> Pinkie Pie Impregnates Ponyville or "Satyriasis" > by Appleloosan Psychiatrist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first time in her life, Twilight fell backwards on her bed with another pony hovering over her, grinding their body against hers and breathing wet, heavy groans onto her face. “Pinkie,” she said from underneath her friend, trying to restrain the assault. “You have to calm down.” Pinkie continued giggling, and Twilight wondered if she had even heard her plea. Pinkie kept pushing down on her, pushing her into the mattress as she climbed on top of her, straddling her friend and pushing all the air out of her lungs. Pinkie was a bit heavier than she looked, and she was pudgy to begin with. “Pinkie, please,” Twilight said, gasping. She wasn’t sure she was louder than the laughter. “Pinkie.” She looked up into her friends face but only saw a laughing mouth filled with teeth and cavities. Twilight could almost feel the sticky-sweetness of her breath hitting her face in palpable waves. The mouth shut, and Pinkie’s enunciations became a trail of mumbles. Twilight opened her mouth again to beg the pony riding her to just calm down maybe a little bit and let her catch her breath, but before she could get more than a syllable out Pinkie dove down and smothered Twilight’s mouth with her own, pushing her tongue into her friends mouth. Now, Twilight could taste the sugar. Her first kiss, she blankly considered, as her friends tongue invaded her and pushed its way into every crevice of her mouth. Twilight gave up on her mouth contributing anything to this interaction and started breathing through her nose. Giggles that weren’t hers began to fill her throat. Pinkie’s grinding kept getting hard, and Twilight could feel it – resting, hard and fleshy, on her heaving stomach, rubbing against her coat. She tried, as she stared into Pinkie’s closed eyes, to make some assessment of its length or girth – purely from a detached perspective, of course. Pinkie was grinding so hard so hard into Twilight that she might as well have been humping her. Twilight had to call her back to her sense before it got too out of hand – nothing about this was ideal, but she wasn’t going to let Pinkie Pie decide everything about her first time. Wrestling against Pinkie’s body, she managed, after the wet make-out with her friend had ended and Pinkie began kissing her face and nipping at her neck, to pull her forelimbs out from under the gyrating pink body collapsed on top of her. She grabbed Pinkie’s head on both sides and – by Celestia, Pinkie’s a lot stronger than she thought – tried to pull Pinkie’s head away from her, succeeding only after a minute and only because, it felt, Pinkie let her. Pinkie still struggled against her grip, making it clear how much she wanted to get back to the action. She lifted herself up off of Twilight and finally let her gasp in some air. Her butt was in the air and shaking, making her frizzled tail wag back and forth. Pinkie’s tongue hung out of her mouth as she desperately tried to take in breath – apparently in her excitement the pony had forgotten to breathe. Twilight tentatively let go of Pinkie’s head, flinching as she expected the pony to leap right back to it. When she didn’t, Twilight slid back on her bed a bit, up to her pillows. Pinkie Pie followed her, scrambling up after her. Even though Pinkie was hovering above Twilight now instead of clumsily thrusting against her stomach, Twilight could still feel...it. Just the tip now, just resting towards the bottom of her stomach where her coat was thinner – she felt the vaguely slimy moisture that coated the end, leaking out. It was pulsing and twitching like a heartbeat. Twilight shivered. Pinkie’s eyes were shimmering as she stared down at her friend. “Pinkie,” Twilight began after her breathing finally began to settle. “I know you’re excited. I am, too. But you have to be careful, okay? You’ve never done this before and neither have I. You’re lucky I’m letting you do this, so calm down a bit and take it slow.” Pinkie nodded furiously and started to dive for Twilight’s face again. A pair of forehooves halted her. “I’m serious, Pinkie. I’m in control here. J-just take it slow, please? For me.” Pinkie Pie’s smile fell from a full grin to just the corners of her mouth twitched upwards. She raised one eyebrow and looked down at Twilight. Twilight wasn't sure whether anything she said was genuine or just her idea of a flippant joke. “Oh, Twily. You know I’d never do anything to hurt you. You’re, like, one of my best friends! I’m excited because I know we’re going to have lots of fun together now and you’ve given me this now and now I can see just what a little cutie-pie you are. I know what I’m doing, and I pinkie promise I’ll be super duper careful and not do a thing to hurt you okay? Okay okay?” Twilight stared back at her friend. “Don’t ever call me Twily again.” Pinkie Pie giggled and leaned back down towards her. Twilight raised up, slightly, to meet her this time. The kiss they shared was lighter and calmer than before. Kind of like the salvaged remains of the first kiss Twilight had imagined with some demure stallion years ago – a dream Pinkie subverted and supplanted a few seconds after Twilight made an hesitant suggestion that they make use of the tool Twilight’s errant transmogrification spell had left on Pinkie’s body. She didn’t know if she should regret it, too hard to tell, too hard to think. She’d been thinking about stallions a lot lately and how busy she was and how unlikely it was she was ever going to find someone who cared about her to do this with her but now Pinkie was on top of her rubbing against her did anyone ever tell her her hair smells like bubblegum is it too late to tell her to stop I’m not - “Can I put it in?” Pinkie said, breaking off the kiss and leaning back. Twilight took in a deep breath, and told herself it would be okay. “Remember. Go slow.” Pinkie nodded and looked down between both sets of her legs. She stuck her tongue out as she tried to get some visual guidance for ‘putting it in’. Twilight couldn’t stand seeing her friend be so inconscient about this, this huge act for her, this huge step in her life. She shut her eyes. “I swear, Pinkie. If you hurt me I’m going to take back that thing, and I’m not going to use magic this time.” The tip brushed up against her. She could feel it and heard Pinkie’s tiny gasp when she had found what she was looking for. It pushed up against her, lightly, testing. It was slippery now, and hot, so much hotter than the rest of Pinkie, as hot as the inside of her mouth, burning. Every muscle of Twilight’s body tensed up and she rested her forelimbs against Pinkie’s, pushing onto her friend from support. She felt Pinkie rocking back and forth, rubbing it up and down onto her touching her in places she’d only ever touched to herself in the dark. Celestia, she was big – bigger than Twilight could have thought or dreamed so much bigger than the toy tucked under her bed and now this thing this huge thing was going to be inside of her and Twilight felt Pinkie tense up and plant her hindlegs solidly outside of Twilight’s own and line up and Pinkie was snorting all the breath going through her nose and she leaned back just one heavy thrust is all it’d take Twilight grit her teeth and prepared to suppress a scream that was going to be forced out of her any second counting down internally in her head Pinkie took in a big breath of air and “Wait!” Twilight shouted, opening and her eyes and let a tear roll from them. Pinkie let out an