> A Dead Brotherhood > by 2Bit Dusk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artimus Starred at his limp, lifeless cloak and hood that was sprawled out on the bed in front of him. Eyes of cold fabric starred back back at his own fleshy eyes. His mind tingled and raced with the possible ending of tonight and what it would do to his family's future. He was taking on a big role, perhaps something too much for his shoulders alone. But alone for this he would be, and this would be best for one stallion to die than two. But what if he was the last ? his fellow brothers had all fallen by the wayside, and their bodies would lie in unmarked graves. He slide the now uncomfortable garments on his shoulders and threw on his gleaming white hood. It struck him coldly that this once so familer fabric seemed so foreign and alien to him. Was it possible that this, his second coat, that he slaved for many hours cleaning blood out of the seems was now so strange and so uncomfortable. The thought of his past works and it made him laugh, and a little sick. A thin, looming shadow cascaded over his being and he sadly knew who it was. He turned towards the door frame and a blinding light shined on his scared face. When he adjusted his eyesight he cringed as his wife's cold purple eyes that starred back at his own. He could feel his heart beat speed up and his coat turn cold. He rubbed his sharp lips and stretched on a fake smile. '' Honey, I was just about to meet the guys down at the pub- '' She put her hoofs on his forehead and smiled. '' Come on Artimus, you may be an assassin but you were never a good lair. Even when you were with your friends ''. '' I have have to go Eve, This is my last contract then we can move out into the country, maybe get a ranch on some open field of grain or what have it ? '' he asked. She poked his stomach with something sharp. '' Not on your life . . .and if your going down ' to the pub ' you better take this ''. She strapped on his hoof a leather gauntlet. With that the two hugged and stood there for almost five minutes. Artimus said his goodbye to her and left the room, fighting every step he took. He lingered in the empty halls, trying to hold on to what little presence he had left. He wanted to avoid the living room but he could not leave his only flesh and blood with out a goodbye. Artimus glided into the living room and cringed as he saw his two sons sitting happily as if the world we're whole. His eldest son Rust wood sat talking on the phone with a pony that Artimus did not know, Perhaps didn't want to know. His youngest son laid asleep on the couch with drool spilling down his chin. At the sight of his father Rust put the phone away and trotted up to him. '' Gee dad why are so dressed up, I didn't think you were going to the Gala '' Scoffed his son. '' What do I look like too you ? one of your ' social sites ' ? '' he laughed at his sons fondness for Snout-book. He embraced his son one last time, with another lingering hug. His son didn't appreciate his fathers bushy mustache scrapping against his face. '' Take care of your mother and brother, I should be back soon '' he hugged his son again and kissed him on his head. Dumbfounded Rust starred at his father as he opened the door and slide into the harsh Manehatten night. Rain and sleet pounded against Artimus's hood as he made his way through the artificial lights of the city. Artimus bite his lip to hold down bitter tears, was what he was doing right ? would it really make a difference in the end. Maybe . . .maybe not. But what he did know is that his son would have to carry on their family's blood, their legacy. . . . '' Rust ! help me with the dishes please ! '' his mother called form downstairs. The mere sound of her voice made Rust sigh aloud in his room. He had to come up with a lie fast so he could follow his mysterious father. He had followed his father to pubs and poker games before but this time, the world seemed to be on his fathers shoulders. His father was never a good liar, but Rust was. He ran downstairs with a fake worried frown. '' Mom ! fair-hair just called and she needs her books for the test Monday ! '' he trotted in place to emphasis his eagerness. '' Honey, really ? it's raining cats and dogs and it's only, I don't know twelve o'clock ? '' perhaps his mother saw through his lie, honestly it probably wasn't his best. '' Come on the test is thirty percent of our Equestian history class, and Iv'e been borrowing it for over a week '' he started to gnaw on his hoof, he was sure that that his father would be long gone by now. With a heavy sigh she waved her hoof in the air ; giving him permission to leave. With out word she shot up stairs and pulled on a thin blue hoodie, sadly this would do little tk save him from the drowning rain. With empty hooves he crawled out of the window and ran on the roof tops of Manehatten. He would have to hurry to try to keep up with his father. The slick gravel of the rooftops we'er not too kind to his hooves. He could barley hold on and with the blinding sleet of the freezing rain splashing in his eyes the task would be very difficult. The lights of the city flashed and danced on Rust's father's hood. He pondered why his father was doing and what for ? What were his goals and what were his intentions. Now that he thought of it, his father didn't really have any friends to go to the pubs and poker games, or at least none that he had met. And why was he so decked out, cloak and all. The sleet and snow stated to wear on his body and drag on his clothing. But his curiosity seemed to be made form sterner stuff and could not be calmed. His father seemed to be paranoid, at each little trash can moving and at each little flash of light his father darted his head to all. He turned his intentions back to the rooftops of Manehatten and the big gap that laid before him. With a over-enthusiastic heart he jumped over the gap but overestimated his capability and fell half way. Just in time he caught his hoof on the rim of the roof and his knees scraped against the hard brick. His father darted his head towards the bright the moon and ran into a back ally. Biting his lip so not to scream he tore at the roof and crawled up, almost out of breath. He patted down his knees and fought through the pain of his bleeding flesh. He managed to catch up to his father who had kept amazing speed even with the conditions around him, even better than he could. After several minutes of silent trotting, only the growing snow to softened the deafening silence. His mind froze as His father jumped in an ally behind an old museum. Quizzically Rust sat behind a tree looking over towards his ever increasing suspicious father. He popped open a AC unit and slide in. Rust decided to hold on for five minutes to make sure his father wouldn't catch on. With a '' graceful '' leap Rust jumped from the tree and immediately plummeted to the ground. Counting his teeth and measuring his cuts he opened the AC unit and slide in. It seemed that they would be traveling by ventilation. The dark iron corridors squeezed and contorted his body into a pretzel. How could his father, who was much older than he, crawl threw these vents like a serpent ? The tight space and hot air wore down on his sanity, he would not want to go through this again. Another five minutes of trying to find his way through the metal maze finally it yielded for him. What he saw was something straight out of a movie. Various black hoods and pale complexions filled the museum basement. It was all very surreal, they all talked nonsense about nothing that remotely resembled a normal club. What was his fathers true '' hobby '' ? It seemed that his father was nowhere to be seen or heard. Only black hoods and more nonsense echoed in Rusts ears. It was all '' brother this '' and '' world that ''. Did his father change into a black cloak this fast ? because the white hood would've stood out like a star in the night. Suddenly a pale stallion with a fiery mane walked up to the podium and pulled a golden hood over his charred face. '' Welcome brothers and sisters ! to our final meeting before we change this land. Take solace in our patience brothers for our time is nigh ! For generations we have hunted and killed the assassins who have fought so hard to destroy us ! Yet we live ! for we are the children of Tirek and we have been faithful to our master ! We have located the one thing that will give us the edge in our fight, the Apple of Tirek. Every pony and beast in Equestia shall be ours to command ! The last of Honor Hawks bloodline is being hunted down as we speak and their heads shall adorn pikes in our halls ! '' the enthusiastic leader gave a speech to his brothers and the basement roared in laughter and cheer. Rust didn't know what they were talking about, but he knew it was not good. He looked around for his father again and to his surprise he spotted his him sitting as nimble as a mouse on a high beam. A slick knife jutted in and out of his gauntlet, as if he was flexing a muscle. His father looked like he had seen a ghost, his bright yellow eyes starring deeply down at the golden hood. He flexed his blade and jumped down like a eagle with his weapon jutting out of his gauntlet. With the world slowing down around him his father flashed his gaze towards his son's. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. The shine of his eyes disappeared as he fell on top of the golden hooded stallion. His father was consumed by a mass of dark hoods. He heard clashing of steal and a final grown. Only when the mass drew back did Rust realize the situation. Rust screamed and flew back into the ventilation shaft with his father glazed over eyes burnt into his mind. In a mess of tears and confusion he pulled himself out of the vent and fell hard on the freezing concrete. Not wanting to look back he ran towards a nearby pear. In his warped mindset the pear looked safe and inviting, but in all reality it could of been very dangerous. Sharp winds slashed against his face and he dived into the cold open blue. His hope had emerged but was quickly stamped out has he remembered that he could not swim . . . Burning salt water flooded threw his mouth and down his throat, making his organs churn like heavy rocks. Heavy and thick sheets of freezing water splashed and covered his body. His bones felt suppressed and weighed down, as if someone was pushing him down. Thunder roared overhead and it crackled around his deafening world. It seemed that this would be the end, the last thing he would see would be his fathers eyes and his frantic hooves clawing at the ocean blue. He dripped his head down and was prepared to go into the endless dream, until a pair of strange teeth bit down hard on his scruff and pulled him up. > Chapter 1: Yellow Eyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy yawned and reached her hooves to the ceiling upon her awaking. Her small cottage was dark even the sky outside seemed not yet ready to spring up. She looked around and saw nothing but sleeping animals and furniture. She smiled at picture perfect sight and patted down her frizzy hair and stumbled out of her bed and onto the cold hard tile floor. She stepped, then tip-toed her way into the kitchen and opened her new cupboards, curiosity of Applejack and Rarity. She grabbed a glass and quickly it shattered on the floor giving off a echo around the silent cottage. Chastising herself for her mistake she scooped up the bits and pieces and threw them into the trash. This time she bite down on a plastic mug and poured her sweat tea. Before taking a heavenly sip she invited her stale air of her cottage into her lungs and almost choked. She opened up her kitchen window and let in the cold Autumn air flow in. She looked towards the vast distance and smiled as the sun peeked over the mountains, almost greeting her. She took another breath of air and was satisfied with the clean moist air. She grabbed a book and sat on in her chair and sighed a great comforting sigh. Not five pages in her mind drifted on what the day will bring, a race with Dash ? a adventure with Twilight ? or perhaps a picnic with all her friends ? her sank in her with the thought. Another ten pages passed when her sight drifted towards the sleeping Angle on the rug next to her. Her mind snapped at the idea for her little friend. A grand breakfast perhaps ? She put down her book and quickly trotted outside into her garden which held many flowers and vegetables all able to eat with great delight. She pondered for many minutes on how she would cook and what. Her eyes snapped towards a very large ripe carrot just begging to be seen. With great haste she pulled it from the ground and raised it up high for inspection. Memorizing was the vegetable with royal a orange splendor. She thought if she was a carrot she would marry this one in particular, wait that was stupid. ( and France is stupid for writing that ). Fluttershy's mind raced with carrot based food. A warm stew ? a cake ? how about juice ? What a beautiful thought ! * Slice * The great carrot split in half and a gleaming dagger stuck in her arm. A shadow dashed from the sun flowers donning a black hood and red handled dagger. Before she saw any blood her body froze and she fell hard on her back. As the pony seemed to have trouble getting threw the dandelions, sneezing and coughing up a fit. She crawled towards her lonely home but only rough wood met her back. She screamed as loud as she could, but was as loud as a pin drop. The pony rubbing pollen mixed with snot from her face focused back on Fluttershy, then smiled. She ran with her horn aimed at Fluttershy's heart. '' Ugh ! '' The hooves stopped hitting the ground and Fluttershy looked up from her tears. A dark figure in a white hood stood up with a bloody hoof. His eyes looked like that of a owls, wide and glowing bright yellow. He pulled the limp body of the would be killer on his back and nudged to the destroyed rose bush. He trotted over to her and pulled out the dagger and slipped it into his robe. Then he pulled out two bottles of medicine and wraps and handed it over to the crying mare. His mouth stayed stiff and unresponsive even with the sight of Fluttershy. No sign of happiness or care, but she was glad all the same. He cleaned the wounds and packed her hoof tight, when the job was done his mouth slightly curled but soon faded away. He nodded towards her and jumped from her garden and over the fence and into the forest with just two leaps. Fluttershy held her hoof tight and her heart pulsed as she starred at the white wood disappearing into the thicket. . . . '' Hey . . .you could you spend the night with me tonight ? I think sompony's are stealing my flowers '' Fluttershy said over the phone shaking in a small ball in the corner of the room. She had repeated this lie five times with five of her friends and they all said sure and that they would be over soon. She had sat in her room for the past 24 hours scared out of her mind of the outside world. She could not get the image of the yellow eyes of that silent stallion out of her mind. Why would anypony want to hurt her ? what had she done to earn such hate ? She gazed towards the picture of her parents who were long since departed. She took comfort in their faces but looked away as the her throat became sore and dry. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK . . . Fluttershy jumped at the light tapping of the door and slowly rose up and peeked threw the door peep hole. Her five friends with looks so nonchalant it was almost unreal, their faces were distorted by the glass. She took a deep gasp of ever unwelcoming dry air and unlocked her many chains. '' Where is this thief Fluttershy ? he better keep away if I'm here '' said Rainbow dash sporting a determined smirk. '' Don't worry Fluttershy we'll bring this thief to justice '' chimed in Twilight. Dash gave a sigh of annoyance and headed inside with her friends. '' Oh darling what is wrong with your hoof !? '' gasped Rarity as she examined her friends wrapped up hoof. '' Oh it's nothing just the roses scratched me is all '' Fluttershy blurted out allowed, trying to cover up her lie. Her friends gave quizzical looks but shrugged it off. Pinkie pie rolled in her cannon just in case if anypony got the '' party fever ''. Applejack sat next to Fluttershy and helped stitch her wound. two maybe three hours passed by and Rainbow dash did not leave her self appointed look out station over the garden.With a weary mind Fluttershy took a seat next to her. After hours of watching the garden Rainbow dash's eyes staid still but twitched ever so slightly. '' Thanks Dash it means, ugh . . .dash ? '' Fluttershy softly touched her friends head and Dash slumped over and dropped her head in her arms. Fast asleep. Fluttershy sighed and went into the back room, her friends laid asleep in colorful sleeping bags. Fearful of windows she pulled her sleeping bag under a coffee table and lied down next to the hearth. She drifted into a land of her own filled with cute little animals and breezies. Vast blue rivers and high green trees with flowers blooming in the fields. Her friends and all of ponyvile dancing and spreading nice words with each other. She sat in a rocking chair that stood over a vast green and blue ocean sea with a light breeze and warming sun. Her dreams were dashed when a crunch of ash was heard in the hearth. She covered her drooling mouth as a dark hooded stallion shook off the dust on his coat and looked around the cottage for his target. He pulled out a long slender dagger with a emerald hilt. He sniffed the air like a dog, his mouth contorted into a sick smile and he stabbed a nearby pillow. Feathers spewed all around the room and he angrily swiped them away, slashing the air wildly. He grumbled and spat on the floor and looked around again, shifting along the living room. Fluttershy's heart raced nearly thumping out of her chest and bouncing on the floor. Sweat beaded down her face as her would be killer walked into the kitchen where Dash was. She wanted to move to help her friend but hear burning cut said otherwise. The hood drew nearer and nearer to Dash, raising his dagger to her back. Her mind bounced around too what he was going to do to her, she threw her hooves out from the coffee table and with weak knees she tapped him on the shoulder. A choking mist surrounded the cottage and coughing was heard all around. Several violent shuffles and a sicking snap erupted around her. A spray of blood and dust flew on her face and she fell to the floor trying to rub the substance off her face. She tried to crawl to somewhere she could see but found nothing but scattered furniture. She held tightly on a coffee table and starred shaking in the darkness. Suddenly she was scooped up like a sack of potatoes and slung on some strangers back. She nearly fainted at this until the sound of glass breaking stole her. They tumbled out and landed in some bushes but her thief merely shook it off. This strange being moved like a shadow, not caring for her neatly crafted yard. The shade threw Fluttershy in a canoe and the boat flew down the river. With the frogs singing songs in her hears Fluttershy shot up expecting a grim faced attacker. But to her surprise it was a pair of yellow eyes starring back at her. His white hood ruffled and with drops of what must of been blood coated his blank face. She etched herself towards the edge of the canoe and took a deep gulp as the water seemed her only way out. '' Don't make me swim '' he said looking at her dipping hoof in the water. His voice scared her, he seemed like a stern parent. She smiled and sat back in the canoe and awkwardly looked around not wanting to look into his eyes. They remained like that for many minutes. If not for the circumstances the warm air and singing frogs would be very calming to her. '' I hope i'm not being rude or anything but, ugh . . .where are we going ? '' she asked imagining the many ways he could '' dispose '' of her. His head snapped back as if he was woken up from a deep dream. '' Somewhere safe, but not your home. It's too dangerous to go back '' he spoke again, sending shivers down her body. Her mind ran away from his voice and slammed into worry upon worry. What about her animals ? her friends ? Oh no her friends !?! what if there were more of them !?! her mind screamed as her body sank down into the canoe. A slight frown twitched on the ends of his mouth but quickly faded away. He looked to the dancing stars above and back down at her and looked back at the frogs trying to follow them. '' You need not worry, for you are safe '' he said with face being pressed against his hood distorting his features. She had hopped to laugh at his sarcasm but realized that he was serious. The moon waved in the sky and it seemed that her '' rescuer '' was entranced by it, and again he looked like he was in a dream far from the world around. Suddenly The boat jerked to a stop and she almost fell in the green, trashy water. A large red stone swear gate starred at them