> More to Love: A Giantesses Story (Custom Order) > by Ron Jeremy Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- More to Love A Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs Seed Giantesses story A Custom Order from the Vogonverse I let out a breath. It was a hard fought battle, but I had won. This was my sixteenth gaming tournament, and I had won. Weeks of preparing, and it came down to Dante's Inferno. A little thought of Cleopatra in the Lust level gave me small shutter. That level had gotten hard, but not because of the game. Hell, I've beaten Dante's Inferno at least thirty times, and recently I could run through the entire thing, just story line, on Hellish, in just under four hours. The game isn't that advanced or hard, but then again it is a little over forty years old. When they ported it to the console it was one of the first ones everyone went to. It was getting to see the entire seven layers of hell in about as real of a setting as possible. Of course I played through it and I instantly fell in love with Cleo. The thought of a giant woman, truly giant, being able to pick me up, carry be between her... Okay, maybe, just maybe there was a part of me that was weird, but fuck it, we're all a little weird. I checked my account balance and saw that this tournament had finally put me well over my goal. I got half of the entry fee from every person that played, and it was damned near everyone that could afford to play. So, about three hundred million players, a hundred credits to gain entry, and once you were out you were out... Damn... Just that tournament set at being a billionheir. Add the other fifty million credits and I was set on easy street, and it didn't hurt that I was officially an adult. There wouldn't be any clearing this with my parents, no putting this back for college, or paying for a new home that would be trashed like the last one my parents had. No, I was on my own with more than enough money to enjoy the rest of my life in comfort. It felt amazing, it felt fantastic, and it felt a little overwhelming. I needed some downtime, and maybe watching some ponies would help tone down the after game jitters. I flipped over to netflix, pulled my Cutie Mark Crusaders Playlist, and set it random. Babs Seed was the first thing to play. I grinned and watched the episode. I loved watching them, their interactions, the innocence of it. I knew the voice actors had all went on to do amazing things, but the characters were forever stuck as children. That didn't sit right with me. I mean, wouldn't Apple Bloom like to have grown up and found someone? Maybe Sweetie Belle could have become the next Sapphire Shores... Okay, maybe not, but one can dream. I know that Babs would have made an awesome teacher or guard, and I always wanted to believe that Scoots would have made a wonderbolt, and maybe settled down with Spike It could happen. The episode finished, the credits rolled, and then the picture of an giant Anthropomorphic mare strolled across the screen. She picked up what looked like a tiny stallion, tickled him, and then cupped him in her eyes watching him. She looked up and smiled. "You know you want to," she said. Enthralled I reached out with my haptic gloves and touched her. The gloves recorded a soft face and suddenly the entire screen turned a brilliant white. I blinked and looked around the room. It was a complete psychedelic rainbow. In the distance I heard a thundering clop of hooves on a tile surface. A moment later the sound quieted and I watched as an Anthropomorphic Stallion walked up to me. He wore a charcoal gray business jacket, white shirt, and red tie. It was fantastically accented against his chestnut brown fur, and his blond mane was done up to make him look like someone from wall street, or at least a Michael Douglas type of wall street. "Mr. Straton, Tell me, what is your fantasy?" he asked. I laughed, looked around, and wondered if this was a scam. If it was someone had really taken some time to build this thing. "My fantasy is to have four giant mares, and I'm talking giant like fifty foot tall giant, that want to please me," I said. "That's an interesting idea of a fantasy. You do know that the the ponies are herbivores right? It would be hard to keep them fed on a strictly plant diet," he said. "What are you getting at?" I asked. He smiled, pulled a rope next to him and a set of curtains I hadn't noticed until now opened up. behind it was every character from My Little Pony. I could see them all, and I grinned. I walked forward, and looked at them. "Watch," he said. He waved his hand and they all became their anthropomorphic selves. I smiled. "Okay, so what you're selling something like a program?" I asked. "No Mr. Straton, we're selling a living, breathing, and existing