action, but would not let the advantage slip by. She planted her swords into the ground and acrobatically used them to spring her upwards and to force her single kick right into Rarity. The Bearer flew backwards and landed in the dirt.

"How dare you!" she screamed. "I showed you mercy!"

Rarity then looked at her superficial robes and gasped in complete shock. Rainbow's boots were muddy and now the mud caked her previously perfect robes. . Rarity's expression turned into a snarl like no other. The Canterlotian Bearer would not stand for this.

"Oh. It. Is. On!"

"Bring it!" Rainbow taunted.

Rarity jumped up and swung her Crystal sword at Rainbow. The pirate deflected the oncoming attack, but could not retaliate as Rarity summoned another Crystal sword. Duel wield versus duel wield. It was apparent that Rarity knew this style well as they both in a full clash and neither could get an advantage.

"You have improved since we last met, Rainbow," Rarity said.

"And you haven't at all!" Rainbow shot back.

"Is that your best comeback?"


"You should work on it, darling."

As the battle raged on around them, they fought on. Rainbow's fancy tricks and agile moves could not get by Rarity. The Bearer's expert attacks and timing seemed useless against Rainbow's peculiar fighting style. So, like dancers, they bounced around each other and often met with hateful stares before separating their swords once more.

Rarity swung her blades, making Rainbow duck under them. Seeing an opportunity, Rainbow thrust her blades upward at Rarity's unprotected torso. It was about to work, but Rarity reacted quickly and kicked Rainbow's face squarely in the jaw, knocking her over. The pirate probably would have recovered quicker if it wasn't for Rarity's heeled boots.

"You can do better than that, my dear," Rarity chuckled.

A pirate tried to interupt them and charged at Rarity. Without any effort, Rarity sidestepped the attack and sliced open the pirate's chest. With a deathly grunt, he fell over into a large fern. The Bearer did not even glance his way once.

This made Rainbow pause. Why doesn't she do that to me? However, she did not stay on the ground long and sprung back to her feet. With a roar, she charged at Rarity and their blades met. Rainbow disengaged and swung her leg out and tripped Rarity over. The Bearer let out a grunt when she landed on the ground. Rainbow now had a clear shot at Rarity.

"Protect the Bearer!"

An Assassin came out of the battle and attacked the young pirate, giving time for Rarity to stand up. The Assassin was mad in his attacks, leaving himself open several times. Rainbow took advantage of this and parried his attack. She followed through with a sword through his neck. The blade was stuck in his backbone and she could not pull it out. She placed a foot on his head and used that to push the sword free out of the Assassin's body.

Rarity was not there when Rainbow turned around. Instead, she seemed to have found the chest that contained the shard. The young pirate knew there that the chest was empty and so grinned to see Rarity's reaction. The Bearer slowly opened it to see nothing was inside. With a loud, un-lady-like curse, she slammed the lid down and threw the chest away.

"We've been tricked! Assassins, to the woods!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

The Assassins immediately broke off from their fights and fled. Rarity stood up and was about to flee with them. Rainbow was going to make sure that she did not. With a quickstep, Rainbow dove at Rarity's legs, grabbing them. The Bearer was taken by surprise and she fell over.

"Oh please, let me go, you uncouth hooligan!" Rarity kicked at Rainbow.

The Bearer escaped from Rainbow's grip and stood up. With a indignant huff, she turned around almost walked right into Caramel's pointed sword. The captain started to chuckle as more pirates surrounded the Bearer of Generosity. Rarity lowered her head and sighed.

"Looks like we got ourselves a lady, lads," Caramel chuckled coldly. "A nice, pretty little diamond, I say."

Rarity lifted her hands in surrender. Caramel continued to laugh and pointed at one pirate. "You'll be the luck y lad to search her. Make sure she ain't have anything up her sleeves, or shirt for that matter. She's a Bearer, she's very valuable to us."

He then sheathed his swords and walked over to Rainbow, giving her a hand up. "Ya did good, lass. Glad ya and Neon helped us like that."

"Thanks, Cap'n," Rainbow panted. "Uh, where's Ferris?"

"Oh, he lost a hand. His men are already takin' him back to the village," Caramel answered casually and then spoke to the crew. "Loot the bodies. Take any of our fallen fellows back. We'll bury them on the hill. Oh, and take the Assassin robes, it's about time we make some warnin' signs out of them."

The pirates obeyed and started messing with the corpses. The lucky pirate had taken all of Rarity's weapons and was now tying her hands together. Rainbow could not hold a chuckle back and leaned on the Bearer mockingly.

"Looks like we're gonna spend even more time together," she laughed.

"I can't believe it..." Rarity shook her head. "I am a lady, a woman of elegance and dignity, now a prisoner to pirates! Oh this makes me mad. Your ship is probably infested with rats and most unclean. Dirt everywhere! You probably don't even cook the fish you catch! Such savages!" The pirate tightened the ropes. "Ow! Young man! Please be delicate! If you make my restraints too tight, my hands will turn an awful shade of blue. Ow! You do know who you are messing with, don't you? Ow! Do you even understand me? Are you that uneducated, you lowly, pitiful, uncouth, uncivilized, and unfashionable brute?"

The pirate merely responded with an affirmative grunt.

"I think you're be fine, Rares," Rainbow giggled. "Besides, it's not the rats you should be afraid of. There are worse things."

"Good heavens!" Rarity bought the lie. "What could be worse than rats?"

"You'll see," Rainbow nodded.

Rarity held a scared expression as the pirate led her away. Rainbow watched with a smile and wiped from sweat off her forehead. Her eyes were becoming heavy and she yawned. All the fighting took plenty of stamina and she was now tired. She picked up a torch that was on the ground and started whistling a tune as she walked back with the pirates to the Ragnarok.


Chapter 14: Caramel's Lesson

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Four days went by since they captured Rarity. Caramel finished his transaction with Ferris (who now refers to himself as Ferris Hook-Hand), and they finished their preparations for departure. It was a brief and exciting visit to Sepulcher, but they had to leave once more. Their destination was back to Baltimare. From there, none knew. Like always, Caramel let the future plan for him.

It was one day out of Sepulcher as the Ragnarok headed north by northwest. The warm breezes gently pushed the brig onward and they went at a steady pace. Some of the crew were sad to leave their home, most were already back into their seafaring habits. With a cloudy sky above them, they sang their song with the constant waves.

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Early in the morning

Rainbow whistled along as she secured the sails. Seagulls chirped and yelled at her as they flew around the ship. The work was constant. Never a restful moment for a sailor on a ship. She was used to it all now, and she worked on without a complaint.

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Put him in the longboat until he's sober
Put him in the longboat until he's sober
Put him in the longboat until he's sober
Early in the morning

Berry's lazy voice could be heard off key from the rest of the sailors. She still had yet to memorize any of the songs they sung. Rainbow spied her cleaning the cannons. Berry loved being around the cannons more than anything, except the kitchen of course.

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him
Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him
Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him
Early in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Neon was carrying supplies with a hop to his step. He had a bandaged face as he was slightly wounded during their fight with the Assassins. He appeared quite haunting with half of his face covered, but the other smiling half counterbalanced it.

Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Early in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Sunny was also helping the crew. Caramel made sure that she wasn't taking passage on their ship for free. Being a clear Canterlotian lady, she did not have much experience working on a ship. Her tasks were often menial and unimportant since she lacked any skills at knot tying. She did most without complaining, but the times she did whine made the crew annoyed with her.

That's what we do with a drunken sailor
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
Early in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning

Captain Caramel steered the ship onward. His hand struck the wheel with the beat of the shanty. Zecora had her arms crossed like usual and stared outward to sea. She never joined in with the crew's merriment, but stayed vigilant at all times. She's just the person to balance out Caramel's unstructured behavior.

As the song finished, Caramel handed the wheel to Zecora. He then popped his knuckles out of habit and walked down from the poop deck. Rainbow noticed him walking towards her. As she finished tying down the ropes and messing with the rigging, she turned and gave a little salute to him.

"Heya, Cap'n. Need something?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's about the Bearer," he began while picking his teeth with a finger.

"She's been fine. Kinda keeping to herself since we put her in the Pit," Rainbow shrugged. "Why the sudden interest?"

"I jus' wanna make sure we keep her spirits up a bit. She's an Assassin, but she's a young lass. Not to mention the best looking creature I've laid eyes on. She's not like Silverspeed. We should, you know, keep her company."

"Do you want me to keep her company, or you?" Rainbow smiled and leaned on the railing. "It's hard to tell."

"You, Miss Dash. Go get some food for her."

Rainbow was unsure. "Uhh...You sure? She's kinda dangerous. Why not let Zecora do that like we have been?"

"Because you know her the best. You two already have some connection on, I can tell. I think she'll be the most comfortable with a lass half her size than with ol' bearded me."

"You had to say it like that, didn't ya?" Rainbow snarled.

"Oh yeah, forgot you were so sensitive to being a runt," he laughed.

"Fine! I'll go give her a snack, then I'll be back to kick your behind," Rainbow angrily whispered.

"I'll be waiting," he chuckled and turned away to speak with another crew member.

Rainbow threw down the rope she was holding and walked over to the hatch. Being a humid day, beneath the deck was thick with moisture in the air. The lamps hanging on the walls swung lightly back and forth with the ship. With a whistling tune, she picked up an apple they had gotten from Sepulcher. She playfully tossed it up as she walked towards the Pit.

She rounded the corner and there was the cell that held the Bearer of Generosity. Rarity was sitting on some large cushion that she must have summoned. Its bright red color clashed with the dull wood and even her own white robes. She was humming the shanty that the crew had been singing above. Rainbow was not sure if Rarity knew she was doing this.

"Hey Rares," Rainbow nervously spoke. "Uhh, got ya a snack."

Her sapphire eyes looked at Rainbow. "Hello, darling. I appreciate the gift."

Rainbow tossed the apple to her. The Bearer caught it, but did not eat it. Instead, she rubbed it with a clean sleeve and checked it for any impurities. Her face turned into a frown and she tossed the apple back.

"It has quite the brown spot on it. Could you find me a different one?" she said sweetly.

"No. This is the apple you're getting. Be happy you have any fruit at all," Rainbow said and tossed it back.

"Hmph! Why did I even ask?" she huffed as she caught it again, and once again did not eat it.

"So, uh...how ya liking the Ragnarok?" Rainbow asked and rubbed the back of her head.

"It's terrible really. Silverspeed's ship was so much nicer, even Applejack's little vessel was kept better than this. I mean, it's not horrible. At least that, right?"


"Oh, you were right when you said there are things worse than rats. It's you pirates and your incessant snoring! Throughout the night, the ship is one giant symphony of the most horrendous snoring I have ever heard. And I've heard Applejack's snoring!"


"And can Zecora only make soups? She's not bad at it, but a little variety is always welcomed. She's needs inspiration in her cooking, some little spark. Otherwise it's the same meal every day and night. How boring."

"Alright! I get it! You complain!"

Rarity stopped at Rainbow's loud interruption. She tossed the bruised apple away and then summoned a red delicious of her own. With that new apple, she bit into it elegantly and gently, trying her best to mess her perfect complexion.

"See? This is so weird!" Rainbow gestured at her. "I mean, look at this."

"I don't follow, darling."

