> Just Yanking Your Chain 2: Tongue in Cheek > by The Story Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Itz ah sequel, wanna fight about it? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You make a slight grunt as you heft the large bass amp. Turning away from the odd white car, you start off towards the doorway. This is the fourth trip you’ve done so far carrying equipment up to Vinyl Scratch’s room. Normally she tries to keep her equipment mobile or move them to other people’s houses, but tonight was special. There was a dance of some kind going on that night and Vinyl feels it’s up to her to provide the after-party. Usually Pinkie holds these type of events, but the last party left cake’s bakery section littered in “party favors”. The party is shaping up to be an impressive one however as Vinyl claims fervently every time someone brings it up. “Hell yeah, this party is going to kick ass!” you hear her shout from upstairs. Sighing to yourself, you start up the stairs with your heavy load. Reaching the door to her room, you tap it with your foot to get her to open it as your muscles start to strain. From your unbiased guess, the equipment weighed at least one ton. “Vinyl! Get the door!” you shout in as you readjust your grip. “It’s open, dude. Set it over on the left side, by the others,” she calls back at you. Noticing the door is actually ajar, you shake your head and push it in, closing your eyes out of reflex as you start to worry about dropping it. You race over to the spot you need to leave it before slowly lowering to the ground. You would have dropped it, but something like this might just crash through the floor. Breathing a sigh of relief, you turn around and look for Vinyl amidst the towers of sound equipment. You finally spot her bent over near her turn-table stand with her jeans covered ass shaking back and forth. Feeling a slight blush come to your face, you turn away and sigh, waiting for her to get up on her own. Things like this seem to happen a lot more now than they did before Vinyl had given you a handjob during movie night a while ago. She thankfully didn’t make true her joke about bringing porn to her next one. One of the strangest parts is that she treats the event like it was just commonplace. When you brought it up the first time, she just laughed, after that she just brushed you off with a sigh or groan. After a week or so you just stopped mentioning it and Vinyl didn’t seem to notice. You still thought about it sometimes, especially like right now when she was wagging her ass around in those tight jeans she wears. “Okay Vinyl, what needs moving now?” you ask, leaning on some large piece of equipment while you look over the accumulating pile of electronics and speakers. “Just one or two things now. Let’s just take a break for now though, I’m tired of dealing with all this wiring,” she replies as you hear her hop off from the small stand she was working on. “Why do you need to mess with the wires? I thought you--” you start to ask as you turn around, cut off by what you see. Vinyl was standing up straight now, wiping off her face with a light grey towel. After she finishes wiping the sweat off, she rests the towel around her bare shoulders. You struggle not to look any further down as Vinyl was completely topless, lacking even a bra. The second you see them, you blush again and turn around with a sigh. “God dammit Vinyl, you could’ve told me you were topless,” you say agitatedly. “What? Dude, you’ve already felt me up, didn’t think I needed your permission to cool off,” she says while walking towards you. “Yeah well most people have something called common decency,” you reply sarcastically. “Oh yeah, because we’re both only work acquaintances. Seriously dude, they’re just tits, getting an eyeful isn’t going to kill you,” she says as she stops behind you. “Vinyl, just put a shirt on, alright?” you ask her, folding your arms. She doesn’t respond, and you remain still, rather than just turning around. Just as you got to ask her again, she wraps her arms around you, pressing her bust against your back. Your eyes go wide as she pulls you tight against her. Pushing out with your arms, you manage to force her off of you, but push too hard and end up falling on your face. As you land, your head bashes against a speaker. You lift your head up and grip the sore spot while Vinyl lets out a roar of laughter. “Holy shit! I thought you’d groan or something but you lept like a spider was on your face. Jesus dude, you alright?” she says between bursts of laughter. You glare up at her when she offers you a hand and stand up by yourself while rubbing the injured area of your head. “Oh relax, it was just a joke,” Vinyl says with an almost audible roll of her eyes. You continue walking towards the door with a slight frown on your face. Ever since the day she’d given you the handjob, Vinyl has been making fun of you for a variety of reasons. Not very much more than usual, but the fact they’re about something so personal makes you agitated. Vinyl grabs your arm and makes you stop. “Oh come off it, man. Don’t