with very a unwelcoming hue of black inside. The stranger stepped onto the stone platform and held out his hoof. Surprised at his gesture she hesitantly took it and followed him into the darkness. He lite a lantern and held it tight as they descended inwards. If she was braver she would of knocked him out and ran, but alas it was not to be. Soon after they came upon a heavy dark and looming metal door with a strange emblem carved into it. He knocked three times, two high and one low. And then three times fast. After a moment of defining silence a pair of ruby red eyes shot behind the opening. At the sight of the alien Fluttershy the eyes became wide and it's movements became frantic. The door sung open and the two were greeted to a thin, muscular stallion in a hood with a pale yellow coat. He couldn't take his eyes off her and a rather infatuated grin in his eyes and hunger in them. '' Ha ! you've found her brother ! who was in your way ? how to many did you kill ? '' he couldn't stop moving, his teeth barred like that of a wolf. '' Silence brother, we shall meet when the master arrives '' the stranger waved off his brother and moved onto the chamber. Her eyes were blued to the architecture, red and black walls lined the interior with chipped marble columns gracing the walls. Her gaze shifted to seven or so white marble statues that all looked eerily similar to the stranger and his brother. A tall gaunt stallion in reds robes with a white hood trotted out onto the floor and dropped his many books he had floating over his head. He ran ( as best he could ) towards the trio and hugged Fluttershy, nearly cutting off her blood flow. He stepped back and with tears in his eyes pulled down his hood. A distant ginger mane fell on his shoulders and a pale red beard smiled at her. She was confused at his gesture and how emotional he was getting even at the sight of her. She was about to ask who he was and why she was here when he put a hoof on her pink mane and ruffled it. '' I haven't seen you since you were a little filly '' . . . > Chapter 2: The Murder Family Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '' Wha. . .what ? '' she asked trembling under the old stallions hoof. Her trembling figure fell in the seat behind her and she looked onward at the smiling elder. '' Please my bones aren't what they used to be, we will reconnect in the morning. Please make yourself at home '' he gave a another hug to Fluttershy, smiled and walked back into the library. Dumbfounded at his few words and happy exterior she needed help into her room. Nothing fancy just some posters of mountains on a auburn red brick wall. She laid on the stiff cot and rested her head on a stony pillow. She was trying but failing to comprehend everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours of her life. Finding little to comfort her but a tiny little candle on the desk across from her. Strange how entrancing some minute little thing could be in a time of loneliness and uncertainty. She remained like that for far too many minutes to count, she felt her eyes dip and her mind start to slow. A loud thud snapped Fluttershy out of her trance, she looked at a very awkward stranger. '' Sorry about that '' said the white hood that she had come to regret '' knowing ''. He pulled back his hood his eyes seemed even more sun-colored and flashy. A wavy auburn mane fell on his shoulders and it seemed that he had a little patch of black hair on his chin. He was very intimidating to say the least. He sat down on a bench near her bed and let his hoofs sink to the floor. She sat back, not wanting to be near the flaming eyed stranger. '' I'm sorry if I scared you back there, but it had to be done ''. He threw his gaze to the ground waiting for her response. He waited for awhile. Like a ton of bricks the severity of her situation flooded threw her mind. She was sitting next to a murder ! The mare in the garden and the stallion in her home, all dead by his blade. Her eyes grew wide and she couldn't speak, only short hot huffs crawled up threw her throat. '' You, . . .you killed them ! sure they were trying to hurt me but you didn't have to kill them ! '' she asked horrified at the calmness he oozed out. His ears perked up at her tone and his semi smile unfurled into a confused frown. He looked back down to the floor and he too seemed to be trying to escape her point. '' Oh . . .I'm sorry, they were killers too, I mean it was you or them. . . Well if it means anything I'm sorry for disrupting your sleep '' Her eyes flashed red with annoyance but were quickly consumed by worry. He stood up and was halfway threw the door and stopped. '' You can call me Cruel-Sea, or stranger if you prefer '' He chuckled a bit under his breath and slide out from the door frame. '' Wait ! forgive my rudeness but why am I here ? '' she asked puzzled and a little cramped by her thoughts. He again chuckled softly and slide a small wooden box into the room and shut the door behind him. The door hinges sent shivers down her spine, but despite this she slowly trotted over to the weathered box. She opened the box but sliding off the same strange emblem from the main chamber. Her heart sank and her eyes felt like oceans. Her father and mother stood next to each other with a little Fluttershy sitting in between them. Next to them her was two eerie figures. A smiling stallion with a scared face and a slimier looking colt next to him. Why were they with her family ? this didn't make any sense. Not wanting to look away she put the picture down next to her and shuffled threw the box. A letter, dated ten years ago . . . Dear brother, I can feel the landscape of Equestria change, not physically but in spirit. The roads are getting harsher, for our creed and it seems that our prescience is unwelcome. The ponies of this land are too forgiving and are ignorant for the work we do, perhaps it is melancholy, or maybe the years have turned me bitter. It seems our brothers and sisters are dying day by day and we can not do anything to help ! I fear for my daughter and I fear for your sons as well. Our brotherhood is dying my brother and I can only watch it flow around my hooves. My family and yours were the starters of the order, going back to Honor hawk who took the Apple from Tireks children But I feel that those days are long pasted, I am fleeing to Ponyvile with my family and I push for you to do the same but some where you can live in peace. This world does not want us here, and it will stamp us out . . . Nothing is true, and everything is permitted, Goodbye brother Artimus, May your blade be clean She put the letter down and starred at it, unable to process the words, thoughts, and ideas. It was if a pony just placed a bomb in her hooves that happened to be made of letters. Her father was a assassin, and perhaps her mother was too. Was her family really a long line of murders ? it seems that this was the case, but see wouldn't hurt a fly, a idea like that made her sick. What was she supposed to do with this information ? She couldn't ignore it . . .but she wouldn't follow her family's legacy either. This thought burned into her mind until it hurt and she put the letter down on the ground not wanting to look at it. She pondered what else what was in the box, what mystery lurked inside ? A severed head ? A hit list ? She looked down into the pit and breathed a sigh of relief, it was just a odd leather gauntlet. Perplexed by the strange device she picked it up and studied it like a moth to a flame. Suddenly a razor sharp blade shot out nearly cutting her hoof. With her blood cooling and her mind stretched thin with what anger she had she gently put the brace back in the box. She let her body fall on the stiff cot and drifted to a land of butterfly's and bunny rabbits. . . . '' Wake up ! '' Said the gate keeper slapping his hoof on the stony wall. It seemed as soon as she closed her eyes she awoke in a heavy, hot, haze. With saliva caked on her face she tumbled out on the floor and quickly recovered herself. '' Forgive me my lady, I'm Sea's brother, Stonewall . . .'' he held out a warm rag for Fluttershy's face and exited her room with a stiff brow. She cleaned her face and adjusted her thoughts ( even tho she was recovering from a huge mind explosion ). The glaring flames of the overhead torches seemed to be forcing light into her eyes. She wondered around for awhile trying to find the master who sent off the mind bomb with a smile. Until a hoof tapped her on the shoulder and she slide to the ground, looking up at the looming eyes. '' Um . . . sorry ? '' Said Sea picking up Fluttershy. '' Come, the master is in his library, but be warned the old scholar hides his wounds well '' he chuckled a bit at his bad joke,( Even tho it wasn't a joke at all . . .France I'm warning you ) and seeing her confused look, he glared down keeping a stiff upper lip .The master stood among walls and walls plastered with books and paper, this would give even Twilight some jealously. He put down the ancient books and tomes, then smiled at the two ponies. '' Ah ! please come, come we have much to catch up on my dear. '' he said hugging her again and then sliding into a tattered chair. Sea sat across from him, still keeping his yellow eyes fixed on the ground. Fluttershy sat on a shabby stool and gave a weak smile at the old master. '' How was your night ?, ah I guess it doesn't matter I haven't see you in ages, ever since your father hide you away from the world. Now as I grow older I feel that might of been the proper choice. '' he starred out into the rows of books behind Fluttershy for a moment and quickly snapped back and looked at her. '' Your father was one of my best pupils, he could snap a neck like no other '' he chuckled and held his breath at Fluttershy's horrified frown. '' Ah I mean, he was gentle for the line of work he was in. Your mother too, a fiery flower that nearly killed two dozen- '' he slapped his hoof on his head. '' What I mean is that your grandfather killed over thirty stallions with just a cane- GAH ! '' he bite hard on a leather book and he spat on the floor. '' I'm sorry okay, memories okay ? it's hard sometimes. Forgive me, what I'm trying to say is that your from a long line of honorable assassins, one the founders in fact. Do you know what this means Fluttershy ? Your family has protected the realm of Equestria for over 700 years ! All starting to your ancestor Honor hawk, and Slick sheet. Slick sheet being the ancestor of bleak face over there. '' He nodded over to Cruel-sea who