> My GBF Knows Best > by ScribbleSmooch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Leaving The Nest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up every morning was a drag but not today! No, sir! Today is the day I leave to Ponyville! I've been dreaming of this day since I was little. It's not like I hated my parents. It's just that I've never really been able to travel because of them but now that I'm older, I'm more mature and responsible to spread my pegasus wings and roam wherever I want and do whatever I please. There's just this super teeny tiny problem. I'm not very good at meeting new people and if I'm going to start my life in a new town, I'm going to need some help. Who better than my best friend in the whole wide world, Knit Pink. I've been friends with that fabulous colt since I was born. I was the first pony to find out that he was gay and I still love him to this day. As I made my morning cereal, I was greeted by my mother. She looked like she had a rough night since I told her that I was leaving the next day. As for dad, he left for work long before I woke up. He was quite the workaholic and it's a reason why I don't really connect with him anymore. Mom was always there for me, though. I wouldn't have made it out of high school without her and she actually created my friendship between Knit and I. Our mothers were always close and we always hung out so we became inseparable as the years past. "Morning, sweetie. Slept well?", she asked with a groan in her voice. I nodded in reply because of the cereal in my mouth and her pet peeve for talking with your mouth full. She dragged her hooves to the coffee machine and brewed herself a cup. While the sun peeked through the window, the kitchen filled the air with coffee grinds and the flowers that she planted a few months back. "So..... Today is the big day.... Are you nervous?", She asked. I swallowed the last spoonful of cereal and looked over my shoulder. I noticed the worry in her eyes as she waited for an answer. It's going to be hard to say goodbye. You see, Knit's mom died about two years ago and mom has been a wreck since. Knit hasn't been the same either so I try not to mention the "m" word around him. He treats my mom like he did his though and that's why she insisted on letting me take him with me. Whatever I wouldn't do, he would either remind me or do it for me. "No, I'm not nervous at all. I'm more excited than anything", I replied. She stood quiet as she wrapped her mouth around the handle and poured herself a cup of coffee. She turned towards me and put the cup down on the table as we both heard a knock at the door. I got up and answered the door to find my best friend on the other side. He pounced on me and embraced my side with squeals like a schoolgirl. "Scrib!! Oh mah gawsh! I missed you so much, pudding cup!!", he said. I laughed and shut the door behind him. He scuffed up my hair and trotted his way into the kitchen to greet my mom. She smiled weakly because she was so tired but she managed to give him a hug. He turned towards me and sat while rubbing his hooves together. Mom took a sip of her coffee and attempted to fix her hair with her hoof but it was unsuccessful. "Scribby, you ready to go?", he said. I signaled him to shush because its a heavy burden on my mother's heart so he shut up and changed the subject. He asked about my day and it really was a blank conversation starter considering that my day has just started. He got up and felt he overstayed his welcome so trotted upstairs to my room. Mom looked at me with a chuckle and sipped more of her coffee. She then nodded her head and said, "Go on ahead. He's more excited than you are. I'll be fine" I agreed with her and hopped up the stairs to my room. I smile at Knit and drag out my luggage bag out from under my bed. It wasn't quite full yet but I didn't have much to take with me. All I had was my scarf for winter, my brushes [one for mane and one for coat], my rain boots, a few pictures of my parents and me as a colt, my nerd glasses and a few hipster outfits that help me stand out, and my toothbrush. "Soooooooo you ready to hop on that train yet?", he asked. "I suppose. I'm just worried about my ol' mare. I just hope she can handle herself without me", I replied while packing the last few things I had. "Don't worry. She'll be fine. Remember when we snuck out to go camping for an entire weekend?", He said with reassurance in his voice. "Yeah and she was nearly shipped to the Manehattan Insane Asylum because she kept screaming my name with running in the streets. I was grounded for almost a month, Knit", I said. He paused then said, "Touchè. But she turned out fine. Plus, we didn't tell her we were leaving. You told her this time where you were going. She's prepared to worry." I pulled the bag towards the door and looked over at Knit. He was always so optimistic and I suppose if it weren't for him, I'd most likely be dead or really depressed. Plus his pinkish purple coat brought me happiness and joy. I don't know, maybe it was the color or something. I even remember the day I helped him get his cutie mark which also sparked his confidence. You see, he was the quiet one at school and I knew why. He never got to show his true colors because he was afraid people would judge him... We were just little colts then and I remember Knit was staring at this list that other ponies signed.... ~Flashback~ "Hey Knit! Whatchya