Amazing Adventures of Pocket Watch

by Dedmanbonez

First published

Can pocket live up to the title of the Doctor while being different?

Pocket watch was born still at the same time that Derpy Hooves killed her husband the Doctor and was rewarded with the life of a Timelord and the memories of the Doctor. Can Pocket consolidate life as an Alicorn and become a different kind of doctor? Join Pocket on this quest to becoming the someone different and not what is expected from either legacy


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This story was inspired by one of my favorite blogs Discordant Derpy. After the creation of the twelfth I decided to actually write it as a stress relief This story Is not canon to the Tumblr blog For all who are curious the level is 4

What appears to be a young alabaster colt walks up to the Castle gates and as he draws closer he is stopped by blades."Halt young colt! I know you are eager to see the princess but court is in session and you must present the proper papers."

The young 'colt' groans in frustration and places a hand in the breast pocket of his jacket and produces a pass. "These are the only papers I need right here!” The 'colt' said with a smile. A smile that quickly turned into a frown. The guards were laughing at 'him'. “Might I inquire as to what you find so humorous, madame guard?”

The guards were slowing their hysterics to answer the colt. “Young man you’ve presented us with blank papers! That what’s so haha hehe funny!” It either takes serious mental training or prescription grade lack of imagination to beat psychic paper like that. I’m going with the later on this one, since these ladies don’t looks like they have the mental capacity for such an effort. Well bollocks, this just got harder than it had to be!

The 'colt' messaged 'his' temple and did something she was saving for Her, removed 'his' perception filter from around her visage. In front of the guards stood what appeared to be an Alicorn... a male Alicorn! due to her tomboyish nature and age (some kids are hard to discern gender at low ages) they assumed she was a he. And while 'he' was merely a child, any fool could connect the the dots here. Or so the girl thought.

One of the guards however was not swayed by this display. “Changeling!” The 'colt' rolled her eye. Great, now they think I’m a Changeling! Better nip this one in the budd.. The Alicorn 'boy' pulled a blade from 'his' side, making a “I won’t try anything stupid” motion.

The Alicorn child brought the blade closer to 'his' arm. “Changelings bleed green, yeah?” The guards nodded and the 'boy' lightly pressed the blade to 'his' arm. “See, it’s red. I’m no changeling now will you let me in the castle, please?” The guards made a right this way motion as the colt did a attempt at patching himself up with a bit of magic and put his form hiding cloak back on. The guards looked at him strangely

“Who are you, boy?” The girl rolled her eyes at being called boynit irked her to no end that ponies couldn't or wouldn’t trust their bloody noses. She also held back a laugh at the guards' stupidity.

“I’ll give you a hint. I”m six!” The guards’ pupils shrank to pinpricks. “Not a word of this to anypony, understand. I want to make a grand entrance. Now take me to the Courtroom like the VIP I am, please.” The filly chose to lay on the authority with a smidge of cute. The guards, who happened to be mares. Eat it up like candy. She could tell they were thinking how ‘adorable' 'he' was.Trying to speak like a grown up would and slightly failing at the end.

One of the guards took to properly healing the filly's arm with a tender touch. She had a ‘mommy’ feel to her. One look in her eyes and she could tell she was as barren as they came. She chose to give the girl the joy she sought. “Madame guard, your name if you please” The guard who was tending to the colt smiled vibrantly and the colt felt his heart tremor a bit.

“My name is Joyful Aria. And yes, I know my name is a bit of an oxymoron.” The pretty dark red unicorn mare said with a smile while gently rubbing the 'colts' formerly wounded arm. “There, all better! Have a lollipop.” The other guard chuckled as the 'boy' giddily took the lollipop in 'his' mouth and smiled at Aria.

The other guard mare looked at the boy with a more stern look. Maybe she’s a big sister or something. “Name’s Lovely Sonata and yes my friend and I are aware of who our namesakes are sir!” The 'colt' tilted her head in ‘I’m confused’ motion. “The Sirens that once wrought havoc on Equestria. Haven’t you heard of them, my lord?”

“Three things you need to know. First, you may call me Pocket Watch for know, it’s the name my momma raised me under. Second I'm a..what was the wor momma used? Futa and a girl! And third, no I haven’t. I take it you have some sort of ancestral tie to them.” She nodded her head sadly. It would appear that their heritage was something that caused trouble “Also why are night guards guarding during day court?”

“Both princesses are in court today. Luna is offering Celestia support since today is…”

Pocket stopped Sonata mid sentence. “I understand what today is. Thank you very much. I was merely curious, that’s all!” Pocket pouted and Sonata and Aria lost to the urge to hug her. Because...adorable! Pocket protested for a few seconds then gave in to the hug. It felt nice to have the two show her such affection.

The three of them reached the doors to the courtroom and were halted by another set of guards. “My papers, fine guards.” Pocket pulled out her psychic paper once more, sure that it would work this time. Turns out it did. When the door was opened, Pocket and her two guard ladies were assailed by a seemingly unending line of nobles waiting for their chance to file their grievances and condolences with either of the princesses. “At this rate I’ll never get to them! Time for the showstopper” Sonata and Aria knew exactly what Pocket was referring to as they assisted her in plowing through the unruly line.

“Pardon, VIP coming through. It is paramount that the princesses see him.” Some saw the well toned guards on either side of Pocket’s mysterious figure and cleared a path in fear. When the more gutsy of the nobility failed to move, the two looked at each other and started to sing a melody. Some ponies began to sway but most of the crowd was unmoved. A third mare joined the party. She completed the set of harmony (pun intended) her lovely emerald wings and mane grew more vibrant as the melody went on. When pocket looked he noticed his guard friend's features were accentuated as well.

Pocket noticed she was the only one that wasn’t affected for ill or for good. She decided to roll with it and matched their gait and put a little of her own swagger into it (Well, as much swagger as a six year old can have). The three broke into a formation in front of him. For some reason walking with the girls as they sang for her just felt right. As she walked she began to remove 'his' hood. When the song reached its crescendo and they were in front of the princesses Pocket removed the cloak completely. As the perception filter was removed, a round of gasps were released from the whole room. Pocket moved to the now shocked Celestia and hugged her. “Hello mother. Did you miss me?”

Celestia and Luna broke into tears. “Sunny, could it really be you?” Celestia asked in an unbelieving tone. Pocket sighed at her actual name and at the fact that she’d have to cut herself open, again. Guards made a beat for her, they were stopped by Pocket and she cut herself open once more. “My baby boy, you’ve come home! I had almost given up hope.” Celestia continued her sobs of joy and all nobles saw themselves out. Since most of them were parents themselves, they knew to leave the royalty to their tender reunion. “Guards you may leave us.” The guards exited the room soon the sisters were at the door.

Pocket or rather Sunny, didn’t want them to leave her. “Aria, Sonata, and...I’m going out on a limb and saying you’re Adagio?” She shook her head “Stay with me. Mother, if you do not mind I’d like to make these three my personal guard. They’ve shown me great kindness, not because I’m an Alicorn. But because they seem to genuinely like me and we go so well together! The story I am going to tell you is theirs to hear as well. Please let them stay...please!” Celestia gave a motherly nod of approval and motioned for Sunny to sit by her.

With that, Pocket’s story began. “You know me as Sunny Dial however my momma called me by Pocket Watch. In order to truly know my story, you must first know the tale of a Stallion known only as the Doctor.“ Mother and Aunty are raising their eyebrows. They must know of him. But the girls don’t, so here we go. “He was a great stallion might find this crazy. But he traveled throughout time and space, sometimes saving the day and sometimes just causing a bit of a ruckus. A spell might make this go better” Aunty cast spell to cast memories in the form of a visible story.

I continued to give the stories of the Doctor’s adventures in Equestria and a knowing look was placed on mommy's and Aunt’s faces from time to time. I must be filling in some blanks. After about an hour I made it to his meeting Derpy Hooves and making her his companion. Derpy was was a cross eyed mare with a blonde mane and tail and bubbly cutie mark. I tried my best not to skip into their romance too quickly, but I had a point to make. I’m not going to spend an uber long time stretching out an obvious romance just for shiggles. I mean, who does that?!

I got to my point, which was my birth. And had mother fill that one in for me but Aunty took the baton instead. “You were born still. My dear nephew…”

Sister’s room had been turned into a maternity ward help ease the birthing. Oh but We are getting ahead of ourselves aren’t we? Sister had been trying so hard to be with child, yet we feared that all her efforts were for not. She had tried many times with many lovers it was to the point that we were believing her to be barren! Yet she kept trying, I mean who in their right mind would say no to sleeping with the princess. Of course She had each stallions mind wiped of the experience. Or coaxed them into never bothering her again. She wanted a child, not a lover.

“No, you were right the first time. That man’s a sperm donor and I’d rather not see his face, if you do not mind! Sorry about that aunty, the floor is yours again. Please continue your magic story.”

She had just about given up on ever being a mother and resigned that this would be her last attempt. It is strange how things tend to happen when you stop trying is it not? A few months later sister noticed her cycle wasn’t coming and visited her doctor and confirmed her pregnancy. She tracked down the sperm donor who now had a wife and children. She was slightly crestfallen at this revelation but left without them noticing her. When sister told me she had just left him with the memory I was a bit outraged. But I understood, he gave her what she had always wanted. So she and I could let this indiscretion pass. His family no longer lives in Equestria however it was not our doing. We merely thought it an odd coincidence.

Now this brings us back to where we had started. Sister took every caution while she was bearing you. She even asked Twilight Sparkle to take over her court duties to lower stress levels. We often caught her humming and lovingly caressing her tummy when she thought nopony was paying attention to her. "Wait, you noticed that?!"

"Sister, everypony noticed that. They just let you bask in your joy! Now may we continue?"

When the time came for the delivery. Twilight Sparkle, Mi Amore Cadenza (three months into her own pregnancy) and ourself had gathered. It was much to our collective horror that you drew no breath. Sister was in denial however. "A baby colt, isn't he adorable Luna?" Sister asked as if nothing was wrong. "Doctor, may I hold my son? He's being rather quiet."

We could not let the doctor be the one to bring her to reality, it would not end well for him. There were two things wrong with her statment. The first being that that child was multigendered. The last being it was dead. "Sister, that's enough. He's gone. No, gone isn't the right word here, he was never here. I am sorry to say this sister but his birth was still and you need to accept that."

Sister began to shake and cry as the doctor moved towards the door. "No. Bring me my baby!" The room was silent. "ARE YOU ILL AT HEARING, I SAID BRING ME MY BABY!" The poor doctor was frozen in fear by Sister's unbridled fury. She took a look in her eyes and noticed said fear. "I am sorry but please I beg of you, let me hold my foal. Please." Sister said with a visible shake in her voice. We grabbed the baby with our magic so sister would be the first and last to directly touch the poor child.

Sister sang the tune that she had been humming her entire pregnancy to the baby. She held him and cried for five minutes then handed him to the doctor who repeated my process. Yet as she went to the door. "A miracle happened." I took over The story "Said miracle came in the form of the essence of a Time Lord searching for a body. The day of my birth was also the day of the Doctor's death. Derpy had killed him for reasons I won't be sharing. Just know that if she hadn't done that, I wouldn't be here today mommy. " I kept a serious look on my face to make a point "Do not arrest Derpy. Consider it a thank you."

Aunty turned to face me. "How do you know all this, nephew?" I gave her a small glare, she knew better, "niece." She corrected herself something that mommy refused to do. I smirked and clutched my necklace and threw it in the air. In the space in front of me stood a red metal phone booth with opaque glass. Everypony gawked at it. Oh if they think that was awesome, wait till they get a load of this!

I moved to the phone booth with a proud strut and snapped my fingers to open the door. "Ladies, I give you the Tardis! Bigger on the inside and whatnot. And yes mommy, I assure you I am not the doctor but your baby *sigh of disgust* boy (since you still wont yield to the truth). You all know that I disappeared when I was about six months old. I think it's time to tell you where I've been for the last five and a half years! Aunt Lulu, I'm taking over your story weaving spell." Lulu nodded and blushed at the name.

According to momma, I literally landed in her lap. She was an outcast of sorts and was forced to live a life of exile and loneliness by even her own kind. "Who is the 'momma' you keep referring to Sunny?" Mommy seems interested in knowing, but is this a good idea?

"I'll get to that in a moment, just promise me you won't judge her or me when you see her face." Mommy and Lulu hesitated for a moment then nodded. "Awesome, now back to the story. And remember you promised no judgment."

Momma said I was balling for hours and it soon got on her nerves. Momma wasn't a fan of the taste of my emotional cocktail, but my timely arrival saved her life. Momma was a changeling and according to her she was on death's door from malnutrition. You're all thinking that mine was a horrid fate being raised by a changeling. I shall tell you this instant, I was not momma's love slave. She took care of me and I loved her genuinely. She even taught me the basics for magic.

