> A Fleur love story > by The Cosmic Consciousness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A new Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Canterlot--- You were asleep in your bed. You don't know what you were dreaming about, but it kept you asleep. That is until your doorbell rang. You opened up your eyes and looked at the time of your clock. It was 9:30 A.M. You yawned as you got up. You went up to your drawer and opened it. After you got dressed, you walked out of your room to the front door. You opened it to see your Colthood friend, Fancypants. "Oh, hey Fancypants. You need something?" You said. "I came here to ask you if you wanted to come over to dinner. I have an accomplice that i'd like you to meet" He said giving you a card that was an invitation. "I guess I could. I don't think Twilight or the others need my help anytime soon" You responded looking at the invitation. "That's great news! I'll see you at 5 o'clock then!" Fancypants said before walking back to his Mansion. You closed the door and looked at the invitation again. 'Wonder who he wants me to meet' You thought to yourselt. 'Guess i'll know when I meet them' You reassured yourself. "Might as well get ready" You said walking to your bedroom. You had no idea that he was introducing you to a Mare that had a crush on you. ---Fancypant's Mansion--- You looked at your watch to make sure you arrived at the right time. Yup, 5:00 exact. You nodded to yourself as you rang the doorbell. A maid opened the door and looked at you. "Yes?" She said. You showed her your invitation and she nodded and let you in. You looked around. Every thing in here didn't surprise you because you've been in here a lot of times. You walked into the Dining Room to see Fancypants talking to some Mare. Fancypants sees you and waves. "Glad you could join us, Lightning Streak!" He said. The Mare turned to look at you then blushed before turning back to Fancypants. "Of course. You're my friend!" You said walking over to the table and sitting down. "Okay, like I said this morning. I'd like you to meet my other friend. Fleur De Lis" Fancypants said pointing his hand to Fleur De Lis. You looked at her and smiled. You put your hand out and said "Nice to meet you, Miss Fleur". She blushed before shaking your hand. "N-nice to meet you, too. Mister Streak" She said putting a hand on her cheek until she stopped shaking your hand. You were confused by this and looked at Fancypants. He just shrugged at this. After dinner... "Thanks for the dinner, Fancy" You said shaking his hand. "You're welcome, Streak" He said shaking back. "Goodbye Fancy and Fleur" You said waving goodbye. "Goodbye, Streak" Fancy said waving back. "G-goodbye, Streak" Fleur said shyly waving back as well. Back at your house... 'That was weird' You thought to yourself as you took a shower. 'What was with her?' You thought as you stepped out of the shower. Suddenly a knock on your door interrupted your thinking. You walked over to the door and opened it. Fleur was standing there rubbing her arm. "Hey, Fleur. Is something wrong?" You asked. "N-nothing. I-it's just that... Umm... Aw, screw it!" She said before kissing you. Your eyes went wide because of this. She stopped and whispered 'Sorry' before running off. You just stood there dumbfounded. 'Did that just happen?' You thought to yourself. You closed the door and went to get ready for bed. After that you got into your bed and begun to sleep. Until you finally noticed what just happened. You sat up quickly before yelling "I kissed Fleur!?" 'Nothing will be the same again' You thought to yourself. And you were right... END OF PROLOUGE > Chapter One: New Emotions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Canterlot--- You didn't sleep at all last night. The kiss with Fleur was still in your Brain. 'What happened?' You thought to yourself. You looked at your clock to see it was 8:45 A.M. You sighed "I guess I didn't get a wink of sleep last night" You said to youself. The doorbell rang, grabbing your attention. You got up off your bed and walked out of your room to the front door and opened it. Fleur was standing there looking at the ground blushing. "I-i'm sorry about last night, Streak" She said kicking the ground. "It's okay, Fleur" You said grabbing her shoulder causing her to look at you. "R-really?" She said. You nodded. "Yes, I mean it" You said. She smiled before she kissed you. You were not surprised this time and you kissed back. The sensation was magical (No pun intended) You both stopped kissing and looked at eachother smiling. "Hey, Streak?" Fleur said blushing. "Yeah?" You said. "Can we be Marefriend and Coltfriend?" She said blushing some more. You smiled and nodded. Fleur grinned and hugged you. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said smiling. You hugged her back. Fancypants was watching this from a window in his Mansion. He smiled. 'You lucky colt' He thought to himself. He walked away from the window smiling. 'Today is a new day' You thought to yourself. You and her stopped hugging. "See you later, Streak" She said kissing your cheek and walking away. You waved goodbye to her before closing your door. You sighed happily. "I love my life" You said to yourself. You smiled the rest of the day. When Twilight came by for a visit, she noticed that you were smiling a lot. "What's got you in such a good mood?" She said. "Let's just say that Streak has a Marefriend" You said proudly. Twilight gasped at hearing this and a tear came from her eye. You noticed this and said "You okay, Twilight?". She straightened up quickly. "N-nothing's wrong! I'm just happy that you found love" She said sniffing. "I'm sorry but I have to go!" She said speeding out of your house. "Ooooooookay?" You said slowly. "Why, why!?" Twilight yelled crying in her new bed at her castle. "I liked him before anypony else!" She said crying some more. She sat up and sniffed. "I wish he was my Coltfriend" She said herself. END OF CHAPTER ONE > Chapter Two: Love Triangle, much? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a week since you've started going out with Fleur. And it's been one of the best time you've ever had in your life. But something was on your mind. Twilight started acting weird around you, and you mean REALLY weird. She started blushing whenever you talked to her and when you mention Fleur, she just goes silent. And you can sometimes see tears coming from her eyes. You decided you've had enough. You got some bits to buy a ticket to Ponyville. You told Fleur and Fancypants that you'll be gone for a bit. And this is happening now. You were in your seat reading a book. You looked out your window to see Ponyville coming closer and closer. You heard the conductor telling everypony to get ready to get off. You grabbed your bag and waited for the train to stop. You walked out to the platform and saw Twilight's Castle. You walked towards the Castle only to be stopped by your hyperactive friend, Pinkie Pie. "Hey Lightning Streak! Whatareyoudoinghere?" She said really fast. You've known her so long that you understand what she's saying. "I'm here for Twilight" You said. "Ohokay" She said before bouncing away. You knew well enough not to question about Pinkie. You walked the rest of the way to Twilight's Castle and you knocked on it. "Coming" A young drake opened the door and looked up at you. "Oh. Hey there, Streak. Why are you here?" Spike said. "I'm looking for Twilight. Is she here?" You asked him. "Yeah, she's in her bedroom" Spike answered pointing to the hall. "Okay. Thanks Spike" you said walking down the hall to her room. You walked into her room to see something that baffled you. There was pictures of you and Twilight on her cabinet, there was a plushie shaped like Smartypants but it looked like you. You saw her writing in a diary. "Uhhh...." She looked up to see you dumbfounded. She looked around to see she still had those things out. Her face turned red because of this. "I-it isn't what you think!" She said getting up. You ran, just ran. You can't believe this... One of your closest friends didn't tell you they had a crush on you. Rainbow Dash saw you running and decided to check what's up. "Where you going in such a hurry, Streak?" She said flying next to you. You just ignored her. You just went to the Train Station and used the bits you had and bought a ticket back to Canterlot and booked it out of there. Twilight saw you get on the Train and cried all the way back to her Castle. 'The BUCK just happened!?' You thought about that all the way back to Canterlot. END OF CHAPTER TWO