exaggerated groan, “What now, Twilight?” “I...shouldn’t you wear protection? I read somewhere that stallions have to-” Twilight could still feel it on her, down there, throbbing at the same interval that Pinkie’s chest rose and fell as she stared at Twilight, apparently unable to decide on a expression between amusement and frustration. “Twilight, I’ve been filled with lots and lots of these things before and I’ve never been protected. Trust me, it’ll be okay!” Pinkie sat down. It was still hard, still pulsing just resting on there. How could Pinkie just let it sit there like that so close just laying there? Twilight stared down at it. Just inches away, a single thrust from tearing a part of her identity away for ever and replacing, a second from changing and if Pinkie wanted she could hold me down and I couldn’t do anything about it Celestia that’s so “You do trust me, right, Twilight? That’s why we’re doing this.” Pinkie said. To Twilight, it sounded sincere – though, with Pinkie, it’s impossible to know. Twilight somehow tore her eyes from what she was staring at and met her friend’s gaze. Before she could answer, though, Pinkie looked up at the ceiling and brought one of her forehooves under her chin. “Can I even knock you up? I wonder what would happen I mean that’s why I make all the stallions pull out of course. You attached this big thing to me but I’m still a mare, right? I don’t think it works like that. You’re the smart one, Twilight, is that how it works?” How could Twilight answer something like that? She didn’t want to even if she could. Even now she could feel regret seeping in. She had to get this over with or she’d end up hating herself before it even started. “Pinkie, it’s okay. Just, do what you make the stallions do, okay? Pull out before you finish.” Twilight answered, moving her hips slightly; weight and heat of the thing resting on the bottom of her stomach was beginning to become uncomfortable. Pinkie grinned and stood back up, nodding. “Roger-doger, Twi-pie!” She lined herself up properly again, and readied herself. Twilight held onto her friend for support, again. “You better pull out. I’m warning you, Pinkie. You’d better.” Twilight said. “Don’t worry, Twilight.” Pinkie said. She wasn’t even looking at Twilight and gave the reply absentmindedly through clenched teeth as she stared downwards. “I’m serious, Pinkie! I can’t g-” “Shhhh...” Pinkie said, and Twilight did. “It’s going to be okay, Twilight.” Pinkie looked up and into Twilight’s eyes. “Do you wanna watch it go in?” A little tremor shuddered through Twilight’s entire body at that question, and she swallowed back a moan. She’d never felt anything like that. She had no idea what any of it meant, but it felt so good. It provided her response for her. “Yes,” she told Pinkie, sighing as she said it. Pinkie leaned in and gave Twilight a quick kiss on the cheek, then lifted her own body up. The both of the stared down, across their stomachs. Twilight resisted her urge to scramble away as she saw for the first time in stark detail just what was going to happen. How did she manage to make Pinkie so big? It was mottled, just like a proper stallion was supposed to be. Pink near the base, where a set of balls swung, and evening out to a fleshy tone as it got closer to the tip, where, as Twilight could now see glimmering in the faintness of the setting sun, a clear bead of liquid had drooled out and run down part of her length. Twilight held on to Pinkie hard as her friend made diminutive movements forward, until, gently, it parted her lips and Twilight suddenly had a hard time breathing. She couldn’t be that wet already, right? Sure, she was excited about this, but she wasn’t that- Pinkie pushed forward another bit and part of her finally entered Twilight. She saw it go in, saw it disappear inside of her, somehow feeling even bigger than it seemed if that was even possible. Pinkie let out a tiny grunt and continued pushing, tiny tiny pushed, inch by inch getting deeper. “Fuucckkk...” Twilight said, unable to blink as she stared at her own body taking this massive thing inside of it. Pinkie gasped loudly and stopped her movement, looking up at Twilight. “Twilight!” she shouted. “What?” Twilight shouted back, mind racing with a million things that could have gone wrong. “Oh my gosh. You said a bad word!” Pinkie’s jaw hung open. Twilight blinked at her. “What would your parents think?” Pinkie said. “Please don’t bring up my parents right now, Pinkie.” What did Pinkie expect, that Twilight would just remain quiet while she shoved that thing inside of her as far as it could go? What would her parents say if they found out she was using her magic to give her friends dicks and getting fucked by them? What would Dad say if I brought Pinkie home and told them that I- “Can I keep going, Twily?” Why are you asking me that. Why do you keep asking for my permission. “Yes, Pinkie.” Twilight said. Just do it just do it just fucking do it already stop making me say it over and over. “Oh, Celestia…” Twilight said. She closed her eyes again. Pinkie began pushing. Little tiny thrusts, just as she promised. Nice and slow. And still, each one made Twilight’s body tingle. Is this was sex smells like? It was so strange to smell another pony’s sweat and breath as she felt like this, so bizarre to feel this good without her own magic causing it. “Man, Twi, you sure are wet down there. You’re making a mess all over your bed.” Shut up, Pinkie. Shut up. “Mmmmnnnn…” “You said this is your first time, right? I’m going inside you so easily. How’re you feeling, Twily?” Pinkie was so big that it felt like she was beginning to break. How did mares stand this? It was going to drive her crazy, this feeling. How could pain and pleasure be demarcated anymore? She hurt and her body was already aching, Pinkie was easily twice the size of any of her toys. But she didn’t say stop. She couldn’t. “Twilight, I’m all the way in.” Twilight leaned up and opened her eyes, blinking to clear away the tears. What? Already? Pinkie was right, though, Twilight could feel the heavy balls resting against her body. Pinkie was fully hilted inside her friend. What there something more, though? Some spell had to give Pinkie something more, something longer, thicker, warmer. Something that would make any mare lose her mind the way Twilight was losing hers. “Pink-” “I’m going to start railing you, okay? Is that okay, you horny little mare?” Yes. Oh Celestia, yes. “Go sl-” But Pinkie was already gone, back in her own little world of being a stallion. How did she adapt to this so easily while Twilight was left barely able to speak? She started calmly, pulling out only a little bit before grunting a little and pushing back in. Each time Pinkie pushed back into her, Twilight heard a barely audible slap of Pinkie’s body hitting her soaked rump. Twilight couldn’t describe it, how she was feeling. She felt so absolutely full and just wanted more. She leaned up and gave Pinkie a quick kiss and a nuzzle on the cheek as if she was rewarding her and coaxing her onwards. Twilight already felt satisfied, whole, in ways that never happened when she touched herself even if she brought herself to orgasm a dozen times in a day in a desperate search for the completion that she was feeling now. It never felt like this. This is was how pleasure was supposed to feel, with a grunting pony towering over you for you to kiss and touch and writhe with. Pinkie was beginning to pick up the pace. Twilight’s own body was out of her control at this point and she had let go of her grip on her