was biting his lip and chuckling lightly. '' You must know that your ancestor Honor hawk did the one thing that started this all, he stole the apple of the moon '' he spoke as if he was in a dream, and obviously losing his mind. '' Um, excuse me ? '' her mind at this point felt like a hot bowl of churning soup. '' In the midst of Tireks conquering of Equestria he and a small band of magic users created an unholy device to rule all. With black magic and. . .souls and the best metal-work in the land they created a apple of seduction, an apple of control. Your ancestor a simple novice saw the power and evil of the apple and stole it from the temple of the cultists. With the help of the blacksmith Slick Sheet they formed the Assassin guild; our creed. They threw the evil apple in the ocean, but even they could be destroy that cult ''. His eyes seemed to be glazed over with memories of the past, as if he was really there. '' And with your help we can finally put an end to them '' Said Sea standing up smiling. '' Oh . . . I can't do this, i'm not like that, I won't hurt anypony '' the elder and Sea let out a sigh of disappointment. '' You have the blood of Honor Hawk, the last one ! and you chose to let the cultists run free instead of killing them like the dogs that they are ! '' the sudden furry in Sea's voice startled Fluttershy, his normally calm exterior gave way to fire in his words. He put his hooves on the table next to Fluttershy and spat more fire. '' With you we can destroy them ! they murdered our family, our brothers and sisters ! and you would just lie there caring for rabbits and squirrels ! when ponies are dying ! '' His voice wavered a bit and he almost threw a book across the room. '' Rust ! calm yourself ! '' barked the master. Stunned at the old assassins words he gnashed his teeth and trotted out of the library. The old master laid a hoof on the trembling Fluttershy to try to calm her down. '' * sigh * I'm sorry child, his father and mother was killed four years ago, and the scars are still fresh. He went by Rust-wood before his time here, after nearly drowning in a pear he named himself Cruel-sea, his father died before his eyes. I'm deeply sorry that this life has been introduced to you, your father wanted so much more for you. If this is your choice I will not chastise you, you'll have your bags packed and shipped out with in the day. '' he rubbed her shoulder and got up, patting his old bones. He was nearly out of the library when Fluttershy turned to him, drying her tears. '' I won't hurt anypony, . . .but that doesn't mean I won't help ? '' she asked towards the smiling elder. > Chapter 3: The look Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having the permission to roam the passage ways and chambers as she liked, Fluttershy took advantage of this right away. She studied the labored over paintings from her ancestor's and with many great assassins from the ages. Ponies in robes long out of style and with rolling beards and frilly collars, Rarity would love this place. Simple looking farmers too ornate looking elite all carried the assassin symbol. Strange that this place being in the sewer, it oozed history and memories. Memories of which Fluttershy could recall strangely and without doubt, as if she was really there. In the midst of studying these hoof-crafted paintings and sculptors she came upon a eerie portrait of a happy looking family. Upon closer inspection she recognized her parents and a little young Fluttershy looking innocent as ever. She could feel her throat close up and her mind getting lighter as she starred at her father and mother in full assassin armor holding tight on her. She put a hoof on her fathers yellow golden beard and held back tears. Her mother and father had kept her form this life and she was glad that they had. Their faces, smiling and happy rang volumes on how she cared for others around her. Always with a honest smile, never complaining. She had to steal herself from the room to gather her thoughts. And too calm her blood. Feeling her stomach rumble she wandered into the kitchen hoping to find something to eat. A large butcher knife shot threw the air and stuck in the wood just inches near her ear. With her chest heaving she slowly sank tot he floor. '' Oh sorry about that madam, please don't sneak up on a old cook '' he laughed and he picked up Fluttershy and dusted her off. His bushy beard felt like a prickly rosebush. With a toothy grin he patted down her hair and went back to his work. '' Old habits my dear, so what do you want from the amazing, talented, and beautiful Lorenzo ! '' he said starring into a leek like he was in a Shakespeare play. Fluttershy just smiled awkwardly and asked for some greens, just plain greens. '' AH ! madam please you are in the company of a master chef ! anything that you want is my command ! Spiced soups, and fiery wine, too honeyed ham ! '' again Fluttershy just asked for greens. Lorenzo sighed and withdrew from the kitchen with a sigh. Confused Fluttershy sat in a warm, fresh smelling kitchen. After about half and hour Lorenzo came out twiddling his beard and carrying a plate of steaming food. He laid it in front of Fluttershy and she nearly fainted at the various smells and spices. Fresh leek with salt and pepper sprinkled on top, with a Swirling orange/brown broth surrounding the leek ,with bits of carrots and onion circling that as well. '' Please go on my dear, I would get a pillow to fall on if I were you '' Lorenzo said obviously exaggerating his cooking abilities. Fluttershy smiled and took a sip of the exquisite delicacy. The next thing she knew Lorenzo was helping her up form the floor. '' I warned you madam, my skills are a blessing and yet they are a curse ! But please come back later and I shall prepare something a bit duller, but amazing nonetheless ! '' he took his utensils and spices and withdrew into the kitchen. Fluttershy adjusted her eye sight and decided to roam the corridors some more. Feeling tired of the red brick walls she came upon a very interesting arena. High and low stone walls with metal bars hanging from the ceilings. It looked to be some sort of training area, but for what ? A noise came from behind one of the walls. Sea came out from behind the wall, and upon seeing Fluttershy he cast his eyes down. He fixed his pose and walked towards her keeping his eyes down. '' Forgive my anger, it was misplaced '' he drew back and leaned on the wall, looking up at the painted ceiling. '' It's okay . . .I know that must of disappointed you '' she said back. He sighed, then patted the wall and was about to leave when Fluttershy asked. '' Um . . .whats all this for ? '' Fluttershy asked quizzically. He looked at her with surprise, then he laughed quietly. '' Nothing too fancy, but it's a training area for free-running '' he looked back her and saw only confusion. '' Ugh, whats that ? '' she asked. '' It's faster than trotting, and a bit flashy for others. In other words it's like trying to from A to B in the fastest possible way, give it a try '' he gestured towards the steps. Fluttershy drew back. '' Oh . . .no that's okay I could just fly over it '' she smiled weakly, trying to avoid his gesture. '' Ha ! wings are to loud !, please it's not that hard, you just have to give it a try '' Sea nudged her towards the starting ramp. '' No, please, I'm fine ! '' Her limbs turned into water but unfortunately for her Sea caught her and brought her back up. '' Come on it's not that hard, see that pole ? when your running, jump and grab it with your teeth and flip back down. It's easy as 1, 2, 3 ! '' Not seeing any way out she hesitantly gave the okay. Sea stood back, smiling and waiting for her to start. He counted to three and singled for Fluttershy to start. She slowly trotted up the ramp and jumped to catch the pole. It seemed that she was inches away from biting the pole till gravity kicked in. She plummeted to the floor in a dizzy mess. Sea picked her up and smiled awkwardly at her, as if he thought this would happen. '' Perhaps that wasn't my best idea, I think that's enough for one day '' Sea said carrying the unconscious Fluttershy into her room. He laid her out on her bed and shut the door behind him. It seemed that he would be spending the day alone, maybe that's what he needed. He decided that he needed to apologize to his master.The halls seemed emptier than normally, only soft steps filled his ears. '' Master '' Sea bent down at the sight of his master and fixed his pose again. '' Before you say anything, have you apologized to our guest ? '' the master asked. Sea bite his lip again, remembering his less than stellar reaction to her refusal. '' Yes I have sir, but it still pains me that the last blood-kin of Honor Hawk has refused to help us. ''. Sea said feeling anxious about the future. '' That is not the case my young student, for killing is only when there is no other way. Have I been forgetful in my teachings ? For she may not kill but she will help in her own way, and if we had forced her to help us we would be robbing her of her free will. And is that not breaking a tenet of our creed ? Perhaps you may learn something from her ? killing is not the answer in most cases, but it seems that you've have forgotten that ''. Sea's face contorted in anger, then softened upon thinking about his masters words. '' I have been wrong thinking with my blade and not my mind master, but what will we do about the rising cult ? I believe that they have spread their influence all the way out here, they could even have a base here in Ponyvile. '' Asked the worried Sea. '' Yes I have pondered this of many hours, but we can only take steps and not leaps at a time. What I need you to do is take a look around Fluttershy's cottage to see if her friends have escaped safely. We can not allow any innocent blood on our hooves, for that would be breaking our tenet. '' The master opened a book and dismissed Sea. '' Very well master I'll leave as soon as I am able, but what about Fluttershy ? '' he asked '' We will not hold her against her will, if she wishes to journey with you, then so be it ''. Sea nodded and trotted out of the library and into the empty hall. He gathered his gear, but left out anything sharp. Perhaps he had been too lose with his blade and focused more on killing than why he was killing. He prayed that Fluttershy would still be asleep. He hadn't felt right since meeting her in the garden, a strange lightness in his heart that he hadn't felt since he was a colt. Since his fathers death he