> My Little Pony Forever: A Doctor Derpy AND Dinky Holiday Carols > by TyprotTeasaMLP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hearts Warmings Eve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinky glided her hooves across the floor waiting for the performance to start. This was the first time she's ever been to one. She tapped her mother on the shoulder to get her attention. Derpy didn't feel a thing. ''Mommy, is the show going to start yet?'' Dinky asked. She still didn't turn around or answer. The crowd started to die down. The crowd saw an announcer pony go on the stage to call all the actors on stage. There weren't many and this made Dinky sad. Being her first play at the theater, she didn't want it to be a big bust of time. The announcer started to speak off of cards to saw the speeches of the night. The pony spoke aloud, As it might being your first time here for some our young fillies, let me just say that your going to have a great time. Now without further a do, let's meet the actors! He called all the actors from backstage. ''Daddy, when is this thing going to start?'' Dinky asked Dr. Hooves. ''Oh, I'm sure it might come on soon. Oh and Derpy, I am going to have to leave today from the play early.'' Dr. Hooves told the mares. ''So, you mean your not going to stay with us?'' Derpy asked her. ''No, it means I have to go to Tardis before it's late. You get the words.'' This didn't make Derpy nor Dinky feel any better. They really wanted him to stay. How were they going to celebrate this holiday with him if he's gone? ''Lets start this show!'' said the announcer pony. ''Oh no! It's time to go girls. I really wish I could've stayed but there's time fixing that has to go on.'' ''More like go off. He is just trying to see another mare because you don't want to be with a blind pegasus!'' Dinky claimed, ''If you hate us, than go away!'' ''Dinky, that's not the way to act towards your father, say your sorry young lady!'' Derpy tried to do some corrections with Dinky Doo's acting. Dr. Hooves left with Colgate out the theaters. Dinky saw a tear from her from her mothers eyes as he exited out of the doors. ''Come on, Dinky, were leaving! I need to find him.'' She tried to cut through all the feet that lied on the ground of the aisles of seats. > The Night Of Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Hooves and Colgate stepped outside of the theater. ''I have to go now, Doctor. I hope to see you improve on your time traveling by tomorrow.'' Colgate advised. She left out of sight. The Dr. Hooves began to wonder where he would be sleeping. All he could think of was a park bench. So there he slept. In the coldness of the night. Hooves wrapped a newspaper around him for warmth. As he turned around in the bench, he saw a police box. it kind of looked like Tardis and couldn't help but go inside. As he entered, he heard a robotic speaking voice in his background. ''Dr. Hooves, is that really you?'' Tardis said. ''Of course, I knew this was my police box. I can't believe I'm back inside of you!'' Dr. Hooves exclaimed. ''I'm not the only one here.'' A ghost like figure cam out of the phone. ''Who is this?'' Hooves asked the figure. ''I am the ghost of your present.'' said the ghost,'' I am here to show you what you've done wrong, my little pony.'' Hooves got scared and wanted to run away. But the ghost caught his tail. Back at Derpy's house, Dinky was eating some stew in tears. '' Dinky, do you want some more stew?'' Derpy asked as she poured meat into the pot. ''No it's fine,'' Dinky replied,''I just want daddy Hooves back. It's just not the same without him here.'' ''I also want him back. I can't believe I agreed for him to leave us.'' They heard a knock on the door. She went to go answer the door but, nobody was there. There was another knock on the door but as she turned around, the pony was still gone. Or was it a pony? On the ceiling, Dr. Hooves and the ghost were there. ''You see, there looking for you. They want you back.'' said the ghost, ''You see what you've done to your family?'' The ghost started to wander off. ''Where are you going?'' Dr. Hooves asked. ''I'm only the ghost of your present, not the future. You can call me Anaphylak meaning guard. I guard your present time.'' Phylak took out a knife and handed it to Dr. Hooves. He wondered what it was really for. ''You'll need this for your future. You