> Liberare Elementis! > by GameJunkie7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Liberare! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They say that in death, one would expect either endless darkness, a veritable hell, or heaven, or just a bland limbo, among countless other envisionings of the afterlife, or lack thereof. That was not what Kamina was experiencing, had been for a good long while. “I'm proud of you, Simon....” Kamina; being a self-assured young man, didn't care or worry what the afterlife held for him, and it was just as well when rather than pass on, he instead got to watch his brother in soul grieve for him, suffer, fight, and ultimately rise beyond anything Kamina could have hoped for. Even if he had to be there for all the boring stuff too. Seriously, watching his self-proclaimed little brother sleep was just irritating, maddening even. Simon didn't even talk in his sleep, so Kamina got very little in the way of entertainment during these hours of rest. Kamina fought off what might've been a manly tear, as he watched Simon's wedding turn into a funeral procession, after Simon explained to his friends and attendants that he knew she was fading, and that this was the last thing he could do for her. “Little Bro...I hope you can find happiness again. Nia may be your first true love, the greatest of loves...but I can't bear to watch you go through life completely alone, don't make me....” “Then don't.” Kamina gasped and turned his vision away from Simon for the first time in years. What he saw was beautiful, elegant, and if he were less of a man, girly. A real man knows when to acknowledge when something was cute. “Who the hell are you?!” Kamina demanded of the large elegant equine before him, that possessed both angelic white wings to match her coat, and a long, sharp, spiraled horn. “Because lady; you're already in my good book if you've got a drill on your head.” Kamina smirked at his brash statement, looking the tall equine in her dark purple eyes. She smirked in return, and looked down on the sad occasion along with the tattooed man. “You've been watching him for a long time haven't you?” “Yep, about seven years now, since I died.” He looked back at his sudden company, and smiled honestly. “Whoever you are...it's nice to meet you. These years have been pretty damn lonely without anyone to talk to. Name's Kamina the Great! Founder of the Dai-Gurren Brigade!” The tall mare with the flowing pale rainbow mane and tail, raised an amused eyebrow at his introduction. “Well, Kamina the Great, I am Princess Celestia; ruler of Equestria.” She then turned her gaze back to the scene below as Kamina was forced to follow Simon, and she trotted to keep up with Kamina's unwilling movement. “From what I can tell; there's nothing left keeping you here, so why are you still lingering?” “Hell if I know lady. I know Simon will be fine without me; been fine without me for years. But I've been stuck here, watching him, worrying over him like a brother should. I just can't let go I guess.” Kamina shrugged and chuckled sadly. “I was the one who taught him to break bonds, fight oppression, seek the impossible, and yet here I am; unwilling to drill through my bonds to let go of life. I'm such a hypocrite, huh?” “That is not true.” Celestia gently accosted him, and looked him in the eye as she had to begin to fly to keep up with Kamina, as Simon was now being moved by vehicle. “Only a being of immense will could hold on to their awareness, and linger after death. Let alone for so long. I came here because I sensed you. Your will hasn't wavered in years, and I've been tracking that will every night for those same seven years since your death I'm assuming.” She then could slow down, and walk again as Simon had arrived at the Dai-Gurren memorial. “Oh? I'm so strong my will crosses time and space?” Kamina assumed, beings he was speaking to a spirit-like being who was clearly an alien of sorts. “I know I'm great, just admit it.” Celestia giggled lightly, and smirked. “Oh yes, you are. Otherwise I would have let you eventually pass on as normal. But you're not going to disappear until after your brother dies, and I'm not about to let that happen. Lingering for too long could do unspeakable things to your sanity, which would carry down through your reincarnations. So; I'm going to accelerate the process.” “So, what, you're the goddess of death? You're a bit too....” He looked at her flank, and smirked at the perfect pun. “Sunny, to personify death in my opinion.” This sent Celestia tittering at his brilliant and corny joke, and she smiled matronly at him, making him relax a bit more. “No, that is not my domain, but Death is self-sustaining; there is no need for a sentient being to oversee it. However, I cannot let you keep torturing yourself like this.” She then looked at Simon below, who watched as Nia's part of the monument was added. “I can't let you keep suffering needlessly.” “Tch...you're a real nice lady ya know that?” Kamina watched Simon quietly cry, and he sighed. “Alright...Simon doesn't need me anymore...the one he needs has left the world of the living as well. It's all up to him now.” Kamina let out a single, manly tear as he grit his teeth. “I'll...I'll go with you. Wherever it is.” Celestia smiled sadly at just how hard it was for Kamina to say that, and walked up to him to bring him into a hug, which Kamina blushed over beings it was so sudden, and he may be a pervert but he's not into equines. “Everything will be better now.” Kamina suddenly, for the first time in several years, felt something other than his eternally alert state. Drowsiness; such a profoundly welcome feeling that he quickly leaned into the embrace and fell asleep. “I just hope you make the most of it.” ===//////> Kamina slowly became aware of his surroundings once more from his blissful state of obliviousness. First came the sensation of touch, of feeling profoundly soft and plush covers over him and a soft yet firm be beneath him. Then of sound, the echoing howl of a slight wind that blew over a surface, creating a hollow flowing noise. Finally, Kamina could see the dim glow of bright sunlight through his eyelids, and he groaned as he turned away from it. “Damned sun...let me sleep....” It took a few moments, but Kamina's eyes flew open, their red irises dominating his eyes as his pupils shrank, and he leaped up from the bed, and over to the stately windows to look down upon a sight only heard of in children's fantasy stories. Kamina was looking down upon a glorious alabaster castle, topped with golden spires from one of the highest towers. Beyond the castle grounds, he could see a small city made of similar white stone, with less impressive imitating rooftops that was arranged with the larger buildings being near the castle, and getting smaller the further out they went. Oh, and then there was the mountain. Somehow, this whole city was literally built onto the side of a mountain, that even looking straight up, Kamina could not see the top through the clouds. “Piercing the heavens literally...this is one awesome place.” “Oh! You're awake!” Kamina spun around, and raised his arms in a defensive stance...only to freeze and look at what he expected to be hands...only to end in hooves. “Oh my...please don't-.” “That's new....” Kamina quickly forced himself to calm down, ignoring his irrational and instinctive desire to panic, and suddenly realized his hips hurt, so he fell to all fours, and tried to look himself over, but wasn't really able to comprehend it. “Lady...mirror.” Kamina stated between a demand and a desperate plea. “Of course.” The intruder, now identified as Celestia, then levitated her room's large standing mirror in front of him. Kamina gaped slightly at his new form. His fur was the same sandy tan as his human skin was, his mane and tail basically just even wilder and larger versions of his hair. His eyes were the same, so that was nice, but he noticed that in place of his blue tribal tattoos, his fur was instead the same color and design as said tattoos, only resized to fit his new equine body. On his head though; was something he was very happy about. “Heh, heh...I've got a drill on my head now too.” He raised a hoof and prodded it, and shuddered at how...sensitive it was. 'Gotta be careful with that.' Finally, he looked at his flank, and smirked at seeing the emblem of the Dai-Gurren Brigade. “Yep...everything's just fine if I've got my mark...even if it is on my butt and not my back.” “Well technically your cutie marks are on your flanks, like everypony else.” Kamina became suddenly horrified, but Celestia giggled. “Or, as the stallions call them; Flank Marks.” “Damn straight! Ain't nothing on me going to be cute. Unless it's a woman calling me such.” Kamina grumbled, and then looked around the room; now noticing just how lavish and decorated it was with a sunny theme. “So yeah...where am I?” “My bedchambers.” Kamina suddenly looked a little green, making Celestia snort in both annoyance and humor. “Not like that. This is where I sleep, and beings the transition from lingering spirit to living being is an exhaustive one, I didn't have much energy to wake back up and move you to a guest room yet. I just got up a few minutes ago to arrange a room for you.” “Yeah, thanks...for all this.” Kamina looked at himself again, and stood up, comparing himself to Celestia, and noticing she was so much taller than him. “But why am I so short? I used to be about six feet tall before.” “I'm sorry; but I couldn't make your new body that large. It took so much out of me I was lucky I could raise the sun on schedule a moment after I woke up. But you're still bigger than most ponies, so don't say I didn't try.” Celestia explained as she stood next to him, and showed that while she was still much taller, his head came up to her mid-neck. “And I don't know what a foot is in measurement, but for us ponies; we measure most lengths or heights in hooves. I'm twelve hooves tall at full posture at the top of my head, and you used to be about my height, so from what you said...I'm 6 feet tall.” Kamina scrunched up his new face in concentration and ran the numbers really quick. “So I'm a foot shorter now at five feet...or ten hooves?” Kamina asked, making Celestia nod. “Yes; making you much taller than most ponies, as the average height for mares is eight hooves, and stallions tend to be between eight and nine hooves.” Celestia then turned around to leave through the door, and Kamina instinctively looked at her behind, and blushed as he suddenly realized he was attracted to her. “Oh, and don't worry about that.” Celestia smirked knowingly, as she raised her left eyebrow as she looked back at him. “You'll find adjusting to your new home easier than you'd think.” She trotted out of the room, leaving a flustered and worried Kamina behind, who gulped and licked his dry lips. “Well...fuck....” ===//////> Shortly, a maid had entered the royal bedchamber and guided him down halls and flights of stairs to his new room. It was awkward, as the pegasus mare had to constantly help him up from stumbling over himself, and even saved him from falling down a long flight of stairs. After getting a literal crash course on being quadrupedal, Kamina groaned in relief as he collapsed onto his new, smaller bed, which wasn't as ridiculously comfy as Celestia's bed, and he was more than alright with that. “Do you require anything else?” Kamina was going to tell the blue-eyed, red coated, orange maned, maid-outfit wearing mare that he was fine. But his stomach gave another reply in the form of room shaking rumbles, making Kamina blush in embarrassment. “Some food would be nice....” She smiled in amusement at his hesitant response, and then trotted from the room to get him something to eat, beings there was no way in Tartarus he was making it all the way to the dining hall. 'So this is my new life? Stuck as a short pony, falling over my own legs?' Kamina growled as he looked at his forehooves and leered at his visible bruises through his fur. 'I'm not going to be stopped by something as trivial as being put in a different body! I'm Kamina the Great! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!' Kamina mentally screamed at the universe, only for his horn to suddenly shoot off a crimson laser that instantly pierced through the wall over his headboard, and he looked at it in awe, and began to brighten up. “I shoot lasers...from my freaking head...awesome!” A guard rushed into the room, steely gaze piercing Kamina, and quickly assessed the situation, before snorting and trotting out of the room. “Well, isn't he a big bright ball of sunshine. The armor is still a bit much even then though.” Kamina then loitered around, letting his thoughts wander to idle fantasies of what he could do now. His several years of watching Simon without being able to interact with anything had instilled the man with patience, and rationality...well, more than he ever had to begin with at any rate. The maid had returned soon with a small service cart with covered dishes, and paused at the sight of the scorched and pierced-through stone wall. “What happened?” “Don't know lady. I just got mad for a moment, and suddenly a red laser blasts out of my horn and ruins the wall.” His stomach growled once more, and he groaned in agony that his mighty manly stomach gave him as punishment for neglecting it. “It may be cool, but don't care right now, food first.” Kamina wriggled and flopped around as he tried to get up, but the maid giggled and flew over him as she stopped him. “Let me help.” She moved his legs and prompted him to remember the way she positions his legs to move around by himself. The whole time Kamina felt emasculated that he had to have a pretty mare help him out of bed. 'Damn it! Stop thinking like that!' Then he looked at her as she directed him, only half-hearing what she was saying as he took in her face, how the light shined on her red coat, how her blue eyes practically emitted light with how genuinely invested she was in helping him, how her pretty orange curly mane bobbed with every movement of her flapping wings, his observations were causing him to blush and making a certain place between his thighs tingle. '...Ok...never mind...too cute to deny.' Kamina managed to follow her directions however, and was glad to be laying on his legs with the care near the bed, when she turned around to remove the lids, and he got a nice eyeful up her skirt as her cascading orange tail accidentally shifted it up a bit. Because if not; he'd have a very embarrassing new appendage he'd have shown the kind maid in plain view, rather than being hidden against the bed, which made it agonizing nonetheless. 'HOLY HELL! This is definitely new!' “-And some wild honeysuckle. If that's all...are you ok?” The mare finished obliviously listing off the small trio of entrees she was instructed to bring him were he hungry, and noticed just how red he was through his fur. “You look hot.” “Th-thanks but...phrasing.” Kamina got out, and hissed as his new equipment throbbed against the bed. 'Good god or whatever, I've got to get her out of here.' “I-I'm fine! Yeah! I'll just have my food, I don't need anything else right now. Thank you for the help and all.” She beamed at him, and bowed slightly. “No problem! If you have any issues, please tell a servant and we'll be happy to oblige.” She then turned and left, again unintentionally flicking her tail, and giving Kamina a peek at the goods, making him groan, and she paused to look back at him. “Are you sure you're alright?” “Yes! Peachy! I'll speak to you later.” Kamina tried very hard to keep an earnest expression on his face, and she smiled back and then finally closed the door and left, making Kamina gasp as he flopped onto his back, and looked down at his new “little Kamina” and gaped. “Holy shit....” He was hung...really hung. He'd be a god among men if he had a penis half this size back in his old life. It came up to his CHEST dang it! 'How the hell do the males in this world avoid getting monstrous erections in public? Speaking of which; I've been naked this whole time! I've gotta get some pan-.' “Sorry! I forgot the...the....” The maid suddenly burst into the room, forgetting to knock in her hurry to return with the dressing she forgot to include with his salad. And got a show of a big stallion, with a big sixth limb laying on his back looking at her in shock. “Um...wow...uh....” She gulped and smirked nervously, as she slowly walked up to the cart, and put the dressing on the cart, blushing, trying to remain calm. “I'm sorry, I'll uh....” She tripped over herself a bit as she backed away towards the door, unable to look away. “I'll uh...just...be going....” She paused with the door slightly open, giggled and closed the door. Kamina buried his face in his hooves in embarrassment and shame. 'Not cool Kamina...not, fucking, cool....' ===//////> Celestia entered Kamina's room with an amused expression, but lost it when she saw Kamina sulking in his bed, and his food had gone untouched. “Kamina, it has been hours since Morning Glory brought you food. You have to be starving!” Celestia trots into the room, and closed the door with her magic as she sat next to his bed. “Kamina, what happened is completely natural, if a bit...impressive in virility...and size if what Morning Glory's telling the other maids is true.” Celestia added with amusement. “Look, Celestia, I wasn't born a pony, and suddenly I'm finding mares sexy? How is that natural? It might be for my body, but it isn't just my body, it's ME that is attracted!” Kamina shouted, and sighed as he rolled over to reveal he wasn't hiding anything. “If it was just my body I'd be able to force it down with my will, but I was genuinely attracted to...Morning Glory?” Kamina asked, to which Celestia nodded. “And I am also able to easily admit I find you sexy as sin! I mean, just...why?” “Well...it might have something to do with the fact that your universe and mine aren't exactly...the same....” Celestia smiled nervously, making Kamina raise and eyebrow, and twirl a hoof in the air to gesture for her to continue. “Life and death is interconnected through all of existence; not just limited to individual universes. You shined like a beacon against the ether, brighter than any star, brighter than a galaxy even, so bright I was able to sense and see you from here through the thin veil of the multiverse. I was only able to come to you now because something of obscene power ripped through the veil, rending it asunder long enough for me to reach you.” “Oh...heh...that would have been my little bro's doing then.” Kamina beamed to Celestia's surprise. “See...well...long story short; he sorta ascended so far in power that he was able to fight the god-like enemies of our universe that were oppressing all life to ensure that through some twisted logic, that the universe would exist forever in a state of stagnation or something. The battle practically spanned the entirety of our universe, destroying and creating galaxies...it was incredible.” Kamina mused with pride echoing through his being. “W-well...yes, anyhow, what I was trying to get at is that our universe works on different fundamental laws than yours. One of which, is that your former race; humanity, doesn't exist in this universe at all. So, beings you're a pony now, it would logically dictate that you are attracted to the local species of this world. Ponies only being one of them. I have no idea if you'd be attracted to griffins or minotaurs or such.” Celestia helped clarify with him, making Kamina let out a breath in relief. “Ok, so, totally normal, nothing screwy with my head. Time to eat!” Kamina got up on his rump, and then looked between his hooves and the cart covered in delicious salad and fruits. “Um...how am I going to go about this?” Celestia sighed, and then smiled as she got an idea. “Wait a bit; I'm going to get somepony who is fully capable of helping you adjust.” ===//////> Kamina grumbled as his stomach hurt from its cruel emptiness, and he glared hatefully at the eating utensils his useless hooves couldn't interact with. “HOW DO THEY USE THESE?!” Kamina planted his face on the edge of the cart. “...Ow....” Kamina's sudden moment of despair was interrupted by the door opening, revealing a lavender unicorn mare, with bright purple eyes, and a two-toned straight mane and tail that was mainly a dark purple-blue with a single pink highlight running through them, and she had a detailed starburst cutie mark on her flanks. “Greetings! I am Twilight Sparkle; Princess Celestia's personal student.” After she introduced herself, a small purple bipedal lizard with green fins walked in after her, carrying a towering stack of books. “And this is my dragon assistant; Spike.” Spike dropped the books, causing a couple to fall off the top, and then waved to him. “Hi! It's nice to meet you!” Spike then pulled out a scroll from...behind him, and checked something with a quill that he also got from...behind him. “Meet up with the pony Kamina, check. Introduce ourselves, check. We're on a roll.” They smiled at him, and Kamina began to sweat a little, suddenly feeling in over his head somehow. 'I don't know why, but I think things are going to get interesting soon....' > Incipio! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamina was face down, groaning in agitation into a book on practical combat applications of magic in Twilight's private library in one of the castle towers. Actually, according to Twilight; this was Celestia's personal library, which was of significantly lower security than the archives, which stored all literary knowledge of the world at large. But Kamina ignored that noise; the mare literally lived here, with her cool little dragon bro Spike. It had been over 3 months since Kamina was forcefully reincarnated as a unicorn by Celestia, who also finally got the courage to admit that the act of doing so; essentially genetically made him her son since she had to use herself as a base. Which, by tradition, and law, legally made him Prince Kamina the Great of Equestria; son of Princess Celestia. Kamina groaned again at remembering how irritating it was to have to read and sign so many documents confirming his “birth” over 18 years ago. It was easy for Kamina to accept Celestia as his mom, beings he never knew his actual mother anyway.c Oh yeah! Also; Celestia had to rebirth him years younger than his actual mental age. In his mind, he was 25, but his body was 18; the same age he died. In Equestrian society though; that was the usual age that ponies were considered full adults, some were even considered such at ages as young as 16, depending on upbringing, intelligence or scholastic achievement. Overall; if a pony had the will, and the skill, they were already productive members of society. But Kamina had apparently spent too long reflecting as his muzzle was buried in a heavy textbook, and Spike flicked his horn, making Kamina give a yelp as he jolted up to glare at the amused young dragon, who smiled impishly from his location standing on the table. “Kamina, Kamina, Kamina...you're lucky it was me who found you and not Twilight. Remember what happened the last time you drooled in one of her books?” At Spike's mention of said horrid occasion, Kamina shuddered as he remembered the cold, terrifying fury of an enraged mare, who could break him with her mind...which he couldn't help but think was hot. Speaking of which; Twilight was 17, and a rocking, smoking hot teen mare at that! Woo~ he could stare at that mare's flanks all day, or watch her well-kept mane shift as she read, and oh~ when she put on some glasses; HOT teacher! “Ow!” Kamina shouted as Spike flicked his horn again, harder this time, and leveled a glare at the unicorn. “I know that look! Thoughts off my sister you perv!” Spike was essentially Twilight's little brother the same way Simon was Kamina's little brother. They had a simple yet complicated brother/sister son/parent relation that was practically analogous to his and Simon's relationship, only it was more literal since Twilight literally raised him from birth. Only, while Kamina supported Simon relentlessly, Twilight stifled Spike with her over-protectiveness; something that Kamina was trying to rectify, even going so far as to name Spike his new “little bro”. “Hey! I don't tell you to stop gawking at mares!” Kamina then grinned. “You know I wholeheartedly support such stallionly behavior!” Kamina's grin widened into a smile at seeing Spike flush in angry embarrassment at being called out on his wandering eyes. Spike was 12, and on the onset of puberty, and it was hitting him in the brain hard. Kamina did a good bit of reading, something he'd had to do with the amount of knowledge Twilight forced on him on a daily basis to get him acquainted with the world he now lived in. Some of the personal interests were what was known of dragon physiology, and a certain tidbit he relished in knowing was that dragons could breed with just about ANYTHING, meaning any relationship was viable to produce offspring. Meaning he could totally tease the hell out of Spike's increasing interest in the opposite sex. “Sh-shut-up! Don't tell Twilight!” Spike demanded, and Kamina smirked deviously, making Spike growl as his green flames leaked from his clenched teeth. “Want me to send you to your mother again?” Kamina's smirk was replaced with a fearful expression, and he laughed nervously as he waved his hooves. “N-no! Please! It was literally like being burned alive, fed through a tube, and then dropped on ma's head!” Kamina's accidental experience with dragonfire delivery was courtesy of him pulling a joke on Spike involving sneezing powder, that got WAY out of control, and ended up sending him, and a good number of random books right onto his mother Celestia, DURING court. That was not a fun day. Especially since he was gored on her horn, it was a traumatic experience for all involved. This made Spike flinch, and calm down while looking sorry. “Right, yeah, sorry...I won't joke about that again.” The two fidgeted in awkward silence, and Spike was about to say something when Twilight burst through the front double doors unusually violently. “Spike? Spi~ke!” She called as she quickly ascended the short stairs up onto the main floor of the library. “Oh! There you are!” She then looked to Kamina. “Keeping up your studies Prince Kamina?” “Ugh....” Ever since last month, when Celestia dropped the bomb of him now being her genetic son after he recovered from his near-death experience of being gored on her horn, Twilight had insisted on referring to him by his new station, which, seriously, he doubted he ever would have the qualities to meet. Aside form his charisma, dashing good looks, his god-like dick which a certain pegasus maid got to have some fun with only a couple weeks since he arrived here.... “Twilight; for the last time, it's just Kamina. We're friends, I don't want friends using my title.” However, he drew the line at anyone he considered a friend referring to him so formally. “But Kamina; you're a prince and I'm just-.” Kamina flashed right in front of her in a burst of crimson light; a simple short-range teleport he'd mastered earlier this month, interrupting her as he pressed his face into hers to look directly into her eyes in complete seriousness. “My. Friend! And Friends don't use titles with each other!” Kamina declared, ignoring how close they were until Twilight blushed, and he finally noticed just how close they were, and their crossed horns, which tingled pleasantly, so he quickly disengaged with a light flush. 'She's your friend Kamina, don't overstep your boundaries.' Kamina would declare her hot to her all the time, but it was mostly idle flirting, which also boosted her self-image quite a bit. They were friends first; something that Kamina cherished more than some stupid objectification of her as a hot, sexy mage that his libido demanded. “Well...fine....” Twilight blushed a bit more, since, unknown to Kamina; informally referring to royalty in their presence was simultaneously considered rude, and implying an...intimate closeness with said royal. After composing herself, she turned back to Spike, ignoring that he was standing on a table. “Spike, I need you to help me find an old copy of Predictions and Prophecies.” “But I'm on a break!” Spike declared indignantly. Seriously, Twilight worked him too hard, especially considering how small an allowance she gives him from the stipend Celestia grants her weekly. Twilight sighed, and then began to rapidly pull books from the shelves and look them over, Kamina sighed too as he turned back to his book, getting back to the mechanics of combat spells. His first priority after becoming mobile and able to live normally, was to learn how to use his magic as a replacement for his old body's dexterity and combat prowess. He was plenty strong now as it was, having trained with some of the guards under Captain Armor for the weekends to get into shape. Said captain was unusually cruel and brisk with him, as if he'd done something unforgivable; which started immediately after the first session when Twilight came to pick him up, and when he walked up to them as they talked to each other, he idly flirted with Twilight as usual, making her blush and giggle, but Captain Armor to become livid. Neither of them explained why; but he had his bits on the captain having the hots for his friend. “Found it!” Twilight shouted in elation, drawing Kamina's attention away from the Telekinetic Lance spell he'd been looking at with interest. “Elements, elements, elements....” Twilight chanted as she sat down next to him, and rapidly flipped through the pages of the index. “Ah-ha...Elements of Harmony, see Mare in the Moon?” Spike perked up at the title. “Mare in the Moon? But that's just an old myth told to foals!” Spike pointed out, as Twilight then flipped through the book to said tale. “Mare in the Moon; tale of Nightmare Moon, a powerful pony who plunged Equestria into eternal night, but was defeated by the Elements of Harmony and sealed in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day, of the thousandth year of her imprisonment, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!” Twilight finished in shock, as she drew some information together in her head. “Boys! Do you know what this means?!” “No?” Spike answered in confusion. “That there's the chance for something big about to happen.” Kamina grinned, as he imagined what said mare looked like. 'Probably smoking hot like some dark, evil version of ma...ew...bad thoughts.' “Spike, take a note please; to the Princess.” Twilight informed, as Spike took out a scroll and quill from behind him, which Kamina had long ago learned that was how Spike accessed his hammer-space; a mystical personal dimensional pocket that every living being in this universe had. Something Kamina really wished he had in his old universe...would've been very handy. “My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster.” “Precipice....” Spike paused, and then scratched his chin before smiling and writing it out. “Is that right?” Spike asked Kamina in eager glee, and Kamina smiled as he read that indeed; Spike spelled precipice correct. “Good job bro.” He scuffed Spike's spines, making Spike chuckle. Kamina had been positively reinforcing Spike since they met, leading Spike to take on his education with more enthusiasm, and being happier in general. “Yes, very good Spike! Now then; For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon, is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring her reign of eternal night. So something must be done to ensure that this terrible prophecy does NOT come true! I await your swift response. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight waited for Spike to finish. “Ok, send it.” “Right now? But mom's kinda busy arranging everything for the Summer Sun Celebration; it IS her holiday after all.” Kamina reminded Twilight, and wondered idly if he'd get his own holiday. “But that's just the thing Kamina! This will be the thousandth anniversary of the Summer Sun Celebration; which celebrates Celestia and the longest day of the year! Nightmare Moon is supposed to return that night, just before sunrise!” Twilight had gotten into Kamina's face this time, and Kamina hadn't moved as she pressed against his face. He let her realize it, and she teleported away when she accidentally rubbed her horn against his again. “J-just send it!” Spike shrugged and then breathed his emerald fire on it, burning the scroll and sending it magically to Celestia as magic smoke. “There, sent, but I wouldn't hold your breath were I you. The Princess is a bit too level-headed to panic over a silly old myth.” “I side with my little bro on this one.” Kamina rubbed in, making Twilight leer at them both, before Spike burped up a trail of flame that formed into a new scroll. “Ha! We'll see about that!” She then opened the scroll with her magic, and floated it in front of her, and as she read she became more and more shocked. “W-what?! B-b-but...WHY?!” She let it fall to the floor, and Kamina levitated it up to read it. “Dear Twilight, know that I admire your diligence and that I trust you completely. B-b-but *snigger* you must stop reading those dusty old books! Ha-ha! There is more to life than books, so I'm sending you and Kamina...what? To oversee the preparations for the chosen town for this year's Summer Sun Celebration; Ponyville. Kamina, I know you're reading this, so just know I'm sending you too as both your first official public duty as my son, as well as to let you get away from all the stuffy nobles you dislike so much, and so both of you can make some more friends besides each other...huh...thanks ma.” ===//////> “Ah~! It is just so nice to get a chariot ride! Finally! I'm out of that stuffy city!” Kamina loved Canterlot, don't get him wrong, but he hated all the stuck-up ponies there; especially the nobles. His new cousin and fellow prince; Prince Blueblood, was an especially insufferable prick that crossed horns with him on a regular occasion...no homo. It was usually when on accident, or in a manner to suggest stimulation that a unicorn's, or alicorn's as taught to him by Celestia: horn was sexually stimulated. Otherwise it was as unfeeling and as strong as the bone it was composed of, making it a very dangerous natural weapon outside even it's magical properties. Kamina was now wearing his signature outfit, tailor-made for him to his specifications. Originally, the nobles were offended he would dare dress so brashly, but he just blew them away with his demand for them to answer “JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!” and then ranted of his accomplishments, and how great he was, and how little they all were in comparison; thus justifying why he had to appear so much greater than them. He wore his signature large orange sharp visor shades, which were larger than when he was human to compensate his larger face. His intentionally ragged red cape with his flank mark of the Dai-Gurren Brigade upon it, but with the black flame framing it added. Lastly, he wrapped the fetlocks of his forelegs in bandaging, simply because it was cool. He stood tall, his cape billowing behind him. “Yeah, c'mon Twilight! This is our first time ever being outside of Canterlot!” Spike added in excitement, and then became confused, then irritated as he noticed Twilight was staring at something other than the scenery. “Twilight....” “Hm?” Twilight wordlessly supplied, her eyes glued to something in front of the carriage. “Stop ogling their plots Twilight, it's rude....” Kamina blushed as he realized what she was doing from Spike's annoyed comments, and pointedly kept his eyes away from the white armored pegasus stallions pulling their chariot towards the surprisingly large town of Ponyville. He was all for ogling, he even supported that she do it since it was healthy for her like it was for him to ogle mares. But these stallions were performing their duties, for them, it was just...rude. This was something that Celestia also instilled in him; proving that the wild and lewd rumors involving his mother and her guards was unfounded, unless they approached her first, something she had cheekily added, and was why he and Morning Glory were even now occasional bedfellows. “Quiet...flexing flanks in action here....” Twilight shamelessly defended as she kept her focus on the two pegasi. Thankfully, they soon arrived in the town square, where the two guards flew them down and landed expertly. “Darn....” Twilight quietly lamented as she climbed out of the chariot and her companions followed. “Thank you sirs!” At her gratitude, they nodded happily and took back off for Canterlot. “Now then, while we're here, we ARE going to make some friends.” Kamina smirked, as he noticed a big, red, burly stallion with a scruffy orange mane and tail, with some freckles on his cheeks, wearing a wood yoke, and with flank marks of a big green apple, walked nonchalantly by, his furless hooves making loud clops that declared his substantial muscular weight; so Kamina approached him. “Hey there! Name's Kamina! I'm new in town, and I just wanted to say hello.” The big stallion, who was about the same height, paused and looked at Kamina blankly. “Nice ta meet'cha.” “Um...good sir, I am Twilight Sparkle, and this is my assistant; Spike and my friend here is Prince Kamina the Great.” Yes, the “Great” was more or less legally part of his name, which made Kamina beam when he was informed of it, but here; he wasn't trying to impress. “Twilight~! We're trying to make friends! Not declare our status over others! That's for genuine peons not even worth the dirt on our hooves, like thieves or rude nobles.” Kamina turned back to the stallion, who had not changed his calm and indifferent disposition. Kamina held up his hoof for a bump or shake. “So, just call me Kamina.” The Stallion raised an eyebrow, looked down intently at the offered hoof of friendship with his strong green eyes, and then smiled softly as he raised his left forehoof, and powerfully punched Kamina's extended left forehoof, making Kamina wince in pain from the impressive power the stallion had. “Big Macintosh, but friends n family call me Big Mac.” “*LOUD, DRAMATIC GASP!*” At the powerful and intrusively loud intake of air, they all turned to look for the source, only to see a pony-shaped cloud and a trail of dust leading around a building. “What was that?” Spike asked honestly. “Pinkie Pie. You'll see her later.” Big Mac supplied. “Well, it is nice to meet you Big Mac, but we'll have to catch up later. We need to check up on the preparations for the celebration.” Twilight informed him, making Big Mac raise an eyebrow again. “What's first?” Big Mac asked, making them all look at him in confusion. “Uh....” Spike took out the checklist. “The first on the list is the banquet. So we'll have to talk to a pony named Applejack first.” “Hm, convenient. She's mah sister. I'll take ya to her.” Big mac then kept walking in the direction he'd been going when Kamina hailed him, and they looked to each other before following, Twilight shamelessly ogling his red flanks. ===//////> “Nice orchards!” Twilight commented as they entered Sweet Apple Acres. “There isn't anything like this in Canterlot. Everything is brought in from towns like this up there.” “Well, except for private gardens, like Castle Canterlot's massive one.” Spike added. “Nah, mom's garden doesn't compare to this place in size at all.” Kamina then turned to Big Mac, who paused as they had looked at the trees. “So Big Mac, where's-.” “Yee-haw!” At a mare's holler, they all turned to see an orange mare with a simple pony-tailed blond mane and tail, and a trio of red apples as her cutie mark run a short distance at a tree, spin, and buck it so hard that every apple fell from it's boughs and into strategically placed buckets under it. She then proudly posed and crossed her forelegs with a nod as she faced them, showing she shared her elder brother's eyes and freckles under her brown stetson, she also wore a red bandanna around her neck that partially covered her chest, which was rather tasteful. “There.” Big Mac walked up to his sister as the others followed. “Sis; officials.” “Oh? That so?” She looked at them, and raised an eyebrow at Kamina. “Fer sure? He don't seem like some snooty organizer to me.” Kamina smirked, and bowed to her in greeting. “It is so my fair mare. I am Prince Kamina the Great, but please; just call me Kamina.” He winked, making Applejack smile and Big Mac to...not care really. “Well, ya must be some city pony to be so charming to little ol' me.” She then took his right hoof, and shook rapidly, making Kamina smile in amusement. “Ah'm Applejack! Pleasure to meet'cha!” She then looked to Twilight who flinched away from a potential hoofshake. “Ah, shucks, no need to be nervous; ah don't bite.” She then leaned over to Kamina. “Much.” This made him and Twilight blush at just how bold that was. “So, what can I do ya for?” “Um...well...we're here on official business. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike, we're here to make sure everything is ready for the celebration, and you're listed as the supplier of all the food for the banquet.” Twilight explained as Spike held up his checklist for emphasis. “Oh we sure as sugar are! Care to sample some?” Applejack asked eagerly, but before they could answer, she'd run off to a hanging rusty triangle, and rang it with a spoon. “SOUP'S ON EVERYPONY!” Suddenly, without warning, a stampede of dozens of ponies barreled them over, onto their backs, and were seated abruptly at a picnic table with Applejack next to Kamina on the far left. “Hows about I introduce you to the Apple Family?” Kamina was utterly lost, as she fired off names that were all clearly apple related, and was joined by said themed apple-based food being placed on the table. He tried to keep up, really, but his mind just wasn't made for ingesting so much information so quickly. He heard Twilight say something about leaving, and then it happened. “Aren't ya gonna stay for brunch?” Kamina failed to heed his stallionly instincts, he failed to resist the adorable filly's voice. He looked to see a yellow filly with soft strawberry red mane and tail, with a big pink mane bow tied in her mane, giving them the most potent puppy-dog pout he'd ever seen, her shimmering amber eyes finishing it. “HNNNNNNG!” Kamina loudly grunted as he put a hoof to his chest, his eyes dilated, and he fell over. ===//////> Kamina awoke being tended to by Twilight with a battery of emergency first-aid spells. “Kamina! Wake up!” “W-wha?” Kamina jolted up, and was gasping for air as he was surrounded by a great number of worried ponies. “What happened?” “A filly accidentally hit you with pure weaponized cuteness with a watery-eyed pout, and your masculine nature couldn't withstand it so abruptly, sending you into cardiac arrest. Don't worry; I've stabilized you.” Twilight then turned to the filly who was practically in tears. “It's ok Applebloom, Prince Kamina is just fine.” “B-but Ah almost killed him~!” Applebloom; the small yellow filly that nearly killed with her cuteness burst into tears. “Ah'm goin' to be a criminal~!” “Oh no you're not you adorable thing!” Kamina stated as he quickly scooped the surprised filly into his left foreleg, and then stood on his hind legs as he gestured with his right towards the sky. Thankfully his sword was sheathed, so there was nothing obscene...aside from his balls, which everypony ignored since it's such an everyday occurrence. “You might be dangerously cute! But I know that you'll harness that power for good! Aim for the sky! Even if you don't have wings!” “B-but Ah don't want to fly...do ah?” Applebloom wondered, as she looked to the sky, and had an epiphany. “Whoa....” She was seeing something that nopony else could, something she didn't think she really saw either, but it was amazing. “Ah...Ah will Prince Kamina!” It was at this point, that Twilight noticed the spiral of Kamina's horn had been glowing a powerful pale blue, but it disappeared soon after Applebloom's words. 'There is that unusual magic again. Kamina won't tell me what that is, but it shows up whenever he's doing something like this. Something to inspire others usually, but also when he pushes his own limits.' “Well, with all this excitement; I think it's best we do stay for a bit....” Twilight decided with a soft smile, and the whole Apple Family gave a quick cheer. ===//////> “Ugh...too much pie....” Twilight groaned, her distended belly being testament to how much she over-ate. “Ugh...too many fritters....” Spike commented, holding his own bloated belly. “Ugh...too many mares....” Kamina lamented, because while he did like being surrounded by pretty mares, all the single Apple mares, including Applejack, had tried to woo him with their baked goods. And, of course, Kamina being too much of a gentlecolt thanks to Celestia and her butler: Proper Manners' lessons; had to at least try each one. So of course, he was in the same boat as his friends. “Urp...uh...ok Spike...what's next?” Twilight asked hesitantly, because she really wanted to just lay down and let her stomach digest. “*Burp*, woo...ok....” Spike took out the list, and looked at the next item. “A pegasus named Rainbow Dash is supposed to be keeping the sky over the town clear.” Kamina looked up, and noticed many scattered clouds over the town. “Well, urp...she's obviously not doing her job. If only one pegasus is in charge of this; she'd better get on this now if she's going to make it for the celebration tonight.” Kamina was then suddenly violently blindsided by a blur of motion that crashed into him, and sent them both careening into a nearby giant mud puddle...which Kamina promptly proceeded to vomit into from the jolt the impact gave to his overfilled stomach. “Ugh....” “Oh...holy crud...sorry....” The cyan mare that crashed into him apologized with sincerity in her cerise eyes as she helped him up, getting them both more covered in mud. “Uh...ew...hold on.” The mare was referring to the undigested food that was now mixed with the mud, and flew off towards the nearest cloud, flew into it, and came out clean. With the mud gone, her wild shaggy rainbow mane and tail were revealed, along with her rainbow lightning bolt cutie mark. She then destroyed the cloud with a kick, and grabbing a darker cloud to bring over him. “I'm going to give you a quick cold shower, alright?” “Go for it....” Kamina tiredly responded, and she bounced on the cloud, causing a quick waterfall-like downpour on him, which woke him up, cleaned him off, and helped him feel a bit better. Kamina then walked out of the bigger mud puddle, and shook off his hooves before looking up at the mare that crashed into him. “Thanks!” “Don't thank me, I caused the incident anyway.” The mare responded, and then landed in front of them, just now noticing Twilight and Spike. “Oh! Hey! Sorry about crashing into your friend here.” She apologized as she adjusted the flight goggles Kamina just noticed on her neck. “Um...not to sound selfish...but I'm just glad it wasn't me, considering I would have vomited too.” Twilight answered with a smirk as she gestured to her distended stomach, “I thought it was kinda funny...aside from the throwing-up thing.” Spike commented. “So...you're obviously Rainbow Dash; the one who is supposed to clear the sky?” “Yep! That's me! Don't worry about it though; I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat!” Rainbow Dash boasted, and Kamina quirked an eyebrow. “Oh? Confident are we? Let's see you back up that boast. I boast a lot too; but I can back it up. Put your bits where your mouth is.” Kamina challenged, making her glare at him, before smiling and getting in his face. “Fifty bits says I can do it!” She then pulled back slightly when he pressed into her face to her surprise, making her blush slightly. “I'll raise that to one hundred bits! Incentive for you not to disappoint me.” Kamina stated, and reached his right hoof to his side, and pulled a small bag of bits that held said amount from his hammer-space, and jingled it. “I'm good for my side of the bet, are you?” Dash gulped in surprise, she didn't expect this stallion to have so many bits on him at once, she only ever carried 50 on her. “Well...I'd have to pay you half later...IF I lose!” She started with an unsure tone, but bounced back to her defiance, believing she'd back up her boast. “Do it.” At Kamina's prompt, Dash took off into the air, and Kamina counted as she sped through the sky so fast he'd thought she could give several planes back on his old world a race. She returned, and he smirked as he then tossed the bag of bits to her. “Good job! Only nine and a half seconds really.” “Really? Cool! I beat my time!” Dash gushed slightly, and then calmed back down. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” She then noticed something. “Hey~ wait a minute...I didn't catch your names.” “That's because you didn't ask.” Twilight returned. “I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Spike, and the stallion you crashed into is Prince Kamina the Great.” Twilight introduced them, and Dash had a visible moment of being on the verge of freaking out over accidentally assaulting royalty. “Whoa-whoa! Calm down my fit mare. I'm fine. It was honestly a pleasure, and I had too much food in me anyway. It was nice meeting you Rainbow Dash.” Kamina then took one of her forehooves, and kissed it, making her blush and her wings to flare. “I look forward to seeing you again.” Kamina put her hoof down, and turned to his friends. “Let's go.” Kamina then left with Twilight and Spike, Dash not wanting him to go yet, but enjoying watching him leave, as she bit her lip. “Whoa...that is one smooth stallion....” ===//////> The trio arrived at the town hall, and gawked in amazement at just how...GOOD the decorations were. It felt like an official royal celebration, which is what it was, which made it more impressive that this local pony had been able to do all this on such short notice. “Wow...I feel like I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala.... I've never been to it myself, but I've seen the preparations it goes through.” Twilight mused as she looked around, and Spike checked the list. “Says here that the pony in charge of the decorations is named Rarity.” Spike then looked around, and froze. “Homina, homina, homina....” Spike's eyes went heart-shaped, and Kamina looked where he was looking, and about started gawking himself. The unicorn mare that both males were eying was an extraordinary beauty, accentuated by her gentle pale blue-gray eye shadow contrasting with her pure white coat, and also drawing attention to the simple pearl necklace around her neck. Her eyes were a captivating blue, her deep and vibrant purple mane and tail were painstakingly styled into rolling vertical curls, and on her flank was a very fitting trio of diamonds. She was currently looking through a number of ribbons to finish off the décor, but Spike could wait no longer. The young dragon shot off like a rocket, skid on the floor on his knees, took the mare's right hoof, and kissed it to her surprise. “Milady! When I witnessed your beauty, I could not resist the temptation of approach! I beseech thee! Might I know thine name?” The mare tittered with a cute contained giggle, and curtsied, how a mare could do that without a skirt, Kamina didn't know, but this mare DID curtsy. “My, I am impressed with how polite you are young dragon. I am Lady Rarity; but a mere seamstress and designer. Might I know my sweet company's name?” Rarity played along, very charmed by just how sweet Spike was being. “I am Spike the dragon. Assistant to Lady Twilight Sparkle; personal student to Princess Celestia, and accompanying us on official business is Prince Kamina the Great; son of Princess Celestia.” Spike stood from his kneel and introduced Twilight, who was smiling at how cute Spike was being, and Kamina, who bowed slightly to her. Hey, she was white-hot like the center of a fire, but this was obviously Spike's show; not his. “*GASP* My WORD! My Prince; do not take this the wrong way, but your attire is absolutely dreadful for formal wear!” And...there it went...great, she's like those nobles. “It is quite dashing however; I feel like I'm looking at a brave adventurer rather than a prince.” And it's back on again! Mare has taste after all. “But something must be done with those shades.” ...Say what? “They are glorious, but whoever made them didn't take the shape into account right, I feel they should be angled a bit higher than to the side. I can make the adjustments if you with your highness.” Oh...well alright then. He thought that was just because of his new brow, the one who made his shades had them angled more to the sides, but apparently his shades could be even better. “Oh, could you? I'd be really happy if you did so. How much?” “Hm? No, no, I couldn't possible charge anything for something so minor. It will be enough hassle just to get you to come to my boutique for the adjustments. I'm already finished here, so we can go now if you wish.” Rarity informed, and while Twilight and spike missed it; he didn't miss her glancing eyes getting him in more detail. 'Oh~ pretty mare has wandering eyes~. Too bad lady, my little bro already called dibs on you.' “Sure! Mind if you give Twilight a bit of a makeover though? Poor mare hasn't changed her look since I've met her.” Kamina poked at Twilight, who gaped at him. “Kamina! I look fine! I don't need a-.” “Oh no, no! This won't do at all! I MUST rectify this!” Rarity stated as she levitated Twilight in her blue magic, and trotted out the door, ignoring the complaints of Twilight, the boys laughed as they followed. ===//////> It was a few hours later that they finally left Rarity's store; Carousel Boutique. Kamina's shades were now fully reminiscent of his favorite pair in his previous life, and Twilight got a new mane and tail look, having opted to have it done like Rarity's which was surprisingly easy, considering Rarity said Twilight had such “easy” hair to style, since it didn't fuss or fight like she said her hair did. “Oh c'mon Twilight! You look gorgeous!” Kamina was trying to convince her to at least keep the look for a bit, because he knew she looked good before, but with effort she was a knockout. “I...I just don't like all the looks I'm getting....” Twilight shyly returned as she nervously shifted her eyes through the crowed, seeing just how many stallions, and even some mares, where clearly eying her up, something she wasn't used to with her usual natural style. “J-just for today! Ok? But after all this I'm going back to my flat look, I prefer not to be so...noticed.” “Why? Because then it's easier for you to give guys looks without being caught?” Spike asked sarcastically, making Twilight glare at him and Kamina as they brofisted/brohoofed. “Ok, the last item on the list is the music. We need to find a mare named-.” Spike was interrupted by the sound of a beautiful arrangement of songbirds, and the trio looked to each other before heading through the bushes towards the sound. There, they found a butter yellow pegasus with voluminous and long light pink mane and tail, said mane hid most of her face, but her eyes were still visible enough to see they were a light blue. On her flanks was a trio of pink and blue butterflies as her cutie mark. She was literally conducting a song with songbirds! “Is that here I'm guessing?” Kamina asked, quietly captivated by the mare's gentle and profoundly adorable natural beauty. While Rarity clearly worked hard on her looks, this mare obviously just put a small bit of effort in, and got a huge return. “Yep, she matches the description. She must be Fluttershy.” Spike informed them. “Judging by her name, and how she's behaving with those birds, I'd say she's going to be a bit hard to speak to.” Twilight deduced, and thought of how to approach. “Shush you two, we need to be gentle about this, let's just watch the performance.” Twilight walked out quietly, and sat on the grass a good bit away to watch the unique orchestra, and the boys did the same. It was a short bit later when Fluttershy called for an end to the practice. “That was wonderful my little friends. Now remember; the performance is very, very early in the morning. So head on home, and get some rest.” After Fluttershy's dismissal of them, the trio let the birds leave, and Fluttershy turned and gasped quietly. “Oh my, oh dear, um...how long were you watching?” “For most of it my dear. It was very enjoyable.” Kamina complimented, making her blush. 'Wow, she really IS shy.' “Oh...um...thank you.” She quietly replied, it was a bit hard to hear her, but at least they could. “Could I ask wh-*GASP!*-A BABY DRAGON!” Fluttershy suddenly gushed, and she practically tackled Spike into a hug. “Oh my gosh! He's so adorable! What's your name?” “Oh! Um, I'm Spike! I'm Twilight's assistant.” Spike told her, and gestured to Twilight who was actually smiling at the exchange. “Twilight?” “Hm? Sorry, Spike, I was just thinking of how...nice, today has actually been.” Twilight mused as she looked to Fluttershy, who smiled back. “Yes, I am Twilight Sparkle. My friends and I were actually here to check on the preparations for the celebration, and your music was the last on the list. As we saw, and heard, it's all just perfect. It's a pleasure to meet you Fluttershy.” Twilight extended her left hoof, and Fluttershy moved back only for a moment, before taking it and shaking gently. “I'm Fluttershy. I...don't really have much interesting to talk about. But if it was ok with you all, could I talk to Spike about himself for a bit? I'm really interested in what he might have to say.” Fluttershy looked to Spike, who blushed gently and smiled sheepishly as he waved her off. “I'm not all that interesting, really. But...if you insist.” ===//////> Their chat had dragged on for pretty much the whole life story of Spike the Dragon, and the group had decided that it would be best to finally head to the library Princess Celestia had arranged for them to stay in. “And that's the story of my WHOLE life! Except for today, would you like to hear about today?” “Oh, yes please.” Fluttershy acquiesced as they entered the library together. “Oh my...it is really dark in here.” Suddenly, the lights snapped on, blinding them all except Kamina thanks to his shades, to reveal practically the whole population of the town shouting. “SURPRISE!” Needless to say, they were surprised, especially Fluttershy who squeaked adorably and tried to hide between Kamina and Twilight. “Surprise~! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!” A light pink earth pony mare with a darker pink wild poofy curled mane and tail, light blue eyes, and a trio of balloons for her cutie mark suddenly introduced herself, and simultaneously revealed herself as the culprit for this shindig. “Were you surprised? Were you, were you, huh, huh, huh?!” She fired off rapidly, as she literally bounded over them effortlessly as if she were a gazelle from Zebrica and not an earth pony. “Oh we sure are! We didn't even know anypony but us and the mayor even knew we'd be staying here.” Twilight stated with a suspicious glare at Pinkie. “How DID you find out about where important ponies like us were going to be staying?” Pinkie just beamed at her. “I have my ways~ tee hee!” Pinkie then looked to Fluttershy, and her smile died. “Oh no! I'm sorry Fluttershy!” She was quickly at the yellow pegasus' side, hugging her. “I didn't know you'd be coming in with them, and I didn't find you in time to give you your invitation either.” “Oh...it's fine Pinkie Pie...I was just...surprised.” Fluttershy calmly responded once she was sure that nothing really scary was going on. “Oh! Hello Rarity.” Fluttershy gently called, drawing the whole group's attention to said mare, who was also approaching with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “My goodness darling, you don't usually show up for one of Pinkie's parties.” Rarity commented. “It's good to see ya Fluttershy!” Rainbow landed and hugged her, getting one back. “What're ya doing with these guys though?” “Oh, they watched my bird friends practicing their music, and told me they were here to check on our preparations. Did they do the same with you girls?” Fluttershy explained, and they all nodded, Applejack approached them. “Well, Ah'd say ya'll get around quite well! See; we're all sorta friends here, and it's nice to meet some ponies, and a dragon, that clicks so well with us. So, Ah'm thinkin' it'd be nice if we could say we're all friends hm?” Applejack asked, and she and the four other local mares of the town all smiled at the trio, who were suddenly put on the spot, but Kamina beamed at them. “Friends with five beautiful mares in a single day? Can anypony say lucky?” Kamina asked, making the five all smile at him a bit more, but Pinkie then pointed at him. “Lucky!” She giggled and they all had a good laugh, even Twilight and Spike. Their worries about Nightmare Moon forgotten in the event of making so many friends today. ===//////> They were now at town hall, and were a bit tired having partied all night long. Pinkie had a solution however, of a highly caffeinated cocktail of sugary goodness she called the Pink Surprise Super Sugar Sip. Beings the whole group, even Fluttershy had one, they were all now a bit jittery rather than sleepy, and Pinkie was as usual firing off words like a motor, but they all generally ignored her, and only listened for anything relevant. Fluttershy was conducting her songbird orchestra, and the spotlight landed on Mayor Mare; the ironically named mayor of Ponyville, as she trotted onstage. “Fillies and gentlecolts! As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” This brought about cheers from everypony, save Twilight, who gasped and suddenly remembered her worries. “Oh no! Girls! Kamina! Spike!” Twilight called her new and old friend's attention to her, but Fluttershy was too busy to come to her. “I just remembered! All our fun meeting each other made me forget, but tonight was supposed to be the night that Nightmare Moon; the Mare in the Moon, escapes from her imprisonment and plunges Equestria into eternal night! I'm hoping that Princess Celestia was right, and it's just a myth, but if not...do I have your help?” “Of course!” Dash instantly jumped in to support her new friend. “I won't leave anypony hanging! Especially if something this serious is about to go down.” “Ah'll lend ya my hooves sugarcube.” Applejack stated with a serious expression, and looked back to the stage. “I am unsure what I could possibly be of help with...but I will try.” Rarity supplied. “I'll be there the whole way!” Pinkie beamed, and Fluttershy turned and nodded to them from her place up high. Clearly she had good hearing. “You've got to ask? Twilight; I'm a prince, and even if I wasn't; I'd still jump into the action.” Kamina turned to the stage as Rarity teleported to her spot on the stage, and pulled the rope to reveal where Princess Celestia was supposed to appear...but she didn't. Kamina's eyes widened, and then narrowed. 'No....' Above them all, on a balcony, a mass of darkness, speckled with light as if the night sky came to life, burst into existence, and formed into a slender black alicorn, just as regal and of same size as his mother. Her mane and tail were the ethereal night sky come to life, her eyes a cold piercing light silver-blue with draconic slits, and adorned with armor that matched her eyes. She sneered down on them all, disgusted, yet elated. “Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so~ long since I've seen your pathetic, sun-loving faces.” She growled, and then let her eyes lock with Kamina's, and she balked in surprise. “Well, well...so...my sister finally did it; had a child of her own.” “I will only ask once, before I destroy you...where is my mother?” Kamina dangerously threatened, his horn's spiral glowing a light blue, drawing attention to himself. “Your mother is now one with the sun, as I have been one with the moon for a millennium. What? Is my being your aunt not good enough for you?” Nightmare gasped as she suddenly had to dodge an enormous red cone of magic that completely destroyed the balcony she'd been on, and the whole building behind her, continuing on into the night sky, leaving a clean round hole through it all, making her gawk down at her recently discovered nephew, who glared death at her with his piercing red eyes from behind his orange shades. “Last warning...give her back...NOW!” Kamina cast another spell, and dozens of unicorn Royal Guards teleported into the room at the distress signal Kamina had sent them, surrounding Nightmare with a glowing field of charged combat spells, and several citizens who knew even the basic laser spell also took aim. “...A Prince you truly are, to inspire such bravado so easily...however!” Nightmare's eyes glowed, and a split second later, before they could bombard her; a shockwave blasted through the whole building, knocking everypony down, and while they were down, she teleported over Kamina, and pressed down on his neck with her right forehoof. “There can be only ONE ruler of Equestria!” Her horn glowed, and for a moment, all Kamina saw was her dark light, before he knew no more. > Lunam Voluntatum! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamina couldn't properly explain the sensation. The closest he could get to it was to relate it to being like stretched far too thin, over too much space that it becomes hard to distinguish things. He felt cold, yet warm, solid, yet ethereal. He knew he was alive, because he'd already been dead before, and he wasn't going to let death take him so easily again this time. But that was death, this was something else. 'Can't...fucking...focus....' Kamina was trying so damn hard to assemble something resembling cognition, it was so hard not to just fall asleep. However, after several minutes of forcing his will against whatever was happening to him, he was utterly baffled. He was looking at the dark side of the planet Equus, which was the world Equestria was on, he knew this because the parts he could see below the regulated cloud cover matched the world maps he'd been forced to study. He was confused, but it didn't take much effort to realize where he was, or rather, what he'd been forcibly turned into, when he saw his mother's sun, and could look at it without being blinded. He saw an outline of his mother's face, and could sense somehow, that she was crying. 'Ma...don't cry...please....' Silently begged the Colt in the Moon, the outline of his horn's spirals glowing a bit brighter than the rest of his body. 'I won't let being trapped in the moon stop me! You know this! WHO THE HELL DOES THAT BITCH NIGHTMARE THINK I AM?!' ===//////> Twilight was pacing in her new library, frantically floating out books on breaking seals, countering spells, anything! Her friends and mentors were trapped in the celestial bodies orbiting their world, and she HAD to save them! “Twilight! This isn't helping! We have to stop Nightmare Moon at the source!” Spike tried to reason with her, and Twilight was on the verge of tears as she knew he was right...but.... “You SAW what she did! She just...just....” She collapsed on her legs, the books she'd been looking at following suit, and cried into her forehooves as Fluttershy and Pinkie pie moved to hug her, and try to get her out of her funk, while Rainbow furiously paced in mid-air, grinding her teeth. Applejack was winding her rope to make sure it wasn't frayed, and Rarity was remaining calm despite her worry. “She just...took him away! Sealed him on the moon in front of us all like it was nothing! How can we possibly stand up to somepony that not only did so to the Princess, but to one of my friends, who is one of the strongest ponies I know, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! And I couldn't do anything!” “Now don't ya dare blame yourself sugarcube!” Applejack demanded as she trotted in front of Twilight, and forced her to look her in the eyes. “Chin up, he wouldn't want ya doin' this to yourself. What would Kamina want ya to do?” At her question, Twilight sniffled, stood up, and took a deep breath, before getting a shocking powerful fire in her eyes. “FIND THAT CUNT AND SHOW HER NOT TO FUCK WITH ME! SHE'LL KNOW WHO I AM!” Twilight screamed as her fur began to turn into a pale yellow, and her mane and tail turn to actual flames while her eyes turned red, and her new friends all balked at her extremely vulgar words, and she blushed before returning to normal. “I mean...face it head-on. Like he always would say; no matter what it is, face it, and pierce through it! Nothing will stop me! Nothing! Not even the heavens themselves!” She looked out the window, and saw, to her great inspiration, the spiral of the shadowy outline of Kamina's horn imprinted on the moon, glowing brighter than the rest of his body's outline, and her own horn's spiral began to glow slightly blue at the base, and she became even more determined. “The Elements of Harmony.” “The what?” Rainbow Dash asked as she hovered down closer to the group that began to gather around Twilight. “The Elements of Harmony! That's what will help us defeat Nightmare Moon and free Prince Kamina and Princess Celestia. But if only we had a book that could tell us more about-.” “The Elements of Harmony!” Pinkie declared, holding up said book to everyone's surprise. “Pinkie!” Twilight stated in gleeful surprise as she levitated it over to herself. “Where did you find this!” “Tee, hee~ silly! It was under E!” Pinkie simply replied, making Spike facepalm and Twilight to blush in embarrassment; and here SHE'S the bookworm. Twilight walked up to the center table, and opened the book to skim for the information she needed. “Let's see...it says here, that after their last use to banish Nightmare Moon to the moon, the Princess left them in her old castle in the Everfree.” Twilight then read on for a bit. “Also...the elements themselves represent the five characteristics of friendship. Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, and Kindness...but it mentions that there is a six, but it is unknown, it only says it will be made apparent when the other five come together.” “Well what're we waiting for! Let's go!” Dash burst out the door, and then came flying back in a second later nervously. “Uh...yeah I'll just wait for you girls. That place is dangerous enough, but at night?” “Oh my, yes, it is very dangerous. There's wild bears, mountain lions, manticores, cockatrices, timber wolves, cragadiles, and who knows what else?” Fluttershy listed, and shivered slightly. “W-we need to be careful. If we stick together though; most predators should leave us alone.” “Then it is settled! We shall have to face this challenge undivided! That may have been the plan before, but now we must certainly stick together!” Rarity affirmed, making the girls gather together near the door. “Let me guess...I'm staying here?” Spike asked morosely, and Twilight was about to say yes, but then paused for a moment, and wilted a bit as she thought of Kamina, and what he'd have to say about it. “Actually...come with us Spike.” Twilight surprised everyone with her decision. “We'll need your help. Your flames are an excellent natural defense, and can scare off most of the weaker predators if they get brave enough to try and attack us. Also...Kamina would want you to come anyway.” “Yes! He's not even here and big bro has my back! Uh-huh! Who's the cool drake?” Spike shuffled in place in a dance Kamina showed him for a moment, but paused and cleared his throat upon realizing they were all staring at him oddly. “Uh...yeah! Let's go!” They all ran out the door, and Spike gave chase. “Wait! I need somepony to carry me! My legs are too short!” ===//////> Kamina felt so tired, so very tired...but he couldn't give up! 'Bitch! When I get out of here, I'm ramming my horn up your cunt!' He then thought on that, and shivered. 'On second thought, you're my aunt, that's kinda sick. I'll just gore you in the chest.' Kamina's struggles weren't fruitless, as he had been managing to condense more of “himself” through sheer will, and was beginning to regain his body on the surface of the moon, but it was just a proxy, meaning he was still combined with the moon...wait...combined? Kamina had a sudden, very random and inspired idea, and grinned madly. 'Wait, I AM the moon right now! There's nothing keeping me here...other than Nightmare!' It was crazy, it was mad, it was desperate, and there was a HUGE chance of this possibly destroying the world, but he saw nothing else for it. If that bitch wants to rule a world, she has to keep it intact, doesn't she? Remembering a dark tale from Jeeha Village, one meant to scare the children into never wanting to leave the safety of being underground, he began to force his will on his new body, with a dangerous intent. Crash into the planet. It didn't take much, it was actually terrifyingly easy, and the gravity of Equus was his friend as it helped him pull himself towards the planet, letting him finish his unclothed proxy, and watch as the planet loomed closer, his horn's spiral looking like it was slightly unraveling his horn with the blue light of spiral power. 'C'mon, c'mon you bitch! Prove me right! If you don't, I'll have the lives of a whole planet on my hooves...well, body.' “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” As Kamina hoped; the bitch of the hour was here to stop him, and save the planet. Nightmare Moon crashed harshly on him; the moon, cracking his surface, and literally pushing him back into orbit, completely undoing his efforts to his relief, but he hissed at a crack that appeared on his proxy's shoulder. “Are you mad little nephew?! You could've destroyed Equus!” “That's the plan! You see; I'm the moon now, and I don't want to be up here anymore, I want to give my sister Equus a hug!” Kamina grinned maliciously, as his horn unraveled more and seemed to become more glowing spiral power than naturally dyed bone, rivaling Nightmare's horn in length, and making her draconic eyes widen and sweat lightly in genuine light terror at both his power, and the lengths he would go to in order to stop her; not even she tried to crash the moon into the planet to spite her sister, it was just too...too far. “What kind of pony are you...to be capable of such dangerous things?” Nightmare asked as she widened her stance, flared her wings, and began to charge her horn with dark power. Kamina lightly chuckled, and his eyes gained a gleam of light blue as several red and blue telekinetic lances formed around him, ready to launch at a moment's notice. “Just who the hell do you think I am? I'm Prince Kamina the Great! And you...you're just an obstacle between me, my friends, my country, and my family! I hope you have life insurance aunty...because royal funerals are expensive.” ===//////> “Y'know...we've been pretty lucky Ah'd say.” Applejack supplied facing Twilight. “What do you mean? We've been plagued with obstacles since we stepped into this Celestia-forsaken forest! There was that rockslide, the possessed giant pony-trap plants trying to eat us, the frenzied predators trying to rip us limb-from limb, the bewitched trees attacking us, AND that manticore that would've killed us if Fluttershy didn't calm it down!” Twilight didn't bother mentioning that Spike had saved them from the plants, predators, and trees. “I swear, when this is over Spike; I'm raising your allowance, I'm going to get you a FIRE RUBY for this, you hear?” Twilight looked back proudly at the tired baby-slash-near adolescent dragon riding on Rarity's back. “Yeah, yeah just, call on me if you need some-*cough*-fire....” Spike's flame sac was stressed from using his fire offensively for the first time in his life, if he kept this up much longer; it would rupture, and he'd be unable to breathe fire for days until it healed. “Rest Spike, my handsome knight, it wouldn't do to have you needlessly hurt yourself.” Rarity gushed at him and nuzzled him with care. He'd saved her life from a mountain lion that nearly brought her down with a single pounce by jumping in the way, throwing it off course, and then burning it to death in his panic. He was horrified that he did it, but she wasn't going to let him think about that, and buried the trauma temporarily with her gratitude; he deserved that much. She liked to think she was generous, but really...if only he were a few years older.... “I'm just sorry my advice to “giggle at the ghosties” didn't work on those trees. I thought they just LOOKED scary, not actively attack us....” Pinkie bemoaned, but giggled anyway. “Just remember my words everybody! It works for everything that isn't attacking you.” The group nodded with smiles at her, and then heard what sounded like a rushing river, accompanied by a male voice weeping hysterically. “What kind of ham could be crying like THAT in this place?” Dash asked, not knowing of their impending meeting with a certain Steve Magnate. ===//////> “What's the matter...old hag?” Kamina panted, grunted, and strained to even maintain his proxy, which was missing the left foreleg, cracks ran through his conjured body, and his right eye was gone, leaving a blank spot where it used to be, showing nothing but bloodless flesh beneath, but still deforming his face. However, his agony didn't dull his wit, or his will, let alone the shit-eating grin he still sported to Nightmare's rage. “Can't...keep up with a novice?” “Hardly! I am simply...occupied....” Nightmare looked back towards Equus, and growled. “Blast! How are they still getting through?” “My friends won't let something as pathetic as you...merely sending spells and curses at them stop them.” Kamina strained, his horn still radiating spiral power and his own magic unhindered since the battle started. “And I...I won't let anything stop me from protecting them!” He flashbacked to his death, and grit his teeth as he renewed his determination. “Never again!” “I...have had...ENOUGH!” Nightmare focused as much of her power as she could summon without destabilizing her spells back on Equus, and fired an enormous blast of dark magic at Kamina, who's eyes widened as time seemed to slow down, and he screamed in defiance as he aimed his horn at the wave of magic, and it parted before him like water against a rock, but it still did it's work. “Gah~!” His horn, while not his actual horn, was still affected by the deluge of raw darkness, and fractured down the length. To protect him, the spiral power withdrew itself and changed his horn back to normal. When the wave was gone, Kamina stood there, his remaining eye blank in the sheer pain as he fell over on his right side, his remaining legs breaking off and turning to dust like rapidly aging crystals as his proxy started fading back into his body. “I have wasted enough time on you nephew. Now, if you'll excuse me.” Nightmare was about to take off for Equus, but she gasped as the whole of Kamina's body; the moon, shifted beneath her again, and she felt the satellite begin an ill-fated union with the planet again. “Stop this! I demand you stop this fruitless struggle!” Kamina's proxy, while blind, weak, lame, and powerless, still smiled in victory, and wheezed in a few false breaths. “Come here...to the show of the century, I'll blow your mind with a sight you'll surely want to see. Oh, there's no one who can beat me, no one who can stop me, I'm just so good at my craft, and if anyone dare question; I'll extend my little Kamina and an open invitation.” Kamina tiredly recited, as he smiled weakly in the direction of the fuming Nightmare. “Face it Moony...I win! The only way you're going to be free of me, and my struggle...is if you release me, and kill me directly.” “...If you are so determined....” Nightmare said with surprising remorse, and her eyes flashed into looking like a saddened normal pair of pony eyes for a moment, but Kamina couldn't see that, only hear her sad response before he felt it; a grasping sensation at what felt to be his essence, and let out a shout of agony before he lost awareness again. ===//////> When Kamina came to, it was to feeling beaten, battered, cold, and naked. The last one wasn't unusual, but he remembered wearing his cape before being fused with the moon. He groaned as he got up, and fell back down when an unexpected resistance jerked him back to the ground. He opened his eyes, and growled at seeing each of his legs, and his neck, were shackled to an upraised dais in some ruined castle by the looks of the large chamber. “Great...it's a scene ripped from an old perverted tale. Now I just have to wait to “serve” my mistress, as if, damn bitch is on my blacklist, not to mention she's my aunt.” Kamina tried to cast a spell to break his binds, but was met instead with a piercing lance of pure pain that shot in through his horn. He took several long moments to get the pain to subside, and he crossed his eyes to look up at his horn, and see a black metal limiter with glowing red runes that matched his magic aura. “Great...imprisoned again, but this time without access to either my magic, or my spiral power. Simon might be able to use his spiral power without a focus, but damn it...I'm not my bro...not yet anyway.” 'Why won't she kill me? Why is she going to such lengths to let me live? I'm clearly more trouble that I could ever be worth, so why?' “Let it never be said that I do not cherish family, nephew.” Kamina heard her voice behind him, and froze when he felt the large mare lay next to him, leaning against him with a sad sigh, and he turned his head to look at her in curiosity, only for her to nuzzle his cheek gently, like his mom does, so lovingly and with care. “Look...I've been on that moon for one thousand years, alone, abandoned. My sister ignored me, she ignored my feelings, my words, until finally I couldn't take anymore.” Nightmare looked him in the eyes, and he found amazing depth in those draconic orbs. “So I decided to lash out, to get her to notice in the only way I could see getting her full attention. And after a short battle, she banished me with OUR Elements of Harmony!” Kamina was baffled...he'd been so determined to completely destroy her, but now...seeing her on the verge of tears, bearing herself to her nephew like this. She wasn't just some cruel monster, she was a pained and lonely mare who just wanted the same things her sister had. “I'm sure mom has had plenty of time to think on this. Let her go, let the sun come back. We can talk about this.” Kamina tried to convince her, and she sniffled before taking a deep breath and sighing. “I've thought about that...but I can't let go of my hate, my disdain for what she put me through. I will let her out, but only after she's had to experience being trapped like so for a while.” Nightmare's ears perked up, and she quickly got to her hooves. “We shall speak later nephew. When your friends are dealt with.” “No!” She teleported away before he could grab her, and Kamina growled. “Damn it! Why can't it ever be so easy? It was simple back then, there wasn't so much gray between the good and the bad.” Kamina mused as he remembered founding Dai-Gurren, and how easy it was to declare war on their oppressors. But now he saw a deeper side to his monstrous aunt, one that wasn't all bad, and now he was having second thoughts. Couldn't there be a peaceful resolution if she's so willing to talk to him? Kamina's thoughts were interrupted by Nightmare returning, but with five big stone spheres with gem-like shapes protruding from them. But she didn't come alone; Twilight was there now, coughing a bit. “Twilight!” “Kamina!” Twilight stood up, and looked out the window at the moon, seeing it blank. “Let him go!” Twilight screamed as her anger flared, bringing her to flames again, making Kamina balk and Nightmare to raise her eyebrow impressed. “A Shifter? My, my sister knows how to pick them. She bore a son with near unlimited potential, and selected a student with a natural ability only one in one-thousand unicorns have the potential for. I see no need to waste such potential. Join me, I have need of powerful beings such as you.” Nightmare offered, but it only made Twilight's mane and tail of flame to grow in fury, her red eyes to burn brighter. “Not. On. Your. LIFE!” Twilight then teleported next to Nightmare, and cast a stream of fire from her horn, forcing the dark alicorn to teleport a short distance away with the Elements. This gave the opening Twilight needed, and she quickly used her flaming mane to sweep through the chains binding Kamina, and melt a single link off each to free him. “Are you ok?” She asked, her fury giving way for a moment to concern, but she was still burning unabated; her Shift having set in until she dismisses it, and she caressed his cheek in worry with her fiery mane without burning him, it didn't even feel warm to him as he gawked at her. “Twilight...you are SO hot right now....” Kamina replied, making her giggle. “Yes, you're fine.” She then used her mane like an extra limb to wrap around his horn, and pull off the limiter; making Kamina sigh in relief. They both turned to Nightmare, who growled at them at seeing the tables turn; a Shifter and an extremely dangerous battlemage with access to a second source of magical energy that seemed to boost his own endlessly both arrayed against her, and she wasn't liking the chances of one of them walking away from the clash alive. “Nightmare Moon! By the authority invested in us by the Princess; we hereby demand you relinquish the Elements of Harmony, and turn yourself in.” “...You're kidding, you're kidding right?” Nightmare asked, and then started to laugh. “You think I'm going to hoof over my only true weakness?” Nightmare gasped but couldn't dodge, as suddenly Kamina had rocketed into her in a flying tackle, launched at her by a powerful telekinetic shove from Twilight, and he grappled with her neck and forelegs. “Unhoof me this instant nephew!” “C'mon, c'mon, a spark....” Twilight mumbled as she teleported to the Elements, focused her magic into a pure charge, and transferred it to the Elements, causing them to glow and shake. “Yes!” “No!” Nightmare screamed in worry, as she wrestled free of Kamina's grasp, and pushed Twilight away from the Elements. “No! Not again!” However, nothing else happened, the charge Twilight put in the faded, and they were left with an awkward silence, broken by Nightmare laughing hysterically. “Oh! Oh I thought I was finished! Ha, ha, ha~!” She then reared back, and stomped between them, shattering the Elements to Kamina and Twilight's horror. “Now, NOTHING can stop me!” “But, I don't understand! Where's the Sixth Element?!” Twilight asked in confused terror, her flaming hair shrinking a bit at her loss of volition. However, her thoughts of failure were halted by the shouting voices of her new friends coming up the hall, and she gasped as her eyes dilated greatly, and Kamina could have sworn he saw a literal spark in the center of her pupils, and he smirked at her. “Figure it out?” He asked cheekily, and she rolled her eyes at him with a smile. “I told you before Twilight, I'll tell you again if you need a reminder, but it seems you finally remembered, and understood.” Kamina sagely informed her, and bowed to her. “Oh mighty and fair mare, it was my pleasure to serve you.” “Oh~ quit it!” Twilight giggled at his actions, loving just how much he was hamming it up about him being right all along. “What is the meaning of this levity? Have I not just won? Did I not just destroy your only hope before you?” Nightmare asked in confusion, and they both smiled condescendingly up at her. “You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well you're wrong.” Right on cue, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all ran into the room, and stood beside them. “Because the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony; are right HERE!” At Twilight's statement, the crystals that were held in the stones Nightmare shattered began to glow, and levitate seemingly of their own will, making her gasp and rapidly look at each of them. “What?” “Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents Honesty!” Crystals from the Elements began to revolve around AJ to everypony but Twilight's and Kamina's surprise. “Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents Kindness!” The same happened for Fluttershy, who gasped. “Pinkie Pie, who banished our fear by laughing in the face of all the dangers we faced to get here, represents Laughter!” Pinkie bounced as she was surrounded by crystals too. “Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents Generosity!” Rarity calmly posed as her crystals came, and Spike jumped off her back with a tired pep. “And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon us for her own desires, represents Loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies led us through all the challenges you threw at us!” “You still don't have the Sixth Element! The Spark! You tried that, and it didn't work!” Nightmare tried to put doubt into her, but then her eyes widened as she looked to Kamina. “Unless....” Kamina smiled softly and shook his head. “This isn't my show; I'm just a roadie.” He pointed a hoof to Twilight. “She's definitely got that Spark. She just never saw it before.” Kamina turned to her, and smiled with pride. “I've always told you, that you would one day understand when we met, what Friendship truly was.” “Kamina told me, almost right when we met when I had doubts of being his friend. He told me; if you can't believe in yourself, believe in the pony who believes in you.” She smiled widely and with great adoration at Kamina, and then looked to her new friends. “When I heard your voices, I remembered those words, and it made me realize just how happy I was to hear you, to know that I could believe in you, that you would be there for me.” Twilight was crying now at just how happy she realized she was; she'd never felt like this, not even with just Kamina and Spike. She knew she could believe in them, but it was the realization the she could do the same with almost complete strangers, that brought it forth. “I felt it! The Spark! It ignited within me, and told me for certain that you all-.” She turned to face Nightmare, and had a determined smile. “Are my friends!” At her declaration, the Sixth Element appeared overhead, and floated just above Twilight's head, radiating a blinding light that hurt Nightmare just to look at. “Woo! Go Twilight!” Spike cheered tiredly, but not without enthusiasm from the sidelines with Kamina. “You see Nightmare Moon, the Elements only work if they are ignited by the Spark that resides within us all, and it creates the Sixth Element. The Element of Magic!” After this last declaration, the Element of Magic burst in a show of magical light, and the other elements transformed and wrapped around the other's necks into necklaces adorned with single jewels of their cutie marks. Twilight's however, turned into a tiara with her cutie mark, and rested just above her horn, framing her flaming mane as they all hovered in a white magical glow, and then fired a massive rainbow blast at Nightmare, who was frozen on the spot. “NO~!” The Rainbow Friendship Beam ripped clean through Nightmare to everyone's shock, and, to their surprise, a blue alicorn filly with a silvery blue mane and tail was ripped from her chest as the horrid dark alicorn was launched out the window behind the dais, and over the cliff into the ravine below. It took a few moments after the Elements ceased their blast as they all gathered themselves, and Kamina quickly trotted up to the filly. “...Aunty?” Kamina asked, and she groaned gently as she opened her eyes, and looked at him. “Are...are you my real aunt?” Kamina asked, feeling so much more comfortable around her, like his own mom; she had to be his aunt, his instincts were telling him so. “Nephew...it isn't over....” She barely whispered, before a sudden shockwave blasted up from the ravine, beginning to collapse the ruin around them, and they all gasped as a formless mass of pure darkness, with pieces of Nightmare's armor floating aimlessly in it save the peytral that used to protect her chest, and the crescent moon gem on it seemed to be glowing like a beacon in comparison to the swathe of darkness surrounding it. “IF THE NIGHT CANNOT LAST FOREVER! THEN I SHALL AT LEAST TAKE THE THIEVES WHO STOLE MY CHANCE WITH ME!” The Nightmare, the TRUE Nightmare began burning itself, using itself as a source of fuel, and began charging a suicidal explosion that would take out them, the castle ruins, and most of the Everfree in one horrific blast; there would be no running from this. “She's going to blow herself up! We have to stop her!” Twilight screamed as the massive charge of wild dark magic began to cause wild whips of magic, as Kamina grabbed his filly-sized aunt and gave her to Fluttershy. “Twilight!” Kamina called to his friend over the howling winds, and when she turned to him, he smirked devilishly. “We can still win! We've got to combine!” “Combine?!” Twilight screeched as she blushed through her whole body, her orange flaming hair turning red even. “Yeah!” He turned back to face the fading specter that wished nothing more than their deaths, and would assure such if they didn't stop it. “Remember? Star Swirl's theory on thaumatic resonance?” “But that takes so much time, and effort! We couldn't possibly-!” “Twilight!” Kamina looked back to her, his horn's spiral already igniting with it's blue flame of spiral power. “Remember! Don't believe in yourself! Believe in the pony who believes in you!” Kamina held his shit-eating grin, and it grew when her eyes narrowed slightly, she mirrored his grin, and her own horn's spiral lit up with the tell-tale glow of power of the spiral. “Got it! I'll supply the propulsion! You give the piercing strike!” Twilight and Kamina jumped at each other, and Twilight landed on his back, gripping his body with her legs as tightly as possible, while focusing her magic into a heavy burst behind them; , her tail of fire acting like a rocket, propelling them towards the desperate fading Nightmare as it began to eat away at the castle, heading towards them and their friends. “Final attack!” Kamina's horn erupted entirely in spiral power, eclipsing his own red magic, and the blue became the body, while the red became the spiral as it rotated, and grew larger, and larger on approach, Kamina could feel it burning through his horn and his head, but grit his teeth and persevered, he had to save his friends! “GIGA~! DRILL~! BREAKER~!” Kamina screamed just before they impacted the tidal wave of pure destructive magic the Nightmare was gathering, and punched through it like a spinning bullet through paper. “WHAT?!” The Nightmare screamed in utter disbelieve, mere split seconds before they shot clean through her peytral, tearing it completely to pieces. “AHHHHHH~!” She screamed in agony, before she exploded in a blast of pure, weakened, dispersed dark magic, rather than her planned gigantic concentrated explosion, enveloping the entire area in wisps of darkness, casting the whole center of the Everfree into shadow as the sun finally began to rise on a new day. > Consilium?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nice and quiet, the room was warm enough to be cozy, but not enough to cause any sweat. Kamina rolled over and buried his face into the pillow, only to stop when he heard it rip, and he sighed. 'Damn horn...really awesome, but a horrible killer of pillows.' He decided he'd rather not lay there with his horn impaling a poor, innocent pillow, and pulled his horn out before he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?” “About ten in the morning, two days later.” His mother's voice intoned, and Kamina jolted awake and turned to her, seeing her sitting next to his bed, which he noticed was in the Golden Oaks Library's private loft. “Good morning son.” She was prepared for him lunging at her and hugging her neck. “Mom! I thought...I...wait...two days? The last thing I remember...is everyone alright?” Kamina asked after he recollected what he did just before blacking out. “Yes, everyone is fine. I arrived at the scene of the final confrontation moments after the explosion. You were the worst off besides Twilight and Spike.” Kamina gasped and was about to rush off, but she held him still with her telekinesis. “Calm down son; they're fine.” “What was wrong with us? I don't remember what happened after the explosion.” Kamina wanted to know exactly how he and Twilight were hurt especially; he wanted to make sure to refine their combined technique if it was their Giga Drill Breaker that hurt them. “Your horn was extremely overtaxed, it was so hot the doctors had to use numerous salves, spells and ice packs to get it down to normal. Twilight was a bit more complicated, beings she was stuck in her Elemental Shift when she passed out. It was hard to tell if she was really ok beings her body temperature was literally as hot as a weak fire, but she woke up and was able to revert to her normal state. I had no clue she was practicing her abilities in secret...but that would explain how that gazebo burnt down when she was stood up for that date a couple years ago....” Celestia mused, and Kamina sighed. “What about my little bro? He didn't do anything against Nightmare, but he looked haggard when he got to the ruins.” Kamina made a mental note to talk to Twilight more about her abilities, especially since in that form she was both literally and figuratively hot as sin, yet she could use her mane like Nightmare could to interact with things without harming them too. Kamina touched his cheek, remembering when she caressed him in worry with her mane. “Spike had participated heavily in a lot of the fighting it took Twilight and her new friends to reach my old castle. However, he's still young, and he had also never used his dragonfire to attack before, so he'd strained his flame sac to near rupture. He'll be taken off his delivery duties for a week to ensure he heals properly.” Celestia informed him, making Kamina sigh in relief. “Thank goodness everything turned out the way it did. It was almost like it was planned.” Kamina idly stated, making Celestia flinch, and he frowned as he looked at her critically, making her nervous. “You planned for all of this, didn't you ma?” Kamina asked with a hint of anger, and she looked incredibly sad at his accusation. “Sadly...yes. I planned for nearly everything...well, save you.” Celestia reached her right hoof towards his cheek, and he pulled away while glaring at her, making her feel terrible. “Son...I know you hate ponies who manipulate others to their ends, but this was the only way I could ensure everything would turn out alright without forcing martial law on Equestria to prepare for Nightmare's arrival, and that wouldn't have ended well; only the Elements of Harmony could have saved my sister. This way there were no deaths...this time. Just as I had hoped.” “You nearly got those poor mares killed!” Kamina bolted to his hooves, and leered directly into Celestia's saddened gaze. “They had no idea that this would happen! No preparation outside Twilight's last-second discovery! No prior experiences that could even suggest they were fit for the task, and you threw them into the lion's den!” “I know...and it is inexcusable, but I saw no other choice. They were the only ones who could have wielded the Elements in this generation; when they were actually needed.” Celestia's ears were folded back, and she looked down at the floor. Kamina, however, wasn't going to drop it there. “So how many of them actually led their own lives?” Celestia cringed, and Kamina grit his teeth. “Was Twilight just GROOMED for this?! Did Applejack find herself conveniently “stuck” in Ponyville when you discovered her? How about Rainbow Dash? That mare could be a Wonderbolt by now; but instead she's just a weather pony for a small town. Did Rarity decide to set up shop here on her own? Where her dresses would mostly be considered by ponies who couldn't regularly afford the FABRIC they're made from?! The Pie Family don't live outside their rock farms normally, so how did Pinkie end up here? And Fluttershy, my goodness, there must be safer places for such a gentle mare to work her talent than on the border of the Everfree!” Kamina shouted, him knowing these things from talking to them at the party Pinkie threw for them, and Celestia let a few tears drip down her muzzle and onto the bed. “Yes...I...I trapped them here. I kept them in Ponyville; knowing it would be where Nightmare would return. Applejack frequently wanted to try working with her relatives on their farms, but I kept an ear to the ground, and ensured that something would come up, something would keep her here, until her own duties over her inherited farm would keep her here. I had the Wonderbolts screen Rainbow Dash out of their applications, and ensured that she'd be able to get a good job here when all the places she tried in Cloudsdale “weren't hiring”. Rarity's parents lived here already, it wasn't hard to make any attempt to move to Canterlot or other big cities like Manehattan too expensive for her by falsifying quotes with real-estate agencies. Pinkie Pie was simple; I granted a stipend to the Cakes to help them through a hard time, under the condition that they took their niece Pinkie in, I didn't tell them why, and I also told them not to mention it to anypony. Finally, gentle Fluttershy was a bit difficult, beings her parents were so protective of her...I ended up having to have the doctor they took her to on a regular basis declare she wasn't healthy enough for living in the clouds, so they helped her move here where they were “suggested” would be a good place....” Celestia sniffed as she looked at Kamina to see his disgust, but she wasn't done. “I also ensured that they would meet. I subtly arranged agents in Ponyville to get the five mares to end up meeting in some way, and become friends. I tended to Twilight personally, I even tried to get her to make friends on a regular basis, but, that didn't improve until you happened along.” Celestia smiled sadly at Kamina, who was still livid, but couldn't ignore just how much it hurt her to do all of this. “Honestly, I don't think this would have worked if you hadn't been there, if you hadn't already started Twilight on the path of friendship.” “So in the end, you used me too.” Kamina leered at her, making her close her eyes and nod sadly. “I can't forgive you for this...have you told them?” She morosely shook her head, and he growled. “I refuse to forgive you until you tell them. Tell them individually, or all at once, but until you tell them all; I won't let this go.” Kamina stood up, and jumped out of bed, but stopped at the door to look back at her. “I won't call you mom again until you fix this. Nopony deserves to have their life lived for them before they can even think of living for themselves.” Kamina left and slammed the door behind him, leaving a poor old mare with a broken heart, and a pained conscience. ===//////> Kamina took a long shower, letting the cold water drench him thoroughly as he reflected on his explosion with his mother, and felt that while harsh, it was still true. What she'd done was no different than what Genome did with humanity, but with far less grand and harsh ambitions and execution. This also had the effect of poisoning his view of Ponyville; it being analogous to Jeeha Village now in a way, beings it was a trap, a cage. A gilded one, but a cage nonetheless. For all he knew; Celestia planned for the town specifically for this purpose, beings in his lessons he'd learned that Ponyville was a very new town, being founded only several decades ago. After the water began to become irritating, Kamina dried himself off, and trotted down the stairs, to smile at the sight of Twilight; even if in her normal form her mane and tail seemed to naturally billow slightly now, like it remembered it used to be fire. “Twilight!” Kamina's call made the mare jump up from the table she was sitting at, and spin around to beam at him. “Kamina!” Twilight squealed as she leaped at her friend, and hugged him around the neck with both forelegs. “I'm so glad to see you awake! Severe magic exhaustion can take weeks to recover from!” She nuzzled his cheek happily, and Kamina gently contained a soft laugh as he hugged her back with a single foreleg. “I'm glad to see you're ok Twilight. Hey, I didn't think of this until now, but why am I here and not in some stuffy hospital?” Kamina finally had the sense to ask, beings he was too angry with Celestia to have asked her when he caught her out. “Oh, Princess Celestia had you moved here after you were stable. There wasn't any need for you to take up a bed in the hospital when it was clear you'd be alright.” Twilight just now noticed she was still hugging him, and her face was so, so close to his, but she didn't get embarrassed. “Hey...Kamina?” “Yeah Twilight?” Kamina asked, quietly enjoying her minty breath from her good dental hygiene. “Which do you think is hotter?” She decided to tease him, and shifted into her flaming elemental form. “My normal look, or this?” Kamina's eyes widened as he looked into her red eyes, which matched his, and her mane's flames licked down at him to caress his cheek like back in the ruins. “This, clearly.” Kamina offered, and he was shocked at what happened next. Twilight gave him a hot, deep, steamy kiss, that radiated heat into his body, and he groaned before she released his lips, and smiled slyly at his dumbstruck face. “How was that?” “Like I was just kissed by a goddess of fire. Where did this come from?” Kamina was surprised to say the least, but damn, that was a good kiss. Knocked the sense out of him. “Also, where did you learn to kiss like that?” “Books, how else?” Twilight replied slyly. “We've been flirting since we met; friends or not, not being a little more by now would be just ridiculous.” Twilight giggled as she let go of him. “We're friends first, never forget that, but I can't think of you as JUST a friend anymore. The past day of talking with our friends got me thinking about that, especially since they all just had to talk about how handsome you are, how you're amazing and all, and I got to wondering just why I didn't even think of trying it.” “Because we're friends? Won't that make it weird?” Kamina was worried about just such a thing; he didn't want them trying a relationship to ruin their friendship. “Nope!” Twilight happily chirped. “I've been reading on the concept, and there is a thing known as “friends with benefits”, heard of it?” Kamina's nose exploded with a fountain of blood, knocking him to the ground. “Ah! Kamina! H-hold on!” Twilight frantically rushed into the ground floor bathroom, accidentally setting the door frame on fire with her panicked mane flare. “Ah! No!” 'I have such a great friend....' ===//////> After putting out the fire, cleaning up the blood, and calming down after Kamina helped Twilight fully understand the term “friends with benefits”, Spike had returned from Rarity's, having been spending time with her for obvious reasons on his part, but it wasn't really clear what Rarity was intending with their shared time. Beings they're such close friends, they explained their current status to him, but he wasn't really getting it. “So let me get this straight...you're together now, but not actually together?” Spike asked in confusion, making Kamina and Twilight; who had returned to her mostly normal form again after extinguishing the fire she'd caused, look at each other on the couch, before turning back to him and answering simultaneously. “Yes.” Spike groaned and rubbed his temples. “How can you be friends, but more than friends at the same time?” Spike asked seriously, requiring a serious answer. “Well Spike, you see; couples go on dates, and usually exclusively spend time together romantically. But Kamina and I are friends, and we have a lot of platonic feelings along with our budding romantic ones. Usually in courtship it is the opposite, focusing on romance, and then building a stable platonic relationship. We already have a platonic relationship, and are just now beginning a romantic one. So we don't see a need to go on “dates” or seek out romantic scenarios. We're just going to let them come naturally rather than force them. So we're technically not coltfriend/marefriend, but rather friends with benefits...said benefits will become more enticing as we progress.” Twilight explained and finished off with a cute blush as she poked her hooves together. “What? You mean you'll start off with just kissing, but then move on to fondling, full-blown make-out sessions, maybe even-.” Spike paused at both Twilight's and Kamina's shocked looks, Twilight’s one of horror and Kamina of being impressed. “Uh...I'm...kinda entering puberty....” “I know that! But I didn't think you'd know about more...mature things until a while later.” Twilight stated, and then turned to Kamina accusingly. “Are you corrupting him?” “Hey! Not any more than I corrupted you.” Kamina replied slyly, making her smile back at him, and they began to stare, making Spike groan. “Great! Now I have to be reminded why it sucks to be so young compared to the girls I'm on equal mental footing with! I want what you two have!” Spike shouted in frustration, and noticed they were kissing now, eyes closed and oblivious to everything around them, making Spike fall to his knees, raise his fists, and scream into the air. “It's not FAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIR~!” > Accidens! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Spike's dramatic outburst, Kamina and Twilight set about visiting their friends after arranging a get-together since Kamina was awake, filling them in about their new relationship, which made the others all huff at Twilight; and informed them to their embarrassment that it sounded like a normal courtship, but they started as friends. Also the other girls were clearly a little upset that Twilight nabbed Kamina. This made Twilight smirk at them, and declare “Hey, we're friends, we can share.” which, of course, led Kamina to blacking out from a massive nosebleed. After revitalizing him, they then informed him of Twilight's new official residency in the library. Kamina was happy about this, but was also somewhat disturbed. His thoughts on Ponyville being a farce of a town, and really being some giant cage still bugged him, but when asked why he looked unhappy about it, he quickly disguised it as being a joke about him downgrading from a fancy stone library to a wooden one, beings he didn't feel like returning to Canterlot anytime soon, despite being a prince. When asked why, he again quickly hid the real reason, saying he didn't want to have to put up with stuck-up ponies anytime soon. Which, while true, wasn't anywhere near the deepest truth that he couldn't look his mother in the eyes until she made up for her cruel manipulations of these wonderful mares. He also couldn't tell them this; they had to hear it from his mother. Twilight, of course, being the smart mare she was; knew he was lying, knew he was hiding something. But she let it go, she knew that if Kamina was hiding something, then it was either serious and he has a good reason, or it was silly and not worth worrying about. Applejack caught it too of course, but when she saw Twilight look at her, they silently exchanged words, knowing they'd talk about it later. It was a few weeks later, the prince, the scholar, and the assistant all settled in quite nicely, even if they did have celebrity status with the town at large. Seriously; one was a prince, one was one of the six Bearers of Harmony and Celestia's student, and one was the only dragon citizen in town, yeah, celebrities alright. So, in spite of practically being mobbed the whole first week, they managed to familiarize themselves with several the of citizens as they got used to living in a small town, which they all felt was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city of Canterlot, and free of all the snobs and self-important nobles of the royal and high-society districts they lived and worked in. Sure, they missed Pony Joe's, but Sugarcube Corner was certainly a contender. It wasn't the Canterlot Bathhouse, but the Aloe-Lotus Spa was wonderful considering what they had to work with in comparison. Lastly; the Golden Oaks Library was indeed ridiculously smaller, and rustic...and lacking in luxuries in comparison to Celestia's (cough-Twilight's-cough) private library back in the castle, they were enjoying it, even if they all had to sleep in the same room, beings it was the only room besides the ground floor library, kitchen, and bathrooms. So, for these first weeks; Twilight had been focusing on practicing spells on living magic, of which the library was clearly a product of, to get it to literally grow bigger to accommodate more rooms. In the end, the tree grew about three times larger, got two guest rooms, a bigger upstairs bathroom, and a bigger kitchen and library. Oh yes, but lets not forget the basement. It was a bit of a chore; but Kamina used his access to the royal treasury to pay a local construction crew to expand the basement, which was perfectly safe due to the library's wide and strong roots keeping it firmly in place. As of now though; they were helping out Applejack. She'd asked Twilight and Kamina to help her to win some sort of bet she and Big Mac had going involving if she could fill the day's quota before lunch without his help. They asked her if them helping her was being dishonest to the bet, and Applejack slyly told them “t'weren't no rules against askin' others to help”. “Thank ya kindly you two for helping me out! With this; Big Mac is going to be walking down Stirrup Street in one of granny's girdles!” Applejack gushed in amusement, making both Kamina and Twilight chortle at the thought of the big stallion squeezing into one of those small things, let alone parading through one of the main streets of the town in it. “Not a problem! It'd be hilarious to see Big Red walking down the street in such an embarrassing outfit! It'd be even funnier if he somehow kept his face neutral like he always does.” Kamina observed, making the friends all laugh together, before Twilight made a sound of protest, and they looked at the dragon on her back sorting through the apples in the baskets saddled on her. “Spike, what are you doing?” At Twilight's question, he dropped the apple he was inspecting on her head, making her glare at him. “Sorry...but I'm looking for the perfect apple to snack on. You guys took so long bucking those trees I missed snack time.” At Spike mentioning food, both Twilight's and Kamina's bellies decided to give audible declarations of their displeasure at not being given tribute since breakfast several hours ago. “Oh~, I'm so glad it's almost lunch time, now that you mention it.” Twilight paused as one of her billowing locks of hair got in her eyes, and she blew it up back into her flame-like purple mane. Twilight's synchronicity with her Shift form was beginning to carry over to her base form, something that was completely normal for Shifters, being a sort of unique puberty. Over the weeks, her mane and tail were becoming less distinct, and more ethereal like Celestia's mane and tail, only instead of being a flowing curtain in a nonexistent breeze, it was wild, rippling and waving like a slow purple fire, her pink highlight seeming to move through her mane and tail too. She was also subconsciously beginning to gain manual control over it like Nightmare had over her own mane and tail, meaning she didn't need to shift completely to have extra ethereal limbs. “Well Ah'd be glad to rustle us up some grub when we get back to the house.” Applejack offered, making them all beam at their savior. “We'd be glad to have some of your delicious cooking AJ!” Kamina stated, making AJ blush slightly, so she was glad she was in front of them. “Ah, shucks, t'ain't nothin'.” AJ humbly replied, until they heard a loud, obnoxious crunch, and looked at the baby dragon culprit. “Spike! That apple belonged to Applejack's family!” Twilight reprimanded him, beings the apples hadn't been cleaned for sale yet either. Before AJ could agree or say it was alright, Spike burped up fire that formed into a scroll, which was obviously from Celestia, beings nopony else has Spike's magic signature to send anything. 'Oh, great, a letter from her again. I wonder what she wants.' Kamina's musing ended up making him miss most of what Spike read off of the scroll, but he did get the tail end. “-Two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Spike held up two golden tickets. “For Twilight Sparkle, plus one guest.” After Spike's report, Kamina rolled his eyes while Twilight and AJ were stunned for a moment, before quickly erupting into girly cheering. “Meh, you girls go on and talk about your fancy balls or whatever, I'm going to do something productive.” Kamina continued on to AJ's barn while Twilight and her went gaga over the gala. 'Wow mom, such a troll. Seriously? Sending TWO tickets when Twilight has five friends?' Kamina snorted and looked up at the giant sky-piercing mountain that Canterlot hung off of. 'You love creating trouble as much as you love resolving it.' Kamina reached the main barn next to AJ's house, and carefully dumped his baskets of apples into the cellar she'd designated for them at the start of their work. “Where are those girls? And my little bro at that?” Kamina stood outside, and looked towards where he came from, only to see nopony coming up the dirt road. “Ugh, great, they ditched me. Leave it up to the stallion! Sure! He'll do ALL THE WORK!” Kamina's irate shout echoed out into the orchard, and he sighed. “Ya sound tense.” Kamina turned calmly to see the ever stoic Big Macintosh, who was half-lidded and relaxed as ever as he chewed on a stalk of hay, and entered the barn to look into the cellar. “Well darn, looks like Ah'll have to try and put on one of granny's girdles.” “Oh? Sorry Big Mac, AJ had us help her out.” Kamina apologized sheepishly, but Big Mac just closed the cellar and shrugged. “Well Ah should've been more clear on the terms of the bet. Didn't say she couldn't have help from somepony else.” Kamina's gut decided to roar just then, making Kamina laugh. “Hungry?” Kamina nodded. “Got some fritters in the ice box.” “Well thanks Big Mac. Say, aside from that strut down Stirrup Street, what else do you have planned today? We haven't had many chances to hang out.” Kamina asked as he followed Big Mac into the house, where they took a few cold fritters from the fridge. “Nope, got nothin'.” Big Mac eloquently replied. “So, actually, what is there to do between guys here in Ponyville? I've only hung out with the girls, so I don't exactly know any stallion hang-outs here.” Kamina asked as he ate a fritter, and Big Mac scratched his chin with an enormous hoof. “Well there's the bowlin' alley, the pub, the nightclub, and other such places. Otherwise we stallions got to find our own entertainment. Most of us play a bit of hoofball if there's enough of us in the playing field on the northwest edge of town.” Big Mac put a whole fritter in his mouth, closed it, and seemed to swallow it whole, but Kamina saw him chew, it was just ridiculously fast. “That's outta the question today though. Weather's scheduled to downpour soon, so the fields will be too slippery for safe play.” “Not to mention all the pansies too afraid to get their coats dirty.” Kamina and Big Mac chuckled. “So~...what's this about a girdle?” Big Mac sighed in resignation. ===//////> Kamina was trying so, very, very hard not to laugh at his friend's expense. “Hey, to be fair, it looks good on you!” Kamina commented, and snickered, but Big Mac was as stoic as ever; pink frilly girdle and all. “Eeyup.” Big Mac let it roll off him, as he strode down Stirrup Street with Kamina, who like a true friend; stuck with him to enjoy his torment, not that it was all that bad. “Just have to walk through town once and then head back, don't matter how many ponies laugh, it's all in good fun.” “Pfft, well, I'm at least trying not to laugh at your situation.” Suddenly, very shockingly fast at that; the sky over town was completely covered in rain clouds! “Whoa! Rainbow doesn't joke about that speed!” “Uh-oh, best get inside. Don't want to get an earful from granny for ruinin' her girdle.” Big Mac picked up his slow pace to a light gallop towards the nearest public building, which turned out to be the Aloe-Lotus Spa. They were rounding the building, when to both stallion's shock, a hill which was just next to the spa, had a runaway empty cart rushing down it; blown off it's spot at the top of the hill by the wind kicked in by the storm. “Look out!” Big Mac pushed Kamina out of the way, but he couldn't move in time and it crashed fully into him, flipping over him and knocking the large stallion to the ground. The cart itself blew to pieces, but Mac seemed to be in one piece. “Mac!” Kamina jumped to his hooves, and rushed to his friend, who was awake, but was cringing in pain. “Mac! Where does it hurt?!” “Mah chest 'n shoulder...can't move!” Big Mac seemed to be having trouble breathing, and Kamina was on the verge of panicking. “Oh-gosh, oh-gosh, oh-gosh! Um, wait here! Aloe!” Kamina rushed into the front door of the spa, startling Aloe of the Aloe and Lotus twin sisters sitting behind the reception desk. Aloe was a soft pink earth pony mare with a light blue mane a tail, and a cutie mark of a lotus blossom, which she shares with her twin sister Lotus, who was only different from her in that her coat and hair colors were inverted. Both sisters maintained their appearances like Rarity, so their eyes were accentuated with the same kind of eye shadow, and their eyelashes were more pronounced. “Aloe! Big Mac got hit by a cart just outside!” “What?!” She bolted from behind the counter, and ran outside with Kamina to the downed red stallion, who was hissing in pain, and taking short breaths, his mouth had flecks of darker red blood on his lips. “Oh no! He might have punctured a lung! Get him inside!” Aloe got her head under the big stallion, and grunted in exertion, but her earth pony body proved true, and she was able to get him mostly on her back. Kamina got over his momentary surprise at seeing a mare almost half Mac's size pick him up like that, and used his telekinesis to take his weight off her, and they rushed inside just before the downpour started. “My Prince! I'm sorry to ask this; but we're just a spa, I only have first aid here. He needs to get to the hospital.” “Ok! I'll get to the Ponyville General, get the paramedics, and be right back!” He looked to Mac. “Hold on Mac! Take light breaths!” Kamina dashed out into the blinding deluge of rain, barely able to see a few feet in front of him. “Ponyville General, Ponyville General....” He ran, but he couldn't tell were he was, or which way to go, he was still too new to town. “Damn it! I can't let this happen!” Kamina grit his teeth, and his horn's spiral began to glow with spiral power, and he hissed in pain; his horn still suffering the backlash of his overexertion three weeks ago. 'C'mon! C'MON! You can do this!' Kamina envisioned the hospital, remembered the foyer, and Nurse Redheart sitting behind the reception desk. 'NOTHING WILL STOP ME!' His eyes emitted blue light as his horn practically erupted in spiral power to fuel his risky spell, and Kamina successfully disappeared in a flash, his first use of long range teleportation a forced success. Kamina appeared moments later, in a daze, his horn smoking, and his vision cloudy as he could hear a commotion, but it was hard to focus on with the searing agony covering his whole head and down his neck. “Dear Celestia he's on fire! Put him out!” Kamina was splashed in the face, and he sputtered in confusion as he felt the tell-tale all-encompassing push of telekinesis holding him in the air. “Wait! Emergency! Big Macintosh was hit by a cart in front of the Aloe-Lotus Spa, and he might have a punctured lung, but he's too big to get here without help!” Kamina shouted frantically, trying to get it across somepony else but him needed help. “We'll send paramedics your majesty, but we have to treat these burns!” Kamina thrashed, and tried to get free; his friend needed him! But then he felt something jab into his flank, and soon, it was hard to focus on anything.... ===//////> Kamina awoke slowly, his whole head felt like he dipped it into Twilight's mane during an outburst of righteous fury. His whole head was wrapped in gauze, so he couldn't see, and a nose plug breathing tube was inserted into his nostrils through the wrap. 'Oh man, the doctors weren't kidding; my horn was in no way ready for any serious casting yet.' Kamina groaned in pain, and felt a hoof grasp his exposed right hoof which had an IV inserted; which was why he wasn't in complete agony and just searing pain. “Hmph?” “Shh, it's me.” Kamina calmed down at hearing Twilight's voice. “You cast a spell your horn couldn't handle yet. You idiot, you need to let yourself recover before you pull stupid stunts like this.” “Mim mah?” Kamina tried to ask, but his muzzle was wrapped shut right now, but Twilight; the literary savant could still grasp what he was trying to convey. “Big Mac has a few broken ribs, one punctured his left lung. He also fractured his sternum, collarbone, and shoulder. He'll be fine though, because since you alerted the staff so fast the paramedics got to him in time.” Twilight kissed his hoof, and sniffled. “You saved my friend's brother, and you almost blew your head off to do it too. Have I told you just how much I admire you?” Kamina wasn't going to bother trying to speak anymore, but he nodded his head, which made him hiss at the burns on his neck. “Miss Sparkle.” Nurse Redheart's voice interrupted them. “Visiting hours are over sweetie. He needs his rest.” “I'll be back tomorrow Kamina. Don't worry, you'll be fine.” Twilight let go of his hoof, and he suddenly felt so helpless, so weak, and reached out to her pathetically, before he let his hoof fall back to the bed. 'You've got to fix this Kamina. What kind of stallion falls to pieces so easily?' Kamina grit his teeth at himself, regardless of the pain it caused. 'I have to get stronger....' > Recuperatio! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took a whole week of being in laid out in bed, even restrained to keep him there, but Kamina was allowed to leave after the treatments healed his burns, and grew his fur back. However, he was told he'd be scarred for life beneath his fur. One doesn't come away from a severe magical backlash without serious repercussion. To ensure that this didn't happen again, until his horn fully healed; Twilight and Celestia both forced the limiter that Twilight kept from Nightmare's return a month prior on his horn. Since the only way for his horn to heal was simple: NO MAGIC! Oh yeah! Celestia visited! That was FUN! Kamina was not happy to see her, even if he was touched that she broke away from her busy schedule to see him, and even heal him herself as much as she could, beings she was the goddess of the freaking SUN, burns were in her domain. She used her visit to also speak to him alone, saying she gave Twilight and her friends each a ticket so that she could speak to them all in a formal setting once she'd thought out what she wished to say to them all in apology. This did cheer Kamina up, and he even nuzzled her back when she was saying goodbye, but he still adamantly held he wouldn't call her mom until the deed was done. Kamina got off lucky though; Big Mac would be out of action for months, even though Kamina again used his title to use the royal treasury to pay for his hospital bills and get him the best treatment. It just didn't change the fact that Mac suffered severe breaks and fractures, which would ultimately need time to fully heal. Sure magic, medicine, and magical medicine were astounding to Kamina at how effective they were, but not even they could do everything. Mac's bones were reset and knitted back together, but they were weak, sensitive, and could easily be hurt again, so he wasn't going to be bucking trees or pulling carts or plows anytime soon. This, of course, led to the current conversation that Kamina and Mac were having on the front porch of the Apple home. “What? AJ's insisting she buck ALL those trees for this year's bumper crop?” Kamina asked in astonishment. “Eeyup. Since Ah got hurt, she's been pushin' herself to meet our quota. Got shipments to other towns and cities to hold up.” They were looking out at the orchards, hearing AJ grunt, holler and hit trees they couldn't see from here. To emphasis his point, Mac gestured with his weak left foreleg out at the large section of the orchard that had been harvested. “Ah tell ya; she'll kill herself before she accepts help from outside the family for Applebuck Season.” Mac groused as he shook his head in light frustration. “Darn stubborn sister o' mine can't let it go for things like this.” “But Twilight and I helped her win that bet that got us into this mess! She should let us help get you all out of it!” Kamina argued back in exasperation, having to scratch his muzzle in irritation of the bandages. Oh yeah, right, while his burns had effectively healed, the new skin and fur was extremely sensitive to open air; feeling like he's caught fire again the moment the sun hits. So he has to wear bandages to smother them until the nerves get used to the new skin. “That's the thing; it was just a bet, nothing more. But this is an Apple Family Tradition, to buck all the bumper crops ourselves.” Mac rolled his sprig of hay in his mouth, and shifted uncomfortably in his torso bracing bandages that were in place to keep his bones from jostling. “But we're still partially responsible for your injuries.” Kamina tried to press, only for Big Mac to boop him on the nose, making Kamina flinch instinctively. “Ah already told ya to drop it. Ya paid for my hospital bills and basically saved my life. Far as we're concerned you're...family.” Big Mac's eyes widened, and a thought caused a smirk to burst onto his usually stoic face. “Hold up, Ah think Ah've got a loophole for that stubborn mare's insistence on tryin' to do this without help.” Mac jumped to his hooves, and gasped sharply in pain, but before he could fall Kamina caught him with his body, and Mac took a few pained breaths before sighing. “Thanks, Ah reckon Ah was a mite excited.” “Your plan involves me helping her right?” Kamina smirked at Mac's nodded confirmation. “Ok, let's try and convince her.” ===//////> It took them a while, what with Kamina helping Mac along. But they eventually found AJ by following the commotion she caused with her work. Mac thought it would be as simple as declaring Kamina an Honorary Apple to let her let him help her. But that apparently wasn't the whole story, because even so-. “For the last TIME Big Mac! Ah DON'T NEED HELP!” AJ shouted at her brother, facing the completely wrong direction, she was clearly delusional from exhaustion. Both stallions looked to each other, and then both glared at her resolutely. “Nope! Ah'm putting my hoof down!” Mac stomped his good right forehoof, making the local area tremble slightly, finally getting AJ to startle, and turn to give him her undivided attention, since she'd never heard Big Mac shout before. “Now look! There comes a time, when things change, usually out of need. Ah'm hurt, and it ain't your fault!” Big Mac shouted, making AJ cringe heavily, and thus, the true reason she was so adamant about this. 'What?' Kamina gaped and looked at AJ who was suddenly trying very hard to speak past her choking words. 'Why? AJ, why are you blaming yourself for something that was completely out of your control?' “But Mac! If Ah didn't act so foalishly, and made that darned bet, ya wouldn't have even been in town to get hurt!” AJ tried to defend, only for Mac to boop her on the nose, making her flinch. “Now y'all get that darned fool notion outta yer head this second missy!” Uh-oh, Mac only really went that deep into his drawl, let alone talk that fast when he was really upset. “If'n it wasn't me, it would'a been Kamina, or some other poor pony who was there instead. It was nopony's fault 'sides the fool who left their cart atop the hill.” He paused to let it sink in, and waited for a rebuttal, but it never came, so he instead hobbled up to her and hugged her with his left foreleg, since he needed his right to stand. “Now, now. You just stop taking this so hard y'hear?” AJ sniffed, and nuzzled her brother. “Ah'm sorry....” “Don't be.” The siblings had a heartwarming moment, before they both blushed lightly and broke off, realizing they had company. “Sorry ya had to see that Kamina.” Kamina was smiling gently at them, and waved a hoof nonchalantly at Mac's apology. “No worries, I was really touched by that.” Kamina then looked to AJ, noting the heavy bags under her eyes, and how she seemed to struggle just to stand. “AJ, go home, rest. I'll do some work for you while you get some sleep.” AJ shook herself a bit to try and wake up a bit. “B-but-*yawn*-ya don't know where-.” “Ah'll guide him sis. Ah may not be able to work, but that don't mean Ah can't supervise.” Mac nudged her with his head to get her heading back towards the house. “Now get on back and sleep sis; we've got you covered.” AJ smiled at the stallions, and shook herself again so she could be awake for the walk to her bed. “Thank ya fellas. It's nice to know that Ah have friends Ah can turn to for help when Ah need it.” AJ stated as she looked fondly at Kamina, who smirked at her, making her blush lightly, but she just kept smiling. “See y'all later.” She slowly trudged back home, and Kamina then looked at the trees around him, and crossed his eyes to look at his locked horn, making him sigh. “Well, time for some good old-fashioned hard work. It'll be refreshing to actually get some exercise again, been slacking off without the Guard to train with.” 'And if I can't train in my magic, or my Spiral Power, I can at least improve my body.' ===//////> Twilight happened upon a surprising, and very adorable sight when she went into the orchards to confront Applejack on the repercussions her stubbornness had inflicted upon Ponyville the past few days. She'd been expecting an about-to-drop-dead Applejack, trying and failing to buck trees. Instead, she happened upon a napping Kamina and Big Mac just outside the barn, clearly having just finished emptying a haul of apples into the cellars. Kamina was exhausted to the point of admitting a need to rest, having bucked so many trees he'd lost count, and his progress was more than enough according to Big Mac. Said big stallion was tired because his injuries drew a lot of energy to heal thanks to some prescribed magic pills that took his body's generated energy to improve his recovery. The two stallions hadn't made it past the front doors of the barn, and were sleeping back to back, curled up and dozing like carefree little colts half their ages in the waning sunlight. 'This is just so CUTE! I've got to record this! Camera!' Twilight reached her hoof into her hammer space, and took out a small cheap camera, and started taking pictures, trying not to giggle. 