get all huffy and leave cause you hit your head,” she says in a calmer voice. “Vinyl, if you want me to stay, you’re going to have to put a shirt on,” you tell her without looking behind you. “Ugh, what, you scared of tits now?” she says with a small giggle. You turn around to tell her off, but glance at her chest instead. “No, I’m not,” you mumble back after turning your head to hide a blush. “Oh dude, you seriously are scared of tits. Or is it just mine? Are my tits scary to you?” she asks, excited by the joke. You groan and make for the door again but Vinyl holds you in place. Yanking your arm, you finally give in and turn around to face her. It takes a great deal of concentration, but you manage to look her in the face. “Vinyl, you know why I don’t like it,” you say confidently. “It’s because of the handjob again, isn’t it? God, for the thousandth time it doesn’t matter,” she groans in reply. “It does matter! Friends don’t just jerk each other off!” you say, never thinking you’d have to explain something like this to someone. “Hey, it’s not my fault you can’t get laid and get hard from anything,” Vinyl says with a shrug before folding her arms under her breasts. You glance down at them for a moment and admire their perkiness before snapping back up to a grinning Vinyl. “Oh shut up. Not my fault you flaunt yourself around like a stripper,” you angrily reply. Vinyl loses her grin and drops one arm down. She looks down to the ground for a moment, clearly hurt by what you said. You sigh and move past her towards the stand she left. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Look, I’m just tense is all,” you say, trying to explain your response. “It’s fine. But you know what I said is true, right? You need to just get laid already,” she replies while following you, clearly not as hurt as you though. “Well Vinyl I’m not just going to bang somebody, alright? I’d like to at least know the person first,” you say, turning back to her and leaning against the dj stand. Vinyl laughs a little and fake coughs into her hand the word “pussy,” making you glare at her. “Oh come on, not banging anything I see makes me a wuss?” you ask defensively. “No, not getting any in months despite going to parties frequently makes you a wuss. Seriously, what’s the problem?” she asks, taking on a more sincere tone. You look around the room, trying to avoid looking directly at Vinyl. The truth is that you’re not totally sure about your relationship to Vinyl these days. You hang out a lot, you’re comfortable seeing each other naked, all signs of dating. But Vinyl is adamant about the lack of any dating interest in you. Needless to say, the situation leaves you confused. “I... don’t know alright?” you say, failing to hide your hesitation. Vinyl looks you over for a second before taking a step closer. She tries to get into your field of view but you keep looking away, fearing your eyes might slip southward. Eventually she sighs and steps back. “I knew it. You’re gay,” she says with a shake of her head. “W-what?” you reply, stunned by her conclusion. “All the signs are there too. Keep looking away from me when I’m naked, not dating anyone, uncomfortable with a friendly hand job... sounds gay to me,” she says with a shrug. “Nice detective work there. Ever consider, I don’t know, that I’m a sane human being?” you ask, getting agitated again. “Nope. I mean, jeez, you were so lifeless when I was giving you that handjob, it was like you were picturing me as a boy or something,” she says with a finger on her chin. “Like hell I was! You know that I was feeling you up while you did it!” you say with anger. Vinyl grows a large grin as what you say clicks in your head. “N-not that I... god dammit,” you say, dropping your head down. “Gotcha. Now we’re both adults here, you jerk it often?” she says, patting you on the shoulder. “Excuse me?” you reply, lifting your head again. “Oh come on, you have to jerk off sometime right?” Vinyl asks and you try to remember if you have. For the past few days, your mind keeps drifting back to Vinyl when you do it, so you stop. “Right?” she asks again, concern growing in her voice. “Not in a while, no, why do you care?” you ask, still finding it an awkward question. She grabs your other shoulder with a serious look on her face. “Bro, when was the last time you did it?” she says in a strangely scared voice. “I don’t know, a few days maybe?” you reply and Vinyl steps back in shock. “Oh come on, it’s not that weird,” you defend. “Holy hell,” she says breathlessly before looking at your crotch. “It must be like god damn Mt. St. Helens in there,” she says before you cover it up from her stare. “What the hell are you talking about?” you ask her, confused as to why the sudden fascination with your junk. “Well obviously you can’t hook-up with a girl if you’re going to be a two-pump chump,” she says, relaxing her pose a little. “A what?” you ask, shifting uncomfortably in place. “You’re going to blow just from seeing a girl. Well, at least I understand why you haven’t been plowing anyone lately. Why not just jerk it though? It’s good