looking at?" "Oh just the try outs for the school play. All the colts joined the hoofball team but I really want to sing and dance on stage with all these cool costumes.... but.... I'm not a filly..." "So? That shouldn't stop you. I've seen you dance, buddy. I think this is just what you need" He signed the form and trotted off happily. The day of the auditions weren't so great but Knit was ready for it.... "Next up is.... Knit Pink", called the assistant principal. He looked so happy with his scarf he made himself the night before. There were a lot of people in the audience and they all were shocked to hear his name echo in the auditorium. Silence filled the air as he made his way to the center stage. "Mr. Pink, what shall you be performing for us?" "A scene from A Canterlot Tail by Steven Spurrsberg" I was waving at him from the front row and clopped my hooves together to cheer him on with as least noise as I can. I was all for him and I've been practicing with him all week for it. He had all the words down packed so I knew he was a shoo in... but the first word that came out of his mouth started an onslaught of homophobic comments which shattered Knit's self esteem and brought him to tears. It was that time that I knew I had to step in. I hopped up on the stage and stomped my hoof so hard, it might have dented the stage. The echo traveled all throughout the auditorium and it was the only noise I heard by the time it bounced back to Knit and I. I then moved over and let Knit continue. Knit began his routine and everyone stood quiet with some snickering here and there. Once he finished, the judges all clopped their hooves together in utter shock at his grace and pitch. Once it was all over, I talked with Knit backstage and he told me that he was scared to perform because everyone talked about him but he told me that when we talked, he felt better and more open to do anything he wanted. He then told me that he was interested and attracted to other colts but he said I had a special place in his heart. It was at that moment we became best friends. He hugged me and there it was- Knit's cutie mark. It looked like the male symbol with a microphone tied to it. I swear, I've never seen Knit so happy in his entire life! Well this one time but that's a bit personal. ~end flashback~ Knit was all giddy and staring at my bedroom clock. He had already folded all my posters and put them in my bag while I was having the flashback. I sat on my bed and realized how empty my room was with all my stuff put away. I felt a little sad about it but it's how everypony feels when leaving their parents house. I didn't shed any tears though... that was.... until my mom set hoof in the room. She looked around and took a deep breath with her eyes closed. Once she opened her eyes, they were filled with tears. I wasn't sure if there were happy or sad tears but just the water in her eyes made me weak. I tried hard not to cry just for her. I wanted to show her how strong I was and that I was able to make this big step for myself. "I'm going to miss you....", She stifled between gasps for air. I patted her back and sniffled a few times. We then parted our embrace and she wiped the tears from her eyes. I gestured Knit to drag my stuff outside so I can talk to my mom privately. Once Knit disappeared with my bag, I turned to my mom and sighed. "Mom... You know that whatever happens, you know where to find me, right?" "Of course, dear. I know you'll do great things. I will always be here for you just in case anything goes wrong. You'll still be a colt to me but I know you need this. I love you, son" "I love you too, mom. I will send you a letter as soon as I get there. Wish me luck" She kissed my head one last time and walked me downstairs to the front door. I smiled at her and then grabbed my bag in my mouth. I strolled down to the train station with Knit after we picked up his luggage. We were both so excited as we boarded and seated. I took the seat by the window and admired the last few things about Manehattan. I'm really going to miss this place but its for the best... > Chaper 2: One Hoof Out The Door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the scenery changed from city to country, my smile became wider and wider. My nervousness completely disappeared and my anxiousness to get settled in was taking over. Knit had fallen asleep after a few minutes of rocking to and fro. At first, I was starting to doze off but the hostess came over with some coffee and I just felt energized ever since. The train screeched to a stop as we arrived at our destination which woke up Knit and anypony else who was sleeping. He rubbed his eyes and peeked over my lap to see Ponyville. "Looks peaceful... Ohhhh hello..", he said while noticing a stallion trotting by. I nudged him and laughed, "Save the flirting for later, Knit" He blushed a little and shook his head, "Right. I'm getting a little distracted" I chuckled and walked with him out of the train and towards the baggage claim. We waited for almost 30 minutes for our bags and once we got them, we took a little trip to see an old friend of mine who happened to be in the neighborhood. Knit didn't really know him but I'm pretty sure he'll want to get to know him. We walked past a few stores and some ponies looked at us funny. Others seem interested in us as if we were from another planet. It didn't faze me much but Knit was loving the attention. He was doing a weird