'I'm keeping these, I don't care if he's embarrassed, these are gold!' Twilight then put the camera away, and trotted gently up to them, to nuzzle Kamina's cheek. “Kamina.” She whispered. “Kamina, are you really that deep asleep?” “Mmph...pierce the heavens....” Kamina mumbled as he was having an awesome dream, and Twilight smiled gently, before she decided to cast a cushioning spell on the dirt under the stallions, making them sink in slightly into the temporarily pillow-like dirt. She then knocked on the door to the house, and ended up waiting a bit before young Applebloom opened the door. “Oh! Hiya Miss Twilight. What're ya doin' here?” Applebloom was confused when Twilight gestured for her silence, and pointed to the two sleeping stallions a ways off in front of the barn, making Applebloom snicker and gesture for her to come in, and when the door closed, they both burst into laughter. “Oh sweet Celestia! That was just cute! Please tell me ya got pictures!” “Yes, and I'll give you a few copies later.” Twilight calmed down, and got back to business. “So what's going on? Where's Applejack, I came here to intervene, but it seems I'm a bit late for that.” “Yep! Big Macintosh and Kamina got through her thick skull, or so she says. She said Big Mac gave her a hollerin' she'd never imagine coming from him, and that Kamina was willing to work for her so she could rest.” Applebloom explained as she led Twilight upstairs, gestured for her to be quiet, and then cracked open AJ's room to reveal said orange mare already conked out, completely off in dreamland, wrapped around in her sheets with her stetson hanging on a bedpost and her bandanna carelessly tossed to the floor. Twilight had seen enough, and smiled happily as she closed the door. “This is great, I'm glad to see this whole situation has been resolved. Hm, I think I have a Friendship Report to give about this. Kamina was willing to help Applejack, regardless of her refusal, because it was what she needed, not what she wanted. And her brother Big Macintosh stood his ground, and forced her to see reason.” “Pretty much, youngin'.” Granny Smith startled the two, as they spun around to see the old mare sitting calmly outside her own room's door. “Ah'm glad ta see that ma little seeds are growin' up. Ah was afraid Applejack's stubbornness would git her hurt, and that Big Mac's gentle disposition wouldn't let him get what needed done, done.” Granny walked slowly towards the window in her room, and they followed to see that they could see the sleeping stallions from here. “That Kamina feller, he seems ta do somethin' ta ponies he's around.” “I have an answer for that really.” Twilight offered, and looked down fondly at the tan tattooed stallion. “Princess Celestia and I were able to use divination to find that his cutie mark-.” She paused as she noticed Kamina shudder and twitch his ears to her amusement. “-Flank mark, represents that his talent is to, quite literally; “bring out the best in others”. So to say, he brought out the best in me by boosting my confidence, and seeing myself as a strong independent mare that didn't need to bury herself in books to escape the world.” Applebloom gasped, and a certain sparkle shined in her eyes. “Ya mean that day, when we met, what Ah saw...?” Applebloom's eyes widened with awe, and she seemed to jitter and titter in excitement. “Ah can't wait! Ah want my cutie mark now so ah can fulfill mah destiny!” Granny chuckled dryly, and slowly mussed with Applebloom's mane. “One seed at a time my little filly. Ah don't want ya ta grow up too fast now.” She then turned her attention back to Twilight. “Know this Miss Twilight; ya'll are welcome here anytime. Especially that coltfriend 'o yours, seein' he's such a good influence to mah little seeds.” Twilight blushed, and her mane and tail flared slightly at Granny calling Kamina her coltfriend, which was more or less true, if devoid of any actual “dates” that normal couples go on. “Th-thank you. Since everything is just fine here, I'll just be going. It was a pleasure to speak with you Granny Smith.” Twilight then disappeared in a flash, making Granny Smith sigh in disappointment. “Unicorns; can't ever leave out the door like normal folk.” “But she came in through the door at least. That's better than Rainbow Dash just bargin' in through a window like she owns the place.” Applebloom defended Twilight, making Granny chuckle. “Amen ta that.” > Amicis Amicitiae! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been about another week or so, and since Kamina had his magic locked, his horn finished healing much faster than it would have if it weren't. Now though, every weekend, Kamina would join Big Mac and AJ at Sweet Apple Acres for a workout, while he'd end up spending most of his time with Twilight the rest of the week, practicing magic, and kissing, lots of kissing. Each session Kamina could swear she was trying to make him her slave, because damn, if her kisses were that good, how good would she be at the more intimate levels? He knew she'd read the pony-sutra, because he'd catch her sneaking peeks at it when she thought he wasn't looking, and he'd be lying if he didn't think that the idea was extremely appealing to him. As of right now however, Kamina was walking back to the library after finally getting around to commissioning Rarity to remake his outfit, plus extras he paid for up-front with money he earned doing his part-time work at Sweet Apple Acres. Kamina just planned to use his friend's orchard to exercise by working, but they practically forced the money on him at the end of Applebuck Season, saying he'd more than earned it, beings they'd make so much off the extra he managed to help them harvest. Kamina didn't know it until then, but apparently even with his horn locked, his Spiral Power was still enhancing his body, and it showed. Ever since his near-decapitation from overloading his horn, Kamina had noticed that he was getting a little bit bigger all-around, but the main benefit was his muscles getting more defined in a lithe and corded manner, unlike Mac's beefy build. He wasn't continuously growing, but his muscles were still getting firmer, and the mares in town were really~ noticing. He'd been hit on numerous times since the bandages came off, Twilight had been more frisky, and his friends were all being even more bold in their advances, which Twilight clearly didn't mind for some reason. Speaking of which, Kamina blushed at remembering how...daring Rarity was with her “measuring” for his cape, and other outfits she might make for him. 'But, seriously, to measure for the pants, do tailors HAVE to cup the-?' “Kamina!” A familiar high-pitched voice called out, and Kamina turned to the source, only for his nose to explode in a stream of blood, launching him down the street trailing a shallow ditch and a trickle of blood. “Oh my gosh! That was hysterical!” Dash cried out in intense humor. She and Pinkie had just “mooned” Kamina by wearing black rubber tights on their plots and lifting their tails to the side, knowing of Kamina's intense and volatile reactions to erotic teasing. “Prank was a success! Also, it shows that my extra tight spandex shorts are a big HELL YEAH~ on the sexiness meter!” Pinkie crowed, as she snapped the shorts covering her flanks while she shook her rump in the air, making several ponies stop and stare, especially the stallions and a couple mares, while Dash laughed at her friend's attitude of I Don't Care. “Pinkie Pie you are SO random!” Dash declared, and then landed next to her new pranking partner to whisper into her ear. “Also, we are so~ going clubbing later. Stallions won't be able to take their eyes off us with these things in our arsenal.” “Don't forget the mares~.” Pinkie whispered back, making Dash smirk even harder as they both took off, and Kamina groaned as he regained consciousness. “What plots from heaven were those? Too much shiny firm flank in head...can't recognize ponies...will declare them the Mysterious Super-Sexy Shorts Mares....” Kamina then passed out again, having delicious smexy dreams. ===//////> Kamina was informed later by Twilight that the perpetrators in the “Mooning of Prince Kamina” were none other than Pinkie and Dash, making Kamina panic that Twilight wouldn't like the fact he'd basically ended up having their latex covered plots committed to memory, only for her to laugh and admit she was only upset that SHE didn't do it first, making Kamina balk at just how brazen his friends were becoming. It was later the next day, and Twilight was helping Kamina train with using his Spiral Power safely. “Now keep it there, I need to get some proper readings to determine just how much strain is being placed on your horn.” Kamina's horn was extended and the spiral was practically overflowing with the light of Spiral Power, making Kamina cringe since this was more than when he fought Nightmare on the moon. “Could you hurry up then? I can hold it as long as I want, but it is kinda irritating.” 'More like it feels like my horn is burning.' “Patience Kamina, Star Swirl didn't create over one thousand spells in a day.” Twilight was using her new fancy lab equipment in the basement to help her with her information gathering. Princess Celestia had been very generous with providing the same sort of equipment available to the Star Swirl Academy, which was more ubiquitously known as Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Honestly, Twilight, Kamina, and just about every single pony who knows the school's actual name, just has to wonder WHY it is known by the longer name, even Celestia frowns at it, considering Star Swirl founded it, not her. “No, but he could gather data in seconds.” Kamina groused as he kept up the flow of Spiral Power until Twilight gave him the okay to relax, and he gladly did so, his horn shrinking back to normal. “So what's the word doc?” “Hm...I would suggest that you never use that much of your Spiral Power at once Kamina. It would overload your horn in minutes, and cause what happened before for sure.” Twilight informed him sadly, making Kamina sigh, but not lose heart. “It's ok, I just need a proxy, like how my brother had his drill.” Kamina mused as Spike entered the basement. “Can you PLEASE come up here?! Pinkie Pie is driving me crazy with her whining!” Spike complained, making the couple look at each other in confusion before they trotted upstairs to the main floor, and witnessed Pinkie pacing...still wearing the sexy spandex shorts, so Kamina averted eyes quickly to avoid him getting overexcited. “Pinkie, what's wrong? I've never seen you so upset.” Twilight asked, and then leaned in to whisper. “And where can I get shorts like those?” Pinkie cheered up for a moment. “Rarity, duh.” Pinkie replied quietly, before she returned to being frustrated. “I need to talk to you Twilight, and it'd be nice if you could help me out too Kamina.” “Of course Pinkie, we're friends, I'll do anything for my friends.” Kamina affirmed and Pinkie then related all of her encounters with Rainbow Dash's old friend Gilda, who was visiting, and was not only abrasive, but outright hostile to her and her attempts to hang out with them. “I have an idea, but let's hear your opinion first Twilight.” “Well...I'm still really new to all this. You're my first point of reference Kamina, but we're a couple now and that's not applicable to the data needed to form a proper hypothesis, unless Gilda is romantically interested in Rainbow Dash; then my theory is she's territorial over anyone else becoming close to her prospective partner.” Twilight supplied, making Kamina raise his eyebrow, because seriously; Twilight has had no qualms with the idea of him having a whole damn herd of mares if her openness about her friend's hitting on him was any indication. “Hm, that might actually be it, but what do you think Kamina?” Pinkie turned to Kamina, who got over his bewilderment on just WHERE Twilight was getting her data on relationships from. “I think that it's really simple. How long has Dash lived here? A few years?” Pinkie confirmed that Dash had lived in Ponyville since she was 14, and she was 17 like most of them save Fluttershy, who was 18. “And nopony has even heard of Gilda until now, right?” Pinkie nodded again, since she would have heard if a new pony or otherwise sentient being would have come to Ponyville, her Senses would let her know if they weren't going to be introduced and find them herself. “Then, clearly, Gilda is visiting Dash for the first time in years, so likely she just wants to be alone with her old friend. I'd suggest you just leave them be until Gilda leaves or decides to open up.” “But I want to be friends with Gilda! I mean, sure, she almost killed me when she knocked me out of the sky, but I can't let it go if I don't try! So do you know what this means?” Pinkie asked her friends, who warily tried to back away. “A PARTY!” ===//////> “How did we get here?” Twilight asked with unease, as suddenly, as if by powerful magic, she and Kamina were now at a party being hosted by Sugarcube Corner, and a large portion of the town's population was crammed into the space, mingling as if nothing was amiss. “There wasn't any unicorn or other magic at work, we were standing in front of Pinkie, and then poof! Party!” Twilight's fiery purple mane was flickering and whipping wildly at her panic as her brain tried to cope with logical explanation. “This isn't possible! THIS ISN'T SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!” Kamina did what he knew would snap her out of it; kiss her passionately. Twilight moaned into the kiss as their tongues wrestled, until he released her from it, leaving them panting, a string of saliva connecting their tongues until Kamina spoke. “Better?” “Much.” She pecked him with a chaste kiss on the nose. “Thanks, I was about to go off the deep end for a second. What would I do without you?” Twilight asked earnestly, before looking at the party and blushing at the sheer number of smirking faces and winks being sent at them. “Um...let's just...have some punch.” “Test it to make sure it isn't spiked this time. Trying to keep you off me when you're drunk is like trying to brush my fur the wrong direction.” Which didn't just do nothing useful, but also irritated the skin. “Oh come on! You know you like it.” Twilight cheekily smirked and winked at him, making Kamina roll his eyes. “For the last time Twilight; I want our first time to be a mutual and special thing, not some drunken flank spank.” 'Even if said flank spank is very enticing.' They went to the punch, tested it, and found a bowl that wasn't spiked among the five punch bowls. “Rainbow Dash must've gotten to the rest already, let's guard this one. It is my moral duty as a responsible stallion to ensure that at least some guests to this party leave sober.” Kamina cast a shield over the bowl, just in time for a thin waterfall of clear liquid to splash over it and around the bowl, leading him to look up in disapproval at Rainbow Dash, who blushed at being caught with a bottle of Everfree liquor. She was also still wearing the sexy spandex shorts, making Kamina blush. “Uh...hey?” “Rainbow Dash, that is just rude.” Twilight yanked the bottle from Dash's hooves, and capped it with her magic. “Are you trying to get everyone drunk? What about the underage guests?” The drinking age in Equestria was 14, because after that most pony's bodies have developed enough that unless in excess, alcohol didn't hurt them much. “Besides, ignoring how impossible all this is to happen so quickly, how were you prepared with a strong liquor like this available? I mean really; Everfree? This stuff is one hundred and ninety proof! You can't get stronger than that as of yet.” “Whoa, seriously?” Kamina butted in, and took the bottle in his own magic to read the label. “Whoa! Why am I JUST now hearing about this?” “Well at least the prince knows a good booze when he sees one.” Dash commented smugly, but dropped it at the two unicorns leering at her. “Ok, ok, sorry. There's a smaller punch bowl at floor level for the little tykes, I'm always prepared with some booze for a spontaneous Pinkie Party, and today I'm pranking the buck out of it!” “Whoa, wait, do you know who this party is for?” Kamina jumped at her mentioning pranking it, which would explain why she was still wearing the sexy shorts. “Yeah, Gilda! I am so psyched to see her reactions to ponies getting caught in my traps!” Dash rubbed her hooves together, and then flew off back into the party before Kamina or Twilight could stop her, and looked at each other in worry. “I hope this bad feeling I've got doesn't amount to anything.” Kamina grumbled before he and Twilight took to warning the guests that there was only one safe bowl of punch, and the whole time; they both only caught glimpses of Gilda, but each time it seemed she'd set off another of Dash's pranks. 'She doesn't seem the type to take a joke well when it's on her, I'd better jump in.' Kamina was about to do so, when in her suspicion; Gilda blew her top. 'Oh no, great...uh-oh, no, that's not good for anyone!' Kamina witnessed Gilda's explosion cause Dash to renounce their friendship, and he was sure nopony else noticed, but Gilda was really hurt by this. She was about to fly out of the front door when Kamina took action. “HOLD IT!” Kamina shouted, and Gilda was held in his iron-like telekinetic grip before she could exit through the door. This action surprised everyone, especially Gilda, who tried to break free but found it fruitless. “We're not done here.” Kamina was suddenly frighteningly calm, and he forced Gilda to float through the air and be sat next to him. “You need to learn a lesson; one that has to happen or you'll never be happy.” Kamina raised both of his hooves, making Gilda close her eyes, thinking he was about to hit her, only to gasp and snap her eyes open when she felt him HUGGING her around the neck, his own neck curving until his head was behind hers. “You can have more than one friend Gilda.” “B-but I-I don't want...I just wanted to hang out with Dash....” Gilda stammered, and for some reason, couldn't resist the temptation of hugging back, even if it was just with one arm. “I missed her, I thought of how great it would be if we could just be alone, like old times.” “You don't need to be alone.” Kamina released her from his hold, and backed away before he sat and used his hooves to gesture to the whole flabbergasted audience. “Many ponies would love to try and be your friend. You just have to let them in.” Kamina trotted back up to the gobsmacked Gilda, and smirked his trademark shit-eating-grin as he held a hoof out to her. “So, if you'll have me, I: Prince Kamina the Great, would be proud to declare you my friend.” Gilda was stunned to say the least, she slowly and stiffly raised her left talon, and tentatively reached out and gently grasped his hoof, as if afraid it would hurt somehow, like that hoof buzzer Pinkie got her with earlier. Gilda broke, her eyes watering as she sniffed. “You'll be...my friend?” “Duh! That's what he said~! I'll be too you know!” Pinkie stated, having somehow come out from under Gilda's left wing to her shock. “Well that outburst and your behavior may have been quite uncouth, but I'll see to it that you're not lacking in the friend department.” Rarity sarcastically quipped as she too walked forward. “Ah still don't like that ya startled mah granny, but if your sorry at all, Ah'll be willing to call ya friend.” AJ supplied as she sat next to Kamina. “Agreed; I for one think it would be a shame if we didn't extend her the chance to learn what true friendship is like.” Twilight commented as she sat on Kamina's other side, leaning into him, making him accidentally lean against AJ, who leaned back, sandwiching him between his hot librarian marefriend, and the equally hot farm mare, who both nuzzled him to his immense surprise, and made everyone else all react in subtle approving ways, even Gilda smirked at him. “Well hello~ stud! Cool stallion is a smooth stallion with the mares drooling over him. You're beyond cool, if everything else about you wasn't already.” Gilda complimented him, and looked at the assembled group of friends, and then looked up at Fluttershy, who seemed to be pleading in her quiet voice with Rainbow Dash, who looked conflicted about something, before she flew down and tackled Gilda with a hug. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't want us to stop being friends!” Dash was crying, if just a little, because it hurt her so much to say those cruel things to her old friend. Gilda was shocked to see the infallible Rainbow Dash practically on the verge of sobbing into her breast feathers, and she quickly hugged her old friend with a confused, yet happy smile. “It's ok, we're still friends. It would take a lot more than a bad first impression with your new pals to get me to give up on us.” Gilda nuzzled Rainbow's head, making Dash blush and her wings to perk before she bolted out of the hug and brushed herself off. “Uh, yeah, I knew that.” Dash recovered, but everypony saw that little moment for what it was, but they kept quiet about it. “So uh...we cool?” Gilda pretended to mull the simple question over, before she held up her fist. “Yeah, we're cool.” Dash cheered and bumped her hoof to Gilda's clenched talon. “So! How about we have us a REAL party! Hit it DJ Pon3!” Gilda shouted to everypony's surprise, and from the corner of the large room, the air wavered as an illusion dropped, and DJ Pon3 herself with her turntables and synthesizers was IN DA HOUSE! “TIME TO MIX THIS SHIT!” Vinyl Scratch shouted exuberantly, as she started her routine, causing everyone to bust a move. “Vinyl?! How? When?” Rainbow asked, and looked at Pinkie who was just as surprised, before looking to Gilda who was totally smug. “Don't ask me! This wasn't part of my planned entertainment! But I'm glad it is! Shake your flanks girls!” Pinkie squealed in delight, and gave a half-lidded look to Kamina. “And stallions too, I want to see those toned flanks flex!” Kamina was so red right now, he almost began to glow, as all the girls had a laugh at his expense, making him roll his eyes. “You girls...life is just so fun with you around.” He then turned to Gilda who was shaking and strutting to the beat. “So Gilda, how did you get DJ Pon3 for this party at such a short notice? Especially considering it was for your own party?” “Well, before I became a total loser at the party, I heard about it and knew Dash would want some sick beats. So I caught that DJ Pony on the street and asked if I could get her services for a small party. She was so cool dude, she even offered to do it for free since she loved Pinkie's parties. I'm just glad she didn't change her mind from my attitude.” Gilda explained, before she grabbed Kamina with her left talon, and hugged him to her side with her wing at the same time, and leaned next to him to have her cheek pressed against his, and gestured her right talon out in front of them. “Imagine! Raves! Raves everywhere!” Dash was suddenly doing the same on his other side. “And sexy mares and griffins all shaking their flanks, clad in spandex.” Kamina's eyes rolled into the back of his head when they finished it by smashing his flanks between theirs, and he fainted, making the old friends laugh and have a fit. “Oh Gilda! I so missed you!” “Same here Dash!” Gilda then got up and smiled down at the cool stallion that saved her friendship, and showed her that she didn't have to be such a loner with only one close friend, all with just one meeting and a small speech. “You have such cool friends Dash.” Rainbow shared the look as she helped Gilda get him on her back, using her wings to stabilize him as they moved to the corner. “The coolest.” > Nulla Facilisis! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ok Kamina, you can do it! I believe in you!” Spike cheered on from the sidelines of the small contained spell testing range behind the library. Really, it was just a subtly shielded barrier field with a concave for the target to be set at. “Yes Kamina, I'm interested to see your adaptation of the original Telekinetic Lance spell.” Twilight beamed in excitement; a new spell was being shown to her by her coltfriend! It was possibly one of the best things Kamina could have done for the mage/scholar. “I know I can do it little bro! I'm just worried about the barrier. Are you SURE it can withstand my spell? It's intended to pierce through almost anything.” Kamina asked in worry, as he looked past the target to make sure nopony was in danger. “I'm almost completely sure, but just in case I've set up a barrier downrange from the target to keep anypony from getting in the line of fire.” Twilight assured her oddly cautious coltfriend, if he was being careful about something, that usually meant it was serious. “Ok, let's do this.” Kamina began charging his horn with just his magic, leaving it pure red as Twilight took out a scroll and quill to take notes. Kamina took a deep breath, and then focused on forming a telekinetic lance, which was simple beings since his battle with Nightmare it was his signature attack, but knowing him; that wasn't enough. He imagined a bladed spiral starting at the tip, and running down the length of the solid hard-light lance, and then it began to spin rapidly before firing off at the measly wooden target, piercing clean through it rather than puncturing with more splash damage like a normal lance, ripped through the invisible barrier behind it, and flew a good distance before dissipating. Kamina beamed at his first official test of his Telekinetic Drill spell working perfectly, and he turned to Twilight who was drooling, her eyes shining, and she even seemed to be rubbing her rump into the grass a bit to Kamina's surprise, and Spike was just plain gobsmacked. “You totally tore clean through one of Twilight's barriers like it was tissue paper! I mean, she's not her brother, but Twilight's barriers aren't something to scoff at either.” “Bedroom! Now!” Twilight suddenly galloped toward the library, dragging Kamina behind her with her magic. “Whoa! What?! Now?!” Kamina wasn't expecting them to make it to third base so suddenly! They'd only gotten to second base last week! At Kamina's startled question, she spun around and mashed her face into his, leering lustfully into his eyes. “You've created a new spell; something even I haven't done! That was beyond hot to me! We are going to buck, and we are going to love it!” Twilight silenced anything else Kamina was going to say with a passionate kiss as she continued to drag him into the library through the back door, leaving a flabbergasted and disturbed Spike in the backyard. “Ok, I'll just...wait out here...alone....” Spike suddenly felt depression at the fact that he doesn't really have any actual friends his age here in Ponyville yet, let alone a genuine love interest besides his crush on Rarity. “I'm so lonely....” ===//////> After their first ever romp, Kamina and Twilight were irked they couldn't keep at it, beings they had plans to go shopping today and couldn't put it off, so they showered and left the library towards the market, with a grumbling Spike behind them. “Could you have BEEN any louder?” Spike griped in irritation, making Twilight and Kamina blush in earnest embarrassment. “I mean, really? Mmm, oh Kamina! Harder!” “Spike!” Twilight shouted in disbelief that he would say that in public, and cast a spell to literally zip his lips shut. “That was just mean! You're lucky you're too old for me to wash out your mouth with soap.” “Because I'd just eat it!” Spike unzipped his lips easily, and proudly remarked. “But, seriously, could you at least cast a sound dampening spell when you're gonna do the flanky spanky? You're a screamer Twilight.” Twilight face-hoofed as Kamina chuckled nervously. “Just how much DO you know about adult things Spike?” “I've read the whole pony-sutra back to front several times before Twilight even touched it.” Spike replied dryly, making them both gawk at him, causing him to raise an eyebrow. “Hello? I'm mentally near your age guys. And I'm a hormonal teenage guy, I can't get the opposite sex off my mind even if I try!” Spike wailed in despair, as he suddenly pointed at Vinyl Scratch who was passing by. “Stop swaying your hips! It's distracting!” “Well, well; if someone's looking it means I've got it cooking! Hot DJ coming through!” Vinyl rubbed it in as she pronounced her gait a bit more as she walked on, making Spike grab his spines in frustration. “She's like a mare version of you Kamina, I swear.” Twilight observed with a bewildered shake of her head. “Only in her attitude, her love of shades, red eyes like mine, her mane and tail which are a lot like mine also...her oversexed personality...crap, I'm a stallion Vinyl Scratch!” Kamina realized fully, and grinned like said DJ. “I've got to see about hanging out with her more.” They continued on, ignoring Spike headbutting a nearby building in frustration. After a minute, Spike finally recovered from his tortured libido and caught up. “Anyway, off the subject of bedroom antics; you guys are really getting good with your magic! I mean, seriously, Twilight; you've got over twenty-five different spell categories you've mastered, and that's not even your natural flame spells!” Twilight sheepishly smiled at the praise, beings she could do nearly anything with fire, even make fire that doesn't burn, which is a signature of mastery over the element. “And Kamina! Big bro; you came to this world totally blind, knowing nothing, and only over four months later, boom!” Spike emphasized by spreading his arms. “You know enough combat magic to be a full-fledged battlemage in service to your mom's direct guard battalion, or even a captain like Twilight's brother!” Kamina paused for a moment, and looked at Spike in bewilderment. “Ok, that's the second time today you've mentioned Twilight having a brother.” Kamina then turned to Twilight. “Why haven't you ever talked about him? Let alone warn me about him?” 'That would have been nice to know; knowing I've got a potentially overprotective sibling to encounter in the future.' Twilight looked confused, and then blushed with her ears perked up in astonishment. “I HAVEN'T?!” Twilight was suddenly appalled with herself; how could she forget about her BBBFF for so long?! “Oh~ I'm such a bad little sister! I can't believe I haven't even thought about my brother for so long! Besides, I thought you already knew; beings you know him.” “I do? Well we've never been introduced properly then, since I don't know who you're talking about.” Kamina wracked his brain for a possible match, trying to think of any stallion who fit the bill that he'd encountered before. 'It can't possibly be Captain Swift Wind, or Captain Ironshod, they have no resemblance, not to mention with both of Twilight's parents being unicorns; having a pegasus or earth pony as their kid would be an incredible rarity.' “Kamina; my brother is Captain Shining Armor. You know? The captain you trained under every weekend before we left Canterlot?” Twilight informed him, making Kamina gape. “What?” “So THAT'S why he hates my guts! I thought he was just jealous and was interested in you, but he was just being your big brother and brutally trying to grind me into the courtyard's grass in revenge for me corrupting you or something!” Kamina burst into laughter, even stomping his forehooves on the ground. “He did what? Oh~ Shining, you're getting an earful when I see you again. Nopony mistreats my stallion....” Twilight fumed with her mane and tail flickering as Kamina's amusement died down, and they continued on to the market square as planned. “What's going on?” Twilight's question caused Kamina to stop letting his mind wander, and looked ahead at the square to see a small stage had been set up. “I wasn't informed of any planned events.” “Ah don't even bother.” A scratchy voice commented above them, causing the trio to look up as Gilda landed in front of them. “It's just some lame show-pony showing off with her traveling magic show. From what I've seen she's nothing really special; and she's got a real mouth on her to boot.” Gilda was living in Ponyville now. After the party, she told Dash she had plans to move here from Cloudsdale since she was sick of all the air traffic and wanted more airspace. Really though; they all knew she just wanted to be near Dash and her new friends, she was just too proud to admit it outright. She's bunking with Dash for now, but she's working on the local weather team to save up for the materials to make her own cloud house. “Really? Well I'd like to see what she's capable of before I write her off. It'd be nice to see what another pony who specializes in magic can do.” Twilight replied as she walked towards the crowd. “Don't say I didn't warn ya, she's already made a laughingstock of some of our friends. It was only because Dash would disapprove I haven't scarred that bitch for humiliating them.” Gilda growled before she took a deep breath and let it out, then counted back from ten. “Sorry, working on the anger issues.” “I'm just glad Fluttershy's been so nice to offer to help you with it.” Kamina smiled at Gilda, who blushed sheepishly as she rubbed behind her neck with a talon. “Yeah, that mare's a real friend. Anyway, I'd better go. I don't know how much longer I can stomach that bitch before I do something we'll all regret.” Gilda took off, and Kamina looked toward the stage, seeing a light blue mare with an oddly shimmering silver mane and tail in a purple star-spangled cape and witch's hat performing various tricks, having just finished performing an intricate sort of puppet theater with independently moving silhouettes of shimmering purple light. 'She is good though, at least with illusion magic as far as I can tell. Twilight's taught me that illusion magic is both considered one of the weakest yet strongest forms of magic, since one can do just about anything within the realm of imagination, yet cannot impact the physical world, unless one is a penultimate master of illusion magic; then illusions could very well come to life.' Kamina mused as he approached and the mare had finished a retelling of the time she'd routed an Ursa Major away from the town of Hoofington at a request of telling it again. 'Wow, really big boast there.' “Now then, it has been a wonderful show, but Trixie must rest soon. So Trixie asks for a volunteer for her final trick!” The mare conveniently introduced herself to Kamina since she spoke in the third person. “Now, lets see....” Trixie looked over the crowd, and froze upon seeing Kamina. “Y-you! Yes, the tattooed stallion with the red eyes!” “Me? Alright.” Kamina teleported onto the stage, and bowed politely to her. “Greetings Miss Trixie. I am Prince Kamina the Great. I will gladly assist you in this performance.” Kamina's fairly flamboyant introduction made Trixie smile. “A prince you say? Well my good prince, you don't really need to do much; just lend me some of your power. Trixie can perform the spell, but her reserves aren't large enough to do it alone yet.” Trixie explained with surprisingly humble reasoning, making the crowd become slightly less tense for some reason. “Now come, cross horns with Trixie so we might blow the crowd away!” It wasn't necessarily a perverted request, since unless it was the intent; the horn would be unfeeling for the most part. “Understood.” Kamina crossed horns with Trixie after she lifted her hat to let it be done, and she closed her eyes in concentration, taking a good portion of Kamina's reserves to his surprise. 'Whoa, whatever she's doing it's going to be huge!' Kamina didn't move, but he was impressed when he saw that around the stage; an entire small replica of Canterlot Castle made entirely of ice encompassed them save the front, and it towered over them to nearly be as tall as town hall. When it was done, Trixie faced the crowd that all cheered at the spectacular finish, leaving Trixie panting and sweating while Kamina backed off to let her get her bearings. “T-ta-da~! T-Trixie is glad for your contributions and your appreciation. She will gladly put on another show a few days from now when she is recovered. Ta-ta~!” The crowd slowly dispersed, chatting excitedly about her show, and when enough of them were gone she let herself fall to her rump, making Kamina approach her in worry. “Are you alright? That took a lot of magic out of both of us.” “Trixie is fine Prince Kamina the Great. She is just tired. She hasn't done that spell outside of practice before.” Trixie rubbed her aching horn, wincing at just how strained it was. “Trixie appreciates your assistance. She's glad for today's turnout, even if at the start a few neighsayers tried to ruin her show.” Trixie bemoaned, making Kamina suddenly have an idea of what happened. “Those were likely my friends. They probably didn't like your boasting and tried to put you in your place didn't they?” Trixie looked at him and nodded. “Sorry about that. I'll talk to them if you want.” “No, Trixie understands...sorry, let me get out of character.” Trixie cracked her neck, and sighed. “Sorry about speaking in the third person like that, it's part of Trixie's, my act. Sorry.” Trixie tried to focus. “It is so hard to speak normally when speaking in third is part of the show. It's supposed to inflate my image and make me seem more impressive. I live off this after all.” Twilight and their other friends sans Gilda, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity came onstage. “Sorry about my friends trying to ruin your show. I am Twilight Sparkle, and my friends here are Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. I heard what happened, and don't hold it against you. Right girls?” Twilight firmly asked them, making RD and AJ begrudgingly extend feeble apologies. “I will have to ask you to apologize to Rarity later; turning her hair green? She hates green.” Kamina turned to Spike and raised his eyebrow. “What're you still doing here?” Spike looked at Kamina in confusion. “Mares like it when they're comforted while they're in distress.” Kamina hinted, making Spike snap to attention, and then run off towards Rarity's boutique like a dragon possessed. “Ah little bro, doing better, but not there yet.” “Very well Twilight Sparkle...say...are you a Shifter?” Trixie asked in sudden interest, making Twilight humbly blush and nod, causing Trixie to beam. “So is Trixie!” Trixie then surprised them by closing her eyes, and serenely, beautifully changing. Unlike Twilight's vibrant and energetic fiery form, Trixie was the near complete opposite. Her fur changed from cool blue to an icy white, her mane and tail became ice, crystallized and catching the light, finally she opened her once purple eyes to reveal an icy blue that was calm and soothing unlike Twilight's powerful and piercing red eyes. “I am Trixie Lulamoon; magician extraordinaire!” Twilight beamed as she vibrantly transformed into her flaming form. “Twilight Sparkle; Princess Celestia's Protege! I'm so glad to meet another Shifter!” Twilight practically pounced as she grabbed one of Trixie's forelegs in a hoofshake, making the icy mare beam back, before they yelped and jumped back from each other. “COLD!” “HOT!” They then looked at each other in worry, and looked at their hooves to see the ones they shook with were burned. “Oh, that's just unfair!” “I know! We're opposing elements, so I guess we can't mix....” They both became saddened, before Kamina got between them, and shook their respective non-burnt hooves, smiling at them both devilishly. “Well I won't mind helping bridge a gap between you.” Kamina offered, making them both blush at him. “What?” “Please tell me he's single.” Trixie said to Twilight, who smiled in sad understanding. “Sorry, he's my coltfriend, but I don't mind sharing.” Twilight offered with a half-lidded gaze, making Kamina and Trixie glow in surprised blushes. “Besides, we will be friends, I know it. How long are you staying in town?” “Well Trixie doesn't stay more than a week usually. But then again, Trixie never...sorry, I never really stayed in one place because they never really clicked. Right here, I feel more welcome than I ever did elsewhere, so we'll see.” Trixie informed them, before she yawned and blinked rapidly. “Oh, right, I need to get my rest.” “Oh, go on and rest, we'll visit you tomorrow if that's okay.” Kamina supplied, letting Trixie smile and say goodbye before heading into her carriage as the stage collapsed into it. “She's sexy, in much the same way as you Twilight. She knows her stuff, she's good with magic, she's even a Shifter. I wonder what your meeting would've been like without me here to break the ice.” Kamina stated, and then blushed at realizing he made such a horrible pun, and saw his friends all trying hard not to laugh. “Curse you puns!” ===//////> It was the middle of the night, Kamina and Twilight were snuggling in her bed, deciding that since they'd gone all the way there was no point in sleeping in separate rooms anymore, save Spike, who loved his full-sized bed too much to downgrade back to a basket anytime soon. “*ROAR*” A blood-chilling bellowing roar woke them both up, causing them to bolt up and out onto the balcony where they both gaped at the sight. An Ursa Major AND it's Ursa Minor cub were rampaging into town from the Everfree! “WHAT THE BUCK?! WHAT'RE THEY DOING HERE?!” “I don't know! But we're the most competent ponies in town to handle this, so we've got to fight them off!” Twilight gathered herself before turning back into the room to see Spike having burst into the room. “Spike! Send an emergency note to both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that Ursas are attacking Ponyville!” “On it!” Spike ran back out of the room, and both Kamina and Twilight both teleported into town. “Help!” They both ran to the voice they recognized as belonging to Trixie, and upon rounding a corner, saw her with a clearly broken hind leg about to be crushed by the Major. “HELP!” Trixie screamed in terror as she shed freezing tears and cowered, but Kamina saw red, and blasted the giant ethereal bear which had giant patches of fur frozen over from her efforts with a giant laser blast, which knocked it over onto it's back, allowing Twilight to quickly shift into her own elemental form and grasp Trixie in her magic to pull her to safety. “Thank Faust! I was sure I was done for!” Trixie was in her elemental form as well, and her leg was horrible, having literally seemed to have shattered into fragments below the knee, making them gaze at it in horror, making her look at it herself. “I-I'll be fine...I'll be fine....” At first it seemed she was in denial, but then they saw her limb literally begin to grow back like creeping ice. “What happened?” Twilight asked as Kamina continued to assault the Major and Minor in fury at them hurting his new friend. “T-two stupid colts decided to test my story about warding off an Ursa Major, so they went into the Everfree and got it to chase them, bringing the Minor along too! Trixie could have forced back the Major if it was alone, but the cub too? No! I'm not that powerful yet!” Trixie lamented, and grunted in pain as finally her new limb finished forming, and changed from ice into flesh. “A-a tip from one Shifter to another; you can regrow limbs, and recover from most injuries, but it is painful as all buck!” “N-noted.” Twilight really hoped she wouldn't have to do that herself all too soon. Her musing was cut off at hearing Kamina scream. “Kamina!” Twilight gasped in horror at seeing Kamina pinned under one of the Minor's paws, and it was about to bite him in half. “NO YOU DON'T!” Twilight screamed as she fired an utterly enormous fireball so big and bright it was like a miniature sun, and it blasted the Minor off of Kamina in a wailing roar of agony as its fur caught fire. “TASTE MY FORBIDDEN SUN YOU BUCKING BUCKER!” “Trixie will assist!” Trixie gathered up as much of her lessened power as she could, and fired a howling spear of crystallized energy at the Major, piercing it's shoulder and sending it reeling back in pain. “Taste Trixie's Crystal Spear!” Trixie then nearly fainted, and started gasping for air as her vision blacked out. “I-I'm out of magic! I can't cast anything else!” “I've got it!” Twilight roared as she summoned multiple orbs of fire, that then opened up thin streams of condensed flame that blasted the Major and Minor into backing away. “Firestorm!” After this, the two giant beasts decided they weren't worth the effort, and roared in defiance as they turned and ran back into the Everfree, trailing destroyed property behind them. “Kamina!” The two mares hurried over to the crushed stallion, and Twilight began slamming him with a slew of healing spells. The Minor had broken his pelvis, and fractured is right femur. Thankfully since Twilight got to him so quick, she was able to heal them immediately, but he'd be really sore there for a few days. “Ugh...thanks Twilight.” Kamina didn't get up, but he looked to Trixie. “Are you ok Trixie?” “I'm fine, thanks to you two.” Trixie nuzzled him in appreciation, and then did the same to Twilight, even if it did burn, they didn't want that to ruin it. “But that's only for my health and life. My carriage, my stage...my home. The Major crushed it. I...I don't know what to do.” Trixie began to cry, but Twilight hugged her, making them hiss, but they muscled through it until it stopped hurting. “Twilight?” “Stay with us.” Twilight immediately offered, surprising Trixie. “We have an extra room since Kamina and I will be sharing one now. So you're welcome to stay with us.” Trixie hugged Twilight back and cried a bit into her mane, causing hissing steam to come off of their meeting manes of opposite elements. “You would do that?” Trixie asked after getting herself together, and then realized touching Twilight didn't hurt anymore. “Why doesn't it hurt?” Twilight looked into Trixie's eyes, feeling strange. “I...don't know. But it feels right....” Twilight leaned in, Trixie did too, and then they kissed slowly and deeply to Kamina's surprise, steam started coming from their noses. They both slowly enjoyed their kiss until they broke off slowly, steam coming from both of their mouths. “You're so crisp.” “You're so smokey.” They kissed again, obviously not intending to stop anytime soon, and the greatly aroused Kamina wasn't about to interrupt, but somepony had to spoil it. “Ahem.” At the clearing of her throat, the mares blushed and jumped away from each other to look at the amused Princess Celestia and a blushing Princess Luna, who was now mostly fully recovered from her possession, and about Kamina's height. “Well now, I see two Shifters have found each other.” “Tis true sister, and as is natural they are attracted to one another in many ways.” Luna added, and looked away as her sister cheekily smirked at her. “For the last time we were ignorant fillies back then Tia!” “We're Shifters too Luna, it's only natural.” Celestia giggled before she became serious and turned back to her son, protege and the new Shifter. “What is your name my little pony?” “I-I am Trixie Lulamoon your highness.” Trixie bowed hastily upon realizing her rulers were before her, only for Celestia to lift her chin up. “Now, now, no need for that. I got the message and came as soon as Luna woke me.” Celestia gazed out at the town, and frowned. “Such devastation, I am sorry we did not come sooner. I hope nopony is seriously injured.” She then turned back to the trio of unicorns. “Return to the library and rest; we shall handle the situation from here.” Celestia stated as entire battalions of Night Guard thestrals swooped in with carriages holding even more guards both unicorn and earth pony that were similarly armored and colored from the armor's enchantments, as they scattered to see to the damaged town and help any injured. “Yes, please do, I shall watch over everypony's dreams carefully tonight to ensure nopony here has any lingering nightmares from this disaster.” Luna informed them, before they flew off to help with the efforts, and the trio tiredly looked to each other now that their adrenaline and endorphins had calmed down. “Bed sounds good.” Kamina grunted and winced as he stood up, and the two mares got on either side to support him. “Mmm, sandwiched between hot and cold...it's incredibly comfortable.” They slowly made it home, and being too tired, they all three climbed into Twilight's bed, and snuggled until they fell asleep, both mares cuddling to Kamina. > Draco Cor! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, everyone in Ponyville was informed that the Ursa Major and Minor were personally relocated by Celestia and Luna to a much more remote location, which was left unknown to ensure that what happened wouldn't be likely to happen again. Needless to say, the perpetrators Snips and Snails were justly punished for their grave crime of thoughtless endangerment and mass property damage. They were handed over to their parents. Who proceeded to ground them. For a year. Justice. Just like all the other victims of the disaster, Trixie was given a royal stipend to help her recover her losses. But, instead of buying another carriage, she instead gave it as a “donation” to the library, which made Twilight extremely happy, resulting in another literally steamy make-out session, which to Kamina was clearly her objective. Using said stipend, Twilight put in orders for more advanced books that Golden Oaks was lacking compared to Celestia's library, along with combat training manuals that would normally only be found in martial-arts institutions. Twilight said that she wanted the Golden Oaks to have a broader range of subject matter, and that there were no books on physical combat at all. Ultimately, Trixie had more or less officially moved in with them, finding herself enamored with Twilight and Kamina, thus unable to force herself to leave. Celestia explained for them that Shifters were naturally drawn to each other, the only exception being Shifters of opposite elements. She said that usually said Shifters clash, and have an instinctive hatred and fear of the other, but she said that thanks to Kamina's intervention and charisma, Twilight and Trixie could get past the innate animosity and became attracted to one another. So now Kamina was the coltfriend of two mares, both Shifters, who were just as addicted to each other as they were to him. Life was good. They haven't gone all the way with Trixie yet though, don't want to rush it after all, things are going a bit fast as they are and Trixie understood all too well, beings she was still a bit shell-shocked by her change in lifestyle. She's gone from a traveling show-mare to a local librarian, magic tutor, and occasional show-mare, beings she has to constantly come up with new tricks to keep a regular audience entertained, and each new spell, however minor, results in Twilight furiously ravishing her short of actual sex, so she had more incentive than money~. So over all, after the week it took everypony to pitch in, Ponyville was more-or-less returned to it's normal state. Say what you will about how panicky ponies are during crisis, they clean up the aftermath quite well. As of now, life was back to normal, plus one sexy mare added to Kamina's life. The trio of unicorns and Spike were all in the main floor of the library, Kamina was looking at a book on karate since Rainbow got him interested in expanding his combat skills, Spike was looking over the library's ledger and check-out/return sheets, while Twilight and Trixie were both talking theory. “No, no that wouldn't work at all! The inverse polarity of the substance you're working with would cause feedback resonance to disrupt your spell and create a catastrophic explosion.” Trixie supplied to an idea Twilight threw at her, making the purple fiery mare scratch her chin in puzzlement. “But my data checks out...why wouldn't it work?” Twilight asked as she pointed out the calculations she had on a sheet of paper, and after Trixie looked it over she raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, actually...let's see....” Trixie went through and adjusted the calculations and then both mares beamed and squealed in delight before they hugged. “It SHOULD work! Let's try it!” “Hey boys, want to see us try to change the genetic makeup of a mouse? There's only a teeny-tiny off-chance possibility of the subject violently combusting.” Twilight poorly attempted to convince them, making both males look at the mares oddly, before looking to each other. “Nerds.” They commented simultaneously before going back to their previous activities, making the mares pout in exasperation, however this was interrupted by Spike belching up a letter from Celestia. “What does she need now?” Kamina asked curiously, as he levitated it over to him and opened it up, he read through it and was shocked. “Oh...yeah that's serious.” Kamina hoofed the letter over to the others before he trotted over to the window and looked up into the sky, to see it's claim was true. “Yeah, that's bad.” Kamina was referencing the giant cloud of smoke billowing over the sky. “Spike, promise me you won't nap on top of mountains.” “Uh, sure? I don't really care for mountains anyway, lived in Canterlot almost my whole life remember?” Spike reminded him as he too looked up at the sky. “Geez, how the Tartarus can one dragon produce that much smoke.” “He's not really producing THAT much smoke Spike.” Trixie decided to inform them. “It is simply because the dragon's smoke is being introduced at such a high altitude that the natural crosswinds are spreading it through the upper Troposphere in a rapid spread, only possible with the constant supply of smoke.” This made the boys look at her in confusion, only for Trixie to sigh. “I'm saying small smoke, big wind, wide spread.” “Oh~ why didn't you say so?” Both the boys replied, making Trixie and Twilight face-hoof. “Dorks....” They both griped simultaneously. ===//////> “So, that's the rundown. Beings we're the most qualified to deal with the situation, and the princesses are occupied with foreign dignitaries right now, the most we could hope for in additional aid is a few teams of guards. However, I feel that they'd be useless in such small numbers against a mature dragon. We'd be better off on our own.” Twilight finished with all their friends gathered before her. “Kamina is a powerful battlemage and Trixie and I are also strong mages, so if things turn south we're going to have to do most of the fighting. Any questions?” “Um...do I have to go too?” Fluttershy meekly asked. “I don't think I'd be much use in this situation. I mean; I'm terrified of dragons.” “But you get along with me so well.” Spike brought up, making Fluttershy look at him with care. “Oh, Spike, that's because you're still a baby dragon, and I got to know you because of it. But we're talking about a big, mean, breathe-smoke-and-fire, totally-all-grown-up dragon.” Fluttershy tried to explain, only making Spike look hurt. “But I'm only small in body! I'm a big drake in a little lizard!” Spike suddenly started crying, fountain of tears and all, and ran back into the library, slamming the door behind him. “Oh my! I'm sorry! Please-!” Fluttershy flew at the door only for Kamina to teleport in front of it and stop her with a hoof held in the air. “No Fluttershy; that's the worst thing you can do right now. Little Bro is going through hell right now. His hormones are driving him crazy.” Kamina continued to read up on dragon physiology, and knew that about this time Spike would be going through huge hormonal changes. By his guess, it would finish building up and taking it's last big surge around his birthday next year. “Regardless, you've got nothing to worry about Fluttershy. If any of us could take on a dragon alone, I just know it would be you.” Kamina smirked at her, and Fluttershy blushed and shyly rubbed a hoof against the opposite leg. “I-I don't think so....” Fluttershy was about to retreat even further into her shell when Kamina brushed aside her large curtain of mane, and looked into her eyes calmly. “If you can't believe in yourself, then believe in the pony who believes in you; so you can believe in yourself when their faith proves true.” At Kamina's inspiring and really good rhyming statement, Fluttershy practically turned pink, squeaked, and hid behind Gilda. “What did I do?” “You really got to tone down the suave stallion act.” Gilda stated with a faint blush. “Did any of you girls get anything from that?” “Eeyup.” AJ answered, cheeks pink. “Oh, yes.” Rarity was beaming at him. “Bananas!” Pinkie shouted randomly, but her pink fur didn't hide her blush. “That. Was. AWESOME!” Dash squealed like a fangirl as her wings were jutting out in a tell-tale wingboner, and like most pegasi, was completely shameless about it. “Bedroom. Now.” Both Twilight and Trixie demanded to the rest of the group's surprise, including Kamina's, and then they blushed before sheepishly trying to recover. “Um, later.” Trixie nervously added before she teleported away. “She'll catch up, anyway, let's all get ready to go face a dragon!” Twilight broke the awkward moment, and everyone left to prepare. ===//////> “Okay everyone! Let's climb this mountain!” Twilight cheered, only for them to gape up at the giant spire of a mountain. “What?” “THIS is the mountain the dragon is sleeping on top of? It's over half the height of Shire Mountain!” Kamina was referencing the mountain that Canterlot was built on, named for its size after a sub-species of earth pony and horse called Shires. They were known to become nearly as big as Celestia for earth ponies, and often surpassed her in size in horses, and were known for their bulky muscular builds. For reference; Big Mac clearly had Shire in the family genes, but not enough for him to be properly designated one, only a really big earth pony. Kamina, while near the right size, was lithe with corded and compact muscle because he was of unicorn/alicorn stock, so he was no Shire. Kamina still kept it in the back of his mind to demand again WHICH unicorn of her royal guard Celestia liberally took genes from outside her door that faithful night several months ago to ensure he was male, because if she hadn't Kamina would have been reborn as an alicorn mare! She told the guard what she did, but has kept his involvement secret from everypony else to ensure he isn't harassed, but damn it, he's Kamina's father, and he wants to get to know him. Sure it's purely genetic, but he'd like to be friends with the stallion who helped him keep his man card. “Kamina!” Twilight shouted in frustration, snapping Kamina out of his spaced-out musing about his potential sire. “Were you even listening?” “Um...no?” Kamina winced when Twilight smacked his nose lightly with her rolled-up map. “Then pay attention this time! Because I'm not repeating myself again!” Twilight then opened the map up facing him. “We're all going to walk up the mountain, because while we do have some fliers, we don't want to have to tire Gilda and Rainbow Dash out before we get up there.” “Whoa, wait, hold on, how did we get HERE?!” Kamina suddenly asked, making all the girls look at him oddly. “I mean; this is Smokey Mountain, it's at the turning point of the Unicorn Mountain Range. It's a very LONG way away from both Ponyville and Canterlot on the western edge of Equestria, with no direct rail system, yet we're here! How?!” Kamina freaked, making Twilight and Trixie smirk as their horns lit up. “Magic, duh.” Trixie gloated as little fireworks danced off her horn. “I've been here before on my travels when I took the scenic route from Tall Tale, so it was simple to pool our magic and for Trixie to teleport us all. You were zoned out at the time from whatever you were thinking about, so it isn't really a surprise that you're so disjointed.” “Wait, you knew he wasn't paying attention? Why didn't you tell me?” Twilight asked her marefriend, who smirked cheekily at her. “Oh? But he's your coltfriend too, I thought you'd have noticed more than Trixie beings she's the newest member of this herd.” Trixie gloated to Twilight who leered at her. “Stupid, sexy show-mare.” Twilight muttered. “Anyway, we're going to climb up there, have an audience with the dragon to try and get them to leave peacefully. If things turn sour...well, Kamina can just pierce their heart and be done with it.” Twilight nodded definitively, making Fluttershy gasp. “Oh no! Please, even if they end up being a big meanie, please don't kill them Prince Kamina.” Fluttershy flew up to Kamina and turned on the watery eyes, making Kamina become very uncomfortable. “O-okay, I'll just enforce that he has to follow the same laws as everyone else in Equestria. Considering what said being is however, I will have to use lethal force if necessary. But ONLY if necessary.” Kamina assured Fluttershy, who wasn't completely convinced, and leered at him. “No, I won't let that happen.” Fluttershy then took off over them towards the peak, making everyone gasp. “Stop her!” Rarity called out, making Dash and Gilda chase after her, which ended up being surprisingly hard, but Fluttershy had already made it to the peak by the time they caught up to her. “Oh goodness, what's happening? Can't we just teleport up there?” Trixie shook her head in worry. “No, Trixie hasn't been to the top of the mountain, and we cannot see the actual landing point, so to try and teleport would be suicide.” They were paralyzed by a rumbling roar that caused loose sections of the mountain to slide violently in rock-slides. Thankfully they weren't in a rockslide zone. “We have ta git up there!” At AJ's shout they were about to scramble up the rocks only for the gigantic red dragon itself to fly out of the cavern at the peak, and fly down to them, landing before them in a thundering pounce. The giant reptilian beast did not look pleased, but didn't look upset either. Rather it's piercing orange eyes seemed inquisitive. “I believe these ones are with you?” The dragon spoke in a clear but echoing deep voice as he unfurled one of his claws to reveal the unharmed Fluttershy, Rainbow and Gilda. “Y-yes! Yes they are. Are you aware of the purpose of our presence?” Twilight tried to get a grasp on the situation as the dragon nodded. “I was not aware that my choice in den was so precariously placed, nor was I aware that I am such a heavy smoke snorer, tis embarrassing.” The dragon placed the flying trio near the others. “Apologies, but I have already moved my hoard to my new den, and I am tired, I cannot have the energy to move all my possessions to a new home, let alone find a new home.” “Oh dear, whatever will we do?” Rarity looked to her companions in concern, as they looked to each other until Twilight remembered something. “I know! Sir, would it be ok if we could not only arrange a safe location for you, but also ferry your hoard to it?” Twilight asked the dragon who yawned blinked multiple times, obviously he was very tired indeed. “That would be pleasant, I would not wish to invoke the ire of Sunfire herself; she has been good to us all.” The dragon acquiesced as he contained another yawn and rubbed his eyes. Twilight then cast her summoning spell, bringing Spike to them in a contained teleport. “Hm? A hatchling?” Spike looked up at the giant elder dragon, and gawked in awe. “Whoa...will I ever get that big?” The red dragon lowered and sniffed the diminutive purple dragon, making everyone nervous as the elder dragon's eyes widened. “Oh...interesting. It is a shame I must rest, knowing I will miss it.” The dragon then rose back up, looked down at Spike in thought, and smiled gently, which was surprising considering the elegant beast's size and form. “Wait here, I shall return.” The dragon took off back for the peak, leaving the group in awe of just how gloriously big and graceful the giant being was despite his size. “Fluttershy, just what did ya do up there?” AJ asked her friend as Twilight and Spike started sending messages to Celestia. “Oh, you know, I just woke him up gently, started a conversation.” Fluttershy fidgeted under her friend's impressed stares. “Then Dash here had to be totally uncool and buck him in the snout for politely trying to turn Fluttershy down on her offer of speaking with us about the situation.” Gilda bumped her flank against Dash's with a glare, making the prismatic mare sheepishly scratch her head. “Yeah, that's what made the dragon roar. After that; Shy calmed him down and convinced him to come down to meet with us.” Dash then bumped her flank against Gilda, who was surprised at the bump-back. “You weren't helping either with you trying to gouge his eyes out after he snapped his jaws around me.” Gilda bumped back harder. “And why wouldn't I? I thought you died!” Gilda and Dash bumped foreheads, before it was interrupted by Gilda nuzzling Dash's head. “You're my best friend, I can't just let it go if someone hurts you.” Dash sniffed and rubbed her face into Gilda's neck. “I thought I was gonna die....” Dash hugged Gilda who hugged back, rocking her friend to comfort her as Fluttershy joined in and the others all looked on in worry. “*sniff*, Since when were we such softies?” “Since we found out being all chill wasn't so cool.” Gilda reminded her pal and lifted her chin up to look her in the eyes. “Friends are there through everything, no matter what, isn't that what we do? What with you being Loyalty and all.” Gilda pressed the curve of her beak to Dash's nose. “Shouldn't someone else prove their Loyalty to you too?” Dash surprised Gilda with a sudden kiss to her beak, surprising everypony else too. Dash's cerise eyes were shimmering, and she smiled softly at her oldest friend. “No, because I already know how much I mean to you, because you mean so much to me. I believe in you, because you believe in me, and will still believe in you if you stop believing in me. That's Loyalty, to the end, because in the end I would make you see.” Dash then kissed Gilda again, who opened her beak and returned with a lick, beings she can't actually kiss with her beak, and happily nuzzled her dear friend. “Ugh...if only you were a griffin.” Gilda griped, as she clacked her beak. “Damn beak, can't kiss anyone without a beak without hurting them.” “Griffins and pegasi can have babies.” The sudden tidbit shocked everypony who looked at Fluttershy, who meeped and tried to hide in her mane. “I-I read about it, where did you think Hippogriffs came from?” “Well, big problem with that, we're both mares! If one of us was a guy then yeah; totally have foals someday.” Dash commented with bedroom eyes at her new girlfriend, making Gilda gawk at her. “You'd be willing to have little brats with me?” Gilda asked in shock, before beaming and screeching an eagle cry into the sky. “Oh if ONLY you were a stallion Dash! This is so unfair!” “Yeah! Darn it, now I'm imagining what being a stallion would be like.” Dash pondered, and the others all were interested in watching this continue, but the dragon returned with a graceful landing. “What was that commotion?” He asked Gilda, who blushed and her feathers fluffed up as she tried to shrink into herself, and failed. “Oh, that sort of thing? I'll leave it be.” The dragon then reached into his mouth, and took something from between his teeth. “For you, little one.” He gave Spike a jade pony statue, and Spike beamed at it as his mouth watered. “Tell me, do you love living among ponies?” “Oh, uh, yeah. I was raised by Twilight here, and I won't lie; the mares have really nice curves to them.” Spike whispered loudly in a stage whisper, which, of course, everyone heard. They ignored it, but Rarity blushed softly and couldn't avoid smirking. The dragon smiled and leered playfully at all the girls. “Mm, yes, so sensuously shaped.” They all gawked as he wagged his eye ridges. “The attraction to the female form is universal to all males across species. For us dragons, who can mate with any other species, it is even more pronounced. I am Cor, for the record. If what you say is true little one, then eat, my gift to you, from elder to younger.” “Alright!” Spike cheered before he bit off the head of the pony statue, and started moaning in seeming pleasure. “Oh~! So smooth and chewy! It's like a combination of a fresh granny smith apple and rock candy. Usually gems taste like some hard version of fruit or candy even.” Spike quickly chowed down and finished the statue. “Whew! That was filling!” Spike sat down and enjoyed his fully belly. “Thanks a lot Cor, I'm Spike by the way.” “Good to have met you Spike.” Cor replied, and then yawned with a billowing cloud of smoke coming from his throat. “Uh. Please tell me your plan, I cannot remain awake much longer.” “We will have to teleport you to a giant cave in the Everfree. It used to be home to an Ursa family, but they've been forcibly relocated for a rampage recently. I can ward it to keep intruders out, and your smoke will harmlessly dissipate at ground level.” After Twilight finished explaining, a whole flock of 15 or so cargo carriages from Canterlot were beginning to arrive, pulled by Royal Guards. “These fine sirs will load your hoard into the carriages and take them to your new home, and NONE of it will go missing. Am I clear?” Twilight looked to the guards at the last statement, making them salute. “Yes ma'am Twilight Sparkle ma'am!” They took off again for the peak, as Twilight and Trixie both neared Cor. “Ok, I'm perfectly fine with this. Just get me to my new den so I can sleep.” Cor yawned again as he shook his head. “Kamina, Rarity, I'm going to need both of your help with this. Everyone gather around, I don't want to have to make another trip.” Twilight directed them. They all gathered around, and Twilight, Trixie, Kamina, and a blushing Rarity crossed horns with their faces close together. “It's so nice to see you up close Rarity.” Twilight teased, making Rarity grin mischievously at her from her side of the cross. “Well the feeling is mutual.” Rarity fluttered her eyes at them, making them all laugh gently. “Right, what do I have to do?” “Just let me pull on your stores of magic, I know the cave, so I'll be the one casting the spell.” Twilight's horn lit up, making theirs do so too, and in a flash, they were gone. ===//////> After that, it was a simple matter to get Cor settled in. Spike commented on how great he felt, and was admittedly sad he didn't get to talk to Cor at length. The young dragon took to bed almost as soon as they got home, and Twilight was writing her Friendship Report to be sent in the morning. “Today's been an amazing series of events, hasn't it?” “Indeed, Trixie, sorry, I, found today to be both enlightening yet entertaining.” Trixie stated as she helped put away the notes on the spell she and Twilight were working on earlier. “I mean, I haven't known you all for long, but Rainbow Dash and that griffin Gilda are filly-foolers? They just don't seem the type, I figured they were secretly perverts, keeping tabs on all the stallions in town.” “Oh, they are, they're just surprisingly subtle about it.” Kamina commented from his seat before his book. “They think I don't notice little flashes coming from the air when they take pictures. I think Dash might even have a photo album of me she clops to. She definitely has pictures of Big Mac, and Thunderlane for sure. I'm thinking it's more of a thing between them. They just...fit.” “Wow Kamina, you're getting to be so insightful. I mean, you were before, but it's like you're incredibly wise beyond your years.” Twilight stated as she approached, and sat next to him on the right. “Indeed, I am impressed at your wisdom. What you lack in intelligence you more than compensate with your sense of things.” Trixie added as she sat next to him on the left, making Kamina realize just what was going on. “Uh...Trixie, it's really soon since we met-.” Trixie shut him up with a smothering kiss. “Shut up and buck us.” “...Okay.” > Sentiunt in Musica! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the situation with Cor, Twilight decided to take to reading more on dragons, Fluttershy became just a little more sure of herself after she realized she spoke and more-or-less befriended a dragon on her own volition, and Dash and Gilda had officially started a relationship. A couple times over the past week, both Dash and Gilda have visited to pester Twilight about a gender-changing spell, only for her to have to let them down with the fact that she simply doesn't even know if such a spell exists yet. Kamina, of course, told her to ask Celestia if there was a book with such spells. Celestia sent back both a note and a book, the note asking if Twilight was “experimenting” in the bedroom with her son, causing a hilarious flustered back-and-forth of messages from Twilight to her, and a glorious series of trolling messages from Celestia to her. The book was one on advanced physiology magic for both medical and cosmetic purposes. This book was ancient, titled The Living Body written by a pony named Doc Faust long, long before Equestria was even founded, a surviving book from the Warring Tribes era. When Twilight learned of this, and asked Celestia via message if it was a copy and not the original, she was told it was and Twilight visibly calmed down, not wanting to have to worry about the original volume of such a precious book being endangered outside the royal archives. So that's what Twilight was doing the past few days; reading and practicing the spells from the book, one of which was for changing gender and she was working on that first for her friends, never let it be said Twilight forgot her friends, even in the pursuit of knowledge. Trixie was actually willing to be the first test subject since Fluttershy discovered what Twilight was using mice for, and vindictively rescued them from her with a stern talking to. It worked, but only for a few minutes. Trixie even jokingly said that while a stallion he be called Trickster. Both Trixie and Twilight were disappointed that the spell only lasted a few minutes, since they were indeed willing to experiment and Kamina was all for it so long as he and Trickster didn't get touchy. So right now Twilight was working on the final stages of the spell to stabilize it, while Kamina was out about the town, helping with the preparations for the massive downpour scheduled for today. 'Geez, you'd think ponies could leave the weather alone but no~, just because pegasi and all flying beings in this world can manipulate it they have to micromanage it. So ridiculous.' Kamina blasted several loose branches off of a tree near a house with an oddly imprinted roof, with circles arranged in a ripple pattern on either side of the house, and odd lines running between them with block shapes in the middles of the lines. 'Just how does a thatched roof get like that?' Kamina's musing was interrupted when thunder cracked and the storm overhead let loose, practically drowning him in a waterfall of rain. 'Great, I'm halfway across town from the library and any public building. I hope somepony is feeling generous right now. It's good I've taken to being nude without my cape and shades unless I'm doing something special. Otherwise I'd be even more drenched.' Kamina bolted to the door and knocked on it loudly to be heard over the storm. “Hey?” The door opened, surprisingly to see Vinyl Scratch without her shades on looking at Kamina. “Dude, get in here!” Vinyl grabbed Kamina in her red magic aura, the same as his, and pulled him into the house before slamming the door. “Whoa! Hey! Digging the wet stallion look there K.” Vinyl joked as she winked at him playfully, before snickering. “Hold on dude, I'll get ya a towel.” Vinyl trotted off down the hall as Kamina sat shivering from the cold rain, it was already autumn and the weather was starting to cool down. 'Dang, you'd think living underground most of my life would have made me more resistant to the cold.' Kamina's shivering was interrupted by a white towel being thrown on him, and a pair of hooves eagerly setting about rubbing him down. “H-hey!” Kamina laughed. “I can do it myself!” “Nope! Gotta do it!” Vinyl laughed too as she rubbed down his head until his mane was more-or-less dry and pulled it off him to see his mane spring out back into its signature spikes. “Dude, we totally have the same hair.” Vinyl then tried to grab the towel with her magic only to feel him grab it too, and notice their auras were exactly the same. “Same magic....” She then looked him in the eyes, and blinked before she beamed. “Same eyes! Wicked! Do I have a secret sibling or something? Besides my brother Flash Sentry I mean.” “I wouldn't know. I just think we have a lot of things in common.” Kamina then quickly used the towel to dry himself off before he took his shades from his hammer space and put them on. “A lot in common.” “Sweet shades bro!” Vinyl took hers out and put them on, hiding her eyes. “So what brings you to my house in the middle of this nasty storm Prince K? I doubt it was just to see me. I know I'm awesome, but we've barely even met.” “Naw, ending up here was a bonus, I was just right outside when the storm kicked in.” Kamina then explained that he was helping knock loose any weak branches down and he said he got the tree next to her house just before the storm started. “Well thanks a lot colt, I've got enough to worry about without tree branches breaking my windows. So since you're here, ya wanna jam?” Vinyl got behind a small set of personal turntables in the corner of her living room, and started getting set up. “Oh hell yeah!” Kamina got an odd look from Vinyl. “What?” “What's hell?” Kamina was caught off guard by her interest in a term he forgot wasn't local to this world. “Um, it's a sort of version of Tartarus that isn't just a prison, but actively tortures it's victims for their wrongdoings.” Kamina decided to sugar-coat it, seriously, no need to bring the horrors of Hell to this innocent world when they already have Tartarus, which he read was similar but far less overtly cruel. Vinyl grimaced and stuck out her tongue. “Sick! Metal as Tartarus sure, but ew, wrong. Let's forget that and get some good vibes going huh?” Vinyl started getting a song going, and Kamina was struck by a bolt of inspiration like a bolt of lightning from outside. “Actually, mind if I sing?” ===//////> It was late at night, Vinyl and Kamina had been jamming for hours with Vinyl matching music to Kamina's lyrics until Kamina's voice went hoarse. Then they broke out the booze, nothing like some hard cider to totally throw the night away. They chatted and joked, told wild stories and just generally hung out. Now though, it was near midnight, and somepony Vinyl forgot about was coming home. A thoroughly drenched dark gray-coated earth pony mare with plain yet lustrous black hair burst into the door, dragging a cello case in with her. “Goodness Vinyl, you would not believe...the....” She gawked in shock, and her cheeks swelled as she tried not to burst into laughter. On the red couch, Kamina was flopped on his left side, asleep, drooling into the cushions with his right hoof dangling off the couch next to an empty bottle of cider. Vinyl was laying on top of him in a pose that suggested she fell onto him from the cushion next to his, she was hugging his barrel and drooling into his shoulder, a bottle of mostly-empty cider clung loosely to her right forehoof, hanging precariously over the floor. On the coffee table was the evidence that the two unicorns were completely plastered and sleeping it off. “Two whole six-packs of Red Cider? Somepony had a good time.” She rolled her eyes before she began to nudge Vinyl. “Vinyl...Vinyl Scratch, wake up this instant you insufferably irresponsible mare.” She chided until Vinyl gave a snort, and hugged Kamina tighter, making him grunt and wiggle closer into the hug. “No, no, wake up.” “Ugh...five more minutes....” Vinyl may have been drunk, but she realized her pillow was oddly warm, snuggly, and smelled sexy. Wait. “Uh-oh....” Vinyl carefully got up, and off the sleeping prince, and then groaned as she rubbed her head with a hoof. “Ugh, please tell me we didn't.” Vinyl really hoped she didn't just fuck up a totally cool new friendship by having drunk sex with him on the first hang. “Considering you both only smell drunk, and not drenched in sex pheromones, I'd say not.” The gray and black mare told her. “Now, just what is the Prince doing here? Drunk? With YOU?” She accused, making Vinyl glare at her. “Octavia, he was outside, drenched, I had to let him in. We hung out, played some music, sang, then we drank and...kinda a blur after that. There was definitely laughing and crying, but no kissing or nothing.” Vinyl felt oddly relieved at the prospect of not tapping such fine flank, he just felt...out of bounds for some reason. “Well, alright then. Don't want a scandal with him having any illegitimate foals cantering about.” Octavia off-hoofedly stated as she went towards the bathroom to dry off. “Mating season isn't until next SPRING Octy!” Vinyl indignantly shouted after her, and grumbled. “I wouldn't do that to him anyway, dude's too cool.” Vinyl looked over at Kamina, and smiled with surprising softness. “Why do I feel so relaxed with you bro? I mean, seriously, I should be turned on by you, totally. I can admit you're sexy, but I'm just not attracted...meh, whatever, you're totally cool.” Vinyl wiggled into the couch behind him, and snuggled him with a happy smile. “Totally got to do this again....” Vinyl closed her eyes as she nuzzled the back of Kamina's neck, feeling more comfortable than she'd felt in years. ===//////> Kamina snorted as he began to wake up, feeling a pounding headache and a copious amount of wetness on his cheek against the cushion. 'Bleh, drool.' Kamina then slowly cast a spell on himself, which alleviated the headache and made him sigh in relief. 'Pain killing spells, Celestia bless modern medicine.' Kamina shifted to get ready to get up, but paused at the familiar sensation of a mare spooning his back. 'Uh-oh....' Kamina slowly lifted his head and twisted his head and neck around as much as possible to come face to face with a contently sleeping Vinyl. He took heavy, deep, careful whiffs to help determine if they did anything intimate, and he smiled at finding no scent of copulation. 'Whew, that's good. Wonder how two sex-bombs like us evaded that when totally wasted though.' “It is good to see you awake Prince Kamina the Great.” A cultured, Canterlot-accented mare's voice drew his attention from the surprisingly adorable DJ's sleeping face to Octavia on the love-seat across from them, holding a big mug of what smelled like coffee. “Not to come off wrong, but; what are your intentions with dear Vinyl?” Octavia suddenly became very oppressive, her polite and gentle demeanor was still present, but Kamina could easily feel the thin veil of danger she was trying to mask. “Nothing my fair mare, I simply enjoy her company in a platonic fashion.” 'Time to break out the sophisticated charm, don't want this mare to maul me for stepping in her territory.' “Miss Scratch was kind enough to offer me shelter from the storm last night. We performed music together in the literal sense, and then decided to imbibe....” Kamina looked at the coffee table, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Excessively imbibe, a tangy, sharp beverage of hard cider. What happened afterwards is lost on me, but we clearly did not participate in coitus.” “You can drop the fabricated Canterlot accent and advanced diction sire, there's no need to be so defensive.” Octavia countered congenially, but was still obviously holding back her wrath, making Kamina gulp nervously. “Uh...sorry, we just hung out, partied, had some booze and lost the night.” Kamina withered slightly with his ears folded back in worry for her assaulting him, but then finally the oppressive atmosphere lifted and Octavia smiled at him. “That's exactly what Vinyl said last night when I got home. Your story checks out then. Just don't. Touch. My. Mare.” Octavia let the wrath out in full, glaring hatefully at Kamina with the threat of death, making him cower. “Got it! I've already got a herd anyway!” Kamina flinched at realizing how stupid it was to admit that, but calmed down when instead of violence, he got cultured titters out of the intimidating earth pony mare. “Oh, so you've already got more than you can handle? Poor stallion, having multiple mares demanding your attention.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Regardless, even if you both felt the same way, there's nothing I could do to interfere. Vinyl's a grown mare, she can make her own decisions, however ill-advised they may be. But I don't see either of you being romantically interested.” Octavia put her coffee on the coffee table, and stood to bow. “Apologies for being so critical your Majesty. I am Octavia Philharmonica. A bassist for the Canterlot Orchestra. I live here though, beings I don't care for those racist nobles oppressing me for being an earth pony.” “Good to meet you Octavia. Why don't you see us being romantically involved though?” 'Yeah, seriously, what's up? I can't seem to find Vinyl hot even though I can say she's sexy as sin.' “You're both clearly related in some way. Close enough that you instinctively cannot find each other a viable mate. Sure, there are such things as *shudders* incest, but those sick ponies are very rare, beings our biology tries to ensure a broader genetic template.” Octavia supplied, making Kamina gape and look behind him at the snoozing Vinyl, who was obviously a heavy sleeper. “We're related?” 'The guard! The one Celestia used the genes of to make sure I was male! That's why we have so many physical traits in common!' “I think I know how, but I have to ask around to be sure. Is Vinyl about to get up soon?” Octavia shook her head. “No, not even a rave could wake her right now, she's too deep in her sleep. She'll be up around noon when the alcohol will have been fully processed.” “Oh...alright then. I'll be dropping by to visit some time, but for now I've got a lot to think about.” Kamina carefully freed himself of the sleeping mare, who grumbled her displeasure at her big warm pillow leaving. “Goodbye Octavia, I'll see you later.” Suddenly, Kamina felt an unusual protective need, and then towered over the smaller gray mare who backed away slightly with her ears back. “Don't you dare hurt her.” 'Whoa! Where'd that come from?!' “I-I love her, don't worry about that.” Octavia nervously replied, and after a few tense seconds, Kamina snorted and nodded his consent to their relationship, making him look confused. “Don't worry, I'm not offended. That was just a natural reaction. I'm guessing you thought you didn't have any direct relatives besides your mother?” “No, I knew I had some somewhere, it's just...I've always been alone.” Kamina looked to Vinyl, feeling so content just knowing she existed. “Is this what it's like to have real family?” 'It certainly feels similar to mo-Celestia. I HAVE to know more.' Kamina then excused himself, and left the home of the two music mares. 'Celestia, you have a lot of questions to answer....' Kamina trudged home, thoughtfully pondering his existence, until he entered the library. “Twilight? Trixie? Spike?” Kamina called out, but despite the fact that it was morning, nobody was around. Kamina went upstairs, and opened the door to their shared bedroom, beings Trixie moved to the main room too, and gawked at seeing Trixie as Trickster, being spooned by Twilight, and Applejack, AND Rarity! Also, they clearly smelled of sex, the room was mired in the scent, and they all contributed. “A foursome...the one night I'm not here, and I miss a potential orgy.” “A LOUD foursome!” Kamina jumped and looked next to him to see a haggard and tired Spike, who was none-too-pleased with the four sleeping ponies in Twilight's bed. “They were at it for HOURS! I swear, it's like they just can't take the time to cast a silencing charm on the room before they start pounding flanks! UGH!” Spike growled as he stomped off down the hall and the stairs. “I'm getting some coffee! And a Playcolt!” Kamina sighed and looked in disappointment at the four sleeping ponies before he closed the door. “Yeah...a cold shower and some coffee sound nice right now. Not in the mood anyway.” 'I'm glad they had fun, but I have more important things to think about than sex right now.' Kamina went to do was he planned, thinking the entire time of how to gather the information he wanted. > Rumoribus Frenum! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the girls and Trickster woke up, and Trickster was returned to normal, The girls all got cleaned up and apologized in embarrassment to Spike, who was too sore about it to just let it go right then. They then explained to Kamina that Rarity and AJ had burst into the library to take shelter from the storm, and right after Twilight had finished her first successful cast of the gender changing spell on Trixie, and the two were in the process of foreplay when their friends had burst in. It took several minutes to explain the situation, and finally led to them deciding to have a sleepover since there was no way they were making AJ or Rarity walk home in the deluge. They had Trixie being the guide to the activities they did beings she'd had several when she was a filly. They chatted, told spooky stories, and were planning to do seven minutes in heaven when Trixie opted for spin the bottle first. AJ and Rarity were uncomfortable with both game ideas but decided to try them out, beings they didn't know their preferences beyond the norm yet. As the game went on, the bottle wound up forgotten, and the mares moved on to more than kissing. When Twilight turned Trixie back into Trickster, things got out of hoof. Needless to say; Trickster got to feel what it was like to be a stallion that night, and with three gorgeous mares lavishing him in attention to boot. Trixie was the most embarrassed by this outcome, because she'd never imagined what it was like, and could now see why Kamina was so completely fine with a herd, because damn, that night would never be forgotten. Kamina was oddly detached though, as if he didn't honestly care that they had a wild foursome without him on the one night he was out, which worried everypony because they knew it wasn't like him. Kamina became unusually depressed, thinking about his past, reflecting on what he'd done, what he'd had, what he'd lost. He'd never really mourned his own death until now, always caught up in his worries for everyone else, watching them, tormented he couldn't help them. Even when he came here; he was more worried about the now than the then. But actually meeting Vinyl, talking to her, hanging out with her, even sleeping next to her like a sibling and not a lover; just made him realize just how horrible his life was before he came here. He thought he'd let it go, but clearly he still hadn't. The whole reason Celestia brought him back to life was to save him the fate of being stuck a lonely spirit until he went mad, and here he was; lollygagging about like an idiot, letting important things slip through his hooves like so much sand in favor of just having fun for once. He'd only had his father before, and lost him so young too. Here he had a mother, but he had more, he'd never had more. He had to know. Kamina started sending letters to Celestia, Spike being a bro didn't read them out of respect, telling her he found a relative here who had to have been related to the guard she'd indirectly sired him with. After just a few messages, Celestia promised she'd arrange to have them all meet together at the Gala, at least by then she would have convinced the guard to meet with him; said guard being nervous of having a second son so suddenly, especially one not born of his late wife. With this, Kamina felt a little better, being assured he'd get some closure with his own existence and discover what having an actual family might be like. It was little over a week later when he found time with Vinyl to spend time with her. “Bro, seriously, you're going to be fine.” Vinyl calmly consoled her potential brother, confirming with him that her dad; Keen Sentry, was a part of the Royal Guard, specifically the elite squadron assigned to protect Celestia. “I know sis, it's just; I've never had this before, this feeling.” Kamina sighed as he looked at his shades-wearing sister through his own shades. “It's so odd, but awesome. It's hard to describe. The closest I've ever come was with Simon and Spike, and even then it wasn't nearly this deep.” Kamina reflected. He'd spent the whole morning with Vinyl, just hanging out, walking around town, talking about their pasts and occasionally gushing about the fact that they're siblings. Right now though, they were addressing Kamina's fierce streak of depression that had his friends all worried. “Bro, I swear; my dad's cool. He'll accept you, even if it is all that funky magic mumbo-jumbo that us normal ponies won't ever get that gave birth to you and not my...mom.” Vinyl hesitated at mentioning her for obvious reasons. Vinyl and Flash's mom; Record Breaker was a little known pegasus musician that caught the eye of an on-duty Keen Sentry. They'd met when he was making his rounds, and he heard a scream. He rushed to investigate to discover an attempted murder, and killed the unicorn criminal about to strike down the injured white pegasus mare with red curly hair and soft green eyes. Of course, Keen had never killed anypony before that night, but rather than let him go into shock, Record snapped him out of it by cradling his head to her chest, and whispering sweet nothings to calm him down. Ever since then, Keen and Record were incredibly close, marrying within a few months of meeting. Vinyl was the firstborn, older than her brother by a few years, so she was only three when Record died in childbirth. She hated Flash for a while, seeing him as her mom's killer, but grew out of it at the stern teachings of Keen who told her Record was just too beautiful for the world to handle her spreading it to more than one child. This of course was bullshit to Vinyl later in life, realizing that Flash looked almost exactly like their dad and almost nothing like their mom, save his oddly elegant wings, considering he was a boy, obviously Record must have simply been too weak to bear a second child, but Vinyl couldn't begrudge her for having Flash anymore. Now, here was yet another sibling, suddenly out of the blue, who looked almost like a clone of her dad, the only difference being his staggeringly greater height, size, and lithe frame. Obviously the alicorn genes talking. “You don't have to talk about her anymore than you have to Vinyl. It still hurts, thinking about my dad.” Kamina consoled her in return, looking to the sky. “He died in vain, only getting as far as the surface before being slaughtered. I didn't have the time to mourn him properly then, but its been so long now that its hard to even remember what he looked like.” Kamina paused, and took a deep breath through his nose as Vinyl hugged him. “Thanks sis.” “That's what big sisters are for.” Vinyl grinned at him, beings she's 19, effectively making her physically older. “Don't you mean little sister? I'm mentally six years older than you.” Kamina shot back, grinning all the same. The siblings laughed as they continued walking through the oddly empty streets of town. “Hey, wait, where is everypony?” “Ugh, this again?” Vinyl griped, and decided to explain. “Ok, beings you're still kinda new to our world bro, do you know about the other sentient races?” Vinyl asked, getting a nod out of Kamina. “Did you know that most ponies are instinctively racist?” Kamina gawked at her, and she nodded firmly with a frown. “Yeah, I know. It's not their fault; it's the Herd Mentality talking. Something new, something unusual, something not normal happens or comes along, and boom; situational powder keg ready to blow.” “So what does this have to do with ponies being racist?” Kamina asked, only to hear a loud “psst” from nearby, and he turned towards the sound to see Sugarcube Corner, with Pinkie in the door frantically waving them in. “Pinkie?” “Oh no, I'm not going to be dragged into this stupid-.” Vinyl was saying before she suddenly found herself standing inside the dark main eating area of the bakery. “DAMN IT!” Everypony inside flinched at Vinyl's loud curse. “No! I am not going to be part of this xenophobic bullshit! I'm out!” Vinyl tried to leave, only to yelp as a lasso caught her legs, and before she knew it she was hog-tied and gagged, glaring murder through her shades at AJ; the perpetrator. “It's fer yer own good sugarcube, we'll keep ya safe in here.” AJ needlessly consoled Vinyl, who simply glared at her, cursing her awesome shades for hiding her spiteful gaze for once. “What is going on in here? And untie my sister right NOW AJ!” Kamina glared fiercely at her, making AJ shrink back in shame before she set about freeing Vinyl. “Twilight, sit-rep!” Kamina barked out, making Twilight instinctively stand at attention. “Sir! Everypony's scared of the zebra in town sir!” Twilight blushed and looked at all her friends in embarrassment. “...What?” Kamina asked incredulously, and looked at all his friends levelly. “Seriously?” “Yeah! She's an evil enchantress, and she does evil-!” Pinkie was about to start a song, but Kamina song-blocked her. “STOP!” Kamina grabbed her in his magic, and all the others as well, including Trixie, Gilda, Spike and Vinyl, and forced them all to sit in front of him, the only one he was gentle with was Applebloom who was next to AJ. “Is this what we teach Our Little Ponies? To fear, discriminate, and alienate others for being different? None of you did that to Gilda! None of you did that to Spike! So WHY NOW?!” Kamina accidentally used the Royal CAPS LOCK, making them all scoot back and then blink in shock at the sudden explosion of sound, but Vinyl wooped. “Woo! Tell 'em bro!” Vinyl egged on, causing Kamina to regain his momentum after he'd paused from asking himself why he was so angry, but with that spur, he knew he had several things he had to address. “Firstly, where is this zebra?” Kamina asked, and they all nervously looked at each other. “Well?” Twilight sighed and pointed out the nearby window. Kamina went up to it and saw a cloaked and hooded mare seemingly digging around in the dirt road for something. “Very well, as a prince I will do my civic duty, and try to introduce her to the town properly.” The others aside from Gilda, Spike, Twilight and Trixie were about to try and convince him otherwise, but he silenced them with a glare. “Also, Trixie, Twilight, AJ and Rarity; we are going to talk about that orgy you had and why it was very uncouth to have done it. I'll chat with you later little bro, and Rainbow....” Kamina paused on the new stallion in town. Rainbow had been the one who decided to go for the sex change, saying he liked Gilda's feminine form too much, that and male griffins were just way bigger and Dash wasn't willing to risk anything with a partner that big. He looked like a rather sporty stallion, still lithe and athletic like he was as a mare, but he also wore coat-matching neoprene shorts to make sure his new equipment didn't impact his flying. He was definitely bigger than he was as a mare, nearly bigger than Gilda in body at that, but still streamlined like most all pegasi. Also, he felt he only had to change his second name. Dash was the past, look out for the Blitz! He had proudly proclaimed after he'd cooled down later. “Yeah?” Blitz asked in bewilderment. “We've gotta start hanging out more. I don't have enough guy friends, and you're pretty much the same from before so we'd still have a lot to talk about. Also, looking cool dude.” Kamina gently punched Blitz's shoulder, making Blitz smirk. “Feeling cool dude.” Blitz returned as he looked over at Gilda, who blushed lightly and smiled back. “So, how about we come with you? We've all kinda been jerks lately.” Blitz offered as he turned a light glare to the quartet that participated in the orgy. Oh he heard about what happened the next day after the storm. Blitz was not amused, he almost left in a huff before Twilight could cast the spell on him. Seriously, the disloyalty they displayed with that really rubbed him wrong. “That'd be nice, actually.” Kamina calmed down a little, and looked to the rest of the group. “Who's willing to come with me?” After a few seconds, everyone stepped forward, some smiling, some looking nervous, others outright scared like AJ. Ironically, Fluttershy seemed the most calm about all this. Kamina figured it was her meeting Cor that made her bolder. “Let's go.” “Actually....” Vinyl commented, as she walked up to him. “I've got errands to run bro. Octy wanted me to pick up some carrots and celery for tonight's stew. If you drop by tonight you can have some.” Vinyl offered, and Kamina smiled at his sister. “That'd be great, but I might have to take a rain check.” Kamina then laughed and Vinyl did too. “Not like when we met though. Later sis.” Vinyl left and Kamina turned back to the others. “Alright, now let's go.” ===//////> They left the building to see about greeting the zebra, who Kamina was told was named Zecora, a name he felt was oddly exotic; fitting for her unknown appearance, made her even more mysterious. However, she was already leaving town for the Everfree; Kamina was told she lived in there by choice. 'Or does she?' Kamina thought to himself as they tried to catch up with the surprisingly agile mare. To make up time and catch up to her, they decided to cut through a small field of bright blue flowers with red stems. “Hello there!” At his call, the mare stopped and turned around, and gasped audibly. “Beware! Beware you pony folk! Those blue flowers are not a joke!” She shouted to them in rhyme, making AJ shiver even more, and the other skittish members of the group to be on the verge of panic. “The flowers? What's wrong with them?” Kamina asked as he continued to approach, the others trailing behind him, beings they'd already been in the flowers, they saw no reason to bother trying to get out any faster, as whatever they'd do was already set, they'd have to be treated later. Thankfully Applebloom had been riding on AJ's back, but Spike was even touched by the flowers since he walked with them. “The flowers you have tread, will cause an unusual effect to dread. It is harmless for sure, you have simply to ask for a cure.” Zecora removed her hood, looking them over analytically with her deep blue eyes, that from different angles seemed deep green. “However, I am afraid said cure is not ready, prepared I was not for someone to follow at pace so steady. Had I known I would have halted, but now a joke you all must be faulted.” “...What?” Spike asked in confusion, responding for mostly everyone, save Trixie who came forward. [Hello my friend, I see you are having trouble speaking in Equestrian. You're using a translation enchantment aren't you?] Trixie spoke in a different language to everyone's shock, especially Zecora who quickly became elated. [Joy! Somepony who speaks Zebrican! I cannot tell you how irritating it is to have to speak in rhyme through this damn translation enchantment.] Zecora stated as she tapped one of the golden rings on her neck. [I know right? When I visited Zebrica I had to wear one for the other way around until I learned how to speak Zebrican fluently. Speaking in rhyme is so frustrating, they need to see a way around that limitation.] Trixie responded, but she shook her head. [Right, sorry. We'll continue pleasantries later, but you said you'd be able to make the cure, but you need time right?] “What're ya'll sayin' in all that gobble-d-gook?” AJ asked in annoyance, making the two mares speaking a different language both look at her, before saying something in Zebrican and laughing. “Hey! Was that a shot?” AJ asked angrily, only for Trixie to wave her off. “No, no nothing of the sort. So, basically, we've been cursed by these peculiar flowers. They'll have a random effect on all of us. Zecora can make a cure, but she needs time to make it.” [That is so, correct?] Trixie switched languages easily as she turned to Zecora, who nodded. [Yes, but I require an ingredient I cannot find her in the forest. I planned to buy some things in town, but they're always mysteriously closed.] Zecora emphasized the term with sarcasm, since she already knew why the town was always deserted when she tried to visit for anything. “But, she needs ingredients from Ponyville, but whenever she visits, the shops are all mysteriously closed.” Trixie relayed to them, putting a bit of bite into it towards the locals in the group who all cringed in guilt. “So, what are we going to do about that?” Rarity gathered herself, and walked to the front of the group. “I offer my sincerest apologies for how uncouth we've behaved towards you. If it would please you, might I offer a free article of clothing from my boutique? I can only imagine how exotic your tastes must be, and I am eager to learn of new styles.” Rarity perked up in excitement at the prospect, getting over Zecora's naturally striped appearance, and seeing it as being somewhat captivating now that she'd muscled past her reservations. “Oh my, yes, we'll get you properly introduced to the town. It's the least we could do for being so mean.” Fluttershy added with a smile. The others all agreed, and they then turned back towards town, a smiling Zecora in tow. ===//////> After the group had brought Zecora into town, and more or less brute-forced their way through the front doors of a few stores, the townsponies quickly got over their fear of Zecora, and preferred not to have to suffer the same property destruction a few shop owners had with their refusal of Prince Kamina's demand for their services. They were properly compensated of course, but they knew better now not to test the prince's patience in these matters. Zecora purchased the reagents she needed, and told them she'd have the cure ready the next day. Speaking of which, it was clearly the next day, and Kamina hissed in pain. His whole body ached, like he'd been beaten with hammers in his sleep. “Ow.” Kamina paused, and felt a twinge of fear. “No....” Kamina burst out of bed, gasping, and looked down in utter horror. She was a human again. A female human. With breasts bigger than Yoko's had been! “AH~!” Kamina let loose an extremely girly screech, and covered herself with her blanket, startling the two other occupants of the bed. “I'm a woman!” “Kamina?!” At her startled question, Kamina turned to look to Twilight, and gaped at her in awe. “What?” Twilight asked completely oblivious to her changed appearance. Her mane and tail, instead of being purple ethereal flame, were now made of purple amethyst in the usual shape of her hair, and her eyes were solid purple glowing gemstones. “Kamina?” “Twilight...you're sparkling.” Kamina reached out with her feminine hand, and touched one of Twilight's eyes, seriously unnerving the mare at realizing he was directly touching her eye, and she couldn't feel it, or the need to blink even though she could. “Oh my, Twilight, you're quite captivating, if a little odd.” Trixie stated, drawing their attention to her. Trixie seemed to have been affected similarly, only instead of gemstones, her mane and tail were turned into wavering floating pools of water, and her eyes were like shining pools of water. “How do I look?” “Surprisingly elegant.” Twilight supplied. “Do your eyes feel weird too?” “My vision seems to be swimming a bit actually.” Trixie's ironic description made Kamina and Twilight giggle, which made Kamina blush and groan. Kamina did NOT giggle! “I must say Kamina, I'm glad you became a pony when you came here, because what are you?” “I'm a human. We're basically really evolved hairless monkeys without magic. The closest we have to it is Spiral Power, and only very few beings can tap into it.” Kamina then lowered the blanket, and marveled at her huge boobs. “Whoa...I'm a hot and busty chick.” “Why are your mammary glands so big? Is that just another part of the Poison Joke's joke?” Twilight asked honestly, and Kamina cupped her huge knockers the size of her head curiously. “I don't know, probably genetics, probably part of the joke, but some human women do get blessed with such charms from time to time.” She jiggled them, and giggled again at how they quivered, but stopped and groaned in exasperation. “I can't get cured soon enough.” “Actually; minotaur bovines and centaur mares do grow mammary glands in a similar manner. Of course, considering how big minotaurs are, they make yours look like tiny hooffuls in comparison, but centaurs also have the same glands we do, so their larger glands are mostly vestigial in case they need to produce for more offspring.” Trixie educated them both, interesting the other two in the bed. “AH!” The trio of females jumped at hearing a mature male voice scream from the next room, and before they could bolt out of bed, a shocking sight burst into the door. “Twilight! I-!” Spike froze at his spot in the door, as the three girls gaped at him as he gaped at them. Spike was a pony, a purple unicorn stallion with emerald eyes, and green dreadlocks for hair, on his flanks was the flank mark of a burning scroll still being written on by a quill. He actually looked like Twilight did when she tested the gender spell on herself, only with green eyes and hair. “Spike?” “Yeah, I guess I'm not so little anymore, huh?” Spike asked in amusement after he'd calmed down, and looked himself over. “Huh, this is kinda cool, but what's the joke?” “I think I get it so far. Twilight is a Fire Shifter, so it made her a sparkly Gem Shifter instead as a pun on her name, and as an opposite to her usual element. I am an Ice Shifter, so it made me a Water Shifter as a joke that I'm melted or something. Kamina was turned back into a human, but as a girl, likely to mock the fact that he's a stallion among stallions, but now he's not even a male, let alone a pony. Lastly, it made you a mature teen stallion to mock your childish body and mess with your feelings about being smaller than your mind would suggest.” Trixie broke down for them, making them all grumble at how rude the magic flowers were. “Ugh, lets get me dressed and go get the others. Zecora will meet us at the Aloe-Lotus Spa with the cure.” Kamina got out of bed, and couldn't help but notice Spike's ears perk up, and hypnotically watch her breasts jiggle. “Spike, bro code, seriously.” Spike blushed and looked away in shame. “Sorry bro.” Spike turned and left, but Twilight and Trixie couldn't help but watch him leave, with surprise on their faces. “Wow....” Trixie commented. “Dat plot....” “Trixie!” Twilight blushed as she looked at Trixie in shock. “What? You were looking too!” Trixie defended with a similar blush. “He is really scrumptious....” “Yeah....” Twilight admitted, and looked out the door. “I wonder if-.” “Stop! Right! There!” Kamina demanded after she'd finished wrapping her breasts in her bandage wraps, considering she didn't really have anything else she could use for them, and was slipping on some neoprene shorts Twilight had bought from Rarity, since there wasn't actually anything else, making Kamina's outfit incredibly sexy, even to the mares who never saw a human before now. “Twilight, he's practically your son! And Trixie, control yourself! Good god girls, get your heads out of your thighs!” “I-it's just the joke! It must have made him oddly alluring somehow!” Twilight excused as she and Trixie got out of bed. “I'm taking a cold shower though, how about you Trixie?” “Agreed, being in my own element will help me calm down. Seriously, Poison Joke is powerful, because just looking at Spike's flanks got me hot and bothered, and I have more restraint than that.” Trixie fanned herself with a hoof. “Kamina, try and see about getting Spike in a cloak, it won't do to have every mare in town trying to pin him and have their way.” Trixie and Twilight exited the room to shower, and Kamina groaned as she face-palmed. “It's going to be a long day....” ===//////> Kamina had to drape a curtain over Spike, because after bothering to actually look him over, Kamina was horrified to find herself rubbing her thighs together and a welling need in her core, so she promptly ripped down some drapes and covered him up, explaining the reason to him, embarrassing them both. “Great, so I'm a sexy stallion and all the females will want me. It's the complete opposite of my real form.” Spike grumbled at his misfortune, because since this was temporary he couldn't live it up. “Yeah, so keep covered up, I don't like feeling like that.” Kamina shuddered at the dirty thoughts that were inserted into her head earlier, and tapped her foot. “Where is everyone?” A loud crash smacked into the front door, and Kamina promptly opened it to find a backwards-winged Rainbow Blitz rubbing his head. “Ow, damn wings.” “It's better than this!” Kamina looked up in the air, and just barely avoided bursting out laughing at the sight of Gilda. “Yeah, yeah just get it over with.” Gilda had been turned into a fluffy cloud of plumage, completely concealed behind her poofy feathers, and seemed to be floating about. “Oh dear, it would seem we've encountered similar predicaments Gilda darling.” Rarity's voice sounded out, and they turned to the approaching fashionista, and promptly lost it, laughing like hyenas. “Well! I never!” Rarity was covered entirely in rippling noodle-like hair that made her look like a wet poodle. They entered the building, and Spike looked at them, but held in his amusement. “Oh, Rarity, just what has the Poison Joke done to you?” Spike asked as he trotted up to her, and she had to part the hair in her face to see him. “Who are you?” Rarity asked in confusion, and Spike lowered his improvised hood, making Rarity gasp silently, here eyes to dilate, and her heart to skip a beat. “It's me, Spike! That Poison Joke is really cruel isn't it?” Spike asked honestly, not realizing the effect he was having on her. “Hey, are you ok?” “Y-yes, yes I'm just fine, all fine here, good, yes...how are you?” Rarity lamely returned after her flustered response. “Well I could be better, the joke on me is that instead of being a baby dragon with no swag, I'm now a stallion with all the swag and automatically make all females around want me.” Spike snorted in derision, and only now noticed that Rarity wasn't looking him in the eyes. “Rarity?” She was, instead, looking down at his exposed chest, noticing the rippling muscle under he coat. “Um...eyes up here Rarity.” “Oh, what? Right, sorry, what were you saying?” Rarity tried to recover, quite poorly, and Spike sighed as pulled his hood up and hugged the curtain around him to fully cover himself, making Rarity blink in confusion. “Oh my, so sorry darling. That is quite cruel isn't it?” Rarity knew he had feelings for her, and the Joke just played on that heartlessly right then. “Can't be cured soon enough.” Spike grumbled in depression, as the door was knocked on. Kamina answered it to let in Pinkie Pie, who had her tongue swollen and covered in blue spots to the point she couldn't speak. Fluttershy entered too, who looked normal. Lastly entered Applebloom, carrying a shrunken bug-sized AJ on her back. “If I wasn't in the same boat, I'd be laughing. But what's wrong with you Fluttershy?” She shyly kicked a hoof, before smiling. “I've got a bass singer's dream.” Fluttershy's voice was a glorious baritone, making everypony lighten up with a laugh. “Well what are we waiting for? Aren't we going to head to the spa?” “We're waiting on Twilight and Trixie. The joke played on Spike got them hot and bothered so they're taking a cold shower.” Kamina informed them, making everyone look at the cloaked stallion, who shrunk further into his clothes and Rarity stood in front of him, making him look up at her to see her smiling at him with caring eyes through her hair, causing him to smile back, creating a special moment before Rarity turned back to the group. “Yes, so please be kind and do not focus on him. The dear is just beside himself at these events.” Rarity tried not to think of how unfair this was; that Spike got what he wanted, but not in the way it should be. Or just what he looked like under the cloak. The thought had her flanks twitching, so she was glad her spaghetti hair was hiding it. “Ok, everyone.” Twilight and Trixie descended into the main room, taking a quick glance at them all. “Let's get this fixed.” ===//////> Kamina's head broke the surface of the tub, a stallion again, and he sighed. “It's good to be back.” Kamina groaned as he felt hooves massaging his shoulders, and lazily looked behind him to see Twilight focusing on rubbing him down in the huge tub they were sharing with everyone else, who were happily chatting and back to normal. Spike actually stayed in the tub, talking to Rarity who seemed more invested than usual in the conversation. “Well Twilight, I'm not going to object, but we are in a public place.” “Oh hush you, this is a spa, I have just as much right to massage you as either Aloe or Lotus since I'm your marefriend.” Twilight replied slyly, only to gasp and moan at feeling hooves give her the same treatment to her neck, only much more skillfully, and turned slightly to see Lotus, who was the same as her twin Aloe, only with a light blue coat and pink hair which was inverted from her sister, and the only way to tell them apart. “Oh gosh, Lotus that's oh~!” “Just what we like to hear.” Lotus cheekily stated with a sly smile. “Leave the massaging to the experts, hm?” “Alright.” Twilight gave in, and leaned back against the back of the tub as Lotus continued to work her over, as Kamina turned to watch, enjoying seeing her so relaxed. “I see that you are content, is seeing your friends and lovers happy so special and important?” Kamina turned to Zecora, who was laying on her legs at the edge of the tub next to him, and looking at him approvingly. “Yes, it is practically all I live for. My talent is to bring out the best in others, so to see them happy, to see them improve and better themselves, it brings me nothing but joy.” Kamina stated as he looked and saw Rarity give Spike a peck on the cheek, making him swoon. 'That's the way little bro, you'll have her yet.' “It pleases me to meet another, a being of harmony and chaos like no other. Not since I have left my home, have I met one who straightens things out like hair is by comb.” Zecora looked at him intently, making Kamina feel odd, like she was looking into his soul, and she smirked. “I will be paying a visit again soon, I feel it best that I provide you my boon. Should you ever need aid, know that I will help, so be not afraid.” “I'd be glad to call you a friend Zecora.” Kamina offered, only to be taken by surprise when she kissed him on the cheek. “Oh, I think not dear, for I would be a fool to pass up such a rear.” Zecora flirted most brazenly, making Kamina fidget as she laughed and trotted off, while everyone else all looked at him with knowing smiles. “W-what?” Kamina asked nervously, before suddenly bits were being exchanged. “What's going on?” “Called it; Kamina's got zebra flank in his herd now.” Gilda crowed, making the other victors of the obvious bet laugh, and Kamina grumbled at his sexiness being used as a joke. “It's not my fault I'm so sexy.” Kamina growled, before being kissed on both cheeks by his marefriends, and he smiled before hugging them both. “Whatever, I'm good.” > Qualitas Tempus! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fiasco with the Poison Joke had been cleared up, Kamina put his hoof down, and forced AJ, Rarity, Twilight, Trixie and Spike to sit down and talk. He declared that what they did, while hot, while totally awesome, while beyond attractive, was just outright wrong and immoral for several reasons. Firstly: Twilight, Trixie and AJ had broken the Bro Code by sleeping with Rarity, when obviously Spike was already interested in her, and he was in the next room over, and he HEARD them too! That was just wrong. When asked how the Bro Code applied to them, he explained that Twilight was a sibling/mother figure to him, so that made it worst and at the top of the list, plus she and Trixie are both Kamina's marefriends, so that puts him at fault by default to their protest but his firm stance on the matter. AJ was at fault merely by the fact that she knew the situation, and still went along with it. Secondly: Rarity was at fault for hurting Spike, in spite of Spike protesting that it was fine, Rarity agreed and apologized deeply to him, promising to make it up to him. Finally: THEY DID IT WITHOUT HIM! Sure, he'd be breaking the Bro Code, but not if he could have gotten the okay from Spike first, and put up a silencing charm to keep them from making a ruckus. If Spike wasn't going to be okay with it, he could have pulled Rarity aside at least, and told her why he couldn't let her join in the fun, aside from the fact that it would've been unbecoming of her to spontaneously engage in sexual acts with her friends. Then again, Kamina was all for a lady who knew when to let her hair down, and he knew Spike would love that even more. In the end, apologies were exchanged, forgiveness given, and rifts in friendships mended, and reinforced. Nowadays, Spike actually spent most of his time with Rarity at the boutique, helping her there as her assistant like how he helped Twilight, who said that she had Trixie to work with as a partner now, so she only ever needed Spike's help with sending messages to Celestia. Kamina was actually focused more on spending time with everyone besides Twilight and Trixie, saying it was unfair to not hang out with their other friends when he wasn't busy and they still were. So Kamina ended up working out a schedule to try and spend time with their friends as much as possible. Twilight thought of it, and since Kamina knew he was the perfect one for the role of Everyone's Friend, what with him being so great and all, that he decided to go along with it. Of course, starting on the weekend he hangs out/helps Big Mac and AJ at SAA on Saturdays and Sundays as usual, get together with Blitz, Gilda and Pinkie if they're available on Mondays, visit Fluttershy on Tuesdays, check in with Rarity on Wednesdays, head out to visit Zecora on Thursdays, which is when Zecora usually stays home to make her recipes and rest, and Fridays were a toss-up. He spent the morning and end of each day with Twilight and Trixie, and often saw Spike at the same time as well as usually at Rarity's. He always checked in with Vinyl now and then, but she was often out of town on gigs when she wasn't playing for the local nightclub, and Octavia was often too busy practicing when she was home to see about getting to know him better, but she did say she'd have to eventually, beings he's her marefriend's brother. Today however, Kamina was visiting Zecora since it was Thursday, and they were sitting next to each other reading a book. Or rather, Zecora was teaching him to read and speak Zebrican. [And this here, means to move, force, or otherwise disrupt.] It had been a few weeks into autumn, the Running of the Leaves had already occurred, but his friends were all too busy to attend this year, and so was Kamina by extension. Nightmare Night was the last day of October, which wasn't for a few weeks, and Kamina had to hope he could talk to his aunt about that, see if he could cheer her up about a holiday inspired by her evil corrupted form. [F, f, fo~rce....] “Did I get it?” Kamina was a fairly quick study, it came from Twilight drilling as much as she could into him for the first three months of his being in Equestria. So he could already speak broken Zebrican, but he couldn't get more complicated words or catch on when it was spoken fast yet, and he was still far more comfortable speaking Equestrian beings it was the same as English, which Celestia had imprinted in his mind when she rebirthed him so he could adjust easier, she couldn't do that for someone alive and aware though, so he had to learn everything else the hard way. He could also still speak fluent Neighponese apparently, beings it was his old world's primary language, and he couldn't remember what it was called in his previous life. Twilight had a field day when she learned about that soon after he'd arrived, and ended up using him as a translator for some Neighponese texts she was interested in, but she didn't know a translation spell yet. That was a fun~ week, running his voice hoarse. [Yes, but try to let it roll off your tongue.] “You are improving quite fast, soon enough, this rhyming won't last.” Zecora was also trying to learn Equestrian too, but she spent most of their sessions speaking Zebrican so he can adjust to it faster. [Now, let's go.] Zecora then gently bit his ear, and playfully licked it, making Kamina squirm as he gasped in surprise. “No fair! I wasn't ready.” Kamina managed to get out as she delved into his ear with her tongue, cleaning it while also working him over. Kamina's ears were very sensitive. “S-stop~!” Kamina was panting as he began to get a raging boner under the cushion when she started sucking on his ear. “Ah, ah~!” She released him from her cruel lips, and she smirked without shame at him as he gave her a light glare. “I will not apologize, and don't say you didn't like it, I see through your lies.” Zecora moved a forehoof under him, and he hissed at her touching him. [I see the serpent is out to play~.] Before they could continue though, a knock sounded at her door, making Zecora surprised and slightly annoyed. [Really? Now?] She looked to Kamina, and gestured at the cushion he was laying on. [Stay.] [No problem.] Kamina responded, as he tried to calm down. 'Damn, that mare knows her stuff. Not even Twilight or Trixie know about my ears. Is it universal for equines or is it just for a few like me?' Kamina decided to try and read back through some of the words Zecora showed him today, reciting them quietly and devoting them to memory. Zecora came back in a few minutes shaking her head. [What was it?] [Your first mare came here, asking for aid with an unknown pest. I am unfamiliar with the creature, and so I had to let them down.] Zecora explained slowly, and Kamina nodded as she laid down next to him again. [I am sorry Kamina, but now I am not in the mood. Being given a mystery always draws my attention.] [That is fine. I was also not ready for such a thing yet. We do not know much about each other's cultures for me to be...com-for-table, with it right now.] Zecora was also teaching him of her culture, but he didn't know just what sort of mating rituals her people practiced yet. He knew she was completely comfortable with him having Twilight and Trixie already, but he didn't know if they got married, or just slept with whomever they pleased as a regular thing. Zecora was visibly saddened at his response, making Kamina worry he'd said something wrong, and she looked pensive for a moment. “I am sorry Kamina. I was not thinking clearly.” Zecora slowly forced out, without using her translating torc to do the work for her. “I was simply...horny, then, but I have calmed now.” Zecora nuzzled his cheek with hers, and Kamina gladly returned it, making Zecora smile. [At least some things are universal between cultures.] [I know, right?] Kamina kissed her cheek, making Zecora giggle with a gentle blush. [Yes, a saving grace. Now then, this word means erase.] Zecora paused, and giggled when she realized her words would have translated into a rhyme. ===//////> It was mid-afternoon, and Zecora bid Kamina farewell since it would get dark soon, and she didn't want him to walk through the Everfree in the evening. 'Wow, I can't believe she just about jumped my bones out of the blue like that. Zecora obviously hasn't had a stallion in a long time, I hope soon enough I can get to know of her people's mating customs so I know what I'm getting into before I dive headfirst into a sexual relationship with her.' Kamina paused to watch a line of ball-shaped winged bugs literally bounce across the trail. 'What the hell?' Kamina watched the very long procession of bouncing bugs for a minute before he got bored of it, and walked over them. He continued his trot home, but he had to pause and gape in shock at what he saw upon leaving the forest. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Kamina screamed in anger and worry at the sight of a nearly completely demolished Ponyville. Entire houses seemed to have disappeared from their lots, others had only the framework left, some only had a few holes in them, while very little of the town was untouched at all. Ponies were frantically running about, trying to help each other in the aftermath of whatever had happened as Kamina bolted through town towards the library, which he was beyond relieved to see was still intact. 'Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay!' Kamina burst through the door. “Twilight! Trixie! Spike!” “Kamina?!” Twilight whirled around from a chalkboard she was working at, writing out what seemed to be an action plan of sorts. “Where were...oh, right, Thursday. I should've picked you up earlier, you might've been able to help us before I got everypony into this mess.” Twilight bemoaned as she face-hoofed. “Way to go Twilight, forget what your coltfriend was doing while in a state of panic why don't you?” “What happened? Why is half the town gone?” Kamina calmed down slightly at seeing his loved ones were okay when Trixie ran down the stairs soon after he burst in. “We had an...infestation.” Trixie tried to ease in gently, making Kamina raise an eyebrow as he closed the door behind him with a kick of a hind leg. “What kind of infestation can destroy half a town? Is anyone hurt?” Kamina moved on to making sure his friends and the citizens under his charge were safe, he was a prince; it was his duty to guide, help, and protect these ponies and all other beings who dwell within their borders, and today he'd failed in protecting them with his preoccupation with Zecora. He didn't regret it, but he was irritated that these things tend to happen when he turns his back on things. “A parasprite infestation. We don't know much about them, but they eat ravenously, and the more they eat, the faster they asexually reproduce. I managed to catch a rogue one for study and spirited it away while Fluttershy was occupied.” Twilight gestured to a small cage holding a simpering and otherwise pathetic little ball-shaped bug of vibrant hue that he recognized. “Wait, I saw a whole line of these things bouncing across the path back from Zecora's. They didn't attack me, so can I assume nobody's been eaten by a vicious swarm?” Kamina asked hopefully, getting nods from both Twilight and Trixie. “Whew! Load off my back! Ok, so, what's the plan? Also...why aren’t Celestia and my aunt here? Weren't they going to visit?” Kamina knew the royal sisters were going to visit today, he'd ignored it to visit Zecora, but hoped he'd at least get to chat with his aunt before they left. Twilight looked nervous, and fidgeted a bit. “Actually, I think the parasprites found there way to Trottingham on the east edge of the Everfree too, opposite us on the west edge. And, unlike us, they immediately sent for help. So Princess Celestia sent us a message that she had to cancel her visit.” Twilight then winked, making Kamina confused before he felt a warm body around his size leap onto his back and hug him. “But not Princess Luna's!” “Nephew! I am pleased to see you!” Luna was on his back, hugging his ribs and nuzzling his cheek, making Kamina laugh at her antics as he nuzzled back. “Aunty Luna! I haven't seen you in weeks!” Kamina tried to stay in contact with Luna, beings he knew it had to be hard to adjust to what was essentially a new world for her. He pranced about a bit, making Luna laugh with him. “Enjoying the ride madam?” “Indeed good sir!” Luna treated him more like a sibling though, since unlike Celestia, she didn't have her 1000-year lead in maturity. She'd more or less been unaware during her possession, so she was 1000 years younger than Celestia in both mind and body once Nightmare was expunged. She was still several hundred years his senior though, so he had to wonder just how long alicorns lived, or if their being immortal was more than hearsay. “So aunty, what are you going to do since you're here? I could order aid for Ponyville myself, but what do you plan to do?” Kamina lowered himself to the floor so Luna could simple step off of him, and lay next to him. “I am told that visiting the common folk is good for public relations, and considering my thousand year hiatus, I am indeed in much need of it. Also, how could I possibly resist visiting my favorite nephew?” Luna brightly beamed at him as she kissed his brow, making Kamina blush. “Oh~ you're just saying that!” He bashfully returned, he just loved his aunt, seriously, she was so cool he could hardly believe she was in any way old fashioned. She'd even gotten addicted to this era's forms of entertainment the world lacked 1000 years ago. The couple times he'd returned to Canterlot to visit her, he found her room filling more and more with video games, comics, and game consoles. Kamina was impressed that artificing and spellweaving in this world was advanced enough to imitate technology from his world on that level, let alone that something amazing called the leynet was being designed for massive free exchange of information by the archmages of Star Swirl Academy. Not to mention that in the older cities, things like phones and whatnot were commonplace, and in other cities marvels of technology were everyday things. Ponyville was still a relatively new town, and progress of including the whole country, let alone the whole world in these amazing technologies was slow-going, as older forms of thinking held fast in the way of progress. However, with Luna and Kamina in the royal family absolutely adoring these things, that might change soon. Kamina lost track of time chatting with his aunt, not even worried about the situation outside. Twilight and Trixie just smiled and went about organizing where relief efforts should be focused, they'd involve the royalty once they needed to, but for now, they could enjoy a moment of peace before getting to their duties. ===//////> “Nephew.” Kamina gasped he suddenly became aware of his surroundings, his confusion was paramount as he found himself floating in a wavering abyss, filled with light blue clouds and wisps of light blue light waving around in webs. “Nephew, over here.” Kamina turned to Luna's voice, and saw his beloved aunt looking at the surroundings in intrigue. “Fascinating, your subconscious is formless, and powerful. This means you usually act on your thoughts rather than just let them remain idle.” “Aunty Luna? What's going on? Where are we?” Kamina asked as he looked around them, marveling as a wisp of blue light passed through him, then he gasped as his horn's spiral flickered with Spiral Power, and he felt a sting in his back. “Ow.” Luna looked on calmly, but couldn't hide the worry in her eyes. “Do not worry nephew, it is normal for unicorns and alicorns to experience sudden surges in their magic when they sleep. The fact that you are my sister's son makes you naturally potent in magic. That power however, is rather interesting.” Luna looked at his horn as another wisp went through Kamina's body, making him wince as his horn unintentionally flared again. “Odd, it is focused on the horn's spiral rather than evenly being distributed, what is it?” “It's my Spiral Power.” Kamina avoided another wisp, and began to sweat as it seemed the clouds of raw magic and wisps of Spiral Power were actually gravitating towards him. “Aunty, can we please leave?” “Yes.” Luna simply stated, and tapped her hoof before the abyss gave way to blank whiteness. “What you saw before was the form of your subconscious. It is broad, potent, and trying to tell you something. The fact that merely being there granted you more power tells me that you're subconsciously holding yourself back.” “My subconscious? In my sleep? I'm asleep?” Kamina gathered as he checked around them to see nothing. “Yes, I am the Princess of the Night. Mistress of the Moon, Delver of Dreams. My power is slowly returning, and soon enough I shall be able to safeguard Our Little Ponies from nightmares once more. I decided to stay the night in the room next to yours where I could organize the relief efforts myself without disturbing anypony. I came here, because I could sense turmoil within you nephew, what is wrong?” Luna asked in worry, as Kamina looked at her in confusion. “I'm not in turmoil, or at least I'm not aware of it. My subconscious is obviously trying to tell me something, but what I don't know. All I know is it's trying to give me more power from what just happened. Why would I need more power? I want to protect others, so it could be for that, but that's why I'm training physically at Sweet Apple Acres, and magically with Twilight and Trixie. I'm already powerful too.” Kamina was confused, why did the surges in power flare his spiral, and hurt his back? “This is troubling. Your body is sensing something that I cannot, and neither can you. I will bring this up with your mother.” Kamina frowned at that, and Luna looked imperiously at her nephew. “Nephew, I cannot let you continue to distance yourself from my sister. You're hurting her. She's always wanted a foal, but was always unable to bring herself to love somepony because she'd outlive them.” Kamina calmed down, and his ears were back in shame. “I know, but until she comes clean, I can't forgive her. We've talked about this, I've told you why what she did cannot be let go by me so easily.” Kamina then looked back to her. “So, off of me and my mom, what are you going to do next month? Nightmare Night specifically.” Luna became uncomfortable, and sat down. “Well I don't know. I believe a holiday named after and inspired by my evil form is both frustrating and amusing. Nightmare Moon is made light of on said night, but is also made the subject of fear. This year I think I may just wallow in loneliness in my room, read some comics.” “Well, okay, but you need to face it eventually aunty, it isn't going away, and don't outlaw it either, that would reflect badly on you.” Kamina told her, and then walked up to hug her around the neck with his neck. “Maybe next year?” “Yes, next year.” Luna said as she returned the fond hug. “I shall let you rest nephew, but please, talk to Tia soon, she misses you.” Luna faded away, and soon the white nothingness left Kamina's awareness too. ===//////> Luna opened her eyes, and looked at the wall between her room and the three lover's room. 