friend, so when Pinkie pushed into her harder, her body shoved upwards, crumpling the neat covers under her and pushing her pillow against the wooden headboard. Twilight tried to slide back down to make things easier for Pinkie but her friend was too eager, too frantic, breathing heavy, a small moan with each thrust, mouth open wide, entire body rocking into each thrust and Twilight couldn’t sit still. Twilight was pushed until her body was practically leaning up against the headboard. That was a stable enough surface that Pinkie’s increasing speed was easier to manage, even though it made the entire bed shake and creak each time Pinkie slammed against her. Pinkie repositioned her hooves to make the movements easier, inching her hindhooves closer to Twilight and resting her forehooves on top of the headboard, above Twilight. Pinkie was completely towering over her now, overpowering her, consuming her. How could it feel this good. Twilight knew then that this couldn’t be the last time this happened, she wouldn’t let it. She saw Pinkie’s chest heaving, her fur soaked in sweat. Twilight leaned forward and kissed it, licked it. Pinkie was stunning in ways Twilight had never realized until now. “Twily…” she thought she heard Pinkie say above her. Twilight didn’t respond because if she opened her mouth she’d be screaming and wasn’t sure if she could stop. “This feels sooooo good,” Pinkie said, struggling with the sentence through groans and panting. Twilight kept kissing Pinkie, sometimes able to reach her neck when Pinkie leaned to shove her cock back inside her. She reached up and wrapped her hooves around Pinkie’s torso, and Pinkie leaned down to accommodate. This was perfect, rubbing her whole body against Pinkie’s, so close to her, able to feel her sweat, smell her. Twilight’s whole body shivered and gyrated when Pinkie fucked her. All these sensations all at once, too tactile. Pinkie’s thrusts were short, eager, and rough. Animalistic pleasure. Rutting. It felt too good. “Stallions are always tryin…” Pinkie said, not at her, above her. Did Twilight miss some of her friend’s babbling? It didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, as long as she kept moving, kept feeling so perfect, it didn’t matter. “...cause it feels sooooo good. You’re such a good fuck, Twilight.” She was a good friend, yesterday and now she was a good fuck. Twilight couldn’t complain about the change. She tried to open her mouth, the sentence she was going to say already turning to a mush of curses and proclamations of Pinkie’s perfection even as they formed inside her head, but that wasn’t what left her mouth – the first syllable became a long, loud moan. Twilight tried to silence it, somehow but she couldn’t and another started as soon as she caught her breath. Pinkie leaned down down, using Twilight’s grip to reposition her partner, then collapsed on her. Twilight was still moaning. Pinkie couldn’t remain standing and it didn’t matter, only one part of her body mattered now. She nuzzled against Twilight face and Twilight bent over and opened her mouth against Pinkie’s, kissing her hard and hungrily. The moaning became muffled and she caught Pinkie’s grunts inside of them. “Fuck,” Twilight said, her voice throaty and wet. Wet bodies slapping against each other rhythmically, their hearts beating like a chorus to their vocals. Twilight was crying. She felt a build up, something deep in her, and she came, screaming that fact into Pinkie’s ear as she squirted all over her friend’s cock. Pinkie’s rhythm didn’t change by a single beat. There was a sound downstairs, outside maybe. Twilight opened her eyes and tried to blink away the blurriness. Pinkie continued above her, powerful and oblivious. Spike was at Rarity’s right? She locked the door. If Spike walked in and saw her like this would Pinkie even stop fucking her? Would she make her? “Pinkie…” she said. “Twily...you’re really hot.” Even after all that had happened, those words gave Twilight an unfamiliar, unsettling feeling deep in her chest. She wanted to cum again. Twilight wanted to let Pinkie fuck her for the next few hours, but Spike…Pinkie had to be close. “Twilight, I’m…” Pinkie said, and Twilight saw that her eyes were wet with tears and passion too. She didn’t slow down. “Pinkie, p-pull out,” Twilight said as evenly as she could through her ragged breath and sex drenched conscious. “Oh gosh,” Pinkie said, not slowing down, “Twilight you’re so hot.” “Pinkie, y-you should...oh fuck, you should pull out now…” Twilight said, trying to keep her eyes open, trying not to get lost and lose her mind in the rhythm of Pinkie rutting her, trying not to have her sentence devolve into ‘I’m cumming!’ again… “I’ll get you off with my hooves now, please...pull out,” Twilight said. And suddenly - and it felt sudden, as if it happened in a non-moment and there was nothing Twilight could do and no possible way she could react - Pinkie’s thrust faltered to a stop and her the grunting moans she’d be echoing into Twilight’s ears for the past few minutes became girlish whimpers. Slowly, as if her body didn’t want to believe it, Twilight became aware of a white hot sensation filling her, separate and yet somehow complementing the feeling of Pinkie’s cock still buried deep inside of her. Pinkie wasn’t moving anymore save for her face which was twitching and her chest which was still heaving on top of Twilight's. “Pinkie,” Twilight said, blinking away tears. “You promised you’d pull out. You promised.” Pinkie opened her eyes, and turned to stare at Twilight. She still had a dull, dumb smile on her face but that quickly faded when she saw Twilight’s expression. She grunted as if discomforted, and languidly rose to her hooves, slowly picking her shaking body from Twilight’s as a cold sensation ran through Twilight, either from fear or the sudden absence of flesh rubbing against hers. Pinkie slowly backed up from her friend. Her cock slid out Twilight and Twilight could feel every inch of it, every throbbing, warm, perfect inch of it, sliding out of her slowly with a disgusting squelch. She could feel a warm fluid dripping down her. She stared at her own body, then back to Pinkie. “There, I pulled out,” Pinkie said, managing a sheepish grin at Twilight. “You Pinkie-promised you were going to pull out,” Twilight said. She felt like she should be doing something. Rushing for the shower. Cleaning herself completely. Looking up a spell or something to fix this problem. “You promised.” All she could do was stare down her own heaving chest, acutely aware of the way she was still twitching, still coming down from the high of pleasure. All she could was stare at Pinkie’s cum-covered cock, still dangling, half-hard and pulsing, between her hind legs. She blinked. Her mind felt like it had come loose. “Whoops,” Pinkie said. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie awoke slowly. Her eyes felt heavy, but the heat made it too uncomfortable to relapse into sleep. The fabric under her was damp with sweat. She groaned. Moving her body was a chore. Pinkie had never run a marathon in her life, but she imagined this is what the aftermath felt like. Her muscles cracked like stale clothing. She didn’t want to leave her bed. One part of her was fine, though. She felt it rest up against her stomach, already drooling a hot, clear liquid onto her chest. Despite her sore body and the dull ache coursing through it every time she moved, Pinkie managed a smile. Her coat around her neck and chest was already covered in a crusty, white coat from when this happened again and again last night. Nothing could seem to calm her down. Every time she whimpered and spurted all over herself or her bed she told herself that this would be the last time. Then, it’s time for bed. Inevitably, inside of fifteen minutes her mind had wandered and she had become hard again. It was never boring. Each time she came seemed to be the latest height of pleasure. Late into the night, she never seemed to be too tired to touch herself to another orgasm.  