for your health you know,” Vinyl says, moving towards the door to her kitchen. She soon goes out of sight, but you can hear her moving something about and the sound of a wrapper being removed. “Im not going to discuss my dick. Why do you even care?” you ask, looking around to the gear you’ve set up. “Because I’m a good friend? Look, hold on,” she says as something starts beeping. “Look, you’ve helped me out today, so I’ll do you a solid,” Vinyl says as she leaves the kitchen. “Look Vinyl, it’s not that big a deal. Don’t go and set me up with someone or something,” you tell her, remembering the last blind date she set up ending in a violent binge of drinking and violence. “Oh shut up, that was just one time. Besides, that’s not what I’m going to do, here, sit on the stage over there,” Vinyl says, gesturing to the spot she meant while walking there herself. You try to avoid looking at her chest bounce as she walks, but can’t stop yourself from taking a small glance. The sight of them swaying with her walk made you start to get hard and you look away to try and distance yourself from the thoughts. “What are you doing exactly?” you ask as you sit down and Vinyl stops in front of you. “Well, I’m going to need to improve your endurance before you can go around with girls at the party. I understand your dick problems, but they might not,” Vinyl says, pointing a finger at your groin. “Dick problems? Man, fuck you Vinyl,” you say with frown as you look to the floor to avoid looking at her chest. “Hey, premature ejaculation is a serious issue. Lucky for you, I’m not gonna laugh at you for being such a lightweight,” Vinyl says confidently. “Lightweight?!” you reply, finally looking up at her. “Oh definitely. You remember the hand job? You went off like a bottle rocket man,” Vinyl said, getting down on her knees. “No, you know what? I’m going,” you say and start to leave. Vinyl stops you by placing a hand on your thigh and forcing you back down into your seat. “Just relax man, I’m not making fun of you. I get why you might think that I am, what with the me calling you a pussy for the last five or so minutes, but I’m just trying to help in the best way I can,” she says, placing a hand over her heart. You squint at her for a few seconds before speaking. “You fucking with me right now, or are you being serious?” “Totally serious. Dicks are no joke. Well, except for like half the time. Just not now,” she says with a smile. “Whatever. What do you plan to do anyway?” you ask, accepting your fate. “Ah, now there’s the kicker. You know how last time I just was trying to get you off as fast as I could so you would go back to watching the film? Well, I’m going to do the opposite this time,” she says with a grin. “Now, take your pants off,” she says in an official manner. You sigh and start to do as she says. Secretly, you want to enjoy Vinyl’s idea of a friend’s favor, but you know better than to strain a relationship with sex. Maybe fighting it is what will cause it to fail, and just trying to go along with what Vinyl wants is the best solution. Still not liking the idea, you find your erection more than happy to show your internal feelings. Stripping off the last of your pants and starting to pull off your underwear, you sit back down on the stage to find it oddly soft. Looking down, you notice a towel covering the spot you’re sitting on. “What? I’m not going to let bare ass just rub on my stage. Well, not unless it’s part of the entertainment,” Vinyl says with a frightening absence of humor. “What do you-- You know what, nevermind, I don’t think I want to know. Anyway, what exactly are you going to do? A handjob isn’t going to help me much, considering a handjob put me in this situation,” you say, feeling awkward about seeing your dick inches from Vinyl’s face. “Relax dude, I got this, I’m like a wizard with boners. Alright, so you’re going to try and not finish, alright? Simple as that. We’re gonna build up your resistance so you can take home some girl with low-self esteem and not make an ass out of yourself,” she replies before taking a hold on your member. You groan and grip the stage from the sudden touch. Vinyl immediately begins stroking you off, making you squeeze your eye shut. Taking a few deep breaths, you relax into the rhythm she was making. “Oh come on man, I just freaking started. Open your eyes already,” Vinyl says agitatedly. Once you do, you look down to see Vinyl stroking your shaft in a very relaxed manner with an annoyed look on her face. The sight reminds you that this isn’t meant to be intimate in a romantic way and you relax slightly. “Alright, now let’s make it harder,” Vinyl says with a small grin. “What do you--” you start to ask before Vinyl leans down and kisses the head of your length, cutting you off with a flinch. The soft touch of her lips makes you pause and she starts to place one on your head every few seconds, threatening to make you cum early. You start to think Vinyl might be right, when you decide you can’t let her win. Gritting your teeth, you force yourself to calm down even as she speeds up her