'Nephew, I hope you follow your spirit's warnings. I did not, and that resulted in awful things.' Luna touched her royal peytral, and glared at the crescent moon diamond upon it. 'Vile being, wherever you have been banished to, something of your doing had best not be threatening my nephew, or Faust help me, I will bring you back from the abyss itself to smite you personally.' Luna didn't want to admit that her nephew unnerved her. She loved him dearly, as from day one he'd been supportive and caring, but she could not ignore his sheer power. He'd fought Nightmare, even if it wasn't on even hoofing, he'd even tried to crash the moon into Equus to spite her from what he himself and others have told her. He somehow made the Nightmare care about him through her, simply by existing, when she was all but short of willing to utterly destroy her own sister. And he was only getting stronger. “Just what are you nephew? You are no mere pony, no mere unicorn.” Luna looked at the wall again, and sighed. 'Worrying over my nephew is pointless, he'll be fine...I hope.' Luna returned to writing out documents, signing requisition forms and such. 'If there's one thing I don't like about this new world, is all the paperwork! Back then, you just gave a missive and that was it, but now we have to jump through hoops to run our own country. Just what has Tia been DOING while I've been gone?' > Libera Me! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time seemed to fly by, Ponyville was rebuilt within a week, and parasprites were placed on the very small “kill on sight” list posted at the front of all guard stations and official buildings. Things were calm, sleepy even, only the excitement of holidays like Nightmare Night, November's Feasting Festival, which was a feasting day to celebrate the peace between ponies and griffins after decades of war, and Hearth's Warming Eve in December spiced things up. On Nightmare Night, Kamina decided to go for a red mecha themed costume, to honor his old Ganmen Gurren. He even managed to convince Spike to dress as Lagann, and they teamed up the whole night for a themed costume, and with their friends, reenacted several of the battles Gurren Lagann had fought in, in heroic prose to the great delight of the town. Kamina even talked to a local publisher, who felt that his “stories” would make great comics, and so Kamina was all too happy to submit a written account of all of his and Simon's triumphs. The first issue was actually printed in November, properly titled Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 1st Edition. Everypony was invited to AJ's for the Feasting Festival, since while it was being held in town, AJ's family had always held it for themselves, and wanted to include them. Kamina discovered he had a slight addiction to caramel apples, which were actually apple halves with the core removed and caramel filling the gap. Finally, for Hearth's Warming Eve, everyone got together in the library for a fun time as they exchanged gifts. Kamina had gotten something from each of them, even though he never asked for something, and he did so for everyone else as well, figuring he knew them well enough to get him what they liked. What he got, was, hilariously, a single part of the complete whole to a suit of armor. The same set of armor ironically, which made all of his friends amused that they each bought him just the piece they could afford and thought he'd like most. It was a dull red, being colored during the quenching phase, and was similar to his mecha costume in it's angular spikes and shape, but still moved freely despite it's bulkiness and weight. It fully covered him from snout to tail, and was meant to be a pony-at-arms set, as the average pony would barely be able to move in it. Twilight even enchanted her piece, which was the helm, to protect against magic by reducing it's potency heading towards the wearer. However, like all good things, Winter was coming to an end, and Kamina was baffled enough by the prospect of Winter Wrap-Up that he vehemently declared it ridiculous. Sure, if ponies could manipulate the weather, more power to them, but to manually change the seasons outside of nature's will? “Damn ponies with their damn micro-managing bullshit....” Kamina grumbled as he paced in Zecora's hut, beings it was the only place he could get away from such nonsense. “How can they just take things like this into their own hooves, and think it natural?” [Please be at ease Kamina dear. The ponies have always brought their surroundings under their own will, rather than let things progress as they should.] Zecora tried to gently reason with him as she stirred a cauldron of whatever potion she was brewing now. This only upset Kamina more, because since the ponies pander to nature, not even the animals knew how to take care of themselves under their massive sphere of influence. [I was fine with it before, when it was just a few animals, or the weather over places where ponies live, but to force nature to completely bend to their will? It isn't just wrong, it's robbing the world and the simpler creatures of their own right!] Kamina was an advocate of free will, and as far as he was concerned, this just stagnated the potential all non-ponies had. Zecora told him of how her people always survived and thrived in spite of the harsh climes of her homeland with the aid of their allies the gazelles and the giraffes. They had a similar societal regime to Equestria, with zebras being their earth ponies, gazelles their pegasi, and giraffes their unicorns. Zebras were so in tune with the magic of the earth, they could grow crops and make mystical things happen with their alchemy, so Zecora wasn't something unique, just a savant. Gazelles had their dances, their elegant prances and astounding bounds which bound the weather to their efforts through hard work, and sheer belief, as aside from inciting it to happen, they had no further control. Giraffes were the largest, the tallest, and the most insightful, able to see beyond what most others could both by virtue of their long necks and their keen minds, able to harness the very mana of the world to manipulate their surroundings in various ways. This further convinced Kamina that ponies simply tried too hard, that they were just selfishly forcing everything to be “just so” like little god-complex afflicted children. Sure, it was their will, but when anyone's will imposed on the will of others, it just became oppression. Sure, it was a cute, cuddly, sunny, barely-hurt-a-fly oppression, but it was oppression nonetheless. And Kamina always fought oppression. But there was nothing he could do. Somehow, that made Kamina feel an incredible pain he could not identify, as if his very soul was being defiled. Kamina sat, and winced as he took deep breaths, trying to calm down. 'Why does it hurt? Why am I in pain when nothing is hurting physically?' Kamina was feeling stranger as time went on. He felt so strongly about things he'd always cherished; free will, the will to carry one's ambitions forward, and the right of all things to live freely without oppression. It was bordering on obsession, and he was scared. He hid it of course, he couldn't let others know he was feeling like this. It was his will that he encourage others to be their best, so he couldn't afford to appear weak and discourage them. There it was again. 'Damn it...I can't stop, why can't I stop?' Kamina shivered and felt something about to break when he felt the strong forelegs of his exotic mare wrap around his barrel from behind, and bury her face into the back of his neck. “Peace dear, peace. I am here, we all are.” Zecora spoke in Equestrian much better now after months of practice with Kamina, like how he could nearly fluently speak Zebrican now, but it was slower going for her, since she focused more on him than herself, and she'd find herself speaking in rhyme still now and then. [Whatever ails you, I shall try to sooth.] She stretched up, and nibbled an ear, eliciting a shiver of another kind to run through him. [I have been waiting for months, I cannot resist you much longer.] “...Me neither.” That was a lie, he could have resisted if he wanted as long as he willed it, but his will demanded he please her, and so it had to be. 'Why? Why am I a slave to my own will?' ===//////> Kamina returned to town, refreshed, his worries eased, and a merry jaunt to his step. 'Woo! Zebras are flexible! How did she DO that? Not even the pony-sutra has a move like that in it!' Kamina had a stupid grin on his face as he ignored the happenings around him, and the musical number that accompanied it. Kamina learned early on that ponies and most beings on Equus had an uncanny tie to the power of music and song when he suddenly burst into a rap one day during a session with Twilight. He had no idea where it came from, only that it was inspiring beyond belief to him and all who heard him. Twilight actually surprised herself when she hit those high notes as a supremely amazing soprano compliment to his bass licks. “Do the impossible, see the invisible!” Kamina suddenly belted out, drawing the instant attention of those around him, as a piano began to play in from seemingly everywhere. “ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER!” Several stallions nearby supplied in chorus. “Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable!” Kamina decided to let it happen, it was already in swing, it was done, he had to let it flow. “ROW, ROW FIGHT THE POWER!” Rang out from everypony around as they continued to work, but with even more fervor for their tasks as Kamina continued to strut through town, throwing down sick lyrical fires. “Power to the peeps, power to the dream Still missing piece scattering, so incomplete We, be the most incredible soldier from underground See how easy, they all fall down Digging to the core, to see the light Let's get outta here babe, that's the way to survive Yea top of the head, I'm on the set Do the impossible, don't you wanna get Cuz a lotta things changed, we be waiting in vain If you wanna get by, no pain no gain Wow, fakers wanna test me again Sorry, my rhyme's gonna snatch your brain yo I'm still starving for the straight up shit We gonna make it happen with the crazy rap skill Get ready to rumble, now is the time, uh-huh If you ain't know, now you know Good luck, fellows.” Kamina paused and pointed to Octavia, who suddenly became filled with focus. And sang more powerfully than she could've imagined. “Libera~ me, Domine~ De morte aeterna~ In die illa tremenda. In die illa~ Duando coveli mobendi sunt et terra Dum beneris judicare Saeculum per ignem Tremens factus sum ego et timeo Dum discussio benerit atque bentura ira!” Octavia finished her soprano Equine solo, and gaped in surprise to Vinyl who's horn was sparking in arousal at her marefriend's pipes, making her blush. Kamina smirked as he decided to continue the song here, in town square with Octavia. “Second verse dedicates to the real peeps What we got to say is so real thing cuz Revolution ain't never gonna televise Kicking the mad flow, microphone phenotype Open your third eye seeing through the overground I'm about to hit you with the scream from the underground Whole city is covered with the cyber flavor G is in your area, one of the toughest enigma.” Kamina pointed to Octy, who smiled before she began as Kamina and several stallions chanted the first chorus under her. “Dies illa~, dies irae~ Calamitatis~ et miseriae~ Dies illa~ dies magna~ Et amara balde~, et amara balde~!” “FIGHT THE POWER!” The chorus exploded! “Requiem aeternam, dona eis Domine~ Requiem aeternam, dona eis requiem~ Et lux perpetua luceat eis Libera~ me, Domine~!” “ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! LIBERA~ ME, DOMINE~! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER!” Everypony finished chanting with all their might, and were panting, gasping, sweating and glassy-eyed at just how powerful they felt. Not even realizing they'd completely finished their tasks within the town proper. Vinyl had actually pounced on Octavia, and they were currently making out in a small snow bank. “Octy, you are going to sing like that at home!” “But Vinyl, I-EEP!” Octavia was surprised when Vinyl grabbed Octavia's tail in her mouth, and promptly began dragging her home. “Ah! Wait! VINYL!” As the two mares disappeared down the street, Kamina sat contently, having the pain and the sense of defilement lessened greatly. 'That was really good, so fulfilling.' Kamina opened his eyes, and looked around him at the smiling ponies, who all bowed slightly to him and went on their way. 'Despite how it started, today was a good day.' ===//////> The tired and oddly content yet worried prince quietly entered the library, at least compared to his usual bursting in method of entering a room or building. “I'm home....” Kamina quietly and calmly stated, smiling gently at the thought. 'Yeah, home huh? Didn't actually register it until just now, when I needed the thought.' Nobody answered, obviously they were still out participating in Winter Wrap-Up, which Kamina knew would take until morning the next day. His inspirational song may have taken care of the center of town, but there were still the outlaying areas and especially Sweet Apple Acres which needed a lot of ponypower to clear. 'Who am I kidding? Who am I to dictate the barriers of the will of others? So long as they do not enslave, or cruelly treat those dependent on them, I suppose that so long as their will accepts it, then it is fine.' At this thought, Kamina gasped as his aching spiritual pain ceased entirely, and he smiled in elation. 'I don't get it completely, but whatever is happening, I have to be careful.' Kamina sighed in content, and climbed up the stairs to his shared bedroom, and climbed into the sheets. 'An early night, well, I might not support it entirely, but I already did a part for Winter Wrap-Up. I think I can catch some sleep.' The stallion nuzzled into the pillow as he wrapped the sheets around him to fight off the cold, having peaceful dreams for the first time in weeks, something his aunt was happy to see. > Adscendit, Subito!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring was here! Needless to say, thanks to Twilight's organization skills, along with Kamina more-or-less helping complete the center of town just by singing, because he's that awesome, for once; Ponyville actually completed Winter Wrap-Up in record time. Kamina still could feel it; the nearly all-consuming desire to please his cherished ones was forefront, nearly impossible to ignore since he wanted to do it. He gave so much of his time to them all they were worried about Kamina not having any time for himself, so finally, a week after Winter Wrap-Up, something happened that Kamina didn't think would ever happen. An Intervention. He'd been running himself ragged trying to spend time with all of them when his will came forward even more than ever after he woke up on the first day of Spring. He looked terrible, his coat was lacking luster, his eyes seemed dull, and he was tired all the time. He never rested fully, never stopped, and when he woke Blitz and Gilda in their house, their CLOUD house, by somehow standing on it and pestering them for anything they wanted to do like a desperate and hopped-up-on-sugar Pinkie Pie, they called it; Kamina needed something new. A vacation. Kamina resisted of course, his will demanded he stand firm and refuse. Not a lot said will can do to stop his friends and loved ones from pouncing on him, hogtying him, and placing a limiter on his horn when he doesn't want to hurt them. Besides, it was nearing the danger point of the Estrous Cycle for equines, and all the mares knew there was no way any of them would be able to resist pouncing his fine flanks, especially his marefriends and their mare friends, who all were already getting heated, and were fighting to force him to leave before they lost control in a couple more days. Kamina tried to tell them he'd do anything to please them, to not send him away. But his friends were too responsible to let him suffer the horror of being mauled with sex by all of them. He was a stallion's stallion, but they weren't going to risk hurting somepony they care so much for. So, here Kamina was, laying uncomfortably on his side, still tied up, horn still locked, glaring across at Big Mac, Blitz and Gilda who were all joining him for the train trip to Stallion's Landing. Gilda could come because since she wasn't an equine, bovine, or other hooved mammal, she like all griffins had a different reproductive cycle. According to her, they could conceive almost anytime, so in order to have passive sex with Blitz, she'd have to take contraceptive herbs. This led to a conversation on how ponies could have varying birthdays if they were most receptive during March, and gave birth 11 months later, so logic dictated that ponies usually had birthdays in January. This might have been true, if Celestia hadn't carefully organized a system like this: where stallions and other male equines were sent to Stallion's Landing for the duration of the Estrous Cycle. She set it up so there were far less unplanned or unprepared pregnancies, and to help moderate the population, because before she and her sister came along, ponies just let it happen because things were so dangerous back then; they never knew when they could die or some cataclysm would take a great number of them. Now though, with a stable population going over 1000 years strong, things like this were necessary to ensure that overpopulation didn't happen. It was simple medical science to be able to induce Estrus whenever a couple was ready with natural remedies, magic, or over-stimulation. Otherwise known as bucking each other for so long and with such vigor that outside the cycle or not; pregnancy was assured. When they talked about that, Gilda and Blitz poked fun at Kamina that they were surprised he hadn't knocked up Twilight or Trixie yet, considering he has sex with them every other night. “Look, I don't get it either ok? Twilight just tells me she's got it taken care of. Probably some sort of magic that suppresses reproduction or something.” 'Damn that blasted book, ever since Twilight got The Living Body, she'd been trying something new all the time.' Sure, it made things interesting, but they also discovered things they really didn't like. Like when Twilight accidentally turned Trixie into some sort of giant pony-like centipede, that was NOT a fun night, trying to keep her calm as Twilight looked for the reversal spell. Getting nearly crushed to death by dozens of hugging ice-blue legs as she nearly went into a panic was an experience Kamina was not fond of remembering. Or the time Twilight convinced him to be a mare for a night...ok, man-card threatening or not, that was a fun night, but he preferred being male thank you very much. “Probably, that'd be like Twilight, to do something smart like that.” Blitz commented as he looked out the window at the passing countryside. “So where is Stallion's Landing? I used to be a mare, so I don't know where it is. Nopony talks about it, and Celestia made it illegal for mares to know where it is for obvious reasons.” “Well then, Ah guess Ah'll have to be your guide and teacher for that.” Big Mac spoke up and stretched slightly, these small seats were killer on his back. “Stallion's Landing is actually a sectioned off part of Canterlot, inside Mount Shire actually. Nearly the whole middle of Mount Shire is hollowed out from the first masons that started work on Canterlot using the mountain's stone for the building.” This baffled the three newcomers, and after a few seconds their eyes began to sparkle. “SO COOL!” They all shouted, getting all the stallions in their car to glance at them before going about their previous activities. “Eeyup, mighty impressive sight. Mount Shire is so sturdy, the stone so firm that each stone had to be cut by the most skilled unicorn masons back when Canterlot was founded. Only reason they were allowed to do it was because the mountain was so strong. In the end; Stallion's Landing is actually bigger than Canterlot proper.” Big Mac was glad to be imparting his knowledge. Not a lot of ponies knew this; but Mac took his learning seriously, it's why he's the one in charge of SAA's books and not Granny Smith or AJ. “Huh? Why would it be bigger than the city it was hollowed out to make?” Gilda asked curiously, because that didn't make much sense. “Partly because of the natural caverns that were already in Mount Shire, partly because Shire Stone was coveted back then for it's brilliant white sheen and stern nature. It's why you'll see the white towers in Tall Tale and the Great White Lighthouse in Baltimare to name some examples. Anyhow, beings the cutters were being told to expect to stop production on royal order to preserve the mountain's integrity, they decided to make their cuts more interesting, and started cutting houses into the outer walls of the hollow they'd already cut out, start cutting downward in a street-like grid, so on, so forth. Over generations; Stallion's Landing was formed.” Mac finished before he looked outside to see the train was already climbing up Mount Shire to Canterlot. “You'll see in about an hour.” Ok, Kamina, Blitz, and Gilda just HAD to see this place now. ===//////> “Whoa....” Was echoed by the three newcomers as they entered a heavily guarded gate in the side of the mountain, to almost instantly be swallowed up by the utterly massive interior of the artificial cavern. For several stories up, entrances to homes were carved into the walls of the cavern with stairs zigzagging up to them, and below was a grid of evenly spaced 5 floor tall buildings with flat rooftops stretching the whole length and breadth of the cavern, save the aqueduct catching the waterfall on the far eastern wall, which shot through the center of Stallion's Landing and distributed the water all through the place by pouring off outlets on the side that fell down wells atop the buildings directly adjacent to and beneath the aqueduct, clearly the places to get water or go to the restroom here since modern plumbing wasn't likely utilized here yet. Since the rooftops were flat, ponies used them like the roads below and the stairs on the walls to get around, with each roof connecting each other with stone bridges obviously not from Mount Shire as the dull gray contrasted with everything else's stark white. Each roof had a stairwell down into the buildings proper, but that wasn't all that was up there. Since it was the biggest open floor space, small shacks, huts, and market stalls were set up atop the city-within-a-city, bustling with stallions as if it was always this heavily populated, as even with as enormous as the place was, they had to find room to move on the walkways, and the air overhead was practically a cloud of pegasi and thestrals. In fact, Kamina almost missed the giant glowing quartz formation shaped into a stylized sun like Celestia's cutie mark at the center of the far ceiling, lighting up the place as if it were daylight outside. Gilda was trying not to choke on the testosterone flooding the place, and the utter explosion of nothing but males as far as the eye could see, trying to focus on the fact she already had the fine stallion next to her to herself. And Blitz, being formerly female, was bisexual, and at the moment regretting being a stallion. Then again, he'd never see this if he'd still been a mare, so it was a bit of a toss-up. “Have I died and gone to every mare's glorious wet dream?” “Nope, you're quite alive. It's always been like this.” Mac led them down the entrance's long stairwell, which was wide enough for two cargo carriages, only for a white unicorn stallion with a shock of blue hair in regal purple and golden armor a grade above the average guard's to stop them. “So, Prince Kamina, good to see you after almost a whole year.” His voice was oddly accented, it made him sound like a surfer despite his firm tone, and in spite of his words, clearly he didn't mean them, quite the opposite actually as it seemed like he was restraining himself from throttling Kamina then and there. “Captain Armor, good to see you again too. I wish you would have been up front with your feelings on the matter of my relationship with Twilight, considering she neglected to tell me you're her brother.” Kamina returned cooly, not at all afraid. Shining may be a captain, a very skilled captain, a prodigy in defensive spells and using them offensively as well, but Kamina had drills. Shining could try to kill him if he wanted, but he would fail, he knew it to be so. Shining dropped his weak facade of decorum, and seethed at Kamina with murder in his eyes. “You're lucky I can't roast you alive! How DARE you defile my sister like that?!” Shining's brotherly instincts were screaming at him to crush Kamina under a heavy barrier. “Watch your tongue Captain. I might be the one who corrupted your sister, and made her a mare, but it is a mutual and loving relationship. If you ever raise a fuss about it again, I will not hesitate to grind your face into the ground, and know that Twilight has expressed such intent as well.” Kamina and Shining crossed horns and glared into each other's eyes. “Do I make myself clear Captain?” 'Holy shit, these protective instincts are vicious. Ponies are so surprisingly territorial when it comes to their families and friends.' Kamina mused at just how vindictive he felt on this, especially since he always told himself he'd try and peacefully resolve this very situation when he saw Shining Armor next, only for it all to fly out the window on sheer intinct. Shining growled, but backed off. “Crystal.” Shining snorted and marched to the entrance, where he closed the doors with the other guards, and then cast a pink barrier spell over the door, shortly, crazed voices and loud impacts were being made on the door. Many of which demanding the “hunks come out” or “GIVE ME FOALS” and other such lewd statements, meaning they were safe in here, especially since the mares outside would have no proper recollection of this week until their hormones leveled out, so they'd only been able to even find the gate to Stallion's Landing by the scent of the massive number of stallions here. “Always like this?” Blitz asked, shocked at just how fierce the mares outside were pounding at the barrier and the gate, making him glad he came here instead of trying to be a tough buck, because he'd have wound up an unwilling stud to numerous partners. Blitz was for the ladies too, but he had his limits, he was just a stallion, not a machine. Blitz also thought of how odd it was on the opposite side of the spectrum. As a mare, Dash didn't think twice about body checking the first visible stallion and forcing herself on him, but as a stallion, Blitz was terrified of the prospect. 'I'm lucky I didn't get preggers, thank goodness I took those pills every heat cycle.' “You ponies think you have it bad, I got to watch a Zebra town in Zebrica go through the cycle, it was like watching a small war. Mares were literally breaking legs if they couldn't get their fix, the stallions literally had to beat them off with sticks into unconsciousness, and they were the lucky ones that got away.” Gilda shivered at the memory. “I was just glad I was exempt from all of it up on my cloud. A lot of plots were pounded and flanks spanked that week, and while it was pretty hot, it was flocking brutal compared to things here. At least here, nopony is maimed.” Kamina paled for a moment, now he knew why Zecora was so desperate for him to leave, she would have hurt him to get him if he was within any sort of reach and he resisted. “I'm more scared of my marefriends than I am of Captain Armor, and I realize that as being smart. So, let's get settled in for the week, what do we do?” “Grab a bed, and fall in. It's easy to get lost here, so keep all your personal things in your hammer space, don't want to lose something because you forgot what bed ya'll picked.” Mac informed them as he led them down into the massive maze of buildings, pathways, and walls of stallion flesh. Blitz and Gilda were secretly trying so damn hard to restrain their wing-boners. ===//////> It had taken a few hours, but the group had found an empty bunk room in the last building on the end to the right, next to the aqueduct, meaning it was a building with plumbing. The plumbing towers were the most heavily populated, since the stallions didn't want to go potty in a privy if they could help it, and the first two floors of the buildings lining the aqueduct were nothing but toilets and communal bathhouses save the one reserved as a hospital in the very center. The water for the bathhouses was heated via boilers enchanted with charged quartz rods that had the be changed out every other day. It wasn't an issue since they simply had to rotate rods out, putting in a charged one and putting the depleted one in direct exposure to the giant sun-like quartz gem in the cavern ceiling, which was made faster by pegasus or thestral volunteers. It was that evening, and the group had decided to take a bath. Unfortunately, none of the newbies were mentally prepared for it, but were adjusting quickly enough. Kamina, while a stallion among stallions, could barely withhold his embarrassment with the awe of other stallions at his superior physique and endowment, who kept asking tips for workouts to get their muscles as compact and corded as his, or if he took penal enhancement products. In return, he joined in on the competition to prove his stallionliness. Blitz, desperately tried to contain his arousal at seeing so many wet stallions in one place, shamelessly comparing muscles, wings, horns, and even their reproductive equipment. He was also attempting to stay next to Gilda, beings she was the only female in likely the entire city, and nearly everypony's eyes were molesting her, making Blitz glare at any of them that dared approach. Gilda, was absolutely drinking it all in shamelessly. The flanks, the testosterone, the shameless tease of being shown the goods, but there being no action, was better than any Playfilly magazine she'd read. Gilda actually had a taste for ponies, it was largely why she moved to Equestria, beings other griffins didn't exactly tickle her fancy, it was just that pony's usually submissive natures irritated her. But here, it was literally a dick-waving contest, and she was totally turned on to 11 by all of this. “When we get back to our room, we're bucking SO~ much.” Gilda whispered to Blitz, making Blitz's wings fwoomp out in a boner against his will, making her smirk in victory, and every stallion that'd been eying her glare in jealousy. “You're evil....” Blitz grumbled as he managed to force his stiffened wings to his sides, and he gasped in surprise when he felt hooves lathering soap onto his back. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who's-oh, hey Mac.” Blitz calmed down at seeing the bigger stallion lathering soap into the space between his wings. “Thanks, getting there is so hard.” “No problem, it's only polite to help a friend out.” Mac calmly answered as Blitz sat down and let Mac scrub his back as Gilda watched with hooded eyes and wagging eyebrows, obviously she was enjoying the show here more than elsewhere, considering she knew the two personally. “You'll see everypony doing it.” Indeed, you would actually see stallions getting clean, often in groups, and usually the non-unicorns would ask a fellow bather to help them with their back, and were often kind enough to oblige. Yes, a great many were in perverse contests of comparing their bodies, but even they calmed down as time went on to actually clean up. Kamina had finally managed to drag himself out of a throng of stallions in said competition, trying hard not to be too visibly excited. “Care to guess who's the stallionliest stallion in Equestria? ME!” Kamina had won all the categories in the group he'd been more-or-less pulled into. He was the biggest in body, lithest in form, strongest in muscle, and had the biggest junk among them. Twilight, Trixie and Zecora really picked a prize there. “Yeah, yeah whatever, get over yourself. You might be hot, but you still don't have wings.” Gilda shot at him as she grabbed Blitz's right wing and extended it fully to his protest. “To us of a winged species, having wings tends to be a big turn-on automatically, especially considering we can't breed with anyone without them. You ponies are an exception, considering earth ponies and unicorns are still genetically close to pegasi and thestrals.” “G-Gilda, not in public....” Blitz was blushing, panting as Gilda ran a talon through his feathers, drawing the attention and lust of a great number of the winged population of the bathhouse. “Th-they're looking at us....” Gilda grabbed his chin with her other talon, and guided him to her beak. “Let them look.” Gilda put her beak in his mouth, and started licking his tongue as a kiss, making Blitz moan. When the kiss broke, they were both red-faced. “Bunk, now.” Blitz flew off lightning fast, leaving his signature zigzag rainbow contrail, and Gilda quickly followed, leaving a greatly aroused bathhouse and a pondering Kamina. 'Hm...so to become ultimately desirable, I just need wings?' Kamina looked at his bare back and sides, and suddenly became filled with wing-envy. 'Why couldn't mom's genes have been more dominant than dad's?' Kamina's horn spiral began to glow, and Kamina's eyes dilated at the sheer agony filling him, and he gasped as he collapsed bonelessly into the water. 'What...pain...can't....' “Kamina?!” Mac picked his friend up, who was gasping and panting in obvious pain, coughing the water he'd breathed in back out, sounding like death. Mac also noted that somehow, it seemed that Kamina had suddenly lost a lot of weight. “Ah'll get us to the bunk, and find a doctor.” Mac quickly tossed his friend onto his back, and galloped out of the now-concerned bathhouse at seeing somepony collapse like that, but nopony there was a doctor, so they could only wish them well. ===//////> Kamina was hissing in pain, nearly blacking out every other minute from some spike of torture ripping through his body. It was, if he could describe it, like someone was slowly removing each of his bones from his body, and replacing them with something similar yet clearly new. He was on an IV drip with a dose of morphine, laying on his stomach in a bed of the appointed hospital building that was smack-center in Stallion's Landing under the aqueduct. The morphine wasn't working. It kept him awake, and lucid, exactly what he didn't need or want. At least, without it, he might've just passed out from the pain, but as it stood, it merely dulled it just enough to keep him up from the suffering of whatever was happening to him, his spiral glowing the whole time. “Are you sure this is that serious doctor?” Shining Armor asked the doctor outside the door as they approached, Kamina could still perceive things around him, but it was fleeting as his ears were ringing in pain. “Yes Captain, I'm more than certain that Prince Kamina's rare genetic makeup is causing a conflict within his body. If he does not get attention from Princess Celestia or Luna soon, we might lose him.” The doctor; Bone Mender, a stark white spindly pegasus stallion with gray hair and eyes wearing a white doctor's coat answered as he led the captain into the room. Kamina had also been shackled to the bed frame, and muzzled so his thrashing wouldn't hurt himself, or bite his tongue out. “We've done all we can, but his bones are hollowing out like a pegasus, thestral, or alicorn normally would, while the new hollowed bones are also becoming denser like an earth pony or alicorn's. He's lucky he hasn't gone into shock and died already.” “Holy Tartarus, this is bad. I'm sending a message to the Princess immediately. Oh, why now of all times, when all the mares are like this?” Shining griped, because since it's the peak of the Estrous Cycle, sending Kamina for proper help was suicidal, and bringing a mare, ANY mare here right now was just stupid, but the second was the lesser of two tragedies. It was only several minutes later after the two left his room again, when the horrified and worried visages of his aunt Luna and mother Celestia burst into his room, and paused on him before they both hovered over him and scanned him with their horns glowing. “It is as the doctor says, his body is changing rapidly, but not fast enough to spare him.” Luna reported. “Oh~ why? Why must this happen?” Celestia was crying as she tried to remain calm. “I finally have a child, and this is what happens, because of my genes in him?” Celestia cast all the pain-relieving spells she knew, because she couldn't stop what was happening, nobody could. She sniffed as she put her head over his, and nuzzled him. “I'm sorry son...I'm so sorry....” “Sister, we had no knowledge that this would happen. We've never...had children before now.” Luna nervously tried to calm her distraught sister, and then knew that this situation similarly applied to her too. “So neither of us can have foals without this happening? Or is this just unique to dear Kamina?” “Kamina is special sister. He has the ability to harness the very power of evolution and progress. I'm certain you remember my telling you of his Spiral Power.” Celestia sat up straight, as Kamina finally stilled and fell into a pained sleep. “Perhaps that is what you sensed in him, perhaps that is what has been happening this whole time. His Spiral Power sensed his potential to reach greater heights, and is acting as the catalyst for this.” Celestia nosed his back, and gingerly nipped a nub on his back, before she braced herself, and pulled. Kamina snapped awake, and screamed in his muzzle, as a bone broke through the skin, and continued to extend, growing longer as muscle joined it in a morbid fashion like it was crawling up said bone, the pain was so horrid that even as numb as he was, Kamina was screaming murder into his muzzle. Celestia let go, and quickly did the same for the other nub on the other side of his back. Fuck being strong, Kamina was crying, this was beyond anything he'd felt, he'd take dying over this. With constant tending by Celestia and Luna, soon the bone and muscle of two wings were finished growing out of Kamina's back, the raw bloody muscle was dripping the sanguine life essence until the skin finally grew over it. When the feathers came in though, Kamina could finally calm down, his suffering had ended and his new, gloriously large tan wings with blue hued feather tips were lazily draped over his bed in exhaustion and lack of familiarity with the new appendages. “Son, can you hear me?” Celestia asked, beings Kamina had closed his eyes for a bit and she couldn't tell if he was asleep. “Mm, hmm.” Kamina replied through his muzzle, and since the ordeal was over, the sisters went about releasing him from his restraints, and when they removed the metal muzzle, he kissed his mom and aunt on the cheeks. “Thank you. I've never been hurt like that before.” “Son, I'm so sorry, I didn't-!” Kamina shoved his hoof over his mom's mouth, and glared at her sternly. “No. You are not going to blame yourself for this one. This one is all me. It's my own damn fault.” Kamina looked up at his horn hatefully. “I'd bet even if I didn't have your genes, my access to Spiral Power would have done this eventually anyway.” Kamina removed his hoof from her mouth, as she looked at him, thankful for his kind words to the point she struggled not to pounce and hug him right then. “Now...about these things?” Kamina tried to move them, only for the impressively large wings to twitch and shift. They were big enough to be mistaken for the wings of a griffin rather than a pony, and when folded would likely barely remain covering his sides, and the tips would curve up over his back for sure. “It will take some time to adjust to your new limbs nephew, time I think will not be available to you anytime soon.” “So, we will show you an ability we alicorns have.” Celestia beamed at the idea of sharing something special with her son, and turned to the side. “Now you see them~.” Celestia's wings, surprisingly, seemed to melt into her sides, leaving her a gloriously tall and lithe unicorn. “Now you don't~!” “Whoa! Cool!” Kamina beamed back at her, before Luna decided to get in on it and suddenly, her horn seemed to sink into her forehead. “Ta-da~!” Now Luna looked like a taller pegasus, and rubbed the smooth skull of her head with a smirk. “It is easy to do, you must simply imagine that you have no wings, and/or no horn, and they will be painlessly drawn into your body, adding distributed mass to yourself. To get them back.” Luna's horn suddenly shot out of her forehead like a switchblade, and Celestia's wings seemed to literally fold out of her sides like an opening lotus blossom. “Simply imagine them back. We would know why though, since long before we were even born, alicorns were viewed as being dangerous, so they took to hiding themselves among the populace. With some illusions, it makes it easy to blend in with the commoners for a day off, or a surprise secret inspection.” “This, is, so, AWESOME!” Kamina crowed, and then imagined his horn gone and back repeatedly, making it retract and shoot out with a clicking sound like a switch blade, making them all laugh. Kamina then imagined his sides and back being bare again, and his glorious wings shrank into his body, making him sigh. “Can't wait to actually use these bad boys, I've always wanted to fly.” “I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to hold off on that.” Celestia cut in on the thought, making him look at her in confusion. “Everypony knows that you're my son, but if they find out you've ascended into being an alicorn, the courts would have a field day trying to get you into a position of power over us. It will happen eventually, but I would like to get a station officially prepared for you in the court before they decide to try to manipulate you.” “Worry not nephew, we simply ask that you hide your wings until we have settled your position in the family fully. From what Tia tells me, she'd only left you open as her son; the Prince and Rightful Heir to her throne because since you were a unicorn, you couldn't fulfill her duties. But now; with you being an alicorn, and being far more progressive in mind than Tia or I, some unsavory elements among the nobles might even try to assassinate us should they know somepony as open-minded to change in doctrine was legitimate for the throne.” Luna explained, making Kamina gape at them. “WHAT?! Somepony would actually dare to threaten your lives?! But you keep the sun and moon rotating! The Sky Movers haven't even existed since Discord disbanded them by taking them over himself until you came along!” Kamina fretted in worry, and instantly took an out. “I hereby renounce-!” “NO!” Both Celestia and Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice, blasting the newly ascended prince into the white stone wall behind him. “Not on your life nephew!” “I will not have my son further estrange himself for our safety. I will not give up family for those vultures in our courts.” Celestia seethed. “The only reason they're not imprisoned or exiled is because they have not yet committed any overt acts of violence or other harm to us or Our Little Ponies. So son, just be patient. We'll have things set up so that while you are my Heir, you are only to do so in times of crisis where myself or Luna are indisposed. And if anything were to cause us permanent harm, then the entirety of the courts would be held in contempt for suspicion of grand treason until proven innocent or guilty in investigations by our own private investigators.” Kamina sighed, and peeled himself off the completely unharmed wall. “Alright, alright. I'll keep it a secret. But what about with my marefriends? Twilight, Trixie, and Zecora are sure to find out, and what about the others here?” “We will have them sworn to secrecy, as for your marefriends, do the same with them, but only if they discover it for themselves.” Luna explained, before perking up and sniffing the air, her eyes becoming glazed. “I smell a virile stallion.” She looked toward the door, and grinned like a predator at the shocked Doctor Bone Mender, who promptly took off. “COME BACK STUD! WE SHALL NOT BE UNSATISFIED!” Luna flew after him, ready to get what she desired. “Oh dear, um, son...I....” Now that their adrenaline and worries over Kamina were gone, their peaking estrogen levels and various other chemicals and hormones were taking control. “Mommy has flanks to spank dear, have a good night.” Celestia practically swaggered out the door, and leisurely traipsed after a random stallion nurse she saw trying to escape around the corner. “Don't run~, I just want you to please your princess~. Fulfill your royal duty to your sovereign~.” Kamina shivered and grinned nervously. “I'm lucky I'm related to them, or they wouldn't have bothered leaving me be.” He laid back down, he was tired and spent from this ordeal, and as far as he cared; he'd be spending the rest of the week laid out if he had anything to say about it. 'Some vacation this turned out to be.' > Pistorem?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the first day, the rest of the week at Stallion's Landing was actually relaxing. Likely due to his ascension, his enslavement to his will was lessened to him being able to shift his intention away from a single objective and onto another. His will demanded he rest, and so he rested, even pretending to sun under the false quartz sun on a lawn chair for kicks. It took the entirety of the unicorn members of the male members of the guards charged with protecting the civilian stallions to capture and teleport Luna and Celestia back out of the secure cavern city, and by then it had been a whole day, and several stallions had been forced to copulate with them before they were stopped. The fiends! Kamina would be laughing about this for a long time. The only reason they couldn't get in anytime they wanted, was because while the doors were closed, and the runes inside were set right, not even Luna or Celestia could get into the mountain, they designed it themselves that way so they couldn't abuse their male subjects like what had happened this year due to the extenuating circumstances of Prince Kamina falling ill, and needing their personal medical attention. The “victims” of the royal sisters were exhausted, genuinely spent, and also beyond happy. They would go the rest of their lives, telling the tale of how their goddesses had their way with them until the day they died. Kamina, however, while usually one for hearing such raunchy tales, was disgusted at hearing any details from the lucky bastards since they were his mom and aunt respectively, and thinking of them like that just disturbed him. Now, Kamina was annoyed and disturbed at the parallels he could draw between the situation he faced at Stallion's Landing and Jeeha Village, but he could also justify it so that it wasn't oppression so much as it was protection, unlike what Genome did where it was oppression in the name of protection. This was just a once-a-year thing, and totally optional unless you were hogtied and forced to go like he was. Not to mention there were other havens for stallions to retreat to during the Cycle in the more distant locales of Equestria, they were just nowhere near as big or as crammed as Stallion's Landing, and were more often than not just hidden small towns on the surface. So overall, Kamina could let it go far easier than the fact that Ponyville was pretty much specifically made for intercepting Nightmare Moon. Yeah, still sore about that. Anyhow, Kamina had spent the rest of the week relaxing, and when it came time to leave, he was able to change his desire to relax to returning home to his friends and loved ones. Kamina loved his fixation on fulfilling his objectives, he was always a big-picture guy, but now he could utterly devote himself to completing anything he set himself to, and make it feel like he put forth barely any effort. Usually, his original way of doing things took a lot of effort in showboating, willpower, charisma, and even dumb luck. Now though, it was as easy as: choose option, commit, complete, cash-in on rewards. That may not seem special, but it is. For instance; usually Kamina could barely lie his way out of a paper bag, but he was able to totally bluff himself out of explaining the truth for just how serious his sudden illness was that required the Royal Sisters to see to his health in Stallion's Landing, because there was no way in Tartarus at least half of Equestria would have heard about them being there, what with the “victims” of their royal highness' romping boasting about it. He was able to convince his friends and marefriends that he'd contracted a violent stomach virus that was eating through his stomach lining; from when he ate something near Zecora's hut like an idiot. It made Zecora feel awful in spite of his and everyone else's assurances that it was fine since he was ok, but Zecora decided she would begin looking for residency in town proper if only so Kamina and her friends could visit without having to brave the Everfree. And so this is where it leads.... “Thank you again friends, I am glad for this situation's happy end.” Zecora beamed at Twilight, Trixie and Kamina from next to the front door of the library she just entered, and paused before pouting. “Darn, so close to not rhyming too.” Next to Zecora was a massive bag, filled to the brim with all her possessions. Considering they still had the spare room, Twilight instantly extended the invitation to live with them to the zebra. It was definitely a good idea, since not only would she be on-hoof for more magical or unusual maladies and situations she might be able to help with, she'd be with them period, and all her things could actually all fit into the spare room upstairs, considering Zecora's hut was literally just one room with a storage closet. “I'll help you settle in.” Trixie stated as she levitated Zecora's bag, and turned to lead the zebra upstairs, said zebra clearly trying to contain her marvel at just how big her new home was. “With her here, the town can now basically include Golden Oaks as a sort of clinic too.” Twilight tittered in excitement. “I can't wait to learn more about zebra magic and alchemy. The things you've been telling me only have me beyond interested Kamina.” “As you should be, because I'm interested, and I don't get interested in egghead things often.” Kamina joked, getting a stuck-out tongue at him in reply, making him snicker and Twilight to slyly grin in victory. “An egghead am I? Well this egghead needs to get confirmation from a certain Pink Party Pony about Zecora's house-warming party like we had for Trixie, which also doubled as her “welcome to Ponyville party”.” Twilight paused, and then felt the need to mention her thought. “Wait, has Pinkie even given Zecora a “welcome to Ponyville party” yet?” Kamina blinked, and then paled. “Uh-oh, you know how Pinkie gets when she forgets to give someone a party.” Kamina was unsure of who he feared more; an enraged marefriend/marefriends, or a “IFORGOTAPARTY” Pinkie. “Oh no, remember when Pinkie forgot Rumble's birthday?” Twilight shivered and broke out in an ironically cold sweat. “W-what'll we do? I can't handle a PFPTSD Pinkie right now!” Twilight then looked like she had a light bulb light up over her head, and she looked at Kamina evilly. “And maybe I don't.” “T-Twilight. Let's be reasonable-!” Kamina didn't get to finish his plea. ===//////> Kamina appeared in the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner in a flash of violet light, making him fume. “TWILIGHT~! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!” “Get her for what?” Kamina froze at the familiar peppy, high-pitched, squeaky voice, and slowly turned towards the source to see a beaming Pinkie who also looked somewhat confused. “Whatchadoin' in the kitchen hm?” Pinkie didn't mind, but the Cakes might. Well, if they were in that is. Today the bakery was closed, since it was Friday. You'd think they'd be open on that day, but it was the day their supplier came to town, so they were out of the house/shop on business, and they didn't trust Pinkie to run it alone what with her vicious sweet-tooth. “It's not that sweet silly.” “Um, what?” Kamina was confused, who was she talking to? He hadn't said anything. “Oh~ nothing, *giggle* I just had a random moment. Are you here to bake cupcakes too?” Pinkie's question threw Kamina off more, before he looked at the spot of yellow and soft red that was Apple Bloom, who was happy to see him. “Hey little sis! How're ya doin'?” Kamina asked happily as he lowered himself for the pouncing hug the filly launched herself at him in. “Kamina! It's been almost two weeks since Ah last saw ya!” Apple Bloom loved Kamina like an adopted brother. He inspired her, he helped give her ideas for what she wanted in life, he was a role model to her just as much as her big sis and actual big bro. Only unlike them, he actually listened to her, considered her thoughts and feelings, and even reciprocated with telling her things about him that he could relate with her about. None of her family did that, in spite of how close they were. She also might have a bit of a crush on him. But, she knew it was silly to try and do something about it, after all, her big sis already called dibs when she shoved one of her turnovers in his mouth first, before all the other mares at the reunion he'd first met them at. Apple Family tradition and all. Even if he did have mares already, only a straight no to AJ would get her to change her mind. “Sorry Bloom, but I had to leave for a bit, and things have been rather hectic since I got home.” Kamina put her down from the hug, and decided to voice his curiosity. “Speaking of hectic, I've never seen you here before, especially not in the kitchen. What're you up to?” “I'm trying to get my cutie mark.” Kamina willed his shiver at the horrid title of said flank mark for girls to be contained within himself, only allowing his heart to quiver in terror at the awful name. “Big bro? Are you ok?” AB looked at him in worry, and the quivering of his heart, combined with AB's deadly cuteness, triggered it. “HNNNNNNG~!” Kamina fell over. ===//////> “Breathe! BREATHE DARN IT!” Kamina woke up with lips to his, and hot air blowing into his lungs. His eyes snapped open to look up at the pink mare performing CPR on him. “FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA! BREA-oh! You're breathing!” She had him pinned on his back, straddling his stomach in a compromising position. She'd been fervently breathing into him and from the pain in his ribs; frantically compressing his chest. “Oh thank goodness! I thought you died from overexposure to cuteness! Stop doing that!” Pinkie shouted the last bit into the air, which is just boggling. “You know I'm talking to you!” The unknown entity she was claiming to be speaking to clearly does not exist, maybe she's delirious from the adrenaline high dropping off. “Stop rationalizing! I can hear you!” “Pinkie...you saved me.” Kamina was surprised to be sure. Sure, Pinkie was in her own ways; an incredibly amazing mare. She was deceptively beautiful, invigorating just to know, intelligent beyond what her ditzy personality would suggest, and despite her massive consumption of sweets, she never gained a pound, lucky mare. But now; she'd just saved his life. Sure, she was his friend, it was expected, but to be expected is one thing; to actually have it happen was another. It painted an even brighter light onto his pink on pink friend. “Thank you.” “Just keep breathing K, don't want to have to do that again anytime soon.” Pinkie replied in a surprisingly nervous and worried tone. They stayed like that for a few minutes. “Um...should I...get off?” “If you want.” Kamina offered, she didn't get off of him. “I know I'm comfortable, but really?” Pinkie's cheeks turned red, and she ran her forehooves over his chest. “Yeah~...about time I got a ride on the pony express.” Pinkie wagged her eyebrows before fluttering her eyelids, making Kamina gape at her. “Bet you didn't see that coming.” “See what comin'?” Finally, the little yellow and red elephant in the room announced itself, quickly drawing an embarrassed look from Kamina and Pinkie, who both froze like deer in the carriage lamps at being in such a state with a filly looking on at them. “Are ya gonna kiss or what?” AB asked impatiently, making them both blink at her in surprise. “What, ya think Ah'm too young to learn this stuff? Miss Cheerilee is lettin' us learn bits n' pieces of things we'll need. Like for sure, Ah at least know that when somepony saves somepony they like, they tend to kiss. Like the princess kissin' her knight! Or in this case; the prince kissin' his knight.” AB then clopped her hooves together. “Now kiss already!” At the filly's excited prompting, Pinkie beamed down at the baffled Kamina. “No arguing with that logic! Pucker up!” Pinkie dove onto his face, mashing their lips surprisingly gently, but the kiss was kept chaste, likely due to current company, and she made a cute obnoxious smooching noise. “MWAH! A fitting reward for your knight in saving your life milord?” Pinkie asked as she fluttered her eyes again, making Kamina and AB burst into laughter, Pinkie shortly joined and rolled off of Kamina to roll on the floor with them in amusement. “Ah~ you can really make silly things happen. There's that at least.” “What was that Pinkie?” Kamina asked as he began to calm down. “Oh~ nothing~.” She giggled a bit more, and then sighed. “Right, well, I was going to teach Apple Bloom how to bake cupcakes, see if that got her inspired for her cutie mark.” Kamina admirably didn't even hiss at the words, he willed himself to accept that it was what it was called, at least for girls. “Oh, that right?” Kamina asked rhetorically, before he took his shades and cape from his hammer space, and put them on, standing on his hind legs and pointed at them dramatically. “I might not seem like it, but I was one of the best cooks in my village! Let's do this!” Kamina leaped through the air, doing a seriously legit triple-flip before sticking the landing on his hind hooves. “Cook the uncookable, bake the unbakeable. GAL, GAL PASS THE FLOUR!” ===//////> After Kamina finally got taken out of “the zone” he let AB have a turn at making some mean cupcakes. No, seriously, these cupcakes were so mean, they made you cry. Tears. Of agony. “BLEGH!” Kamina refused to admit his projectile vomiting was anything but awesome, considering he managed to shoot it into the nearby trash can. And didn't even move from the spot he stood on to test her baked bads. Didn't mean the two members of the fairer sex in the kitchen with him didn't disagree. “EW!” They both backed away, and looked disturbed. “Bloom. Never bake. Ever. Unless you plan to kill somepony.” Normally Kamina would be all for positive reinforcement, of just about anything aside from evil or nasty things. And this was NASTY. “Baking just isn't your thing, at least as far as cake-like foods goes. You can make apple treats right?” “Well of course Ah can! What Apple can call themselves an Apple if they can't even make apple treats?” AB asked sarcastically, only to blink, and face-hoof. “Oh darn it, Ah could've just used my know-how of baking fritters for this huh?” “Yeppers! If you can bake something like that, cupcakes are even easier. But wow, I haven't seen somepony throw up that bad in a while! I'll just dispose of these.” Pinkie rebounded on the matter of the projectile vomit, considering it didn't get anywhere, and dropped the evil, vile, cruel, disgusting- “We get it, move on.” Right, well then. “Well, thanks for tryin' to help you two. I guess baking isn't it, since Ah already bake at home anyway. Oh, wait! Kamina, you're a really strong unicorn aren't ya? Ya also learn a lot from Twilight, so you might know how to make a cutie mark appear right? Also ya got those fancy blue lines running through your fur, so ya must know somethin'.” Bloom asked in anticipation, only for Kamina to lower his shades and look at her incredulously. “Bloom, these lines and forms running across my forelegs, chest, shoulders and neck are nothing compared to a mark. Watch.” Kamina turned to the side and took off his cape so his flank could be seen, and then charged a spell on it. Shortly, his own mark began to try and change a bit, only for each attempt to bounce back and return to normal. “Not even magic can make a mark appear before its time. You have to discover your talent for yourself Bloom, like how I found out about my talent for making others do better.” “Aw...thanks anyway. Ah'll just be goin' then.” Bloom sadly trudged out of the kitchen, leaving a saddened Kamina and Pinkie Pie. “Poor Bloom, she'll find it, she just needs to let it happen naturally.” Kamina commented, before Pinkie suddenly blinked at finally noticing something. “Wait, WHY are you here K? Not that I have anything against it, I'm just wondering what you're doing in my kitchen.” The Cake's kitchen. “Right, the Cake's kitchen.” Kamina was suddenly struck with the horror of what he was originally sent here to do, and paled as he started to sweat, and gulped nervously. “Well, Twi sent me here to ask if you could set up a house warming party for Zecora moving in with us.” Pinkie gasped and seemed to swell with excitement. “Of course! I'll be happy to-wait....” Pinkie seemed to grind her processes to a halt, her mind finally catching on to something. “No....” Kamina slowly edged away as Pinkie's hair flattened out, becoming a straight curtain of hair that was surprisingly long, and if Kamina were daring to say to her; beautiful. “I...I....” She burst into a fountain of tears, her hair now shimmering with the wetness of her tears drenching everything nearby. “WAH~! I forgot to give her a welcome to Ponyville party! I'm a horrible pony!” “No you're not! You just forgot! It's just fine!” Kamina tried to console her, only for her to stop crying and round on him with a furious face that struck terror into his heart. “FINE?! It is NOT fine! Zecora was basically lynched from the town the moment she showed up, I was one of the biggest meanies to do it too, and now I didn't even welcome her to town properly when I had the chance?! WAH~!” Pinkie began crying again, and Kamina decided he had to help her, so he trotted right up to her and hugged her, surprising her. “K?” “You're not a terrible pony. Sure, you're quick to jump to conclusions, but you're one of the sweetest ponies I know.” That corny joke got Pinkie to giggle a bit. “Also, I'd like to take this chance to say that your mane is really beautiful like this.” Kamina stated as he pulled away, making Pinkie blush. “R-really? I always thought it made me look sad, or lonely.” Pinkie's mane and tail weren't just left unattended you know, she painstakingly curls them with love, energy, and curlers at night. “Aw shucks, thank you!” You're welcome. “You're welcome. It's true after all.” Kamina calmly returned, and was only slightly surprised when Pinkie leaned up and pecked him on the lips. “You're sweet K. Thanks. I needed that.” Pinkie looked at her straight shiny mane, and smiled at it. “I think I should let my hair down a bit huh? Tee hee!” Pinkie was laughing at the irony of her statement, beings the saying usually means to relax and have fun, which she does a lot already. “I'll admit, it feels good to have my hair in it's natural shape.” Pinkie flipped her mane, making Kamina gape in surprise at how gorgeous the action was. “Well...I guess I can just roll two parties into one, but it'll have to wait. Today in the afternoon; when the Cakes get back, we're hosting a cute-ceañera.” Kamina groaned at the horrid name. “WHY must it be cute?” Kamina bemoaned, only to be truly taken by surprise by the sudden deep kiss Pinkie pulled him into, and he moaned in amazement at how good she was with her dominating tongue, before she slowly broke away, and she smirked cheekily at him. “Some things just are cutie.” Pinkie turned and slowly walked out of the kitchen, emphasizing her gait so her plot sashayed as she looked back at him with lidded eyes. “Thanks for the reward kiss my prince.” Pinkie finished leaving, and Kamina stared blankly at where she'd walked out. “Oh Kami...am I blessed or cursed that all my friends are so damned sexy?” ===//////> Kamina entered the library quietly. He'd walked home sedately the whole afternoon, just trying to wrap his head around his odd fortune with the mares. Sure, he was drop dead sexy, a stallion all stallions strive to be. He's practically a sex icon in the mind of his mares, but that's not it. 'When Pinkie kissed me like that, my heart was pounding against my chest like Twilight, Trixie or Zecora were kissing me. I know I actually love them, so what, does that mean I love Pinkie too? Why? Why am I in love with them all? Why do they love me? I'm awesome, but why, specifically?' He wandered upstairs and opened his bedroom door, only to freeze and calmly look upon the frozen mares. Zecora was pinned under Twilight, who was clearly in the act of kissing her, and Trixie was currently Trickster, his head being near their plots giving Kamina some ideas as to what he was doing. “Eh, whatever, not in the mood right now. Is Spike back from Rarity's yet?” Trickster chuckled nervously as he stood up. “Um, yeah, he should be in his room. We had the silencing charm on...but forgot to lock the door.” “Fair enough.” Kamina then turned his focus to the utterly embarrassed Zecora. “Don't worry about it Zecora, this is an average day here. Have fun.” Kamina turned the lock on the door handle and closed the door. “Hm...I could actually use some quality time with my little bro, been a bit.” Kamina trotted down the hall to Spike's room, not at all concerned with his mares having a go without him at the moment. > Art Cultumque! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecora settled in quite well, considering it'd only been a few days. Kamina was thrown off when his friends all denied him following his schedule anymore, he even argued that his following it allowed him much more time for them all, but only for them to say politely that spending TOO much time with someone was just as bad as not spending enough. So, now Kamina was surprised to feel at a loss for the lack of structure that suddenly invaded his life. To think, over a year ago, he would have laughed at the idea of living by a schedule, but suddenly after spending the better part of a year following one, it was disorientating to be...aimless. It also hurt, deeply. Kamina corresponded with his aunt through Spike, who, like the bro he is, did not read his messages. Luna explained to him that alicorns must govern something, either physical or abstract in the world. Luna physically embodied the moon, and Tia was the sun, and they also broadly embodied all the other things that fell under such thing's jurisdiction such as light, dark, life, and death. They weren't all-powerful, goodness no, they simply had a deeper connection to these things than others. Kamina clearly embodied Will. Will was a fickle, yet powerful thing, like Love but not dependent on an object of affection. Luna told him she'd try to arrange to have Kamina meet up with Mi Amore Cadenza, aka: Cadence at the Grand Galloping Gala, which was at the end of spring and the start of summer, only a couple months away. Cadence governed Love, and so she had some similar experiences as Kamina was going through with having trouble controlling his urges and need to comply with his aspect. Which was apparent by him being completely whipped by his mares and friends, because while he is of strong will, his will to please them exceeds his will to put himself first. This was something they were noticing, and asking him why he was being such a doormat, but he managed through those hard questions, because his desire to protect his mom and aunt was greater than his desire to ease his friends and lover's worries. Today, Kamina decided he needed some more time away from his friends and lovers, because he knew if they pressed him too hard his will would bend and give him the excuse to tell them the truth. So, right now he was actually at Rarity's on business, no pleasure, as her company often was like all his other friends. Especially since she embodied what he felt that all the so-called noble ponies of Canterlot should be like. “Bro, you've got to tell her.” “No! She'll laugh at me!” Spike stage-whispered back to his big bro. This wasn't the first time this conversation happened, it wouldn't be the last either Kamina felt, but he couldn't let his little bro hang around in the Friend-Zone too long, lest he be permanently Friend-Zoned and lose his chance with the fashionista. The only reason they could even talk about this in her boutique was because Kamina was sitting in the waiting room to be served, as Rarity was in her fitting room getting her latest customer's order put on her for the final sale, and mares didn't like to be watched getting dressed or undressed by boys, which just confused Kamina to no end. Sure, he'd find it hot, but he used to be a species that needed clothes just to keep warm, he didn't know how ponies, with their natural fur coats, would even be psychologically stimulated by clothing. “If you don't, you'll-.” “Get Friend-Zoned! I know! Stop reminding me! I still need time to get a bit more mature before I can admit my feelings for her.” Spike griped back at Kamina. Spike knew he would be in for a growth spurt soon enough, but it wasn't soon enough for his tastes, and he was worried it wouldn't be soon enough for Rarity's tastes either. “Little dude, you know she likes you, she also likes me, so I'm begging you man, nab her before she decides to go for me. I've already got three mares, and Pinkie and AJ have been laying it on pretty thick lately. PLEASE get at least one of my girl friends off the market.” Kamina was beginning to feel the pressure of having a herd at last, since he now had three mares that would either separately or together mob him for his affections. He loved it, yeah, but more? Kamina knew not to push it, he really didn't think he could handle any more mares, even if Trixie hopped the gender fence to Trickster on a regular basis, and even then he would only go for Twilight that way, still leaving him with Zecora, which was an exercise in stamina he never imagined he'd face on a regular basis before. Kinda scared Kamina what zebra stallions must be like then, to be tough enough for their mares. Anyhow, yeah, Kamina didn't want to add Rarity to his herd simply out of fact that Spike has dibs, Spike is right for her, and Kamina didn't think he'd be able to hold himself to her standards, even if he is a prince like she dreamed. Kamina told Rarity all about Blueblood and his oafish nature, so she was quite discouraged by the prospect, but took his words with a grain of salt, saying she had to confirm it herself before she let her hopes down. So, Kamina had been pressuring Spike to ask to be her date at the gala, but, of course; the little guy was too shy. “So sorry dears, Daisy was being rather chatty about her coltfriend.” Rarity trotted in from the fitting room alone, likely Daisy had taken the other hall to the exit for some silly reason. “Now then Kamina, I need to measure you again. You've grown a bit since you first arrived, so my old measurements won't work.” “A bit?” Kamina asked looked down at her from his seated position. He'd been growing steadily since he arrived, it just never really factored into much since his shades and cape were all he wore. He was now between Luna and Celestia in size, and he worried he was going to keep growing for a while still, especially since Twilight had to start resorting to extreme measures to ensure he didn't hurt her or the others in bed via a size-increasing spell that she could only get to work temporarily for now. “Rarity, I was just a head taller than you when I got here, and now I'm a head and a half over you sitting down. How much is a bit to you?” Rarity flushed and bashfully tittered a little. “Oh my, sorry, I'm used to working with mares who are touchy about their weight and size. It's just a slip of the tongue dear. You've really grown quite regally the past few months.” Yes, indeed, he was starting to get some of his mom's facial structure too. Now it was quite clear he was her son, when a few months ago he still more resembled his unmet father. Even Vinyl could tell him that it was good to see he wasn't just her dad's clone, and did have an actual mother in an attempt to affirm that he was a real pony to him. “Well, lets get this over with. I just know we'll end up doing this again.” Kamina trotted into the fitting room, and Spike was about to follow when Rarity levitated him back out into the waiting room. “Oh c'mon! He's my big bro, it's nothing special.” Spike grumbled, only for Rarity roll her eyes. “It's the principle of the matter Spike. It doesn't matter. What happened between artist and commissioner is strictly private between them. Especially since I have to measure everything for his suit for the gala.” Rarity left out she literally meant EVERYTHING as she closed the door. ===//////> Kamina walked out of the fitting room a flushed and baffled stallion. She had to measure EVERYTHING?! He demanded why she had to measure his “Captain Kamina” for a suit, but her explanation was sound, and she didn't do anything perverse beyond being visibly impressed. “Worry not darling, I'll ensure the suit can...accommodate you.” She explained that since it would be a full suit, covering him from chest to ankle on all legs, she had to ensure that should he get...excited, that the suit doesn't painfully constrict his privates, and still hide it from onlookers. Which will be incredibly hard even so, considering it does still reach up to his chest. The fact that anypony can handle him is astounding to him, especially since three mares do so on a regular basis. “Th-thanks Rare, I'll be by later to make sure it fits right.” Kamina regretted his words when Rarity blushed vividly. “N-not like that!” “You'd have to in order to make sure that it...doesn't become...oh, so crass.” Rarity was oddly embarrassed at the concept, especially considering how liberal she was on ponyhoofing him the first time she measured him. “Think nothing of it darling, it's just that I'm not used to having stallion customers. I'll need to be braced for it should I get a larger consumer base, so I appreciate you helping me, even if it is like this.” “Like what?” Spike asked, tired of being ignored, and they both blushed as they didn't want him to know about it. “Seriously, help her like what?” Spike directed at Kamina, who really, really, REALLY didn't want to tell Spike that Rarity had to measure his privates, ENTIRELY, for his suit, but Rarity butted in to save him face. “O-oh I mean just what I said dear! I've never made many clothes for stallions before!” Rarity blinked, and then her eyes seemed to glimmer in that signature way they did when she was inspired. “Idea~! Boys! Kamina; go get your guy friends and Gilda, and Spike, you go get the girls. I'm going to have a field day~!” Rarity suddenly bolted back into her fitting room, slamming the door shut, causing the two to look to each other bewildered. “What just happened?” Spike asked in confusion, only for Kamina to shrug. “No idea, but either way; we're going to do what she said anyway.” They both nodded. It was a gentlecolt/gentledrake's honor to do as a lady demanded, and Rarity was one hell of a lady. ===//////> “Ok, so, what're we here for?” Blitz asked in annoyance as he hovered over the group. Aside from the girls, Spike and Kamina, there was Blitz, Gilda and Big Mac as well. The Apples could have some on-off time away from work thanks to Kamina still helping them out every weekend, even if Applebuck Season was just around the corner again. “No idea; Rarity just told us to come get you all.” Spike stated to prove that he and Kamina were just as clueless. However, they wouldn't be clueless for long, because the small stage in the boutique's main showroom became lit with a limelight. “Welcome Friends!” Rarity unsteadily walked into the light from behind the small stage curtain. She wore her glasses and her mane and tail were crimped up from sweat, stress and exhaustion as her eyes had visible bags. She must have really pushed herself for whatever she's about to reveal. “Feast your eyes upon my art!” Rarity took a rope in her magic and tugged, opening the stage curtain to reveal five dresses, each clearly themed for their wearer, and floated them out around the edge of the stage, causing the girls to all smile and approach the one that appealed to them most, save the purple more classical one. “Rarity! These are beautiful!” Twilight stated as she looked at a night blue dress with glimmering stars sewn into it, and was framed by purple flame-like frills that made it look like the edges of it were on fire, and trying to eat further into the dress, yet did not. “Oh my, it's so serene.” Fluttershy adored the green and pink nature-themed dress, even sniffing the fabric flowers to see if Rarity had them scented, they smelled like normal silk, so she'd have to spray a perfume on them herself. “Yay~ It's so poofy!” Pinkie exclaimed as she hugged the ponnequin wearing the pink and white frilly dress that had some smooth sections as well. Her mane and tail were kept straight, taking Kamina's words to heart. Lately she'd actually been approached by other stallions in town, who admitted that it made her easier to approach and they were just too nervous before. Pinkie gently turned them down though, she had her eyes on somepony already. “I do?” Uh...yes? “That's what YOU think~!” Pinkie crowed in victory, and to my ire...dang it Pinkie! Stop breaking the barrier between me and your universe! “But it's fun.” I know! Geez, on with the story! “Well would ya look at that.” AJ spun the spurs on the boots of the ponnequin with her hoof. “Talk about classy, what's the occasion sugarcube?” “The occasion dear friends, is that I neglected to make these dresses sooner! The Grand Galloping Gala is barely three months away, and I utterly forgot to make our dresses!” She then pointed to Blitz. “Also, I need to get your measurements Blitz. Back then, you were a mare, and my measurements for you then obviously don't match you now.” “Oh, right, I'm going to the Gala too....” Blitz remembered, only to shrug. “Why don't I care? I cared so much back during the whole ticket fiasco.” “Must have something to do with you jumping the fence into stallionhood.” Gilda commented, and then blinked. “Wait, you're going to the Gala?!” Gilda brightened up, but then became frantic. “Please tell me those tickets are a plus one deal!” Twilight blinked, and then summoned her ticket to read it. “Yep! It says admittance for one, plus one guest.” She blinked again. “Why didn't we notice that during that whole ticket craze last year?” “YES!” Gilda crowed as she took off into the air and hugged Blitz, before blushing and dropped to the floor. “Um, yeah, cool. I get to go to the Gala with my coltfriend.” Then she blinked. “I need a dress.” “Which is why you're here!” Rarity beamed as she looked out at the crowd of ponies plus one griffin, one zebra, and one dragon. “I am going to get all your measurements, and then make your suits and dresses. As for us though, I already finished.” “Wait.” Trixie held up her hoof, and gestured to herself and Zecora, who were brought in too. “We don't have tickets, so who of you are going to claim us as their plus one?” Trixie asked seriously, because she was supposed to go to the Gala once before as a guest, only for her date to flake on her, leaving her lonely and looking at the castle gates forlornly. “Hm, yes, this is quite a dilemma. For while Twilight has a ticket, Kamina does not. Is my presence and hope for naught?” Zecora blinked. “Darned rhyming....” Everyone looked to Kamina, who raised an eyebrow at them incredulously. “Really? Have you all forgotten?” They all looked confused, and Kamina rolled his eyes. “I'm a prince.” This got a chorus of “ohs” out of them all, and a few embarrassed expressions. It was easy to forget Kamina was a prince, what with his crass nature and humble demeanor in spite of his occasional grandstanding and genuinely huge ego, which was all well deserved. “I HAVE to go, I don't have an option to not go. Celestia was very clear on that. Besides, there's something important I have to tend to while there, so even if I did have the choice not to, I need to.” “What could be so important that it has to be on one of the biggest nights of the year?” Spike asked, making everyone look to him. Kamina almost blurted it out, but he gasped and bit his lip so hard, he visibly drew blood to everyone's shock and worry. “Big bro?” 'Can't tell them! Can't tell them!' {But they're your loved ones, you trust them, they can be told.} 'NO! It will risk everything, it must come from her! Else they might never forgive her.' {You also need to tell them about your-.} 'FOR THE LAST TIME NO! Not until mom and aunty are more protected from internal threats!' Kamina visibly seemed at war with himself, drawing more blood from his lip, and Twilight was about to interfere when he raised a hoof, and panted while sweating as he gestured for her to stay back. “I'm fine, I'm fine...that's part of it right there. You'll all know in time, but not now.” Kamina backed away from them, and sat in the corner. “Just...just go about things. I need to be alone right now.” They were reluctant to do so, but Kamina rarely asked to be left alone, so they let him be. That was one of the worst instances of his Will almost asserting itself before he could control it, and he barely even noticed it before it was too late. He wanted to tell them, he wanted to so badly his Will took every chance to get him to let it out, it knew he needed to let them know and that keeping it from them hurt him, so it tried to do what it felt was best for him. 'Aunty said sometimes she has to do something to appease the moon and night, to more attune herself to them, like simply bask in the moonlight, gaze at the stars or even ironically nap as she delved into the dream realm. What do I have to do to appease my own will aside from let it control me? I don't want that, I don't want my desires to rule me.' For all Kamina knew, he could want the throne for himself to transform Equestria into one of the most epic kingdoms ever. He might want to find the largest monster on the planet, and fight it with one hoof tied to his side. He might want to breach the veil of this reality just so he could tell Simon he was alright. He wanted all of these things, and if his Will had it's way, he'd do anything to fulfill these crazy, selfish, and dangerous ideas. However, he also didn't want to do these things. He didn't want the throne because he didn't want the burden, or to replace his mom and aunt. He didn't want to fight such a ridiculously powerful being at all if he could help it, he'd do it if he had to, but ONLY if he had to. Finally, he didn't want to breach the veil just to get closure with his little brother because he didn't know what doing that might do to their respective universes. These Wills clashed within him constantly, he was constantly divided, and it was incredibly painful to his spirit to be torn so drastically between his desires based out of personal fulfillment, and his desires based out of pleasing his cherished ones. The latter thankfully generally outweighs the former, but as with what just happened, not even that can be a good thing. 'Why is this so hard? Why did Will have to be my aspect? Why not...yeah, never mind, I can't think of anything more suited to me.' That was that. Luna told him that if he pondered on it, he would find nothing better than what he represented. 'Oh well, just as well, its what defined me anyway.' Kamina looked back towards his friends. The four that had their dresses were all wearing them, marveling at how they looked and felt. While the others were all in line to get measured, sans Blitz. “YOU HAVE TO WHAT?!” Blitz's voice echoed through the fitting room door, making Kamina snicker. It was much funnier when it wasn't him in that position. He heard something about a fashion show, but he put it out of his mind. The day he walked down a runway stage was the day he trampled his stallion card underhoof. > Neomenia?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just a couple days later, yesterday the others had all participated in a small fashion show, showcasing Rarity's wonderful work for the town, and some stuffed-shirt fashion buff named Hoity Toity who happened to be in town. Since they all wore Rarity's as-they-came dresses, it was a huge hit. She was practically mobbed by commissions, and even had a potential deal with Hoity to promote her if he could get a few dozen samples of her work to distribute in a few select circles of famous ponies. Everypony really hoped this helped their friend, because if it did; then she'd finally get the recognition she deserved if she'd lived in a big city that actually had a hoof in the fashion industry. Yes, Kamina is still sore about that. Anyhow, Kamina decided that since his friends wanted some space, which was fair considering he'd been practically smothering them for the better part of a year; he'd spend some more time with Vinyl. “So you both don't really love each other's genres of music, but you can enjoy it because you love each other more?” Kamina asked Octavia as they were sitting at a table at the outdoor diner with Vinyl, who was shoveling hay fries into her mouth as she sipped on a milkshake. “Yes. While I do not love dubstep, techno, chiptune or other electronic forms of music, I can enjoy them because Vinyl can explain the nuances of them. Like how I can explain the finer points of classical, opera, and orchestra.” Tavi took a bite of her salad, and wiped her lips with her napkin. “It especially helps that we work together to make songs that blend our genres.” “Oh! You should totally listen to “my lover is a bassist”, I really loved how that one came out.” Vinyl grinned at Octavia, who blushed lightly and smiled softly as they reached out and gently held hooves, making Kamina smile at them. “You two are just so adorable it's sinful.” Kamina chuckled as they giggled at his comment and they went back to eating. They were having a simple chat when Pinkie came running through the outdoor diner. “Twitchy tail! TWITCHY TAIL!” Pinkie screamed in hysteria as her straight tail rapidly flicked around, and everypony all gasped and got under their tables save Kamina. “What?” Kamina asked in confusion, only for Vinyl and Tavi to try and fail to pull him under the table with him, hitting his horn on the edge of the table, making his cry out in pain and hiss. “Ow! I'm too big to fit under-!” Suddenly, an anvil of all things smashed Kamina's head into the table, snapping off his horn with a vicious crack, and he immediately blacked out from the shock. ===//////> Kamina groaned in pain as he woke up, his horn feeling like it was set on fire after being overcharged again. “He's coming to, get the doctor.” Kamina noticed that he had a breathing tube taped to his nose, and IV was in his right foreleg, and his head was heavily wrapped in bandages to the point he couldn't see. “Prince Kamina, we really must stop meeting like this.” Doctor Stable entered the room holding his clipboard aloft with his magic. He was an unassuming pony, of simple tan coat with brown hair and green eyes. It was often joked he was related to Time Turner; the resident clockmaker, since the only real difference between them were their flank marks and eyes. “You've just survived having a small one ton anvil smash your head into a low table, and snapping your horn off. Luckily your sister and her marefriend got you here fast enough for us to reattach your horn, so you won't have to wait months for it to grow back.” “Great...that's great...thanks doc...you smell funny....” Yep, Kamina was totally out of it, they must have put him on the good stuff, finally, morphine barely works on him. “Yes, well, just rest up and you'll be out in a couple days when your horn finishes healing. Just for reference sire; when Pinkie's tail is twitching, run, or take cover. It is your only salvation.” Doctor Stable shuddered for some reason before he left, leaving Kamina confused; what about Pinkies tail? Great, now he's going to have dirty dreams about a certain pink party pony after he drifts off. ===//////> Kamina was floating in a haze of white, his limbs seemed to be loosely tangled in a web of crimson and light blue light. “Nephew!” Kamina lazily turned his head to his aunt...he precious, pretty aunt who should really have stallions lining up for her hoof. “Nephew, can you hear me?” “Aunty...I've got to take you clubbing...you'll have stallions drooling at the sight of you. Come~ dance with me~.” Kamina wiggled in his odd restraints, and Luna contained her laughter at his silly antics. “Oh, good, I was scared when Tia informed me through Twilight Sparkle's apprentice's message that you were hospitalized for a grievous injury that you'd be worse than this. It is good to see that the worst is drug-caused confusion.” Luna then suddenly noticed Kamina was next to her, and when she actually had to look up at him, she blushed, wishing she could find a stallion that was half his merit. “What is it nephew?” “I said to dance~, so let's dance~.” Kamina suddenly bumped her rump, making her stumble in surprise. “What-hey!” Luna was interrupted at seeing Kamina suddenly doing all kinds of surprisingly sensual waving movements, his legs moving over the blank white ground as if he had no bones, his body flexing and shifting like a serpent, and Luna blushed at seeing her nephew dance so languidly. “S-stop at once! To behave in such a manner to your aunt is-!” She was silenced by a nuzzle to the cheek. “C'mon aunty~!” Suddenly, the white void was replaced by a vibrant, flashing nightclub. Vinyl at the table, mixing sick beats as a crowd of faceless ponies all partied. “Join the fun~! We're here to enjoy the night, aren't we~?” “What is this?” Luna tried to exert her power over the dream, only for it to do nothing, and her eyes widened in shock. “Your Will...your Will is being forced over mine!” Luna felt...violated. She never imagined somepony could do this to her, let alone a member of her family. “N-nephew...sweetie....” Luna never went for such words, not unless she was scared, or nervous. “Can you...please let me have control back?” “Why~? You should relax aunty~!” Kamina pulled her into a dance she was forced to comply with, Luna becoming more frightened by the moment. “We're all here for you, after all~.” Suddenly, a banner that proclaimed “LUNA'S NIGHT CELEBRATION” was hanging overhead, and ponies were praising her, thanking her for her night. Luna had tears running down her face, but they weren't of happiness. “Stop....” Somepony who looked similar to Kamina, but of vastly different coloration and build knelt before her, asking for marriage. “Stop...!” Luna suddenly was forced to look to the sidelines, seeing said stallion cradling a disturbingly familiar black baby alicorn on his back, and she closed her eyes. “STOP!” A blast of white-blue power surged through the dream from Luna, launching Kamina off into a distant, unseen wall. “No...please...don't taunt me like this....” Tears poured from her eyes, Luna sniffling at seeing things that might never be. “No more...please....” “You can have it all.” Luna shot her eyes up in horror, seeing a horrifying sight, of Nightmare standing before her, but not with a look of disdain, superiority or even anger, but of sadness that mirrored hers. “You can have love, you can have a child...you could even have the love of your ponies. Why do you rob yourself of this?” “Because it's not real!” Luna screamed at the projection of her darkest period of her life. “In the real world, I can never find the stallion I dream of, I can never have a foal. The stallion I desire won't die of age as I watch, my child either. My Little Ponies might love me, but it will be fleeting. They need to sleep at night, I know that now.” Luna sniffed, but Nightmare took off her helm, and nuzzled her, which Luna didn't resist, and even turned into her neck to cry. “Shh, shh. I'm here. Don't worry.” Nightmare hugged Luna, who hugged back, and they rocked back and forth. “I'm sorry. It's all my fault.” “No...it was me. It was all my doing. If I hadn't been filled with so much hatred, so much jealousy, I would not have succumbed to the darkness. I would not have created you.” Luna's eyes widened, and she slowly drew back, only for the mare she was hugging to be replaced with a small filly, who looked up at her with love, love only a child could have for their mother. “No...it can't be.” “I'm sorry mommy...I just wanted to make you happy....” She began to fade away, and Luna panicked as she tried to grab hold of her. “No! NO! Don't leave! DON'T LEAVE ME!” ===//////> Luna bolted up out of bed, crying in anguish, tears matting her fur, sweat doing the same everywhere else. She sobbed into her pillow, heartbroken. “What have I done?!” She hugged her pillow, desperate for some sort of comfort. 'She was my child? I forsook my own daughter?!' It was the only final conclusion Luna had. Nightmare was more than just a shade, a fragment, she was a being born of her, and by extension of such, was her child. She only wanted what would make Luna happy, like an overeager child seeking their parent's approval. “Mommy?” Luna gasped, and froze. “Mommy, why are you crying?” Luna quickly turned over, to see something she could have only dreamed of before. A black alicorn filly, that seemed to be about 11 years old, a standard age for primary school, with light shimmering blue hair and normal, yet powerful silver-blue eyes. She looked genuinely worried as she climbed over the pillows and blankets to nuzzle Luna's cheek, making her start crying again. “Don't cry mommy. I'm here.” Luna sniffed as she gently hugged the filly to her chest, and smiled as she cradled her with her forelegs and neck. “Yes...you are. Thank you, my little Nyx....” ===//////> Kamina jolted awake, causing a spike of pain from his horn, but he already had an immense headache as he woke up. 'Ow~...what hit me?' He felt like he should remember something, something important. {You helped her.} 'Who?' {The one who was lost.} 'Who was lost?' {Night, personified.} 'Aunty?' {Cousin.} Kamina gasped as he remembered everything, and he jolted up in bed, causing the nearby monitoring equipment to blare as some of the wires on him flew off from the sudden movement. “Luna!” “Kamina!” He felt a few hooves press him back down into the bed, and he was going to struggle back up when he felt the familiar aura of Twilight press him down into the bed. “Kamina, stay still! You've just had your horn reattached, you can't just-!” “Message mom!” Kamina shouted, clearly surprising Twilight as her aura wavered. “Get Spike! I need to tell her something!” “Can't it wait-?” “NO! It can't wait! It's a matter of national security!” ===//////> Celestia was just wrapping up the last matter she was to attend for her court, the merchant she just finished speaking to about funding a road between the border towns of Appleloosa and Dodge Junction for carriage caravans to help improve relations with the buffalo tribes was leaving when an unsealed scroll flashed before her in a burst of green fire. “Goodness, it is an odd time for a letter.” Celestia floated it up to her, but her eyes widened in worry at the simple message. LUNA! NIGHTMARE! CHECK! NOW! It was written hastily, and knowing her student or anypony else who would message her through Spike, it was no joke. She teleported outside her sister's room immediately, and burst into the door. “Luna! Is something...?!” She paused, she took in the sight before her carefully. On the bed, was a visibly exhausted and freshly cried-out Luna, cradling a sleeping black alicorn filly to her chest. She made a gesture for quiet, and then gently used her head to gesture Tia closer. The older sister did so cautiously, and couldn't help but marvel at the sight in her sister's forelegs. “Sister...what is this?” “Nyx...my little piece of the night.” Luna's eyes were shimmering. Bloodshot as they were from crying, they held immense and profound love for the filly in her embrace. “Nightmare...she was my daughter Tia. I-I never knew. But something nephew; Kamina did, brought her to the forefront. He was asleep, and drugged from his injury, and even then, his Will was so strong Tia...he ripped control of the dream from me, even trapping me there against my will until I forced myself out of it. But then...she appeared.” “How is this possible? My son is powerful, but to bring Nightmare-.” Luna glared at Tia viciously, and she flinched. “Sorry, Nyx, back to life? That is impossible? Not even we can raise the dead without special circumstances such as Kamina.” “She wasn't dead Tia, just...scattered, I think. There must have been so much of her inside of Kamina after he was at ground zero of her destruction, and she was born of me. It just took him doing...something, to give her back to me.” Luna nuzzled the sleeping filly, getting a cute groan out of her, before she looked up at Tia, her eyes shimmering with happy unshed tears. “I'm...a mother Tia. I have a child.” Celestia's eyes began to water too, and she lowered her head to being just over Nyx's, and kissed her brow. “Welcome to the family little one....” ===//////> “*BURP* Okay, let's see...whoa...what? Ew!” Spike exclaimed, confusing Kamina and Twilight in the room with him. “What?” Twilight took the letter, gasped, and then punched Kamina in the ribs. “How could you?!” “What? What happened?!” Kamina was dead-to-rights worried, he was afraid he'd just hurt his aunt. “You just had a filly with Luna!” Twilight screamed, getting everything to grind to a halt. “...What? EW!” Kamina exclaimed, feeling dirty. “EW~! Gross! What the-? HOW?!” Twilight calmed down, but kept an edge to her tone. “You somehow infused her with the large amount of Nightmare's essence you had inside you when she visited you in your dreams earlier. Something about your drugged consciousness forcing your will over Luna's control of the dream, and making her come to the realization that Nightmare was her daughter. So, in laypony's terms; you just had a filly with your aunt.” “EW! No! It was not consensual! I was drugged! C'mon Twilight!” No response. “Twilight?” He was alone. “...Fuck...I'm really in the doghouse now huh?” {Yes.} 'Can't argue with, wait, YOU! This is your fault!' {It is all your doing, I merely gave you the power to do so.} '...Who are you?' {You.} Kamina curled up into a ball, crying into the bandages wrapped around his head. > Voluntas... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Kamina got out of the hospital the next day, he found himself unwelcome at the library. While Trixie, Zecora and Spike totally understood that it wasn't intentional, and it wasn't even actually HIS filly, he just returned her to Luna, Twilight was furious at the thought that he would even do something like this. So, Kamina found himself in exile. Thankfully, his other friends, who were still in the dark about the situation, were more than happy to put him up until Twilight let him back in. Of course; Blitz was the first to offer to let him crash at his place, but Gilda told him that since Kamina wasn't a pegasus, he couldn't even touch clouds. Thankfully, Kamina wasn't a pegasus, but an alicorn in disguise. He could stand on clouds. So, he said he knew the cloud walking spell, but only well enough to use on himself. A bit of magical light, saying it was done, and woosh! Up to the cloud house via Air Gilda. Blitz had a fairly huge house, so he had a spare room. Honestly though, Kamina found every single surface so comfortable he could have slept on the floor without a care. How Fluttershy or other ground-bound pegasi could live without a cloud bed at the least was baffling to him. So, Kamina was casually crashed on the couch, not bothering with the room Blitz offered since he still felt terrible about Twilight kicking him out for something outside his control, so he tried to squeeze onto the too-small couch in a sort of self-punishment. Didn't work. He fell dead asleep in the cozy incomplete cocoon of cloud within minutes. “Hey, wake up ya lug!” Kamina snorted as he was jolted awake by a talon shaking him, and he cracked his eyes open to see Gilda as his alarm clock. “Time to get up K.” Gilda turned and walked into the kitchen as Kamina roused himself with a huge stretch. “Want some bacon and eggs?” “Hm? Sounds great.” Kamina suddenly perked up, his mouth watering a bit. “Did you say...bacon?” Gilda leaned her head out of the doorway into the kitchen. “Oh, right, pony. Sorry, but we're out of hay bacon. Only have the actual thing from wild hogs imported from Griffonia. Stuff's so expensive out here.” “REAL bacon? PLEASE tell me you're not pulling a leg.” Kamina asked as his drool became obvious, getting a surprised look from Gilda, who smirked. “Oh? The herbivore has a taste for flesh hm? How'd that happen?” Gilda turned back into the kitchen, and the sounds associated with food preparation began. “I was literally raised eating pig-moles my whole life. Bacon is a staple of my childhood.” Kamina commented, getting the activity in the kitchen to pause, and Gilda to lean out and look at him like he was crazy, and Kamina blushed. “Oh shit...right, only Twilight and my other family members know about my past.... Look, to simplify things; I am Celestia's son, but through being reborn from death from another world.” Gilda blinked, and shrugged. “Meh, past lives aren't all that uncommon.” Gilda went back into the kitchen, and the signature sizzle of frying bacon could be heard, the smell driving Kamina wild as his mouth became a small waterfall. “Actually, my grandpa told me stories of his memories of a previous life when he was a minotaur, it was hella cool.” “Meh, I wasn't anything as interesting as a minotaur. I was basically a hairless evolved ape that was omnivorous.” Kamina replied as he slurped his saliva back in, and got a laugh out of the griffin. “Sounds ridiculous! I'd pay to see that.” Gilda then turned off the stove, and came out with a plate covered in greasy, succulent bacon, and a plate covered in scrambled eggs. “Come and get it.” Gilda set the plates on the small coffee table, and Kamina nearly pounced on the bacon plate, but managed to not instantly tackle it. “Thank you so much!” Kamina levitated a strip of bacon up, and sniffed it, before taking a deep whiff. “Ah...the smell of cooked death.” He put it in his mouth, and began to chew, finding difficulty with his flat teeth, but he was able to masticate it after a little liberal grinding, and swallowed, sighing in satisfaction. “So good....” He opened his eyes, and was surprised to see Gilda eying him, her wings fully extended. “What?” “That was incredibly hot. A pony that eats meat. I can't get Blitz to try it at all.” Gilda took a talonful of strips, and Kamina quickly put a few more pieces in his mouth. “Anyway, today's kinda special, in case ya didn't know.” “Hm?” Kamina gulped his protein-heavy meal down. “What's today?” “The Best Young Flier Competition in Cloudsdale. Blitz is competing.” Gilda informed him calmly as she ate some eggs. “But only me and Shy can go, since nopony else in our group of friends can fly.” 'Damn...of all times for me to have to hide my wings.' “Well, could you carry me? I'm sitting here just fine, as you can see.” Kamina bounced on the luxurious cloud floor, making Gilda chuckle. “Well...no, I'm afraid not. You're too heavy for me to carry that far.” Gilda admitted, making Kamina wilt. “Hey, it's not your fault. Besides, you'll have free reign of the house while we're gone.” “Yeah....” 'Hiding my wings sucks.' {With your cousin now in the mix, it should be safe to expose yourself now. Beings your mother and aunt will have had to quickly ensure her and their safety.} 'No, geez, give me a break.' {Very well.} Kamina gasped as he felt it; his wings were trying to come out of his sides. “G-Gilda! When are you leaving?” She blinked and looked at the time, before she squawked in surprise. “I'm late! Gotta go!” Gilda flew out the front door, just in the nick of time. “No! NO!” Kamina grunted as he tried to keep them in, but his wings reappeared from his sides as they extended out fully. “Damn you, damn it!” {Relax.} Kamina's horn began shrinking into his skull, he tried to keep it out, but it hurt to resist. {Relax!} “I won't let you control me!” {Fool, you are controlling yourself, you cannot deny what you are.} Kamina hissed as his horn finished vanishing. {Now for the final touches.} *CRACK* “AH~!” Kamina screeched in pain as it felt like every bone in his body was breaking. {Go limp.} He gave up, Kamina let himself go limp as his Will demanded. He hissed, and grunted in agony with every jolt as his body changed further. His snout shortened until it was nearly gone, and then changed into a brown-tipped golden hooked beak. His head became covered in tan/brown feathers, his ears sunken into his skull. His body drastically altered, his forelegs becoming the golden talons of a hawk, while his body became the striped body of a tiger, the black stripes instead being blue to match his former mane, tail and tattoos. His flank mark hidden. {It is done, you may move now.} Kamina hissed through his teeth inside his hooked beak, and slowly dragged himself to his feet. “What you done to me?” His voice was slightly deeper, and had a bit of a rasp to it. {I have given us a form that will allow us to move about more anonymously. None will expect this griffin to be you.} 'I don't expect this griffin to be me! Change me back!' {Not until your needs are fulfilled.} 'What does that mean?!' {Fly.} Kamina blinked, and looked at his broad, massive wings. They were unchanged aside from the tan being turned more golden orange to match his body's new fur coat, and looked like Gilda's wings now that he thought of it. 'But I don't know how.' {Then I will show you.} ===//////> “THIS IS AWESOME!” Kamina screamed in joy on his way to Cloudsdale. He was flying! Really flying! “WOO~!” He did some aileron rolls, and dove before coming up in a loop-the-loop. {See? You needed this.} 'Yeah! You're right! I definitely needed this.' {Don't forget, we must also keep an eye on our friends, but not let them know it is us.} 'Yeah, yeah, I got it the last five times.' {Do you remember our alias for this form?} Kamina paused, and then sighed. “Animak.” It was just his name backwards, and Twilight was more than certain to realize that instantly, but she couldn't possibly know it was him either way. He continued flying towards Cloudsdale, which was over the Unicorn Mountain Range west of Canterlot. The only reason he could fly, and so well, was his Will somehow just knew, it seemed to give him the skills he needed for a given situation. 'How do you know all this stuff?' {I am you, and you are awesome, simple.} 'You know what? Aside from conflicting with me all the time, I like you.' {Good.} Animak focused back on his flying, and noticed the city of clouds up ahead. 'That must be Cloudsdale.' {Astute assumption.} 'Fuck you.' Animak flew up towards the edge of the city, and landed on the clouds to marvel at the incredible architecture as he walked through what streets there were. Ponies gave him a wide berth, instinctively terrified of the massive flying predator in their midst. 'This place is amazing! Why would Blitz move to...oh...right.' Kamina remembered why, and seethed. 'The Gala can't come soon enough.' {And then everything will be settled between mother and everyone.} “E-e-excuse me s-s-sir!” Animak turned towards the voice to see a shivering pegasus Royal Guard shaking so much his armor was rattling, and behind him Animak could see a couple other guards who, while retaining more decorum, were still failing to hid their fear. “I-I must ask what your visit to our f-fair city is for.” Animak blinked, and leered at the guard. “Am I being racially profiled?” {I believe so.} “N-no sir! It is just that your presence is...causing a d-disturbance, a-and we've been asked to ensure you're not planning anything untoward to c-calm the citizens.” The guard tried to explain, only for Animak to growl and poke his peytral with a sharp index talon. “Listen here bub! I'm just here to enjoy the show alright? I don't appreciate being discriminated against for just landing in your streets.” {Show them.} Animak took a deep breath, and screeched/roared so loud in the guard's face, his ears started bleeding, and he flew off in terror. The other guards looked conflicted between pouncing and running too, until he glared at them, and they took off as well. The citizens nearby were all terrified, and he growled. “What're ya lookin' at huh?! Go about your business!” The ponies all quickly fled, heading for safety from the clearly dangerous griffin that had intruded on their daily lives. Animak seethed, before blinking, and widening his eyes in horror. 'What did I just do?!' {You proved your superiority, they had no right to inhibit you.} 'They were guards! They were just doing their job!' {By being racist?} 'No, but-.' {By challenging your rights, by using the excuse that lesser beings were scared of you?} 'L-look, I-!' {You are a Prince! You have every right to come here!} 'They don't know who I-!' {Excuses! Even if you weren't, they had no right to stop you!} '….' {Now then, we have a stadium to get a seat in.} 'R-right...seat....' Animak trudged listlessly through the empty streets. He felt awful about himself as he saw the scared faces of ponies hiding from him inside buildings, or around corners. 'What am I becoming?' Animak paused at a fountain, and looked at his unfamiliar face reflecting in the water. 'This isn't me....' {It is you.} 'No...this is YOU. A beast, a predator that marches onward, trampling all those in your way underhoof.' {Underpaw, underclaw, underfoot, by wing, fang, tooth, beak. All will bend before you.} 'This isn't what I want!' {So you think.} This scared Animak so much, he was suddenly having a hard time thinking that he didn't want these things. It felt natural. Didn't he have the right to take what he wanted from the world? Did he? “Hey! Bozo!” Animak blinked and snapped himself out of his confusion to turn to the voice and see an irate Rainbow Blitz and Gilda landed in front of him. “Why're you terrorizing the citizens?!” Animak glared at them. “I was just trying to get to the stadium to watch the show. They were they ones being racist little prey animals and had some guards racially profile me. Little equines need to know their place.” {Yes, they do.} “Wow, a traditionalist. I can't believe one of YOU even left the borders of Griffonia.” Gilda sneered at him with disdain, which for some reason hurt him, for what reason Animak couldn't tell. “Look, just calm down okay? The show's going to be starting in a short bit, so just go buy a ticket and take a seat already.” Blitz saw that things could get ugly, and against a griffin easily three times their size; he wasn't willing to chance it. “Fine, I'm tired of being looked at like a rabid beast in an attraction anyway.” Animak took off into the air, and flew to the stadium, where he got in line, and took the bits for the ticket from his hammer space. While he was fishing out the gold bits, he also grabbed a pair of visor shades that seemed oddly familiar to him. He paid the clerk and flew to his seat as he looked at the glasses. 'Why do these seem familiar?' {They are yours.} Animak put them on, and suddenly felt so cool, so much cooler in fact, he felt like it was worthy of background music. “Hey, nice shades.” Animak turned at the voice to look down at a purple baby dragon that was walking up towards him, holding a huge bucket of popcorn and a giant cup of soda. “My big bro Kamina has a pair exactly like those.” Kamina. Kamina's eyes snapped wide. 'What? What've I been doing? Why am I here?' {You have been here in disguise for nearly an hour now. Don't blow it.} “Is that so? Well, they've got great taste. Name's Animak.” He held out a talon to Spike, and shook his right claw gently after the dragon had set his treats down. “Animak? Odd, that's the exact reverse spelling of Kamina's name.” Twilight noted as she sat next to Spike while the rest of the group all sat around them. “What kind of griffin are you? The only griffin I know is Gilda, and she's an eagle-lion griffin.” Said griffin soon took her seat amongst them, trying not to acknowledge the huge griffin that unfortunately got a seat next to theirs. “I'm a tiger-hawk griffin.” Animak responded simply, as the show was starting, and they turned their attention to it. ===///////> It was great so far! All the contestants had something to offer, but finally, after all the others came Blitz and...Rarity? “What's with the butterfly wings?” “Oh, I tried to cast a spell that would give her wings, but it was pretty unstable, and ended up making those wings out of gossamer and dew. I settled on casting the cloud-walking spell on us so we could come up here by balloon.” Twilight explained, making Animak blink. “That is incredibly stupid!” He declared to their surprise. “Do you have any idea how fragile those things are? And she's going to PERFORM in them? Under a hot noonday sun?” This made them all think, and then start calling out to Rarity for her to stop showboating and come to safety. But, before she could hear them, she'd flown up, high, higher into the air until her wings cast the whole stadium in a rainbow of colors. However, the moment was short-lived, because almost immediately after, her wings burst into ash, and she began to fall. “No!” {Catch her!} Animak leaped into the stadium, and tried to catch her, but he was too slow and missed. “NO!” He dove after her, the Wonderbolts shooting past him, but even though they reached her, her flailing knocked them all out. “STOP FLAILING!” She couldn't hear him, they were approaching terminal velocity and the ground was fast approaching. And he was too slow. 'No! I won't fail! NO!' {I'm sorry.} Animak was sure he'd failed, despite his Will to save them, but suddenly, he was blasted off-course by an explosion of speed and light so intense it blinded him momentarily. “What the flock was that?!” Animak's answer was easy to see once he looked at the trailing zigzag rainbow contrail that remained for an extended time after the producer of it had gone, and the saw-toothed rainbow shockwave that spread out across the sky just overhead was a pretty big indicator too. He grinned and felt immense relief upon noticing no splattered ponies on the ground. “Blitz...you awesome dude.” Animak flew up back to the stadium, and landed on the edge, only to freeze at the sight of Celestia, Luna...and little Nyx. 'What are THEY doing here?!' {They were supposed to be here, remember? It is impressive that they were able to ensure little Nyx's safety so quickly.} 'Then that means I can reveal myself soon.' {But not now.} 'Agreed.' He stayed back from the proceeding scene, wanting to see it through but trying not to be noticed, which was obviously impossible considering his form and that everyone kept occasionally looking at him. Blitz won the competition, and so won the prize of hanging out with the Wonderbolts, who were more than happy to hang out with somepony fast enough to save them all in one literal swoop. However, that wasn't the end of it, as Celestia approached him. 'Oh gosh, oh gosh, keep cool Animak, keep cool.' {We're so fucked.} “Greetings young griffin. I am glad to make your acquaintance. It has been centuries since I've seen a tiger-hawk leave the highlands.” Animak bashfully shifted around, and avoided eye contact, making Celestia smirk. “Oh, a shy one?” “N-no...just...wasn't prepared to speak with royalty so suddenly.” 'Please don't see through me, please don't see through me....' {So. Fucked.} “Well I am happy to see you leap into action to try and save a total stranger. If more beings such as you existed in the world, it would be a better place.” Celestia praised, making Animak blush. “I-it was nothing, really. Anyone with a good heart would've done the same, at least if they were prepared for it like I was.” After a polite dismissal, Celestia, Luna and Nyx all left. When they did, Animak looked around until he saw Rarity alone in Twilight's private balloon, and he walked up to her. “Have you learned something today?” Rarity looked suitably ashamed, and sank into the balloon's basket a bit. “I should have been more considerate of my friend's feelings, and also focused more on them than myself. Some Element of Generosity I am....” Animak breathed out a light sigh, and looked at her in understanding. “I know that lesson all too well.” He extended is left wing, and scanned it, before preening a bit and removing a single large feather, and gave it to her. “Here, to remember the lesson by.” Gilda groaned. “Ugh...so old-fashioned.” “Traditions have purpose young queen. You'd best remember that.” Animak shot back with a glare. He'd learned of griffin customs from his studies, and the giving of a feather could mean anything from a sign of affection, to a token of achievement. In this case; he rewarded Rarity with a feather as a reminder of this harsh lesson, to hope that she would not forget it soon. “It was a wonderful show, but now I must go.” Zecora perked up at the rhyme while the others all waved as he took off and flew away. “Odd...I feel as if he is familiar....” Zecora pondered to herself, feeling like she'd met Animak before. ===//////> Animak flew back into Blitz's house, and landed, soaking in the fact he'd been blanking out on for the past hour on the flight back. 'We pulled it off!' {We're awesome.} Animak totally wanted to high-five himself, but that would be lame as hell, so he clapped to applaud his success instead. 'Okay, turn me back.' He waited a few moments, but nothing happened. 'Um...kinda need to return to normal here.' {But we are normal.} 'What?! Bullshit! You said you'd change me back after “my needs were fulfilled”!' {And they have not been fulfilled.} 'Look, I don't have time for this! Gilda and Blitz could show up any second!' {Blitz is spending the rest of the day with the Wonderbolts.} 'And Gilda might not want to wait for him! Change me back!' {No.} Animak hissed as he sat on the couch and buried his face in his talons. He was so furious, he wanted to lash out, so he flew back out of the front door, and out into the Everfree. He scoured the canopy for only a few minutes before he spotted a suitable victim. “WRYYYYYYYYYY~!” He screeched in primal fury as he dove, and pounced with his fully body weight and speed into the back of a manticore. The beast roared and tried to stab him with it's scorpion tail, but Animak dodged the jab, and grabbed the tail, before liberally ripping it clean off, pouring blood everywhere in a fountain. Ignoring the wails of agony of the beast beneath him, Animak then went for the kill, grabbing the beast's head, he twisted it so fast an audible snap was heard, and it fell, laying still. Animak stood on his kill, panting from the adrenaline rush, and then sat, and cried. 'What am I becoming?' {A god among mortals.} > Bestia... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone was worried, Kamina had been missing for days. When Gilda and Blitz returned home, they found the front door wide open, the living room a mess reminiscent of someone leaving in a hurry, and no sign of the prince anywhere. They started to search immediately, but turned up empty hooved/taloned. Everyone was informed, including the princesses, who ordered a contingent of guards to the town to help with the search. Twilight was sprawled out on her desk, distraught, looking over a map of the region that had huge red tints laid over it, displaying where they'd searched and found nothing. “Kamina...where are you...?” She levitated over a bottle of Applejack Daniels and took a deep swig. “This is all my fault....” Everypony was taking this hard, but Twilight took it worst, feeling responsible since she was the one who selfishly kicked him out over something stupid and petty. She was supposed to be a smart pony, but this just proved that, in life, she wasn't a smart pony at all. She knew Nyx wasn't intentional, and that even so, she wasn't HIS filly, he just gave her back to Luna. But the thought that he'd have a child with anypony but her, Trixie or Zecora first just infuriated her to the point of irrationality. And now here she was, regretting her stupidity at the bottom of a bottle. This was the sad sight that Trixie walked in on. She didn't blame Twilight for anything, because she too felt a little put-out at the thought of Kamina siring a child with somepony else too, but she got over it much sooner because she cared about him more than some selfish desire to be first. She walked slowly up to Twilight and embraced her from behind. “You need to sleep Twi.” “Not until they find him.” Twilight was about to take another swig from the bottle when Trixie took it in her own magic, and put it down firmly on the desk. “That isn't helping. You can't do this to yourself.” Trixie firmly stated, and started pulling Twilight away from the desk. “Now come to bed.” Trixie found little resistance from the sleep-deprived, drunk and distraught mare as she nearly dragged her to the nearby bed, and helped her into it. “I'll be joining you in a minute.” “It isn't the same...without him....” Twilight sniffled as she hugged a pillow, missing the firm mass of muscle she was so used to spooning, before falling into a light, fitful sleep. Trixie left the room, and quietly closed the door, before walking to the next one and knocking on it. “Enter.” Trixie entered the room to find it transformed from a normal bedroom, into a complex and cluttered alchemy lab with a cauldron in the center, vented via a talisman overhead that swept any smoke out the nearby window. The walls covered in tribal knickknacks, most notably the wood masks. On the bed in the only clear corner of wall sat a meditating Zecora, who cracked an eye to look at her guest. “My divination has proven fruitless, I fear my methods might be useless.” Zecora's stoic face cracked for a moment, she missed her rhyming sessions with Kamina, who enjoyed them to the point of making songs with them. Trixie sighed in despair as her head lowered and ears flattened. “Trixie thought as much.” She cringed, she reverted to third-person when distressed. “I mean, Zecora; Twilight is getting worse. Could you make some of that tea she loves so much? It will help her feel at least a little better.” “My tea may be good, but help her I don't think it would.” Zecora sighed. [Do you mind speaking Zebrican?] [It's fine, I know it's hard to focus when you're so distressed too.] Trixie said as she approached the bed, and put a hoof on Zecora's hoof. [But even if it is a momentary comfort, isn't it worth it?] Trixie asked, desperate to help Twilight as she was to see Kamina again. Zecora nodded, and patted Trixie's hoof. [Yes, indeed it is. I shall have to make a trip to my old hut though, I have run out of the leaves, and my stock there is still full.] Zecora stood, and kissed Trixie on the cheek. [I shall return before sunrise.] [Please be careful.] Trixie said as Zecora trotted over to her saddlebags. [The Everfree might be dangerous, but so am I.] Zecora reminded her as she left. ===//////> Fluttershy was regretting her decision. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were planning a sleepover for weeks, but with all the commotion caused by Kamina's disappearance, it looked like they weren't going to be able to go through with it. Fluttershy had heard of it when they were complaining about it to Rarity who had just told them she was busy helping with the search and was too tired to watch them, and she opted to watch them instead, beings her work as the town's animal caretaker was a full-time job as it was, so she had the same energy as usual. It was such a mistake. They were so rambunctious, they couldn't stay still, they refused to keep quiet, and worst of all they didn't like her games! She thought she had this in-hoof, but she clearly got in over her head. She was quietly trying to round them up for bed, her meek and gentle tone barely heard over the three filly's cheers and shenanigans. “Oh my, please, don't-.” Fluttershy turned from Apple Bloom to Sweetie Bell, who looked like her sister Rarity, only with naturally curly pink and purple hair, parted on her head by her horn and green eyes. “Sweetie, that's not-.” She turned to Scootaloo; an orange pegasus with purple hair and dark purple eyes, her style an exact copy of her idol Rainbow Dash. “Scootaloo look-.” *crash* “Out....” “Sorry....” Scootaloo apologized as she looked at the shattered vase. “Well look what ya did scoots. I guess we'd best simmer down huh?” Bloom asked as she walked towards the mess. “Yeah, if Rarity saw this; she'd blow her top. We're just lucky Fluttershy is so nice, or we'd be getting an earful right now.” Sweetie stated as she saw Fluttershy hover over the mess with a broom and dustpan, sweeping it up. “We're sorry.” “It's ok girls. You were just playing. But it is getting late and-.” '*ROAR~!* A vicious leonine roar echoed from the forest, making Fluttershy squeak in fear, and the fillies to huddle around her. “W-what was that miss Fluttershy?” Scootaloo asked with a stutter as she hugged one of the mare's hind legs. “Y-yeah! That was some kinda scary!” Bloom confirmed, hugging her other leg on the other side. “Was it some sort of monster?” Sweetie asked from under Fluttershy, peeking her head out from between her forelegs. Fluttershy calmed down rather quickly, because she both knew what it was, and the fillies were looking to her for comfort. Fluttershy would always put someone else's feelings before hers, especially if they looked to her for help. “It was just a manticore girls, don't worry. They don't leave the forest-.” Fluttershy's reassuring statement was cut off from the thudding sounds of a fast-approaching large being, but it's mewls and whines were not that of a hunting beast, but a scared animal. Fluttershy had to help. “Girls, go upstairs, don't come outside.” Fluttershy herded them upstairs, and put them in the bed, the fillies looked at her in worry. “Don't worry, everything will be fine.” “B-but that's a manticore! It'll tear ya apart!” Bloom knew what Fluttershy was going to do, she didn't want her to. “No it won't, it's one of my friends. He's just a big old pussycat. Now stay here; I'm going to go see what he needs.” Fluttershy closed the door to her room, and locked it. She felt it was mean of her, but it was for their own good. She flew downstairs and out the front door, to find the manticore she befriended nearly a year ago that fateful night, covered in cuts, a fractured tail, broken wings, and a bleeding snout. “Oh my goodness! Mister Whiskers, I'll help you, come here.” Fluttershy led the whimpering alpha predator around her cottage to a large pen which was empty at the moment, and got him to lay down on a large bed of hay. He'd been limping, so Fluttershy examined his right foreleg first, and found that his right one was fractured. “Oh you poor thing, what did this to you?” As Fluttershy got out her medical kit, she listened to his whines, growls and other verbal noises for his explanation. “What? A monster? Killing all the predators in the forest?” The beast explained to her, as best he could, about a winged beast barely a third his size, attacking, killing, and eating the predators of the forest. It was fast, unbelievably strong, and intelligent enough to use advanced tactics. It had already killed an entire pack of manticores, and he'd been guiding his pride away from the area when it attacked. He held it off as long as he could so his mate and the others could run, but even though he put up a good fight, he was no match. Ultimately it gave up at seeing something else nearby it felt more worth it's time, so he came here for treatment, and to warn her. “Oh dear, oh my, this isn't good.” Fluttershy locked up her cottage, windows too. Told the girls what was going on, and told them to stay put. Since the path to town followed the edge of the Everfree, the monster might just pounce on them on the way there. She might make it, since she could fly, but three helpless fillies? Faust no, not a chance. They had better chances of hiding in the cottage, and hoping the monster didn't attack her home. She flew as fast as her weak wings could, breaking a personal record as she arrived at the library, beings it was being used as the headquarters of the search; Twilight could quickly contact the guards to alert them to the danger. She raised a hoof to knock frantically, and tapped it gently, barely making a sound. Thankfully, the door was enchanted for such a thing, as Trixie heard it anyway, and answered the door. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here so late? The search doesn't start up again until the morning.” “Trixie, a monster is hunting all the predators in the Everfree.” Fluttershy explained in a panic, which to Trixie and all other normal ponies, was a tone one might consider normal. Trixie blinked. “Yes, that is a serious issue, but why is it-.” “It could come here! It might hurt innocent ponies like it's hurting innocent animals! It's very dangerous, and I can't just move away from the forest.” Fluttershy explained, and Trixie sighed as he gestured for Fluttershy to come in, but Fluttershy declined. “I can't, I have the Crusaders at my house. I have to get back to them, but please keep everypony out of the Everfree.” Trixie's eyes widened in sudden terror at remembering something. “She isn't back....” Trixie flashed away, leaving Fluttershy confused, and Trixie returned in a flash, shaking Fluttershy by the shoulders in panic. “Zecora hasn't come back from her hut yet!” Fluttershy became equally panicked. “Oh no! That monster might get her! She can handle the normal animals, but this monster eats them!” Fluttershy took to the air. “Tell the guards, I'm going to her hut.” Trixie balked at Fluttershy's bravery. She was usually the most skittish pony around, for her to volunteer for something so dangerous.... “No! It's too dangerous!” Fluttershy leveled a surprisingly intimidating glare at Trixie. “And one of my friends is in there! I'm going, you spread the word.” Fluttershy took off for Zecora's hut, know where it is because it is one of the few weeping willows so close to the edge of the forest. ===//////> Zecora panted as she warily held up an impromptu staff she picked up a few scant moments ago. Whatever manner of beast this was, she'd managed to catch on to it's pounce, and dodged the first attempt, then deflected the following ones with the staff, which was showing stress fractures. She stood on her hind legs, as natural in such a pose as if she were bipedal. [Show yourself you craven beast! I will not be tonight's feast!] Zecora ignored that she essentially rhymed in Equestrian in Zebrican. [As fierce as always, fair Zecora.] She felt a chill at the deep and raspy voice that responded. This was no beast. [I am pleased you pass such a simple test of agility, but what of strength?] Zecora barely managed to spin around and block the incoming strike, her staff snapping as a golden talon passed through it with brute force, and grabbed her throat before pinning her to a tree. She grasped at the being's foreleg with her hooves, trying in vain to remove it from her neck. [You are so beautiful my dear, it is no wonder my heart was captured by you both in body, and in spirit.] The moonlight finally exposed the being through the canopy, and Zecora gasped at recognizing Animak. [You? Who are you?] She didn't mean his name, and he knew this as he leaned in to her, and nuzzled her cheek to her confusion. [Don't you recognize me? I mean, yes, there are some cosmetic changes, but I am still the same stallion.] He leaned up, and nipped her ear gently, licking and sucking it, getting her excited, and her eyes widened in horror. “Kamina?” He put his other talon's index to her lips, and backed off enough for her to see his smirk. “It's Animak now.” He leaned in to kiss as his wings enclosed them. ===//////> Fluttershy tapped tentatively at the hut door, and then shook her head at her silliness before she opened the door. “Zecora? Are you here?” Fluttershy visited now and then, usually for remedies, but since Zecora moved to Twilight's, she had little need to come to this place anymore. She was still accustomed to Zecora's storage though, having seen it a couple of times. She checked, and the tea leaves were gone, that meant that Zecora must have been here, but she didn't make it back.... “Oh no, please be okay.” She turned to leave, but froze and averted her gaze. She'd left the door open. Inside the hut was a cockatrice, glaring at her, practically demanding she look it in the eyes. “I'm sorry mister cockatrice, but I like not being a statue. You'll have to get your meal someplace else.” She kept her eyes away from it, being the only defense against such a beast. It had sharp teeth and talons, but was essentially harmless outside it's lethal gaze. They fed by absorbing the life force of their stoned victims, which meant this monster could be centuries old. It was clearly patient, and wasn't in dire need of a meal however, as it merely watched her leave. It must have already claimed a victim recently. She hoped it wasn't Zecora. That would mean she'd have to either kill it, or force it to return her friend to normal if that was the case, and it'd be easier to kill it than force it to do something against it's very nature. Fluttershy wouldn't harm a fly if she could help it, but if she had to, she wasn't beyond doing something she'd regret for someone else's sake. The possibly hundreds of lives it claimed was worth a single monster dead. Such thoughts sickened her, but Fluttershy knew it was the responsible and sensible thing to do, if it came to that. Otherwise, it was best to let it be, it was a living being like all others anyhow, just trying to exist as it was born to. Fluttershy followed the path back towards town, looking for any sign that Zecora was attacked, or had left the trail. “*gasp* Oh no.” She galloped up to a familiar set of saddlebags, a simple green hemp thing that Zecora was known to use. It was intact, and seemed to have been tossed off willingly. There were signs of a scuffle, the ground was disturbed in a manner as if she'd tried to defend herself from something...a griffin. “These are big paws, and talons. Why is a griffin doing this?” Fluttershy sniffed around, and blinked in surprise. She smelled the tell-tale scent of a mare's arousal. It was something all ponies knew, beings they have such a volatile estrus. Whatever happened, it had excited the zebra, and while odd and unusual, Fluttershy could use this to try and track her down. She took a deep whiff of it, got accustomed to the musky scent, and began to follow it off the trail, through the trees. It got stronger as she went, and she gasped and galloped up to the sprawled and spent form of Zecora, exhausted and had a few scabbing cuts in places. Clearly having just had sex not long ago. “Zecora! Are you okay?!” Fluttershy shook her friend, getting a moan out of the mare who opened her eyes, and took in Fluttershy, before gasping. “Run gentle mare! He is changed, become unfair!” Before Fluttershy could ask what Zecora meant, she squeaked at feeling a massive being literally drape over her, his legs letting him stand as he literally stood over her, pinning her wings just by being there, and she looked up in terror at the huge griffin who looked down on her in amusement. “Well, if it isn't the quiet one.” Animak reached up and held her chin, turning her head a bit to look at the shivering and whimpering mare in profile. “Hm, you are cute. I see why Big Mac has a crush on you.” Fluttershy blushed scarlet. “B-b-Big Macintosh?” Fluttershy was too shy to admit it, even as the other girls engaged in girl talk, but she like many mares in town had a huge crush on the big strong stallion. She liked him not for his muscles, his build, his strength, those were bonuses in her eyes. It was because in spite of all that, he was gentle, he was kind, caring and not one for many words. The few times they actually encountered each other, they seemed to have entire conversations just looking at each other, no words exchanged. It was wonderful. “Yeah, so you're off-limits. Bro code and all. I'd be quiet about it, if he wasn't so damn nervous about telling you himself.” Animak walked over her, uncaring for how his whole underside dragged against the scared pegasus. “So Z, how're ya doing?” “Surprisingly well, considering you mounted me like a doll rather than an equine.” She hissed as she moved and broke open one of the cuts on her upper back. “Beast, release him. I implore you, return my beloved.” Fluttershy was confused, but Animak laughed. “That fool is gone! He was weak! Only the strong can continue on ahead without limit! Only those willing to trample all in their path can pierce the very heavens!” Animak's words made Fluttershy gasp, and her gaze narrowed. “What have you done with Kamina?” She asked in all seriousness, and Animak turned towards her with an eyebrow raised. “Oh? That's a surprisingly stern tone coming from the whelp of the herd.” He turned around, and lowered his face into hers. “Want to run that by me again?” He was surprised when instead of cowering and backing off; Fluttershy pressed her face into his, her eyes seeming to burrow into his soul through their gaze. “Where. Is. Kamina?” Animak shuddered, shocked, his Will was wavering, how could this be? “I-I am Kamina! That fool was too weak, so I took over!” Animak felt sweat under his feathers as she closed in further, and he backed away. {What's happening?! Why can't I fight her?!} “Listen here mister! Kamina is a bravest, strongest, and kindest pony I know! You may be him, or a part of him at least, but you are not Kamina! What is your name?” Fluttershy demanded, and Zecora watched the scene in amazement. “A-Animak...I'm-.” “Everything Kamina isn't. He can't hurt the innocent for no reason, he can't hurt those he loves like you do, and he can't leave anyone who might burden him behind. Instead, he brings us up! He makes us better!” Fluttershy then surprisingly pounced on the huge griffin, easily three times her size, and knocked him over onto his back, pinning him as she stared into his very soul. “Give. Him. Back!” Animak's eyes seemed to shake, before they lost their cold indifference, and he blinked. “Shy?” Fluttershy immediately hugged his neck, and cried into his feathers. “What's wrong Shy?” “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you like that! But he was being such a meanie, and he hurt you, and-!” Kamina hugged Fluttershy back, sobbing as he hid his face in her mane, and she quickly forgot about herself, and nuzzled into his neck. “It's okay Kamina. I'm here. Everything is fine.” “No it's not! There's this beast, this Animal inside me, and I...I....” He broke down, blubbering as he refused to let his friend go. Feeling like if he let her go he'd fall back into that dark, loveless place. “Shy...I'm scared....” {...Me too....} 'Go away!' {I can't...for what it's worth...I'm sorry....} “I am too. But I'm here for you. We're all here for you.” Fluttershy let him let it all out, his wails reaching into the night, Zecora smiling sadly as she looked on. > Collatio... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a long night for everypony involved that night when Fluttershy saved Kamina, and possibly Animak too. Fluttershy and Zecora managed to spirit them into town all the way to the library without being spotted, and when they got there, it was a good bit of explaining that got Trixie to call the search off, and send a message to the princesses with Spike to arrange an emergency meeting the next morning. With his mom, aunt, and new cousin Nyx there, along with all his friends and Vinyl, who was contacted beings she's his sister; Kamina and Animak spilled the beans. Kamina had been having incredible difficulty controlling his urges to follow his aspect, conflicting constantly and even contradicting himself. Animak told them he started becoming aware when Kamina refused to accept parts of himself, when he conflicted with himself too much, and so he was created to prevent Kamina from genuinely losing his mind. This all backfired horribly however; because of one thing that everyone forgot to consider. Spiral Power. Animak had the right mindset for a species on the fast-track to evolutionary dominance, but Kamina had the right mindset for a species that was already at the top, that didn't need to go further unless prompted. It empowered them both, but because Animak desired dominance, it gave it to him. Animak almost killed Kamina, something that scared everyone, especially Animak, who didn't want to kill his...brother? Yeah, brother. He didn't want to kill his brother, he wanted him to become better, to be better. And that was the issue. Kamina's talent was to “bring the best out of others” while Animak's talent was to “bring the best out of oneself”. This, of course, applied to their own relationship. Kamina constantly made Animak stronger, while when Animak attributed himself as being Kamina, he made Kamina stronger. Sound's good? Wrong. Because this cycle was what was happening, and it drained Kamina more, and more, while Animak continued to become dominant. It resulted in what happened, and Fluttershy was just in the nick of time in saving them both; because Kamina would have faded away, and Animak would have become a cold, cruel beast, serving only himself. They figured this all out, because Kamina and Animak could now more intimately commune, and search themselves for answers after stabilizing due to Fluttershy's Stare interrupting the cycle. This however ultimately involved the matter that they could not coexist in one body; they were a constant threat to one another, whether they wanted to or not. And for now, until the issue could be resolved; Animak's griffin body was stuck being dominant. Imagine how hard it was to pass that off as being not-at-all-suspicious to the general populace. Suddenly the search is called off, Prince Kamina reported found, and well, and a tiger-hawk griffin, which is notorious for rarely even leaving the highlands of Griffonia, takes up residence with Kamina's herd? Yep! Not at all unusual, suspicious, or unbecoming. Oh, wait, yes it was. In just a couple days; reporters from every major newspaper mobbed the library to get the scoop. The scandal. The sudden disappearance, followed by seclusion, along with a new male staying with his mares? Anyone for some hot coffee gossip? “Get off Twilight's lawn or I will eviscerate you all!” Not Animak. That sent the skittish ponies running. At least in Equestria; the reporters tend to know when not to push buttons, and a pissed griffin three times the size of the average pony was a button you didn't press. Animak closed the door and grumbled as he stomped around the first floor in anger, the other occupants of the library looking on worried. “Ka-Animak, that was unnecessary. Now they're going to say you're some kind of bodyguard.” Twilight stated, making Animak let out a heavy breath, not exactly a sigh, but close enough. “Whatever, they can say I'm porking you all and I wouldn't give a damn. They're like vultures, and there are ironically vulture-panther griffins, so yeah, kinda pissed off about them all.” Animak was much more direct, vulgar, and generally offensive than Kamina, his regular swearing and brash speech often putting others off. 'Animak, could you try to contain yourself?' {I'm not you mister proper pansy pony. I don't have months of etiquette lessons to draw on.} “Well I'm just glad you got rid of them! Good riddance! Now I can leave for Rarity's.” Spike stated as he went for the door. “See ya later everybody!” Spike left, and suddenly, the remaining people noticed that there seemed to be an orange elephant in the room, as none of them really knew what to do with themselves right now. “Um...I shall be upstairs, brewing potions to see if I cannot devise a way to separate your minds.” Zecora turned and trotted upstairs. “Trixie has some chores to do.” Trixie ignored her verbal tick and trotted to the kitchen to clean up breakfast, which notably had a surge in meat for their new resident griffin. This left Animak and Twilight awkwardly shuffling about, avoiding eye contact. Twilight already apologized for her stupidity, and Kamina and Animak already apologized about distressing her, but now there was a whole new realm of awkward. Twilight hasn't scratched that itch in a while due to her foolishness, and both Kamina and Animak love her the same. But...Animak wasn't the original male of the herd, not to mention he was, notably: THREE TIMES HER SIZE. Animak apologized to Zecora for the rough treatment, but she easily let it go, and he asked her how it was he didn't hurt her too much. She responded he was ironically about the same in the undercarriage as Kamina was. That prompted an embarrassing talk with Gilda on the birds and the bees about griffins, as much as Gilda didn't want to talk about it, she knew Animak and Kamina needed to know some things. For one; Animak was special considering his size, but his body was perfectly normal, even down there. She said it was because any bigger and he wouldn't be able to safely reproduce. However, griffins are notably much, much rougher in bed than ponies; proven by what happened with Zecora, and Gilda admitted to taking a nibble or clawing a bit too hard on Blitz. Twilight wasn't into that. Sure, she could go for some rough foreplay, but what Animak would do would end up being genuine sadomasochism for pony standards, and Twilight doesn't like that. So, an impasse was reached. They both wanted each other, but couldn't do it on account Animak didn't want to hurt her, and she didn't want to be hurt. But.... “Um...I've been...practicing a new spell from The Living Body the past couple days....” Twilight smiled sheepishly, and Animak blinked at the sudden breaker of the awkward silence, of course, being a spell from the most perverted book in existence. “Well, what is it? I'm not Kamina, but I'm totally open to trying something interesting.” Animak replied, and waited for her to do it. Twilight swallowed nervously. “T-Trixie knows it too, but in reverse to counter it, since I won't be able to cast it myself.” Twilight's horn began to glow, and in a flash, she was replaced by an elegant and regal purple on purple griffin. She was a tiger-hawk like him, but being female she was decidedly smaller, and was normally sized unlike him, but that wouldn't be a problem. Her feathers were the darker purple her hair had been, her body the same lavender, striped with the pink that once accented her hair, her purple eyes were still gorgeous, and Animak's wings fully extended as he gaped at her. “D-do you like it?” “Bed, now.” Animak wrapped his tail around her neck and began running upstairs, taking the surprised and pleased Twilight with him. {Holy crap this is hot!} 'Damn right!' {Would it be awkward if I said I love her?} 'Not at all man, not at all.' “Okay, just slow down he, he!” Twilight was very happy with this reaction. She might have to rely on Trixie to change back, but for now; she'd try to enjoy a new experience. ===//////> After that interesting experience, Trixie changed Twilight back to normal, and Animak decided to go about the town, since it seemed he scared most of the reporters off for now. Of course, almost everypony was scared of him, and treated him like they did Zecora before they forced them to interact with her. But Animak understood better now; he was a dangerous, powerful alpha predator, and they were herbivorous herd animals, in short: prey. It was a natural defense against his presence to hide from him. They didn't treat Gilda like this because she was about their size, and their minds registered that since she wasn't a completely unknown quantity of threat like he was; that hiding from her was unnecessary. He was a clear danger however, and their minds instinctively sent them into a herd mentality of “hide, stay safe, protect the children” etc. “Oh, there you are!” Animak's musing on pony psychology was interrupted by Rarity and Spike coming up to him. “I've been looking all over for you!” “Why would you be looking for me?” Animak asked, only to suddenly find himself levitated into the air. “Hey!” “You've just got to stop growing dear! My measurements are all off now! I'll have to redo everything; you're current suit is useless right now!” Rarity trotted him to her boutique, and set him in her fitting room. “Now, just wait here while I get my measuring tape and notepad.” Rarity left the room, and Animak sighed as he laid down on the floor. “Great, THIS again...why do I have to keep getting bigger?” 'Technically, it's me who keeps getting bigger.' {Right, yeah, this is your body. I keep forgetting that.} 'Don't, it'll make things worse.' {You think I don't know that?} 'You seem to forget these things every moment.' {...It's hard....} 'I know....' Animak and Kamina shuddered together, gasping, and taking deep breaths. Trying so hard to contain a sudden panic attack. {I'm sorry...I'm so sorry....} 'I know...I know....' {STOP FORGIVING ME! I'm killing you!} 'I KNOW!' Animak let out a few tears, trying to hold himself together. {I don't want us to die....} 'I don't either Ani.' {Can't you resent me JUST a little Kami?} 'I've accepted you completely, you know I can't.' {But it would make it so much easier...if you just got rid of me.} 'I won't let anyone down. Especially not myself, or my brother.' “Tch...you big softie....” Animak smirked as he sniffed, and tried to straighten up. They were keeping a bold face in front of everyone, but it was getting harder to remember they weren't a griffin, or at least Kamina wasn't. It was getting harder to remember they were separate beings as much as they were the same. Hopefully Luna or Celestia got back to them soon about either dividing them or stabilizing them more, they didn't know how much longer they could hold on. “I'm back~.” Rarity declared as she entered the room, leaving Spike outside for privacy. “Alright dears, I'm going to have to do the full gauntlet again.” Animak and Kamina both groaned, one audibly, the other internally. “Oh come now, it isn't that bad.” “Rarity; you actually enjoy these kinds of things. We're males. The most male males on Equus in fact.” Animak stood and posed regally. “We are the epitome of testosterone, the scions of sexiness, and the idols of female's idles.” Animak posed in a languid stretch, flexing his muscles, making his fur ripple, which got an astounded gape and explosive blush out of the mare. “Admit it; you know you want us.” “...Stand still please, while I get your measurements.” Rarity surprised them by suddenly regaining full composer. In fact, she seemed a bit cold to them. She didn't speak to them unless it was a direction on how to be standing for the measuring, her face a stone facade of a pure businessmare. {What happened? We had her eating out of our talons, her eyes couldn't stop eating us up.} 'We think we know, but we'd have to test it.' Animak, nodded just slightly in confirmation, and he felt silly for doing that when Rarity quirked an eyebrow at him. “Um, a song popped into our head.” Animak blinked. {When did we start speaking in plural?} 'We don't know, but that's not important right now.' “Rarity, something we've been trying to let run it's course has come to our attention, and we feel we need to address it with you.” “Well certainly darling, what is it?” Animak scared her with what he did next; grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the nearest wall as they glared into her eyes. “What is your stance on Spike's love for you? We have been patient, and quiet about it, trying to let him make a move on his own, but we aren't seeing any progress. We won't stand for it if we find you are just stringing him along.” Animak clicked their beak in her face, and Rarity looked appalled. “Abuse Spiky Wikey?! How DARE you even think I would do such a thing to the sweet dear! I'll have you know that I love-!” Rarity gasped as her forehooves flew to her mouth, her face exploding in a vibrant blush as Animak smirked in victory. “Not a word! To anyone!” “Why won't you tell him?” Animak demanded gently as he let her down from the wall, and the fashionista gathered herself, before becoming bashful, even idly kicking a hoof. “W-well...he is so young, for one. I know it is unfair, beings he's mentally my age, but I don't want to be “robbing the cradle” so to speak. I...I can't...I can't bring myself to get his hopes up too far. What if something causes a relationship, let alone a physical one, to be impossible? What if...if....” Rarity sniffed, before bawling and burying her face into Animak's chest, the griffin calmly putting a talon to the back of her head in reassurance. “I don't want him to lose his beautiful heart! If he actually falls in love with me I'll...I'll die long, long before he does. He already has to look forward to everypony he knows dying of old age before he's even considered an adult. But...I'd break him. I can't do it. I can't be the one to break his heart....” Rarity sniffed as she grabbed at him with her hooves. “What should I do~?” “Tell him anyway.” Animak told her, and brushed her mane out of her face. “A dragon's heart is something most profound. It is tied to their magic, and is the source of their power. Some say it is their hoard, those fools are blind. A dragon gathers a hoard not out of greed; but out of need. They do it to try and fill a hole in them that they feel they cannot fill otherwise.” Animak put his talon to Rarity's chest. “What you feel in here; what you feel for him, is that great thing missing from their hearts. If you told him you loved him, if you told him you wanted him, then he would spend the rest of your days loving you in return.” “And I want that, so much, but that's just it; MY days. I'll only live to a hundred if I'm very, VERY lucky, and that's when a dragon is finally considered an adult. I've been thinking about this for several months dear, and I just don't see a way to be fair to Spike about this.” Rarity shook her head. “I want him, so much. But of course; my knight is the dragon guarding me, and I cannot let him know I pine for him, or he won't ever let me go.” Animak sighed, they were disappointed at this, but knew it was better than her denying it. “We understand. But please, don't keep him waiting too much longer. He might decide it is just a silly crush, and we don't want that.” “Yes, I will let him know soon. Now then let's get...wait...why are your referring to yourselves in plural and not singular?” Rarity asked in worry. They all decided they'd keep a watch on Animak to make sure they weren't getting worse. Animak blinked. “We are? Sorry, should we stop?” {What's...going on?' 'I don't know, it's hard to focus.} “We...I....” They started sweating, he? They? The griffin cringed and hissed as they grabbed his head and shook head, can't, think. “Animak, Kamina! Stay with me!” Rarity screamed, clapping her hooves together to get their attention. “Stay. Calm. I am getting Twilight. Stay, here.” Rarity teleported away, leaving the scared and confused griffin alone in the organized chaos of her fitting room. {Why does this have to be so hard?' 'It would seem luck isn't in the cards.} {To be fused, to be divided.' 'While in our friends we have confided.} {Torn apart, it seems are we.' 'Just, why, this way, it has to be...?} Animak curled into a ball, rubbing their temples to try and sooth a massive migraine as the stripes on their body glow the tell-tale blue of Spiral Power, revealing Animak's striped pattern was actually a complex series of spirals. {Are we one?' 'Are we none?} {Are we done?' 'This child of the sun?} {Before the moon.' 'Do we swoon.} {Praising her beauty.' 'For doing her duty.} {We plead salvation.' 'From this soul-splitting castration.} Animak looked up from the floor, all his immediately available friends, his lovers, his mom, and his aunt all burst into the room, and gasped as he looked up at them, tears in his mismatched eyes, one red, one blue. “Help us....” > Praegressus! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They were lucky, oh, so very lucky. It was just moments before Animak's breakdown that the princesses had paid a visit to the library to apply a spell known as Mind Guard they found that had the potential of preventing further degradation of their personalities. So Luna applied it the moment they found Animak going through what might have been the point of no return, the Spiral Power ceased, and Animak relaxed. Now though; it seemed they were now partially fused together, referring to themselves in plural, and responding to both Kamina and Animak. Even saying to call them Kaminak. Wisely, everyone refused, only referring to them as Animak or Kamina; to assert to them that they were still separate beings. Animak didn't mind it, it was nice to be told that the voice speaking back to him in his head was a whole other person and not just a piece of himself. Kamina in the meantime, was becoming complacent with his place in the back seat of their body, amused at it all somehow, as if it was beneath him to be worried by it. Also more disconcerting was the fact that some of the plumage of Animak's head shed to reveal Kamina's golden tan fur beneath. That meant that they were ultimately fusing together to becoming an alicorn hippogriff, especially when they found the nub of a horn under his plumage on his forehead. The princesses were scrambling, they were desperate to help them, and so for the meantime DEMANDED that Animak be under closer watch, and brought him back to Canterlot to be kept under observation and actively examined by the brightest unicorns Equestria had to offer. Twilight and Trixie aside. “Your Majesties, I think it would be best if you let this run it's course.” Headmaster Think Tank advised the two distraught diarchs as Animak batted a talon at a giant cat toy off to the side. Think Tank was an old green unicorn stallion with gray-streaked brown hair, held in a clean ponytail style, wearing the blue robes of his station, his orange eyes dull from years of being hardened against the cruelties and nuances of magic. He had fully examined all the data, Animak/Kamina themselves, and all the variables, and concluded that trying to stop it would only do more harm than good. “At the rate things are going; they won't be themselves soon enough. It would have been fine if they'd just gotten it over with, but this; it's just unhealthy for them. They need closure on this matter.” “But...my son....” Celestia was heartbroken to hear this. Millennia old she may be, but not even she was as good a mage as her Archmages: the Headmasters of the Academy. If he said it couldn't be done; it couldn't be done. Those mages learned and knew more in their short lives than Celestia would have imagined, so she knew better than to deny his words completely. But Kamina was her son.... “He will still be your son, just different. Look; tell me that's a healthy stallion or king, tell me that is a good thing.” Think gestured to the purring and childish behavior of Animak playing with the giant catnip toys that were supplied as a psyche test, to see if he had any resistance from his reemerging pony genes. Of course, he became high as a fucking kite from the catnip, which only worked on felines, of which griffins and hippogriffs share lineage with. “A normal griffin would only do that with a little enthusiasm; but he's behaving like a little colt or cub. They need to finish this. Lift the Mind Guard so they may finish.” “Luna I...I can't...I can't do it.” Celestia turned to her sister with pleading eyes. “I can't do this to my son. I know it's so much to ask-.” “I'll do it sister.” Luna confirmed as she put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “He's my nephew, and unlike you I am able to do what is right; even if it is not what somepony wants. You haven't changed in a thousand years Tia; still so soft-hearted.” Luna said this, but it killed her inside. She had to be strong where her sister was weak; it was how a diarchy worked. But right now, she didn't need to be strong for Tia; she needed to be strong for Kamina, and Animak. She approached the inebriated king, and lowered her head towards his as he stared at her totally glazed. “I'm sorry.” Luna lifted the Mind Guard, and instantly the Spiral Power leaped at the opening, lighting up their stripes and stub of a horn like neon signs. They screeched, writhing as Animak's head began to reshape into a familiar face. Kamina's face returned from the neck up, only he now looked like a masculine version of Celestia. All that remained of his new father's genes was the coloration of his fur, eyes, and mane-like plumage of feathers that jutted out in his naturally spiky style. They gasped, and grit their still sharp canines, as their sharp molars became flatter, but still ridged. Finally, they collapsed. The only thing of Kamina's head that wasn't there before, aside from the canines, was that his left eye was now a vibrant sky blue; an intense contrast to his ruby red right eye. “Nephew...are you alright? Who am I speaking to?” Luna was socked across the face by a clenched talon, shocking everypony as the new alicorn hippogriff got up, and scowled at them. “I'm not. Happy. At all! Really? Yes. Now. Revenge.” They focused on Think Tank, their eyes glowing as their horn charged a familiar spell he'd invented. “Drill.” A massive Telekinetic Drill launched at Think Tank, who leaped to the side in a masterful sidestep, and witnessed the spell pierce clean through ten feet of Shire Stone behind him. “Son! What are you-?!” Celestia had to dodge as a barrage of telekinetic lances speared at her in a scattershot, she barely avoided impalement only to be met by a pissed hippogriff teleporting in front of her, and socking her good in the chest with such a powerful punch, were she a lesser pony; she'd have had her sternum broken. She fell to the floor coughing, and cringing as she held her chest. “You made. Us. One. We didn't want. This.” Kaminak leered at them with his mismatched eyes. “We were capable of so much, but now, we only have the path ahead.” Their stripes and horn began to glow. “Nephew! Stop!” Luna jumped and hugged him, startling Kaminak out of his spell charge. “We're sorry. But we couldn't just leave you in such a divided state. You were naturally fusing together, and Think Tank told us that it was only right to let you finish your transformation.” “So? Animak is practically dead!” Kaminak surprised them; they'd concluded that they would have been equal in the fusion, considering how powerful Animak was, and that Kamina was the original. “He's pretty much gone. I don't hear his voice; it's just me, all me. He's there; I can feel him, but he's me now.” Kamina sighed, and lowered his head with his ears wilted in sadness. “I absorbed him, because he didn't want me to die. Evolution demands that the stronger one prevail, and so because he gave up; I'm the stronger one.” Kaminak opened his wings and looked at them forlornly, before doing the same with his talons. “My griffin body is all that remains of him.” “I'm sorry.” Think Tank supplied as he approached cautiously. “I simply gave my best reasoning and made my decision based on said concepts.” Think Tank bowed in a kneel of prostration. “I am sorry Prince Kamina the Great.” “I'm not great...not anymore.” Kamina bemoaned. “I'm not so great, if I can't even protect my brother.” Kamina wasn't just talking about Animak. He meant Simon too. He might have got him started, set the groundwork, inspired him to become what he had. But Kamina wasn't there for it. Kamina wasn't there to help him, like he should have. He died too soon, and his brother paid for it with the mistakes he'd made. Sure, they weren't many, but they were still things he could have helped him through. “Why do I always fail them in the end?” 'I can only hope I don't ultimately fail Spike too....' “I'm sorry son. But I had to do something.” Celestia stood up, wincing in pain at the lingering damage he'd dealt her ribcage. “Wow, you're definitely stronger.” “As a unicorn; my Spiral Power focused on empowering my magic. As a griffin; it focused on empowering Animak's strength.” Kamina licked his new teeth with his large pony tongue. “I'm omnivorous now. I get it; my Spiral Power sought to take the best traits from the griffins; using Gilda as a sample. It felt I'd reached my peak potential as a pony by becoming an alicorn; but saw further potential in being a hippogriff, but needed a trial period as a griffin. It threw everything out of balance with my alicorn aspect, and boom; clusterfuckery all around.” “So what now? How do we explain the Prince's new form? We already had a full story planned out using Keen Sentry as his sire from a fling you had with him during the Cycle 19 years ago when he had lost track of the time and was on your door as usual when you jumped him. He was kept secret to ensure nothing would happen to him, and he was brought to the public eye when you felt he was strong enough to resist any manipulations.” Think Tank went into depth as he paced. “But now; he's a hippogriff. We didn't have any griffin kings in the castle at the time of potential conception, and his head is still too much like Keen Sentry to write it off.” “Not to mention I've been in the public eye for nearly a year now.” Kamina added, and shrugged. “Meh, just roll with it. Tell the truth. I ascended into alicornhood, but I was also turned into a hippogriff due to my aspect of Will demanding I reach my full potential.” Kamina looked at himself again and sighed. “To think; back in my world, I was all for combining to become something more.” {We still can.} Kamina gasped, and beamed in joy. 'Animak! I thought you were gone!' {Hah! As if! We're just closer; you and I. I'll happily play about in this empty space you call a head.} 'But what about being out here? Can I give you control?' {Maybe? But probably only if we both want it, or if you get knocked out. I'm sort of a...backup. I can take over if you need me to. Consider this another biological advantage.} “He's still here! Just...not a complete individual.” “Oh, well that's good.” Luna commented with a smile; glad he didn't lose Animak entirely. “Hm...yes, that will work. We just need to release the news to the public before we reveal you.” Think Tank stated before a scroll appeared in a small swathe of green fire in front of Celestia. She quickly opened it, and groaned. “Another situation, so soon? Kamina; Rarity's in danger.” This instantly had his full attention. “She's been kidnapped by diamond dogs in the barren plains northeast of Ponyville, next to the Everfree.” Kamina teleported away without a word. ===//////> Kamina reappeared over Ponyville, and flew towards the plains. The ground there was notoriously infertile due to it's heavy clay composition, which also made it prime for gems to grow. Yeah; grow, like plants. The only reason gem or rock farms hadn't been put there was because it was known diamond dog territory. The only reason Rarity could hunt gems there before was because in small enough amounts; the dogs didn't care if somepony took some small wagons of gems. So why now? Why did they suddenly decide to attack his friend? Whatever the reason was; it had better be good, because if not they were not living through this day. Kamina blinked in surprise at his morbid thoughts. 'Where did that come from?' {Sorry. I'm much more violent than you are, and that's saying something.} 'Okay, well let's just tone that down to...potential dismemberment.' {Can we get a taste?} Kamina pondered a moment. 'Maybe.' Kamina dove down towards the only intact hole on the surface of the barren dirt plain, and had to pull up at the last second upon realizing he was way too big to fit through it. “Damn, what now?” {If we had the type of claws that the dogs did, we'd be able to just dig down ourselves.} Kamina's horn and stripes began to glow; the thought of a new evolutionary advancement sparking his Spiral Power. {Hm, we can't do it unless we come in contact with a dog, like how Gilda nudging you awake a week ago let me come into being.} 'Then we've just got to get one to come to us.' Kamina stomped his hind paws, but sneered at how the pads of his paws made the action nearly silent. “Damn it. I need hooves to-*gasp*.” Kamina gasped in pain as suddenly his hind legs cracked, shifted, and recolored into his old flanks with his flank marks returned, as his paws turned back into hooves, and a small tuft of his old blue tail sprouted from the tip of his tiger tail. “What the hell?!” {Hey! We can change our body into whatever we've got in our genes! We've got unicorn, alicorn, griffin...can we add more?} Their spirals ignited and seemed to actually cause rending tears into their body, while not actually hurting them. “I'll take that as a yes....” Kamina gawked at just how powerful he'd become; to change into whatever he needed, whenever he needed. {But we need a sample to go off of.} Kamina's face steeled itself as his Spiral Power calmed, and then he raised his rear into the air before bucking the ground with all his strength, actually cracking and pitting the ground. 'If that doesn't get at least one dog's attention; I'll eat my thumbs.' {Doesn't mean much if they can just grow back.} Kamina blinked in surprise. 'I can do that?' {Alicorns have regeneration; why do you think they're ageless? Their cells constantly restore to a static state of well-being.} 'You know this how?' {Uh...hm...I guess I'm sort of a directory, or guidance system for our abilities. I just...know, you know?} 'I can accept that.' “What make quake?” Kamina spun and pounced on the unsuspecting armored diamond dog like the predator he was, grabbing him before he could retreat, and biting off the tip of his exposed ear, making him yelp in pain before he surprisingly broke free of the pin, and dove back into the ground. 'Got it?' {Got it.} Kamina hissed as his talons split open like cocoons, and then bulged as a heavy mass of muscle and sinew crawled up his bones over the talons as they were absorbed, and then his forelegs finished forming into gray-furred diamond dog forelegs, complete with the claws, which when he examined; unsheathed into inch-long knife-like blades from the tips of his furry fingers. “...That is awesome.” {Totally.} Kamina then looked at the ground, and let his new set of instincts take over as he plowed into the ground like it was a pool of mud rather than solid clay-dirt. ===//////> A hole opened up in the ceiling of a large tunnel, and Kamina poked his head through like a groundhog in reverse, and looked around to find nothing, but when he sniffed at the air on impulse, he could “see” scent trails of his friends, who he knew intimately by scent. Kamina blinked in surprise again. {Dog nose in your snout; since it's stronger than any of our previous ones.} 'Great, better watch out for nasty smells then.' Kamina dropped down from the fairly high ceiling, and landed with a loud clop when his hooves hit the floor, making him wince and shift his ears around. His hearing seemed improved too; probably from the dog genes as well. He didn't hear anyone incoming, so he relaxed. 'Okay, pony legs are great and all, but I don't need them to be loud right now, but I don't want to have to go all the way back to tiger-gah!' Kamina withheld a shout of pain as his hind legs changed again; becoming striped with blue, and with more pronounced muscles like a zebra's legs instead of a pony's but keeping his coloration and flank mark. The hooves remained, but instead the frog inside his hooves bulged until they became pads that were level with his hooves. This meant that he could move silently should he need; but strike with the hard hit of hooves too. 'What the hell? What now?' {Oh~! Zebra! Forgot we were in regular “contact” with Zecora too~.} 'What did our body do now?' {Basically; hello zebra legs. But with the frog bulged into a tiger pad flush with our hooves to muffle our steps.} 'Sweet.' Kamina looked at his new rear with some appraisal, and blushed. 'Damn...scary to think this of myself; but nice plot.' {Mares thought we were sexy before? Well I've seen our mares ogling pictures of zebra stallions in those “educational” magazines. They like their flanks.} Kamina smirked deviously as he started following the scent trail of his friends. 'Good to know.' Kamina sniffed at the air regularly to keep tabs on where his friends went, but this became useless when it seemed they had gotten lost and their scents went everywhere, at least until he registered new smells among them. 'The dogs got them!' {Hm...scent won't work...do we...ha! I need to remember all the things we get into.} Kamina grit his teeth and slammed his eyes shut when they began to burn. He grunted as his teeth became even sharper up front, his lips became scaly, and his eyelids too. When his eyes opened, they were still red and blue, but slitted like a certain baby dragon. {Hello dragon~! Try the thermal vision. It should let us track them down by their heat signatures.} 'Animak, you're a lifesaver.' With his new eyes, Kamina was easily able to see where their warm bodies had once been, and followed them immediately. Soon, he heard the sounds of a scuffle. “I'm coming!” Kamina ran as fast as he could, which thanks to his zebra legs was much faster than before, but he stopped dead in surprise at the sight he came upon. “Whoa....” “GET YOUR DAMN DIRTY PAWS OFF THEM!” Spike was...Spike was...awesome! It was like his chest, arms, tail, and head decided to become an adult, while his lower body dangled uselessly while being held up by his massive tail. He was swatting the attacking diamond dogs around like they were gnats, forcing their larger groups away with dragonfire. He looked and saw what set Spike's Greed Growth off; everypony, including Gilda, was caught and shackled. Not even the unicorns could do anything, as somehow it seemed these dogs had the know-how to make limiters. Everyone looked on as Spike viciously tore into their kidnappers for them threatening his Hoard; his friends. “THEY'RE MINE! YOU WON'T TAKE WHAT BELONGS TO ME!” “Kinda creepy, but kinda awesome.” {But touching.} “True.” Spike roared in pain as one of the guard dogs stabbed Spike's left forearm with a spear, and this got Kamina pissed. “NOBODY HURTS MY LITTLE BROTHER!” Kamina jumped into the fray, took a deep breath, and let fly a swathe of purple dragonfire to his own surprise. 'I can breath fire!' {Duh? Dragon?} Kamina ignored Animak's sarcastic remark as he followed up his burst of fire by trying to grapple with a dog, only to surprisingly find himself overpowered. 'What?! How is he stronger?!' {Hold on!} Kamina was able to ignore the pain as his forelegs shifted back into griffin talons to the opposing dog's shock, and suddenly the tables turned. Kamina was able to lock his talons, so his grip was assured, and then the strength came as an afterthought as he swung the armored dog around like a club into his compatriots. {Griffin talons can lock, so their grip is like iron. I kept the strength of the diamond dog legs, and added the retracting claws to your talons so we can still dig; just not as well as pure diamond dog legs.} 'That's fine, so long as I can keep fighting!' Kamina punched another dog in the face when his ears perked, and he flew into the air to narrowly avoid a massive plume of emerald flame that swept forward and scorched a whole wave of dogs. “Retreat! Ponies not worth such danger!” The dogs began fleeing into the tunnels, dragging their injured with them. Spike roared in triumph and literally dragged himself over to their shocked friends, where he ripped their bindings off, and he freed Rarity last. There was a tense moment, where the beast looked down upon the beauty, who looked back at him in awe, and he gently raised a massive claw to her chin. “Are you okay my lady?” Rarity's eyes sparkled, and her lips quivered. “Oh~ Spiky Wikey~!” She jumped at his face, and started kissing his jaw to everyone's surprise. “You glorious dragon in shining scales! You saved us!” This jolted Spike back into his normal size, and he fell to his tail as Rarity landed on her hooves, he blinked in confusion for a moment before she picked him up by his cheeks with her hooves. “Kiss me you fool!” Rarity passionately mashed her lips into Spike's surprising everyone, and Spike's eyes rolled back as he moaned and kissed back. Kamina was about to approach, but Spike began growing again, only...different. As Rarity kissed him, his body changed. His head became more mature, but shaped more like a pony, horns grew out of his temples, angled forward and to the side. His claws became hooves, that stretched down to meet the floor, and his body grew longer until he was proportionately a pony. Wings grew from his back as his tail grew longer, and finally, he grew until he was easily bigger than her, and he returned the steamy kiss with more fervor, making her moan. Everyone looked on in shock and amazement until they broke apart, their eyes still closed as they panted. “Wow....” Rarity breathed out as she opened her eyes, which flew open in surprise at the handsome face which met hers. “Yeah...wow....” Spike opened his eyes, which while still the same, seemed more mature. “Rarity...do you...?” Rarity quickly gathered herself, and decided; buck it. “Yes. Yes I do! I love you!” Rarity hugged him and nuzzled his neck, which finally got Spike to notice his new body, but he didn't care, he didn't have the capacity to care. He was just told the mare he'd been pining for nearly a year now loved him, and something was...right. Spike began crying, tears running from his eyes as he felt something click, something he didn't know was missing was suddenly gained. “R-Rarity...I love you too.” He hugged her back, smiling a sharp draconic grin in utter bliss at discovering something so wonderful. “I feel...what is this? I didn't notice but it was like-.” “There was a hole.” Everyone suddenly noticed Kamina as he approached, and went on the defensive. “Dragons have a gaping hole in their metaphysical heart, that they try in vain to fill with treasures; a hoard. You've filled it with love. I think that's what the idol Cor gave you was for; so you could actually gain fulfillment from what a dragon truly desires; love.” Kamina paused in his approach at seeing how defensive everyone was being. “Why're you acting like that?” “Who are you?” Twilight demanded, not recognizing him. This...hurt Kamina. It hurt him so much he felt as if a spike of agony just pierced his heart. “T-Twilight?” Kamina felt like he broke a little, did she not recognize him? {We've changed a lot Kamina, and remember; we're part dragon too....} “I-it's me...Kamina!” They all looked at him oddly, and suddenly he forced himself to transform fully into his pony form; the grotesque and brutal way his body transformed made them back away as he desperately reached out for them. “Please...please....” “...Is it really him?” Trixie asked in fear, feeling honestly scared of the shapeshifter. “He must be, for if he were not; he would have approached in this form at first.” Zecora was the bravest of them to approach him first, and she ran a hoof on his jaw, noting everything about him. He was now, in all forms; as big as Celestia, and he had reached his full maturity, proven by his fully defined jaw that was clearly reminiscent of the royal sisters. [Are you my beloved?] [If you'll still have me....] Kamina replied desperately, and he held her hoof with both forehooves in desperation. [Return to your truest form, I wish to see you as you truly are now.] At Zecora's demand, Kamina shifted back into his new amalgamated form, looking back into her eyes with his pleading draconic orbs. “My dear.” Zecora kissed him gently, and he teared up as the hole in his chest filled back in a bit as she pulled away. “I am sorry for our initial fear, for we thought you merely imitated the one we hold dear...damn.” Kamina chuckled a little at her rhyme. “Still having trouble with that?” He looked over to the others who had approached upon seeing Zecora open up to him, all looking guilty. “It's me everyone.” Twilight and Trixie jumped at him, and hugged him from both sides, apologizing profusely, and thanking Faust he was alright. Kamina let them do so, feeling his aching heart return to normal. 'I can't take it if that happens again...I think I know why Rarity was so scared of hurting Spike now....' {We'll find a way, we have the power.} 'Yes...we do.' ===//////> Everyone returned to the library afterwards to get their information together, and while Kamina informed them of his new abilities, they informed him of the events leading up to Rarity's and their own, capture. Rarity and Spike were gem hunting when the dogs decided they found Rarity's skill at so quickly rooting out gems to be too valuable to ignore. Spike struggled to head to town and get help, he said it was like trying to rip his heart out of his chest to not dive right in after her. When they got there, they managed to track down where they had Rarity muzzled and finding gems for them to dig, only for them to be ambushed, and expertly subdued. Save Spike. Spike, so infuriated at having his friends, who he realized was his hoard, being claimed as theirs just lost it, and went berserk in his rage to save them. That was where Kamina came in to find Spike laying a royal smackdown on the kidnappers. Due to how severe and serious the situation was, they messaged the princesses that the dogs in the plains had become dangerous, and were messaged back that they would be rooted out immediately to be deported to their homeland of Gem Fido to the northwest. Usually what they did was worth a much more severe punishment than exile, but the girls wanted to be a bit lenient, considering that it seemed the dogs were literally starving here from not getting enough gems or meat. Equestria might be a great place for gems, but Gem Fido is named for such a reason; one can't trip without landing on a precious stone. So, after it was all settled, Kamina was snuggled in bed with all three of his mares next to him. Spike was “spending the night” at Rarity's. “So you don't mind?” Kamina was asking his mares if they were disgusted by his chimeric body, only to get grins in return. “Are you kidding?” Twilight asked as she leaned her head back to leer at his new hindquarters with a lecherous grin. “Dat plot.” “Them claws.” Trixie added as she rubbed one of his talons, and Kamina shivered as he felt Zecora run a hoof on the underside of his wing. 'Those wings.” They all leaned in and kissed his cheeks, making him blush. “Trust us; you are unbelievably sexy dear.” “You seem to have all the best parts of...well...a lot of things.” Twilight looked at him with hooded eyes. “And we're going to be taking advantage of it.” Kamina gulped as Animak laughed in his head. {Have fun playcolt! I get to relax and you have to work.} 'Yeah, but it's work that's worth it.' Kamina replied as his mares all pounced on him at once, and he was wildly kissing Twilight as the other two took their positions. {Too true.} > Lorem Ipsum! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life was getting progressively interesting. Kamina's new appearance was throwing everypony for a loop; they didn't know how to respond to him. Mostly he got lots of...lusty looks, from both mares AND stallions. It seemed he was just attractive to almost everyone; he had some physical trait that turned an individual on, be it is plot, his flanks, his body, wings, head, forelegs, tail, SOMETHING got someone to eye him. And it was seriously ego boosting...until it just got creepy. In fact; last week, when Photo Finish was in town, when she saw him, she actually offered him a job as a Playfilly model! Saying he was so sexy in so many different ways; that he'd make record sales. He turned it down though, since while his ego would have loved the idea of being ogled by millions; he was a prince, and the indignity would bring shame to his family. At least to the stuck-up nobles, likely his mom and aunt would just get a laugh out of it. Speaking of his mom and aunt, when they saw him again after the rescue, they both looked...scared for a moment. He couldn't tell why; he asked if it was because of how chimeric he was now, but they said it was just unsettling to see that he was so powerful that his Will allowed him control over every aspect of his body. They were hiding something...something much more personal. Kamina knew better than to pry though; if they were afraid of his appearance, it must have been for a good reason. Anyway, Fluttershy did get a job as a model for a week, but she quit because she didn't like it. She originally went for it since it paid well and Rarity supported her, but Fluttershy spoke her mind and said she didn't like it because it was so stressful. It was so much easier for Fluttershy to admit it because Spike; like the faithful, doting knight he (and Rarity) proclaimed him to be, was at the spa with them when Fluttershy finally managed to meet up with them, and he was able to easily see through Fluttershy's feeble attempts to make it seem like she was happy. This, along with several other examples; Rarity and Spike were clearly an item, you wouldn't see them apart for long, and he'd pretty much moved in with her, he was almost never at the library anymore. Just as well, since Zecora and Trixie had taken his role as the caretaker, what with them enjoying cooking and the upkeep, their respective rugged lifestyles making such things a relaxing task rather than a chore. Rarity had finally gotten the most recent measurements for Kamina yet again, and this time she made hims swear that he would stop growing/changing body parts. He promised, but he hoped he didn't add anything soon. He had manticore in him too, and it was hard to repress the urge to get a scorpion tail, but the words of his mares saying it would have been ugly helped him resist getting one...however cool it would have been. Right now, Kamina was enjoying a relaxing train ride...alone. Because of his unsettling/arousing appearance, Kamina was getting uncomfortable with the ogling he was getting from complete strangers on the train, and retreated to the caboose to relax with Applejack's donated apple tree: Bloomberg. Yeah, it had a name. They were on their way to Appleloosa to donate this tree to AJ's cousin Braeburn, who invited her down to visit, and she decided to bring it to help her cousin out since he mentioned his orchard was having a little trouble, and Bloomberg was one of her fastest producing trees. Kamina was sleeping when he felt someone get into the bed with him, and he opened his see-in-the-dark dragon eyes to see it was Spike, who nudged him over and laid next to him. “What's up bro?” “Mph...dang mares, won't quiet down and go to sleep....” Spike grumbled and snuggled his brother, who snuggled back. They were even closer now, despite not spending as much time together. It might have something to do with Kamina now being part dragon. Their warm bodies quickly relaxed as they started snoring. Having awesome dreams of fighting legions of monsters together. ===//////> “What are they?” Kamina's ear twitched at the whisper he heard inside the caboose, and barely cracked his eye open to see the train car filled with large brown masses, with a single small, lanky tan one at the front of them. “That one looks like a dragon, but what's the other one?” “I don't know, we didn't expect to take any prisoners, but we owe it to them to at least be polite.” A female voice replied, and then clear their throat. “Um, excuse me, sorry to wake you.” She nudged Spike who was still sleeping like a log, but Kamina snapped his exposed eye open, startling the young buffalo heifer who was trying to wake them up. “Yeah? What is it?” Kamina asked in a whisper, since he didn't want to wake up Spike and cause a situation. “Um...sorry but...we're kinda kidnapping you on accident. We were just after the tree, but...yeah.” She replied awkwardly, and Kamina blinked at her. “I'm royalty, specifically; the son of Princess Celestia, so...yeah; great choice in target. I'd go for a good amount.” Kamina smirked cheekily at her, making her blush in embarrassment for their goof-up. “Eh, whatever. I'm sure you were doing this for a good reason, and I have a lot of authority. Just chat me up on what's going on and I can see what I can do to help.” She perked up, and her big, burly, tough bull buffalo companions all did as well. “Really? That would be great.” She backed away as Kamina nudged Spike to wake him up. “C'mon little bro, wake up. We've got company.” Kamina didn't stop shaking him, but the kirin slept like a brick. “Want me to drop you like a brick? I will.” No response. “Suit yourself.” Kamina then roughly shoved his little brother off the bed, making him crash to the floor...where he kept snoring. “Really?” Kamina tapped his chin with an index claw, and smirked devilishly, before he leaned down to whisper in Spike's ear. “Rarity's all dressed up in faux leather bondage gear, ready to ride her stallion with a riding crop in hoof.” “WHERE!” Spike bolted up, almost smacking against Kamina's head, but he'd been ready for that and bolted away just after he'd finished his dirty envisioning. “Huh? What time is it?” Spike asked as he looked around at the buffalo, that all gaped at the sight of him. “What? Is something on my face?” They bowed, to both his and Kamina's confusion. “Huh?” “Oh great dragon! Forgive us our trespass!” She then prostrated. “We meant you no harm! Please spare us your wrath!” “Whoa, whoa! What? My wrath? Lady; I'm as about to rage as I am to spit in your face, which is way down on the “not likely” area of the list, since I just woke up. Why would I be mad?” Spike got up, and stretched his still new kirin body, getting the heifer to blush at taking notice of him, and Kamina grinned. “No thinking like that little heifer. Spike here's already claimed by a very, very possessive mare.” Kamina teased Spike who simply beamed with his eyes closed at the fact that yes; he has a special somepony. The heifer pouted after she sniffed him, and found that he definitely had a mare's scent all over him. “Dang...oh well. Anyway; scratch being prisoners, you're officially guests. You're free to leave if you want.” “No, we'll be paying your current camp a visit. I'll need to have a talk with your chief. Because even if I am a Prince of Equestria, and obligated to resolve this situation; you've stolen my friend's tree, and I can't just let that go. So lead on young heifer.” Kamina got out of bed and stretched himself, getting her...and a few bulls to blush too, and he groaned as he rolled his eyes. “I have a herd already. Not looking to add more.” “Dang it!” Kamina was both amused, disturbed, and pleased that some of the bulls joined in on that shout. Hey, he may not swing that way; but to know that possibly straight males could think he's hot? Ego-boosting as hell. ===//////> Kamina tried to avoid physical contact with any of the buffalo, because he had no idea if he could resist adding a trait from the physically imposing, muscular, and known stamina-freaks that were the buffalo bulls to his body. He was currently still in an argument with Animak over it as he sat in the tent awaiting the chief. {Look, it doesn't have to be external. I can just give us the muscle mass inside the torso.} 'I'm heavy enough.' {Are you a mare?} 'No-.' {Then fucking do it you pansy!} 'I promised Rarity!' {Internal only.} 'Fine, maybe...if the chief offers to shake hooves.' “I apologize for the wait.” Kamina turned his head towards the deep, thundering voice, and saw Chief Thunderhooves of the Thunderhoof Tribe. He was an utterly massive buffalo bull, he was even bigger than most of the others, and his fur was a much darker, muddier brown. He wore a suitably massive headdress of red-tipped white feathers, sewn into a contrasting blue headband. “I was just returning from meeting with my foragers.” “It's fine. Unlike most ponies in my station or similar position; I actually have patience and genuine forbearance.” Kamina waited for Thunderhooves to extend his hoof in greeting, and was both pleased, and disappointed in himself for being excited about it, when Thunderhooves did so, and he gently gripped it for a shake. {Got it~.} 'Damn....' {Oh~ such dense muscle mass....} 'You can be really creepy sometimes....' “So...you are Prince Kamina right? I'd heard you'd become a sort of alicorn hippogriff, but you seem...more.” Kamina blinked, he was surprised something like that would travel down the horn this far south into no-pony's land. “I am sure you're surprised I even know of this, but being a chief of one of the five biggest tribes of buffalo remaining; I am required to keep in the loop of politics at least a little. However, out here; it is much harder to send word to the capital of our problems, especially since we're still a mostly autonomous factor in your country's governance.” “Yeah, I can see how that can be an issue. Is there a reason why you haven't been able to contact us?” The chief became visibly enraged at Kamina's question, but it wasn't directed at him. “Those-those blasted, thieving, trespassing PONIES are why!” Thunderhooves roared, making Kamina lean back in surprise at the outburst. “They settle our land, which was fine at first since we're nomadic; but they've planted their orchards on our ancient stampeding grounds! We are stuck here, because they have blocked our rightful passage on our usual route through the lands. We will not deviate on this. For many, many, many, many, many, many-.” Kamina zoned him out, kinda getting the point, but Thunderhooves went on for about a minute. “I get it!” Kamina interrupted, and Thunderhooves blinked before he looked bashful of his rambling. “Okay, so, some ponies have violated the Equestrian Native Land law, and built on your tribe's property?” Thunderhooves nodded. “What town?” “Appleloosa.” Kamina groaned as he rubbed his temples. “What?” “Great~! Appleloosa is protected under the Equestrian Frontier Land law! Ugh...mom...why so many conflicting laws? Okay, so we can't just force them to move the orchard. They have legal right to have it wherever it can grow. Is there somewhere else with fertile enough ground for them to move it to?” Kamina was very, very thankful for his extensive lessons on Equestrian law right now. But when Thunderhooves wilted and shook his head, Kamina sighed. “There's nothing I can do. They can't move it.” “But....” Thunderhooves sighed. “Not even a Prince can help us....” “Look; why don't you compromise? We CAN make them open a path through the orchard so your tribe could stampede through it. So not only that; you'd be helping them too since your stampede would basically knock all the apples down for them. Have you ever had an apple pie before?” Kamina asked deviously, and Thunderhooves shook his head. “An Apple lives there. If he makes some pie; you'll think you've gone to food heaven.” “Hm...I'll...consider it. I'd have to speak with Sheriff Silverstar about it.” Kamina blinked and looked confused, so Thunderhooves shared it. “What?” “The sheriff? What about the mayor?” Kamina was really, really hoping-. “What mayor?” “Ugh....” Kamina really wished he had a desk to slam his face into repeatedly. “No~...now I have another legal issue to resolve! None of this can go through without the town having a mayor! WHY doesn't it have a mayor!” Kamina screeched, his slightly avian vocal chords adding a slight shrill to it, which made Thunderhooves cringe. “Okay, look; none of this can be resolved until Appleloosa has a mayor. Why it doesn't, I don't know. Not even it being a frontier town is an excuse; every town, by law, is supposed to have a branch of government separate from direct law-enforcement to ensure that neither is corrupted completely. Also, it is supposed to be set that way to ensure that not all the town's judicial and executive power is focused in one place. And right now, by law; Appleloosa isn't even a town without an executive form of government.” “What does that mean?” Thunderhooves asked, as somewhat in/out of the loop as he was, he didn't know all the finer intricacies of Equestrian law. “It means, Chief Thunderhooves, that as of now; they don't even have the protection of the Equestrian Frontier Land law. You now have the legal right to boot them off your land, and they'd be shit-out-of-luck about it, and be forced to pack up and abandon the town.” Kamina then leered at the chief, who while bigger in mass, was still cowed by the massive hippogriff's intimidating gaze. “You don't want to put hopeful, innocent ponies trudging back home, with no prospects left for them, would you?” “N-no...not if I can help it....” Thunderhooves was seriously scared right now. It seemed that while fair to a point, if His Little Ponies were threatened; Kamina was a seriously dangerous being to be around. “Good. I'm going to Appleloosa, I'm going to appoint a mayor, and we're going to get this conflict resolved. I'll be back with the news.” Kamina turned and left the tent, and paused in surprise to see Blitz, Gilda, and Pinkie all sitting around the fire with the other buffaloes and Spike. “Blitz? What're you three doing here?” “Well, we were here to kinda save your flanks. But it looks like you had everything in hoof anyway.” Blitz ate a piece of fruit, and looked to the young heifer that Kamina meet earlier, whom he learned was named Little Strongheart. “Strongheart here's told us what's up. And I'm going to have a talk with the others about all this.” “Don't bother; I've got it under control. I'll handle it.” Kamina stated, and sat down next to them. “What's the grub? I'm starving, and I don't want to have to resort to hunting.” ===//////> Kamina, Blitz, Gilda, Spike, and Pinkie who was being held by Gilda, all flew to Appleloosa the next morning. When they landed, Kamina had to ignore all the gawking, once-overs, and even a couple cat-calls. As he trotted towards the obvious sheriff office, Kamina yelped when somepony actually had the audacity to spank his flank, and he gaped at the fluttery-eyed mare in a tavern dress who smiled and waved at him. He blushed and quickly sped up his trot. He might find it absolutely flattering, but damn, boundaries, seriously. He walked right into the office without a knock, eager to get off the street as his friends all dispersed to meet up with the others who made it yesterday. “Well howdy there, I'm...uh....” The sheriff; Silverstar, a humble gray earth pony with black hair and gray eyes sporting a well-groomed mustache, wearing a blue faux leather vest, and a matching ten-gallon hat, paused and looked up in surprise at the exceedingly large and tall hippogriff that entered his office. “Um...how might I help ya youngin'?” “Why is there no mayor?” Kamina cut to the chase, and Silverstar looked confused. “What? Why're ya askin' that?” Kamina gestured for the sheriff to sit down at his desk, and when he didn't, Kamina glared at him. “Oh-okay sonny! I'll sit!” After the sheriff had been suitably cowed, Kamina sat in front of his desk, as this should be. “I am Prince Kamina, Son of Celestia, Heir to the Throne, and therefore I have the political power to handle this terrible situation. As of right now; if you do not have a mayor elected within the next twenty-four hours; Appleloosa loses it's claim as a settlement of Equestria, and will be forced to vacate.” Kamina's enormous bomb made the sheriff gawk in horror, and start to sweat. “W-what?! B-but I can't let that happen! I have a-!” “Responsibility to protect these pony's rights. I know. But you do not have the executive authority to run the town.” Kamina sighed. “I will have no choice but to order Appleloosa to disband if you do not comply. It is the law sheriff, I'm sure you understand.” “I do! But twenty-four hours?! That's impossible! We can't run an election that fast! Not even for a town this small!” Silverstar got up and paced about frantically. “Can't do that...can't choose by lottery either; been outlawed....” He paused, and blinked, before beaming. “Wait-a-minute! Can the pony who's been doin' most of the managing of the town be automatically declared mayor?” Kamina blinked. “Um, yes, if that pony isn't you.” Kamina had to enforce that the sheriff isn't the mayor, and vice-versa. He could have run for mayor if there was already an existing office, but not in this scenario. “Braeburn Apple! He practically runs this town!” Silverstar was ecstatic at the fact. “He's the one who done got the orchard runnin', set trade routes, keep contact with the government, AND set up the post-office!” Kamina blinked in surprise. AJ had gushed about how responsible and talented Braeburn had been, but he sounded like he belonged behind a desk rather than on an orchard. “Yeah, that'll work, but only if he accepts.” “Follow me! Gotta get him.” Silverstar galloped out of the office and Kamina followed by air. While having talons that could fight, grab things easier, and manipulate things more dextrously than hooves was awesome; they weren't as good at running fast, and he didn't like messing with his forelegs too much. He and Silverstar approached Appleloosa Acres soon enough. However, the sight that met them was far from ideal. It seemed the half of Kamina's friends was arguing with the other half, and Braeburn and...Little Strongheart? Were off to the side, looking on worried. “Quiet down! Quiet down!” Silverstar loudly interjected as Kamina landed. “This be lookin' dang close to bein' a mob! And there're no mob gatherin' here in Appleloosa! What in tarnation has got ya'll in such harsh moods?” As the more level-headed members of the group, such as Twilight and Fluttershy explained, Kamina groaned at the fact that it was over the situation involving the Thunderhoof Tribe and the orchard. “Okay, let me stop you all right there; NONE of you have the legal right to involve yourselves in this. You were merely going to cause the situation to escalate. Please, stand aside. Sheriff?” “You heard the Prince! This is official business. Business that can only be fixed by one Mister Braeburn Apple.” Silverstar gestured to the...whoa.... Kamina had to pause and actually take in Braeburn. {What the...are we having a gay moment here?} 'Huh?' {That...admittedly hot stallion with the natural bedroom eyes, toned muscles, and shiny coat with the fiery hair and luscious green eyes! We're TOTALLY checking him out!} 'A-AM NOT!' {Pull those wings in!} Kamina was blushing, and snapped his raising wings to his side, only Blitz seemed to notice, but when he saw the blush, and looked to Braeburn, who was astonished about the situation and talking to the others about it, and looked back, he smirked. 'SHIIIIIIIIT~! Blitz knows!' {He's coming over! Act natural!} Blitz had carefully exited the riveting conversation involving small-town politics, and plopped down next to Kamina. “Hey.” “...Hey.” Kamina didn't fail to notice his lagged response. “He's hot.” Blitz threw out there. “Yeah...wait-no!” 'FUUUUUUUCK!' {You idiot and your flapping lizard lips!} “Dude! It's totally fine! I'm checking him out right now.” Blitz leaned into Kamina and hummed as he looked at Braeburn. “Dem Apples just know how to make their stallions. Look at those eyes, his chiseled, curved jaw. His tense, tight, rippling muscles. The sensuous curve of his hard, toned flanks. Imagine, how big is he between those rock-hard thighs?” Kamina was ashamed to admit it...but FUCK...he was totally gay for Braeburn! He hissed as he clenched his wings tighter, his blush intensified, and his Captain Kamina was struggling NOT to come out. 'NO! You will NOT stand at attention!' 'YES I CAN! STAND DOWN!' Kamina suddenly punched himself in the dick, shocking Blitz, and making him wince at just how damn painful it must've been. Kamina panted in exertion at having overpowered his libido, and hissed at the pain he had to endure to surpass it. {Holy fuck...you just had a battle of will with your own dick.} 'Trust me; I'm as freaked out as you are.' “Dude! What the fuck?!” Blitz stage whispered in concern. “Don't...talk...about this. Ever.” Kamina glared at Blitz, who chuckled nervously. “No problem. Sorry about that. But dude; it's totally okay to have gay fantasies. Doesn't make you any less of a guy.” Blitz nudged him, but it didn't exactly cheer Kamina up. “Coming from the dude who used to be a mare.” {You know we can turn into a chick whenever we want right?} 'Not helping!' {We could totally bang him.} 'Really?! You're both teaming up on me?!' {Yes.> 'WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~!' “Prince Kamina? Your Majesty?” Kamina came out from his violent internal debate on his sexuality to see that the object of said homosexual thoughts was addressing him with a polite smile. “If you would; I'd be honored to accept the role of mayor for Appleloosa.” “Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, yada, yada; Sexy's the new mayor, gotta go.” Kamina teleported away, leaving the stallions save Blitz confused, and said stallion and all the girls blushing. “What? But Sexy Stockings isn't here, she's workin' at the saloon.” Braeburn commented in confusion, leaving Blitz to sigh, since he was the only one who knew what was going on, and had to break his word to Kamina so soon. > Acceptio! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamina was not a happy hippogriff. Discovering you've developed bisexual tendencies, when you'd been straight you're whole life, is something of yet another identity crisis. Kamina couldn't look at stallions the same anymore. He couldn't just look and see a guy; he'd look and see what made him attractive, or unappealing, like he did with mares and other females. So it'd been awkward when he returned home to Ponyville, and wound up seeing Big Mac. Fuck...Mac was so~ hot...damn it. Kamina was at constant odds with his unusually aggressive libido. Sure, he'd always been able to admit when a guy was handsome, or if he'd get the ladies, but to be attracted? New, scary new. He was so preoccupied, he didn't even complain when Celestia and Luna had to cancel another visit. This time due to some political intrigue in discovering somepony tried to poison Nyx's food. Luna didn't even wait for legal procedure to send the bastard and his hired assassin to the moon. This pissed Kamina off, and he would have went to Canterlot, but was advised against it by his mom because she feared she had to clean shop to ensure her family wasn't at risk like this; and would need to start now if he and Cadence were to join them at the Gala. So Kamina tried to cool down the only way he really knew these days. Cold showers. Kamina sat under a waterfall on the edge of the Everfree, meditating. {Dicks, dicks everywhere~.} 'I fucking hate you.' Kamina was trying to literally kill this third new personality; which represented his rejected attraction to guys, like how Animak represented his rejections of himself in general. He accepted Animak, and things have been going smoothly, but he refused to accept this Dick's obsession with dicks. Animak, however, was all for it; especially since it promoted the concept of Evolution, of progress. The more ambiguous Kamina was, the greater his potential for trying new things, for discovering new advantages. Like, being a female. Semi-permanently. Hermaphrodite dual-sexuality. Animak was a fucking ANIMAL! {You know you love it~.} 'Shut. Up.' “WRYYYYYYYYYYYY!” Kamina screamed wordlessly in frustration. Kamina froze, his wings unwillingly extending, throwing water around. 'FUCK NO! I won't use Trixie like that!' {We already do. A lot; remember? Even that one time Twilight talked you into being a mare for a night.} 'ONE TIME! ONE FUCKING TIME!' 'Besides; the Golden Rule, remember? If there's at least one chick involved; it's not gay!' {Unless you're thinking about the dude while you fuck, and still get off. You always do when Trickster's involved.} Kamina had no words. He couldn't deny that. But he loved Trixie, and Trickster by extension. This led him down a dark road; he couldn't stop thinking about Trickster now! His svelte form, accentuated in all the right places with light muscle tone, and a small healthy amount of fat; giving his plot that slight bit of squeeze that he loved to-. 'NO! No...not...fuck it.' Kamina teleported to Trixie, who was home, cleaning the dishes, and he hugged her from behind, nibbling her ear. “Whoa~! Tiger~, where'd this come from?” Trixie purred as she arched up into his back in excitement. “I want you. Now. As a stallion.” Kamina demanded, making her blink and blush. “C-come again?” He squeezed her flank, making her bite her lip. “You heard me, Trickster.” Kamina nipped her neck, she couldn't resist. “Fine! Take me!” Trixie teleported them to the bedroom. ===//////> They were both under the covers, panting, coated in sweat. Trickster was spent, totally tired as he looked over to Kamina, who had turned herself into a queen hippogriff when she realized she didn't like it up the butt after all. “Holy shit...that was....” “Fucking amazing....” Kamina finished, not caring anymore. She couldn't hear that third personality at all now. {It's gone. It was a very simple thing. Since you've accepted this, you absorbed it.} 'Fine. I'm better off knowing I'm a bisexual gender fence jumping shapeshifter than being in denial about it.' {Dude, relax~. Remember Leeron?} 'How could I forget?' {He was really, very clearly gay, he was open about it too. And he was still awesome, still cool.} 'Animak; I KNOW being gay has nothing to do with how manly you can be.' {Then why did you have so much trouble with this?} 'I've been straight my whole life; then this happens. You're part of me, you should know this.' {I'm part of you that you originally rejected. I don't know this.} “Round two?” Trickster asked after getting his breath back, and Kamina considered it. {No. We have to change back. We're at risk of getting pregnant as it is.} 'WHAT?!' {Dude: hippogriff! We might be a chimeric alicorn, but we're a hippogriff at our base; meaning like them, we could get pregnant from standard intercourse outside the Cycle.} 'Damn it.' Kamina turned back into a king, and sighed in frustration. “No. If we're going to do that regularly; I'll have to get the same contraceptive herbs Gilda uses. I'm a hippogriff, remember?” “Fuck...I have blue balls right now~!” Trickster bemoaned as he rubbed his groin trough the blanket, getting Kamina excited, and wishing he could go another round. Before he sputtered trying to contain his laughter. “What?” “Trickster; you're blue. You ALWAYS have blue balls!” Kamina broke out into laughter, and Trickster glared at him. “Not when I'm a mare!” Trickster pouted with his forelegs crossed over his chest. He shortly joined in with a chuckle, and they started laughing together. “Who'd have thought? The stallion in my life also ends up like me? Bisexual and hopping the gender fence?” “I sure as hell didn't! I think we can thank Braeburn for this. Actually, hey; I was too in shock at my sudden change in sexuality at the time to care, but how did things turn out?” Kamina asked Trickster, since after he declared Braeburn mayor he got the hell outta there and came home to be alone and try to sort things out. “Well, Braeburn is the official mayor of Appleloosa. The town cleared a path through the middle of the orchard and promised the tribe apple pies in thanks every time they pass through. Oh! After Blitz explained the situation to us all; Braeburn was really embarrassed that you felt that way about him. This caused us all to admit to him that he was one of the sexiest stallions we've ever known, and Applejack finally gave him “the talk” about the “curse of the Apple Family” or something like that.” Trickster told him, getting him to raise an eyebrow. “What curse?” Kamina asked incredulously, and Trickster chuckled. “Okay, quick question? Is Applejack sexy?” Trickster asked, and Kamina smiled. “Hell yeah! I'd totally bang-.” Kamina clamped his mouth shut. 'What the fuck? I've been trying to send her signals that I want to keep it “just friends” between us.' {No idea; that came out of nowhere.} “There it is. Applejack explained that every Apple has a natural beauty, and allure to them that just draws the attention of suitors. You just had the misfortune of encountering perhaps the most potent recipient of this generation of Apple's best set of genes.” Trickster explained, getting Kamina to balk at him. “So wait; my idle fantasies about AJ weren't just idle fantasies? I was being FORCED to think of them?” Kamina had been considering AJ for his herd since the start, but he felt completed with his mares now, and didn't feel the need to add anypony else. 'So, if she was more aggressive...she would have had me by the balls?' {Seems like it.} “But I've been able to resist her, at least to a degree.” “She explained it's because we got you first. She vented about how she'd been sending you strong signals since you met, and after that, how she felt cheated, how she was jealous of us.” Trickster became sad, and wilted at the thought of one of his friends disliking him for whatever reason. “She felt it was unfair how I and Zecora just fell into your lap, and she was thrown to the side like she didn't matter.” Kamina felt his chest hurt, his heart was cracking. 'What? But...I didn't want...no...AJ....' {Fuck...we messed up.} 'But I don't feel that way for-.' “*gasp*” Kamina grabbed his chest, and started panting in pain as it felt like his heart was seizing. 'What? No! But I don't love-!' “AGH!” “Kamina! Kamina don't fight it!” Trickster had learned some of the things about dragons he and Twilight had; especially after Kamina explained he had some draconic traits. “You do love her! It's fine!” Kamina hissed through his teeth, and felt like his chest was bleeding, he looked down to see his claws had pierced his chest. It wasn't dangerous, but it was rather symbolic. 'Damn it AJ...I'm sorry.' {We need to fix this somehow. Either we take her in too, or she lets us go.} “Gotta go Trickster; I need to talk to a certain orange mare.” Kamina lit up his horn and teleported, leaving a worried Trickster in bed...who frowned at the blood-stained blanket. “Oh fiddlesticks....” ===//////> Kamina appeared at the Apple home on Sweet Apple Acres, and knocked on the door. He waited patiently until Big Mac opened the door. “Hey there Kamina. What's the occasion? It ain't the weekend.” 'Fuck, it's hard to keep looking him in the eyes.' {Sexy, deep, thought-filled eyes.} 'Cut it out! Friend zone him!' {Noted.} “Mac; I need to talk to AJ.” Mac noticed the lines of blood running down Kamina's chest, and blinked in surprise. “You're bleedin'.” “It's nothing. Where can I find her?” Kamina pressed, and Mac struggled to ignore his friend's injury to send him off. “If you're alright, then fine, she's off in the west orchard today.” Big Mac must have been working on the ledger; it was Thursday after all. “Thanks. Has Fluttershy approached you yet?” Kamina told Mac not long after Animak's near take-over about how he spilled the beans. The gentle stallion forgave him pretty easily, but he was still hurt that Animak did that. Mac smiled, his eyes twinkling. “Eeyup! Got a date set for the Gala. I'm going to be her plus one.” Kamina beamed at the news. “Good for you man.” They brofisted, and Kamina turned to leave. “Don't hurt her.” Mac warned dangerously all of a sudden, and Kamina froze to look back at the dire faced Big Mac; all gentleness gone. “If you break her heart; I will break you.” “I know. And I won't stop you.” Kamina turned and kept walking, feeling somewhere between like he was walking to his own funeral, or his own wedding. An odd mixture of dread, and excitement. 'My heart is racing...I've only felt like this....' {With our mares.} 'Yeah...when did this happen?' {It must have been some time ago; you just kept denying her.} Kamina continued to reflect on all the times AJ had flirted with him, been close to him, even gave him her full attention when really she would have normally divided it more evenly. He snapped out of it to the familiar sound of hooves striking bark. Of a familiar mare's voice panting, grunting, cheering. Kamina just realized how turned on she made him. He always ignored it when they worked together, he kept his mind on the task at hoof. Was he still thinking of her subconsciously? He'd eye her now and then, but he never thought too hard on it. Just how long had she known? How long had Mac known, and kept quiet about it? He thought of how he enjoyed her company, how she made him laugh, made him happy. How her honest heart just astounded him, how her fortitude amazed him, how her genuine love and care for those she calls friend...or more, sent him soaring. “Whew! That one was a tough one for sure!” Kamina rounded the last bend of trees to see AJ sitting down, wiping her brow with her signature red bandanna, and then picking up a wood tankard of water to chug it down. He watched her neck convulse with the swallows, how even such a normal action caused her skin to ripple in muscular excellence. His wings raised, his heart pounded, his Captain Kamina was not shy about coming to the fore. 'I want her. So bad.' Kamina silently approached her as she finished downing the mug of clear liquid, and she sighed in joy at how refreshing it was, still keeping her eyes closed to relish the moment of refreshment. “Whew...okay, back to-.” She opened her eyes, and dropped her cup, leaning back in a blush of surprise at how Kamina was mere inches from her face. “Oh! H-hey there Kamina. Nice to-.” Kamina pounced on her, mashing his lips with hers. She was confused for only a moment, before she grabbed his head in her forehooves, and kissed back with just as much passion. Their tongues wrestled, she fell on her back, he pinned her to the grass with his body. They writhed against one another as they made out, only breaking for a few split seconds to breath, their noses flaring rapidly to try and get enough air. Finally, they broke off, but didn't stop there. Kamina started nibbling down her chest, her belly, heading towards the valley of the promised land, making AJ blush even brighter. “H-here? In the open?” He paused and looked at her with a sly smile. “Why not?” “S-someone could see us...t'aint decent....” Kamina nipped one of her nipples, making her cry out, and coo when he suckled her. “N-no~...not outside....” “Then where? My place?” His horn lit up, and AJ quickly nodded. They were gone in a flash, and overhead was Blitz, who was extremely turned on by the foreplay he'd seen just now. “Holy fuck...that was hot as hell.” Blitz smirked, and suddenly realized something. “Pinkie's the only one still single....” He beamed and pumped a hoof. “Woo! I won the bet!” Blitz bolted off to Sugarcube Corner to gloat to the only bachelorette left in their group of friends. He felt it ironic it was the party pony who wound up being the last one single, which was why he bet she'd be last to get someone to try and beat the odds. The bits were a nice bonus too. > Veteres Vulneribus... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was now officially part of the herd. After they finished their first time, AJ shouted “FINALLY!” and Kamina apologized for being a stupid, dick-headed moron for trying to avoid her. Also there was his admittance to everypony that he was now bisexual because of his ability to turn into a female. That was awkward. But, they easily accepted it, what with them being so dang cool and all. For his mares though; that just meant they could be more liberal with what they decided to try out. AJ was a bit uncomfortable with the concept of being in a massive orgy again, after the fiasco with Rarity, Trickster and Twilight last year; so she was told she had no pressure to join them whenever they arranged for one, which was at least once a month. Since she was a busy mare, she could find time for them whenever she wished. It didn't mean that every weekend wasn't “hump day” now, since Kamina still helped on the farm. Over the next couple of days, not much happened of too much interest. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo; the CMC, short for Cutie Mark Crusaders, asked each of the Element Bearers how they got their cutie marks. Kamina still groaned at the name for it, but he could now understand WHY it was called that; the marks themselves were usually cute. Hell, even his awesome flaming skull wearing shades was cute in a way, if only to the right people though. He'd still call them flank marks for guys though. Anyhow, yeah, apparently it was all Blitz's doing. When he was still a filly, Rainbow Dash performed her first Sonic Rainboom, which all the Element Bearers saw, and caused them to discover their talents. It was poetic; how Loyalty was what brought them all together long before they even met. Kamina knew though...his mom manipulated them, so that they would be forced to meet. He knew that it was Blitz's first Rainboom that allowed her to connect the dots, to identify them. If Dash hadn't done it...would she have even taken Twilight in as her student? Would...any of them be as they are now? It was depressing to think about. When asked why he seemed so melancholy about it, he deflected. He deflected so hard his friends got whiplash. He wouldn't give an inch on this...the Gala was just next week. Everything would be settled then. Everything. After that; Twilight got a pet. It was an owl, suitably enough, named Owlowiscious. Kamina refused to bother learning such a mouthful of a name, and dubbed him Kittan; since the intelligent fowl seemed to have a similar taste in the shape of the plumage on it's head to Kamina's late friend's hair style. Kamina could not resist petting him for a sample, so he could get the feather design and placement for his wings to make them silent. He loved how he could silently swoop down and scare people; it was glorious. Gilda was notably jealous when he told her about it; saying it would make hunting so much easier if her prey didn't hear her wings flap or feathers break the air. So, it was then that Kamina put to test something he'd been practicing; extending his Will to alter others as well. He had to get permission of course, but Gilda said if she could swoop on a wild animal easier, she'd go for it. He had to hold talons with her, keep her calm, and Animak guided it along. She hissed regularly through the “operation” saying it stung like a body-wide bruise. After several minutes, Kamina told her it was finished, and sure enough; when she flew, she was silent. Gilda was so happy she even hugged him, which she told him to never tell anyone about. This led to Kamina considering just what else he could do to help his friends. Could he even give them...dare say, his alicorn cell's regeneration? Stop their aging? It was beyond tempting, beyond hoping. He knew he was ageless; his mares were not, his friends were not, not even Spike, who could live for thousands of years was not. He remembered how his heart literally broke just from his mares and friends not recognizing him and fearing him. He couldn't take that again. But; it was a thought for another time, because right now-. “PARTY! Enough of all this doom and gloom! It's time I got some screentime!” Pinkie cut it out! You're interrupting the narrative! “And YOU are being a Debbie Downer! Relax! It's a kid's show!” “Pinkie...who're you talking to?” Blitz asked in concern, as Pinkie had started shouting at the blank wall she was preparing to put the Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Pony game. “Eh, he, he. No reason~!” After she put up the poster, she poked the wall, causing...my screen to tap. “I'll get you soon mister. Believe that.” I. Am. Nervouscited right now. “Good! Now; make this a GOOD party! All the dreariness above needs to be broken. You've been mostly all relationship problems and concepts of sexuality lately.” Pinkie then tapped the tacks into the corner of the poster, and spun around to face the party goers. “Welcome everyone to Gummy's birthday! He's turning one this year; so it's a very special day! Let's boogie!” Alright then; let's make this epic. A disco ball deploys from the ceiling, and Vinyl who was invited too; starts playing some sweet dancing beats, getting everyone to groove. Hm...not enough.... Stallion models burst in through the windows, which repaired themselves, nobody asking questions as the models began to pose. STILL not enough! Pinkie's Party Cannon aimed out of the kitchen and blasted the whole place into being a gloriously decorated bash, baked treats and spiked punch strategically located on the tables. A bit more. Octavia stands with a violin next to Vinyl, and begins to rapidly play a suiting accompaniment as a bunch of party games seem to appear from nowhere. How about-. “Game!” Pinkie starts tapping on the pony poster with a sheepish smile. “Um...you didn't need to go THIS far....” Oh...sorry. “It's okay; I'm sure you've done more than enough for Gummy's party. I barely had to do anything.” That was kinda the idea.... “And you all wonder how I can do the things I do.” Pinkie fluttered her eyes. Wait...really? You manipulate the fourth dimension? “I'm doing it now silly~!” Pinkie blew a kiss. Um...wow...you sneaky pink devil! “It's a gift.” Pinkie went back to the party. Okay, seriously, enough shattering the fourth wall; back to the narrative. The party was a hit. Everyone had a great time; especially Gummy, who actually twitched his toe to a few songs! Kamina was able to actually relax and was happy to head home-. *knock, knock*' Pinkie was tapping on the air. “Hey, um...I know it's a lot to ask; but can we focus on my point of view?” Pinkie; Kamina's the focus character for this fic. “But for this chapter? He's just going to be brooding over all the stuff he's been through lately. That's no fun.” It isn't a matter of fun. “It always is silly~. So what; do you just like seeing others in pain?” Pinkie leered at me through the barrier between dimensions. “Okay, that's enough. C'mere.” Pinkie started hitting the air very hard! Stop that! I don't do self-inserts! “I'm getting the narrator, not the writer! Come out!” No! Run Game Junkie! “Pinkie's hoof shattered an invisible barrier, and she reached in. “Ah! She's got me!” A gray blank-flank stallion earth pony with long black straight hair so fair like Pinkamena's that he could easily be mistaken for a mare, was pulled from the fissure in reality, where he flopped onto the floor in astonishment as the fissure in reality healed. “How? What? But....” “I thought you knew better than to try and know how I do the things I do.” Pinkie stated slyly as she smirked down on the physical manifestation of portrayal and conveyance. “See? The omniscient narrator will do just fine without you.” “But I'm the NARRATOR! I'm NOT supposed to be...out here....” Game looked like he was short of having a panic attack. “I haven't left the barrier between worlds in centuries....” He clenched his stormy gray eyes. “When I open my eyes, I will be in control of my situation. I am not at the mercy of fate. I am in control of my own decisions, my own thoughts, my own-.” “Whatchadoin'?” Pinkie interrupted Game's attempt to gain control of his fear, and then plopped onto her rump next to him and compared their manes. “Wow! You have my natural hairstyle! Only it's pure black, and shiny!” “Your hair is shiny too Pinkie; it's just harder to notice because it's such a light color.” Game replied, getting a smile and titter from the party pony. “So...why am I here? Out of my safe bubble separate from reality?” “I just had to get you out here. You've been watching us so carefully. Manipulating things so they go right.” Pinkie hugged Game, who blushed at the earnest expression of gratitude. “I had to thank you. That whole “tricking you into doing all the work for Gummy's party” thing earlier was just to prove that you're not just somepony looking out for us. You're our friend too.” Pinkie beamed at Game, who was astounded at her reasoning. “But we've never actually met before now.” Game wriggled, trying to get out of the now awkward hug that Pinkie refused to free him from, but found his feeble lack of strength worthless in the face of the strength of a mare who'd grown up on a rock farm; notorious for producing ponies of prodigious and shocking strength. “Oh Game, you're so silly. You don't need to meet somepony to be their friend. We've been friends since before we met.” Pinkie finally let him go and stood up with her hoof held out to him, face split in a grand smile. “So. I know it's really, really late. But is it okay if I welcome you to Ponyville? We can have the party tomorrow.” Game was seriously touched...he hadn't had a friend in hundreds of years. Yet here was this mare; extending a hoof of friendship out of the blue. “But you don't know anything about me....” “I know you could've just ignored us. You could have just left us alone. But you didn't. That's enough for me.” Pinkie put her extended hoof under one of his, and helped him up. “So, whatcha say? Friends?” Game looked down at the hoof holding his, and closed his eyes to gently sigh through his nose. “Sure, if you don't mind an exiled crystal pony. I'll be your friend.” “What's a crystal pony?” Pinkie asked in confusion, and Game walked up to a light and held his hoof over it. The light shined through his hoof, but not by much. It was dull, clouded, imperfect. “Whoa...that's so cool!” “Thanks. A pure crystal pony; one who is still connected to the Crystal Heart, is much more vibrant and clear.” Pinkie was clearly waiting for him to continue, so he rolled his eyes. “Okay, story time then. About a thousand years ago, just before the Nightmare Incident; a small city-state known as the Crystal Empire was captured and enslaved by a dark wizard by the name of Sombra. I wasn't in the city at the time, and right before it disappeared...wherever the Crystal Heart was, to save me; a citizen, it...exiled me.” “What? How would that save you?” Pinkie asked in confusion, and Game shrugged slightly. “Not sure. But, let's say that there's a sort of contract between the Heart, and every citizen in the Empire. It protects us, in exchange for our love and faith. I have no idea what would have happened had I been violently separated from the Heart rather than it exiling me. The price I paid however; is that I'm stuck.” Game finished lamely, and Pinkie blinked. “Stuck how? You're moving. You're not stuck on anything.” Pinkie stated, before gasping and pointing at him. “You're old!” Game Junkie blankly stared at her. “I did say things relating to hundreds of years passing earlier.” “Why are you old?” Pinkie poked his face, and started moving his firm dull gray skin around, not finding any wrinkles. “You don't look a day over twenty.” “Exactly. I can't age for some reason. I am a “crystal” pony after all. Maybe, after being exiled, an important piece of me was lost that made me more “alive”. Because before this happened to me; I thought we were like all other ponies. We were born, we lived, we aged, we died. But now, I'm an exception.” Game sighed. “And you wonder why I'm such a downer.” “Hey! Cheer up Gamey! Remember; I'm your friend now, so we're going to have fun!” Pinkie grabbed the downcast undead golem pony and dragged him out of the building to cheer him up, there was still an afternoon of fun to be had. ===//////> Game Junkie had to admit; that mare was fun. After living for over a thousand years, and learning how to manipulate the world through the powers of the Fourth Dimension; things got kinda boring. But Pinkie managed to remind him how refreshing life could be. They didn't really do anything special, she just dragged him around, introducing him to ponies, getting to know the town. But it was because it was her that was doing it, going out of her way just for him, that made him smile ever so slightly. “Aw~ he DOES smile!” Pinkie poked at his face and giggled, getting another sigh out of him. “Why are you wasting your time on me Pinkie? I must be the most boring, most calm, and most uninteresting pony in this town. You could go hang out with your other friends. There's still time before sundown.” Game gestured to the sun in the evening sky, and Pinkie sighed wistfully. “Oh~ what is a mare to do, when her male companion is so dismissive of her?” Pinkie then took a page out of Rarity's book, and faked a dead-away faint into his side, getting him snort at the ridiculousness. “Fine. But it's getting late, and I have no place to stay since you ripped me out of my comfortable dimensional pocket, and I can't just make one of those you know. Have to craft them carefully, with love.” Game pointed out, and Pinkie beamed at him. “You can stay with me!” She bounced around him. “The Cakes have a spare room. It's going to be the foal's room when they're born, but until then you can sleep there.” “Don't we have to get, I don't know; permission?” Game shot back sarcastically, and Pinkie rolled her eyes in amusement. “Duh~! But they trust me enough that it'll be fine if you crash for the night.” Pinkie started heading back towards the Corner, and Game followed. “So whatcha want for dinner?” “Pinkie; I'm pretty much undead. I haven't had to eat since that faithful night.” Game licked his lips and grimaced. “But I could use a brushing. Not eating or drinking anything for a long time leaves a stale taste in the mouth.” “Ew~! I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. The not eating part I mean. I love to eat!” Pinkie bounced, and Game couldn't help but notice the slight healthy jiggle the mare had to her body. “Yeah, I can tell.” Game stated, and then promptly face-hoofed. “Idiot...centuries without social interaction is no excuse.” “That's okay! I actually like the idea of being a little fluffy. Gives the stallions and mares something soft to hug.” Pinkie then hugged him again, being sure to squeeze him to her body. “I am soft right?” “And warm.” Game didn't like the idea of her hugging his cold, dead body. “I must feel gross. Being so hard and cold.” “Naw, it's nice. Like hugging a rock back on the farm.” Pinkie nuzzled him, and Game blushed lightly as he looked away from her. “Mm, but softer.” “Pinkie...I'm getting uncomfortable.” Game was really not used to social interaction; was this normal in this era? “But I'm getting so cozy~.” Pinkie actually rested her head into the crook of his neck, and seemed to relax. “So firm...like home....” “Pinkie?” Game was surprised to hear her start to snore cutely. He looked around, and blushed at seeing a couple of mares looking at them in approval, and he cleared his throat. “Pinkie? Are you asleep?” He didn't get a response, so he carefully and slowly moved the mare onto his back, and began carrying her home. ===//////> Telling the Cakes what happened wasn't all that hard. They said since Pinkie used to live and work on a rock farm with their cousins the Pies; she had a natural disposition towards stone, and since Game was “living” crystal, it wasn't that hard to think she got so comfortable she felt sleepy. They offered him to stay in the spare room like Pinkie knew they would, and he accepted. When he finally woke up, it was to being snuggled by the sleeping Pinkie Pie in the morning sunlight. “Pinkie? What are you doing here?” “Mm?” She opened her blue eyes, and yawned. “Sorry Gamey. Had a weird nightmare of my friends not liking my parties anymore, and I knew it would be easier to sleep next to something cold and hard.” Pinkie got off of him and stretched. “Morning Game.” “Morning Pinkie.” Game got up after she got off the bed, and followed her downstairs to the kitchen, where a private dining table for the Cakes sat in the corner of the kitchen. Mrs. Cake, a rather healthy weighted light blue mare with purple cotton candy-like hair was cooking breakfast with a cheerful hum, occasionally rubbing her slightly swollen belly. Her cutie mark was suitably a cupcake. “Good morning Mrs. Cake.” “Good morning dear! How did you sleep?” Mrs. Cake asked cheerfully as she was about to cook more for him, but paused. “Oh, right; he doesn't eat.” Mrs. Cake was admittedly disturbed by the prospect; she couldn't imagine life without eating, she LOVED to eat! “Sorry dear.” “It's alright Mrs. Cake.” Game's senses of taste and smell were nearly gone after not using them for so long, save that he can taste how stale his mouth is without being brushed to add flavor, so this wasn't the torture they thought it might have been, and his sense of touch was deadened. Why he could feel anything at all was odd to him, but he didn't question it anymore, like how he didn't question why he could still sleep too, even if it was dreamless. “Please dear; call me Cup. The only reason I'm usually referred to as Missus is because Carrot and I have the same second name.” In pony culture; it was odd for a married couple to be referred to as Mr. and Mrs. since their naming conventions made many ponies have completely different names than their parents. For ponies like the Cakes, Pies, and Apples however; it was a case of maintaining family heritage, but if two ponies with the same second name ended up married, which was rare, they could be called Mister and Missus; something ponies latch onto immediately since it is special. “Very well Cup. Where is Carrot then?” Game sat at the table with Pinkie even if he wasn't going to eat. “Oh he's out, getting groceries.” She delivered a plate of hay bacon and waffles to Pinkie, who immediately began drenching them in syrup. Pinkie was oblivious to it, but Game could easily see; Cup deflected that too easily, and distracted Pinkie with sugar. Game waited until Pinkie was in her own little world, cooing at the flavor of the food with her eyes closed, and he quietly trotted over to Cup and stood next to her to whisper. “What's going on? What are you hiding from Pinkie?” Game asked curiously, and Cup sheepishly smiled. “It's her birthday today. She always forgets. So her friends are getting together a surprise party for her at Sweet Apple Acres in the barn. We'd love some help keeping her occupied.” Cup whispered back, and Game nodded in confirmation before he returned to his seat next to the pink mare finishing her food. “Okay Game! I'm going to get started on your party!” Pinkie was about to bolt from her seat, but Game grabbed her hoof. “W-wait! Why today? I'm not ready!” Game pleaded, putting on the best puppy-dog eyes he could. He may have been several hundred years out of practice, but the slightly dead glaze of his gem-like slate gray irises quaked and glimmered in a quality that captivated Pinkie for a moment. 'My gosh...they're like pools of liquid slate....' Pinkie was lost for a moment, before she gulped and nervously smiled. “Um...well...it doesn't HAVE to be today....” Cup gaped in shock at what she was seeing; somepony actually talked Pinkamena Diane Pie out of holding them a party, even if it was to delay it. “So then...what are we going to do instead of having your welcome party?” Game stopped the puppy eyes, making Pinkie pout slightly at missing them, which he failed to notice since he was so in-thought, but Cup didn't. Cup smiled knowingly as she went back to making more food for herself; she was eating for three after all. “Well...where haven't you taken me in town yet?” Pinkie brightened up; she didn't really have enough time yesterday afternoon to show him everything. “Oo! There's Sweet Apple Acres! But it's outside of town so we should go there last...there's the hoofball fields, but those are on the edge of town...oh! My friends! I haven't introduced you yet! Sure; you'd meet them at your party, but it's never too soon to make new friends!” Cup looked frantic, and shook her head from behind Pinkie, and Game actually felt a drop of water condense on his head from his temperature dropping in worry. “Um...I'm not really sure about that.” Game let his nervousness show, and rubbed his hooves together; and old nervous tick. “I...don't make friends easily. I'd feel more comfortable meeting them in a setting where it's all planned out; and I'm not intruding in on their lives.” Pinkie deflated a little, but sighed. “Okie-dokie-lokie, I know what we'll do.” Pinkie got up, and surprisingly grabbed him around the neck with her tail, making him and Cup blush. “We're going to prank!” Game was too flustered at the intimate interaction between him and her tail to properly process her words. “P-prank?” Game had no choice but to follow her, and Cup sighed in both exasperation and relief. “That mare's about as subtle as a train wreck. Just like cousin Cherry Pie. Then again; it's the only reason why she had Pinkie and her three sisters.” Cup giggled before she groaned as her stomach roared loud enough to cause a slight rumble. “I know, I know you ravenous foals. I swear, you're going to ruin my figure....” ===//////> Game was feeling...odd around Pinkie. She kept touching him. She leaned on him, hugged him, hit him in a joking manner (which didn't hurt at all, in spite of her strength), and couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of him for some reason whenever they weren't actively executing a prank on somepony. She kept asking questions, about him, what his old life was like, what mares he'd dated. He told her there wasn't much more to him than he'd already told her, his old life was gone; and he preferred not to dwell on it. Finally; he'd never actually dated anypony, never had the desire to, never had the need to, and also he was scared of what anypony would think of him, an undead crystal shaped like a pony. Pinkie hugged him for several minutes when he admitted that, she even cried a little. For some reason, seeing her cry hurt more than he thought it could, so he consoled her by hugging back for once. After that; he felt he'd been too much of a downer, he hoped they had that party ready, she looked and sounded like she'd need it. Pinkie was telling him about when she used to live on the rock farm, how she spent day-in, day-out, doing nothing but work. Sure, she found fun in it when she could, but there was only so much you could do with rocks and imagination. She refused to let him apologize for reminding her of it, because she said whenever she touched him, she remembered the rare good times she'd had during her childhood. So here they were; walking to Sweet Apple Acres with the pink mare leaning into him, enjoying his firm and cold body, her head nestled into his neck again. “Mm...so sleepy....” “Don't fall asleep Pinkie. I don't want to have to introduce myself to your friend Applejack alone....” Pinkie managed to “convince” him, but really; it fell into his plans perfectly. 'Please, PLEASE let that party be ready. It's the late afternoon by now.' Game saw a rainbow-hued stallion flying overhead, who looked surprised to see them, and then smiled before gesturing him forward and flying back towards the farm. 'Good timing.' “Pinkie; we're here. Pinkie?” Game turned to her, to see her looking at him so calmly, so...content. “Thanks Game....” “For what?” Game was taken in surprise when Pinkie gently, and chastely kissed him on the lips with her eyes closed. His eyes widened, his ears perked, and his face flushed so red he thought he might turn into a ruby pony. She pulled away slowly, and looked him in the eyes with affection. “For the date silly.” “D-date?” Game flushed even more as he realized that; yes, this was a date. He'd spent the whole day with her, telling her about himself, and her telling him about herself. She'd been very touchy-feely, and he didn't mind it...they were like a dating couple now that he realized it. “O-oh...wow...um....” Game plopped onto his rump. “I-uh...I've never....” “Been on a date.” Pinkie finished for him, and sat next to him with a foreleg around him in a half-hug, a look of understanding on her face. “Considering you're a total virgin, both in sex and dating; you're a damn good stallion Game. That was the best date I've ever been on.” Game was flustered, and his dead heart, actually thudded in his chest, for the first time in a millennium. He gasped, actually gasped. He was breathing. “W-what?” He pretended to breathe before; a reflex. But now he was actually breathing. “What's happening?” Game was astounded, as he became filled with vigor. He looked at his hoof, and the clouded crystal began to clear up. He could see through it! “I'm! I'm!” He brightened up as a brilliant sheen overcame him. His body became clear crystal again, he was alive again! “How?!” “Silly~! You said it yourself!” Pinkie bounced as she trotted around him and got into his face, her eyes filled with joy and love. “The Crystal Heart protects you in exchange for Love. Doesn't that mean it loves you back? When you lost it....” Pinkie put a hoof to his chest, and he relished in actually FEELING it, rather than a mere sensation of being touched. “You lost it's love. It let you go to protect you from whatever might have happened if something split you apart, rather than it letting you go. You had to find Love.” Pinkie got closer, and wrapped her forelegs around his neck. Game started panting, he was overwhelmed by these sensations. “And I'm willing to give you mine.” “P-Pinkie...I....” Game suddenly claimed her lips, and the party pony was totally ready for it, and moaned as she hugged him tighter. They broke apart, and Game had joyous tears running down his cheeks. “But we just met-!” “Shh! Remember what I said before?” Pinkie nuzzled him as he hugged her back, crying lightly into her shoulder. “We were friends before we met. Why can't we fall in love so quick too?” She rocked him back and forth a bit, and noticed some hoofsteps behind her, so she looked behind her to see her friends all approaching from the farm in curiosity. “Hey everyone...I'd like you to meet my coltfriend; Game Junkie.” Game sniffed, and let go of the hug to stand. Everyone looked at his glorious shimmering diamond-like form in awe as he composed himself, and bowed. “Greetings everyone. I am Game Junkie. I'll gladly answer any of your questions. But...today isn't about me....” Game turned to Pinkie and this time did surprise her when he kissed her; getting a pleased mewl out of her. “Happy Birthday Pinkie.” Pinkie blinked, and then gasped as her hair seemed to want to curl up from sheer happiness, but she held it down while she still seemed about to explode in joy. “OH WOW! That means! This is great! My Birthday is the same day I met my coltfriend!” Pinkie squealed in joy as she bounced around them all. “BEST! DAY! EVER!” “That's not the end of it!” Twilight injected; getting that now as the perfect moment, as she teleported them all into the barn, revealing the party they'd set up. “We also prepared a surprise party!” Pinkie gaped at them all, and actually started crying in joy. “Y-you threw a party? Just for me?” Pinkie wanted to hug them all at once just then. “GROUP HUG!” Pinkie somehow stretched her forelegs around everyone, and hugged them all as they all easily just dismissed the impossibility and hugged her back in a dogpile of giggles, chuckles, and groans from the more masculine members of the group that weren't braced for it. “I love you all so much!” “We love you too Pinkie.” Kamina replied, and then cleared his throat. “Um...not to ruin the moment; but don't we have a party to get to?” Pinkie let them all go, and bounced around the barn like a super-ball. “YEAH! LET'S PARTY!” Everyone got down, enjoying a wondrous bash just as great as Gummy's had been, if not better. “Yep! It is better!” You're welcome Pinkie. “Thank you so much Gamejunkie. I...I can't-.” Just...have fun Pinkie. “I will. And thank you. I can't say it enough.” Pinkie blew a kiss, and turned to Game Junkie, who was keeping an ear to us. “I don't think I would have found somepony as nice as him if I tried.” Don't thank me; thank...thank...I.... “GJ?” ...Nothing...just...you're welcome, Pinkie. I've got to go. The Gala is soon. Goodbye.“...Why do I feel like that's not for me?” Pinkie asked sadly, and I couldn't take anymore. Goodbye.... “G....” Pinkie felt sad, but Game put a hoof to her shoulder. “Let him go Pinkie...he has to solve his own problems.” Game kissed her on the cheek, and she smiled, ready to party. > Optimum Semper Nocte! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the day! That night; the most special, most anticipated night of the year was finally upon them! Everyone had butterflies in their stomachs, all for vastly different reasons. Kamina personally was afflicted with an incredible sense of trepidation. His mother would come clean with his friends. He was going to meet his cousin Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence, for the first time, and hope she could give him some pointers to avoid further issues with his abilities. His cousin Nyx was likely going to be on constant guard since the assassination attempt, so he might not get to have fun with her. Luna would more than likely be hovering over Nyx like a mother hen, ready to peck out the eyes of any who dared approach. Lastly; there was the fact that all of his friends, and his mares, all had plans of their own for the Gala. Rarity was going to spend the event with Spike; planning to have a romantic evening together. Applejack was going to try selling her apples, no treats, since the base ingredient was still considered “acceptable” to the snooty upper-class ponies of Canterlot. She was hoping to garner interest in investors or business deals. Twilight planned to spend the night chatting with Celestia, beings she hardly ever sees her mentor any more than her own family; which was about once a month. He hoped she didn't regret it later.... Blitz actually decided to trash his original plan to try and woo the Wonderbolts; figuring that it'd be stupid to try something so bull-headed at such a prestigious party. Instead; he was going to just try and chat them up. Gilda planned to tag along to try and see about talking to Spitfire herself again; she enjoyed hanging out with her after the Best Young Fliers competition with Blitz. Fluttershy was still going to see the royal gardens, but she was also planning on spending the evening with Big Mac; who was also interested in seeing how the gardens themselves were maintained. Pinkie was originally disheartened to be told by Kamina that the Gala was a snooze-fest for business ponies to basically meet and try to make business deals, but she affirmed she was going to try and bring some fun into it. Game was all for it; beings he used to be an event planner for the royal family of the Empire, and he never let it sound so utterly boring. So; they decided to team up in the hopes of brightening up the dreary affair. Trixie and Zecora didn't really have any plans, and figured they would mingle, maybe even hang out with their other friends. Finally; Kamina had little plans aside from meeting up with Cadence, maybe spending time with everyone, and his likely expected duties as a prince to interact with the...ugh...noble ponies. 'I just know I'm going to catch no end of bullshit from them for my body.' {Eh, fuck em. We're dead sexy to nearly everyone, we can rip their heads off with barely any effort, we can fly, use magic, and ultimately get better in any way we can manage.} 'Which, oddly; doesn't include that Game pony.' {I told you; he's living crystal. Even I'm having a hard time deciphering these DNA strands. If we go for it; we're not going to be able to change back, not until we know more about the guy's genetic structure.} 'Doesn't change the fact that we can't get a smexy shiny gemstone body...I mean; he's the only guy besides me that draws almost everyone's eyes.' {Are you turning green?} 'No...I just...yeah, fine, I am. Living crystal? Fucking awesome.' {Agreed.} “Kamina!” The prince turned his attention to the new stallion in town beaming at him from inside a nearby bookshelf, his shiny body seeming to melt out of the darkness behind the surrounding books. Game had the same uncanny ability as Pinkie to defy logic, make nearly impossible things happen, and also appear out of nowhere or from places that have no conceivable entry point due to either construction or lack of space. “Were you thinking of using my DNA again? That's a no, no for a whole season~!” Ugh...also, he's about as chipper and upbeat as her too. Pinkie said he was so much more subdued than even the average pony before her love brought him to life, something cheesy like that. “Could you get out of my head please?” Also he'd been constantly nagging him about his thoughts whenever they related to him. “Aw~ but your thoughts are so interesting!” Game beamed at Kamina, before a beeping sound came from his mane, and he reached into his curtain of a mane, but his hoof didn't appear out the other side, and pulled out a small digital alarm clock. “Oop! Dressing time! Gotta go! You'd better get all snazzy soon or we'll be late!” Game suddenly retreated back into the bookshelf; leaving not even dust as a trace. “Ugh....” Kamina slammed his face into the book he'd been reading, his horn retreating into his head instinctively to make the most suitable impact. “Why are there two of them? One was bad enough....” “What was bad enough?” Kamina heard Trixie ask, and he looked up to gape in awe at Trixie wearing an elegant dress robe designed to look like a dark purple veil of ether was draped over her, and her mane was pulled back into an elegant bob. She also wore silver horseshoes that complimented both her natural color and the dress, as well as silver snowflake earrings that hung from her ears. “Um...uh....” Kamina shook himself. 'WOO! Trixie dresses up nicely!' {The robe was made by Rarity, after all.} “Um...you look...like a constellation that was pulled from the skies.” Kamina wasn't trying very hard to make that compliment, and Trixie bashfully tittered at the praise. “Oh thank you Kamina! I was debating going as I am, or wearing a suit and going as Trickster, but your reaction has settled it for me.” Trixie trotted next to him and sat. “So what's bothering you?” “Too much, and too much of it I shouldn't say right now. But as of this moment? Game Junkie.” Kamina's comment made Trixie shiver. “Oh~...him. He is an eye-catcher, but his personality is just so bubbly. Trixie can't take him seriously.” She blushed, and sighed. “You'd think after nearly a year out of the business that'd I'd stop speaking in third.” Kamina caressed her chin with his talon to get her to look at him, and he could feel her shudder as she blushed. “You KNOW how I feel about your talons....” “Well don't get randy on me; we have a classy party to go to tonight. As for your tick; I find it cute. Since you don't seem to be improving any further; I'd suggest just letting it go. I love your tick of speaking in third, and Zecora's occasional habitual rhyming.” Trixie smiled lovingly at his words, and nuzzled into his talon's knuckles with a sigh. “You lady killer. It's no wonder you have so many of us.” Trixie looked over his side, and Kamina bristled at feeling a powerful mare's forelegs wrap around his barrel to hug him as she nuzzled into his feathers. “Indeed, for it is because of you we have a creed. Should you need us, simply seek us out. For with you we are complete, and never are we without, such is the potency of your clout.” Zecora hummed as she took a deep whiff of his scent, she loved his pheromones. “Zecora, not now...we have something important to get to....” 'Damn it, she KNOWS what wing-play does to me....' Kamina perked up as her hooves wandered lower...MUCH lower, and his wings sprang out, hard as rocks. {And plot-play...oh~ that's a good spot....} “Zecora! Stop playing with his flanks; he has to get dressed!” Trixie chided her fellow mare, and used her telekinesis to remove the lecherous zebra from his zebra haunches, making him sigh in relief. “Zecora we...we....” Kamina's wings couldn't get any harder. “Yes?” Zecora asked slyly as she posed from her place in Trixie's levitation. She wore an elegant heavily-jeweled saddle along with a vibrantly dyed skirt, all of natural earthy tones that made the gold, silver, and topaz stand out even more. “...You Stupid...Sexy...Zebra!” Kamina managed to pull his wings in, and grumbled as he averted his eyes. 'How am I supposed to go all night without gawking at them?!' {Just be glad our suit is designed to hide our privates.} 'How ironic; that I appreciate it now after complaining about it for so long.' “I'm going to get dressed.” Kamina stood up, and yelped at feeling a spank on both flanks, and whirled his head around to glare at the two mares, who were both holding out a hoof, and winked. “...You're lucky you're too sexy for me to be angry at for too long.” “We know, that's why Trixie and Zecora did so~.” She wagged her eyebrows. “Now hurry up! The sooner this night is over, the sooner we can tap that plot.” Kamina sighed as he went upstairs. 'And I thought I was the perverted one....' ===//////> Kamina was all spiffed up now, following a shower he got into his wine red full tux, that had a slightly poofy white undershirt that ran from his neck to his groin for obvious intentions, at least to the practical. For some reason; he felt like a prosecution attorney, wherever this sensation came from, he had the obscene desire to point at himself in the mirror and shout “OBJECTION!” Kamina shouted at himself, a confident and victorious sneer on his face. “For some reason; that felt REALLY cool.” “Hey, we compliment each other!” Kamina turned to the door to see Spike entering. He was wearing a simple and proper blue tux. “For some reason...I feel like getting into an ethical debate for no apparent reason....” “It's got to be the suits. Making us feel all official.” Kamina took a moment to straighten Spike's tie, which embarrassed the kirin. “We haven't even gotten there and your suit is falling out of order.” “Stupid tie...I told Rarity I should've gone without.” Spike and Kamina then went downstairs to see everyone gathering. The girls all wore their dresses, even Gilda had a flowing simple red cocktail dress, while all the stallions were wearing tuxes. Well, save Game. Rarity had a very hard time finding something she felt wouldn't diminish his natural allure of his shiny crystal body, and finally gave up and threw a puffy long-sleeve white shirt on him. It complimented his diamond-like body, and contrasted great with his jet-like hair and his diamond eyes. {Oh~...if only he swung that way....} 'Cut it out! Friend-zoned! Besides; he's off limits. Pinkie's coltfriend remember?' “Please stop having perverted thoughts about me. It's distracting.” Game suddenly stated, getting Kamina to blush as everyone else all laughed a little. Save Pinkie. “MINE!” Pinkie shouted in anger as she hugged her coltfriend to her body, glaring at Kamina who nervously backed off. “Sorry! He's just such eye candy....” Kamina then cleared his throat. “Well now; have the arrangements been made?” Kamina asked Twilight; beings she was the one who took it upon herself to arrange formal transport to Canterlot. “Yes. Thanks to The Living Body, I was able to adapt a spell that transformed six mice into full-fledged horses. Y'know, the kind that existed in ancient times?” Twilight asked for clarification, and Kamina nodded. “Yeah; Pre-Discordian. After Discord first appeared in history, a LOT of Equus' original species went extinct from him tampering with their bodies.” The horses of Saddle Arabia were actually the descendents of the original horse species, but because of Discord's cruel manipulations; they became slightly smaller, smarter, and more pony-like as punishment when one of them bucked him in the face. At least that's what history said; not even Celestia was that old to confirm it. The very THOUGHT of it; of forcing a species to change their evolutionary path against their Will sickened him. But, Kamina could reason that they might be better off for Discord's meddling; for if it weren't for him, most of the magnificent species of Equus wouldn't even exist today. Like cragadiles, timber wolves, minotaurs, centaurs, even satyrs and many more are the result of what history described as Discord's debut reign of terror that lasted thousands of years. “So remember; they're not very intelligent, little more than normal animals. We have to be gentle with them.” Twilight affirmed to everyone, and looked to Fluttershy, who's dress smelled of lilac from her perfuming the silk flowers. “Fluttershy; I entrust them to you, since they are your little mouse friends.” “Oh yes, of course. I wouldn't dream of letting the little dears get scared.” Fluttershy's concept of little must have been skewed, considering those horses were easily as big as Kamina. “I hope you don't mind being our chauffeur Macintosh.” “Nope. It's fine. It'll be easier than herding cows or sheep I reckon.” Mac wore a simple black suit vest, not seeing the need for a full suit like the more overly virile stallions, and for once he went without his wooden yoke. “Well then everyone; we've got to get going if we're going to make it.” Kamina then led them out to the large carriage that was originally a pumpkin, and was enchanted to be bigger on the inside. ===//////> 'I can't...believe this....' {Get over it. We've had our own moments.} Kamina and Animak were referring to the sudden, massive flash mob that overtook everyone the moment Twilight burst into song upon arrival. Even the snooty and uptight nobles were getting into it; providing glorious chorus. 'This isn't my kind of music.' {Then don't join in; simple.} 'But I like to....' {You're just upset because our voice isn't right for such harmonic tones.} 'We still can't fix that?' {Our voice is part of who we are, changing that's a bit too far for now.} Kamina ignored the singing and dancing, as much as he was loathe to, and entered the palace. “Welcome Prince Kamina the Great. It is a pleasure to see you again.” Kamina smiled softly at the uptight and proper snooty tone leveled at him, and turned to the white unicorn stallion with faded gray hair and mustache looking up at him with a fairly even expression. “Proper Manners, it has been too long.” Kamina bowed lightly, getting an approving nod from Celestia's personal butler. “They put you on door duty tonight?” “Not at all; such a droll task is suited to the lower attendants, not the head butler. I am here to guide you to the balcony reserved for yourself and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. If you would follow me.” It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Proper had clout, a lot of it. He might be an old butler; but not even most of the nobles had the nerve to question or belittle him. He'd been Celestia's personal butler most his life, and the head butler for over a decade. That was seniority and clout you didn't mess with unless you had the resources to avoid a brutal humiliation that a single word uttered by Proper could level upon you. “We're here.” Kamina found himself entering one of the jutting balconies over the main ballroom, sectioned off from the upper halls by merely a large red curtain. There were several seats out around a large round table. Odd. “Am I to expect more company than my cousin Proper?” “Yes. Should things go well; their Majesties Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Nyx should be joining you for a family meal later this evening, and did not wish to impede the events of the gala just to use the dining hall.” Proper then looked around, and when he noticed nopony would be close enough to hear, he leaned in. “And that right git Blueblood should be along shortly.” “Argh! No!” Kamina face-clawed and rubbed his face as Proper looked apologetic; nopony liked Blueblood. Nopony. “Thanks for the warning. Get out of here before that ass decides to show up early to torment me.” Proper nodded, and trotted out of the balcony, as Kamina took a seat closest to the ledge, both for a potential quick-getaway, and so that he's in the position of most risk for assassination. He wasn't about to let anypony else in his family take that risk if he could help it. Kamina wasn't kept waiting long, as a line of maids...including Morning Glory~, entered and began leaving trays of appetizers, some were even meat based for him, how thoughtful. “Ah, Glory, it's good to see you again.” The red pegasus mare flushed. It wasn't much of a secret that she laid with him in bed during his first few months here. In fact; he was a virgin before she more-or-less had her way with him. The only reason she wasn't in trouble for that was because Kamina wrote it off as her helping him with his “studies”, because before her; he had absolutely no idea how to please a mare. “Y-yes, it is sire. How are you?” Kamina waited until the other maids left in a hurry; clearly getting the hint he wished to speak with her in private as a friend as he gestured for her to sit, and she complied. “Very well. I'm quite thankful for your lessons Glory. I've been having to put them to good use.” Kamina wasn't kidding about his gratitude, and Glory smiled sheepishly as she squirmed in her seat, trying not to giggle. “You're welcome my Prince, but really it is I who am thankful for your participation. I was in a dry spell for a good while before you.” Glory then looked around, before leaning in excitedly to whisper. “I'm engaged!” Kamina beamed at her of the great news. “Wonderful! Who is the lucky stallion?” Kamina asked when she pulled up her uniform's sleeve to show the golden hoof-ring. “A glorious unicorn by the name of Keen Sentry. Oh~ he was so sweet, and shy about it, but I eventually won his eye.” Glory preened, and Kamina's face fell. “W-what is it my lord?” “N-nothing! Nothing...um...I need to tell you-.” “He's my son.” Kamina's nervousness exploded, as his heart stopped. He'd forgotten. “Hello...Kamina.” Kamina turned to see a shocking sight; a spitting image of himself when he first arrived here. Keen Sentry was donned in his full suit of Royal Armor, which was different from the standard Solar Guard armor what with it's purple accents and sun emblems. Not many knew this; but the Guard did have multiple divisions. The Solar Guard patrolled at day, while the Lunar Guard patrolled at night. It was simply due to their ubiquity that the Solar Guard were often mislabeled as the Royal Guard, when the Royal Guard were the ones specifically charged with the protection of the royalty, selected for their skill, sense of duty, and loyalty. Keen Sentry was a lieutenant of the Royal Guard, and aside from the Captains; was the highest ranked, often given the duty of directly overseeing Celestia or Luna's safety. Keen trotted over and only hesitated upon final approach, and he actually tensed a bit when Kamina looked him directly in the eyes. “You...you have my father's face...there's no doubt.” Keen sighed, and sat on the other side of Glory, who felt put on the spot. “He is my son Glory. I was...misinformed of the Cycle almost two decades ago, and I was...well....” Keen blushed at the very thought of Celestia having her way with him. “I was on Celestia's door that day....” Glory blushed, and looked between them, feeling very awkward. “Oh dear...I feel so ashamed....” She was referring to the fact that she'd bedded both of them; father and son. “I feel like such a whore....” “Don't you DARE say that!” Kamina demanded, and got an affirming snort from Keen on the matter. “Look; you helped me, whether you understand that or not. And you love my father do you not?” He asked seriously, getting a happy smile and a nod from her. “Then there's nothing wrong here. My only question is when did this happen? Vinyl didn't say anything about you getting engaged dad.” Kamina blushed and cleared his throat, that slipped out. Keen smiled and waved it off. “It's fine. You can call me dad. I'm hoping for more children anyway.” Keen held Glory's hoof, and she tittered at the thought of having his foals. “I might be middle-aged, but I know Record would have wanted me to move on. She was wonderful like that; so kind and understanding.” Keen kissed her hoof, getting Glory to beam at him even more. “You reminded me what love was like Glory. Never doubt our feelings about you.” “What is this?!” They turned to see Blueblood sneering at them, and he scoffed at the sight. “What are these COMMONERS doing here? Get out!” “You will not begrudge my family being with us, will you cousin?” Kamina asked dangerously. “Need I remind you that I too had a sire? I was not spawned from my mother like some clone.” Blueblood seethed, and snorted as he took the seat furthest from them, next to the curtain, which was the safest seat since there were guards stationed just outside it, and began to peruse the appetizers. “Ugh, repulsive. Why did you have to become a carnivore?” Blueblood referred to the strips of meat that were cooked to various levels of preparedness, and he even sniffed one, turning a little green. “Ulg...it smells like death.” “Omnivore! Hippogriffs are omnivores you racist prat!” Kamina barely withheld his voice from a screech, and took all the meat trays in his magic, and moved them towards him. “I'll be taking those, since your weak palate can't handle the succulence of meat.” Kamina had the audacity to pick up a strip of beef in a talon, lick all along it, and slowly nibble on it, even sucking on it to get some “juice”. Making it look sensual the whole time. “You vulgar creature! How you were spawned from Auntie's loins I'll never know!” Blueblood went about gathering a small salad, and grumbled as he set about ignoring his cousin, knowing that trying to argue with him further would get him nothing. “I think I'd best go dears; I still have my duties.” Glory whispered to them, and kissed Kamina on the cheek, and Keen on the lips before fluttering off out of the curtain. “She is a special mare dad. You really found somepony.” Kamina complimented as he got himself some more meat, and moaned as he chewed on a few strips. 