Even now, she was starting to enjoy the patient ache of her need. Her hooves made her way down to her cock and started fondling it without any real intent or direction. Just an idle, fumbling grasp, answering a primal call that had awoken in her without a conscious decision. Touching herself felt easy and natural as breathing. Is this how stallions felt? Or was Twilight’s spell something special and wonderful to make her feel like this?  Twilight… Pinkie tried to remember what happened the night before. It was all a blur of sweat and sex and cum and twitching hips, especially after she got home – once she had stumbled into Sugarcube Corner after dark and climbed the stairs to her room, events and time became fuzzy and jumbled. She couldn’t tell where one fantasy began and another ended. Orgasm bled into orgasm, the entire night a collage of her own cum splattering over herself and distant, incomplete images of all the mares and fillies she’s met with their rumps high in the air and their tails swishing, begging and mewling desperately at Pinkie. It didn’t take long for her cock to get hard. Just a few seconds and it went from semi-flaccid to rock hard, rising from her chest and bobbing in the air. Her hooves moved languidly up and down it, as far as they could reach, occasionally stopping to knead calm circles against her cock, which made her body shiver each time. How could it feel this good? If stallions felt this good all the time how could they ever get any work done? They’d stay inside their room all day touching themselves until they couldn’t move.  She’d have to ask Twilight if this sex drive was normal. If Twilight would even want to see her, that is. Most of the night was indeed a blur, but a few images were crisp – Her wet cock pulling out of Twilight as Twilight looked down, horrified, Twilight crying and yelling, telling her to leave, a book flying at Pinkie’s head as she ducked under it and out the door. What a night, though! For how good she felt rubbing her cock up and down right now, it was nothing compared to being inside Twilight. Twilight obviously enjoyed it, moaning so loud the neighbors could hear. Besides, this whole thing was at least a little bit Twilight’s fault, right? She gave her this in the first place, and she was the one who first brought up them fooling around.  Fuck. She was already getting close. Okay, after this, Pinkie thought, I need to get out of bed. She bit her lip and committed herself wholeheartedly to the effort, her hooves going faster and faster, groping herself harder. She began thrusting subconsciously, as if the mare of her dreams was on top of her riding her. She imagined all of them, Twilight on top trying to keep her moans in her throat, Fluttershy barely able to move through the embarrassment, Dashie alternating between slamming down on her and probing her mouth with aggressive, sloppy kissing, Applejack stopping every time she hilted to grind her toned ass against Pinkie’s hips, Rarity too refined to even look at Pinkie as she daintily lifted herself up and down. Celestia, it’d be so fucking good. Her friends blended together into a mess of warm holes and toned bodies, the scent of sex and echoed moans. She arched her back, stifled a cry by biting her lip and, still rubbing herself furiously, almost angrily, she came. Her load shot all over herself, like so many had the previous night, too caught up in pleasure to even aim or clean up afterwards. She could taste herself and felt it sliding down her neck.  She let her arms fall limp to her sides as she lay panting for a few minutes. What a way to start the morning. Her eyes opened and closed slowly, unable to focus. With a groan, lifted herself from her bed. She was still shaking when she fell onto her hooves, wobbling slightly. The sun was bright. It was probably already noon. She had most likely stayed up till dawn jerking herself off over and over. She smiled. It’s not like she had anything better to do.  The covers from her bed were thrown halfway across the room. It was too hot, anyway, and they just got jumbled and in the way between her hooves and her cock. She closed her eyes, swaying in place. Her cock didn’t even go flaccid after she came anymore, like the stallion’s she’d been with had done. It stayed half hard and she knew if she stayed in her room for another few minutes she’d be back in her bed, hooves running over her body as she imagined Twilight bent over a table or Applejack between her hindlegs. She stumbled into the bathtub after she filled it with cold water. Luckily, the bathroom was upstairs and she didn’t have to let the Cakes see her with her own cum covering her body. The bath was relaxing, and after some persistent scrubbing the clots in her fur started loosening. A healthy coating of strawberry shampoo all over her body ensured that the smell of sweat and sex would be properly hiddenly. As she rubbed herself up and down, she got a little bit hard, but the ice-cold water helped to calm her down. She had no doubt that if she had filled the tub with warm water, her skin would be pruney by the time she stopped jerking off and pulled herself from the tub, thinking about Twilight’s warm orgasm and the fact that her cock made her friend squirt all over her.  She had to clean down there, too. She lifted her cock up. It was heavier in her forehooves than it felt as it swung between her legs. She scrubbed gingerly, not wanting to play with the over-sensitive organ too much for fear that it’d occupy the rest of her day. Even with that, it was still hard by the time she stepped out of the tub and shook herself. With a towel draped around her shoulders, she walked back to her room. The mist of shampoo and soap that hovered around Pinkie’s body did nothing to mask the smell of the room – it smelled like an orgy. She smiled wide. An orgy would be super fun. “Pinkie, you’re awake?” Mrs. Cake called from down the stairs. Pinkie sighed. The thoughts of her friends and dozen other mares writhing on the floor of a smokey, neon club lingered for a moment, then fled. She’d have to do something with the day, at least. Pinkie Pie made her way down the stairs, one slow step at a time. Mrs. Cake was the only thing moving in the room. Pinkie smiled as she looked at the mare, noticing, really noticing, for the first time, how full her rump was and how sexy of a pony she was. She stopped when she reached the bottom of the stairs and stood them, running her eyes up her landlord’s thighs and drinking it in. She was hard in a few seconds. Is this what it was going to be like with every mare she meets today? Pinkie wondered vacantly, still smiling. “Oh, hello, Pinkie,” Cup Cake said, glancing behind her quickly, as she put the last few bits into a burlap back and shoved it underneath the counter, bending over in a way that made Pinkie start forward a step. “You’re finally awake! Carrot is already gone on errands. I was worried you were going to sleep through dinner!” “Hey, Mrs. Cake,” Pinkie said through her smile, still tired, a thin cloud settled gently over her brain. It was like she was drunk but not really, intoxicated, high on something, her heart racing but only seeming to pump blood to one place. She looked at her employer’s eyes as the mare spun around to face her, but she couldn’t help glancing past her every now and then in the hopes of seeing her rump swaying back and forth. “I had a super busy night. Whaddya got on the books today?” Am I bigger than your husband? Can you pay me by letting me rut you instead? “We haven’t been very busy, Pinkie, so I decided to let you sleep in. No rush, really.” Pinkie’s eye contact broke, rejoined, held for a second, and broke. “Oh, but Twilight was here for you earlier.”  