> Love and Torture > by Harmony771 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In the worst of times > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Angel!" The light yellow Pegasus ran up to the lifeless body of her beloved pet. Tears streaming down the pony's face, shaking her head in disbelief. Thoughts ran through her mind, how did this happen, who could do this thing to such a sweet and innocent animal. She breathed in heavily trying to compose her self wiping away the tears, yes she was known for being weak and shy but she wont cry! At least not yet.. As a group of ponies surrounded her laughing she couldn't keep it in any longer, she fell to the ground sobbing helplessly. As one of the stallions stood next to her and kicked her in the side. "You stupid bitch! Its a rabbit!" As he walked off the others followed muttering to themselves. The now winded Fluttershy held her stomach, as she stood up, this time not trying to hide her emotions she picked the corpse up and carried it home. At this moment something clicked in her mind, she thought to herself, never. NEVER! Will she ever let anypony push her around again, now she realises that everypony didn't care about her, they didn't care, and never would, so she wouldn't care about them. Twilight saw her friend and excitedly trotted up to her her expression suddenly turning grim as she saw the dead rabbit on Fluttershy's back. "Fluttershy.. Wha..what happened..?" Twilight asked trying to stop herself throwing up at the mauled thing on her friends back. Fighting back tears to try and reply Fluttershy spoke as shy as ever. "Those dicks thought it would be funny to trap her under a rock.." Twilight gasped at what had just come from the pegasus' mouth, not once in the whole time Twilight knew Fluttershy had she ever heard her swear.. Or say anything bad about another pony. Her eyes fixed on the body she hadn't realised that they were at Fluttershy's cottage already, as Fluttershy walked in she slammed the door shut stoping the purple unicorn in her track, she turned and left worried for her friend. Twilight approached everypony, she had called a meeting at sugar cube corner, as Twilight looked around the table at the confused faces of all her friends and noticing the empty seat, she coughed and stood straight opening her mouth to speak. "Great were all here, first things fir-" "But Twilight.. Fluttershys not here" Pinkie said, a worried look on her face, her and Fluttershy had always been close, but as friends, not partners.. She had Rainbow for that, but without the small shy little quiet voice behind her Pinkie felt a piece of her was missing, and in fact, the pink pony was quite jealous of the quite life Fluttershy had, Pinkie, although she loved it, wasn't really fond of having to entertain everpony 24/7, nevertheless It was great seeing the smiles of everyone after. Twilight sighed, she knew this was going to happen. She sat down head in her hooves. "That's why I brought everypony here, we have a big problem, Fluttershy is acting strangely ever since Angel died, its been a week now and I haven't seen her at all. With Discord 'reformed' we need to keep an eye on him and be ready to use the elements if we need too, with Fluttershy gone we cant, its dangerous. Not only for her but for the whole of Equestria" Everyone nodded, all except Pinkie who was now thinking on what would happen if her and Fluttershy were locked together in a house for a week, and she started drooling, everyone just passed this as normal and went about their everyday tasks. Pinkie making cupckaes, Twilight studying, Rainbow practicing for the wonder bolts ect. ect... But no pony could get what could have happened to Fluttershy off their mind. Fluttershy hammered the last nail in and stepped back to her admire her work, her room was now bathed with darkness, the only light to pass through were the few small slithers coming through the gaps of the boarded up windows. The room was a mess all the mirrors were smashed and the lifeless bodies of all of her once beloved animals on the floor in one pile in the corner of the room as a loud knocking sound made Fluttershy scream and fall on to her back, as she sat on the opposite side of the door listening intently. "Fluttershy let us in!" a loud voice boomed at her only slightly muffled by the many layers of wood, the only thing to separate her from her friends. Fluttershy instantly recognised the voice as her fellow pegasus Rainbow Dash. "No way, theres no chance I'm letting you in, I'm staying here on my own.." Fluttershy replied, after the incident she has become more confident. "Please Sugar cube" a familiar western voce spoke to her, she shook her head and remained silent. A posh annoying voice came next "come on Darling, were only here to help" Fluttershy groaned "seriously Rarity! I don't even like you! Any of you! Just leave me alone!" Hurt, her friends lowered their heads in defeat and walked away all with different emotions, Pinkie stoped and started running back up and knocking on the door whispering to the pony on the other side, although she wasn't sure whether she was still there, she spoke "if you ever need anything just tell me.." that didn't effect Fluttershy at all, it was the four words that the Party pony said next. "I'm here for you" she bounded off to join the others as Fluttershy sat there shocked a warm feeling in her chest. Confused, since she had never felt that since Angel was killed A deep voice spoke behind her.. "Aw how touching! Almost makes me feel sorry for them" > Theres always Light at the End of the tunnel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A deep voice spoke behind her.. "Aw how touching! Almost makes me feel sorry for them" Discord