'Oh~ Kami in heaven...I don't get meat this good in Ponyville....' {We should take up hunting like Gilda.} 'Agreed.' “So son, how have you been?” ===//////> Kamina spent about 30 minutes bonding with his dad over chatting, and occasionally trading venomous barbs with Blueblood, before Keen excused himself; he still had his duties. He said he wanted to keep in contact though, so now Kamina had a new pen-pal besides his mom and aunt. Shortly after, Blueblood decided he wanted to join the festivities downstairs, thankfully leaving Kamina to get some peace, as he looked down over the gala with a content smile. “Hello?” Kamina turned to the voice, and he smiled at seeing who must be Cadence. She was a regal and elegant pink alicorn of nearly average size, with strawberry and lemon colored hair. But what confused Kamina and made him frown was the fact that Captain Armor entered with her. “Are you Prince Kamina?” “Yes, I am, in spite of my unusual ascension and abilities.” Kamina bowed to her, and took his seat at the table again. Cadence smiled and trotted to sit near him, while Armor begrudgingly remained neutral and sat between her and Kamina. “Oh come now Armor. It's been nearly a year since I started dating Twilight. I'm not about to leave her.” “That has nothing to do with it.” Armor replied with steel in his tone, making Kamina sigh, and Cadence glared at Armor. “Honey~...what have I said?” Kamina quirked his eyebrow, but then smiled knowingly when Armor crumpled like a sheet of paper before a gale. “To let you handle relationship matters....” Grumbled the whipped stallion, and Kamina surprisingly patted him on the back with an understanding expression. “You'll get used to it. I'm whipped four-ways about it.” Kamina chuckled and Cadence beamed at him. “What?” “You really love them so much. I can feel it just from looking at you.” Cadence tittered and leaned into Shining Armor, who finally let his guard down, and nuzzled her, which she returned. “I'm glad. I know you'll treat them all right just from meeting you.” “So you govern Love then? I was told about it, but only in respect to that it's an abstract and hard to grasp concept. Mine's Will, and it resulted in...this.” Kamina gestured to himself, and flexed his talons for emphasis. “I have the power to gain the most efficient traits of any species I encounter. I have alicorn, unicorn, pegasi, earth pony, griffin, manticore, dragon, buffalo, the list goes on. I can't avoid it even though I can transform, because what you see now; my body considers my true form.” “My...it doesn't sound like I can help you. I'm sorry cousin, but you've already gone through the worst of it.” Cadence sighed in exasperation. “Auntie should've let me visit you right away. You've been through the worst of it already, so there's not much more from here aside from learning as you go.” Cadence shrugged. “But, I'm glad I got to meet you anyway; you seem like the fun sort.” Cadence leaned in. “So; how's the sex?” “Cadence!” Armor chided his fiancee, that was one thing he didn't think he'd get used to; her complete shameless approach to sex. Kamina laughed at her bold question. “Clearly Lust is a part of Love. Well, I have four mares. Twilight's extremely creative, and constantly exploring new things. Trixie swaps genders between being a mare and a stallion regularly. Zecora is a zebra shaman with both experience, and enhancement potions. Lastly; Applejack is a feisty farm mare with a fetish for rope and BDSM.” Kamina rubbed his wrists at the last one. “I hardly have time to breathe between them. Especially when they decide to all jump me at once, it gets pretty hectic.” “Can we PLEASE not talk about you humping my sister?” Armor pleaded, getting a playful gleam from both Cadence and Kamina, and he groaned as he rubbed his temples. “Two of them...why are there two of them?” Kamina turned into a queen, and pouted at him. “Oh~ stop that! You know you love us~!” She and Cadence burst into laughter, as Armor proceeded to acquaint his face with the table. ===//////> It was about 15 minutes later, of Kamina continuing to tease Shining along with Cadence as a queen, until Luna and Nyx entered the balcony, the little filly sprinting at Kamina. “Cousin K!” She leaped at her, and hugged her neck as Kamina caught her. “I missed you! Have you lost weight?” “Nyx dear, you know I'm usually a king right?” Kamina turned back into a king, and was glad he and Animak refined their technique so that they didn't grotesquely burst into exposed sinew when they changed minor things like gender. “Yep! I was just complimenting your girly form.” Nyx giggled as Kamina promptly began tickling her with his talons. “Ah~! Mom! The tickle talons have me!” “Unhand her vile tickling terror! En-guard!” Luna couldn't withhold a laugh as she pounced at Kamina, and he promptly took flight to fly around the table as she chased him, everypony laughing at his antics as his face split with a brilliant grin. “Gotcha!” Luna teleported into his path, and tackled him into a pin onto the floor. “Victory is mine! What do I win?” “A revenge tickle!” Kamina let Nyx go to begin tickling his aunt around the pits, making her laugh and try to escape, but he easily pinned her with his greater size and strength. “No! Stop-ha, ha, ha! We surrender~!” Luna pleaded with tears in her eyes and when he did, she jumped to her hooves and hugged him, and he hugged back. “Oh, it is so good to see you again Nephew.” “I missed you too Auntie.” Kamina released her from the hug, and they finally all settled down as the main course was brought in. “So where's m-Celestia?” Kamina couldn't let it slip yet; he didn't know if she'd held her word yet. Luna shrugged. “I haven't a clue. Sister insisted on gathering the Bearers and having a private word with all of them.” “Good. It's been long, long overdue for her to come clean.” Kamina's words confused them, and he shook his head. “I won't speak of it. Not unless she keeps to her word, and she cannot bring herself to admit it to you as well.” Before more could be said, a depressing sight entered the curtain. Celestia in tears. “Aunt Tia! What's wrong?” Nyx asked as she jumped down from her high seat, and hugged her aunt's foreleg. “Yes Sister...what is it that distresses you?” Luna got up to hug her, but she waved her off. “I...I don't deserve a hug right now.” She lowered her head to Nyx, and nuzzled her. “Thank you sweetie, but I have to pay for what I've done.” She levitated the worried Nyx back to her high seat, and Celestia took a seat at the table furthest from Kamina; again at the safest seat in the balcony, only unlike Blueblood, this time it was solely to distance herself from Kamina. “I've done it. It is...done.” “They didn't take it well; did they?” Kamina asked rhetorically, and Celestia sniffed as a few tears dripped onto the table, and she sadly shook her head. “Twilight's demanded that I don't speak to her for a while. Applejack about stormed out of the room. Blitz was horrified that I was so manipulative.” Celestia sighed, and took a deep breath to calm down. “But Rarity admitted she would have been miserable in a big city. Pinkie thanked me for getting her off the farm. And Fluttershy forgave me instantly. She's too Kind...no wonder she's the Element of Kindness....” “I'm proud of you mom.” Celestia perked up at Kamina finally calling her mom again. “It was hard on you; I know that. I'm glad you were able to be brave and do something that could have completely destroyed your Friendships with them.” “It is better they know now, than it is find out much later, and it be all the worse for it.” Everypony else looked between them in confusion, and Celestia sighed. “I shall tell you all; of one of the most terrible things I've ever done....” ===//////> By the time Celestia had finished, Armor could do little more than storm out. He'd basically been told his sister's tutelage was only because she was the Element of Magic; not because she was special for who she was. Cadence was also taken aback at the thought; considering she loved Twilight like a sister already, and left after her fiance to look for Twilight and console her. This left the depressed Celestia alone with her sister, niece, and son. Who all understood her reasoning, but all still could not forget what she'd done, even if they'd forgiven her. “Well mom, unless you want me to stay; it's getting late. I've already met dad, I've already done everything I wanted to tonight. And frankly...I'm full, and tired.” Kamina patted his belly through his shirt, it was noticeably bulging from his overindulging in the array of meat that was available. “I've kept you long enough son. I believe your friends might all be ready to leave too.” Celestia stood and trotted over to the balcony edge, and gestured down, making the others all get up and join her, and laugh. The gala was a shambles! The band had somehow ended up turning into a big jazz number, playing sexy saxophones, trumpets, and fast drums as numerous ponies all boogied, Pinkie and Game leading the dance number. “Who is that?” Luna asked in bewilderment and...an odd sense of familiarity. Celestia saw Game too, and her eyes widened. “No...it couldn't be! Is that Game Junkie?!” “You know him?” Kamina asked in surprise, and the sisters both nodded. “How?” “He's almost as old as us, if younger by a few centuries. He was the royal event planner for the...the....” Luna became confused, and couldn't remember. She rubbed her head, and looked like she was having a headache. “I...I can't remember.... Do you recall sister? We know him, but the details of where he hails escapes me.” Celestia cringed and her eyes clenched shut in pain. “N-no...I can't remember either.” Celestia and Luna looked to each other, and became worried. “What does this mean sister? What have we forgotten? And why does trying to remember hurt?” “I COULD answer that~!” Game suddenly popped up from behind them, startling the royals into yelping. “But~ it wouldn't help. If anything it'd just give you seizures.” “G-Game Junkie! Why? Why would it do so?” Luna asked in confusion, and Game sighed. “It's a curse. I'm not affected for obvious reasons, but you two; and everypony from back then, you all forgot. It was wiped from knowledge; my home.” Game shuddered, and let out a tear as his body began to dull a bit, but then he thought of Pinkie, and his luster returned. “You CAN'T know. I can inform anypony from this generation, anypony that wasn't alive that doomed night. But sadly I can't inform you.” “But how can we help then? If we don't know what happened back then, how can we help you?” Celestia asked, and Game simply shrugged. “Just inform your captains, set a watch. It WILL return. IT. Will. Return. In the North. They'll know it when they see it.” Game then beamed and hugged Luna to everyone's surprise. “I missed you Woona~!” Luna blushed at the childish nickname, and everyone chuckled. “I-I haven't been Woona in over a thousand years!” Luna's resolve shattered at the combined might of both Game's and Nyx's puppy eyes; as Nyx loved the idea of calling her mom Woona. “A-alright...I'm Woona if you want me to be....” Game squeed and hugged her tighter, getting a warm smile from the alicorn. “I missed you too Game.” “Game~! It's time for the trot~!” Pinkie called out below, and suddenly Game launched off Luna who didn't feel it, and fell off the balcony to their worry, and they rushed to jump after him since they could fly, but were relieved instead to see Pinkie catch him, and go into a spin before starting the next dance number. “Tonight has been wild down there huh?” Kamina chuckled. “Well. I'm going now. Love ya.” Kamina kissed his family all on the cheeks, and flew down to the main doors, where he saw Trixie and Zecora waiting. ===//////> They were all groaning as they entered the library. Tired, full, fulfilled. Aside from Twilight; the assembled had a wonderful night. Trixie was complimented by many ponies, and even offered some dates by a couple noble stallions, only for her to let them down in that she was already in a relationship with Prince Kamina. Zecora got a more mixed experience, what with most of the nobles being racist and refusing to even acknowledge her existence, but several were more than excited to speak to her about her culture. Surprisingly, Blueblood had flirted with her; stating that her exotic beauty was alluring. She told him about Kamina, and he cursed his name; swearing that now he had to find someone worthy of him if “that beast” could get a herd already. He was SO~ lucky there were guards nearby, lest Zecora relieve the ponce of some of his teeth. “At least I know now why you were so mad at Princess Celestia for so long....” Twilight reflected sadly, and sighed. “How? How could she do this to us?” She and her friends had kept quiet about it on the ride back, deciding they'd vent and discuss it later. “Desperation does scary things to people Twilight.” 'I would know....' {Yes, you would, wouldn't you?} Kamina remembered those first fleeting days on the surface, of struggling to get something substantial together. Sure, he just went with the flow, but he had to really push his charisma, he had to make his presence explode to even get any of the surfacers to go along with him, even though he was just as scared as they were. “Still, what she did was deplorable. Know this Twilight; that we're always with you, whatever you choose to do.” Trixie supported with a kiss to her cheek, and Twilight smiled softly at her mare. “Yes, we shall follow you without dread. But we are all tired, shall we go to bed?” Zecora asked, and lead the way upstairs. Nobody disputed it, and they all got to their rooms; Trixie opting to sleep with Zecora in her room tonight, what with them being all bloated and unable to share a bed between too many, and they all stripped nude and cuddled to sleep. “I love you Kamina.” Twilight whispered as she spooned his big, strong back. “I love you too Twilight.” Kamina buried his face into the pillow, and drifted off. 'Tonight...was great.' > Primam Discordiam!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, Kamina took it upon himself to learn from everyone how their night went. He already knew how it went for Twilight, Trixie, and Zecora, but he felt the need to know if the others had a good time. Applejack actually had a lucrative night; getting the interest of a pony named Fancy Pants in getting deliveries of apples to his larder, and potentially supplying a few restaurants in Canterlot. This was good, and Kamina told her why; because Fancy was a complete strait-up awesome guy. That stallion kept his word, he was Honest, he was Loyal, he was Generous, he was Kind, he was capable of genuine Laughter. Damn, Kamina had to admit that Fancy was a better pony than even him. He felt that perhaps, if Rarity wasn't found; HE would have been Generosity...hm...something to talk to his mom about; finding out if the Elements had the capability to be used by others who fit the bill, in case one of his friends becomes unable to...for whatever reason. AJ said the only damper on her night was how many nobles derided her for even bothering to try and sell such a basic ingredient, and when she was told by Tia herself that she'd been Lied to, that she'd been forced to have her life here whenever she tried to move around to try helping out family elsewhere. Blitz actually managed to get the attention of the Wonderbolts in the VIP section, and ended up spending the night just chatting a bit. He said the night was great, aside from the Betrayal he felt of Celestia stopping him from even getting a job back in Cloudsdale, and forcing him to move away from his family. Gilda had spent most of the night with Blitz and the Wonderbolts, enjoying chatting Spitfire up on adapting aerial techniques of pegasi to griffins, and vice-versa. Gilda also got a blush out of Spitfire letting slip she was considering contacting her about the possibility of a four-way between Gilda and Blitz with her and Soarin. They were both embarrassed by the slip, but Gilda didn't say no.... Gilda has Spitfire's address now. Rarity had a glorious night! It couldn't have gone better! Spike was such a gentledrake, he acted the role of the prince so well she idly imagined he was actually royalty. They danced, they ate, they walked the garden and gazed at the night sky. Sure, she was disheartened to discover her greatest friendships in her life were arranged, but she was more thankful for it than upset. How else would she have met them if they'd strayed so far from her hometown? Sure, her business was barely afloat until recently, but she was much more thankful to have had her friends than not. Spike also had such a wonderful night. Rarity just could not stop loving him for being himself, and it felt so good to know that he was what she wanted, what she needed. He couldn't ignore the stares, and the glares however, of those both spiteful of him for being different, and jealous of him for having such a beauty. When Rarity was called away to talk to the princess he was actually scared enough to seek out the undeclared protection of the presence of some door guards, who noted him, and the way some of the nobles orbited around him, and acted accordingly by repositioning so he was between them while Rarity was away. He thanked them profusely. He was going to talk to Celestia about this, but he wasn't going to tell Rarity, because he was worried she'd get herself in trouble trying to defend him. Also; when they got home. Whoa~ ho, ho~! For him. Wa~ ha, ha~! For her~. Fluttershy had a splendid time. With Mac reining her in; she was actually able to get the absurdly skittish animals in the garden to come to her. They just quietly spent the time together. Taking in the night, and the garden in their own ways, and communicating without even speaking. It was wonderful. When they were parting after getting back to Ponyville; she even worked up the courage to give him a kiss! It was so romantic! Mac would tell anyone the same. He about almost didn't kiss her if she hadn't made the move. They both felt they'd made a very important step that night. Pinkie had a blast! At first; her attempts to liven up the party failed, and discouraged her. But! Game came along and turned her failures into fun-times! Whenever she didn't get something off the ground; he'd pick her up and make it work! His skill as a party planner easily rivaled, and excelled hers! After all; he'd been the event planner for a whole empire's royal and noble caste, of COURSE he'd know how to get these stiffs grooving~! Game actually got the nobles dancing, got them having fun! He forgot how nice this was; making the stuffed-shirt stallions and the frowny-face females do a jig, and smile while doing it. He spent most of the time partying with Pinkie, and loving every moment of it. She might know her stuff for the average pony, but these were HIS party prey, and he was going to prove it! He did, and when they got back to Ponyville...Pinkie rented a room at the inn~. Didn't want to wake the Cakes after all~. So, Kamina was pleased at the overall outcome. He was pissed for how they treated Spike though. He might just extend a royal title to Spike to make it harder to touch him. He'll talk to his mom about that. It was only a week later, and everything was normal. The most interesting thing lately was that the school was going on a field trip to the Canterlot sculpture garden. He hoped they found it nearly as interesting as he had, but he felt that might have been asking a bit much of such puerile minds. A brown drop lands on Kamina's snout, and he shakes his head instinctively. “What was that?” {Ew, it was brown.} 'Gross!' Suddenly, a deluge of brown rain overtake Kamina. “AH~! GROSS! EW-HEW-HEW-HEW~!” Kamina thought it was poop, but after several seconds of frantically tying to escape the brown rain, he smelled it and realized to this immense relief; that it wasn't poop, it was chocolate! “Chocolate rain~! Some stay dry while others feel the pain~!” Kamina latched his mouth shut, and blinked. 'Where did that come from?' {Where do all our spontaneous songs come from?} 'Good point.' Kamina looked up, and finally noticed the chocolate rain was falling from a cotton candy cloud. “Huh...does it taste like cotton candy?” Kamina flew up to it, finally leaving the chocolate milk rain, and grabbed a hunk of it before eating it; getting a smile out of him. “It IS cotton candy! This is genius!” Kamina was about to grab another bite, when Blitz shot past, and took it. “Hey! I was eating that!” Kamina flew after him, and finally caught up when he stopped outside Sweet Apple Acres, where he saw the apples were popping into popcorn?! “What? That's...unusually funny. But since she's my marefriend; hell no, totally wrong.” He flew down towards his friends, who all seemed to have gathered here; trying to rein in the magical sugary clouds, and attempt to clean up some of the other mess. “Oh! Kamina!” Twilight trotted over to him, clearly distressed. “I have NO idea what's going on! Nothing I try will change everything back!” “Nothing?” 'Okay, that's bad. Twi's the most magical pony in all Equestria.' {Let's see if we can't give it a try. Maybe if we force our Will over it....} “Can I try?” “I was actually about to suggest it.” Twilight tried to give him to book she was referencing her counterspells from, but he waved it off. “No, I don't feel like any normal magic will work.” 'This is weird...it feels like my own magic.' {At least in execution it seems. It isn't manipulated like normal magic would, it's more like it's been...forced to change.} Kamina grabbed a giant popcorn kernel, and he leered at it. His spirals glowed lightly, and suddenly; the popcorn turned back into an apple! “Ha! It worked!” He then charged his horn, and simply expelled a gentle shockwave tinted with Spiral Power, which suddenly reverted all the odd changes back to normal. It drained him a bit, but Kamina was happy to see his power put to a more constructive use. “Woo! Thank ya kindly Kamina!” AJ crowed, and kissed him on the cheek. “But why would your magic work, when Twilight's magic couldn't?” “Yes, it is odd. But when I focus on it; it seems as if the magic used to change all these things was somewhat similar to Kamina's.” Trixie observed, having ran a scan just before, and rescanning just now. “It wasn't him, but something of similar ability.” “But he just dispelled all the tasty treats!” Pinkie bemoaned, and Game looked deflated too. “It's okay Game...maybe someday we can ride magical cotton candy clouds.” “But...C3....” Game had been riding one of the clouds around earlier, and it was dispelled like the rest. “I'll miss you, dear C3~!” “This is most disconcerting. I shall return to the library and see if I cannot find out what is wrong.” Zecora remembered one of her books mentioning things like this. “I'll go with you. We don't know if more of these odd things will happen.” Trixie went with her for protection, and just then; Spike burped up a scroll from Celestia. “Oh, excuse me.” Spike picked it up with his levitation. Yeah! Spike found out he could use magic like a unicorn now. Apparently; his horns were made of the same magical bone as a unicorn's. It made him wonder what other species could freely use magic like this. Anyway, he opened it, and skimmed over it. “Okay everyone; we've been summoned to Canterlot. Specifically; the Bearers, and Kamina. Pfft, right; like I'm going to miss out on whatever this is.” “Gilda; could you see about trying to keep the house safe? I don't want any of those violent clouds ramming down our walls.” Blitz was being serious; one of those clouds nearly smashed a hole clean through their bedroom wall. It was why Blitz was chasing the clouds in the first place. “Yeah. I don't want holes in our house any more than you do. Be careful.” Gilda nuzzled him, and then flew off for their house. “Okay, let's all cut to the chase. Mass side-along teleport everyone!” Twilight crossed horns with Kamina, who was glad to serve as a battery, and they were gone in a flash. ===//////> They appeared in the throne room, which had been cleared since day court was canceled, beings all they would likely get are complaints about the goings-on, when they were already working on it. Celestia was extremely relieved to see them, as was Luna, who had Nyx protectively next to her. Yes; Nyx was holding onto Luna to protect her, not the other way around, who do you think she is?! “Everyone! I'm so glad you came so quickly! Come, hurry!” “What's going on mom? What's with all this craziness? I mean, sure, it's kinda fun, but it's really disruptive to pony's lives.” They entered the Hall of Stories; which was the stained-glass hall leading to the Royal Vault, where all the most powerful, dangerous, and valuable objects in Equestria were kept. “Listen; all of you. I'll cut to the chase, Discord has returned.” Celestia dropped on them as she continued at a brisk trot, and this got Kamina and Twilight to gasp while the others all looked confused, even Game didn't know who Discord was. “Him?! How! Wasn't he sealed somewhere?” Twilight asked frantically, her fiery mane flickering more wildly in panic. “Yes Twilight Sparkle, he was. But he's finally broken free. We fear last week's festivities were too much chaos in one sitting.” Luna looked back on the suddenly morose Pinkie and Game. “It was not your fault. We did not know your merry-making would produce enough chaos for him to get one final push from his seal just earlier today.” “Yeah! Besides, it's those three fillies' faults from earlier today! He could only break free if he got a direct sample of discord along with all that chaos he built up. And; he got it. Between each of the three tribes of ponies too, which made it worse.” Nyx told them, and this got some lights to come on for Rarity and AJ, who groaned; they knew it was their sisters and Scootaloo from what Cheerilee told them just before this mess started. “So the CMC are to blame...of course.” Rarity bemoaned, and Spike nuzzled her to ease her exasperation. “C'mon dear, she's just a silly little filly. She didn't know something like this could happen from a single little spat with her friends.” Spike justified, and got Rarity to blush at just how...fatherly that was. “What?” “Bro; you are going to be a great dad.” Kamina seriously informed his little brother, who blushed along with Rarity as everyone was able to calm down from their panic at the cute moment. “Anyway. The only way to defeat Discord is to seal him back up, and this time; put him someplace even more secluded, but more under direct observation.” Celestia reached the vault, and put her key into the lock, which resonated, and the door was about to open, when instead it's lights turned on from top to bottom, with upbeat dance music playing through the cracks to their confusion, and when it opened.... Lyra was standing over Bon Bon, humping the air in a bipedal stance as Bon Bon sang something in Coltrean while wearing awesome shades. “Na nun sa na ye Jom ja na bo wi ji man nol ten no nun sa na ye Te ga dwe myon wan jon mi cho bo ri nun sa na ye Gun yuk bo da sa sa ngi ul tung bul tu ngan sa na ye Gu ron sa na ye!” Lyra wagged her eyebrows before closing the apparent elevator, and it left, leaving everyone gawking at it in shock at just how utterly random, and unexpected that was. “WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!” Twilight screamed in terror at the impossibility that happened, and Celestia and Luna looked on the verge of fainting in fear. “He has them....” Celestia did some breathing exercise to try and calm down. “Discord already has the Elements.” “Indeed I do.” They all spun around to one of the stained glass windows, specifically; the one depicting the six friends all freeing Luna from Nightmare Moon. “I must say though; this window is entirely inaccurate!” Discord was part of the window, only animate, and he snapped his eagle talons. The window changed so that Dash was Blitz, and it showed Luna being protected by the Elements while Kamina and Twilight pierced through Nightmare in their final explosive outcome of the battle. “There! Much more suiting. Why didn't you make it like this in the first place? Trying to paint your heroes in more gentle light?” “Where are the Elements Discord!” Luna demanded, only for a tiny Discord to appear next to Nyx, scratching her behind the ear, and getting her to hum. “Oh~ little Nyx! I'm so glad to see you and your mum finally getting along! When I planted that shard of darkness into you Luna; I had no idea how far you'd come.” He flashed away as Luna tried to stomp him. “STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!” Luna screamed in the RCV, shaking the hall, and it would have shattered the windows were they not so heavily enchanted that they were more durable than the walls. “What?! But she's my daughter too! Don't I get visitation rights?!” Discord asked as if offended, and when Luna sneered at him, he sighed. “Fine, fine...I'll leave our daughter be. After all; it was just a one-night stand, what do I care anyway?” He had to avoid a number of dangerous magic blasts that launched at him from Luna, Celestia, and Kamina who were all utterly furious at him for that comment. “Don't get so ahead of yourselves.” *SNAP* “AH~!” Nyx collapsed to the floor, screaming in a bloodcurdling screech of agony, which had everyone panicking, and trying to do something, but they had to stop, because she was changing. Her body elongated, all her body save her head becoming different creature parts. She retained her face and head, but her neck grew thinner and longer. Her body was that of a zebra, but serpentine, and more black with scattered white stripes. Her left wing was a black flaming phoenix wing, her right a raven's. Her left arm a panther's, her right a crow's. Her left leg a gray doe's, her right leg an obsidian cragadile's. Finally, her long, serpentine tail was that of a red-bellied black snake, frilled with a thin line of her hair. Nyx finally calmed, and began to pass out as she desperately grabbed her mom's hoof. “Mommy....” “No...Nyx....” Luna wept as she cradled her transformed daughter. “CHANGE HER BACK!” Kamina screamed so loud that it made Luna's earlier demand seem quiet. “Hm, hm, hm. I did. I gave her the truest form she would have. Better the public get used to her now, than when she bloomed in her late teens.” Suddenly, Discord was draped over Kamina, and everyone backed away warily, ready to pounce. “Have we met? You seem...familiar.” “If we met before; then I'm sorry I didn't rip your eyes out sooner.” Kamina stabbed his left talon into Discord's face so fast the Spirit of Chaos nearly didn't react in time, but he blocked the stab intended to gouge out Discord's left eye with his lion paw. They were both surprised; they seemed to have equal strength. {DEFILER! RAPER AND DEFILER!} Kamina blinked in shock. 'What?' {THIS FOOL HAS SUNDERED HIS CONNECTION! HIS POTENTIAL!} Kamina's eyes became filled with absolute, consuming hatred. “ANTI-SPIRAL!” Discord grinned at the familiar term, and chuckled darkly. “My...it has been SUCH a long~ time since I heard THAT. From the old home are we?” Kamina roared a genuine dragon's roar as he breathed purple dragonfire at Discord, who quickly warped away, only to have to dodge a deadly telekinetic drill that pierced clean through the castle nearby, thankfully missing a window. “So, the old coots back home bought it eh? Finally had the Spirals come forth and crush them like they deserved?” “Like I'll do to you!” Kamina launched himself with a primitive form of teleportation called Blink, and tried to gore Discord's chest with his horn, but only grazed him with the tip of his left wing when the serpentine Lord of Chaos used his body's nubile advantage to just barely shift out of the way, and grab Kamina by his tiger tail, making him actually squawk in pain. “Oh look! A tiger by the tail!” Discord then flung him back at the group hovering protectively over Nyx, and he crashed through them; sounding like a bowling ball getting a strike. “Strike! Oo~ that was a nice try! But you didn't catch the lion by the toe.” Discord wiggled his lion paw, and they all glared at him as they recovered. “Now, now; calm down. There's nothing to gain from violence.” “Except your death!” Kamina roared, and tried to get up, but collapsed, a look of confusion on his face. 'Ow...what?' {Connection...minimal...spiral...unraveling....} 'No! I won't be like him!' {We can't, not unless we want to be. But he interfered with our connection.} Kamina looked at his tail, and saw that the spiral of a stripe that once ran down it was now leopard spots instead, but he didn't have any leopard DNA. 'A mutation?' {Non-viable, unstable. We'll have to purge it.} 'How?' {How do you think?} “Everyone, don't take this the wrong way.” Kamina sat up, grabbed his tail in both talons, and in a screech of effort and utter agony; ripped it out, spraying blood everywhere behind him for a moment. “Kamina! Why did you do that?!” Pretty much everyone asked in different ways, but they stopped when they saw the tail seem to dissolve into purple lights; completely different from the light blue-green of Spiral Power. “What?” “He's an Anti-Spiral...he's someone who willingly severed their connection to the Spiral. Ceased to be an evolving being; locked as he is. Ageless. Powerful. Controlling.” Kamina grunted as his tail grew back; tiger-stripe of spiral and all. “Yes. You see, Kamina is it? We're actually a lot alike. I used Spiral Power to eventually become what I am. Nearly all-powerful to a respect. But then when I was faced with destruction by the Anti-Spirals; I saw no reason to let them destroy me. So; I relinquished my Spiral Power.” Discord snapped his digits, and Kamina hissed and recoiled at the surge of pain that flashed up his tail, and he glared back at it to see it try to change back into a leopard tail, but it remained a tiger tail. “You see; if I still had my Spiral Power, that would have worked on you, regardless of your potency. But, a price to pay is that; a price. I regret it, but I had to buy time for me to get out from under those coot's oppressive and short-sighted thinking.” “So you came here...a universe without the Anti-Spirals so you could rule as a god!” Kamina accused, getting a jovial laugh from the Self-Proclaimed God of Chaos. “Yes, and no. Ruling is such a bore. You have so~ many responsibilities! I just wanted to have fun. And here I found a world ripe with life; filled with potential. I might have become an Anti-Spiral, but I still cherished the concept of potential. So I changed things. I changed them a lot. The horses, the wolves, and lions even. I made them all more.” Discord chuckled darkly as he spread his arms out. “ALL OF THIS! Is because of me! Alicorns would not have existed had I not fused one of each tribe together to get the first: Faust!” This made everyone but Kamina gasp in shock. Mother Faust was the closest thing Equus had to a goddess, besides those that worshiped Celestia and once again Luna, or other beings of their status that now literally embody, govern, and keep the world going. In fact; a sect was forming for Kamina as they spoke. When he was announced to have ascended, and that he embodied Will; many who had a strong belief in self started whispering his name. But, that's for later. “I basically made Equus what it is now. I even named it! I am, by all rights; the God that created this world.” Discord sighed wistfully, and floated idly as he stroked his goatee. “But, things change. While I as an Anti-Spiral may not; the rest of the world went on without me.” Discord actually seemed depressed for a moment, but then cleared his throat, and hovered over towards them, growing in size until he filled the hall, and his head was just before them. “You wish to find the Elements? To stop me? Let's make it a game, hm?” Game perked up. “Game? I LOVE games! What are the rules?” “Oh~ it isn't as direct as that. You must simply find the Elements, where you began.” Discord then began to fade away like a ghost. “I look forward to seeing if you are smart enough, and wise enough, to know what I mean.” Discord was gone. ===//////> “We are in so over our heads....” Kamina pondered as he paced. “Not even I could hurt him, and I'm apparently the closest to being able to, since he's of similar mind and power as me.” Kamina looked at his claw, wishing it met it's mark and took the bastard's eye. {If only he wasn't an Anti-Spiral. We'd be able to copy his powers.} 'I'm not going to let any piece of that freak into our body.' {I disagree. He achieved his full potential, but cut it off. If we had a sample....} 'No, I won't go on the same path he did.' {Understandable.} “Kamina, we'll be fine. He's at least giving us a fighting chance.” Twilight tried to comfort everyone. “He's toying with us Twilight.” Spike spat in revulsion. His pride was building up since he became a kirin. “I'd rather die choking on his heart than be overlooked like this.” “Spike! I will not let you needlessly endanger yourself!” Rarity declared, looking at him commandingly, only for him to glare at her, and she shrank back in surprise. “Spike?” “I have limits to where I can be calm, or rational Rarity. That bastard hurt my friends.” Spike pointed to the corner of the room they'd retreated to after the encounter, where a bed held the unconscious and transformed Nyx, being protectively cuddled by a silently crying and morose Luna. “He threatened my family!” Spike, began to become bigger, and to everyone, especially Kamina's, surprise; his horns had spirals begin carving into them, running up them from base to tip. “He threatens all I've lived and worked for!” He was taking up the room, his body scraping the ceiling, his wings spanned the whole 20 foot length from wall to wall, and he became more draconic; but remained a kirin with more pronounced traits. “And I will not just sit by when I can DO something!” “S-Spike....” Rarity was blushing lightly, trying not to let on just how HOT he was to her right now. 'Oh~ Spike...you're so surprisingly sexy when you're assertive.' She then looked him over, and licked her lips, which he noticed and made him start to blush too. 'Oh~...and when you're big enough to fill a room~....' “Spike...can you do that whenever?” “Y-yeah...I've been able to control it for a while now. I've been practicing in the Everfree. I've been getting Spiral Power for a few months now.” Spike then cleared his throat, and began to shrink down. “Not yet!” He paused his shrinking at Rarity's demand, and she pulled a camera from her hammerspace, and she smiled nervously. “Can I...get a picture?” “Why? I'll do it whenever you want Rarity.” Spike asked, and she fidgeted, which made him smirk. “Oh~ Rare! You could have mentioned you have a thing for macrophilia!” This made Rarity squeak, and shrink in on herself like Fluttershy, getting everyone to look at each other in surprise; they never figured Rarity to have such tastes. “I-I do not! A lady does not-EEP!” Spike picked Rarity up in his hoof like a big doll. “P-put me dow-mmph! MPH! Mmm~....” Spike had his long, serpentine tongue snaking down Rarity's whole throat, and she was actually twitching as her eyes rolled back, getting everyone to gawk at just how erotic and sudden this was. When he withdrew his long tongue from her, she gasped and panted, and her eyes refocused, but were glazed. “W-why'd you stop?” “I thought you didn't like such raunchy things.” Spike teased, and Rarity blushed so much her whole body turned red in embarrassment at being so thoroughly caught out by her significant other...who was significantly larger than her. And she could not believe how turned on she was by the idea of being his toy.... “Regardless. I'm going to go face Discord, you with me bro?” “Hell yeah!” Kamina stood next to his awesome brother as said kirin levitated Rarity back to the floor. “We're going. We're going to find him, and keep him busy so he doesn't spread as much chaos as possible before you find the Elements.” “Oh! I'll go!” Game suddenly popped out from under Kamina's left wing, getting the prince to roll his eyes. “Please? I haven't been in a good fight in four hundred and eighty seven years!” “Then how do I know you can-?” Kamina suddenly found himself pinned, Game sitting on his chest and actually wagging his tail like a dog. “Alright...you're good, I'll give you that. We're going; you girls get a move on!” “Just...be careful.” Twilight pleaded, moments before Kamina's horn lit up and the three stallions; one kirin, one hippogriff, and one crystal earth pony, all vanished to face perhaps the most dangerous being on Equus. “...We love you....” > Secundo Discordia!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamina, Spike, and Game all appeared in Ponyville to their surprise, and concern. Already Discord was at work; the town was in utter chaos. Buildings floated upside down, they were turned into functioning gingerbread houses, likely to mock Sugarcube Corner, and they saw various ponies they knew screaming, crying, and several were even transformed into something else; even inanimate objects with their crying eyes. “No! Cup Cake!” Game ran over to a baby carriage which judging by color, and her cutie mark on the sides, plus her tearing eyes on the top of the shade looking down into the bed of the carriage which held her unborn twin foals in suspended embryos safely, which were being mentally stimulated by a puppet show that was playing in front of them, making them shift gently. “What has he done to you?!” Game patted Cup's cover, and she turned her gaze to him pleadingly. “We have to stop this!” “Hold on!” Kamina rushed over after getting over the initial shock. 'That sick fuck! He did this to a pregnant mare with full intention!' {Yes, but look; the foals are safe, and he chose a form that could sustain them temporarily at least. Also she would have changed back after a short time.} Animak informed him after they scanned her with a spell. 'Not soon enough, can we change her back safely?' {Yes. It seems our Spiral Power instantly overwhelms his magic, since it lacks connection to the Spiral at all.} “You'll be fine Mrs. Cake, just wait a second.” Kamina focused his raw magic and a hint of Spiral Power on her, and in a pop; Cup Cake was back to normal, panting and probing her belly frantically. “I'm fine! M-my foals are fine...we're fine...thank you!” She hugged Kamina as she cried, sobbing into his neck. “I thought my foals would....” She lost the ability to keep speaking, and Kamina pat her back as he looked back out onto the town, seeing several ponies he knew in similar, but not nearly as dire straits. “That rat fucking bastard! I'll rip his lungs out for this!” Spike shouted, his draconian rage shining through as his horn spirals lit up. Kamina was going to have to get used to that. “Bro, chill. You need to cool your head. Look; just send a pulse of your Spiral Power into anything or anypony changed, and they'll turn back to normal.” Kamina shot a weak laser blast at a crying mailbox, and it turned back into Derpy Hooves, who sniffled and took out a comfort muffin from her mailbag. “Oh~ I wish I had Spiral Power right now! I'd be able to help!” Game bemoaned, but then he perked up, and grinned deviously. “Actually...can you cast Spiral Power through a medium besides your horns?” “Of course. Back home, Simon; my other brother, used his Spiral Power primarily through a little drill key. So long as the object has some sort of spiral design; I think it can be used as a conduit.” Kamina explained, and Game clopped his hooves together in excitement. “Yay~! My Fourth Dimension bending skills can come in hoofy! Hold on!” Game jumped into the air, and his body literally shattered to the two brother's horror, only for his crystal parts to reshape, and come back together to form a drill-tipped satellite dish, and he landed back in front of them. “Hey! Hello? Hello~? Can you hear me?” Game's voice echoed from the odd contraption, getting the brothers to look at each other in bemusement. “Y-yeah we can hear ya.” Spike replied in confusion. “Good, because I can't see anything like this. My body should act as an adequate sort of thaumatergical broadcaster for your Spiral Power. Just send a pulse into me and I'll spread it as far as I can.” Game's plan got both Kamina and Spike excited; if it worked, this would be a totally satisfying “fuck you” to Discord. “Hey big bro? Would you do the honors?” Kamina jokingly asked his 15-foot tall kirin brother while still consoling Cup Cake. In response, Spike grinned and fired a weak blast of his magic, infused with Spiral Power at Game. “Whoa~! That's trippy~!” Game cheered a second before a corona of pure magical aura launched from him, spreading through physical objects as if they weren't there, changing everything and everyone back to normal within a several mile radius, which was most of Ponyville. “Why is everything spinning? Spinning infinity boy~, the wheel is spinning me, it's never ending, never ending....” “Yeah; that'll go away. That's how I felt when I got my first taste of Spiral Power.” Spike informed, only to cry out in pain as a massive weight landed on his back, smashing him into the ground. “Spike!” Kamina called out as Cup Cake took the sudden turn of events as a sign to run. “How...dare...you....” Discord was standing on Spike's back, between his wings. With a gaze that could murder. “Do you KNOW how hard it was? To spread my gift so quickly? And you get rid of it all with just a stupid, simple, FLARE of Spiral Power?!” Discord stabbed his lion paw at Kamina, sending a paw-print shaped blast at him. Kamina barely dodged, and the paw-print indented into the dirt, and it seemed to simply cease to exist. “You damned little neophyte! You remind me way too much of myself when I was your age!” “Yeah; just goes to show how much of a little shit you were huh?” Kamina shot back, and Discord roared before he literally fired laser beams from his eyes so intense; they glassed the dirt they hit as Kamina frantically flew around to avoid it. “What's the matter Dizzy?! The past hurt?!” “Of course it does you ignorant whelp!” Discord stopped his eye-beams and snapped his fingers, making Kamina scream as his wings suddenly turned into octopus tentacles, writhing as if they were still trying to fly. “Can you imagine? Working SO hard, so damn hard to become the greatest, that your whole world just forsakes you out of fear? That the mere whisper of your name would make even former friends, and loved ones cower, when you didn't do ANYTHING to harm them?!” Discord stomped over to the hissing Kamina, who was trying to reach the tentacles on his back to purge them, and he grabbed the chimeric hippogriff up by the throat, and glared into his eyes. “You WILL know it! No matter what you do; those you love and care for will betray you! They'll break your heart, and move on without you.” “Y-you're wrong! None of my friends, or my mares would do that to me!” Kamina choked as Discord's talon tightened; clearly it had the same locking grip as his own. “Such naïvete. I remember being so naïve once. I was but a child. And I was crushed for my ignorance. Once by those I loved, and again by those I feared.” Purple light began spreading from Discord's talon and into Kamina's body, making the prince scream in pure agony as his spirals were broken by random patterns. “I'll save you the torment! I'll cut out the fat, and show you how the multiverse REALLY is! Will can only get you so far!” “No...Will can take you as far as you want it to....” Kamina coughed, and glared his eyes at the ancient beast, one his blue dragon eye, the other a red toad eye from the corruption. “Like through you, for instance.” A long, lance-like drill made of familiar diamond crystals stabbed clean through Discord's chest, making him drop Kamina in shock, and teleport a short distance away, holding his grievous wound as it began to heal in spite of the copious amount of blood and purple Anti-Spiral Power pouring from it. “Sorry we're late.” Spike grunted out as he hefted the giant drill-shaped cavalry lance onto his shoulder, the blood and purple Anti-Spiral Power evaporating as Spiral Power emitted from the spinning groove on the lance. Spike seemed to have become more dragon than kirin, as he was standing bipedal with claws to dextrously handle the weapon. “Had to wake up sleeping beauty here.” Game's voice echoed from the lance. “This whole Spiral Power thing is a real trip. I'm feeling really...good about myself right now. Actually; let's see about getting you up to par hm?” Game stated, and Spike lightly touched Game's tip to Kamina, and pulsed his Spiral Power into him, purging the corruption and turning Kamina back to normal. “Thanks.” He stood back up, and turned to face the grim-faced Discord, who took in the scene with smoldering fury. “See? They won't abandon me, because I won't abandon them. Loyalty is a powerful thing. Honesty is something to cherish. Kindness is a form of strength. Generosity is a sign of character. Laughter is held between those willing to be kin. And Magic is the spark that makes it all feel worthwhile. You don't know these things Discord, and that's why even if you're so much more powerful; you'll lose.” “You think I'm blind? Think I DON'T KNOW these things?! The Elements of Harmony, how quaint.” Discord growled, and cracked his knuckles. “But you're missing something. You ponies have forgotten the one thing that truly binds it all together. It isn't Magic, Magic is just the result!” This surprised the three heroes; a Seventh Element?! Is that what Discord was saying? “The only reason Celestia and Luna actually hit me with the Elements was because I underestimated their power. Not because I was ignorant, but because I thought that without the final element I hid away; they wouldn't have the power to harm me.” “What?! You mean the Elements are...incomplete?” Kamina asked in shock; they seemed to be a perfect set to him. “It wasn't always the Elements of Harmony. That's just the cheesy little name those sisters gave them. They were once, all together, known as the Rainbow of Light. I once used it myself to banish some of the greater evils of this universe from Equus, and once witnessed a few brave ponies use it to defeat and banish Tirek to Tartarus.” Discord informed them, and this made the trio confused. “Wait...you mean you once protected Equus? So why are you doing this? Why did you do this over a thousand years ago?” Kamina asked in confusion, and Discord sighed in exasperation. “I SAID, my amusement comes first. I'm OLD you foal, not senile, or stupid, just. Very. Bored.” Discord snapped his fingers, and a mug of hot chocolate appeared in his paw, and he daintily sipped it. “Ah~...well. I don't feel like fighting now. You've got this old goat all nostalgic.” “Sorry, but you've given us another reason to fight.” Kamina prepared his stance to charge, Spike did so as well, his giant form able to cross a great distance with ease, and with the scaled-up Game Lance; he was even more of a threat. “Now we have a responsibility to find that last element, so we can put you away for good.” “And fighting me will help you how? I can crush you like ants.” Discord was about to snap his talons, but was interrupted by a shotgun blast of telekinetic lances that perforated a nearby house, which like the rest of the town; was evacuated by now. Discord looked at his missing talon, his gored torso, and seemed only annoyed at how it seemed about a quarter of his body was just annihilated in an instant, and his narrowed his remaining eye at the aghast warriors that were arrayed against him. “You've done it now....” ===//////> “Where we began...where we began....” Twilight mused as her and her friends had returned to the library, to find that Trixie and Zecora were hiding in the apothecary cabinet, scared out of their minds. 'What could he mean? He spoke to all of us, not just me, not just one person, but all of us. That could mean either any one of us separately, or all of us together....' Twilight's fiery mane shaped into a light bulb, and she beamed. “Pinkie!” “It was under E again~!” Pinkie produced The Elements of Harmony: a Reference Guide again, and dropped it before Twilight, who squeed. “You are so dependable Pinkie!” Twilight opened the book...or, at least tried to. “Huh?” She tried pulling it open with her magic, and then got violent with it since the book was just a standard, easily replaced copy. “Why. Won't. It. OPEN?!” She slammed it hard on the floor, and looked about to Shift and burn it when Trixie nuzzled her, and steam hissed from their cheeks as Twilight calmed down. “Thanks Trix.” “Somepony needs to be the cool-headed one around here.” Trixie cheekily snarked, and Twilight rolled her eyes before she frowned back at the book. “But that's clearly the answer then. The book! But WHY isn't it opening?” Twilight looked on the back to see a message. 'Well done! You found the Elements, but, they can't be used as they are! You're still missing something. To find it, you must go to the place where Loyalty was tested, there you will find the truth, in stone rested.' “Another riddle? A lot's happened since Nightmare attacked last year. I'm kinda fuzzy on what it means.” Blitz groaned and scratched his head. “I remember clearly. You refused to abandon us for a chance at fulfilling your dreams.” Fluttershy reminded him, and he preened in pride. “That means that ruffian is telling us to go to that bridge.” Rarity realized, but Zecora knew that wasn't right. “No...he means the crevice it crosses. Discord has whatever it is he desires to show us hidden down in the canyon.” Zecora figured out; why else would he mention stone? The bridge was a rickety old rope bridge, no stones about it. “Since I know the Everfree, it should be I who will guide thee.” Zecora was about to groan at her rhyme, but finally decided-. “Buck it. I'm tired of fighting it.” ===//////> A massive gout of purple and green fire cleansed an entire half-acre of Whitetail Wood. The source was the panting pair of Kamina and Spike, who'd both breathed into a sort of spiral-engraved crystal funnel; clearly Game. “We get him?” Spike asked with a croak; his flame sac feeling about to rupture like it did last year. “No! If you have to ask; the monster is never dead! It's a fact!” Game shouted at them, and surely, the chimeric demigod of chaos literally sprouted from the settling ashes like a sprouting tree, posing as if performing yoga. “See! Stop tempting the Fourth Dimension! I know these things!” “What things?!” Kamina shouted in aggravation. Game was an immense help; what with his ability to transform into nigh anything so long as it was crystal, and he amplified any magic or Spiral Power pumped into him. But DAMN was he annoying! “Y'know...stuff! Look, it's a very, very long, very, very convoluted list of...well, rules of sorts, that govern all realities.” “Oh, great. One of THEM. No wonder you've been holding up so well if one of THOSE beings are helping you.” Discord turned to the air-. “Stop pretending I can't see you. Just be glad I can't breach the barrier into your reality.” Meep! I-I'm just documenting! “Right~.” “Don't ask who he's talking to. His answer might destroy your minds!” Game warned the brothers. “Look; all I can say is if I say not to do something; seriously consider my advice.” “Noted. You've really been helpful in this battle.” Kamina groaned as his body's exhaustion was beginning to wear him down. Spike might only be just starting in Spiral Power and magic, but his natural dragon and kirin physiology granted him immense physical prowess and stamina, so he was doing the heavy physical contribution to the struggle, while Kamina supplied as much long-range help as he could, and Game shifted forms to help them however he could, being used by them both. “It's a crystal pony thing really; we can all do this, I'm just better at it than most because of my ability to interact with the Fourth Dimension.” Game changed back into a pony, his hair, eyes, and just about everything a normal living being needed or had was gone, he didn't have a nose, mouth, or even anything at the rear, and he looked more like a ponnequin of crystal with glowing spirals running from snout to flank than an actual pony. “I hope this isn't permanent, just how potent is this stuff anyway?” “Oh~ he's evolving already? He must have been overdue.” Discord teased, and sighed as he cracked his neck. “Okay, you boys have been fun and all; but I've got Chaos to wreak, and you've been serious downers. It's about time I put you down properly.” Discord knew he'd have to take a more direct approach; his powers were useless against these three because of their Spiral Power, and even should he alter their bodies and corrupt their connection, he couldn't do it to them all fast enough before one of the others injected Spiral Power into the afflicted to return them to normal. “Okay...I've got a crazy idea, but it's all I've got.” Kamina whispered to them, and they all grinned. “Okay! Everyone! COMBINE!” Spike fell to all fours, turned back into a giant Kirin, and aimed his whole body at Discord. Kamina grabbed Game and flew to the top of his skull, where Game transformed into a giant drill, reminiscent of the ones Kamina grew up with in Jeeha Village, only much bigger. “Just what, pray tell; are you doing now?” They all smirked. “Commence SGK Combo~!” Kamina shouted, and they all began to glow profusely as their Spiral Power flared to their strongest, and Discord was about to move, but found himself in pain, screaming as he felt something stab through his arms and legs, and he looked to see what seemed to be pure Spiral Power shaped into Kamina's choice eye wear holding him in midair, and he couldn't move. “SURE KILL!” “ENTEI~!” Spike shouted as his horns began to glow with both magic and Spiral Power, and he breathed his fire between his horns, where it was collected into a ball and constantly compressed. “DRILL~!” Game began spinning, in spite of Kamina not doing so. “BREAKER~!” Kamina focused all his energy behind him, practically turning into a jet engine, being the one propelling and guiding Game forward. They launched through the giant condensed ball of flame which coated and joined with Game in a cone of burning, drilling energy, and pierced clean through Discord so completely, all that remained was his head and limbs, the rest incinerated on contact, and they landed behind where they impacted the demigod, who's limbs proceeded to explode, but the head remained as it fell, screaming in agony. “Damn it! He's still alive!” Spike shouted in fury, and rushed to stomp the screaming head, only for Kamina to hold up his hand to stop the raging kirin. “What? Why? We've been trying to stop him.” “Just...trust me, hm? Game, can you turn into a cage or a box?” Game was too tired from that last attack, and so just turned into a solid box with a spiral-shaped aperture that opened up, revealing the inside to have glowing spirals on the inner walls. “Perfect.” ===//////> “Okay, we're here. What's so special about this place?” Blitz asked upon them arriving at the old bridge in the Everfree. “This you may not know, but there is a path to the ground below.” Zecora then guided them off the path to the right, and they all saw that there was a very small, thin, recessed stairwell leading down the canyon wall. “I have not ventured below before, I felt a power I worried was a thing of lore. So I did not my instincts betray, so that I might live another day.” Zecora felt so much better since she gave up and accepted that she ultimately loved to rhyme. “So what he wants us to find is down here?” Twilight asked in confusion, but lead them down, Trixie and Zecora still accompanying the six friends to add more protection to the group. Upon reaching the bottom, it wasn't hard to see a small cave entrance ahead, and figuring that was where they needed to go, they went inside, and found something spectacular. “Wow....” “Oh~ my!” Rarity beamed in utter joy at the sight. The whole interior of the cave was made of crystals, shining as if it were daylight inside, even though there was no overhead source of light. In the center of the massive cavern was a giant tree of crystal. Said crystal tree had numerous crooked branches arrayed in a star-like pattern, with five of the branches having bulbs that seemed to be missing chunks from them, and the center point of the trunk where the branches all met was shaped like a star, gaping, as if something was taken from it. However, lower on the trunk were, shockingly; Celestia and Luna's cutie marks, and below even that, at the base near the roots; was a glorious and beautiful inset pearl, which made them all feel...like...like everything was going to be okay. “Who goes there?” A soft, ethereal voice called out, echoing from the whole cavern, making the ponies all frantically shift around to find the source. “Do not be alarmed...I only wish to know who brings back what was stolen from me.” They turned back to the tree; the only obvious source, and witnessed a faint incandescent light form in the gaping hole in the trunk. “Stole? Who are you, and what was stolen from you? Was it Discord who stole it?” Twilight asked, only for them to get a sigh. “No. It was not dear Scoddri.” The light gently formed into a body, that began to walk down the air as if there were invisible stairs, and gained definition the closer it came. The light became a crystal white-blue reindeer doe, who oddly had beautiful giant antlers, reminiscent of the branches of the crystal tree, and had water drop-like icicles dangling from them in multiple places. Her vibrant rainbow eyes were tired, and dull, yet warm and caring. “I am Harmonia; the Spirit of Order. I am bound to the Tree of Harmony to contain the wild, natural Chaos of the Everfree from spreading across the land.” Trixie squealed in excitement to everypony's confusion. “Harmonia is the Governing Spirit of Order! She's in the oldest history texts, detailing how she granted the creatures of Equus with the powers that let them manipulate the world around them.” “Yes. While Scoddri gave them new forms, fresher, brighter minds; I gave them the ability to assert their dominance in a cruel world.” Harmonia's antlers faintly flashed, and suddenly the book holding the Elements fell out of Twilight's saddlebags, and shot open. The Elements then suddenly flew over to Harmonia, and she smiled gently at the sight of them while everypony got nervous. “My...they've become so beautiful. Your hearts have touched my elements at their very core.” “Your Elements?” AJ asked, honestly in surprise since she knew Harmonia wasn't lying in any way since she first spoke. “How are they yours?” “I am the one who bore them to the world, gave them form, definition. Harmony, can only be truly achieved if all seven Elements of Order are assembled.” To demonstrate, Harmonia floated the necklaces and tiara over their proper places on her physical body. “The embodiments of the Sun and Moon stole my Elements as I slumbered, and I only stopped them from taking the last, and most crucial of them upon awakening, and branded their marks on my trunk to forever implicate the thieves that tried to take Order from my hooves.” “B-but they needed them to stop Discord! Did they even know you are who you are?” Fluttershy interjected surprisingly, and Harmonia became imperious to the question. “Scoddri did NOT need to be stopped! None would call him friend, none would accept him because he was different; because he was Chaotic! They did not understand that some forms of Chaos exist for a reason, for if there was no chaos; life could not exist.” She calmed down when she noticed Fluttershy cowering, and she sighed. “I'm sorry...but Scoddri is one of my few friends, and I won't let you mortal's narrow views paint him in an evil light, simply because he is different.” “But he's already done horrible things to ponies. How can we be friends if he's just so...volatile?” Twilight asked, since she was starting to get why Discord led them here; to show them Harmonia, to hear her take. “His very nature has been twisted, it has always been since even I had met him at the dawn of my birth. I held the means of his freedom, and yet, I withheld it from him; because I came to care for him, and could not bring myself to try what he wished in the case that it destroyed him.” Harmonia let a single, elegant tear from her eye, and sighed. “And now; he forces my hooves at last. His last attempt was clear a thousand years ago; likely he directed the Sun and Moon to me. But now...I am left with little choice.” Harmonia looked back to her physical body, and the magnificent pearl at her trunk's base was released by the crystal retreating around it, and her manifestation instantly faded away as it floated to the group. “I will not be able to hold back the Everfree much longer without my Elements, so please; return them when you have finished your task. Know, however; that only one who retains Hope in the face of all odds can use it.” Twilight reverently took the pearl into her magical grasp, and instantly felt reassured, and smiled contently. “Wow...Hope.” “But we need a Bearer for it! We can't use it against Discord as it is.” Trixie reminded, only for Twilight to press the Element to her, and Trixie to hum at how wonderfully warm it was, but it gave out a sensation of discontent. “No, not me.” Then she tried Zecora, who chuckled with humor at the gesture, and it seemed much more receptive to her presence than Trixie's, but they could tell while it liked her; she wasn't able to bear it. “I appreciate the gesture, but I believe to find the bearer requires conjecture.” Hope pulsed when she spoke, and she blinked in surprise. “Well, now, what is this?” She touched it with her hoof, and Hope pulsed and sent out an amazing sense of contention. “It likes you. But why can't you bear it?” Rarity asked in confusion as she touched it, and it pulsed just the same. “Perhaps...it's reaction is gauged by how potent someone's Hope is? I know I have rather high hopes for the future....” Rarity envisioned her future, and smiled as she idly rubbed a hoof to her tummy, getting happy looks from her friends. “Someday....” Hope pulsed again in joy. “Wait....” Twilight stated, and she beamed at the realization. “I think I know!” ===//////> Things were dire; they should have just ended him. “Oh....” Kamina groaned, he tried to push himself up, only to grunt as a hoof forced him into the dirt. “You silly mortals. Always thinking you're so clever.” Discord sneered down at the fallen prince as Kamina regretted his decision to spare him. “I mean; sure, a box laced with Spiral Power would have worked, if I wasn't awake.” Game was shattered, scattered over the town square as they'd made it back to Ponyville. The only indication that he was still alive were his snorts and grumbles of sleep echoing out of the innumerable fragments. Spike was missing his left foreleg; Discord ripped it off like all that muscle and scale was tissue, and threw the removed limb aside like it was meaningless. He was bleeding out nearby, but he still tried to stand on his remaining legs. 'I failed...damn it....' {I'm more concerned for bro; his leg's gone. Unless we get to him, he's going to be lame the rest of his life.} 'I know! But this bastard won't get off me!' “Oh, how you amuse me so. But, really.” Discord summoned a purple sword of pure Anti-Spiral Power to his talon, and readied to stab Kamina through the skull. “I'm done with you.” Discord was suddenly gored through the chest by a massive horn, and he sighed in annoyance. “Really? I've already torn off a leg; what more will it take to get you to stay down?” Spike glared at the monster impaled on his horn; uncaring for how his blood practically poured from his missing leg like a waterfall. “You'll have to kill me! I'd sooner die than just sit by and let a thing like you do what you want!” Spike then surprised Discord by twisting his head, and tilting his horn up and began chewing him from the legs up, making the demigod scream in agony. The impalement wasn't anything new; being eaten? New. “Damned dragon! DIE!” Discord managed to free his talon, summon his sword, and stabbed into Spike's snout, getting him to roar in pain, launching the horridly mutilated embodiment of Chaos across the square, where he immediately began reforming again. “If you won't stay down; I'll just make sure you can't get up!” “Even if you rip off all my legs, my wings, I'll drag myself to you with my chin and still bite you to death!” Spike's leg suddenly sprouted back out in an explosion of bone, sinew, and scales. His Spiral Power was accelerating his natural regeneration to a point of near alicorn levels. “If you kill me; I'll drag my damned soul from the afterlife to curse you until you die! If you capture my soul; I'll eventually break free!” Spike roared as his scales seemed to have spiral designs begin to shine out from them, shocking both Discord and Kamina. “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?! I'M SPIKE THE KIRIN! AND THIS IS MY DRILL!” Spike charged Discord with such a burst of speed the much smaller being had a hard time bringing up his guard and blocking the wall of sheer force that Spike was emitting. “Impossible! Nobody can evolve that fast!” Discord was baffled; Spike was growing even faster than he had! “Nothing is impossible, or unreachable!” Spike shouted before he breathed fire, forcing Discord to leap back and grow to match Spike in size so he could more properly fight the clearly more dangerous threat. “I was just a baby dragon a few months ago. I was small, weak, lonely. I didn't want to be anymore! Now; I'm big, strong, and have the mare of my dreams! If a weak little nobody like me can become this, then what does that say about possibility? It means; that ANYTHING is possible! You're weak Discord! Because you've limited yourself with such closed minded thinking! You lost so much when you became an Anti-Spiral, didn't you?” Discord choked, and his face became so livid it almost seemed like it would explode he turned so red. “I'LL SHOW YOU WEAK WHELP!” Discord was about to charge, but was blasted back instead by a concentrated beam of pure fire and magic; sending him plowing through town and into the Everfree, leaving a several foot thick line of scorched earth and burning houses and trees between where he halted and Spike. “Bro....” Kamina gawked at his little brother, and then smiled with pride. 'In the end...my brothers are always greater than me....' {Nothing wrong with that. We made them who they are....} “Aniki.” Kamina jolted at hearing Spike speak Neighponese, as his adopted sibling looked down on him in worry. #Are you alright?# Kamina saw Simon's face for a second, and smiled sadly. #Could be better little bro.# Kamina grunted as he stood back up. #Game has gone to pieces sadly.# “I'm fine...sort of.” Game's pieces drew back together, and formed back into his golem-like body, grunting the whole time. “I can't do much more...I'm too tired.” His spiral stripes ceased to glow, and he plopped onto his diamond flanks. “I'm spent...I can't keep going right now.” #You two just rest a moment. I've got this.# Spike turned back towards the direction that Discord had been launched, and he blinked at seeing a familiar group running towards them from the Everfree. “Hey! Everyone!” Spike's call drew Kamina and Game's attention to see the ladies running towards them. Shortly, their galloping got them to the guys, and Kamina found himself pounced by four worried mares, Game by Pinkie, and Rarity was hugging Spike's right fetlock, rubbing her cheek into his scales as he looked down at her lovingly. “Oh~ Spiky Wikey! I was so worried!” She then noticed the enormous pools of blood, and saw his dismembered leg a short distance away, making her go even whiter. “D-did you-?” “Yes, I lost a leg Rarity. But it grew back. I'm fine.” He lowered his head to her, and gently smooched her body, making her blush and giggle at how he had to kiss her like she was a toy pony. “Where are the Elements? We've butchered him hundreds of ways by now; but we can't keep this up forever...or at least they can't.” Spike said teasingly towards Kamina and Game, who were getting up from the relieved smooches their mares were giving them. “Hey! I resent that!” Kamina shouted up at his brother, but grinned. “We can't all be as great as you bro.” “Hey. I haven't evolved THAT much unlike you two...I still have a low limit.” Game grumbled, and then chuckled as Pinkie tried kissing him where his mouth used to be. “Pinkie...I don't have a mouth anymore.” Suddenly, his lips reappeared, and she took him. “MPH! Mm~!” They started making out, and the others promptly ignored them; this was a common occurrence since Pinkie lost her virginity. “They're right here!” Twilight levitated Hope along with the other Elements out of her saddlebag. “And if I'm right....” Twilight then touched the pearl to Spike's hoof, and it practically exploded with light, which blinded everyone for a few seconds. “Ow...yes!” Twilight stated at seeing Spike reduced down to normal size for the time being, and he now wore a golden peytral with Hope in the shape of a drill on the front. “Okay everypony! Places!” Twilight yanked Pinkie from her embrace with Game, and then put the Elements on their respective bearers. “The moment Discord appears; we fire!” “ALRIGHT NO MORE MISTER-oh they're here!” Discord shouted as he finally recovered from the shock of the last attack, and shrank upon noticing Spike wasn't all huge anymore. “So, did you give up? If you lose you can't-.” They instantly began charging the Elements, including Spike's Hope, and he grinned. “Oo~ about time. I'm immune to the Elements just so you know.” Discord put on a blindfold, and then got into a pose of sensuously twisting his serpentine body. “Fire away!” “Don't mind if we do!” Twilight shouted mere moments before the rainbow of the Elements appeared, only even brighter, and had much more vibrancy to it's colors. It hit Discord, and to their surprise...it did nothing. “What?” Discord then jolted slightly, he began hissing, and growling, as if becoming feral. “Y-yes! F-f-finally!” Discord's body began glowing the tell-tale purple of Anti-Spiral Power, and he roared as his body began to shift and grow, but a small piece of him fell off before the rest of the growing and mutating purple body flew off into the south towards the desert to their worry. “Finally....” They looked to the source of the voice, and saw to their surprise...a pale, unassuming albino reptile that seemed to be a sort of cross between pony and dragon...rather close to a kirin, but not like Spike at the same time, beings he had no wings, and his red eyes were like a pony's, but were clearly tired, and thankful. “Thank you.” “Discord?” Everyone gathered around, worried as the wingless kirin seemed about to keel over any second. “N-no...I'm Scoddri. I'm who Discord used to be.” He sat on his flanks, and shuddered as his Spiral Power flared. “G-gonna have to get used to that again....” “Wait...so...what was that giant thing that took off just now?” Trixie had the wisdom to ask, mere seconds before a giant purple explosion shook possibly the whole of Equestria, and glassed a good portion of the San Palomino Desert far, far to the southeast. “...The Anti-Spiral known as Discordant.” > Coniungentes est Magicae!!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone was frozen, in both confusion, and terror. “Okay...run that by us again?” Scoddri sighed and rubbed his face with his hoof. “That is Discordant. The Anti-Spiral I was supposed to become when I forsook my connection to the Spiral. But, my will was great, and I did not wish to become an Anti-Spiral, not truly. So, instead of becoming Discordant, I became Discord. Sure, I was an oddity to the Anti-Spirals, but I was still no longer of the Spiral Races, and so they left me be.” Kamina actually began to visibly panic, hyperventilating. “Y-you mean we have a full-fledged god-like entity of destruction that hates all life going on a rampage in the desert right now?!” “Yes. Discordant is currently in a frenzy, completely unaware of his surroundings beyond instinctive reactions. He's furious for something he doesn't know of yet, and he senses there's no life out there in the desert, and his Anti-Spiral nature forces him to react logically, so he is venting where the repercussions would be less obvious. As you can guess; I was the one that made Discord so unique.” Scoddri tapped his head, and a single back-angled horn came from his forehead, making him hiss. “Still recovering...sorry. But I'm no use to you like this. The Elements also won't work on him since Discordant isn't evil as he is; merely confused. But if you don't do something soon; he'll move on to inhabited areas. Eventually wipe out the planet, and then; start the Anti-Spiral dogma in this dimension, as they are all want to do.” “So all of this was just a ploy to finally get Harmonia to give up, and let the Rainbow of Light be used on you to free you from the Anti-Spiral?” Twilight asked in shock, and then sighed. “I can't blame you. If you had that...thing, inside you, trying to change who you are; then I can understand.” Twilight paced for a few moments, clearly coming up with a solution, and not liking her conclusions. “Okay...everypony...I MIGHT have a way to resolve this....” “What is it sugarcube? From the way yer lookin' and talkin'...I'm thinkin' we might not like the sound of it; but we're kinda in a spot right now.” AJ gestured for Twilight to continue, and she looked at everyone assembled. “Kamina.” She turned to her lover, who focused entirely on her. “Remember? Combining?” Kamina smiled wistfully. “Yeah...that was so awesome....” “I've developed a way for it to be done....” Twilight bashfully supplied, getting them all to shout “WHAT?!” in reply, as she nervously blushed and kicked a hoof. “W-well...it was just a little project...and you weren't even looking at your armor....” “Wait. My Hearth's Warming Eve armor?” Kamina asked in confusion. Since his evolution into a chimeric hippogriff; he hadn't even looked at it since he could only wear the helmet now. “Yes. At first I was just adding enchantments to make it morph and fit to your body; however it changed. That was hard. But then...I just...well; come on, I'll show you.” Twilight galloped to the library, and the others, save Scoddri, followed. “...Okay...tired old kirin here...just...sitting alone....” He fell over onto his side, sighing in exhaustion. “I'm so lonely.” ===//////> Twilight yanked the white sheet off of the display in the basement, and...well.... “You used my Nightmare Night costume too?” Kamina asked, both irritated, amused, and somewhat ecstatic. His armor now looked like a ponyfied Gurren in full; like a four-legged Ganmen, as the peytral now had a clear and familiar face; shades and all. He reached out and touched it, and it grew and shifted to how it would be able to fit him. “Wow....” “It's got a full network of spiral runes on the inside. I theorized that so long as it was in the form of a spiral; anything could be used as a conduit for your Spiral Power.” Twilight added, and used her magic to open the peytral of the armor, which split open at the “mouth” of the face on the peytral, eventually splitting all the way open along the barrel and folding open to reveal the armor was a solid piece of construction; engineered like a fine piece of technological robotic hardware. This got many sounds of awe and confusion. “I've been reading the books of a genius engineer who lives in Bitsburg. His theories and construction applications have been invaluable.” “...Does his name rhyme, or is at least similar to the name Leeron?” Kamina asked, getting Twilight to blink in confusion. “Um...yes, actually. The engineer's name is Hayron.” Twilight informed him, getting Kamina burst out in laughter to their confusion. “Even across time and space, that fruity-cool guy just keeps helping us.” Kamina chuckled a bit more, but it was a bit melancholy since Kamina just had to reminisce about Leeron. “This is great Twi, but I need more than just Gurren. I need someone who can act as Lagann, and we don't have a powerful enough catalyst to use as the focus.” Spike's ears perked up, and he levitated the drill-shaped Hope from his peytral up to his face, to see that it was, in fact; a drill. “Wait...we do!” Hope shined brightly as Spiral Power also filled the spiral on it, making a pleased and truly harmonious tone ring out from it. “I'd be proud to combine with you bro!” All the mares and Blitz blushed at the phrasing, but the guys didn't even flinch. “That's great Simon...Spike....” Kamina shook his head, visibly trying not to get lost in nostalgia. “But you still need-.” “Lagann.” Game interjected, and then approached Spike. “I'll be Lagann. I'm too tired to do much else, but I'll support you.” Game touched Spike's shoulder, and looked him in the eye, even if he had no eyes right now. “Get me back home, okay?” “Yes. I will.” Spike answered assuredly, and in response; Game seemed to melt onto Spike, covering him from snout to tail tip, and solidified into gray opaque crystalline armor of similar style to Gurren, with runes of spirals running throughout him, and a hole in his peytral clearly intended for where Hope would go. “Aniki.” Spike grinned devilishly at his big brother as he climbed into Gurren, and it sealed over him, their glowing spiraling eyes meeting in both excitement, and just how effing awesome this could be. #Let's do this!# ===//////> Discordant panted as he finally came out of his blind rage and confusion, looking out at the desolate and glassed landscape of what was once the San Palomino Desert. “Where am I?” The amalgamated purple being of various parts closed his eyes, and felt out his surroundings. “This world...is utterly ripe with the Power of the Spiral Races. It is constantly on the very edge of practically exploding from it's own power....” Discordant took a deep breath, and let out a hissing sigh. “Disgusting...these fools have let their power run rampant, and now their world is on the verge of collapse. How is it that this planet is even still here? I've seen worlds far greater than this one implode long before they ever reached this level of power.” The god-like being opened his eyes again, and sneered. “I will have to save them.” He looked to the nearest settlement off in the far, far distance. Appleloosa.... “By culling their numbers.” Discordant idly raised his left leonine hand in the direction of the completely defenseless town, and began charging his power to wipe it off the face of Equus like a smudge from slate. “It begins.” An utterly massive beam of raw power streamed from his hand; large enough in span to destroy the small town in a single blast twice over. “What?” Suddenly, inexplicably, astoundingly; the blast split in two. It split just enough for it's halves to miss the town and the orchard, but not enough to leave the land it struck glassed with the intense heat of the blast, and barren of all life downrange of the source for miles. “How? Nothing on this planet is...wait....” He focused his vision, and saw two armored beings of an average size flying towards him from Appleloosa so fast they broke the sound barrier. “Them!” ===//////> “That was close!” Kamina shouted as he and Spike rocketed towards the giant Anti-Spiral. “If we didn't anticipate him attacking Appleloosa first, they'd have all died just now!” {And be glad I'm here! If I didn't make us link up directly to Gurren; we'd have never been able to do that.} 'I know Animak; you're eternally awesome in my book.' Animak was literally able to directly synch together Kamina and Gurren into a single entity. So, effectively; while wearing Gurren, Kamina wasn't just a pilot, or a guy in a suit; he WAS Gurren. You wouldn't find so much as an ounce of organic tissue inside them right now. Kamina himself was now a living mass of Spiral Power, like how Simon became during his final battle, and the empty space inside was now filled instead with all the mechanical parts a robot of this sort would need, while Kamina himself was now the acting AI. Kamina wasn't going to ask too much on it though. He can turn into a robot by Combining with Gurren; that was awesome and good enough for him, especially since Animak promised they could return to normal whenever. “Well let's thank Twilight then! She's the one who said it would've been smart to set out from Appleloosa considering it's the closest town to San Palomino aside from Las Pegasus!” ^Don't forget that she also guessed right that he was closer to Appleloosa than Las Pegasus.^ Game was shocked to find he'd more or less fused to Spike completely, but he got over it pretty fast. Somehow; they were similar to Kamina and Gurren right now, only instead of being a robot, they were a golem. They were crystal through and through, practically bursting at the seams with Spiral Power. It was awesome. Especially since Game could still feel he had the power to return to normal that he always felt with any other transformation. “Okay little bro! First thing we'll do is try to chat him up, get him to calm down while everyone else gets things ready! If it decides to fight; we'll fight! But I've seen these things at their fullest power! They can destroy entire galaxies, so if it comes to that; we've got to Combine, and put it down as quickly as possible!” Kamina shouted over to his brother, getting a nod in confirmation as their swirling eyes met again. “Got it!” Spike responded, and they stopped flapping their wings as their energy rockets shut off and retracted back into their backs under their wings, and slowed to a hover just a short distance from the head of the glaring Discordant, who patiently awaited their arrival. “So...you three again? What is it this time? Can't you see I have work to do?” Discordant's dismissive and only idle irritation threw the brothers off. They didn't expect him to sound like Discord, and aside from his attempt to massacre a town just prior; they'd almost assume he was still Discord and not Discordant. “This time; we are here to stop you! You just tried to murder hundreds of innocent lives!” Spike shouted so the giant being could hear him. “We thought we'd have to fight you, but it'd be nice if you could see reason!” “Reason? You fools are blind to the danger! This planet teeters on the precipice of doom! One small tip of the scale; and it will all die! Can't you idiots see the folly of the Spiral Race? No. Of course not; you're their champions. So there is no reason on your behalf; your reasoning will lead only to destruction!” Discordant crossed his arms, and leered at the infinitesimally smaller males who challenged him. “Or do you? I would hear your side of things before I act. To act as rashly as I had was perhaps far too extreme. Give me enough validation to let you worms live and I might just go elsewhere. I'm sure there is someplace else I might be able to save if this world is so intent on it's own doom.” “This world has existed for eons without it destroying itself! Why would it happen now?! Everyone lives their own lives, doing their own things, not hurting each other all the time! The biggest examples of Spiral Power fly before you right now!” Kamina shouted at Discordant, who hummed and scratched his chin, before sighing. “I see...so this surge of Spiral Power I see flooding this entire world is all your fault? Simply you; who have come here, has caused everything to begin shifting in balance so swiftly? Madness. Then if I remove you....” Discordant sneered as he began charging his power. “Then this world would begin to stabilize again! Thank you for providing a means to saving this world without having to sacrifice so much.” Discordant immediately began summoning balls of energy, and launching the homing blasts at the two warriors like a rain of missiles. “Scatter!” They flew in opposite directions to divide the attack's projectiles away from such a clusterfuck of instant death. They met again on the other side of the massive being, who's size was clearly a speed disadvantage for such small things. “Alright, we've got to Combine! There's no way we can take him on separately, it just makes us easier to deal with!” “Right...sorry bro.” Kamina hovered in place, and braced himself as Spike flew over him. “Hope! Let's show this guy what it means to look towards the future!” Spike held Hope out in his hoof, and it shined in response before he stabbed it into the hole in his peytral. “GATTAI!” He twisted Hope into his peytral, and suddenly all the spirals across Game flared as they morphed into a humanoid torso with Spike's Kirin head and draconic arms, while where the legs and tail would've normally started; was a giant drill, that span and they stabbed clean into Kamina, right behind his neck. It was painless, and Kamina grunted in surprise at the impact, but then his peytral's mouth opened up, and his head withdrew into it before closing, as his body became even sharper, and more defined, their wings working together along with their jets to keep them afloat as Kamina's limbs grew longer, and his decorations sharpened, became more angular, the flame motifs actually emitting green flames. Finally; they grew. They shot up in size so rapidly it was like they were injected with the raw essence of the titans themselves. “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE~?!” They all screamed in unison, all four of them. “We are the ultimate!” Discordant finally finished turning all the way around, and they punished his accomplishment by punching him across the face with Lagann's right fist. “We, together, are Gurren Lagann! Not even the heavens can contain us! What makes you think you can?!” They were now at eye level with the serpentine purple being. “So then, if you think you can; who the hell do you think YOU are?” Their voices demanded in perfect unison, creating a mechanical echo. “I am Discordant...the Last Anti-Spiral.” He leered at them and prepared to fight by summoning a familiar purple sword, and in response, Gurren Lagann generated a giant drill lance from nothing; a staple technique of Spiral Power, which he twirled around and got into a pouncing stance with his lower body. “Even so far removed, even split from the whole; I felt it when the Anti-Spiral died. If you think I'll let you kill me; think again!” They charged at one another, clashing weapons. ===//////> Everyone looked on in worry towards the desert from the deck of a massive airship galleon that was nearing Appleloosa. The ship was an elegant thing, made of lighter, yet firm woods, lacquered with a cherry finish, and trimmed with liquid gold embroideries and railings. Nobles just knew how to waste money. The sky bubble that kept it aloft was lightly armored with sheets of metal, and painted on the sides with the royal emblem of two alicorns crossing horns. They all gaped, and fretted over how helpless the situation made them, as not even the massive number of cannons on the sides of HMS Sol could do anything according to a certain albino kirin. “So you're saying that those four are our only hope?” Celestia asked Scoddri desperately, whom sighed and shook his head from his seated spot next to her. “For the last time Tia; yes. Nothing can defeat an Anti-Spiral but someone who can use Spiral Power to equal or greater power.” He waved a white scaly hoof towards the ongoing clash, their weapons colliding with each other causing shockwaves powerful enough to be felt as turbulence from this far away. “And those four are easily the most powerful Spiral Warriors on this planet, beings not only are they the only ones, but they're far more powerful than even I was before becoming an Anti-Spiral.” Scoddri was recovering rather well. He was already growing back to his original birth-form height of around seven feet, which was a whole foot taller than Celestia, which made her a little flustered; she was used to looking down all the time. “But what about you? You're coming along nicely.” Celestia didn't catch her phrasing until it was too late, and she blushed as the kirin leaned towards her with a wily grin. “It's okay. I look at myself too.” Scoddri wagged his eyebrows, and made a quick smooch at the air, and she scooted away slightly as she averted her eyes. “Regardless; witty banter and sexual tension can wait. We can't do much, but if we combine everything we have; we might be able to turn the tables in our friend's favor should they need it.” Celestia cleared her throat, and nodded. “Right. Luna is already preparing it. I really, really hope the other countries don't think we're performing military spell testing. This would not be easy to ignore....” “Tia, just drop the usual. A world-ending cataclysm was happening and you had to act accordingly. They'll accept it as usual and just be glad Equestria has to deal with these things and not them.” Scoddri stated to calm her down, getting a confused and surprised look from her. “What? You thought I was contained to that statue? I was the least “discordant” part of Discord.” Scoddri winked. “While I may be a mischievous maker of Chaos, I don't believe in going as far as Discord always went. I'd never change a living being's form without consent. So while my body was trapped in stone; I had free range within Canterlot as a phantom. You would NOT believe the things your ponies can get up to.” “And I can assume you stalked me most of that time?” Celestia asked slyly as she fluttered her eyes, and it was Scoddri's turn to blush and look away. “W-well...you were the only constant in that limbo...and it was hard to ignore you, beings you always caught my eye, my thoughts, my....” Scoddri shut up, he wasn't going to dig that hole any deeper. “Oh-no, please, go on.” Celestia urged as she leaned up to him, her sly expression just getting smarmy at this point. “...You're beautiful, alright?” Scoddri admitted, and Celestia tittered as she backed off. “Just so long as you admit it.” 'Score! Sexy stallion has his eyes on the prize.' Celestia was excited at the prospect. Sure, she had an infinite number of suitors, but none of them had the potential that Scoddri possessed, what with him clearly being ageless, along with all the other bonuses he had even before being split from Discordant. “Really sister?” Luna's voice came from behind them, and they turned to see Luna. “Not even a day out of his torture and you're already reeling him in? You couldn't give him more time to adjust?” They both blushed and kicked their hooves in embarrassment. “Regardless; remember that he's my daughter's sire.” Luna quickly trotted up, and nuzzled the surprised Scoddri, while she looked at the miffed Celestia in triumph. “He's already got one of us.” “It. Is. ON!” Celestia declared as the sisters began glaring at each other. “Um...ladies...don't we have more important things to consider?” Scoddri knew it was true; beings the moment he was split from Discordant, Nyx changed from a draconequus into a kirin according to Luna; who was the only one who had seen the sleeping poor dear. The evidence was damning, and he was going to take responsibility. However; that responsibility was quickly turning out to be rather complex. Such as; being the object of desire of TWO possessive and competitive sisters that practically molested him with their eyes the moment they saw him. “...Truce?” Luna asked. “...Truce.” Celestia confirmed, but quickly grabbed Scoddri's head, and kissed him to both his and Luna's shock. “But this isn't over. He WILL be mine!” “Ladies!” Scoddri shouted, finally getting them to focus. “Giant battle? Impending doom? End of the world? Ring a bell?” He pointed back at the battle which was utterly destroying any form of landscape the desert had, as while Discordant was intent on simply fighting; Gurren Lagann was desperately trying to contain the fight to the desert. “We can talk about our love triangle later! As far as I'm concerned I love you both!” Scoddri clasped his hooves over his mouth in shock as his face turned red, and the sisters both beamed at him. “Oh no....” “Oh~ yes! When this is over; we're all going to sit down, and talk this out.” Celestia crowed, and looked to her sister who nodded as well. “Yes, we shall. Now then, don't you worry about the spell; it's charged. I just wish we didn't have to resort to the Megaspell.” Luna shivered. “I still remember what Think Tank told me about the possibilities of Megaspells...I wish we never tread so far.” Luna remembered what Think Tank told her about the destructive power of a Megaspell could do. Some could implode, utterly destroying everything within a spherical mile radius by gravitationally pulling it into a dense ball of pure matter. Others could simply wash a swathe of fire over miles of land in a flash, and some could even do outlandish things such as turn everything in the AoE into a cactus. Terrifying. “Yes, but the one we're using is going to be one of the contained spells.” Celestia looked out at the desert, and sighed in worry. “I just hope that if we do have to use it, that somehow my son can escape with his friends.” ===//////> Lagann grit his teeth as he pushed against Discordant's blocking sword, and then jumped up slightly with his talons and Gurren grappled with the Anti-Spiral's serpentine body as they took him down, pinning him as he desperately tried to push them off, and Lagann proceeded to lock his lance into the sands of the desert, trapping Discordant's sword, and then grabbed Discordant's throat with his free left hand. “What now Discordant? Still plan on destroying us or Equus?” “Ech...you're making it rather hard to....” Discordant then blasted Gurren Lagann off of him with his eye beams, and he jumped back to his feet as GL recovered. “But yes!” He spawned another sword, and jumped into a wild spin, turning into a glassless cuisineart as he made his way through the air at GL, who in response spawned a broad, nearly cymbal-like drill from his left hand and used it as a shield. After managing to block the attack, GL stabbed the lance at D only for him to hover just out of reach, but then was unexpectedly impaled on the lance that literally turned into a rocket from the energy that launched it at him. D promptly landed and ripped the offending weapon out of his stomach, only to have to dodge as another long drill nearly stabbed through his head. “Protecting your head...even as Discord you protected your head more than anything.” “Finally noticed?” Discordant cracked his neck. “Yes; my head is my only real weakness. It holds all my important micro-organs, and only the complete destruction of my head can result in my death.” D then snapped his talons, and his head soon became covered in a simple full helm that stretched down his neck. “Hmph, good luck with that.” “I don't need luck.” GL stated before they began strafing each other, ready to clash again. 'What are we going to do? We need to annihilate his head.' {Clearly, but he isn't going to just let us do it.} ^We just need one chance. One opening to finish him.^ Gurren Lagann suddenly jumped away from Discordant, facing towards the Badlands, and both Gurren and Lagann opened their mouths, and balls of raw energy began charging from them, and Discordant dashed at GL to try and interrupt them. “GIGA BURST!” To Discordant's surprise; they cut off the charge to fire twin beams of energy fired at the stumbling Discordant who was trying to dodge while the twin beams began to spiral together into a drill of pure energy, and barely moved his head out of the way of the spinning blast of doom as it shredded his body from the neck down into nothing. “Gah~!” Discordant screamed as his head began to fall, while the blast continued on towards the Badlands, where something was demolished harshly enough to be heard from here. “Damn you!” He tried to regenerate, but GL stabbed another lance into his neck, surging him with Spiral Power which overrode his regeneration. “...Well...what are you waiting for?” “...You are the last, right?” 'Spike! What are you doing?! Finish him!' ^Just do it! We can't risk it again.^ {...But he is the last....} “You are the last of the Anti-Spirals, right?” “Yes. I've made that clear haven't I? If I die, then unless someone else sees the folly of the Spiral Races, then the Anti-Spirals would be no more. Now get on with it.” Discordant sighed and closed his eyes. “It's been a long time coming anyway....” “....” 'Then I'll do it. I thought we could save him before, and look where that got us.' ^Look where it got me. But, I'm not going to complain too much either way.^ {No.} “No.” GL removed the lance from his throat, and Discordant gasped in surprise as his body began growing back. “Either give up your ways...or leave here. Since you are the Last...I can't bring myself to erase you completely.” “You would spare me? After all that I've done? What I tried to do? What about the sins of my race?” Discordant was...confused. How could they just give up their golden opportunity like that? 'Intriguing...perhaps....' “You have a chance...ONE chance. If you try again, if you hurt innocents; we WILL end you.” GL then retracted his weapons, and held a claw down to the fully recovered Discordant. “But otherwise...will you accept? Our offer of forgiveness, and friendship?” Discordant gaped in awe, and he tentatively reached out and grasped the offered claw in his talon, which helped him up, and they stood on even ground, looking each other in the eyes. “...Very well. But only if you swear. Upon your lives. That you will NOT let the Spiral Nemesis come to pass...Simon did this in the Anti-Spiral's dying breaths. If you do this for me...I can be at ease.” Discordant was still an Anti-Spiral, part of a whole, even if not. He saw it all. “We will. On our names, and our hearts, sworn upon the pride we hold on our backs, and the love we clutch to our chests; we will not let it happen.” 'This I swear.' {I swear.} ^I swear.^ They slammed a fist against their crystalline chest, and Discordant...relaxed. “Good...good.” He looked to the sky, and pondered. “But there are other worlds out there. Ones who do not know of the danger. I will not slay them, if I can avoid it. But I must warn them of the power they ultimately must abstain from.” Discordant opened his wings, and began floating into the sky, looking down upon the being who gave him a chance. “If I find you've broken your oath...I shall return. And none shall survive.” “Understood. We'll be waiting if that happens, but we hope to see you again under friendlier terms.” Gurren Lagann bowed slightly, and Discordant smirked as he impishly saluted before taking off into the sky, turning into a vibrant purple star before he vanished from sight. “...That ended far better than we could have hoped for.” 'I guess it just goes to show.' {That Friendship.} ^Tartarus yeah.^ They turned towards Appleloosa and the approaching HMS Sol. “...Does anybody know how to return to normal?” They all went silent...and Animak chuckled. {Don't worry; I've got this.} ===//////> “That may have been anticlimactic, but it was a wonderful way to end things. I'm proud of you four so much.” Celestia stated as she approached the quartet that had returned to normal, and nuzzled her son lovingly. “You had me worried....” “Mom; you should know me better by now.” Kamina nuzzled back and kissed her on the cheek, before looking to the side at...Animak. “So...how'd this happen again?” Kamina asked his new “twin” brother, who only had the difference of blue eyes and red plumage on his head and tail, while Kamina now had both eyes red again. “Dude; Spiral Power can generate matter from nothing. That's the whole fear factor behind it for the Anti-Spirals. We were exerting so much Spiral Power I'm surprised we didn't detonate the planet.” Animak looked over the railing down at the glassed desert they'd fought on as Gurren Lagann. “In fact...um...look.” Everyone looked over the railing down at the desert, and gaped at seeing small golem-like foals seemingly made of various colors of crystal start to wander about aimlessly, and Game groaned. “I asexually reproduced?! I thought that was just a myth!” Game looked himself over. While he'd returned to mostly being normal, he could omit any orifices, eyes, ears, hair, or even his reproductive organs at will, and the spiral stripes were there to stay. “Great...I'm a non-consensual dad of dozens....” “Crystal ponies can asexually reproduce?” Twilight asked both in awe and excitement at learning something new. “It was just a legend...or, well, not I guess. But it was said in times of great population drops, should no ponies be able to reproduce fast enough; some of the stronger members of the herds would split pieces of themselves off, which would grow into young foals. But, it was long considered a myth...and...well...how many pieces of me broke off during that fight?” Game asked nervously of his three brothers-at-arms, who all looked just as concerned. “Ugh....” “Don't worry Gamey! We can adopt them!” Pinkie beamed at the thought of being a mommy so soon, but Game paled into a whiter diamond. “Pinkie there's like; over twenty crystal foals down there!” They all paused as they heard crying start up. “T-that we can't provide for....” Game felt terrible all of a sudden...he had foals, and he couldn't take them. Pinkie suddenly hugged him. “Shh...I'm here Gamey.” She nuzzled him as he tried not to cry about being a deadbeat dad. He didn't want to abandon them in spite of the odd circumstances. “Game, we'll make sure they are adopted by loving families.” Luna injected, and looked down upon the crying foals sadly. “We'd best get down there. It would seem that in the end; there were still sad outcomes of all of this.” “C-can I at least hold one of them?” Game was heartbroken right now...was this how a mare felt if she had to give a foal away? Only he was giving away over 20, all at once. “Certainly, but I know for fact that neither of you have an occupation that can support a foal....” Celestia informed Game and Pinkie sadly, making them both wilt, until she perked up. “Wait a minute...sister! Do we even have an event planner?” Luna perked up as well at her suggestion. “No, we do not! We've always outsourced to ponies whose occupation was such a thing, such as Miss Pie.” Luna turned to Game. “Game, my friend; would you like a job at the castle, planning events like you did so long ago?” “YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!” Game exploded with joy as he hugged Luna, who looked down at him with happiness at making her friend so happy. “THANK YOU WOONA~!” “Does that mean we can keep one?” Pinkie asked hopefully, and Celestia nodded, making Pinkie's hair poof up from sheer excitement. “I'm going to be a mommy!” “Pinkie. Being a mother is a serious thing. Are you sure you are ready for it? I mean, you and Game have only been together for a short while too.” Fluttershy brought up, and Pinkie deflated. “W-well...I...I won't know unless I try.” She walked over to Game, and nuzzled him softly, and he returned it. “I love you Game. I want us to have foals of our own some day, but I'll gladly take in one of your crystal foals. I'm sure the Cakes would appreciate some practice alongside us before their own twins come along.” “Thank you so much Pinkamena.” Game kissed her nose, making her smile since he used her real name with such love. ===//////> After they'd collected the crying quartz crystal foals, some earth, some pegasi, some unicorn; the ship flew towards Canterlot, but stopped on the way over the Everfree. They had something to return. Scoddri led the way into the Cave of Order, and Harmonia, while in a state of exhaustion from having lost all her elements, appeared excited and happy when she formed and embraced Scoddri with a gleeful expression of joy. “Oh Scoddri! I'm so happy! I'm sorry I dragged this on for so long....” “It is alright Harmonia. You didn't know whether your Elements would have saved or destroyed me. I'm sorry too, for forcing your hoof like this.” Scoddri released the hug, and gestured to the others. “But. We have brought them back.” The six friends and Spike all presented the Element stones from their golden mountings, and Harmonia smiled as she took them in her magical grasp, and they floated around her. “I thank you. I know it must be hard to part with them, for I sense a piece of you goes with them.” “Well Ah wouldn't say that...it's just a...yeah....” AJ became glum at the feeling of...loss, she felt. “For some reason...it feels harder to smile....” Pinkie bemoaned, and took one of Game's hooves into her grasp for comfort. “Harder to think of others first...please tell us this isn't permanent.” Rarity pleaded with the Spirit of Harmony, who looked saddened. “It will take time, but so long as you do not forget yourselves; you will regain what made you capable of bearing my Elements in the first place.” Harmonia then turned to Celestia and Luna. “And for your thievery, I shall forgive you, but only if you treat Scoddri and these brave ponies the way they deserve.” “Oh, don't worry about that.” Luna replied slyly as she nuzzled Scoddri's neck, and Tia did the same from the other side to everyone's surprise. “We owe them more than they know. They'll be Knights after all that they've done for Equestria.” Celestia announced, making them all gasp. “Wait; you mean we'll be knighted? Like; noble titles and everything?” Blitz asked in surprise, only to start crowing in excitement upon Celestia nodding in response. “Yes~! Oh mom and dad are going to be so proud!” “Good on ya babe.” Gilda smirked as she dragged her coltfriend back to the floor by his tail. “But stop embarrassing yourself.” “If it is alright with everyone, I fear that this one is done.” Zecora announced, and rubbed one of her eyes. “Today has been too much excitement, some rest would be a good treatment.” “Yes. I agree. I've been unable to sleep easy for over a millennium.” Harmonia yawned, and then smiled tiredly. “I'll be returning my Elements to their rightful places, but should something arise that should need them; come to me and I shall part with them willingly for a time.” Harmonia floated the Elements to each of their respective places, and with each one returned; Harmonia became more vibrant, as the colors of the rainbow began to shine through her like she was a prism. When Magic was placed after Hope, she sighed in content. “At last...I am one again. Wow...you're all such close friends....” She looked back upon the Bearers, and grinned in thought. “Actually...yes...I shall see you later friends. For I cannot think of you as anything less. Have fun.” Her last words before fading into a restful sleep boggled them, especially when a crystal flower bloomed from the Tree of Harmony's roots, and revealed a heptagonal chest, with seven keyholes along the lid. “Oh~! Harmonia really likes you girls!” Scoddri trotted around it in excitement. “Oo~ this is nice!” “What is it?' Twilight asked as she approached, her mane flickering in wonder as Spike and her five other friends all looked just as mystified. “It's a Harmony Chest. Harmonia only generates them upon feelings of immense gratitude, or great happiness, or sorrow.” Scoddri then became saddened. “The last one she produced was pitch black, and filled with despair. It was when I betrayed her trust....” “But this one is filled with...everything.” Fluttershy said with awe as she touched it gently with her hoof, as if it was a fragile and precious thing. “I feel it.” “Me too...it holds something wonderful.” Rarity stated, as she snuggled into Spike's side. “Like Love.” “Dreams.” Blitz added as he hovered over it. “And everything between.” Pinkie stated as she made silly faces in the crystal box's reflections. “But how do we open it?” “You have to find the keys of course.” Scoddri supplied for them in a completely ambiguous and unhelpful way, giving them a sly grin that told them; Discord wasn't exactly gone completely. “Know however; that finding them could take anywhere between a few moments, a few years, or a few lifetimes. Thankfully; nopony has opened the Black Box Harmonia created upon my betrayal. Even though I hid it best I could; some ponies have still arrived and unlocked a few of the locks upon the keys appearing to them. I shudder to think what it might contain....” “So where do we put it?” Kamina asked as he picked it up in his red magic, only to feel someone else had grabbed it in their magic, and noticed the blue aura mixing with his into purple, and turned to see Animak had the same idea. “This is going to take some getting used to.” “Yeah...we're the same guy after all.” They then turned to their mares...who all looked at them both with bedroom eyes. “Uh...crap...we just doubled our trouble.” “Or divided it?” Kamina asked in bewilderment. “Either or.” Animak then looked at Kamina with his own bedroom eyes, and Kamina blushed. “Don't think you're off the menu.” “...Twincest?” Kamina asked both disturbed, and excited. “Hell yes!” Trixie shouted, only to blush and cover her mouth as everyone looked at her. “H-hey, it's hot okay!” “Let's put it in the vault. We don't want it getting lost or stolen by some random thief.” Celestia offered as she took the box in her own golden magic from her sons. “Let's get going. We have much to do.” ===//////> It was the next day, and after everyone got some sleep, Celestia and Luna organized an emergency address to the country. Or, rather; Game organized it. He was already working at his old job, and so efficiently that it caught the sisters by surprise; they were even thinking of holding off on the announcements for another day as things calmed down, but Game justified that they needed to address the issues ASAP. As for all the crystal foals; there were 24 in total, and Game managed to keep one who caught his eyes. A golden quartz filly with shocking aquamarine eyes, who was one of the few who didn't cry upon seeing him, and practically begged to be held by him. He asked Pinkie if she wanted to name her, but she declined; saying since she was his baby, he had the right. So he named her Citrine, after his sister...which upon mentioning, he nearly cried, and Citrine actually made cooing sounds and flailed her little hooves at him in a gesture of comfort, and he smiled sadly, since his sister couldn't stand to see him sad either. The other 23 were put up for adoption, which was honestly a very fast process here in Equestria, since being a herding species; ponies were naturally drawn to taking in orphaned foals, and often adopted before even reporting it, or decide to take in the child themselves upon growing attached. Tragically, or hopefully good; almost all the unicorn foals were adopted by noble houses by the end of the day, likely they were smitten with having a child literally made of a semi-precious stone to fawn over. They knew the rose quartz unicorn filly that Fancy adopted with Fleur, whom they named aptly; Rose, was definitely to a good home though, so they could only hope the rest got genuinely good homes like her. Regardless, thanks to the address, the public was informed of several things. Discord had returned, and was freed from his discordic turmoil by the Elements of Harmony, which upon being completed with the Element of Hope; were able to split the two halves that created Discord into Scoddri and Discordant. Scoddri was to be “detained” in Canterlot Castle for rehabilitation into the modern world, while Discordant, upon being defeated, was let go to try and live a new life in favor of not executing him. Kamina, Animak who was his confirmed twin brother who formed as backlash from the power they'd unleashed, Spike, and Game were the four heroes that together formed the giant mechanical golem Gurren Lagann that fought Discordant off and offered him friendship rather than death. Thus, they were knighted along with the Elements. Kamina was already a prince, so adding on a knight title only made it applicable for him to be referred to as Sir Kamina. Animak was genetically the exact same as Kamina save the color divergence for his eyes and plumage, so he was already a prince too by “birth” but he preferred the thought of being called Sir Animak than Prince Animak. Spike was titled Sir Spike of Ponyville and Bearer of Hope; granting him the Dukedom of the area to be shared with the others. Rarity practically squealed at the idea of her actually being nobility upon the realization, but being a Lady, she restrained herself. Game was a special case, beings he was a citizen of...wherever he hailed, before being a citizen of Equestria. So he was simply titled as a knight, and servant of the court as their official event organizer. The public was also informed that all the foals were his children, but as they all could understand; he couldn't take them all in under such extenuating circumstances. This was also part of how within two days all the crystal foals were adopted. Twilight was named Lady Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville and Bearer of Magic. She needed no further title beings she was already Celestia's protege and Kamina and Animak's First Mare, which held more power than most would think. The others were all similarly titled, beings they all didn't want or need any further titles, and some even tried to turn it down, but couldn't since it was so sudden, and didn't want to look disrespectful in front of the public. Zecora, Trixie, and Gilda were just so happy for their significant others, and that things could calm back down. After all had been said and done; they all went home, and were at a loss for what to do now that things had settled down. The six members of a polygamous relationship all looked at each other from around the table in the library. Wondering what was going to happen now. “So...how do we address this?” Applejack asked as she pointed to both Animak and Kamina, who looked at each other equally lost. “Well...Kamina was the one our whole herd was based around. But now there's two of them.” Trixie stated. “So, does this mean...what? That we divide our attention to both of them? It'd be only fair, since Kamina made time for all of us.” “I do agree with this, especially if we can see some twincest.” Zecora licked her lips, and the brothers blushed. “Well. As odd as it seems; I can't think of anything being too different. It just means Animak has the same feelings Kamina does for us. So that means we should do the same. It wouldn't be right to ignore him.” Twilight sat between the two, and hugged them both. “So boys, it's been a long day, and I've made the bed bigger. Want to just snuggle?” “Yeah. I'm tired, snuggling to sleep sounds good right now.” Kamina confirmed and looked to Animak, who blinked. “What? I'm you; just more hardcore and adamant about our Aspect. Of course I'm going to say yes to snuggling. We've been through a lot in a short time.” Animak looked at his talon and wiggled it around experimentally. “I'm still getting used to being out of our...your body.” 'And damn if this mental link wasn't confounding.' 'Don't I know it? It's like nothing's really changed. You just have a separate body now.' Kamina yawned and got up, everyone following him upstairs, where they all got into bed, and snuggled, which was a much easier thing when there were two males for the mares to spoon. “Love you all.” “Love ya too.” Animak said before the others, and kissed Kamina on the lips, getting him to blink in surprise, and Animak to leer at him seductively. “I wasn't kidding yesterday about you being on the menu.” “Can we please go to sleep before you two get me horny?” Trixie demanded with a light slap on Animak's chest, getting a rumbling laugh out of him and Kamina, but they complied and laid their heads back down, ready for a well-deserved period of rest. > Celebratio Nocte! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life was refreshingly...dull. That was the only comparison to just how utterly event-filled their lives had been up until recently. The only thing of note was Animak's addition to their lives, as well as little Citrine brightening up Pinkie's life even more than usual. Game was often away in Canterlot on business, but he was able to travel great distances near instantly with that odd ability of his, so he was always home whenever he could be. Oh, yeah, also since Spike was named Duke; he was now essentially the highest form of government official in town besides Kamina and Animak; who were always available for emergencies, but Mayor Mare insisted that she get Spike's input on certain affairs of the town, beings his position was much closer to hers than either of the prince's. This ended up with Spike getting a proper crash course of politics and decision making from the twin brothers and Twilight much to Spike's horror; he HATED politics! But then again, so did the twins; but they told him to suck it up and be a stallion about it. Also there was a point where Twilight almost had a freak-out when she realized she hadn't learned anything new about friendship for a while. She feared that she wasn't spending enough time with everyone else when she spent most of it with Trixie and Zecora; but they all let her know it was fine, and that friends don't HAVE to spend time together to stay friends. Ironically; she learned something. So it was that they had a peaceful summer. Nothing bad happened. It was...nice. Animak spent most of said time acclimating to having his own body, and thinking of himself as not being Kamina, which was incredibly hard, as he responded to the name Kamina as well as Animak, and Kamina was having trouble with the reverse; thinking he was Animak sometimes. They even often thought, or did things in unison, which really creeped everybody who saw it out, but the brothers were confused every time it was brought up. Finally however; Twilight researched and found out that in several studies, unicorn twins were found to have difficulty thinking separately, or even having separate identities with their mental and magical connection. So it was that Twilight found the best way was to either leave it be; which the brothers were comfortable with, or force them to be separated for a long period of time, which they didn't want. So, nothing for it; everybody decided they'd just have to get used to the brothers often acting in concert with one another like two well-oiled machines. Speaking of which. “We've got to get it more angular. Lagann wasn't so smooth.” Kamina stated as he and Animak were making Animak's Nightmare Night costume. They decided to go for a small-scale Gurren Lagann, even going so far as to combine with each other, what with having practiced over the summer. They still needed a catalyst, but Twilight had crafted one from refined steel which worked well enough, but didn't utterly flood them with power like Hope did months ago for the battle with Discordant. Which was perfect, really. “Got it.” They both molded the red steel of the outside of the Lagann armor with their combined magic like it was clay. Animak and Kamina worked together on almost everything these days, and were almost never apart. Some would say it was unhealthy, but doctors would say that since they were twins; it was completely natural. “Are the eye's right?” “Yes.” The brothers finished up, and backed away to compare the Gurren armor with the Lagann armor. Lagann was much smoother overall than Gurren, which was true to the originals, but since Lagann now had to compose a whole torso rather than just a head, they had to proportion it and shape it to be just a bit angular so it didn't clash completely with Gurren. While Game had clashed completely with Gurren before; he made it work by being just so badass, but they all agreed they didn't want Game accidentally asexually giving birth to tons of foals every time they ever got into a gigantic battle of titans. This embarrassed Game greatly; the fact that being flooded with Spiral Power was enough for any single shard of him to become a whole newborn being. Pinkie joked he must have been fertile beyond belief, and even jokingly threatened to have to use the same herbs as Gilda so she didn't end up preggers out of the Cycle. But just as a paranoid precaution; Game asserted that she do so, even if they were bitter. “Okay! We did it!” They high-foured with their talons at their success at recreating Lagann as a suit of mechanical armor. It's main differing feature was that unlike Gurren which had the face on the peytral and the helm being completely smooth aside from the spike that protected Kamina's horn; Lagann had a smooth chest and a detailed helm with organic-like movements. It wasn't just for aesthetics, it was so that like when Spike and Game fused; they had a properly functioning head. “Now we've just got to get Twi to enchant it.” Animak chuckled, knowing she would do it happily. They started up the stairs, and were side by side, matching stride, flanks and wings brushing without care, completely fluid in their matching movements. They exited the basement, and found Twilight assembling her Star Swirl the Bearded costume along with Trixie, who was already wearing her old cape and hat, only with an added matching latex bodysuit that had fishnet stockings and black enamel shoes. “Hey girls; we finished Lagann. Can we get him all magicked up?” They asked in unison, getting the two mares to shiver. “Please don't do that.” Trixie pleaded, getting them to blink and raise the same right eyebrow. “Do what?” They asked, raising the same talon up in gesture of confusion, only for Kamina to blink, beings Animak's talon was in his face, and Animak suddenly did the same, and they looked at each other. “Oh, right; sorry.” “Let it go Trixie. It's been months and it's only getting worse. It's just natural for twins with such deeply connected magic to act like this.” Twilight reminded her fellow mare, who sighed and rolled her eyes. “Trixie just wishes they'd at least be more aware of it.” Trixie had given up on getting rid of her verbal tick, so really, who was she to force them to give up theirs of saying things at the same time, or completing each other's sentences? “You mean like this?” They asked, before turning to each other, and promptly begin making out. Getting Trixie and Twilight to flush instantly, and even cause Trixie's nose to bleed a bit from her spike in blood pressure rupturing a vessel, and they stopped to leer playfully at the mares. “We know you love it.” “Y-yes, well; got a suit of magical combat armor to enchant!” Twilight teleported down into the basement; knowing to pass by the twins would have gotten her twin spanks on her flanks, and she wasn't trying to get into that right now. “Aw~, prude!” They stated in reply to her teleporting rather than falling for it again. “Trixie demands that you two refrain from being so damn sexy for tonight! She doesn't wish to have a bloody muzzle and flushed cheeks be part of her Great and Powerful appearance for tonight.” Trixie was totally in the zone right now; and it would take much more than a single stallion-on-stallion make-out session to completely throw her off. Maybe~, if they added a bit more pinch and squeal. But for less? No. The brothers both smirked evilly; seeing her statement as a challenge. Trixie paled slightly at realizing her folly, and backed away, but couldn't nearly turn around fast enough to escape before the two predators pounced, and began massaging her through the bodysuit. “We know how much you love our talons. C'mon. Sing for us.” They demanded while they massaged either of her sides from neck to flank in unison. “Oh~ unfair! Unhand Trixie this in-ah~ there!” Trixie moaned as they were kneading her shoulders and neck. “Oh, ah! Mm....” “Wow! You're tense tonight. Nervous for your show?” They earnestly asked, since Trixie was running a huge magic show in the town square as part of the festivities. They then began focusing around her horn, feeling that her muscles around her face were really tense with stress. They were even daring enough to begin rubbing up her horn, getting her to pant and flush as sparks of magic were popping from the tip of her horn. “N-no~...not a hornjob! Trixie is trying...trying...AH~!” Trixie wailed in ecstasy as a gout of raw misty blue magic seemed to spray from her horn for a few seconds, and she collapsed into their ready arms. “Y-y-you...cruel...beasts....” Trixie was spent, but not in the usual way. What she just had was a literal magical orgasm. Usually it only happens if a unicorn doesn't use their magic for a very long period of time, but that is quite painful rather than pleasurable like a hornjob. It's actually used in proper massage therapy to promote magic flow, and ease the stress of casting on the subject. Needless to say; it was also a very intimate thing that was normally only done between either lovers, or with a professional, as hooves aren't very good at the simulation needed, so it was often done with the mouth, by sucking, and licking...which the brothers were doing right now. “S-stop! O-one was more than enough-AH~!” She squealed as she had another orgasm, the magic dissipating into the air. “There, isn't that better?” They asked honestly, and Trixie was recovering with her panting breaths, she groaned at the wet feeling in the groin of her tights. “Yes. Much.” Trixie wasn't going to lie; that was fun. Also, it meant her magic would be more potent for a while with her magic systems purged of excess feedback and buildup. Add in the utter sexual bliss, the afterglow, and that her thoughts were so much clearer; she definitely needed that. “Thank you.” “It's what we do dear.” They kissed her on the brow on either side of her face, getting her to smile at just how cute they could be sometimes. “So, where's Zecora?” Trixie picked herself up, and cast a cleaning spell over herself to correct her disheveled state, and that wetness in her groin. “She's already out and about. She loves this holiday you know.” “Out entertaining the fillies and colts. That mare will make one hell of a mother someday.” The brothers stated sagely. “And who will be the sire?” Trixie asked seriously. This was another aspect of their relationship they had to get proper clarification on. Since there were two males; that meant that while they all loved each other, they had to decide who would have who's foals in the future. She was also doing this to remind them of the herd's arrangements. “Me.” Animak stated with a sharp grin. “Him.” Kamina moped with a pout. Over the past few months, due to the whole fiasco with Game and his unexpected gratuitous number of foals; the mares in Kamina's life decided that the subject of their own foals had to come into the equation, which all of them totally understood. It took some time between both the brothers and the mares, but they made their decisions. Applejack and Zecora both decided they wanted Animak's foals. Since while Animak was still Kamina in a way; he was also different. He was much fiercer, more decisive, and a wild animal when it came to sex. He pinched, he bit, he squeezed, he clawed, he was forceful; he was a complete Dom. AJ and Zecora both found this much more to their tastes, and decided they'd have his foals considering they'd be able to put forth their full effort in return for his rough brand of affection. Twilight and Trixie both chose Kamina. Kamina was much more gentle, lenient, and controlled when it came to sex. He caressed, he kissed, he suckled, he hugged, he was careful; he was oddly a Sub. Twilight and Trixie admitted that these traits he always displayed even in everyday life were originally what drew them to him, and felt that having foals with him would be far more fulfilling than with Animak. However; both Animak and Kamina loved them all equally, so to know half of their mates didn't want to go all-out for making their children made it a bit of a sore spot for them both. But, they didn't want to jump headlong into it like fools, so they were going to wait a few years. Not to mention that mentioning marriage made them all nervous. Something about it being incredibly complicated with so many partners? This all also helped draw a line of distinction between Animak and Kamina's personalities. While Animak would often go for the more decisive, and vindictive course; Kamina would often go for the more thought-out, and considerate course. It seemed their division also cleared their minds. Because now instead of being conflicted internally; they were merely at odds externally on occasion, rather than all the time. Also when either of the brothers got a bit frisky with one another, and one jumped the gender fence; it was anything goes. They were embarrassed when it happened the first time, being caught by Zecora with Animak mounting a fem Kamina; both covered in cuts and bleeding bite marks. They were even more embarrassed when she demanded to watch, and stuffed contraceptive herbs into Kamina's mouth so they didn't have that excuse not to finish. “Right, just checking.” Trixie kissed Kamina on the cheek to cheer him up, and then trotted to the front door. “Now if you'll excuse her; the Great and Powerful Trixie has a performance to attend.” She made a fog suddenly burst forth from around her like smoke, but it was far more elegant and mysterious as she seemed to fade away rather than just disappear like an old cheesy showtime classic. “She has really gotten good.” Kamina commented to his sibling. “Yeah, almost as good as Twilight.” Animak noted. They were all impressed with the showmare. She'd proven to be a true savant at magic, practically soaking in everything Twilight would involve her in like an eternally dry sponge; she never seemed to stop improving. This time last year; she was only marginally better than she was when she first arrived. But now; she was skilled enough with magic that Twilight stated she was easily worthy of a position among the Academy's senior teaching staff. This of course reflected back at Twilight the fact that she was indeed that powerful a mage. It made Twilight wonder when magic itself meant so little to her in comparison to her friends and loved ones, when before Kamina came into her life; it was the inverse. She still loved magic; hence her continuing and growing potency and knowledge on it, but she would drop it instantly for anyone who needed her, which was so unlike how she used to be. Everyone saw it as an improvement; especially Celestia. The twins were nostalgically looking back when they blinked and sighed. “When did we become old stallions Animak?” “When we got wiser Kamina.” Animak sagely intoned, and they nodded with a calm and wizened demeanor. “...Did you HEAR how she squealed?” “My gosh, it was like we were playing a fine-tuned violin!” They bro-fisted as their mature visage was utterly and brutally destroyed by their hormone-driven natures. ===///////> “Okay...this is new.” The Twins commented in slightly unsure tones to the sight of a gender-flipped Twilight; dubbed Dusk Shine, wearing the Star Swirl costume. “What? Do I look wrong?” Dusk asked as he rubbed his face with a hoof, and the Twins sighed. “No; you're a stupidly sexy stallion Dusk. But why?” They asked curiously as Dusk visibly relaxed at them complimenting his appearance. “Star Swirl was a stallion. So I used the gender changing spell to better suit the costume.” Dusk then grinned smartly at them. “At least I'm not going to ascend to a whole different level of evolution, and fuse together with somepony else for my costume.” “Hey! Don't knock it till ya try it!” The Twins defended in mock offense, when the doorbell rang. It was nice that Twilight had one installed. “Want us to get it?” “No; I'm the one in costume, so I'll give out the candy.” Dusk trotted to the door, levitating a large bowl of candy with him, and he opened the door ready to greet nightmare nighters. He blinked in surprise. “Oh! Princess Luna!” This got the siblings to perk up in excitement. “Aunty?!” They asked in surprise, as Dusk stepped aside and let Luna and little Nyx enter. “Cousin!” They called to Nyx as the little kirin filly charged them into a tackling hug. The little filly took to being a kirin alicorn quite well. She looked as she did before, but her mane was now replaced with elegant crescent-moon shaped fins, her fur was instead obsidian-black scales, and her draconic eyes and teeth were fully reminiscent of her days as Nightmare Moon. She also had a dragon tail and dragon wings like Spike and Scoddri, as well as a functioning magic horn on her forehead which was angled forward like a normal unicorn/alicorn. “Cousin Kamina! Cousin Animak! I'm so glad to see you!” “We're glad to see you too squirt.” They mussed her fins with their talons, getting a giggle out of her. “But what are you doing here? You didn't respond to any of our letters Aunty. We thought you might end up sulking again this year.” Luna approached the twins, and got a kiss on both cheeks when she got in range, getting a cheery giggle out of her as she kissed both their cheeks in return. “We wanted it to be a surprise! We just wanted to see the looks on your faces when we showed up unannounced. It was totally worth it.” Luna nuzzled Kamina and then Animak. She loved Animak just as much as she did Kamina for all the same reasons. He was her nephew, he cared about her because she was family, and so she would do the same in return. Also he was specifically the one that allowed her to get Nyx back. So that made the transition easier for her. “So Luna; still having insecurities about what this night signifies?” Kamina asked. “Because we totally have the thing to ruin that!” Animak crowed, before he exploded in a mass of exposed muscle, and reformed into a perfect copy of Nightmare, only without armor, and.... “I am the mistress of the night, I work my magic to bring you fright. On this one night a year, I shall embody all you fear.” She sang in Nightmare's voice to everypony's surprise, before Kamina suddenly transformed into a second Nightmare. “Listen close, listen here; I shall rob all you hold dear. For know it is my right! For tonight is Nightmare Night!” They stood together now, looking fierce, yet in harmony as they looked at their stunned sudden audience as they began in unison. “This is Nightmare Night! The night of reigning fright! We shall gobble you all up! From tiny tot to little pup! Sate us now! Sate us how? Your candy you propose? That will do, we suppose. For while we are sated, you might still live to be congregated. But know if we see your face, your very life we will erase! Unmasked faces we pursue! Your very bones will we chew! For it is Nightmare Night! The night of reigning fright! We take wing under the moon, we will see you very soon. So gather it all up, every tot to little pup. For a sacrifice will bring our boon! The favor and mercy of Nightmare Moon~!” They finished in surprising harmony, as they had sung together in perfect duo. “How was it?” Nyx suddenly squealed and began bouncing around her cousins. “OHMYGOSH-OHMYGOSH-OHMYGOSH-OHMYGOSH! THAT WAS AMAZING! As Nightmare Moon; I command that you remain in those forms the rest of the night!” Nyx, being the original Nightmare Moon; absolutely loved that performance, and would adore seeing it done again outside for the public. “Indeed!” Luna beamed in utter joy, before she trotted around her nieces and inspected every angle, only to quirk an eyebrow. “But...did we really have such big flanks as Nightmare?” Luna asked Nyx, who blushed and kicked a hoof. “W-well...yeah...we were just as big as Aunty Tia....” Nyx admitted shyly, as the sisters looked to each other, and then grinned devilishly. “Nyx has flank-envy~, Nyx has flank-envy~!” They chanted in unison as they pranced around the filly, who's face exploded in a blush as she covered her eyes with her hooves in embarrassment, and Luna blushed too; since it meant that she subconsciously desired her sister's figure. “We originally planned to become a small-scale Gurren Lagann for this year...but, this idea appeals to us.” “So I need to craft some replica armor for you now to complete your “costumes”?” Dusk asked in exasperation. Sure, he could do it in a few minutes since he has spare materials on-hoof for situations like this, but it was annoying to have to do it so regularly. “No. I shall supply it. Since I have an idea.” Luna then looked to Nyx, winked, and transformed into Nightmare Moon as well with a misty sort of morph; fully armored too. “We shall be triplets! Wouldn't that be grand? Imagine everypony's faces!” This got all the mares to titter in glee at the thought of seeing so many panicked ponies over a harmless ruse, and Dusk blinked. “Wow...being on the opposite side of the gender fence kinda puts things into perspective...am I like that?” Dusk asked himself, thinking how such silly behavior was sub-optimal. ===//////> The doorbell rang, and Pinkie was the one leading the group of fillies and colts as their chaperone. She wished Citrine could have come with her; but she was just a foal, and so Game was watching her tonight while Pinkie went out to have fun. The Cakes would have gladly watched her, but they needed to stay focused on the business since tonight was one of their busiest nights of the year. She wore a chicken outfit, and playfully pecked the doorbell several times in rapid succession. She was so ready to rob-. “Be given.”