That had Pinkie’s attention. She bit her lip as the prior night surged through her like a memory but all at once. She really, really wanted to go back upstairs and touch herself. Her legs felt weak, so she took a few steps to rebalance herself. Mrs. Cake didn’t even seem to notice anything.  “Twily?” Pinkie said, “What did that cutie-patootie need?” Mrs. Cake frowned. “She didn’t say. She only told me it was urgent that she talk to you as soon as possible. She seemed very upset, Pinkie.” A stallion entered through the front doors, and smiled at Pinkie. She smiled back. The little colt he had with him stayed close to his side, practically rubbing against him, eyes darting. Mrs. Cake turned towards the newcomers. “You should go see her. I’ve got things covered here.” The stallion made his way over to the counter, glancing around the shop. “Okie-doke, Mrs. Cake,” Pinkie said, but it was another minutes before she was able to tear her eyes from the rump swaying in front of her and stumble clumsily towards the exit. Pinkie almost hoped that Mrs. Cake caught a glimpse of the hard cock between her legs, and realized what Pinkie wanted from her.  It was Pinkie’s first inclination to go bounding down the street of Ponyville, but she thought better of it – besides her muscles still smarting over any sudden moment, there was the additional complication of the new organ that would be slamming against her chest if she started leaping. When she reached Twilight’s door, she wanted to just barge in. It’s what she would usually do. Memories of a dusty tome flying through the air at her face came to her as she blinked, and she slowly raised her hoof and gave the door a few sharp raps. If Twilight had just called her over here to yell at her, Pinkie would be upset that she bottled herself up in her room and spent the next dozen hours making sure she had explored every single centimeter of her new body.  Pinkie’s eyes widened. What if Twilight wanted to take it away? She could, couldn’t she? Punishment for what she had done. Twilight said it was a mistake in the first place. Pinkie would walk in there and Twilight throw her against the way and her horn would glow and...and...Pinkie could still turn and sprint away before Twilight could– The door opened and Pinkie shrunk back, closing her eyes because Twilight would be glaring at her, probably smiling an evil grin that can only come from the gleeful vengeance of a pony as smart as Twilight. Her entire body was shaking. “Uh...Pinkie? You okay?” Spike said. Pinkie opened her eyes and smiled again.  “Spike!” Pinkie shouted. Spike returned her smile. “Hey, Pinkie. What’s up?”  Pinkie wanted to kiss him. She looked past him into the room to see if Twilight was going to be standing there, glowering, but she saw nothing. With a sudden lurch, she lifted Spike up and pulled him into a hug. “Spike, I’m so happy to see you!”  Spike’s tiny claws fumbled at her limbs. “Lemme down, Pinkie! C’mon!”  She nuzzled him for another second, and set him back down in the threshold. He shook his head and brushed himself off. “Good to see you too, Pinkie, but calm down a little. Jeez.” “Spike, are you okay?” Twilight’s voice called from some dark crevasse of her home. Pinkie’s blood felt like it had froze.  “Yeah, Twi! Pinkie’s here, though,” Spike turned around and answered before Pinkie could hush him.  Spike kept looking back into the house, then back at Pinkie. Both ponies were now quiet as stone. Pinkie could only feel her heart racing. “Twilight, you gonna come say hi to your f-” “Spike, go to your room,” Twilight’s invisible voice said, even in tone but cutting violently through the silence. Spike turned to Pinkie, eyes wide, looking for an explanation. Pinkie stared forward, motionless. “But, Twi-” “Spike.” He started a sentence, fumbled it, then tried another. By the time he was halfway through that protest, he was grumbling under his breath and walking off. “Pinkie, please come in,” Twilight’s voice said. She shouldn’t. She couldn’t. She was rooted in place, unable to move even a hoof but shaking so violently it felt like she might fall over. Twilight was not a pony whose bad side she wanted to be on. Pinkie was going to become a test subject. A slave. Exiled from Ponyville. Organs hacked up into little pieces and put into jars with neat, off-white labels clearly denoting the pony they had once belonged to. She should run. Twilight entered from the kitchen, levitating a tray in front of her that held two periwinkle porcelain cups. She was wearing an apron that Pinkie Pie didn’t know she owned. Her face was expressionless, maybe a thin frown. She set the tray gently on the table, then glared at the top of the steps, where Spike was standing, waiting.  “Spike.” Another chorus of unintelligible griping accompanied Spike’s total retreat from the room. Twilight sighed. “Pinkie, I said you could come in. Please.” Pinkie stared at her friend and tried to answer. Her throat was locked up in fear and she couldn’t even squeak a word. She took one step into the library, only to find that, contrary to her expectations, there wasn’t a trap door that would give way and send her plummeting down to Twilight’s laboratory. Another step. Another. One at a time, gently as if the floor of Twilight’s home was covered in a layer of unseeable mines.  Twilight stared at the spectacle, unsmiling.  “Pinkie.” Pinkie winced at the word, and her hoof, which had been slowly on its way to settling on a rug, halted in mid-air.  “Please, have a seat.” Pinkie looked at her friend as Twilight magickally untied the apron and levitated it back into the kitchen. She nodded at nothing, and took a deep breath. Despite grimacing with each step, she somehow found her way over the table in the center of the room, which was clear of anything save the tray. She sat down on the floor carefully. Twilight sat down at an angle beside her, the tray interposed between them. “Would you like some tea?” Pinkie stared down at the tray, and resisted the urge to leap into the air and sprint away when Twilight’s aura wrapped itself around the cups and levitated one in her direction. The tea was an autumn brown color, and smelled of hazelnut. Steam rose in vapors from it. Warm. Soothing. Poison. Drugs. Choking. Pinkie looked at the full glass, then back at her friend. Twilight looked a world different than she did when Pinkie had last seen her. When Pinkie had fled from Twilight’s wrath the prior night, Twilight had been disheveled, covered in sweat and saliva and tears. Her mane was frayed and wild from passion, and her chest heaved. It was Twilight in a way that Pinkie had never seen Twilight before, and just thinking about it now was making Pinkie a little excited. She couldn’t let that cloud her thoughts, though, even as she felt herself getting a little hard again. She was in very much a life or death situation right now, and she couldn’t let how sexy her friend was when she let loose distract her