walk that I haven't seen him do since we were little and he was watching Herdy Dancer on tv while looking at himself in the mirror. It was like a hip sway kind of walk and he had his chin up all proud. I couldn't help but chuckle every time someone looked in our direction. I had to scoot away from him unless everyone would think that we were a couple. It was also another reason why I haven't had anything close to a special somepony. We then stumbled upon a bright red barn that was on the property of Sweet Apple Acres. He always sent me post cards of this place and it took my breath away to see it in the flesh. It was a cozy looking barn and it looked huge from the outside. As soon as we got close enough, a yellow colored stallion opened the door and called for me while waving his foreleg. "Scribble!!! You finally came!", he hollered with a heavy western accent. I galloped towards him and hugged him tight. This was actually the first time I met my quill pal and it felt really good to meet him face to face. He then gestured me to come inside and have a look around. I walked past him and stopped in my tracks to turn around and introduce Knit to him. "Knit, this is Braeburn. Brae, this is my best friend, Knit", I said before continuing on inside. I looked around and smiled. The interior was so spacious and colorful. It had four bedrooms and a guest room upstairs along with a family room and a kitchen on the main floor. I sat and waited for Brae to give me a tour but it seemed like Knit and Brae were very interested in each other so I decided to take matters into my own hooves and explore by myself. Once I had my eye fill of the kitchen and living room, I made my way upstairs. The guest bedroom was the closest to the stairs and it had all of Brae's belongings in it. The room next to his had somewhat of a fermented apple smell to it. I nudged the door open and realized that this room must belong to the owner of the entire estate and he or she must be pretty old to have all these vintage furniture and upholstery. I walked farther into the room and noticed the old timey photos framed on the dresser. A few were taken of a young mare with a braid and a bonnet. Nopony wears bonnets anymore so this photo had to be old. Another was of a family of four in front of this exact barn. There was a colt and two fillies along with an older version of the mare in the other photographs. It kind of reminded me of my mother and how she feels now... I started to worry but the old apple smell was starting to get to me so I exited the room and continued on exploring. The next room was pretty small but spacious for a filly or colt. There was one little princess like bed and a toy box along with a book shelf. Seems like they recently had a new addition to the family and this must be their room. I shut the door and continued onto the last two rooms. I then entered a room that was pretty big and orderly. The bed looked clean and fresh as if the pony who owns this room barely sleeps. The room had very few momenta but a few pictures like the elderly mare's room. The pictures were of the family only the picture was taken recently. The photo had the same ponies in it but with a small filly in the front. The colt and filly grew and the picture had color so I could finally tell the color. The stallion had a red coat with freckles, blonde mane and a yoke around his neck, the mare was orange with freckles and blonde as well but with a scrunchie around her mane and tail, the filly had a yellow coat with a red mane and a big pink bow. They looked like such a happy and busy family with such culture behind it. My gaze was averted from the photos as I heard a new voice coming from downstairs. I rushed downstairs to find the elderly mare trudging her way inside before Brae and Knit, following her close behind. I smiled and introduced myself and she gave me a sweet toothless grin and shook my hoof. She made her way upstairs with her walker and disappeared into her room. She seemed tired so I insisted on Brae to show us to our new home. Knit barely said anything but I knew he was infatuated with Braeburn. Come to think of it, I never even asked Brae if he played for the other team like Knit. I guess I'll let Knit figure that one out. Brae agreed and lead us on a little journey down the road, just between Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville. It was a bit small but I reassured myself that it must be big on the inside. He presented us the door and told us that he should be on his way. I bid him goodbye and lugged all the bags inside. Knit stayed out with Brae for a while longer then eventually came inside. I admired the walls and wide rooms, just like home. Knit picked up his bag and began trotting up the steps to the bedrooms. I didn't want him to have first pick so I tried with all my might to get up the stairs before him. I called for him to wait and he did so at the top of the stairs. Once I got up to the top, Knit laughed and let me choose my room. I examined both rooms and chose the one on the left. It was pretty big and had a king sized bed in the corner along with a desk, perfect for my computer. Knit began unpacking so I did the same and nicely placed everything like it was in my old room. Once I put up the last poster, I started thinking about my mother again. I began writing her a letter telling her how our ride was, Braeburn and the new house. I folded it up and put it on my desk