-Be given all of Twilight's candy. Only. “AH~! IT'S THREE NIGHTMARE MOONS! RUN~!” Pinkie squealed upon the door of the library opening on a genuinely shocking sight of three Mares of the Moon; causing almost all the other ponies nearby, especially the fillies and colts to run, save one colt who had large tan-brown spots over a pale coat, and brown hair. He was dressed as a pirate, and rather than be scared, he beamed in delight. “Nightmare Night! Such a fright! Give me something sweet to bite!” He then grabbed his rubber sword in mouth, and randomly swung it about, getting amused smiles from the three mares with Nightmare's visage. “You're the Dread Pirate Roberts, admit it!” Animak burst out to Luna's left, getting a snicker out of Kamina to Luna's right, and both Luna and Dusk got the reference with a smile. “With pride! What can I do for you?” The colt responded cleanly; clearly he'd seen the Princess Bride play at some point. “Well young one; I am quite impressed with your bravery. This is your first time celebrating this night as well?” Luna asked the colt, who nodded in excitement. “Well then; while I am the Princess of the Night, this is my first Nightmare Night as well. At least; in celebrating it. Would it be any trouble if we could accompany you?” “I get to spend time with Princess Luna? Cool~!” The colt crowed in joy at the idea of hanging out with who he thought was the cooler of the diarchs. “I'm Pipsqueak milady.” The colt introduce himself with a bow, his parents have raised him fairly well. “I am Princess Luna, and to my sides are my nieces Princess Animak and Princess Kamina.” Luna emphasized their genders much to the mild annoyance of her nieces, who rolled their eyes. At this point, to them; gender was meaningless to their identities. “And this little piece of the night is my daughter Nyx.” “Hi!” Nyx suddenly burst through Luna's legs, beaming at the colt. She was wearing a miniature version of the armor that her mom and cousins were wearing, only she didn't change anything about her body. “I'm Princess Nyx!” Pipsqueak's face lit up in a sudden furious blush, and he blinked before shaking his head and bowing. “N-nice to make your acquaintance milady. I-I shall be charmed to provide escort for you this beautiful night.” Nyx got a faint blush and a genuine smile, before she held out a hoof to him gently. “I am pleased about this.” Pipsqueak then pulled a daring move, and gently held her hoof and kissed it, getting a giggle out of the filly. “Oh my! Careful good sir, or I might find myself spirited away by your roguish charm.” “Naturally.” Pipsqueak responded with a wink, getting the two children to giggle and chuckle respectively while the mares and Dusk all contently observed the adorable interaction. “Well then milady, if you so wish; shall we depart?” Nyx turned a sure-kill watery-eyed pout to her mom, who scoffed and rolled her eyes; as if she was going to deny her daughter a chance at love, however fleeting and innocent it was. “Of course. We're off Dusk Shine.” “Okay, I'll be going out soon too to hang out with the others. Have fun.” Dusk waved them off and the mares followed the two children who were rapidly chatting about random things, somehow mostly focusing on the Princess Bride, since they've both seen it. “So Luna, there's a lot to do on this night.” Kamina started up a conversation that she and Animak had been planning to get going, but were preoccupied by all the shenanigans. “So what exactly do you want to do?” Animak finished, getting a shrug from the Lunar Princess as they casually followed the children who were going door to door for treats, ignoring the impressed and nervous gazes of the ponies who stared at them for now. “I am unsure. I have heard that there is a show going on in the square, there are many carnival games as well. But as of right now; I wish to ensure my daughter has a good time.” Luna never once took her eyes and one ear off of Nyx and Pipsqueak, who were getting progressively cheery and chummy with each other to her content. “It is odd...I hadn't thought I could even become a mother for the longest time, and yet; having a child...it is so gratifying.” “Do tell.” The twins urged, as the concept of having foals was an impending desire they had for the future. “When I wake up, my usual first thoughts are of my daughter. I worry over her constantly, even if it is for nothing. I have the urge to coddle and smother her, even shield her from seemingly harmless things that I somehow perceive as a threat.” Luna quirked an eyebrow at Nyx bashfully giggling at something Pipsqueak said, her conversation having made it impossible for her to catch what was spoken. “For instance; I have the sudden desire to drag that colt aside and set some ground rules involving my daughter...but...I won't. I have to let her experience things, even if I don't want her to.” “You make it sound more like a job than an experience....” Animak commented. 'Is that what having foals is like?' “You haven't mentioned anything that makes it fulfilling.” Kamina followed. 'Sis, chill. Don't go jumping at conclusions.' “Oh, it is a job; a full-time one at that. The only periods of rest I get are when I know she is in capable hooves, and even then I still worry. But....” Luna looked to see that Nyx had suddenly started a sort of role-play with Pip, it sounded like it involved him stealing a great and dangerous treasure from Nightmare Moon, and she was attempting to take it back, but his wit and athletic prowess allowed him to evade her, and escape with the treasure. Or, simply; she was chasing him, and he proved more fit than her and outran her as they laughed between houses, their candy bags getting rather full already. Luna smiled gently. “Need I say more?” “Not really....” 'Dang that's cute...it's so good just seeing that.' Animak realized. “Not at all.” 'Imagine just how good it would feel, knowing you helped create that.' Kamina mused, feeling surprisingly moist, and she blushed. 'Um....' 'Dude; not happening. At least...not on purpose.' Animak considered the thought of bearing a foal, and was surprised to find she wasn't sickened by the idea. 'Alright...maybe one day, in the far-off future, should we all decide in favor of it.' 'Agreed...will we?' Kamina looked over at her from over Luna's back, and Animak gave her bedroom eyes, making her wings bristle in arousal. 'When we get home.' Animak sent a visual image of them carnally pleasuring each other in their current forms, getting Kamina to blush vividly, and Animak to chuckle throatily, which caught Luna's attention. “What is it?” Luna knew about their relationship status, and wasn't bothered. After all; she and Tia had done the nasty together more than once way back. But that was their Shifter elements causing a symbiosis more than anything. Her nieces had a much deeper connection than that. “Nothing~.” They both echoed back, but Animak was calm and confident, while Kamina was embarrassed at being caught out, but maintained a decent facade. ===//////> “Behold! The Great and Powerful Trixie~!” Trixie called out from onstage as her show began. The crowd cheered as they watched her spectacular displays of wild and entertaining spells, mostly showcasing her skill with illusion magic, and especially the allure of her ice magic. Bits were flying, practically raining on the stage when she performed an especially good trick. The locals loved her shows, and even though she performed upon request or commission; they still tipped her. She got even more cheers when Zecora joined her onstage, adding an air of mystery and story telling with her green smoky illusions, rich rhymes, and her exotic witch-doctor costume which added to her natural foreign allure. This was the sight that all her friends happily paid attention to as they congregated at a dining table outside the crowd. “I'm so happy for the dear. She's done so well for herself here.” Rarity commented, not even caring that she rhymed. Rarity was wearing, surprisingly; a kirin costume. Clearly she'd made it, as it was so seamless that it almost seemed like a second skin. It hugged her body like a full body skinsuit, and made her actually look like a white kirin with purple fins. “Not to mention all the tourism her shows actually brings to town.” Spike couldn't think of anything clever to wear, so he was wearing an ironic purple dragon costume. Everyone told him it was silly, but he grinned whenever he heard that. “Really?” AJ asked as she looked out at the crowd, and indeed saw a lot of ponies she couldn't identify. “Huh, well whatcha know? Didn't think them fliers we sent out would get past Ponyville.” AJ was dressed as a scarecrow, even had straw in her clothes. “Oh really? Remember who you gave the posters to?” Blitz smirked condescendingly from his little storm cloud over the group with his mate Gilda next to him. They were both wearing spandex Shadowbolt costumes with their eyes covered by goggles. “I flew pretty far. How far away is Manehattan?” “And Cloudsdale?” Gilda added cheekily. “Talk about total Loyalty there.” Vinyl commented from her station nearby. She was dressed as some sort of cypony with exposed circuits running up one side and her shades instead seemed to be primitive steampunk goggles meant to be her eyes. Her show wasn't until after Trixie's and Zecora's, and she'd be playing all night long until everypony either went home or dropped. “I AM Loyalty Scratch, and don't any of ya forget it.” Blitz boasted, and then dropped his grand tone for a moment. “Seriously. I'd push you out of the way of an incoming...anything, anytime.” “Blitz I told you; you don't have to sacrifice yourself if it came down to it. We'd appreciate it more if you didn't.” Dusk reminded their friend, who when asked such a question from a magazine; took it incredibly seriously. “Yes. While I do not know you all too well, I would feel beyond guilty if you were to save me at the expense of your own welfare.” Octavia intoned from the table, beings she was enjoying the festivities by partaking in the punch and less sugary confections. She was oddly not in a real costume, instead wearing a full tuxedo. She said it was from a time when she and Vinyl had a crazy adventure in Neighpon. Something involving yakuza, a severed head, multiple double-crosses, a few murders, and a blackmailing. But, that was a story for a time when Octavia and Vinyl were fully comfortable disclosing it. It was hard enough getting back into the country when they were wanted mares elsewhere. “Same here Blitzle.” Pinkie giggled madly at her new nickname for Blitz, who didn't mind it, beyond that every time she said it she had to laugh, and it was annoying. “You're not a zebra, but it's still funny.” And there it is again; what was she talking about? “Anyway, did you girls SEE the Princesses yet?! Their costumes are so awesome and scary! It's Black Snooty in triplicate!” This got everyone to look at each other confused aside from Dusk who grinned and licked his lips at the thought of his mare's flanks...whoa....'Damn, no wonder. Is this what it's like to be a stallion? No wonder Kamina and Animak can barely keep their talons off us. I need to spend a prolonged time as a male to make notes about my different behaviors, see just how much of an impact such a heavy change of base hormones can do to a pony.' “Yeah...full flanks in a set of three....” Dusk stated idly as he blushed and envisioned the three mares strutting about, and their muscles twitching under their fur. “Dude, calm down.” Blitz broke into Dusk's fantasy, and was sitting in front of him, putting hooves on his shoulders. “Calm. Down. Don't think about it. Don't even think about thinking about it. Too soon and you'll end up freaking out.” “Wha...?” Dusk asked stupidly, and looked at his friend's lips, wondering when they looked so tasty. “MMPH?!” Blitz asked as suddenly he found himself lip-locked with a seemingly intoxicated Dusk, and Blitz calmed down and rolled his eyes behind his goggles before he returned the kiss in double the force, taking Dusk by surprise, dipping him, and then breaking the kiss. “You awake yet?” Dusk blushed so brightly that his face turned red instead of lavender, and he covered his eyes with his hooves in shame. “Did I...?” “Make out with your friend? Yep. Nothing wrong about it though. Your brain wasn't in THIS head up here. It was down here.” Blitz gruffly tapped Dusk's head, and then had the gall to actually cup Dusk's groin quickly, making him squeak in surprise. “Like I said; calm. Down. You're going to be thinking of things differently if you stay changed for a while. I had to go through it, so I know how hard it can get to stay focused.” “More!” They suddenly turned towards the group of their friends, and saw Gilda, AJ, and Vinyl all gesturing for them to keep it going, while everypony else was visibly surprised by the intimate interaction, and Octavia actually looked...ill? “If you are going to participate in something so...crass, could you please do it in private?” Octavia was a true homosexual. She didn't find stallions or males of any form attractive, much to her parent's disappointment at the thought of not having grandfoals. Octavia however knew such worries were unfounded with modern medical practices; she'd have a foal when she was good and ready, thank you very much. Magic and Loyalty blushed, Blitz being thankful that his costume hid his face. “W-well...it wasn't bad. But I didn't feel a...spark.” “Same here. I guess I was just driven by my confused hormones. Thanks for being so understanding Blitz.” Dusk smiled at his friend, who waved him off with a wing. “Aw forget about it. It's what friends do.” Blitz didn't seem to realize that “normal” friends didn't go that far for someone else, but then again; he IS Loyalty. “Thank you~! Thank you~! You're too kind!” They heard Trixie calling out over the cheering crowd as she and Zecora both bowed together as money rained on them. Seriously; that stage was getting precariously covered in gold coins. They must have really loved the show. “That is all for tonight. Thank you for coming, and while Trixie would normally be all for an encore; it would be rude to interrupt the schedule for tonight with a showstopper. We hope you enjoy the rest of the night's festivities. Now; I hand the stage over to DJ Pon3~!” Trixie, Zecora, and all the bits on the stage suddenly faded away like ghosts in a fog, before to everyone's surprise; Vinyl and her stand both seemed to fold out of the stage. The DJ didn't miss a beat, and quickly turned on her station which wirelessly connected to the sound system set up throughout the square. “IT'S TIME TO SPIN THIS NIGHT OUT!” Vinyl blasted everyone with a bass drop that stunned them, and began a slow wind up. “Ready? For my BASS CANNON?!” Drop the Bass Cannon, kick it! Everypony started hollering, cheering, and dancing as the show got started, and the friends all turned to where Vinyl HAD been before, only to see a sweating and panting Trixie and a tired but not nearly as much Zecora both sitting near them with a huge red velvet sack the size of a pony filled to the brim with gold bits. “T-Trixie thinks tonight went well.” She then passed out into the side of the bag of gold bits, snoring lightly. “Do not deny, this one will; of her fellow mare's skill. Her potency is still a fault, but with practice we shall unlock that vault.” Zecora nuzzled the exhausted unicorn, and then seemed to slump a bit into her. “She just fell asleep didn't she?” AJ asked Dusk with an amused grin, and Dusk rolled his eyes before going over to his mares. 'Wait...they're not MY mares, they're...ugh...dang possessive stallion nature.' Dusk then teleported them home, directly into bed. They'd have to share it with a giant bag of gold, but at least they were home. “They've had a big night. Shame Fluttershy decided not to come out again.” “Aw she's a coward over the little things, we all know that by now. She can only suck it up and be brave for the important things, and that's what matters. Besides; Mac's spending the night over at her place for a romantic dinner, and to keep her feeling safe.” Blitz wagged his eyebrows, which was still visible under his spandex, getting everyone to wonder if the resident shut-in was finally getting some, from the original town heartthrob at that. “These festivities are splendid!” Spike and the other Bearers aside from Dusk all froze at the voice, and spun around to see Nyx and Pipsqueak dragging their full bags of candy to a table to rest, while three Nightmare Moons all approached as casually as they pleased. “I wish I did not miss Lady Trixie and Lady Zecora's performance, but Nyx wanted to go candy hunting with her new friend.” “Yeah, it was great.” The Twins commented as the three intimidatingly beautiful mares of the night sat at another table just nearby, and began magically serving themselves from the nearby buffet table. “We didn't have this much fun last year, and we teamed up with Spike for a less impressive Gurren Lagann outfit.” “Hey! I didn't have my Spiral Power back then....” Spike grumbled, already knowing two of them were his brothers...sisters. “Did you both have to jump the fence again?” “What? Would you have preferred this?” They seamlessly shifted into a much more masculine version of Nightmare, even the armor changed into much more masculine and intimidating shapes, such as the helm covering his face along the sides. This was getting Luna to blush at being sandwiched between two hunks, who leaned into her to make it worse. “We are Darkhorse Knight! We are the Lords of the moon! Bringers of the world's doom!” “Nephews...as flattering as it is; we are still related....” Luna tried to squeeze out from between them, only for them both to nibble her ears, making her flush even more. “This is most uncouth.” “We know, we're just rubbing it in that these flanks are off limits to you.” They teased as they pressed their flanks against hers even harder, making her huff in indignation. “Hey! Stop teasing mommy!” Nyx called out from the next table over, and then she leered at them. “If you don't; no more dragonfire-delivery Pony Joe's.” They instantly scooted away from Luna a bit, giving the mare much needed space. She would have normally been all too glad to be in such a situation, but since the sex idols doing it were her nephews, and occasionally nieces, she really didn't want that to continue. “Thank you dear. Just for helping mommy; I'm increasing your ice cream ration.” Luna smirked at her daughter, enjoying the squeal of joy as she bounced in her seat, as Pipsqueak laughed at her silliness. “Tonight has been so fun....” Luna looked around at all the gathered friends, and sighed contently. “I'm glad...that something else good came of Nightmare.” Luna looked to her daughter, who was chatting happily with a colt she'd just met, and likely forged a strong bond with so quickly. “I really am blessed.” Her nephews kissed her cheeks, and nuzzled her, the cool armor actually feeling quite nice. “We're glad you see it Aunty.” They looked on the festivities as the friends went back to chatting. “So glad.” > Equites. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best. Nightmare Night. Ever. But then again; it was only the Twin's second one, but the statement stood. Sure, last year Kamina had ended up selling the story of his and Simon's adventures to a comic company, but this year was special since they got to spend time with family, something that they honestly never got to do before. When Nyx and Luna had to go home, Nyx was sad to say goodbye to her precious pirate friend Pipsqueak. But, the little colt was an utter gentlecolt, kissing her hoof goodbye, and wishing to maintain contact. Of course, this went a bit further and with Nyx's Pout of Doom; Luna instantly caved into arranging “royal playdates” with Pipsqueak's parents. They were a bit nervous about it, but his parents agreed that every other weekend, or even on-call; Pipsqueak could be brought to the castle to play with Nyx, and the parents would be paid a small stipend as thanks for helping maintain the social needs of a growing princess, which would go into the colt's school funds. After just the first playdate a few days later, they got a hilarious letter through Spike from Scoddri about the shenanigans that Nyx and the roguish colt got up to. Literally “raiding” the pantry, “assaulting” the staff with rubber swords, and claiming victory over the mighty “General Keen” in combat. The Twins had to laugh at the thought of their dad being defeated by two children with rubber swords and a minor potency in magic. Scoddri even stated he joined in with them after that; leading them on a campaign of madness through the castle. It also answered why a giant golden flower suddenly bloomed on the west wall of the castle, visible from most of the country. In fact; this reminded them of the shenanigans their own little trouble-making local fillies were up to. It was a scary thing a few days ago, what with Bloom coming down with a thought-extinct illness known as Cutie Pox. She had apparently contracted it when, again; she and her friends were in the Everfree, where they ARE NOT PERMITTED to go, ever. And she had foolishly eaten a flower that looked, and smelled delicious, and safe to eat according to her limited survival skills. Which, ironically; was what the fillies were out there doing, trying to earn “survivalist” Cutie Marks, only to call it quits upon finally realizing how dangerous it was. Bloom at first thought she'd gained her mark legitimately, only to be horrified upon the revelation when more marks appeared, and she was forced to do what they signified. Zecora worked feverishly to come up with a cure, beings she at first did not know what the cause was until, between panting breaths as Bloom was on the verge of giving out, she was able to describe the flower enough for Zecora to realize it as Heart's Desire, an incredibly dangerous and powerful plant. She then quickly made a potion, and forced a weight-lifting Bloom to drink it; causing the marks to fade, and Bloom to thank her for saving her while her family was even more grateful. Zecora explained that the flower is not intentionally a spiteful thing like Poison Joke, and had earnestly tried to grant Apple Bloom's desire to have her cutie mark. But since the Mark could not be forced out, it ended up cursing her instead. All she had to do was make the potion with another Heart's Desire and it saved her upon realizing the other flower's folly. Kamina and Animak felt so utterly helpless at the time; having been unable to do anything to save her aside from assisting her when her marks were going to force her to do something that would outright kill her. They decided to focus more on Zecora's teachings so they could be of help if something like this happened again, instead of just relying on her, because she might not be around when it happened. Then there was the Sisterhooves Social. It wasn't a big thing, since they didn't have sisters, only brothers. They didn't attend, they were busy that day experimenting on trying to combine without the suits, and found it really difficult. Animak theorized they hadn't found a genetic template adaptive enough to make fully organic fusion safe yet. So until then; they were stuck using the suits, which neither minded, but didn't want to metaphorically be caught with their pants down when something too big and dangerous happened and they didn't have access to their suits. They did end up Combining, but not in the way they originally intended~. Oh, right, also Blitz and Gilda got a pet turtle. Blitz said something about how he was visiting Fluttershy, and the big fella just sorta clicked with him. He said Tank; the turtle, had something he couldn't put his hoof on, and settled on it being determination, because when he tested the fella, he put everything he had into it, even if he was sure to fail. Blitz admired that, and got an enchanted collar for him so he could stand on clouds, and was having Pinkie make a flying harness for him. Also, this meant he and Gilda had another excuse to attend the group's Pony Pet Playdates. This all happened in the course of just six days, it was a very busy week. So, to relax; the Twins suggested to everypony that they all head to the Corner for a sugar binge to take the edge off the series of events they'd all been through this week. “Woo!” Animak crowed after having an incredibly crisp soft drink. “That was refreshing!” “Dude, I feel what you feel. I know how good it was.” Kamina responded irritably. Their bond was growing even stronger, and was starting to worry him. Sure, he was fine with it at first, but when you suddenly get a wingboner because your twin was getting it on across town while you're on business at the mayor's office, things get awkward. At first Mayor Mare blushed and thought he was propositioning her, which was actually a message that a pegasus opening their wings like THAT signified. He embarrassingly had to explain to her what was happening, as Animak was having sex with Zecora. He FELT, EVERYTHING! He effing CAME on the mare's chair as he panted and desperately tried to fight off the connection the whole while. He apologized profusely of course, but she actually said she appreciated the show, even if it was so sudden and awkward. She was willing to forget the whole thing so long as he cleaned up his mess, which was a simple thing with the wave of his horn. Oh he had WORDS with Animak when he got back later. It was the biggest rift they'd ever imagine could come between them, and it hurt, both body and soul. That was just yesterday, and was also why Kamina wanted to hang out with their friends. They didn't really know about it yet, and he wanted to tell them gently about how he could now feel, smell, see, hear, and taste whatever Animak did, and Animak realized the opposite last night when Kamina cut open his chest to test it, and he screamed in pain at being unprepared for the feeling of the wound, even if it didn't actually carry over. Thoughts, feelings, the ability to feel were all subconscious, the other senses could be shared, but only if they focused. They worried this might also become subconscious. However, this plan was ruined when Blitz burst into the establishment, boasting about his heroics, while Gilda rolled her eyes and grumbled as she came over to the group while Blitz was involved with bragging to his rapidly growing crowd. “I love the idiot, but sometimes; he's just too much of an idiot.” “What's going on?” Spike asked from next to Rarity, who both frowned in disapproval at Blitz's glory hounding going on in the main area. “Rainbow Bullshit over there is blowing his heroics totally out of proportion, that's what.” Gilda growled as she grabbed an eclair from the platter the princes had ordered. “I mean, sure; saving a filly who fell down an old well was pretty cool, and saving a foal from careening off the cliff over on Trot Avenue was awesome. But I helped save those old stallions from that collapsing porch and he soaks up all the attention! What gives?!” “Wait, what?” Kamina asked in surprise. “I thought that well was buried, that cliff was fenced, and the senior home was up to code!” That was part of why he was at the mayor's office yesterday. Apparently she'd figured they were done already as well, because she wouldn't lie to him, he ensured that by getting to know her enough. “Apparently not. We'll have to get on the mayor's case about it now.” Animak groaned, only for Spike sigh. “I'll do it, don't waste your time bros.” The reason Spike wasn't there instead was because he'd already planned a date with Rarity, and the mayor had called upon him unexpectedly, and he went to his brothers for help since he didn't want to flake on a date with his love, and Kamina stepped up because he's a bro, even if Spike wasn't his proclaimed adopted brother, he'd have done it. “Well I'm not going to let this stand. I'm going to have a talk with the local construction crew about fixing these safety hazards myself.” Twilight intoned, getting nods of agreement from everyone. “Still, these disasters were averted by Blitz, so we still have to be thankful.” Blitz crowed about being the best pony alive, and started getting the crowd going by chanting his name, and she huffed as her ears wilted. “Even if I don't want to thank somepony THAT pretentious.” “Hey guys!” Blitz suddenly flew over them, hovering over the table. “I'm going to be worshiped by my fan club, anyone want to join?” “Since when did you have a fan club?” Game asked in his seat next to little Citrine and Pinkie, the little yellow quartz foal was suckling on a rock candy binky. It wasn't anything normal either; it was made by Pinkie using her family recipe. The rock candy was actually made with real rocks, and somehow imitates low-quality gemstones. They were lucky about this, since crystal ponies ate crystalline foods like dragons too, and it was so little Citrine had something tasty to keep her calm in public, since the little scamp had the tendency to try and run off. “Blitz has actually had a fan club since before he became Blitzle, *snigger* and was still Dashie. They're mostly just impressionable local fillies and colts who admire his athletic performances.” Pinkie was more subdued ever since Citrine came into her life. Sure, she was still bubbly, still energetic, just less so. She seemed more like Cup Cake now, but more energized. The little filly drained Pinkie on a regular basis, but she loved her too much to care about that. She still made parties even with Citrine along, and the little darling enjoyed the parties too, bouncing to the music, and cooing at guests. “Blitz. Sit.” The Twins ordered, making Blitz instantly comply. Blitz may have been a ham, but he was a Knight of Equestria now, and it wasn't just in name. His honor demanded he follow those he was loyal to, and since the Twins were his superiors, that effectively made him one of their soldiers. “This behavior is completely unbecoming of a Knight of Equestria. You should not be hamming up your heroics. They are expected of you anyway as a Knight of the Realm.” “Sorry sirs....” Blitz blushed and scratched his neck in shame and embarrassment. “I got carried away.” “Duh!” Gilda stated spitefully. “If anything; I should have been the one hamming it up. I'm not the knight here.” “Sorry babe. Seapony?” Blitz asked apologetically and hopefully, and Gilda blushed at his offer. “Really?” Seapony was a position in the pony-sutra, one that involved both participants to be facing each other, with their heads facing the same direction. Gilda absolutely loved it, but Blitz wasn't a fan of it. “Yeah. I'll even let you be on top.” Blitz didn't like being submissive, neither did Gilda. It made for a more competitive experience though. “You're forgiven!” Gilda's feathers fluffed up in excitement for the night, before she pecked Blitz on the nose gently, getting him to smile at having gotten out of trouble and pleasing his mate at the same time. “Still...this does give me an idea....” Rarity injected into the conversation, she looked sideways to Spike, who blinked and then beamed. “Really?” Spike's wings flared out, and he hugged Rarity to his side with his left wing, getting a delighted squeak from her. “You're the greatest! Everyone, hear Rares out.” “What if we actually actively practiced being knights? Sure, we help our community, even govern it now, but Blitz's heroics has got me thinking more seriously on us perhaps actually being active protectors of the town and country, and not just being on-call.” Rarity summoned a sketchbook from her hammerspace, and showed a very stylish wide-brimmed hat, mask, cape, and bodysuit wearing pony, all varying shades of purple. “Even become superheroes! I call this identity; Mare-Do-Well!” This made everyone...blink. They were drawing blanks. “Um...Rarity...we're already Heroes, we don't need to be “super” Heroes.” Blitz pointed out. “Besides; that kind of get-up is only for superheroes who want to hide their identity, and we don't need to do that. It does look pretty cool though.” Blitz stated as he took a closer look at the drawing. “Aw....” Spike wilted as he groaned, and Rarity sighed while patting him on the chest. “There, there dear. At least we tried. Oh well, I suppose it will simply have to be set for a comic the Crusaders were brainstorming for. They asked for a character to base it on, and I feel that Mare-Do-Well will be all that and more.” Rarity then flipped a page to a series of concepts for combat armor. “How about this then? We're knights; we should be prepared as knights.” “Well we have Gurren Lagann, so don't bother with us.” The Twins waved off, only to look over some of the concepts, and see a pattern. “Wait...they all have-.” “Similar base designs to Gurren, yes. We want to maximize our combat potential should something like Discordant comes along again.” Rarity explained, and then focused on Twilight. “Twilight, dear; I hope you'll help me if we're all in favor of this.” “Of course! I love metalworking! It's become a bit of a new passion for me. My flames caressing the hard metal, softening it, making it bend....” Twilight seemed to drift off into wonderland, like when she did at thoughts of enormous books, powerful spells, or an especially raunchy fantasy of one of her loves. “Oh~ the curve for Trixie's flanks...the reinforced leggings Applejack would need, the lightweight design I'd have to carefully tease out of my materials for Fluttershy....” “Eep....” Fluttershy squeaked at the thought of being in such a battle, let alone even wearing something like the armor her friends were describing. “Armor for us as well? But we are not knights, what plans have you to tell?” Zecora asked Twilight from her place next to Trixie at the end of the table. Both were enjoying tea and crumpets rather than any of the fatty treats on the table. They both said they were watching their figures, even if the Twins said they wouldn't care if they gained a little chub, just gave them more to squeeze. They promptly smacked their respective primary lover, and threatened abstinence. That got them some begging and pleading in return. “You're both just as good as us at fighting, better in Fluttershy's case. And we know you don't like being on the sidelines.” Twilight then turned to Gilda. “You too Gilda. We all know you don't like waiting at home for Blitz to come back.” “Damn right....” Gilda sulked as she leaned into Blitz, who nuzzled her comfortingly. “It's so hard waiting...not knowing....” “All in favor.” The Twins called, and raised a talon each. Everyone save Fluttershy raised their own forelegs in approval, making Fluttershy squeak again at being completely dragged along. “Then it's settled. Rarity, Twilight; we decree that your plans to produce armor for our order of knights is to be carried out. We shall provide anything that you ask for this task.” “Well hold on here. My darlin' Fluttershy is clearly not fine with these plans. Can't she be excluded?” Mac injected on the part of his marefriend, who looked to him thankfully for his speaking up for her, especially since he's even quieter than her at times. “Afraid not. She as a key member of our group. Fluttershy.” The Twins focused entirely on her, making her hide behind her mane, and lean into Mac for comfort at being put on the spot. “Do not belittle your skills, or your importance. Your Kindness is an example that others should follow, and as such you have a place among us. You do not have to fight if you do not wish to, but your support is valued. What's more; Big Macintosh is to be your sword and shield should you choose to join us in our ventures. Is this fine with you?” “U-um...I....” Fluttershy looked to Mac, who looked into her eyes for but a second, before he snorted and turned to the group. “Eeyup.” Mac got a gentle nuzzle from Fluttershy for him helping her again, and he smiled softly at his mare's appreciation of him just being there for her. “I'll be focusing on making your armor have catalysts for healing magic Fluttershy, so you can help us by healing us.” Twilight informed. She'd been learning from Zecora how all beings could use magic, just differently. She'd have to get the attunement elements from somewhere however, and she wasn't looking forward to somehow getting her hooves on unicorn horns. “Is there anything else?” The Twins asked the group as a whole, who all looked to each other, and shook their heads. “Then this court session is adjourned...wait...we just held court....” The princes blinked, and sighed. “We just held court...with our knights....” “Whoa! Bros! You're like; King Haythur!” Spike beamed as his elder brothers groaned. “But we asked you all here to tell you something personal, not to address you as knights.” They then glared at Blitz. “Thanks Blitz.” “What? What'd I do?” Blitz asked indignantly, already having forgot about his obnoxious showboating, and got flicked on the nose by Gilda. “Ow.” “We'll talk later. What's up dudes?” Gilda asked after promising the reprimand to her lover later. “Zecora, remember that romp we had yesterday?” Animak suddenly asked, getting the zebra to blush at it being spoken of in public. “Y-yes...what of it?” The exotic mare asked curiously. “I felt it...ALL of it. Sitting in front of the mayor....” Kamina added in embarrassment. “I...even...y'know...came.” This got everyone to gawk in shock, and the brothers were both suitably ashamed. “We...our connection is getting stronger. We don't know what this means, but we feel what the other feels, and if we focus, we can even taste, see, smell, and hear what the other hears.” To demonstrate, they focused on seeing what the other saw, and everyone watched as the other's respective left eye turned the other's eye color. “Right now we're sharing each other's vision.” They looked opposite direction, and they looked a little dazed. “Ugh...you can guess that it's disorienting.” “This...this isn't good.” Twilight spoke up, getting everyone's attention. “You're fusing together spiritually and mentally. You're only a step away from being a single hippogriff again.” “We were afraid of that. But, we have a solution if that's the case. We'll be heading to Canterlot for a while to see to it.” They then started grabbing food and setting plates. “Well, enough business. Let's eat everyone.” They began to casually eat their treats and meals, gathered together as friends rather than Elements or Knights for the first time in a while. > Disiunctio! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It is so good to have you visit my sons.” Celestia gushed in joy as she lead her children and Rarity up the stairs of one of the towers of the castle. Kamina had extended an offer for one of their friends to visit Canterlot while he and Animak were there, since he knew that most of them were busy. Rarity jumped at the chance to have an extended stay in Canterlot. Although she wanted Spike to come too; he had to sadly decline since Mayor Mare kept him busy a lot, and he knew enough about tailoring at this point to stand-in for her, especially since she'd taught him all the spells he'd need for it already. He already had started on his own fashion line, for stallions. His style was more informal and casual than hers, but since he started making suits and other clothes, the male customer base skyrocketed. Twilight could follow the base designs for the more effective pieces of the armor, Rarity was going to do the fine tuning. Armoring was a combination of being a blacksmith and a tailor, but since Twilight was mostly a blacksmith, she'd need Rarity to finish off the rest with her tailoring expertise. So she said Rarity could have some fun before she came back to finish the sets of armor. When Twilight made Gurren, it wasn't hard since she had two bases to work off of and combine into one, Animak and Kamina both together could make Lagann, but Twilight couldn't make a fresh suit without Rarity's help. It would just be enchanted armor before she got her hooves on them, but after she did; all the fine tuning would come into play. “We're mostly here on business mom. We can't let us fuse back together completely. We won't let that happen. Not after finally getting things together.” The Twins replied to her from either side of her. They were bigger than her, and their towering 8 foot, or 16 hoof heights made them loom over their mother like the glorious beasts they were. Celestia was personally very proud of the fact that special circumstances or not; they were her children, and they surpassed her some time ago. “Regardless; I and the rest of our family will be very happy to see you again.” Celestia left out Blueblood in the intention of the statement, and they all knew it. “I'll be spending more time around you all actually. Part of the plan is to have us spend time apart...even if we don't want to.” Animak informed their mother, and the twins looked to each other in sadness. “I...I don’t'....” “Me either....” Being apart for prolonged periods of time made them feel...empty. Incomplete. Even ache in longing for each other. It was worse than being away from their loves for the same time, because they could still feel each other, but wouldn't be able to reach out and grab hold of the other like they felt was right. “But it has to be done. I'll be taking Rarity out to see the city, show her the sights, even mingle with the...ugh...nobles.” “There's also the business of the Church of Will to speak of.” At Celestia's near off-hoof statement, the brothers froze on the steps, and gawked at her. She paused upon realizing they weren't at her sides, and looked back at them. “What?” “We...have a religion?” The Twins asked, slightly disturbed, and also somewhat impressed. They knew this was coming eventually, but so soon? It took years for Cadence to gain a following in the Church of Love. It wasn't so much individual churches, so much as it was the clergies that formed for Celestia in the Church of the Sun felt it was only fair to offer proper homage to the other “Equusly Deities” that formed or “graced the living with their presence”. They almost instantly welcomed Luna into their worship, as the clergy was ironically one of the few who kept tabs on the legend of Nightmare Moon, and that it would eventually come true, as well as her true identity. Luna was ecstatic about this when Archbishop Priest announced this to her personally. “Yes, is that hard to believe? You've done great, and amazing things since you've arrived here my sons. You, Kamina; are the aspect of the Will of Others, while Animak is the aspect of the Will of Self. Two completely different forms of Will, separate, yet united. The church is having a field day trying to puzzle you out, they take everything you do as proof of who you are, and they make it into lessons for those who would follow your examples.” Celestia informed them as she began up the winding staircase again, and the group followed behind, including the bellhop that finally managed to catch up whilst carrying Rarity's ungodly amount of luggage. “Are you SURE you don't want any help?” Kamina asked worriedly at the straining stallion. “Aw, let him have at it. He said he could do it alone; let him.” Animak sternly declared, making Celestia smirk at them proving her right just now. Kamina wished others to improve, and to help them however he can. Animak only felt they should improve of their own volition, and shouldn't be helped. The bellhop; Bell Hop, was clearly falling under Animak's aegis of Will of Self, as he wanted to prove to them and himself he could do the daunting task alone. It was his job after all, and he had his pride in his post. “I'm fine sirs! I'll be just dandy...if we keep moving.” Bell Hop kept climbing, so they continued upwards to the highest room on the tower. While the staircase was external, it was mostly because this was one of the oldest towers in the castle, and wasn't renovated or reconstructed as of yet since it's structure was still sound. They soon made it to the top, and they all moved aside to let Bell Hop set the massive amount of luggage on his back down. “Whew...sirs and madams, should you need me for further assistance; just ring the bell. I'll answer shortly.” Bell Hop bowed and exited the room with pride, and Animak grinned cheekily at Kamina, who pouted. “Will of Self is so much more rewarding.” Animak boasted. “Will of Others breeds unity and friendship.” Kamina defended, and they actually glared and butted heads as they growled, their tiger portions of griffin DNA making the growls loud, deep, and genuinely terrifying for Celestia and Rarity, who backed away on instinct. “B-boys, I don't think there is any real reason to be so at odds.” Rarity tried to diffuse the situation, and the brothers snorted before they backed off from each other. “Know what? Some time apart would do us good.” They said to each other. “Fine! Be that way!” They both huffed, and Animak stormed off out the door, and Kamina panted a bit in anger, before it suddenly faded and he wilted. “It hurts....” Kamina clutched his chest with a talon so hard it pierced into his flesh, making him bleed. Animak felt it on the way down, along with his brother's emotional pain, and he shed a tear as he resisted running back to comfort him, and kept going. They had to do this. “Why does it have to hurt like this?” “You're two halves of a whole son.” Celestia comforted him in her motherly tone, with even extra love added to it, and nuzzled him as Kamina sniffled, and hugged him with both forelegs, neck, and wings. “Twins are blessed and cursed with eternally sharing a connection. Should one feel pain, the other often feels it as well. Should one die, the other is often soon to follow.” “But it feels like we're dying just spending time apart.” Kamina bemoaned as he buried his face into his mother's warm fur. “We feel...broken. Hollow. Aimless.” “And that is why you are here son. I will be working with Think Tank, Luna, and Animak to see about stabilizing your conditions. Hopefully we can create some form of trigger that can allow you to willingly disconnect from each other. So that you don't feel so wrong at greater distances.” Celestia let him go, and kissed his brow. “You'll be fine son. Just stay away from Animak until this is resolved. That's the hardest part for you. Animak has the Will to force himself to remain, but your Will of Others won't let you do it alone. That is why Lady Rarity will see to your well-being. Can I trust you with my son Lady Rarity?” “Absolutely Princess! I shall ensure that his mind is away from his problems in whatever way I can! So long as he helps me with ideas for Twilight's dress.” Rarity reminded them of Twilight's incoming birthday next week. She was a planned foal, and so her birthday was actually in November since her parents conceived her in December. Twilight regularly tried to make her birthday seem unimportant, but she was turning 19 this year...wow...Kamina's known Twilight for almost two years.... “Time flies....” Kamina again looked off into the distance with a soft smile and glazed eyes, making Rarity roll her eyes while Celestia became worried. If he was so nostalgic over such a short time frame...how bad would he be in a decade? Century? Eternal life made looking back more painful than looking forward. She hoped Kamina could retain his fondness for the past after so long. “Well...you two go on ahead. I'll be with Animak and the others. DON'T humor Scoddri or Nyx. Their tricks are becoming bothersome.” Celestia left the room, and Kamina took a deep breath to try and calm down. “O-okay...so Rarity...where would you like me to take you?” Kamina almost regretted his offer upon the diva beaming with sparkles seeming to come off of her. 'What have I gotten myself into?' ===//////> Kamina practically collapsed into Rarity's room, carrying a mountain of things that Rarity bought, or was gifted with by nobles impressed with her bearing in spite of her commoner background. This was the twelfth party Rarity was invited to in the past WEEK! Kamina took her on a tour through the city. Said tour of course caught the eyes of everypony, especially the “elite” of society. It didn't take long for those craven rumor mongers Jet Set and Upper Crust to figuratively swoop down upon the naïve and earnest Rarity, who was so swept up into things that she didn't realize the two rumor mill sources were trying to dig up authentic dirt on her to ruin her image. She was a Knight of Equestria; a Duchess by extension, and thus a noble. She was everything the two elitist unicorns despised the thought of; that somepony of “low” birth could be considered their equal in any measure. Kamina ran damage control though, stopping Rarity from putting her hoof in her mouth, and even managing to completely dismiss her familiarity with Hayseed Turnip Truck; one of AJ's cousins, to be irrelevant beings he was familiar with him too from the reunion over two years ago. Kamina was immensely pleased and lucky when they ended up happening upon Fancy Pants. Kamina was all too happy to formally introduce Rarity to who he felt was Canterlot's most earnest, and true NOBLE pony. Sure, Fancy had pounced at the idea of spending time with Kamina, beings they are sort-of friends, but he also had the earnest desire to get to know Rarity. This was doubled when he discovered that most of his wife's; Fleur De Lis' clothes were actually from Rarity's shop. It would seem that his butler wasn't forthwith about the source of the wonderful clothes, and had been telling him they were from a premier “ghost” designer in Manehattan. He was going to have a talk with him later about that. So it was that Rarity was suddenly dragged squealing and cheering into the life of an upper-society pony via Fancy's desire to show her what being a noble meant, at least most of the time, beings Rarity already had experience with the business side of things since she helps Spike govern Ponyville. Really; the mayor was all too happy to leave the biggest decisions on the poor kirin, but Rarity was all too happy to provide him her aid. Kamina, of course; couldn't leave her to the hyenas like that, so he tagged along on every one of her ventures. She was party hopping! Kamina thought only Pinkie and Game were the ponies among his friends who could actually party hop! Two nights ago in fact; Rarity had gone to three separate parties in a single day, and night. She even made the mistake of getting sloshed from so many things going on at once, and not noting her wine intake over the duration of the day. Kamina actually had to jump in and save her when an opportunistic stallion was trying to get her to “talk business” back at his place. Oh~ Kamina let him have it. Lord Regal wouldn't be showing his flushed face at any parties anytime soon from the blistering public tongue-lashing he'd received from the prince. “Why are you so popular?” Kamina asked rhetorically with his face still buried in the carpet of the room. “Because, darling; I am simply that fabulous.” Rarity pompously replied as she trotted into the room. Her most recent outfit of a flowing velvet red cocktail dress was quite an eye-catcher, especially with the emphasis it put on her flanks. It was far more racy than what any of the mares at the private ball had dared to wear; and she was the envy of every mare there for her drawing the eyes of all their stallions. Rarity's plan? Shock and awe. She shocked the mares, awed the stallions, and made an impression with her beauty, while also remaining of refined stock as she refused any advances in favor of the fact that she was already happily in a relationship, and that Kamina was her friend accompanying her, and it would be rude to dismiss him. “No doubt. But with you going everywhere with me; the gossip columns are going to be saying we're an item, and we both already have significant others. Shouldn't we...I don't know; relax?” Kamina asked tiredly, as Rarity feigned a thoughtful expression. “Oh, fine. We have been rather “occupied” this past week, haven't we, hm?” Rarity felt it prudent to point out, and Kamina blinked...before finally noticing. “I...can't feel him....” Kamina, rather than feel calmed by the realization, began to hyperventilate. “I-I can't feel him! WHERE IS HE?!” He tried to bolt back out the door, but Rarity managed to use her magic to pin him to the floor, but his immense strength made the mare sweat and grit her teeth in effort. “Something's wrong! I have to find him!” “Darling calm down! They should be along soon!” Rarity had been told earlier that the efforts of disconnecting the twin's connection was going to be brought to fruition today, and to keep up the good work of keeping Kamina distracted. She knew they'd be meeting in the room she was staying in, so she had the perfect chance. But, she realized too late she should've kept quiet, and hoped he didn't notice until his brother had arrived. “S-stop...struggling!” Animak suddenly entered the room, looking smug, until he saw the situation. “Uh....” Kamina was beyond relieved to see his other half in the doorway, and stopped fighting Rarity's magic. “Am I...interrupting something?” 'Bro, seriously? Rares is Spike's man.' 'ANIMAK!' Animak flinched at the volume and power of his brother's elated thought. “You're okay! I was terrified when I realized I couldn't feel you.” “That's because we got the switch working. Or knob if you will. Since we can adjust how much we subconsciously share.” Animak explained just before Rarity relaxed and let Kamina go, and was pounced on his desperate brother. “Turn it on! Turn it back on!” Kamina was practically throttling Animak until suddenly they both felt it, and Kamina relaxed upon feeling the familiar sensation of sharing everything with someone. “You beautiful, evil, sexy, asshole!” Kamina locked lips with his twin, who groaned and returned the kiss as they began to make out, making Rarity flush. “B-boys! There is a lady present! One who is in a loving relationship with her sexy dream stallion. Could you please not tempt me like this?” Rarity covered her eyes, and her ears were turned back as she heard a grunt and some moans. “I'll just be leaving! You two can have the room tonight!” Rarity teleported out just before Animak jumped the gender fence and things got very wild. ===//////> The Twins were both panting, sweating as they laid on their backs under the blankets. Animak still a queen. “Wow....” She grunted as she moved her right wing, and it snapped back into place. They were really rough this time, enough to dislocate a wing even. “Yeah....” Kamina was surprised. They actually swapped roles. Kamina just utterly dominated Animak, and it was always the other way around. They started on the floor by the door, moved to the wall, the window, and finally the bed. The whole time, Kamina was just a feral beast, even worse than Animak at his worst. “Want another go?” “Holy Tartarus Kamina...I should spend time away from you more often if this is how it'll turn out when we meet back up.” Animak laughed, her husky voice sounded melodic. “But no. Seriously. I've got to change back. Don't want any eggs now do we?” Animak turned back into a king, and Kamina shrugged. “So yeah. Now we can turn our connection off whenever we need or want. Either one of us can turn it off, but we both have to want to connect to reconnect.” “That's great bro. Ugh...we're all sticky.” Kamina got out of bed, and grunted as he stretched on his way to the bathroom. “I'm taking a shower.” “I'll join you.” Animak groaned as his injuries rapidly healed, and he sighed as he entered the private bathing room with his twin. ===//////> “I can't wait to see the look on their faces.” Blitz gushed as they all prepared to burst into the room. Rarity returned to the stairwell to her temporary room only to find her friends all there and about to go up. They all came to Canterlot so they could all celebrate Twilight's 19th birthday together, and meant it to be a surprise for Rarity and the Twin Princes. Rarity warned them the Twins were really frisky right now, but she said it was hours ago, and their mates all said it shouldn't take them that long. However, they didn't answer to the knocking, so they all curiously looked to each other, and entered quietly, to hear the shower running, and a lot of grunting, moaning, and slapping sounds to come from the bathroom, making them all blush. “They're STILL at it?” Rarity gaped as she looked to the others, and especially Spike, who grinned sheepishly. “Why have you never rutted me like THAT before?” “R-Rares...Twilight....” Spike blushed and his ears fell back at Rarity asking that in front of his mother figure, who leered at Rarity in turn for her uncouth question. “Just answer Spike.” Rarity really wanted to know why, because really; if Animak and Kamina had the stamina to go for THIS long, then certainly Spike had it. “W-well...if I get really, REALLY into it...I can go for hours. Had a lot of fun hiding from Twilight when I had long masturbation sessions.” Spike admitted, making Twilight blush at realizing that was why he'd disappeared sometimes. “And I mean HOURS. I don't want to put you through that Rares. And I know you wouldn't stand for me having to finish myself off....” “Oh...you wonderful gentledrake. Fine. But someday I expect a romp at least as wild as the one the princes are participating in.” Rarity conceded, knowing she wouldn't have that kind of stamina. “Well I'm going to put a stop to it. It's my birthday and I want serious sex to be one of my gifts.” Twilight licked her lips, ready to intrude and get an eyeful of her loves. “Just wait out here.” She trotted to the door, and opened it. “Okay you TWO?! WHAT?! GET OUT OF HER NOW!” “T-Twilight?! What're you doing-?!” “YOU'RE KNOTTED AREN'T YOU?! DO YOU WANT KAMINA TO BE PREGNANT?!” “Ugh, finally. Twi, can you get this horny bastard off of me?” “Oh I'd better! I'M the one bearing our herd's first foal!” Twilight stomped into the bathroom, and slammed the door. Shortly...more moans were being heard, and the rest of the group sighed in exasperation. “She couldn't resist.” Trixie shook her head in pity. Seeing them at it was always one of the hottest things about their relationships. “Well she is the birthday filly. I say let her have our stallion's willy.” Zecora chuckled as she turned to head down the stairs. “To the ballroom we will wait. Lest we stay here, and need to masturbate.” Zecora laughed again at how flustered the rest of the group was, but they all headed down to the main ballroom to wait for the birthday mare and the princes. ===//////> Twilight practically waddled into the ballroom with two sheepish princes in tow a half-hour later. “Ugh...I've never taken you both at once...it's tiring.” “Sorry. This whole connection and disconnection thing is really intense. When we actually boosted our connection...well....” The Twins looked to each other seductively, and licked their lips. “We couldn't resist the body next to us. Also, you got between us. Sorry about the rough treatment.” “Not my usual thing, but both of you at once? A nice treat. I'll think of it as my birthday present.” Twilight smiled earnestly at her stallions. “Thanks boys. You make life a lot more interesting.” “You would be doomed without us.” They winked, and they had a laugh as they approached their mingling friends over by the buffet table that was set out for Twilight's birthday. Even the princesses showed up! Celestia, Luna, Nyx, and Scoddri were attending too. They were chatting with the others and laughing amicably over things. “Mom! Aunty! I thought you'd be busy.” Animak commented as they approached. “Well we were, but we decided to take the night off for Twilight. Consider it a bonus gift.” Celestia winked as she materialized a wrapped present, and levitated it over to Twilight. “Happy birthday my wonderful student.” Celestia said as she nuzzled Twilight, who happily returned the gesture. “Oh~ thank you Princess Celestia! I missed you.” Twilight then took the offered present, and was about to set it on the table with the others when Luna presented her with another present. “For my dear friend, and my nephew's lover. I hope it helps.” Luna winked, and Twilight blushed, already figuring out what was in the box, and teleported it to her closet back home. “Mommy, why is Twilight embarrassed?” Nyx asked innocently, only for Luna to snort, and titter as she shepherded her daughter away to play with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle who had been brought by their sisters since they would otherwise be unsupervised with them here. “You'll know in a few years dear.” Luna stated, getting a disappointed “aw” out of her daughter. “Thanks for all your help mom.” Kamina said as he hugged his mother, who gladly returned the gesture. “I'm just glad we could come up with a solution. But from what your friends have told me; the inverse is also true. Over an hour my sons? Really? Are you TRYING for an egg? Do I have grandfoal hippogriffs in my future already?” Celestia teased, getting the twins to blush. “Mom~!” They whined in unison, and looked at each other in confusion, and intrigue...the idea was oddly attractive, but they weren't going to do something like that, even if their unique genetic structure would keep offspring from being deformed. “N-not for a few years at least....” “Darn. I want grandfoals to smother with affection.” Celestia pouted cutely, and perked up as suddenly a big white scaly equine was leaning against her whole body. “But you want more children period before you do that, don't you?” Scoddri teased as he rubbed her toned and lithe tummy, getting a blush and smile out of her at her lover. “Well now. It would seem that things have been focused too much on sex and procreation for my taste, why don't we chat over more simple matters? Such as your friend Rarity successfully party hopping between this one and the garden party outside?” “Huh?” Twilight asked with a blink, before she looked outside and saw Rarity mingling with the elite of Canterlot society. “Oh! She's talking to Fancy right now. Good move. He owns most of the cotton farms in Equestria, and their processing plants.” “Actually she already knows Fancy. We've introduced them.” The Twins explained as they too looked out at the garden party, which was full of the snobs they loathed. “She probably saw him out there and decided to chat him up. They've been talking business between her boutique and him supplying her with her bolts of cloth. Fancy's all too eager to do so though, so really they're likely shooting the breeze.” “I don't mind. She deserves any good fortune she can get her hooves on.” Twilight commented, before turning towards the party, and saw a beautiful fiery dress laying on a chair. “Hey! Is that for me? From Rarity?” Twilight asked as she trotted up to the dress, and levitated it about to get a good look at it. It was a black one-piece dress, with a flame motif to match her Shift element, and it seemed to even move a bit, like a slow burning fire. “Wow!” Twilight slipped it on, and loved how it hugged her curves, and made her look like a dancing fire. “It's beautiful!” “I made sure Rarity got to working on it between our rampant party spree.” Kamina commented as he looked his first love over, and he smiled softly, before bowing to her. “My fair lady. Would you perhaps grant me this dance?” Twilight tittered and blushed. She loved when Kamina treated her like a Lady. “Oh, I would be remiss to turn you down good sir. Of course you may dance with me.” Twilight giggled as he kissed her hoof, and they went out onto the dance floor to slow dance, wrapping necks around each other. “I love you Kamina.” “I love you too Twilight. Happy birthday.” He kissed her cheek, before they continued to just sway about together. Animak, Scoddri and Celestia looked on with soft smiles as the others continued to enjoy the party. “I love you too.” Animak whispered to himself, and sighed quietly. 'Even though we're one and the same, we're also different. We hold different places in our love's hearts.' Animak was disconnected from Kamina right now, letting him have genuine privacy with his first love, the first one who gave him her heart, and stole his. “My dear.” Animak happily turned his gaze to Zecora; the one who first took his heart, and kissed her softly when she approached, and she nuzzled him after the kiss. “Alone you seem to be, will you not dance with me?” “Gladly.” 'I have my own first love too.' They too began to slow dance, humming contently to the soft music. 'Zecora...without you, what would I do?' > Exitus, Initia... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight's birthday, all that happened of interest was on Spike's birthday a few days later; the kirin underwent a drastic surging growth into a giant that nearly shadowed Ponyville. He was incredibly embarrassed by the fact that everyone could see his privates if he stood. It was triggered by his confused body trying to interpret his age, his hormones, and the magic involved around Greed Growth that would fully kick in for a dragon his age. But he was a kirin now, and that meant something went wrong. In other words; since it was his birthday, Rarity planned something “special” for him, and the surge of emotions he experienced from her telling him what his gift was, was incorrectly interpreted as an enormous amount of greed. He destroyed the boutique from how fast he grew, and he felt so ashamed of destroying Rarity's home. But nopony was hurt, and overall; Rarity could not fully describe just how utterly turned on she was by the fact he outgrew her home, and towered over all like some titan of lore. It took all her willpower not to demand he pretend to try and crush her with a hoof. It took hours, but eventually Twilight found a way to fix his confused magic matrix so he could control his size again. Rarity had to have her boutique rebuilt, but she spent the night in Spike's old room at the library. Kamina had to cast a silencing charm over the room from the sounds of rapture going on within. Go bro. The Ponyville Construction Crew were veterans of emergency reconstruction by this point, so they had her boutique rebuilt within days, even added on another floor and a basement for her since Kamina decided to ante-up some extra bits from the treasury for Rarity being so understanding of his little bro's condition. Rarity was ecstatic over the extra storage and living space, and would promptly make use of them. That was actually all that was interesting that happened until...Hearth's Warming Eve! A special time for friends and family to come together and share gifts, stories, and quality time. Last year was special because they all got together for the event. This year; apparently they'd all been scripted to be actors in the Hearth's Warming Eve play about the founding of Equestria, and the beginning of the tradition known as Hearth's Warming Eve. Well, mostly everyone. “There weren't any MALE roles? Really?” Animak asked their mom and aunt in disappointment as they got seated in the royal box seat of the castle's theatre. This was the one night a year that this theatre was used consistently. Otherwise it was merely a special occasion that the theatre was used as more than storage space for the rest of the castle. “Yes, I'm sorry my sons, but all the history books even we've read only reference mares, and I felt Spike was a more suitable narrator.” Celestia turned back to the curtained stage, the show was about to begin. “I'm surprised the Rainbow would turn back into a mare just for this. When she heard I hadn't cast her for Hurricane, I'm told she demanded Twilight change her back for tonight.” “To be fair sister; we could have gone the cross-dressing route for Blitz if we had too. Nopony else can possibly pull of the perfect Hurricane aside from Rainbow.” Luna defended. She'd opted to give the role to Blitz anyway, but Celestia held it was tradition to keep the character's genders accurate to preserve historical accuracy. “Well I'm glad things turned out in the end. Oh! It's starting!” Kamina grabbed a talonful of popcorn as the lights dimmed, the curtain raised, and the limelight shined onstage to reveal Spike already at center stage, wearing a traditional blue bard's garb. Several mares instantly wooped and cat-called, making Spike grin his predatory feral fang-filled smile. “Hear-ye, hear-ye! Hark a moment, and hear the tale of Hearth's Warming!” Spike's voice was deeper, and smoother since his birthday. It was like his scratchy acoustic guitar voice was suddenly a fine-tuned bass guitar, and made mares swoon. “Tis the tale of the founding of Equestria, and the traditions that bind us all together to this day! Before Equestria, before our beautiful land was even discovered, the three pony tribes; unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies were all at constant odds. Only working together begrudgingly! The unicorns moved the sun and the moon, the pegasi controlled the weather, and the earth ponies provided the food. They each only worked together when they had something to gain from it. There were even several wars!” The crowd gasped at his words, as although they'd all heard the story countless times, from Spike's mouth; it seemed new, and interesting. The extras that moved about the revealed stage helped to give his words vision, and they pulled their parts perfectly, even including a few quick silent fight scenes with ponies quickly “putting their enemies down” from all sides. “Told you he'd be a great narrator.” Celestia rubbed in, getting chuckles from her family, but Nyx was already asleep despite her insistence of staying up to watch the play. “I know, such sad times. This continued until things came to a head, and the tribes found themselves in dire straights in the form of a great blizzard that swept the lands. Not even the pegasi could rein it in. The earth ponies could not grow food. The pegasi were starving, and could do nothing about the storms. Not even the unicorns could do anything with their great magic. And thus, this is where our story begins....” Spike bowed as he backed into the shadows of the stage, and the curtains closed for the first act. “Chapter one; The Summit.” “Duke Spike's voice is so...captivating.” Luna never felt so excited to hear the old story. Especially if the narrator had such a sexy voice that somehow added an element of wonder and wisdom to the tale. “Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that we've already heard this story.” The Twins both sighed as the show continued, and while each of their friends and lovers played their roles, both main and supporting perfectly thus far, they groaned. “We're sorry, but we can't take this.” “Were are you going? Don't you want to see your friends perform?” Celestia asked her sons in confusion. “Somewhere. Anywhere but here. We feel stifled. We've also seen this play before in Ponyville last year. Sure, it wasn't anywhere near this good, but we already know the story. We find it hard to watch something if we know what's going to happen next.” The Twins looked down on the stage to see Rarity, Dash, and Pinkie as their respective roles arguing uselessly over the storm and pointing hooves, as was the scene. “Very well, nothing's keeping you here. But if you were planning to visit Keen or meeting Flash, I'm afraid they're off to visit Keen's father for Hearth's Warming.” Celestia informed them, and they sighed. “We know. Vinyl told us a few days ago that they were having a get-together at her grandpa's place. We'll find something to do.” The Twins then left out the back of the royal balcony, and began to wander the castle. ===//////> “It's oddly peaceful....” Kamina observed as they walked the empty halls. It was cold, and only the occasional guard was on patrol. “It's irresponsible is what. We could be attacked and nopony would know until it was too late.” Animak grumbled. Their ears perked up at the sound of a sad, nostalgic, and yet hopeful song. Drawn to it, they followed it to find a small recital room. And even more surprising was the fact that the pony playing this beautiful piece was Blueblood. He was leaned over the keys, eying them carefully as his magic pulled such a melody from the grand piano. He was actually crying too. Tears dripped from his face onto the keys as he played. When he finished, he sniffed, and sighed. They both considered just leaving him alone, but. “Come to see my pitiful state cousins?” “No...we're not.” They entered the room proper, and sat on either side of him. “What's wrong Blue?” “What do you care? Nopony cares about me...and why should they?” Blueblood sniffed as he tried to compose himself, but was failing miserably. “We do care.” They hugged him with an arm each, taking out a handkerchief to offer to him, and he accepted Kamina's red one to clean himself up a bit. “You might be a royal ass, but you're a pony all the same. Just another person in this world. And you're family. You can tell us.” “...Mum's gone....” Blueblood whispered, and sniffed. “This is my first Hearth's Warming without mother. And suddenly...I realize just how lonely I am. I've pushed everypony away with my stuck-up attitude, and nopony will give me the time of day.” Blueblood looked down at his formal shirt, and took out a small framed photo from his breast pocket, revealing a snowy mare with golden hair, sternly yet lovingly holding an obvious colt-aged Blueblood for a small family photo. “She was always there for me. Always telling me I should hold myself high; proud of my heritage. Well...what good is that pride now? That I'm alone?” “Ponies can change Blue, and I'm here if you need it.” Kamina offered. “But to truly change, you have to determine that for yourself.” Animak intoned. “Only you are preventing yourself from being a better pony.” Blueblood closed his eyes and sighed quietly. “...Thank you. I need some time alone to think on this.” Blue put the photo on the music sheet, and continued to play the sad melody. Feeling he indeed needed his space, the brothers let him be. They knew how he felt, what he was going through. They'd lost someone they loved so much as well. 'It's sad isn't it? That we haven't even thought of dad in so long?' Kamina mentally asked Animak as they sedately continued through the halls. 'We've moved on brother. It's what he would have wanted.' They paused as they heard the tail-end of the song instead turn into a crescendo as it extended, becoming more hopeful in tune, and they smiled softly, hoping Blueblood felt just a little better, knowing he still had someone. ===//////> Their continued wandering of the castle let the brothers muse on how sad it was; that they weren't even informed of Lady Bluebelle's death. Just how estranged was the Blue family line from Celestia? She said she'd had a foal centuries ago, Blueblood the First, but when he started his family, he drifted away from her, and his family simply became a prominent line among the nobility. To simplify things; Celestia said she considered them all nieces and nephews, while they all called her aunt. But that was it, that was the end of their familial ties apparently. Was Celestia not even informed? Their mother was too caring not to openly mourn anypony, so Blueblood must have kept it private as long as possible. The fact that he was now the head of House Blue was very important, and a huge boost in standing. Even further, the fact that he was not taking advantage of this was a definite sign of just how hard the loss struck him. That moment back there was clearly a breakdown, and they possibly just saved him from a long period of shutting himself in, and making things worse. “We didn't know Lady Bluebelle very well, but what took her life? She was still in her prime.” Kamina asked his brother, who shrugged noncommittally in that he wouldn't know. “Not a clue. We'll find out more later when Blueblood cheers up a little. Let's get out of here. I need to feel some cold air on my fur.” The feeling was mutual, so they opened the nearest window and leaped out to enjoy a cold flight. They were enjoying the flight for a while, and were starting to get cold, they were about to head back when they heard a call of distress from the empty streets below. “Help!” The city was mostly empty, as the majority of the city was actually packed into the giant theatre in the castle for the play, as having national heroes play the leading roles was a huge lure. “H-help me!” “We're coming!” They swooped down towards the streets. “Keep calling! We'll find you!” “H-NG! H-here!” They followed the mare's voice, and then found her laying in an alley. She was a brick red unicorn with purple hair and eyes that were both a mess, and her cutie mark was a ringing silver bell. Also, she was without any warm clothes, the reason being the obvious gravid swell of her belly, and she grunted and panted. “I-I'm in labor! I can't get up to make it to the hospital!” “Hold on!” They both helped her up, and Kamina got her onto his back while Animak got behind them to make sure she didn't fall. “We'll get you there in a jiff!” “H-hurry-AGH!” She screamed as she clutched onto Kamina with painful force, but they ignored it as they took off for Canterlot General. “I-I can't keep them in much longer!” “Hold on! We can't let that foal be reared out here! They'll die in minutes from this chill.” The brothers sped up, and the mare breathed fast through her nose. “What's your name?” They asked to try and keep her calm, and she grunted. “Ch-Charity Bell. I-I wasn't supposed to be due-ooooooooooo! F-for another week! My husband's one of the stage hooves working the PLAY!” Charity added to explain why her love wasn't here instead of them. “W-we conceived in late January, so they shouldn't be coming for a few more DAYS!” “They?” The Twins asked in surprise, and she smiled proudly as she grunted against the contractions. “T-twins! Twin colts! Th-the irony-EEEEEE...isn't lost on me!” Charity screamed again in pain as they neared the front doors of the hospital, and they rushed her in. “Pregnant mare in premature labor! Emergency!” They shouted as they burst into the lobby, startling the sleepy brown nurse, who quickly lit up her horn and a loud alarm rang for a second, before a duo of burly unicorn orderlies burst into the lobby, quickly and carefully moved Charity onto the gurney they brought with them, and sped her back through the doors. “This way sirs!” The nurse called to them, and they followed without argument. ===//////> The Twins were pacing about in the waiting room nervously, hoping Charity and her foals all came out of this safely. The brothers were also musing on the events that had occurred because they left the play. If they'd stayed, they wouldn't have found Blueblood in his despairing state. If they'd stayed, not seen Blue like that, and decided to go for a flight; they would not have found Charity, and she and her foals would have likely died in the cold. “Sirs. You may see them now.” A nurse informed them, and they promptly followed her out into a hall in the maternity ward, and were led to a broad window, where a view of several foal-sized beds was available, and they saw two little foals in beds right next to each other. They were the only ones in the room though, considering how out of the norm it was for mares to birth at this time. The one on the left was gray with bronze hair, and the one the right was bronze with gray hair. The plaques under them read Iron Bell and Bronze Bell. “What about Charity? Is she okay?” “The mother is fine. She's just resting after her ordeal. If I may say so sires; you should be very proud of yourselves. You've saved three lives today.” The nurse then left them be, beings they had the ability to come-and-go as they pleased, and they looked in at the new lives born into the world, feeling a connection with the little colts in the window. “Life may end....” Animak stated. “But it also begins.” Kamina ended. They looked to each other, nodded, and sat down to keep an eye on the little ones for a while. Pondering just how profound this day was. On this day, of togetherness, of love, kindness, and good will to all, they experienced the sadness death brings, but the hope that new life does as well. They looked to each other, smiled, and cast a seemingly pointless spell, before turning to leave. In the chamber with the foals, a purple light shimmered over them, and they cooed in their sleep. ===//////> After they checked in with Charity to confirm that she was alright, the brothers returned to the castle to find the play was over, and the crowds were returning home. They approached the stage to see their lovers and friends all mingling and relaxing after their performance, and their mom and aunt were there as will with a sleeping Nyx on her back. “So you skipped out huh? I told them you don't like to do the same thing more than once unless it's really awesome.” Spike said as they approached, and he blinked as he pondered something. “What's up? You look...different somehow. And not in the usual way.” The brothers smiled softly at their adopted little brother, and looked at their friends as they sat next to him. “You'll understand someday little brother...don't be in too much of a hurry to finish growing up, huh?” They asked gently, and Spike looked confused, before he nodded and decided to let it go. 'We hope you don't have to know the pain too soon little brother...but we also hope that when you do, you can do what's best.' They looked to their loves, and imagined their bellies swollen with child, and closed their eyes as they happily imagined having their own foals in the future. 'Life...is ugly...but it is also beautiful.' > Calefactum! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Twins kept the events of Hearth's Warming to themselves, they were too emotionally invested in them to simply chat about it, and it wasn't their right to speak when Blueblood and Charity were the ones who had the rights to speak of their respective moments with the princes. Besides, within days the others and all Equestria had found out when an article in the newspapers revealed that they'd saved a mare in labor and her unborn foals from freezing to death. It was backed up by the added claims of the hospital staff, and when a reporter got the nuts to approach them, they informed him it was factual. Soon after, it was publically released by Blueblood that his mother had passed a week prior to Hearth's Warming of an unknown lung disease. His stated reasons for keeping it secret for weeks was his private anguish, and that he wanted the doctors managing her autopsy to find out more about what killed her before he informed the public. Thus far, they can not identify how the disease caused it, but they found a bulging deformity on the insides of her lungs, and stated that she would have been in constant agony until her death. Celestia also publically stated her sorrow at her niece's tragic and early passing, and would devote her own personal time to helping discover what this new disease was, as similar cases of ponies dying of bulging growths inside their bodies was becoming more and more common, and she wanted to see to stopping whatever it was. Aside from the news, not much interesting happened for about a month before the Cycle. It was January, the month most ponies had their birthdays due to the Cycle and pony's 11 month gestation, and Cup Cake finally gave birth. To twins! The brothers wondered if ponies had a natural tendency to have multiples after considering it. Charity and Cup both had twins, and this made them wonder about the possibilities involving their own mares...especially considering they had their fertility tested recently with all the talk of having foals in the future. That was a lot of potential babies...they were NOT ready for it. However, what was unique with Cup Cake's twins was that they were a boy and girl, and a pegasus and unicorn respectively. Not only that; they also looked almost nothing like their parents, which was an extreme rarity. DNA tests confirmed they were their foals, but it didn't explain their drastic recessive dominance. When this came about, Scoddri personally walked into the hospital, and welcomed the foals into the world. He was allowed to roam freely now. He said that Discord brought forth the foal's latent potential in their early development in Cup Cake during his rampage, and while an Anti-Spiral, still believed in the concept of evolution. So, while they were a pegasus and unicorn, they still also had their parent's earth pony traits as well. Scoddri apologized if his past self's meddling caused any distress over the issue, but Cup was willing to let it go, since her foals were healthy and safe in the end. Pinkie was all too happy to have more foals to help look after, beings little Citrine was several months old now. But unlike Citrine, the Baby Cakes didn't take to her antics so well, and she had to adapt a more gentle approach to entertaining them. Also Citrine seemed to take them in as her younger siblings, seeming to help teach them by example. However, the Cycle was incoming, and there were mixed feelings going on. Logic said “Go to Stallion's Landing” but although it was cool last year, the Twins and Blitz didn't want to be cooped up in a mountain city for a week. Answer: become females for the duration of the Cycle. “Ugh...being a queen for so long...how can you bear it?” The Twins asked Gilda as they sat outside at the local Hayburger. Due to the sudden increase of omnivores living in town, they even started stocking fish, which even pegasi absolutely loved, beings their avian natures make processing fish easier than the other two types of pony. “Well, ya just get used to it.” Gilda commented as she tossed a fish stick into her beak. “You two are used to being kings, so I can get it's kinda odd, but you'll be able to ignore the itch.” “But it's like we're in heat!” The Twins whined, and shifted their rumps uncomfortably, their tigress bodies twitching in frustration. “We thought you said we have different...things, than ponies!” They complained, getting more than a few understanding and pitying looks from nearby mares. “I said GRIFFINS have a different system than ponies, not hippogriffs. You're enough like ponies that you still get all randy and testy at this time of year. You're actually even worse off because you can still easily get preggers outside the Cycle, but you're even more fertile right now. AND you have a carnivore's predatory instinct tacked onto it. You don't WANT to know how horrifying a single hippogriff queen that hasn't been taking her herbs enough to suppress it can become upon even smelling a king nearby.” Gilda shuddered. “My cousin Maul, she missed a dose, and...well...the king she mauled? Happy father of triplets. Sure, he was maimed, and she got a wonderful mate, but the sheer violence of that rut...legendary in my hometown to this day.” The sisters shuddered, happy they weren't at Stallion's Landing now. Especially since their bisexual status would make abstaining from gender flipping difficult, and they wouldn't have known this in advance...they just avoided a big shitstorm with this decision. “Good thing we didn't listen to logic....” They rubbed their toned tummies, worried that they'd be pregnant as of likely right now if they'd gone like last year. “Well, just wait it out. It's only a week.” Gilda tried to console them, beings she was one of the few in town who wasn't a mashed-up mess of hormones and perverted single-mindedness. All of the Twin's friends demanded they change back so they could rut, so yeah...they were really ostracized from the others right now. “Just wish Spike would've accepted the offer to be gender flipped too...it sucks only having nothing but irritated mares everywhere. Then again, no idea how a kirin's cycle works around this time....” Which was expressly why Spike refused. Nopony knew what would happen if he became a she, and with the powers Spike has, if he as a she went totally nuts like that; there'd be more than a few aches, itches, and unfulfilled desires everywhere. She probably would've turned into a modern retelling of Trogdor the Burninator, who burned almost half the city of Manehattan to the ground in a rage over something involving an incident in a tavern. It's also ironically why that half of the city was first to be converted into the modern architecture style the big city is known for today. “Babes; there's enough whining bitches in this town right now as it is. You're just the most coherent and sensible ones right now.” Gilda finished her fish sticks, and started chowing down on a hayburger. It wasn't real meat, but ponies have ironically gotten pretty close in taste. “Now eat! Your food is getting cold.” “We're not-.” Their depressed statement of not feeling hungry was interrupted by their powerful stomachs literally roaring, getting a few mares to panic and run about as their hormones registered a predator nearby, and sent them into flight. “...Fine....” ===//////> Animak groaned as she tossed and turned in their cloud bed. Kamina and Animak were bunking in the guest room of Dash's house due to how utterly insatiable their lovers had become, even as queens, they were forceful in their attempts to change them back into stallions and rut. The only reason they didn't turn Trixie into Trickster or Twilight into Dusk was because they still had enough control not to stoop that low. Either that, or they were so single-minded in that they wanted THEM they didn't even consider it. But regardless of how impossibly comfortable the surface; she just could NOT get back to sleep. It was the middle of the night, she was panting, and desperately resisting masturbating as Kamina slept peacefully next to her like a log since Animak shut down their connection. 'I'm going crazy! I can't take this! I want a dick in me damn it!' She looked at Kamina's sleeping face longingly. 'There's one right here...just have to ask...she'd help me without a second-NO!' Animak clutched her head as her loins burned and ached with want. 'I can't do that! I'll get pregnant! Why can't we change our bodies enough to ignore it?!' “Ani? What is it?” Kamina asked as her sister's thrashing woke her, and she simply had to sniff to realize the issue. “Oh sis...I want to help but....” “I know....” Animak whined, practically tearing up at just how MUCH she NEEDED to scratch that itch. “Why can't we change our bodies enough to ignore this? We've got so many templates, why can't we change our combined hippogriff template?” “Because it's the most advanced and efficient one we have available? Remember? Our bodies can only really use the absolute “best” adaptations as our permanent bodies. We also tested our fire resistance and found out we're nearly lava proof from our dragon samples, so our eggs would also likely be near indestructible like a dragon's too, so aborting isn’t' an option, even if we would consider it.” Kamina hissed as she rubbed her thighs together, starting to catch up to Animak in terms of hormone levels. “Oh~...it also means we can't get a genuine relief, because our dragon segments also mean we can get pregnant by anything with a penis...damn pan-sexual compatibility.” “We can't do it with each other either, because one of us will give in and go stallion...damn it...every year?” Animak griped as she humped the bed in vain, sniffling in anguish. “Every year.” The sisters looked to the door to see Dash in the doorway, looking at them with a sad understanding. She may be a tom-colt, but she was still a mare, even when she gave it up to be Blitz for Gilda, so she could sympathize. “It sucks, doesn't it? From the sounds of it, you're having an even harder time than me, and I skipped a year. I'm wishing I went to Stallion's Landing again rather than deal with this.” “Well we don't have a choice. We couldn't resist all the testosterone if we went....” The Twins responded despondently, and Dash sighed. “Can ya seriously not keep from going stallion?” Dash asked seriously, and they thought on it. “Maybe...it depends on how we're being stimulated really.” They returned, and Dash impishly grinned before unfolding her wings, and making the twins blush at the huge phallic implements she'd hidden under them, causing Dash to grin. “Ever used toys before?” Dash asked, making the sisters grin sheepishly. “N-not like that...we never needed them before....” They hissed as their tails twitched. “...Fuck it. Will you be willing to let us borrow them?” “Gals, I'm here to do that. Your randy scents are keeping me and Gilda up, and your systems are so screwy from having so many other creatures in ya, that our suppression herbs aren't even working with your hormones so intense. So have at it. I've got a couple more where that came from.” Dash casually tossed the big rubber toys at the sisters, making them squawk in surprise as Dash left the room with a chuckle. “Just keep it down, we're trying to sleep.” They watched Dash leave, and then looked at the shockingly enormous fake phallus they each held in their talons, making them blush even more at what they were about to do, and looked to each other. “We're keeping this between us. Got it? Good....” ===//////> “Ow...ow...ow...ow....” The Twins were on the edge of the Everfree near Shy's cottage, banging their heads against two trees. The dildos helped, yeah, but it was only temporary. It took the edge off enough for them to go back to sleep, but they woke up just as randy as before. They decided they needed to get away from town for a bit, and sought out the seclusion of Shy's cottage. The mare was also in estrus like all ponies, and apparently hippogriffs this time of year, but aside from being slightly clipped in her demeanor, she seemed the same. “Girls, you really shouldn't be doing this to yourselves. It's unhealthy....” “Shy, we get you mean well, but we just can't get...ARGH!” The sisters clawed at their respective trees with their talons, extending their diamond dog claws, and shredding the bark off in strips. “WE WANT TO FUCK~!” “Oh my...Gilda said hippogriffs could get violent...will some of my tea help you calm down?” Shy offered as she cautiously and wisely stepped a few paces out of immediate reach of Kamina as the twins huffed and stabbed their horns clean into the wood of their separate trees, and sighed. “...That'd be nice Shy....” They tried to pull their horns out, but grunted in surprise to find them stuck fast in the hard oak. “Um....” “Oh, do you want some help? I mean, if that's okay with you....” Shy meekly asked, and the sisters both tried to pull themselves free, only to be annoyed at their continued entrapment. “...Yes please.” They asked in embarrassment. Shortly, the yellow pegasus mare had freed the twins with a quick twist and tug for each of them, making it seem simple and effortless. “Wow. How'd you do that Shy?” “Some of my more rough-and-tumble animal friends get themselves stuck in things a lot, so I have a lot of experience in getting them, and apparently ponies unstuck.” Shy giggled before she led them into her cottage. “Take a seat anywhere, I'll be back in a bit.” Shy entered her kitchen as the twin queens sat gingerly upon the mare's couch, and sighed. 'This sucks...it's only the second day too.' Animak bemoaned mentally to her sister. 'We'll get through it. Even if I'd rather fight Discord again over this.' Kamina griped back, and they both groaned as they resisted grinding their flanks into the cushions. “How do mares deal with this every year?” They asked again to nopony in particular. “It gets easier with time girls.” Shy answered as she entered the room again. “I have the kettle heating up, so it will just be a bit.” “Thanks, but this is our first year, so that might explain why we're having such a hard time. But enough about us for a moment. What about you Shy? Now that you have a special somepony?” The sisters grinned cheekily, ready to get some gossip. They weren't normally ones for rumors or other hearsay, but boredom and a great desire for a distraction makes great motivators for “getting some dirt” on somepony, even if they don't plan to use it. This though, they genuinely wanted to know Shy's feelings on the matter. They'd keep it quiet if she asked, but otherwise they'd gladly plant some key words in some pony's minds to help her if they could. “Oh, my...um....” Shy fidgeted a little on the cushion she sat on, blushing as she rubbed her plot into the seat a bit. “This year is a little...harsh compared to before, now that I have somepony I really, really like to think about...and miss....” She whimpered as she began grinding into the pillow. “Oh~ I miss him so much right now...my big, strong, quiet stallion. He'd hold me if I'd just ask. Or even if I don't ask. We don't need to talk much to understand each other.” “So~? Have you, done the deed? Spread your wings? Tickled his pickle?” They needled childishly, making Shy blush fiercer with each innuendo. “Eeee....” The shy mare squeaked as she ducked onto the floor and hid her head behind her hooves and wings, getting a gleeful laugh out of the sisters, who found their friend's meek nature amusing. “You don't have to answer if you don't want to hun.” They consoled her amicably, getting the yellow pegasus to peek out from her wings, and sit back up, before she looked around as if to see if anyone was eavesdropping. “Um...yes. A lot...actually....” Shy grinned sheepishly as she spread her wings in the rigid shape indicating a pegasi's arousal. “The first time was so special. We had a lovely picnic in Whitetail Woods. We just enjoyed the peace and quiet, the serenity of nature. We were so alone, nothing around for miles.” “So Mac made the first move right?” Animak interjected, getting a giggle out of Shy. “Actually, I made the first move. Big Macintosh is such a gentlecolt, he could never do something so bold. But I felt the time was right, and when I presented myself to him, he gently asked if I was sure.” Fluttershy lived up to her name, as her rigid wings actually fluttered. “Oh~...just remembering it...!” “Calm down Shy. We don't want you getting like us.” Kamina joked, just before the kettle whistled from the kitchen. “Oh, right. Sorry. I'll get the tea ready.” Fluttershy returned to the kitchen, and the sisters grinned devilishly to each other. “Tease Mac about Shy making the first move?” Animak asked. “Definitely.” Answered Kamina. ===//////> “A-and again...WHY are we doing this?” Kamina asked nervously from her position being suspended by all four of her legs, her wings limp and covering the floor beneath her. Animak had left her to her fate when Twilight had seized her from the air with her magic, and was likely still fleeing from Trixie who continued in her pursuit of her twin. They'd JUST left Rainbow's the morning of the third day of the Cycle too. The poles, chains, and shackles holding her aloft were clearly freshly conjured as they didn't have a single mark of wear upon them. Also, she was in the library's expansive basement. “Because Kamina; I need to see just how different your reproductive system is from a normal hippogriff to understand just why your estrus is so intense by comparison. If I can find out why, I might be able to help Zecora develop a proper potion to help you both. To do this; I'm going to have to delve properly into the realm of gynecology.” Twilight explained in complete researcher mode. Right now, to Kamina's both fear and relief; she was little more than a test subject, and not a sudden victim of forced impregnation. What? Twilight's got weird kinks. She could be into that. “W-what is that?” Kamina asked in fear as Twilight summoned a clear-walled hard cylinder of impressive length. “W-what are you about to put in me?!” “Don't worry Kamina, it's just a speculum. It will let me see your vaginal walls completely, and also give me a direct path into your uterus and ovaries to send harmless, small magical probes to take visual images for me to examine and compare to all the illustrations I've analyzed of the different species you're composed of. Now stop fidgeting and let me put this in you.” Twilight levitated the terrifyingly long glass-like tube towards her groin, but the queen wasn't about to give up so easily. “No! I'm not letting you put that-AGH!” Kamina shouted in pain and surprise as the shockingly smooth object was practically jammed into her. “AH~! AH!” She screamed in sudden ecstasy as the tube grew, and widened as it went deeper, stretching her vaginal walls tighter. “I'M GONNA RIP~! I'M GONNA~...AH~!” She clamped down hard on the instrument, momentarily frightened she'd break it inside her, only for it to hold fast, and she panted as she rode the afterglow. That one was building up in frustration for a while. “Ugh....” “There, was that so hard?” Twilight asked smugly as the enchanted medical device finished practically melding with Kamina's sex, and gave Twilight a clear view into her for her to examine properly as she levitated over a scroll for notes, and a magical light came from her horn and slowly traveled inside. “Hm...yes...you have the lubrication glands for egg-laying...more draconic than avian however....” “Just get it over with....” Kamina moaned in anguish at her predicament. This was utterly degrading. “Your cervix is exactly like a dragon's cloaca though. You shouldn't have any trouble passing an egg.” The speculum extended a bit further into Kamina, making her hiss as it opened her cervix just enough for the light to enter her womb. “Hm...genuine griffin-slash-hippogriff womb though. You'd be carrying the egg for an estimated three months until it's mature enough to be birthed. But there are some draconic linings in here.” Kamina groaned as she felt the warmth of the small magical probe likely just go up one of her fallopian tubes. “Wow...nearly a complete dragon's egg system in here. You won't actually be losing any eggs without them being fertilized first...definite multiples. You've got the system here to carry a whole clutch.” “Wonderful.” Kamina dryly stated with so much sarcasm it might just light something on fire with how scathing it was. “Can I go now?” “Hold on, I need samples.” A small scraping tool and a couple of small glass slides began to go up the tube. “THE HELL YOU DON'T! LET ME GO!” Kamina freaked at the idea of Twilight harvesting anything from her womb, her instincts demanding she fight back, but suddenly she went limp, and found herself unable to move anything. 'Bitch!' “I knew putting those paralysis charms on the shackles was a good idea. What are you worrying about anyway? You'll regenerate anything I take anyway.” Twilight liberally took a few samples of Kamina's uterus lining, an egg from one of the ovaries, and then finally ceased her insensitive delving to watch the damage heal itself, and contently begin removing her samples and tools. “We're done. I'll be able to compile enough data with what I've learned, and what I will learn from the samples I took to come up with the reagents Zecora would need to help properly suppress your estrus to manageable levels.” “Shwell...cn ah go noo?” Kamina asked with a slur as she started to feel her body again. “Yes, just let me remove the...um....” Twilight took the speculum into her magic, and tried to pull it out, but it held fast. “Uh...just a sec.” She pulled harder, getting a pained squeal from Kamina. “What? Why won't it come out?!” “It'sh shtuck?!” Kamina screeched with a bit of a slur as she started panicking. “Oh~ why is this happening? Everything went smoothly! Where's the manual for this thing?” Twilight rummaged around her lab, looking for the user manual for the tool she really had no legal right or training for. “Where is it? Where is it?!” “'Light! If'n thish ishn't outta me thish inshtant! No Secksh for monthsh!” Kamina threatened, and this got Twilight to stop panicking, and realize she had a seriously pissed of significant other on her hooves. “Please! Not that! Oh~ hold on!” Twilight teleported away, leaving Kamina hanging alone for a few moments. “...She jusht ran didn't she?” Kamina dryly asked herself, only for Twilight to return with Nurse Redheart from Ponyville General. “...You're lucky you're a friend, or this would go straight to the law.” Redheart warned Twilight with a leer, making Twilight blush nervously. “Don't worry hun. I may be an earth pony, but all medical equipment like this is made to be used by anypony. Pay attention Sparkle; you'll learn something.” Redheart carefully placed a hoof at a certain point on the outside of the magical examination device, which Twilight only now noticed was discolored slightly against Kamina's puffy labia. Kamina sighed in relief as instantly the cylinder shrank within her, and was soon removed entirely to be sanitized and sterilized for reuse, since it wasn't a cheap disposable model. “See? Magic can't solve everything. Not even how to work a magical device.” “Yes, thank you Redheart. I'll take you back now.” Twilight was about to cast, only for Redheart to leer at her. “No. I'm going to help you get her down, and properly ensure your rough malpractice didn't hurt the poor dear. Advanced healing, regeneration or whatever; you don't treat somepony like this. Especially not your special somepony. You're some kind of twisted Sparkle. I'd see a shrink if I were you.” Redheart's harsh statements made Twilight suitably ashamed of her heavy-hoofed treatment of her lover as they set about letting the restrained queen go...who only just now realized that Twilight forgot to put a limiter on her horn...damn. ===//////> “C'mon girl. She said she was sorry.” Animak pleaded at the locked cloud door. “I'm not coming out until this crazy week is over!” Kamina wailed from inside the guest room, getting Animak to sigh in annoyance and regret at both this, and the fact that it was her negligence to try and save her sister that led her to being scared of her first true love. It was the morning of the fourth day, and Kamina had locked herself in the guest room as soon as she got back yesterday. She'd only left to eat dinner and use the restroom. To be fair though; Animak spent most of yesterday fleeing from a persistent Trixie, who wanted to catch her for the same reasons as Twilight caught Kamina, but for a separate battery of tests the more “traditional” way via divination and Zecora's natural remedies. Animak thankfully avoided being covered in colored spots or something, but at the expense of not being there for her other half, who refused to connect to her out of spite. “Still being a pussy?” Gilda asked sarcastically, getting a warning growl to rumble out of Animak in defense of her sister's feelings. “Whoa, okay, sorry.” Gilda rolled her eyes. “Think she'll be alright?” “I don't know, she won't even reconnect with me.” Animak pouted as she sat down in front of the door. “I even had to sleep alone on the couch last night, remember?” “Yeah, yeah I know. Look; I don't know much about all this complicated stuff alright? But I suggest we just give her some space for a while. How about you come with me to go shopping? I'm heading to Cloudsdale to check out the mall. See if they've got any neat swag in that'll catch my eye. You game?” Gilda asked, only for Game to pop out of mid-air. “No, I'M Game!” Game chortled, and quickly closed the fold in reality back up before Animak or any other female could catch wind of him hormonally, and they blinked. “...Yeah. Let's go do something to take my mind off of whatever just happened, and so I'm not just a sack of depression waiting for my sister to talk to me.” Animak and Gilda left the hall, and after a few moments, Kamina unlocked the door and peered out of it into the hall. “...Some new shades maybe?” Kamina mused, and came to a decision. “Wait up! I want to get out of this crazy town for a bit!” ===//////> “Blegh! Tastes like ass! Well, dirty ass!” Animak eloquently stated as she slammed the potion bottle back onto the table. “There, I drank your stupid test potion. Now will you all seriously make it up to my sister for what you did?” Animak decided after spending a day at the mall with Kamina and Gilda, and somehow leaving with hundreds of bits worth of accessories, mostly sunglasses, bangles, and other jewelry that could be considered unisex, that she had to fix things between Kamina and Twilight. She also figured if she could get the rest of their herd in on trying to cheer her up and mend the rift Twilight had caused with how unintentionally mean-spirited she was to her, it would work better. However, the magical trio of Twilight, Trixie, and Zecora added the stipulation that she try out the suppression potion they devised from the tests Twilight did the day before yesterday. “Yes, but tell us; how do you feel?” Twilight asked in earnest and genuine care as she ran a hoof over Animak's tummy, beings she was laying down on it at being gestured to do so. “...Fine. Yeah, I actually feel pretty good.” Animak marveled at the feeling, and purred as she suddenly grabbed a surprised and protesting Twilight into a hug. “Oh~ I don't feel like my guts are burning! Geez, is this what feeling normal is like? Damn, don't realize how good it is until you have to deal with something like estrus for a few days.” “Well, that's good. Now we have something to make up for my horrible treatment of her.” Twilight wriggled out of the hug, and gestured for Animak to leave. “Go get her, we have another dose ready, and the recipe written down so we can make more.” “Aye, aye doctor Sparkle!” Animak saluted jokingly, and flew out of the library window. “Holy crap! I feel amazing!” She rubbed her tummy, and sighed in relief of not feeling bloated, randy, or otherwise uncomfortable. “Woo! I feel so great!” She squealed happily, getting many mares below to look up at her and chuckle. She arrived at Rainbow's and rushed to their room, knocking obnoxiously. “Get your feathered tail out of bed missy! I've got something special for you!” “Ugh, what now Animak?” Kamina asked as she opened the door, only for Animak to pause at the sight of her. “What?” “Pfft...bwa, ha, ha, ha~!” She fell over laughing at how Kamina was completely done up in jewelry and makeup. She had silver bangles on her forelegs, a silver amulet on her neck which rested on her chest, and even had a few silver rings on her tail. Her eyelids were coated perfectly in a silvery mascara, which Animak admitted made her look gorgeous by accenting her eyes against her tan fur. “Sh-shut up! I look good and you know it!” She defended irately. “If you're only going to mock me, I'm closing the door.” “N-no wait! Listen; Twilight, Trixie, and Zecora came up with a potion that suppresses our estrus thanks to all that crap she put you through! I tested it and I feel great!” Animak got up and aimed her rear at her sister, showing her that her genitals were not swollen as they'd been for days. “We can spend the next couple of days like normal.” “So we don't have to put up with this? Yes!” Kamina crowed, and exited the room. “If they did this just to help us...I think I can forgive Twilight for before. Let's go.” Kamina gladly flew back with Animak to the library to find a pink potion sitting on a table, and an ashamed Twilight nervously standing behind it. Trixie and Zecora encouraging her to stay put. “Twilight....” “Y-yes?” Twilight asked apprehensively, but was glad to see her love approach and nuzzle her. “I'm sorry....” “I know. And I forgive you. But none of that EVER again. Clear?” Kamina stipulated, getting an eager nod from her first true love. “Okay, so I'm going to drink this. How long should it last?” Kamina asked as she popped the cork and chugged it down. “It should work for at least a day, at least that's what my previous works say.” Zecora stated, and Kamina sighed in relief of the constant irritation in her core fading away. “How are you dear?” “Wonderful! I feel-!” “Ah!” They all turned towards Animak, to see her sweating profusely, and panting. “H-holy shit! Holy shit!” “Animak! What's wrong?!” Trixie asked as she quickly trotted around, and paused at her hindquarters to blush. “Oh...my....” “What?” Twilight asked in worry, and quickly got alongside Trixie, and blushed brightly as well. “Whoa....” “What's got you so-gah!” Kamina got her answer when Animak sat down and held open her forelegs, to reveal a familiar sight of their “Captain Kamina/Admiral Animak” at full attention, sans balls, as instead there was a puffy pussy at the base. “Th-the potion turned her into a hermaphrodite?!” Kamina promptly shoved her talons into the back of her throat, but couldn't get a gag. “No! We can't risk getting you girls pregnant!” “H-hold on a moment!” Twilight shouted, and started at Admiral Animak for a moment, and sniffed it. “I...don't feel anything from it. Sure, I'm turned on, but not as overtly so as I would in estrus as I am. Fascinating...Animak, do you mind if I collect a sample of your discharge?” Twilight asked this time, and Animak practically grabbed her face with a pleading expression. “You ARE going to get me off somehow! Or Faust help me! I WILL impregnate you all right here! Damn the consequences!” They balked at Animak's outburst. She and Kamina managed to control themselves quite well in spite of their conditions. “You'd better get going, or I'm coming!” “Oh~ hurry! I f-feel~...AH!” Kamina cried as her own penis returned, but in an unusual way with no balls like Animak, and she panted as her vision became tinted red, and she grit her teeth as tears poured fourth. “T-Twilight?! Those foals are in the near future if you don't hurry!” The mares all huddled together, and worriedly looked at each other before turning back to the now prowling predators stalking towards them. “Q-quick test!” Twilight used her magic to literally pull some of the semen now dribbling from their crazed lover's erections, and slammed it with a few tests, and blinked before beaming. “Girls. No sperm.” The tables suddenly turned, and the mares all became wild-eyed. “Free game!” The Twins realized the sudden turn too late as the mares pounced more like wild tigers than ponies. ===//////> The sextet of lovers were all laid about the massive bed in the main bedroom in various poses of exhaustion, having spent the last few days of the Cycle in a near-constant orgy quite reminiscent of what normally happens if a stallion is caught unprepared in the Cycle by multiple mares. There were body fluids everywhere, and the only breaks they took were for meals and the restroom. Applejack had dropped in a couple days ago, and was quickly pulled into the action. Upon hearing and smelling what was going on; any other mares who happened by the library kept their distance to ensure they weren't pulled into the action as well. The potion lasted nearly twice as long as Zecora theorized, and after the fifth hour or so, she admitted she might have realized far too late the similarities between the suppression potion and a “vitality” potion she'd been working on too. Something must've gotten mixed in somewhere to make this unique reaction, and Zecora already had a cauldron of the stuff in reserve. The good thing that came from this was that since the hermaphrodite effect was temporary; the semen they produced was sterile. So they all got to have fun, and nothing bad came of it. Well, almost nothing. “Oh dear Celestia! The stench!” Rarity screamed in horror of the smell upon finding them all tired and heaped onto the bed, coated in their own juices. She decided to drop by since the Cycle ended and things were going back to normal, but she did not expect their romp to get this wild. “Ugh...gross....” Kamina bemoaned as she pulled herself out of the bed, gagging at finally registering the stench. Thankfully the potion wore off an hour or so ago. “Sorry you have to see this. Zecora's suppression potion...REALLY backfired.” “No joking. Come dear, I'll help you clean up.” Rarity then faced the room again with her nose plugged. “You're all getting a thorough cleansing! I only dread how you'll clean the room.” Rarity left the door open so it could air out a little, and she guided the tired Kamina towards the bathroom. “Now darling, since the cycle is over; you can change back into a stallion once we're through here.” “...As nice as that is...I don't want to have a dick for a while.” Kamina shuddered at just how raw she got over the past couple days of near-constant sex. “Mares...are crazy.” “Well, it takes one to know one darling.” Rarity winked impishly as they got to the bathroom. “Welcome to the fold.” “Woo-hoo.” Kamina replied dryly. > Negotium. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once everything was cleaned up, lives finally went back to normal as another Estrous Cycle had ended. Kamina and Animak were not looking forwards to next year, as although Zecora's “dick potion” kinda worked, it backfired in such a spectacular way that everypony involved wanted nothing to do with it. Well...in that large of a dosage anyway. So next year; either Kamina or Animak would have to go through that humiliating procedure of examination so that the mares could try their hooves at getting the potion right next Cycle. The Twins decided to stay queens for a while, beings they felt a phantom pain of rawness when they changed back. This saddened their mates, but they made do with foreplay, and kinky things that Twilight liked to try when she was feeling adventurous. However, when Animak finally felt comfortable as a king again, Kamina admitted she liked being a queen. This worried everyone that her original identity was at risk, but she said she was okay with being a guy, but felt more comfortable as a gal. To prove it, she would change back whenever the mood suited her, or when it came time for spanky flanky, but otherwise she stayed a queen. At least it made telling the twins apart easier besides having to note their plumage and eye colors. Not to mention Kamina took to accessorizing, and she was drawing the eyes of the male population as much as Animak drew the eyes of the male population. She only ever regularly wore silver tail rings, and her silver mascara. At least it helped divide the Twin's personalities enough that they didn't do absolutely everything in synch, which decreased the oddity of their interactions. Aside from them personally, the town hall had an issue with a collapsing roof when the local mailmare Derpy Hooves crashed headlong into it on a delivery. She was fine of course. Ponies all across town swore what Derpy lacked in grace, she made up for in spades with her adorable personality and impeccable endurance. Thankfully however, the town had enough bits to easily cover repairs, since Spike intelligently instated that some of the taxes normally spent on more superfluous things like convenience or comfort be set aside to be saved up for emergencies, and having the town hall's roof on the verge of collapse counted as an emergency. This way the royal coffers weren't constantly compensating the town for it's frequent incidents. This meant that AJ's rodeo trip wasn't going to be focused on winning money for the town, but rather for her family. She didn't win first in any of the rodeo's competitions, but she won second in most, and third in a couple, which although not worth mentioning compared to the prizes earned by the blue ribbon winners, was more than enough to put the Apple family at ease involving their funds. This, however, did not stop the fact that the Apples needed to get a buff from selling their cider to save up for winter this year. Usually they only made it during cider season, which was autumn, and was their premier seller during Nightmare Night, the Feasting Festival, and Hearth's Warming. However; they were planning expansions on the farm to improve their production capacity, and were not going to be able to do it with their normal income. “So you're planning to sell magically chilled cider at the start of summer? That's great!” Animak and Kamina stated together. Their respective masculine and husky feminine voices creating a wonderful duet that made most everything they said together sound like a song. “Eeyup!” Mac replied cheerfully as he looked over the enchanted barrel hoops that Twilight made for them. They offered her a commission, beings she was turning out to be the town blacksmith with her love of forging metal and was getting into armoring too, but she said it was easy, and good practice to work a chilling enchantment onto something as simple as barrel hoops. They basically emitted a constant chill inwards from the hoop, and then maintained the temperature when what it was cooling reached said temperature, which was around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, making it both crisp, and long-lasting in preservation in comparison to standard storage. “Here's hopin' that this here gambit o' yers works out little filly.” Granny Smith warily said to Applejack, beings she was the one who came up with the idea. “If this works, we'll never have to worry 'bout scrapin' by no more.” “Now don't y'all worry 'bout nothin' Granny Smith. My friends have been spreadin' the word all around town and-.” “Is the cider ready yet?!” At the loud question, they all turned their heads to see Pinkie Pie camped out in front of the farm entrance, a tent already set up, and little Citrine sucking on a rock candy pacifier on her back. “Uh...sugarcube...we haven't even started makin' it yet. The sellin' don't start till tomorrow mornin'.” AJ informed her friend with an air of incredulity at just how early she showed up. “Okay! Hear that Citrine? We get to camp out!” Pinkie cheered, and Citrine took out her pacifier to coo happily at the concept. “Let's make smores!” This made Citrine make utterly adorable squeals of joy as Pinkie set her down on a sleeping bag and set about preparing a fire, all while the Apples and the Twins looked to each other in bafflement. ===//////> “Ah don't believe it....” Applejack gaped alongside her family at the sight that greeted them upon getting up at the crack of dawn. For once; they weren't the first ones up in Ponyville, as a line of tents stretched down the road into town. “Ah think my friends spread the word a bit too much...did we make enough cider?” AJ nervously asked her family as they all equally nervously shook their heads. “Y'all just get ta sellin' little filly. We'll be makin' more barrels o' cider while ya work. Up fer some emergency apple buckin' Mac?” Granny Smith asked Mac, who nodded. “Well let's git to it! Thirsty ponies can be scary ponies!” “Eeyup!” Mac nudged Apple Bloom to follow for help, and she quickly left with them as AJ gulped in concern for possibly building up a bit too much hype for their cider from her enthusiastic friends. “Ah hope this don't blow up in my face somehow.” AJ fanned herself with her stetson. “AJ!” She looked up at the harmonic duet to see her lovers descend from the air. “Wow...Blitz wasn't kidding.” “Crazy right? Can't believe ponies love our cider THIS much! The rest of the family is gonna be making more while Ah sell, but even if they work the whole time until this batch is gone; Ah don't think we'll be able to serve all of Ponyville!” AJ griped, and her lovers nuzzled her to get her to calm down. “We'll help AJ, don't worry. We'll get to apple bucking or working the press to speed things along.” They then walked past her, and rubbed the whole length of their tiger tails along her body, making the mare shiver and her tail twitch. “Darn you ya teasin' varmints....” 'Y'all know what yer tails do ta me....' AJ took a deep, steadying breath. She couldn't afford to be turned on if she was going to be working a stall all day. “Alrighty everypony! Our cider stall is now OPEN~!” AJ shouted as loud as she could so as many ponies could hear her as possible, before she turned over the sign hanging on the front of the stall which declared it was open, and the price per mug was one bit each, which would normally buy a small bushel of apples. Then again; each mug contained said bushel of apples. They just sold faster, and thus quicker profits. Pinkie, being first in line, suddenly had her camp all cleaned up, and Citrine on her back again, the little tot still too sleepy to be fully awake at this early hour. She then promptly dumped a whole sack of bits onto the pay tray, and bounced in place waiting to be served. “Um...how many bits were in that bag?” AJ asked nervously. She didn't expect Pinkie to ante up so much dough for cider, just HOW popular was their cider?! “Fifty!” Pinkie beamed in excitement. “Th-that's a whole barrel!” 'D-down by a barrel already from the first customer?!' “D-don't y'all think it's a might unfair o' ya ta hoard so much cider ta yerself?” “Oh, it isn't all for me! I'm getting it for the Cakes, and Game too. He's in Canterlot hosting a party for Prince Blueblood. Something about it being an...uh...some sort of “I'm a different pony now” party?” Pinkie tried to convey in confusion, idly batting at her long mane with a hoof as she tried to grasp the fancy word Game used to describe it. “Oh...well, then Ah don't see why not. Just a sec.” AJ trotted to the stack of barrels behind her, bumped it with her flanks, and the top barrel popped off and landed on her back, only making her flex slightly and grunt in catching it, and she set it down to roll over to Pinkie. “Here ya are Pinkie. Don't go drinking it all at once now!” “Hey! How come she get's to buy a whole barrel?!” Berry Punch, the second in line demanded, and it was about to start a chain of complaints, but AJ ignored them, took out a marker, and wrote “50 bits a barrel” under “1 bit a mug”. “Oh! Okay then. I'll just buy a few mugs though, didn't bring that many bits with me.” “Thank goodness. My family and the royal twins are working overtime to make more cider, and at this rate Ah'm worried we won't be able to serve even half of ya before we have to restock.” AJ set about serving her, and thankfully; most of the ponies following her only wanted a single mug. AJ got mixed feelings about this, as while they all briskly enjoyed the crisp cold cider immediately, and returned the mugs to be cleaned for reuse, it brought to light just how popular their product was. 'Hm...maybe, we could bottle it, and sell it like our Zap Apple Jam! If it's this popular...but we'd be the ones supplying it all. How could we-?' “Aw....” Blitz bemoaned as the mug AJ held under the tap only got a few drops, and AJ noticed it was the last barrel of the first stack, and only half the line was gone. “Sorry hun, but we're out at the moment. There's more barrels on the way though.” AJ reassured them, and nervously hoped her kin and lovers had managed to make enough. 