They were looking at the memory being weaved in horror. "Is there a problem?"

They were both trying to form words and failing. Mommy broke the silence. "Sunny are you aware who your 'Momma' is and what she's done?" And there it was, the billion bit question. Only took about an hour!

"She’s Chrysalis, former queen of a changeling hive. And yes, I'm aware of what she did. She’s not proud of what she did. But her hive was starving." I tried to give her some sympathy. Mommy didn’t look very amused though. She tried to stop me but I continued. "She wasn't a monster! You made her and the rest of her ilk that way! After all treat somepony like a monster and they'll behave like one after long. I'm going to continue my tale without either of your twosense. You may be my mother but she is the one who was there for me all my life. I will not tolerate your belittling her!" I was in tears and so was mommy.

Lulu spoke for mommy."Very well, Sunny. We shall not speak ill of your momma so long as you can prove she has changed and genuinely loves you." I shook my head and Sonata gave me a handkerchief to wipe my tears and I continued weaving my memories.

By the time momma had gotten well enough that she didn’t require having me at arms length, I was a year old. In those six months I had come to see her as my momma and she saw me not as her source of nourishment, but as her baby girl. According to her, we didn’t leave the cave we called home for that entire time. Said cave was about twenty minutes west of Stompton. She used excess love generated by me to...nurse me. Thanks to the great care momma had shown, I didn't so much as sneeze. She greatly enjoyed caring for me. Having to take care of me was a blessing to her. After all my arrival did save her from dying cold and alone.

As time went by, I began to grow. I was speaking whole sentences by 16 months. Which momma tells me was kinda odd. Didn't take much longer for me to ask her the heartbreaking question. When I was about two years old, I became interested in the way I looked and begged momma for better clothes for both herself and I. "Alright honey, I guess we can go shopping. Just remember to keep that horn of yours covered by your hair." Momma said while hugging me in front of a mirror made from magically polished crystal. This is when I noticed how different we were for the first time.

"Momma, how come you and I look so different? You're my momma, so shouldn't I look more like you?" I didn't understand then but seeing the look on her face now that I'm a few years older and wiser really hurt. If I were a changeling, I think I'd be able to taste her heartbreak just from watching. Tears began forming on her face. She tried her best to hide it from me but I was too perceptive for her own good. "Why are you crying momma. Did you hurt yourself?" Wow, I was a real fool considering how smart I was for that age! It hurts to see this but I have a story to tell.

Momma took a minute to gather her thoughts. What she would say next was important after all. "Pocket, my darling daughter. Momma is apart of a near extinct race called changelings. We eat emotions, love being the most commonly needed for nourishment." She paused again for a moment. With a look of shame on her face. "You've seen me change form before going into a town. Well we often used that ability to feed off somepony's love for another. Some have even used the unique magic we possess to control that pony and keep them as their love slaves. I am ashamed to say that I have done that as well at a few points in my life" She noticed the pensive look on my face. "No I have not and will not use this ability on you, baby boy." Momma rubs my cheek and gives me a kiss.

Momma was messaging her temple. "You are an Alicorn, a rare existence in this world and possess the abilities of all three types of ponies. You remember what they are right?" I nod energetically. That's great, baby. I have story to tell you and I understand if you can't love me anymore after it's done."

Momma told me the tale of what she had done here and I paid close attention to every word. Her capture and replacing of Cadence and ensnaring of Captain (at the time) Armor and her grand invasion of Canterlot. Even at that age I found it funny that they were driven out by the very thing they had invaded for. The irony wasn't lost on momma either since she was giggling with me. What she had failed to mention was that that the princesses she came to blows with were in fact Alicorns. I'd find that out later.

My earliest memory of having fun outside of our little world was when I was about three. Momma took me to a circus. She was in her usual disguise of course. A unicorn mare with a black coat and a green and white tail. She wore blue circular glasses and carried herself with an air of normality The spectacles there were amazing and I have no doubt that momma was having a snack while I was astonished by the act. The highlight of my night for me came in the form of a showmare. "Greetings and salutations! I am The Great and Powerful Trixie! Tonight Trixie shall show you feat of excitement and wonder. All I require is a volunteer from the audience!"

That got me going like you wouldn't believe. "Momma can I volunteer, please?" Stars were in my eyes that night. While momma was an amazing teacher however, I really wanted to see how unicorns did magic. Momma smiled at me and nodded. With her permission, I blinked to Trixie in a bright flash. "The Enthusiastic Pocket Watch volunteers, miss Trixie!"

Trixie was taken aback by what had just happened. It only took her a second to regain her wits. “A teleportation spell at your age! You must have quite the affinity for magic, young one. You might even garner the attention of one of the princesses! But I digress, I need your help for the act and you might learn a new spell while you're at it."

I couldn’t care less about the princesses at that point all I wanted was to learn more about magic. And oh boy would I ever learn something fun! I positioned myself closer to Trixie and waited for instruction. “Alright kid, we’re going to give them a little bit of illusion magic. That is Trixie’s forte. All Trixie needs you to do is to act it out, Trixie swears that you shall be in no real harm.” I nodded with vigor at the pretty blue mare and got to the point. Trixie cast a series of illusions including monsters explosions and vertigo inducing heights. But the best one was a Marey Houdini type water chamber that I could see was empty. Trixie had the foresight to let me see through her illusions. even though it was empty and the mana blocking chains that were strapped onto me where infact fake, I couldn’t help but think they looked extremely real.

I walked up to the chamber and dove into it expecting to hit a hard floor. My expectations were not met. I was instead greeted with a splash and my eyes went wide. Soon I found that the chains that bound me were very real. I was really in a Houdini water chamber. Panic hit me when the realization that this was real had hit me.

“Sunny could you be …”

“Yes Lulu, I am fully aware of what happened. Now please stop spoiling the story!” Lulu blushed at my statement and let me continue weaving my tale.

I had tried to convince myself that what I was experiencing wasn’t real, but the attempt was in vain. The water chamber I found myself in was very real and there was no trap door to escape out of and I couldn’t use magic because of those blasted chains. There was only one option left to me. I had to dislocate my joints to slip out of the chains and blink out of the chamber. However that feat was easier said than done. With a crack and a pop, my right arm was no longer in its joint. With a shimmy I managed to get it out of my bindings and then I slammed it into the glass to get it back into place. The process was repeated for my left. It was very painful but i could not afford to was what little air I had left.

Trixie noticed that something wasn’t right and looked on in horror as I struggled to free myself from the clutches of the water chamber. She prepared to bust me out with magic but I motioned for her not to with my head and continued to attempt to break out of this. I was having fun trying to be houdini and also, I enjoyed the spotlight a little bit. With my arms now free, I removed the the seal that was giving the chains their magic nullifying power. I had twenty seconds of air left tops. Every second I wasted on trivial matters could mean my life or worse, my public embarrassment. With five seconds to spare the seal was undone and I blinked out of the chamber taking all the water with me. With that, Trixie and I bowed for the cheering crowd and we both smiled. Momma however, was not pleased and ran onto the stage and grabbed me.

“Pocket are you okay?” I nodded and smiled then momma turned her attention to Trixie. “What were you thinking you stupid little bitch! My baby could have died!” Trixie motioned for momma and I to follow her to her trailer momma didn’t want to but I insisted. I wanted an explanation as well. We followed Trixie, momma was frowning the whole time.

Trixie sighed a breath of relief. “I owe an explanation to you madam. Trixie's.. Sorry my specialty is illusion magic and it would appear that your boy has a rare affinity for Illusions that even I don’t possess.It took me fifteen years to reach that level of magic and I”ve only done it a few times in my life Pocket, dear girl. You made that illusion real. Or more accurately your mind did. This is incredible! true Illusions are practically impossible yet you’ve done it. How would you like to learn more about illusion magic, I could use an apprentice.” I squeed in delight but momma seemed irritated.

“So what you’re saying is my girl did all that to hetself with a thought! Why would she do something like that?!”

Trixie poised herself. She didn’t do it intentionally m’am. When this first happens it’s usually a subconscious thought that brings them to life. Her magic wasn’t truly inhibited her mind merely thought it was and that tank was supposed to be empty she made my illusions spring to life. What your girl has is a gift

Momma paused to think about it and turned to see me giving her a begging face. She sighed. “Fine, but make sure she gets a lid on this whole making illusions real thing. I don’t want ponies thinking my girl’s the spawn of Discord or something.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Is she?” She asked in honest curiosity.

“Of course not you ninny!” Momma said in outrage They came up with a schedule for my training and began finalizing my enrollment as Trixie’s student. I was so happy I could pomf! Of course that would be a bad Idea so I controlled myself and just hugged momma and Trixie. And that is how I got my cutie mark. Three fobwatch suns. The first a new forming sun with a complete sun in the middle and ending with a supernova. But the weird part was it was reversed on the opposite flank and some strange dark red star-like symbol appeared to be the last part of each end. I didn't know it was a starburst until Trixie noticed it much later.

“Adding to my point, Trixie is an amazing teacher. You may want to consider her for a position.” Both mommy and Lulu gave me a “we’ll think about it” look. And with that I got back to the story.

Six months of training later, I saw a princess for the first time. In fact it was the princess of magic Twilight Sparkle. But I’m getting ahead of myself. After I got my cutie mark, I started having dreams of the Doctor and his untimely demise. Momma told me that they were merely dreams but the more frequently they came, the more obvious it became that these weren’t dreams. They were visions. About two months before I met Princess Sparkle something life changingly awesome happened to me. The Tardis appeared in the cave, only this Tardis was different instead of being a blue wooden box it was red metal phone booth. I went in and explored a bit then went out and grabbed Momma and flung her into the Tardis.

Momma was at a loss for words. She had to take time to process this, all I had told her was true. “It’s bigger on...No I’ve heard this story enough. I’m not going to repeat those words, daughter. Make me a promise right now.” I tilted my head in confusion. “Don't go on any crazy adventures with this tardis until you’re sixteen.”

I paused and thought about that. Nopony would take a child claiming to be The Doctor seriously anyway, so I knew I could keep this promise. “Okay momma I swear it on the elements of harmony!” I also think that the Tardis makes sure I keep that promise since the thought of using her to travel hadn’t come in my mind at all. For me the Tardis Was just a home for Momma and I.

Now we arrive at the point I had been before. Trixie was talking to somepony about me. “I swear Princess, the girl has a gift. Given a few more years she’ll surpass me.” Trixie had a great smile on her face and spoke with enthusiasm.

The Princess came into my view and ...She was like me. She’s an Alicorn! I guess it would make sense that Momma would leave that part out, she was afraid that I’d leave her to be with my kind. I thought hard for a moment about taking my jacket off (that now had a perception filter on it instead of magic.) and then I thought better. This princess might try to take me away from Momma and I wasn’t having that.

“Yes, I’ve seen the girl in action. She does indeed have a gift. If properly nurtured, she may be the greatest illusionist Equestria has ever seen. But if she’s allowed to go down the wrong path, she may become a master of terror magic that the world hasn’t seen in ages. Tread lightly in her training Trixie. I know you care for this girl greatly.”

Okay I’ve had enough. Princess or not, somepony’s got to put her in her place! “That won’t bloody happy,love! I can guarantee you that my Great and Powerful Teacher won’t let me go down a path of self destruction. Just you watch, one day I’m gonna be somepony worth talking about. Not because of what I am or who I am and not even because of who I know. It will be because of what I can do and what I choose to do with it. I swear sweetheart I’ll be one of the greats!...miss princess, m’am.” And I ruined my speech with that last bit but the princess seems to be smiling.

She walked up to me and patted me on the head. “Those are some big words. Make sure you live up to them, you may very well end up in my school when you’re older so don’t let me down, Pocket!” I nodded and teleported home.

I had a small bone to pick with Momma. Into the cave then to the Tardis I went. Momma was in the hot tub. I disrobed and went in and looked Momma in the face. “The princesses are Alicorns, aren’t they?” I asked then she nodded with a small tear running down her eye. “None of that, Momma. Just tell me everything this time okay. I’m almost five, I can handle it!” I said with a stern look on my face. Momma could tell I wasn’t backing down. She took a deep breath and told be the whole story.

She figured out my identity when I was about two. She read in newspaper about my disappearance act in the palace. However by that time she was too far in love with me to give me up without a fight. And I don’t blame her for keeping the truth from me for so long. I would have been confused then.

“Well are you confused now.” Mommy asked in a worried tone.

