The Wonderbolts Flying Academy

by Pot8osoup

First published

Fluttershy goes to the Wonderbolts Academy

Fluttershy attends the public school for Pegasi, and finds herself falling for her teacher.

Chapter One

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"Don't worry, honey," Fluttershy's mother smiled. "I'm sure you will be fine at boarding school. You'll have loads of friends in no time!" Fluttershy smiled nervously at her mother. "Don't mind the bullies. They just think you are weak because of your wing impairment." Her mother hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll see you in the holidays!" And with a wave, she flew off.

Fluttershy stood nervously at the entrance of her new school. She didn't know anypony here, and found it difficult to make friends. What if everyone hated her? What if the lessons were too difficult? Fluttershy took a deep breath and shakily walked to the entrance.

She was greeted by one of the less famous Wonderbolts, Surprise. "Welcome to the Wonderbolts Academy, open to all young Pegasi! Just fill out these forms and someone will show you to your dorm." Fluttershy took the papers and pen that were being offered to her. She filled it out:

Name: Fluttershy
Age: 16
DOB: 9998/5/26

When Surprise read her name, she frowned. "Your... Fluttershy? The one with the... delicate wings? Oh. Anyways, Nurse Redheart! Show Fluttershy here to the East Girls dorm.

"East?" Nurse Redheart said, surprised. "What's wrong with her?"

"She has a wing... impairment, I think."

"Oh. Well dear," Nurse Redheart smiled kindly at the cowering Fluttershy, "Give me your things and I'll show you to your new dorm!" She took Fluttershy's suitcases and began walking down a long corridor. Fluttershy hurried after her. "You will have a tour of the grounds tomorrow, after your first class. Don't worry, you should be able to find your classes quite easily." They walked up a huge staircase. "I'll be your dorms matron. If you need anything, just come to me." She stopped at a large mahogany door. "Here's your dorm!" As Fluttershy walked in, she was completely drenched in green jelly. She screamed. "Professor Discord!" Nurse Redheart shouted angrily. "What were you doing in the girls dorm? Leave!"

"Such a spoilsport. Why can't you have a bit of fun?" A voice said. Fluttershy looked around for the speaker, but saw no one. "Fine, I'll leave." The mysterious voice said. She heard a sound like fingers snapping, and a creature Fluttershy had never seen before appeared in front of her. She screamed again. The creature laughed. Nurse Redheart gritted her teeth.


"Oh, fine." It rolled its eyes and left the room.

"Sorry, dear. That was Professor Discord. He lives pranking the students, especially new ones. Now, you can go take a quick shower to get rid of that jelly. Do you want me to unpack your things?"

"That was a professor?" Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"Yes. He teaches history. Now, why don't you get yourself cleaned up?" Nurse Redheart smiled. Fluttershy obediently went to the en-suite bathroom, but couldn't stop thinking about Professor Discord. What was he? What powers did he have? Why was he teaching here? She shook her head, as if ridding it of her thoughts. "Stop thinking." She told herself.

When she finished her shower, Fluttershy heard a bang on the door. What in Equestria could that be? she thought to herself. A golden-eyed Pegasus came crashing into the room.

"Woah!" The Pegasus yelped as she crashed head first into the wall and fell into the ground. For a few seconds she seemed dazed, and her eyes spun in opposite directions. But then she seemed fine. Well, Fluttershy wasn't exactly sure she was fine, for her eyes were facing opposite directions. "Hey!" She said
cheerfully. "I'm Derpy. What's your name?"

"Fluttershy." She whispered.


"Fluttershy." She spoke a bit louder this time.

"Fluttershy?" Fluttershy nodded. Derpy continued. "Isn't this place awesome? Are you excited? I bet we'll be the bestest friends! Even better, we're the only ones in this dorm! So, wha'd'ya say? Buddies?" She babbled, and offered her hoof the Fluttershy. She hesitantly took it. "Why are you in this dorm?" Derpy queried.

"Um, they put me in this one, I guess."

"No, but what medical condition do you have? People with conditions all get one dorm with the school nurse as the matron, in case something happens. I'm here cause... well, I don't see very well as I'm really clumsy." She gave a goofy smile.

"Oh. I have an impairment with my wings. I can't fly very well."