kissing. Eventually you manage to take deep breaths and let yourself get just excited enough to stay hard, hoping to wear her out. “Alright, now on to the hard stuff. Damn you’re lucky to have a friend like me,” Vinyl says before pushing your length up against your stomach. Looking down, you watch as she places the tip of her tongue the base of your shaft before slowly dragging it upwards. The light pressure she puts on it combined with the warm wetness of her tongue made you lose your concentration. You groan once again out of reflex just as she flicks her tongue away from the head. “Damn is it easy to tease you, like, I’m not into domming or anything, but you seem to just cum like a squirt bottle,” she says while resuming her stroking. “Well no shit, I haven’t cum in days, of course I’ll be easy to set off,” you reply trying to stay made while she jerks you off. “Yeah, well, I guess you’ll just--” she starts to say before a beeping noise from the kitchen grabs her attention. “Oh kick-ass, my burrito,” she says before letting you go and dashing off to the source of the noise. “Burrito?” you say to yourself before Vinyl reappears holding a steaming hot burrito on a plate and walking back towards you. She inhales a deep breath of her food and breathes out with a content sigh. “I love this stuff. It’s not any of the cheap crap you get from the supermarket, this is some premium mexican knock off food right here. Want a bite?” she asks, holding the plate out to you. “Do I--? No Vinyl, I don’t want a bite of your food right now. Weren’t you in the middle of something?” you say, looking from side to side. “Alright, alright, jeez. Didn’t know you were so desperate to get sucked off, relax,” she replies, holding her hands up defensively and getting back on her knees in front of you. “I’m not desperate! Look, all this is going to do is mess with my head and give me blue-balls, that’s not going to help me get a date tonight, so why the hell are we doing it?” you ask, folding your arms up. “Blue-balls? Nah man, I wouldn’t just tease you for no reason. I’m helping you out since you were moving my stuff, so I’m trying to get you to stop bitching about the handjob already by training your stamina so you can hook up with someone. Seriously, it’s not that hard to grasp,” she says before taking a bite of the burrito and looking up at you. “You’re going to need to run that by me one more time. How does you giving me another handjob get the handjob OUT of my head?” you say, rubbing your temples. Vinyl groans a mumbled groan as her mouth is filled with food before resting her head on your thigh. “Oh my god. Okay, so the reason you keep thinking about it is cause it’s weird to you right? Well, if I just do it a bunch before something that lets you hook up with another girl, then by the time you remember you’re a pussy, you’ll already have a girl in your bed,” she says while flicking your stiff erection. “I... But... Well, I guess that actually makes some sense. It’s stupid, likely to result in a fuck-up and it compromises like two of my morals involving girls, but it works,” you admit with a shrug. “Exactly. Now will you shut up and let me work?” she says impatiently, lifting her head. You look down at her with a frown as you think it over in your head. While you do want to fight the idea as you remember well how much the handjob messed with your head, you also have to admit her plan makes sense in a weird way. “Alright, fine,” you submit with a sigh. “Finally, god, it’s like you don’t like sex or something, I swear...” she says as she lazily strokes your shaft. You start to respond when she takes your tip into her mouth and the words catch in your throat. She starts to bob up and down your length with an eager pace, stopping every time she went to the top and swirling her tongue around the tip. She continues to wrap her tongue around your member with each movement, and you unconsciously start to move your hips along with her beat. Noticing your movement, she pulls off and wipes her mouth before laughing. “Well damn, I must be good at this, huh?” she says, keeping one hand on your shaft. “Yeah, real great,” you say, trying to put sarcasm into the strained words. Vinyl rolls her eyes at the comment and reaches over before taking a bite of the burrito. “Ah, shit, still hot,” she says while moving her head back over to your crotch. “Whoa, what do you think you’re doing?” you ask, noticing her mouth still having burrito in it. She freezes over the tip of your shaft and starts to speak before realizing her mistake. “Oh! haha, that would hurt a bit, wouldn’t it?” she says before swirling the hot food in her mouth a bit to cool it off before swallowing it. Vinyl sets the burrito back down after taking another bite. “Mmm, real good. Heh, said the girl with a dick in her mouth, am I right?” Vinyl says, tapping your thigh with her elbow. “Uh, sure,” you reply, looking from side to side out of awkwardness. “Well I thought it was funny. Anyway, back to work,” Vinyl says, clapping her hands together before rubbing them rapidly and then gripping your shaft with