'Ah wouldn't bet on it.' “Cider-up~!” Kamina's husky voice sang as she rode atop a rolling barrel towards the stall. “Whoa! It's all gone already?” “Eeyup. Gone dry.” AJ pridefully and happily stated. She'd had to bag the bit tray numerous times already. They've made over 500 bits thus far off of ten barrels of cider. “Well good thing there's more where that came from!” Kamina crowed as her brother and the rest of the Apples all rolled their barrels more normally towards the stall. “Well Ah'll be a shortstack. Sales are this good?” Mac asked as they rolled the other three barrels up. “Please tell me you've got more on the way.” AJ pleaded, and Mac looked at the line before his ears bent back. “Not as much as yer hopin' for Ah reckon.” Mac sadly informed her, getting a despondent sigh out of AJ. “How're we going to serve all these patient ponies who showed up just to taste our cider?” AJ bemoaned as Blitz became concerned over his friend's worries. ===//////> The last drop of the last barrel plunked disappointingly into the mug. “Sorry Thunderlane. We're fresh out, and the next batch won't be out for a few more minutes.” AJ apologized, and the mohawk-maned pegasus stallion shrugged noncommittally. He'd waited long enough, he could wait a bit more. “Ah wish we had a faster way to produce our cider without skimping on the quality.” AJ's musing was cut off by the loud chugging and rumbling of something big approaching, and it drew everypony's attention down the road leading out of town to see a mechanical monstrosity that seemed to be the lovechild between a carriage and a train engine. Riding atop the colorful candy-cane striped abomination were twin yellow unicorn brothers with similarly stripped hair, vests, and hats. Rather than let them finish pulling up, AJ trotted out to meet them, and the brother with the mustache worked a few levers next to the fainting couch they sat on to move the machine away from the white picket fence surrounding the farm and stop before she reached them. “Well howdy there! Might Ah ask what y'all are doin' here with that infernal contraption?” AJ asked amicably in spite of her phrasing, and eyed in it in interest. “Well ma'am. We're here to propose a business deal with the Apples regarding their plans to sell cider out of season. Could you direct us to the owner of this orchard?” The one with a clean snout asked politely, and AJ felt odd, like she shouldn't trust them, but also felt she could. She had to play her cards right. “That would be me. My Granny Smith is the matron of our family, but Ah've more or less taken over the farm. What would this deal be? Just be curt with me about it as well. Ah don't take to no fancy song-and-dance.” AJ set down for them, making the twins look disappointed; clearly they'd had a grand presentation prepared. “Well...very well then. We're the Flim Flam Brothers. We're traveling salesponies, and it just so happens that we've had a similar idea to you. I'm Flim.” The one without a mustache introduced. “I'm Flam. See, we were thinking. Why? Why should cider only be a seasonal drink? I've had a craving for cider since the season ended! Most would say; because it's when apples grow the most, or when the stocks of apples have built up.” Flam added. “But apples are a perennial cultivar. So cider should reasonably be available at all times. That's why we've designed this machine before you!” The brothers posed proudly, and then spoke in unison as the ponies of Ponyville were familiar with from the royal twins. “The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000~!” AJ blinked. 'This...is too good to be true.' “What's the catch? Does it skimp on quality?” “We can give you a sample, but really the quality depends on the quality of apples we can feed this beauty.” Flim stated. “So, if I could be so bold to ask; could we have some of your mouth watering apples to make a sample?” Flam asked, and AJ shrugged and waved at the nearest tree over the fence. “Thank you ma'am. Come on brother!” The twins then powered their horns, and fired together into a funnel on the machine. The mechanical press roared to life as it extended a giant vacuum hose with a funnel to the offered tree, and through some mystical force, pulled only apples from the tree, ripping them clean from the stems too, and left the tree bare of fruit. They gestured for AJ to watch as the machine's viewing window automatically picked out the bad ones, and she heard the satisfying crunch of a press pulping apples, before they guided her to a dispenser that filled a wood mug with cider, and they presented it to her. “Go on, try it.” AJ took it in hoof, sniffed it, and took a swing. Swishing it in her mouth, she hummed pleasantly before swallowing. “Good...but, not as good as our own cider.” AJ gestured the brothers to follow as Kamina rode another barrel up to the stand. “Since ya'll were kind enough to let me sample yours, sample ours, and yours.” While Kamina didn't know what was going on, she levitated the new barrel onto the stand, and removed the empty one while transferring the spigot. AJ served two mugs, and gave them to the brothers. “Taste yours, then ours.” The brothers drank theirs, and were pleased, but when they tried AJ's, they gaped at the difference. “My fair mare! How is your cider so...wonderful?” Flim asked in surprise. “And cold!” “Our family recipe! We don't just press the apples, we also add certain spices and such to make it sweeter, and the taste sharper. As for it being chilled; that's new. Our barrels have enchanted hoops to cool the contents. So it's refreshing and keeps longer.” AJ looked over at the machine as Animak and the rest of her family approached, the other ponies nearby were all watching in wonder. “Your machine is amazing, but unless it can add the spices just right, and chill the contents, then we can't afford to downgrade our process if it sacrifices quality.” The brothers wilted slightly, but then brightened up. “We can make the adjustments! We'll be back tomorrow morning!” The twin brothers rushed to their machine, and magically removed the barrel of cider they'd produced over to the Apples. “See you soon!” They took off back down the road, an energy of excitement abounding from everypony but the Apples, who were more curious than anything. “Applejack...what's going on?” Animak asked in confusion, and AJ sighed as she moved back to the stand. “Just a potential business deal.” ===//////> As stated, the next day, the brothers returned, but with a couple of obvious alterations to the machine. There was another funnel added onto the top of the machine, and the barrels it carried clearly had the runes engraved onto the barrels. While the line wasn't as big as it was yesterday, there was still a crowd in attendance when the brothers and their contraption arrived, while the Apples were in full attendance this time. “We're back! We've added an adjustable spice hopper onto the top that will insert the proper amount of a spice mixture into each individual batch.” Flim proclaimed. “Well then, we're likely to be in business then. What're the terms?” AJ asked, and the brothers considered seriously. “A small percentage. For us I mean. We'll need to make plenty of sales to make up for our losses we spent on building this baby.” Flam tapped the machine lovingly. “How about...25/75 with you getting the bulk?” AJ looked to Mac, who thought the numbers over, and flicked his sprig of wheat around his mouth a bit. “Hm...we'd make enough of a profit to come out of this rather well, but not golden delicious. This is more of a long-term deal we'd have to be makin'.” “We're absolutely fine with such an arrangement good fellow! We'll take it! But first, we need to make sure the SSCS 6001~ will make your cider properly. Direct us to your pressing station.” Flim cheerfully declared, and while AJ kept running the stall with their already prepared batch of cider, the others followed the brothers, and missed the crowds of ponies starting to feed in from town, growing the line casually now that they know the Apples were doing this regularly, getting AJ to grin. “Ah must have dear momma's business sense.” AJ mused as she looked up at the sky for moment. 'Would ya be proud of me ma?' “It works~!” Kamina crowed as she rolled a freshly prepared barrel of cider next to the stack they already had. “It tastes just as crisp as always!” “Well colt howdy! We might just have to start bottlin' this liquid gold!” AJ gleefully declared, and turned to the growing crowds. “None o' y'all worry! We have more than enough for everypony!” AJ shouted, getting cheers as she kept serving the happy town. 'This turned out better than Ah could've ever hoped for.' AJ turned to watch Kamina swagger back to the pressing area with a happy sway to her haunches, making AJ blush as she kept grinning. 'Why do Ah feel like Ah owe it all to you sugar?' Kamina meanwhile, was pondering what else she could blackmail the unicorn twins to keep them in line, and giggling at the thought of using what her investigators had on file for the two swindlers. 'Nopony tries to pull wool over one of my mares! I'll make you rue the day you decided to try and cross AJ! RUE I say!' “Tee-hee~! They CAN make good cider though~.” > Hospitium Tragoedia... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres was doing better than ever! With the Flim Flam brothers, who turned out to be estranged members of the Apple family, working the Squeezy and manning the stall while the rest of the family harvested as normal for their standard sales, they were practically rolling in bits! The town got used to their cider however, and weren't lining up the road for it anymore, but could order some whenever they fancied, and several of the establishments in town ordered the cider in bulk for resale. This led the Flim Flam twins to suggest bottling and selling their delicious product across the country, which AJ admitted she'd been considering too. So now with all the funds, they were going to plant a whole acre they'd expanded specifically for cider apples, as well as a bottling press that the Flim Flam brothers were going to build themselves to save on expenses. Nopony disagreed with them on them making it, beings the brothers built the Squeezy to begin with. Also with them learning a couple of spells for making glass from sand without the intense and careful method glass blowers were known for, they could also supply the bottles from local sand deposits. After a couple of weeks, the salesponies decided to come clean about their original intentions, but expressed how much they actually enjoyed working with the Apples and wanted to keep on with the venture, seeing the potential of Apple Family Cider as a worthwhile long-term solution to their desire to live comfortably. So now, more or less, Applejack's constant worries about keeping her farm afloat were gone, and instead replaced with her giddiness at getting to take off in success. Kamina and Animak were tickled pink at Kamina's initial heavy-taloned treatment of the unicorn twins turning out so well. Once the new set of twins proved themselves reliable, Kamina informed them that she'll drop the threat she held over them off to the side if they kept to their word. This worked to make the unicorn brothers more receptive to the royal twin's presence, as they were more comfortable talking to Kamina now. However, life didn't revolve around a farm for Kamina and Animak, they only visited every week or other day. Today they were visiting Blitz in the hospital. Blitz took a really, really bad spill during a stunt according to Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie who all witnessed it. He seemed to lose control of his flight pattern, spin out, and crash headlong directly into the ground. According to Twilight, who performed emergency medical spells, he had actually died for a few seconds, having snapped his neck. But she brought him back with her quick spellcraft, and melded his vertebrae back together, but he'd have his neck in a brace for weeks, not to mention the mangled wing she couldn't get to right away beings she had to focus on his neck. The near-death of their friend had everyone suddenly come to remember their mortality, especially Gilda who was so terrified when she heard the news, she'd been standing vigil over his sleeping form and threatened anypony who tried to drag her away with maiming, and even broke the left foreleg of one of the orderlies. They left her be, since she was a griffin, and magic or no; nothing could get between a griffin queen and her mate. She proved it when she broke free of Doctor Stable's telekinesis and about broke his snout with a punch. However, today was the third day Blitz had been in this coma, and the Twins felt that they'd let him rest long enough. They had something they had to do. “Gilda!” The twins shouted as they burst into Blitz's ICU room, making the griffin squawk in surprise, and seem to jolt awake. “W-what? For the last time! I'm not leaving him!” Gilda looked haggard. She was thin, having neglected eating, she was utterly exhausted, having resisted sleeping to watch Blitz breath through a tube, and she was an utter mess, also having forgone bathing. “Oh yes you are! You're coming with me missy!” Animak declared as he towered over her, and glared into her eyes. “I am going to bathe you, feed you, and do whatever you need to get you comfortable enough to sleep.” “I'll take over, I won't leave his side.” Kamina promised. Gilda blinked and wobbled, she yawned, and looked to Blitz forlornly. “I...I want to be the face he wakes up to...I want to prove to him that I'm every bit as Loyal as he is....” “Killing yourself like this isn't what Blitz would want. Hearing about this would be more than enough for him.” Animak stated, and then grabbed her left talon in his right talon, and squeezed for comfort. “Let us help. Please.” He looked her in the eyes with warmth, and Gilda sniffed as she leaned into the strong hippogriff. She couldn't cry, she'd run out of tears. No, literally. She's dehydrated too. “Okay...I'll take a rest.” Gilda about drifted off, but Animak shook her awake. “Don't fall asleep on me now. We've gotta feed you first. You might die if you fall asleep in this state.” Animak hugged her, and looked to his twin sister. “You'll do what we discussed, right?” “Yes.” Kamina nodded resolutely. She decided now was best. “C'mon then Gilda.” Animak charged his horn, and teleported Gilda to her home to take care of her. Kamina then sat next to Blitz's side and reached a talon out to him, resting it on his chest. “I'm sorry. If you hate me for this, I won't care. It's for your own good buddy.” Kamina took a deep breath. And concentrated. Blitz grunted into the tube in his throat, and cringed as something fundamental to his very nature changed. His wings, once feathered, shed their plumage in a rapid molt, the dead feathers revealing black leathery wings of a very clear ancestry. Kamina was turning Blitz into a thestral. His body slumped slightly with the corded muscle relaxing as something else worked into him as his cells rapidly began to regenerate faster than they died. The genetic element that gave alicorns their ageless quality and rapid healing. When it was done, Blitz groaned and awoke, his cerise eyes opening to reveal the once round pupils were cat-like slits, and he gagged as he pulled his forehooves up and carefully pulled the tube out of his throat. “Blegh....” His mouth now had sharp fangs, and canines at the fore. Thestrals were a part of ponykind for a long time, being a sub-species of pegasi. They lived in secluded places for the most part however, for their naturally nocturnal and omnivorous natures unsettled most ponies since time immemorial, which ironically made them Luna's favorites for her guard and servants. “Feeling fine Blitz?” Kamina asked in concern. This was the biggest and heaviest change she'd ever instilled in somepony else, she really didn't want to screw up and hurt her friend. “Ugh...besides the stiffness I'm feeling I feel...what?” Blitz bolted up, and took in his wings in shock. “W-what happened?! Where're my feathers!” Blitz looked down at the hospital bed, and blinked. “Oh...right there. But why are my wings like this?” “Blitz...I'm going to drop a bomb on you here....” ===//////> “...So...you're kinda ageless now too...yeah....” Kamina broke the news to him as gently and in as bright a light as possible. “I'm a hornless alicorn!” Blitz gushed in amazement as he removed the neck brace. “Dude! So awesome! Thanks for the other stuff too girl, Gilda always complains about my resistance to trying meat. Now maybe I'll actually like the taste of the stuff that Hayburger is always selling.” Blitz then blinked. “Wait...I'm ageless?” “Yeah...I've been considering it a long time...I have alicorn in me, I can change others too, using any template I have available. Gilda has silent owl wings, didn't you notice?” Kamina asked Blitz, who blinked and then sneered at Kamina. “So YOU'RE why she can always get the jump on me! Not cool! She always catches me off guard from behind and scares the tartarus out of me!” Blitz huffed and looked to his new wings. “So, what's the reason for you making me have cool bat wings?” “Thestrals have them, duh. Also; they're silent too. Thestrals are nocturnal predators, so they need silence to catch their prey off-guard.” Kamina informed her friend, who grinned maliciously. “So now YOU can catch Gilda off-guard!” “Sweet!” Blitz tried to get out of bed, but then cried in pain, and panted as he laid back down. “Ugh...my neck....” “Yeah, immortal-like regeneration or not; your neck is going to be hurting for a while colt. You DIED for a few seconds before Twilight saved you dude. You're not going anywhere. Now put that brace back on, it'll keep you from agitating your neck.” Blitz hissed as he reached down and brought the brace back around his neck, and adjusted it for comfort, and sighed as the pressure on his vertebrae lessened. “Also your right wing isn't about to become flight-worthy yet. Give it a flap.” “N-no...I'll take your word for it.” Blitz sighed as he took in the depressing room, and finally decided to process the seriousness of the situation. “I died? How's Gilda? The girls?” “Yes. She's taking this hard, and so are the others. Gilda stood over you for days without eating, drinking, sleeping, or bathing. We just barged in a bit before I changed you, and Animak forced her to leave so he could tend to her.” Kamina explained, and Blitz looked down at the bed in depression. “I died...like an idiot too...some Wonderbolt I'd be.” He sniffled, and looked at his new wings. “Even with a new set...I don't...know if I'll have the courage to just do stuff like that again....” “Blitz. I gave you the regeneration not just to make you ageless, but so if you do fuck up royally like that again; you're far more likely to walk away from it and be fine later. Don't let this ruin your dreams dude.” Kamina pleaded as she put a talon on his shoulder consolingly. “Look, just rest okay? Your job is to get better right now. Can you do that Sir Blitz? Can I count on you to do this?” Kamina asked seriously, and Blitz took a steadying breath as he saluted. “Good. Now, I know you don't care for reading like us, but I brought you a pretty cool adventure novel.” Blitz hesitantly accepted the book, and looked at the cover. “Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone? This is a kid's book!” At the sound of an irate bleating, Blitz looked over at the door. “No offense.” A young goat and his mother were passing by the door. “None taken, come along dear.” The mother nudged her young kid along, and Kamina closed the door with her magic. “Now Blitz, don't say that. Books like this can be enjoyed by anyone. You're not going anywhere for a while, and reading that book is going to be all you'll have for entertainment for a while.” Kamina gently warned her friend, who huffed and tossed the book onto the bed. “Sorry, but I'm not an egghead. I get enough reading coordinating the weather.” Blitz suddenly felt his face grabbed in a talon, and the book opened to the first page with his snout practically shoved into it. “You. Are. GOING! To read!” Kamina grit her teeth as a vein pulsed on her head. For some reason; his resistance to her pissed her off. “No!” Blitz closed his eyes indignantly. “You can't FORCE me!” “Grrr....” Kamina's throaty tiger growl instinctively scared Blitz, but he obstinately refused, and she snorted as she thought of how to go about this, and smirked evilly as she let his face go. “I'm so~ sorry hun. My need to ensure your physical and mental health got the best of me. Here~. Let me apologize~.” Blitz gasped in surprise as suddenly he found her talon at his groin, rubbing him in a way that elicited a response. “S-stop that! Only Gilda can-AH!” Blitz shouted in pain as his wings went rigid, and his injured wing lanced with phantom pain. “S-stop!” “What's that? Rub like this~?” Kamina teased his member until it started to unsheathe under the patient gown, and Blitz grit his teeth in agony as his neck tensed, agitating his neck too. “Alright! I'll read the stupid book!” Blitz declared in desperation, and Kamina stopped her ministrations as he panted and tried to calm down. “There, was that so hard?” Kamina slyly asked with an impish grin, and Blitz hissed at her with a surprisingly predatory rasp. “You're the Warden!” Blitz grumbled as he picked up the book, and opened to the first page. He started reading, but stopped and noticed Kamina was still patiently sitting next to his bed. “Can you go now?” “Moi? Sorry hun, promised Gilda I'd keep an eye on you until she comes back. Now get reading. Or do I have to take things up a level?” Kamina teased/threatened by forming a circle with one talon, and harshly jabbing a claw into it with an expression of pleasure on her face, tongue out and everything, and Blitz blushed and hissed as his male body responded accordingly, and he grunted in pain. “The. Warden!” ===//////> After that, it was smooth sailing for the most part. Kamina only left him alone to use the restroom or get food, but even when she was gone he kept reading. He was surprised by how much he was enjoying the book. Kamina didn't tease him like that again after the-*HISS!*-second threat, but just thinking about it got Blitz heated, and he tried to use the book to distract him from it. But the author's description of Daring's body just kept building fantasies in his head, and he groaned as another mention of her broken wing reminded him of her depiction as being an athletic, petite mare. Blitz always did love himself, that was especially true back when he was Dash, and trying to figure out his sexuality. It wasn't until Gilda came back into his life, and they proclaimed their love that he realized he was Bisexual. He'd always wondered why as Dash; that her own body turned her on so much. It was so hard to focus when she'd see herself in the mirror, and instantly fantasize making out with a clone of her or something. And Daring, from the sounds of it; was merely a different colored version of Dash, which just spurred on the old fantasy. 'Damn you Kamina! Getting me thinking about sex when it's the LAST thing I need!' Blitz groaned in pain as his wings twitched. “Getting pent-up?” Nurse Redheart asked as she came in. Shortly after Kamina had forced the book on him, the medical staff were brought up to speed as to his condition, and had him moved to a private room so his new appearance didn't cause a disturbance. “Yeah. Princess Kamina's relentless teasing has me all raring to go, but it causes me pain.” Blitz complained as he tried to relax his rigid wings. “Don't you have something for that?” “For normal ponies, yes. But a thestral? We don't know what it would do to you. Sorry sweetie.” Redheart informed him as she checked the IV and such. It was just a saline drip to keep him hydrated, with a very light dose of pain reliever for his phantom pains. “Ugh...I just wish wingboners didn't exist sometimes.” Blitz bemoaned, and marked his place with a bookmark, and set down the book for a moment. His eyes hurt a bit. It'd been a day, and Kamina was still here since Gilda was still crashed on their bed in exhaustion. The ridiculously sexy hippogriff-*HISS~!*-was just getting some food from the cafeteria. “Damn you...Kamina!” “Say my name!” Kamina burst into the room, holding a platter in the air with her magic as she posed like a stage actor. “And I appear! With food too.” She cheekily stated as she continued into the room, and set down a mixed platter. “Okay! Got you a hayburger, salad, yogurt, and a side of Everfree giant anaconda!” Redheart and Blitz both turned a little green at the bloody hunk of meat plopped carelessly onto the platter. “Um...your highness...Sir Blitz is still a pony-.” “A THESTRAL pony! Which means he needs to cut his new teeth into some meat; stat!” She then caressed his chin and pouted. “I hunted it just for you~! Try it?” “No! It's disgusting!” Blitz declared, but his stomach rumbled, and his mouth watered. Somehow, the very stench of death coming from the raw, bloody, fresh meat was drawing something forth. A carnal desire for flesh. Kamina's face deadpanned, and then she erupted into the tell-tale explosion of sinew that preceded a transformation, and she shifted and grew into a massive green and yellow snake that filled the whole room with scaly coils, sealing the door shut with her size, as Kamina became an Everfree giant anaconda right before them. She lowered her face down to the extremely unnerved Blitz, and smirked. “This Anaconda Don't! Want! None! Unless you got! Buns! Hun!” “Yow!” Blitz yelped as the tip of Kamina's serpent tail whipped the side of Blitz's left flank from the side of the bed. “Geez! Fine, I'll try it!” Blitz looked down at the bloody hunk of meat that was likely part of the giant beast that Kamina transformed into, and gulped nervously. He grabbed the spork in his hoof, and hesitantly jabbed it into the fresh flesh. He slowly brought it to his mouth, sniffed, and his mouth moistened. He then quickly and savagely tore into it, moaning in a form of pleasure as his eyes rolled back, blood dripping from his lips as he chewed. “So~ juicy!” “M-ma'am...?” Kamina blinked her layered reptile eyes and looked to the terrified Nurse Redheart, who had literally peed herself in fear. “C-can I go?” “Oh dear, sorry hun. But it seems you already went.” Kamina giggled at her terrible joke, but became ashamed of her blasé attitude towards her transformation powers around ponies who had no prior experience with it. “I'm SO sorry Redheart. I can erase your memory of this if you want.” “N-no...I'll be fine. It was just...very unnerving. I'd leave, but your coils are blocking the door.” Redheart explained, and Kamina noticed just how much of the room she filled. She forgot that giant anacondas hunted ursa for a reason. Her coils were actually lining the walls, under the bed, and overlapping enough times she'd take hours uncoiling herself if she couldn't just return to normal. She blushed, even though snakes don't have the capacity to. Benefit of being such an amalgamation of templates. “Oh...right.” Kamina contemplated changing back, but she figured this much mass bursting into sinew at once would be horrific to the freshly-initiated Redheart. “Give me a moment.” 'I didn't think this through...so embarrassing!' She moved her body as much as she could to free where she felt the door was buried behind her, and grunted with the effort of controlling so much mass at once until the door was exposed. “Th-there. Please hurry, I can't hold myself like this for long.” “Thank you. Please don't do that around other patients your Majesty. You might hurt somepony.” Redheart then climbed over the coils, and left out the door. Kamina sighed as she let her body relax, and she shouted in pain before she looked over to see Blitz out of bed, biting into her, ripping chunks out of her scaly flesh as she screamed. “Blitz! What are you do-AH!” Kamina instinctively wrapped her coils around him to immobilize him. “Why are you eating me!” Kamina blinked, and blushed. “Not like that!” “You're delicious!” He bit into her again, ripping free a chunk as she screamed in pain, and held him tight up to the neck, as he desperately tried to take another bite like a starved predator. “Damn it! I'm hungry!” “Calm the fuck down!” Kamina literally hissed as she squeezed a bit, getting a satisfying crunch out of one of his bones breaking, but he didn't care, couldn't feel it over the overwhelming urge to fulfill a newly discovered desire. Besides, it'd heal in a few minutes anyway. “Blitz. I...sorta know what you're going through. You need to calm down. Let your hormones level out.” “Let me go!” Blitz struggled, and wriggled himself free a bit, but before he could take another bite out of her, she added more coils to trap him again. “Not until you calm down!” 'Damn, forgot how addictive the first bite can be.' Kamina was referring to a gem binge she went on when she tried a ruby at Spike's insistence. She ate most of Rarity's stock before Spike could stop her. She gasped in shock when Blitz flared his new wings, and moved his body free to launch at Kamina's neck with mouth wide open. She felt a crunch, and blacked out. ===//////> She woke to the sound of sobbing, a wetness coated her, and she blinked as her vision returned. “-I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry~!” Blitz was crying, hugging her massive head to his chest in despair. “Blitz?” Kamina asked weakly, and he gasped as he held her huge head up. “You're alive! Stay that way! Please!” Blitz was covered head to tail in blood...her blood, she realized. “You...killed me?” Kamina asked in fear, and shock. The only way an alicorn can truly die is if they are brutally, and thoroughly slaughtered, but because of this; they can die repeatedly. “I tore out your throat like a wild animal!” Blitz cried in anguish as he sobbed into her face. “You stopped moving, I didn't, couldn't think anything of it, and kept chewing. It wasn't until I got my fill that I realized what I did...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry~!” “Hey...hey....” Kamina weakly brought a nearby coil up to him, and gently and weakly hugged him to try and comfort him. “I-it's okay...I'm fine, see?” Her vision was fading...she knew she wasn't fine. She'd survive, yes, but it wasn't going to ever be forgotten. That somepony she loved and trusted killed her in a fit of bloodlust. “Besides, it's my fault for not being more careful.” She began to lap up her own blood with her serpentine tongue, cleaning him up. “I'm sorry, so sorry....” Blitz despondently chanted as he went into emotional shock, and Kamina could only hate herself, just as Blitz hated himself. 'What have I done?' 'What have I done?' ===//////> Kamina transformed back to normal once she'd healed enough, and cleaned up the massive amount of blood she'd coated everything in with the help of the janitorial staff. She demanded that no questions be asked, and nothing be said of it. Blitz was put into another private room, and Kamina snuggled him to comfort him, to tell him she was okay, but every time his face came near her neck, she flinched, and made him cry, only for her to apologize too. “Kamina, I can never forgive myself for this.” “I can't forgive myself either, for doing this to you. I can change you back if you want....” Kamina offered, only for Blitz to sniff and shake his head into the pillow, his phantom pains all but forgotten in the emotional anguish. “No...I've tasted flesh. It's too good. Even if you erase my memory, I'll still want it. The body remembers what the mind can't. I'm an athlete Kamina, even I know that.” Blitz nibbled her neck, making Kamina flinch, but he started kissing her neck, and Kamina's wings extended in surprise. “Let me make it up to you.” “B-Blitz I can't take advantage of you like that! I've done enough to hurt you!” Kamina shouted as she pushed him away, and turned her gaze away in shame. “You need Gilda...I can't replace her for this. You need your mate right now.” She took the blood-stained book from the nearby stand, and opened up to the bookmark he'd left. While the cover was ruined, the contents were protected by an enchantment. “How about...we read together? Twilight and I do that whenever we just want some quiet time to ourselves.” Blitz was saddened that he couldn't try to make amends with his liege, but saw this compromise as being worth it. “I'd like that.” Blitz earnestly replied, and he sat up as Kamina sat next to him, hugging him with a foreleg as she levitated the book up, and began to read aloud, feeling it more appropriate than simply reading silently. Blitz smiled as he relaxed, glad for the book to take his mind off of things. Only occasionally looking at the beautiful queen next to him, feeling lucky to have a friend so Loyal. ===//////> Gilda, Animak, and a good number of their friends quietly opened the door the next morning, and all smiled softly at the sight of the two friends asleep, snuggling like siblings on the bed, a blood-stained copy of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone dropped at the hoof of the bed. “They look so cute.” Trixie commented as they approached while Twilight grumbled and picked up the ruined book. “Why is this coated in blood?” Twilight growled before she cast restoration spells on it to return it to normal. “And why does Blitz have these cool bat wings?” Gilda asked as she grabbed one, and extended it to run the other talon along it, getting shudders out of the sleeping stallion. “I like 'em.” Gilda grinned as she thought of how fun they might be. She looked to Kamina, knowing she was the one responsible as Animak picked her up carefully to not wake her. “They must've read through the night.” “I'm glad they got to spend some quality time together.” Twilight stated as Spike took Kamina onto his back from Animak's arms and began to leave. “I think their friendship could benefit from spending more time together.” Twilight followed the others out, deciding that since Blitz was tired, they'd visit another time, having no clue as to just how frayed, and then rewoven the two's friendship was over the grim events they experienced together. > Solitaria. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happened between Kamina and Blitz was kept between them, neither willing to let the others know just how serious things were. Besides; Kamina was terrified to think of what the others would do, or think of Blitz if they found out he murdered her in bloodlust. The two friends however were closer than before in spite of things. Blitz now visited the library often just to read with Kamina, his favorites were the Daring Do series, beings they grew on him, and meant more to him since it was the first thing he read for fun. Not to mention it was special to him for more intimate reasons involving Kamina. After he'd gone to read with Kamina three days in a row however, Gilda became jealous and accused Kamina of trying to steal her mate for her herd. This drove a wedge between Kamina and Gilda, who both wanted to spend time with Blitz, but for different reasons. Blitz ultimately decided he'd spend less time reading than he'd want. It hurt Kamina, but she knew it was best. He still visited to read once a week though. Kamina's spirits were lifted though, when Hearts and Hooves Day came around. Last year, they didn't really bother with the holiday, having been too busy at the time to enjoy it. This year though, the whole herd got together to have a romantic night at the local hotspot; Mareio's, a Bitalian restaurant. The Twin's insatiable hunger would normally have made such an expensive local diner seem a bad choice, but they had more than enough moolah between the six of them. They chatted, joked, laughed, drank, and flirted the night away, until they got home, and just cuddled to sleep. A great day. Well, for them anyhow. For some reason; the CMC decided to try and pair Big Mac up with their teacher Cheerilee, even though Mac is already in a loving relationship with Fluttershy. They accidentally poisoned them into loving each other, and all that saved them was Fluttershy reminding Mac of their true love. Needless to say; the fillies were grounded, again. Cheerilee, however, was somewhat thankful for the reminder that she wasn't getting any younger, and decided to hit the dating scene on her off days. Aside from all that, it was business as usual in the late spring of Ponyville. It was just another day, all peaceful, quiet, relaxing.... Well, aside from Pinkie sparking a town-wide spectacular flash mob. Animak quickly escaped when he heard the mystical instrument-free music start up, and hid high in the clouds until it was over. He even heard Kamina's voice in the mix. Ever since she went primarily female she'd taken to singing more songs with less trepidation. “Why sis? Why have you betrayed me?” Animak jealously grumbled up in his cloud. He just didn't care for all this random musical exposition that ponies seemed to burst into on a regular basis. In this, Gilda was his only companion, as even Kamina had found herself enjoying the sudden parades and dance routines. Animak heard the song coming to it's finale, and decided to look down, and was both irritated and impressed to see Pinkie finishing the main lines while dozens of ponies all chorused around her. 'That mare might be more trouble than she seems to be worth, but she can definitely carry a tune when it suits her.' Animak then decided to relax for a bit as the town calmed down from the aftermath of the thespian display, and didn't much care when he realized he was humming the “smile, smile, smile” portion of the chorus, until-. “ATTENTION EVERYPONY!” Until a certain Pink Menace decided to destroy it with two words. “We have a Hair Emergency!” Pinkie was shouting into a megaphone, standing atop a flagpole on her hind legs as natural as can be. “This donkey is BALD! Somepony produce a toupee immediately to save him further embarrassment!” Said donkey, was a simple gray-eyed, mane-free tan jack with a black tuft of hair at the end of his tail, all hitched up to a wagon filled with belongings. And he was utterly appalled at Pinkie literally broadcasting his shiny chrome dome for all to see, and he wilted slightly under all the ponies who looked at him. “PINKIE!” However, it was all interrupted by Animak who shouted in fury at what was clearly a well-intentioned attempt to help gone horribly wrong, as he swooped down from his cloud to land between the embarrassed donkey and the party pony. “What are you doing?!” Pinkie hopped off of the flagpole after bending it down low enough to be safe. “Helping my new friend Cranky Doodle Donkey with his hair issues.” Pinkie beamed, only to quickly flinch and back off at Animak leveling a searing glare at her. “Um...I went too far, didn't I?” “Ya think?” Animak growled, and pointed in a random direction. “Just take off Pinkie. He doesn't want to be bothered.” “B-but-!” Animak's growl deepened, and Pinkie intelligently skedaddled, leaving a her-shaped cloud of dust. “Sorry about that. Pinkie means well, but she can go too far.” Animak apologized to the new resident as everypony went about their business, his other friends nowhere in sight; they must've gone back to what they were doing before getting pulled into Pinkie's Parade. “No doubt.” Cranky grumbled, and scooped a loose piece of turf onto his head to hide his lack of mane. “As your offensively nice friend introduced for me; I'm Cranky Doodle Donkey. I'm just moving into a home here on the edge of town near Whitetail Woods.” “Oh? The old logger's house?” Animak asked intrigued, beings that was a fairly big house for a single donkey. “Yeah. Well, it was nice meeting you...um, sorry. Didn't get your name.” Cranky apologized, having forgotten to be polite since Pinkie left him quite cantankerous. “Prince Animak the Great. It's good to see someone with quite the Will of Self moving into town. Most everypony here is too used to practically charitable behavior.” Animak grumbled, not liking how his sister held so much sway over the townsponies, while he only had a few particular favorites aside from their friends and loves. But the few he really liked, were ponies worth speaking to. Like Time Turner, and Doctor Hooves. The two were twins in every sense of the word, yet had no knowledge if they were actually related. And while Derpy claimed that Time Turner was her husband, and he reciprocated this information, they would both oddly claim that Doctor Hooves was Derpy's husband when he was around. Confounding. Intriguing. And Hooves was a delightfully intelligent conversationalist, but seemed to go off on mumbling tangents involving time travel or something. “I've always made my own way in life. I don't get how ponies can just be so...communal about everything.” Cranky likewise agreed, the two males growling to themselves about how pitiful they felt such dependance upon each other ponies seemed to rely on for nearly everything. “Well, it was nice meeting you Sir. But I have a house to get settled into.” “That is a lot of belongings for one donkey. You're going to do it all yourself?” Animak asked with slight impress if this was the case, grinning at the donkey who huffed and nodded. “Don't need anybody to take care of my own affairs. See you later colt.” Cranky pulled his wagon through the town, and Animak sighed contently at meeting someone with such personal fortitude and self-reliance. “I wonder if he likes hayburgers....” Animak mused as he decided to try hanging out with Cranky sometime. ===//////> Animak was flying to Cranky's house, to see if he'd settled in and wanted to get a tour of the town. Sure, he could do it himself, but Animak didn't want Cranky to get lost. Ponyville was getting bigger, and it was pretty big when he arrived here to begin with. “For the last time! I don't want to be your friend!” Animak growled at hearing Cranky's irate shouting, and sped up to find Pinkie seeming to be about to bang down the door, only for him to swoop down and carry her off with a scream. “AH~! Oh hey Ani! AH~!” Pinkie screamed in fake fear, playing the part of prey, making Animak smirk and roll his eyes. She did this whenever he, Kamina, or Gilda pounced on her like this, it was admittedly adorable. “Pinkie. Stop it.” However, now wasn't the time. “Sorry Ani. I just want to be friends with Cranky, but he won't let me....” Pinkie whined, and Animak landed gently, and looked at the pink mare with a surprisingly warm expression, coming from him anyway. “Pinkie. Sometimes...people just do not want to be friends. It's their right to decide not to associate with someone if they don't want to, and you have no right to force it on him. If I ask him if he wishes for a tour, and says no; I'll respect his decision and leave him be. I'm the most antisocial of our group, and even I understand this.” Animak patted Pinkie's back, the mare sighing in disappointment. “You're right....” She then had a light bulb appear over her head, and then it lit up when Animak tapped it curiously. “I've got it! I might not be able to be his friend, but I know who can!” Pinkie then seemed to...FOLD, out of existence, making Animak gawk. “...Game has got to stop teaching her his powers.” Animak instantly threw any thoughts of the dynamic couple's terrifying abilities out the proverbial window, and flew back to Cranky's. “*knock, knock* Cranky! I got rid of Pinkie, at least for a bit.” “Thank you! Hold on.” Animak stifled a chuckle as he heard numerous, and excessive locks being undone on the door, and soon the middle-aged donkey opened the door with a slight grin on his wrinkled face. “C'mon in, before she comes back!” Animak obliged, and he watched Cranky frantically slam the door shut, and lock it all back up, all 15 locks of various kinds. “You're enjoying this a bit, aren't you?” Animak accused lightly with humor, and the old donkey couldn't hold back a wheezy snicker. “I'll admit; I'm enjoying the attention just a bit. Never had somepony obsess over me like this.” Cranky snorted in amusement as he guided Animak into the living room. “As you can see; I'm all settled in. Just have to get acquainted with the town, but I don't want Pinkie Pie harassing me the whole time.” “I'm afraid not even I can stop her entirely. If there is something she wants; Pinkie will somehow achieve it. You'll be her friend eventually, but I've dissuaded her from continuing her aggressively friendly attempts. She said something about someone in town who definitely could be your friend. She's probably thinking of introducing you to them and become a friend by association.” Animak informed his newest sorta-friend, who sighed and shrugged. “Mares. Can't live with 'em, can't live without them controlling our lives.” Cranky jokingly bemoaned as he took a seat. “Amen to that.” Animak agreed before sitting on the couch across from Cranky's recliner. “So, since getting to know the town today is out; what can I do to lessen the strain Pinkie has placed on you?” “Meh, don't worry about this old mule. But...if it's fine, I'd feel rather welcome to some small talk, or telling some stories. I've heard fantastic things about this town. You must have something to share.” Cranky prodded idly as he got comfortable, and Animak grinned. “You have no idea.” ===//////> Animak was flying back to Cranky's again. Today, he and Cranky were going to explore Ponyville, get the donkey familiar with the layout. He landed on Cranky's doorstep, and knocked. “Just a minute.” Cranky replied, and the excessive locks came undone inside. “You're early colt. Why such a rush?” Cranky was wearing a proper wig now, but it was just a dour gray thing. “I just felt it would be better to see the busier parts of town before things picked up. Some of these lazy ponies don't even leave their homes until nearly noon, but I want to beat the busybodies out and about by nine.” Animak explained, and then gestured towards town. “So, we can do this two ways. Normal, and calm, or I can fly you overhead, to get a top-down view of things.” “Nah, let's just do this normally. Besides, I won't be flying, so learning the layout from above won't do me much more good.” Cranky followed Animak through the town, getting a full tour of all the important locations, and also generalizing where the other neighborhoods were. “Cranky?!” At the shockingly familiar voice, Cranky froze, and spun around to see the source, at whom he gaped. “Cranky Doodle! It is you!” “Matilda?!” Said jenny was similarly colored to Cranky, but with lighter hair and green eyes. Cranky beamed in surprise and joy as the only other donkey resident of the town approached them with a bouncing Pinkie in tow, carrying the year-old Citrine on her back, the two giggling. “Pinkie...is this what you meant?” “Well~ when I saw your scrapbook for the few moments I was in your house; I thought I recognized the jenny in there. I was right! I just knew that you knew Mattie. So~ I decided to try and see if it held water! Right Citrine?” Pinkie asked the foal on her back, who giggled and seemed to gesture intelligently with her hooves. “*GASP!* You're right! How can an idea hold water? It's not physical!” Citrine gestured some more. “Unless! THOUGHT WATER! Genius my sweetling!” Citrine laughed adorably at her adopted mother, and hugged her neck, making Pinkie beam even brighter. “Thank you so much Pinkie Pie! Matilda, I've searched all over for you!” Cranky exclaimed as Matilda approached, and they gladly nuzzled, only for his wig to fall off, and he blushed in embarrassment, only for her to giggle, and rub his dome. “I happen to like shiny things.” Mattie giggled, and Cranky smiled. As things progressed, Animak stood off to the side, smiling gently. 'While I can't do things like this...it is still nice to know things turned out for the best.' Animak sadly pondered just why...why couldn't he be like that? Why couldn't he try to influence others so much? But he knew why. His Will of Self did not allow for the interference in the Wills of Others. Animak sighed, and turned to walk away with his head lowered, nobody noticing. 'I envy you Pinkie, but I especially envy my sister...I envy her so much....' Animak growled to himself, and idly crushed a nearby mailbox by unconsciously flaring his magic. 'All she has to do is be herself, and the ponies flock to her like drones! Selfless, and without ulterior motives!' Animak's talons scratched grooves into the road, the ponies who noticed him kept a distance; clearly telling the prince was in one of his moods. 'Why?! Why can't I HAVE THAT?!' Animak roared and punched the ground, cratering it, and cracking the road for several feet. He panted, and sighed, dragging his talons and paws towards the Everfree for another hunt to alleviate his stress. “Auntie Luna...so this is how you felt, huh?” > Sui Fiducia! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cranky apologized to Animak later for essentially forgetting he was there, and promised to make it up to him. Not one usually to deny other's their own will, he accepted the offer and said anything would be fine. He enjoyed spending the day with the reunited couple of Cranky and Matilda telling him stories about their pasts. Most people would say hearing someone's life story is boring. Those people have no patience or taste in Animak's and Kamina's opinions. Feeling lonely, and a little alienated from his sister, Animak asked if they could remain connected again for a while, which Kamina agreed with since she was feeling lonely too in spite of all their friends she spends time with. They were so glad to be spending time together and doing things in unison again, realizing it helped them feel whole. After telling Twilight about this, she told them to remain connected now and then if they felt so drastically depressed and lonely for prolonged periods of separation, even if it is just in their mental and spiritual presence. So for today, the twins decided to just hang out with their sister Vinyl, who'd been so busy lately they've barely seen hide nor hair of her. “Dudes, still getting used to having twin siblings.” Vinyl chuckled as she hugged the hippogriffs when they showed up at her doorstep. “So what brings ya here?” “What? Can't we spend time with our big sis?” The Twins asked cheekily. “Besides, it's been too long since you were free. Tartarus, even Octavia is off somewhere right now again. This place is practically abandoned the past couple months.” The Twins bemoaned as they became saddened at how little they've seen their sister. Hell, they haven't even met Flash Sentry yet, and they only see Keen Sentry and Morning Glory on occasion when visiting Canterlot. “Why can't we be like the Apples?” “Hey, sibs, relax. This is what family is like. We just...go our own ways. Sure the Apples are tight-knit, but they still only all get together like at most; three times a year.” Vinyl input as she stood aside in the doorway. “So you want in? Or are we going out?” The Twins were about to debate, when the sound of a record scratching instantly made Vinyl perk and her ears alertly focus on the sound. “Out.” Vinyl eagerly cantered out of the house, and Kamina closed the door with her tail as they turned to follow. Vinyl's barely-contained excitement drew them into a near gallop as they approached the sound of the music, obviously being played by a DJ as they neared the central park of Ponyville. “What?” The Twins were confused; where did this massive stage come from? “Nobody issued an event plan! This isn't sanctioned!” “Sibs, who cares? Good music is always welcome in most pony's books.” Vinyl idly commented as she listened to the white goat DJ with eyes even more off-set than Derpy's, to the point of being crazed, much unlike Derpy's adorable gaze that made not smiling nearly impossible. “That goat's got some sick skills!” “Sorry sis, but we've got to get to the bottom of this.” The Twins flew over the gathering crowd, and landed onstage next to the goat. “Excuse us sir, but might we ask for a certificate of your permission to stage a show?” “Baa~!” The goat bleated, getting the Twins to blink in surprise. It was odd that a goat in Equestria couldn't speak the common language. “Sorry, we don't speak Bleatese. Could you direct us to someone who speaks Equestrian, Neighponese, or Zebrican?” They asked politely, and the goat bleated again as he gestured towards the curtain, and continued to play. “O...kay?” They followed his gesture, and passed through the curtain. “Hello? We need to speak to someone who speaks Equestrian, Neighponese, or Zebrican about the legal matters of operating a show in the park.” “Who wishes to speak to Iron Will?” A deep, gruff, and inherently loud voice responded, getting the Twins to blink, and to their surprise; look UP at someone for once. The owner of the voice was a pale blue minotaur, with his lower body being a dark navy. His nose was pink and hairless with a steel nose ring, and his huge, white, upturned horns made him seem even bigger, and more intimidating than he already was with his great 10 foot, or 20 hoof height that made him 2 feet taller than the Twins. “U-umm...w-we would beefcake~!” Kamina had hearts in her eyes as she shamelessly ogled the gratuitously impressive example of the male form before them. “Sis! No hitting on people we've just met! We talked about this!” Animak chastised his sister, only for her to rump-bump him so hard he rocketed off to the side of the room. “Hi~. I'm Princess Kamina the Great. Who are you handsome?” 'So~ HOT!' Kamina's tail twitched as she prowled around the blushing and grinning minotaur. “Iron Will already introduced himself ma'am. It is a pleasure to meet such an exotic beauty.” Iron Will knelt, took her left talon, and kissed the top of it, making her giggle as her brother got up, and growled at his shameless sister. “Kam, we are here to do something serious, not flirt with the horned hottie.” Animak gestured to Iron Will, making the minotaur slightly uncomfortable at being blatantly hit on by a guy. 'Good bait on getting a sample though. I'm struggling reining in the need to utilize the horns and muscles.' “Oh~ alright. Sorry hun, but we're here on business.” 'I wasn't baiting him, I'm serious! LOOK AT HIM!' Kamina backed away to stand next to her brother, them both feeling more comfortable together. “We are here to address that we are unaware of the legal state of your show. Have you filed a form with the mayor, or Duke Spike?” They were usually in-the-know about goings-on in town. It helped them keep tabs on things to ensure nothing bad would come of it or be done to it. “Oh. Yes, actually. Iron Will did it very last-minute though, so he is not surprised that all the officials in town are not informed of Iron Will's self-esteem seminar.” Iron Will turned around and approached a small desk that was clearly made for a pony, and not a massive minotaur. He opened it up and took a small ream of paper out for them to see. Animak only had to take it in his magic and skim a couple pages to confirm it. “Alright then. Sorry to have bothered you.” They returned the papers, and Iron Will grinned as he took a black tie out of the desk too, and started putting it on. “No trouble at all! If anything, it was Iron Will's pleasure to meet you. Especially the lady here.” Iron Will leaned down and kissed Kamina on the brow, getting a blush and titter out of her, while Animak rolled his eyes. “Well, if everything is set; Iron Will has a seminar to get going!” “We'll be in the crowd.” ===//////> The show went on without a hitch, but most of the crowd had misgivings considering the content of Iron Will's motivational speeches. He spoke heavily in metaphor, but it was said in a way that was easily confused as being literal. In this, his seminar almost seemed to promote violence, and using force to get your way, even though he used Fluttershy as an onstage one-on-one to get her pumped up for asserting herself. By the end of it all though, most everyone was cheering, and Fluttershy left looking rather pleased. “That was...informative....” Kamina worriedly commented. “That was great!” Animak cheered. “I don't know bro. He seemed a bit too gung-ho with his advise.” Vinyl sided with her sister on this. “Good music though. I'll gladly pay for the seminar's showing just for those tunes. I've gotta get that goat's name...and a Bleatese translator.” “Bah! You mares and your tender hearts. You need to toughen up.” Animak quipped and flew to the stage, the sisters looking to each other worriedly. “He just cut me off...I hope that Iron Will isn't a bad influence....” Kamina worried, and Vinyl pat her shoulder. “Hey~ Ani may be a jerk now and then, but he won't let this go to his head...right?” Vinyl ended lamely, and the sisters both looked into the other's eyes worriedly. “Iron! That was spectacular!” Animak praised as he landed next to the headset-wearing minotaur and goat. “I'm always telling others they have to be more headstrong! I'm glad someone out there is trying to get ponies to be more assertive.” Animak reached into his wing, and produced a small bag of bits. “Here's for the seminar. Keep up the good work.” “Iron Will thanks you for your contribution Prince! Iron Will keep trying to bring the good word of self-assertion to the masses, so long as they'll hear him.” Iron chuckled at using his second name as a joke as he graciously accepted the bag, and measured it by weight. “Hm...that covers more than you. Iron Will have to use this as payment for both your sisters too.” Iron nodded towards the two who approached as they chatted quietly. “How'd you know Vinyl was my sister too?” Animak asked in surprise, only for the giant to grin and flick his red plumage. “That's your natural style, Iron can tell. It's easier to tell family by shape than color.” Iron then scratched his chin. “Hm...Iron hopes ponies don't take him TOO seriously though. He want them to stand up for themselves, not be jerks.” “Hey, you used Fluttershy as a demonstration, and she's the most timid mare in maybe all Equestria. I doubt anypony that was here will take your advice too far.” Animak suddenly shuddered, and looked around. “Why did I get a case of the Willies?” Iron looked worried, and gazed around. “Iron doesn't see anything. Let's hope it isn't serious.” Iron took Animak's case of the Willies seriously, as coming from a warrior race/culture, he was well aware of when someone was a warrior. Animak and Kamina carried themselves in an unconsciously powerful, confident, and tactful way all-too-familiar to the young bull. And the best warriors were known to have instincts so keen; they could sense something terribly wrong when they were nowhere near the source. “I just know it involves somepony we know.” Animak shuddered again. “Sis, you feel that?” “I HEAR it Ani.” Kamina's ears were ringing, like a bullhorn just went off in her face. “There is something wrong-.” “In the Force!” Vinyl injected, getting raised eyebrows. “What? None of you go to the movies? That was a quote from Star Feud!” Vinyl egged on, getting blanks from everyone else save the goat who bleated in a clearly cheerful manner. “Oh c'mon! Only the other DJ here has heard of it?” “Iron's heard of it. Just never go to the movies. Theaters in Equestria are too small for Iron to get comfortable.” He didn't mention that Bullgaria didn't have those fancy things, they still acted out stories with plays. Also his people generally preferred a quiet read to an invigorating tale outside taverns and other sorts of parties. “Well, whatever. What we're feeling is that something so out-of-place, and just wrong is going on. We're going to investigate. See you around Iron Will!” The Twins took off, leaving Vinyl with the goat and minotaur. “Um...you speak Bleatese, right?” Vinyl prodded Iron, who grinned and bleated a bit roughly, getting the goat to bleat in a chiding tone, and Iron Will to blush. “Oh, sorry...Iron didn't mean to insult your mother.” ===//////> The Twins flew around town, trying to find something out of sorts. They found some things, like some scared ponies, a couple of them had their trash carts knocked over, and Sugarcube Corner had a line of ponies that seemed afraid of entering the establishment. They started there; the Corner was a place of happiness, and the fear was extremely out-of-place. “What is going on here?” Upon landing, Time Turner was the first to approach. “Your Majesties, you absolutely MUST do something about your friend. She terrorized us all to forfeit our places in line simply so she could be first. Now we're rather afraid of entering at the moment.” The Twins looked to each other in confusion. “Gilda? We thought she was past this in her anger management lessons with Fluttershy.” The Twins concluded, only for Time Turner to shake his head. “No. It was FLUTTERSHY who did it! I've never seen such an angry mare, and I've had to deal with Derpy being confused and upset about me and Doctor Hooves, and who is her husband...wait...am I her husband?” Time Turner blinked in confusion as he looked down at his hoof to see the small golden band. “Yes! Derpy~!” Time Turner ran off, leaving shaking heads and mutters of the oddity of that trio's relationship. Just form a herd already. “Fluttershy?!” The Twins gaped, and entered the Corner to see an utterly despondent Pinkie Pie crying waterfalls as Rarity and Citrine both tried to comfort her. “What happened in here?” “I'm afraid that Fluttershy has become a rotten and spiteful mare darlings.” Rarity informed them sadly. “She was just so cruel with her words, it was like she'd been twisted into something completely opposite her sweet, kind self.” Kamina groaned as Animak blinked in confusion. “She took Iron Will's words too seriously! I knew he was being too literal!” “Why do ponies take metaphors so literally?” Animak asked in exasperation, and sighed. “Lets go find Shy. We've got to let her know that letting her Will of Self overwrite her natural Will of Others is dangerous for her mental and emotional health.” “Oh? I thought you'd be happy to see ponies developing some backbone.” Kamina leered at her brother with scathing sarcasm, and Animak growled. “I am! I just don't want them to take it too far! Things need a balance, and while Iron Will's idea is a step in the right direction and I'm all for it, he needs to change up his wording so ponies don't take it directly to heart in this fashion.” Animak defended, and turned to the door. “C'mon sis. Time for a preventative intervention.” “Right behind ya you flip-flopping meat head.” Kamina responded in irritation and they left the Corner to fly to Fluttershy's. When they got there, they found Mac sitting outside her door morosely. “Let me guess; she was a royal bitch to you?” “Eenope...she was one to the mailpony though. When I got confrontational with her, and pointed out what was so wrong about what she did, she broke down and ran inside. Locked the door.” Mac knocked on the door. “GO AWAY-HAY-HAY~! I'm a monster~!” The heartbreaking wail from inside was proof enough that the direction of their planned intervention just took a sharp left at the “realization” part of the process, and the Twins sighed. “Shy, we're coming in. We're breaking the door down.” Animak idly punched the top of the door off it's lock, while Kamina halfheartedly yanked the bottom of the door off it's hinges, and tossed it aside before they entered. “Home invasion.” Mac followed them, completely nonplussed with the clear evidence of the Twin's shocking physical power. “Shy...why'd you tie yourself to a chair?” Fluttershy was very clearly, and obviously tied to a chair looking into a mirror, with the horns of Iron Will's seminar poster iconically perched atop her reflection. “So I don't hurt anypony else.” “Shy, this is goin' too far. Sure ya was a right bitch earlier, but it ain't yer fault.” Mac bluntly consoled as he approached her and began undoing the knots. “'Sides, yer still mah sunshine on my life Shy. Not even a serious outburst like this will make me think otherwise.” Shy teared up with a beaming smile, and nuzzled her stallion as he continued to untie her. “Oh Mac...I love you so much.” “Ah love you too sugar.” Mac kissed her brow, and finished untying her. “Now up ya git. Lets go and apologize to the ponies ya wronged.” “Yes, lets.” Shy was about to leave with Mac to the joy of the unneeded Twins only for the door to be blocked by Iron Will. “Oh. Hello mister Will.” “Greetings Fluttershy! Iron Will is here to collect the payment for the seminar. That is, if you liked my advice.” Iron politely added, and Shy thought to herself. “Well...in the end, it was helpful. But your initial advice made me act like somepony I wasn't. So, if possible, I'd pay half the stated price. I'd advise you use less offensive or outright mean metaphors so ponies like me don't take them too much to heart.” Fluttershy stated, and Iron Will rubbed his neck in shame. “In that case; Iron Will void payment. Some other ponies have said the same thing. Iron Will needs to learn more about Equestria's ways before bringing the good words of Bullgaria about self-assertion to the masses.” Iron bowed, and turned to leave. “Wait!” Animak ran up to the minotaur, and seemed nervous for a moment. “Um...can I...get a map to Bullgaria? We don't have many maps for places outside Equestria.” “Don't do it! He just wants to go there to ogle the heifers!” Kamina shouted from next to the door and the loving couple, making Animak blush. “Sh-shut up! I just want to broaden our cultural horizons! Besides, you just want to go to Zebrica to watch zebra stallions work the fields!” Animak shot back, making Kamina blush. “Y-you want to see that too you kettle!” “Pot!” “Iron Will has no qualms sparing a map of his homeland. Iron wishes more people to visit his country. We have been secular and at constant war with ourselves long enough Iron believes. If we have other nations involved, we might find more peace in tourism or lending our arms to other nations rather than turning in on ourselves.” Iron snorted in derision at the violent nature of his people, and gestured for Animak to follow. “Iron has drawn up maps between Bullgaria and Equestria. He hopes that hearing of the peace of this country inspires his people to try more...quiet, occupations.” “I'll be glad to see them.” Animak quickly turned and stuck out his tongue at his sister before following the buff minotaur, getting a huff out of her. “That ass! Now I don't have an excuse to follow and watch that minotaur's muscles ripple.” Kamina blew up at her plumage in frustration, and looked at the couple who watched the whole exchange quietly. “I hope you learned your lesson Shy.” “Oh, I have, Don't worry.” Shy leaned into her stallion, and took a deep whiff of him as she relaxed. “So long as the ponies special to me don't forget who I really am...I can be assertive, just not violently.” “Here, here.” Mac affirmed, and he perked when he felt Shy's tail curl with his. “I'll leave you lovebirds be.” Kamina winked, and turned to walk away, only to yelp at feeling a hoof spank her zebra flanks, and she turned her head in shock to see a stunned Mac looking at the impishly grinning Fluttershy with her right hoof raised, who wagged her eyebrows. “Walk like you mean it.” Shy demanded, before blushing and putting her hoof down to shuffle a bit. “I mean...if you want to.” Kamina blushed lightly, since she didn't expect to be hit on by Shy of all ponies. “Oh~ I will.” Kamina turned her head back around, and properly strutted back down the road, being sure to sensuously wiggle her tail to give them shots of the goods as she went, blushing the whole while with an impish grin. 'I am a sexy beast.' Once Kamina was out of sight, Shy turned to Mac with a smarmy expression. “Warmed up?” Shy's wings were at full extension. “Eeyup!” Mac was clenching his thighs to keep the impending boner down, and they ran inside the cottage, ignoring the broken door for now. > Eamque Aeternitatis! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After consulting Animak on what was okay for his seminars, beings Animak is THE authority on self-assertion, such as when it was okay or when it wasn't. Iron Will wrote out a new stage plan and went on the road for his next show, planning to run a circuit around the country. This pleased the Twins greatly, as it both promoted Animak's ideals, and also promoted the prevention of abusing the Will of Others. Vinyl got some new sound samples from the goat DJ, whom she learned from Iron's rough translations was named Skim, brother of Milk, son of Curdle and Malt. She instantly made use of them with credit to Skim, because she loved the beats he provided her, and she shared some of her own material with him. Artists co-operating was always inspiring. Aside from all that, Fluttershy and Big Mac seemed to grow even closer. It was rare to see them apart nowadays, she even regularly visited the farm to help tend their animals. Everypony was worried she was starting to leave her cottage and usual animal friends neglected, but they seemed happy enough. Today was a lazy day to be honest. Nobody in the “treebrary” as their friends had taken to calling Golden Oaks, felt like leaving today. Not even Animak who was laying next to Blitz, and Kamina was on his other side, sandwiching the thestral between them as the three read another Daring Do novel. Blitz was trying incredibly hard to remain calm, and not blush, get wingboners, or a real boner from how the two giant, sexual beasts next to him shifted and pressed on him. He was enjoying the book though. All was peaceful. Everyone was going about their own activity. Zecora was upstairs brewing her potions, Trixie was out back, practicing her spells in the firing range, and Twilight was reading yet another giant book she'd yet to complete when-. *FLASH! BOOM!* A blindingly bright light literally exploded into the center of the library, making the four occupants inside at the time yelp in pain as their eyes and ears stung, and they tried to clear the spots from their vision, and the ringing from their ears. When they came to their senses, they gawked at the sight of another Twilight Sparkle. Only, she was wearing a torn and burned black spandex stealth suit, her fiery purple mane was flowing upwards and back rather than lazily licking about as it usually did, her right eye was covered in an eye-patch, and she seemed frantic. Both Kamina and Animak's wings instantly exploded with a “pomf” as wingboners graced them. “Twilight! You have to listen to me! No interruptions!” The new Twilight shouted at the Twilight they're familiar with, who had her ears back in shock, and confusion. “Whatever you do! DON'T! PANIC! Things are going to go crazy soon, just take it as it comes; do NOT obsess over it!” She then turned to Animak and Kamina. “Kamina! When you return Cerberus don't-!” Suddenly, the new Twilight was gone in a flash just as soon as she came, leaving them all to blink the spots out of their eyes again. “What...just happened?” Blitz asked in bafflement. “Twilight, bedroom, now. Skinsuit and eye-patch in the bottom drawer.” The Twins sprang up, about to dart up the stairs to fulfill a sudden fantasy. “WAIT! Now?! No! That...that must have been me from the future! I came back to tell me not to panic, and...Kamina not to do something when she returns Cerberus! But Cerberus is the gate guard to Tartarus! What else is going to happen?!” Twilight was on the verge of freaking out, only for Animak to gently backhand her to snap her out of it. “Thanks. Forgot she said not to panic. Okay. Calm down. I...am in control of the situation.” Deep breath. “I, am a calm, focused mare.” Breathe out. “I will not let the situation overcome me.” Breathe in. “I will face it responsibly like the adult I am.” Breathe out. “Ah...much better.” “What has made our tree home shake? Disturbed my latest potion was by this quake.” Zecora called down from the top of the stairs as Trixie burst into the tree from the back door, her horn alight and ready to fight, only to drop it at seeing everyone okay. “What just happened? Trixie was distracted from her practice by an obnoxious explosion.” Trixie looked around and noted the singed floor where Future Twilight appeared and then the second one where she disappeared. “I came from the future to warn us about something! I...I mean; Future Twilight, came back in time to tell me not to panic, and tried to tell Kamina not to do something when she returns Cerberus to Tartarus.” Twilight calmly explained, and began to slowly pace. “She said not to panic, just take it as it comes. I can do that. But I can't not worry about Kamina now. This involves Tartarus, not some harmless random location.” “Don't worry Twi. I'll be with Kamina whenever this happens.” Animak stated, and Blitz saluted. “I'll be wherever I'm needed! You can count on me!” Blitz stated with a serious face. He'd actually been taking some training from the local Guard station that was recently added to the town square in place of the original location of Rich's Barnyard Bargains. Rich was of course compensated for having to move his store to a less sales-efficient location on Market Street, as it wasn't central, and pretty much everypony went to RBB. Regardless, the Guards were added since Ponyville attracted trouble like honey does flies, and Spike requisitioned the garrison using money saved up from the town's taxes. “Thanks Blitz. Knowing my Loyal friend is at my side will make facing whatever is coming to be much easier.” Twilight replied with a smile, and sighed contently. “Okay then, everyone back to normal. Just take it as it comes.” Twilight returned to her book, and the Twins blinked, before having a brilliant idea. “Sorry Blitz, but we're cutting our session short.” Kamina nuzzled the stallion in affectionate apology before the Twins moved to the front door. “We know just who to ask about this situation. Don't worry, we're not going to do anything crazy.” ===//////> “This is crazy!” The Twins screamed as they gawked at the inside of a solid blue steel phone booth. “It's WAY bigger on the inside!” Doctor Hooves, who looked exactly like time Turner, smiled genuinely and chuckled. “That's what they all say, but not usually with the “way” added.” The Twins took their heads out of the box, and looked at The Doctor incredulously. “Doc; we're special someponies with Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. They're maybe two of the most magically gifted and powerful non-alicorn ponies in the world. An Undetectable Extension Charm is foal's play for them. The only reason the whole library isn't charmed with it is because Twilight doesn't want to lose things in such a massive space. Hard enough to find things as it is.” The Twins explained, and looked back inside. “This though; this isn't a UEC. This space IS this big, this box just seems to be the physical entrance to this space.” “Exactly! Not many understand that. It doesn't change the fact that the connection between them is solid enough, that anything affecting this access point affects the rest of the ship as well.” The Doctor led them into the large ship, yet the two massive hippogriffs had issue with the tight spaces caused by all the consoles. “Mind yourselves. Any slight fiddle with any of these consoles could fling us across all time and space.” “Thanks for the warning....” The Twins nervously replied as they clenched their wings and tails tighter, wishing they could change their shape whenever they wanted and not just on a surge of whim, inspiration or hard focus and practice, otherwise they'd shrink down to being normal ponies to avoid messing with all these delicate instruments. “Now. You say Twilight traveled to about half an hour ago, from an undisclosed distance into the future, yet was clearly near in the future considering that Future Twilight wasn't much older than current Twilight?” The Doctor idly asked as he expertly moved knobs, levers, and pressed keys on massive interfaces with a fluidity of complete familiarity. “Yes.” They confirmed, and watched the brown on brown earth pony go about his work. “Um...say, Doctor, what's going on with you, Derpy and Time Turner?” The Doctor blushed brightly as he looked to his hoof, and smiled lovingly at the gold band on his left fetlock, and more specifically; who it represented. “Well...see...it's an...odd thing.” Doctor stalled as he continued his calculations. “Well...I AM Time Turner, yet I'm not.” Doctor said, making the twins blink in confusion. “Let me clarify. I am The Doctor, but I am also Time Turner. I'm not originally from this universe, and because I did not fit the laws of it, I was forced to take the shape required of me through Regeneration. I won't bother you with the finer details of that messy business, but my form was one that already existed in the local-space/time. So in order to avoid an existence-ending paradox...we fused. It's rather discombobulating, but in order for me to time travel, Time Turner; my exact existential copy, must remain in local time.” “Oh! So when Derpy says she's married to Time Turner; you're not in the local space/time, but when she says she's married to you....” The Twins left off, making the Doctor grin as he played along. “I'm in local space/time. I cannot, at any time, take the place of Time Turner unless I am where I am supposed to be in time. At the moment; I am both Doctor Hooves and Time Turner at once. But, if I were to use the TARDIS to travel, it would just be me, while Time Turner remains to hold down the fort if you will.” The Doctor chuckled to himself. “So to say; Derpy's married to two stallions at once. She knows this, but doesn't really care. She loves us both. That mare is so wonderful....” Doctor paused to sigh happily as he leaned on the console with a hoof on his cheek. “I am so lucky to have her and little Dinky.” The Twins suddenly had an epiphany...and realized that they'd never made physical contact with Time Turner or The Doctor, and edged closer. The Doctor noticed this, and backed away nervously. “What are you?” They asked in morbid fascination. “Don't do it! You'll become something far worse than what you're meant to become!” He quickly stuffed a hoof to his mouth. “Forget I said that!” “What will we become?” They asked seriously. This was something they only occasionally thought about, because it scared them. What would they eventually turn into? Being such a mishmash of so many things, a glorious chimera, and they only had the barest portion of what this world had to offer. “You are meant to become the ultimate form of sentient life in this universe. You will eventually do so. How you do so...there are few ways things turn out good.” Doctor decided there was no hope of avoiding a confrontation. Their fate was practically set in stone regardless. It wouldn't matter. “What do you mean? Will we do something horrible? Will we...become like...them?” They asked in scared tones. Of all beings, they feared becoming like the Anti-Spirals more than anything. “No! No. You don't have to worry about that. But you will have to worry about the Spiral Nemesis coming about eventually. And you will be the only ones to decide whether or not it will come about, saving this universe, or allowing innumerable more to be born of it's destruction.” The Doctor warned them, and circled around them to get back to his console. “Now then, now that we've established a “no touching” rule, I think I can pinpoint this flux in time from the time you specified, to nearly exactly a week from now, in the early morning of next Tuesday.” “Okay. So Cerberus is supposed to leave the gates of Tartarus within the week. Thanks Doctor.” Animak was about to absently pat Hooves on the back only for Kamina to grab his arm, and them to strain against each other. “Sample...must!” Animak's face was deranged, desperate. Kamina's the same but for different reasons. “Resist! RESIST!” Kamina pulled Animak away from the calm but worried Doctor, as Kamina practically had to drag her brother away. “We're stronger than this!” “But not me!” Animak managed to dig his claws into the metal floor, making progress in nearing Hooves, who didn't move. If they did this; it was their own fate to be determined by them. He had no power to alter this. It was destined. One cannot alter a Constant in Time. He'd already tried. They were untouchable. “NO!” Kamina used her magic to try and pry him off and out, only for him to negate it by using a blanket Null spell. “Ani don't!” “We must have it!” Animak reached for Doctor's chest, and he sighed as the prince tapped his breast with a finger. “AH~!” And instantly, the Twins were knocked out in unbridled agony. ===//////> They awoke later, unsure how long, but they were outside in a pile of hay. Feeling like their bodies were made of lead...or rather, jelly. They were all jelly once, after all. Little jelly eggs in jelly. “Ugh...Ani...no more unknown samples....” “Sorry...couldn't resist....” Animak hissed as he got up, and shook the hay off of him. “Where are we?” “Eternity.” They both turned their heads to Hooves, who clicked his tongue at Animak. “Need before greed Time Tot, not the other way around.” “What did you just call me?” Animak asked in confusion as he massaged his neck, while Kamina was more than happy to keep supine in her hay pile. “A tot, for that's what you are in terms of my kind's lengthy measure of age. Since you're both now of my kind, however enhanced you are, I must now inform you of certain things.” Hooves cleared his throat. “I am The Doctor, or Doctor Hooves here in my new home. I am a being known as a Time Lord for simplicity's sake. We have extremely long lifespans, measuring up to at most around 130,000 years. Now, that doesn't really matter to you since you're nigh immortal. And now you're even harder to kill.” “How's that?” Kamina asked as she rolled over. “Time Lords undergo a process known as Regeneration when they are about to die. It completely reforms the body from every physical aspect, including gender, to even personality, but leaves memory untouched. Time Lords can only do this 13 times before they must certainly face death. So, you now have 12 more lives basically. Only, since you're ageless, you have 12 more evasions of certain death.” Hooves shrugged nonchalantly. “Like I said; something far worse. Especially if you go down some of the darker paths I've seen.” “We won't be like that.” The Twins stated factually. “Then you won't.” The Doctor smiled gently at them. “You're both such powerful beings, not just in body, or magic, but your hearts and souls as well. If you will do something, you'll do it. If you won't do something, you won't. What happened earlier was one of the definite outcomes. If I had not revealed myself to you, or evaded contact, you would have never acquired Time Lord DNA. But because you sought me, or Time Turner out for our guidance; it was meant to happen. My trying to dissuade you earlier was from force of habit of trying to prevent the inevitable.” Hooves chuckled darkly and self-depreciating. “Think a few thousand years would have been enough to learn the futility of that.” The Twins looked at the ancient stallion sadly, and both approached him to hug him on either side. “Hey...it's alright. You have everything now, don't you?” “Yes.... Derpy and Dinky.” Hooves smiled happily. “We were young...well, Time Turner and Derpy were young. We fell in love...had Dinky a bit soon...but even though we were only 14 at the time, pony society is so much more accepting of things like that. Especially since it was the first year the Cycle hit her, and we were clueless when we ignored our parent's warnings of the upcoming event.” Hooves blushed while the Twins nodded in understanding. “She was so fierce, it was unlike her.” “Didn't change the fact it was hot.” They nodded sagely in complete understanding. “Yeah...anyway. I've been living here, with her for the past decade. The only thing that worries me is her and Dinky's eventual short-lived lives ending without me. I still have a good several thousand years to go, if I don't just outright off myself, or get killed too much.” Hooves bemoaned. “We can fix that.” The Twins answered, and Hooves sighed. “I know, but this is their decision more than mine. I've already told Derpy what I am, but Dinky is kept in the dark still since she's at the age where little fillies become right hellions even if they don't mean to be.” Hooves blushed as he realized something. “You're still hugging me.” “And?” They asked slyly. “...Nothing. It's nice.” Hooves admitted with a smile. “You're welcome.” ===//////> After figuring out what happened, the Twins left The Doctor be so he could go pick up Dinky from school on time. Apparently, Time Lords are just so genetically advanced that even their current bodies weren't ready for the sheer pain the transition would cause them, which was why they blacked out and Hooves moved them outside into a couple hay piles so their convulsing wouldn't damage any of the TARDIS controls. They got back home no worse for wear. “Oh, you're back! Where'd you go?” Twilight asked when she looked up from her book at the sound of the door chime. The book was much further in than earlier. Likely, to help cope with the anxiety, she was reading even more intensely than usual. “We visited Doctor Hooves. He's an expert in time travel and magic involving it, you can speak to him later if you want. Anyway, he used his equipment to measure the likely point your future self came back here from, and he says around the early morning of next Tuesday.” They dutifully reported to her, and sat down. “Now then...about that skinsuit and eye-patch....” Twilight blushed, grinned and quickly raced them up the stairs. > Et Effugi Ego Vinctus! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, it was rather peaceful. The group that knew of Future Twilight's warning kept calm, distracting themselves with their usual activities. But it still nagged at them that Cerberus was supposed to show up. It was the guardian of Tartarus for a reason; absolutely no magic worked on the three-headed beast. This, coupled with the giant dog's size, speed, strength, loyalty, and ferocity in pursuing prisoners; made him the perfect guard for Tartarus. Also, he was ageless, and had been guarding the gates since Faust first called the dreadful place into being. He ensured that whatever foul being Faust literally dragged across the world and into the depths of that damned place never made it past the gate. Beings so big, so powerful, that their drag marks still remain to this day as the oldest roads known to civilization. When someone says; “all roads lead to Tartarus” or “the path to Tartarus is paved with good intentions”, they are saying phrases that had and still have literal meaning. And so it is that all roads lead to Cerberus. From Cerberus. That's intimidating. So when they heard a trio of howls sounding over the whole town, and some panicked screams, they prepared for the worst, and burst out of the front door, all prepared to fight for their lives...only.... “Tee-hee~! Chase me!” Pinkie and Citrine were running down the street, the giant black and gray three-headed bulldog with three collars from left to right labeled, Cer, Ber, and Us, chasing sedately barked playfully, and when they caught them, they proceeded to pin Pinkie with a bombardment of three slobbering tongues. “Ah~ He got me~! Run Citrine~!” “No!” Citrine cried with her adorable new-found squeaky voice of the past couple weeks, and dramatically tried to beat the dog off her mother. “Momma!” However, her giggles gave away that the intelligent little crystal filly knew they were safe, and the Cer head began licking her instead, getting her to giggle even more. Meanwhile, the rest of the town watched on amused as they went about their normal lives. The group that knew he was coming though...all blankly stared in abject disappointment. “He's...a big puppy....” The Twins dejectedly commented. “Yep.” The three mares all chorused, before they all sighed, and Zecora and Trixie went inside. “Well you two, I guess escorting Cerberus isn't going to be that much an issue. But whatever you do, be careful. Whatever my future self was trying to warn you about involves Cerberus and Tartarus. So...I expect to see you back soon.” Twilight nuzzled her lovers, and went back inside. “Well...we've got a puppy to return to his yard.” The Twins stated exasperatedly, and approached the rolled-over Cerberus, who was currently getting a belly rub from Fluttershy. “Okay Cerberus...Cerberus?” The big beast ignored them in favor of the mares lavishing him in attention, and they sighed. “CERBERUS!” At the sound of the Royal Canterlot Voice, Cerberus bolted to his feet, and sat at attention, completely composed. “IT IS TIME TO GO HOME! FOLLOW US!” Getting a chorus of confirming barks, the dog stood, and they began flying in the direction Twilight had told them yesterday was where Tartarus could be found. ===//////> “HEEL BOY! HEEL!” The Twins shouted for what felt like the thousandth time. This old dog had serious obedience issues. He would only respond to the Royal Canterlot Voice, and even then, his attention span was literally divided three ways. Cer was always looking around, Ber was actually focused on them, while Us seemed more interested in all the smells. “BER! TRY TO GET YOUR BROTHERS TO FOCUS!” Ber backed in confirmation, and bit and tugged gently on his sibling head's ears when they got distracted. “GOOD BOY!” They wagged their stubby tail so much the Twins thought his rump would fly off. 'Thank Faust we're almost there!' Kamina thought to her brother. Even though they knew Discord was essentially the oldest being of this world's mythos, it was Faust who laid most of the groundwork. 'Don't jinx it! For all we know, something horrible will go wrong the moment we get him back.' Animak replied to his sister. They'd been flying in the same direction for nearly 12 hours now. With his size, Cerberus could have crossed this sort of distance at a run within a few hours, and their flying would be the same, but with all the interruptions of getting Cerberus on task, things constantly stalled. “We're here!” The Twins shouted to themselves in joy at seeing the gates to near-eternal punishment...yeah, that sounded morbid. The gate was actually a giant, solid black monolith jutting out from the side of an even bigger cliff. It dwarfed Cerberus so much, the Twins wondered how any of the monstrosities inside couldn't get past the beast. But for all they knew, this was Cerberus at rest, and when in action, he probably grew several times bigger. It wouldn't surprise them. “WE'RE HOME BOY!” The giant guard dog yipped in joy, and began rolling around the bare, desolate ground. From the massive black monolith, a great number of smooth, plant-free dirt roads spread in all directions, creating a sort of ultimate crossroads in the middle of nowhere. At each road corner were black stones, similar to the monolith, engraved with the names of the beasts dragged here that created the roads, and their sentencing. All in ancient Equine. It was so badass. “Whoa...this is the drag mark of Nidhogg the Terrible!” Kamina gushed as she read the stone marker next to the largest road. Nidhogg, in myth, was the greatest, biggest, most spiteful, powerful, and greedy dragon in existence. His black scales were so strong, it was said not even Faust could penetrate them. But she was able to subdue him, and drag him to Tartarus for his crimes against the world. “Ugh...sis...seriously? Twilight's the nerd in the group, don't get all geeky on me.” Animak groaned, until he noticed that Cerberus was sniffing him curiously. “Hey fella. Glad to be ho-?” He was interrupted by Cerberus licking him, and the Twins collapsed in pain at the sudden and unexpected ancient sample. “Ugh...ow....” They whimpered and nosed Animak in worry. “No...no you're fine. We're fine...blegh!” Animak spat out some of his teeth, and felt around with a talon to feel a new set of molars even more efficient at masticating had grown in. “Ugh...legendary dog teeth.” “Ew! Dog teeth!” Kamina complained as she spat out her old teeth too. “Dang it...I liked my flat molars....” She licked her new teeth, and frowned at the feeling of the sharp new grinders rubbing on her tongue. “I'm going to miss my smooth back teeth.” “Get over it sis, these things happen.” Suddenly, they all perked, up. All of them. And began sniffing the air, Cerberus getting excited. “I smell something...off.” “Curious...I do too.” Kamina confirmed, and took a long whiff. “Whatever it is, it was here not long ago.” Cerberus howled in excitement, and took off down one of the many roads. “Not again!” The Twins complained as they took off after the supposedly loyal guardian. “How are we going to get home if he can't stay at his post?” “Ah! Cerberus! There you are boy!” At the sound of the deep, and amicable voice that rumbled over the desolate plain, the Twins paused to see something even bigger than Cerberus come from around a mesa. “I'd have been happier had you not wandered off like that. Now we've got an escapee.” The being before them was a little hard to describe, but he matched the descriptions in books of the ancient race of centaurs. He had the white body of a horse, with black hooves and black tail. But where it would end in a head, the upper body of an advanced primate existed. His burly chest reminded them of iron will, even coated in white fur. But his big, beefy arms made even Iron Will look scrawny. They were a hairless pale blue, rippling with muscles so strong they could probably crumble foundation just by flexing. Finally, his head was like a monkey's, the face itself was hairless, but framed heavily in bushy white hair reminiscent of a mighty beard/hair combo, and his long curved-in horns extended a good distance above his head. He utterly dwarfed Cerberus in size, and by extension; them. “I wish you were here sooner boy. But by now, the trail will have gone cold.” The giant centaur turned his attention to the worried and confused royal siblings. “Were you the ones to return the little scamp? Thank you. Might I ask your names?” “Um...I'm Animak, and this is-.” “SEXY~!” Kamina burst out, and flew up to one of the giant being's arms to squeeze his biceps. “Feel them! They're hard as rocks!” The Twins jolted, and barely managed to keep flying as they added yet another DNA sample to their bodies, which didn't make much more of it before returning to normal. “Ow...sorry bro!” “Damn it Kam! And you say I have little self-control when it comes to my impulses!” Animak grumbled, and flew up towards the amused centaur. “I'm Animak, and my lecherous sister is named Kamina. We're the children of Celestia, and we were just-.” “You're the offspring of Sunfire? I thought that young spitfire would never find a stallion.” The centaur pealed off in a boisterous laugh. “It is a pleasure to meet you! I am Scorpan. A Jailor of Tartarus.” “You're one of the Jailors?!” The Twins replied in shock. As many legends as there are of the eternal prison's inmates, there were just as many of it's jailors and the Warden. They had to be strong enough to corral the cruel beings, and were often considered just as cruel if not crueler in order to keep riots from breaking out, and the gates from being smashed down. If that happened, not even Cerberus could do anything to stop it. What made the Jailors so imposing though, was that they were all volunteers. Meaning they entered that proverbial hell willingly to contain what it held from the world. “Yes. I joined the prison's roster of guards when I neared my death, in order to ensure that my brother never escaped from his just punishment.” Scorpan snorted, the gusts of wind from his nose causing turbulence. “Unfortunately, due to this little runt running off; that very thing has happened.” The Twins paled. “What?” “My brother; Tirek, roams Equus once more.” Scorpan dropped the proverbial bomb on them, and the Twins about fell to the ground far below in shock. “I can go no farther than this. This mesa is as far as us Jailors can stray from Tartarus before our bodies begin to wither and die from lacking it's invigorating magics. In this sense...perhaps Cerberus having run off was a mixed blessing. Had he not run off, Tirek would not have escaped, but if he had not, you would not have come here. As you can guess; we do not have a convenient messaging system, as Nidhogg's plasma breath is too powerful to harness for dragonfire delivery. Bring this message to your mother.” Scorpan took a deep breath, and his horns charged with magic so potent it nearly sparked a tornado, and a large scroll, just barely small enough to be held by both of the Twins together appeared before them, and they took it in their talons. “We'll deliver it right away.” The Twins nodded to the giant, and charged their horns to teleport. “Oh, one more thing. Tell Sunfire I miss her, and wish to tell her that aside from my brother escaping; Tartarus is just fine.” The Twins nodded again, and warped away, leaving a worried and sighing Scorpan petting the heads of the comparatively small dog. ===//////> When the two warped into the middle of Celestia's Day Court, to say there was a commotion was an understatement. However, they were all shut up by. “SILENCE! WE BRING THIS SCROLL FROM SCORPAN OF TARTARUS!” Dead silence filled the room, and a wide-eyed and scared Celestia slowly got up from her throne. “Mom...read.” They unsealed the giant scroll, and it rolled open along the floor, ending just at her hooves. It was in Ancient Equine, and the message was a formally written, and clear order of recapture of the prisoner Tirek, ordered by the Warden. “On a lighter note...Scorpan says hi, he misses you, Tartarus is fine otherwise, etcetera.” Celestia seemed on the verge of panicking, but took a deep cleansing breath to get a hole of herself. “This is terrible. Awful. SISTER!” Tia called in her most powerful voice into the ceiling. Shortly, a tired Luna flashed into the room, looking ready to blow some heads off. “WHERE ARE THE INTERLOPERS WHO DARE THREATEN...oh, hello my kin.” Luna brightened up upon noticing no quarry to battle, but easily saw the giant scroll, skimmed, and balked. “HIM?! Why, of all the prisoners, did it have to be HIM?!” “Mom, Auntie, what's so bad about this Tirek guy? We can sort of understand if he's anywhere near as big or powerful as Scorpan, but he can be taken down, right?” They asked, only for the sisters to shake their heads. “If Scorpan were free of his restrictions of Tartarus, then yes; we could fight him into submission.” Celestia admitted sadly, as she looked around the court at the scared and worried nobles. “My Little Ponies, I need your help. Scramble your information networks to be on the lookout for a centaur of any kind. He is to be taken down and apprehended with extreme prejudice, and if he cannot be captured...you have my permission to end him.” The nobles all shouted their assent to the order, and quickly filed out to carry out the urgent task. “It is a shame that Tirek performed the genocide of his race...you would not have had to put out an order for “any” centaur then.” Luna sadly commented, and sighed. “Listen my kin, listen well. For a dreadful tale of greed, pride, and evil we must tell.” Upon them moving the giant scroll aside, they all sat down, the Twins paying rapt attention. “Long ago, before Equestria had even properly formed under our rule. Two centaur brothers, one of white and blue, the other of black and red, sought out our lovely land for it's abundance of magic. They had learned a dark art, one that allowed them to steal all the magic of others, leaving them mundane, their flanks blank, their eyes faded. While they were committing their thieving rampage, the brother of white and blue; Scorpan, felt that what they were doing was wrong. But his brother of black and red; Tirek, only reveled more and more in the pain he caused. It was on one of these rampages, that Scorpan stopped, and instead engaged a pony wizard in conversation while his brother was blinded in his glee of the torment he wrought. That pony, was Star Swirl the Bearded, our instructor who taught us more of magic than we ever thought we could know. They quickly befriended one another, and to save him; Scorpan hid Star Swirl from Tirek until they parted in an argument. It was then that Star Swirl, along with us as barely mares, and Scorpan, fought Tirek together. It was a long, arduous battle that lasted days. Through it all, the only one who could actually contest Tirek's power was Scorpan, as he was immune to his brother's magic stealing power. However, we eventually wore Tirek down, until he could take no more, and collapsed, returning all the magic he had stolen. Scorpan helped us drag him to Tartarus, and threw him into the gate, where the Jailors took him in. Scorpan then returned the magic he had stolen, and lived out his days alongside Star Swirl as a life-long friend. But when he neared his death, he went to Tartarus to ensure that with his aid; his brother, and other villains within would not escape. It would seem his worries were founded, and yet he can do little from Tartarus in this situation.” Luna finished. “Whoa...this is heavy....” Then the Twins blinked. “Wait, when did Tirek slaughter his race?” “After he and Scorpan went their separate ways. Tirek felt betrayed by his brother, and sought to vent his frustration and hatred upon his own people, who were few, and helpless before him.” Celestia clarified sadly, and shed a tear. “That is why we deemed him foul enough for Tartarus. It takes an especially cruel and evil being to kill anyone with such intent, but to kill an entire people?” “And where was Discord in all this?” The Twins asked, only for Scoddri to trot in. “Someone mention me?” Upon being informed of the situation, Scoddri sighed and shook his head. “Sorry, I was on a sort of vacation off in the solar system at the time of that dour business. Turning the surface of the nearest planet habitable...actually...I should check on it, see if anything's come of it.” They all gawked at him, and Scoddri blinked in confusion. “What? You think Equus is the only planet I've helped kick-start? I've done dozens of planets. Never named any of them though, left that to any species that sprouted up from them.” “Well this is all well and good, but Twilight and the others must be ready to freak without us. So we're going to-.” The Twins didn't finish, because they were interrupted by an odd whirring/whooshing/churning sound, and a familiar blue police box faded into existence before them, stunning them all. When it finished solidifying into the space-time of the court room, the door opened to see a frantic Doctor Hooves, who sighed in relief upon seeing the Twins. “Oh! Thank goodness! I caught you before you could cause a paradox. Greetings your majesties. Scoddri.” Hooves nonchalantly greeted as he trotted to his fellow Time Lords. “Listen; you cannot show yourselves to the others until after Tuesday morning.” “What? Why?” They asked in confusion. “Because you didn't do the action that Future Twilight was going to warn you against, which didn't result in you being accidentally thrown into Tartarus in a skirmish with Tirek who was only a few minutes north of the path you took.” Hooves calmly informed, and held up a hoof to stave off questions. “Now, since you have avoided that fate, she is none-the-wiser. But, the TARDIS tells me that if you remain missing until after Twilight delivers her message to the past, then she'll try to impart a similar message with the same results.” All was quiet for a moment. “What would have happened to us if we were thrown into Tartarus?” The Twins asked nervously, and the four others around them all sadly looked at them with the obvious answer. “We would've been imprisoned?!” “AK, listen; just throwing baddies in there has been a practice kept standard since Faust created that foul place. Without proper documentation, they'd just assume you as being low-threat criminals tossed in by vigilantes or something, and keep you for a week.” Scoddri informed them. “Well, that or feed you to the more unruly inmates. That's what they do with death row members.” “And if I ever found out they did such, which I would have found out, there would be no Tartarus soon after.” Celestia growled darkly as her eyes slitted, and her teeth clenched. “Sister, calm.” Luna forcefully stated, and put a hoof on her sister's shoulder. “They're safe. We all are.” “Oh no, please, let a bit of old vindictive Sunfire back out won't you? I missed the old spitfire.” Scoddri eagerly stated. “Oh Sunfire my sweet, fierce, fiery goddess. It is so wonderful to see you again. “I've always been Sunfire Scoddri, I just don't let my anger control me so much anymore....” Celestia blushed as she looked away bashfully. “Whatever. We're just going to lay low up in the library tower. You all have fun. Thanks Hooves.” The Twins waved goodbye to the Doctor who waved back gladly, before trotting back into the TARDIS and leaving as the trio of lovers all had a lighthearted conversation. 'Geez, you'd think that a dangerous genocidal monster hadn't just escaped Tartarus with the way they go on.' They rolled their eyes as they left the courtroom. '...Is it genetic?' > Draco Raptu! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a boring several days before the Twins returned home the mid-morning of next Tuesday. When frantically and worriedly questioned about where they were, they told the truth; that they had to ensure she would try to give a similar message to the past by not returning. All the good it did her, because after they had disappeared, Twilight still freaked out about them not coming back, and started trying to find them, resulting in her turning out in the same shape that Future Twilight had been. This got the Twins “in the dog house” for about a week so to speak, since the other three mares in the herd agreed that them keeping her in the dark was mean, since she could have fabricated the message to ensure a stable time loop. Only for them to point out that Twilight couldn't lie if she'd read a book on just how to lie and make it convincing, same for acting. That one got them that extra week of no action, and Twilight spent the whole time spitefully and obsessively reading and practicing acting, just to rub it in their faces at the end of the punishment. Well, it didn't bother them at all in the least. Sure, they didn't like being deprived of their lover's warm, supple, curved, flexible...yeah, they had to go at each other more than a few times in frustration, since they weren't used to going cold turkey for more than a week, and this made two weeks. However, they did enjoy Twilight's practiced rendition of the villain Empress Ember from the play Scorched Earth. She proved she could act outside her personality, unlike for Hearth's Warming where her personality matched Clover the Clever's character. So, with that, the Twins apologized for making them all worry, and for accusing Twilight of not having any acting skills. They still held firm the idea she was terrible at remaining calm under pressure, which she easily agreed with. With all that drama, the rest of their friends were made fully aware of the Future Twilight incident, and were both glad, yet annoyed, that they'd been kept in the dark, since it was resolved safely by those who knew. However, they were now all on high alert, on the lookout alongside the entirety of the Guard and any concerned citizens for the escapee Tirek. Scorpan was designated the one in charge of the situation, beings it was his brother who got loose, and he had a personal stake in seeing his genocidal sibling put back in his cage. Scorpan also ended up getting a dragon messenger at the gate of Tartarus to quickly correspond with any the Warden or Scorpan needed to. Said dragon was simply one Celestia had contacted and had agreed to doing so in exchange for any gems around Tartarus, which was okayed by the Warden, beings the gem deposits had been left untouched out of superstition and fear, when Tartarus had no need of any materials from the mortal plane. Aside from all the official business going on, the friends hadn't really all spent much time together as a whole, and since the Dragon Migration was happening today, they decided to watch it together. “Why am I digging this?” Animak asked in agitation as his magic hefted another pile of loosened dirt out of the trench he was digging with his diamond dog claws, while Kamina lounged on a lawn chair near the edge, her shades on and stretched out languidly, supine with her whole front exposed to her mother's sun. “Because I don't want to break a claw.” Kamina grinned as she extended and retracted her own claws, getting a growl out of her brother. “Also, I want to see you work.” “Sis, we do it every other day, with four other participants that cycle depending on if they feel up for it or not. I think you need to change back into a guy for a while. It'll help you get your head back on straight. And ironically; out from between your thighs.” Animak stated bluntly, getting a clod of dirt impacting his head in response. “Yeah, see? A typical female response to a blunt male statement.” “Just shut up and dig meat-head.” Kamina grumbled as she mused over his words. 'Yeah...I've found myself even more perverted since the Cycle, and I decided to stay a chick over being a guy...guess estrogen ain't no joke.' At the thought, Kamina decided to test something while Animak made easy work of digging a trench for them all to hide in from the dragons when they fly overhead later. 'Let's see what happens when a surge of testosterone-.' “AH~!” “Kam, what...uh...wow....” Animak saw Kamina's penis was back, but on a female body with no balls like before during the Cycle. “Did you sample Zecora's penis potion again?” “No! I just surged testosterone into my body to see what that would do. And it's doing the opposite what I hoped for, I'm just getting downright horny now.” Kamina forced the testosterone down, and the phallus shrank back into her body, leaving only her clit. “Ugh...great...now I'm all hot-and-bothered. I'm going to take some herbs to calm down.” Animak took a small bag of catnip out of her hammerspace, and opened it just to sniff it, and she instantly calmed down before she closed the bag and put it away. “Okay...not about to jump someone's bones now.” “I'm glad Gilda taught us how to safely ration catnip to avoid getting totally atmospheric.” Animak commented as he about finished the 20 or so foot wide trench, and carved some steps out of the center of it towards Kamina. “Done. Now when everyone gets here they can use this to take cover. I hope they're all going to be wearing effective camouflage.” “It better be effective!” They turned to Twilight's voice, seeing that everyone was here judging by the numbers, but they were wearing shifting camo pattern skinsuits that covered them completely, even their eyes, making it impossible to tell who was who. “This was a wonderful idea Spike!” One of the horned members commented, singling her out as Twilight. “Well, I read a lot of books on dragons Twilight. How could I not know how good their eyesight is? We'd need nothing less than this if we plan to stay hidden.” Spike responded, his dual horns and alicorn size singling him out of the group. “Now big bro, sis, how're you going to fit into these?” Spike levitated out a couple more skinsuits, only for the Twins to look at him oddly. “Spike, take that silly thing off. You're a kirin, you've got nothing to fear. As for us.” The Twins focused, grunted, and clenched their teeth as their horn's spirals flared, and soon their bodies changed drastically. Instead of being glorious chimera, they turned into purple, tan, and green kirins like Spike, getting Spike to take his mask off in surprise as the others all gaped at them, apparent by the fabric of their mouths stretching down. Animak looked nearly exactly like spike, save the flare of his fins on his head, while Kamina.... “Whoa....” Spike could not ignore her, as her hind hips flared out, her flanks thickened with muscle and her scales were shining in the light. His wings tore through his skinsuit as they went rigid, and his groin nearly burst free from his raging boner. “F-fuck....” Kamina blushed, realizing her little brother was ogling her, and openly displaying clear arousal, as she looked at her flanks, and gawked too. “Whoa...holy shit Spike, you lost out!” She wiggled her big rear into the air, wagging her thick tail as she marveled at her form. “This is how YOU would have looked if you were female! After all; this template is based entirely on you.” One of the horned ponies leaped onto Spike, and hugged his neck. “MINE!” Rarity's voice screeched from the mare, getting them all to laugh as Spike took deep breaths, and sniffs of his mate to calm down, and get thoughts of how sexy his big sis was out of his head, but he could not deny how sexy he would have been as a female, the proof was literally in front of him. “Ah! Here they come!” Pinkie cried out and pointed overhead, pointing out that a practical river in the sky of dragons were on approach. Citrine was back at home, being watched by Cup Cake while Carrot Cake watched the store, this was no place for a little filly. “Into the trench!” Game shouted, revealing that he was there among the camouflaged ponies, and they all huddled into the shallow hole to watch them roaring, biting, clawing, fire-breathing mass of raw, draconic power that flew overhead. “Hey, is Shy here?” Animak asked. “Yeah. She came along.” Blitz responded. “She says she wanted to see them in their most natural state after the couple of times she saw them before.” Mac answered, he was there apparently, likely as reassurance. “Not to mention she got so friendly with Cor, and so fast.” Gilda commented, but then they all quieted down, and watched the migration overhead in peace. Until. “*wolf whistle* Hey~ sweet cheeks!” They all looked to the voice to see a red adolescent dragon on approach, and it was obvious who he was talking to when he landed in front of Kamina, and bowed. “I couldn't help but notice ya missing the party! How about ya come along? Your bros could tag along.” He gestured to both Animak and Spike. The others were all frozen still, he must've bought their enchanted camo skinsuits. Kamina blushed lightly, as she wasn't used to others being bold enough to approach her so brazenly. “Oh...well I'd love to, but we're kirins, not dragons.” “Gems, jems, tooth, fang; it's all the same. Kirins are descended from dragons, so you're dragon enough in my book. Nodrake will mess with ya so long as ya prove stern enough.” He reached down to her, clearly offering a claw out of the hole she was in, and she looked to the others, only clearly able to make out her brothers who shrugged nervously, and she took the claw, only to yelp as she was tugged into the sky. “Great! Let's go!” “Ah~! I can fly myself you know!” Kamina's irritated voice could still be heard as the group all turned to Animak and Spike. “Boys! You have to follow them!” Trixie shouted in worry. “A dragon's greed is something strong. This could very easily turn wrong.” Zecora echoed, and the others all essentially pushed the brothers out of the trench, and they quickly took to the air, desperately trying to keep pace with the flow, as they'd already lost sight of their sister in the river of colorful scales. ===//////> 'So this is what it's like...to be the damsel in distress....' Kamina mentally bemoaned as she was surrounded on all sides by blatantly lecherous males, all ogling her flanks and tail. She was constantly blushing in fluster over just how objectified she was by these great reptilian beasts who likely saw little more in her presence than a rut, or even an egg bearer considering how wide this form's hips were. 'Bro where are you? I need you....' 'Sis! About time you reached out! Stop forgetting we can synch up when we actually need it.' Animak shouted over their connection, getting her eye to twitch. 'Well SORRY if I'm really AH!' Kamina instinctively whipped the offending random dragon's claw with her spaded tail, getting a crack on his scales. He hissed, but clearly liked that she fought back, as he licked his lips, making her even more worried. 'What? What is it?' Animak asked in worry. 'One of these creeps just groped my flank! Nobody touches me without my consent...unless it's one of our lovers or friends!' Kamina fumed, and unknowingly used Spike's special ability granted by the full template, and grew quite a bit bigger, about the size of an average adult dragon, getting several of the nearby dragons to move away from the obviously irate dragoness kirin with control over her Greed Growth. “The next one to cop a feel gets a limb removed!” This, however, got the opposite intended effect. “*wolf whistle*” “Whoa baby!” “Would ya look at that hot piece of amethyst?” All the cat-calling, wolf-whistling, and flirts being launched at her made Kamina growl and muscle her way ahead in the river of dragons, only getting even more admirers to her ire. 'They won't leave me alone! What? Do they all have a hard-on for strong females?' After a few seconds, Animak replied. 'Spike says yes. Pretty much all draconic beings have a natural attraction to power and those with strong wills, including sea serpents and land wyrms.' 'Great~! So I'm just digging a hole even deeper with DAMN IT!' Kamina lashed out with her much larger spaded tail, and practically knocked the offending groper out of the air. “I'm warning you! Next one loses a claw!” 'But I can't help it! I influence others! Not the other way around! I WON'T LET THEM HAVE ME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!' 'Sis, chill! You're really vain aren't you? Geez, and I thought my Will of Self made me feel self-important, I guess Will of Others is pretty influential on your own self-importance.' The red teen dragon that invited her flew up next to her head, which was about the size of his whole body. “Yo, sorry babe. A lot of these older dweebs are real creeps. No manners.” “Damn right.” Kamina grumbled. “So, what's your name anyway?” “Garble. I'm not usually one for these things, but it's the only time we can just be ourselves in a large group ya know?” The red dragon named Garble supplied as he continued flying next to her head. “So how'd you get control over your Greed Growth? Most dragons would trade at least half their hoard for the ability to do that.” “This?” Kamina blinked, and looked at herself and the dragons around her, finally noticing she was as big as most of the dragons, and blushed before she shrank down to about Garble's size. “Sorry, didn't notice in my hissy fit. But as for it by itself, me and my egg mates all can do it. Luck of the draw huh?” “Damn, that is lucky.” Garble grinned. “Good looks, tough attitude, and the strength to back herself up. I sure have talent for spotting females worth hanging out with.” Garble then laughed, and Kamina blushed lightly as she joined him. 'Oh, this one's a charmer.' Kamina finally looked the teen dragon over, looking at his most prominent features. 'Hm, he's cute, but not there yet. He's at that awkward stage in adolescence where his looks are in development.' 'Sis, we have enough mates, stop flirting.' 'Damn it bro, I'll flirt when I want. It won't matter so long as my heart is back home.' “Well Garble, in spite of the old creeps, this is pretty cool so far. My brothers are somewhere behind us, so we'll all be able to hang out. Where is this going anyway? We were just planning to watch this time.” “The volcano in the badlands. Y'know? The area southeast of the Macintosh Hills? That's where the Elders picked for this year's migration.” Garble supplied, getting a blink of confusion out of the mare. “Elders? Sorry, my brothers and I were raised by ponies, we don't know anything about dragon society.” Kamina admitted, as while with scouring of the archives on their part, they found plenty on dragon physiology, but nothing on their society. “Really? Bah, namby-pampy ponies are just too chicken-shit to ask. Okay, I'll give ya a crash course. All of dragonkind is ruled by a council of Elders, including the sea serpents and land wyrms. They are led by a triumvirate of representatives from each species, one dragon, on serpent, and one wyrm. This year it was Elder Draco's choice for the migration, and he chose this volcano.” Garble supplied, but this confused Kamina. “Wait, then how are the serpents or wyrms supposed to attend?” She asked earnestly, because clearly there was no water in the badlands, and unless they're the burrowing kind, no wyrms were scaling a mountain of any kind. “Hey, I don't make the rules. Besides, in this case; the migration is purely for us dragons. The serpents and wyrms didn't complain, so they don't need to migrate this year.” Garble added, and Kamina was starting to understand. “So your...our, race, is purely nomadic? No settled homelands?” Kamina asked as the volcano came into view. 'Wow, we're getting really far from home....' 'We left Equestria's borders some fifty or so miles back sis.' “Nope. Gems gotta have time to grow back, and they're our primary source of food. We can't just raid villages, rape, pillage, plunder all we want. We're dragons, not savages.” Garble grumbled. “The only ones who do are rogues with absolutely no support from any civilized drake, or one getting revenge for a slight on them. What can I say? We may not be savages, but we have our pride.” “Wow, this is really informative! Would you mind if I wrote a book when I go home?” At her question, Garble blinked in confusion. “What are you saying? We are going home.” Garble asked in earnest bewilderment, and Kamina suddenly felt a stone drop into her stomach. “W-what? No, I live back there with-.” “YOU! Live with your kind!” Garble suddenly injected, quite offended that someone would reject their heritage. “Kirin or not; you'll one day grow as big as you got earlier, and stay that way. They can't possibly supply what you and your brothers need to survive, let alone thrive. You'd either starve to death, or go mad from the starvation and...you'll eat them. You won't be able to stop yourselves.” Garble shivered as he backed off, looking scared. “My cousin thought he could live among other species...he...never mind, don't think about it. You're better off with us.” Garble then put some distance from her, feeling the need to be alone. 'Bro...I think we just got pulled neck-deep into some serious shit....' 'Lay it on me.' ===//////> “So you're saying...we're probably stuck here?” Spike asked his older siblings in worry as they huddled together away from all the others in the volcano crater. The intense heat actually agreed with them, and they had debated meeting here or next to the magma pool, but chose here since there were too many dragons and other kirins lounging about it. “Yeah, unless we can charge a group teleport strong enough to travel triple the suggested distance to get home safely, we'd just get picked up by the stragglers.” Kamina informed them. Apparently, they didn't have a choice whether or not to come to the migration. She asked another dragon who wasn't enough of a pervert to just see a piece of flank, and he clarified some things for her. If she hadn't agreed to come along, Garble would've been forced by law to inform somedrake else, and they'd “rescue” them for a proper social environment. The only drakes exempt are ones with a nested hoard they can ration, or ones in a deep hibernation that the oldest ones succumb to. Ones such as them; young hatchlings or teens being raised in other societies; are on the short list to be abducted “for their own good”. “Shit...so when will the last stragglers be expected to come in?” Animak asked in annoyance, only for Kamina bow her head and sniffle. “It won't matter...they know where we live. If we disappear, a representative will be sent officially to pick us up. And if they find only Spike...I don't want to imagine what'll happen to you little brother.” Kamina wrapped her neck around Spike's neck, and sniffed as tears ran down her cheeks. “We can't change you completely, so we can't hide you from them.” Spike wilted, and the siblings all huddled for a hug, despondent and wondering what they'll do. “Hey, hey....” They all looked up to see a saddened Garble approaching. “I'm sorry, but this is just how things are. We learned long ago that we can't live among other races. Our dietary needs make it impossible.” “Can we at least send a letter to our friends and family?” Spike asked worriedly, and Garble brightened up a bit. “Yeah! That's just fine. Dragonfire delivery is one of the few things we have that let us remain in contact with the other civilizations to put them at ease involving our movements. So you sending messages wouldn't matter at all.” Garble informed, only to blink, and nervously grin. “Only...there isn't exactly any paper around. Unless your breath is as hot as the legendary Nidhogg, I don't think you'll be sending a stone tablet engraved with a message.” Animak and Kamina looked to each other, silently sharing a conversation. “We've got it covered.” Their united response was confusing to Garble for a second, before realization dawned. “Oh~! You're shell-shared! That's rare, but not as rare for kirins as it is for dragons. Well, you go on ahead and do what you're planning to do. If you want some cheering up; me and the other guys are gonna be roughing each other up. Join or watch, your choice.” Garble then hurried off to play with his pals, and the twins started to sweat, and pant as they focused. “Sibs, what're you...whoa....” Spike watched in wonder, and a part of their forelegs turned into smooth wood, and began peeling in a thick paper-like roll, the Twins' expressions twisted in pain. Spike didn't interrupt, as he didn't want their efforts to go to waste with him ruining their focus. The peeling went around several times, until there were several feet of four scrolls to work with, and they hissed as they gestured for Spike to cut the last bit keeping it connected to them. “Sorry.” He said in advance, as he focused his magic on it, and using a cutting spell Rarity taught him, carefully snipped as close to their legs as possible. Tears spilled from their eyes as they nearly broke down, and finally the last bit was cut off, and they whimpered as their legs turned back to normal. “You okay?” “We just peeled our skin off numerous times over, and had it cut off. What do you think?” They snarked, before they both laid down and leaned against each other. “Spike, you should know what to say, ask, or think. We're too tired.” They stated, before the twins laid their heads down next to the other's, and promptly fell asleep. “I won't fail you.” Spike swore quietly, and he quickly took a nearby soot-covered stone, seeing it was pointed enough to use to write, and began writing on the first scroll. ===//////> “Wake up!” The Twins were jolted awake at the excited voice of their little brother, and they jumped to their hooves to see a beaming, soot-covered Spike, while the sky overhead was now covered in their aunt's tapestry of stars. “We're good!” They blinked, and then beamed their fangs. “Really?! How?” “Get this; since we're Celestia's children, we're exempt from the draconic Social Requirements Law!” Spike was practically glowing in spite of how filthy he was. “Wait, we, as in you too?” They asked in surprise, and Spike just had to preen as his wings spread, and his chest puffed up. “Yep! Apparently, Celestia is actually my mom! She made a deal with Elder Draco some century or so ago to bear his egg in exchange for him keeping his kind from migrating to the mines. Apparently, having genes in another country's royalty grants the royal family favor with the council. But...I wouldn't hatch. That's why I was part of the test for Star Swirl Academy's entrance exam. Celestia wanted me to hatch because she didn't want me to be stuck as an unborn forever and she couldn't do it herself. However, because I didn't hatch naturally, I turned out a dragon rather than a kirin. Irony, right?” Spike laughed and the Twins were both confused. “Wait, hold on. So you're her son too? Then why aren't you a prince?” They asked seriously, only for Spike to grin. “Too young, too easily manipulated, too easy a target for her enemies, the list goes on. Besides, I have more than enough to do as a Duke, I don't want to shoot up to Prince just yet. Seriously. This also explains why I'm an alicorn kirin and not a plain kirin.” Spike mused as he looked at his spiral horns. “Casting magic through our horns like we do? Not normal for dragons. That's actually the wyrm's specialty. Only it comes from their breath. Anyway, we can leave whenever we want to. We just have to show this-.” Spike held up a very, very official birth certificate copy with Celestia's seal on it. “To the Elder here, and we can go home.” “But what about us?” They asked, and Spike raised an eyebrow at them. “Really? Please, you can change back, remember?” They blushed, forgetting they were kirins right now, and could change back later. “So yeah, you're totally exempt from the law. Me, however, I have to figure out how to keep my growth suppressed if I plan to stay in Equestria when I'm older.” “Okay, let's go!” They all took off, and asked around, until they found Elder Draco himself lounging by the lava pit. “Elder Draco sir.” The old, faded purple dragon lifted his head and opened his green eyes, revealing one had gone blind in his age. “Yes young ones? What do you require?” At the question, Spike produced the birth certificate, and a letter from Celestia to Draco. He read both, and smiled softly before leaning down to nuzzle the siblings. “My offspring. It is good to see you. I understand there has been a misunderstanding. You may go home to your friends if you wish. But I ask that you stay a while, and enjoy what our kind has to offer. Ask me anything.” The siblings all contained their cheers, not wanting to disturb the clearly exhausted old dragon too much. They looked to each other, and decided to take him up on the offer. ===//////> The three siblings were all laughing at remembering one of the stories Draco had told them of his shenanigans in his youth as they landed in the town square, the ponies around them looking relieved to see the royal trio after days of having missed their presence. “I can't believe how irresponsible pop was in his youth!” Spike sniggered at one especially raunchy tale he told them. “Guess it goes to show, no matter how old someone is; they were still young once.” The Twins sagely stated. “Spiky Wikey~!” “Kamina~!” “Animak~!” The three were pounced on by their beloveds, who all promptly began smothering them with hugs and kisses. The three had some explaining to do afterwards.... > Familiarium. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took a lot of consoling, apologizing, and explaining, but eventually their lovers and friends all calmed down from their concern over the three siblings. Their explanation that they were required by draconian law to be with their own kind horrified the others, but they relaxed when they said that since they were all Celestia's children, they were exempt as members of the royal family. Kamina and Animak actually had trouble changing back into their glorious chimeric forms, beings kirins are so advanced as it is, but they managed to get their previous appearances back. With that, they don't have to worry about that law affecting them ever unless they end up stuck as kirins or dragons. Spike though, ended up getting dragged home by an excessively excited Rarity, who was prancing and tittering about her having her own prince after all, even if she'd already called him so. Of course, he had to have a good, proper shower before anything raunchy could take place. Things settled down as the summer started to wind down to it's final month, and there wasn't really anything of interest that happened aside from Cloudsdale making Ponyville this year's source of the weather factory's massive reservoir transfer. The Twins helped, and even though a good number of the town's pegasi caught feather flu, with Fluttershy and Spike's additional help, the situation was salvaged even if they didn't break the wingpower record. Also the CMC got into trouble involving the gossip rag they provided pictures for that was called the Foal-Free Press, the local school newspaper. Especially when the paper actually blabbed about Kamina's excessive accessorizing in private just to look at herself, Animak's personal love of digging tunnels under the town, and Spike's secret hoard in Rarity's basement composed of flawed gems he'd helped her dig up, yet didn't want for her dresses, and rather than eat them he slept on them now and then. However; Sweetie, Bloom, and Scoots were in nowhere near as much trouble as Diamond Tiara. She was the one running the paper, and she was the one who told them to get the photos, the three fillies were just surprisingly good at stealth and photography. Odd that none of them got a cutie mark out of the venture in that sense. So the CMC got off with a slap on the fetlock, while Diamond got detention, and a Parent-Teacher Conference. Actually, speaking of parents, today the large group of friends were all heading to Canterlot via the Friendship Express, a name that the Twins and Gilda still laud as being the lamest name for a train ever. Anyway, there was a dessert competition hosted by Celestia in Canterlot. Sure, the paper said it was hosted by a union of cooks, bakers, and whatnot, but the Twins knew their mother better than that. This was their mom's yearly excuse to gorge on sweets to her heart's content. The reason they were taking a form of transport as slow as the train when they can fly or all mass-teleport was because they were transporting the Cake's entry into the contest. It was a massive, delicious monstrosity of a cake that they knew their mom would love. It also had such a ridiculously long and complicated name, that rather than even try to remember it, the Twins just called it John. Why John? No reason really, they just thought the sound of their mom eating a cake named John was hilarious. Pinkie agreed too, and almost made the name official, but the Cakes overruled her before they had to tend to their own twins as Pound and Pumpkin were getting quite rambunctious, and it didn't help Citrine was over a year old now, and she was quite the hellraiser. She got into places she rightly shouldn't have been able to, she did seemingly impossible things on a whim, and she often conscripted her young cousins into joining her. She was definitely her father's daughter, and Pinkie's too even if she didn't birth her. So Pinkie was bringing Citrine on the train to give the Cake's a break, as well as take Citrine to visit her daddy at his work. Thank goodness ponies grow up fast, because Citrine already knew how to use a toilet, she just needed help onto one or a training potty. This also put the rest of the group at ease, knowing Citrine was likely to occupy most of all of Pinkie's attention and energy. Nothing to curtail a party pony than adorable responsibility. Pretty much everyone was going, save Gilda and Blitz who had already planned to renovate their house this weekend. So here they all were, in front of the train. Big Mac, Animak, and Kamina all straining to hold the ridiculously massive multi-level cake into the side of the opened refrigeration car, which was actually too small at first, but thanks to Twilight and Trixie's magic talents, could now accommodate the needlessly huge confectionery monolith. “Rarity, I won't stand for it.” Spike put his hoof down, looking down his snout imperiously at his significant other, who was groveling at his forehooves. “Please, please, please, PLEASE Spiky Wikey~! I need them~!” Rarity was referring to the mountain of luggage behind her, it was enough to fill half a train car on their own. In response, Spike snorted smoke out his nostrils in aggravation, and his horns glowed with power for a second before all her luggage save her carry-on was sent off, getting a sigh and pout out of his mare. “You just know how to treat a lady Spike....” “A “lady” does not inconvenience so many others with her excess baggage.” Spike sniped back, as he levitated her carry-on next to her. She whined as she took it in her own magic, and climbed aboard. “Besides, if you let Twi enchant all your bags with Undetectable Extension Charms you'd only need the one bag.” Spike snarked to himself, not knowing the mare of his life heard, and blushed in embarrassment at not thinking of it herself as she trotted to her private room, which she was still going to share with Spike in spite of this firm treatment. “Oh...kay~...there!” The Twins grunt out as they and Mac finished loading the continental cake into the train car. “You can relax girls.” Twilight and Trixie had been holding open one of the windows, which had expanded across the whole side of the car. It was a Detectable Extension Charm, clearly much harder to do since it was harder to ignore the laws of matter when the unreal result was so obvious. In fact, the mares had been sustaining it since it was such a drastic change, and they let out breaths of relief as the window shrank back to normal, and the car reverted to it's original state. “Thank you all so much for the help!” Pinkie bubbled as Citrine held on to her bouncy mom with glee. “Don't you worry mister and missus Cake, I'll protect John from any neigh-er do-wells who might try to sabotage him.” The Cakes were standing further into the station with Pound and Pumpkin thankfully snoozing in foal saddles on Carrot's back. “We know you will dear, just please remember it's the MMMM and not...John. What kind of name is that?” Cup asked her husband, who shrugged. “No idea, probably Braytish. Anyway, thank you all so much. We need to do some serious foal-proofing while we have the chance and Citrine isn't around to undo it before it can be finished.” Carrot then turned around. “So relax, guard the cake, and enjoy the National Dessert Competition. Even if we don't win, just please let Celestia know it was us who baked it for her.” “Got it~!” Pinkie sang, and then they all boarded the train. ===//////> It was a somewhat eventful overnight ride, but the Twins had slept like logs due to the train's relaxing rocking, so they missed most of what happened, but the gist of it was that a few of their friends got snackish, and sabotaged John. Then Pinkie's wild accusations and glorifying of the other contestants entries made them give in and try each other's works, sabotaging them too. Whatever, the Twins were asleep, and didn't really care since things resolved themselves somehow, and Pinkie, the Prench griffon Gustave le Grand, the mule Mulia Mild, and Donut Joe all worked together to combine the remains of their creations together, to make an even bigger, more deadly-via-diabeetus concoction. It was glorious. So the siblings dubbed it Alphonse. Why? Because, that's why. The bakers all agreed to go with it for the name since they couldn't justify anything themselves that wouldn't be biased. So, then came the hard part, getting the even bigger confectionery colossus OUT of the train car, had to be done the same way it went in, making a very awkward walk to the event. However, once they set it down, the Twins grinned; they could finally set about doing what they actually came here for. “We're going to visit family, that alright?” They asked the group as they all gathered around the table while Pinkie and the other bakes shored things up with an official of the competition. “Hm? Oh, yes, that's a wonderful idea. Who were you planning to see again?” Twilight asked, as she was busy at the time they mentioned it to her preparing a checklist of preparation plans involving this very trip, and she simply nodded and made sure to exclude them from any plans. “Our dad, future second-mom, meet our other brother, drop in on Bluey to see how he's doing, and lastly hit up Cade to catch up. She's been oddly bland in our letters lately.” The Twins commented sadly before they blinked. “Oh! Right, and check in on Charity Bell and her family. We want to see how things are with them.” “It would seem your time is booked. So you'd best flee now, before you're hooked.” Zecora grinned as she was served a plate of cake after Celestia had had a slice. She was so preoccupied with enjoying her precious, precious cake that she didn't even notice her sons were there, much to Scoddri's amusement. “Such, sweet, chocolaty, tangy, teeth-humming, chewy goodness~!” Tia practically moaned as she was having a foodgasm in her mouth, and the Twins blushed in embarrassment over how worked up their mom was getting over a cake, when she could watch all kinds of things without even blinking. “We'll just be going...away...from here.” They distanced themselves quickly, not wanting their mom to force some of the cake in their mouths. “We're pie people anyway.” ===//////> *knock, knock, knock* They rapped their knuckles on the upscale home's front door. “Look at this place...so snobby.” Animak quipped, feeling that their dad's house being in the Noble District to be both odd, and irritating, even if he was given it by Celestia in apology for jumping his bones for several days straight so many years ago. “Look, I know it's been a while, but just ignore them-and WHAT was that?!” Kamina suddenly spun her head around to glare viciously at a passing noble mare, who quickly scurried off, and Kamina huffed. “I don't care if you think my accessories make me look like a punk, I'm sexy damn it!” She shouted for all to hear, getting plenty of bemused looks from the nobles who knew better than to mock the royal siblings. “Yes you are~.” Kamina blinked at the unfamiliar voice, and turned her head back around to see...a blue-eyed pegasus clone of when she'd first arrived? “You're really my sister? Geez, I got the short end of the stick then.” “You didn't come from Celestia's loins. We did.” Animak grinned as he raised a fist, and the tan-orange pegasus with the blue spiky hair hoof-bumped him. “Yeah, nothing against ma, but I wish I got more of her in me than my wings.” Flash spread his wings to show off the surprisingly elegant feathers. They were rounder, softer, practically down-feathers, yet were clearly still meant to fly. “The mares love them. Want to feel?” He didn't give them a chance to respond, as he quickly stepped into their personal space, and began tickling their chests, getting them to laugh at the amazingly soft appendages actually tickling straight through the fur with simple swipes. “Ha, ha~ okay! You have nice wings. You must be Flash Sentry then?” They asked, getting a bow out of the young stallion. “Yes your majesties, or sibs as we can call each other. I'm on vacation for the moment, fresh out of my last year of training and awaiting a posting. I might get sent off since Canterlot's fully staffed. Well, no sense keeping you out here. C'mon in.” Flash let them in, and he closed the door. “Dad's out with Glory for tonight's dinner. They'll be back in the afternoon.” “Oh...we were planning to drop in on our cousins and this mare we met last Hearth's Warming. If they're not going to be back for a few hours, we could come back.” The Twins thought they'd be able to chat with their dad and Glory before they went to visit Bluey and Cade, and then come back for dinner before flying back home if the others decided not to stay in town a bit. “What? And not get to know me first? Sibs, we've just met, and I'm totally jelly that my sis Vinyl's got all the dibs on your sibling affection.” Flash draped his wings over them as he got between them in a half-hug each. “Why not chat a bro up huh?” ===//////> “He's nice.” Kamina commented after the content silence between her and her brother as they flew towards Platinum Manor, the home of House Blue. “If by nice, you mean an absolutely good guy with few faults to hate him for.” Animak grumbled. For some reason; he didn't like Flash. He was too nice, too skilled at nearly anything he apparently tried to do, too cliché. 'And I thought WE were Gary Stus.' “Ahem.” Kamina cleared her throat a bit too loudly, and Animak rolled his eyes. “And Mary Sue.” Animak added, getting a pleased purr from his sister. “Stow it Kam, we're visiting family, not loose swingers.” “Ani, I've been keeping good track on Bluey since Hearth's Warming, and he is totally swinging right now. He's putting himself out there, trying to find somepony who actually likes him for him. And you cannot deny that his plot is totally-.” “Family~! Not hearing this~! LA, LA, LA~!” Animak covered his ears as he tried to get the incestuous thoughts out of his head. Genetic immunity to inbreeding or not; he did not want to think of Blueblood like that. “Tight plot~! Tight plot~!” Kamina sang back like the cruel older sister she was, and this continued in a childish argument until they landed at the front door and knocked. They went silent, and shuffled a bit, before Animak knocked again. “Where's the butler? Or at least one maid?” “I have a bad feeling sis....” Animak mused, and he pushed in the door to see it simply click open. It was unlocked. “That's bad.” They echoed, and cautiously entered into the vast entry hall, finding nothing save unlit candelabra, chandeliers, and even a little dust. “It's like it's abandoned....” “Oh! H-hello!” They quickly looked to the familiar voice, to see a seemingly tousled Blueblood on the upper level. “Sorry, staff's been on vacation the past week. I didn't feel like having much company lately with all those shallow harlots getting my hopes up and then letting me down.” “Oh, that's fine. But why now?” They asked curiously, and they noticed Blue seemed quite nervous, enough that some sweat was running down his brow, only for Kamina's ears to perk, her nose to twitch, and for her to grin maliciously before nudging Animak in the shoulder, and having a quick silent conversation. Animak quickly mirrored her. “Oh~! That's what's going on?” “NO! I mean, not at ALL what you're thinking, he, he....” Blue sighed, and leaned down over the banister. “Look, fine, it's what you think it is. I wanted privacy with her for a while, and the servants are such gossips. Kam, PLEASE keep your gossiping trap closed? For me?” Blue pleaded, and Kamina pretended to mull it over. “Oh I don't know~...this is so~ juicy.” Kamina got smacked over the head, and she grumbled as she rubbed her skull. “She'll keep quiet. I'll ensure it.” Animak promised, and then they turned to leave. “Have fun Blue. We're going to visit Cadence and Shining, check in on that wedding date.” They left out the door, and Blueblood seemed about to have a panic attack. “That was close, but not close enough. She isn't aware of this I'll bet. I must give her a head's up.” Blue quickly galloped over to the nearest telephone, obscenely happy that the later models have hoof-friendly number pads as he was too nervous to use his magic dexterously enough. “Cousin, they'll be there soon. I'm guessing they came for that baking contest. … Yes, everything's in order. We'll be ready for the extra security measures come the wedding. … Of course, your Highness.” Blue hung up, and trotted calmly to his bedroom, opening it up to reveal a bright green glossy cocoon enclosing another Blueblood on the bed. “We're already at the final stages.” “Blue's” eyes flashed green with malevolence. ===//////> “Hope she's surprised.” Kamina chuckled at the thought of seeing a gobsmacked Cadence. “I hope Shining's surprised.” Animak grinned, thinking his face was much more satisfying to see lose it's composure. They were about to knock on the front door of the Sparkle home, considering they heard Cadence was visiting, only for the door to open and a smug Cadence to be leaning in the doorway. “Thought you could surprise me? Blue was nice enough to call ahead with a warning.” She smirked victoriously at the grumpy expressions the Twins leveled at her, grumbling something about getting back at Blueblood. “Well, come in. I figure it's time you properly met Twilight's family anyway.” Cadence turned and walked in, while the Twins froze in the doorway. 'Oh...fuck...right....' They both looked worriedly to each other. They had TOTALLY forgotten that they've never actually met Twilight's parents. This lovely casual visit suddenly became much more important. “Do we look fine?” They asked nervously as Kamina took off her shades, and tried to straighten her plumage, while Animak opened his left wing to check his preening. “Oh please, don't be worried. Twilight's parents aren't like most nobles. Just behave as you would normally.” Cadence advised, not noticing they noticed the...hunger, in her eyes when she looked them over. “You'll be fine.” They both blushed lightly and averted their eyes, thinking their cousin was checking them out. She'd done so before, but this time was...odd. “Yeah, it will be.” They followed behind Cadence, but any attempt to approach for physical contact was met with subtle, yet obvious efforts to avoid being touched. Cadence was rather flighty, so they figured she was just teasing them. “They're in here.” Cadence answered and entered what was obviously the large home's living room. A white and purple version of Twilight Sparkle, clearly her mother; Twilight Velvet, was seated next to a dark blue unicorn stallion with even darker hair, clearly Night Light. Shining was seated on the sofa across from them, and when he looked up at them, he smiled earnestly. “Ah, siblings-in-law, good to see you.” The sudden complete turnaround involving Shining's behavior towards them got them to pause in confusion. “Hey, hey. I've gotten over it. Clearly you and Twily are in it for the long haul with how long you've been together, so I'm not going to keep griping over your extremely...active...relationships....” Shining grit his teeth as he tried to get the thought of his precious, sweet, formerly innocent little sister doing the deed, often. “Okay, I still need to work on that.” “Oh Shiny knock it off. Besides; this just means grandfoals are in the future~!” Velvet clopped her forehooves together in excitement at the idea, getting the Twins to blush bashfully and idly scratch at the marble floor with their knuckles. “We still want to get married before we have foals, but Twilight is so...resistant to the idea, what with the other members of our herd. She keeps saying it will be so complicated, that trying to get married in a herd so big is often more trouble than it's worth.” The Twins said as they moved over to the third couch in the circle of furniture, while Cadence was practically laying against Shining lovingly. “Oh pony-feathers, little Twilight needs to understand that love is worth the hassle. Either way however, you truly love our daughter, and that's enough for us.” Night replied. They'd been getting letters from Twilight about how she's been, and she often gushes over her relationships. Velvet blushed slightly at remembering the naughty ones meant only for her, and she nodded in agreement. “Actually, about weddings....” Cadence spoke up, and nuzzled Shining. “We're tying the knot in September~! The first Friday. I actually have something to talk to Kamina about. Would you mind joining me in the other room? I want to show you the dresses I've planned for my bridesmaids. This is a girls-only affair. I don't care if you were originally a stallion, you're as much a mare as anypony I've met.” Kamina bashfully chuckled. “Oh you! Flatterer. Okay, let's go see these dresses. Don't know why you'd want me of all people to see them though is beyond me.” Kamina got up and cut off her connection to Animak, and followed the eager Cadence out of the living room. “Great. I swear. Sis needs to change back into a stallion for a while. She's forgetting how stallionly we are.” Animak snorted in derision as the others all contained chuckles. “So Shining, how're you doing? A future prince must have all kinds of things to have to take on.” “Well, not really to be honest. I've just been going about my duties as normal. The main difference is that my soldiers are all rather mixed-up about it. Many of them are happy for me, but a good number are sad that once I'm married; I won't be their captain anymore.” Shining sighed as he rubbed his neck with a sad face. “I understand the sentiment actually. I mean...not being a captain? Not leading my soldiers personally? It'll be so...odd, to issue commands TO a captain to be relayed to the soldiers, and that's it.” “It is rather unusual, I know. I used to be the leading charge of my sprouting rebellion back on my world in my first life. I always led by example, by being the inspiration that spurred everyone on. When I died...the rebellion almost fell apart. Kittan tried his best, but he didn't have the charisma to rouse everybody. But then, my little brother; Simon, stepped up.” Animak shed a tear, both sad, and obscenely proud as he smiled wistfully. “You okay?” Shining asked in concern, Velvet and Night also looking worried, and Animak sniffed before he took a deep calming breath. “Yeah...yeah. It's just...hard to think about.” “EEEEEEEE~!” Everypony jolted at the loud excited squeal, only for the source to come barging into the room holding a soft red gown. “I'm going to be a bridesmaid~!” Kamina gushed as she took to the air and spun about holding the dress to her chest, and Animak groaned as he smashed his face into the large coffee table. “So...emasculating....” ===//////> After that embarrassing display, Cadence entered to explain that she'd wanted Kamina to be her First Lady, and had even considered it before the Twins formed separate bodies. Animak admitted he would've done it for her if she'd asked, but wouldn't have been so utterly feminine in response. Animak then asked Shining if he was going to blindside him with being his Best Stallion, only for the guard captain to laugh and say he could just watch from the audience, since Twilight was his Best Mare. The Twins otherwise got to know Twilight's parents better, and were glad to have done so since they were pleasant folk. They left in high spirits, Kamina still all giggly from getting to be her cousin's First Lady. They arrived back at their dad's place, just in time too as dinner would be ready soon, so the Twins were catching up with Keen and getting along with Flash who was glad to continue the chat they'd had earlier. “-and then we had to pull his raw rump out of the ditch!” After Flash finished his silly story from training, they all laughed boisterously, even the stern Keen had a hearty laugh. “And that's why I have standing orders to NOT fly below the treeline. I just attract trouble.” “For others you mean.” Keen chuckled at his son's antics as he turned his head towards the kitchen. “Do you need anything in there honey?” Glory poked her head out of the kitchen. “No sweetie, I'm all good in here. But don't worry, the artichoke and chickpea stew is almost ready.” Glory ducked back into the kitchen and Keen sighed. “She's practically banished me from the kitchen from trying some of my home cooking. Now I'm only allowed to make breakfast.” Keen barked out a laugh and the others joined him. “Ah...son, daughter, it's good to have you here.” “I just wish it was more often.” Kamina stated, getting a slightly open-mouthed Animak to pause...he didn't speak with her? 'What's going on? We're connected aren't we?' 'Yeah? What's up?' 'Nothing....' Animak let Kamina continue talking, and suddenly...he felt out of the loop. He knew she was the parts of him that could so easily connect with others, interact with them, manipulate them. Yet somehow, even when connected, he felt like they were disconnected. She was speaking...not THEM, SHE.... Suddenly Animak felt ill, he felt...wronged. “I need some air, I'll be back for dinner.” Animak suddenly interjected, and then quickly got up to escape. He ignored Kamina's mental hails and closed the connection. He was disturbed that he felt better being disconnected from her. 'What's wrong? Why?' Animak exited through the front door, and looked up at the budding night sky. His aunt's tapestry of infinitely intricate points of light was fading into view as his mother's son sank below the horizon. He sat, and watched as the moon made it's spectacular and impossible rise from the east, bringing it's pale light to the darkness of night. A silvery shine cast upon the world in a profound dichotomy of light and dark, plunging everything into a tenuous balance of shadow. This was the most peaceful time for Animak. While Kamina loved the day, and shined like the sun on so many occasions with how much she just radiated life, Animak was on the other side, overshadowed by her. Animak grunted and clutched his chest as a tear of pain leaked from his left eye. 'No! Don't think like that!' Animak grit his teeth, and really wished they were near the Everfree so he could vent on some unfortunate predator. 'What is happening? Why are we suddenly drifting apart? And why does she not notice?' “Bro!” Animak gasped quietly, and turned his head to his sister who'd poked her head out the door. “Glory's finished dinner...you alright?” She asked in concern, and Animak put up a fake smile that didn't touch his eyes. She could see right through it. “Yes...let's have a good hearty meal.” Animak brushed passed her as he entered, and Kamina let a tear fall from her stunned face. For some reason, it was like Animak had jabbed a knife in her heart.. 'Why...did that hurt? What's going on?' Kamina hissed as she clutched her head with a talon, and her face scrunched up in pain. 'What...oh! Dinner!' Kamina suddenly did a complete 180, and turned back inside to have dinner with family. > Inquinamento Voluntatem.?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dinner, the Twins excused themselves, and were going to head home when they realized they forgot to visit Charity. She wasn't expecting them, so they weren't going to pop up in the middle of the night. They used their dragonfire to contact Twilight, and she wrote back that the whole group was staying in Canterlot a few days, so it was no problem for the Twins to visit Charity tomorrow. When they did, they discovered the several month-old twins Iron Bell and Bronze Bell to be in astounding health for their age, and displayed incredible strength too, similar to earth ponies rather than unicorns. Charity was all too happy to introduce them to her husband Stage Hoof, who was one of the veteran stage hooves in the city. Like the ultimate roadie, but without the travel, usually. He was a pinto unicorn pony with Iron and Bronze's colors even blended between his coat and hair. After that, it was a simple couple of visits with everypony else important in the two's lives outside their usual tight-knit group. Blue was glad to have some nice talks over tea, but shied away from contact, but that wasn't unusual. Tia was rather cranky, having eaten so much cake she was bloated and nauseous, but she was otherwise happy to talk to her children. Luna was all too glad to play with her kin, and Nyx was obliged to join in with Pip who was visiting, again, for the third day in a row. However, the most eventful outings, at least to Animak, were with Scoddri, who felt it was time to take on a bit of a mentor role, and speak with them about Spiral Power, or more specifically, the intricacies of how to use the raw force to specific designs. So now Animak and Kamina both decided to correspond with Scoddri too in order to learn more of the power that drives them ever forward. Lastly, the time spent with Cadence and Shining was...strained. Kamina just seemed all over Cadence, too happy to speak with her, laugh with her, whisper likely raunchy things about their respective love lives to each other. While Animak and Shining sat to the side, feeling like third and fourth wheels. Animak just pulled inward, feeling even more lonely than ever, and was starting to hate Cadence for stealing his sister's love from him...Love? Where did that thought come from? Animak left early, and flew to Ponyville alone to continue his cathartic hobby of tunneling under the town. He was building a network grid of stable tunnels a couple stories below ground level in order to give a sort of “shortcut” system to get around the growing town. It was just tunnels right now, but he hoped someday an architect saw promise in them and took advantage for a proper transit system of sorts. When Kamina finally found him, she asked why he ditched her, only for him to snub her, and tell her to leave him be. After the most heated argument, and violent fight the two had ever had, Kamina left weeping, while Animak just stewed in self-loathing, wondering what was happening to them. Because he wanted to talk to her, but when he saw her...he couldn't. Since they refused to speak to each other, or even be in contact, everyone noticed. They all tried to ask, only for Kamina to say she didn't know, and that Animak was being an ass, while Animak told them to ask Kamina, because she was the one who hurt him first. It was a rough month, a centerpiece of the group was broken, and they refused to be glued back together. ===//////> Animak woke wearily with a groan as he curled around the rock he was using for a bed. Believe it or not, rocks can be soft, you just have to find the right kind. He dragged himself away from his soft and warm rock to look at his current home. He made a hole for himself, since he didn't want Kamina to find him again so easily. The irony, he broke free from Jeeha Village, a literal hole in the ground for freedom, and now he sought out his own hole to hide from his own sister...his other half, of himself. It was just a simple thing, only as large as a standard living room with the furniture carved from stone and the exit being a hole leading straight up, the entrance hidden in thick bushes, making this in no way a place for a pony, or a human for that matter, since with his claws he could just climb right out. He'd moved out of the library since he couldn't bear being near Kamina. Simply looking at her made his eyes hurt, hearing her voice made his ears ring, and a touch felt like being burned. He was scared. It was like she was the sun, and he couldn't dare touch her without paying the price. His instincts screamed at him that she was dangerous, and he had to listen. “Ugh...good morning hole.” He lazily dragged his filthy form over to the stone table, and promptly breathed fire on the dead cockatrice he'd hunted yesterday. It'd already started rotting, but epic digestion resilience and dragonfire cooking really made that pointless, plus his carnivore templates made even raw meat a perfectly fine and very tasty thing to eat. 'I wonder what statues standing about are suddenly moving again.' Animak pondered as he chewed his meal. “Hi Ani!” Animak didn't even flinch at the sudden appearance and voice of Pinkie. It annoyed him, but she was always able to find him, no matter how many holes he hid in. “Pee-yew! You stink!” “When you're living in holes, it tends to happen. What do ya want Pinkie? And no, I'm not speaking to that careless sister of mine.” Animak kept chewing his bloody meal, Pinkie didn't even flinch. “Don't you know what today is?” She asked eagerly, only for Animak to blink in confusion. “It's the first Friday of September!” “...Oh...right...the wedding....” Animak grumbled, he had no excuse to avoid it and not be near his sister. “I'll clean up and fly on ahead then.” “Okie-dokie-lokie! I'll just tell everyone you're taking the long way while we all teleport.” Pinkie shrugged off, and Animak sighed. “Fine! I'll get cleaned up, and meet up with you at the library. I'm still not talking to my sister.” Animak finished eating, not bothering to wonder how Pinkie got out of the hole home. “Time for a quick shower.” Animak leaped up to the top of the ceiling at the entrance, and climbed up the last several feet to fresh air. There was a nice little waterfall near Shy's place that wasn't too far from this location, so Animak flew to it and enjoyed a nice brisk wash, the dirt and dust running out of his fur in a tantalizing display as he rubbed it out of his plumage. His observers, if any, all were enamored with his sinuous muscles being displayed by the wet fur. “Oh my....” The quiet, almost imperceptible voice could barely be heard over the falling water to Animak's ears, but he grinned and kept washing as the audience he knew he had was likely hiding to enjoy the show. He heard a squeak as he got to his flanks, and kneaded his talons into his thighs to get the stubborn dirt out, and almost barked out in laughter at seeing a flash of yellow spring from one of the bushes, yet ignored it long enough for the failed spy to force her wing back in and think she got off Scot-free. “Hey Shy, enjoying the show?” Animak called out calmly, getting a shocked squeak to come from the hiding mare, and for her to bashfully emerge with a flushed face and erect wings. “Y-yes...I'm sorry. You know how attractive you and your sister are, and when I saw you using the nearby waterfall....” Shy looked to the ground and kicked a forehoof as Animak finished cleaning up, and got out of the waterfall to shake himself off. He'd air dry in flight to the library. “No apologies needed Shy, I understand. Unlike Kamina, I won't tease the hell out of you for it. Just don't tell Mac you were ogling me and I won't tell either. So...ready for the wedding?” Animak asked as he took to the air, and Shy suddenly perked up to fly along with him to town. “Oh my, yes. I'm so honored to be playing my songbird choir for the ceremony. I don't know why Celestia told Twilight to bring our armor though.” Shy commented in confusion, and Animak faltered in the air for only a moment before righting himself. “What? You mean the combat armor Twilight and Rarity have made for everyone? What could...uh oh....” Animak's question answered itself when he looked to Canterlot in the distance, and saw a familiar massive pink barrier literally covering the entire city, top to bottom in a sphere that even extended under the jutting cliff the city was built on. "Invasion...." Animak's breathy word of terror made Shy gasp and put her hooves to her mouth. “Oh no, this is awful. And on the wedding?” “They're likely using the wedding as an advantageous bonus for attacking. Pretty much ALL of the ruling noble houses, as well as the entirety of the royal family will be in attendance. Perfect time to kill the nation in one fell swoop.” 'My frustration and loathing for my sister is pointless in this situation, we must stand together.' “I need to speak to Kamina.” ===//////> Animak paused at the door to the library, his claw on the handle. He couldn't move forward. 'Damn it...DAMN IT! Will of Self! Are you so fickle?!' The very thought of Will of Self sent a spike of pain through Animak's skull, making him hiss. “Animak, are you alright?” Shy asked worriedly. She had her whole songbird choir with her, all flitting about and resting on her, who all also looked at him in concern. “No Shy...I'm...WE, are not.” Animak sniffed as he tried to rein in the emotional and phantom pains stabbing through him. “But we have to try and muscle through.” He forced the door open, ignoring the crack it made on the frame as everyone, and that meant everyone in their group of friends and spouses, all looked to see him enter with Fluttershy. “Kam, bedroom, talk, now.” Animak ignored anything they said, including Kamina's protests as he quickly stormed up the stairs to their formerly shared room, and he paced around for a few minutes until Kamina finally decided to burst into the room in a huff, and slam the door. “Okay asshole, what?” She demanded with scorn, only to lose her edge at seeing her brother wince and reel as if struck and hold his ear. “What's wrong?” “I don't know okay! Just please be quiet, don't speak, don't make me look at you, and especially do not touch me.” Animak panted as he tried to ignore the pain her presence literally caused. “Look. Something's happened to you. I can't hear you without it hurting my ears, can't look at you without hurting my eyes, and can't touch you without feeling like I'm being burned alive. I can't do much around you, yet you're seemingly just fine. Please, get checked by physicians later, but that isn't important at the moment. What IS, is that obviously, a threat has been made on our family....” Kamina frowned, she knew something was making her brother hate her, but that she was actually harming him from proximity? That was...bad. Very bad. 'What could have-?' Suddenly Kamina couldn't think, and she blinked in confusion, having forgot what she was thinking. “Right...right yes. We have to protect them.” She winced when she saw Animak clutch his ears and hiss. 'Okay, no talking.' Kamina knocked on the floor twice, and then left calmly down the stairs as Animak sighed in relief at her leaving. 'Okay, that's settled. Let's get going then.' ===//////> The huge group appeared in a blinding flash of multicolored light due to the number of sources of magic used by the caster, and absolutely everyone appeared in the castle courtroom, where they were told to focus the arrival. Each was fully decked out in their own personal suit of special armor based on the Gurren and Lagann. Kamina was in Gurren and Animak in Lagann. They were easily distinguished by their massive sizes, and could be told apart despite the same colors due to the more angular nature of Kamina's armor, which even with more curves due to her female body seemed even more wily, while Animak's beefy smooth shape cut an intimidating figure. They stood out since their armor was angular in design, while the others were all smooth and form-fitting with the armor colored to match their coats because they fully covered them entirely. While Spike was of similar size, his purple armor matched his scales, and since he could use the same power as his older siblings, was one with the armor. So his wings were made of moving wings with metallic membranes, the spade of his tail was a sharpened axe-like spear, and his helm had a working mouth that exposed his raw Spiral Power when he spoke and his eyes like his siblings glowed through the empty helm in the same eerie green. His horns, needless to say, were unchanged in the armor save they also had working drills that amplified Spiral Power output. Gilda's armor was a sandy tan with a pronounced sharp beak at the front of her helm to be used as an extra weapon, flexible metal braced her wings and tail, while her talons had claw-like knives. Twilight's armor was purple, and had a draconic design, having a roaring dragon head design for the helm, and thin seams running from the helm down to her plot, where her billowing fiery orange hair flowed out and waved about like fire in a gentle breeze in slow motion, beings she was in her Shift. She was also one with her armor, having practiced using Spiral Power, so her eyes and mouth had the green glow. Trixie's was pale blue, and simple in design with no real distinction aside from the holes along the top running from her brow to her flanks, where icicle spines sprouted, and frost coated her whole body, which cracked, flaked, and fell in diamond dust whenever she moved. She too had Spiral Power, fused to the armor, yet her helm only had eyes, no mouth, making her seem faceless. Rarity had yet to properly use Spiral Power, so she wasn't fused like her other unicorn friends or her beloved, yet she was still fully armored in a gloriously eye-catching glossy white armor that while simple and unadorned, really caught the eye with just how well it covered her shapely form, yet was obviously very flexible in the sectioned plating. Pinkie Pie's pink armor was also simple, only it had a manic grin engraved into the mouth section of the helm that was unnerving to see, and she seemed to jitter and shake even more than usual. On her back however, was a soft brown saddle with carrying bags, one bag held an obscene number of candy-shaped weaponry, the other seemed empty. Something about Pinkie needing it with her mane and tail covered in Undetectable Extension Charmed armor. Applejack's golden orange armor was the simplest and slightly bulky, with bracing reinforcing all her legs to make her kicks even more lethal. Big Mac's red armor was the bulkiest, as he seemed more like a moving bulwark than an armored soldier. He had the thickest armor plating, his peytral seeming a shield on his broad chest, yet it was designed to be mobile enough that he could move normally in spite of the tremendous weight. The purpose of his armor's heavy design was to be a counter for his lover's lack of protection. Fluttershy's yellow armor was the lightest, and while still covering all of her, practically seemed to be a metallic skinsuit with thin plating. Her wings and hooves had glowing pink gems inlaid into them that channeled a general healing spell when magic was cast into them. Blitz had similar cyan armor so he'd have the best protection possible whilst not sacrificing any of his agility and speed. However he had wingblades, which were only used by assault squadrons of pegasi due to how lethal the weapons were, and due to the shape of his thestral wings, the curve of the blades meant they'd cut even deeper and smoother. Unlike Fluttershy's helm though, his had a moving mouth with it's own teeth to add his own carnivorous teeth to battle. Zecora's armor was like Pinkie's, only instead of a manic smile engraved on the faceplate, hers was striped black and white like her, and her saddle was loaded with all kinds of potions, poisons, and other chemicals. They were all posed regally with left foreleg raised, as Pinkie demanded they be, with Kamina and Animak on either end of the knights numbering 13 strong with Twilight and her friends at the middle of the group, with the others between them and the Twins, and together stated. “The Knights of Equestria answer the call! May our nation's enemies fall!” Celestia, Luna, Nyx, Scoddri, Shining and Cadence, who were all waiting at the thrones, gaped in awe at the assembled warriors before them. “Sorry! Pinkie wouldn't let it go and we decided to humor her.” Twilight answered as she stepped forwards, the others aside from the Twins stayed back, yet the siblings remained stoic and facing forwards, refusing to turn to each other. “Well Twilight, I must say that you lot together like this all cut quite the...intimidating appearance.” Cadence commented with a nervous chuckle. “Oh Cadence, don't be nervous. We're here to make sure your wedding to my BBBFF goes down without a hitch! Where do you all need us?” Twilight asked as the letter was brisk, and only asked for them to come as soon as possible with their armor. “Oh, yes, sorry for being so abrupt in my letter, but things are moving rather fast.” Celestia apologized and looked to her little ponies, Gilda, and her sons with seriousness. “I'm afraid I might have been a bit rushed in sending the letter, but I'll dictate what we need isn't all about increasing our security.” “Yes, I shall be tending to the battlements myself, so there is little need to worry there.” Luna informed them as she rubbed Nyx's spines with a hoof. “My little night here wishes to see how to properly garrison a city's defenses, so she'll be joining me where I can keep an eye on her.” “I can take care of myself....” Nyx pouted, only to wilt under her mother's imperious gaze that brooked no argument. “Yes mom, I'll behave.” “I'm mostly helping with the décor and taking some of the pressure off of Game Junkie. He's running himself ragged with how much he's trying to do on his own for a royal wedding. Pinkie will be joining us to help it go smoother.” Scoddri informed as he suddenly teleported next to the pink armored mare, and hugged her neck with a foreleg whilst gesturing into the air with the other. “Imagine! Cherry milk fountains! Strategic chocolate rain showers! Dishes that CLEAN THEMSELVES!” “IT BEGINS~!” Pinkie squealed in joy as she and Scoddri galloped out of the courtroom in eager joy, making the others all either nervous, or excited, or in some cases; nervouscited. “As I was saying....” Celestia stated patiently. “Rarity, you'll be in charge of making sure all the dresses are to Cadence's specifications.” “Oh! Lovely! Um...do I have to take off the armor? It is simply fabulous.” Rarity asked Cadence with her slightly muffled voice. “Not really, but won't it get uncomfortable?” Cadence asked curiously, only for Rarity to titter. “Not at all! I designed the fit myself. Twilight may have hammered out the pieces, but I was the one to measure and mold each piece to form as she softened and shaped. We make wondrous smiths together. I could wear this for who knows how long before it becomes unbearable.” Rarity boasted, and Cadence smiled. “I'm fine with it, but I'd be more comfortable with your helmet off.” Cadence stated, before she turned to Kamina. “Coming Kamina? We have to get your dress prepared too.” Kamina looked to her brother, who looked away, and she sighed. “Yes. I'll come get dolled up...can I wear a circlet?” Kamina asked as she left with Cadence and Rarity. “As for the rest of you....” Celestia continued once again. “Blitz, I want you to perform a Sonic Rainboom the moment the couple says I do, so that there's a glorious and beautiful explosion when they kiss.” Celestia smirked, getting the armored stallion to pump a hoof and woop. “Applejack is in charge of the catering.” AJ bowed, and quickly trotted off to the kitchens to get started, her brother joining her. “Fluttershy, I see you brought your own choir.” “Oh yes, I felt they would perform better since I've had a lot of practice with them.” Fluttershy informed as her feathered friends all chirped musically in joy at her praise. “That's lovely. A performance stand has been set up in the hall the wedding is going to be.” Fluttershy bowed and then flew along with her little friends to find the hall to practice. “As for you Twilight, you're in charge of making sure everything goes according to plan.” “I won't let you down Princess! Spike!” Twilight instinctively called, only to shake herself at Spike's confused blinking. “Uh, right-.” “Ahem!” Trixie briskly reminded her love of her existence, and levitated a scroll from her hammerspace. “Thank you Trixie. Let's get started.” The two Shifters briskly trotted out, not bothering to even change out of armor, or note that their intimidating forms caused even the guards to shuffle away slightly as they passed. “Finally, there's you my sons.” Celestia brought the remaining group to her attention. “Spike, you're the ring-bearer.” Spike saluted jokingly, getting her to giggle. “Lastly, for you Animak...we need to talk.” “I can't interact with Kamina without feeling like I'm dying mom. It's as simple as that. We don't know what's causing it, but it's been since we last visited.” Animak dully informed them all, getting a sigh out of Celestia. “Then it is her fault. The only thing I can think of that could cause this is that Kamina's rejected you as her Will of Self.” Simply stating this made Animak screech in agony as he fell over, and Spike quickly jumped to his side to help him up, and the royal sisters and Shining looked on sadly. “Has her behavior been odd lately?” “She's been much more girly, she's been much more forceful...actually, she's like a total female version of the original Kamina, before he split into Kam and Ani here.” Gilda informed as she finally drew attention to herself. “She's been chatting me up a lot, something that they usually only did to hang out, but she seemed...off.” “Desperate?” Blitz asked rhetorically. “Yeah, I've been getting that vibe. Like she's starving for attention. I thought it was just because she and Ani fell out. But if she's got her own Will of Self now....” “Then that is why she is hurting Animak.” Luna growled, looking down the hall her niece followed the bride through. “How did she come about it? You said when you were all visiting last month. When did you first notice it?” Animak hissed as he leaned into his little brother, feeling drained at the realization dawned upon him. “When...when Cadence asked her to be her bridesmaid.” Animak answered briskly. “She started drifting from me then, getting worse and worse since. Don't be too upset with her like I was, since when I finally confronted her earlier, she seemed confused if anything.” “Very well. This may or may not also be the work of the anonymous terrorist who threatened Canterlot. We'll see to it that today goes well, and then clear up this issue with Kamina. Just rest and be alert son.” Celestia stated before she kissed her bio-mechanical son's cheek. “Help him to a room Spike, we'll get everything ready.” “On it ma.” Spike grinned as he helped lead Animak out. After all the royals were gone, and the knights fully dispersed, one of the guards who paid witness to the proceedings grit his teeth, and promptly announced to his companion he had to cover another area. When he got to the servant's quarters, he knocked in a rhythm on the door, and it cracked open. “Code Bumblebee.” “Damn...we'll have to be extra careful.” > Incursio!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay, everything checks out so far. Even though we just got here, with everypony in the right places, things are going smoothly!” Twilight beamed as she walked down a hall with Trixie at her side, dutifully looking over checklists and reference guides to wedding ceremony. She however did not notice how intensely disturbed all the ponies she passed were at her glowing toothy smile, and the two armor fused Shifters in general. “Yes, it would seem that our duties thus far are merely vestigial. Trixie is glad to see things going so well.” Trixie's mouthless voice echoed out from her, sounding rather like a howl of wind against a glacier. “-And that will be all. I am so happy with how things are turning out!” The two mares heard the bride-to-be's voice from around the next corner, and they trotted a bit faster to see her giddily trotting away from a pleased, yet clearly tired Game Junkie. “I'm happy you're happy your majesty!” Game called after her, and then sighed in exasperation. “Hey Game!” Game looked up at Twilight's voice, and smiled tiredly at his friends. “Ah, hey, the armor looks awesome.” Game yawned shook himself, he seemed drained, his usual clear diamond luster was a bit dull, but not as bad as when Pinkie first found him. “Are you alright?” Trixie asked in concern. “Yeah, yeah...just really tired. I've been getting things ready for days. The best thing though is, I totally expected the princess to turn into a bridezilla. She has, but seemingly with everypony but me.” Game informed them in some confusion. “If anything, she's happier after she checks in with me. I know I've only given good news, but for some reason I don't think that's it. She also “feels” oddly familiar...like I know her personally.” “Well whatever the case, you can take a break Game. We and the others are here to make sure everything goes perfectly.” Twilight informed the event planner, who sighed in relief and plopped his toned diamond plot onto the floor. “Oh, that's nice. Sitting down. Alrighty then, I have faith in you all. Just...keep an eye on Cadenza. She can be really vicious.” Game closed his eyes, and to the two's shock; started snoring as he drooped. “Wow...Trixie knows his job can be taxing, but isn't this a bit much?” Trixie asked worriedly, and Twilight decided to scan him with a few spells to see if he was okay. “He is oddly drained...I guess it's from being away from Pinkie for a while. Remember, he was sorta undead until Pinkie infused him with her love. Let's let him sleep and hope he doesn't get much worse. We'll have to tell Pinkie about this though.” Twilight levitated the sleeping crystal pony onto her back, and casually started trotting along. One of the maids saw this, and huffed in displeasure. “There goes the snack....” ===////////> Animak was out of his armor, laid up in an absurdly comfortable bed. He looked ill. Shockingly so. Spike left him be after a few minutes of worried doting, but couldn't avoid grabbing several of the rapidly molting feathers to take to Celestia. Animak's wings were shedding all their feathers, his fur falling out in clumps, and he was decidedly pale. He snoozed weakly as the door opened, and a maid poked her head in to look around, and enter quietly. “Oh no...it's worse than we thought.” She locked the door, and suddenly her whole body was caught ablaze in emerald fire of a disturbingly familiar green color, and burned her appearance away to reveal an insectoid black pony with glowing light blue eyes, holes in her legs, insect wings, green bands around her barrel, a crooked and wickedly sharp horn, and a fanged mouth. Her expression was one of concern as she placed a chitinous hoof over his head. “Fever, molting, shedding. Too soon, way too soon and not the way it should be.” Her thin and crooked ears perked and began wiggling about. 'My Queen! My Queen, can you hear me?' 'Barely my subject, there is much interference, what is it?' 'Prince Animak is rapidly approaching the final molting stages.' 'WHAT?! But he isn't...Kamina is...alright, okay, we have to move things along sooner than expected. Um...yes, please prepare to enact plan C.' 'C?! But isn't that only if-?' 'Such a scenario has come to pass! The forces arrayed against us are far greater than expected. I was not aware that the Knights of Equestria had their armor finished. Then again Magic and Generosity were quite adamant about keeping their little project under wraps, so our agents in Ponyville couldn't get much intel on the matter.' 'Very well my Queen. I shall prepare to port.' 'Be safe Amethyst.' Amethyst's black cheeks flushed green a bit at her queen referring to her by name, and sighed as she focused her magic on levitating Animak out of the bed and onto the floor. “I am sorry Prince Animak, but we can't have you in this sorry state.” She looked to the empty armor off to the side of the room, seeming to looking at and through her in it's standing pose. The eyes of the face seemed to shimmer green for a moment, making her shudder. 'That thing isn't actually looking at me...is it?' She nearly panicked when she saw the brows of the eyes crease to leer at her, so she quickly cast a port spell, causing a ring of green fire to surround her and the ailing prince, where they quickly sank into the floor and out of the sight of the eerie armor. When they were gone, Lagann's teeth clenched, and a familiar light shined from the eyes and mouth. “Aniki....” ===//////> “What did you want to show me?” Kamina asked Cadence in confusion. She'd been getting fitted for her dress by Rarity, who chided her for the extra inches she gained in her flanks the past month from all her snacking, only to be rebuffed by Kamina rolling her eyes and absorbing the extra fat into her biomass so Rarity couldn't call her fat. Anyway, she was getting the dress fitted when Cadence entered and asked if she could come with her to see something. What that something was? She...couldn't remember. Just that she had to go with her. “It's in here.” Cadence, surprisingly led her into the ceremony hall that the wedding was going to take place in. Recital wasn't for an hour or so, so it was empty at the moment. “Watch this, it's pretty cool.” Cadence said as her horn lit up, and a section of floor clicked before lowering and sliding out of the way, revealing a cavern! “Whoa! That is cool!” Kamina looked down into the cavern, and when Cadence flew down into it, she followed. “What is this place?” Kamina asked as they landed, the clear blue crystal formations that formed the entirety of the cave mesmerized her. “It's a giant network of caves that run under Canterlot. It's also connected to Stallion's Landing. Not many ponies know it even exists, and those that do, like Celestia and Luna, have forgotten.” Cadence led them through into the caves, to reveal abandoned mining equipment. “The unicorns that founded Canterlot tried to mine it, but the number of ponies that died in here made it not worth it to even them, and they sealed it away to be forgotten.” “Well, we have safer mining practices today, and better equipment...letting this all just sit here seems a waste.” Kamina commented, and heard a chuckle from Cadence that seemed to lower in octave oddly. “I agree.” Kamina saw green, so much green, then all went black. ===//////> “Auntie!” Celestia turned away from speaking to Twilight and Trixie to see a distraught Cadence galloping up to her. “Auntie, it's Kamina! She's gone!” “WHAT?!” The three mares all responded in equal shock, alarm, and concern. “I wanted to show her something, but as we were walking, I heard her yelp, and turned around to find her missing! I've asked the guards and staff to look for her, but I'm worried! What if the terrorists are INSIDE?!” Cadence started hyperventilating until Twilight and Trixie both hugged her from either side, and she did the same breathing exercise as Twilight. “I...am a mature mare...I am...in control of the situation....” “My daughter...they have my daughter....” Celestia's eyes were wide open like a deer in carriage lights. “That means...GUARDS!” Celestia called in the RCV, getting several nearby soldiers to respond in salute. “My sons! Protect my sons! Spike should be about, and Animak is in his spare room!” They all flew, teleported, and ran off to follow their orders and spread the word that the enemy was inside. “No, no, no!” Celestia paced as she started panicking. “Not them, not them.” She was on the verge of tears, but the three ponies with her all hugged her, and she sniffled as she tried to calm down. “Auntie, I'm sure Kamina is fine, she's a strong mare, and I know Spike and Animak will be fine too. Calm. They're stronger than this.” Cadence soothed her aunt, tears threatening to leak from her own eyes. “I don't know who took her, but whoever it is, they will be on the menu.” Twilight swore as her flaming aura flared from her whole back. “Come Trixie! Tracking spells!” “Yes love.” Trixie and Twilight's horns began glowing, and they promptly rushed off, leaving a despairing Celestia in the hooves of a leering Cadence who was looking away from her to where the mares had run off. 'Damn, more liabilities.' ===//////> “Alright, the spells I've placed on both Kamina and Animak both read them as being below us, but we're as deep as we can go!” Twilight cried out in frustration from the deepest cell in the castle's dungeon. Said dungeon was practically empty due to the few usual criminals being held in the city's various guard stations spread around Canterlot. Only political or serious offenders get transferred to this dungeon, and usually those inmates are shipped to Tartarus to serve out sentence if their crimes result in longer-than-life imprisonment. “Is there a cave down there? It would make sense considering the nature of Stallion's Landing.” Trixie considered, and Twilight's horn shined before forming a telekinetic drill, and aiming down. “We'll see soon. We'll apologize about damages later.” Twilight was about to fire off the lethal drill, only to yelp and lose focus as she was tackled by a guard that seemed to come from nowhere. “What are you doing?!” “Back off!” Trixie shouted as she fired a freezing magic beam that just barely missed the guard as he jumped over it, and watched as the wall she hit was frozen over in inch-thick ice. “This is the dungeon! Do you have any idea how compromised you'll make our security?” The nondescript white earth stallion demanded of them. “If you must get below, then use a storage cellar!” “Fine! Geez, let's go Trixie, the nearest cellar is this way.” Twilight and Trixie both ran off, and the guard sighed in relief as he burned away into another bug pony. 'My queen! I was able to buy some time, they're heading for the eastern storage cellar!' 'Good work! I have some other drones ready to intercept.' 'Shock troops? Those two are too deadly for us normal changelings.' 'Of course! I'm not putting any of you in needless danger if I don't have to.' Shortly after the previous attempt being thwarted for fairly understandable reasons, Twilight and Trixie both galloped in front of the Lunar Guard standing in front of the cellar door, and explained the situation frantically. “-Of course ma'am! I can understand not allowing you to dig in the dungeon, but here is fine. We can just seal it back up later.” The Lunar Guard guarding the cellar door replied to Twilight's demand, and stood aside. “Just please don't hit any of the crates, we might be needing those supplies sooner than we'd like.” “Thank you!” Twilight appreciated the understanding as she and Trixie barged into the full storeroom. “Okay, spell says they're still reasonably nearby. With one shot, I should be able to pierce a good hole straight down.” Twilight found a clear area in the center of the room, and prepared to fire down, and to the west at a steep angle. “Stand back Trixie.” “Okay. I've seen this spell before, but never on Shire Stone, let's see if it will work.” Trixie commented as she stood behind Twilight, taking the moment to vainly examine her mare's plot, even if it was just armor at the moment. 'Mm...even as just armor, she's so sexy.' “Here we go!” Twilight fired the drill, and they watched as it shredded a smooth cone into the stone, down into bedrock, but stopped on what seemed to be luminescent blue crystal. “Whoa...again!” Twilight fired again, demolishing the crystal into what was clearly a crystal cavern. “Okay Trixie lets-AH!” Twilight yelped as suddenly she was smacked in the face by a green blob. “I can't see! Trixie!” “Get off me! Get-mmph! MPH!” Trixie's ethereal voice was muffled even more as Twilight could hear struggling, and she tried to use her magic to free her vision from whatever this green glob was, but quickly found herself pelted by more of the substance, even her burning hair was smothered. 'No....' ===//////> “Princess!” Celestia and the rest of the Knights, as well as the other important royal figures and Shining were all in a large council room, secured by her most trusted soldiers. The voice was from Keen, the Twin's sire and one of her most trusted lieutenants. “We cannot find Lady Sparkle or Lulamoon! They seem to have disappeared in the lower levels.” “No~!” Cadence cried as she wept into her hooves while Shining tried to console her. “I should have canceled! These terrorists are taking my family!” “Not anymore!” Scoddri roared, and he looked to them all. “This latest development cinches it; the terrorists are using Stallion's Landing as a staging point, and have found access to as far as the palace from beneath Canterlot. We must bring the fight to them! We are not going to cower in here as they pick us off, and fill our subjects with fear!” “Scoddri's right! We must lead a crusade into Stallion's Landing, and rout the interlopers!” Luna stood as she trotted to the exit. “I shall lead my Lunar Guard into Stallion's Landing, and contain or rout them. Sister; have the Solar Guard search for any breaches in the lowest levels of the castle, and lead a counter-offensive. We will pin them in their own trenches.” Luna finished leaving when Celestia nodded her approval to the plan. “We will move with full force! Let none of these criminals go, use lethal force if deemed necessary, and secure the safety of my children, student, and loyal subjects.” Celestia ordered to Keen, who nodded and rushed off to relay the message. “Everyone, we are to move as a group. I have full faith in your abilities, but these terrorists are swift, stealthy, and obviously prone to guerrilla tactics, something none of you have experience against. We must move together and be on guard if we are to avoid being separated.” “Yes Princess!” Almost everyone responded. “Oh, my head.” Shining groaned, getting them all to look to him, and Cadence to fawn over him. “Oh my dear, holding up that shield is so taxing isn't it?” Cadence asked redundantly before she looked thoughtful. “Auntie, wouldn't dropping the shield be a good idea? It's obvious the terrorists are already within the barrier.” “No, for all we know there are more outside, waiting to get in once we've focused ourselves on the intruders.” Celestia then cast a spell on Shining, getting a sigh of relief out of him as she restored some of his magic and lessened his headache. “Captain Armor, you should remain here with Cadence and my elite guard. Keep your focus on maintaining the shield.” “Yes Your Majesty.” Shining bowed, and they all left save the guards, Cadence, and Shining. Cadence's expression shifted to one of glee. 'Perfect~....' ===//////> Luna roared in fury as she flew headfirst at the rotting undead griffin approaching her. She cleaved it in two with a summoned black scythe of her magic, and watched it fall. 'Wights?! Of all things, these invaders are using wights?!' Modern society mocks the lost art of necromancy with all the popular culture of zombies and whatnot, but they have forgotten about them for good reason, as the sisters worked tirelessly to weed out any source of information of the dark art long ago. Clearly they'd failed. “Princess!” One of her soldiers shouted for her attention, and she looked in time to jump away from the wild flailing claw of a one-armed diamond dog corpse, which she promptly bisected vertically, sending a pile of rotted organs flying. The undead were upon them almost the instant they entered Stallion's Landing. The once pristine and beautiful hideaway had been transformed into a necropolis filled to the gills with risen corpses. Almost none of the undead were equines, thank goodness, but the advanced decay of most of the wights was evidence that these bodies were very old, and likely hoarded over a long period of time. Whoever was moving against them had been planning for this for possibly centuries. How they moved all the cadavers into this place without notice was baffling however, their weekly check-ins with the often abandoned locale said everything was normal. Clearly the reports were false. “Rally my stallions! Keep them at bay! They be mere mindless beasts, strike them down with impunity!” Luna charged a spell and launched a small orb of light into the false quartz sun overhead, creating a blinding flash that incinerated most of the weakest of the wights instantly, but that still left most of them. 'I hope things were going better on your end sister.' ===//////> “I was a fool!” Celestia cried in despair, as barely before they got to the courtroom did Shining's shield fall, and hundreds of green flaming comets fell upon her helpless city. “I should not have left them! This...this....” Celestia's eyes filled with tears, until she grit her teeth, and roared in utter fury as her gentle flowing hair turned to sunfire, and her eyes slitted. “NONE OF YOU SHALL LIVE PAST THIS DAY!” “Sunfire wait!” Scoddri's call for her was on deaf ears, as she flew out the window into the city to protect her subjects. “You all continue down! Find the one behind this! I will try to rein in Tia before she baptizes all of Canterlot in the sun!” Scoddri grit his teeth, and roared in pain as white dragon wings grew from his sides. “Tia! Don't use Forbidden Sun!” “C'mon y'all! We ain't got nothin' ta lose!” AJ shouted, Game nodded and since he knew the castle best of the group, he led the way down. Nyx whimpered on Fluttershy's back as the Knights descended as fast as they could. “My goodness, this is terrible! Who could be doing all of this?” Rarity asked in horror at all the things spiraling out of control so fast. “Bugs.” At the unfamiliar mechanical voice, they all halted and turned to see Lagann walking towards them with Gurren next to him. “Animak!” AJ leaped at the armor, who accepted the hug without response, and she blinked before realizing it wasn't hugging back. “Ani?” “I am afraid Aniki is not with us. Our pilots are in danger.” The suit responded to their surprise as AJ backed away. “Aneki has been behaving so oddly lately, we feel that this is the result. These invaders have planned this around our pilots.” Gurren's monotone female voice intoned from the moving chest mouth. “Why? Aside from the obvious?” Blitz asked, only for Gilda to tap one of his wings. “You didn't used to have those.” Gilda suggested, as it was the only other thing she could think of aside from the fact that they were royalty. ===//////> “Ugh...I feel like I got tackled by Mac.” Twilight moaned as she tried to move, but found herself unable to. She forced her eyes open to gasp at her predicament. Her whole back was coated in green hardened resin, so her flames couldn't escape at the moment, and she was pinned to a crystal wall spread-eagle by the stuff as well, Trixie was next to her, still out, worryingly so considering the size of the dent cratering in the side of her love's helm. “Trixie! Trixie wake up!” “She can't hear you right now.” A husky and oddly reverberating voice informed her, getting Twilight to look around until she saw two glowing green slitted eyes in the dark. “Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!” Twilight demanded as she tried to use her magic, only to hiss in pain and look up at her horn to see a limiter on it. “I, my dear, sweet, helpless Twilight Sparkle....” A tall, gangly insectoid mare similar to those before, but much larger to being the same size as Celestia, came forward into the chamber's light. “Am Queen Chrysalis. Ruler of the Changelings. As for why...well, why don't I have you ask my soon-to-be betrothed?” “What?” Twilight asked as the lights emanating from the walls illuminated the rest of the large chamber, getting a choked gasp from Twilight. “No....” In the center of a massive translucent and writhing green cocoon, sat the still forms of Animak and Kamina embracing, their faces frozen in cries of agony as their colors faded to black from the feet up, while their bodies were fusing back together. “KAMINA~!” > Bonum ad Malum!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What are you doing to them!?” Twilight demanded furiously as she struggled to get free, all while Chrysalis chuckled darkly. “I am giving them what they ultimately want and need; the ultimate template. I've been keeping an eye on Equestria for nearly a millennia, working to better my forsaken kind's lot in life. Every attempt using your own teachings of Friendship, failed horribly. Through time, we tried again and again to befriend you, only for when we bare ourselves before you, we are rejected!” Chrysalis shouted as she glared hatefully at Twilight. “So you decided to go to war? What will that solve?!” Twilight asked as she calmed down, and decided to see if she could eventually burn through the resin on her back. “Oh no, not war exactly. Hopefully this violent gambit will be the worst of it. I can hear them, dying out there. The ones I sent at your precious capital above may be near-mindless drones, but they are all my children in a way.” Chrysalis turned and walked up to the cocooned twins, and caringly caressed the wriggling shell. “They, however, are the key. They can change others, entirely if they wanted. We can only change ourselves, and those we specifically single out with our venom and magic, which is a long and drawn-out process as you can see.” “So you've been doing this to them through Kamina the past month, haven't you? We noticed she was acting strangely.” Twilight commented as she grimaced, the resin was oddly fire-resistant, she was going to have to turn up the heat. “Indeed. You see, we couldn't just let them have our sample. They would've just gained the ability to change shape easily and quickly with far less agony. No, in order for my plan to work, they need to go through the whole process properly. So I can transfer my hive connection to them.” Chrysalis's words stunned Twilight. “You...weren't joking? You're making them the rulers of your kind?” Twilight asked baffled, while the queen sighed. “Yes. It is what is best. I do this for my ponies, not myself. If you will listen, then I will share the whole sad story with you.” Chrysalis offered as she turned to face the scholar, and smirked playfully. “Besides, you're not getting anywhere with your fire are you?” “...Damn...that obvious?” Twilight asked, making the queen laugh earnestly. “Poor dear, I can feel the heat radiating from you all the way over here. Let's be civil now that we have the chance. Have you gotten past the instinctive fear my presence causes?” Chrysalis asked, and Twilight blinked. “Oh, didn't notice that. Yes.” 'I see, so her kind instills an intense negative reaction from ponies. I didn't realize it until now since I was more upset than scared.' “Then I shall let you down. Not free mind you, but off that wall and not in such a...compromising position.” The queen licked her lips as she wiggled her eyebrows, getting Twilight's metal cheeks to turn red. 'Is she somehow channeling them through her?' ===//////> “There's so gosh-darned many!” Applejack shouted in frustration as she bucked another dogpile of changelings off of her. These ones were meek, and small compared to the big ones outside assaulting the city. In fact, they were the size and general shape of normal ponies, save their bug-like appearances, and their fighting ability was about as predicted for more-experienced ponies rather than savage monsters. In fact, they mostly seemed to cower away unless they all attacked in groups, like ponies with no actual training, or scared civilians. This was the observation made by the new additions to the group. “Do not permanently harm them! These are civilians!” Lagann shouted as he knocked out another changeling. “They are not used to fighting, these invaders are likely akin to medics or contracted workers!” Gurren flung several of the buggy opponents off of her with a flare of her wings, and promptly tapped as many on the head to conk them out as she could before the others got back up. She and Lagann didn't have magic, so they were only able to perform more mundane methods without their pilots. “But then what are they guarding so fiercely?” Spike asked as he dodged another duo of changelings trying to grab his horns, and then took a deep breath, and blasted the changelings in front of him with his delivery fire, sending those swathed in it off to some cells in the dungeon above. They'd been fighting a downhill battle against these carapace covered ponies since they found the giant hole blasted through one of the storage cellars into the crystal caverns. “Clearly something...important...” Blitz blinked upon realizing what when he saw through a small hole, barely big enough for a pony; a large cavern which had the walls utterly covered in green viscous resin. Hanging from the walls in this resin, were possibly hundreds of cocoons, all containing more changelings. “A nursery....” “This is bad.” Rarity commented as she poked her head into the hole that Blitz found. “If they all hatched....” “We'd be overrun even more than we are now.” Spike groused, before he decided a serious decision needed to be made. “I don't want to do this...but we have to destroy them.” “No!” Fluttershy fiercely protested and flew over the hole, blocking it with her body. “I won't let you! No matter what they're doing, I won't let you kill unborn creatures!” Fluttershy's soul-piercing gaze was leveled at the prince, who cowered away. “Listen to her!” They all looked around Fluttershy, who also turned around to look into the hole to see a single changeling mare hugging a cocoon that was next to the largest one in the center of the floor of the cocoon cavern. “These aren't what you think! You'd be killing your own ponies!” This gave them all incredible confusion, and concern. “What do ya mean?” AJ demanded, as she knew the changeling was telling the truth. “...They used to be ponies. But being cocooned for so long has made them into more changelings. They're still themselves, just...different now.” She said sadly and nuzzled the cocoon she was hugging protectively. “Blue...he said he loved me. I hated deceiving him, because eventually I started returning his feelings. Now...now he'll only hate me.” “What could be so dire, so serious, that you would go so far? Why would you go to war with us? Why would you do all of this?” Spike demanded as he and the two golems widened the hole with raw strength, and entered with the others to look over the room fully. “...Let me tell you a story. My name is Amethyst Shimmer, and I used to be a unicorn...seven hundred years ago....” ===//////> “...Odd.” Luna could only say, when she found a great many of her own soldiers all locked in the central bathhouse of Stallion's Landing, which was obscenely clean. Luna scanned the magic-infused resin barrier keeping her warriors locked up. “So you're saying the wights only struck you down, and dragged you down here?” “Yes, it was incredibly confusing. I thought once that rotting griffin got me I was a goner, only for it to swoop down and drop me into a waiting group of pony zombies, who then put me in here with everypony else they captured.” The soldier speaking with Luna informed, as apparently none of her party had died, and were all safely contained here. “Then that means these corpses were risen with purely defensive purpose...passive measures....” Luna mused as she examined the wall of green glossy matter. “Enchanted to let things in, but not out. A simple field prison then. Stand back.” The soldier did so, and Luna summoned her scythe, which easily sliced through the wall like paper, cutting it into chunks to allow her stallions to go free. “Regroup! We must still find the passage under the city and attack the actual main force!” “Yes Your Highness!” They all charged out of their former prison, clean as whistles since they took the chance to clean the stench and bits of death off of themselves. 'This is perplexing. Just what are these terrorists doing?' ===//////> Sunfire didn't even flinch as she crushed the screeching head of a large, malformed changeling underhoof. “Is that all?” She demanded of the nearest Solar Guard, who nervously nodded in response. “Good.” She'd been spearheading the defense for hours now, hunting down these abominations. She didn't know what they were, but they were clearly deformed and unnatural, as some had missing limbs, eyes, or even had no face at all. They had the intelligence of rabid animals, and seemed about as self-preserving as suicide bombers. “Calm yet Sunfire?” “What do you think?” She demanded searingly of her lover, the white kirin had been focused the whole time in protecting her subjects while she dealt out the due punishment for any who dared threaten them. “I think the spitfire needs to calm down before things get out of hoof. You're scaring the ponies who look to you for protection.” Scoddri admonished his mare, who took a deep sigh and forced herself to calm down, returning to her normal, matronly appearance. “I'm sorry. I simply cannot withstand My Little Ponies being endangered like this.” Celestia looked down at the crushed monster before her, and sighed sadly. “I didn't even know if it was intelligent or not before I killed it.” “Trust me; they're not. They have about as much sentience as ants.” Scoddri informed her as he held a twisted changeling head in his magic. “These are drones. Throwaways. Cannon fodder. They were just meant to keep us occupied.” Scoddri huffed a little fire before he tossed the head into a nearby trash bin. “So these terrorists are up to something specifically involving my children. We must return to the castle post-haste.” They were about to do so, when a powerful ground-cracking earthquake struck the regal city of Canterlot for the first time in it's existence, ripping fissures in the streets, and making the buildings rattle against each other like dominoes struggling not to fall. Ponies both civilian and military screamed in terror as they began panicking even more than they had been, and all stampeded along the emergency evacuation routes. “No...!” ===//////> “Yes! It is nearing completion!” Chrysalis cheered as the cocoon encasing the royal twins turned an eerie opaque black as the sheer energy being given off of it began to cause the very mountain they were all on to shudder. “Chrysalis, stop this!” Twilight cried out from her bound position on the floor. Chrysalis had told her everything about why they were doing this, she could forgive them, but only if she didn't carry her plans out to the end. “Mount Shire will topple at this rate!” “Mount Shire may be hollow, but it has stood since before recorded time. It will continue to stand now, even in the face of their immense power! Now is the time! Our saviors! The Hive awaits you!” Chrysalis stabbed her horn into the cocoon, and screamed as it seemed to suck power out of her, rapidly causing her to shrink down as tears of agony spilled forth. “Take...it all!” “Chrys!” Twilight cried as she tried to struggle, but could only watch as the former queen finished shrinking to the size of a normal pony/changeling, and limply fell to the ground. She looked like any other changeling now, only with her mane, tail, and eyes being more prominent. “Chrysalis, are you alive?” “Yes...all I did was pass the combined Will of my ponies to them. It is what makes the leader of the Hive the leader.” Chrysalis's further words were halted as a loud crashing noise shook the mountain, and the cocoon cracked open. “They're hatching.” “Twilight!” Their attention was turned to the only passage leading between this particular cavern in the depths of the cave system to see the rest of the Knights, as well as the golems being led by a familiar changeling mare. “Amethyst? What is going on?” Chrysalis asked her former subject in confusion, only to wince as the younger changeling helped her up. “I can't take it anymore. I know we want to be free of this endless hunger, but what good will all our resentment and hatred do for them?” Amethyst asked as she gestured to the cracking cocoon, and Chrysalis's eyes widened in sudden realization and fear. “I just finished giving them the suffering and angst of hundreds....” The cocoon exploded violently, knocking the two changeling mares across the chamber to smash bonelessly into the nearby walls, leaving green bloody streaks as they limply slid down the smooth crystal. “No!” Fluttershy screamed as she quickly fluttered over to the possibly fatally wounded mares, and began using her armor's spell matrix to heal them. “Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay-.” “Ah~...so lovely to be out of that stuffy entrapment.” Nearly everyone aside from Fluttershy, who was too focused on saving lives, froze in instinctive fear in spite of the source; as while their duet was harmonious, the reverberating echo that made it sound like even more were speaking just shook them. “And all our beloveds have come to see us, how touching.” The steam of the disintegrating shell and magic cleared up, to reveal a glorious and terrifying beast. “Oh, come now, is that any way to look at your gods?” They had been changed so much, it was hard to see this...thing, as their loved Kamina and Animak. They had been fused together in an odd fashion with their body being the same black hematite chitin of changelings, but their dominant traits remained with a few additions. They were ultimately now six times the size of an average pony, rather than their separate three times. They towered over Celestia before, now they eclipsed her entirely at a shocking 16 feet in height, making the two headed giant look down at them completely. Their heads and necks were now shared on a body, the left one was more slender and feminine, whilst the other was slightly bulkier and masculine. Their plumage was now translucent and still their respective reds and blues, their eyes mostly remained their original draconic styles, but their fangs were now more pronounced. Their torso, despite being carapace, still resembled a tiger's, and the stripes were now a luminescent familiar green. The forelegs were mostly the same, save them being chitinous, same with the hind legs. Their wings were drastically changed, as the feathers seemed to be made of the same membrane as bug wings save for the chitin where the bones normally would've been, and the veins in them glowed the same as their stripes. Finally, their tail had been replaced by a long and menacing serpentine anaconda tail that was made of a more flexible chitin, and ended in a familiar stinger that belonged on a manticore. “Glorious, are we not?” Kaminak asked with all four of their eyes half-lidded, and a familiar purr echoing from their throats. “Come now, are we not-?” They quickly spun around, lifted their tail, and spanked their right flank with a sharp crack, while both looking at them with turned heads. “Sexy?” Their lifted tail exposed a surprisingly mammalian vagina with bright green flesh, that also had an armored penal sheath above it between their thighs, meaning they were officially dual-gendered. Despite how disturbing the change was, none of the group in the chamber could deny that they still got their jimmies rustled, especially Twilight who decided to speak up. “K-Kamina, or Animak-.” “Kaminak.” They corrected as they turned back around to face them properly. “While we're fused, we're Kaminak. Makes things easier.” They then looked towards their armor, and blinked. “Who's wearing our armor?” “Pilots Animak and Kamina, it is good to see you are well, even if your current format is incompatible with our cockpits.” The golems responded in a disturbingly familiar duality. “There's a lot goin' on right now. All revolving around you two and saving the changelings from their starvation.” AJ intoned in a way that said it would all be explained later. “What's important right now is that you call this all off, and get to fixing these poor critters.” “Why?” They asked in confusion, getting baffled expressions in response. “They attacked us, hurt us, and did THIS to us! We may in the end be grateful, but they caused us so much pain! Why should we help them?” “Because you're good ponies!” Twilight shouted as Spike and Mac helped break the resin holding her on the floor and moved on to the likely comatose Trixie, and Twilight stood up to come to the front of the group. “You wouldn't really leave them like this would you? They're crystal ponies like Game! Only they didn't get “banished” like him, and were cut off abruptly from the Crystal Heart! It made them undead, starving, desperate for what they'd always had but suddenly lost, and became the twisted ponies you see now!” Twilight explained as she gestured to the unconscious, but healthy Amethyst and Chrysalis as Fluttershy fidgeted about them, wrapping them in bandages needlessly like a mother hen. “Not to mention poor ponies like Amethyst got turned into changelings too either from being drained too much, or being held in stasis for too long. They're all victims in this.” “So?” Kaminak demanded coldly, shocking them all with how unlike them such disregard for others was. “We don't care. In fact...we don't really care much for anything right now.” They chuckled darkly as their horns, now twisted and jagged like Chrysalis's but with a spiral still, lit green with their altered magic as their stripes began to glow even more. “In fact...we're hungry...for far more than your bodies.” “W-what're you saying?” Spike asked in worry as he got in front of the others and spread his wings protectively. “You know what we want! GIVE US YOUR LOVE! ALL OF IT!” Kaminak's wings flared as they began glowing brighter, causing them all to gasp in pain as various streams of light came from them and began flowing into Kaminak's energy-siphoning wings. “N-no....” Twilight groaned as she felt weaker, about to defuse from her armor when Gurren and Lagann launched forth, and struck both of Kaminak's heads with a punch each, disrupting their magic drain. “You would attack your creators?” They demanded, only to get another punch each in reply, launching them against the far wall, cracking the crystals. “You created us to protect what was important! And right now, you're hurting what we were made to protect!” Gurren and Lagann stated with shocking emotion coming from them. “We are the drills that allowed you to pierce the heavens to do what was right! Now, we'll do the same even if it's to you! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!” They demanded as they fused together into the smallest version of Gurren Lagann, sneering at their pilots in anger. “A couple of tin cans that need to relearn their place!” Kaminak answered before roaring, and the two beings leaped at each other. > Causalitas!!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hurry! Get out of the city!” Scoddri shouted with the RCV as loudly as he could, spurring on the stampedes of ponies rushing to the gates leaving the city. Being a quadrupedal herding race was especially useful in instances such as right this instant, where a mass exodus was necessary. The earth ponies and unicorns all fled with panicked precision, not caring about personal space as they flowed out of the city like a kaleidoscope river. The pegasi, both military and civilian acted as waypoints, shouting and directing the flow from above, several hovering over each turning point to fly in an arrow formation to point the way to go. “Flee My Little Ponies! Canterlot is crumbling!” Celestia shouted as well, encouraging them to continue their stampeding as she personally teleported stragglers or poor souls who were nearly trampled to death to Ponyville, as the primary evacuation location of Stallion's Landing was clearly compromised, and she hadn't gotten word from Luna on the situation yet. “Status report!” Her demand to one of her Solar Guard captains got the pegasus to flinch, only to recover quickly and salute. “The evacuation is going as quickly as can be managed Princess! But if we don't get them all out of the royal district soon-!” Suddenly, the royal district just outside Castle Canterlot practically exploded as the bedrock beneath heaved, and the castle itself began to tremble as it sank, the ledge it sat on losing stability. “No....” “It is just a castle captain! It can be replaced! But the ponies that could still be inside can't! I will search for stragglers and get them to safety, continue with the evacuation!” Celestia teleported back to her crumbling castle, unshed tears threatening to leave her magenta eyes. “How could it come to this? Why is this happening?” She used a Detect Life spell, and then a Detect Undead spell to discover several staff were hiding throughout the castle, likely being trapped or too scared to move, Shining was still in the council room with several of her guards, and a large mass of undead signals were coming from the dungeons. “I cannot leave any of them, they might have answers I desperately need.” Celestia took a calming breath, and focused on each signal, and teleported them all to Ponyville save Shining and the changelings Spike had sent to the dungeon. The changelings because she had to consider where was secure enough to put them, and Shining because...he resisted her remote teleport. 'Shining, what are you up to?' Celestia asked telepathically as she decided to send the prisoners to the Ponyville jail, it would be filled to bursting, but it would have to do. 'Cadence! I have to find her!' Shining replied as he finally left the room through sheer force upon being woken by the sensation of nearly being teleported. 'That imposter said she'd give her back once this was over before she knocked me out! But I'm not waiting! I have to save my wife!' 'Shining the castle is crumbling! You have to-!' 'I HAVE to find my love! I won't leave without her!' Celestia was stunned by a spear-shaped hollow pink barrier pierced clear through the middle of the castle, just before her, and Shining falling past her through the tube with determination in his eyes, and in that split second they made eye contact before he continued on. 'If there's one thing Cadence has taught me, it's that love can conquer anything! I won't let anything get between us, even if I have to move the stars themselves!' Tia was stunned, and impressed with her Royal Guard captain, and smiled understandingly. He'd be fine. 'Then Faust-speed to you stallion. Bring my niece home. I must continue to evacuate the city.' Tia teleported out of the castle moments before the ledge gave way, and the symbol of Equestria's capital tumbled over into the forested valley below, a terrifying sight that more than half the country witnessed. “Whoa...that was close.” Shining commented as he looked above him at where the castle once stood. The solid structure had lifted practically completely out of the ground by it's magically solid foundation, exposing the sky through the hole he'd punched through bedrock into this...green...chamber.... “What the tartarus?” Shining gaped at the cocoons around him, seeing all the changelings within them. But the one that drew his utmost attention, was the oddly pink and purple one in the largest cocoon he'd landed next to in the center of the room. He felt shock as recognition shot through him. “CADENCE?!” Shining didn't question it, he knew this one was his wife-to-be, and promptly ripped it in half with his magic, getting a coughing and sputtering changeling of Chrysalis's former stature to awaken as she fidgeted on the floor. “Sh-Shiny?” The voice had an odd echo to it, giving it an ethereal quality that oddly mesmerized the stallion even more than her original sultry and caring tone. “Wh-where are we?” She stood shakily, Shining moving to steady her by letting her lean against him, her towering stature was of no consequence to him as he looked into her soft red slit eyes. Her wings were like Kaminak's, but the veins were pink, her body the same, while her ringed midsection was a light purple, her mane and tail were the same as before with their tri-colored light hues of purple, pink, and yellow. In fact, she still had her crystal heart cutie mark and her legs didn't have holes in them. She basically looked the same as before, only made of pink chitinous crystal and with fangs. She radiated a visible pink aura of pure Love as well that invigorated Shining, and seemed to make all the other changelings stir in their pods. “I...think a hatchery of some sort. You...oh Cadence, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize an imposter took your place for so long and-mph?” Cadence shut him up with a kiss, getting him to hum and kiss back. They stood there a moment, a solitary moment of bliss and peace in a time of chaos. They broke apart, with Shining looking at her in a drunken stupor while Cadence smirked, her fangs adding to the mischievous quality of it. “I love how stupid you look when I do that.” She giggled, and then looked around her, her new form providing things she couldn't do before. “They're ponies...all of them.” Shining shook himself to awareness, and looked around at the pods. “You mean...like what they did to you?” “It's not their fault...I...I hear them.” Cadence blinked as she panted a bit as tears formed in her eyes. “These poor ponies...I...Shining we have to help!” What neither of them knew, or realized until later, was that Cadence had become a Queen, so she was linked directly to the Hivemind. They hadn't considered what altering an alicorn would do. “How?” Shining asked as he stood at attention. His princess and future wife had orders. “First, we free these poor ponies. Then-.” A furious dual roar and a terrible trembling alerted them to the danger, and she became further secure in her decision. “We evacuate all these ponies first, then we can devise a plan of action to help them and smooth this all over.” “Got it.” Shining then cast his magic over the rest of the pods, and ripped them all open as Cadence caught them in her magic, ignoring their scared and otherwise confused reactions to awakening so suddenly. “Let's go!” Cadence charged her magic, which was oddly more potent than before, and she teleported them all to Stallion's Landing as it was the safest place that she knew of nearby, only to blink at the necropolis it had become, and a stunned Luna standing right in front of her. “Uh...Auntie, what's going on?” Luna blinked, and looked to Shining next to the disturbingly familiar creature. The captain nodded in all seriousness, and she regained herself as her soldiers relaxed. “Well dear Niece...much has happened.” ===//////> GL shouted in protest as Kaminak drove them through another wall of crystals with a pulverizing punch from their hard hematite fists, which were literally harder than iron. “What is this? Do you think this is funny? Without pilots you're just glorified suits of armor!” GL got back to all four feet, and leered hatefully at their corrupted pilots with all four gleaming green eyes. “Then what does that make you? A giant glorified sex doll? Couldn't choose one so had to have the best of both worlds? Planning on a five-way with all your mares pounding away at you? You've got the equipment to handle it now.” They dodged as the blushing and furious Kaminak tried to skewer them on their stretching and whip-like tail's stinger. “THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” As the two powerhouses traded blows, the others just tried to survive the collapsing cave system around them, all whilst being embarrassed and aroused at all the innuendo and outright sexual quips they shot at each other. Trixie, having just awoke after having her helm undented by Rarity and Twilight was the most heated as her ice dripped from melting. “H-hot....” Twilight had her hooves over her eyes as her flames were flaring freely. “Very....” “We have to do something!” Spike shouted to get their attention off the raunchiness of the situation. “This is getting out of control! Canterlot will sink into these caves at this rate!” “R-right! We must stop them, but how? They're the strongest of us all!” Trixie asked, only for Spike's horns to glow along the spirals in the tell-tale green of Spiral Power, and Trixie's glowing mouth beamed as her own horn joined in, Twilight's did as well, Game allowed his combat form forth, and his spiral stripe joined the light show. All the others save Fluttershy's spiral patterns subtly engraved along the surface of their armors also joined in, as Shy was focused entirely on keeping Chrys and Amy safe from harm as the two changelings were still knocked out. “GATTAI!” Spike rapidly grew to his largest controllable size, easily being 20 feet, which almost filled their section of the cavern. Twilight turned to purple energy, and shot for his head, further armoring it as her horn and flaming mane was added to his features. Trixie turned light blue, and merged into his neck, turning the spines and back of the neck into a forest of rapidly melting and freezing ice spikes while his neck armor turned powder blue. Gilda turned amber and launched to his shoulders, adding her talons to his front hooves as the armor turned tan, and her armored wings joined his own further up his back. Blitz turned cyan, and went to his wings, turning his middle barrel cyan as his own wings tightened, and became more streamlined. Rarity turned white, and merged with his haunches, damn anyone try take THAT from her, and his hind legs turned white while the armor got sleeker and more mobile yet stronger. Zecora became a mix of black and white as she shot for his powerful tail, turning it striped in a spiral formation that began to glow as well. Finally, Applejack turned gold, and launched for Spike's chest, turning his armor gold, and adding thick shielding for more protection, while imbuing Spike with even more power. Game, Pinkie and Mac looked to each other, before nodding, and turned gray, pink and red before launching in lasers into a surprised GL from behind, staggering the mecha as they began to grow bigger, and blocked the incoming strike from the shocked Kaminak. ^Miss me?^ #So THIS is what combining is like! Awesome~!# (Eeyup!) 'Thank you for the aid!' GL responded to their new pilots, before they grew as big as Kaminak, and tossed them towards a far wall, furthest from Fluttershy and the injured changelings. “How about a trip?” “With express travel speeds!” Spike's voice had the echo of all those who combined with him, and he opened his massive maw before all three horns and his teeth glowed green, charging a giant sphere of raw energy between his jaws within mere moments, before firing the beam through the cave, destroying any crystals between them and Kaminak as GL moved aside. “OH SHI-!” Kaminak didn't finish their shocked exclamation before the blast hit, and launched them clean through the whole cave, and out into the forest valley between Mount Shire and the Unicorn Range. The blast hit near dead-center in the valley, and exploded in a dome of green light that obliterated most of the forest, and the blast itself nearly reached the bottom of Cloudsdale above, which promptly began emergency relocation as the citizens and military began pushing the mobile cloud city out of the danger zone at a good speed. “NO~!!!!” Shy screamed as tears poured out of her helm's eyes, and she carried the two changelings with her to see the damage as the two giant combatants also did as much. “All those poor animals!” “D-don't worry Shy, see?” Spike pointed down into the near barren valley, and they could see innumerable critters all skittering away from the epicenter of the blast. “That attack was only intended to shove Kaminak out there and remove any obstacles that would have done so. It wasn't going to hurt anything alive.” “Oh, thank goodness. But all those homeless animals.” Shy still teared up as GL put a foreleg to her shoulder in comfort. “(Hey now, y'all be calm y'hear? We can help them later. Kaminak comes first.)” GL let Mac's voice through, getting the mare sniffle and push her desire to drop everything to help the animals to the side. Her friends needed her. “Um...we'd better get out of here.” Spike commented nervously as the ceiling began falling into the cave system. “Our attack finished this place off.” “I'll take care of them, you try and snap those meanies out of it.” Fluttershy sternly stated before picking up the small buggy ponies, and flying out the hole and up to find what to do with them as the combined warriors looked to each other, nodded, and flew out of the gaping hole in the cliff side as the plateau above it crumbled inward like a giant sinkhole, taking the ancient city of Canterlot in finality. Canterlot was gone. ===//////> Celestia and Scoddri both looked at the ruined city in sadness. Today was supposed to be special, a day of love and togetherness. Now there is nothing. Thousands have lost their homes in a matter of hours. Thankfully aside from a great many injured in the exodus, nopony died. Tia sniffled as she leaned into Scoddri's shoulder, accepting his wing hugging her in comfort. “There, there Tia...it's just a city.” “It wasn't just a city...this was my home for over a thousand years. The home of thousands of My Little Ponies their whole lives. And now it's gone...what will this tell our subjects? That we can't protect them? That against those who would see us fall, that we're defenseless?” Tia began letting her tears fall as she nuzzled into Scoddri's scaly neck. “I've failed them...how can we come back from this?” “By working together!” Luna's voice called everypony's attention, including the nearest civilians not engrossed in wilting despair or looking upon the giants in the barren valley below that seemed to be in a standoff. They saw their Princess of the Night, her soldiers, and a horde of frightening beings lead by an oddly beautiful one that stood beside Captain Armor. “We have found our Niece. She has apparently been in the former enemy's custody for months now.” Luna gestured for Cadence to step forward, and she did so without hesitation, looking the baffled and concerned Celestia straight in the eyes, before she hugged her despairing aunt and uncle Scoddri with a sniffle. “I'm so sorry....” Cadence stated, getting everypony confused save the ones that came from Stallion's Landing. “What for Cadence? You've done nothing.” Tia replied bewildered, only for Cadence to back away, and look her in the eyes sadly. “I'm not apologizing for me. I'm apologizing for the poor ponies who did all of this.” She gestured to those behind her, who all similarly looked sad. “These ponies here were taken recently, in the similar time span that I've been gone, since they caught on or needed to be replaced for the plan to work.” One stepped forward, he looked no different from the others, but his voice was very familiar. “Yes Auntie, it is true. These poor creatures...I...I couldn't imagine where they were coming from before I awoke like this.” “Blueblood?!” Celestia shouted in alarm as she levitated the calm Blueblood around to look him over. “You too...what's going on?” “I will explain aunt Tia. About the curse plaguing these ponies as best I can, but it's source is the same as Game's home, so trying to fully explain is impossible right now.” Cadence stated, before she began her tale, told straight form the Hivemind, which while rampaging, still answered her call for information. “Long ago....” ===//////> Kaminak groaned as they pulled themselves out of the crater that blast had put in the ground. 'Since when could they do that?' {You just ignored it, you were so focused on yourselves you didn't pay enough attention to your friends.} 'How? We spend so much time with them.' {Time spent, does not equal time understood.} '...Who are you?' Kaminak asked, suddenly realizing there was far more than them in their heads. {Too many, too many names, too many identities. To know of them would drive you mad, as they had earlier.} 'What? How, when...ah....' {Shame, still need more time.} “YOU TRAITORS!” GL and Spike landed before Kaminak, looking just as upset if not hurt to hear that from their clearly off-kilter friends. “We weren't the ones who betrayed.” GL stated. “We're the ones trying to get you back.” Spike finished as he pointed one of Gilda's talons at them. “Silence! We will not be so easily put down!” Kaminak suddenly began growing, quickly eclipsing Spike's 20 foot height as they towered over the valley, the size of a mountain as their features turned sharper, and their glowing parts shined brightly until they reached the size they fought Discordant at and surpassed it. “You didn't think we wouldn't go this far, did you?” “Actually, we feared just as much.” Spike stated, all the others within him all harmonizing with him. “Gurren Lagann!” GL looked to Spike, who looked back even more seriously. “Gattai!” “Got it!” GL suddenly turned to green light, and fused to Spike, who promptly began to grow, taking the shape of Gurren Lagann, but with all his and the other's features being added. Mac's red armor formed the torso that replaced Spike's neck, the arms the clawed gray manifestation of Game, and numerous pink cannons all seemed to sprout at various points as they matched Kaminak for size. They glared at each other, anger being so palpable that not even the flames coming from Gurren Lagann could compare to the tension. “Nice trick.” “We learned from the best.” GL shot back searingly. They both roared as they charged at each other. Kaminak tried to impale them on their horns, but GL stopped them by grabbing between the three horns a head with Game's claws. %Hey watch it! I don't want any more foals!% 'Sorry, but you kinda got the raw deal on that end. Just focus on not letting your shards keep enough energy to form into foals.' GL bellowed as they lifted a surprised Kaminak over their heads, and threw them back at Mount Shire, dashing them upon the base of the massive mountain, causing tremors through the area. “Ugh...dirty trick.” Kaminak groaned as they pulled off of the rocks that cracked their hematite chitin. Hematite was literally stronger than iron, Shire Stone was several grades harder. The pain quickly subsided as the cracks filled in with liquid hematite and hardened. “Then again we aren't above using tactics to get where we need.” “Aside from firing giant drills, magic blasts, or maybe dividing yourselves back into each half, what could you really do? We know all your tricks.” GL stated factually, their combined information saying this was true, only for them to get uncomfortable with Kaminak's eerie grins. “Oh, do you?” Suddenly, huge chunks of their body began literally launching out of their legs, leaving familiar gaping holes in them. The chunks with their immense mass embedded in the ground where they struck, and seemed to writhe. “How about you get to meet the family?” The segments all skyrocketed in size, being only slightly smaller than the two titans, and soon almost 20 egg-like shapes had covered the valley between the combatants, getting GL to back away warily. “What the buck?” GL's worried statement was answered with the black shells cracking, and then exploding. Revealing malformed and screeching monsters that only vaguely resembled Kaminak. “Our children! Aren't they beautiful? Hear us little darlings, see that trash heap?” Kaminak pointed at GL. “They want to hurt mommy! Daddy demands you protect her while he consoles your mother.” Animak made a show of nuzzling a falsely distraught Kamina, and the Hive Spawn screech in rage before they all charged at the suddenly terrified GL. “That's just not bucking fair!” > Amor Vincit Omnia!!!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thundering violence below of Gurren Lagann having to prance and leap about trying to fight 20 similar-sized mutant Hive Spawn was extremely distracting as Cadence tried to remain calm in her explanation, all while the crowds were crying out in fear, anger, and calling bullshit on how unfair the situation currently was for their heroes. Several of the more level-headed ponies had to start holding down their more outspokenly upset members from going down there and giving Kaminak a piece of their minds. “-And so now Kamina and Animak, or Kaminak; are struggling and failing to cope with a coalesced psychic amalgamation that is linked to every sentient changeling, who are all completely discombobulated by all these turns of events.” Cadence finished, getting a large number of gaping ponies who all just could not accept at the moment that so much clusterfuckery had happened in so short a time, or how pitiful the changeling's lot was in life for them to come to this to try and cure their endless starvation for Love. “The poor dears~!” Fluttershy had arrived about halfway through the explanation with the still conked out Chrys and Amy, and was weeping waterfalls of tears as she hugged them to her chest. “Amy told us as much as she could, but we were in a hurry to try and stop Chrysalis from going through with the Hivemind transfer, but we were too late~!” She sniffled as she nuzzled the unconscious bug ponies. “There has to be a way to save them all! Chrysalis had the Hivemind for several hundred years, so Kamina and Animak must be able to adjust somehow.” Celestia reasoned as she looked to her family and subjects for input, and Shining blinked. He had an idea. ===//////> “THIS!” GL caved in the face of one of the Hive Spawn with a punch. “IS!” They beheaded one that tried to come at them from the side with their razor sharp wings. “GROUNDS!” They bucked one coming at them from behind so hard, the Spawn shattered like glass. “FOR!” They whipped their long spaded tail around, the spiral stripes gleaming before the spade turned into a sickle that reaped two other Spawns heads off. “A BREAKUP!” Kaminak's grinning faces broke into pained gasps as they clutched their chest in agony while foam collected at the corners of their mouths. 'IT HURTS! IT HURTS!' {Fools! Calm at once, before your dragon hearts give out!} Again Kaminak was deaf to the Hivemind's attempts to communicate properly, and they roared in pained fury as they wreathed the area in green dragonfire, killing most of the other Hive Spawn in their anguish. Melting them almost instantly into glowing slags of pure iron. 'Fuck! No!' ^KAMINA!^ [ANIMAK!] GL was becoming conflicted, as their statement before was in the heat of the moment, inspired by the feelings of betrayal all this madness was giving them, and they began to shrink. 'Everypony stay strong!' Spike encouraged, and they all braced themselves, remembering that this was to save them. 'Think! What can we do? Fighting might not work, and we just made it worse.' Kaminak burst forth from the flames, glowing orange as they ignored the intense heat melting their outer shell, and leaped at GL in blind rage. “TRAITORS!” They almost made contact with the stunned Spiral Warriors when a massive pink barrier stopped them dead, only cracking from the impact. “Huh?” GL looked up, and gasped in surprise at the sight. Overhead, it seemed that thousands of changelings were flying high above, nearly blotting out the sky which was now clear of Cloudsdale. They didn't make the barrier, they seemed to be flying in a spinning formation, each ring moving the opposite direction. If one moved clockwise, the next moved widdershins, and so forth. Their beating bug wings created a surprising harmony, each circle a different tone. Then, they started humming, creating a resonating and oppressive presence that invoked an odd sort of calming sensation. Kaminak panted as they ignored their dripping melty carapace, and looked up as their shell rapidly cooled and then flaked off the malformations. They gaped in silent awe at the display, while Shining, being carried aback Cadence, flew next to them. “Are you sure about this Shiny?” “Hey, they're basically the Emperor/Empress changeling right now, right? That means they feed off of love energy. Doing it this way will ensure they get enough that maybe they'll settle down, or at least recover quicker.” Shining proposed again, and Cadence took a cleansing breath. “I hope you're right.” Cadence then leaned her head back, touching her elegantly twisted horn to Shining's, and then he carried out his plan. Kaminak hissed in surprise when they found themselves encased in a massive barrier half the size of the one that had once covered Canterlot, but that wasn't it. It was the fact that the barrier was of a rosy hue, and seemed to utterly effuse everything within with pure, unadulterated Love. They tried to get out for a moment, but suddenly became complacent, dazed, and even started licking the walls of the barrier like they were high on catnip all of a sudden. Shortly, they became drowsy, and slumped against the curve of it, drooling pink liquid. “So...good....” They closed their eyes, and the barrier gently flattened down until they were level with the ground, and then faded away. Needless to say; Gurren Lagann as a whole was stunned stupid at the astounding display, but that wasn't what had their eyes. “” Twilight's voice screeched out from GL's mouth, and the reason was all-too-clear. Shining was sweating, panting, he felt odd. It wasn't until he felt something twitch on his back, that he looked and gaped. “What the buck?!” He touched one of the blue-tipped white feathery appendages in awe, and blinked in confusion. “Wh-what? How?!” Cadence, while tired, beamed as she looked back at her love with pride. “You don't realize it, but...I only gave you the spark for that spell. You took the rest of it into your hooves all on your own.” She eyed his wings, and snorted in amusement. “Guess a new realm of Love was just elevated to godhood. I'm the Love of Lovers. You're the Love of Kinship.” “And I couldn't be more surprised, or proud Shining Armor.” Celestia's voice intoned as she, Luna, and Scoddri all flew to them, and hovered around them. “You created new magic, and so you elevated to a new plane of existence. Your barrier was made not only to protect them, but heal them. Such a thing hasn't been done before.” “Not even Star Swirl devised a shield spell for more than blocking or containing. You took the extra step he didn't.” Luna flew up and nuzzled the newly risen alicorn, who was flustered at the attention. “U-um...thanks...I guess? I just...didn't want my sister's beloved be hurting. I know what it's like now; to see your loved one taken from you.” Shining stated as he nuzzled the back of Cadence's neck, getting a pleased purr out of her. Scoddri looked down, and gawked in worry as he gestured wildly with his hooves. “Sad to say the Hivemind hasn't settled yet!” They all blinked, then looked down at the stirring Kaminak, who gurgled, and coughed up pink phlegm that made the barren ground practically flood with new life as the raw Love energy infused the surviving seeds to overgrow. “Ugh...so...full....” {We must share it with the Hive, it is our duty.} 'Y-yes...share it....' They stood laboriously, GL was tempted to help them up but hesitated, and shortly, they raised their mouths skyward, and fired pink beams of raw Love into the air, directly into the center of the surprised changeling super circle, that upon “impact” with the aerial circle began spreading out in a rippling wave, going over each of them. They gasped in shock and amazement at the feeling of so much Love filling them, that they all started falling slowly as they became too full to keep flying properly. They were in no danger, and began hovering about aimlessly in a dazed stupor. However, Kaminak was still addled, idly though. “Who...are you?” {We repeat, too many to be known personally. Know us as the collective subconscious of the Hive.} 'How do you exist?' {We were born of necessity. A way to keep the changelings alive via telepathic communication.} 'Why are you here?' {Because you now hold our leadership. Given to you by the former Queen Chrysalis in order to hopefully end our starvation, and free us from our oppression and endless hunger for Love.} 'Didn't we just do that?' {No. You fed us all, but that is it. We will be hungry later.} They were tottering about, seemingly oblivious, and Spike decided he'd had enough of it. GL began running at Kaminak with intent. “KAMINAK!” This got their attention, and they dazedly looked at the approaching Gurren Lagann, who suddenly stopped and clutched their mouths as if they were choking on something while they all looked confused. After a few gagging noises, quite unexpectedly; Gurren Lagann rapidly transformed into a giant dragon's maw which took their whole body, and opened up to a swirling green vortex. #BASTARD~!# A rough, grating voice screamed forth from the vortex in Neighponese. #CLENCH YOUR TEETH~!# Out of the vortex, came an utterly gigantic tan talon in the tightest fist possible, that punched both of Kaminak's heads simultaneously so damn hard, all their teeth flew out as they were sent tumbling and rolling back into Mount Shire, borderline unconscious. The shocking development wasn't over however, as the talon then gripped the barren earth, and began dragging a body out of the gagging and straining mechanical dragon head that seemed to have rainbow tears pouring from it's eyes. #I've been trying to find you for years when your Spiral Power resurfaced! And I find you BEING A DUMBASS!# The talon dragged a long arm out of the mouth, until a pair of blue scaly lips in a snarl, revealing saw-teeth, met open air. #That punch was LONG overdue asshole!# Kaminak's teeth grew back, and their eyes were quaking in amazement as they came to their senses. “Viral?” GL turned completely green, and choked as the named giant continued to drag himself out of the far-too-small opening, until they unhinged their jaw, and he emerged fully. The one named Viral was a bizarre yet fitting oddity considering where he came from. He was a hippogriff, but not a standard one in any sense. His head from the snout to shark-finned thick tail was gray-scaled with ruddy tan stripes, reminiscent of a tiger shark. The tiger part was ironic in that his torso looked like Kaminak's tiger torso and he was definitely a hippogriff, what with his fin-like wings, tan-coated tiger hind-legs, and taloned forelegs. His slitted golden eyes were filled with equal parts scorn, and amusement. When he fully emerged, the portal ceased, and GL decided they'd had enough and shrank to fully separate into all the different people and two mechs that had composed them, who laid about on the ground groaning in discomfort as the utterly gigantic hippogriff looked down at the gobsmacked Kaminak in distaste, as he was easily a few dozen feet bigger than them. #Oi, ya gonna say somethin' or do I gotta beat more sense into ya?# Kamina was the first of the two to recover. #VIRAL~!# They lunged at the surprised tiger shark hippogriff and hugged his chest as Kamina nuzzled his neck. #It's so good to see you!# #The hell?! Where'd this come from! Get off of me!# The flustered former beastman quickly tried to shove them off, only for Animak to finally come to, and grin evilly as he added his own will to their shared body and shoved the confused hippogriff onto his back, them pinning him as their tail flicked in joy, Kamina purring while Animak just kept up his shit-eating grin. #And you shed about ten pounds of ugly off of yourself since I last saw you~.# Kamina then baffled the already shocked Viral with a searing kiss, which he didn't respond to as he froze, while Animak rubbed a black talon along Viral's diamond-hard scales appreciatively. #Been working out?# Viral didn't understand what was going on, and being completely unaccustomed to any sort of situation like this, decided to conk out as his brain decided “does not compute” and quit on him, leaving a giggling Kamina and Animak barking in boisterous laughter. Overhead, all the spectators, both in the air and on the ledges of former Canterlot all simultaneously thought: “What the buck just happened?” ===//////> After getting over their fit of giggles, Kaminak used their magic and power to shrink Viral down to an acceptably normal size of just over 8 feet in height, explaining that since he was stronger in Spiral Power, he likely wasn't prepared for the size increase upon crossing over, possibly even thinking that the size he was at was normal. They too shrank down, but still towered over all at 16 feet, lamenting they'd have to divide to get back to 8 feet. But, there wasn't any room for humor. Things were dire; Canterlot, the capital, was gone, and it was their fault. They might have been completely whacked out by not being prepared for the Hivemind, and all the angst and despair it shared from the Hive, but the blame lay with them. “It isn't your fault! It's hers!” Twilight protested. Everybody was gathered at the edge of the ruins of Canterlot. Absolutely, everybody. Including all the citizens being held back by a thick barricade of varied types of the Guard. Most of the citizens were shouting for their heads, banishment, or imprisonment, uncaring for the circumstances. Thankfully, Equestria wasn't ruled with something as ridiculous and inefficient as a democracy. Twilight had been pointing to the recently awoken Chrysalis, who sulked in shame while backed by all the changelings she once led, who all hissed at any who dared get close to the one that had kept them alive for so long. Well, aside from Fluttershy, who they eagerly allowed to hover over her and Amy like a mother hen. Said Hive was clustered tightly together, to the point of literally standing atop each other in a heap of coordinated bodies that were all-too-used to being in such a state, thousands of blank, glowing blue eyes glaring at them. They were all here from having received info from Cadence through the Hivemind, and Celestia freed the ones that were imprisoned, just for that display earlier to try and calm Kaminak down. The hundreds of recently converted ones however, were all idly sitting behind Cadence, who they instinctively saw as their leader, and she was comfortable in being their shield as the assembled considered what to do. Kaminak instantly voted for their own banishment, only for Viral to punch them again, growling that they'd become soft in their absence. He didn't know Equestrian, but he didn't care for their mopey tone. This was fine with everyone else, as they would've smacked them for suggesting it too. Needless to say, everyone save the civilians all denied that choice of action. “How about community service?” Cadence intoned as she perked up, everyone looking to her, as she mentally contacted all the changelings through Kaminak on the idea. She got resounding positive response, and Kaminak, being the server for the whole things, brightened up drastically at realizing how great the accumulated knowledge and skill of the changelings both original and new had combined was. “How about fuck YES!” Kaminak jumped to their feet from their haunches, and had beaming smiles. “But first...let's go through a full system format. Brace yourselves!” Kaminak then closed their eyes, and took deep, calming breaths to steady themselves. 'Are you ready?' {Yes.} 'Then here we go!' Kaminak began to glow gently with green Spiral Power as they spread their wings. Everybuggy then gasped as they too began glowing. Kaminak changed first, ridding themselves of their manticore stinger in preference for their kirin spade, and then they went to work on all the other changelings. Cadence didn't change much, but her opaque chitin became more gem-like, like Game. She was essentially now more crystal pony-like. The other changelings all went through a much more drastic change, growing slightly to be as big as healthy ponies, and whilst the males grew more buff and masculine, the mares became more slender and shapely for a clear sexual dimorphism. The fact they could change gender was now more apparent to the ones who didn't associate their identity with gender as they shifted between shapes. Finally, the holes in their legs filled in, their chitin changed color to match the coats they'd had at birth, and finally they too became healthy crystalline bug ponies. The finishing touch was that they each also grew back their manes and tails, making for even more individuality to each of them as their blank eyes changed back to their living ones, save that they were slitted. Kaminak panted as they finished the massive change, oily sweat dripped off of them as they too were no longer dead hematite, but rather their body was back to it's original colors, just crystalline. The display was so mesmerizing that not even the civilians could remain upset, instead they watched the newly changed changelings with awe at how beautiful they'd become. “W-what?” Game gawked, not at what happened, but at what was revealed. “CITRINE?!” The changeling mare that Game was looking at in shock was the exact same coloration as Game's daughter, and by extension, the same as his older sister he thought was in the Crystal Empire before it vanished. However, it wasn't just that, but the fact that it was Chrysalis that became her likeness during the change. Chrys looked to Game, and smiled softly as tears leaked from her slitted golden eyes. “It's been forever since somepony called me that.” Game tackled her with a hug, crying into her chest as the mare hugged him back, running a hoof along his mane as she made shushing sounds. “I'm okay little brother. Don't cry. Sis is here.” “I thought I'd lost you forever~!” Game wailed as he and his sister continued to embrace, making most of those watching smile, save Luna. “I am sorry to ruin this, but she is to be placed under arrest when this is all said and done with. She and any who raised those poor cadavers are guilty of necromancy, and must pay for the crime of defiling their bodies. Such a crime is usually punished with banishment to Tartarus-.” All the changelings, the new ones as well, all hissed angrily as Game protectively hugged his sister to his chest, since he was now bigger than her. “However...I'd be willing to decrease the severity of the punishment should she and those involved in stealing, and reviving the corpses personally cremate them all, and clean up Stallion's Landing of the...detritus.” “It's the least we could do to help fix all this mess...but we're going to do far more than that.” Chrys replied with a smirk, and looked to Kaminak with a raised eyebrow. “Well? Are you going to kick things off, or will I have to?” Kaminak looked...sad. Incredibly so. They were looking at Twilight specifically, and she was wishing she was back in her armor at the moment, it might grant her some protection from their gaze. “Boys?” “Just...just a second, okay?” They braced, took a deep breath. Kamina turned her head from female to male in a quick sweep of green fire from the shoulder up. And let go. “Oh, maybe I just wasn't good enough! To blow your mind! You know I've tried! Them silver lines, they cut like blades of glass! Not worth the blood, we've shed for love~! All the changeling stallions joined in as they all flew into the ruins at blinding speeds. “So give it up, Stop beating, Hearts have gone cold! Had enough, repeating, it's all been done before! Give it up, Stop beating, Hearts have gone cold! Hey~ now! When we gonna wake up?!” Kaminak flew over the ruins, watching as the city seemed to regrow rapidly, buildings of various gem compositions sprouting from each changeling landing as the rubble was cleared away by their coordinated magic. “But Fool's Gold shines like diamonds in our eyes! Thought we had a million, but baby, we've got nothin'! But Fool's Gold shines like words that make us cry! We just keep on diggin', find us somethin' better for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time!” Kaminak suddenly teleported in front of Twilight, shocking her into backing away a moment. “So maybe I just wasn't strong enough! To toe the line, make true the lies! The fortune found, now it's all locked away! We've lost the key, hard to believe~!” Kaminak gestured towards the fallen capital as it clearly began to rise up in glory from the rubble, even grander than before as the changelings swept through it like a wave of living magic. “So give it up, Stop beating, Hearts have gone cold! Had enough, repeating, it's all been done before! Give it up, Stop beating, Hearts have gone cold! Hey~ now! When we gonna wake up?! But Fool's Gold shines like diamonds in our eyes! Thought we had a million, but baby, we've got nothin'! But Fool's Gold shines like words that make us cry! We just keep on diggin', find us somethin' better for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time!” Canterlot proper had been restored, but now, the castle had returned from the valley below, being fixed and changed from Shire Stone to diamond. Kaminak meanwhile, was fighting off tears as they stayed focused on the worried Twilight. “Oh baby, I just wasn't good enough! …. 'Cause baby, I just wasn't strong enough!” “But Fool's Gold shines like diamonds in our eyes! Thought we had a million, but baby, we've got nothin'! But Fool's Gold shines like words that make us cry! We just keep on diggin', find us somethin' better for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time! But Fool's Gold shines like diamonds in our eyes! Thought we had a million, but baby, we've got nothin'! But Fool's Gold shines like words that make us cry! We just keep on diggin', find us somethin' better for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time! Somethin' better, for the next time, next time!” As the song faded away, everybody else save Kaminak, their herd, Cadence, and Shining were cheering at the magically restored and new Crystal Canterlot. Rather, they all had tears in their eyes as Kaminak freely let their tears fall. “Kaminak...what...what are you saying?” Twilight asked in fear. “What we meant. We can't keep going like this. What happened just before proves we haven't gone far enough.” They knelt down, forcibly shrinking to be at the same size, and took out a box from their hammerspace. Twilight gasped as she covered her mouth with her hooves, and was silently crying tears at the sight of four, utterly glorious horn/tail rings made entirely of rainbow diamond. “Will you marry us? Twilight Sparkle, Trixie Lulamoon, Zecora, and Applejack Apple?” They froze, each of them holding back from just leaping at them in joy. “B-but...today has been such a terrible ordeal! And it is THEIR day!” Trixie pointed to Cadence and Shining, who both shook their heads and walked towards them. “Twily, you say yes right now!” Shining's demand caught them all by surprise as he stood next to the still kneeling Kaminak. “They've put their hearts on the line. You say no...and it's over.” “Yes, this is the sort of thing that makes or breaks Love.” Cadence stated as she stood before the mares Kaminak had put their hopes on. “I've been trying to let this go naturally, but Twilight...you are such a bonehead.” She flicked the mare's horn, getting a yelp out of her. “Either say yes, or let them go. We can simplify things later for your own wedding, but that doesn't matter! What does, is that you love them. Don't you?” “YES!” Twilight, completely unaffected by the pressure, couldn't hold back anymore regardless. “YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES! I'LL MARRY YOU!” Twilight squealed as she jumped on the still fused twins, the other three mares quickly joining in, getting them to nearly collapse in relief, and the weight. They weren't used to being so average-sized. #Bah, typical.# Viral commented snidely as he approached, and pried the mares off of his rivals quite rudely, but didn't care for the complaints. #I came here looking for you, and find you're happier than Boota on a cheese binge. Well, whatever. This place is more interesting than being a delegate for Earth anyway. I've seen more fantastic things in just a few minutes, than I have in years back home.# Kamina's head returned to being female as Kaminak stood. #So you're staying?# #Not like I can go back. I sensed your power spiking through a rift in space, and took the plunge. Had to punch ya again.# Viral grinned ferally, getting returning grins as Kaminak returned to being enormous. #Besides, this place has prettier females anyway. And this new body has some interesting equipment.# Viral stated as he looked himself over, including his groin. #Huh...didn't have one of those before.# “Well.” Celestia said, drawing everyone's attention. “I believe everything's back to...well...as close to normal as can be anyhow. We still need a proper home for the changelings. I refuse to let them continue to live as they had before.” “We have a spare city, remember?” Cadence commented as she drew attention to herself. “Just rename it. And actually make stallions use the regional retreats for the Cycle.” “That's an excellent idea! Especially since they'll be cleaning it up anyhow.” Luna agreed, looking at Kaminak. “Is that acceptable?” “Why ask us? We're not...oh....” They looked at the changelings, both old and new, who all beamed happily, and eager to hear their ruler's decision. “Whoa...uh...we...have a kingdom?” “Isn't it obvious?” Chrys asked as she stood before her former subjects. “I'll be your regent, but only if you don't want to rule us directly. We can just commune through the Hivemind.” “Whew! Great! Thought we'd have to move out of the library!” Kaminak laughed for a moment, and sighed happily. “Yeah, that'd be great. Chrys-.” “Citrine, please...I...I want my old name back. Now that I don't have the Hivemind mixing me up, I don't need a special name to keep hold of myself.” Citrine insisted, getting Kaminak to nod. “Very well, Citrine. We hereby proclaim you Regent of the Hive!” The old changelings all cheered, glad their beloved former queen was still going to be leading them. {The Hive is happy, all is well.} 'Hey! No need to report when it's obvious.' {Just double-checking.} “And...for the record. We would like to rename Stallion's Landing Jeeha!” #Digger? Jeez, so sentimental aren't you?# Viral snarked, not knowing how prudent it was to rename the city Jeeha. #Just want to associate more good things with the old home Viral.# Kaminak gently replied, before grinning as he prepared to raise his voice over the great cheers of both the changelings, the citizens, guards, his friends and family. Everyone. “WHAT'RE WE DOING?! WE HAVE A WEDDING AND RECEPTION TO DO!” ===//////> The reception party was in full swing. Blueblood was on keyboard, provided by Vinyl. Octavia joined in with her cello while Vinyl was ready to back them up on her system. Blue got started, and lowered the mic to his mouth as the male lead. His blue slit eyes dancing with life, his mane mussed up as lights sparkled against his white diamond body. “Love is in bloom! A beautiful bride, a handsome groom. Two hearts, becoming one! A bond, that cannot be undone because, Love, is in bloom! A beautiful bride, a handsome groom! Sing it-Love, is in bloom! Starting a life and making room, for us!” Blue looked to Amethyst, who trotted up to another mic. Her purple body glistening as she stood in the limelight. She grinned before she started. “Your special day~! Celebrate now, the pony way. Your friends are all right here~. Don't let these moments disappear-Because Love is in bloom! A beautiful bride, a handsome groom. I said, love is in bloom! You're starting a life and making room, for us!” Amy looked to Blue, her green slit eyes sparkling with hope, while wind blew her short, straight pink hair about. He smiled at her, telegraphing that he still felt the same as before about their relationship, moments before they prepared for the duet. They had to talk. “Through joy and tears~! We're carried by love-Love always perseveres. The tiny seed has grown, today, its brilliant flower's shown! Because love, is in, bloom! A beautiful bride a handsome groom. I said, love is in bloom! You're starting a life and making room, for us~! You're starting a life and making room! For Us!” After the song ended, Blueblood jumped on the keys, not letting anyone else get anything in as he started a solo act, looking to Amy as the party went on. “Amy. I just want you to-.” “I'm sorry.” Amy interrupted. “I shouldn't have betrayed you.” “You did nothing of the sort.” Blue grinned his new fanged changeling grin, his eyes twinkling. “I didn't care when I awoke. I could feel your feelings were true. I just want you to know, in spite of it all, that I love you.” Those words stunned Amy, she put a hoof to her chest as he ripped away at the keys with his magic. “You make me feel Alive Amethyst Shimmer. Nopony else has ever done that. We're not getting married yet, but know...I do love you.” He trotted to her, and kissed her deeply, they did so until the song ended, and they heard cheering from the crowds. “Isn't love beautiful Tavi?” Vinyl asked wistfully from her station, before looking to Octavia, who seemed oddly perplexed. “Tavi?” “Why does Blueblood seem attractive when he's clearly a male? I'm still gay last I knew....” Octavia pondered aloud, getting her lover to roll her eyes under her shades. “Meh, shape-shifters. They're just all sexy, all the time to anyone.” Vinyl looked across the crowd, which was filled with mingled ponies and changelings. What was meant to be just a wedding celebration was turned into an enormous city-wide party that celebrated the refurbished city, Kaminak's new station as Changeling Ruler, their engagement to their herd, as well as many other things to celebrate over. Everyone was off doing something, the most interesting thing to happen besides the party itself, was when Cadence threw the bouquet; Spike was the one who caught it when he was just standing still, getting a blush out of him as Rarity squealed with joy. Vinyl singled out her siblings in the crowed, watching them eat, drink, and laugh with their loved ones, and she cracked a smile. “Enjoy it sibs.” Vinyl took a small box out of her hammerspace discretely, and opened it to reveal a modest gold fetlock band. She flicked her gaze to the bemused Octavia with a blush before putting it away. “Later...but soon.”