to send it later. Hope she's alright > Chapter 3: All Nice and Cozy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up, fresh and rested. Ready to take on the world and check out my new town. I brushed my mane and my teeth then washed my face to help me wake up a little more. I trotted over to Knit's room and knocked my hoof against the door lightly. "Knit? You up?", I asked before I nudged the door open. Once, I could see through the crack in the door, I saw Knit plopped on the bed with a phone resting on his chest. He must've been talking on the phone with someone all night-probably Braeburn. I tip toed inside and took the phone off his chest and onto the night stand. He was sleeping so soundly but he would get so upset if I left to explore the new town without him. So, I woke him up nicely and told him that I was going out on the town. I didn't even have to finish my sentence when he jumped up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. I love it when he's so happy and excited about something. It's like having a dog and watching him run in a giant field with other dogs. He spent hours getting himself ready so I decided to get something to eat. I had so much confidence and I really couldn't wait to set hoof out of this house. Knit finally got himself together as I was washing my breakfast dish. He wore a nice vest with his mane brushed forward all scruffy looking and had his signature cologne on that smelled like really strong stallion. I liked it and I kinda wished he'd share but my subtle musk would have to do. "You gonna eat?", I asked. "Eat?" He said with a smile. "Who can eat at a time like this?!" He bucked a little in anticipation and gestured to join him. I walked over to the door and let my best friend skedaddle down towards Ponyville while I followed not too far behind. He kept looking back to see if I was close or at least still in his sights. I strolled down the dirt road and enjoyed the scenery just for inspiration for tonight's blog. You see, I have this online journal and only a few ponies have access to it. I give them permission to read my personal thoughts, feelings and whereabouts. It makes me feel better that some ponies understand how I feel or help me though it. Don't get me wrong, I used to have it public but ever since someone tried to beat Knit up for what I wrote, I decided to leave it private so only people I've met and have a friendship with are allowed to read it. I write about pretty much everything that happens to me- love, food, experiences, places, ponies, animals, and plants. I take my time to observe things and make little notes so my friends and family back home know what's going on. My mom isn't technology savvy so I have to send her the letter that I wrote which was the main reason why I left the house. We reached the town center and it was a very solitary place. There was a two or three story town hall with a bunch of windows and a board out front with a few flyers posted on it. Knit disappeared somewhere and I was in too good of a mood to chase after him so I made my way towards the board and read some of the postings. A few were on sales at the market and food plaza but there was one on the map of Ponyville. I didn't want to tear just any map off the board so I made my way inside and asked for a map. While I waited, a mare was walking down the stairs. She had a grey mane and a tan coat. She had sophisticated looking glasses and a collar with dark green ruffles around her neck. She was talking to her assistant who was a lavender colored mare with a black mane. They both stopped once they saw me and gently shoved her assistant to the side. "I don't believe I've met your acquaintance", She said sweetly "I'm Mayor Mare" I gently hit her hoof with mine but she just paused for a moment. She looked at me and awkwardly giggled. I guess my greeting was a bit different from their's. "I'm assuming you aren't from around here, are you?", she asked. I nodded my head to answer her and told her that I was raised in Manehattan and moved here yesterday. She had a glow in her eyes after I said that and things started to get a little weird. "Oh my! Do tell me how it is down in Manehattan. I've always wanted to visit but never had the time. Also, what is your name, dear?", She said. "Oh It's Scribble. Scribble Smooch", I replied. She then proceeded to tell me where everything was and I listened to every word. I finally received the map and she bid me farewell. I left the town hall and scanned the area for Knit. He was nowhere to be found. That is, until I heard a scream that sounded a lot like Knit's and some rumbling inside a bar. It was at that moment that I knew someone didn't appreciate Knit's hospitality or sexuality. This first day is off to a shakey start but I'm hoping things will make a complete 180 degree turn for the better. > Chapter 4: Our Savior of Orange > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ran over to the bar where I heard Knit scream and busted through the door. As I entered, a crowd of stallions were surrounding something or somepony in the center where the pool tables were. At first, I grew nervous, hoping that Knit wasn't in the middle of them all. Until I heard Knit's feminine like scream once more and I heard it from the crowd. "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!!", I hollered at the top of my lungs. Anypony who didn't pay attention to me at first, stopped what they were doing to see what I would do. My worry was getting the best of me and I couldn't control it. I walked my way through the crowd with heavy hooves, making a path straight to Knit. My worry turned to confusion as I saw Knit nuzzling crotches of the stallions that were surrounding him. "Oh hey Scrib. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I walked into a bar and this stallion thought I was a mare and he made me stoop to give him some... well, you know. So I was about to do it then more started showing up and I fell in love with their musky workhorse smell. Ugh its so good", he explained. A blush flooded my cheeks as I felt a huge embarrassment creep up my spine. I didn't know how to react and I wondered how everypony would think of me after this. Knit got up from taking his last few whiffs of their undercarriage and shoved me out the door with him. "Welcome to my fabulous world. I'm sorry you had to find out like this but you had to find out my sexual side eventually", He said as we walked towards the bank. "Knit, I don't want to talk about what I just saw. Just don't bring it to the house. Now, let's get some bits so I can make something tonight for dinner" "Alright alright. So what're we going to eat tonight?" "I don't know. Depends what we find at the market", I said as we walked past the giant stone ponies and up the stairs inside. The bank was spotless and very elegant looking. I trotted down the corridor and up to the bank teller just to see how much money my father left me. Ever since I was a colt, he said he'd be there for me but then one day, he had to serve the princess and never came back. Hope he's alright though. I asked the mare what my account balance was then she asked for my information and looked confused as she told me there was absolutely no bits in my account. I couldn't believe my ears! Why would he suck my account dry? He told me he'd put bits away for me. I was so frustrated and all I wanted to do was beat something to tiny pieces so Knit apologized for my behavior and guided me out the door. My eyes were filled with tears and I didn't have enough energy to even walk down the stairs. Knit followed close behind and patted my back to comfort me, "Don't worry, Scrib. We can get jobs at a clothing and food place just so we can eat and get discounts. It'll be fine" He was right. I should've been prepared for this. After all, we did leave our hometown and should've expected the unexpected. I took a deep breath and got up. We had to head home and maybe look for a job. My plan was to see if Braeburn was still at Sweet Apple Acres and ask if he could help get me a job in the food department. I explained it to Knit and he insisted we go there immediately for some strange reason. We made it to Sweet Apple Acres and began looking for Braeburn. Alas, he was nowhere to be found but then we heard some thumping and grunting behind the barn deep in the trees so Knit went to go check it out then called for me. Brae was working the field and he was sweating up a storm. His hind legs were slamming against the trees while another stallion was collecting the apples. It was the stallion that I saw in the photos only he was a little older and more reddish. I suppose the flash washed out most of the color. I looked at Knit and he looked as though he's seen the most beautiful erotic thing in the world. His hormones were getting the best of him so I yanked him by his scarf out of Braeburn's sight. "Knit, get it together. If we want to work here, you have to get your game face on not your perv face", I scolded him quietly. "I'm sorry. You're right", he responded. I nudged him back towards Braeburn and the other stallion. I waved at them, hoping to get their attention. Braeburn noticed me and stopped what he was doing. He used his hoof to wipe the beads of sweat from his brow which put Knit on edge. He loved a working pony between his plot cheeks and he couldn't take it anymore. He excused himself then bolted inside to calm down. I sighed and asked Brae if he could offer me a job or help me get one. He then looked at the red stallion and then back at me. "Where are my manners?! Scribble, this is Big Macintosh. The bronco of Sweet Apple Acres", he said while introducing me to the red stallion. I shook his hoof and smiled pleasantly. He had big hooves which he probably uses to buck the trees for apples. I looked up at him and asked when he could let me work. He didn't say a word but shook his head to gesture "no". My pleasant smile faded and he looked at Brae the patted him in the back before walking inside. Braeburn shrugged, "Sorry Scrib, but you're in no shape to do work like this. Maybe you should wait for Big Mac's sister, Applejack. She has plenty of connections and she'll definitely help you." I nodded and decided to go inside to see if Knit was calm. I should've called him ahead of time because I walked right into some romance. There Knit was, kneeling down with his head wedged between Big Mac's thighs. He was sitting on a hay bail, sweating more than the last time I saw him. I didn't say anything but Big Mac saw me and gestured me to leave. Knit was too lost in the moment to notice so I just left and shut the door behind me. I sat by a tree that Brae had already bucked and harvested, waiting for this Applejack pony. I started to fall asleep about an hour later but somepony nudged me and scolded me for falling asleep. I looked up, a little drowsy, and gazed