had been cold and calculating. He had felt guilty for focusing more on himself and his assassin training than his younger brother who had distanced himself away from Sea. Fluttershy however seemed kind and caring, he wondered if this feeling in his heart would go away. He almost wished it stayed. His heart however sank as he saw his brother stonewall talking with her next to the gate. '' Why hello brother, I was just discussing the importance of how the sugar in brown leaves is dryer but more plentiful, than sugar in green leaves and the importance of each in our society today. '' Stonewall boasted threw his teeth. '' Save your breath brother, master has given me a task, let me threw. '' he stammered out trying to avoid Fluttershy's smile. '' Oh is it to my cottage ? '' he asked. Sea sighed in his mind and nodded. She seemed all to giddy to leave. Sea said she could tag along with him and she eagerly excepted. Sea could feel the rolling eyes of Stonewall. '' Now ' Gatekeeper ' we shall return with in the night '' he said as Fluttershy followed him into the swear. It was a brilliant dark purple night as stars of bright white danced above their heads. Sea untied the canoe form the dock and gestured for Fluttershy to get on. Probably reliving how she was thrown into the canoe like a sack of potatoes not even two nights ago. She hesitantly got on and they started to float downward the river, trying to keep silent. The frogs must of been enjoying their night for their songs gently whispered in their ears. The pink and yellow flowers on the bank smelled of lilacs and fresh pulp. This setting would be very romantic, if other ponies were here. '' Those ponies I killed back at your cottage, I believe that I was thinking with my blade and not with my head. It seems all I say is apologizes but yet again I am sorry. It would be best if I be less of a barbarian. '' Sea pushed the canoe forward not wanting her to hear him apologize for the hundredth time. '' Oh . . .um If that was the last thing you had to do . . .I suppose. But I'm sorry for failing at that '' free-running thing '' She said smiling a little but keeping fixed on the warm water. '' * chuckles * No need, Iv'e met the floor of that course many times. In fact I was put into a full body cast the first time I attempted free-running. I had tried to jump of my schoolhouse and into a tree . . .lets just say my dad didn't let me run with him. '' This fortunately made Fluttershy laughed a tad. Satisfied with his joke he gathered enough bravery to look at her face. Her pink hair flowed in the light breeze and her eyes shined like bright amethysts, FOCUS ! he stole himself from her face and starred at the flowing water. Soon in not so awkward silence they came upon Fluttershy's lonely cabin. The place looked abounded and looming, nothing like it had once been. They touched of of the canoe and onto the soft soil of the back. Sea gestured Fluttershy to get behind him, and the two softly carried themselves through the shadows. Everything seemed to quiet and secure if a bit hollow looking. Sea gestured Fluttershy to hang back and let him scout the rest. The bushes were wiled and choppy, sending jagged shadows across Sea's face. The door of her cottage laid open with the hinges broken and bent, thanks to his handy-work. He tapped the door and his fell on the cold floor. The rancid smell of the cottage filled Sea's lungs and he had to cover his mouth with a scarf. As he made his way threw the deserted cottage, every creek of the floor sent shivers down his spine. A small white rabbit hopped by his hoof and rubbed on his coat. He was about to kick it away still a dash of air flew over his head. He slide behind a table and waited for any other sign of noise. Something fast shot out from behind the wall and tackled Sea to the ground. He bit down hard the ponies hoof and he heard a scream. He threw the pony off of him and the pony was thrown out of the cottage. Sea quickly fixed his thoughts and drew his hidden blade. He ran outside and saw Fluttershy looking around in the air looking confused. Sea fell in in the grass as a sicking crack erupted threw his ear drums. Something dragged him threw the grass and had thrown him in the river. He tore the lily pads off his hood and looked around for his attacker. A blinding ray of light was shot threw the air and was headed towards Sea. He ripped a smoke bomb form his belt and threw it the air. The white dust had blinded the attacker but the pony had tossed him on the bridge. The pony was holding him down trying to silence Sea. He slide out from under the pony and drew back towards Fluttershy. The smoke cleared and a crazed eyed stranger appeared. '' Rainbow dash ? '' asked Fluttershy. And it seemed that Sea's attacker had been Fluttershy's friend. Sea slide his eager dagger with in his robes and stood back as the two conversed in frantic tones. '' Wha, what are you doing here dash ? where are the others ? '' Fluttershy asked astounded that her friend was here. '' I don't know, I only woke up about ten minutes ago. And then Mr. Creepy Hood came trotting threw and I thought he was your garden thief '' explained Dash. '' I do not look like a creep '' proclaimed Sea. '' Dude you got glowing yellow eyes and your wearing a hood, I'm surprised that your not trying to read from an ancient book. Anyway after that smoke bomb went off a weird stallion in a gold hood came through, he was holding some sort of orb. I tried to fight him but he threw me in the garden. After that I felt really tired and I couldn't move, but I don't know where the others are. Oh and thanks for putting dust in my lungs creep '' Dash said patting down her frizzy mane. '' Wait their was a stallion in a golden hood ? and you felt tired after he used the orb ? '' Asked Sea. '' That's what I just said, right ? '' she said. '' Come with us, you'll be safe at out sanctuary '' Sea turned to get on the canoe. '' Is this guy safe Fluttershy ? I mean he was carrying a dagger the size of a rabbit. '' asked Dash. '' Yeah he's okay just don't get too close . . .Wait ! stay here I'll be right back. Sea and Fluttershy floated down the river with about fifth-teen different animals, all cramped in a small canoe with Rainbow Dash laughing overhead. > Chapter 4 : The Star Burning Bright ! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a weary push, the steel door screeched open with much effort. The scream of the hinges was cringe worthy to say the least. With Sea opening the gate, an ocean of animals flooded into the chamber. Owls, mice, wolfs, turtles, rabbits, bats, and even a seal made their way into his home.With a fixed look of annoyance he grabbed a monkey that was on his head and threw it onto the ground. The monkey hissed and ran off and Sea could feel a piercing stare from Fluttershy. But his attention was turned to a cat who trying to claw at the fine crafted drapes and, but first he ha too tear a bird from his shoulder. '' Are all these animals really necessary ? '' Sea asked while removing a mouse from his hood. '' Why these are all my friends, oh don't worry they won't be a bother '' She replied back holding several squirrels and rabbits. Sea rubbed his head and sat down on the cold wood floor, tired above all things. '' These are some pretty nice digs, if I so say myself '' Said Dash while she touched an ancient vase. '' Please don't touch tha- '' Sea was cut off by the greeting of his master, who looked like he had just awaken. Surprisingly his master met the various animals with open hooves. Sea sat up and held his aching hoof, courtesy of Rainbow dash. Fluttershy smiled back at the master and told him of her animals friends and that they wouldn't be a problem, maybe not for them. The master laughed it off and said everything was alright. '' Did you find your friends my dear ? '' he asked rubbing his fleeting ginger beard. Fluttershy looked down and brought her head back up, feeling impatient Sea answered for her. '' No master only Rainbow dash was at the cottage, the place was abandoned. But I fear are situation is much graver than we had first thought. I have reason to believe that ( he leans in closer ) the Apple is in Ponyvile. And the cult is using it to drain essence out of ponies. And if that wasn't serious enough, the golden hood is back from the dead I fear.'' His blood froze at his words. '' Yeah, I didn't see his whole face but part of it looked burnt, maybe even charred. I was taking them all on until that weird hooded guy used this orb. After that I felt really tired, and I just kinda fell down asleep. But I don't know where the others are, they could be anywhere . '' chimed in Dash propping herself on a wall as not to lose balance. A veil of silence fell over the group as the master thought over the recent news. '' This is grave indeed, your friends are innocent of this battle, but yet that means nothing to our enemies. I fear that they might be using your friends as energy for the Apple, be it magic or not the cultists we have fought for so long may years are preparing for something. I do not know how they found the Apple, it was cast into the deepest part of the sea, far from the hooves of mortals. Wait . . . one your friends is a alicorn is she not ? '' Fluttershy nodded hesitantly. The masters eyes grew wide and then settled. His slide himself into a old leather chair and sighed. '' Sea do you know what needs to be done ? We can not let the apple absorb an alicorn's magic '' the tired master asked. Sea nodded and stepped back towards the door. '' Wait ! '' asked Fluttershy. '' I think I need to come with you, they are my friends '' she said, while putting down her various birds and lizards. Rainbow dash was about about to ask to come along, when she lost balance and fell on the brick floor. '' You go, I will take care of our guest '' said the master as he helped the Pegasus into the infirmary. '' Fine then, stay close and you should be alright. ''. Said Sea opening the cold door, the screeching echoed in Fluttershy's mind and made her shiver. She pondered the situation at hoof and what it meant. Her friends were gone, and were being used as energy farms most likely. The very thought made the timid, reserved Fluttershy roll over in anger. She wouldn't let her friends be used as simple devices. She would do anything to save them, even if it meant facing her fears. As they reared over corner of the river the cottage castigated stretching shadows across the meadow. The bright rays of the sun shinned threw the windows of the lonely home. The smell