Sweetie Belle Penetrates Nigel Thornberry

by KnightysMother

First published

In this story, Sweetie Bell Penetrates Nigel Thornberry.

In this story, Sweetie Bell Penetrates Nigel Thornberry.

Warning: This story is inappropriate for all audiences and should not be viewed by anyone who wishes to maintain stable cognitive processing.

[Moderators, I am very sorry that you must read this.]


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[You have been warned.]

Sweetie Belle woke from an odd dream. She had dreamed that she was a character in a cartoon for little girls. To Sweetie Belle's relief, she had awoken to reality. The filly attempted to peel her eyes open several times before finally succeeding on the fifth try. Once she managed to re-establish visual and mental contact with the entirety of her room, the young unicorn swept the covers from her body and landed on the wooden floor with a wobbly landing.

This was the day, the first day of school. The filly couldn't wait to see her old friends and to meet new ones, even though she dreaded the work, tests, and studying.

Sluggishly, Sweetie Belle walked over to the bathroom. She opened the door with her magic and proceeded to enter. Sweetie Belle then plants her rump on to the toilet bowl...

And does her private business. Once she was finished, the filly walked back over to the door. However, Sweetie Belle noticed something different about the door, A strange purple light was glowing through the cracks. What is that? Sweetie Belle thought to herself. She opened the door slowly, the light began to fill her vision as it opened. Something very strange was revealed.

It was Scootaloo! Shinning a purple flashlight though the door. Sweetie Belle screamed before realizing who it was.

"Gotcha!" Mocked Scootaloo, lowering the flashlight.

"Ha ha, very funny." Snarled Sweetie Belle, stepping though the doorway.

Then out of nowhere, a strange portal appeared below Sweetie Belle. The rim around the edge of the portal was a bright orange and the inside showed some type of desert landscape. The white filly looked down at the portal and then back to Scootaloo before beginning to free fall through it.

Sweetie Belle fell through the portal into the other dimension. She screamed for help from her friend, but it was too late, she was already though. And as quickly as the portal came, it was gone.

The filly flopped onto the arid desert sand with a flop. She stood back up in shock. "Wha- What happened?!" Looking around frantically in search of some logical reason for this anomaly. All Sweetie Belle could see was a dirty white RV and desert landscape littered with rocks, shrubs, and cacti. After she calmed down somewhat, the filly noticed something moving about inside of the RV. It was a strange looking... HUMAN! Humans? They only existed in television shows. How could she be looking at a real life human? They aren't real!

In disbelief, Sweetie Belle began hyperventilating much like her older sister does when she gets stressed. Then for some reason, the filly charged towards the human full speed, across the small spans of sand then up the 3 steps into the entrance of the RV. Once inside, Sweetie Belle slipped on a puddle of some liquid, sending her uncontrollably flying towards the bent over human, horn first.


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Once again, Warning!

It had begun, the process by which Sweetie Belle would sodomize Sir Nigel Archibald Thornberry, undoubtedly the greatest zoologist, naturalist, and survivalist the world has ever known. That man and his family have explored every environment and biome on earth, endured the harshest of winters, trekked across the driest deserts, and faced off against countless creatures of unimaginable terror. All the while, traveling form location to location in their RV. The situations that marvelous man had endured could fill 1,000 novels. However, despite all his experience, nothing could prepare him for something like the imminent penetration into his anus

It began by the smooth surface of Sweetie Belle's horn pushing against Nigel's old and dirty shorts. The cloth easily folding around the magical appendage. Eventually the ease of pushing cloth became more resistant when it pressed up against the magnificent anus of Sir Nigel Archibald Thornberry. However, no contact had been made between the two beings yet. A small gap of ignorance kept Nigel unaware of the action about to be performed.

The cloth had reached the point at which it could no longer budge, but the horn continued along its path into the surprisingly tight rectum. Because of this, the molecules inside of Sweetie Belle's horn began to stress the billions of atoms which formed Nigel's trousers. The sudden insertion forced the molecular structures to break apart until the amount of atoms separated eventually became visible as a small tare around the apex of her horn.