at the pony who didn't appreciate fatigue. I assumed it was Applejack since she looked like the mare in the picture only she was so full of color in the flesh. Her hazel eyes stared into mine and began to squint. "Is this the lil' newbie yous talkin' about Brae?", she hollered towards Braeburn. He nodded in reply as he pushed the bushels into a row. She told me to get up and follow her to the porch of her barn. I got up and wobbled close behind, my legs still asleep from the awkward position I was in. She looked like a tough cookie and I didn't want to make her mad but then again, I felt a warm vibe around her. There must be more to her than meets the eye. > Chapter 5: Job Hunting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack sat on the porch and waited for me to plop my flank on the wood floor as well. She took a deep breath and exhaled as the wind blew some of the leaves from the trees into a curving dance in the sky. She then turned to me and smiled. "So, What's your name?" "It's Scribble. Scribble Smooch", I replied. "You just moved here?" I nodded, "With my friend Knit Pink. We thought we had money in the bank but nothing was there so, I asked Braeburn if you or your brother could help us find jobs.." She sighed then caught herself and chuckled. I told her I would love to work in retail or goods for Knit and I then her chuckle began to increase in volume and depth. I don't know what I said or did but she was liking it. She got up and patted my back, it hurt a bit from how strong she was but I smiled along with her. She walked down the porch and gestured for me to follow her. After a while of unquestionable trailing, she led me to a bakery. It was bright and colorful in an inviting way. You could smell everything that was being baked inside and it made my stomach growl. She walked in and I followed but stopped at the register in awe of the incredible decorating. The smells were even stronger inside as I turned to see the cakes and treats on display. After Applejack rang the counter bell, a light blue pony walked up with her pink mane swirled as if it was icing. She smiled and asked how she can help us and Applejack told her everything and that I needed a job as soon as possible. She nodded and told us to sit while she talked to her husband. After we sat down, a skinny yellow and tall pony came up with shakes and pulled a chair up to sit with us. Applejack smiled and shook his hoof as if they've known each other for quite some time. He then slid a shake towards her and I then introduced himself. "My name is John Carrot Cake but you can call me Mr. Cake. I heard you were looking for a job and turns out I do have an opening. You just moved here so this'll be a great way for you to meet new ponies. If you are interested, let me know and I'll get you started first thing tomorrow" "Of course, sir. I would love to work here" "Oh great! Then let me introduce you to the staff. Come with me", he said while getting up and walking behind the counter. I followed close behind and walked up the stairs to what seemed like their home. He told me that no pony is allowed up here unless told to do so. He trotted towards the first door on the left and nudged it open. I leaned into the door frame and looked down, seeing two little foals. Both were very adorable and tiny, I asked if I could say hi and stooped down to their level and let them touch my mane and muzzle. "These two are my babies. That one is Pound Cake and the other is Pumpkin Cake. Careful, she's not so good with her magic yet" Unfortunately, the warning wasn't quick enough because once he finished his sentence, Pumpkin sneezed which cast a spell on me and made me cough up butterflies. She laughed along with her brother as I panicked to breathe without butterflies traveling up my throat and fluttering about the room. Mr. Cake laughed as well then patted my back, hoping to aid the spell to finish. Once it did, he closed the door and helped me downstairs. Mr. Cake introduced me again to his wife, Mrs. Cake, then took me into the kitchen. There was a pink pony a darker shade than Knit and she had a poofy curly and pink mane. She had just started putting the uncooked cupcakes in the oven so all I saw was a plot which made me blush and look away. Mr. Cake called for her attention and her blue eyes met mine. She was hyperactive as she shook my hoof and sang a greeting song for moving to Ponyville then pushed a cannon into the kitchen which burst confetti everywhere. I have to admit, it was startling yet warmingly pleasant. After she was done, she asked for my name while making the batter for the next pastry. I introduced myself and told her I might work here. She smiled and thanked me for joining since everyponies' hooves have been full for the past week. Mr. Cake walked me to the register and I gave him my address and who else to contact if I can't be reached. After that, I was on my way to the front to meet up with Applejack but she left after Mr. Cake took me upstairs. I made my way home and met up with Knit who was washing himself in the shower. I asked him how meeting Big Mac was in a sensual tone and laughed as he told me to shut up. I walked to my room and noticed a bag on my bed. I asked Knit what it was but he just told me that Applejack brought it over. I opened it and smiled to find a nice warm apple pie with a welcome cake and a note. Welcome to Ponyville, boys. Good Luck on starting a new. -AJ and Family