from that. Twilight today was clean and showered, her mane combed and in the position she always wore it. Her eyes were lifeless and detached. How could any pony like living like this? Pinkie frowned. Twilight was so happy last night, so full of life until Pinkie went too far and… “Twilight, I’m soooooooo sorry,” Pinkie said, trying to sound it, trying to convince herself she was. “Please, Pinkie, drink your tea. I put extra sugar in yours,” Twilight said, taking a sip of her own. That announcement, whether true or not, was enough to shunt any thoughts of Twilight's ulterior motives with this tea out of Pinkie’s head, and she grinned and took a sip. It was pleasantly hot – Twilight probably used magic to heat it to just the right temperature. Pinkie stared forward after she set the glass back down, smiling at nothing as she imagined a hazy plethora of applications of magic that could make something juuuuuuuust hot enough. They sat in silence for a few moments, Pinkie looking at nothing, alternating between thoughts of Twilight’s vengeance and her own desires. She was already hard again, and sitting still like this was rough – the way her cock was positioned, it sitting right between her forehooves, so if she started moving forward a little bit, just a little bit, she might be able to cum right, spurting under Twilight’s table. Twilight wouldn’t even know. Thoughts like this were a trap for Pinkie; once she started, thinking about it just made her harder and hornier and made her want to get off more and more. “It’s okay, Pinkie. That’s why I wanted to see you today. You have nothing to apologize for. It’s my fault really,” Twilight said, and Pinkie turned towards her, still smiling and trying to focus on Twilight’s words and the twitching erection between her legs begging for attention. It was so hard to stay focused on anything. Twilight took another sip of tea, and licked her lips. “I should have insisted you wore protection, or I should have pushed out of me when I knew you were close. It just felt so…” Twilight took a deep breath, and let out it. Pinkie should see her body shaking. Pinkie started moving slowly. Twilight was occupied in her rant, right? Pinkie could move a little bit, just pulling her rump forward and backward against the floor, a little bit at a time. Even when Pinkie reached up to take a quick sip of her tea, it was all she could do to not focus on touching herself, and after a tiny sip her hooves were right back down against the floor, forming something Pinkie could thrust against. Twilight laughed. It was shrill and forced. “Listen to me, telling you you should have worn protection. The real problem here is that this happened in the first place, right? I’m sorry, Pinkie. I was weak. I should have undone the spell immediately. After all, who knows what effects a failed transfiguration spell would have on you? That’s something dangerous I was playing with. I have no idea if it had any other effect on your body or your mind.” Pinkie was still smiling, watching Twilight’s mouth move. In and out. Slow. It felt so good. “I still don’t know if I can...I mean, I still don’t know if you’re able to...make a mare pregnant, but even if I could figure it out I still wouldn’t have risked it,” Twilight closed her eyes, taking another deep breath. Something was agitating her, Pinkie could see that even through the haze clouding her brain. “It was extremely selfish of me to take advantage of you like that. I’m sorry, Pinkie. Can you forgive me?” Twilight finished, looking Pinkie in the eyes and prompting Pinkie to blink and look back into hers. “Course I can, Twily! I had a lot of fun.” Pinkie said. She could already feel her cock drooling down onto the floor. She wondered how much trouble she would be in if Twilight could read her mind. She almost wished she could; maybe her friend would be able to make sense of the fantasies that were swarming through her constantly. Maybe Twilight could smell her. Pinkie figured that out last night, after hours and hours of playing with herself – sex had a very particular smell.  Twilight smiled for the first time. It made Pinkie happy to see Twilight smile. And moan. And whisper that she’s cumming into her ear. All that made Pinkie very happy. “I’m not sure you understand what I’m trying to say, Pinkie,” Twilight said, “but I suppose it’s not going to do me any good to attempt to explain it to you.” Pinkie rocked back and forth, biting on the side of her lip to keep her moans inside her mouth. As long as Twilight kept talking she’d probably mask any sounds Pinkie made, anyway. “I guess all you need to know is that when we...what we did last night wasn’t a good thing, and it was a mistake on my part. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anypony else, and if we could just forget that this ever happened after today,” Twilight said, setting her empty glass down on the tray with a clink. Oh, fuck, this felt so good. Pinkie Pie knew why the stallions pawed at her in the club. Her whimper was muted through her lips. She couldn’t help herself.  “Is that okay with you, Pinkie Pie?” I want to cum. I want to cum. I should have stayed home and spent all day cumming between my hooves and splattering myself with it. I don’t need anything else. It makes me so happy.  “Whatever you say, Twily!”  Once again, Twilight took in a big gasp of air and exhaled it loudly. “Is...is it still there? By any chance? It didn’t go away during the night did it?” Something about Twilight’s voice made Pinkie Pie shiver all over. Pinkie’s voice was wobbling and uneasy when she responded. “Nope, still as big as ever!” “Can I see it?” Twilight said, standing up. Pinkie Pie grinned and lept up quickly, mind already racing.  “Just to see it!” Twilight said quickly, nearly shouting. “I need to know how it– I need to know what it looks like to figure out how to safely get rid of it, okay?” Pinkie was still grinning. The words ‘get rid of it’ flowed over her brain and out of her head without a hope of reaching deeper. She marched in front of Twilight, feeling something well up in her, some sort of pride she’d never felt before. With a little flourish and shake of her rump, she turned so her side was facing Twilight, and lifted one leg up slightly to give her friend a better view. “By Celestia,” Twilight said, staring, blinking irregularly at the sight, mouth open, “you’re already hard.” Pinkie Pie couldn’t explain the pleasure it felt to be stared at like this. Twilight had never looked at her like this and now she was staring, unable to look away from the cock jutting out, rock hard, shaking slightly with Pinkie’s breathing.  “Course I’m hard! I know a cute mare when I see one, Twily.” Twilight took in a sharp breath of air, and sputtered over a reply for a few seconds. She clenched her mouth shut,  and stood still as a statue for a few seconds, then tried again. “Don’t say that, Pinkie.” Twilight said, still staring. “I’m here to get rid of this thing, not…” The sentence trailed off. “I don’t know why this happened,” Twilight said, moving closer to Pinkie, leaning forward to get a better look. “Transfiguration spells are complicated and fickle, but I believe that I had gotten this one down. It’s possible some rudimentary part of the spell was affected by a part of my subconscious, or an errant fixation. Yes, I can’t rule that out.” Twilight paced around Pinkie. “I’m going to have to perform some studies to ensure that this never happens again. I can’t make a mistake like this. Though, in the event I uncover some unknown principle of transfiguration, maybe we should both keep quiet about the specifics of this experiment, huh Pinkie?” Pinkie nodded slowly, wondering how long Twilight was going to take. The sooner she got done the sooner Pinkie could go back to touching herself. Maybe she could ask Twilight to use the bathroom and cum once or twice in there? Would Twilight notice that? “Have you noticed anything unfamiliar with your body? I mean, otherwise?” Twilight asked, her horn glowing. A measuring tape and a scroll flew from a drawer and fell onto the table. “I dunno, Twilight. I was kinda busy all night,” Pinkie said. “Nothing major, then, I guess. It might be too much to hope that this didn’t have much effect on your physiology.” Twilight lifted the measure tape up and held against the erection. The barest contact made Pinkie moan, and she bucked forward a little bit, causing the liquid that had formed a bead at her flared tip to drip to the ground. “Were you always this…,” Twilight said, quietly. She took a moment to complete the sentence. Pinkie Pie could almost feel her warm breath on her cock, and in her mind she saw Twilight underneath her, licking her cock clean. “...eager?” Twilight gulped loudly and put the measuring tape to the side. She pulled a quill and the notepad in front of her and jotted down a few measurements, then placed it back on the table.  “I mean,” Twilight said, “was your sex drive always this high?”  Pinkie didn’t answer. It was hard to think. It was hard to remember a time when she didn’t want to cum. She gave Twilight a noncommittal half-shrug. “Well, I mean, what about last night? How did you feel after I-after you went home last night? Were you...erect throughout the night, or is it only when you saw me that you became like this?” Twilight marched in half circles around Pinkie. “Oh, Twily, I was hard thinkin’ about you all night! I came a lot once I got home. I was up alllllll night, just me and this thing right here, over and over. I thought about you and Applejack and Fluttershy and Dashie and-” “Okay, Pinkie, that’s enough, I think I understand. You...masturbated?” Even Pinkie could tell the word was heavy and unfamiliar on Twilight’s tongue.  “Uh-huh! And again this morning! And I almost wanted to do it in the tub, too. And under your table and I’d really like to do it right now. It feels so much better than being with another stallion or playing with toys, Twily!” Pinkie cut herself short before she recommended that Twilight cast the spell on herself so she could see what it was like. Some part of her was telling her that Twilight was fine just the way she was and that not everyone could handle this the same way she can. “Oh, my,” Twilight said. Pinkie was still grinning, and Twilight had been thrown off course of her study. “That’s...quite a lot of…masturbation. Nothing I’ve read on the subject suggests that stallions have that kind of stamina. I wish I had some less abstract data on the subject, and with regards to the size of it.” Pinkie’s hooves had run over quite a few cocks after her parties and in the alleyways behind clubs after a night of hard dancing, and she had grown very, very familiar with her own in the course of the previous dozen hours. It was with absolute confidence that she announced her conclusion to Twilight. “I’m bigger than any stallion I’ve ever known, Twilight! I think you’re just really, really good at magic!” Twilight sighed. “I’m okay with not being skilled at that kind of magic, but I suppose you might have a point.” She frowned, and levitated the notepad in front of  her again. Pinkie Pie heard the scribbling of a quill, but it wasn’t enough to keep her attention away from the way Twilight’s butt moved when she walked. As Twilight stared at Pinkie’s sexual parts with a researcher’s focus, Pinkie Pie’s eyes followed Twilight’s rump. She repositioned her legs, fighting the urge to buck forward in search of satisfaction.  “I wish I had known what you were doing all night. I would have asked you to preserve a sample for me. It would make this whole thing easier if I had a material I could study in front of me.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Well, that’s easy enough! Why did you say so when I first walked in the door? I have no problem cumming for you right here, you silly little filly.” Pinkie plopped her rump on the ground before Twilight could say a word in protest, and brought both hooves to her cock and started stroking up and down. “Pinkie, that’s quite alright,” she said, barely a whisper as she stared, walking closer to Pinkie. Pinkie Pie stuck her tongue out as she concentrated. “You don’t have to do this.” Twilight was inches from Pinkie Pie now, staring down at her cock, still talking. Pinkie was imagining what would happen if her friend stayed there for another minute or two, and she felt that Twilight would look good with a bunch of rope of sticky white cum splattered all over her muzzle. “If you wanna get a toy or touch yourself too, Twily, I don’t mind. It’s okay.” “Pinkie, please stop,” Twilight said, a little louder this time. “How did you even hide this thing from Mrs. Cake? No one saw it, right? Celestia, you’re so fucking big, how could no one have seen this?”  Twilight could you please open your mouth a little wider and wrap your lips around my cock and just sort of maybe bob up and down or if you want just bend over the table and we could fuck again that’d be cool too I promise I’d pull out this time but maybe you could invite dash or rarity over and I could fuck them if you want and you can get your sample from there and if that’s not a good enough one i could spend the rest of the day screwing you and jerking off in front of you until you’re satisfied would that be good were all the thoughts going through Pinkie’s head all at once a mess of sex and sounds and juices all coming too fast to think or vocalize.  “Pinkie, please! Calm yourself!” Twilight said, and tried batting her friend’s hooves away. “I’m not going to put up with you m-masturbating on the floor of my library.” She shoved her friend’s hooves away so that they finally weren’t moving up and down her cock.  Pinkie leaned back and Twilight was frozen for a moment. The realization that her hooves were still on Pinkie’s cock from where she had pushed Pinkie’s own away took a second to connect. Pinkie grunted. She could really feel Twilight’s warmness now. Twilight’s face became flushed, and she froze. Pinkie wished she’d hurry up and start stroking her off, at very least. Pinkie thrust forward with a groan to provide the stimulation that Twilight was failing to.  “C’mon, Twilight,” Pinkie said, her voice rough. Twilight held her hooves in place for another moment, then suddenly let go. “No. I can’t do this again.” She let go, and took a few steps back, eyes still staring unblinking at Pinkie’s shaking cock and heaving form.  “You need to leave, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “But, Twil-”  “Pinkie, leave. You can come back tomorrow and I’ll know enough to safely remove that thing, but for now you really, really need to leave.” Pinkie stood up. If she got Twilight mad now it might cost her a friendship. But why was Twilight denying this? It was clear to anypony with half a brain how much fun she had had the last night and how much she wanted to do it again. Twilight was such a ridiculous pony, Pinkie thought, to not want to have fun while she had the chance.  Twilight’s words were clear enough, though. If she had her way, Pinkie was super-duper sure that if she had her way, her and Twilight would have much, much more fun, but Twilight wasn’t having any of it.  