"Don't you see it? You can summon anything ya want and you yet you're still in here. You've summoned cushions, wines, apples, and fragrances, but never any keys or weapons. You could summon a pistol and shoot me right now. Why don't you? You did the same when we fought. You had so many chances to cut my head off, but you didn't. You held yourself back, why?" Rainbow couldn't contain her frustration at Rarity's seemingly incompetent actions.

"Escaping? Why didn't I think of that?" Rarity gasped loudly.

"Rares, that acting is terrible," Rainbow deadpanned.

Rarity sighed. "Oh fine! I will not tell you why."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"Why don't you?"

"Because I don't."

"Ugh!" Rainbow went to her knees. "But I know I'm onto you. You're keeping some secret from me. It's like you want to be here."

"By the Sun! I would never want to be here. To be within shouting distance of Caramel is disgusting in its own right."

Rainbow pressed herself on the bars. "Then why don't you try to escape or do anything for that matter?"

"Rainbow, where am I going to go?" Rarity asked. "I cannot swim miles towards land. I'm stuck here and I rather not risk fighting a hundred ruffians on my own. I am a good fighter and a Bearer, but even I am not invincible."

"Then why should we even keep you in the cell?" Rainbow sat back.

"That's a good question, darling. Maybe you should tell your captain that I am no threat to you pirates at the moment. If it means that I shall not be kept up in this horrid prison and allowed to roam in the clean air, I shall be on my best behavior. Perhaps I can even teach your buffoons a thing or two about manners."

"Ha! Ya gonna teach ya noble life stuff? Ha! Ya kiddin' right?" Rainbow laughed.

"It's not pronounced 'ya' you vagrant. It's pronounced 'you' like the letter. You should enunciate your words better, my dear."

Rainbow's laughter instantly left her. Rarity gave her a mocking grin that just taunted the young pirate. Two could play at this. Rainbow took a deep breath and gave the Bearer a sly smile.

"If that's the case I hope you like it here, Miss Rarity. You're not leaving this spot for months."

"You wouldn't dare leave a prisoner here for that long..."

Rainbow casually shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time."

Rarity leaned forward. "You fiends! I am a lady, not some chump you pick off of a galleon. Have some decency and treat me like the respected woman I am."

"Respect is earned, lass, not given. If ya want to be liked on this ship, ya better get rid of your prissiness. If ya gonna walk around like one of us, ya better work like one. Unless ya in here," she tapped the bars, "ya won't get a work-free ride."

"Hmph! I accept this challenge! You tell Caramel that I am willing to work for my little bit of freedom. However, I will not scrub the decks, clean out the dishes, prepare any food involving freshly caught fish, clean Caramel's quarters, clean any quarters, wipe down the cannons or mortars, deal with the rigging, or be Caramel's lap-warmer."

Rainbow blinked. "But...that's like everything."


"Then what will you do?"

"Provide me with some time and I could make the crew a new set of clothes. I am a seamstress and you already wear some of my work."

Rainbow looked down at her own robes. She did like them. The crew would like new clothes. So she thought about it and then rubbed her chin.

"Fine. I'll go ask Caramel. Don't expect a 'yes' from him though."

"Of course. Just make it quick, any less time in this hole, the better."


"She wants her freedom in exchange for making us clothes," Rainbow repeated.

Caramel rubbed his head as he leaned on his desk. "Such an odd quest. She must have some other motive..."

"She can't leave, Captain. She said it herself, she won't try any funny business."

"She's a bloody Bearer, Miss Dash!" Caramel shook his head. "She could blow all out heads off for all I know. She could be a ticking bomb or a cannon ready to fire!"

"But you're the expert on Bearers here."

Caramel sighed. "Yes, but I'be never had one on my ship like this. I know Bearers, but I've never studied them. In all truth, lass, I really only know so much about them because of my father, not my own experiences."

"Then why did we even capture her?" Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Caramel leaned back. "How could I? Bearers are usually poor sods who got chosen against their will. She's...she's a masterpiece being controlled by that bloody Element. I...I can't kill her."

"Ya got a soft spot now?" Rainbow was shocked.

"I'm not some evil killer, Miss Dash and I hope you never think so!" Caramel shut her up. "However, I can't say the same about her. She could be the nicest little angel ever or she could be the most devilish being on this side of the seas. It's risky to let her roam about. Imagine if she starts picking us off one by one? Assassins can surprise ya sometimes. They can even amaze ya. I bet she could kill us all."

"So, we're not gonna let her free?"

Caramel rubbed his face in frustration. "I didn't say that, lass. I think we should take some advantage of her being a Bearer. Ya see, Miss Dash, some fools may not think it, but knowledge is power. The only reason we survive in this war is because we know both sides like the trousers we put on. Perhaps we can study Miss Rarity while she's on this ship. Learn how the Element behaves and such. If we can learn any tendencies of Bearers, it'll help us in the future. So, yes, we'll release her, but only for this afternoon. By evening, we'll put her back."

"Alright then. I'll go get her. Do ya want me to bring her right here?"

Caramel nodded. "Yes. Don't let her detour and tie her hands too. She must know we still mean business. Oh and don't let Sunny near her either. That girl has been acting even weirder since Rarity came aboard."

"Will do!"

Rainbow soon returned with a bound Rarity beside her. The Bearer was not thrilled about being tied up again, but Rainbow did a much better job with the ropes than the previous pirate. Caramel stood up when they entered. He seemed a bit nervous, but after running a hand through his hair, he composed himself.

"Hello, Bearer. I hope our treatment of ya hasn't been too rough."

"It could be worse, Captain," Rarity smiled. "However, it would be a joy to have these restraints removed. I bruise easily, Captain, and I would not like some rope burns on my wrists."

Rainbow extended her hidden blade. "I'll do it."

Caramel stopped her. "No, Miss Dash. Bearer, I'll cut the ropes for ya."

Rarity walked over to him and showed him her hands. He extended his own blade and sliced them in half. She rubbed her wrists to relieve the pain and then walked at arm's distance from him. It was clear that she did not want to be too close to the pirate.

"Now, Miss Rarity-" he began.

"Refer to me as Lady Rarity or Bearer Rarity, if you please," Rarity cut him off.

"Alright..." Caramel did not expect this, "Lady Rarity, why should we let you wander out of your cell? You are a prisoner of war, and a dangerous one at that. We won't let ya go about cause you have a pretty face. You must earn everything on this ship, nothing is given to you."

"Are you afraid of me?" Rarity sounded shock. "A big pirate captain like yourself being scared of a dainty woman like me? Ha! And thought there was some bravery to you despicable folk."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You know full well why we should be cautious. We aren't stupid."

"You have abilities beyond human comprehension," Caramel followed. "I will not risk my crew to whatever magic you can unfold."

"You're already at a risk, my dear captain," Rarity smirked. "Me being on this ship is the most dangerous part to your little vile quest. Holding me in a cell or shackling my wrists will not save you if I decide to let you have it."

"Ha! You think ya can trick me like some sod?" Caramel laughed. "If that was the case, you would have killed us all during the fight. Naw, you may be powerful, but ya ain't that powerful. When the tides turned against you, you gave up immediately. If ya did have so much power, then why did ya let yourself be captured?"

"This is my ship now!" Rarity shot back.

"No! This is my ship!" Caramel returned with twice the loudness. "And you are a prisoner! You will only be out of your cell when I say so. You will eat only when I say so. If I make you scrub the deck until it's spotless, you will do so! You are not Assassin royalty on this ship! If you want to be treated so vainly, then you better earn it, lass. If ya wanna be so bold to me, then I'll gladly make this Hell for you."

When he had finished, Rarity was backed up against a chest of drawers. She looked at him with frightened eyes while he pinned her down with his hands on both sides of her. He then leaned back and stepped away from her, stroking his brown beard.

"Now what do ya say?" he asked lowly.

"Yes, Captain," she didn't look at him.

"That's what I thought. Now, you will get plenty of time out of your cell. You are a Bearer, and I plan to use that. We got some days 'til we reach Baltimare, and we shall see each other everyday. During the mid-morning hours, I want you in here and we shall do some studying on that Element. After that, you can be with the crew and help them run the ship. However, you will be back in your cell when the sun starts dipping. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Captain," she repeated in the same manner.

Caramel nodded. "Good. Now go along, Bearer. And remember, if ya try anything, we will not hesitate to kill ya. You may think you're important to us, but ya not. We would gladly take Generosity and cast that thing to the sea. Would be a shame if the Brotherhood never had another Bearer of Generosity, hm?"

Rarity did not say anything as she got up off the floor. Still wide-eyed, she brushed Rainbow as she left the room. Rainbow was about to follow her, but furrowed her brows at the captain.

"Now why ya do that?" she demanded. "Ya scared her half to death."

"Miss Dash, she must know who she's dealin' with. No one, especially no murdering Assassin lass, is gonna come in here and treat me like that. When ya become captain someday, you'll understand," Caramel grunted.

Rainbow crossed her arms, but understood where Caramel was coming from. With a sigh, she nodded and followed the Bearer out of the Captain's Quarters. Guess I'll be the one to try and make her feel at home. Wait!

Rainbow stopped in the doorway and marched to Caramel. "Remember when I said I'll kick your behind?"

"What?" Caramel was confused.

"I meant it!"

Rainbow charged and kicked the unsuspecting captain right in the crotch. The usually tough pirate's knees buckled and a high-pitched wheeze left him. The captain had to lean on his desk to not fall over.

"That's not my ass, you moron!" he croaked.

"Not my fault you didn't turn around," Rainbow chuckled.

Caramel composed himself slightly and let out a stifled laugh. "Consider this the start of a war, Miss Dash. Ugh...hehehe...only you would have the balls to kick me in the balls! Haha! I like it! But I'm gonna need to get payback..."

Rainbow mockingly bowed. "Then I'll be waiting." She then turned on a heel and left the room for good.


Chapter 15: Etiquette on Deck

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"Hey, Rares, wait up!"

Rainbow dashed across the deck to the Bearer of Generosity. Rarity was obviously still upset after Caramel put her in place. Being younger than even Rainbow, this must have been hard on the girl. Rainbow's calls didn't attract any attention from the Bearer. And so the young pirate had to wait until the Assassin reached the main mast, where she turned and leaned on gently.

"Darling, wait is it?" Rarity pouted.

"Jus' wanted to tell ya that I gave Captain Caramel a good one between the legs."

"Good Stars, what do you even mean?" Rarity blinked in confusion.

"Oh, I kicked his balls."

"Such roguish behavior. No wonder you are on this ship."

Rainbow was not sure how to take Rarity's remarks. She wanted to shake her small fist at the Bearer, but restrained from doing so. This was just how Rarity acted, she reminded herself. Instead, she took a deep breath and changed the subject.

"So, ya wanna learn how to make it on this ship, do ya?" she started slyly, "then ya gotta know the layout. Ya see, we're not some unorganized mess that floats on a giant piece of wood. We're professional privateers. Rogue privateers."

"I simply adore how you try to put yourselves above lowly pirates..." Rarity said with oozing sarcasm.

"Anyway...do you want a tour or not?" Rainbow said through gritted teeth.

"Fine, but as long as you don't bring me to wherever you pigs use as the restroom. I rather not have nightmares."