“No ma'am I am not. You are my mother and she is my mom. You are both key elements in my upbringing. Speaking of which, Momma you can come out now” Momma stepped out of the Tardis in her true form. The sisters I had come to befriend had taken up a defensive position. “Were you ladies not paying attention to my story? She has no intention of taking over anything, she’s here for moral support for me.” The sisters stood down but kept their eyes on Momma. Since my point had been made, I undid the story weaving spell and let events unfold.

“Are you sure about this Pocket?” Momma said while hugging me from behind. She was clearly afraid of the princesses.

I held her hand in assurance. “Yeah Momma, I am. Mommy she and I are a package deal. If I stay then so does she. The same goes for the reverse however if she leaves today I will never come back here!” It’s humorous that the child is the one dishing out ultimatums here! Nopony else is as calm as I am so I must be the only one who sees this.

Mommy had a pensive look on her face. I wonder what she’s thinking. “Chrysalis, you may stay however you shall be under surveillance whenever you leave Sunny’s side. One misstep and you shall be dealt with accordingly” Momma gave a nod that shouted “fair enough”. Then Mommy’s attention was on me “ Pocket, your room shall be prepared in the Solar suite. Until it is ready you shall stay with me and I would like it if you didn’t leave my side.”

I was about to tell her that I could have a broom closet for all I care since, Tardis. But Momma shook her head, knowing exactly what I was thinking. “Okay Mommy. Can I meet the other Princesses before you recorronate me? You’re not the only one that was robbed of time with me.” Mommy gave me a smile that was warmer than the sun itself. She lives up to her name. Her arms were outstretched. It was clear she wanted a hug and a hug she would get. A tackle hug!

“Two can play this game little boy!” I glared at being called a boy. I'm gonna break her of this if it kills me! Mommy gave my cheeks a barrage of kisses and hugged me tightly. The others (momma included) left the courtroom and allowed us time to bond. “So, will you give me a tour of your tardis son?” I sighed in my head at the offense and nodded in excitement. “And you will be keeping that promise to Chrysalis. I dont want you gallivanting around until you’re at least sixteen as well!”

I sighed and said “ Yes mommy” and we began the tour. Aside from raising the sun Mommy was left alone to bond with me for a full two weeks. Two weeks that I turned into two months since, Tardis. I wasn’t adventuring so the promise remained unbroken.We spent those two months alone in a tropical Island resort near the cost of Zebracan Islands. And came back at the exact moment we left. When the time comes I think my Tardis might be more cooperative of where and when I go than the old one. But that’s for another time!

Day of the Princesses part one

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It’s been about two months since I returned to the castle (officially) and my birthday is on the horizon. The connection between mommy and I grow by the day. Yet there are few things that she can't seem to accept about me. I've been with her for about four months and she still won't yield to the truth. However I think mommy is warming up to momma. Luckily my schedule isn’t as packed as mommy’s or Lulu’s since I’m still just a child and I haven't been coronated yet. Most of my day is spent in the library studying to learn as much as I can about being royal and brushing up on a few other things. While I already have a vast array of knowledge thanks to the Doctor's memories, it's nice to learn things he didn't know. Momma said I had to do my best to fit in with the nobles and that I should remember the year I spent learning poise and grace and not ‘let Pocket out’ as she would say. Training was one thing, but actually implementing all this sophistication was a right different mess! I mean come on, the cave we lived in was straight outta Stompton!

Mommy insisted that I get a tutor to give me a basic education. But I reminded her that I don’t need a bloody tutor for basic education! I worded it differently though, she might’ve spanked me or worse, given me that look she gives when she’s let down! I don’t want or need a tutor for that but I agreed to have a tutor in dealing with the nobles. The books don’t exactly cover all that even though I wish they could. Books are nice, they don’t talk back to you or complain when you need review once more. Good thing I don’t need to sleep that often otherwise I’d have to deal with all those noble brown nosers trying to garner my favor while I’m still a kid.

“Sunny, It’s almost dawn. You’d better head to the dining hall so you can have a meal with the princesses.” Aria sweetly said to me with a yawn. She’s taken well to adjusting her sleep schedule so she can keep me company. Sonata and Adagio were just waking up as well. I put away my book with magic, my dark silver aura wrapping the edges of the book and putting it where it belonged.

I got up and scooted my chair up using the same process. One look at my guards and I could tell they needed more sleep. I don’t understand why grownups can be so stubborn sometimes. The castle is filled with Equestria’s finest, I’m sure my girls can get their beauty sleep. Sonata and Adagio try to get up, however Aria and I deny them that by gently smaking them back down with magic. “You two need to get some more sleep” They started to protest but Aria and I gave them death glares and they went back to sleep.

The walk to the dining hall was chilly since it was mid october. As we walked, Aria sang a tune while gently hugging me. It was happy and upbeat. Aria has been rather chipper since she started being my guard. I don’t know if I’m responsible for all of it or if it was the result of the chemistry the four of us share. The girls are more than just my guards. I’d like to think we’re proper mates. Friends, not the other kind.

Aria and I arrived in the dining hall in about three minutes. I'll be honest, we were running. Lulu was enjoying her meal of buttermilk pancakes eggs and orange juice. Mommy wasn't even here yet and momma was drinking some wine. I requested Lulu’s order for Aria and myself. Mommy entered once the son was raised and took her position next to Lulu, which left me sitting between my mothers.

"Your tutor on royal affairs will meet you in the main gazebo in the garden. You'll find her exceptional in the subject."

So my tutor's female, that gives me no idea who I'm dealing with and mommy knows it! I really hate it when she's cryptic on purpose. I grabbed a piece of hay bacon and blanched at its taste. "Gross." I was careful to swallow before I spoke. That's a lecture I don't want to hear.

A servant offered me milk. I believe his name is. "That is not wise Silver Platter. You will not like the temperament of Sunny on cows milk. I suggest you retrieve mare's milk." I had spent many of my sleepless nights by Lulu’s side, either in court observing or dream walking with her. I see Lulu more as a friend then an aunt and I think she likes it that way.

"That won't be necessary, Silver. My mothers will be more than happy to give me some milk, right?" Momma began to reveal herself but was beat to the punch by mommy. A light of my horn and mommy’s milk for me! Poor silver tried his hardest not to look. But this is Princess Celestia, perfection incarnate exposing her breast so her child who's just as easy on the eyes could share of their bounty. Silver excused himself for not wanting to impede a personal moment. After I had emptied both breast I removed myself with an audible pop. My stomach was satisfied!

We as a family don't talk much over food since by this point in the day we are starving. Conversation usually starts after we've filled our collective pallet. For this room an empty plate meant I'm ready to talk. "You're not just throwing me into the wolves den are you, mommy? Can't I at least get a name." It was clear at this point that I was playing her game and not my own. She had a smile that put uncle Discord's *close older friend* to shame. She ain't tellin me nothin.

Since mommy didn't have much to talk about yet, Lulu and I spoke of our activities last night which ranged from nightmares to ugh, uppity nobles. The sooner I learn to deal with the likes of them, the better. With my seventh birthday and coronation only three months away, I'm gonna need all the help I can get. Mommy Momma and Lulu came up with an education plan that takes advantage of my negligeable need for sleep. I spent about a week and a half learning what would usually take months.Timelord essence for the win!

Everypony at the table was staring at me with smile in their faces. "Stay outta my head. You're grownups, you should know better!" They hung their heads in shame as I stormed my way back to my study doing my best not to go on the childish rampage I was entitled to. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction. Aria tried to talk but I shot her a look of pure rage and could feel her whole body whimper. The others may have deserved my rage but not my dear Aria. "If you wanna make it up to me, would you join me in the bath?"

"Of course I will!" Aria said with an honest cheer in her voice. "But we must head back to the study and get the girls for your tutoring session." She went in for a hug that I allowed. I don't know what it is but I can't stay angry at any of the Harmony sisters for long.

We had an hour to entertain ourselves in the garden before my tutor arrived. The girls were throwing a frisbee while I sat on the bench and watched them enjoy themselves. I gotta admit, it looks fun! They insisted I join them a few minutes later by throwing it at me. At that point I decided to drop my royal mask and be a child for ten minutes. Unfortunately for me, the game changed to assault Sunny with tickles. "Hehe, haha. Quit it! You three are gonna get it!" And that's when I fought back by using a double via an illusion and sat back on my bench.

"Pardon me. But what pray tell is going on? " Before me stood an alabaster mare with a blonde mane and tail and blue eyes that I instantly recognized. She was in her low twenties by the look of her. She must be my tutor. Mommy was right, if she couldn't teach me to play this game then no one could. "Apologies, we haven't officially met since I was in Prance. My name is Bluebelle and I shall be your tutor in this game of thrones.It is an honor to teach you prince Sunny Dial." Bluebelle gave me a graceful curtsy

She had shown me honest courtesy and now it was my turn. "I apologize if you find this uncouth princess. My girls here had made a point to me prior to your arrival. I needed to spend a little time just being a child and they gave me that." I returned her curtsy with one of my own causing Bluebelle to raise a brow.

"Lesson number one. A prince bows and kiss a ladies hand. Princesses curtsy." Ooh I so love the moment of reveal.

"Then that's not a problem. Since I'm not a boy! Give me your hand." She reluctantly yielded her hand to me and in guided it down to my lower body. A few seconds later and her fingers were brushing against my kitty. A look of pure shock was on her face when she smelled the scent of a girl and to top it off, I unsheathed my penis to strike it home. "This is not an illusion. No magic is being used. I am a hermaphrodite but chemically speaking I'm a girl. Mommy has taken me to every kind of doctor, Twilight included. And they all told her what I've told you. If you don't believe it then join me in the bath today."

Bluebelle gulped. "Very well. I need to confirm this with my own eyes. Etiquette for a princess is different and i must be sure."

The hours quickly went by we went over basic things like the names of some of Canterlot's upper crust. Speaking of which. "This is Jetset and his wife Upper Crust. Upper Crust is about the age of your triplets. But don't let that fool you, she can play with the best I'd them. Jetset has sway in the town but you being" She hesitated for a second. Not wanting to defy mommy’s will like the others but I could see all she needed was a push and I'd finally have somepony who I could count on l. Other than the girls who instantly accepted me. "The princess that you are means they won't mess with you, much. But know that they more so than others have a hidden agenda. Also be mindful of words they can be daggers or armor depending on their use. We will touch on wording in greater detail at a later date. For now, class is dismissed."

After that the five of us made our way to the royal bathhouse. The girls took the longest to strip since they had some armor on them. Belle had her dress off pretty quickly and all I was wearing at the time was a hoodie. Needless to say, we all washed off then hopped in. The water in the bath illuminated the features of the women next to me. From their manes to their tails but my mind went elsewhere. Their breast, then I looked at my own and sighed at my flatness. Then Sonata snuck behind me and grabbed them and I let out the shriek of the embarrassed girl I was.

"Don't worry so much princess. They'll grow and damn if they won't be some tig ol bitties!" She shouted while still molesting my chest. My mane was flowing wild maybe because of my emotions. Sonata hoisted me in the air. "Princess come get a better look. You still need to confirm that she is, in fact a she."

Belle hesitated for a moment then walked closer to Sonata and I. As she came closer and closer, I could feel her breath on me. I pegged that one up to my heightened senses since she wasn't actually that close, yet. A couple seconds later and she was actually that close. I let out a girly squeal when her hands were firmly on my (impressive for my age but still washboard flat) chest and a millisecond later i was wrapped in her magic.

Her magic was pulsating at a steady rhythm and then it stopped. "Well, you are indeed legitimate. I'm willing to accept you as a girl. However there is one thing that's piquing my interest. You lack of.." She stammered at the word due to my "virgin ears". She is such a noble!

"Ballocks is the word you're looking for, love. According to the docs, I'm perfectly fertile in both areas. Don’t go looking at me like that. You need to remember where I grew up. Aria you know more about this stuff. Will you explain it." Belle gave a slightly indignant pout but she knew what I meant. You can take the girl outta Stompton but you can't take the Stompton outta the girl, not completely. She sighed at the fact that her job was not going to be an easy one.

Aria went on to explain that they put me in some sort of machine that gave off magical readings of my body and checked my hormone growth. This is what confirmed what everypony knew but mommy refused to admit. That the only thing male about me was my penis. Some thought it was a mutation that made me the way I am. Others thought it was random chance. Twilight came up with the answer I like most. It doesn’t matter why I am the way that I am, only that I am and I should be proud of it. And in fact I was, it seems that mommy however is distressed about my gender. She really wanted me to be a boy.

"Thank you for the explanation, Aria. I shall speak with auntie on your behalf Sunny. This denial of hers is not very becoming of a princess of her standing and appalling for a mother!" Wow, I think she might slap mommy when she sees her again.

