> Mantle of Responsibility > by The-DerpSide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Becoming a Didact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh Spike, you never know the feeling of unrequited love! Of" Rarity started to say, but was cut off when Spike spoke up. "You know what? I'm done." "Wait what?" She asked, utterly confused. "Oh I know the feeling of unrequited love very well apprently, you blind fool! And you know what? No More! I'm done with you!" He said, turning on his heel and exiting the building and Rarity stood there utterly confused at Spikey-Wikey's words. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Stupid mare....all the hours I wasted for her....I even let her use me as a pin cushion for buck's sake!" Spike said as he wandered on the outskirts of Ponyville. "I should have seen it coming." He said, kicking a rock, "I should have pined after someone else...." His words trailed off as the rock bounced off a metal object and it lit up with blue lights streaming through the metal. Silently approaching the object, Spike stiffened and held his breath-as if a gust of wind would make it explode. Once he was at the object, nothing happened, except for a button lighting up. Curiosity overriding his cautiousness, he pressed the button and a blue light blinded him. When he could see again, he was in a strange blue room....and he was not alone. There was an alien figure in white clothing and extremely pale skin. She had a human-like build, except for her elongated fingers and her "nose" was composed two snake-like slits. The whites of her eyes were black and her hair was grey, going into a curl at each side of her head. "Welcome, young one." She spoke with a soothing voice. "We are within my realm. Who are you, and what is your species? I am afraid I have not quite seen a species like yours." "I'm...Spike. I'm a dragon....and who and what are you?" Spike said, eyes, gazing around the room. "I am known as the Librarian, I am one of the last Forerunners. We have cared for the galaxy for many generations, and where life exists, our knowledge lives on." She said, pulling up floating screens, "Currently we have become data, and this we can talk without fear of discovery." For some reason, the fact he wouldn't be found comforted him. No chance of running into Rarity. No lecture from Twilight. Just him and the Librarian....maybe for once, he could finally vent his feelings. "I wish I was so sure of my identity." Spike said, gaining the Librarian's attention, "I am a dragon, and yet do not fit in with them because I do not follow my instinct of greed. I live with ponies and follow their lifestyle, and yet....I do not quite fit in because, physically, I am a dragon. I cannot soar and thus do not fit in with Griffins. I am relatively intelligent and thus am not like Diamond Dogs-even though I like gems like they do....though because I am a dragon it is because I eat them....Finally, I am not extremely strong physically and thus do not fit in with the Minotaurs. At times, I feel like I am a living outcast." "All life has meaning." The Librarian said, as seats emerged from the ground. "Now....tell me about yourself." This was finally Spike's chance to vent his feelings. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// When Spike finished his tale, he glanced around. How much time had passed. "I must say, you have endured a long time, a lesser being would have given up long ago." The Librarian said, "In a way you remind me of a Reclaimer I met....I believe his name was John. One of those who fell was a Forerunner himself. He was known as the Didact. He became obsessed with having our species live forever. He experimented on humans, trying to find a way to turn them to data and back...his experiments...created only abominations. Luckily, very few remain....and I give control of them to you." With flashes of light, twenty metallic beings with glowing yellow-orange eyes and lights appeared. They had long arms and legs, holding a thick metallic glowing gun in their right hand and their left was attached to a glowing orange blade composed of hard light. Their backs were covered by metal that looked like the shell of a beetle. "These are known to many as Promethean Knights. They were once humans....and this is what the Didact's experiments turned them into." She said, as she started pressing a few things into the screen before placing a hand on Spike's chest. Before he could ask what she was doing, his body was assaulted by excruciating pain, causing a loud roar to escape his maw. Bones snapped, muscles stretched and scales tore off and regrew. Finally, the whites of his eyes turned black. "What...did you...is that my voice?!" Spike said, finding his voice to be deeper. "This is your true