"Oh, that's at the head," Rainbow pointed towards the front of the ship. "Since the front is always downwind, we never smell any of our shit. It's not bad...but it could be better."

Rainbow then led the Bearer throughout the Ragnarok. Up, down, this way, that way, and every other way they went. As Rainbow showed Rarity the kitchen, the sleeping quarters, the poop deck, the forecastle, the stern, and the cannons, the Bearer made sly and sarcastic remarks at every turn. Every object or place was met with criticism such as "this needs a polish," "how can you even live here?" and "not even pigs deserve that," were just the common sayings. With every phrase, Rainbow's eyes would twitch, but she tried and tried to remain peaceful and non-violent. At the end of their tour, they returned to the main deck.

"So lass," Caramel called from the wheel. "You want to have ya freedom, eh? Ya have to pull your weight somehow and earn your food too. If ya start summonin' food, we'll take some for ourselves. Unless ya want to be our cook?"

Rarity ignored him completely. She did not even give notice to his shouts over the waves. Instead, she summoned a thick table in the middle of the deck and also summoned a delicate and expensive set of dishes and silverware. Every pirate on board was rightfully confused, especially Rainbow and Berry, but no one objected her actions.

Rarity, once done with her work, spoke to the whole crew. "What I plan to do is make civilized beings out of all of you. Yes, all of you. Every one of you is a scoundrel and buffoon without any manners in the slightest. Your ship is a mess, your etiquette is absent, and your cleanliness is nonexistent. I mean, have any of you ever touched soap in your lifetimes?"

"We get it!" Rainbow interrupted. "But we are just fine the way we are. We don't need your Canterlotian views mucking us up."

"I did the same with the crews of Assassin ships," Rarity poked a finger into Rainbow's chest. "Because of that, our efficiency went up by at least 30%. That's why we arrived at your precious island so quickly. I am Generous, and in my teachings, I shall grace upon you the techniques of champions. However, that must start with you all being respectable and organized as the Sister's Imperial Navy."

"And teaching us how to drink tea right is gonna do that....how?" Berry asked with lazy eyes.

"You shall see, not stop drowning yourself in alcohol. One thing that we Assassins and the Imperials do is not drink intoxicating beverages while on duty."

"Hey!" Rainbow jumped up. "Ya don't tell my friend what to do!"

"She's actually right, Miss Dash," Caramel walked down from the wheel to the main deck. "Miss Punch, that's enough for this hour. It's not even noon yet."

"But..." Berry protested.

"Listen to the captain," Neon said as he approached Berry Punch.

Neon took the bottle of booze she was drinking and threw it overboard. The drunkard simply looked down at her empty hand with a deep frown. She seemed like she was about to cry, but her face stayed the same and soon everyone switched their attention from her back to the Bearer of Generosity.

"Now, our first lessons with be on proper etiquette and courtesy. I have set this table here to demonstrate proper behavior, by both the men and the women. You will not find any sailor as refined as an Royal Captain, so that is who I am basing my teachings on. Until you all have the manners of a true captain, you will continue to be sloppy in your everyday chores."

She then turned to Rainbow and Caramel. "To start off, I will need you, Rainbow Dash, and you, Captain Caramel, to be the first to sit down at this lovely table. So would you do so, and try not to break everything?"

"I don't see how table manners are going to make us better sailors," Caramel said.

"Now, if you are sloppy and lack effort to put into the small things, how are you going to put effort in the big things? If you are efficient in the small things, you'll be even more efficient in the big things."

"I guess that makes sense..." Rainbow blinked.

"Now, please sit down."

Both pirates looked at each other before taking their seats at the expensive table. Rarity instantly covered her face in shame and sighed a long, long sigh. Both pirates, shrugged in their seats, completely confused by Rarity's disapproval.

"Caramel!" Rarity shouted. "Rainbow Dash is a lady. It is rude to have her sit in her one seat without assistance from a man."

"Assist her?" Caramel was shocked. "Why?"

Rainbow leaned over the table and pointed a fork at the captain. "If ya help me into my seat, I'll cut ya balls off!"

"See?" Caramel pointed at the young pirate. "She threatened me! Why should I help a gal who threatens me?"

"Both of you, stop being children!" Rarity hissed. "Threats of cutting one's genitals off is not appropriate in any circumstance. I can't believe you imbeciles have kept this ship floating for this long."

"Rares, I ain't just gonna become a 'lady.' I'm a sailor on the Ragnarok. Only the toughest can last. Being a dainty woman is not gonna happen."

"Being a lady does not mean you're dainty," Rarity huffed. "Now please, do you ever sit at the table with your weapons like that?" she gestured at Rainbow's swords. "You are more barbaric than the Gryphons!"

"I'm sorry to tell ya, Miss Rarity," Caramel sighed, "but ya not gonna turn us into some civilized people. We are rogue privateers and we work just fine with each other."

"Hmph!" Rarity turned her nose up. "Then I guess you will not be having that magnificent feast I was preparing when you would all graduate as gentlemen and ladies."

"Feast?" half the crew gasped.

"Yes, since I can summon just about anything, I was planning on having a grand feast fit for Royals. Everything you would ask for, would be there. However, I would only do this if you pirates become respectable and noble. Start living with some decency and I will promise you a meal only a few kings have ever witnessed. Continue living like diseased swines, and you shall stay hungry."

A general mumble ran through the crew. Rarity smiled slyly and leaned on the table between the captain and Rainbow. Her elegant charms were influencing the crew, but Rainbow glared at her, unfazed. The Bearer winked at the young pirate before playfully throwing her hair back, winning the majority of the crew.

"We haven't had a good meal in a while..." said one.

"I can bath if it means she stays on board..."

"Does this mean we can drink during the feast?"

"A nice pile of meat would be nice....fresh meat..."

Rarity continued. "I can grant you all a feast to remember. I know, even though you are but hooligans, that you have good taste in food. All I ask of you is a small favor."

"And when would we have this feast?" Caramel asked.

"Most likely in Baltimare. I doubt even the most dignified of your lot can become civilized in but a couple of days. Some of you haven't even heard of soap. But yes, you shall have a feast to remember. I am an honorable woman. I keep my word."

"It's still the word of a bloody Assassin..." Rainbow muttered under her breath.

"And that's not all!" Rarity gleamed. "I can also make you all rich! Now, I cannot summon gold, but I can summon you goods for trades. With me, you can become a trading empire. The Labyrinth Isles, Baltimare, Fillydelphia, and beyond. You won't have to pirate any longer and become respectable citizens in our pleasant society. How can you refuse?" she added and leaned closer to the captain.

"That sounds nice and all, but I refuse," Caramel told her.

"How?" Rarity fell to her knees and her jaw left hanging. "How can a greedy man like you deny me?"

"Well, I am stubborn," he chuckled. "Miss Rarity, you must remember who ya talkin' to. I don't do all this fighting for just money. Money is as cheap as words. The Ragnarok fights to preserve freedom and to fight the Brotherhood and the Order. Grant me as much material as ya can be as damn Generous as ya can, but you will not change the course of this ship."

His words were not met well by the crew. Some sighed, some moaned, and some cursed. Only the most Loyal of the pirates remained quiet.

"Come on, she's got deals!"

"Let's have some fun."

"I disagree, Captain..."

"Caramel, please man..."

He silenced them with a hand and stood up from his chair. "I don't wanna hear it, boys. Miss Rarity is a fine gal, but make sure she doesn't get in ya head. She's a prisoner of war, nothing more, nothing less. If she decides to try and fancy us into a deal we don't wanna make, then we may have to lock her up again."

"Captain, you cannot be serious!" Rarity steamed. "All I want to do is help."

He silenced her with a finger. "I can see through that mighty easily. I'm been in this business as long you've been alive. I don't trust you. Throwing out deals and trying to change us is not going to win my respect. I don't give a bitpiece unless that person has earned it. You have no authority here, Bearer. You have to earn every scrap ya can get. That's my organization, that's my training, that's this ship's ideals."

"Fine," Rarity crossed her arms. "But my offer still stands. For being such a grotesque pirate, you have some standards. However, I can help your crew. This Element has 200 years of experience and memories. I can try to teach you something?"

"Why would you help your enemies?"

"Because...I'm Generous."


With that simple word, Caramel chuckled and left. Rarity growled and picked up a fork just to bend it. Rainbow wanted to laugh, but she instead slipped out of her seat. The Assassin continued to mutter angry curses and she slumped on the thick table. The crew remained where they were and some even took a step towards her.

"Um, would ya mind id ya teach us how...uhhh...how to be gentlemen?" one pirate asked.

"Why yes!" she beamed suddenly. "My deal still stands. Even if some of you ruffians wish to remain ruffians, I shall still have a feast. Now, we can commence our training immediately."

"Oh come on!" Rainbow shouted. "Really guys?"

"Don't be rude, Rainbow," Rarity said. "If they want to learn, they can learn. You can join too."

"I'll never join you guys," Rainbow spat. "Do I look like a royal egghead?"

"As you wish. You can go back to scrubbing your Sun-forsaken toilets," Rarity mocked. "We shall be having a delightful time without you."

Rainbow looked around and her eyes shifted about before looking back at the Bearer. "Fine....what's first on the list?"


Chapter 16: Games

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"Captain Caramel, sir, I feel rather uncomfortable with you doing this..."

"I apologize for that, but this is research."

"I think it's something else..."

"It's not my fault the Element's in ya chest."

"But it is your fault that I'm doing this."

Caramel frowned at the Bearer. Rarity, with her arms over her chest, was sitting down in a single chair. It was an awkward situation as the top of Rarity's Assassin robes were unbuttoned and her whole bosom was exposed. The captain tried to focus, but the oddness of the situation and the horrid morning heat of southern Equestrian waters was too much. The humity of the Captain's Quarters only made all the heat even worse. So much so, that Caramel's shirt was unbuttoned and loose, showcasing his thick chest hair and his muscular torso.

"Miss Rarity, I need to get to the Element," he said gently through a tired pant.

"Why do you have to get to it? Don't you have other women on board to order about? Do you make all your women go topless for your perverted enjoyment?"

"No," Caramel said sternly. "And don't ya accuse me of that. I ain't a pervert, I ain't a chaser of women. I only do this because ya a Bearer. I need to know how ya keep breathing and living even though ya heart is rotten away someplace. Last time I checked, ya need a heart to be...alive."

"Elements act as artificial hearts," Rarity explained without budging. "They pump blood and do everything a normal heart does."

"My father studied anatomy when he was just younger than I am now. I don't know much about organs, but I do know that the heart is pretty complicated. It seems odd some crystal can do the same thing."

Rarity turned slightly away from the pirate. "Well, it does! How else would you explain it?"

"Well, maybe I could find an answer if ya let me study it."


"Will Generosity let me?"

Rarity's brows lifted. "What did you say?"

"Rarity, I know I speak to two minds. If you don't let me study, will ya over half let me?"

"She will not..."

"That blows..."

Caramel started to walk about. Sweat was running down his face as he muttered frustrated curses. This was his opportunity to find out what kind of powers he was really dealing with. She was an enemy, an agent for some Harmony no one believed in. And here he was, fighting on her for privacy's sake. He knew to treat her with respect, but he also knew that she could be gone any day. Tomorrow, maybe even later that day, Assassins or Templar could capture her. Perhaps she would jump off the edge and desperately make a swim for land. No, this was his opportunity to learn more about Elements.

