> E-Clipse > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Who Would Have Guessed 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is high time I move out on my own, so I chose Ponyville, in part because Twilight lives there. Who wouldn’t love to see the latest Alicorn Princess Equestria had turned up. I guess I am one of them. There is the small detail of the most famous Pegasus living there too, aside from the rumour of the best Cider in all of Equestria. I had been promised by my parents I was at have a small home, where I had chosen to live. The house had just been finished and my few belongings had arrived at my new home in the outskirts of the village. Now I have to get everything in place, all by myself. At least it is my house, not a mere flat, like what I would have had, if I wanted to live in Mainhattan, Canterlot or Vanhoofer. The first face I actually saw is the one belonging to the Pink mare, the party Pony known as Pinkie Pie, how unexpected was that? At least I had been prepared, or so I thought, since I knew the Ponies I was hoping to see by name. Nothing could have prepared me for the experience of seeing her up close and personal. Though I made my best to improvise from what little I knew. “Hi, Pinkie Pie. I’m E-Clipse!” I put forth in an attempt of introduction. “Hi, Eclipse. You’re new in town, right. Because if you are, I am bound to throw you a welcoming party!” she responded. She had seen my mark, by the looks of it, a clear shield with a black moon eclipsing a yellow sun, though there also are the four stars liberating the moon surrounding the eclipse on the shield. Naturally, I couldn’t help but noticing the three balloons on her flank aside from the curly mane and tale. I guess I am pretty easy to pick out, there was no other light cerise foals in my class, just as none of them had a sparkling cyan mane and tale. Though there are numerous Unicorns to the left and right. Being from the city, I had been brought up, wearing clothes, unlike the Ponies of the little village Ponyville. I had expected something different, than what was greeting me, not so much the pink mare, but the village in general. Not only are the prices way over what I had expected, just as it was nowhere near as rural as I had expected. What I had found is more of the boom town, bustling with life and sophistication. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad choice as I had been told. Though there is the one thing I wasn’t too happy about, once I learned of it, the Everfree forest. One of the most dangerous places in all of Equestria. “A party? You are throwing me a party, just like that? I guess I have to live to see it. Since I am new here, I guess a moving in party isn’t out of place, so I wouldn’t mind. What would this cost me, though?” I enquired, suspicious of gifts offered by strangers. “The only cost on your part, other than your attendance ofhorse, is to smile and be happy!” she pointed out in a grave voice and a face to go with it. “Is that all? I guess I could afford it. I just have a bad experience with parties, from where I came from!” I responded with a weak smile. “As they say, there is no party, like a Pinkie Pie Party. You haven’t lived, or laughed, before you have been to one!” she continued, now as serous as I dare face, she could as well have been a guard, facing me down on a charge of felony. “Are you always this serious about parties?” I braved to reply. “When it comes to prepare the party, always. Though you should have seen me last Nightmare Night!” she put forth. “Nightmare Night? The one night you are permitted to dress up and beg for candy?” I enquired. “That’s the one, silly. I was a Chicken. I had to run away from the Princess each and every time I saw her. I had a group of foals following me. I had tons of fun. Though I did know the Princess is all nice. I knew, because I had been there to ensure it in person!” she put forth in a torrent of words. “I guess there is a reason for you, being the party Pony. You know, we did read about you in class. We had to spend the entire day reading and talking about you and all the incredible feats of yours. Although your friends had their own days on the schedule!” I pondered. “Woah, they already have me on the curriculum where you grew up?” she shot back. “That they did!” I confirmed. “Who would have thought, a Rock Farmer like me?” she pointed out. “Funny, they never mentioned that, as far as I can recall. Though I guess it is the kind of detail I may have managed to forget?” I responded. “It is the kind of details I would have loved to be able to forget. Just doesn’t happen, you know!” she put forth in a play tantrum. “The day only have so many hours to teach little fillies and colts what is important. Besides, foals