Ballad to Helios

by Xinamar

First published

Storytellers are beings beyond time and space. They exist before all else and in turn given the task to create and maintain their domain, universe. Each "universe" has a different storyteller with different ideals and imagination.

Almost like an illustrator the storyteller has the power to create, making the universe from pure imagination, and like writer they are given the power over time and the fates, only with a few exceptions. In the end, however, storytellers are not masters of their own fates. some are destined to thrive, others to fail.
The fate of a storyteller ends with one of three ways:

1. The willing surrender of his/her domain to the inhabitants of it. Ending the life of the storyteller in a sense and allowing them to rest for the remainder of their existence. This is he preferred way any storyteller wishes to end.

2. The processes of becoming a Fallen. In which the storyteller is defeated by a stronger entity and before their death attempts to absorb it making two beings into one. If they succeed the price is their immortality along with the loss of their sanity as time passes. This eventually leads to the storytellers self termination.

3. The last way the fate of a storyteller is concluded is by their death to a more powerful entity. Giving that entity complete control of the now deceased storytellers domain.

This is a ballad to Helios by his beloved Storyteller Alma.

Ballad to Helios

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“Ballad of Helios”

As two gods stand, face to face,
One of the light, holding his sword in steady place.
The other a monster of great decay,
Forged from a variety of beasts and a face of grey.

There they stand, on the shore where all was created,
Where it was told, time’s end is fated.
The monster laughs at the sight,
Of a warrior a being of light,
And then it begins to speak,
Its voice… cold, dead, and bleak.

“Oh, the master has ran, yet the guard dog remain,
Chaos versus Time.
Two, both one of the same.
The master must know the game I intend to play.
Alright dog, let’s play…”

With that, the god from the light
Charged at the monster full flight.
Beginning this dreaded fight…

He swings his sword at the mad god,
But against this foe, his strength and skill are at best flawed.
Blow by blow the monster slithers around the blade,
A serpent retaliating, the monster dealt his attack,
Sending the light flying back.

Hooves sliding upon the sand,
The light staggers as he tries to stand.
But as he does, he looks up and is met with the monster’s back hand.

Again he is sent flying,
But he saw the calm blue sky and imagined it dying.
"How could I let that happen to something so beautiful?"
He though, "I am bound to protect, I am bound to be dutiful."

So with all his strength, he summoned his wings of light,
Stopping time, believing that is how he will win this fight.
Everything still, Helios the god from the light,
Can see the monster’s face fill with a unnerving thrill.

“I will not let you have her,” Helios said.
Blade at the monster’s throat ready to make him dead.
But as he was about to deal the final blow,
A change in the monster’s face began to show.

Suddenly, there is an explosion,
So great, that time itself began to shake.
Helios is forced away, crashing through a nearby rock.
Taking a second to recover, what he discovers leaves him in shock.

The beast, the monster of a mad god, moving without impair.
“This doesn’t make sense, this isn’t fair,” Helios says with a stare.
The monster smiled, then replied with a glare.
“What fun is there…”
He paused, and grew a look fueled by vengeance,
And with on last breath, he finishes the sentence.
“…in making sense!” Ready to deal Helios his penance.

The god of chaos, Discord,
Goes before Helios, and makes for his sword.
Helios shocked as Discord reaches for the blade,
Because upon his touch, it turned a different shade.

From silver, to a rusted grey.
Discord snaps it, as if it were a cheap toy of clay.
With no more strength, time begins to flow.
And Discord starts his onslaught, blow by bloodied blow.

All I can do is watch from my tower, far away.
But as the beating continued, I could hear Helios’s thoughts; I could hear them say…
“Alma, my dear, you have yet to tell me your plan,
But if time is all you need, here I will stand.
Hurry though, dear friend, for I do fear, this is my end.”

Then I begin to cry,
Because I can’t help, even if I try.
For I know Helios must die…

The others around me notice the tears,
And their thoughts engulf with their greatest fears.

Helios in dying, and they know it.
Everyone surrounds me, rages lit,
Confronting me, asking why we do not help my love, our friend, their mentor.
I just look away, as their rages soar.

Celestia and Luna, the gods of day and night.
Having enough of my reluctance, take flight.
However, one stays, a being of harmony, Twilight.

She asks, “Why do you not help, why not even try?”
I simply reply,
“In order to help Helios, he must die…”

After that, I explain what I am,
A storyteller, the shepherd, everyone else the lamb.
But Helios, the only exception,
He is this universe’s only hope of perfection.

However, in this life he is incomplete,
Only after death, can I help him take perfection’s seat.
Young, Twilight doesn’t understand.
I leave her, for I have more pressing matters at hand.

Looking back at Helios, I see the onslaught continue,
But two new factors come into view.
Celestia and Luna, students to this god of time and the light.
Blast Discord away, helping Helios in his fight.

However, Helios, unable to fight, is upon death’s door.
Celestia and Luna, with care, rest his bloodied body atop the sandy floor.
At the sight of their teacher and the gore,
Both have emotions to pour.

Luna, the god of night, spiteful and mad,
Celestia, the god of the day, sorrowful and sad.
Both attack Discord in their own way,
While Helios’s body still wastes away.

The battle rages, but Discord thinks it good fun.
Dancing around, he awaits their attack to be done.
Celestia and Luna, exhausted and tired,
Discord’s strength not yet expired,
Goes after the gods of day and night,
This is a slaughter, not a fight.

Moments later, my eyes are a storm of tears.
For everything has come true, all my fears.
Everypony fights my battles for me and dies,
Everypony I loved, lost their lives, because of all my mistruthes and lies.

But I will not let fate’s word win,
With one last act, I will be released of this sin.
So I ask for help from the one who can understand my pain, Twilight.
I say we must go to the area of Helios’s blight.

Puzzled, Twilight asks me why…
I pause then simply reply, “… Fate’s word, I will defy.”

- Alma


As I die I can hear a whisper, a voice emanating past the whimpers...

Time and Chaos are one of the same.
For space is pure, until time passes.
For time corrupts space. Decaying it, altering it,
Making the perfection of space, chaotic and discorded.
Time is chaos. Chaos is time.
Without time, space will be perfect. Forever static.
But time exists and so do you. You are time and I am chaos.
All in all we are one of the same... chaos.

- Disord