"I'm sorry, Miss Rarity, but I have to know about Elements. I hope you understand that I'm not trying to be some pig to you. Call me what you will, but you are still a prisoner of war and you are on my ship."

"I ref-"

"I don't care what you say."

He walked over to her and went to one knee in front of her. He clasped her wrists together in his large hand and with the other, he reached and flicked the crystal that was embedded in her chest. When he touched the Element, a low hum rang out and a purple light flickered from it for just a moment. The only sound then came from Rarity's angry growls.

"Get away!" she snarled.

"Did that hurt?" Caramel asked calmly.

"No it didn't."

He flicked the Element again. "Can you even feel that?"


"You say it pumps blood?"


"Then why can't I hear anything?"

Rarity gulped. Caramel drew his ear close to the Element. Sometimes, a purple light would surround it, but most of the time it sat there without a sign of life. He then looked to her hands. He was squeezing her wrists hard so that she couldn't escape his grasp, but her hands did not change color. There was no sign of lack of blood reaching her fingers. They remained a lively skin tone.

"Are you sure you're alive, Miss Rarity?"

"How dare you ask that!" Rarity steamed. "I'm talking to you, am I not? Do I look dead to you? Could a dead person be as lively as me?"

Caramel released her and stood up. "Well, could a person without a heart still have blood to pump?"

"I have blood!"

"You have the weakest pulse I've ever encountered. I've been with lads on their deathbeds who felt more alive. I'm surprised your color in your face at all. And you have no heat. Well, you aren't cold either. When I feel my skin in this damn heat, it's hot. My skin is hot and sweaty. When I feel your delicate skin, it's like I'm touching lukewarm water. It feels like I'm touching a woman who's been dead for an hour or so. Are you sure you're alive?"

Rarity stood up and kept her bosom hidden with her arms. "I am not dead! I stand before you as alive as a peacock, no? Just because I am not as sensitive in the heat as you doesn't make me of the undead! The Element is keeping me alive."

"So if I tore that thing out, you'd die?"

"Well of course! That would be the equivalent of ripping one's heart out."

"So if I chopped ya arm off, would ya still be alive?" Caramel asked as if it was a valid question.

Rarity faltered. "What? I...I am not-"

The door swung open. Rainbow came inside with a large wooden box in her hands. She was about to say something, but froze upon seeing the captain and the Bearer. Her pupils shrunk to pinpricks and her mouth hung slightly agape. Rarity held herself even tighter as her face turned a bright red. Even Caramel's cheeks reddened under his beard and he looked down in shame.

"Um...what ya guys...doing?" Rainbow barely uttered.

"Good heavens, Rainbow! It's not what it looks like!" Rarity shrieked as she quickly buttoned up her robes up.

"Are ya sure, cause it looks like ya showing Cap'n ya tits," Rainbow said without blinking.

"I am not!" Rarity's face blushed even more.

"Miss Dash, I was jus' inspecting her Element," Caramel explained softly. "I'm trying to see exactly what it does to the body."

"Oh..." Rainbow finally blinked. "And ya gotta open up her whole top to do so?"

Caramel made an odd face as if he smelled something horrid but was trying to hide it. "I...uh...I guess not?"

"I knew it!" Rarity slammed her heel into Caramel's toes. "You pig!"

As her sharp heel of her boot dug into his foot, the captain winced but did not let out a scream of pain. He sort of just took the pain like he deserved it. She then twisted her heel to cause even more pain, but the captain remained quiet in his agony. With an indignant grunt, Rarity released him and walked over to Rainbow in her usual elegant fashion.

"What is it, Rainbow?" she asked.

"I was actually going to see if Cap'n could play chess with me," Rainbow gestured at the box she was holding.

"Chess?" Caramel said in bewilderment. "You don't know how to play chess."

"Rarity taught some of us last night," Rainbow explained. "It seems like a game for eggheads, but I kinda like it. Do you know how to play it?"

"Yeah, I do," Caramel nodded. "My father taught me when I was a wee lad. There's a man in Sepulcher that I play almost every time I visit. He still claims he's the best player on the island even though I beaten him way more times than he's beaten me." He then paused. "Wait, ya said she taught you guys in the night, right? Wasn't she supposed to be locked up by sundown?"

"And I was," Rarity told him. "I can still play chess through the bars of my cell."

"So, ya wanna play, Cap'n?" Rainbow brightened upon asking.

"I would love to, but my morning with Miss Rarity has taken up my time. I need to discuss some things with Zecora if ya two don't mind."


"Maybe later. We don't have that long til Baltimare and when we coast on the winds, maybe we'll have time."

Rainbow nodded and she and Bearer left him to his work. Upon leaving, they both stopped to see Sunny standing in front of them, her eyes buried deep in a book she was reading. With one hand, she was firmly holding the open book, the other was twirling her red and yellow hair absently. With how close she was to the two, Rainbow and Rarity were not sure how to react. However, the odd woman took the first step and shut the book with a loud thud.

"I would like to play chess," she said with decisiveness.

"You play chess, Sunny?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, and I am one of the best at it," Sunny answered quickly.

"Nice! I'll set up right away!" Rainbow was about to walk over to Rarity's fancy table, but was stopped by Sunny.

"I don't want to face you, I want to face Rarity."

"Oh," Rarity was taken aback. "Why, of course! We shall set up immediately. With respect I ask, who are you?"

"People call me Sunny. I hail from Canterlot."

"Canterlot!" Rarity gasped excitedly. "Someone of class at last! How did you end up on this horrid ship? Are you a prisoner for ransom as well?"

"Not really," Sunny said as she and Rarity took their seats at the table. "I've been in search of my best friend who has gone missing. I've looked everywhere for her and my results are severely lacking. I am on this ship to return to the mainland."

They began to set up the chess board. Being on a rocking ship, they had to use a special set that included small hooks on the bottom of the pieces. The pieces would hook into little rings that were on each square. It made moving and removing pieces take more time, but it was better than having all of them slide one way or another with the constant waves.

"That sounds dreadful, darling. I hope you find her in due time."

"Well, I believe she was captured by some fiends," Sunny went on. "She was never one to go far from her home, so I know she didn't leave Canterlot willingly."

"How awful," Rarity said sincerely.

They completed setting up. Sunny was using the black pieces and Rarity was using the white. Rarity moved a pawn up two spaces and before she could barely retract her hand, Sunny instantly moved her knight. The Bearer was a bit confused by the speed of the move. It was like there was not a single moment for thought, only action. She made another move just for Sunny to slam another piece forward with intensity and authority.

"We are not being timed," Rarity said quietly.

"I know," was the curt answer.

"How is this friend of yours?" Rarity tried to make conversation as she thought of her next move.

Sunny crossed her arms and shrugged only one shoulder. "She's fine. Loves books and has awful socializing skills. She wishes to be a scholar."

"How quaint," Rarity smiled. "She sounds quite intelligent."

"She's smart, but I wouldn't call her wise."


Rarity moved a bishop out and just like always, Sunny slammed another piece forward right when Rarity's long fingers let go of her piece. Sunny did not even look at the board, whether it was her turn or not. She kept her eyes on Rarity, making the Bearer a bit nervous.

"If you need to know, I am a seamstress," Rarity gestured to herself. "I may be able to read and write, but I have hardly attended any real schools."

"You're not a bloody seamstress," Sunny uttered dryly. "I saw what you did yesterday, you have magic."

"Well, yes, of course. You are on Caramel's ship..." Rarity paused. "You do not know, do you?"

"I didn't, but I do now. They say you are a Bearer. Some pretty young girl whisked away by the Brotherhood. Whatever the 'Brotherhood' are, they sound quite roguish. I then listened to you and the captain in his quarters. It sounds like you don't have a literal heart."

"I don't. Nothing of this concerns you though," Rarity swallowed.

"I think it does. Now make your move."

Rarity did as Sunny commanded. After Sunny thoughtlessly moved another piece, she went on. Her voice getting lower with each syllable.

"However, it concerns me in a way you may not think."

"Sunny, you are walking in territory you should not. Remain ignorant of this topic and it shall be the better for you."

Rarity made another move and Sunny did her usual instant move. "Checkmate."


Rarity looked down at the board, and yes, the game had ended. The black queen was right in front of the white king and a black knight protected the queen from the king's attack. It was a risky strategy, but Rarity had no pieces in place to kill the black queen, so it was checkmate. The Bearer knew what move she had to do to stop such an attack, but she simply did not see it coming.

"That was fast..."

"Thank you for the conversation. I have all I need," Sunny did not even smile and left the table.

"Wow!" Rainbow exclaimed. "She's good!"

"Not really," Rarity muttered. "Simply lucky."

"Ah, I hate losing too, but no need to be sour over it."

"Rainbow, who is this Sunny?"

"Don't know. She is strange, but eh, whatever."

"I don't like her, Rainbow. Not. One. Bit."


Chapter 17: Split Loyalty (Part 1)

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The Ragnarok glided on the mostly calm waters. The southern coast of Equestria was to the west of them. High palm trees and dense woods on the cliffs were all that could be seen. Equestrians still had not inhabited the lands south of Baltimare, so they remained wild and savage and certainly no place to ever stop on the journey.

As the ship went on towards Baltimare, Rainbow whistled a tune to herself while she walked about on high main mast, above the main sails. With the little amount of wind, she was releasing the sails to gain a little speed. She did this sort of stuff all the time. She was so used to it, she barely even thought about her actions. And since she was one of the best in terms of balance, she had no trouble staying up on the beams.

"Done!" she said.

She swiftly and expertly climbed down until she was safely on the deck. There, she casually dodged the other crew members who wandered about ,doing their constant chores. She did so until she spied Sunny, dangerously sitting on the ship's railing, once again, reading her book. Rainbow started to believe she was not actually reading it, but just using it to avoid socializing with the pirates.

To ruin this plan, Rainbow marched over to her and leaned on the railing she was sitting on. All Rainbow needed to do was give the young lady a light shove and she would be lost to the seas. It seemed enticing, but Rainbow knew better and simply tugged a little at the woman's dress.

"What is it?" Sunny responded through her teeth.

"Jus' wanted to say hello," Rainbow jeered.

"Well, you said it, now please let me read."

"Please, I know ya ain't reading it," Rainbow giggled.

"Oh?" Sunny removed her eyes from the pages. "Why the assumption?"

"Ya've been on the same page for three days."

Sunny's face turned a bright red instantly. She tried to focus on the book once more, but now that her secret had been found, she could not. Instead she cursed and closed the pages before casting the small book over and into the blue waters.

"Wasn't that good, huh?" Rainbow smiled.

"Not in the slightest," Sunny shook her head. "Why are you still here?"

"Well, I also wanted to know why ya snubbed Rares like that yesterday. I mean, what were ya tryin' to do?"

The young lady rolled her eyes. "I guess I can tell you. You see, she is a Bearer. This Assassin Brotherhood captures poor young women, well, I only can assume they are women, and force them into service. I believe that is what happened to my lost friend."

"Wait, ya think she's a Bearer?"


"That seems like a stretch."