have a bloody adventure ahead of you.'' Hooves entered Tardis. ''Tardis, the ghost named Anaphylak needs me to go to the future. I need to save my family.'' ''Anaphylak, you say?'' said the police box,'' We are best friends. Until he said that he was immortal so that I can't see him forever.'' Dr. Hooves pressed the button to start Tardis back up. As he was about to press the button, he saw a pile of muffins in a bag in the corner. This reminded him of Derpy Hooves and Dinky Hooves. He wish he'd never left but he ignored the pain. He pressed the button and knew he was ready for Anachronist, The Ghost Of The Future. > The Ghost Of The Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time they got there, Dr. Hooves was asleep. '' Not to interrupt your dreams Doctor, but you need to wake up. Your late for your mission. You sleep for 15 years.'' Tardis reminded Hooves. But he didn't want to wake up. He was having a good dream about him having an office of his own. Then Hooves did wake up. ''Excuse me Doctor. Wait, you are the doctor, right?'' said a pony in front of the box. She was a white pony with a light pink and yellow mane. She had a flower cute mark of a water lily. Hooves woke up to work. ''Who are you?'' he asked. ''I'm Sweet Cream and I heard you are the doctor. We need you. I need you.'' said the pony. ''Why need a doctor if your already so cute?'' Sweet Cream chuckled. ''Follow me. This is why we need help.'' Cream pointed to future Derpy. She had scars and bruises from ponies abusing her. ''Our local mail pony is not getting all the mail to everyone causing ponies to rage. She said it's because she lost her husband when she was younger. She misses him very much. Derpy lost her support and is going to the hospital.'' The medipony came to take her to the ER but he tripped over a big sharp needle. His back leg ripped open with blood gushing out of his legs. He lied on the ground as tanks shot off in the background. Dr. Hooves tried to explain that he wasn't a doctor that could fix ponies for healing. But what he could do was time travel to save them. He took out his Sonic Screwdriver and blasted back to the time before the medipony ever tripped. When he was finished, Hooves took the needle out of the ground so he can't hurt himself. ''Thank you, sir. I can now take Derpy to the hospital for her surgery.'' said the pony. The ghost came back. Why is Anachronist here? ''Your doing it. Their fixing her right up. What are some other problems that are attacking more ponies?'' Anachronist asked. ''Our local bakery is about to shut down due to a fire bomb being blown up there. If we can fix it, there will be enough food for everyone to eat!'' Sweet Cream said. Dr. Hooves felt weak to go there. He couldn't feel his legs anymore from time traveling. He felt doozy and clasped on the ground. When the medipony fixed up Derpy, he told the other guards to check for more of the wounded. And there they found Dr. Hooves. They picked him up and laid him on the stretcher. ''Hooves? Are you alright? It's Derpy.'' Derpy asked him worried. He said he felt fine even though he wasn't. In the bakery, they saw Lyra and Bon Bon behind the stand. The floors were cracked and the walls were dented and the stand was on fire. Bon Bon was crying when she saw her shop burning up. Sweet Cream could tell that this was a war zone. She help up Dr. Hooves Sonic Screwdriver and opened it. It blasted magic across the room and beyond. But it didn't work. She wondered why. Back in the hospital room, Derpy stood by his bed to keep him company. ''I'm so glad you here with me, Derpy. None of this would of been possible without you.'' Dr. Hooves said to her. ''Nor will this.'' she told him. She gave him a warm kiss. As she did, magic blasted from the room and spread across the land. The fires were put out and the tank stopped shooting. Bombs stopped exploding. This place wasn't a war zone anymore, but it was a good place to live now. Dr. Hooves suddenly felt very strong this time and was able to return back to Tardis. His next ghost on the list was Anax Aneleptic. The third and final ghost before his mission might be over. > Ghost of the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Hooves found himself awake in Tardis. ''Doctor, this is your last mission. Don't fail on us now.'' Tardis said. He stepped out the doors and landed in the soft green grass of