"Speaking of motherhood, Golden Ribbon really likes me. She’s so adorable!" I squeed in excitement. "In case you weren't told. I've been helping the maids with Goldie. That foal took a liking to me in seconds. I don't know why she likes me so much but the feeling is mutual. I may be overstepping my bounds, but who is the father anyway?"

Belle paused for a moment as if she were in deep thought. "Sorry Sunny Dial, but there are certain circumstances preventing me from revealing that. Goldie's sire is a rather cryptic one and prefers privacy. I shan't be revealing that at the moment." Well, I ain't gettin nothin outta her.

Conversation drifted from personal matters to catching Belle up on recent events in Canterlot and Ponyville. Belle shared a few stories of Prance as well. It seemed that the ponies there really knew how to throw a party their festival was far more lively than the Gala and they went on for a week! What really for the four of us going however was mention of the tournaments held their on the last day. All could compete, there was no discrimination!

The girls looked hungry for action and something inside of me was burning and itching to get out. The water got hotter than usual. According to the four of them, it was scalding. But i felt nothing but pure comfort. Aria asked me to get out of the water for a moment and I did as she bid. She dipped a hoof in the water and according to her, it was bearable once more. They all got back in and I was about to hop in too. Aria brought her hand to my chest and the my mouth and head.

"I thought so. You're the cause of the bath getting hotter. I think it's time for you to see Spike young lady, you're burning up!" Visiting Spike de Draco was becoming a habit since he's one of the few out there that can help me with my problems. He was wise when it came to matters of my tending to burn things around me and he's been helping me control it. Having draconian DNA can be a bit of a bitch. Especially when you're a child prone to over excitement. The real reason why I can’t and don't play with others my age.

I didn't argue with her since I was terrified. What happens if I burn or shock them in the water? I need to get this under control now! At first they thought I was a pyromancer. But it became obvious what I was when I followed an aroma to the Griffin wing of the castle and Mommy and Momma watched in horror as I ate a whole ham with my now razor sharp teeth. They could not deny this truth at least, my "father" wasn't a pony but a dragon with heavy pony lineage. According to mommy his bloodline must have been mixed with equine in at least the last generation. This meant that I was undeniably a dragon Alicorn hybrid. And Twilight jumped at the chance to study me. But Spike was the one who possessed the memetic memory of the dragon culture and it was his "sworn duty as an elder to pass on this knowledge."

Personally, I like Spike. He's cool and calm not hotheaded like Sergeant Trailblazer the resident drakaina of the lunar guard. How those two can be married, I don't know. But they are so in love I can see the hearts fly and I'm not either one of the love princesses! They have their own tower in the castle. That's been warded against fire, ice, and my own "gift" lightning. I can still breathe fire, it just usually comes out as lightning. Halfbreeds gain their fire on the verge of their seventh year, which of course I was on.

The memory of my last walk in flashed. I was freaking out and couldn't stop the lightning from crackling in my mouth. I barged in the door and was exposed to sex for the first time. They didn't stop, if anything the went wilder and demanded I stay. The lightning stopped and my body burned in another place. They were both attractive dragons and I could not look away. That's when I discovered myself. I was jealous. Not of Trailblazer or Spike but both at the same time. I didn't know what to do at the time but both my filly and colt bits felt weird.

I shook the thought off. I'm unstable enough as is, I don't need to have that weird feeling again to boot! Luckily they weren't doing that this time and were merely enjoying their spouse's company. Aria tried not to ruin their moment. The two dragons turned to face us. "You're burning again aren't you Sunny?" Spike asked and Blazer finished. It's cute how they finish each other's sentences sometimes.

I shook my head and Trailblazer got up and gave me a once over. She had me do the usual things like open my mouth and say "ah" and took MY BMI. She even asked about my emotions. Her questions seemed silly to me but then again, I'm not a doctor. Silly questions aside I don't have much of a choice but to do as she say and be honest with her since she's my doctor. And the only dragon doctor this side of Equestria!

Spike sat there and let his wife do her thing. He's a teacher and this was a medical issue by the look on Blaze's face. "I think is know what the problem is dear. You are sick with a serious case of the dragon flu and to top it off you're malnourished. More so than when I first met Spike. Have you been eating meat or gems at all?" Blaze asked in a very kind manner.

"No ma'am, I haven't been eating meat. Mommy doesn't like me eating meat and insist that gems are more than enough. Was she wrong?" My curiosity was getting to me.

Blaze sighed in frustration. "Sunny, sweetheart, you need to be eating meat and gems. Considering your lineage, you should be twice your weight and a head taller than you are at current. If this continues you'll start fainting or worse; get sicker than you are. You are to eat properly. Sneak into the Griffin wing or come to us if you have to. But this equine diet is done. I'm going to have a pointed conversation with that airhead you call mommy and she'll see why they call me the ice queen!"

Wow she’s mad! My diet never caused me problems before and I let Blaze know. She told me it was because my inner dragon was dormant and is only a problem because now inwardly speaking, I'm more dragon than equine. A part of me is really looking forward to the conversations mommy will soon be having, the chance of her accepting what she keeps denying is a big hope of mine. Blaze picked me up a flew out of the tower with ease. I asked her to send a letter to Belle so we could be a united front of sorts for bullying...forcing mommy to see the light.

It didn’t take us long to reach the throne room. It goes without saying that the guards opened the doors immediately and without question. I am a princess after all! “You’re doing a good job Vector, you too Gale!” I blew them a kiss before I walked in with Blaze and the guards sounded a thank you and called me princess. That fact hit the nail home that Mommy really is the only one that won’t accept it.

Court was still in session but the trio that had gathered for my sake didn’t give a rat’s arse about that. As soon as we were in view all yammering stopped and eye’s were on us. “Princess Celestia, you may not be aware of this but your daughter has a very bad case of the dragon flu and is burning herself up from the inside. Normally the fever wouldn’t be this bad but her immune system is shot due to the fact that she is horrendously underweight and that is in fact your fault!”

Oh boy the temperature in the room dropped by about fifteen degrees. And that ain’t just because of Blaze, Mommy is giving off looks that could kill. “How exactly is Sunny getting a cold my fault, Sergeant Blaze?” The room got colder. At this point Blaze's outrage was reaching even the nobles !

Belle stepped up as well. "Now, I do realize that I have been absent from my own daughter’s life. However I have every right to say this since I was cleaning up your mess. You are a horrible mother, Aunty Celestia. You have been denying Sunny’s needs for far too long and it ends now! I owe Sunny for her help with Goldie and I won't idly stand by whilst you continue to harm her with your ignorance and neglect. Tirez votre tête hors de votre cul et être une mère!” Wow Belle is proper pissed at Mommy, she even let her prench slip.

“They are correct sister, your parenting is appalling. You may play with and love Sunny a great deal but you are denying what makes her her and it does need to end. However abrupt it may be, this is an intervention dear sister. Sunny say your peace.” Lulu motioned for me to go to Mommy and make my point. Everyone seeking an audience with Mommy were nodding in support of me but I couldn’t help but gulp.

I walked up with as much swagger as I could bring. Mommy was death glaring me. That gave me all the courage I needed to stand up to her. I waved my claws and and opened my mouth in one clean motion. “These are my claws, these are my fangs. This is my dragon tongue and I’ve been told that I’m only gonna get more draconic, my ethereal tail included.” She’s scowling at me but I don’t give a damn right now. “Let’s not forget the part that matters most mother. This is my plot and this is my pretty little kitty and above it is my sheath. I’m a futa mother and you need to deal with it. Your Mommy privileges have been revoked until you start being one and accepting every beautiful part about your lovely daughter who is only going to grow in beauty and grace. I mean come on, I’m starting to grow proper breast and I’m not even seven yet! I’m sleeping with Momma until you get your act together and stop forcing me to be what you want.” I channeled the rage and look of the doctor when he speaks with a dalek to show disgust and anger at her and I blinked away in flash of my bubbling dark silver aura. I went to momma and cried myself to sleep, she’d probably have a talk with mother as well.


Sunny blinked out of the room in a flash of lightning and was absent of any emotion at all. She was the polar opposite of me right now, I was a mess and the audience had left soon after Sunny. Nopony left in the room tried to console me and I didn’t want them to. The point was made, I was a horrible mother and change was needed. As soon as my mind was calm panic set in. “Please tell me I didn’t see what I thought I just saw!” Everypony left in the room scratched their heads and kicked their hooves. “ So we all saw that then? Perfect!” I grabbed my phone with a quickness and called Twilight. We were going to need her help with this one. With that done Twilight would be here within the hour.

Day of the Princesses part two: Paint It Black

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Twilight arrived ten minutes after I had called her. She had a frantic look on her face that we all shared. “So you think Sunny is tapping into dark magic?” We all nodded our heads the signs of dark magic was stagnant in the air. Twilight gave me a hug. “Don’t worry Celestia. We’ll get to the bottom of this. There's something I must know, was Sunny experiencing unbridled rage when she blinked out of the room?”

"There was nothing in Sunny, nothing. No sadness no anger, just nothing. I've never felt her so devoid of emotions.” Chrysalis added in a downtrodden manner while looking at me with a face of indifference. Her stare however was nowhere near as cold as Sunny’s was. I could feel the sting of it even now. I had failed her so utterly that she manifested dark magic!

Twilight pulled her phone out and dialed a number. “Hey Cadance, we got a bit of an emergency going on with Sunny how soon can you be here? A few days, that could be a problem.” Chrysalis walked to Sunny’s room and the sound of the Tardis could be heard about five minutes later. It appeared before us not even thirty seconds after we heard the sound of the engine. A surprised looking Cadence, Shining Armor and Skyla came out of it followed by Chrysalis.

Cadence and Shining were unable to form words at all and Skyla seemed to have something to say. “That was amazing! It’s bigger on the inside and we made it to Canterlot in no time flat. How'd we do that miss Chrissy?” The child had an honest look of wonder on her face and even I had a look on my face. However mine was horror. The thoughts of Chrysalis with access to a time/space machine absolutely terrified me. I shook that thought off though, She had proven that she was not the same Chrysalis that once attacked Canterlot. She was full of love for Sunny and compassion for her neighbors.

“It’s bigger on the inside.” Was all poor Shining Armor could muster. Cadence was still slightly aghast at the fact that Chrysalis was living here. Damn it Chrysalis, I kept that fact from her for a reason! The funny thing about speaking about bad things is that doing so tends to bring them out. Cadence looked at me in a silent anger and Chrysalis could be seen blanching. She wasn’t really one of the taste of rage. Or so she tells me.

“How long has she been here Aunty?!” Oh dear, this won’t end well. Cadence’s face went from pink to red in a matter of seconds and I noticed Chrysalis was wincing and sweating. If I didn’t know better I’d think….She is isn’t she?

“Mi Amore Cadenza stop that this instant, you’re hurting her!” I said sternly and added a look outrage to her actions. I can’t believe she would do this but then again I haven’t given her the specifics have I. I need to think of how to do this. The only logical way to deal with this was to retell Sunny’s story. "I'm going to tell you the story of Sunny’s life before her return. Then you shall understand."

"Wait a moment Celestia, I would like to document this. Ready the camera Dinky!" Twilight cried out to her apprentice. Dinky was close to Sunny’s age, she couldn’t be older than her by a year or two at maximum. As soon as the camera was readied, I went on with the story. Twilight gasped when she realized she had met Sunny and had no idea. But of course you pick up a few tricks in disguising yourself when your mother is a changeling.

I was about to reassure Twilight of that but Chrysalis beat me to the chase. "The first magic she learned was disguise magic and it helped that she picked up a few perception filters to add to her disguise. There was no way you would've remotely suspected that Pocket Watch was Sunny. So calm down from your panic attack." Her reassurance was surprisingly effective and she wasn’t even using magic. This just proves that she’s a more experienced mother than I am. I need to work on my own shortcomings and truly accept what makes Sunny unique.This is going to be a long winding road but it needs to be traveled. Why is being a parent harder than running a nation for thousands of years?!

Cadence is no idiot, she understood that Chrysalis is as much Sunny’s mother as i am; if not more. After all she raised her and made many sacrifices in her name. Chrysalis had learned to be kind and patient and understanding. Something that had been dulled in me from years on the throne with uppity nobles that only cared for themselves. Not to forget the disappearance of my foal.

“We are all in agreement that we all need to talk to Sunny and get to the bottom of this. However she probably won’t come if I ask her to. Sunny respects you Twilight, will you be the middle mare in this moment?” Twilight smiled and agreed to talk with Sunny. “But we still don’t know where she is!”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m pretty sure she went straight to Blaze and Spike’s since she wasn’t in the Tardis. And no Twilight, you may not study it. I don’t think Sunny would appreciate it” Chrysalis said in a tone that reeked of certainty. Twilight hung her head in defeat. Having only just recently hearing of the Tardis. Dinky was surprised at the mention it and didn’t gasp at the story. I made sure to leave out the part of her mother killing her father. Only two ponies had the right to tell her that and I doubt either will be doing so.