Sunny finally removed herself from the railing and stood on the deck where it was much safer. "You do not understand the circumstances. My friend and I were very close and her leaving like this is extremely unlike her. Not only that, she's of high enough wealth that a ransom from her snatchers would have been expected. It's been months and no such word has been heard. I believe she is either dead in some alley or she is a new Bearer of the Assassins. Of course, I cannot confirm either one, but I believe this is a start. I must return to Canterlot immediately."

"So ya gonna jus' go when we reach Baltimare."

"Yes. Since Baltimare is merely an hour or so north, I shall ready my items already. Rainbow Dash, thank you for letting me take passage on your ship. You are pirates, but you have some ounce of dignity. I thank you and your captain."

"It's nothing. Ya still gotta pay something though."

She rolled her eyes once again and pulled out a small purse. "I had hoped you would forget with the flattery, but here is my only bitpieces. If it's not enough, I have much more in Canterlot. Now I must get ready."

"Wait!" Rainbow called to her as she was about to go below deck. "What's ya actual name?"

"I guess I can tell you. You most likely will never hear it again anyway. I am Sunset Shimmer," she said and smiled.

"Bring her in! Bring her in! Nice n' easy!"

The Ragnarok closed in on the Baltimare port and gently stopped next to a pier. When they tied the ship to the posts, just like last time, a Royal Guard approached them. When the gangway was placed and the crew could reach land, the Royal Guard walked up and onto the ship.

The Royal Guard in his dark blue armor walked over to Caramel. "G'day captain! I am Lieutenant Lazarus of the Night Watch. State your business to be on this dock. I-" he paused. "Oh, it's you."

"How ya do, Lazarus?" Caramel grinned. "Long time, no see."

"I wish it was longer. Last time, you're bloody excuse of being a tradesman with the Black Dragon Inn was proven false. You lied to me! That is an offense not only to me but to the Two Sisters! I should confiscate your ship and have you tried!"

Caramel was about to yell back at the Night Watch officer, but an "ahem" from a young woman interrupted them. Sunny stood beside them with her arms folded. Her turquoise eyes were sharp and threatening to them both, but mainly to the Night Watch.

"Lieutenant, what is the matter?" she asked authoritatively.

"I...Uh...Lady Shimmer!" he croaked. "What, why are you here?"

"That's my business, not yours," she stated. "I heard you threaten this great captain. If you touch a finger on him, I shall report your unfair treatment to the Empresses. Empress Luna likes you at this moment, but she is one to change her mind."

"Yes, Lady Shimmer!" he bowed, making some sweat from his face fall to the deck.

"Now away with you," she dismissed him.

He bowed again before he turned and left without looking back. Caramel laughed loudly at his victory. He looked down at Sunny and shook her curly hair up with his hand.

"Good on ya, lass. I would love to keep ya if ya helped me like that more often."

"I would stay a day longer, but my friend needs me," Sunny said as she tried to fix her hair. "Perhaps we could see each other some time?"

"If Fate is willing. Now get outta here!" he laughed.

Sunny bowed to him before she left as well. Caramel saw her reach the worried lieutenant and they shared a conversation he could not hear. They walked away together and she was soon marching through Baltimare with Royal Guards flanking her. He chuckled to himself once again, but soon stopped when he felt someone leaning on him. He slowly turned his head to see Rarity smiling up at him with her pearly teeth.

"Glad to be back in a civilized town, hm?" she asked.

"Ya supposed to be locked up," he stated coldly.

"Am I? What a shame," she remarked sarcastically. "I grew tired of my cell. I thought it was time to get some much needed fresh air. And what better place to get the perfect smell of the ocean than Baltimare?"

"I thought we made a deal."

"The deal has no true weight to it, Captain. Our little journey is over. This town, whether you like it or not, is Assassin-controlled. You see, you may think you could strike another Pyrate Deal like you did with Den Master Silverspeed. We know better now."

"Are ya threatening me, Miss Rarity?" he leaned closer to her.

"Threatening? Such a nasty and simple word. No, I am not. If anything, I'm warning you of what is to come. You see, Captain Caramel, you are a man of your word, I know, and that's why you are a great threat to the Brotherhood. In your ignorance of the subject, you believe that we are some enemy to Equestria. You are mistaken, we fight to ser-"

"Cut the talk!" he barked. "I know what ya stand for. You want Harmony and freedom? Pshaw! Ya don't even know that yaselves. From my studies of those Elements, I'd say you are more of a breathing vessel for that crystal than a living human. Can't ya realize those things are only usin' ya?"

"My word!" Rarity backed away from the pirate. "The audacity! I tell you that me and and my Element are beneficial to each other. It was...a blessing to be chosen."

"A blessing?" he scoffed. "Never thought a blessin' would come in by having ya chest ripped open and ya heart stolen. I'd rather count that Element as a parasite before anything else, or do ya think the leeches or the lice are having a wonderful relationship with their hosts?" he mocked.

He continued by jabbing a finger into her shoulder. "Now ya can stay out and get some air. However, I'll be watching ya and so will the others. If ya Assassins plan on having some bravado, then we'll be damn ready for ya. Ya thought ya had the edge on Sepulcher, but we tanned ya hide then and we'll smite ya asses 'ere!"

"You're fighting a pointless war. We are not your enemies. You are so fixated on what you believe is true that you can't see past the lies. If you knew better, you would focus on the Templar, not us!"

"Hehe, that's where ya wrong. I know both sides. Ya both are rotten apples."

"You had your chance..." she uttered under her breath and walked away, leaving the captain to himself.

"What're they planning?" he asked the air.

"I didn't know you played cards."

"Darling, I play many games. In my early days in Canterlot, I did go to the taverns to gamble some. It was how I made some side money."

Rainbow and Rarity sat at a tavern in the Baltimare square. Being just past midday, the tavern was quieting from the workers who were sharing their food breaks. Rarity had an expensive with her while the young pirate had a large mug of cider. The Bearer went about shuffling a deck of blue playing cards. Her hands were quick and the cards flew about between her long fingers. Rainbow was slightly mesmerized by how she moved the thin cards. Not even swiping a sip from of her cider made her remove her eyes from the skill that was being displayed.

"What we playin'?"

"A nice game of Primero. It's a Canterlot favorite."

"Never heard of it."

"Well, it's not that complicated. All you need is to acquire the highest set of cards of anyone playing. Whoever does that wins the game. Of course, this is a gambling game, so we must have an ante to start with."

"I don't got many bits..."

"Well, we shall just use them sparingly then."

"I mean, I only got five," the pirate stated as she poured her coin purse on the table.

Rarity shook her head slowly. "Then this shall be depressingly short..."

"Not if I joined."

Caramel sauntered over to their table. He wasn't smiling and he was not showing any joy. His words were unusually dry and almost accusing. Rarity and Rainbow did not answer and simply watched him take his seat at their table. When he sat down, Zecora also joined them. It was a quiet gathering of the four.

"Ya deal, Miss Rarity?" Caramel asked with venom.

"I do deal, Captain," Rarity replied.

"Then place the cards that we shall play, so that we may begin on our way," Zecora ordered coldly.

Rarity looked to them all before shuffling the deck one more time. With her quick fingers, she distributed two cards to each of them, including herself. While she did that, the players put in one bitpiece each in the center of the table.

"Look at your cards and then I shall give you your second set," Rarity explained.

Rainbow looked down at her cards. She tilted them up awkwardly to see what they were. One was a two and the other was a five. Her eyes blinked as she did not know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. So she simply stared at them.

"I'll raise ya two bits," Caramel said as he tossed in two coins.

The others followed suit to match his bet. Rainbow was hesitant to separate from her bits as she only had two left at her side. Hope it doesn't go higher.

Rarity distributed two cards to each player once again. Rainbow was beginning to become nervous. The new two cards were an ace and a four. Her eyes darted to the other players. She noticed that Caramel nor Zecora were even looking at their cards, but right at the Bearer of Generosity. Rarity looked at them back with her devious sapphire eyes. The sly grin that was firming on her lips was making the young pirate uneasy.

"I shall raise you each three," she said and threw in the bits.

Rainbow threw in her remaining bitpieces. Apparently, it was time to show their hands. Rainbow showed her two, five, four, and ace hand. Zecora had three fours and a king. Caramel had two aces and two sevens. Rarity had a seven, a five, an ace, and a six.

"Well, I lost," Rarity shrugged. "I thought I had that. The old sevens won again."

"Wait? Why did Caramel win?" Rainbow demanded as the captain pocketed the bitpieces.

"He had the highest set," Rarity explained. "I only lost by four points. Zecora came in last, you just above her, then me, then Caramel."

"Ya should avoid gambling, Miss Dash," Caramel shook his head.

"But we have had enough talk, for the time is not for bite or bark," Zecora said as she continued to look at Rarity.

"What gives?" Rainbow asked. "Ya two are creepin' me out."

"Miss Dash, I think it's time for us to go back to the ship," Caramel said oddly.

The air was full of a weirdness hat Rainbow could not understand. The behavior of the three people in front of her was bewildering. Rarity was slightly sweating, but her grin showed complete confidence. Caramel and Zecora seemed unusually nervous and terribly on edge. The whole eerie feeling made even Rainbow short on breath.

"Miss Rarity, we need to leave," Caramel uttered sternly.

"And why should I? I have you all where I want you," Rarity smiled. "You should have never brought me to Baltimare. Even if I stayed locked up on the Ragnarok, what's about to happen would have happened anyway."

"Rarity!" Caramel growled.

She leaned back in her chair suddenly and kicked the table over upon the pirates. The cider and wine flew in the air and into the captain's eyes, making him scream at the horrid stinging. The Bearer fell back all the way and flipped herself upright before sprinting away down the Baltimare street. Rainbow was quick to recover the attack and spotted the fleeing Bearer.

"She's gettin' away!" Rainbow yelled and sprinted after her.

"Miss Dash! Rainbow! Stop!" Caramel screamed urgently.

The young pirate did not listen and ran after the Bearer. It was a chase to remember. The sand under her boots and the air dry air rushing past her rainbow hair was exciting. It was like she was preforming again in Manehatten.

The Bearer was no easy target to keep up with. Her Assassin skills allowed her to climb up the buildings, rush past the civilian obstacles, and take quick routes through the city. Rainbow was like a spectrum racing through the city after the fleeing prey. Her short, but strong legs pushed her onward. Every misstep meant something. Every moment wasted had consequences.

"You really think you can keep up with me?" Rarity mocked.

"You ain't seen me go fast!"

Rarity latched onto a pole and made a sharp turn, completely pulling her legs off the ground. She then reached a pulley and sliced the rope, letting the weight at the top fall to make her fly up to the roofs. Rainbow saw this and altered her route. She pressed her foot into the wall and jumped up to another wall and then to another. It did not take her long to reach the roofs with the Bearer.

"You are skilled, I'll compliment you that!" the Bearer yelled.

"Keep ya mouth shut 'til I get ya and sow it shut!" Rainbow threatened.

"How violent."

The Bearer jumped from the roofs to the trees that surrounded the port city. They were going deeper and deeper inland. Rainbow followed swiftly after, tiptoeing on the swaying branches and swinging around the thick trunks. They swung on the overhanging vines and branches from one place to another, using everything to their disposal and advantage.

They soon were running by the outer huts of the town. It was the poorer side of Baltimare and its lowly residents watched them run by through the treetops. The white of Rarity and the cyan blue of Rainbow made it impossible to not see them among the hazy green leaves. Their colors shown bright, but their quickness made them blurs.