outside. Hooves happened to look up to see Derpy. ''Dr. Hooves, you came back to me. After meeting at the muffin cart, I knew we'd be soul mates.'' She said ''My house is over there, wanna come with me?'' Hooves simply nodded and got up off the ground. They walked up to her door. She opened it. ''Like it?'' Derpy asked him. ''It's good. Positively great . Now I'm just going to be going now, ha. See ya!'' Dr. Hooves said to her. Derpy took her hoof and shoved it in his chest. ''Who said we were finished here. You missed a spot.'' His cheecks blushed red. She pushed him up against her face. Hooves didn't know what she wanted to do. He just stood there in wonder. Derpy kissed him. '' I know you want us to be together but I have work to do and-I just can't.'' Tears fell from her eyes. Dr. Hooves was able to hear her cry softly. He took his hoof and rubbed it across her cheek. He whispered in her ears, Maybe I don't have to leave now. Derpy smiled a little with her head down. She hugged him. ''Doctor, can you come with me? To my room. I'm scared of it Maybe, you can help me get rid of my fears?'' Hooves new he was supposed to do something to help there present, but he thought this wasn't it. But he did go into the room. Derpy did kiss him a lot. But he had no choice. He had to fix his present. She did it one last time, but this wasn't a normal one. A blast of magic sparked from her eyes and his. The two electric lines connected together as they rose up into the air. Doctor left his screwdriver in the living room but he couldn't stop rising. A magic ball wrapped around them and they fell from their own ceiling. ''What just happened? Surely you'd know, right.'' She asked. ''I know it wasn't just magic, it has your love that made that happen. Your the only one to control this power, Derpy.'' Dr. Hooves answered. He pointed to her stomach. It was very plump. Am I pregnant? Was that what the spark was for? That doesn't normally happen when you kiss somepony, Derpy thought to herself. ''Doctor Hooves, your a doctor. You should be able to get it out of me.'' ''I could but I'm not a. . . um . . . doctor, doctor. I'm a doctor of time. But to get it out we can probably forward time.'' Hooves took his hoof and rubbed it across her tummy. He put his ear up against it. Before he could, a laser shot from out of it. It reached up into the sky. ''Let's follow it, Derpy.'' They were running out of the room. She tripped over the screwdriver he left in there in the living room. Hooves just went outside alone. The laser blasted and busted into the ground. Inside of it, was a little filly. She was light purple with a blond mane. The magic ball made her a unicorn. ''Daddy, is that you? I've never been on earth in a while.'' she said. Derpy came outside. ''We could bring a filly onto our earth. But someone has to take care of her. Doctor didn't want to ask for marriage, but with love like this, they should really stay together. ''Derpy, will you marry me?" He asked. ''Yes.'' Derpy stated. Time for a wedding, time for marriage. > Doctor Of The Bride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''The only way to have this wedding is a very good wedding dress. Or a fantastic wedding dress.'' Rarity stated for Derpy. Rarity took out some fabrics and thread. She put it in her sewing machine. She turned it on and started to sew. ''Rarity, when will this dress be finished?'' Derpy asked her. ''Probably in about. . .1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . . . .Five days.'' Derpy didn't agree with this. She thinks that she should just do a simple dress so it can be much quicker. Rarity walked up to her shelves and bought down a roll of lace with her magic. The lace was sparkling gold to match with Derpy's eyes. She placed it on the floor and with her magic, she did three things at once. Derpy got and idea about helping her. They would get done much faster than her normal time it takes to make one of these dresses. ''Here's and idea. Let me help and we'll be finished here.'' Rarity turned around in amazement of her plan. ''Of course, Ditzy. Now you sew these pieces together and I'll sew these pieces. We'll put them both together at the end.'' At the Diamond Dance shop at the corner of Ponyville, Doctor Hooves went inside to get a diamond. He opened the door as the bell rung when he entered. ''Excuse me, sir, but I'm having a wedding and-'' The clerk