fantasy. She, or he, will be real, completely real. She'll eat, sleep, love, and even bleed," he said. I looked back at them. I could see the entire Cutie Mark Crusaders together. The cast made such a way that all four of them were standing right next to each other. I walked forward toward them. "How do I select one?" i asked "Simple, touch and hold," he said. "What if I want more than one?" "Touch and hold all of the ones you want. It doesn't need to be at once," he said. I reached out and one hand on Apple Bloom and Babs Seed, and the other touched Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. All four girls turned into their anthropomorphic selves, opened their eyes, and smiled. "I want to customize them," I said. He stopped what he was getting ready to say and nodded. "I want them to be aged to eighteen years old, I want them to be omnivores, and I want them each to be Fifty Foot tall," I said. "Where do you plan on putting them?" he asked. "I'll find a place. How long do I have?" I asked. "Two months," he replied. "Okay, in a month and a half I want you to send me a link to update the delivery location. I'll have something by then," I said. "Very well Mr. Stration," the stallion said. He disappeared and an anthropomorphic version of Discord appeared. He run four very large UPCs through his cash register and then looked at me. "Normally, I'd say take care of them, but instead... I believe I shall say that you are my kind of insane," he said with a grin. The image ended and suddenly I found myself in the real world. I checked online and saw that a base one hundred thousand credits had been withdrawn from my account, and another six hundred thousand for extreme customization had been withdrawn. Attached to it was a picture of what I could expect. I looked to see the four mares, lying together, sleeping, and completely nude. They hadn't offered clothes, and most likely it was because nothing would be practical. That was fine. I grinned, and I began the search for our new home. > Paradise Found > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- More to Love A Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs See Giantesses story A Custom Order from the Vogonverse Chapter 1 ‘Paradise Found’ The island was beyond beautiful. This was the place where I was going to enjoy being with my giant lovers. Days spent watching them fish, prance around, and do whatever came natural seemed like such an amazing use of the credits I had won from my tournaments over the last couple of years. I walked toward the now standing house I had built. All of the fan fics I loved reading had the idea of herds, and them sleeping together, so it only seemed natural to have a giant bed made. The manufacturing company nearly had a massive coronary when they heard my order, and I’m fairly sure the president of the company was talking about celebrating Christmas early this year. I didn’t care. I wanted my girls happy. The table was another interesting thing. Like the house itself the table and benches around it were carved from the stone in the mountain, and then they were polished until the surface of them shined beautifully. All in all I had ended up spending well over twenty million credits getting everything together. I had left the old military barracks and warehouses on the island. For the most part the buildings were intact, but it was obvious they hadn’t seen a living person inside of them for years. I chuckled at that thought. If everything worked out I may have them some new tenants for them eventually. Well, possibly I would. I looked up into the sky as the sound of helicopters filled the air around me. I watched as four large helicopters, each carrying a large shipping container. The helicopters lowered the containers to the ground, each next to each other, and then the tops to the containers lifted off and the helicopters began flying away. I walked toward the four giant mares sleeping on the padded bottoms of the containers. I had specified no clothes, and that was what they sent me. I studied them, looked them over, and then I saw the first sign of movement. “Ugh… Why does my head hurt so bad?” Scootaloo’s voice boomed. “Where are we?” Sweetie’s squeaky voice boomed over me. “Ah, dun know, but it’s kinda nice. Ah wonder where Applejack and big Macintosh are?” Apple Bloom’s Question practically covered the entire island. I walked toward them, and I could see Babs sitting up and looking around. “Woah, is that one of those breezies?” she asked pointing at me. “It’s small like one of them, but it doesn’t really look like one,” Sweetie replied. “Don’t be afraid little fella,” Apple Bloom said. “How do you know it’s a colt?” Scootaloo asked. “Well, he dun’t look like a filly,” Apple Bloom replied. “Hi,” I said. “He can