Rarity slid down to a dirt road where she started to run even harder. The sandy roads turned into loose dirt paths that had bridges over swamps and small creeks. Rainbow had not been this far in and the nature around was turning quickly into something she did not expect.

"Desperate times," Rarity said. "A lady like me should not been seen running through such filthy bogs, but it's for a greater cause."

"You know nothing of 'greater causes!'"

"Hmph! I certainly know it better than you, pirate."

The wooden bridges turned into fallen logs and the creeks turned into wide ditches of stagnant water. Rainbow was slowly catching up with the Bearer. Her legs started to burn and her eyes became teary in the air. Must not stop! Failure wasn't something Rainbow was fine with. She pressed on and pushed herself further.

Their running brought them to some abandoned bog village. Signs of a civilization were everywhere. Wooden docks for the swamp boats, small homes made on stilts, and even what appeared to be a town square. The enormous trees that towered over them blocked the majority of sunlight, leaving them in a frightful darkness. Rainbow placed her hands in front of her to fight the increasing amount of swarming bugs.

Rarity jumped off a dock and began hopping from one pole to the next over the green gooey waters. Rainbow jumped after her, jumping from the same polls. The green moss that was lying atop the water was separated in spots were alligator eyes watched them. There was no room for a mistake above the swamps.

"Do ya even know where ya going?" Rainbow called out.

"Of course, darling. Why else would I go this way?"

The Bearer leaped from the last poll to dry land once more and ran done a thin and winding dirt trail. Rainbow drew her swords and kept the pursuit going. She had almost caught up with Rarity. All she needed was to hold her down until Caramel found them. Yeah, just like that. The Bearer had to tire out, right?

Rarity was met with a mass of fallen trees that blocked the trail. She slid to a graceful stop and turned around to see Rainbow charging at her. A wide grin appeared on her face and she stood there with her arms crossed. It was a knowing grin and it made Rainbow suddenly uneasy.

Rainbow ran with her swords out at the Bearer. Suddenly, an armored arm swung out from behind a giant tree and clothes-lined the young pirate. The hit was so spectacular that it sent her head over heels made her roll on the ground upon landing. Both her swords dangerously flew into the air and land in the nearby bushes. Rainbow tried to recover, but her head spun with the attack.

"You are skilled, but you are not the smartest," Rarity said.

Rainbow looked to see that the person who smacked her was June, the Bearer of Kindness. Around her were half a dozen Assassins. All of them pointed their swords at her. She cursed loudly and punched the ground.

"Ya gonna capture me again?" she wailed.

"No, we aren't." Rarity said as she elegantly walked over to her. "We aren't in the slightest."

The Assassins grabbed the pirate and forced her into a spread eagle position. She activated her wrist blades, but they did nothing as the Assassins were out of harm's way while they held her tight. One Assassin did not help his Brothers and Sisters, but instead went to Rarity and handed her a box.

"Very peculiar times, we live in," she uttered.

"Gonna torture me?" Rainbow spat. "I won't talk! I'm Rainbow Dash! The hardest bitch you'll ever get to talk!"

Rarity said nothing and stood right in front of Rainbow with the box in her hands. Her grin now left her and some regret was seen in her eyes. Her hands slowly opened the box to reveal a red crystal Rainbow instantly recognized it as the Element of Loyalty.

"I know you..."

"Gah!" Rainbow shrieked as her heart burned. "Please..."

"Rainbow Dash of Cloudsdale, the Element of Loyalty has chosen you to be his new Bearer," Rarity said solemnly.

"No. No. No, no, no," Rainbow shook her head. "Ya can't be serious."

"Wish we weren't," June chuckled. "But the Elements don't lie. He chose you."

"As one who has gone through this, my advice is to not fight the pain," Rarity said.

She then picked up the glowing crystal. It pulsed a loud pulse as it was drawn closer to Rainbow's chest. Rainbow felt like it was a furnace being pointed right at her. An extreme heat that melted her clothes away. The Bearer touched the Element to the pirate's shirt and then let go.

"No! I'm not a Bearer!" Rainbow cried.

"Yes, you are."

Loyalty's magic melted a hole through her clothes and then started to rip into her flesh. The pain was excruciating as she felt her ribs and bones be broken and separated to create a path for the intruding crystal. The only thing louder than her screams was the sounds of her bones cracking as they were pulled farther and farther apart in a slow and agonizing ordeal. Blood started to run down her robes and onto the ground like a current. Loyalty pulled the ribs farther and farther, butterflying her entire cage.

"Don't fight it," Rarity said soothingly. "It's better if you don't fight.

Rainbow's body and mind fought the Element with all her strength. As her organs became exposed, her arms twitched about madly and her eyes bulged out of their sockets. The Assassins around her held firmer and tighter grips.

Loyalty dug into her heart, making it burst in one spot. Rarity backed away as blood spewed out from the vital organ. Rainbow could not help but watch her heart be burned and fall out of her chest, plopping soundly on the mossy ground. The muscle still beat as it lay there, as if it had some hope of living a bit longer. Her veins and arteries attached themselves to the Element, allowing glowing red blood to fill what was lost. Under her skin was this startling red color. The blue blood was not to be found.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"Just a little longer."

Just as her body started to feel weak from the lack of a heart, she felt a shock of energy go through her that made her hair stand up. The opened ribs started to slowly go back into their original place. Loyalty was larger than her heart and when the ribs met the Element, they kept going, snapping in places where the tension was too much.


Rainbow finally squirmed free and with her free hand, she grabbed the Element. The pain she felt then was so much that let go instantly. The pain kept her frozen and she was losing the ability to even say words. The horrific screams were becoming desperate moans.

"Don't fight him!" Rarity shouted. "Please don't!"

"I rath...rather die than serve you..."

Rainbow said these words but made no action upon them. The Assassins took hold of her once more and Element sealed her broken skin. The end product had the Element sticking out of her chest at a jagged angle, just like Rarity. Rainbow's vision was fading and the pain was fleeting.

"It is done."

"Please....no...." she gasped.

"Rainbow Dash, please, this is not an attack on you," Rarity tried to sooth. "You will feel much better soon, I promise. The Element chose you. Take it with pride. It's for the best."

"No...no..." Rainbow repeated.

The Assassins let go of her and she fell to her hands and knees. Nothing felt right. The blood pumped in random beats. Her breathing was shallow. Her eyes were unfocused. Suddenly, she felt a shearing headache and she instinctively brought her palms to her forehead. After one blink, the world became a misty blue. Rarity and June faded away in this new world. She blinked once more and everything was back to normal.

"You'll get used to it," June chuckled. "Now, try to stand."

"Get up, Rainbow."

Rainbow struggled, but soon got to her feet. It seemed like her body was normalizing from the traumatic event. Rarity still held a face of concern. June gave a one-sided smile that had no Kindness in it. She laid a hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Welcome to the Brotherhood, Bearer of Loyalty."


Chapter 17: Split Loyalty (Part 2)

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"You are choosing the right side," June said.

"I'm not choosing anything," Rainbow growled.

"Take it easy."

"Don't take this personally, Rainbow," Rarity said with a concerned tone. "I...I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Ya think that's enough?" Rainbow snarled at the other Bearer. "You dragged me into this! You set this trap for me!"

"Yes, but I could not simply let you go. Loyalty chose you, Rainbow. He believes that you are the best choice to bear him. You hold qualities of Loyalty that surpass the rest of us."

"Of course, Loyalty is just having you as a temporal Bearer," June told the pirate. "No scum like you ever have any true Loyalty. You're simply the best candidate for our next move against Caramel."

"Ya think I'm gonna jus' go along with this?" Rainbow took a heavy step forward.

"Willingly? Of course not. However, you'll give way. Once the pain becomes too much, you'll realize how good being a Bearer really is and you'll try to do anything to keep that Element in your chest. If you do well enough, maybe Loyalty will stick with you?"

Rainbow wanted to punch the Bearer of Kindness right in the jaw. That grinning face that simply needed a good beat down. She tried to lift up her fist, but it was like she was being held down. No one had a hand on her, so this restraining was coming from her own muscles. The opposing force won the battle and she peacefully lowered her arm.

"No, no, no..." Rainbow shook her head. "Ya think this Element is gonna control me? Do ya actually think this is gonna hold me back?" her words became angrier with each uttered syllable.

"Ha!" June laughed. "No Bearer has ever dominated the relationship. You either trust your Element and have a mutual understanding of one another or it's the Element completely controlling you. If you were smart, you wouldn't fight the Element."

Rarity placed a delicate hand on Rainbow's shoulder. "Rainbow, darling, being a Bearer is a symbio-"

"Shut up, Rares!" Rainbow roared and she stepped away. "You have no say in this!"

Rainbow struggled against the Element's control. She was stiff in one leg, springy in the other, and her balance was never right. June rolled her eyes at Rainbow's pitiful attempts. Some of the Assassins tried to calm the Bearer of Loyalty down, but were afraid of getting too close to her. Finally, the Bearer of Kindness walked up to her and leaned down to be eye-level.

"Rainbow Dash, if you really are so strong, then hit me," she jeered. "I know Loyalty doesn't want you to hit me, so try. Try and beat the superior being."

"Don't hit her. This can be settled another way."

"Ya want me to punch you or slap you?" Rainbow asked coldly.

"Surprise me."

The sound of Rainbow's fist meeting June's jaw echoed through the swamp, sending birds flying from the bushes in fear. It was a right hook that knocked the Bearer to the mossy ground. All the Assassins gasped at the feat. Rarity quickly reached June's side to aid her. Brothers restrained Rainbow once more by pinning her arms to her back. It was sudden and almost too fast to be true, but the result left June on her knees with blood oozing from her mouth.

"Impressive..." she muttered.

"There's a lot more where that came from!" Rainbow laughed.

"June, dear, are you alright?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, Rarity. I've had worse," June pushed the Bearer of Generosity away.

"Yeah, I'm sure ya have!" Rainbow yelled. "It's probably why you're such a bitch! Did ya dad beat you? Did he want a son instead of this asshole he got? Huh? Was it ya husband? Naw! What man will ever go with a woman as ugly as you, huh? Not even a mother could love ya face. Oh! I got it, did ya get beat up so much that now ya gotta act tough? Is there any excuse for ya? Are ya just a bitch because ya was born one?"

June replied by kicking Rainbow in her gut, making her wince in pain. She then threw her gauntlets off to show hundreds of scars on her hand that she had acquired from healing the wounded. As Rainbow groaned from the kick, she took a deep breath.

"Hold her still," she told the Assassins.

The Assassins forced Rainbow to stand up straight. June then punched her with one fist and then followed up with the other. Rainbow's face was turned with each strike. Rarity simply looked away while Rainbow's face became numb with each following punch. The young pirate tried to stay proud, but her pride faded and one punch finally made her vision go dark.

"Miss Dash?"

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes to see a wooden ceiling above her. Her left eyebrow was swollen, so she could not open that eye fully. Her back was firmly on top of of a wide table. The creaking and slight moving of the table told her that she was on the ship. With her eyes only seeing the roof of the Captain's Quarters, she let out a distant moan.

" Miss Dash, are ya alright?"

" Captain?" She groaned confusedly.