of the morning dew and the songs of the birds seemed to paint a phony picture of her home, that she would of liked to embraced illusion than face the truth of the matter. But is seemed that her new friend did not share the same likeness for animals, or the beauty of the morning. They creaked the door open and slide threw, the shadows seemed to be more calming than the bright lights of the world. A aching pounding in her head erupted, and she put a hoof to her forehead. The aching in her head grew and grew until it felt like somepony was trowing rocks in her temples. She sat down in her now less than comforting chair and held her head tight. She opened her eyes and nearly feel out of her chair. The room was dark as night and everything had a blue outline. She yelped and closed her eyes tight. She opened them again and saw a golden a blue Sea starring back at her. '' Are you okay ? '' he asked. '' AH ! I can't see ! everything is blue ! '' she said. She could hear Sea laughed a bit and his put a hoof on her shoulder. '' It's okay, just breath and open your eyes. What your experiencing is called eagle vision, it happens to all great assassins. Now calm down and just look ''. He took his hoof off her shoulder and watched as she attempted to see. Fluttershy took a deep breath and hesitantly pried her eyes open. The room shimmered in a blue hue, like outlines in a drawing. She got up and she saw Sea laugh at her surprise. '' Ha ! I told you, now what do you see ? '' he asked as he studied a nearby birdcage. She studied the room and saw the world in a new light. The dark space with the blue aura gave off a certain calmness, and loneliness. Seeing her room in this light made her chuckle a little in awe of the scope. But her gaze snapped towards her fireplace. Gold lettering was etched into it. She gestured towards Sea and he followed her. They knelled down and Fluttershy read it allowed, tho the gold was blinding. '' The old tower in the new city is burning bright, the old stars are out tonight '' she said, contorting her face in confusion. With out thinking she put her hoof on the words and shot back. Blinding images of strange towers and stars raced threw her mind. Smiling pictures of her friend Twilight, turned dark and sad. Various planets of both small and large blew threw her subconscious. Large amounts of stars burned bright in the skies among a grainy yellow moon. The flash show jerked to a large tower that looked dead on top of a hill. Streams of deep fire crawled up the sides and burnt the wood and melted the rusty steal. A burning sensation flowed up Fluttershy's hoof and she pried her hoof of the words and fell back onto the welcoming cold floor. Sea poked her sleeping face multiple times before she sat back up. '' What did you see ? '' he asked '' Ugh, I'm not sure, Twilight and some stars, maybe a building or two. The building looked really old tho, and it had burning, WAIT ! what just happened to me ? '' she asked quizzically. He laughed a great deal as if he knew a secret, tapped her forehead and took a breath. '' It's true that Pegasuses knows nothing right ? What you just experienced was a vision of the past, only the main family's can do that. You should be proud, your ancestors would be. I read it too but I don't know what it means.? '' The brash assassin asked. Fluttershy wasn't one for astronomy, Twilight had shown her a few things but nothing too detailed. But one place that always gave her chills, it was an old tower on the outskirts of Ponyvile, could she really be there ? Among the forgotten stones and wood of that old ghost tower ? '' Are there any buildings that resemble what you saw ? '' Sea asked. '' Um yeah, . . .there's an old observatory on the outskirts of town '' she said, unsure of her answer. Sea helped her up from the ground and dusted her off. '' Good, we should start there '' He said opening the door for Fluttershy. As They exited the grounds Sea looked back at the cottage and froze. A seldom figure stood on the roof, it's face covered by shadows. He picked up pace with Fluttershy to try to get away from the now unwelcoming cottage. The rolling shadows on the meadows did little to comfort Sea as they made there way to an unknown tower. The fog surrounding them sent chills down his spine as he felt the fog starring down at him. Like the night of his fathers death, everything seemed to be moving and the world seemed to be watching. The silence was madding to say the least. He tried to say something to Fluttershy to help his mind but he found that his throat did not yield. He would go mad before they would reach their destination. The grass of the fields stained his boots and the loose raindrops fell on his hood. He stopped dead in his tracks as a screech roared overhead. They stood as still as statues in the cold fog. A eagle flew overhead, flapping it's wings gracefully. The eagle pointed it's auburn eye down at the pair, and starred as he flew threw the fog. They both sighed a breath of relief as their hearts calmed and their blood cooled. An eagle to say hello, or to warn them something. As they neared the hill the fog cleared and seeped back into the valleys. The tower stood still in the gentle breeze, it's wood and stone grey with age. Very much different than the other, more colorful buildings in ponyvile. Sea had seen morticians offices more colorful than this. A large bent telescope jutted out if the roof and sagged towards the gloomy marsh. How old was this place ? certainly not in their lifetimes. They trotted up the broken cobblestone driveway and up the creaky stairs. Sea pushed open the heavy green door and a cloud of dust filled their lungs. Coughing and sneezing they entered the towers lobby and admired the old, grey scheme. This must of been a beautiful place once, brilliant stairs and tall paintings, all aged and frail with mites. Chairs and tables littered the grounds, most of which half buried in the mossy floor. Every inch of the place had a thick sheet of dust, caked on the surface . Sea had light a torch to try to illuminate the room but the darkness was consuming. Flutterhsy would of never set hoof in this place, if her friend wasn't in danger. Sea gestured towards her to come upstairs with him, clearly the decaying wood did not hold her friend. They tip-toed up the ancient stairs and payed that it wouldn't fall under their hooves. They found their way up the stairs and entered the loft which held the rusted telescope. A eerie squawk shot threw the silence and Fluttershy jumped to see what the noise was. The eagle sat on the rusted bronze, starring back at them like a shadow in the sunlight. Fluttershy moved to pet the lonely looking animal until a black sheet ripped behind them. The black sheet that covered the back room was ripped open and fell lifeless to the floor. Twilight sparkle was wrapped in rusty chains, she swayed gentle in the breeze. Sea's hidden blade shot out as the startling image. She seemed to be alive, her skin was a deathly pale violet. Her dull lifeless eyes starred at the moldy floor. Sea stepped forward until a shadow from the darkness shot out and tackled him to the floor. He tried to fight him off but the two rolled around as the wood splintered beneath them. Sea stuck his blade up to the attackers mouth and slashed, but to his dismay his attacker wore and iron mask. The masked figure stabbed Sea's shoulder with a knife, and with anger from the blow Sea threw him off. He stood back up and rushed towards the shade. But the shade kicked his knees and the two fell on each other. The soft cracks of wood eventually evolved into a sicking roar. Two too stopped in mid struggle as the floor fell beneath them. They broke threw the mossy wood and fell into the equally old lobby floor. Fluttershy was about to come and help Sea, But a low growl came form the shadows. She froze at the growl but since it was a growl it could of been an animal that she could tame. '' It's okay I won't bite- '' she cut herself off as a pair of burning orange eyes peeked threw the darkness. She stepped back, but didn't take her eyes off the glowing flames. She had been scared of beasts before but she could tame any animal, or at least that's what she told herself. She raised a hoof to the darkness, to try to calm whatever made the growl. As the beast came closer, large Ivory teeth gleamed in the light. She shot back as a large blue wolf came from the shadows. The beast towered over the small mare, it's fiery eyes burned into Fluttershy's. She Crawled back towards the massive hole, but realized that would do no good. The wolf seemed to have a large heavy looking collar strung around it's neck it read, " Moon ''. The wolf growled and barred it's teeth as it circled Fluttershy, she looked towards her swinging friend and gathered enough bravery to crawled towards the beast. Sea threw off the attacker and stepped back, his blade dulled by the iron. They circled around each other, flexing their blades in the sunlight. His shoulder was dislocated form the fall, luckily it wasn't his blade arm. Despite his injury he mimicked the shads movements well, but not perfectly. With the pain in his shoulder reminding him of the disadvantage he decided to lunge. He slashed at the shads iron mask, but it simply slide off. The shade kicked him in his stomach and Sea doubled over and the shade stabbed him in his injured shoulder. Sea tumbled over on his side and slide away from from the mask. He lunged his blade at him but found that the blade was gone. The shade twiddled the glade in his hoof and quickly threw it aside like a piece of trash. Sea barred his and furrowed his brow, seeing no other way out he leaped towards the iron mask. But his attack was cut short as Fluttershy, who was riding a giant blue wolf rammed into the mask sending him onto ground. '' Oh sorry about that ! it's really hard riding a wolf '' she said putting up a worried smile. Sea starred at his rescuer, a shy, calm, and reserved mare who was riding a giant blue wolf. Who was really the caretaker of the other ? The shade propped himself up and laughed, he laughed a great deal. He took a thick black box out of his vest and laughed more, almost like a hyena. He pressed the grey button and ran from them. Perplexed Sea tried to follow him but the observatory shook and a loud boom erupted in their ears. The walls of the tower were crawling with flames and smoke. The wolf picked up Sea by his scruff and threw him on his back. Fluttershy tapped the wolfs side and the beast raced threw the burning wood and