turned around. His eyes were twitching and his legs were shaking. ''Sir, are you okay?'' Hooves asked the clerk. The pony didn't say a word. Like something was wrong. She fell down on her knees. It looked like she was begging for something. She put up her hoof. It was bleeding. ''Your a mare, aren't you? What happened to you? Are you sure your okay like this?'' The pony nodded her head yes. She gave him a diamond he was asking for earlier. Dr. Hooves was worried and just walked out the door leaving his Sonic Screwdriver behind on the stand. ''Derpy, no matter how much I try, I feel like doing this together is doing any better than what we did last.'' Rarity said. She took the fabric off the floor and went up to her stand. but she tripped over a bucket of paint that spilled on the dress. It was in all kinds of colors like red, blue and yellow, etc. ''Stupid glowing rainbow paint! What do I do, now?'' ''Rarity, this isn't such a bad idea. A rainbow glowing dress? Why don't you call it a RainGlow dress for short. I can definitely wear this at the wedding!'' Derpy claimed. The Ponyville clock tower rung. Hooves and Derpy ran into the center Ponyville, where the wedding took place. Derpy walked across the red aisle and up the stairs. The flower ponies spread flowers everywhere. She walked up the stairs of the aisle. The mayor was searching for her bible. ''Well, who said we needed the bible if we already know these two lover-ponies will get along just fine. I now pronounce you two ponies mare and colt. You may kiss the bride!'' Mayor Mare said. They kissed each other. ''Sorry, Derpy but, I have to get back to Tardis. I need to be back in my present time. Trust me, I'll still be here, regardless I'm from the future of the present. You need past Dr. Hooves, now'' He said. He kissed her again and went back to Tardis. Time to get back to where he belongs. > Hearts Warmings Day Has Begun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Tardis, I'm back! What an exciting adventure that was but now. . . . .I'm ready to get back home.'' Dr. Hooves said. ''I'm so glad you said those exact words. Come on, let's go home.'' Tardis said. Hooves went to go press the button to travel. But when he did, it didn't work. He looked at the muffins in the corner. He missed Derpy already. Someone knocked on the door. Hooves opened it to find Derpy behind them. ''Hello, Doctor. I just wanted to give you these.'' she said. She gave him a bag of muffins. The same thing of muffins that has been in the corner. He accepted the gift and remembered how the muffins got there in the first place. Then suddenly, the other pile disappeared to make way for the other one. The police box started to work. A flash of magic caused for it to work. It was sent back to his present. When they got there, he saw the police box in the same place from the same time as before. ''Tardis, don't you think time traveling to the future and past was fun?'' Hooves asked. ''I truly think I can count that as one of the best trips we ever had and the biggest mission you've ever accomplished, Doctor.'' said the police box. Dr. Hooves started to walk back to his own house. He knocked on the door. He even felt happiness to even touch his own door. ''Mommy, someone knocked on your door.'' said Dinky. Derpy went to answer it. As she opened it, she wished it would be Hooves under her breath. And it was. She hugged him very tight. Like she's never seen him in centuries. And she did feel that way to touch him again. ''Dinky, I have a surprise! And I think this is the best present you've ever received on Hearts Warmings Day!'' Derpy yelled out down the halls into her room. Dinky knew it would be a good surprise if she yelled that loud. Dinky sprinted up the hallways and founded herself seeing the doctor again. ''Daddy Hooves, is that really you? You came back for us!'' They caused a very big group hug. Derpy walked with Hooves so she can heal his wounds. She picked up the first-aid kit and wrapped the bandages onto his legs. Derpy handed him another bag of muffins to snack on. She whispered something in his ears, I guess you didn't leave because you hated us. You left because you loved us, and we love you, too. ''I guess when you have a time-traveling pony by your side, or a pony that loves you, you can make it through anything.'' Based on the book, A Christmas Carol and based off the show, Doctor who.