smiled at the reaction of the pony, as he walked around the room. "I love what you have done with the place Fluttershy! I mean, these smashed mirrors are just lovely" Fluttershy growled, standing up and approaching him. "Discord, get out." "Oh but why my Dear Fluttershy, why would you cast me out onto the streets poor and homeless, all alone, with nopony to care for me!" with a click of his fingers Discord appeared behind Fluttershy holding a mirror in front of her face. " I have always liked you like this anyway" Fluttershy gasped as she saw her own reflection, Dark marks under her eyes, with blood matted in her coat, mane and tail. The sight although shocking, pleased her, knowing the blood was from her animals she had 'dealt with' when she had gotten home that day she chuckled quietly to her self and turned to face Discord. "Oh really, well maybe we should head to the bedroom" The shocked Discord smiled "well sure.." he started to walk towards the bedroom when the next thing he knew he was on the floor Fluttershy stood over him grinning. "Too bad, its never going to happen, now out of my house now!" Discord stood up looking down walking to the front door, quickly looking up and again teleporting behind the Pegasus suddenly rubbing his paw against her clit "so you don't want more of this?" Taken by surprise Fluttershy Gasped, her gasp turning into a moan her wings shoot open as she falls onto her back once again looking up at Discord. "oh okay okay, fine.." Fluttershy mutters between her gasps for breath. A big grin shots on to Discords face, the excited Draconequus then pounced on the expecting pony kissing her whilst also holding her to the floor with his talons. Fluttershy kissed him back invading his mouth with her tongue exploring every inch of the cave, noticing this Discord decided to involve his own tongue fighting back Fluttershys as they kissed. He pulled away causing a loud 'pop' as Fluttershys tongue separated from Discords mouth. He chuckled as he spoke "well that was most inviting my dear Fluttershy" Fluttershy looked up at the King of Chaos sat in front of her. "Yeah, well don't get used to it, its happening this once, and this time on-" Discord Silenced the mare and pushed her gently up against a wall. "Well, best make the most of it then, shouldn't we..?" saying that Discord plunged the tip of his tail deep into the ponies mare hood, pleased at the moans and grunts escaping the ponies delicate lips, he couldn't help but imagine about those lips and tongue serving his shaft. This made arousal grow stronger for the small mare stood before him. His tail buries deeper and deeper into her caverns with each trust. Fluttershy, now flooded with pleasure felt a common feeling creeping up her body, its was the feeling of an upcoming orgasm, her grunt and moans grew louder and more common until her mussels tensed and Discords tail was covered in her mare juices. Discord chuckled to him self "Finished already Fluttershy.. I'm barely even started" The Pegasus looked straight at him with lustful eyes, which shocked him as he realised his erection was growing larger and his shaft started to throb with the anticipation of Fluttershy completely under his control, he had always had a thing for her ever since he changed her personality that first time they met, and now he had complete control and could actually act out his dreams on her, right now, he gulped as the thoughts crowed his mind. In his delusional state he didn't realise that Fluttershy now had him pinned and she was looking at his erect shaft smiling "Oh you enjoyed that almost as much as I did then?" Fluttershy giggled as she took his shaft and slid it into her mouth her muzzle touching is abdomen. Discord groaned and threw his head back not realising there was a wall behind him, as his knocked his head hard. "GOD DAMN IT!" Discord screamed in pain scaring poor Fluttershy half to death as she gaged moving back slightly as she thrusts her head back and forth. Discord rubs the back of his head but stops, and starts moaning quietly as Fluttershy continues gradually getting quicker. Discord, having not had this for a couple hundred years, he wasn't quite used to having somepony service him in this way so therefore felt his Climax approach quicker than it should, he groaned "Flu..Flutershy Im gunna... C..cum" He bit his lip to stop himself shouting out in pleasure as the white liquid shot into Fluttershys mouth as she hungrily swallowed it all and licking off of his shaft. Panting Discord relaxed as he shut his eyes as he fell back Fluttershy falling next to him and doing the same. Opening one eye Discord smiled and quietly stood up hoping not to make the yellow pony suspicious, he thought himself noticing the ponies spread legs looking right at her delicate flower. "she's really made this too easy" he thought as he towered over her as he slowly slides his shaft into her folds. Her eyes widen as his pace quicken not giving the Pegasus a chance to refuse. Unable to speak she moans to show her lover to continue. He Grins again quickening and thrusts deeper as her inner walls tighten, making it more pleasurable for him. Discord moves his paw to one of her breasts and cups it squeezing gently in the hopes of extracting more sounds from her and succeeded a happy look on his face as once again Fluttershys orgasm covered him, causing him self to deposit his seed deep into the mare still thrusting to milk out every last drop. As he pulled out he leaned out to lap up the mixture of Fluttershys and his own juices of the ponies mare hood savouring each lick. "Well my job here is now done" Discord said as he clicks his fingers and Disappears leaving the panting Fluttershy on the floor as she passes out with exestuation.