talk! Oh, he’s just so cute!” Sweetie said picking me up. I looked at her, the smoothness of her fur, the curious, and innocent eyes. “What’s your name?” she asked. “I’m Jacob Straton,” I answered. I felt the wind rushing past me as my face was planted in the smooth fur right above the valley of Sweetie’s breasts. “You’re so adorable!” she squealed. This was it. I could die perfectly happy right now. Or at least I could until I heard another voice. “He’s awfully cute, can Ah hold ‘im?” Apple Bloom asked. Once again I felt myself smooshed between fur covered breasts, and once again I breathed out a sense of contentment. This must be what heaven feels like. After a moment Scootaloo took a turn holding me, and then Babs did. The four of them laid down on their stomachs after they sat me on the ground. I looked at the four sets of eyes watching my every movement. “I’m kinda getting hungry,” Scootaloo said. “Jacob, what kind of food do you have here?” Sweetie asked. “Well, there’s the vegetation on the island, I think there’s some coconuts, bananas, and maybe even a few spots of wild onions. The other option is fish,” I replied. Scootaloo’s mouth seemed to practically water at the mention of fish. “Oh, I haven’t had fish in so long!” Scootaloo sounded so excited. “Ewwwww!”Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs Seed all three said at the same time. “What? I’m a Pegasus, fish is part of our diet,” she replied. “Remind me to never let you practice kissing Pip Squeak on me again,” Sweetie Belle said. “Hey! That was just one time!” Scootaloo shouted. “Gals, please let’s calm down. Maybe fish won’t be so bad,” Apple Bloom said. “I don’t know cous, I don’t like the idea of eating something living,” Babs’ replied. “Ah know, but we’re gonna have ta eat,” she replied. “Cool, I know how to fish. Rainbow Dash showed me once!” Scootaloo said as she wandered into the water. I watched as it began to get deeper and deeper on her until finally she was able to dive completely under the water. At first I wondered what kind of fish she could find that even come close to helping them out. A couple of minutes later I watched as a fifteen foot fish flew through the air, landed on the beach and I could see a giant orange head above water. The smile on her face was beaming with pride. “It’s still wiggling!” Sweetie shouted. “Well duh! you’ve got to thump it a couple of times on the ground!” Scootaloo shouted. “Nope! I’m not touching it!” Sweetie said. “Okay, but if you don’t help with it I can’t guarntee to catch one for you!” Scootaloo shouted back. “Fine!!!” Sweetie shouted back. She walked over to the huge fish, touched it, and it flopped around like fish tend to do. She instantly screaked, jumped back, and the fish almost ended up in the water. Apple Bloom ran forward and grabbed it. She flipped it back onto the shore, but didn’t hold on to it. “Okay, that felt purty nasty,” Apple Bloom said. “Will someone please thump it a couple of times so it will stop flopping?” Scootaloo asked. I watched as Sweetie shook her head, Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, and then she grabbed it and flipped it hard against the beach a couple of times. When she quit it stopped moving. “Ah ain’t sure Ah wanna eat it,” Apple Bloom said. “Well, I’m catching three more, so make up your mind!” Scootaloo shouted. I watched as the minutes rolled by and three more fish were flipped on the shore. Scootaloo came back to the land had what appeared to be a tiny fish in her hand. She dropped the four foot long sea bass in her hand down near me. “There you go little guy,” she said. I watched them, and I looked at the house I had carved into the mountain. There was a well of natural gas that I had piped up to the huge stove I had built. I led them into the house and they looked at it. Scootaloo saw the stove and grinned. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Cooks Yay!” she said. Babs, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom all three did the exact same cheer, and after a few minutes I saw the over sized skillets, bottles of oil, and plates I ordered being used. It was going perfectly, and I just watched the four of them working around the stove. “That fish is smelling purty good,” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah, it smells really good, not as good as an apple fritter though,” Babs replied. “Ah sure would like ta have an Apple Family apple fritter right now,” Apple bloom said. “Well, for the moment let’s have some fish,” Scootaloo said. “I can’t… It was alive, and it feels wrong,” Sweetie said. “Yer gonna have ta eat Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said. “No, it’s wrong… That fish was alive, and it’s just wrong,” she replied as she sat down, and buried her face under her arms.