"So why didn't you just go to the all ponies high school? I mean, if you have a problem with your wings, why come to a school that trains you in flight?"

Fluttershy tried to look as small as possible. "My mother thoughtit would be good if I learned to fly properly, even if with a little difficulty."

"Oh right. But could she not just teach you herself? I mean, isn't it a waste of money to send you to the Wonderbolts Academy for Young Fliers?"

"My mother did try to teach me, but she said professional help would be better."

"Oh right. Anyway," Derpy said, changing the subject, "Are you excited for classes? They say that they also have really good teaching facilities."

The Wonderbolts Academy, or the WA, we're not just as flying school, but also taught normal subjects such as mathematics and history.

"I'm really looking forward to them. Do you know where the classrooms are?

"Yep! I can show you the grounds. What's the first subject on your timetable?

"Two periods of history."

"History? Lucky. Professor Discord is awesome. He lets you do almost whatever you want and is really funny. You'd like him."

"Well, he-"

"Girls!" Nurse Redheart interrupted. "Time for bed!"

They got into bed, the girls whispered to each other all night.

Chapter 2

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"Beep beep! Beep beep!" Fluttershy's bunny, Angel, kept calling.

"Please be quiet, Angel." Fluttershy asked politely.

"Get up, you dodo!" Angel said in Derpy's voice.

"Huh?" Fluttershy asked, confused. She opened her eyes slightly and saw Derpy nudging her.

"Get up, sleepyhead! Breakfast is in half an hour!" Groaning, Fluttershy tumbled out of bed. She had a quick shower and brushed her mane. Derpy was waiting for her at the door, a huge smile plastered all over her face. "Isn't this so exciting? Our first breakfast!"

"Wait,"Fluttershy frowned. "How did you know so much about the school if you haven't been here before?"

"My mom went here! She told me all about it."

"Oh," They reached the cafeteria.

It was bustling with ponies. The aroma of golden syrup wafted though the room. The room was huge, but it seemed quite cosy. They saw two unoccupied seats across from each other. They were just about to sit down when two colts budged them out the way. "Sorry, those are our seats." One of them said with mock courtesy. He had a red coat and a reddish-brown mane. His eyes were a brilliant green. His cutie mark was a red and white lollipop. He was rather handsome.

"Who are you, prissy?" The other one said. He had a green coat and a yellow mane. His eyes were are dull grey. He had a cutie mark of a few flowers and some grass


"Fuckershy?" The colts burst into laughter. "Fuckershy! Fuckershy!" The colts taunted.

"C'mon, we don't have to listen to them." Derpy muttered to her.

"What, relying on your derpy friend there?" The green one taunted.

"How did you know my name?" Derpy demanded.

"What?" The green colt asked, confused.

"My name is Derpy! What's yours?"

"Harvester. Are you serious? Derpy? Your parents must have hated you." He sniggered.

"No, my parents loved me! But your parents must have been awful to have turned you into such a monster."

He snarled. "Whatever. Now back off, twerps." The red colt had almost been forgotten, so Derpy asked, "And who are you?"

"Eye Candy."

"Alright, we'll leave you to it then." Derpy smiled and walked off with Fluttershy. There were no seats left and lunch was almost over, so Derpy snagged a few pancakes and they left the hall.

"Th-thank you." Fluttershy said.

"For what?"

"For standing up for me."

"Aw, it was nothing." Derpy gushed. They heard the bell ring, signalling the first class of the day. "C'mon! Better hurry!" Derpy dashed along the corridor, then stopped. "Wait, where are we going again?" Fluttershy giggled.

"History! First class of the day!"

"Right..." Derpy walked along a bit more, then stopped at a bright, colourful door that looked really out of place. "Professor Discord painted it himself. He thought it looked boring." The door opened wide and Fluttershy screamed.

"What's wrong?" Professor Discord frowned. "Too much chaos?" Fluttershy managed to muster a smile.

"Umm... I guess I just got a fright."

"Oh well." He grinned. "That's what they all say. Please do come in!"

Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy walked into the classroom.

Chapter 3

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Professor Discord was a very peculiar creature. He had the head of a pony, and a body made up of all sorts of parts, such as an eagle claw, a lion paw, a fang, a goat leg, and two mismatched red and yellow eyes. Most students screamed when they first saw him.