melting metal. With a quick snap of his teeth the wolf broke Twilight's chains and the mare fell in Sea's injured hooves. Explosions blew threw the tower and under from under the wolfs paws. With quick thinking Fluttershy gestured the wolf to jump out of the exposed gap in the wall, the party dived into the murky swamp. > Chapter 5 : The Diamond In The Water > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not everyday that you see three ponies covered in mud, while ridding a giant blue wolf threw the marshes of Ponyvile. And A sight it would of been. Their new friend, the wolf called Moon raced threw the fields of grain and rye. Even with the giant beast carrying the trio, Twilight barley held onto what little life force she had left. Sea felt her head and she was deathly chill, like a corpse in a freezer. Whatever the cultist had done too her was long devastating. But the riddle, even if you could call it that seemed far too easy. Well it would of been difficult for Sea because he did not know this land like Fluttershy did. Sea glanced over from Twilight towards the determined looking Fluttershy, she looked completely different than she had did before. Her pink hair, flowing in the autumn breeze, her crystal blue eyes were fixed towards the direction of the sanctuary. He had felt his heart pounding again, but that was over taken by the pain in his shoulder and the dying Twilight. The wolf jumped across the hill and landed in the water next to the gate. Sea bite Twilight's scruff and hauled her over his other shoulder. Fluttershy helped them inside the loud, but welcoming home. The master and Rainbow Dash sat across from each other, boasting who was the fastest. Their jaws dropped as the saw the injured crew stumbling in. The master helped the freezing Twilight as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy helped carry her. The master brought warm towels out and Fluttershy tried to sooth her friends chilling head. Both did little to help the poor mare. While all this was going on his brother came out from the infirmary carrying tonics and pills. Stonewall took her temperature and poured a dark green liquid down her throat and within moments she started choking and coughing. Her eyes still sat stiff, but a little color returned to her coat. Stonewall shifted around in his medic bag and seconds later he gently pushed a purple pill down her throat and sat back. He sat back and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Twilight shifted in her catatonic state, and his brother put his ear to her chest. He smiled a curling grin and stepped back. '' Don't worry, her magic has been severely drained, I'll need to do extensive treatment more later. But for right now she needs rest. '' Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hugged Stonewall tight. Sea shot a jealous frown but quickly found himself again. His brother trotted over to Sea and grabbed his hoof, twisting it back in place. Sea yelped and shot another dirty look at his brother, Stonewall just winked and helped Twilight back in her room. He was saved by Fluttershy and now his brother fixed his arm all in one night. What an Grand Assassin he was for sure. He angrily shoved off his brothers help and guided himself into his room and shut the door behind him. He threw his armor on his bed and with immense vitriol he bite down on a leather bound book, making his teeth quiver. Regretting his anger he sat the book on the table gently and blew out the candle . . . Sea awoke in a hot daze, with his brother starring down at him. He wiped his head and threw on his cloak and walked out into the artificial light of the chamber. The chamber was barren, even the master was not in his library, odd that. Clumsily he sank into a dinning chair and rested his shoulder. The embarrassment of the night past still fresh in his mind, like a scar. He hadn't been so humiliated since the his father died. But at least they had found Fluttershy's friend, but still who was that shade ? He moved like a dove, even with that iron mask on. Sea doubted that it was really iron, maybe steel or other . . .The mask was far above even Sea's skill set it seemed, and this boiled his blood. He decided to stop sulking alone like a brat and join the living, or at least he hoped his guest was alive. He limped to the back room where Twilight was being held. He felt like he had walked into a barnyard. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sat around the sleeping Twilight as birds chirped and cats meowed. Sea pressed himself against the wall and the mares looked back to see who it was, he calmly waved his hoof. They said hello and went back to caring for their friend. Color had returned to Twilight's face, and she seemed to be sleeping well, and above all breathing. Twilight's eyelids fluttered and then her eyes popped open in a fearful haze. Sea's body shimmered purple, not knowing what was going on his body slammed on the wall and then plummeted on the cold floor. And of all things on his injured shoulder. '' Your awake ! '' screamed Twilight's friends. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hugged their newly awakened friend. Twilight held her friends as well and a smile crossed their faces, at least Fluttershy wasn't alone anymore. Sea picked himself up, counting his teeth and holding his nearly crippled hoof. The hug that they shared escalated so much that the area around them shook with happiness. Sea managed to scrap himself off the floor and hugged the wall for aid. '' I'm sorry to interrupt by there are more pressing matters at hoof, can you tell us what happened ? '' Sea asked, feeling the scowl of Rainbow dash. The group settled and Twilight gathered her thoughts. She took a moment to fix her self and she sat up in the bed. '' Well not much exactly, after you took Fluttershy something washed over us. We tried to fight it but we fell down asleep, who were those guys ? they had on weird masks and hoods. I don't know how I ended up in that observatory but I remembered feeling hollow and cold. And sorry for that incident back there, I thought you were one of the hooded guys '' she smiled and Rainbow Dash laughed. '' It's alright, just don't do it again. The order and I have reason to believe that you, along with your friends are being used to summon a great evil that this land has never seen before. '' Sea said, rushing his words. Rainbow Dash and Twilight just starred at awe at him, he couldn't be serious right ? '' The group you encountered were called the shadow of Tirek, and they have a ancient device that if powered properly, could bring even Celestia to her knees. And where you are right now is the last sanctuary of Assassin order . . .and Fluttershy's family is one of the founders . . . Annnnnnnd were trying to save your friends . . . . . .from being used as energy sacks. '' he gave a weak smile to try to soften their wide eyes. '' What in the . . .'' Twilight managed to utter. '' So, please get comfortable, your gonna be here for awhile. And Flutterhsy check Twilight's forehead. '' He patted the wall next to him to try to escape the awkward silence. Quizzically Fluttershy put her hoof to her friends head and saw nothing. She looked back to the swaying Sea and he shook his head at her mistake. Remembering the burning pain from the last time she used ' eagle sight ' she hesitated. Could she even do it again ? it just popped out of nowhere. But if it meant finding any of her friends she would have to try. She held her breath and thought deeply on her new found power. She opened her eyes, and like in her cottage everyone and everything was covered in blue line work. With Twilight looking perplexed by her friend, Fluttershy touched her friends forehead. Bizarrely stretched across her forehead were the words, '' A diamond of flesh among chilling waters, in a forest of stone ''. A blinding flash of forest life crawled around her vision. The calming picture grew bright as a blinding light filled her pupils. Her gaze was set upon a cold weary tunnel, the tunnel was covered in a murky mist that shinned colors on the ceiling. Fluttershy suddenly felt a thick choking feeling in her throat , like water was being forced down her throat. She coughed and gagged and she tore her hoof off her friends and fell back down again. Rainbow helped her friend up and she held tight on Twilight's bed. '' What did you see ? I was unable too '' Said Sea, worried that Fluttershy did not see the vision either. '' Uh, a cave or a tunnel in a forest. There were lots of water and mist, and colors too ''. Fluttershy said while breathing heavily. '' Do you mean the Ever Tree Forest ? '' asked Twilight. '' Yeah, I can see it so clearly, I think I know where the tunnel is ''. Fluttershy said feeling much better now. '' It's decided then, lets depart ! '' said Sea eager to get out of the cramped space of this room. '' Now wait just a second ! You can't take Fluttershy into something that could be so dangerous '' said Rainbow dash raising her hooves in the air. Rainbow got up to go with them, but her weak knees said otherwise. She plummeted to the floor like a rock. Sea and Fluttershy helped her back into her chair. '' Sorry about this ladies, ( points at Dash ) you can't walk, ( points at Twilight ) and you can't even get out of bed. I'd rather take an inexperienced worry wort than a cripple . '' Said Sea, his words hitting hard on the group and Fluttershy sank in her chair. Not realizing what he said he quickly apologized and bite down on his lip. Fluttershy said goodbye to her friends and Dash shot the evil eye at Sea. Sea shot the same unpleasant look back towards Dash, They made their way out of the gate and Sea locked it tight behind him. A smiling wolf greeted them outside, his heavy collar long gone thanks to Fluttershy. She petted his long coat and Sea helped her onto Moon's back. They rode off from the sanctuary and gazed into the setting sun. Sea felt remorse for his harsh words and angry exterior. He tired to apologize to Fluttershy but lashed out in his mind, thinking that apologizing would do no good. For the rest of the trip Fluttershy rode in silence as Sea twiddled with a lighter. His consent errors and mistakes were making him go mad, and Fluttershy's silence did little to lift his sprites. But alas his arrogance knows no bounds and he constantly had to watch himself around others, his personality could be . . .engulfing. The mood of the trio suddenly took a dark turn as they entered the forest, the moon clashing in the sky above. Fluttershy