She lifted herself back to her forehooves, and decided that once she got home it was time to go with her original plan and lay in bed all day. She was so horny now she thought she would burst. She might not even make it home. Might have to skulk into a secluded alley and finish what Twilight being so fucking hot had started if she wanted to be able to make it home. Before she reached the door, she turned around to say goodbye to Twilight. She still wasn’t sure if she would come back tomorrow – if she could stand at this point losing such a fun addition to her life, but for now it was best to go back to her room and jerk off until her thoughts were able to wrap themselves around anything other than fucking and breeding. When Pinkie turned around, she saw that Twilight was in the exact same boat that she was. Twilight had turned and started walking into the kitchen, giving Pinkie a full view of her rump. The purple coat around her pussy darker than the rest, soaked and matted and she even saw that trend continue in the long, thick streaks to her hind legs and to her hooves. Each time she lifted a leg and walked forward, Pinkie could see her shaking.  And she winked. Pinkie's whole body stiffened at that sight. She knew what she had to do, not on some level she could explain but on something deeper, something buried in her, some level inaccessible and yet pure and complete in its rightness. She knew what ponies with big, stiff cocks did to winking mares. She knew. She spun around and marched back, past the table. Twilight must have been too engrossed in her own thoughts, because as Pinkie Pie made her way across the room she didn’t attempt stealth. There was no change in Twilight’s slow exit until Pinkie had caught up and clambered on top of her, rubbing her stomach against Twilight’s back.  “Pinkie!” Twilight screamed, instinctually bucking and immediately giving up in the face of impossibility. “Get off of me!” “Twi, you horny mare, why didn’t you just ask me? I’m free alllll day and you’re so ready for some fun you can barely hold it in any longer!” Pinkie’s cock fit between Twilight’s shaking legs and Pinkie started thrusting in and out, her own legs pushing Twilight’s together to get better friction, a tighter space to fuck. Fuck, she was so wet she was actually drenched, so eager and Pinkie’s dick was already starting to get coated in it, soaked and so fucking warm it was driving Pinkie crazy.  “See how wet you are down there, Twilight? How can you say this isn’t just what you want?” “Fuuuckkkk,” Twilight said, groaning. She started grinding her rump against Pinkie’s hips as Pinkie kept thrusting between her thighs, a facsimile of fucking. She wanted it. This would make her happy. Pinkie made other ponies happy. “Get off me, Pinkie…” Twilight said, the sentence losing its conviction before she finished it. It was hard to take Twilight’s mouth seriously, Pinkie had already learned, there was much easier to understand part of her that was telling Pinkie all she needed to know about what she wanted. Pinkie Pie didn’t want to be rude, though. “I’m happy to give you a good rutting right here, you dirty little mare, but you gotta ask for it first, ok?” Pinkie stopped thrusting, she had to, she was almost there and she definitely didn’t want to end up shooting off all over Twilight’s chest and floor just from fucking her friend’s thighs. Besides, Twilight was taking care of business just fine, rocking forward and backward under her. She could feel Twilight’s muscles under her, contracting and expanding. Pinkie was so lucky that mares had such an easy way to tell stallions what they really wanted when their mouths just couldn’t do the job properly.  “W-what? Pinkie, I’m not going to tell you t-” Twilight said. Pinkie put her forehoof on the back of Twilight’s neck and Twilight’s upper body lowered to the ground without a sliver of resistance. Her cushiony butt was still stuck in the air, and her scent wafted through the room. It made Pinkie feel heady. “Mmm...I know you want it, Twilight.” Pinkie lined up her cock with Twilight’s wet entrance. She smeared the pre-cum coated flare over her friend’s pussy. “Ask me to fuck you.” Twilight shivered, pushing back on Pinkie. “Just do it, Pinkie…” “Say please.” “What?! Pink-” “Say please, Twilight.” A silence filled with wet, heavy breaths. Pinkie’s cock teased Twilight’s increasingly drenched folds. Pride broke before desire. “...Please fuck m-ohhhhmmm” Please was all Pinkie needed. She slowly slid the now-soaked tip of cock into Twilight, pushing a half inch at a time, enjoying each warm caress as Twilight spasmed under her, already cumming. “Fuck...how are you so big…” Twilight was mumbling underneath her, but Pinkie was concentrating on something else - on not filling this mare’s womb with cum a second time. Not until she’d gotten to enjoy herself a bit, at least. Once she’d hilted inside of Twlight, she slowly began to pick up the pace as she pulled out, and by the time she’d thrust inside a third time had already set up a steady rhythm, no longer testing, no longer teasing, now fucking, fucking her friend again and Twilight was cumming under her again, still mumbling half-words, half-grunts, barely formed exaltations of Pinkie’s cock. Pinkie smiled a wide grin as she gripped her friend with her front hooves, and sped up. She understood Twilight much better this way. “Twilight we need to do this all the time!” Pinkie said, through grunts as she slammed her friend, splattering the front of her body and her friend’s rump with their fluids. Twilight didn’t give any indication that she heard her.  Pinkie felt the orgasm welling inside her, and knew there was nothing she could do to hold it this time. Fully hilting inside Twilight, she pulled her friend close and bit her ear as she came, squirting over and over again as deep in Twilight as she could. Twilight moaned, cumming a third time. She tried to be quiet before – now, there was no way Spike didn’t hear.  She pulled out her sticky cock out of Twilight reluctantly, the pussy clinging to her as she slowly withdrew. Her cock twitched, spurting a little cum onto Twilight’s floor. She was still smiling.  “So,” she said, panting. “I could probably go again.” Twilight stared at her, unable to catch her breath and muster a response. They did end up going again. Pinkie fucked her in her bed, on her couch, by the window, laying on the floor, in every way she could think of. Twilight licked her cock until she had milked the “sample” out of it, then swallowed the rest. Once they were interrupted by Spike who was quickly ushered from the room but no doubt glimpsed enough to know what was going on. Somehow it made Pinkie happy that Spike knew she was fucking Twilight. By the time they finished, Pinkie had cum inside Twilight seven times and outside four times. They'd cleaned themselves off in the bathtub and ended up kissing and fucking in the bathroom too. Any complaint Twilight had seemed so far away, obliterated by Pinkie's cock. Pinkie had no doubt she'd be stopping by the treehouse everyday. The sun had begun to set. Twilight was eventually exhausted, and as cute as it was to watch the bookish unicorn snoring in her bed, Pinkie wasn’t completely satisfied. Her mind wandered as she climbed down the ladder and wandered outside. Where do stallions go when they’re looking for a quick fuck? The bar? She trotted faster, letting her mind fantasize about any mare she could think off. Her hard cock bounced underneath her, occasionally smacking her stomach.