We made our way to the dragon tower with a quickness. I would like to say we walked but we just flew. Twilight was helping Cadence with Shining. Sunny was blankly staring at me as soon as we came into her field of vision and I suddenly found myself panicking How do I even begin this conversation. ‘Sunny I know I was being a negligent mother to you and only seemed to care about myself but you shouldn’t turn to dark magic. It’s horrible!’ That would blow up in my face. At this moment, I have no right to lecture her. I’m just hoping Twilight can get through to her. Sunny was kind enough to open the window for us and then she sat down at the round table in the dining area of the tower. I couldn’t help but notice how draconic her eyes looked. Even now her magenta eyes were calm and beautiful and definitely a dragon’s eyes and not a pony’s.

“Didn’t we already have an intervention today?” There was no emotion in that statement at all. It was merely her stating a fact. It’s sad that I’ve failed her so completely that she doesn’t even bother not looking at me. She just stares at me blankly.

Twilight stepped up to speak to sunny. “You’re not in trouble, Sunny. There’s just a few things we need to do... if that’s okay with you.”

Sunny rubbed her chin as if in thought and seconds later opened her mouth. “If you insist, Fluttershy.” We all laughed at that It was just too much. My heart melted when Sunny came to grab my hand. “You look like you’re actually trying so I’ll give you a little leeway. Do try not to screw the pooch this time, yah.” I nodded with the feeling that she didn’t want to hear my voice today. I’ll have to try my damnedest to get my daughter back but this gesture. Her holding my hand and smiling at me; however lightly it may be. Was better than her previous treatment of emotionless contact. I’m not about to lose my child a second time. Sunny is my world and I would tread the path to Tartarus for her. This is what it means to be a parent.

Chrysalis put her hand on my shoulder. “Now that you have that feeling, remember it. So long as you have that you should do well as a parent. Keep that fire going and you won’t make this mistake again.” She was right I may raise the sun for Equestria but the true star in my life is holding my hand with a warmer growing smile.


Well it’s time to have that talk with Sunny. Here’s hoping I don’t screw up. Oh no, what if I mess this up and….cool it. Now is not the time for a break down. I need to focus! “Sunny, you inadvertently used dark magic earlier. I’d like to say this once more. You are not in trouble. Especially if what I think is going is in fact going on. I need you to fire you pure magical energy into this vial for me.”

Sunny Blushed a storm. “I..I..I’d love to do that for you Twilight. But so soon, I’m just not ready for that right now! M-Maybe in a few more years when I’ve discovered who I am.”

The whole room was laughing and it was my turn to blush now. I really should have worded that better. “It’s not for that sweetheart, I just need to run a few test on your mana. I swear that’s the only reason I’m asking you to do this!” Sunny grabbed the vial and tilted her head to it. To my wonder and terror, I could see her bubbling dark silver aura blast an equally bubbling amount of liquid mana into the vial. She corked vial and handed it to me in a swift motion. I already had my suspicions but this practically confirmed it. I’m still going to need to process her mana just to be sure. “Dinky, ready the kit please.” Dinky gave off a simple yes’m and reached through the dimensional bag Sunny had made for me for my birthday last month.

The kit was a new design of an older one invented by Star Seeker. Star swirl’s progeny and loving student. She contributed to the world of magic in ways that differed from her father. While Star Swirl was a spell maker, Star Seeker focused on inventing devices for the magical community. However the mana reader was by far her greatest invention. My design features a small vacuum chamber for me to pour the mana into. The vacuum chamber then sucks the mana into a series of spiraling tubes. After all the liquid mana is within the tubes they begin rotating at high speeds for about two minutes. After that the liquid from the two separate tubes drip into a petri dish and the results are known when the last drop hits. The liquid mana will turn to the color of the pony’s mana alignment. I’m sure Celestia is hoping for a red reading making her like Luna, herself and of course myself. I however am being a realist and by this point know for a fact what the color is going to be.

We all waited five minutes for the machine to do it’s job and at least two faces were crestfallen when I showed them the pitch black liquid. Sunny wasn’t that surprised at the alignment of her mana and felt no pain at Celestia's perturbed state. Silence might be the best thing in this moment. “Twilight, I assume you’re going to be teaching me how to use and properly control dark magic. You're the only one I can count on since mother despises it."

Celestia’s eyes shot wide open and she started to glare at me. But I just don’t care, Sunny has a right to know this! “I would love to teach you how but I don’t dip that far into that end despite my mana alignment so my experience in casting dark magic is novice at best. In fact I’m sure that you’ll be better than me at it by your birthday. I have a teacher in mind who would love to take on a royal student, she’d find it an absolute honor!”

And there Celestia goes again with the glaring. If she ever wants Sunny to forgive her, she has to work on this intolerance of hers! Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this is the mare that sent me to learn the magic of friendship. This instance alone proves that she has a severe hatred for things she deems morally wrong. “Aunty, I’m going to stop you before you say anything stupid. Sunny needs to learn how to use her magic properly or there could be dire consequences. Try to be a Good mother and let your child grow and learn what she needs.” Thank you Cadence! I’m glad somepony other than me said that to her.

Celestia was clearly angry and sad at the same time but did well to hold her feelings in. Sunny however could tell what her mother was thinking and let go of her hand. “So who’s my teacher going to be. I’d like to get learning as soon as possible!” She’s so enthusiastic! I really wish I could've been her teacher. I almost answered her question then and there but to be honest I have no idea what Celestia would do to poor Moon Dancer if I told her then.

“You’ll find out when we pick her up in the Tardis for your trip to the Crystal Empire. That is of course if Cadence doesn’t mind hosting Sunny for two years.” Cadence smiled the biggest smile I’ve seen all day and i could tell her answer as clear as day. Celestia however was torn but we couldn’t have her anywhere near Sunny when her training begins. That could prove bad for all parties involved.

“I ready to go whenever you say so Twilight. I just need to get my girls and then I’m good to go. Before you say anything I’ll tell you this. Those girls aren’t just my guards, they’re my best mates and I won’t leave without them. And before you think of reassigning them mother, I would like to remind you that they are my personal guards who have been sworn into my service. Trying anything like that will only make me hate you more.” Celestia hung her head low and grumbled her acceptance.

Cadence grabbed Sunny and hugged her tightly while saying how she’d do her best to make her feel welcome and she could have any room in the palace that wasn’t in use. Sunny seems awkward I wonder what’s wrong with. “That’s nice and well miss Cadence but would you mind letting me go for a moment. I mean this is the first time I’ve met you and all.”

“Sorry about that and it’s not ‘miss Cadence’. It’s Cadence. I may be older than you but I’m your cousin, no need to get all former with me like that. This is my husband Shining Armor and our daughter Skyla. I hope you two will get along well.” Cadence said with honest hope for a friendship to grow. But knowing her, she probably wants to play matchmaker with Sunny and Skyla. Skyla took her eyes away from her phone when Cadene said her name and she looked into Sunny’s eyes. I think I saw them smile at each other which is weird since Sunny doesn't get along well with foals her age. I don’t know if it’s the memories of being treated like an adult or her intellect. But either way according to her and Chrysalis she’s only ever really got along with ponies older than her.


From what Twilight has told me about Sunny she doesn’t really have any friends her age. Well she’s still better off than my daughter who doesn’t have any friends at all! Skyla is a very beautiful filly but she’s got a serious attitude and I just can’t get rid of it. Sunny however spent almost all her life growing up in Stompton. From what Shining's friends in the guard tell me, she’s a no nonsense type of filly. I’m just hoping she can smack the attitude out of my poor Skyla before before she grows up to be one of those mean girls you see on tv shows.

As soon as I introduce the two, they start talking animatedly and I walk away to give them some Privacy. “What do you think they’re talking about honey?” My darling husband asked me.

“I don’t know but whatever it is, I feel good about it! I walked over to Chrysalis and see her smiling warmly at Sunny and Skyla..Looking at her smiling at her child and being happy that she’s making a friend. I just can’t see the mare that imprisoned me and attempted to subjugate Equestria. All I could see was a mother and a damn good one at that! “I’m guessing you and Sunny are a package deal.” She gave me a simple yes and went off to fetch Sunny’s girls I guess. “Wait, what are they feeling right now?”

Chrysalis smiled at me. “That dear Mi Amore Cadenza, would be telling wouldn’t it?” And then she was gone in a matter of seconds.

Chrysalis returned with a set of triplets that completed the harmony cycle and they all appeared without luggage. What in the world are they thinking. If I were going to be living someplace for at least a year I’d want to bring a little bit of home with me and then it hit me. They must have everything they need in that Tardis machine. Everypony that was heading to the empire got into the Tardis and we were off.

Sunny turned her head to Twilight. “You gonna tell me who my teacher is now that we ain’t in my mother’s earshot?”

Twilight blinked for second. She must be thinking the same thing I’m thinking. How a metal and glass door keeping her from hearing anything? We haven’t even taken off! “Her name is Moon Dancer, she’s local here’s her address” For a second I forgot that Twilight is much smarter than am and probably came to the answer to that question as soon as it entered her head.

Moon Dancer was shocked when we arrived in the middle of her house but as soon as she saw Twilight, she stopped panicking and listened to everything Twilight had to say. “I will gladly accept the position of being Sunny’s teacher! I’ve always wanted to pass on what I know and now I have the chance! Thank you Twilight!” Moon Dancer hugged Twilight and then Sunny. Then Sunny did something that I think she enjoys doing. She opened the Tardis door and let her gawk in amazement. “Transdimensional engineering, amazing! This is a nice teleporter you’ve made Princess.”

“It’s not a teleporter, I’ll explain it to you later but for now pack what you need because you won’t be back here for some time.” Moon Dancer took ten minutes to pack books and a few other personal articles and also sent a text that said ‘I quit’ to what I assume to be her boss. We all got back in the Tardis after that. Twilight asked to be dropped off at Ponyville and then we went straight to the palace.

“Sunny Dial, Moon Dancer. Welcome to your new home!” I saw Skyla smile and for a moment, I sensed a disturbance in the force. My plan is working! Mwahahahaha!

Home Is Where the Crystal Heart Is

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After about a week, I was the only one that still didn’t have a room of their own. I wasn’t in that big of a hurry to find one anyway since I could just leave the tardis in Mama’s room until I find one that just screams to me. As far as my lessons with Moon Dancer goes, we’re covering history and background of certain spells. She says she doesn’t want to start teaching me the actual spells until I feel at home. I’d complain if I were anywhere near as childish as someone my age should be. But alas, I am not. Moon Dancer had point. I shouldn’t dabble into actual casting until I feel properly at home.

Cadence gave up on helping me find a room after the fifth day of no luck. According to her, we had tried all free rooms in the palace that were accessible. Apparently there were a few rooms that no one could get open or go into without getting hexed. Sombra sure knew his dark magic! I know Cadence doesn’t want me to mess with those rooms but imagine the study material that could be in one room let alone all of them! As I was walking aimlessly around the palace with nothing to do since Shining took Dancer with him to a newly discovered chamber in the crystal caves to borrow her expertise on dark magic and my girls for the extra muscle. No teacher means self study, which I finished an hour after she left! The only assignment I hadn’t finished was something I’ve been working on for a week. FInding a room. With Skyla in school and Cadence at court, I had bugger all else to do otherwise.

This ain’t a book. The protagonist isn’t going to hear some mysterious voice crying ‘come to me’. Come to me, my master. Please come, I’m so lonely. The hell was that? I must be going bonkers. That or I’ve been studying too much “Master, why dost thou hesitate. Tis cold and lonely here. Please make haste to mine location.” Okay that I definitely heard!

“Who are you and where are calling me to!” I shouted at the air and I felt the voice flinch in fear of me. What’s worse, she was crying. I felt a ping in my heart. “I’m sorry, I’m not mad at you. I just need to understand. Who are you and where do I need to go?”

The voice giggled in my head and I could feel happiness returning to her. Wait, why am I happy that she’s happy? “I’m thine best friend in the world. Nay, thine birthright. Follow the sound of mine voice and thou shalt find me and relinquish me from the cold and lonely state.” I gladly followed her instructions. For some reason I can’t bring myself to question the friend part. But what’s all this talk about a birthright? Whatever she’s going on about, she has my interest.

She started singing a song that was filled with so much sorrow that music of harmony accompanied it. Despite the sad nature of the song, I felt myself drawn in by it. I’ve never met this girl before and yet I feel like I’ve known her forever and should end her loneliness. My path lead me up. Not a single turn just up. At this point it was like my body was moving on its own She needed a friend she needed me and I wouldn’t let her be alone any longer than I had to. Cadence saw me running to the girl as her court had ended for the day and started to follow me. If she cried out in concern, I didn’t hear her. I didn’t care. I finally felt alive. This was a feeling I remember greatly enjoying but I’ve never enjoyed it myself. I’m running to someone who desperately needs me and I won’t fail her!

