Coming Home

by WarriorDragon47

First published

Spike is back, but something came with him

Spike has come back after missing for a few years. He has come back and is finally stronge enough to protect the ponies he cares about, but can he protect them from what haunts his past?

Big Fight Back(redone)

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When the train pulled up to the station at Ponyviile a tall figure stepped of the train. He was dressed in a brown trench coat with the collar up and fedora with a red feather. He looked around him self then started to go into town with a large suit case in tow.

The stranger was walking through town enjoying the peacefulness of the town. He had just one destination in mind and was determined to get there after so many "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa," he hears a screams and started to run towards where it came from. 'I think that they can wait a little longer' he thought.


Twilight Sparkle stood in front of Rainbow Dash who was lying on the ground with cuts and bruises all over her body. All of Twilight's friends were there; Applejack was beside her, Fluttershy is looking over Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were on the other side of Twilight glaring daggers at Rainbow's attackers with the crowd that started to gather when the rainbow maned pegasus was jumped.

In front of Twilight and her friends were six griffons. Five of them are big, burly male griffons and the sixth one is none other than Gilda. "Get out of the way, this is just between me and Dash. So this does not involve you." Gilda said.

"I reckon it dose," Applejack said."You mess that our friend you deal with us."

"Fine, whatever," Gilda replied "You all can join Dash." She pulled back her claws ready to strike at Twilight.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Came a deep voice behind Gilda. Her and her goons turned around to see a tall figure concealed by a trench coat and fedora.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Someone that dose not like a bunch of big, ugly griffons beating up on one pony" The mysterious figure said. Spite clear in his voice.

"What did you call me! Grud, take care of him." The griffin known as Grud nodded and took of flying at high speed at the figure with one fist forward. The man just stood there watching the griffin coming at him. The man stuck out his hand and grabbed the griffons fist and turned to the side of him. Then the figure brought down his elbow the the griffons head knocking him out.

All of them stood there mouths hanging open until Gilda screamed. "Get him!" This time all of the big griffons went and surrounded him. They all started charging at the figure but he jumped up into the air so that they all crash into each other, he landed behind two of them and grabbed them by the necks and hit their heads together, them falling to the ground soon after. One of the other two came flying at him and when he came close the figure just put up his hand for the griffon to run into it. When the griffon ran into his hand there seemed to be a ripple going from his head to his tail until he fell to the ground. The last male griffon came speeding towards the man. The man just sidestepped and brought his elbow down onto the griffons' back knocking him to the ground and the breath out if him.

He turned to look for the last griffon to find that she was not there. He looked all around him but did not find the griffon until he looked up and saw that she was fly right down at him fast. "Sshhii-," he was interrupted when Gilda slammed down onto him. There was a small crater and once the dust the six could see Gilda limping out of the crater while also holding her shoulder.

"I gess that's the end o--"

"Maaaaan, that hurt," they all looked back at the crater to see that the figure was standing in a hole shaped like him. "Damit, you ripped my favorite hat." He said looking at the front of his hat that has a noticeable rip on it.

"b-b-b-b-but-" Gilda started to say but got interrupted by the figure again.

"Now I would suggest that you get out of here like your friends there." He pointed behind him and all of the other griffons were all ready flying off while two had to be carried do to them being unconscious. Gilda only took one look back at the figure then took of flying away weakly. The man looked back at Twilight and her friends until his eyes landed on Rainbow Dash. He started to walked over to her but was stopped by Twilight."I'm not going to hurt her, I just want to help." He said. Twilight looked all over him for any deceit, but find none let pass. The figure nodded then walked and knelt over the unconscious pegasus. He then put his hands over Rainbow with a light green mist coming from them. The mist covered Rainbow all over her body, then all of cut and bruises started to heal. Once Rainbow Dash was completely healed the mist receded back into the guys hands. "Is there a place where she can lay down for a while?" The man asked.

Twilight being the first to recover from the trance that they were all in, "My place is the closest, she can stay there."

The figure picked up Rainbow and cradled her in his arms and walked back over to the crater to grab his suitcase that was undamaged. He then started to follow Twilight and her friends back to her home.