one while caressing your balls with the other. You groan as she goes back to her work, now with more focus on her handwork than her mouth. She continues to bob up and down, but her tongue remains in place rather than sliding all around your shaft. Her left hand holds onto your shaft and twists each time she moves her head. Leaning your head back, she starts to speed up her pace a bit when you hear a small click. You look around you with one eye open to find it’s source before closing it again as Vinyl mumbles something into your shaft. Soon after, you hear some soft tapping between the sounds of her mouth gliding over your length. Bringing your head back down, you see Vinyl lift her head till it was on the tip of your shaft and suckles on it while looking at something on her phone. She snaps her eyes away from the phone for a moment before bobbing up and down your shaft two times and then returning her focus to her phone. “Vinyl, what’re you--” you start to ask her before she starts to giggle, vibrating your length. Finishing the small laugh she goes back to sucking you off when she giggles at the base of your shaft, pressing her teeth lightly against your shaft. Instinctively, you put your hand on her head and push her back. “Ah, sorry, was just looking at this “you laugh you lose” thread here,” she says with a small laugh while pointing to her phone. “Well try to pay attention, you nearly bit me,” you reply, catching your breath as you pause from the odd sensation of her laughter on your shaft. “It wouldn’t hurt that bad, stop complaining,” she says offhandedly before going back to sucking on the head of your length. “Vinyl, trust me, it would,” you reply, fearful of her going back to it and not being able to pull off of you in time. Vinyl starts to retort when her phone starts to vibrate and the room fills with loud, bass-filled music. “Oop, I got a call, hold on a second,” Vinyl replies before answering the phone with one hand and jerking you off with the other. “Hello? Oh, hi Tavi, how’s it going?” Vinyl asks happily. You look around the room while Vinyl talks and casually strokes your length. She occasionally looks back to you and adds some small motion to her strokes, like rubbing the head at the top point of every other stroke. “Yeah, the party’s going to be great. What am I doing? Just hanging out. Hold on a sec Tavi,” Vinyl says before taking the phone from her ear and holding it up to you with a grin. “Here, say hi,” she says, pausing in her strokes for a moment as you take the phone from her. “Hello? Who is this?” you hear Octavia’s voice ask. You knew her from the several times you’d seen her hang out with Vinyl Scratch. It always struck you as odd that they hang out when they seem so opposite. Realizing the dead air, you quickly introduce yourself. “Ah, of course. Vinyl mentioned that you two would be moving her equipment. I presume you two are on a break?” she asks in her usual refined tone. “Yeah, just pausing too-” you start to answer before being cut off as Vinyl forces her mouth over your shaft, deep throating a majority of your length. “Hello? Are you alright? You sounded as if something hit you,” Octavia asks with concern. “N-nothing. Just Vinyl--” you pause, almost letting it slip what she did. “Ah, I see. She’s quite a handful, I know. She’s always running that big mouth of hers and knocking something over. The worst is how she’s always doing something vulgar to get a reaction.” Octavia replies sympathetically. “Yeah, more than you know,” you reply as Vinyl covers her mouth to bursting out laughing. “Well the important part is not to let her get to you,” Octavia finishes. “I’ll try,” you reply as Vinyl grins up at you while stroking your shaft, making you let out a small groan. “Let me guess, she’s doing something vulgar right now isn’t she? I’ll bet that’s the whole reason she gave you the phone too,” Octavia guesses correctly. “Uh, something like that,” you reply, forcing yourself to look away from Vinyl as she starts to make lewd faces at you. “Believe me, she does the same thing to me all the time. Well, it was nice talking with you but could you give the phone back to Vinyl now?” Octavia asks politely. “Sure,” you say and hand the phone back to Vinyl. As she takes it back, she places it up to her ear while still sucking on your head. After a few seconds, she pulls off and wipes her lips. “Just eating, I hear you,” Vinyl says before going quiet with her hand wrapped around your shaft. She looks down while she listens and occasionally adjusts her grip on you, making you twitch every so often. “Right. We’re still on for Saturday though right?” Vinyl asks before pausing and smiling. “Yeah, see you later Tavi.” Vinyl hangs up the phone before setting it down next to you and coughing. “What was that all about?” you ask as she stretches a bit. “Girl stuff. You know, vaginas and things,” Vinyl jokes with an almost hidden smile. You roll your eyes as she finishes cracking her back. Done stretching, she goes back to sucking on the head of your length while stroking the shaft. Her free hand was gripping onto