“Thou hast found me master. Open the door and claim me.” Cadence tried to grab me but I dark lighted out of her grasp and opened the door. I felt something I usually only feel in the Tardis. As soon as I was in the room I felt at home. “Welcome master. This is thine room. If thou wishes to meet me, all that is need is to summon me.”

“Sunny get out of there, that room has been heavily cursed by Sombra. The best mages in Equestria couldn't disenchant that room!" Cadence continued to yell but I didn't care I had found my place in this palace and I'll be damned if I let anyone stop me from laying claim to it.

"Come to me friend. I wish to embrace you and end your loneliness." As soon as I said that I felt warm and happy. A pretty black and crimson drakaina no older than myself appeared before me. She tackle hugged me as soon as she was close enough.

“Tis thou. At long last, I have found my master...mistress! Draw me and and name me and our bond will be complete, mistress.”

Cadance kept shouting from the doorway and I just didn’t care. This girl needed me and I felt as if I needed her just as much. “Draw you, what in the world are you talking about? While I have no problem drawing a girl as pretty as yourself, I have no paper or pencils.” I can’t believe I said that; I’ve only used the word pretty to describe one other girl my age. My eye’s are usually on older ones.

The girl giggled while shaking her head. “There will be plenty of time for that later. If the mistress so chooses. I may appear to be a normal girl to thine eyes. But alas, I am not. I am a sword and a powerful one at that. I require you to unsheathe me and do what my previous master did not, name me. For roughly 1200 years I have been cold and alone. Guarding this room and all its contents from the unworthy. When I felt your presence I just knew that I and everything sealed within belonged to you.” A sword manifested next to me seconds after her speech.

Hesitation didn’t even occur to me, I grabbed the sword. “I am Sunny Dial, daughter of Celestia. I do hereby seal our bond and take ownership of this room and all its contents. I am Sunny Dial and you are Midnight Ruby!” I unsheathed Ruby and felt pure bliss as if I was reunited with a long lost friend. The sword itself looked Equestrian but there were what appeared to be small ruby red marks equally separated and etched into the blade. She was pitch black with a hint of red on the edges and had a ruby encrusted in the hilt of the sword.

Ruby appeared before me once more only her form had changed. There was a ruby on her forehead now and her form appeared more...nourished. “This form is quite fascinating. To make such a sword. Your soul must have seen so much pain. Before you were a princess, you were forged in the flames of pain and suffering. Suffer no more my mistress. For I shall cut down anyone who would seek to harm us and ours!” Her form of speech must have been updated when we made a contract. Fascinating.

Ruby shared her memories (however few she possessed) with me. She stated what was hers was mine and I could do with it as I saw fit. From what little I could get from her memories, she was forged by Sombra before he went off the deep end. He never even got to use her since he was sealed soon after her enchantment was finished. Poor Ruby had been alone and aware in Sombra’s lair (this was apparently where he went to be at peace) for so long. My mind went to Rory Pond for a second until I killed the thought. The ponds are the last companions I want to think about.

“Mistress, there is an intruder.” Ruby roared. Wow, her roar is ace!

I turned around to only to see Cadence toppled over in crippling pain. I instinctively dark lighted to her side. “What’s going on Ruby?” Ruby went on to tell me that there were safeguards to prevent unwanted guest ranging from slightly harmful to severely lethal. “Ruby, do not hurt Cadence. She’s family and I love her very much. I permit her entry into my lair.”

“Very well, mistress. Miamore Cadenza has been noted as an authorized visitor” Cadence’s cries of pain stopped and she began wheezing. I rubbed her back and cooed at her to calm her down. By the look of her a medley of hexs were used on her. The highest of which was induce terror. On its own it’s usually harmless, short of a heart attack but this was nearly at maximum strength. Sombra was a cruel and paranoid man, wasn’t he? “Yes mistress, he was. And yes we have a telepathic link.”

After Cadence had calmed down, I sat her down on a bed that I found way more comfortable than hers. The room must magically cater to my needs or something. Ruby confirmed that it did. Right now I’m resisting the urge to dance like a little girl..oh wait, I am a little girl. One dance later and Cadence looked me in the eyes. “Young lady, do you realize how dangerous what you’ve just done was. You could’ve been killed and I almost died!” I was about to tell that she was way off base but she stopped me. “Dark mana or not. You are not keeping anything in this room. Especially that sword, it belonged to Sombra it has to be..”

I slapped her as hard as I could. She raised her hand back at me but stopped in pure terror. I was staring at her like I was gonna kill her and I was actually considering it. That one stupid statement had set off my bloodlust and Ruby felt it. She returned to the sword and she broke apart. Now I see what she meant. She wasn’t a sword, she was a whip-blade.Was that her doing. “That’s all you, mistress. Your soul has seen so much. Enough to make your bloodlust manifest in this lovely form you’ve given me!”

“Back off, Cadence. I have two mothers and last I checked, you weren’t one of them! This room called to me. The fact that it wouldn’t even open before I came along should be proof enough that I am its proper owner. But you dare talk about what you can and cannot allow me to do. This sword, Midnight Ruby and everything that is in this room belong to me. Try and take what’s mine and I will fight to keep it! This may be your fiefdom but you will not talk to me like you’re either one of my mothers, Are we clear?Cadence pissed herself. She actually pissed herself! I may have laid the bloodlust on too thick. That might have rattled the whole palace for all I know.

Cadence hung her head in shame and defeat. “You’re right Sunny, I’m sorry for talking to you like that. I won’t try to take what’s yours but please, be careful with this place. It contains dangerous power within it. I can feel it.” she gave me a hug while she said that. “Now I need a bath, I assume you want to come with me?” I nod my head “I’ll have a maid clean this while we’re bathing, if that’s alright with you.”

“Lady Cadence, that is not necessary. This room contains many enhancements one of which being a custodial one. I shall activate it when we leave.” Cadence protested me bringing Ruby. “I have been alone for over 1200 years. Are you so cruel that you would make me suffer even a second more of loneliness?” Cadence crumbled at the statement. No matter how much she dislikes the fact that Ruby is Sombra’s legacy, she cannot condone stripping her of the comfort of another. “Mistress and Lady Cadence. If you would allow me there is a bath in this room, I believe you’ll find it to your liking.” I gave Cadence the look and she folded.

“So how is it that a sword can take a bath with us?” Cadence asked a question that I wanted answered as well.

“I am an avatar created of the bond from Mistress’ soul and myself. It’s a type of magic that has, by what I can tell from my mistress'” I told her to call me Sunny “Sunny’s memories, has been long lost. Sombra was in the habit of hoarding information. So the knowledge may very well not be lost. But even I do not posses knowledge of all that is contained within the lair. It spans out for as long as its master wishes. I am quite certain that it will reveal what Sunny needs when she needs it.”

The bath itself was amazing. It was a hot spring type bath that had water feed to the bathing area via the mouths of windigos. There was a lava bath that had a similar system only the lava was fed through salamanders. This place is so awesome Ruby! “Once again Sunny, this place caters to your needs. There may come a time when it will know you better than you know yourself. “ I wanted to doubt her but I couldn’t. The logic was there, she had to be right.

Cadence and I obviously went into the windigo bath while Ruby went into the salamander bath. I would love to join her as well but my scales are only just starting to grow in. Ruby assured me that they would come and I stopped worrying about it. After about twenty minutes, we got out of the bath and Cadence insisted on washing both my and Ruby’s manes. I wonder if mother will ever learn to be like this. Cadence has a lot of practice tending to ethereal manes since her Skyla’s an alpha like mother, Lulu, and I. It felt really good especially when she did my tail. Cadence also had no problem tending to Ruby. She was the one that helped Twilight take care of Spike for a while. She was masterfully getting the nasty areas in between the scales and skin. Part of me was wishing mama were here so I could scrub her chitin for her. I settled for washing Cadence’s mane. “Sunny, what’s that soft squishiness on my back huh?” I knew what she was getting at, my breast were growing. However I’m barely an A cup. Not even seven and they’re starting to grow. Dragon blood for the win! I wonder how long it will take for the to be noticeable. Whatever, there’s more important things going on right now.

“Cadence, you’re such a pegasus that it’s insane. Loyal and true, forever taking care of your flock within its nest. Mother however is a stubborn earth pony mixed with a little of snobbish unicorn.” Cadence didn’t argue my point at all.

“What’s that make you then Sunny?” My tail changed from pony to dragon and I stared in her eyes while snarling a bit. “Yup you’re a dragon alright. Not the greedy hoarding type, but the defending one. You find what’s yours and you protect it from any who seek to harm it. No matter what the cost. I see the best traits of the pony races in you though. But you are definitely more draconic. It’s going to be interesting seeing you grow up!”

“Lady Cadence is correct, Sunny. You have virtue amongst you fearsome wrath” I thank them both but it was time to get out of the bathhouse and we all knew it. I was sure we were heading back to the room but when we walked the same direction, we were in some sort of study. “I assure you Sunny that we are in fact back in your room. Or at the very least, one of them. Your lair is a node an access point for all other sealed points and the only way to get to most of them. I’m sure if Lady Cadence were to sweep the Castle she’d find all sealed rooms gone. The lair has absorbed them now that it has a mistress. I and it belong to you and only you. Not even Sombra himself could rip us from you now!.”

I relayed the information Cadence gave me and assured her that we would be back in my room soon. Cadence made a phone call and had the whole palace swept short of my room that would curse any intruders and the rooms were all gone. My lair had become true to its name. Needless to say, I gave Ruby a list of authorized visitors. All of which (except mama, Moon Dancer and my girls) are required to announce their presence to either me or the room proper. I’ll have to make it a point to go over the hexs in the room and limit them to crippling. The last thing I need is an unnecessary death on my conscience.

Shining and his party returned by midday and would most likely put some items in the vault. “Mistress Sunny, I detect something dark that should now be yours. I will transport it to your lair and replace it with a fake.” Wonder what it is. Ruby had gotten amazing at talking only to me telepathically. This will really come in handy. Mama insisted on sleeping with me tonight and I couldn’t argue. Cadence and Skyla joined us and we had a sleepover of sorts. Skyla had a lot of questions about the room that I just let Ruby answer. They were all out of it by midnight. The one downside to being infused with the essence of a Timelord is the fact that I don’t sleep often. Luna is scheduled to come in a few days, I’ll just ask her to teach me how to dream walk. I’ll just force myself to sleep for the night.

I was up two hours after I was down, my body really doesn’t like being forced to sleep. I didn’t feel like studying since I’ve been doing that most of the day so I plopped down on a beanbag and fired up my computer and played some Call to Arms. Skyla was the first to wake up three hours later. Why she woke up so early on the weekend is beyond me since I was wearing a headset and I was in the Tardis. I have to move a few things into the lair.

“Hey sunny, can I play with you?” She yawned the sleep out of her and was holding an Abomination energy drink. Not only did the tardis let her in, it guided her to the fridge so she could help herself! “Call to Arms, huh? Daddy loves that game maybe you should talk to him about it. But I was serious about wanting to play with you though.”

Skyla sat down on the same bag and got close. Her mane was glowing bright and mine was flowing wild. Does this girl even know what she’s doing to me or is she clueless as all get out? “May I play with you, please Sunny?” She pulled my arm close to her when she said that. Those eyes should be considered a weapon of mass destruction. How in the world does she not have friends… oh yeah, she’s got a bit of attitude.

“Have you followed your aunt’s assignment and made any friends.” She frowned and pointed at me. “Other than me, goofball.” She sighed at that one. It must be hard to go from being the mean girl to being nice. At least she’s trying.

I hand her a controller and we start playing horde mode. Skyla is surprisingly good at this. “I play with Daddy a lot. The way you were looking at me gave it away.” After about an hour of that, we both get tired of play CTA despite our ridiculously high highscore. Shining Armor is going to be pissed! “Look at that score we made! Daddy is never going to beat that!”

“Yup, we’re a regular dynamic duo. That’s for sure.” Skyla looked at me funny for a second. I wonder if she doesn’t do comics.

“So, I’m guessing I’m Robin to your Batmare.” I gave an internal sigh of relief. She’s a geek but definitely no nerd. I’ll take it, I’m nerdy enough for the two of us. We looked at each other and giggled. I don’t know how but the two of us together equals fun. Speaking of which.