Nigel Thornberry's bright pink hole could be seen through the tiny rip. Sweetie Belle's horn was lined up perfectly to spread his cheeks apart and penetrate the glorious hole. As the tare grew in size, the crack became more and more visible only to then be blocked off from view by Sweetie Bell's horn filling the rip as she barreled towards the outlet with extreme vigor.

The smooth surface of Sweetie's horn left the parted cloth to brush against tender flesh of Nigel's butt hole. Its odd texture startling the nerves inside the skin of the tight, pink, fleshy hole leading to the mans intestinal track. The delicate area clenched at the contact.

Nigel felt something odd happening in the direct center of his booty, like somebody was pushing a pencil into his butt as a joke. But this was no joke, Sweetie Bell's horn was now in full contact with the walls of Nigel's rectal cavity. The hard appendage probed further into the slimy passage, some of the substances which lined the brownish pink hole smeared onto the horn as it entered.

Nigel's eyes lit up, a sudden surge of sensation had been conveyed to his brain via the dendrites and axon terminals of each nerve cell coming from his anus. But it had all been so fast, and he was unable to understand it all within the 12.67 microseconds between the point when it had began and now.

The diameter of the hole now increased at a speed proportional to the diameter of the horn multiplied by the negative root subtracted from the positive root at the point of intersection between rectum rim and horn, assuming Sweetie Bell's horn as a three dimensional parabolic shape. Or: d = (2πr)*(mx+b) / (ax+by)pb+j.

These calculations result in a painfully rapid spreading of Nigel's formerly tight anus hole. It would never hold its firmly symmetrical form again. The white filly's uni-horn was now semi-deep withing the zoologists ever spreading colon. Sweetie Belle had finally realized what she had done, it was a mistake, she did not intend to pierce this humans anal cavity. She gasped at the realization.

Nigel screamed "Gwraahggahaha!" In a nasal voice. He had now come to realize that something long and hard was being forcefully inserted into his anus without permission. He was being raped!

The tip of Sweetie Belle's horn now peered into the inner depths of Nigel's colon, going where no mare had gone before. Sweetie Belle felt disgusted at the thought of her horn protruding into an anus, she could feel the slimy and disgusting texture of the inner walls of this humans intestinal track against her magical horn.

She was now almost entirely inside of him, her head bumping against Nigel's butt-cheeks. The filly could feel her mean against the soft and firm slab of meat that was Nigel Thornberry's perfectly toned booty.

Nigel screamed louder than ever, beginning stand back up from the bent over position. To his dismay however, the horn had reached the extent of its journey and now the entirety of the being struck full force into the surrounding areas of his booty. Sweetie bell had flew off the ground, her hooves swinging in an attempt to regain control of the situation. The filly continued into the human full force, knocking him off of his feet and face first into the wall. This caused the thin wall to break from the impact, sending Nigel and sweetie bell plummeting though into the outside world.

The duo majestically flew though the air, it was 4:23 pm and the sky was cloudless. The beautiful backdrop complimented that work of art. "Braghagehah!" Said Nigel, totally confused by the whole situation and still in pain from the object rammed deep into is rectum.

Then the Chinese launched a nuclear warhead towards the United States capital city. Washington D.C.

They had been planning this for years, keeping it a total secret from the rest of the world. And it had all payed off, World War 3 was about to begin and there was no going back.

However, there was another nuclear warhead heading the opposite direction, it was a counter missile aimed at destroying the deadly weapon before it could reach US airspace. They both collided above the desert in which Nigel Thornberry was being anally penetrated.

"Gwraaa!" Said Nigel.


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Then everyone died. The end.


Mlp belongs to Hasbro, copyright, affiliates, trademark, bla bla bla bla bla.....
And Nigel is owned by some people, I dunno. Stuff.