" Yeah, it's me, lass."

"Where...where did ya find me?" she asked.

Caramel came into her view and leaned over her, his unusual smile instantly relaxed her. He placed his rough hand on her cheek, making her wince in pain. When he saw her reaction, he pulled away, but his face remained close.

"We found ya in a village by the swamps. The locals said ya was chasing a well-dressed woman. Guess ya fell and took quite a beating through the bushes."

"What?" Rainbow said with distaste. "I don't fall. can't ya tell what happened by my clothes..."

She looked down to see that she was wearing identical robes to her old ones, only they were not ripped apart. She also noticed that most of her wounds had been healed, save some on her arms, legs, and her face. With effort, she sat up on the table and she saw that Berry, Neon, and Zecora were also in the room.

"Did ya ever see Rarity?" Rainbow asked with a pant.

"Nah," Neon answered first. "We all found you alone in the village."

"Don't tell them anything."

"Huh?" Rainbow reacted to Loyalty's voice.

Caramel raised a sudden eyebrow at her, but said nothing. She wanted to say something, but her tongue refused to move and so she appeared like she was groaning from the pain once more. The Element that was now in her kept her headache going.

"I can't believe we lost the Bearer, such foolishness, I have not seen in forever," Zecora said.

"It happens," Caramel sighed. "We should jus' focus on Miss Dash here."

"I'm fine," Rainbow said and stood up off the table. "I just need some rest, that's all. That's bloody all."

Rainbow held her aching side and walked passed them all to exit the quarters. None followed her, save Berry who had a concerned face. Only her lazy utterances could be heard until they arrived by the hatch where Berry finally laid a hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Are ya sure ya alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," Rainbow said without looking at her friend."

"When I heard ya ran after Rarity, I thought ya be dead."

"It's a lot harder to kill me, Berry."

"I can tell."

Rainbow removed Berry's hand. "Look, I'm exhausted. Everything hurts, but yeah, I'm not bleeding everywhere. Think I'll just get some sleep, ya know?"


Rainbow went below deck and straight to her sleeping spot on the ship.The closer she got to the place, the more her head hurt and her muscles contracted. Her breathing became heavy and her vision blurred. She barely threw herself in her own hammock.

"We should wait until heading out once more."

"I'm not doing a single damn thing you say," Rainbow growled. "You don't control me."

"Rainbow, my dear, you will need to make a decision. You cannot obey two opposing masters."

"I won't. I'm sticking to Caramel, not you Assassins. You won't get me to kill him. Not now, not ever."

"Your Loyalty is admirable, but it is split at the moment. I am Loyalty, I know all your true feelings. You dislike the Brotherhood the least on this ship. The Bearer of Generosity, you care for her."

"I don't give a damn about that bitch."

Rainbow's body tightened even more. "Oh, but you do. If you didn't, I would not have latched onto you so easily. I knew from the moment I saw you that your loyal tendencies and you sticking with the most useless of friends was something I wanted in my Bearer. You stuck with Berry, not because she gave you anything but friendship. After meeting Rarity, you grew to like her and even defended her when Caramel put her in her place."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Because I can access all your memories, as you can mine. It's an ability to increase the effectiveness of us both. When I entered your chest, I gave you almost 200 years worth of Assassin training and fighting. You now have the abilities of every Bearer of Loyalty before you."

"Are ya saying I'm some sort of weapon?"

"You are, Rainbow Dash, you are."

With that, her eyes were forced shut by the Element and she fell right to sleep.

Rainbow awoke from her violent sleeping and got up from her hammock. It was complete darkness below deck as it was just past midnight. Her jaw twitched, and her tendons seemed to want to all curl up. She was conscious of all she was doing, but she seemed to control none of it. Her mouth uttered words not even she understood while she grabbed her knife and put her hood over her head.

"It's time."

Her vision blurred immensely before she opened them again to see a world of faded blue. All the darkness was gone and she could see everything without light. Using this, she walked through the walkways until she reached the hatch and climbed the small flight of stairs to the main deck. The lights on the deck and coming from the Baltimare docks they were still anchored at, did not seem to register in her vision, but be as bright as the darkness around her.

The souls on deck and on the docks were glowing red in her blue vision. Even if they were behind buildings or beyond any line of sight, she could see their red figures. Two were on the deck with her, so she crouched down to avoid their sight. Each one of her steps were silent on the wood and she made her way towards a specific location.

Her eyes told her about a yellow figure, quite unlike any of the others. This figure was Caramel, sleeping peacefully in his quarters. Through the door, she watched his chest go up and down in relaxed breathing motions. She carefully turned the nob of the door and entered without a disturbing noise. She kept low, her knife clutched in her left hand tightly.

"Be careful. Your first assassination must be a clean one."

She reached his bed and stood up, her dagger raised to strike into his shirtless chest. In her vision, he was not man nor her mentor, but a simple blur of yellowish light. There was nothing there. No soul, no real human, simply an object that needed to be destroyed. This was not Caramel, but simply a target.

Her hand tightened her grip on the knife, but suddenly, her breathing stopped. Caramel was before her, helpless in his sleep, but she could not take advantage of such an opportunity. She fought the will for blood. She fought the will for Harmony. Some of her was telling her to kill because he was a pirate, a monster, the other was telling her to stop because he was a friend. One of the only friends she ever had.

Her vision faded and the normal light was back. A dim light came from the quarter's windows that was on Caramel's peaceful continence. He was no longer a blur, but a man with a soul, a body, and a heart worth saving. This was now the captain, the painter, the hero of her life. Who was she to take the life of the one who gave her a life worth living?

"I...I can't," she muttered.

"He is a enemy of the Brotherhood. You will save lives by ending his."

"No," Rainbow shook her head. "Ya can't make me."

"Huh?" Caramel stirred and his eyes opened. Instantly, he jerked up from the bed and attacked her. With the strength of his hand, he knocked the knife from Rainbow and tackled her into his desk. The crashing sound of a globe he had falling to the wood floor echoed on the short ceiling.

"Bloody Assassin!" he yelled. "Come to kill me, eh? Guess what, ya piece of shite, ya picked the wrong damn captain!"

It was clear he did not recognize Rainbow with her hood on in the darkness. His burly and weathered hands went to her throat, strangling her. She kicked at him, but he did not care. As her vision blurred and her head felt like it was about to burst, a sudden spike of energy shot through her body, allowing her to kick him squarely in the gut and then toss her body so that they both fell onto the floor.

She jumped up quicker than him, but like her, he masterfully flipped himself up to his bare feet. She had trained with this pirate and knew his fighting style, but his adrenaline had turned him into some animal, allowing him to punch her across the face and send rolling across the room.

"Put up a fight! Come on!" he growled like an enraged beast.

Rainbow bounced up and looked about. Since Caramel was a pirate, his room had all sorts of weapons and objects that could be handled as ones. In the corner of her eye, she could see the faded gleam of one of his swords. With the speed she was known for, she dived for it, picking it up in a smooth and swift motion.

"Came a little unprepared eh?" Caramel laughed. "No matter."

Rainbow kept the blade pointed at him. He paced around her with his hands up in a defensive position. Her mind told her to stand down, her arm told her to stab him right through. The Element pulsed in her, acting as an artificial heart that was pumping blood speedily through the body. With a grunt, she swung at him. Caramel sidestepped and grabbed her sword-wielding arm. Without letting go, he squeezed her wrist until she dropped the sword and the flung her straight into a cabinet that lined the wall. The doors on it broke off as she collided with the aged wood.

"Get up! Get up!"

"Captain...please..." Rainbow weakly groaned.

Caramel did not hear her and while she was on the ground, gave her a firm kick to the gut. This kick sent another surge of energy through her as the Element tried to control her. Loyalty took control of her left arm, making it reach out and grab Caramel's leg to pull it forward with a vicious tug that imbalanced him. She then stood on her hands and launched a kick to his chest that sent him falling over.

"Ya got some skills, I'll give ya that, lass."

Rainbow Dash was not done. As he stood up, she ran at him, jumping at his neck with her legs, wrapping both of them around his head, and then knocking him down again. She then placed him in a strong and tight headlock, desperately trying to suffocate him.

He gasped for breath, but he could not stand up. Like an animal, he slammed his fist on the wooden floor. He then threw himself backwards into the wall, smashing Rainbow between it and him. With a furious tenacity, he kept doing this. All the objects that were delicately placed throughout the quarters had now fallen on their shelves and tables. When Rainbow slightly lost her grip, that was when Caramel reached at her and threw her over his head and into a mirror, shattering it.

"Ya done it now!" he screamed.

As Rainbow felt blood ooze out of her new cuts, she watched Caramel storm over to her and pin her to the table she was on. He grabbed her face and started slamming her head into the hard wood repeatedly. With no real purpose but to beat the blood and guts out of her, he smacked her wherever he could, he punched her on any sensitive location, and did everything to bring as much brutal pain to her as possible.

His hand pressed against her face. His calloused fingers and scared palm were more than enough to cover the entirety of her front head. She had few opportunities to properly breath, and much less to say anything coherent. However, his slamming stopped instantly while his hand still covered her.

"I know that face..." he gasped. "Miss Dash?"

He allowed her to speak. "Yes, Cap'n?"

In the little light there was, she could barely see his face, which was now completely horrified. His animal instincts faded instantly and were replaced by terrified emotion that had him on the verge of tears. His lips quivered under his scraggly brown beard. His eyes glistened even in the low light.

"How could I have done this to ya?" he sorrowfully uttered. "I almost killed ya. I almost bloody killed ya."

"I've had worse..." Rainbow groaned with a slight smile.

He did not take her humor and hugged her bruised body tightly. "Lass, I am sorry. From the deepest parts of my ugly soul, I'm damn sorry. I never once wished my hands would hurt ya like this."

"Cap'n, don't be sorry," Rainbow touched his face. "I was tryin' to kill ya."

He didn't let go. "To Hell with that! Ya don't need to lie, lass."

"I'm not...You saw me with the knife, didn't ya?"

He looked at her straight in the eyes. "Why? Why would ya kill me, Miss Dash?"

"Say nothing."

She tapped her own chest. "They got to me..."

Caramel's eyes widened as he heard the ringing sound of the Element upon being touched. His tears stopped and he was hugging her in an emotionless state. Rainbow tried to smile one more time, but she fell unconscious from his beating. Her head hung back with her rainbow curls gently gracing his thick arm. Not a word being uttered.

The quarter doors opened and some crew members came in to investigate. They all stood back upon seeing the captain and the young woman in his arms. They gathered around Caramel, asking him many questions. He did not hear one, however, and simply stared into space. Not even Zecora could grab his attention. They took Rainbow from him, which he did nothing to resist, and let him sit on the floor of his room in this quiet state. He did not sleep for the rest of the night, and neither did any of the crew.


Chapter 18: Relationships

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Rainbow looked down at the floor of the Pit. The iron bars that surrounded her did not bother her, as she knew she deserved to be behind them. Her right ankle was chained to one of the bars, restricting her little freedom even more. A thick cord tied her wrists together behind her back. The pirates all knew what had happened to her, and not a soul was taking a chance. She was the top threat to everyone present on the ship.