age. What you are meant to be. I have reworked your genetic makeup so you never succumb to your greed once again." The Librarian said, as Spike stood up and a body suit covered from his toes to just below his head. "You can remove that with a thought...but...with it on." She said, as metal plates with glowing green lines covered most of the body suit and a helmet appeared by floating metal plates over his shoulder. It slid over his head and pieces of metal extended, covering the bottom of his head below his chin. Two long weapons slowly assembled themselves and merged into his armor-storing themselves. "From what you tell me, there is very little defending your planet. Thus, I have reworked these weapons to never run out of ammunition and your suit...." From Spike's wrist armor, blades of hard, green light emerged before retracting. "This is highly advanced Forerunner Combat Skin. The Mantle of Responsibility of your planet falls to you, the one who found the last piece of Forerunner technology on your planet. Protect your planet's knowledge and peace, lest everything be lost." As the room started fading-along with his Promethean Knights, the last words of the Librarian echoed in his ears. "From this day forward, you are the Didact of Sacrifice" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Emerging from the light with his knights, Spike removed his helmet and gazed upon the deactivating Forerunner device when he heard a familiar voice. "That light came from this way!" "Rainbow Dash...." Spike said, as the Promethean Knights moved around him in a protective circle. Their stance finished just as six mares he was very familiar with entered the clearing. "What are these things?" Applejack asked. "OH! Maybe they're protecting something!" Pinkie Pie's hyperactive voice yelled out. "But what would they protect?" Rarity asked....oh there was that mare he didn't want to deal with. Yet, he knew he had to avoid a fight. The death of the Elements of Harmony would not be good for this planet. "Stand aside" He commanded and the Knights stood as straight as they could before the ones in front of him stood to the side, revealing him. ".....Spike....." Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Ponyville, said in a soft voice, looking up to gaze upon him the same way she had to gaze at Princess Celestia. "The Mantle of Responsibility to care for this planet has fallen to me by the Forerunners. I am....the Didact of Sacrifice!" Spike said, placing his helmet back on and walking up to the six mares. As tall as Spike was, the Knights were even taller, standing about two hooves taller than him. Some held their gun up and others brandished their blades. "Didn't I tell you to stand down!" Spike yelled at them, and they lowered their weapons. "Didact of....Sacrifice?" Fluttershy's quiet voice asked as she gazed up at him-wings locked to her sides. Spike's gaze went to Rarity and the glowing, green lights over his eyes reflected off her blue eyes. "I had sacrificed much for you, and I was a fool for doing so. My past is now my title. I am the sword and shield of this planet. As long as life, knowledge, and peace exist, I am doing my job." With that, he brushed past the six mares and the Promethean Knights followed him. Twilight's gaze followed them, and she felt unsure on what to do. Maybe Princess Celestia would know.....but how would she send express letters without Spike's magical fire? > Of Shield Worlds and Knights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So far the most popular choices are Moondancer, the "dragoness", and Luna. However, I must say that some questions have entered my mind after I opened the poll, and I raise those questions to you. For Princess Luna, while she and Spike do share the desire to be loved, how could the pairing be carried out without running into "story-breaking" problems. As bearer of Equestria's "Mantle of Responsibility" (aka, the caretaker of life on the planet), his relationship with Luna might lead to revolts. Each Princess rules over something specific. Twilight and Ponyville, Celestia and the day, Luna and the night, and Cadence and the Crystal Empire. Now what will happen if the "night" suddenly got a prince/king and the day didn't? There might be ponies who will take that as the "night encroaching on the day once more" and lead to civil war. How could that be avoided? I can understand putting down small uprisings, but a civil war amongst the ponies will lead to other species going out of balance.....for example, the Griffons, Minotaurs, or-most likely-Changelings would invade. Then True War would break out. For the Dragoness, I went and researched the My Little Pony wiki and discovered something horrifying. Spike is the only dragon to be on "friendly" terms with