His classroom was complete chaos. The students sat peacefully at their desks, but it looked as if it had decorated by a raging madman. The walls were all different colours, books were strewn all over the floor, desks were at odd angles and Professor Discord's desk was floating.

His mismatched eyes gleamed as he looked over the class. "Let's get a seat before they're all taken." Derpy urged. Most students had already arrived, so they were forced to take front row seats.

"Ah, everyone is here." Professor Discord grinned. "Before we begin, who has their own history books?" A few students raised their hooves. "Bring them to me." He snapped, his playful look replaced by an angry one. "The school sent letters out to tell you not to bring your own books. They must be supplied by the school.

"Why?" Somepony asked.

"Surely it's good to read different books and read different views on Equestria's history?" Another pony said. Professor Discord suddenly seemed nervous.

"Yes, well, the schools books were a... Oh, what's the word... collaboration? Anyway, they were written by more than one pony, and every author wrote their personal thoughts on it as well. We don't need other books."


"Stop asking questions! Just, oh I don't know, read the first chapter or something. Do whatever you want, maybe they'll fire me and I'll finally get a job in a café."

"Why do you want to work in a café? They don't pay you as well there."

"Just shut the buck up!" He snapped, irritated. Then he grinned. "And as a punishment, you all have to do work!" Then he paused, and muttered, "How do I teach them?" He then spoke to them. "Okay, maybe we'll all introduce ourselves instead. I'll go first. My name is Discord, and I'm teaching a class full of stupid Pegasi." He pointed to a green-blue Pegasus with a yellow and orange mane.

"I'm Lightning Dust, and I'm going to be a Wonderbolt soon."

The other pegasi snorted.

"Right, your turn." He pointed to the stallion next to Lightning Dust.

"I'm Eye Candy, and I think no Pegasus should be cowardly or a doormat." He looked directly at Fluttershy. "Even if their name is Shy." Fluttershy then realised that he was the colt she spoke to a breakfast. Derpy began.

"I'm Derpy Doo, and I like muffins!" She smiled broadly. Discord chuckled.

"Finally, a nice first impression. Your turn." He pointed at Fluttershy.

"I'm Fluttershy." She was barely audible.

"Didn't quite catch that." Professor Discord said.

"F-Fluttershy." She squeaked.

"She's called Fuckershy!" A colt's voice rang out around the room. Discord frowned and snapped his fingers. A bottle of syrup squirted onto Harvester's head.

"Now, Harvester, you know I appreciate a good joke, but being cruel to other students is hardly acceptable." He paused. "Besides, I don't like the use of crass words." He smiled, pleased that he had told off a student properly. He turned to the blackboard behind him, and muttered under his breath, "And I don't like you either." He turned back to Fluttershy, and let the students see what he had written;

Detention List:

"Now, what is your name? Wait, let me guess, you're Fluttershy? The one with the weak wings?"

A colt snorted. "Why is she even in the school if she can't fly?" Fluttershy turned to see Eye Candy. Discord simply sighed and write Eye Candy on his detention list.

"Right, class dismissed. Go and do whatever, I need to get sacked." The students noisily packed their school bags and talked about how lucky they were to get no homework.

"Oh, and just before you go, for homework, re-write the history book." Discord cackled. The Pegasi groaned in unison, and rushed out the classroom to start their five hundred paged homework.

But just before she went, Fluttershy stopped. "Thank you, Professor." She smiled softly at Discord.

"For what?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"For not teasing me," Fluttershy explained. "Most ponies can be so cruel if they know you're different or you have a disability." Discord snorted.

"Believe me, I learnt that firsthand." Then his expression turned serious. "Don't tell anyone. Now, get the buck out my classroom."

As she left, Fluttershy couldn't help smiling to herself.

Chapter 4

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"Did you hear? School dance in two weeks!" Derpy exclaimed.

It had been two weeks since their first history lesson. They had met their other teachers, the awful mathematics teacher who wouldn't tell them his name so they called him sir and the ancient runes, biology and magic teacher who was a wise zebra called Zecora. She only really stayed at the school because everyone liked her, even though no one actually needed to learn magic. The science teacher was called Dr. Hooves. There were an awful lot of rumours going around about how he had gone to other universes, and although they were nonsense, he was very clever. Then there was the art, music and drama teacher called Octavia. She was very posh and played the cello.