suddenly grew reserved as they rode about. Sea wanted to comfort her but found that that was probably not the best idea. He had to quell the thumping in his heart. Fluttershy looked towards the night and held tight as Moon howled at the sky. Fluttershy shivered at her echoing call. The forest was unwelcoming and Fluttershy thought twice about her decision, and then shamed herself for one of her friends was lost in this forest. But she knew the way. She felt a strange connection to Sea, she could sense his movements and hear his breathing, even from afar. He seemed to be alright most times, but he was in a fiery mood because she saved him. She congratulated her self, she did it so rarely and it felt good when she did. But she hoped that he wasn't mad at her, he had been distant the whole way. Her thoughts were quickly dashed as Moon tipped over onto a rock. The wolf howled and Sea was thrown from the saddle and onto the rocky earth. Sea held his shoulder and charged whatever hit them, but there was nothing but darkness. Fluttershy helped Moon get back on her feet. A haunting shadow fell over them as the moon disappeared over the tall trees, Fluttershy held tight on Moon's shaggy fur. She darkness us was engulfing, she could not see two hooves in front of her. Fluttershy heard wrestling in the distance, it seemed that Sea was fighting somepony. She heard a sicking crack and felt somepony grab her. Paralyzed with fear she could not move and she was thrown into a cave. A thundering explosion erupted behind her and something smashed against her head. . . . Fluttershy picked her self up from the chilling puddle of water and gathered her thoughts. She felt her head and her hoof grazed over a giant bump protruding out form her temple. She felt it again and nearly fainted at it's size. She picked herself up from the blue water and looked around the caves walls. Every inch of the walls were covered in diamonds that illuminated in various colors and shades. She looked around in awe at the beauty of the place, the colors shinned on her face. She looked behind her and the entrance was sealed by a boulder with a smiley face crudely drawn on it. Where was Sea ? Where was Moon ? Why were the attacked ?, and most importantly why was this face on this boulder ? It looked liked something Pinkie Pie would draw if she had too much coffee ( Please don't tell her, Pinkie is very self conscious about her coffee consumption ). She felt her wound again and decided to press on threw the diamond cave. Even the stalagmites and stalactites were made form the valuable rock. Water that went up to her knees filled the corridors, and little fish swam by her hooves. The clear blue freshwater pressed itself against her coat and made her freeze every time she stepped forward. She thought to herself that Rarity should NEVER step hoof into this place for she would really have a heart attack. After a few minutes of tugging threw the water and wondering the endless diamond hallways, something caught her eyes. A shapeless form flickered in the the corner of her eye, when she turned to meet it. It had faded behind a distant corner, with a laugh too boot. She had stepped back and thought to herself on what to do. Finding no other solution she gathered enough bravery and followed the shade. The maze of diamonds twisted and warped without mercy. Long hallways became cramped, clustered deadens. The shade did not increase or decrease it's speed, only laughed at Fluttershy's expense. She walked, then trotted, and then ran too try to catch her shade friend. As she made her way threw the diamonds got sharper and grew longer and thicker as she descended. Soon green, blue and pink spears jutted out awkwardly threw the walls. She had to clamor over them to try to meet the shade pace. But as soon as she drew near the shade simply extended the tunnels to meet it's goals. Fluttershy had finally managed to lay a hoof on it's wispy shoulder. When she had done that The stone under her hooves rotted away and she fell a long way. She looked beneath her and saw that she was falling next to a waterfall. A waterfall that was much taller than Canterlots. She tried to flap her wings but found out that she was already in the water. She picked herself up from the icy water and crawled towards a very out of place bench. A red-wood bench with a purple seat pillow. It looked very inviting but she doubted it's reality, who would put a expensive looking chair in a twisting, winding diamond cave system ? Exhausted form her running, and her quick swim, she crawled towards the safe looking furniture. She was about to touch the royal silk as two apparitions appeared, sending Fluttershy back. Two little filly's were playing with dolls and toy houses. They were dressed in old Victorian ( well as much as Equestria could get ) bonnets and skirts. They started to get into a fight about who would be in the mansion till a voice called from the background. '' Oh girls ! it's getting late ! '' called a stallion in a hood as he came into view. He helped them into the house and the filly's vanished into mist. The Stallion sighed and sat on the chair, stretching his bones and picking up one of the toys. He studied it for awhile and then smiled at it's craftsmanship. With his smile gone he sat the toy down and pulled something from his robe. A glowing orb that resembled the description Dash gave. A golden aura circled it, infecting the light around Fluttershy. The stallion starred deeply into it and his mouth curled into a sickly grin. He quickly snapped back to his usual self and shoved the apple into his coat. He cleared his throat and stood up, looking at something far in the distance. He shot a worried glance at the invisible ground and turned his head to a call of a mare. '' Hawk ! '' The scream echoed in Fluttershy's mind and she held her head tight. The stallion who was her ancestor shot up with a angered brow and ran off into the distance, fading away. She listened to the flowing water of the waterfall. Then silence. She looked up towards the diamonds around her, they seemed dull and grey. '' AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !! '' A rupturing scream busted threw her ear drums and she fell to the cold, rocky ground. Then silence . A nearby wall opened to reveal a passage way, crawling up from the ground she followed soon after. Sea awoke upside down on a boulder, his spine contorted into a sicking curve. He pried himself off and rolled over onto the ground. His shoulder made a sicking crack as the chilling water met his coat. Angered he looked up to his surroundings and starred. Rows and rows of fluorescent diamonds covered the walls like paper. He went to touch them but drew back, the diamonds were sharp like razors. He cursed the diamonds and decided to press forward and try to find his novice friend. His eyes strained as the diamonds twisted and contorted around him. He starred at the murky water that surrounded his knees. Murky water of mud, even tho the bottom was rocky stone, just some more good luck. He thought ironically to himself. He wondered where his friend was, tho she wasn't a very good assassin he still cared for her. He debated what kind of feelings he felt deep down, the thoughts made him angry and frustrated. His mind drifted to how calm and collected she was, and how caring she was. The thought made his heart soften and dip. He wished he could stay in the moment longer but other things begged for his attention. So much that a diamond slapped him in the face. Sea rubbed off the stinging pain and starred at the strange rock. Did this rock just slap me ? he asked himself, rubbing his light cut. Something poked him in the back and turned to meet another silent diamond. He ground his teeth and bite down hard on his lip. He sped up his pace, delving deeper into the spiky maze. His thoughts drifted to Fluttershy again till something jutted into his . . .nether regions. His fell to his knees and his face scrapped against the rough diamond. He crawled out of the foul water and started to run towards the various hallways and corridors of this cave. He could hear cries of laughter behind him but he ignored it. Biting down on his lip to bleeding point. The whispers seemed to be crawling on the walls now, sending messages into his mind. '' Ha ! do it . . .you need to do it ! . . . to kill . . .that's who you are Rust-wood ! '' The voices loud and distorted, now ringing in his ears. He swiped them away hopelessly with his hooves, which resulted in more scraps and scratches. Sea yelled for them to go away and to stalk somepony else, but they did not obey. His hooves were suddenly pulled out from underneath him and he fell into the murky water. He flapped his hooves around but nothing happened, the diamond walls giving way to endless brown water. He felt a sicking chill in the water as images of the night his father died raced in his mind. The brown water flowing in his mouth and down his throat. He frantically waved his hooves in the now jelly-like substance. Like that fateful night he decided that this was his time, at least he had met Fl-. Something pulled him up threw the paste. A faceless- hooded figure, standing tall as he helped Sea. The shadow lifted Sea up and rested himself on an island of rock. Sea grabbed the stallions cloak and held on for dear life. Eyes of purple looked gently down upon him. With the eyes starring soothingly at him, Sea's hoof fell by his side. The hood nodded and faded away like a ghost. Sea, defeated but strangely content let the silence lift in into a calm state of ecstasy. '' Sea ? '' Said Fluttershy shaking him awake. Sea shot up and griped Flutterhsy tightly. The site of her made tears well in his eyes. Perplexed and with red cheeks she hugged him back, as to help him feel better. The two embraced for a few seconds and let go, with Sea recovering his thoughts. He wiped his head dry and thanked her for helping him awake. Still perplexed she said that everything was quite alright and she helped Sea up form the chilling blue water. The pair was in a grand chamber, complete with three waterfalls and a giant pool in the center of the Diamond room. The pair studied the room and Fluttershy made a chilling discovery. A old looking metal box was tethered on a pole overlooking the deep purple pool. The box gently swayed as it suddenly dropped into the water. Feeling a sudden burst of bravado Flutterhsy raced towards the box and dived into the water. Stupefied Sea raced towards her and dived into the unearthly freezing water after her.