ponies. As bearer of Equestria's "Mantle of Responsibility", he would have to deal with all of Equestria's species...except his "significant other" would not even be able to tolerate. Also, they do not mention the parenting habits of "wild" dragons. I watched the dragon migration episode....there was an adult dragon with his coloration, and another adult with his green fire. It is likely they are his parents...or even his relatives. Yet, they did not even acknowledge him. This raises alarming questions. Do they abandon their eggs after laying them (What would that do to Spike?! "Here's our child. Bye!"), or do they wait until they hatch, raise them to "baby" forms (like Spike was in the show), and THEN abandon them? Either way, it may turn Spike into a villain, which is what I'm trying to avoid. I may remove the dragoness from the poll if that is the case. Also, each comment requesting a Spike x Dragoness story gets a negative vote for some reason....I'm defiantly not doing it. Don't worry. IF (and that's a big if) I have to remove them for these huge plot issues, I WILL DO A SPIKE X LUNA AND A SPIKE X DRAGONESS PAIRING STORY! For instance.....I am currently planning on one where Spike is modeled after a "good" (or Anti-Hero) Version of Final Fantasy's Sephiroth. THAT WILL be a Spike x Dragoness story. As for the Infinity, Equestria isn't in the Milky Way Galaxy. Anyways, I've gotten that off of my chest. ON WITH THE STORY! Spike wandered across pathway with his Promethean Knights, deep in thought. Before becoming the Didact of Sacrifice, there were many things he did not question about his planet. Luna made the night sky and raised/lowered the moon, while Celestia raised the sun. Now, he was questioning how they could do that. According to the Librarian, no creature in the galaxy had that much control of the celestial bodies surrounding the planet without ill effects. Such as throwing the very climate and weather off balance, and horribly altering the gravity of the planet. Also, living beings could not live in the vacuum of space without protection, and Nightmare Moon DEFINITELY did NOT have a climate suit on when she was banished to the moon. Even if within the moon, how was she not crushed? Or survived without oxygen-which was ponies needed to breathe? Spike had only one conclusion, based on the presence of Forerunner Technology hidden on the planet. Equestria was a Forerunner "Shield World". A Shield World was basically what it sounded like: a world that was protected in a planet-sized shell or weapons/star-ship cache, and were protected from the Halo array should they be fired. One of the well-known Shield World was the Ur-Didact's prison: Requiem. It had an artificial moon, sun, and stars. While the stars had matching constellations to the galaxy outside it, the other stars could be altered, making the night darker or more beautiful. The idea that Spike came up with was that this was a shield world outside of the Milky Way Galaxy-the Forerunner's former home- since (according to the databanks in his suits ancilla-or artificial intelligence) there were no matching constellations to the Milky Way Galaxy. However, since it was not used (with nearly all the shield worlds being abandoned due to The Flood learning their locations), the artificial sun and moon controls may have rotted from misuse. Celestia's magic was tied to that artificial sun and she could control it with her magic. The same could be said for the artificial moon and night sky and Luna's magic. That also would explain how Nightmare Moon was able to survive on the moon for a thousand years. However, this was all speculation. As the Didact of Sacrifice, he could not afford to waste time with mere speculation of a history long past. He had a job to do caring for life on the planet. Currently, he was searching for more Forerunner artifacts. While the Librarian had initially mentioned that it may be the last piece of Forerunner Technology, he believed that it was technically the last piece of technology that led to her. He could sense it-barely-and his suit's ancilla was greatly aware of more Forerunner technology around him. Spike was afraid of something....what the Librarian did to him. He wasn't the same species the Forerunner's heirs were:human. In order to make him immune to the Composer, she would have to make great alterations to his genetic makeup. The same could be said for "removing his ability to succumb to his greed". "Warning: Forerunner Technology detected 400 yards to the East." His suit's ancilla spoke up within his suit. "Guard me. Do not use lethal force, but don't let anything near me." Spike spoke up to his Promethean Knights. 