your thigh, making you flex slightly from the pressure. After stroking it with small bursts of speed, she lowers her hand so that her palm rests on your balls while she moves her mouth over the shaft. As she reaches the lowest point now, she would pause and suck on you slightly, pressing the insides of her cheeks on your shaft. Her tongue would switch from side to side with every movement up again. The combination of her previous forms make you lose yourself and you unconsciously start to buck your hips towards her mouth. Rather than laughing at it, like you think she might, she changes up her pace to accommodate it. After a minute or so after you joined in moving, you feel yourself close to finishing. “Vinyl, I’m almost there,” you tell her before gripping onto the stage to stop your hips from moving again. Vinyl pull away from your crotch and moves her hands back to your shaft. “Alright, this time why not just shoot it on me? Was going to take a shower soon anyway,” Vinyl says while jerking you off at a fast pace. You watch as her fingers glide up and down your shaft, enrapt by her skillful movement and quick speed. The pressure builds in your stomach before your quick breathing skips for a moment as you finish. The first load shoots across Vinyl’s face, with a little getting into the blue of her hair. The 2nd and 3rd shots land on her chin and drip onto her chest, where the loads of the loads land. Finally relaxing your grip, you watch as the cum drips off of her naked chest and face. “Alright, still a bit of a lightweight but you lasted a while. That was just a blowjob though, so you do need to work on that,” Vinyl says before dragging a finger through a strand of cum on her chin and then bringing it to her mouth. She licks her lips a few times before swallowing. “Been eating more fruit like I said, that’s good,” she comments before standing up. She looks down at you, your cum still covering her chest, and smiles as she holds a hand out to help you up. “Still, you should be able to get laid tonight. You think you’ll need any more help?” she offers as you take her hand and push yourself up. Your legs are a bit shaky from the experience, so you try to adjust for a moment while your rub the back of your head. “No thanks, I should be good. I have to ask this again though Vinyl, why did you do that?” you say as you regain your balance. “Seriously? I don’t even understand why you need to know. Shouldn’t a nice, free handjob or blowjob be accepted happily? You complain about everything, I seriously hope you don’t do this stuff to other girls,” she says stretching her arms over her head. “I don’t know why, but I feel as though I should know the reason,” you say, moving back to the dj stand before leaning against it. “Well it’s cause we’re friends idiot. You carried stuff for me, I helped you out. Plus I’ve been feeling kind of bad for throwing you off your groove,” Vinyl says with a shrug. “Not that you had much of one to begin with,” she adds with a grin. “Yeah, yeah,” you say with a roll of your eyes. An intense silence fills the room as Vinyl tries to keep some of your cum from falling off of her chest and onto the floor. Lifting her head suddenly, she moves back to where you had been sitting and grabs her phone and and the plate with her burrito. “So, what do we do now?” you ask, trying to break the awkward silence. “Uh, finish moving my shit? We still have some pieces to move,” she says, jerking a thumb over her shoulder to where the car would be. “Right, let’s go,” you reply before Vinyl bursts out laughing. She holds her arms apart and then bend her elbows in to make her breasts press together. “Yeah, let’s give the neighborhood a little advertisement to the party right? Nah, you go do the lifting, I’m gonna shower off your jacking juice,” While heading towards her bathroom. You move towards the door, but stop halfway there and turn back around. “Hey Vinyl?” you ask her, making her stop and turn around. For a moment, you realize that you’re not very affected by the sight of her breasts being bare anymore. “Yeah?” she asks, nonchalantly picking at her ear with her pinky finger. “I just wanted to say...” you start before hesitating. “Uh, sorry for being so weird about the handjob. I don’t really get it and still thinks it’s weird, but if you’re cool with it I guess that’s just me not getting it. We still cool?” you ask, finishing the awkward apology. “Obviously dude. Just try not to be a spazz at the party alright?” Vinyl replies with a laugh. “I’ll try. Promise not to flash me at the party or something?” you ask back with a smile. “Well duh, not gonna cock-block you or something. You being unable to hook up with chicks has been a big problem on my end, not going to just be a dick for no reason to stop that,” she says, Turning around and walking back towards the bathroom again. As she does, you can’t help but watch her ass sway a little in her slow pace. Once she steps behind the door and you hear the shower start up, you shake your head and move towards the door. Well, the party is going to be fun as long as Vinyl's there.