“Hey Skyla, wanna play some PPR?” Her eyes lit up as I dark lighted in with metal pads. I was good at this game, but Skyla was way better. She kicked my arse. Mama came in to let us know everyone was awake and about to go to breakfast and Moon Dancer had found the study and was hold up within it. “I’ll get her, it may be my day off but she does need to eat.” Skyla wanted to go with me but her mother had other plans and left with her in tow in the direction of her room.

I found Moon Dancer haunched over a desk with a mini Ruby sitting on said desk next to her. “She is your teacher and is in the authorized list. As such she has access to anywhere she wants that you yourself have not locked. The other authorized users are limited to your room, the study, bathhouse and the lavatory.” So Moon Dancer has decent access, that’s a good Idea. Thinking about access reminded me that Ruby transferred an item into my collection. Wonder what it is. “I don’t even know myself. It is currently being removed from its crystal sealing by a troup of minis as you call them.” She was alone for so long and I’m guessing that the minis are like drones that possess a small extension of herself. An avatar of an avatar if you will. Her processing power was amazing, Sombra was smarter than he let on! Ruby giggled in my head.

“Enjoying the stimuli, Moon Dancer?” I whispered in her ear with a hint of seduction that I could tell got her a little flustered. You pick things up when you’re raised by a changeling queen. Ruby reminded me that she was a former queen. There were only two remaining members of that hive and they weren’t about to repopulate with one another since they were siblings. Albeit half siblings and it was for repopulating, it would have been acceptable. However the mere thought of it made Mama and Uncle sick. I’ll have to visit Uncle next time I’m in Stompton. I miss hanging with him and his crew.

Moon Dancer gained her composure. “Have you read through any of this yet?” I shook my head no. “The information in this study could revolutionize the world of magic! Ruby has informed me that the majority of what I have found is merely forgotten magic. But think of the possibilities! We must share this knowledge!”

I raised my hand to silence an overly enthusiastic Moon Dancer. “And we will, in time. You and I and maybe Twilight and Lulu. Shall study the information within my study and we shall keep our lips shut. We won’t be sharing any information until I’m Coronated and can have a proper vote in royal manners. While I love my mother, she will try to censor the information. Because when it comes to things she doesn’t understand, she’s a serious bitch and Cadence will vote with her out of fear. Which would lead to a stalemate and a freezing of this place.”

Moon Dancer was about to say that my personal experience with mother was warping my opinion of her. But she thought about it and how much flak she had to go through just to get a casting license. Personally, I will be doing away with that horrible system. Even I’m on the system of registered dark mages and I find it to be oppressive! Why do we have to be corralled in a system to be feared and looked at with disgust while the light mages in the world are loved and adored. It’s. Not. RIght! “Sunny, please end this horrid system your mother created. I may have been treated fairly since I’m a red but i’ve seen how ponies...people treat mages who align purely dark. It’s not right and.” I kissed Moon Dancer, passionately. Personally I didn’t want to stop. Dancer pulled away.

“That That was really good. Where’d you learn to? Oh, right your mama is Queen Chrysalis. You picked up the technique by watching her right?” I shook my head. Before the tardis. Mama sometimes had to sell herself to make ends meat for her and myself. While my love for her was near endless, it wasn’t filling enough and sometimes she need adult love. Uncle Ice was willing to let us stay with him but that didn’t fly with mama. She didn’t want to be a burden and Uncle Ice had worked so hard to make it where he was as is. I never saw “the act” but I did see plenty of kissing. Theory was one thing but actually doing it felt so amazing! I don’t know if it’s the just me or just reality but Dancer is stupid attractive. “Sunny, sweetheart. If you’re still interested when you’ve had your first estrus cycle then I’m all yours. Until then I’d like it if you never do that again. My head sank and tears started forming. She kissed me and placed my hand on her breast. “I’ll say it again. When you’re older and I’m no longer your teacher, I’m all yours. If you’re even still interested. I can’t really compete with those two princesses now, can I?”

Two? Oh, she must be including Twilight. The thought of kissing Twilight made my mane go wild. A part of me felt weird, really weird. Twilight and Dancer are brilliant and smoking hot! But Skyla is cute and she’s a good friend. I not an idiot, I can see what Candy girl is doing. She’s pushing us together in hopes that chemistry will do the rest. What she doesn’t know is I already like her. But if she wants me to be more than a friend, she’s gotta make some more friends and make the first move. After all you can’t have love until you understand friendship. That’s pretty good. I think I’ll write Twilight a letter later on.

I spent one more hour studying with Dancer while staying as close to her as she’d permit Then I left with Ruby on my side. As I passed the courtyard I could see the guard was doing drills. If you could call them that. The Equestrian defense system is an utter joke. Miss Brynhildr made me see that when she showed me how to fight back when I lived in Stompton. Then an idea hit me. I’ll show that lot how the Griffon army does it and maybe the Empire would have a force worth fearing. Currently their form makes me sick! “Shinny, may I audit your guard?” I asked with a voice of pure honey, thank you mama.

“Princess on deck!” One of the “soldiers” cried out. I took my position next to Shiny and was surprised that his parents were here as well. Nightlight and Twilight Velvet don’t leave Canterlot that often. All we need is Twilight and all of House Sparkle would be here. The guards did basic drills laps, pushups, etcetera. They looked slightly winded after they were done. Okay, I can’t take this anymore!

Shining goes to dismiss them but I cast a wall of dark energy to stop him. “What the bloody hell was that?! You call that sorry display a drill! I don’t think so. I know a squadron of preteens that would eat you alive! You lot are a sorry excuse for a soldiers and I’ll prove it!” I pulled Ruby out of her strap and swung in their direction while letting out my undiluted bloodlust. Out of fifteen, only three reacted. However Shining and Nightlight felt it and reacted nicely even through my shield. The other twelve were immobilized with fear and puddle could be seen. “You three, step forward. Congratulations, you lot survived a fatal assault. Names and rank!”

“Second Lieutenant Flash Sentry, Ma’am. That was an impressive display of bloodlust for someone your age, m’am!”

“Age has nothing to do with bloodlust, my dear lieutenant. Wait, Flash Sentry. As in the one who broke Twilight Sparkle’s heart?” He gulped and confirmed. “I would be mad but you were honest. Drop and give me twenty soldier!” I said coldly with my bloodlust still flowing. Respect may be one thing. But if I’m gonna fix this mess, I need these toy soldiers to fear me. If they think I’m bad, wait till the meet Brynhildr! Considering how Shining is looking at me, I should be able to get Hildie on a express train here.

I point at the second one with ballocks...tits and she sounded off. “Private Matilda Nightwing, Ma'am!” She was a griffin with lean build to her. A scout no doubt. She’ll come in handy. I’ll see if I can’t get Shining promote her to cpl. or something.

The last one waited for me to look at him. “Sgt. Pipsqueak, Ma’am!” Sure he was a little smaller than the other Stallions his age but a pipsqueak he is not. I gave him a firm smack on the back and a good job and did the same with the others. Then it was time for me to express my disappointment in the so called elite of the Empire.

“These three have the potential to be proper soldiers. Now as for you lot, you are nothing. I am going to commence a boot camp and if you don’t pass, you’re out of the guard and will be lucky if you get a desk job. Do I make myself clear, you spineless pansies?!” I was assailed by a round of yes ma’ams and Nightlight was smiling at me. He sees what I’m doing and likes it by the look of things. He’ll talk to Shining by the time I walk back and he’ll agree to everything I just said. Equestrian military is a laughing stock. Sure they can defend well but their offense is horrible and I plan on laying down the groundwork for that to change. “Ten laps around the city. Your first can’t be the fastest and your last can’t be the slowest! I catch you walking or and you get the boot, understand! As for the fliers, I want fifty aerial laps and the same goes for you! ”

Once again I was assailed by a roar of yes Ma’ams. The three that passed went to join theme and I stopped them. “You lot don’t have to join them less you have something to prove. Otherwise, you’re dismissed for the day.” They saluted and graciously took the break I permitted them. I killed my bloodlust and disengaged my barrier. Shining and his parents walked towards me.

“Well done, young lady! I must know where you learned to be such a soldier and how someone your age generates such bloodlust. My son can’t even stomach that!” Nightlight gave me a small hug and tussled my mane a bit. I would get irritated at that if it was a normal mane.

“There are three factors in that, you are aware of two of them.
I’m half dragonI was raised in Stompton, which could harden anyone to the worldI spent two years learning how to fight from a self-exiled member of the honorably discharged member Griffonian military.” Nightlight nodded in understanding and now it was Shinings turn. “What was the name of the Griffin who took you under her wing, no pun intended.” Whatever Nightlight said to shining, he was all ears for me.

“Her name is Brynhildr Blacktalon.” The eyes of the three adults standing before me went wide.“You’ve heard of her, I’m guessing.” They all shook their heads in a mix of fear and enthusiasm. “If you sign off on it, Shining. I can hire her under rank of Major. She won’t leave Stompton for less, even if it’s me asking.”

“Call her. I want her here as soon as possible.” Shining was brief and to the point. As he always is when it’s a military matter.

I smiled and pulled out my phone “ Hildie, it’s Pocket. I got a job offer for ya. Crystal Empire needs a proper military and they’d like you. No I’m not kidding. Also, I’m Princess Sunny Dial! Don’t believe me do you.” I motioned for the Sparkle house to come near me and turned the call into a video call.

Hildie was speechless for about a minute. “I can be there in three days.” She used the Griffoninan three. Old habits die hard. “Auf wiedersehen , my dear princess.” The call ended and we all walked into the dining hall for mittagessen.. I mean lunch. Damn you Hildie and your Griffonian lessons!

“How did you two meet?” Nightlight was curious how a war hero and a street rat got along. I told him that I’d let Hildie answer that one. She would tell the story better than me since I was barely four when I met her. Short of Shining asking about Ruby, the rest of the day was uneventful.

Sorry For Party Rocking

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I had been hanging out with Skyla for a few months and much to my happiness, she started to make friends. I haven't asked for their names though, I know she's being honest. It took me and the girls about a week to get some things from the tardis and put them in the lair. My seventh birthday was in two days and mom had made some progress in being a good mother. I didn't have much of a choice in going back to Canterlot for a few days, since I was going to be coronated then and that had to be done there for the significance of the event.

Mom wasn’t really the problem when it came to going back to Canterlot for the new year. The problem was the nobility. The houses within the empire work with the people to keep our community going. Considering we’re way out there, we have to work together and not have hidden agendas. Well for the most part. Nobility will always be nobility. Even their complaints are more down to earth. This lot is nothing like the snooty fools of Canterlot. After a few months here I can say that I like it.

Since I got here I’ve made a best friend (my age) and found a lair of my own. Not to mention Ruby! The one downside to my life here is that Hildie is making me attend her drills. The one time I complained she told me. “Liebchen, as a princess and as a half dragon, you must be strong. I will make you strong enough that your mere presence will make even me salute you. Not merely of respect for your title but also in respect and fear of your prowess. She may try to hide it but your mother was once known as the bloody princess during the Siege of the Minotaurs no more than a few hundred years ago. With such a sword, I’d say you may very well be her second coming!”

I didn’t think about arguing with her after that. If she thinks I can become a warrior that can scare even her then I’ll gladly learn everything I can from her. Another bad thing that comes from this is that Hildie uses me as motivation saying things like.”If Sunny can do it, you should have no problem. She’s not even breaking a sweat!” The fact is Hildie’s job isn’t to make the guard stronger but to make us an army. The “soldiers” we have were volunteers from the guard that wanted to do more for their home than standing around and look all tough at the palace. This lot actually wanted to be tough as brass.

That lead to another issue, I was considered a soldier while I was on Hildie’s field. Most of them treated me with camaraderie. However there were a few that treated me like either an obstacle to overcome or like I didn’t belong here. Clearly the ones that did that hadn’t seen my display of bloodlust and I rather they not, I want their respect not their fear. My daily life consisted of drills, studying magic with Dancer (while trying not to get caught eyeing her) and sitting in on Cadence’s court. The people loved Cadence and treated her with the utmost respect. I think I’ll be staying here for a while.

Court was going slow today, it was just that kind of day. Until a farmer showed up. Since I was acting as the hand it was my duty to address her while Cadence and Shining hear what she had to say. “Welcome to the Crystal Court. You may now say your peace.”

The farmer gulped, I may have been a bit too intimidating. “The crops have been acting weird lately, highnesses. It’s like they’re receding into the ground. And my main crop the ice berries. They’re black instead of icy blue. No matter how much I tend to them the berries won’t grow propper any more.”

Cadence and shining knew nothing about farming good thing the doctor did however. “I’ll send a few scientist along with a detachment of soldiers to investigate what’s happening. Your farm is owned by the royalty and is a valuable asset to the kingdom.” Shining gave me a questioning look. “Crystal wine is our greatest export worldwide. And aside from some meager imports from the Mainland, the herbivores have nothing to depend on other than our locally grown produce. Tell me Shining, do you honestly want to start a court mandated ration. Historically speaking, it never ends well.”