can’t stay focused on these things for too long, you know!” I pointed out as a pat on her shoulder. “I still do recall each and every class I had as a little fillie. Maybe they stood out in my memory as comparison to how life was on the farm, but that isn’t the reason!” she continued. “I was imagining you going out in a blaze of glory. Either an adventure, or an epic party. I guess I will finally see th party at least!” I pondered. “Oh, there sure will be a party. One you will remember for years to come. You’ll see. Maybe you will even tell the fillies about it, if you are lucky?” she burst out. “There’s a promising future, right there!” I confirmed, not knowing what I was saying, obviously. > A Home Of My Own 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My new home lie on the outskirts of the village. I am happy with it, at least it isn’t close to the Everfree forest. What I saw as a small villa is apparently still fairly large, compared with what I had been used to. Maybe there are advantages with living in a small village like Ponyvuille I had forgotten to take into account, or if I had simply ignored them due to my youthful ignorance. I had a large kitchen on the ground floor, along with a mares’ room, shower and a living room. There are several small bed rooms on the upper floor, not just the one I had expected. I even have a basement, where I can store food and other items for later use. Since it is mine, I have no further worry about debts at this time. What I need now, it to keep my kitchen stocked with food, basically. I have a bed, with all the required attires, along with clothes I may rarely to never use. There are even a sparse set of furniture. Table and shares in the dining doom and the living room, aside from the one bed in the one bed room I had chosen to sleep in. Then a few book cases for the few books I brought with me. Finally, I do have a small desk, I placed it in a bed room, to the side of where I sleep. For now, I can actually use an entire bed room as a makeshift wardrobe, the luxury of it all. Maybe I need to send a greeting to my old friends, telling them the fortune of my choice? That is for later, I have plenty to do, aside from grocery shopping, that is. The one thing feeling most urgent is to see Rarity in her utter gloss Boutique. I had been told she actually makes her clothes from scratch, everything from designs and fabric, to the work in creating the ensamble. I can’t recall seeing the likes where I came from. Where I had expected boring wall papers, I found expensive and exclusive wodden panels on the walls. Then there are stone tiles in the hall, sure to stand up to any mistreatment from dirty hooves in fall and boots in winter. Most floors was still beach wood, which should stand up to any every day use I could put them through, even with a few friends coming over, if and when I was to pick them up. I guess I would still like to have a few friends. I am not a loner or hermit, am I. There is the porch on the front, nothing much, but it is there and it is mine. That is what makes me happy. I also have a small yard, mainly on the back of the house. Just green grasses, no flowers or anything, but it is my yard to do with as I please. I am a mare in my own right. Free to do what I want, so far as the law and local conventions would permit, that is. Guess I will simply have to get used to these. Not that I had a problem with the law before, why bother. Maybe I should buy a pair of roses to side with the porch. I like the green grasses the way they are on the back, though I could have some fun with gardening, I guess. Though I wouldn’t really care for apple trees, I could buy all the apples I want from the Apples on the other side of town, after all. From what I had heard, they are apparently the best. Thankfully, it isn’t too far down to town, since Ponyville didn’t seem to have cabs, or any similar service available. Maybe it is tradition amongst rural Earth Ponies, but I am not one, I am after all a Unicorn from the big city. What had also surprised me, is the level of sophistication of the villagers of Ponyville. Not only did they have a Boutique, but there is a SPA and a Café. Aside from that, there apparently are a few nation wide celebrities around. Who had not heard of Princess Twilight Sparkle, or Rarity’s Boutique. Missing Rainbow Dash is just impossible, she seems to be everywhere at once, doing every impossibility there is, starting with the Rainboom. In the end, I had realised I was to see Pinkie Pie, the party Pony in person, she had decided on throwing me a personal Welcome to Ponyville Party. Naturally, I had to go. I just had not realised the seriousness in her party, would she really pick me up, just to make me be on her party for me?