A cold sweat was on her. She had never realized how stifling the Pit could be. However, she was not complaining. She thought she deserved to be there. She could admit she was not feeling herself these days. Her eyes cast down on her chest. She could feel the Element pulsing like it was a heart. Loyalty had not spoken with her much after her failed attempt at killing Caramel. She could only guess it was disappointed in her.

"I am not disappointed," Loyalty spoke.

"I didn't say anything," Rainbow grumbled.

"But you thought it."


Familiar steps came down the hall to her. She knew who it was by the sound alone. Only one person on the ship walked like that. Not to her surprise, Caramel rounded the corner and silently approached the cell. She did not feel like greeting him, so she remained silently and simply looked at him expectantly.

"Never in my mind did I think they'd pull off this shite," he uttered.

"Neither did I," Rainbow shrugged casually.

"I'm terribly sorry lass, how have ya wounds been?"

"Their gettin' better. I've had worse, remember? Nothing Zecora's medicines can't fix."

"Jus' for ya to know, we're back in the Labyrinth Isles."


"It's been a week n' half, lass," he said quietly.

"Woah...I've been down here that long?"

"I'm afraid so. Never been in the Pit meself, so I can't understand what ya feeling. Ya so used to work that when ya simply lay about, it seems like time doesn't move a pint."

"It's been a whole week and only now ya see me?" Rainbow crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, but I've simply not been meself as of late. Zecora's mostly been the one steering these days. I'm not one to be troubles, ya know that, but them making ya a Bearer is troubling to me. Some of me thinks it's best to kill ya. You are either a Bearer or ya dead. There's no gettin' ya real heart back. Bloody kill ya and let Loyalty sink to the bottom of the ocean. I've never killed a crew member that was still Loyal to me. Never have, lass."

"I don't mind it, Cap'n," Rainbow smiled encouragingly. "I rather be dead than try and kill you."

"I know, and that's why I can't get myself to do it. Ya my best pal, ever since I saw ya. Every time I see ya, I think of me younger days when I was simply an ambitious lad. Ya took to sea quicker than any bloat I've ever laid eyes upon. Ya a determined sod that simply doesn't quit. Ya everything that I want to see in a captain. I'd commit murder if I ended ya."

"Then where to now?" Rainbow asked the question with little enthusiasm.

"To Tartarus if I knew, lass." He sat down and crossed his legs right in front of the cell. "One thing's for sure, I'm not gonna bloody keep ya locked up in this cell. An Assassin belongs in here. A Templar belongs in here. A traitor belongs in here. Ya ain't any of those. Now I speak to Loyalty here. I ain't gonna stay runnin' from ya. If ya want to kill me, ya try ya finest!"

In a burst of anger, he stood up and unlocked the cell with a key he was holding. With a furious swing of his large arm, he opened the cell door and stood in its doorway. Rainbow was taken aback by this, but remained sitting on the cold floor.

"Get up!" he snarled.

Rainbow obeyed the captain. Caramel bent down and unlocked her shackles. Once he was done, he took her by the shoulder and forced her out of the cell and into the hall. His breath was close to hers as he kept himself terribly near her face.

"Do you feel like killing me? Huh?" he shouted into her face.

"No! No I don't!" Rainbow croaked.

"What does Loyalty say? What does he tell you?" Caramel held her firm.

"He hasn't said anything."

He continued to growl. "Is he a coward? Tell him to come out and speak! I know he hears me!"

Rainbow's body began to tense up. It was apparent he had angered the Element. Loyalty pulsed loudly within her chest and her face muscles began to twitch uncontrollably. Caramel held her by both shoulders and tried to keep her still.

"Fight it! Fight the Element. There's only one bloody gal on this planet that has the will to beat an Element. That's you, Rainbow! That's you!"

"You doubt me?" The Element half-uttered through Rainbow's lips. A sly, masculine voice.

"Come on, Rainbow! There's a way to fight this! You are the master!" Caramel shouted.

"You liar!" Loyalty growled. His words were barely uttered as Rainbow fought for control. "You hold her back from greatness. There is no master here, only a Bearer and her Element. We fight....We fight for Harmony! Something you pirates lack."

"Rainbow! Think of Berry! Think of me and Neon! You have no friends with the Assassins. They are only using you."

A massive and painful headache made Rainbow cry out in agony. The Element had stopped trying to control her and her body went limp. Caramel's large hands kept her upright, but she was far too dizzy to stand on her own. Seeing that they had won, Caramel started to snicker with pride.

"That's my gal! Listen, we are gonna turn this damn plot against those shites! You are a Bearer, but not a Bearer Loyal to the Assassins. There's no way to return ya back the way ya were, but ya better make sure we'll use this the best way we can. Bearers have powers, you have powers!"

"Not really," Rainbow sighed. "I've only done some eye things and that's it. I don't think I can have the powers unless I let Loyalty have control. Caramel, he'll win eventually. I...I feel like I just fought for eight days straight..."

"Don't talk like that, lass. Don't ever talk like that..."

The crew members stared at her with worried eyes as she stood on the main deck among them. Some had their hands on the pommels of their swords, others just were slowly moving away. They all distrusted her, they all were clearly afraid of her. She tried smiling at them, but it did not seem to work.

"What's it like?" a crew member ventured.

"How's it feel?" another gulped.

"Do ya wan' to kill us?"

Rainbow placed a hand on her hip. "Guys, it does feel a bit different, but I guess not as much as ya would think. I ain't gonna kill any of ya, alright? Jus' treat me like ya always did."

Neon took a step forward. "Sorry, Rainbow, but that's going to be hard to do. I mean, you're one of them now."

Rainbow grew red in the face. "I am not one of them! They think they can control me, but they can't!"

"She's bloody right," Caramel muttered. "What we've got here is someone meant to frighten us. Ya see, they want us to break apart. They's trying to ruin our relationships. We won't let that damn thing happen. Miss Dash is gonna be treated like she's the same gal before all this."

A general mumble grew among the crew members. They were obviously unconvinced by Caramel's decision. This obviously upset the captain. His frown grew deep and slammed his fist into the main mast, making everyone jump back at least three feet.

"You'll trust her and do everything I say!" he roared. "If you don't, by Tartarus, I'll crack ya skull with me bare knuckles!"

"Aye, Cap'n!" they yelped in response.

"Good, now carry on, lads," he grumbled.

The crew nodded their heads and acted busy. Rainbow was about to thank the captain, but saw that he had turned and walked away from her. With her eyes now drawn to the deck, she sighed and headed back to where she came. She returned to the Pit, almost out of mindless habit, and then realized that the cell was not her home. Some of her wished to return and shut the door just for the safety of her friends, but she knew that would be an overreaction. No, it was better to go to her hammock and settle there. At least there she would be able to think and not worry so much about the metal bars.

"Could this day get worse?" she wondered.

Even after an hour or so, she did not have the stomach to go back up the stairs. She remained sulking on her hammock, wishing she was more intelligent, careful, wise, and many other things that would have prevented her from being drawn into the woods by that conniving Assassin. Even though she wished and dreamed that she could be different, nothing changed and her heart was still left in some muddy swamp, timidly rotting away without her.

She peered down at her chest. The Element was still there, glowing softly between her breasts. He had been quiet ever since Caramel told her to fight, but Rainbow did not think he gave up, but was simply being an observer. Perhaps he was laughing at her? Perhaps he genuinely cared for her being? She did not know. Some of her simply did not want to know.

"Rainbow?" a familiar voice interrupted her deep thinking.

The young pirate looked lazily at Berry Punch, who had the same lazy look, but with sincere concern in her droopy eyes. It was rare for Berry to hold such an expression, as it usually was gone with two more drinks, but it was clear she was sober, and worried about her dear friend.

"I think I'm fine, Berry," Rainbow told her quietly.

"I don't think you are," she replied. "I may not be the brightest gal out there, but I know missing a heart is...important. It's bad too."

Rainbow could not help but chuckle. "Heh, well, yeah. I'm not gonna kill you..."

"I know that," Berry cut her off. "I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about ya. I...I don't want it to simply ditch you. Some of the crew think you're a temporary Bearer, like, once your job or whatever is done, it'll jump right out, leaving you to die. I don't want my only real friend to die."

"I...I don't know how to respond," Rainbow choked up. "That could be the case. To be honest, one of the Assassins said that."

Berry was deeply saddened by this. She hung her head low and looked only at the dark floorboards. Seeing her pitiful reaction, Rainbow regretted her words. She could no longer look at her friend and sat up in her hammock, joining in Berry at staring towards the floor.

"Berry, I uh..." Rainbow tried to encourage her. "I'm sorry all this happened. I'm sorry that I dragged you on this ship and brought both of us into this crazy war. I was jus' looking for some gold, some money to change our fortune. The last thing I expected...heh, was a big crystal in my chest," she said as she began to smile. "I never predicted I would become heartless."

Rainbow started to chuckle at it all. She could not help but see the ridiculousness of the situation. Berry too, saw the humor in her joke and gave the little grunt of laughter that was normal of her. Rainbow stood up from her hammock, gaining only a couple of inches in height, and spread her arms out to her friend.

"C'mon, Berry, give ya girl a hug!" she said.

Berry said nothing and accepted the offer. When they embraced, Loyalty hummed a melodic tune. They did their best to ignore his song and continued to hug tightly. Berry, being so much bigger than her friend, had to bend over for their heads to be equal. It had been a long time since they had hugged so dearly and now they wondered why they waited so long.

"Ya know, Dash," Berry said, "maybe this'll be good for you. Maybe you'll finally get a man. Like, men fall for a girl with such a chest?"

"Yeah, yeah," Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Only you'd say that. So ya wanna go drink some of the cider? I doubt anyone is going to get in my way today."

"Naw," Berry shook her head. "I'm done with that for now."

"Really?" Rainbow pulled her out to arms' length to look at her face. "What happened?"

She shrugged, which made Rainbow frown.

"C'mon, we've got plenty of drink and good reason to drink it! I mean, Berry, it'll be like old times."

Berry simply shook her head. "Well, back then, I thought I could jus' drink everything away. Today, I've got nothing to drink for. Dash, I think I'm content. I don't know this feeling well, but I like it. Makes me jus' wanna watch the waves or something. I'm jus' glad that you're still you, and if I have that, then I got nothing to worry about. Dash, I really thought you were crazy when ya made me get on this ship, but I don't regret following you. I don't regret any of this. Neither should you. We're on a damn pirate ship, with actual pirates and a great captain. We're on an adventure going up against people we've never heard about. Ya know, a hidden war. Man, Dash, can you believe that? I never heard something like this since when my grandma told me those old tales. We're living a legend! And we should not be sad about it. If this is to our death, then let's go! I rather die out here then....then drink my whole life away. We don't need to drink, not today. Let's just be content."

Rainbow was quite shocked by her friend. Berry had never uttered so much with such meaning. Her mouth hung slightly opened and her eyes began to form tears. It was beautiful, she thought. They embraced once more, but now without jokes or humor, just a feeling of well-being. A feeling of being utterly content.

Without a single word, they held each other for some time. No one interrupted them, not the crew, the captain, or even the ever-watching Element. After a while, they headed above deck and as Berry wished, they stood by the stern of the ship, watching the wake that the Ragnarok created. No one cared to notice how long they did this. With peace in their souls, a day that was supposed to be terrible, became great. And for that day, it almost seemed everything was all right.