I had to strike Shining in the ballocks on that one. I may have orchestrated the army but their deployment is currently not my call...yet. “You’re correct, Sunny. We need to see this issue solved at once. Miss Steady Hand, is the royal stock the only crop with issues or is it within the empire as a whole?”

“Sire, I have come not just for myself but for the entire farmers market. This is an epidemic!”

“Very well. Sunny, how many soldiers are ready for active duty?” Shining had gone full serious.

“Sir, we have two platoons ready for active combat if need be and a few squads that can handle guard detail, Sir!” I had gone full soldier with that statement. I think Hildie would be proud. Shining smirked while Cadence laughed a little. I knew of a handful of reasons for this problem and most of them had nothing to do with magic. Personally I hope it’s just me being paranoid, the last thing we need right now is a situation that would require…

Beneath the crystal vineyard

“Dinky, I’m going to share one very important word that comes with being my associate. Run!” Dinky and I ran as fast and as hard as we could while blasting magic in the opposite direction. Dinky with her horn and me with my wand. A vine was making it’s way towards Dinky and I couldn’t have that. I risked it hoping my scales would keep me and her safe. “That really stings!”

“We should be fine here, we’re far enough away. Let me look at that.” I did as she requested. Years of being my friend and a few less of being my associate had gotten her used to working on the go. She pulled out the sonic from her hoodie and gave it a go to analyse the infected root we had procured. “Readings from the sonic are telling me that this is definitely alien. I don’t think it’s Nekross though.” Dinky was attempting to probe for further information and I was trying not to gag at the mention of those fools that attempted to take on an entire world of magic just to feed their greed. My scales did a good job of blocking the blast but I still wish I had been wearing my armor like usual. I picked a bad day to be running maintenance on my gear.

I had read the report nine years ago but it came out fuzzy and every time it was mentioned I missed pieces of the conversation. That meant one thing, the tardis was blocking me from knowing too much on something I would have to deal with later. One detail I did remember was the soldier in charged mentioned two individuals one draconic pony with a brilliant white set of scales and a unicorn with a pinkish purple coat. It stated that they were around my age now so I know that I’ve gotta help my soldiers. I just don’t know how.

The vegetation itself is attacking anything that walks in the tunnels. I remember thinking that I had seen similar things before but damn if I wasn't wrong! At this point I don't have a clue what I'm dealing with. "Dinky, do a scan for terrestrial lifeforms. We need to locate those soldiers."

"You're right. If we're having trouble with this, I'm sure those fresh soldiers are having themselves a nightmare." Dinky's scan indicated that there were people in the direction we were running from! Just another day in the life and I left my bloody weapons in the Tardis. My and Dinky's sonic would have to suffice. We took some time to rig up a camouflage of sorts. A small sonic distortion mixed with a shadow spell made us appear to be nothing unusual to the plants. I have got to get to the bottom of all this.

Sunny of this time

The teams had been deployed about two hours ago and we were on our way to Canterlot. Well all of us except Shining and Hildie, they had to stay and oversee the op. Skyla wanted to be there a little earlier so she could have a little more fun helping with the preparations. I swear, that girl lives for parties. Why is her flank still blank? “We’re here a week early. I don’t think I need to tell you this, but don’t be seen by the public. Especially you, Cadence. Skyla and I can be explained away but you really can’t.”

“Yes Sunny. I got that when you gave me the lecture on time travel...the last three times you gave it to me. I won’t let this band come off of me when I’m in the public view.” The ID bracelets were something I came up with after doing homework a few weeks ago. I merged the shadow manipulation spell with a perception filter and boom. I find this method to be far more effective than making a remember me not potion. The process takes weeks!

“Just remember the indicator. Blue is cool, yellow is slightly recognizable and purple means someone is dangerously close to recognizing you and you should get outta sight pronto.” Skyla went on about how the color indicator for danger should be red. “What is it with people and red. There are so many other colors in the spectrum to indicate danger. But fine if that’s how you ladies want it, so be it.” My horn light up and the color red appeared. “Red indicates detection and purple means busted. Happy now?” The dorks put on the corniest smiles I’ve ever seen. I swear, like mother like daughter. It’s even true in my case I’ve got some qualities and quirks from both of my mothers but i’m not getting into that.

Mama seemed happy to actually be in Canterlot. She had been playing online chess with Lulu and they had promised to have a match IRL. I find it funny that of all my family Mom is the only one that is technologically retarded. It’s actually kinda cute when she’s crying to me on the phone asking me how to send emails or how to make a video call. If anyone else asked me that I’d be a little condescending but I just can’t do that to her. “Perhaps it has to do with the fact that she actually cries, Sunny”. Ruby did have a point. There is something about her getting teary eyed that just makes me feel… not right. The gap between us lessoned about a month ago when she finally got it in her head that I can’t help what I am and I’m gonna use every spell I can for the right reasons. The only thing she complains about with my alignment now is how she’s going to spin it. The damn nobles will have a field day with it, I’ll just have to become so scary that they don’t even think of pulling that rubbish with me.

As soon as we touched down in the Ponyville castle, I realised one thing. I hadn’t told mom about Ruby. How was I going to handle that one. “Very carefully, Sonny. You are very happy with your current relationship with Celestia and I will not be the reason you go back to giving her the silent treatment. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a rat’s arse about your mum but hurting her however small it was really agonized you and I won’t be the reason it happens again.” Ruby truly is an amazing mate to have. “ Damn straight I am!”

I let her have her happy moment and got ready to leave for Canterlot as soon as Cadence and Dancer got out of the Tardis. My phone rang as soon as I landed in my room. It was Twilight. “Sunny, you have to tell me how you made this device. It’s brilliant and seems to require less magic than a disguise spell and worked just as well!” I started to talk to Twilight but Skyla interrupted me.

“She’ll have plenty of time to nerd it out with you later but right now she’s mine. Why don’t you just ask Dancer she knows the details. Or did you just want an excuse to call Sunny, Auntie Twilight.” She put extra stress in the word auntie. I’m guessing she was stabbing at her age (27). The argument got so heated that they started speaking in unicornian. The words coming out of Skyla’s mouth would put a sailor to shame and I don’t think Cadence is going to punish her for this at all. I can see her in the background eating popcorn! Sod it all Cadence. My life ain’t your bloody soap opera! Hold on...if Cadence isn’t reprimanding her daughter that must mean that she’s...jealous. I’m not getting my hopes up on this one though. It doesn’t feel like the jealousy of love but then again my eyes are clouded in this matter.

I hung up about a minute into them trading blows with one another. If I hadn’t ended the call that argument coulda gone zero to one hundred really bloody quick and the last thing I need is to be in the middle of a alicorn feud. Those always involve painful pranks and a lot of shameful behaviour. I grabbed Skyla’s hand and we made our way around town with the girls right behind us of course. While I can defend Skla from any ol bugger with ill intent. I don’t want her to see my scary side just yet. I don’t know if she’s old enough to know she shouldn’t be afraid of me.

Skyla and I wanted to feel the fun of the city and not deal with nobles for a while. The five of us would take the time to enjoy the nightlife. Instead of going to some ritzy place, I brought us to the nightclub known as purgatory and tonight they had the most bombin DJ in world, DJ Pon-3! The fun thing about it is she’s the owner. Normally they wouldn't let kids in but I set Skyla’s band to make her look like a dragon. In the past months, I had learned to make my dragon blood boil farther to the surface at will. I'm just happy I get to hang with Spike and Blaze again, I miss them so much!

Blaze was waiting for us outside the club while enjoying a cig. She was wearing a green halter top and a black skirt. She was also rocking the cutest green bag! Doctors normally discourage smoking but she's a drago, smoking has few to no negative effects on her (or me for that matter) dragons are built to handle smoggy and other such hazardous environments. I locked my tail to Blaze's. “Hello, stranger.” I hit her on the shoulder.

Blaze gave me a hug followed by a kiss. She wasn't expecting tongue in said kiss though! “Ok I get it you cheeky little brat, you missed me. Spike couldn't join us he's busy working at the Academy. More young links have shown up since word of your heritage. Half breeds around Equestria have come for a chance to see their princess. Be sure to address them in your speech, most half dragons live their lives in fear but you have become a beacon of sorts. I know I'm putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders so let's just party for now!”

Blaze really gave me some to think about. While my life wasn't extravagant in the slightest, I wasn't running in fear of execution. Dragon lands don't take well to half breeds. There are some cases of the being gathered and used as slaves! While I may have grown up in the ghettos of Stompton, at least I wasn't in mythril chains. If my life made me tough, theirs must have nearly broken them. Blaze was right my kind need a place of sanctuary and I won’t let this be the only safe haven for them! “It’s good that you're being compassionate but remember what kind of princess you need to be. Kind to your people, yet ruthless to your enemies. These half breeds are not even citizens.”

Maybe not, but they soon shall be. And don’t go giving me crap on this, you silly vampire blade. There will be plenty of blood for you when those foolish enough to attack us and believe me, there will be. But right now I just wanna have fun so come and join me.

The girls jumped in surprise at the teenaged Ruby beside me who removed the cloak from my body and was wearing an outfit similar to mine. Ruby was wearing a hooded blouse with a skirt. Unlike my black on purple, she had a black on red feel. The frilly lace went well with our darker patterns and the hoods just made it cuter. When we entered, I could feel the jaws drop. Well they were all attractive. A few of them were glancing at Skyla and I dancing with each other. I made a point of dancing with her like we were majorly into one another. Our moves got more fluent with each drop of the bass, we were on fire!

The girls were at the bar sipping on cider and pina coladas and Ruby was also there...drinking a Bloody Mary. It helps that the owner happens to be a child of the night as Lulu would say it. A part of me was wondering how many times she'd offered her girlfriend a chance to share eternity with her. But that's not my business. I only know she's a vampire because I'm into the darkness myself. Skyla and I went for some drinks as well. While we may be young, they'll serve us due to our size alone. Skyla was enjoying a glass of crystal pinot noir while I chose the drink of a distinguished northern Equestrian, a martini. “ Martini. Gin, stirred for ten seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth.”

“Damn that’s classy. I'm Vinyl Scratch and that drinks on the house. What brings a lady with your skill sets to my club.” I almost did a spit take. “Don’t bother lying, I can tell you dabble in bloodmancy. You practically soaked in its aura, princess.”

“Well I'll be damned! Game really does recognize game, don't it? You're using soulsight aren't you? Actually, I don't want an answer to that. I'm certain that mine is rather dark while still shining though.” She cracked a smile so I figured I was right. I personally didn't want to mess with soulsight, it feels like I'm violating them somehow.

The girls saw who I was talking to and moved closer to Skyla while Vinyl and I headed to her box. The two of us spent what felt like twenty minutes talking about the latest DJs to take the seen. Most of which debuted here. However in the heat of our conversation we got interrupted by a grey mare with a distinguished accent. “Vinyl you've been conversing with this young lady for hours. If I were the jealous type, I think you were up to something.” Her voice said one thing but her face said another. Her lover was apparently secluded in a soundproof and magic proof room with one way mirrors with a pretty young thing. I'd feel a little distressed at that too if I were her. There's no way she’s gonna believe her right now and I don't want to be the cause of a fight. I took off the band and Octavia immediately bowed.

“I was actually trying to persuade miss Vinyl to come to the empire to be my music teacher.” She gave a genuine smile that doubled as a frown. “I also happen to have a ear for the classics and was hoping to procure you both for my musical education. I'm pretty good with a violin.” Octavia's eyes glistened at ether opportunity to teach a princess and also stay with her lover.

Vinyl seemed to be thinking but I knew if Octavia said yes then I'd get them both. Sneaky yes, but effective. She requested I play something but I didn't have a violin. That's when I remembered a spell it had learned. In a matter of seconds I had transmuted a violin at the sacrifice of a chair and began playing. Considering what was on the line, olive put as much heart in it as I possibly could. Vinyl decided she wanted to hop in and transmuted a violin as well. Eventually Octavia herself pulled out her cello Skyla walked in a bit bored and created an instrument of her own (Octavia didn't shut the door) and we had a quartet. The jam had gained interest so Vinyl pressed a button and the glass receded. I reactivated my band as soon as I noticed the glass go down. Our jam session had turned into a small concert. There were roaring applause when we were done and even though this wasn't a classic scene, they demanded an encore.

Octavia and Vinyl were smiling and talked for a minute. “Sunny, my answer is yes!” They said simultaneously. The rest of the night consisted of serious partying followed by our return to the castle. Mom's going to want to spend some quality time together at some point and I plan to give it to her.