'Ancilla, scan my genetic makeup. I want to know why I can use Forerunner Combat Skin.' Spike thought, the armor sending the relay to his ancilla. "Scanning: Genetic matches found." "Matches?" Spike whispered. "Genetic makeup of Didact of Sacrifice has three matches. 95% match with species known as 'dragons'. 1% match with species known as 'Unicorns', and 4% match with Foreruner Species." Forerunner....the word echoed throughout his mind as he stopped completely in his tracks. She had changed pieces of his genetic makeup to match with the Forerunners! 'Well' Spike thought morbidly, 'That explains why the whites of my eyes turned black like the Librarian's'. Shaking his head to clear the morbid thoughts of being part of the very species that wiped out all life in the Milky Way Galaxy in order to starve a parasite known as The Flood, he continued on towards the Forerunner artifact. Well, they had restored the primitive species afterwards, but it still did not sit well with Spike. They had committed a great crime in his eyes, and he was tasked with making up for it on this planet. There were no humans to take control of the Mantle of Responsibility on Equestria, and the Shield of the Shield World would only open in the presence of one....the presence of a Reclaimer. Approaching the location, Spike was startled to find a pony-sized cylindrical pillar covered in vines and leaves. Ripping them off, he place an armored hand on a panel, and a section above him opened up, revealing the Forerunner glyph for "Reclaimer". After it appeared, a pillar of light shone into the sky and multiple screens appeared. Downloading the data into his suit's ancilla, he turned to see the six mares he had lived with before his ascension being cornered by the Promethean Knights. "You again." He growled out, glowing gaze staring into their souls. "Spike. Please, come home." Twilight said, as the Knights gazed at her with their heads tilted in confusion. "I'm afraid I cannot. Not yet." Spike said, "As Didact of Sacrifice, I must care for all life on this planet. Before I can 'return home' as you call it, I must gaze upon each species on this planet and reactivate the protections on this planet." "What?! Alone? No way!" Rainbow Dash said. "I will not be alone. I have my Promethean Knights." Spike said, "They are my soldiers and guardians." "They look more like they are about as strong as a tin can." The rainbow-maned mare said before a Knight stood in front of her, and the metal over it's face split down the middle and opened.... Revealing a hissing human skull covered in orange flames, making all of the mares leap back in fright. "My Promethean Knights were made by one before me, the Ur-Didact. Unfortunate souls to end up trapped within bodies of metal with their original bodies turned into mere data. As the Didact of Sacrifice, caretaker of this planet, responsibility of the Knights fall to me. All I can do is make their existence a pleasant one. Now....don't insult them again." Spike said, as the Scattershot materialized out of his armor. "Where are these defenses? Maybe we can help...if you don't mind...." Fluttershy's soothing voice cut through the tension and one of his knights visibly relaxed. Behind his helmet, Spike smiled at that sight. He knew about that particular Knight. "While you can't help me with my journey, there is something you can help me with, Fluttershy." Spike said, walking up to the mare, watching her tremble in nervousness as he approached. "The Promethean Knight right next to you to your left. Watch after him for me." "What?" All six mares asked in confusion. "That particular Promethean Knight was once a young human colt-no older than Applebloom-who went by the name "Tony" until the Ur-Didact used a device on his hometown that turned him into a Promethean Knight. Without a way to return him to normal and send him back to his planet, he is basically stuck the way he is. Your voice, Fluttershy, calmed him. Perhaps your kindness can heal the emotional scars he has." The Knight in question gazed down at the butterscotch-colored mare with his Scattershot holstered and Hard-Light sword deactivated, glowing eyes gazing down at the mare as if pleading with her. "You poor little foal...you must be so scared." Fluttershy said, her wings flapping lightly in order to lift her in the air and check over the Promethean Knight. "One day, I will return...though don't expect me to drop everything and help you!" Spike said, pointing at Rarity. "Until then...." With the parting words, Spike and the rest of the Promethian Knights vanished in a blue light as they accessed the Terminal in order to teleport. Leaving the mares with one question. "Wait. Did he say 'human'? Aren't they just a myth?" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Within the Crystal Empire, the Royal Couple of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor sat near each other watching over the Crystal Empire..... Or they were, until strange, glowing, orange lines covered sections of the Crystal Palace and strange, giant beings appeared in flashes of blue light, followed by a slightly smaller armored figure-though the smaller figure was still as tall as Princess Celestia. "Get behind me. I'll hold them off." Shining Armor said, standing up and pointing his glowing horn at one of the taller figures. "That won't be necessary. I am not here to fight. I'm only to reactivate the defenses around this place." The smaller figure spoke as his helmet collapsed into smaller fragments and merged into the rest of his armor, revealing a taller version of a familiar figure with his eyes closed. "Sir Spike the Brave?" Princess Cadence asked, "Whatever do you mean 'reactivate the defenses'? Isn't the Crystal Heart the protection? And what is that armor?" "My name is Spike, but my title is more than just 'Sir Spike the Brave of the Crystal Empire'. I am the Didact of Sacrifice. Bearer of Equestria's 'Mantle of Responsibility'. It is my job to watch over the balance of life and make sure knowledge is not lost. As it was for the Forerunners that came before me." Spike said, opening his eyes, revealing his now-black eyes with emerald green irises and black cat-like pupils. "Ah the Forerunners...." Spike said, closing his eyes in thought, "Once they were the guardians of all life that exists. The roots of the very galaxy they lived in grew deep under their care and where life exists, the wisdom of countless generations has saturated the soil." With that he opened his eyes and the helmet reformed around his head. "As for the Crystal Heart...you are partly right. I can be a basic protection device....but it is the power source of the true defenses of this place. Using my Forerunner Combat Skin, I can reactivate these defenses." Spike said, raising his hand towards the Crystal Heart. The Orange lines that had appeared in the Castle seemed to migrate to the Heart before they expanded to the walls of the Empire. From four corners of the walls-North, South, East, and West, tall metal towers rose with orange pillars of light shining into the sky with a floating metal piece hovering above each tower. As this happened, the Crystal ponies panicked and headed towards to tower, each of them yelling and begging whoever was assaulting their home to stop. "Fear not. This is Sir Spike the Brave reactivating our home's defenses!" Cadence yelled out to them in the "Royal Canterlot Voice", making them freeze in their tracks, quieted, and gaze back to the towers. From each section above the wall, a wall of hard, blue light emerged and protected all but above the very top of the empire. Metal pillars rose and attached to the Crystal Palace, and beams of light connected the metal sections around the palace to the towers. "From this day forward, the civilization known as the Crystal Empire is under my protection. So say I, Spike, Didact of Sacrifice!" He declared, before vanishing as strange flying creatures appeared within and around the walls, not bothering anything but...watching...everyone below. His actions would be felt across the planet. The dragons did not care as long as it did not directly affect their hoard-one even tried to "test" these defenses, but he was driven off by those flying creatures with it using "light that hurt". The Griffons and Minotaurs were extremely prideful and found it disgraceful that this "Didact of Sacrifice" gave assistance to another civilization. In their eyes, the only true way to protect their home was through their own strength and military might. When Celestia got word of Spike's newest title, she felt only confusion. Now, to hear that he reactivated an unknown defense on a civilization that had been lost until recently, it was very unsettling. Even Luna was upset and nervous. So when glowing blue lines came to life across Canterlot, the Royal Sisters were very much alarmed. Spike: The Didact of Sacrifice was approaching..... Within the Canterlot Royal Library, a Unicorn mare with white fur, a red mane and tail with purple highlights in them, and a blue bow at the top of her tail was startled from her readings when the inside of the library lit up with the light of the glowing blue lines. Her Cutie Mark was a crescent moon over three stars. Giant metal figures with guns and swords appeared out of thin air, making her back up, and she bumped into another figure, gazing up with her purple eyes into the glowing green eyes of the armored figure. "....Moondancer?" The figure asked as it's helmet collapsed into its armor-revealing an older version of a familiar face. "Spike?" Here is an example of the outside of a shield world-this picture being of the shield world Requiem