Rampage of Greed

by PhoKingAzn

First published

[Warning: clopfic, may be disturbing]

[Warning: Clopfic, Hentai style, you probably know where this description is going]
Dragons, their greed makes them stronger. Not only in their physical state but also stronger sense of Desire.
But this tale isn't just any ol' tale of simple greed, this was the rape of innocence~
[Tags: rape, sex, hentai, spike rampage, ponyville, spehss mahreens]

Chapter 1: Gift of Greed

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Rampage of Greed

By Jonathan Chung Nguyen

Disclaimer: This is horrible written in 2 hours and should not be taken seriously

Chapter 1: Gift of Rarity

Today was like any ordinary day, sun shining brightly in the middle of the sky,
leaves calmly bristling in the breeze, and spike terrorizing the town!

I couldn't believe it myself. Usually spike would never act that way.
But I had to see it to believe it... Spike, my faithful pet, had suddenly become
a horrible monster...

It all started last week...
I was cleaning the library, it was that time of year again!
While I was concentrating on categorizing my ancient pony books,
lifting all the books with my magic, and putting them on shelves...

Spike was laughing and lollygagging to himself
Losing my Focus, my concentration fails and i dropped all my Books...

So i asked spike, "What are you laughing about?"
He replied holding a fire ruby, "This little beauty is my birthday present to myself"
Holding the fire ruby close to his face rubbing it on his cheeks.

In the same moment, Rarity opens the front door saying,
"OHhh hellooO, any pony home?", sticking her head through the crack
of the open door, to be gasping loudly, as she spots Spike's Fire Ruby.

Rarity opening to door to say
"HuuuH is that a fire ruby?"
Spike replying, "You bet"
Staring deeply into the fire ruby rarity says,
"That must be a least 20 Karats!"

Rarity looking back towards me saying,
"Well I came over to see you had any books on historical fashion..."
As Rarity stares back into the fire ruby.

Looking through some piles i book i dropped earlier, i broke Rarity's stare in the fire ruby, giving her the book.
She starts explaining about some sort of fashion she was hoping to make.

Then i noticed, Rarity bites herself looking towards the Fire Ruby saying,
"Spike that ruby is so beautiful..", ...pausing

"I never seen such any quite so stunning..." Looking, glamorous and innocent.
Spike replying, "Gee... you really like it huh?"
Rarity replying, "Like it? its magnificent!" in a super glamorous tone.

I knew right off the bat spike was going to give the ruby to rarity,
Spike cannot resist Rarity, hes like a new born puppy.
Then suddenly Spike starts being bashful and says

"Then, this beauty should belong to you," giving the Ruby to Rarity,
"This Gem is the perfect match for you... like Tom"

Rarity dumfounded saying "I don't know w-what to say"
trotting around the room with the Ruby saying,
"this is just... SOoo thoughtful of you, my little spikey wikey♥~!"

As rarity then walks up to spike to whisper something,
I didn't know what she whispered but he blushed into a deep red,
like the fire ruby itself!

Spike came up to me and said,

"Twilight is it okay if me and rarity borrowed the room, alone?"
His face still flushed red, bashfully playing with his arms,
"Rarity wants to give me a gift for my birthday"

I didn't get it, what would rarity have that spike would want at this moment...
I wanted to find out, so i hatched a plan.

A Couple Minutes Later

Using one of Celestia's favorite spells [i don't know why she likes it]...
I became invisible...
I wonder to myself a bit, but then i had important matters to intend too

I crept into the room, to find rarity on my bed in such a vulgar manor,

Shocked realizing what is happen covered my mouth, to not get caught
Spike dumfounded, staring towards rarity, walks slowly towards the bed
He grabs rarity legs and grinds up towards rarity with his scaly skin.

Rarity keeping a straight glamorous face, grabs onto spikes head to say
"Now, now spike, a Lady as me should be soothed first~♥".
As she pushes spike's head down towards her Vagina.

Spike hesitant a bit, still in awed as to what is happening, as
Rarity calmly says in soft innocent voice "I'm all~yours♥"

Instantly, spike starts toying with Rarity,
It almost appeared he had lost his sanity.
I thought carefully to myself, watching,

As Spike continued to toy Rarity, Rarity herself was overcome by pleasure,
As Spike then starts licking Rarity's vagina,
Opening her legs wide open, hunched over the lower half of her body.
Having a malicious look on his face...

He starts using his tongue to penetrate rarity, as
Rarity moans loudly as the extent of pleasure was too much
As spike tongue slither deep inside, churning her insides,

And here i am watching all of this...
Feeling a bit disgusted by myself, why am i watching still?
So I decided to leave, but i was shocked to see,
something so terrifying.

All of a sudden Spike grew, not like adjust himself too look taller,
but literally, grew, a couple of inches...no..meters!
he was at the exact... no. he was actually taller than Rarity!

Rarity also shocked, tried to flip around, but instead found to be grabbed by spike.

In Awe, Rarity was lifted from her hooves and to be standing on only two hoofs. She became flush and said,
"W-w-wait spike, a lady such as myself shouldn't be toyed so rashly..." but was cut off,
by an unexpected deep voice coming from spike,
"No.... your my precious, precious jewel..." as he toys with her licking the side of her neck.

Terrified, Rarity jumped from spike landing on the floor, trying to crawl away.
Spike was gaining close as he walked slowly, but threatening towards Rarity
I realized that this had gone to far, so i called off my spell and ran towards Rarity,
She was still on the floor Terrified so i use my magic to pushed rarity out of the door, and locking spike inside.

When i closed the door, spike was yelling, banging on the door, saying,
"Rarity is mine, Mine, MINEEEEEEEE!"

Rarity, still in shock says,
"that can't be my Little....Spikey wikey..."
As I i sit near Rarity, Comforting her, thinking what i should do next
To possibly figure out, what happen to spike...